Eureka! 501 Plots
(   314 pages)
Adventure Framing Events
(DnD 5e DMG)
- Anniversary of a monarch's reign
- Anniversary of an important event
- Arena event
- Arrival of a caravan or ship
- Arrival ofa circus
- Arrival of an important NPC
- Arrival of marching modrons
- Artistic performance
- Athletic event
- Birth of a child
- Birthday of an important NPC
- Civic festival
- Comet appearance
- Commemoration of a past tragedy
- Consecration of a new temple
- Coronation
- Council meeting
- Equinox or solstice
- Execution
- Fertility festival
- Full moon
- Funeral
- Graduation of cadets or wizards
- Harvest festival
- Holy day
- Investiture of a knight or other noble
- Lunar eclipse
- Midsummer festival
- Midwinter festival
- Migration of monsters
- Monarch's ball
- New moon
- New year
- Pardoning of a prisoner
- Planar conjunction
- Planetary alignment
- Priestly investiture
- Procession of ghosts
- Remembrance for soldiers lost in war
- Royal address or proclamation
- Royal audience day
- Signing of a treaty
- Solar eclipse
- Tournament
- Trial
- Violent uprising
- Wedding or wedding anniversary
Fantasy Plot Devices
(The Covetous Poet)
- A Big Damn Deal - Some very big disaster or calamity happens around the PCs, like regicide.
- A Bribe is Customary - The PCs must offer a bribe or are offered a bribe.
- A Dungeon of Errors - The PCs must help rectify a situation that has gotten out of hand due to miscommunication and erroneously hurt feelings.
- A Ga-Ga-Ghost! - The PCs must go through a haunted area or deal with dangerous spirits.
- A Great Debt - Someone owes on a loan of some kind, and it�s time to pay up or pay the penalty. Whether that penalty is a life sentence in debtor�s prison, or getting stuffed into a weighted sack and thrown into a river is up to you.
- A Large Reward - Someone offers a large reward for something being done.
- A Likely Story! - No one believes the PCs or an NPC about something important.
- A Liking To - One of the PCs gets a romantic or platonic admirer they can�t lose.
- A Lucky Break - A witness or snitch comes forward with helpful clues.
- A Matter of Faith - The PCs must deal with divine occurrences such as visions.
- A Very Special Adventure - A PC or NPC is hooked on some drug or other substance.
- A Wise Decision - Someone or something provides a test whereby the heroes must choose the right item or thing. The consequences for choosing wrongly may be severe.
- ABCD&D Murders - Strange murders have been occurring with some obvious, though possibly deceptive pattern.
- Accidents Happen - An NPC is killed or seriously injured in some freak accident.
- Ace in the Hole - The PCs are involved with a gambler, who has swindled many.
- Adventurers Wanted - Some patron is hiring adventurers for a job/expedition.
- Agents of the Apocalypse - A villain is doing his best to bring about the end times by whatever means he can, be it a portal to a hell dimension, raising some blasphemous God, or using an eldritch power to rend the planet in two, and he�s getting closer.
- All�s Well That Ends Well - The PCs or NPCs partake or are asked to partake in an incredibly dangerous quest.
- Altdorf Times Bestseller - The PCs come across some important book, magical or popular.
- An Offer You Can�t Refuse - Organized crime shakes down the PCs or NPCs.
- Ancient Prophesy - Is somehow involved.
- And I Would Have Gotten Away With It Too - Someone is trying to drive another off their own land.
- And Then There Were None - The PCs find themselves in a confined area as people around them are murdered/disappear one by one.
- And Why Should I Help You? - Some local noble/ruler has the power to get the PCs what they want, but refuses to do so.
- Any Port in a Storm - the PCs duck in somewhere for cover but get more than they�re expecting...
- Anything for Family - A PC�s family member is involved in the plot.
- Arranged Marriage - Some young person belonging to an important family has been promised in a marriage, or has been pressured into some match chosen by their parents, and isn�t at all happy about it.
- As the Warhammer World Turns - The PCs or NPCs run afoul of, or are, jealous lovers.
- Assassination! - Someone very important is assassinated.
- At Every Turn - A villain trails the heroes and tries to stop/injure them at every turn.
- Backstabbing Friend - Some trusted ally will betray the PCs!
- Bad Influence - A loveable rogue drags characters into some wrong doing they should really avoid. But they have fun doing it.
- Battle Masters - A battle, large or small, occurs with the PCs around.
- Battle of Champions - Someone must face someone�s champion or greatest warrior in combat.
- Be Nice - A character who needs to work with others just can�t stop being nasty long enough to make it seem worthwhile.
- Beauty of Nature - The PCs must contend with some dangerous natural flora or fauna.
- Being Watched - Someone is watching you man.
- The Belly of the Beast - The PCs must travel into the heart of an enemy city/country.
- The Best Security System is a Dragon - The PCs must recover something guarded by a fearsome beast.
- Better Late Than Never - The PCs arrive just after the villains are done marauding.
- Big Dumb Object - Some large thing of intense power features in this story.
- Big Speech - Someone must deliver a public address of some kind, even if they aren�t feeling very confident about it.
- The Big Ticket - The PCs or NPCs have tickets to an awesome theatrical or sporting event.
- Bite Your Tongue - Some poor comment or insult causes major problems.
- Blackmail - Someone is being blackmailed to do something.
- Blighted Area - Some terrible thing has blighted/cursed this area.
- Blinded By Love - An important character is so struck by his love that it�s making him act rather different, maybe even inattentive to his responsibilities elsewhere.
- Body Switch - Someone has been unknowingly replaced. Well, they may know, but nobody else does!
- Boil, Boil� - One of the PCs receives a worrisome prediction of doom or misfortune.
- The Boss is Actually the Villain - It was your boss all along, playing you!
- Brawlers - the PCs are involved in a fistfight.
- Breaking and Entering - The PCs must get in someplace secure to achieve their goals.
- The Bridge Is Out - The local bridge, or road, or way out is impassible.
- Bubble Wrap - Something vital but very fragile, like a baby or a flimsy object, travels with the PCs.
- Bucketlist - A person in the story discovers they don�t have very long to live due to reasons natural, assisted, or supernatural.
- Bungling Authorities - The local authorities couldn�t be of less use if they tried.
- Case of Amnesia - Someone can�t remember who they are and other important stuff.
- Cathayan Fire Drill! - Fire besets our adventurers or the place they�re at.
- Ceremony/Party Interrupted - The villain launches his attack during an official ceremony.
- Chase Scene - a scene involving horses or carriages or wolfriders chasing each other.
- Chekhov�s Gun - An important/powerful item is foreshadowed for the ending.
- The Chosen One - Some child or otherwise unassuming person is believed to be very important by some groups.
- City Defenses - The city or town has had its defenses compromised and is helpless.
- Clear the Hex - The innocent surrounding area is afflicted by some hex or blight which must be fixed.
- Climactic Battle - The only way things are going to be put right is if the good guys bring full-scale battle to the enemy! Preferably creating an exciting conclusion to the story.
- Coming Siege - An army of marauders or a similar threat is approaching!
- Confessional - A once villainous NPC now sets to atone for his wrongdoings.
- Conspiracy Theory - Some higher ups are orchestrating this whole thing!
- Corrupting Influence - Some evil religion/magical power has been spreading through the people of this area.
- The Count of�Where Were You From Again? � Someone returns many years after a harrowing experience and has developed the skills necessary to get their revenge, or other desired outcome.
- Covetous Dragon - Some great beast, like a dragon, guards a place, treasure, or secret location.
- Credulous Supporter - The heroes find much needed help from a powerful NPC who just really buys into their stories and thinks they�re up to some very worthy causes.
- Crime to Cover Real Crime - A diversionary tactic!
- Criminal Mastermind - The PCs must face a masterful nemesis, smarter than they are.
- Crying Dogs - Something has been causing animals to act irritated or frightened.
- Curse of the Gods - An angered God curses or threatens someplace with destruction.
- Curse You! - An NPC is dealing with a curse or curses the PCs.
- Cursed Artifact - This thing is cursed, man.
- The Dame Was Trouble - Some NPC is causing havoc, drama or fights between others.
- Dark and Stormy - The adventure is beset with bad storms and rainy weather.
- Day Late, Shilling Short - The PCs arrive too late for whatever they were headed to.
- Dead Body With Hooks! - A dead body has adventure hooks/clues all over it! Hurrah!
- Dead Villain - The villain here is orchestrating things from beyond the grave.
- Deal With the Devil - Someone is forced to make a deal with an evil group.
- Death Cult - Some evil group is getting innocent civilians involved under false pretenses.
- Deathtrap - The villain catches the PCs in a deadly situations, explains his plan, and leaves them to die.
- Debased Followers - Creatures of some kind, perhaps with supernatural powers, have convinced some locals to worship them and do their bidding as part of a secret cult.
- Degenerate Area - A hex/poison/pox/dark power or perhaps the deleterious effects of inbreeding have really turned someplace into a dump.
- Delta Orcs - The PCs problems involve dealing with a very elite, well armoured group.
- Demi-Humans - Some non-human group of elves, dwarves, orcs, etc. get involved.
- Demonic Influence - The PCs runs into a demon or demon-possessed item or person.
- Desperate Measures - The locals or NPCs are resorting to desperate, suicidal measures.
- The Devil Is In the Details - The PCs task gets immeasurably more complex.
- Devious Spirit � Some creature, be it a naughty spirit, a pranksterish gnome, or even an animal who can talk, is causing problems for the PCs or other characters using all the devious means available to them.
- Did That Use to Be There? - Someone suffers an unforeseen mutation due to some curious reason.
- Did You Hear That? - Someone or something creeps past the adventurers at night.
- Dirty Dozen or Close to It - Someone intends to use a raid against their enemies, be they the good guys or the bad guys, and must assemble a crack squad to do it.
- Disappeared Off the Map! - Something that is big (town, caravan, island, etc.) has mysteriously gone missing.
- Discredited Witness - Nobody believes what they saw or experienced.
- Discretion Required - The PCs can�t use violence or can�t be obvious in their actions.
- Disgraced - Someone�s family is disgraced by some news or rumor.
- Divine Guidance - Some good deity is protecting or guiding the PCs or good NPCs.
- Divisive Law - The rulers of the area have passed a law which many find downright offensive. Whether it�s a law banning trea-
- Divisive Politics - Two political groups are at each other�s throats, ignoring what�s best for the people. Of course supporters on each side take the division quite personally as well�
- Don�t Go Out There - Some nearby area is mysteriously dangerous, especially at night.
- Don�t Trust Anyone - Several highly powerful NPCs are suspects to a crime, and some may want to help or hinder the PCs.
- Drama Queen - An important NPC the characters must deal with has quite a way with words, and overindulges this ability any chance they get, particularly when complaining about how hard life is for them.
- Dread Apparition - Some ghost, spirit, or demon provides a character a warning, or perhaps even a task.
- Eavesdropping - Important information is obtained by listening in.
- Eldritch Powers - Some ancient beings are involved in the storyline.
- Epic Fail - Someone planned a massive event and it all went sour on them. Possibly leaving them with debts, detractors, or just a lot of humiliation.
- Escort Service - The PCs must transport someone or something somewhere with great difficulty.
- Evil Influence - The powers of evil Gods or dark magicks are involved in these troubles.
- The Exorcism - An innocent person has been possessed by a demon and must be saved.
- Expensive Goods - Some rare luxuries, important plans, or priceless artifacts have been stolen.
- Expository Character - The PCs run into some helpful outside character who can explain things.
- Extra Muscle - Mercenaries or thugs are available for the PCs to hire/volunteer in order to save the day.
- Eye of Newt - An NPC or the PCs need or are looking for hard to find magic ingredients.
- Fake Setup - A fake letter, meeting, or setup of some kind is used to trick someone.
- Fake Victim - A guilty party makes it look like he�s the victim here.
- False Friend - Someone befriends the PCs, as some part of larger plot to commit evil.
- Family Ties - A family is split apart or is feuding over some matter.
- Father Knows Best - A father of some power is making his child go through with his plans for them, and that�s that!
- Faustian Bargain - Someone sells their soul for something. Something nice hopefully.
- Fence Painting - Someone tricks the PCs into doing their work for them.
- Find the MacGuffin! - Some very important object needs recovered fast.
- Finders Keepers! - The PCs find something of value, or have something of theirs found�
- Flat Tire - The PCs means of conveyance breaks down in some way and must stop for repairs.
- Flying Contraption Ehh? - An NPC or villain has access to unnatural flight.
- Foolish, Fond Old Man - A father disinherits his child or children.
- Fools� Gold - What the PCs thought was valuable turns out not to be.
- Forbidden Love - Two people are in love or having an affair, when they shouldn�t be.
- Fording the River - The PCs must cross a river without a bridge, or maybe suffer an accident on the water.
- Foreign Embassy - The adventure involves a foreign diplomat or important diplomatic message.
- Foreign Warriors - The PCs must help or face exotic foreign warriors or travelers from distant lands covered in your expansion books.
- Foreknowledge is Power - The PCs must solve some dangerous riddles or navigate a heavily trapped area and the only possible way to succeed is to first find out what they�ll face and how to defeat it.
- Formal Dress Required - The PCs are not quite classy enough for this event/environment.
- Freed Man - An NPC was formerly the captive or slave of the evil forces, ratmen, etc.
- Friend in Need - A good friend is in trouble and needs saving/help.
- Friend Me! - The PCs make a new friend who is actually useful to them.
- Friendly Game of Tennis - Someone proposes some game or fun activity, intending to use it as a chance for murder or other serious crime.
- Friendly Scamp - Some child/orphan/scamp can help the PCs.
- Gaining Influence - The only way to complete the mission is to gain the ear of some very important figure, and the only way to do that is by tortuously winning the support of many of those closest to him or her.
- Get Rich Quick - The PCs or an NPC finds an unlikely scheme to make a considerable fortune, assuming it works.
- Go Ahead Punk� - The PCs or NPCs get caught with a powerful ballistic weapon pointed at them.
- The Golden Rule - A desperate and poor NPC requires the PCs assistance and can�t pay.
- Gone Too Far - An important character, perhaps even a formerly good one, takes one step too far in fulfilling their ambition/sense of justice/needs and former allies turn against them�with mortal implications!
- Gopher For Me - People won�t help until the PCs help them first.
- Gordian Knot - The PCs must find an outside the box way to solve an unsolvable puzzle.
- Grave Robbing - Someone has set off disturbing events by disturbing the dead.
- Great Escape - The PCs are imprisoned somewhere and should probably get out.
- Great Evil Ritual - The PCs must thwart or deal with a huge evil ritual.
- Grisly Scene - The PCs come across or investigate a gruesome murder/massacre.
- Guru - A mystical leader who claims to bring his followers higher understanding enters the plot.
- Halt! - The PCs come across a military patrol looking for a band of criminals.
- Hammer of Witches - A witchhunter is active in the area and finding evil everywhere.
- The Hangover - An epic bar crawl or bender is required for this tale.
- Hanz and Franz - The PCs befriend or must deal with an immensely strong character(s).
- Happy Holidays - A major holiday or yearly festival is approaching.
- Hatfield v. McCoy - Two families (noble/powerful/middle class/yokel) begin a serious feud.
- He�s Not Seeing Anyone - Some important or necessary NPC refuses to see the PCs.
- Heard the News? - Larger events are happening in the realm.
- Hell Hath No Fury - Some villain or NPC has been scorned, humiliated, or is jealous.
- Help Is On the Way - The PCs must rescue/relieve their allies/friends.
- Herr Doktor - The PCs or an NPC requires an intensive medical procedure.
- Hidden Base - The PCs uncover the secret HQ for an evil group doing some evil.
- The Horror - The PCs must go through a deeply disturbing, insanity point giving area.
- Hostages - The bad guys have hostages for leverage.
- How Ironic - Just as something good is finally happening to the PCs something bad interrupts.
- How the Other Half Lives - The adventurers must befriend upper crust NPCs.
- I Beg Your Pardon? - The PCs are attacked or menaced by some people for unclear reasons.
- I Didn�t Know You Were in Town � The PCs run into somebody they know by pure coincidence.
- I Must Be Going Crazy - A tragic character sees or experiences something so horrible during the course of the adventure they go insane.
- I Need a Detective - The PCs are hired to investigate something for a private client.
- I Spy - The PCs are being spied on, perhaps even helped or guided.
- I Thought You Were Dead! - I was! Somebody comes back to life, storywise.
- I�ll Make a Fortune - Someone has a get rich scheme through the market, arcane treasure, or other inventive means.
- I�ll Say Good Day to You Sir! - A PC or NPC accidentally insults the honor of some overly dramatic but important character.
- I�ll See You in Court! - This adventure involves two litigious groups in court.
- I�m Gonna Find You, and When I Do� - The villains kidnap or threaten the lives of close friends or family of the PCs.
- I�m Hereby Banishing You - A character, perhaps one of the PCs, is banned from a city or some other place, even though they have really, really important business to do there.
- I�m Rich! - One of the PCs� friends suddenly comes into money, or an excellent position.
- I�m Seeing That You Had a Past - A mystic or soothsayer helping out is a fraud.
- Illegal Studies - An NPC is involved in illegal alchemical/sorcerous/monstrous research.
- Impending Celestial Event - Is happening or will be happening.
- In the Army Now - The PCs must help soldiers or an army in some way.
- Inn Attack! - A place the PCs are staying at is attacked for some plot-related reasons.
- Interrupted On the Way - A pivotal event finds the PCs as they are going somewhere.
- Into the Volcano You Go - Some evil thing or group demands sacrifices, or perhaps just gold, or else!
- Intrigue - Two groups within an organization are fighting for control or power.
- Invulnerable to Steel - The villain is invulnerable to normal weapons and will require some special means, or perhaps legendary weapon, in order to be defeated.
- Is Anybody There? - Someone tries to kill a character while they sleep.
- Is That Contagious? - Some terrible disease is present and threatening the PCs.
- Isn�t He Cute??? - One of PCs gets a pet of some kind, however permanent.
- It�ll Go Off With a Bang - Something is blown up with explosives! (Or other means of blowing stuff up.)
- It�s a Free Meal - The PCs are invited to discuss a business proposition over dinner.
- It�s Abandoned� - The PCs come across a totally abandoned boat/inn/farmstead.
- It�s All a Lot of Heresy - Religious authorities get a little too broad in their mandate to reign in unconventional thoughts and practices.
- It�s All About Logistics - The locals need some heroic PCs to organized their lazy/dimwitted/clueless selves so that they can confront their problems.
- It�s All Greek to Me - A clue or important item in the story is written in a language or cipher nobody around can read.
- Just Like in the Book! - An NPC seems to be obsessed with a tale or legend, or perhaps is even convinced that our heroes will be heroes just like the ones in their favorite fairy stories.
- Kidnapping - Somebody has been kidnapped!
- King Without a Throne - Some potentially/formerly important NPC needs the PCs help.
- Kung Fu Fighting - The PCs receive help from or must deal with NPCs possessing renowned martial art abilities.
- The Last Guys - A group of PC-like characters already tried and failed, maybe providing a life-saving clues through their failure.
- Launched a 1,000 Ships - Some beautiful face has several would-be lovers at each other�s throats.
