The One Ring Forbidden Lands Torchbearer: Vagrant's Guide Perilous Wilds Against The Dark Master Torchbearer: Vagrant's Guide, Example Travel


Torchbearer: Vagrant's Guide, Mounts


Scarlet Heroes

An unencumbered traveler can cover 3 miles per hour on flat land, while encumbered characters move at half that rate. Most healthy adventurers can get in ten hours of travel a day including time for cooking, the occasional rest break, and making camp.

Travelers can perform a forced march, picking up their pace and driving themselves without rest or halt. Their movement rate doubles for ten hours, but at the end of that all marchers must make a saving throw at a difficulty of 8 plus the number of days they've been forced-marching. Failure means that they are exhausted, can no longer forced march, and suffer a -2 penalty to all hit rolls and checks until they get a full day of rest.

Horses do not thrive in the Isles, but enough of them are bred to supply the wealthier and more successful adventurers. Horses can’t better the ground-eating strides of a walking man over long distances, but riders value them for the short bursts of speed so valuable in avoiding dangers and for their strong backs as pack animals.

Mounts do not increase a traveler's movement rate but they allow him to carry more equipment and outrace enemies over short distances. Mounted heroes can usually evade wilderness encounters at will, provided they can avoid ambushes and equally-swift foes.

Good Road
No Modifier
Light Forest/Hills
Heavy Forest/Jungle
Five Torches Deep:

Unencumbered PCs can comfortably travel 10 + STR mod miles per day. Difficult terrain halves this; harsh terrain quarters it (e.g. a +2 STR mod PC can travel 12 miles in open terrain, 6 miles in difficult terrain, or 3 miles in harsh terrain). Dim light counts as difficult terrain; darkness as harsh terrain. An encumbered PC moves at half speed.



Five Torches Deep:

A boat on smooth water travels 3 miles an hour, or roughly 30 miles per day. A ship traveling on the sea moves 5 miles an hour, or up to 100 miles per full day and night. Moving in an unfavorable wind or current halves this speed. Moving with a favorable wind or current doubles it. The GM can be more nuanced with speed as desired


(Fantasy Craft, p213) A character who sleeps in medium or heavy armour is automatically fatigued the next day. (Conan)