More HB Combat stuff



Keys to the symbols used in all images on this page:


How to change range:
Codex Martialis adds a new range, one step further out from melee, called "onset".
The first line on the diagram is saying "when disengaged, roll initiative to enter onset range"
There are three columns below the "roll initiative" line, one each for "onset" range, "melee" range, and "grapple" range.
Based on your current range, look down that column to see what options you have to move to another range.
      The possible range changes in each column are grouped by direction: first are your options for moving further away, followed by your options for moving closer.

Attack, Defense, Damage

Attack And Defense Scores:
Circularly-outlined spaces represent static values.
Hexagonally-outlined spaces represent a die roll or a spent die from your combat die pool.

Attack Score:The top half of this page (red icons) explains how to determine the attacker's score (that is, the attack roll plus and minus bonuses and penalties)
      The black hexagon and the black circle represent two options you need to decide on before you roll:
            If you choose to attack in anger, set one martial die aside. If you choose to attempt an armor bypass attack, declare this before you roll, and then modify the roll by -4.
      Roll any number of martial dice you still have for the attack, and add your attack bonus
      If you are at onset range (green circle), add your weapon's reach bonus
      If you are at melee or grapple range range (orange and pinkish circles), add your weapon's speed bonus
Defense Score:The bottom half of this page (blue icons) explains how to calculate a defender's defense score.
      If using passive defense, your base defense score is 8
      If using active defense, roll any number of martial dice you have, and roll a bonus die if you have a shield
      Whether using passive or active defense, add your character's defense bonus to the prior number (either "8" or the best out of the die rolls)
      If using passive defense, you can only use your shield's defense value.
      If using active defense, you may use either your shield's defense value or your weapon's defense value, whichever is more advantageous.

I play solo, with very few combatants, so I print this out, and place tokens with number values over the circular areas.
Both sections have a group of four purple/pink circles, which are reserved for tokens representing misc bonuses and penalties (different color tokens for bonus vs penalty)

Attack Resolution: There are three columns below.
The first column determines if the attack fails, or if it hits for normal damage, or hits for critical damage
The second column explains how to calculate normal or critical damage if the attack is successful
The third column is the critical damage die for weapons based on damage type