- Least Likely Suspect - It�s always the least likely suspect.
- Led Into a Trap - The PCs are tricked right into a waiting attack.
- Legendary NPC - A famous/legendary NPC is involved with this adventure.
- Lester and Eliza - A rival group of PC-types are competing with our heroes!
- Let Us Go! - The PCs are detained by some powerful though neutral group for whatever reason.
- Let�s Dig Him Up! - A corpse has something important in his grave or must be exhumed.
- Let�s Make a Deal - Someone offers the heroes a bribe to get off their case/do them a favor. And likely they expect them to take it.
- Likeable NPC Slain Horribly - Some likeable NPC will be needlessly slain to piss the PCs off.
- Likeable Villain - This bad guy is kinda likeable, or maybe just misunderstood.
- Lipstick on the Collar - Some very rash character discovers evidence that their spouse/lover has been cheating on them, and is quite likely to do something about it. Unless someone intervenes.
- Locked Room - All the characters are stuck somewhere together.
- Long Journey - To get there will require the PCs go on a long journey.
- Look Alike - A PC or important NPC looks just like someone else.
- Look Behind the Portrait - The PCs can find a safe full of clues and treasures!
- Look What I Almost Stepped In! - The PCs find strange residue or odd items/materials around the scene of a crime.
- Look, Don�t Touch - The PCs are on reconnaissance, but cannot be discovered.
- Lost All Your Gear - The PCs end up stripped of their stuff or resources.
- Lost at Sea - Someone, perhaps even the heroes, end up deserted on an island or unknown land.
- Love Potion - Someone (or even someones) is abruptly and unnaturally struck by a deep and passionate love for another person.
- Made an Example - A character, perhaps a PC, has so displeased someone of power than they intend to make a very gruesome, or at least unpleasant, example out of them.
- Made of People! - The PCs discover some strange or terrible official secret.
- Magical Artwork - Plot events revolve around some mystical piece of artwork, whether it contains some evil wizard�s soul, is possessed by a demon, is a window to another dimension, or something else, it�s important.
- Magical Forest - The PCs meet a mythical woodlands creature like a treeman, unicorn, etc.
- Man I�m Famished! - The surrounding area is afflicted by famine and people are starving.
- Manhunt - Someone or something needs found, recovered, or captured.
- Marryin� Up - A PC or NPC has a chance to romantically befriend a noble or rich daughter.
- Masquerade - The PCs must pretend to be someone or something they are not.
- Mexican Standoff - Two groups stand off, each equally capable of killing the other.
- Mind Control - Some villainous force is controlling the minds and actions of otherwise innocent locals and they�re unable to resist.
- Mission Impossible - Characters have to break into a secure and likely well-guarded location to complete their mission.
- Mistaken For Marauders - The PCs are taken to be brigands or marauders on accident.
- Mistaken Identity - A PC is confused for someone else, leading to hilarity/death.
- Mixed It Into Your Pudding! - Some villain is secretly poisoning or tainting people.
- Most Peculiar - Some bizarre or supernatural thing is going on around here.
- Mother Nature - The divine powers of nature are doing something here.
- Motivated Outsiders - A side group enters the story and has their own agenda.
- The Mousetrap - The PCs must contend with or are helped by a noteable detective.
- Mr. Ambassador - The PCs are selected to be someone�s representative or envoy.
- Murdered Exposition - The guy who could have explained things just died or is about to.
- My Great Uncle Left Me a Mansion! � The PCs come into possession of a property or item that becomes more trouble than it�s worth.
- Mysterious Benefactor - Some unknown person is helping you.
- Mystical Protection - Some character has divine or magical protection over them, protecting them from some ordinary means of harm or death. Of course, there�s always a weakness.
- National Import - This adventure has larger political ramifications and is a delicate matter.
- Natural Wonders - Deadly, oversized creatures try to make a meal of the PCs.
- New Leadership - The villain plans to have leaders in whatever hierarchy replaced, preferably with him or his agents and followers, through some scheme.
- Ninja-Style - Our heroes must slip into some heavily guarded place without getting seen.
- No Way Around - Some natural and formidable barrier stands in the way of the PCs.
- No Witnesses - Someone who has committed an evil deed now seeks to eliminate anyone who may lead others back to them, even friends and colleagues.
- Nothing Between Friends - Several groups/persons try to curry favor with the PCs, but why?
- Now It�s a Party! - A big formal gathering, party or ball is a center point of adventure.
- Off With Her Head! - Someone the PCs possibly know is going to be executed.
- Official Cover-Up - The authorities are lying about something the heroes know to be otherwise. But why?!
- Oh God No! - People in the surrounding area keep bursting in flames, turning into ghouls, being attacked by killer bees, or some other suitably horrible occurrence.
- Old Flame - An NPC or PC runs into/deals with an old crush/ex-girlfriend/estranged wife.
- On the Outside Looking In - Any plot device with the PCs as the secondary characters to events.
- On the Trail - The PCs are already following some wanted NPC/villain.
- On Your Best Behavior - The heroes must attend a social event above their raising, all while not embarrassing themselves! Activities may include many course meals with a dozen pieces of silverware to choose from, esoteric discussions about art, history, or philosophy, and of course dancing!
- Open Up! It�s the Secret Police - Some overly authoritarian ruler has formed a group to spy on his populace, monitor for thought crimes, and generally make his lands a restrictive police state.
- Oppressive Noble - Some evil local lord or government has really got to be stopped.
- Ounce of Prevention - The PCs are tipped off to some evil group about to do something evil.
- Our Hero! - The surrounding area has reason to believe one of the PCs is a dashing hero.
- Pain in the You-Know-What - Some vain, noble, insufferable (though perhaps highly competent) NPC is thrust onto the PCs.
- Pandora�s Box - Someone has messed with something they shouldn�t have.
- Pay the Toll - The PCs cross a bridge or travel a road with a pricey toll, official or not.
- Peripeteia - A character suffers a sudden reversal of character or fortune.
- Personal Journal - The PCs get information about some amazing/horrifying story from a deceased NPC�s journal.
- The Pimpernel! - Some talented villain/brigand/hero is being hunted by the local authorities.
- Pit Fighting - Animal fights or human pit fights are involved in events.
- The Power of Faith - A challenge that revolves around a PC�s or NPC�s faith must be overcome. (Think Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.)
- Power of the Dark Side - An NPC/PCs actions leave them vulnerable to the slow corruption of the dark side/Chaos/evil.
- Powerful Demagogue - A possibly crazy and definitely paranoid demagogue has whipped local masses into a hysteria, possibly
- putting lives at risk through riot, impromptu show trials, etc.
- Protect the Innocents - The PCs must protect some innocent people while they do their job.
- Pushy Family Member - Someone has a particularly pushy family member, be it a spouse, parent, or sibling, who guides them into some scheme they would have been better off avoiding.
- Quicksand - The PCs run into a natural danger, like a tarpit, quicksand, or bloodhedge.
- Rabble Rouser - Someone has got the local peasants in a state of real anger over recent events.
- Race Relations - Racial tensions are involved in problems or impeding progress.
- Rags to Riches - Someone discovers a large amount of treasure, which isn�t theirs.
- Rare Artistic Genius - An NPC so gifted in some way (artistically, magically, spiritually) that few can comprehend what he sees.
- The Readiness is All - An NPC realizes he must give his life in order to save the day.
- Reading the Necronomicon Out Loud - Someone accidentally sets off a spell or curse of some kind, perhaps triggering it by reading a scroll or grimoire they should have left alone.
- The Real World - The PCs are starting to get on each other�s nerves.
- Recent Ruins - Someplace the PCs arrive at has just been destroyed.
- Recognize an Old Friend - A PC recognizes someone as an old friend in a strange place.
- Recurring Villain - We�ve seen this foil before!
- Reichenbach Falls - Someone miraculously manages to survive a deadly event.
- Remember, Remember - Someone, likely the villain, plans to blow someplace important sky high.
- Restricted Access - The PCs work allows them access to a rare area, like a wizards college or royal palace.
- Retrieve the Artifact - Someone wants some ancient object recovered.
- Revenge - The PCs or an NPC is desperate for revenge against some villain.
- Revenge is a Dish... - Someone goes to great lengths to get revenge on someone they absolutely despise, whether they actually bake their loved ones into a pie is up to you, but it should be something suitably awful and extensive.
- Riddle of Steel - The villain has a group of fanatically blind followers.
- Rising Hostilities - Events cause two groups to come blows or military action.
- Robbed Blind - The PCs or an NPC is robbed of all their money or perhaps holdings.
- Robin Hood - Some local brigand is causing troubles for his own personal reasons.
- Running the Gauntlet - The PCs must survive travelling through some dangerous area.
- Sadistic Choice - The PCs must decide between getting the bad guys, saving children, etc.
- Safari - The PCs must track some thing into its own wild/dangerous environment.
- The Sandman - A character receives dreams either haunting him with terrors or providing him with clues (or both!).
- Save the VIP! - An important NPC is helped/saved by the PCs and can help them in turn.
- Scammed - Scammers welcome the PCs but try to separate them from their money.
- Score One For the Home Team - The PCs must partake in some competition.
- Scoring One For the Other Team - You are duped into helping the villain.
- Sea of Troubles - The PCs aren�t asked to solve the main problem, but instead to help in some other way.
- Second Son - An NPC became the family patriarch thanks to murder/black magic.
- Secret Order - The PCs seem to draw the attention of a shadowy group of NPCs who seemed alarmed at what they are investigating, though for what reasons, no one knows.
- Sentenced to Join the Watch - The PCs or forces of justice must rely on the help of a convict.
- Shadowing Group Behind the Scenes - Pulling the strings!
- She�s a Witch! - A townsperson is accused and arrested for witchcraft, but are they guilty?
- Shiny Black Rock - Raw magical material is nearby, possibly causing severe troubles for any who come into contact with it.
- Sick Day - One of the PCs or NPCs is just too sick to be adventuring or helping out.
- Sign My Scroll! - The PCs meet someone famous!
- Sleeping Draught - The PCs or some other character makes good use of knock-out potion, whether to eliminate someone from interfering for a few hours, feign death, or some other inventive reason.
- Snoop - Some character, not necessarily even one of the bad guys, takes it upon himself to spy and eavesdrop on the PCs to find out what nonsense they are up to.
- Something�s Not Right Here - The PCs suspect something is very, very wrong after arriving.
- Staged Death - Someone just pretends to die.
- Star Crossed Lovers - Two lovestruck individuals find their love blocked by some obstacle.
- Stay Away - Some place holds a terrible creature, curse, or haunting and going in could mean certain death.
- Strange Bedfellows - Two types of evil villains team up to cause trouble.
- Strange Tracks - Related to some other mystery, the heroes discover unnatural/inhuman tracks which lead them to more clues.
- Stumble Upon - The PCs stumble across dead bodies/remains with clues and/or artifacts.
- Suicide Mission - Someone or someones are sent on an unsurvivable mission.
- Surprise Party - One of the PCs has a birthday or other celebration coming up.
- Survivor�s Tale - The stories of some survivor of a terrible horror feature prominently in this adventure.
- Sweet Weapon - An NPC the PCs meet has or offers an awesome weapon, like a gun. A really sweet gun.
- Take That Windmill! - An NPC the PCs meet is near pathological in his self-aggrandizing tales.
- Take Them Unaware - The PCs must try to attack someone while they�re sleeping or otherwise unprepared.
- Take This Riverboat to Zhufbar! - The PCs crowded conveyance is hijacked.
- Taken Ill - An important NPC or friend is suffering prolonged illness or weakness.
- Tall Tale - Someone comes to the PCs with a hard to believe story.
- Teachable Moment - The PCs run into a valuable NPC mentor or tutor.
- Terrible Accommodations - As usual the PCs must stay someplace filthy and unsanitary.
- That Isn�t Irony - Just when the PCs do something good, they cause something worse.
- That Moon Winked at Me! - The moon or stars are acting weird.
- Thing of Beauty - Some very beautiful/attractive/popular NPC is involved in the center of events.
- This Is a Stickup! - The PCs or NPCs are confronted by highwayman, footpads, or robbers.
- This Is Personal - Some hidden event emotionally sets off a PC or NPC who has a strong backstory.
- This Town Ain�t Big Enough for the Two of Us - Somebody dislikes one of the characters so much, he thinks he should leave the area entirely, or else�
- This Whole Thing Is a Setup - The task the adventurers are given is nothing but a fraud.
- Three Days �Til Retirement - A watchmen or soldier is unfairly slaughtered by villain, perhaps setting off a firestorm.
- Ticking Clock - The PCs need to complete a task or challenge before it�s too late.
- Too Good to Be True - The PCs get involved in an offer or situation which turns out to be just that!
- Town Pariahs - The heroes are for some reason labeled troublemaking outsiders and are subject to violence, threats, mean stares, and occasional fruit pelting by the local population.
- The Tracks Go Off the Road Here � The heroes discover the remains of a waylaid coach or other traveling party on or near the road. Perhaps with the attackers still in the area.
- Tragic Character - An NPC everybody hates even though he didn�t do anything to earn it, features in this story.
- Traitor at Court - A noble benefactor has a treacherous advisor leading him or her astray.
- Traitor! - A group has a powerful traitor in their midsts.
- Travelling Menace - Some demonic force, evil supernatural monster, dastardly black wizard, or crazy killer moves from one
- location to the next, inflicting their own unique brand of terror on locals before moving on to the next town.
- Treasure Map - There is a map and an X and a big pile of gold.
- Troublemakers - Somebody or somebodies are making trouble and must be rounded up.
- Truce - An agent of the villains comes to the PCs or authorities with an offer.
- Turncoat - A trusted lieutenant turns to the other side either for money or personal reasons.
- Turned Me Into a Newt! - An NPC is (or claims to be) the victim of black magick, strange supernatural events, or other weird forces.
- Uncharted Waters - PCs must explore and map or discover some unknown area.
- Under Arrest - The PCs are arrested for violating or maybe violating some law.
- Under Siege - And this time, it�s personal! The heroes must protect a place, however fortified, from evil forces arrayed to break in and raze the whole thing to the ground.
- The Underdogs - A group of rag-tag, underdog scrappers must defeat a superior force.
- Unlikely Alliance - PCs are forced to join forces with an enemy to survive.
- Unrest! - A local population is very perturbed toward their rulers about something.
- Unwanted Attention - The PCs or an NPC has raised the suspicions of some secret and dangerous group who is now following them.
- Unwanted Law - The local area has passed a law, or perhaps emergency ordinance, that somehow severely restricts a particular group, much to their annoyance. For example: wizards must turn in all spell related items to the authorities, or elves may only walk the streets during daylight hours.
- Useless Friends - The NPCs surrounding the PCs are too cowardly or rude to help.
- Vermin Infestation - Some kind of vermin or pest is infesting the local area.
- Villainous Patronage - The villain or his allies has sway over lower groups of people, like dock workers, or local militiamen, and uses them to discourage the heroes from further efforts.
- Visiting Friends - Friends of the PCs show up, either in a planned or impromptu visit, and lend a hand.
- Vulnerable to My Charms - A villain is so charming or perhaps seductive that one or more of the heroes may have a hard time wanting to fight them.
- Vvvelcome to My Home - The PCs are welcomed in the home/castle of a creepy NPC.
- Wages of Sin - Some NPC�s vices lead to trouble or possibly even his death...
- Wanted! - Someone, possibly a PC, is wanted by the law, and must not get caught!
- Warm Welcome - The PCs arrive at some friendly house/place that puts them up.
- We All Wear Disguises - Someone isn�t who he appears.
- We Didn�t Save Her - The PCs or other characters try their best to save someone from the villains or other deadly forces, but in the end they can�t.
- We Have to Go In There? - The PCs must travel into someplace dirty, smelly, or dangerous.
- We�re All Gonna Die Here! - The characters are all trapped someplace with some potent danger.
- We�ve Been Framed! - The villain frames the PCs to give himself more time.
- We�ve Given Mob a Bad Name - A group seeks to atone for its previous actions or misdeeds.
- Wealth and Power - A rich NPC uses his money and power to cover his misdeeds.
- Well That Was Torture - An NPC is tortured by authorities or villains to gain information.
- The Wendigo - Crossing a serious line/taboo has supernatural consequences for the offender.
- What a Coincidence! - The PCs just happen to run into the person or thing they need.
- What a� Shrew - The characters must deal with a particularly volatile woman, who is quick to anger and sometimes violence.
- What Have We Done? - The locals believe the Gods caused their predicament or troubles.
- What Is This Place? - Some or all of this adventure occurs in some extraordinary/unusual environment.
- What�s Eating Me? - Some evil/bestial group is eating or feeds on locals/hostages.
- Where�d Ya Go? - People keep disappearing, one at a time.
- Where�s the Dingus? - Some well defined area contains something everybody wants.
- Wild Orc Burial Ground - Some area such as a graveyard, haunted bog, or magical cairn features in the adventure.
- Witching Night - Today is a mystical and likely terrifying day on the calendar.
- Witchsight - There is something very, very odd looking about this place to a wizard.
- With Great Power� - A character has been entrusted with power, but is struggling to ethically use it.
- Yes, Mother - A character is still dominated by the directions his mother (frequently) gives him.
- Yokel Baiting - Someone is nastily starting fights with random people, and may even have somebody else finish them.
- You Called the Wolf ? - A powerful outsider or agent is hired to solve an NPC�s problems.
- You Didn�t See Anything - A powerful group or NPC demands the PCs not reveal what they know.
- You Lucky Dog! - A strange amount of good luck seems to surround one of the PCs.
- You Rapscallion - The PCs, or their friends, tick off some vain local noble.
- You�re Crazy Man - An important NPC or friend is certifiably insane.
- You�re Goin� Downtown - One of the PCs friends, or a helpful NPC is thrown into jail.
- You�re Hired! - The PCs are hired by local authorities to fix some problem they can�t.
- You�re Not From Around Here - The locals/yokels/watch don�t take kindly to the PCs.
- You�re Not the Same - The villains has a scheme to replace someone with a look-alike, doppelganger, or just a plain replacement in order to further his schemes.
- You�re Nothing But a Bully! - The PCs must deal with some kind of powerful bully.
- You�re Off the Case - The local authorities try to run off the PCs or forbid them from being involved.
- You�ve Been Warned - Our heroes are repeatedly warned by locals to stay away and do not mess with some terrible place or group.
- Your Horse is Smarter Than You! - The PCs receive help from a particularly bright, talented, or perhaps flying animal.
Horror Plot Devices
(The Covetous Poet)
- A Confused Mob - The locals have had enough of it and formed a mob. Whether they are actually a violent mob, or a cowardly mob, or another kind of mob is up to you.
- A Forbidden Area - Some shunned area (a forest, a town, mountains, anywhere) seems to be the site of unnatural events or home to some terrible beings. All who go there risk their lives.
- A Full Moon - Celestial events seem to bring on bizarre circumstances here on Earth.
- A Haunting Past - Some character is troubled, psychologically or perhaps supernaturally, for their actions in the past.
- A Hidden World - Some other dimensions, alternate realities, or hidden beings become available in this adventure.
- A Likely Story! - No one believes the PCs or NPCs about some important tale.
- A Liking Too - One of the PCs gets a romantic or platonic admirer they can�t lose.
- A Little Jealousy - An NPC uses a character to make their significant other or a potential suitor madly jealous.
- A Need for Revenge - Someone seeks terrible revenge, perhaps from beyond the grave.
- A Predator - The area is terrorized by some naturally predacious being, perhaps a totally silent stalker, or inescapably ferocious killer.
- A Real Nice Guy - A really nice person, innocent child, or likeable hero isn�t what they seem to be!
- A Scoop - An author or journalist character is determined to write a story about some place or event and the terrible history behind it.
- A Strange Land - PCs or NPCs come across some unknown land, an island, a remote corner of the Earth, or some other dimension even.
- A Well Respected Man - Some powerful, rich, or connected person is really a villain or hiding a dark secret.
- Abandoned - A ship or place is discovered with all it�s occupants missing or killed in some bizarre manner.
- Abandoned Asylum - Some local place or building is so dreaded that no one who knows about it will go in or likely near it, even the police.
- Abandoned Church - A large building has been repurposed, perhaps long ago, to be used by an evil cult, or minions of some great villain for their needs.
- ABCD&D Murders - Strange murders have been occurring with some obvious, though possibly deceptive pattern.
- Abductions - Some people claim to be undergoing strange events outside of their control.
- Accidents Happen - An NPC is killed or seriously injured in some freak accident.
- Accursed Sound - Some sound, be it music, a wail, a nursery rhyme, etc., causes troubles every time it can be heard.
- Agents of the Apocalypse - A villain is doing his best to bring about the end times by whatever means he can, be it a portal to a hell dimension, raising some profane God, or using an eldritch power to rend the planet in two, he�s getting closer.
- All in the Family - Some evil or degenerate family seems to just keep to themselves and do whatever it is they do�
- An Adversary From Beyond the Grave - A villain or NPC is still orchestrating events while dead, perhaps with an eye to coming back.
- An Eternity - Some character is driven to do anything necessary to gain immortality or bring someone back to life.
- An Expedition - Someone wants to or already has mounted an expedition to some far-off land.
- An Offer You Shouldn�t Refuse - Organized crime shakes down the PCs or NPCs.
- An Unresolved Past - Someone or some group engaged in some terrible activities in the past and were either killed or fled what they did without ever fixing it.
- Ancient Enemy - Someone, a villain or hero, must contend with an ancient rival who now threatens them.
- And Then There Were None - The PCs find themselves in a confined area as people around them are murdered one by one.
- Animated Objects - Something in the adventure seems to allow inanimate objects to attack and kill, things such as large and vicious looking knives.
- Another Level of Horror - Once the evil scientist/warlock/nice brother is dispatched, the horror they�ve made or kept hidden finally makes itself known.
- Answer Me! - Characters are asked a difficult, and likely dangerous, question concerning their mission, and may not be sure of how to give the right answer.
- Appropriate Sacrifice - A very specific sacrifice must be found, presenting some difficulty to the villains, unless the heroes have taken to sacrificing people.
- Are You Just Gonna Stand There? - The heroes actively witness an act of abuse, oppression, or immorality by a powerful person or group.
- Assimilation - Some terrible force seems to infect and remake the living into something else�
- At Every Turn - A villain trails the heroes and tries to stop/injure them at every turn.
- At Its Weakest - Due to the time of year, celestial events, or some other reasons the barrier between this world and others is becoming easily permeable.
- Authorities Have Given Up - The local police or even greater authorities don�t want to deal with the problem or have even abandoned the area completely.
- Avoid the Temptation - Characters are provided opportunities for easy vice, but little do they know who is watching.
- Awakening Ancient Evil - Someone threatens to do something which awakens an ancient and terrible power.
- Barricade - Characters must barricade themselves in somewhere to stay alive.
- Be Careful What You Wish For� - Someone makes a deal or is granted a plea, which in turn begins to change the world around them, affecting everyone.
- Beasts of the Woods - Strange behavior by packs of a certain animal seem to be following events.
- Beauteous Appearance - Some dread thing uses a guise of great beauty to lure victims, either with a proxy servant, a glamour, or its true appearance.
- Being Watched - Someone has raised the suspicions of some secret and dangerous group who is following what they do.
- Beyond Knowing - Some incomprehensible entity causes troubles, creates disasters, or leeches the life out of people.
- Biblical - Signs of apocalypse, or something close to it, are befalling the area or characters.
- Birth Celebration - The birth of some horrible entity is cause for some evil group to hold an event for it.
- Bizarre Cult - Some cult involved in bizarre activities, however horrific, to get what they want, is involved in this adventure.
- Bizarre Travels - A character finds a way to travel to impossible places such as other worlds or dimensions.
- The Black Seal - This adventure features supernatural creatures or powers that sound or are commonly thought to be benign or cute, but are instead surprisingly horrific.
- The Black-Magicks Market - This adventure involves characters who have sold important and possibly illicit goods necessary for evil magic, such as rare books and spell ingredients. Or worse.
- Blacklisted Property - An owner or occupant is driven to their wits end by odd or terrible events that seem to happen around their house or property and want help finding an explanation.
- Blackmail - An NPC is blackmailed into do something important for the villain.
- Blood From the Walls - A poltergeist-like haunting is afflicting some place, with banging doors, blood running down walls, and other appropriately horrifying effects.
- Bloody Letter - An evil character taunts, threatens, or terrorizes a victim with letters, phone calls, or some other means of indirect communication.
- Body Double - Can you trust that NPC is who you think it is? Or are they an impostor?
- Body Part Snatching - Some person or thing takes certain body parts of interest from unwilling donors.
- Body Swapper - Someone has discovered the ability to take control of bodies and minds outside their own.
- Break In - Some legitimate place, like a museum, holds an important artifact or clue that the PCs need, but can�t get access to without breaking in and swiping.
- Breaking and Entering - The PCs must bust into a secure location to achieve their goals.
- Bring Out the Sacrifices - Some town or group has made a deal in exchange with terrible beings, likely giving sacrifices as repayment.
- Bring the Evidence - Someone tricks an NPC into giving over evidence of misdeeds or strange happenings.
- Bungling Authorities - The local authorities couldn�t be of less use if they tried.
- Burglarized the Wrong House - Robbers, mischievous children, or other intruders get far, far more than they bargained for by trespassing into the wrong place.
- Buried Alive - Someone is buried alive, or trapped somewhere underground or underwater.
- Buried Secrets - Hidden deep under the earth, or perhaps buried under arctic ice, lie terrible secrets or artifacts which someone is going to uncover.
- Burn It Down - An important building catches fire, perhaps with the characters still inside.
- Burning Down the House - Someone, probably a not very nice person, tries to burn the heroes alive.
- Cabin Fever - Characters end up stuck someplace too long, and their sanity is beginning to fray�
- Can You Trust Them - Paranoia features strongly in this adventure as characters discover reasons that it isn�t safe to trust one another, perhaps one not being who or what they claim to be.
- Cannibalism - Some group engages in cannibalism, either due to degeneracy or some desire for committing excessive evils.
- Changing Facts - Things which shouldn�t change seem to be changing! Either past events, the location of things, the contents of books, something is changing and it�s insanity!
- Charade Institution - A business, a group, even an entire town is really just some charade put on by evil people or beings.
- Chasing the Dragon - A character has a surreal experience through the use of psychotropic drugs, but it seems like more than just the mundane fantasies of the human mind.
- Check the Fairytales - Some demonic force, evil supernatural monster, dastardly black wizard, or crazy killer moves from one location to the next, inflicting their own unique brand of terror on locals.
- The Children - Children are somehow connected to events, either they have a special ability to see what�s going on or are the evil itself.
- Church Investigation - Clergy have become involved trying to solve the strange matters at hand.
- Collaborators - Weak willed people have made a deal with a malevolent force who they believe they can cut a deal with and not suffer the fate awaiting others.
- The Collector - Some wicked person or more terrible entity is collecting something, be it people, victims, souls, or body parts.
- Common Scum! - An unlikable character can�t help but express their disdain for lower classes, and their belief that they are less human than they are.
- Communing with the Devil - Someone receives instructions from an evil power.
- Competitive Evil - The characters run afoul of two separate villainous groups who also dislike each other.
- Connected to Evil - A character has somehow become connected to a powerful evil, perhaps a psychic connection, or they are a necessary ingredient for an important spell.
- Connection - A character has some mental or spiritual link with a strange, perhaps terrible, being.
- The Coverup - Someone has begun a vicious cycle of violence and murder in order to cover up their increasingly heinous acts.
- Creepy Intermediary - The PCs deal with some creepy henchman or spokesperson for some evil or frightening group.
- Crossing the Wrong Person - Someone now faces a terrible fate due to some past mistreatment.
- Crying Dogs - Something is causing animals to act irritated or frightened.
- Cursed Ancestry - Some character comes from a cursed lineage, perhaps because of evil ancestors or from the wrath of some powerful creature.
- Cursed Artifact - A powerful object is also cursed.
- Cursed Ground - Some area such as a graveyard, bog, cairn, or something built over such things features in the adventure.
- Cursed Jewel - A character swipes or disturbs a sacred object, unleashing negative consequences.
- Cursed Portrait - Some piece of visual art, a portrait, a fresco, a mural, whatever, contains black magics.
- Cursed Wishes - Someone is given a way to be granted their wishes, but the device or magic is no more than a trap which uses your wishes against you.
- Curses! - An NPC is dealing with a curse or curses the PCs.
- The Dame Was Trouble - An NPC causes havoc, trouble or fights between others characters.
- Dangerous Truth - Some item contains a dangerous truth that people aren�t ready for, and must be contained or destroyed.
- Dark and Stormy - The adventurers are beset with bad storms and rainy weather.
- Dark Holiday - This adventure occurs around a holiday relating to the dead or supernatural events.
- The Dead Body - A dead body is found with clues all around...
- Dead Villain - The villain is orchestrating things from beyond the grave.
- Deadly Ground - An area of land is cursed, possessed, or suffers from some strange supernatural effect to the point that simply going there puts characters in mortal danger.
- Deadly Passerby - Some NPCs seem to die just walking down the street and bumping into someone.
- Deal With the Devil - A character is forced to make a deal with an evil group.
- Debased Followers - Creatures of some kind, perhaps with supernatural powers, have convinced some locals to worship them and do their bidding as part of a secret cult.
- Degenerates - The characters face some degenerated people or creatures, perhaps servants to some dark power.
- Demon Spawn - Through some unsavory means a woman has become pregnant with the child of a demon/god/horrible entity.
- The Devil�s Gold - Someone gains a tremendous amount of wealth, success, or good fortune under strange and likely paranormal circumstances.
- Did You Hear That? - Someone or something creeps past the adventurers at night.
- Disloyal Igors - Some underling or protege of a powerful sorcerer or other being defects either out of horror or just to get ahead.
- Don�t Disturb Anything - The PCs stumble across a dead body with clues and possible exciting items.
- Don�t Go In There - Some room or an entire building holds a terrible creature, curse, or haunting, and going in could mean death.
- Don�t Go Out There - The surrounding area is mysteriously dangerous, especially at night.
- Don�t Read This - Some terrible book should not be read at all, and definitely not out loud. Though someone may.
- Don�t Stay Past Dark - In some area or town people seem to disappear and never come back if they stay past sundown.
- Don�t Trust Anyone - Several highly powerful NPCs are suspects to a crime, and some may want to help or hinder the PCs.
- Dread Apparition - Some ghost, spirit, or demon provides a character a warning or perhaps even a task.
- Dread Ghost - Some terrible ghost-like entity, a headless horseman for example, haunts the local area.
- Drones - NPCs seem to be enthralled under the direction of some hideous evil, against their own will!
- Drug to Hell - Some character risks being taken or kidnapped into some hell dimension or reality.
- Earth-Shattering Discovery - Someone finds or finds out about something which shatters their (and maybe all of humanity�s) worldview.
- Ego-Check - The characters must put up with an egotistical, dominant NPC who seems reflexively focused on keeping everyone�s status below his, even when more important matters are at hand.
- Eldritch City - A city or colony of some inhuman beings features in this adventure.
- Endangered Your Family - Someone has caused villains to get back at them by getting to their family.
- Enthralled - A villainous being gains control of the mind or passion of an otherwise innocent person.
- Era of Terror - Terrible events seem to be happening with greater frequency, whatever their nature, signalling some current or impending supernatural event.
- Eternal Life - Some NPC or villain is responsible for events due to their quest for longer, perhaps infinite, life.
- Everything You Want - Some villain promises exactly what people want to get something in return, or perhaps trap them in an illusion they don�t want to leave.
- Exclusive Club - A club of powerful, perhaps supernaturally powerful, individuals, all pursuing some common goal toward more power, features in this adventure.
- The Exorcism - An innocent person has been possessed by a demon and must be saved, or at least dealt with.
- Expand Your Mind - Some drug or magic allows people to see beyond the reality they exist within.
- Experts - NPC experts on whatever bizarre phenomena are going on feature in this adventure.
- Fables - Old stories of supernatural or horrible events feature in this story.
- Fairy-Folk - Some fairy beings of legend, their full horror perhaps neglected in previous accounts, show up in this story.
- Far Flung Tales - Some NPCs may be able to relate tales of horror and the supernatural from their travels to strange lands and meetings with exotic peoples.
- Faustian Bargain - A foolish character sells their soul for dark promises.
- Feds on the Case - Government agents or agencies are somehow involved in the story, likely bungling things up, and being confused as to what�s going on.
- Fence Painting - Someone tricks the PCs into doing their work for them.
- Find the MacGuffin! - Some very important object needs recovered fast!
- Find You in Dreams - Some being locates characters in their own dreams, giving messages, gaining access to one�s mind, or even threatening them physically back in real life.
- Flat Tire - The PCs� means of conveyance breaks down in some way, necessitating they stop for repairs, or perhaps leaving them stranded!
- Follow These Directions Precisely - Characters are given exceedingly precise directions in order to accomplish something, and failure to obey direction can have unfortunate consequences.
- Follower That Car! - Characters become involved in a white knuckle chase scene.
- Fools� Gold - What the PCs thought was valuable turns out not to be.
- Forbidden Studies - An NPC is involved in terrible alchemical/sorcerous/monstrous research.
- Foreknowledge - Someone knows things before they will happen, or secret things about events which they never witnessed.
- Foreknowledge is Power - The PCs must solve some dangerous riddles or navigate a heavily trapped area and the only possible way to succeed is to first find out what they�ll face and how to defeat it.
- From Beyond - Some person or group�s researches open up a portal to dimensions best left undisturbed, as well as the beings there.
- Front Operation - Some supernatural group or evil cult operates a business only has a front for their activities, or perhaps as a sick game.
- Get Me Outta Here - The PCs run into a character looking desperately for help, likely help getting out of this terrible place.
- Ghoulish Poisoning - An evil-doer takes to tainting food, not with straight poison, but with something that causes terrible magical or degenerating effects on the victim.
- Gopher For Me - NPCs won�t help until the PCs help them first.
- Gordian Knot - The PCs must find an outside the box way to solve an unsolvable puzzle.
- Government Intervention - In a rare twist of events, the authorities have become aware of what�s going on and are seeking to, or already have intervened to fix things.
- Grave Robbing - Someone has set off a disturbing series of events by disturbing the dead.
- Great Evil Ritual - The PCs must thwart a gigantically evil ritual before it is completed.
- Grisly Scene - The PCs come across or investigate a gruesome murder or massacre.
- Guard Dogs - Someone makes use of dogs to protect their property, possibly ending in a savage attack!
- Guru - A mystical leader who claims to bring his followers higher understanding enters the plot.
- Half the Fun - An adventure finds the PCs as they are going somewhere else more important.
- Half-Human Child - A seemingly human child is born of suspect parentage, though they retain traits of whatever hidden force that sired them.
- Hannibal - A villainous person or being has a way to control the minds of those they spend time with.
- Hate to Interrupt - The PCs come across a great ritual as part of their investigations in this story.
- Haunted Past - An NPC has experienced something so terrible they can�t quite piece together what happened to them, though they may wish to.
- The Help of a Big Strong Man - The characters are called to aid an innocent or helpless victim, but may discover down the line that things were not as they has been set-up to seem.
- Hey Bonesy! - A corpse has something important in his grave or must be dug up.
- Hidden Crypt - Some underground crypt, catacomb, temple rests underneath someplace the PCs are investigating.
- Hidden Reality - This story involves strange dimensions intersecting our own, and the strange creatures or horrible powers who dwell within them.
- Hidden Treasures - Those who ally themselves with ruinous powers are rewarded with cash and treasure.
- His Old Diary - Some dead or incapacitated NPC has left clues behind in his personal diary.
- Holed Up and Alone - Some character or group of characters is stuck in somewhere unable to leave for the danger all around them.
- Horrible Works of Art - Some deranged artist uses real living or formerly living people to create his artwork, be they gallery pieces or live performance.
- Horrific Artwork - An artist, perhaps possessed by some strange new inspiration, creates a horrifying work.
- Hostages - The bad guys are using hostages for leverage or to lure the heroes into a trap.
- House Secret - Some weird or evil individual seems to be trying to keep whatever is going on in his house or property a secret.
- The Human Ingredient - Someone or someones are captured and prepared for use in some twisted scheme, be it a ritual sacrifice, a killer�s trophy, or something else.
- I Can�t Even Describe It - Characters deal with a villain or force that people can�t or won�t even fully fill in the horrible background details of. Since they�re just too horrible.
- I Know That Face - A PC or NPC is confused for someone else.
- I Need a Detective - The PCs are hired to investigate something for a private client.
- I Need an Old Priest and a Young Priest - Someone is looking to hire those who can �fix� haunted/cursed places.
- I Thought You Were Dead! - A character thought dead reappears...
- I�ll Say Good Day to You Sir! - A PC or NPC accidentally insults the honor of some overly dramatic but important character.
- I�m Not Leaving - Someone won�t depart from their home or other beloved thing despite the danger.
- Identity Switch - Some villainous person or being has taken on an innocent person�s identity.
- Impending Doom - Someone receives ghostly predictions of their impending doom, with no knowledge of what to do about it.
- Impending Invasion - Some malevolent force has bigger plans in the works for the near future, a mass assault of some kind on the world.
- Impossibly Gruesome Murder - Someone has been killed, but by means involving seemingly impossible strength or supernatural abilities.
- In Service to Dark Powers - Some character must do some bidding for greater powers, because of a deal, a threat, or just because the consequences of refusing would be unimaginable.
- In the Water - Something is infecting people and causing changes, perhaps through the water they drink, the air they breathe, or something else they put in their bodies!
- In-Transit Horror - The characters may face a horror while on a boat, train, or other constraining means of conveyence.
- Industry of Evil - Evil beings or aliens have got a full-fledged manufacturing or other enterprise going to further their evil ends.
- Infection - Some strange or supernatural disease infects people, changing them into something dangerous.
- Inhuman - Some person in the area probably isn�t a person at all, though it�s not entirely obvious.
- Insanity Causing - Some book or other work of art seems to drive those who see it and understand it insane.
- Insurance Scheme - Someone tries to orchestrate a crime or supernatural event in order to cash in.
- Into the Wilderness - Characters are required to go into remote places where strange beings may still exist, unknown to the world.
- Invisibility - Whatever horror is threatening the area is, you can�t see it.
- Invisible Friend - Some being has contact with someone with a vulnerable mind, but through whatever means, is never seen or heard by anyone else.
- Is Anybody There? - Someone tries to kill a character while they sleep.
- Is That Contagious? - Some terrible disease threatens characters.
- Isolation at Its Worst - Characters find themselves far from civilization or help, as a situation develops.
- It Was Here! - Someone saw some terrible thing, except it�s not there anymore and no one believes them.
- It Was Old Man Henry All Along - Someone pretends supernatural or horrific events are going on in order to manipulate others, perhaps getting them to leave.
- It�s Abandoned� - The PCs come across a totally abandoned boat/house/farmstead.
- It�s All Greek to Me - A clue or important item in the story is written in a language or cipher nobody around can read.
- It�s All Your Fault - A character is blamed by another party for being responsible for some wrong, perhaps necessitating outside protection.
- Jenny Greenteeth - Some place like a river, lake, or cliff has a terrible reputation for people killing themselves there.
- Join Us - Some creatures/powers/cult wishes for a PC or NPC to join with them.
- Just Flat Out Left - A character is distraught over the disappearance of a loved one who left for some unknown reason, perhaps asking for help.
- The Keys Are in the Shed - Some precious item or person is outside of safety, and someone must risk their lives by going out there.
- Kidnapping - Someone has been kidnapped for their knowledge, ability, or to further some scheme.
- Killing Spree - Some group of twisted individuals takes to murder as a pasttime.
- Laboratory of Horrors - Some evil or misguided NPC has created a laboratory, modern or dungeon-like, filled with horrific creatures, experiments gone wrong, and worse.
- The Last Guys - A group of PC-like characters already tried and failed, perhaps giving the current PCs some direction on how to succeed.
- Lector - A villain with incredible abilities of manipulation is involved with this adventure.
- Left Alone - Some characters get abandoned in some dangerous and spooky place.
- Legions of Terror - Large numbers of terrible beings, demons, zombies, flesh eating sprites, etc., are unleashed!
- Legitimate Business - Some shop, club, or other business is being used as a front by evil doers.
- Let Me Lure You Out Here - Characters are convinced by some villain to come out to a remote area�
- Let Us Go! - The PCs are detained or interrupted by some powerful though neutral group for some reason.
- Let�s Blow It Up - Characters resolve that some evil place should just be wiped off the map, though someone or something may stand in their way.
- Local Warlock - Some powerful local man or woman has aroused the suspicions of others due to their possible supernatural activities.
- Local�s Trap - PCs or NPCs must deal with a prepared trap to take advantage of them, perhaps a false guide, wrong information, an attractive young female, etc.
- Lock of Hair - Some villainous power can harm other people terribly with some great magics, possibly requiring certain hard to get ingredients or means.
- Locked In - Characters have been locked into someplace, perhaps with dangerous beings or just few supplies with which to survive.
- Locked Room - All the characters are stuck somewhere together, danger and death likely joining them.
- Look What I Almost Stepped In! - The PCs find strange residue or odd items/materials around the scene of a crime.
- Looking for Trouble - Characters decide to look for evidence of the paranormal or alien by going somewhere that turns out to be more trouble than they can handle.
- Lost Account - Some diary/journal/account of past events which could explain things to the heroes is lost or missing.
- The Lottery - A town all seems to be in on something really creepy and disturbing.
- Made Into a Meal - Someone is going to be used to feed some horrible creature or creatures.
- Made of People! - The PCs discover some strange or terrible official secret.
- Magic Mirror - Some bewitched mirror features in this adventure, perhaps opening portals to other worlds, or containing the spirit of a demon or other terrible creature.
- Magic Vulnerability - Due to the nature of some evil beings existence or power, they are quite vulnerable to a specific spell or form of magic.
- Magical Artwork - Plot events revolve around some mystical piece of artwork, whether it contains some evil wizard�s soul, is possessed by a demon, is a window to another dimension, or something else, it�s important.
- Malevolent Lands - Some area seems to not only be haunted or afflicted by evil, but itself seems to turn on travelers and lure them to their doom.
- Manhunt - Someone or something needs found, recovered, or captured.
- Many Guises - Some unholy creature can take many different appeareances of forms (or is a shapeshifter itself), making it hard to locate or recognize.
- Mass Delusion - Some mass hypnotism or delusion must be afflicting a town for them all to be acting this way�
- Medium - Some evil force seems to move through an unnatural medium, water, power lines, astral planes hidden within right angles, etc.
- Mental Breakthrough - A crazed character claims to discover a way to improve the human mind in some strange way through drugs, surgery, or something even more bizarre.
- The Metamorphosis - The PCs cannot solve the main problem, but can help in some other, likely lesser, way.
- Mind Control - Some villainous force is controlling the minds and actions of otherwise innocent locals and they�re unable to resist.
- Missing Bodies - Bodies, perhaps already buried, perhaps not even yet dead when last seen, keep disappearing.
- Moby Dick - A character is obsessed with getting even with, finding evidence of, or perhaps has some other need for a monstrous, strange, or completely unnatural being.
- Monster on the Loose - Forget playing it low key, some terrible creature is having its way destroying and killing in the area.
- The Moral of the Story - Someone or someones have received a horrible fate as a result of their immoral actions.
- More Chanting! - A grand ritual must be completed to enact the villains evil plans, with all the pomp and circumstance you�d expect from a blood sacrifice!
- Movement in the Night - Characters can tell something outside is going on or some beings are moving around.
- Mutations - Something turns people into monsters. At least on the outside. Probably on the inside too.
- My Great Uncle Left Me a Mansion! - The PCs come into possession of a property or item that becomes more trouble than it�s worth.
- My New Helper - A character finds a new assistant, follower, sycophant, or even sacrifice, perhaps rescuing them from difficult circumstances.
- My Precious - An important and likely powerful item is desired by a variety of evil and dangerous individuals or groups,
- letting them get it could prove disastrous.
- Mysterious Benefactor - Some unknown person is helping you out, but why you don�t know.
- Mysterious Cube - A foreign seeming item causes strange mental or physical maladies to those who are around it or look at it, perhaps as a trap, or perhaps it�s just brimming with evil power.
- Necronomicons For Sale - One or more important occult items are being sold, perhaps by a clandestine dealer or perhaps even in an auction or newspaper listing.
- Never Speak of This - Some group, a family, a cult, a town of people, are ordered to never talk about the really spooky stuff they�ve experienced.
- New Life - A dangerous character obsesses over bringing life back to the dead, or experimenting and reviving corpses for whatever odd purposes.
- Night of Horror - The adventure features the time right as something horrible is happening, be it an age of coming evil that unleashes monsters, or a terrible necromantic emergency where zombies roam en masse across the countryside.
- No Power - The electricity is out, or some other resource valuable to characters in scary situations is taken away.
- No Way Out of Town - Somehow the PCs find themselves quite stuck wherever they are.
- Nobody Goes in There - A place is rumored or known to be so terrible, it�s left entirely alone by locals, who won�t even tear it down.
- Noisy Magicks - Someone has been attempting rituals or other supernatural acts, but their efforts have not gone unnoticed by neighbors, family members, locals.
- Not as Cute as You�d Think - Some people believe strange or magical creatures are in the area or behind events.
- Obtuse Genie - Someone is granted a wish or special request, but the giver takes their request too literally, or otherwise just wrong, and gives them what they don�t want.
- Odd Newcomer - A mysterious NPC is new to town, and something about them is not quite right.
- Odd Spirit - the local town or area seems to be affected by some unknown power, either through subtle means, like a growing dysthymia, or overt means like physical ailments.
- Official Cover-Up - The authorities are lying about something the heroes know to be otherwise. But why?!
- Oh God No! - People in the surrounding area keep bursting in flames, turning into ghouls, or being attacked by killer bees, etc.
- On a Long Journey - This adventure requires, or is all about, a long journey to some far off place.
- One of Us! - A PC or NPC faces the prospects of turning into some kind of terrible creature or person. Naturally or forcibly.
- Ounce of Prevention - The PCs are tipped off to some evil group about to do something evil.
- Out of the Mists - Some horror seems to appear from the thin air, then walk right back into it when the deeds are done.
- Pandemonium - A marked increase in horrible acts of violence, crime, and insanity seems surround the PCs.
- Pandora�s Box - Someone has tampered with powers beyond their comprehension and now opened the door to greater dangers.
- Past Secrets - Some character seeks to discover the dark secrets of past family members or fellows.
- The Perfect Time to Settle Scores - Amazing and deadly events give someone the chance to get revenge or settle scores with unrelated parties.
- Personal Items - Something, perhaps magical, once possessed by some powerful or evil character features in this story.
- Personal Journal - The PCs get information about some amazing/horrifying story or event from a deceased NPC�s journal and notes.
- Pet Monster - Some evil villain has a monster of some kind available to do his bidding or serve some other purpose.
- The Place Just Disappeared - Somewhere, a room, a house, a woods, even a whole city has disappeared from existance. And only some may even remember that it�s gone.
- Pocket Dimension - Some small space of other reality is involved heavily in events here.
- Portal to Another World - Someone finds a way to open a portal to another world, likely filled with horrific nightmare creatures.
- Possession - A character is possessed by an evil spirit, an alien entity, or the Devil himself.
- Powerful Artifact - Some very powerful artifact, likely cursed, and almost certainly only useful for committing evil is involved in this adventure.
- Promising Dupes - Some powerful or rich characters are fooled into helping the forces of evil in exchange for some rewards.
- Protect the Innocents - The PCs must protect a group of innocent people in addition to completing their mission.
- Psychotic Danger - A character is so delusional and paranoid that they conspire to harm others as a part of the strange narrative they believe they are a part of.
- Pulled Into the Sky - Lately NPCs seem to have been seemingly disappearing, by whatever means, into the air.
- Put a Quarter In - A mystic or soothsayer helping out characters is nothing but a fraud.
- Put Together Your Team - Someone assembles a team of experts in order to handle some tough problem.
- Quest for New Life - Someone is on a quest to find a way to bring back a dead loved one or other close person.
- Rare Artistic Genius - An NPC so gifted in some way (artistically, magically, spiritually) few can comprehend what he sees.
- Rare Texts - A character requires the use of some very rare and likely ancient texts in order to enact their plans.
- Re-Animation - Either through alchemical or ritual means someone has discovered a way to re-excite the life back into dead tissue.
- Recurring Villain - He�s back! And this time it could even be personal.
- Refugee - A person or animal is found, the last survivor of some strange or terrible event.
- Removed Consciousness - Some character has found a way (or has been forced) to remove their consciousness from their body, perhaps by removing their head or brain, or by more advanced means.
- Resurrections - Someone has been tinkering with or accidentally discovered the means to bring back the dead, whether wholly living or something a bit less.
- Revolutionary Find - Someone believes they have uncovered some scientific or metaphysical knowledge that will turn over everything.
- The Right Page - Some character requires a specific part of a specific, hard to find book.
- Ritual Killings - People are being dispatched in terribly gruesome and torturous ways.
- Ritual Murder Investigation - The police begin investigating ritual murders or disappearances, perhaps even arresting those responsible.
- Rosemary�s Baby - Some terrible birth will be used by evil doers to further their demonically wicked plans.
- The Rules - Some creature or character is beholden to certain specific, possibly odd, rules, despite being otherwise powerful and capable.
- Sabotage - The characters find themselves trapped or nearly killed due to sabotage, likely to their means of travel.
- Sadistic Choice - The PCs must decide between stopping the bad guys evil plan and saving children, or saving only one of two different friends, and so on.
- Samhain - Today is a mystical and likely terrifying day on the calendar for some reason.
- Screams in the Night - Some terror seems to have descended on a town, people are unnaturally worried and screams ring out from dreamers all night long.
- Secret Lever - The characters find (or can find) a secret entrance to a secret room or secret passage leading to even more secrets!
- Secret Order - The PCs seem to draw the attention of a shadowy group of NPCs who seemed alarmed at what they are investigating, though for what reasons, no one knows.
- Secrets of the Pharoahs - This adventure features the supernatural secrets and doings of ancient peoples.
- Seeing Pan - Someone is driven to insanity be seeing something horrible or beyond the normal world.
- Shiny - The effects of some evil place or entity can cause a person to lose their minds, perhaps violently so.
- Show Off - Someone commits heinous acts of violence in order to satisfy the demands of a group they belong to or work for.
- The Signal Man - Visions of future deaths, including possibly their own, haunt a character.
- Skeptics - Disbelievers actively try and thwart the efforts of heroes in stopping some supernatural horror, perhaps to satisfy their own unspoken fears.
- Small Town Plot - something terrible is going on, and everybody in the community is complicit somehow.
- Something in the Walls - The occupants of a house or building note there seems to be something haunting all the unseen areas of the location.
- Something�s Not Right Here - The PCs notice something is very amiss after arriving in a new location.
- Squabbling Behind Barricades - Two characters or groups holed up, or otherwise stuck together, are arguing so much they may just kill each other.
- Staged Death - An NPC pretends they die, perhaps spectacularly.
- The Stars are Aligning - Some ancient power or deity finds its power or life force returning to it.
- Steal Higher Powers - An NPC makes some plans, however realistic, to steal or share the powers of a supernatural being, perhaps a demon or even a god.
- Still in the Loony Bin - Some character important to the adventure is currently in an asylum for mentally ill.
- Storms - Terrible storms or perhaps other natural events such as fires or earthquakes surround the story due to evil forces.
- Strange Coma - A character has fallen into a strange coma, perhaps after other strange events afflict them.
- Strange Dreams - A character receives dreams either haunting him with terrors or providing him with clues (or both!).
- Strange Footprints - Characters discover clues that do not appear to have been left by a normal human being.
- Strange Mummy - The preserved body of some long dead individual has some strange qualities or items hidden on it.
- Strange Zoology - Animals of some kind seem to be changed, perhaps radically so, and are causing trouble.
- Suicide Cult - Some evil group recruits innocent civilians to join into their plans, perhaps costing them their lives, their homes, or their souls.
- Summon Greater God - This adventure features or perhaps requires characters getting in touch with some insanely powerful, godlike entity.
- Summoning - Some villainous force plans a large ritual to summon some kind of terrible monster or even an army of undesirable creatures.
- Super Gaslighter - A being or person with what almost seems like possibly supernatural abilities, can talk people into doing horrible acts, or commit suicide.
- Supernatural Harassment - Beings or events dog travelers, be it sinister creatures or unexplainable bad luck that causes constant danger.
- Supernatural Order - Some group of supernatural beings have formed an order or a cult to further their ends and perhaps train themselves to great levels of deadliness.
- Superstituous Idiots - Some characters may confidently dismiss the beliefs and fears of dummy locals.
- Surround the Cabin - Some remote homestead is surrounded and assaulted by terrible creatures or powers.
- Survivor�s Tale - The stories of some survivor of a terrible horror feature prominently in this adventure.
- Swarms - A swarm of rats, insects, or other assorted beasts is involved in this adventure.
- Symbol of Doom - People claim to see a strange creature or symbol that supposedly foretells impending disaster.
- Symbols - Recurring strange symbols or methods of building may be spotted by the PCs or other characters
- Take It Back! - The heroes must find the item or person who has cursed a victim, before it is too late.
- Take the Job - Some character takes a job that sends them far off from their normal contacts and regular life.
- Taken! - An otherwise likeable NPC has been kidnapped!
- Tall Tale - Someone comes to the PCs with a hard to believe story, but asking for their help.
- Terrible Choices - The villain tries to put the heroes in predicaments where they must choose between one bad outcome or another bad outcome.
- Terrible Pieces of Lost Antiquity - Some artifact revealing facts of a horror from centuries or millennia ago features in this adventure.
- Terror Grips the Headlines - A town or city is being terrorized by some murderer or worse being, and the public is nearing outright panic.
- Theological Differences - Some group of likely lunatics has made some alterations to the local church�s operations. Perhaps involving magics, contact with terrible beings, and almost certainly plenty of human sacrifices.
- They�re All Involved - Even the local authorities are in on the evil plot.
- They�re Coming For You - Someone who has fiddled with eldritch powers or cutting edge sciences now must worry about dangerous groups finding them.
- This Is *******!!! - The characters discover after doing some important or nasty work that no appreciates what they�ve done, or believes their stories.
- Ticking Clock - The PCs need to complete a task or challenge before it�s too late.
- Transformative Elixir - Some alchemical potion transforms those who take it, maybe to their desires, maybe not, but always causing trouble.
- The Trap - Some supernatural horror, or psychotic person has set-up a trap that brings innocent people into their clutches.
- Trapped Souls - Some powerful magic or incomprehensible science traps the souls of the deceased, for who knows what foul purposes.
- Trying the Latch - A character is disturbed in their sleep by someone attempting to find a way into their room�
- Twisted Experiments - A person is subjected to torturous behavioral experiments, perhaps permanently scarring their minds.
- Unbelievable Recording - An NPC has managed to capture the sounds or perhaps a blurry photograph of the terrible forces at work here.
- Under the Sphinx - Some famous or historical site also contains a secret, and likely horrifying mystery!
- Underground Civilization - Some group has created an entire society in a hidden or underground land.
- Unholy Child - A woman gives birth to a child that seems to have been conceived under strange circumstances and who isn�t quite right.
- Unnatural Change - Some character has begun to seem rather different, disturbingly different.
- Unnatural Surgery - A crazed mind performs strange vivisections on living subjects (animal or human) in order to change or �improve� them in abominable ways.
- Unreliable Narrator - The PCs hear a tale of supernatural events, except the teller cannot quite be believed.
- The Unrestful Dead - The ghosts, or whatever presence left behind, of some dead individuals bring horror to the area.
- Until the Devil Knows You�re Dead - A dead entity seeks to regain life or continue their schemes.
- Unwanted Sights - Characters catch glimpses of terrible things, bodies that disappear, creatures that are gone in an instant, and so on.
- Unwanted Visitation - A character receives a visit by a terrifying spirit, monster, alien, or devil.
- Vivasection - Some terrible scientist or beings are remaking people or experimenting in replacing body parts.
- Vixen - Some girl or woman seems to have an easy way with men, perhaps through less mundane means than their good looks!
- Vvvelcome to My Basement - A character finds themselves trapped in a prison created by some twisted villain, and likely wants out before things get worse.
- Wave of Vampirism - Some creature seems to be attacking local denizens and drinking their blood or eating their flesh.
- We Don�t Need You - Locals or local authorities don�t want the PCs around, maybe for good reason, or maybe they actually are doomed without them.
- We Gotta Beat It! - Characters decide that getting out of here, despite guards, lurkers, etc. would be the best course of action.
- We Have to Go In There? - The PCs must go into someplace dirty, smelly, or unpleasantly dangerous.
- We�ll Take the Help - The heroes are hired by local authorities to solve a problem they can�t.
- We�re All Gonna Die Here! - The characters are all trapped someplace in a very perilous situation.
- We�ve Got to Go Out There - The only way to get some necessary item or resource is by going out into the very danger you�re trying to avoid.
- Weird Powers - Some person, perhaps with emotional struggles, is given some strange new powers�
- Were-Creatures - Someone must deal with the fact that they are transforming into a ravenous and evil bring, every now and again.
- What the Dog Saw - Animals seem to be aware of some terrible thing that humans do not sense�yet.
- Who Wouldn�t Like Her? - An character has a terrible suspicion about an otherwise likeable or perhaps simply desirable outsider.
- Who�s This Guy? - Some traveler, perhaps from a far off land, seems kind of odd and probably evil.
- The Witch Blade - A spirit or sorcerous villain is impervious to normal means of causing harm, and can only be stopped through the use of a special object or weapon.
- Witch Hunt - Some powerful local figure has taken to executing wrongdoers as an extreme but necessary means to containevil. At least according to them.
- Witch Sight - Someone can see things others cannot, perhaps driving them mad or putting them in danger.
- Won�t Stay Shut - For some strange reason a door, window, gate keeps opening on its own.
- Working at the Latch - Someone or something decides to find the characters at night, while they lay in the dark.
- Yes Mother - A character is still under the thumb of their domineering mother or other maternal figure.
- You Can�t Outrun Your Past - A character who has committed past transgressions finds themselves in present trouble, physical or supernatural, because of what they�ve done.
- You Didn�t See Nothin� - A powerful group or NPC demands the PCs not reveal what they know.
- You Have Something I Want - a jealous character covets something about another person, a talent, their appearance and body, or a possession and plans to either take it or ruin it.
- You Know Too Much - A character�s life is imperiled because they know too much about the workings of some evil character or group.
- You�re a Doll! - Some creepily life-like doll is around the adventurers, and some may wonder if it�s really an inanimate object.
- You�re Crazy Man - An important NPC or friend is certifiably insane.
- You�re Goin� Downtown - One of the PCs friends or assistants is thrown into jail.
- You�re Not From Around Here - The locals/yokels/watch don�t take kindly to the PCs.
- You�re Off the Case - The local authorities try to run off the PCs or forbid them from being involved.
- You�ve Been Warned - Our heroes are repeatedly warned by locals to stay away and do not mess with some terrible place or group.
- Zombie Potion - Someone has a way of making drones or slaves out of other people against their will.
100 Bulletin Board Jobs
(DnD Speak)
- ‘Wanted Dead or Alive – Bonecrusher, Orc Chieftain to the south! Warning: very heavily armed and dangerous. Has many henchmen. Reward: 1,000gp’
- ‘Missing: a large turtle named Hubert who has escaped from the Caster’s School of Polymorphing. Please return if found!’
- Chicken Wrangler Needed! Some jerks smashed my coop and now 100 chickens are loose. 1GP/chicken to return them, no questions asked.’ (Poster is True Neutral witch in old haunted forest; all the chickens have been enlarged.)
- Need men to form a small honour garrison for the banquet I am holding in my manor. Important people are involved, so discretion is mandatory. 200GP per person, payed upfront. No questions asked. (All the guests are vampires.)
- The book store has a shipment of rare books coming in and needs people to help unload them. Will pay 100gold per person and not responsible for any injuries incurred on the job. (Caution: dangerous magic and pet books around.)
- Exterminator needed: I’ve got a mess of rats in my basement. Bring me 10 rat tails in return for payment. (Listed address has no basement and owner has no rat problem. The advert has a typo and should point to a house further down the way.)
- Exterminator needed: There’s a bunch of noise coming from the attic. Like chains or moaning or something. It’s probably those damn raccoons again. I would have my husband look into it, but the lazy oaf up and died on me. Payment dependant on work done. (Listed address has no attic, but does have a basement with a rat problem. Murdered husband is haunting the house, bring proton pack.)
- Strong Swimmer Needed! My simpleton apprentice left my ore cart unattended on the bridge and the blasted thing tumbled into the river! Hopefully the ore is still in there somewhere, I’ll pay gold to anyone who can get me my ore!
- Sick Grandmother: My grandmother is sick and needs a shipment of medicine. Our normal courier has gone missing, so we desperately need it delivered. Expedited fee available with a bonus upon delivery (Grandma makes a mean elven bread.)
- Squirrel Hunting: A squirrel has been seen in town stealing jewelry from citizens. We think there may be more than one squirrel involved — they always head west after the theft. They need to be captured or killed; a bonus available if stolen items are returned.
- Earrings Stolen: My wagon was robbed by bandits in the eastern forest. Among the items taken where heirloom earrings that were given to me by my mother. Please find them. Reward available.
- TEST SUBJECT NEEDED! We at the Barrington Bakery (insert your own name) are looking for subjects to test out our new magical breads. We infuse magic into the mixing process for a, hopefully, tasteful bread. You will need to taste each bread, and have our scholar review the side effects. You will be paid per day.
- Lost Arrow: While practicing with a bow, my son lost a trophy arrow (he was not supposed to use). He was practicing in the Northern plains and thinks the arrow went into the forbidden forest. Please retrieve this arrow. As an alchemist, I will pay in healing potions.
- Goblin encampment: A goblin encampment has appeared in the Southern part of town across the ravine. They’ve been there for days and don’t seem to be aggressive, but we can’t be so sure. Find out what they’re doing — if they’re a threat, please dispatch with them.
- Wandering Skeleton: Wandering Skeleton seen on the outskirts of town. It appears armed with a sword, shield and horned helmet. Dispatch this skeleton and we’ll offer you 10% off anything in town.
- 100 List: Help! Local bard needs assistance creating a list of 100 dirty jobs no one wants to do. A small payment will be available as well as your name as a contributing author in the book I’m writing.
- Kobold Flour: Local baker seeks Kobold Flour for the upcoming Monster festival. This specialty item can only be found in Kobold encampments. Will pay 10gp per pound (maximum of 100 pounds).
- The (Insert bar or inn name here) is looking for a bard to entertain the crowds on Thursday Nights (mug for a copper night).
- Merchants looking for armed security to escort us to (Insert town or city name here).
- (Insert townsfolk name here), our beloved mushroom forager, has not returned from the forest. He was last seen four days ago. Need help finding him(her?)!
- Lost mail! Important documents might have been intercepted. The currier I’ve been expecting has not arrived. Please inquire at the City Hall.
- The town of (insert neighboring town) has challenged us to our annual match of Shinty (or similar sport). Let’s show them who’s best, and get that trophy back where it belongs!
- Lady Clarissa will read your future in the cards. I know you will show up. Where am I? Don’t worry, dear. Fate will guide you.
- The Imperial Army needs your skills! Join us to fight the good fight!
- Koboliam Ore Needed: A local blacksmith needs Koboliam Ore, which is only found in the Myriad caves to the North. Once a Kobold stronghold, this abandoned cave is full of traps and possibly other dangers — will pay top gold for each block of Ore.
- Burial Escort needed: Our recently deceased father needs to be buried in the family lot, six miles north through the badlands. A small party escort is required in case of trouble.
- Bandit Kidnappers! Our beloved daughter has been captured by Bandits! They have not made any demands, but we want her back. They were last seen Northwest of the old tower — a reward for our daughter (alive), plus a bonus for the head of each bandit.
- Family Bandits! My son and his two friends have left the village to become bandits. Find them and teach them the error of their ways. Reward if they return — must be alive.
- Kubo’s Strings: Local bard Kubo lost his musical strings during an encounter with a small dragon. The dragon has the magical strings attached to it’s teeth. Please retrieve the strings and you will be rewarded with a +1 AC enchantment to your armor!
- Flying Monkeys: During a recent storm, Flying Monkeys came and took our poor family dog. They live in the Julliad mountains. Please bring back our precious dog — our children are lost without them. We don’t have much in money, but as farmers we can reward you with rations for all your travels.
- Magnificent Seven: Our villagers overheard bandits who plan on raiding our town in one week’s town. We seek seven or more strong warriors who will help defend us.
- Troupe of traveling bards need a few strong individuals to help schlep and set up our equipment on our world tour. Can pay in booze and lodging.
- Detail-oriented individuals needed to go door-to-door to market my magical floor-sucker-cleaner. Commission based.
- Need young fit person to shovel snow from my walkway (if high summer. In winter substitute with ‘mow grass’ or something else appropriate. Employer is an elderly individual from a far-off land who has enchanted their property to be more like their home country.)
- Book keepers needed! Not really. Bandit-wizards have been trying to steal from my personal library of arcane books. Need tough, preferably illiterate, bodies to defend collection until I can secure safer storage.
- Tower Demolition Sought: The four story bell tower has been deemed by the city council as a stain on the communities reputation, as it was built with “ill-gotten” funds by the rencently disgraced and now former mayor, Cornul Glassen. The council is offering 500 gold to anyone who can reduce the bell tower, which was dedicated in his honor, to rubble without loss of life or other property in the town square. Plans must be approved by council before work can begin.
- Come join us for the first annual bucket festival! Bring a bucket and you favourite drinks to join in the festivities. Meet out back the delapited house on the edge of town at any time. You know the one, you’ve seen it in your dreams.
- Needed bartender. Looking to employ a bartender for my inn, The crooked arrow. Must be able to listen to political rants on the slower days. NO GOBLINS
- The well water has started tasting funny, someone should look into that.
- LOST Young boy named James, he has been missing for over a week and was last seen going of to play by the river. Reward if found.
- Local spell caster looking for lab “assistant.” Intelligence not required, but a high resistance to pain appreciated.
- Mole Dispatch – a group of unusually large moles wreck our fields! We are in dire need of a someone who is getting rid of those pests. Payment in gold or products from our farmers market.
- Sheep Numbers Dwindling – We don’t know who, or what, is killing our sheep, but we cant ignore it any longer. Over the last three months, we found several mother sheep and their newborns dead. We offer 10 gold coins for whoever finds out what has happened to our lifestock and ends this from happening again. (A were-sheep has been killing the other sheep, can be found out when the heard is observed, all sheep go away when this particular one comes close to them, or when the transformation happens during a clear moonlit night.)
- A notice to those on hard times that the mines are hiring, the tag line on the bottom says �We�ve cleared out the danger that once struck our mine and threatened the safety of the miners, we are confident that resuming our operations shall be fruitful and safe for all.� (Underneath that is a hand written note directly under the text, �So much for your confidence.�)
- Deal of a lifetime! I’m willing to trade a lovely tin pot, painted with cornflowers and lilies (and showing a few holes, true, but that’s a plus, for you can add a few more and look at that, you’ve got a colander) for a cart. The cart needn’t be big, can even be tiny, in fact, just so that two, or better four, people could fit in it, with ample room for bags and sacks, if possible. Could be old, long as it rides well and has new wheels, and strong axles, so actually probably nothing made longer than a year or two ago would do. Leave a message with Bohddie.
- Cleric needed – Daughter Ill and Dying (A local father is worried because his daughter�s health has been rapidly declining. He needs someone with knowledge of medicine to determine what kind of illness… or poison or curse… is affecting her.)
- Adventurers needed! Our Kobold in our previous adventuring party is currently missing and is in possession of an ancient and dangerous artifact. Problem is, he ate it. Please return the artifact in tact! The Kobold (Skrazz) can be returned dead, alive, or not at all for all we care. 1000 GP Reward.
- Multi-Linguist Needed: While going through my pappy’s attic I found this really old map that I’m pretty sure leads to something cool. The problem is, I can’t read it! Pretty sure it’s Celestial, Draconian or Elvish cuz the letters are all curly. If the map leads to some sweet treasure I’ll share it fairly with you!
- Taste-Tester Needed: Lord _____ needs a qualified taste-tester for upcoming banquet to fill recently vacated position. Benefits include All you can eat food and drink, provided medical care, lodging and pay-per-taste. Dwarvish candidates preferred. Inquire at ______ Manor.
- A Muse-ment Please: My brother, the head writer of our musical comedy duo is in a rut. He hasn’t been writing any good jokes for a while and I just can’t play backup to another lukewarm song like “there’s gnome place like home”. He needs something hilarious and inspiring to jump-start his creativity again. I’m taking him to the _____ tavern tonight for drinks, and if you manage to orchestrate some weird and hilarious scene I’ll pay you 10g. (by the way, don’t tell him I paid for this, just say I owe you money or something I don’t care) -Billie Doobie
- FOUND: Stange child’s doll. Blue gingham dress, yellow yarn hair with blue satin bow, made of painted wood. Eyes are large and very lifelike, seeming to follow you around the room. IF YOU RECOGNIZE THIS DOLL PLEASE COME AND TAKE IT I’LL GIVE YOU 5G. -23 Wyverann St E
- LOST SHORTS: please, this seems silly, but recently my favorite lucky shorts have gone missing! I’m sure someone stole them but I have no proof. I need them before the big poker tournament tomorrow and I will pay 100g to whoever finds them! They are purple with green polka-dots and the back pocket has a recently-patched up rip. Also my name is written on the waistband. -Marty Martingale, #4 Lake Park Ave. E
- WHO AM I?: I woke up in a gutter this morning outside of the Hill Street Inn and Tavern. I do not remember who I am, where I am from, what my name is, anything. I have a large sack of gold on my person and I am currently renting at the Hill Street Inn and Tavern for the foreseeable future. If you assist me in regaining my lost memories I would be more than happy to properly compensate you, for it seems that whoever I am, it is a man of means.
- Local Tavern needs (at least one more) bouncer for annual all-you-can-drink QuaffFest Celebration tomorrow. Usual bouncer called in sick and can’t make it. Will pay 5s/hr and after your shift that evening all your drinks are free!
- BARD EXTRAORDINARE: Art is the purest expression of the soul, and no-one expresses themselves more eloquently than Clover Salvatore, the hottest Bard to grace the realm. The Golem Guardian newspaper has called him, “A fresh voice, Clover Salvatore will wow your tavern with his genre-bending style, and witty lyrics. A star in the making”. Send a pigeon and book him in now!
- FIRST CLASS MALE: If you need a message that needs delivering, look no further than this First Class Male. With reasonable fees and lightning quick delivery, it’s not just the devilishly handsome good looks that make this the best way to tell someone you care. Speak to Dorian for more information.
- Help wanted t’ return me property: Yesterday some o’ th’ young neighborhood scalawags stole me carved wooden leg while I were pissed in th’ gutter outside th’ Salty Strumpet. I can nah chase aft them t’ git it back ’cause me backup leg be mor’n ghastly. If’n ye can get back me leg I’ll pay ye 10 gold, it holds a lot o’ sentimental-type meanin’ t’ me.
- BIG AWARD MONEY!! Near forest there is cave. In cave small monster. Need help with monster. WILL AWARD BIG MONEY!! (A barghest’s trap, prepared by goblins to lure adventurers in and devour them alive)
- Someone stole my chicken that lays all sort of metal eggs. Help me find it.
- My Family is about to find out about my secret. Good liars and problem solvers in need.
- The bridge collapsed again and I lost my wagon. Will pay good gold if bridge repaired, and more if wagon retrieved. Contact Arkwright’s village store for reward. (Twist: Goblins have been booby trapping the bridge to steal the contents of wagons.)
- What up? We’re three cool guys who are looking for other cool guys who want to hang out in our party mansion. Nothing sexual. Dudes in good shape encouraged. If you’re fat, you should be able to find humor in the little things. Again, nothing sexual.
- Missing pet! My pet has been missing since three nights ago and has not returned home. If found return to , whoever finds him will be rewarded greatly! (Twist: the missing pet is actually a small dragon.)
- Need basilisk eggs for experiment! Big reward!
- Missing: One (1) semi-intelligent skeleton. 5 feet 10 inches. Last seen wearing blue cloak. He was sent to the market for some groceries five days ago, and hasn’t come home. His creator misses him very much. 50 GP & four (4) Stones of Farspeech upon return.
- Love of my life! Please, I need your help to make me look cool in front of the love of my life, so that I can win her heart! I could never hope to win her by normal means since I’m poor. I will give you all of my life savings in return. Bonus if you look scary! //DM note: The plan is to have the players perform as crooks flirting and trying to pick up the girl and in turn be chased away by the contract giver to make him look cool.
- Need to make silver quick? Why not platinum! Rent doesn’t pay itself ya’ know! Find Raul Sonderheim and ask him how you can become your own boss and never have to work a day in your life! (Can be a quest to thwart a predatory pyramid scheme OR be the starting branch in a murder investigation once Raul is found murdered, likely by one of the people he recruited.)
- WORK FROM HOME: Easy money that anyone can do! Finally live your dream lifestyle! Be your own boss! Make thousands in your first week! Retire early! Don�t be left out!
- Open minded and discrete healer wanted. Must interview.: Despite the suspicious wording, the job is treating people from discriminated-against ancestries or with embarrassing deformities that have been persecuted, passed over, or financially exploited by other healing organizations. The pay is low, but you make solid allegiances. Word of your kindness spreads among the hidden downtrodden and you may find welcome far away.
- Sales assistant wanted. Incredible pay!: It’s a multi-level marketing job. The job poster gives you a sales talk about their wonderful liniments and gizmos. They do work, but they are overpriced. You have to make a bulk purchase of the items and then try to resell them for a profit. You are unlikely to find the buyers needed to turn a profit and are stuck with too much stock.
- Horsebreaker needed! Inquire at the Post Office! The job is preparing young horses to accept the saddle and harness so they can be ridden or pull carts. They must also be taught basic commands and gaits. The job is successful if the handler can get the horses to calmly accept riders and obey simple orders.
- Do you think you know your gems? A grand test awaits at Nappe and Klippe’s Emporium. Only those who truly appreciate mines and minerals should apply! A local jeweler’s outfit acquired a large stock of specialty mineral samples and gems from a flash sale of unclaimed shipments. They need them identified but want someone, preferentially a dwarf, who isn’t going to undersell them. The first part of the job is a basic knowledge test and then they move onto the unusual samples. They pay in wholesale gems of the player’s choice.
- Music tutor: My son Stevie wants to be a bard, but the kid has absolutely no talent. I want to enjoy my time at home without the shrieking of his horrible electric lute destroying the peace. I’ll pay you 10g to give him some lessons, and if after a couple his “Music” becomes less painful, I’ll give you a 100g bonus. Contact John Harris at 75 Leyton Ave.
- Help! My mother-in-law is coming to town for a visit and I need someone professional to inflict me with some awful disease or other affliction so I have an excuse to stay in bed and not interact or be around her. Please no afflictions that cause perminant damage or death. Mildly life-threatening ok. Meet me at 10pm behind that bar that smells like old goat. You know the one. 50g upon disease delivery.
- Help recovering property! This is your local bard Razzle, and if you’ve seen me lately you know that I haven’t quite been myself. The truth is I lost my prize peacock feather hat in a wager at the Lusty Mermaid two days ago. The man who won it from me said I could pay him back for the value of the hat, but when I went to the inn he was staying at I found he skipped town without even paying his tab! (And I found out he cheated at that game of cards by the by) Please, I need a skilled ranger or another who is good at tracking to get back my hat! I’ll pay you 4,000 gold to go with me to get it, and I’m willing increase the price to 5,000 if our quarry proves elusive.
- URGENT: It is my little pookums birthday and the entertainment cancelled! Anyone may apply as replacements at the magistrates estate.
- NEEDED: Someone competent in the ways of word to berate, yell, and speak ill of me. Willing to pay. Discretion is key. Meet me during the night 2 alleys up from the pub in order to discuss terms.
- LOST: 3 peg legs, a hook, 5 eye patches, and a talking parrot. If found please return to “The Luckiest Crew” down at the pier.
- HELP WANTED: Poor old widow requests the assistance of any strong and able persons to rearrange some furnishings. (She is a witch in a small town of elderly folks that help her trick strong strangers in order to preserve their own lives.)
- MINIONS NEEDED – Local Lich Looking for Less than Lawful Lackeys. References not required, no paladins. Full training and benefits given.
- Fence need painted. Good pay. Contact Sythi at the Inn. Twist, the fence is 10 feet tall and almost a mile long.
- ISO: Skilled toymaker, it’s my daughter’s birthday and she wants a teddy. I can compensate for any materials you use. This was posted by an orc and her human husband, there’s an address near the bottom with a smiley face. The 6-year old half-orc wants a GIANT teddy.
- IN NEED OF DURABLE IDIOT, WILL BE WORKING WITH IMPOSSIBLE GEOMETRIES. IDIOCY NOT NEEDED BUT DESIRED. BRING FRIENDS. snacks provided! (This was wrote incredibly hastily by a desperate wizard, and his wife. The words “snacks provided” are in much cleaner handwriting toward the bottom, obviously added as it was being posted.)
- My brother an me want candy!!! (This note is barely legible and is tacked at the very bottom of the board.)
- Hey, we’re having a party and we need booze. Bring any and all you can carry. (Posted by some broskis at the wizard college. There’re about 200 in need of whatever alcohol they can get their hands on.)
- Having trouble stocking all these books! Will pay for some big and strong people to help me! (This was posted by a small old woman who owns the local library.)
- A set of seemingly innocuous symbols is carved into the side of a barrel underneath the board, all in Thieves’ Cant. The symbols are being used for a purpose they’re very much not meant for, and the message is patchy and uncertain. “Dangerous Area.” “Owner not home.” “Owner is Vigilant.” Meaning: One for the rogues! The local thieves’ guild has found that their missions in the area have ended… poorly. Their new recruits are raving about some kind of spirit, and the veterans insist that something just isn’t right.
- Need demolition help: A demolition company is looking for outside help to clear out and then tear down a vacant house. The reward can be money or allowing the players to scavenge what they find inside the house. (What the company doesn’t tell the adventurers is that no one will do the job because of the powerful stench coming from the house. Exploring the house reveals a locked(mechanically or magically) wooden door leading to the basement of the house. The basement contains 1d4 Dretchs accidentally summoned by the previous owner.)
- Mimic hunt! Mimics are running rampant throughout the town. Find and kill 2D6 mimics. 1-6 mimics gets 100gp, 7-11 gets 300gp, and 12 kills gets 500gp.
- Being followed by crawling claws. Kill 1D4 crawling claws. Reward of 40gp.
- House is overrun with rats. Exterminate 4D10 rats and 2D4 dire rats. Reward of 450gp.
- Help find my lost pet cat! Reward of 3D10gp to anyone who finds him.
- The baker has put out a poster, looking for someone to deliver pastries to the mischievous yet kind faeiry dragon that watches over the town from its lair in the woods outside.
- Looking for riddle maker. You make riddles, we buy ’em! For more information contact your local Wizards Association.
- WANTED: Internship with seasoned adventurers. I’ve admired heroes all my life and want to try my hand at it! I’m hardworking, loyal, and a team player.
- Victimless Instigators of Loot Extraction is seeking henchmen for transportation of merchandise. Some risk is involved. Must be capable of intercepting and stopping pursuers. If interested, head to Church of St. Deegho and ask for Carmen.
- Help! My good friend Smolik Droweater has been trapped! My scrying reveals he is stuck in a 10-foot room. He has a chest of valuables with him, but needs help getting it and him out of the dungeon safely! Come to the Tower Tisential if you are willing to help! -the Wizard Quinn.
- Seasoned adventurers needed! Writer/Bard here, tell me the tales of your great adventures, I need some inspiration for my books/songs. Payment will be determined by how good your stories are.
- Just bought the old mill outside of town. But there’s something living in it (make something up). Will pay 50GP and free milling service for a year to anybody who clears out the infestation and makes it safe for our family to set up!
- Help settle a randexpand dispute between two noble Elven houses! House Alendrian is looking for adventurers to help draw the domain lines with the House Walopez border. If you are strong of arm and fleet of foot, inquire at the Dovestail Manor.
100 Side Quests
(DnD Speak)
- A farmer approaches the party and needs help. One of his chickens turns a strange neon green when placed in moonlight, and he needs help figuring out why.
- Your party finds a list of 10 names including someone they are close to. The first 4 names are crossed out.
- A courier catches up to the party. They have been left a run down mansion in the will of someone they have never met. The only condition? It be lived in for 5 days. It is of course… Haunted!
- A well known constellation disappears from sight. The village is divided between people who remember it, and those who don’t. The debates begin to spark an escalating series of feuds and fights.
- A large river begins to inexplicably stop for 1 hour before sunset.
- You enter a clearing where 2 duelists lash out at one another. The clearing is in a time loop, repeating the duel over and over again.
- Rumor reaches your ears of a traveling merchant peddling sets of cursed sewing needles.
- Old Jeb the farmer claims his sheepdog had puppies, but they all have split tails and he doesn’t know their sire.
- The sawmill catches fire. The bucket brigade keeps it contained, but it refuses to extinguish after 2 days.
- For exactly 1 round a day, everyone in town falls sway under the HOLD PERSON spell. Life continues, but everyone is on edge. “Protection” totems begin surfacing in every market shop.
- Strange, mud-coated animate skeletons have risen in a nearby swamp. They won�t attack unless attacked first and try to speak with anyone nearby, but the coating of mud makes their speech indecipherable.
- Snowberry bushes only bloom before a blizzard. Collect five snowberry blooms for an alchemist before the storm hits.
- A suit of enchanted armor with dozens of arms has been razing nearby villages. Watch out, each arm holds a hand crossbow, and each one can attack every turn.
- A goblin comes running towards you and yells “he’s coming!” and dies.
- A small pack of wererats have taken up residence in the city sewers, and keep causing trouble for the locals.
- A farmer says he’s heard strange singing in the night in his corn field, but whenever he goes out to look, he doesn’t find anyone. If that wasn’t strange enough, one morning he found his scarecrows had been moved into a circle.
- The party is told of a local merchant who specializes in Magical items. The merchant’s name is Foezek and is described as an intelligent, compassionate Shedu. But, when the PCs seek out the shop, they find another being claiming to be Foezek and is more interested in them leaving the shop than dealing with them. In truth, this bandit killed Foezek and is dealing his magical items to an adversary of the DM’s choosing. Foezek’s body can be found in the shop (basement, or behind the counter, etc.).
- The party is walking through a town when they meet an blind old man who is crawling on the ground looking for his ring. A guard watched him drop it and took it for himself.
- The party finds a dagger on the body of an enemy that is much heavier than a dagger should be.
- The party wakes up mixed up in each other’s bodies after night of drinking at an inn.
- A small chest from the spell Leomund’s Secret Chest falls from the sky. When the party finds a wizard to open the chest is filled with their own equipment, along with a note book keeping track of their actions.
- The party continues to wake up in the same inn, but different rooms each morning.
- One of the party members is suddenly extremely allergic to cats, the rest of the party members clothes are suddenly made of cat fur. The change in clothing isn’t immediately noticable.
- The party is summoned by a king to be his friends for a day.
- There is a bounty out on the dish breaking bandit.
- One of the party members suddenly starts to sleepwalk, and breaks dishes in his sleep.
- An angry gnome tinkers with the sleeping party’s equipment. Everything now has combination locks.
- Weird noises have been heard at night coming from an older resident’s home in town. When investigated, you discover a worried old man attempting to disguise his worry at your interest in the noise and his business. If convinced that your aid is genuine, or if more discreet measures of observations are taken, you discover his wife is afflicted with lycanthropy despite having no bite marks.
- The local towns people are complaining about a goblin tribe that has set up camp near by. They are acting strange and have begun constructing statues of a goblin with a pointy hat all over the area.
- As the party is walking through a road they come across a beggar. He is crippled and asks for some money to help him buy food. As the party continues to walk down the road they find another beggar who looks exactly like the one they just met! When asked he says that he doesn�t have a twin brother or anything of the sort. He doesn�t know what the party is taking about and just wants some coin to buy food. As the party continues to walk they find the same man yet again. He to knows nothing. Upon further investigation they discoverer that the man was once an assistant to a local wizard. And the wizard is an expert in human cloning.
- The daughter of a local politician/Noble person keeps getting kidnapped by local goblins. The party is hired to solve it once and for all.
- A horse with no rider, but fully equipped is walking in the opposite direction of the party. There is a note pinned to it’s saddlebags, “send help!”
- The party takes a shortcut through a friendly looking forest not shown on their map. It seems oddly silent, and soon notice all the wildlife is deep asleep – including insects and even flowers. As their eyes get heavier and heavier a wild man bursts out of the bushes, eyes propped open.
- Traveling through the forest the party is stopped by the sound of a booming voice nearby “Your Wish has been granted!”. Shortly after they come apon a clearing filled red mist and a goblin holding a brass lamp laughing maniacally. The party now has to deal with what stuipd thing he has wished for.
- You are confronted by a party of identical adventurers, who seem more surprised than you. They have been tracking you down for a long time, following rumours of a party of adventurers giving them a bad name. Worst of all they seem to have been adventuring longer than you…
- Construction of a new museum has been halted when its found that all the workers continue to forget what they’re building, could the new exhibit be to blame?
- You’ve gotten word about a logging village up north that has put up a massive reward for any adventurers willing to travel to the village, investigate the rash of disappearances and locate any of the missing persons: dead or alive.
- A cranky old man in town complains that his pocket watchers stolen, and he has his suspicions on who the thief is. The townsfolk say that he�s a senile old man who probably lost it.
- As your party steps through town, you suddenly start to feel the ground shake as a group of Monsterous Centipede’s erupt from the dirt, attacking the party. As they are defeated, it becomes apparent that they were summoned creatures.
- One of the party’s magical or valued items has been stolen and is now held in a high security bank in a bustling city. The party must now break into the bank to retrieve their items.
- A farmer asks for help. His crops are constantly getting trashed. He wants the group/player to keep watch over the night. It ends up being that the poor farmers� trusty scarecrow has been brought to life by dark magic. It is optional to buy or make a new scarecrow.
- A PC gets bit by a werewolf. There is a cure for it, however they must convince the mad wizard to give it to you.
- A passing man swears to you that he is a genie who will most definitely grant you three wishes if you return his stolen lamp to him.
- Every town or settlement the party goes to has an outline of a fish stenciled on a main building. The first one is really big and noticeable; the rest are subtle enough that the party won’t see them unless they announce that they’re examining the place. The town where the quest will happen has the WORD “fish” stenciled on a building.
- You come across a trail of blood (unicorn) leading to a spooky forest.
- The party is followed by an owl, hooting softly, eyes glowing the gentle yellow that might be magic or might be simple reflection. Over the next several days more owls join, until when the group sets down to sleep at night all they can see are hundreds of owl eyes staring down at them. Then, one of the owls scratches a message into the dirt, before flying off into the night- FOLLOW.
- An unknown NPC mage has dimension doored into the middle of a fight, after all healing spells have been used by the team. He/She is on death’s door and carrying a note with his/hers killers name. He says a few words before dying.
- Graffiti is scrawled on the walls of two buildings in town. It appears to be some sort of code. The messages are marked �1� and �3�. Message �2� is nowhere to be found.
- A scrap of paper floats on the wind. It glides on the breeze. Eventually in a gust the paper catches on one of the adventures faces. Tearing it off their face, and looking at the parchment they see it is…
- Gold! Adventure! Fame! Cries an elf on a soap box, “the faint of heart need not apply!” (For adventures who need more than obvious plot hooks.)
- Looking off to the distance, they can see a flashing light (similar to a signal mirror). Someone is trying to signal far off. Whether it is aide, is indiscernible to the group as the light stops almost as soon as it starts. There is only one way to find out…
- While passing by a pond, you hear a deep bellowing noise, only to see a fisherman trapped by a giant frog. He calls for help.
- A paladin with the insignia of a lion’s head on her shield asks you to solve the local pest problem. Turns out the “pests” are full sized orcs.
- A house outside of town is being circled by hundreds of birds. Upon approaching, the party sees that their beaks are lined with teeth, and the birds are twitching as though trying to escape possession. From the sounds inside, someone is clambering to hide within the building.
- Kobolds have been attacking the town. All wearing similar regalia and a matching symbol. a raving man claims to have escaped from the kobolds’ lair. He describes a terrible dragon as the source of worship for the kobolds. The dragon is really a pseudodragon with delusions of grandeur, trained in illusion magic and has duped the kobolds into gathering a hoard for him.
- In a large city, urchins are a regular problem. This trio of kidlets, however, has been luring travelers in to abandoned alleyways, where the deranged doppelganger among them eats the human and the other two children keep what was it his/her pockets.
- A dryad clad in wooden armor leans against a tree his side torn wide open. He hands the party a pouch full of tiny leaves. Taking a pinch and blowing them into the air will lead the party to an ancient temple entrance almost over grown with vines. When close the pouch of leaves crumbles to dust along with the vines covering then entrance of the temple.
- You find a small silver coin in the middle of a street and upon picking it up, in your mind you see a small hut deep in the forest. When you come back to reality, only you can see it but a small fae pixie glowing bright blue will show you the way.
- The party encounters a man running out from the wood-line, coming towards then. He appears to be in shock over what he has seen, and tells the party that he was attacked while hunting. The man directs the party to the spot were he encounter the creature.
- A local temple has reported strange events in the surrounding area: beasts attacking villagers, bandit lords more closer to the village, and mysterious lights and sounds that can only be observed from within the village.
- A bounty hunter asks the party if they known any of the names on a list of his. The list contains about 20 names, roll a d20 for the characters knowing any of the names, 1-10 unknown and 11-20 known. The names on the list can be from characters backstory or names of NPCs the party has met throughout the campaign. The bounty hunter will known what each person on the list as done, and how much the reward is for the capture.
- A seemingly exorbitant amount of gold is offered on the message board to get rid of a ‘house spider’. It turns out that it’s about a spider-like mimic in the shape of a house.
- The moon stops traveling across the sky, and everyone’s time pieces stop working. Word around the continent is a group of warlocks are attempting to gain power from a new patron – the god of Time
- More than three people in a given town have all their teeth fall out at the same time
- A nearby civil war is raging, and one of the high ranking officers of one side or the other holes up in a cave. If approached, they will act incredibly defensive. A child is crying somewhere deeper in the cave, and this person refuses to answer any questions about said child.
- An allegedly crooked officer of the law is found dead in an alley way and only one person in the whole town seems to care about it at all.
- The party is on a faire where a magician is performing tricks with a severed head that can talk. Throughout the show the head blinks in weird patterns. The party talks to the head to find out he is kidnapped and begs for help in finding his body back.
- The party comes across an Inn in the middle of nowhere and they decide to stay. They wake up on the ground where the inn used to be and there’s no sign of any building ever being there.
- Walking through town, the party suddenly gets surrounded by the city guard. A respected captain was murdered. Witnesses say they saw someone looking similar to one of the party members. Upon looking through their things, said member appears to have lost an item easily traced back to him (one half of a pair of gloves/earrings/daggers, family insignia, one of a kind necklace etc.). Sure enough, said item was found at the scene of the crime. Someone is framing them. Not necessarily a doppelganger.
- The party stumbles across a dead old man. Amongst his meagre belongings is a thick tome with extensive records about everything they�ve done right up till today, with even more detail than they themselves knew.
- The party finds various dead animals with missing pieces, almost torn and shred. As they approach the heart of the forest the number of dead creatures increases. Upon investigation they find out it’s the guardian spirit of the forest who has been corrupted and it’s confused.
- A flyer appears in the sacks of each party member. A mid level demon has opened a store and invites all those with ambitions to visit to make deals.
- A rumor reaches the party’s ears of a group of brigands hiding out in the woods. They have a code that is the reverse of Robin Hood and his Merry Men: Steal from the poor, and give to the rich. None of the local nobles seem interested in the pillaged goods of their subjects, and are constantly giving back the loot they keep finding on their doorsteps.
- The local apothecary is desperate due to the sudden absence of all the local medicinal plants in the area. All the groves and clearings appear to have been picked clean, and even the owner’s secret garden is now empty. She had told no one of her hidden garden, and so has no idea who or what could have taken all of the plants in the brief period of time between her most recent check and her previous one.
- A human peasant and a member of the fey came across each other in the woods and, over the course of multiple moonlit encounters, fell deeply in love. The peasant’s family has a deep-rooted fear of the fey, and is actively trying to put a stop to the pair’s relationship. The family is even more fearful that the peasant will leave for the Feywild and never return, and goes to the party to convince them to help break the two lovers up. The human is in love with the Fey’s otherworldly allure and sharp wit; talking to them makes the peasant feel alive in a way that they’ve never felt before. The Fey was originally only interested in the concept of a secretive human lover, but eventually came to love the peasant’s dedication to their relationship despite the risk of alienating other loved ones.
- While at the market waiting for another adventurer to arrive, you pass the time by idly counting the number of stone gargoyles mounted on the town hall. There are fourteen, all with a silly grin.
- While at the blacksmith to repair your armour, you overhear the blacksmith explaining to his apprentice to not stray off to the hills to see his new sweetheart because he heard from the baker’s cousin’s stepmother that there are kobolds about.
- While waiting patiently for your turn to see the Bishop, you get your ear bent by some local shopkeeper about how the town council is a bunch of idiots, and how they simply wasted all that money on getting 13 gargoyle statues erected on the town hall. Thirteen! That’s an unlucky number!
- A street urchin attempts to filch your purse, he runs off down an alley. The urchin escapes, but in the alley you found a homeless halfling bum. Clearly dead. Looks like he fell from a great height.
- The price of that foreign wine you like so much has tripled in price. The barkeep mutters something about pirates. The barkeep explains it’s just a euphemism for the wagoneers guild and their extortionate ways.
- A dead homeless halfling found in an alley had a small bottle of very cheap whisky. The label has a brand mark you’ve not seen before – 4 vertical slashes and 2 short slashes across the bottom.
- The pommel of a sword you found on your last adventure rattled loose. Inside you a scrap of parchment with lots of scratchmarks, almost looks like writing.
- A wanted poster has been nailed up – Wanted: Black Pete, for Brigandry.
- The scribe you made inquiries with last week has got back to you. She says the Tomb of Three Chieftains can be found outside Millthorp.
- While at market, you saw three wagons being carefully guarded by scruffy and shifty looking mercenaries. There are barrels of cheap rotgut in the wagon.
- A pilgrim accosts you in the street. He asks if you’ll be travelling east anytime soon.
- The bakery has no cake. He explains it’s because there’s a shortage of milk.
- A patrol of the Kings Guard rode fast down main street. They almost ran you over.
- There’s a parade of pilgrims on main street, heading for the commons. They appear somber and morose.
- Southbridge, just outside town, has been closed to traffic due to disrepair. Merchants complain about the 2 hour detour they now incur by first heading east.
- The town guard are seen practicing new drills on the common. Apparently a local bandit has enlisted a wizard, and so training in avoiding fireballs is called for.
- The local priesthood is paying gold for water collected from the Opal Caves to treat a spreading fever
- An apothecary will pay for certain herbs growing in the Frog Marches.
- The local Stonecutters Guild are not petitioning for work contracts; labourers are grumbling.
- A frost giant approaches the group. The giant politely asks for help. He lost his pet owlbear and needs help finding it. He promises a very handsome amount of gp as well as �a powerful ally� if you find the creature.
- A goblin in noble clothes crashes through the window and rolls over the ground. The symbol of the king’s guard is embroidered on his half-cape. As he gets up, he panics and looks around, fixing his eyes upon the party. “The Goat-Riders are coming! Please, hide me!”
- A large burly man has started a daily ritual of throwing a goat at the side of a local noble’s house. He is not damaging the house, so he is not doing anything that will make the local law enforcement arrest him, but the noble wants him dealt with, and will pay you to get rid of him, however.
- A sword in the stone can be sensed by all creatures in the land with “Detect Magic” but lately it seems that the presence is becoming overbearing. Magic users are worried that unless the true king draws the sword, proving his lineage, or the spell “Detect Magic” will become obsolete.
- As the group walks through the forest, one member hears very quiet crying. The crying is coming from a lost juvenile harpy. It is the job of the group to protect this harpy. They can either keep and raise the creature, or return it to its mother.
- The party finds a smouldering crater containing a metal wreck. Inside, they find an eccentric kobold who insists she has returned from the moon.
75 Fantasy Adventure Hooks
(Pink Dice Bag Publishing)
- An ancient earth elemental has been awakened from a magically induced slumber and is
causing earthquakes throughout the region.
- A river that is home to a group of peaceful naiads has suddenly become polluted. Though the
naiads are able to cleanse the water via their magic they are unsure how much longer they
will be able to hold out.
- A Dwarven settlement is being plagued by giant, limestone eating serpents that threaten to
devour their fledgling city.
- Local townspeople claim to have had a rash of nighttime visitations by the spirits of departed
loved ones. Some claim that the visitations are a miracle while others, including local clergy,
are unsure.
- One town is experiencing unprecedented prosperity and a record growth season. Meanwhile,
its sister city across the lake is experiencing nothing but drought and famine. Is it a
coincidence or is there sinister magic afoot?
- A new sweets shop has appeared in town and has become wildly successful overnight. Its
patrons are fiercely loyal and are willing to spend every last cent on the sweets. Are the
sweets just that good or is something else going on?
- A giant has awoken from a hundred year slumber to find local villagers have erected farms on
land the she considers to be hers. She has given the villagers a choice: demolish the farms or
begin paying her tribute. It is up to the party to negotiate.
- An evil caster is convinced that a well-loved NPC is the reincarnation of their dead partner and
has kidnapped them because of it.
- A local royal is building a new palace and looking for exotic birds to fill the aviary. They are
willing to pay a pretty penny for them too.
- The party discovers a large, unknown, egg with a note attached saying �Keep it safe � X�
outside their inn room. Who is �X�? What could the egg contain? And who or what does the
party need to keep it safe from?
- A well-known bard has lost her voice, literally! She seeks out the party for help but how can
the party find what they can�t see?
- A Duke sends the party after a legendary weapon, however, things are not as they seem and
taking possession of this weapon could be the last thing anyone, in the entire world, ever
- An alchemist seeks a rare plant that only grows in soil where tears of pure love have fallen. He
has hired the party to find such a place and escort him there.
- A Queen known for miles around for her kindness and beauty had suddenly been turned into
an ugly hag with the personality to match. What could be responsible? A jealous rival? An
ancient curse? Or something some sinister yet?
- The players catch a pickpocket but instead of trying to remove something he is trying to plant
a glowing gem on one of the PCs. Before they can apprehend the thief he disappears in a flash
of green light leaving the mysterious gem behind.
- The son of a randexpand noble is convinced that he is the greatest singer of the age but in reality he
is completely tone deaf and is a nuisance to everyone around him. His father is tolerant of his
son�s delusions but will greatly reward anyone who can find a solution to the problem.
- An inventor wants the party to field test some of her more �creative� inventions.
- The daughter of a merchant was born without the use of her legs. For her fifth birthday the
merchant wants to get her an exotic (but safe!) pet that she can use as a mount as she grows
- A homeless man sits near where the party is converging. When a person passes by he mutters
�Fish�, another �Chicken�, a third �Human�, and a fourth �Bread�. As the party passes by he
accurately lists off the last thing each member ate. If the party realizes what he is doing how
will they react to the person who last had a nice helping of human?
- One of the PC�s bears an incredible resemblance to an important historical figure and people
are starting to notice.
- The players come across two men preparing to duel. Both claim to be defending the honor of
a nearby woman. Meanwhile the woman informs the party that they are both arrogant fools
and if they don�t stop the duel, she will.
- After witnessing some particularly impressive combat maneuvers from the PCs a man
approaches the party and offers them a chance to join up with his troupe of traveling
performers. It just so happens that they�re heading in the same direction as the party anyway.
- A group of sirens has gone a step further than their usual and has actually taken over a pirate
ship instead of causing it to crash against the rocks! No one on land is sure what to make of it
but both the merchant and pirate ships in the area are very uneasy.
- A wealthy merchant has been murdered and the only witness is her young son who has
become unable to speak after witnessing the traumatic event.
- As the players enter a town they find themselves being completely ignored by the townsfolk.
No matter what the players try the people imply go about as if the PCs aren�t there.
- A princess desperately seeks an ancient tomb containing the recipe to cure a plague that has
taken her kingdom. However her advisors do not believe that the tomb exists and are trying
to prevent her from seeking it. Do they really not believe in the tomb or do they have ulterior
motives for trying to prevent her search?
- A community of merpeople seek the help of the party to help fight off a group of pirates that
are convinced that the merfolk are hiding a glorious treasure.
- A noble seeks to rebuild and revive a decrepit castle in their holding. They want the party to
not only clear out the old castle but travel to the holding and drum up support for the
- A luxurious and well known spa has been overrun by a group of kappa who are keeping the
staff hostage while demanding to be treated as guests.
- A perfume maker has fallen in love with a beautiful knight and seeks to make her the perfect
scent in hopes of winning her over. However, she is too shy to ask questions that would help
her figure out what kind of scent to make. Can the players help her find out what will win over
the Lady she loves?
- A young lord has been having his magic cat shift into his form and take his form during boring
events so that he can sneak off and pursue his passion for fishing. Now the two want to make
the swap permanent. However, to do so the young lord will need a new identity and the cat
will need to be polymorphed permanently. Can the party help them?
- A local innkeeper is holding a competition for the best beer in town. The prize is a magic
mirror of unknown origin.
- A woman suspects that her son has been replaced by a doppelganger but needs proof before
she acts.
- A new queen has been crowned and she seeks new champions. In order to choose she is
holding a massive tourney open to all who qualify.
- The party is accused of hiding and harboring a group of drug smugglers that they have never
seen or heard of. They must find the real hiding place of the criminals if they want to clear
their names.
- A talking cat has somehow become mayor of a small town and now seeks a noble title.
- An old man who never got his chance to adventure hires the party to be his guards and give
him �a real adventure experience.�
- A foolhardy demonologist has been making bargains with other people�s souls, namely those
of his apprentices. Now he wants the party to retrieve the souls before anyone finds out.
- A painter seeks a magic powder that when mixed with paint will allow paintings to move.
- A just lord has had his position usurped by his wicked younger brother. He seeks to return to
his rightful place but for the good of his people he refuses to use outright force. Can the
players help him find a way to quietly outs his brother?
- A woman who is part water elemental seeks to create a floating island as a haven for her own
kind. She does not care if the means are magical or mundane but she is willing to reward the
party with a watery treasure for figuring out how to make it happen.
- The people of a village have begun developing strange powers, such as the ability to call frogs
by hiccupping, and have no idea why. As it turns out an alchemist living up the road has been
doing some rather odd experiments and his runoff has polluted the water table. If the party
investigates they will notice local animals have begun developing powers as well.
- A group of ice elementals has decided to take up residence in the lake of a fishing town. In
setting up their home they have almost completely frozen the lake over making it impossible
to keep fishing at the volume the town needs.
- An order of knights has decided to open its ranks to other classes for the first time in order to
create support units.
- Right before a major festival in a Dwarven city it is discovered that the most terrible thing
imaginable has happened: all the beer is missing! Thousands of gallons are gone right from
under everyone�s noses. Where could it have gone and who could have pulled off such a
- A clutch of dragon eggs has been stolen and the distraught parents go between offering a
reward and threatening to turn the kingdom upside-down if the eggs are not returned.
- A prophecy child has been found and must be delivered to a temple over a hundred miles
away from their home. However, members of a rival order will do anything, including kill, to
make sure that this doesn�t happen.
- The queen of a small kingdom has hired the party to escort her niece to retrieve a magical
artifact that only she will be able to safely touch.
- A cult secretly plots to bring to life the avatar of an evil god of destruction while
masquerading as a group of benevolent healers.
- A psychic vampire and a zealous priest have decided to work together to put an end to an
ancient evil that threatens them both. They hire the party to accompany them and both ask
the party members to watch the other.
- A soldier who is fiercely loyal to his kingdom hires the party to help him stop a demon who
has taken the guise of a prince and intends to marry the princess and take over the kingdom.
- A dragonkin wizard has been holding an orcish princess hostage but she has completely
disappeared and the wizard needs the help of the party to find her before her people figure
out that she is missing.
- A group of catfolk who outmatch the characters have decided to hunt the party down. The
only safe option is for the party to run. If/when the catfolk catch the group they will
commend them for being a challenge and extend to them an offer to join in a feast to
celebrating good hunt.
- A prince who recently got engaged has been kidnapped by a wicked mage who intends to
force him into marrying her instead so that she can take control of his kingdom. The princess
that he is engaged to has decided to gather a party for a surprise attack on the mages fortress.
- Cats have started gathering at local inns in droves. At first their presence was welcome but
now things are getting excessive.
- The maid of a local lord swears that she saw the body of her predecessor wandering around
the basement of the manor where she now works.
- After a string of seemingly flawless assassinations the desperate local guard captain reaches
out to the party for help.
- A secret organization contacts the party and offers them membership. Assuming that they
pass the entry tests that is.
- A famous thief offers the party a cut of her next score if they will create a distraction for her.
- Poachers are killing rare white deer in a forest that is under the protection of a group of
druids. However, the poachers are familiar with the druids and have been able to evade them,
which is why the druids have come to the party for help.
- A group of merfolk seek to establish a trade agreement with a newly booming port town.
- A glass maker who has found a way to enchant his glass so that it changes color in sun and
moonlight has had his formula stolen. He has hired the party to get it back.
- A blacksmith who is known for producing the finest steel for miles around suspects that he is
being poisoned. He does not have any solid suspects and hires the party to investigate.
- The party comes across a town where everyone is deep in a mysterious slumber. If the
characters choose to stay and investigate they will start to feel progressively more and more
tired as they go on.
- An assassin is concerned that his last employer has hired another assassin to kill him in order
to tie up loose ends. He hires the party for protection while he goes after the employer.
- A temple is concerned that their rivals may try to ruin their biggest festival of the year and
hires the party as security.
- One morning the party wakes to find their horses gone and the only clues are a series three
toed foot prints leading away from the camp.
- A folklorist is willing to pay for stories from the home regions of the players to complete her
latest book. She is willing to pay even more if anyone can guarantee her safe transport to any
of the regions so that she can collect even more stories.
- A king promises a hefty sum to anyone who can solve the maze that has been below his castle
for generations.
- A group of carpenters have had their families kidnapped and are being forced to work on a
great wooden tower for a mad wizard.
- A gargoyle has taken up residence in the tower of a local church and refuses to leave claiming
that the church it it�s new charge.
- A merchant has accidently imported the cub of a large cat breed that is sacred to the royal
family of a far off land. She is terrified that she will be found out and is willing to reward the
party to return the cub, quietly, to its home.
- A city is suddenly overcome by their feelings and start falling in love left and right. No one
seems to be complaining but it certainly is strange.
- A natural disaster is set to hit a small town and all the residents must be safely evacuated
before it gets there.
- The spirits of the murdered have started to come back from beyond the grave to plague the
bloodlines of their murderers. As yet no one has been able to figure out how to put them
Zeshio's Wacky Plots
- Seba the old lich enjoys a good cup of tea. Unfortunately, their mouth organs have
shriveled up. Find the lich some fresh mouth organs from someone with impeccable
- Your party wakes up in a force prison overlooking a ?loating island. You hear a voice
say, �Welcome to the bloodiest death match known in the multiverse! Place your bets
- You must infiltrate a fortress high in the mountains, impassable by foot. You and your
party prepare to hot drop from a bronze dragon. Prepare to quaff a slowfall potion
right before you land! Ignore those storm clouds�
- The flea ridden ogre chieftain has issued a proclamation: �Those who can make and
present the finest backscratcher to me within 5 days will be given a great reward!�
- In her old age, Sharsandra the demonic eye bag is having a hard time aiming her eye
laser. Find her a fix to her weakening eye vision!
- A wild goat is stopping villagers from crossing the town bridge. It's so bad, merchants
will swim with their goods across the small river. How should you deal with this
"mountain roost"?
- Help the local food festival by cutting giant sized veggies with your weapons! Make a
contested check of food eaten per round vs. the combined successes of your party's
weapon rolls!
- A farm recently lost a mother hog after birth. Find wild hog milk for the babies before
it's too late!
- The gnolls prepared for their annual dance party, but someone deliberately sabotaged
the drums. Quick thinking and a resourceful mind are needed to save the event!
- The ritual of bonding between two dragons has been interrupted by an earthquake!
Find a way to get them back in the mood!
- A silly spat between dwarves has escalated to a battle to the death with only shields.
Do you solve the issue before someone dies, or do you help one win? After all, there�s a
lot of money being bet on the outcome�
- Foot and mouth disease has ruined the intellect devourers in the city, which are
harvested for their brains. You�ve been given a sizable sum to find a solution to this
- The king recently got nipped on the butt when using the royal commode. A request has
gone out for some �plumbers� to investigate the vast royal sewer and fix the
�cleanliness� issue.
- A dwarf, in recent days quite the legend, has dug a whole straight down in the earth for
over a month. What once seemed a publicity stunt now has residents concerned,
considering the dwarf has gone missing. Dropping various items down the hole has not
garnered any response�
- A recent housing development was accidentally built over an old graveyard. Residents
are complaining about �house guests� that aren�t chipping in with the bill.
- An evil aligned tiefling recently died and accidentally got sent to Mount Celestia. (Good
job, God of Death!) The tiefling is complaining of constant itchiness and discomfort. It�s
your job to sort through the administrative bureaucracy of this mess!
- A demon is the only one who can stop a fallen angel from destroying the region. The
two have quite the history. Unfortunately, the ritual was split between four lost tribes
for safety. You must convince them to give you the bits of the ritual so you can summon
the demon!
- A �steamy� love affair between a water based genie and a fire based genie have put
both families into war with one another. They�re quite literally dying for love. Due to
your previous experiences, you�ve been asked in as the prime mediator!
- Two gods have challenged each other to a spoken word battle. Only problem is, their
words morph reality! You must contend with the weird beings and visions until a
winner is declared!
- A goddess needs some tips on dating because they don�t have much practice. You�ve set
up some practice dates, and must communicate on how they should act using
telepathic messages! Your view is kinda obscured though! This is gonna be tough!
- The mimic whisperer is said to be a dastardly foe whose thrown weapons are actually
mimics. Is that a book? Nope, it�s a mimic! Is that an axe? Nope, it�s a mimic with a
bladed mohawk! To descover the king mimic�s plans you must capture the mimic
- A circus that�s been mistreating its creatures has been disbanded. You must find a new
home for the creatures! Also, the werebear is hungry.
- Someone tied their friend�s invisibility cloak on the town dog as a joke, but now no one
can catch the dog and it�s been causing quite the ruckus! The disembodied dog�s head
has also been freaking out visitors.
- A wizard and a gnome tinkerer have been working together to store magical energy in
a portable backpack. However, every time the wizard shoots lightning into the
backpack, everything explodes! Help the tinkerer find the right materials.
- You come across a cursed, sentient water wand that thinks it is a holy priest. Every
time you point it at someone it blesses them with holy water.
- After causing a ruckus with the local Sahuagin, Soronir the Magnificent needs you to
disguise yourselves as merfolk traders and find out what the Sahaugin's favorite meal
is. Soronir accidentally lit one of their huts on fire before he could ask.
- A dragonborn inventor made a really crappy pair of mechanical wings so they could fly.
Worried about the inventor's safety, the town wizard cast featherfall on the wings
without telling them. Now, the inventor can't stop bragging and is making even more
crazy designs. If confronted the dragonborn just accuses people of being jealous. He
can't wait to try out his new explosive fueled wings next! Just you wait!
- A young noble gets really scared when making public speeches, and wets themselves.
You've been secretly hired to search out the fabled 'ever dry underbritches,' invented
by a kooky ol' wizard, so the noble can confront their fear without public ridicule.
- Secret magic communication has been going on between two flirty lovers. However,
they've never met. One of them doesn't want to meet yet, but the other can't hold back
their excitement. The excited one has hired you to find out who the secret admirer is!
- A baby faced sailor is shipping off in a few days. They want to impress their new mates,
but can't read really well. They'd like you to find the most arcane, crazy swearwords
from the local library so they can appear more experienced. 2Zeshio�s Wacky Plot Hooks
- The local castle is running out of dead gelatinous cube resin, which is used as a cleaner
thanks to its acidity. They need you to secure them more! They give you a special 'jar of
holding' and a scoop. Get to hunting!
- You happen upon an old, torn down bridge. Hearing crying from under the ruins, you
see a small troll family. You agree to help them find another bridge in a better part of
the country.
- "Dad, having a pool of blood is so archaic! Why can't you be like my other friends'
parents?" The vampire lord Count Trames needs your help redecorating the dusty old
keep. Beware of old traps and desiccated monsters!
- There's a glitched out stone golem going from door to door asking residents, "Won't
you be my neighbor?" The owner is nowhere to be found.
- You're tasked with escorting a wagon of gold to the next city. The merchant sends his
son with you, a young adult with little experience. He shares with you all his cool gear
he has and why it's awesome. He shows off his tactical fleece, 20 daggers and the
newest +1 helmet with night vision. �Just wait until those bandits try to mess with us!�
- A little gnome bard hears of your local deeds and starts stalking your party. They have
been writing 'fan fiction' for the bookstore, which becomes quite the hit. Overnight,
you are becoming popular celebrities...
- Fire shoots in the air nightly from the local dragon roost, upsetting villagers. Upon
exploring the issue, the local elder dragon needs help with a bad tooth. You'll need the
expertise of the famous monster dentist, Dr. Grimjaw!
- The region's orcs have finally agreed to avoid war, on one condition. They need your
team's help at developing a tribal sport to solve conflicts! You have a feeling orcs will
be the rowdiest fans.
- You encounter a lone barbarian who shares his desire to find a nonviolent path. You
must take him around to different temples to help him find the right place to be an
acolyte, while avoiding any triggers that will MAKE HIM RAGE!!
- Last night, an elven adolescent got intoxicated and received some ear and face
piercings. Their parents will kill them if they find out! Creative solutions are needed.
- You enter a dungeon and you hear a whining wizard. "Dang it guys, I'm not ready yet! I
haven't even added the monsters to protect my treasure!" You're offered incentives to
complete different sections of the dungeon for him.
- A large hermit crab sits on the sand, banging his claws in the ground. There's no shells
big enough for him on the beach. Legend has it the giantkin collect the largest shells
which might fit this mighty crab.
- Valuable pearl jam can be harvested from the golden oyster, but only if they open their
mouths willingly. It's said there is some way to make them sing�
- The god of time accidentally snipped the life strings of random beings, giving them the
ability to live for forever. Find these beings and reconnect their life strings before
undead reign!
- Before his Ascension, Gil the Glib was a horrible bard. Now that all the gods have to
hear him sing, they're asking someone... ANYONE! to just destroy him already.
- You walk with tourists around a popular cliff full of statues. Someone climbs up and
starts slapping them. To everyone's shock, they come alive! Turns out they were under
the spell Sequester and the weather slowly covered them in dust. They start speaking.
- It is said an old monk is so in tune with the universe, she can answer any one question
you ask her. Only problem is, you must wake her from her deep meditation. Many of
tried and all so far... Have failed.
- Some half demon dude thinks he's cool and is punching random people through walls.
Time to prove who's cooler, punk!
- Someone wished for an unlimited supply of food, and a giant portal flowing with milk
has appeared over the town of Yakult. Time for the cleanup crew... or a lot of cookies!
- A secluded writer has asked for help. Whatever he writes comes to life. The problem is,
he has a split personality and can't control his other self when he switches!
- A minotaur has been trapped in a maze for God knows how long! Get him out already!
This isn't a side show!
- An intellectual needs your help determining which monster is strongest by weight. All
you need to do is have ten different monsters hit the magical armor you... uh, need to
put on. For science!
- A dark knight has been apparating his staff in midair, causing walkers-by to close line
themselves. The knight finds this extremely funny, and he's strong enough people don't
want to challenge him.
- Your thief is in the castle when it is hijacked by terrorists. The thief must sabotage the
terrorists and save the royalty while the party supports him from outside.
- You hatch a plan to end the extraplanar invasion. You entice them to take a large sky
island back to the void as a spoil of war. Except the island is really a magically
enhanced and oversized mimic. Gotcha!
- You join a group of powerful adventurers to explore what's at the bottom of the sea.
They drop you in the sea in a large magically enhanced container, never expecting to
see you again.
- You're asked to babysit a young dragon. Everything's cool until you see the ball pit
made of humanoid skulls.
- You and your crew experience a sudden flash, and your boat sails on purple tinted
ocean. There's no land on the horizon... except floating islands in the air.
- The artist, Cren Silverlake, is making his grand work of art. Statues of all the randexpand
deities. Only problem is, he can't complete the busts unless he sees their faces. He loses
his mind at anyone suggesting he make it up.
- A randomly rolled player sprouts a flower bud on their shoulder. Each day, the
parasitic plant slowly starts taking over the players' body. Cutting it off or out does
nothing. You must find a cure before it's too late!
- You grab the magic sword from the stone. Reality peels away- it was all a trap!
Welcome to astral prison!
- You encounter a wild unicorn. Whenever you feed it, a beam shoots out of its horn and
opens up another dimension! 4Zeshio�s Wacky Plot Hooks
- The rhyming two timing mobster lobster humanoid has stepped to your material
plane, his power on the wane, escaping from head hunters and going insane, stop him
before he runs amok, roll some luck and beat him up.
- An aid caravan must make it across the anti-magic desert to reach the isolated town of
Issa. An armed escort must defend the wagons from the rust monsters or all is
- A no holds barred race has been declared with a 10k gold prize, and your party's skill
and experience has put you in the seat as potential racers. Magically enchanted
horseless wagons, wild beast riders, and more are ready to win the seven day race.
- Your crew of professional cave spelunkers is ready to enter a 1,000 meter pit to save
lost hikers. The cave system is covered in poisonous and glowing fungus.
- You and your party are tasked with enforcing an air race. You fly on wyverns watching
contestants to make sure they don't cheat or become too violent. Contestants fly
through large hoops on a sky track. The stands are filled with cheering onlookers.
- On the tax evasion force for the kingdom, you've been alerted of a noble who didn't pay
taxes on a big shipment and now they�ve escaped to another kingdom. She has elite
bodyguards, but she hasn't encountered your type of collection service before!
- You discover a scientific journal describing horrific experiments on humanoids. You
must discover and eliminate these mutated abominations and find the one
- A biscuit maker can't understand why his competition is doing so much better than
him. Research the opponent�s biscuit and find his trade secrets!
- You stood on the battlefield and watched as an unseen enemy cast what you called a
"magic missle storm," sending dozens of magic missles at your allies. You vowed to
learn the power of this spell and eliminate the spell caster to avenge your dead
brothers and sisters.
- For some reason, the fruits are magically floating out of the warehouse and away from
town! What apple caper is this?
- Trusting your abilities, the lich shrinks you down in size to repair his cold throbbing
arteries from the inside. Strangely enough, his heart pumps magic, giving you the
ability to cast unlimited spells to repair him. Construction hats on!
- An elven alchemist has crafted magical spider poison so that you can free a dissident
faction of dark elves from their evil goddess. Aerosol sprayers in hand, everyone!
- An upstart mage attempted Time Stop to kill you and your party. Time is stopped
alright, but your party and the mage can move freely. There's no evidence time is going
to start anytime soon, either!
- You're stuck with a cursed genie who doesn't grant wishes but sings catchy show tunes
day and night. Shouldn't have rubbed that lamp.
- Someone is selling hundreds of replicas of an ancient artifact. While functionally inert,
they're damn good replicas. It was as if the real artifact was referenced during the
manufacturing process..
- A sorceress gives you a magic divination rod to plot out the magic leylines around the
world for her new map line for magic users. She pays a stipend and teaches you basic
map illustration before you go.
- High in the mountains are elves that weave magic fabric. This fabric is said to reflect
one's dreams back at the viewer. You must go through a trial first, and earn their trust
to see it.
- There lies a realm of dead gods, cities built upon the bones of kings and dead serpents.
You hear the ice cream is pretty good there.
- Someone broke all the quest boards! Seek justice so you can go on more quests! Dang
- You run across a secluded temple in monument of a dead god. The worshippers inside
don�t seem to realize their god gave up their powers a couple of years ago. Someone
needs to explain to all the worshippers what�s going on... Should go over well, right?
- A powerful man is cursed by an evil demon lord to hold open one of the gates of hell.
Freeing the man would lessen the force of evil on the prime plane.
- A local villager has used their skills at breeding to make super chickens. Their eggs are
the biggest, best eggs ever seen. However, the chickens have started attacking innocent
villagers! The chickens bring in so much tax revenue the city council refuses to address
the issue.
- One day each year, inhabitants of a cursed town change into monsters. To avoid
suspicion, they create a costume festival for all in the region to attend. A visit from the
duke has increased the pressure to make a successful bluff.
- You get on the ship to travel to Osmanda, a foreign kingdom. Once you're in the
passenger quarters, your group is netted and imprisoned. Multiverse slavers know
you'll fetch a pretty penny on the meat market.
- You arrive to a cluster of buildings right before nightfall. A strange man warns you to
take shelter, as the undead rise up at night. The man commands strange dolls to fight
off the abominations.
- You enter the carnival and the circus master ushers you into a large tent. But wait,
something is wrong. You're in a strange mirror universe with weird, stretched
monsters. You hear the Rakshasa laugh in the background.
- Darts streak out and hit your party before you know what's happening. Your spirits are
ripped from your bodies and you float in the air as your bodies are dragged away!
- A dwarf at the bar dares the party to prove they're better animal tamers than him. The
challenge escalates until you're both trying to tame large, dangerous monsters.
- The Hall of Flaming Skulls, now accepting torch lighters.
- The thieves guild master needs your help at creating counterfeit currency. Your group
can acquire certain things without arousing suspicion. You're a bit pessimistic about
the reward though�
- You and your group of misfits and henchmen plot to take over the region's honey
business. You start by striking up a deal with the bears for a cut of the profits.
- The demon fortress rises out of the crusty, dry ground. It's too high to climb. But it's
not too hard to blow through when you have a crew of dwarven demolitionists. 6Zeshio�s Wacky Plot Hooks
- Your party discovers a magic hoop that detects hidden treasure nearby, including on
all overlapping planes. If the treasure is in a different plane of existence, the hoop
glows soft red.
- You hold a pocket dungeon in your hand. Shrink down small enough, and your party
can go inside to explore it!
- You learn of a mineshaft that no creature may see in, short of blind sight or echo
location. Ropes have been set up that lead the adventurers to different tunnels of the
cave. Legend says there is a metal that absorbs all light deep in this cave system.
- Magic users from all nations travel to compete in the Mysteria challenge. You are part
of a special task force created to identify and eliminate corruption and foul play, and
are given special anti-magic gear to assist you.
- You walk into a large city known as the Spiral Rift. Within the center of the city is a
planar Rift controlled by a council of major races. To no one's knowledge, it will soon
be overthrown by tiefling and their companions from the nine hells.
- Orcs have been forced out of the mountains by a dark force. They now push into
civilization, razing the forest and land in front of them as they build new cities. Strike
a bargain or defend the fleeing elves?
- A mob rushes into the inn, demanding to see the items you 'bought' from the
storekeeper. The storekeeper told everyone you stole them! They start throwing
rotten vegetables at you!
- The capital's garbage has piled up so high out in the country, it has formed its own
mountain. What's worse, strange denizens have made cave systems in the trash and
are dragging farmers into it.
- Two neighboring cities produce fruit. One peaches, the other, bananas. The argument
over which is better has gone on for decades, and now, it's gone from fistfights to war!
- Trapped in the Fey, you notice weird things start to happen to the party's equipment.
Your rations, your fruits and vegetables, start coming alive. Your weapons start
changing to wood...
- Your party is in the god of lawful good�s witness protection program after your
paladin insulted an avatar of evil.
- Angering a god with their actions, one of your party members was turned into a
different race and now talks in a language the party doesn't understand.
- You're sure with enough magic, you can end world hunger. Forces are out to stop you
from disrupting the market.
- One night, a voice enters everyone's head and gives them a mantra/prayer to recite.
Chanting the mantra causes reality to shimmer. A key... But to where?
- A magically enchanted palace of candy is invulnerable, except to eating. Assemble
your team of the greatest eaters ever known to humanoid kind!
- To deal with being alone after you all left, your mothers banded together to create
their own adventuring party. They've gone missing! Oy vey!
- A mysterious figure paints graffiti of weird creatures during the day, and at night they
peel off the walls and come alive. The figure paints on the highest buildings to
avoid getting caught.
- Death needs you to escort some spirits to the next plane of existence. Some of them
won't be happy to find out where they're being placed, and your muscle is needed.
- The god of chaos has instructed his 15 wackiest followers to cause chaos around the
material plane to increase their influence. The first one, spotted in the city Turim, has
been casting a spell on people that gives them a strange mask they can't take off.
- After a weird change of events, two of your adventurers can now morph together and
form one uber-person for one minute every day. It takes a secret toll on them but the
newfound strength has been appreciated with other members.
- After being made fun of all their life for their height, Shadris the gnome has been
replacing parts of himself with bigger, stronger monster parts. A troll heart, the legs of
an ogre, the...arms of a dragon? Don't ask.
- The town of Yuddra sits on the intersection of two jagged mountains in a high
mountain range. Word has spread of a magical root that's been discovered between
the rocks near Yuddra that can cure any illness. It's the gold rush for herbalists.
- A cloaked figure runs past you and dumps something in your arms. "Guard this with
your life!" They yell as they go by. A dozen or so guards blow past you without
noticing five seconds later. You look inside the bag and you see a fuzzy creature with
silver eyes.
- A tiefling, mad at the world because he can't wear hats, has been stealing everyone
else's. "If I can't wear them, you can't!" He cackles, dodging around passers-by.
- You're transported to a weird planet where everything thrives on the sun or the
moon. You begin to notice in the Sun you feel much stronger, but some of your party
members feel weaker.
- A magic book, when placed near a dead body, fills its pages with the 'story' of the dead
creature. You'll need it to discover a spate of murders leaving many dead but no
- A hidden jungle temple. Inside, a statue of an old bearded man in armor with a two
handed sword. A tapestry hangs on the wall and an alcove holds a singular potion.
"Break on statue in case of emergency."
- The court jester, insulted by the king, has gone mad. A powerful spellcaster and
swordsman, he sits alone in blood covered halls, waiting for someone to entertain
- A popular vacation spot for hang gliding elves, the great tree has been locked down
due to a disease caused by 20ft long parasitic beetles. Gross!
- Not to be outdone even in death, the spirits of three hags remain in their three
separate huts, tallying the score on who can make the most halflings sneeze.
- Ya'leha is the only known tiefling with hair that flows like water. Water streams from
her eyes as she fortells the prophecy of forbearance, a debt all tieflings have yet to pay.her eyes as she fortells the prophecy of forbearance, a debt all tieflings have yet to pay.
Ultimate Toolbox
(story generation tables)
- Caravan coming from the nearby kingdom carries a new flag and soldiers escorting them claim the
old kingdom is no more and goods and services must be donated to help the transition of rulers.
- Circus troupe moving from land to land houses a group of master alchemists and assassins who kill
through poison, not weapons.
- Cult is murdering saints of the deity of the sun believing their dread rituals, when complete, will
darken the sun forever.
- Cursed sorcerer goes about locating and destroying powerful magic items in hoping of disrupting
the way magic works in the realm.
- Demanding rogue�s guild leader hires the party to discover who murdered his family. An insider
already confessed and seemed to know about the murder but divinations declare him innocent.
Who is really behind it and why?
- Drow group employing enchanters infiltrates a city and charms folk into selling themselves as
escorts to nobility to become masters of information brokering.
- Dwarves need aid in retaking their ancient citadel�s halls overrun by beings making use of a wayward
portal that originates in another land.
- Giant eagles have joined forces with a goblin gang after their emissary warned the humans of a
nearly town to cease mining the mountainside caves and was ignored.
- Group�s meal tastes funny; someone comes in and tells them the antidote to the poison they just
ate will be rewarded as soon as they bring proof a powerful guild leader is dead.
- King�s son goes missing in the neighboring land during war and must be found. The son actually
sided with the enemy under disguise to seize his homeland.
- Noble family matriarch returns home and causes panic in her family as they all believed her dead.
Exhuming the grave turns up an empty coffin. The family asks the heroes to investigate.
- Order of paladins falls to bickering and infighting as their missions are betrayed from a traitor
within consorting with a fiend disguised as a celestial.
- Royal wizard�s wife pays the group to fake her death and escort her and her unborn son to a nearby
realm to live in peace after the wizards read astrological signs showing the child had a destiny to
fulfill with a planar being.
- Smuggler�s path through a huge mountain range is discovered by the lord�s men and the group
needs to traverse it, root out survivors and regain any stores within.
- Someone using alchemy is giving strength enhancing potions to beggars enabling them to mug and
steal what they need but is also causing increased aggression and madness.
- Superstitious sovereign hires the group to perform four seemingly unrelated tasks as prescribed by
his astrologer to bring about the continuation of his line.
- Cleric to the element of fire hires the group to escort him safely to the a temple dedicated to
water elements to change faiths after a disastrous ritual left him scarred, but his ex brethren cannot
afford the loss.
- Two lizardfolk tribes with giant frog mounts dam up a river and prevent barge transport of medicine
to an ill town farther inland. Are the lizardfolk controlled by an outside force?
- Underground magical cyst pollutes a forest and its inhabitants turn feral and begin attacking the
noble ranger border group that�s protected it for a decade.
- Work crews from two peaceful nations trying to build a bridge need defending from a local orc
gang who can�t have the work completed for their own good.
Table 7�103: Wanted Posters
- Anyone that can return Sheppard Book�s flock of sheep as well as turn in the group that stole them
to the authorities will be blessed by priests of the holy shrine just outside of town.
- Bross Markson, 5�11� short blonde hair, black eyes, human, horribly crooked teeth, unblinking stare,
wanted for acts of anarchy, theft, and peaking into women�s bathhouses.
- Captain Bernard Jericho has had his ship stolen while in our port. Anyone able to return his ship to
him along with the heads of everyone that stole his ship will be most richly rewarded.
- Dagnal Wickaxe, 4�2� braided red hair, red eyed dwarf, wanted for breaking into the temple and
stealing the urn carrying the remains of the cities most honorable warrior.
- Devon Burgdul, 3�2� brown straight hair, blue eyed dwarf, wanted for the theft of vegetables from
Farmer Oak�s field.
- Francus Greenleaf, 5�8� blond hair, green eyed half elf, wanted for questioning in connection of the
death of the mayor�s wife.
- �Gabriel�, about 6 feet tall, eye color unknown, race unknown, typically seen in black robes jumping
from rooftop to rooftop, wanted for the murder of Lord Mathis and three members of the town
guard, extremely dangerous. Reward for information leading to his capture.
- Hailey Starfall, 6�1� brown haired, green eyed half elf, tattoo of a rose on her neck and a dragon on
her right hand, wanted for the theft of gold from the official tax collector. Reward for her capture
and return of the money.
- Information leading to the arrest of the unknown person or creature that stole livestock from local
barns this week will be handsomely rewarded.
- Raniero Tramtola, human male, short dark hair and uneven eyes, sought in connection to his father�s
infernal powers and a possible contract with the church of an unholy spirit or demon.
- Reward is being offered for killing the creature that as been snatching random people and gnawing
their faces and fingers. See the constable for more details.
- Samual Greenwren, 3�4� light brown curly hair, brown eyes, wanted for killing a cat of the local
- Several red skinned kobolds have been setting traps in the mines. 20gp for every kobold killed and
their heads returned to the captain of the dwarf guard for more information.
- Sokab �Grey Shadow� Tailfalcon, grey skin, green eyes, brown hair with a mix of grey, elf, dark
circles around both eyes, speaks wanted for the torture and slaughter of the young cleric and eight
worshippers at the Shrine of Light.
- �Spears� Magil, 6�2� raven black hair, red eyes, olive green skin, half orc, wanted for the death of a
child, smuggling, and criminally bad singing.
- Jerin Colbertus, 5�7� short brown hair, brown eyes, human, wears glasses, wanted for sedition;
spreading lies masqueraded as truth and illegal hunting. Do not approach unprepared: her words are
believed to enchant any that listen to her.
- The Rightful Hand of Vengeance wants the criminals that stole the altar�s silver candlesticks. Return
of the candlesticks and the heart(s) of those responsible will be in great favor of our order.
- Tyler Logan, 4� 11� black hair, brown eyes, human, burn scars on the left side of his face, wanted for
setting fire to three buildings in town, including The Rusty Rod Tavern.
- Unknown figure about 7 feet tall killed the captain of the town guard. Returning the creature�s dead
body and proof that it was behind the murder will be most generously rewarded.
- Wyatt Jameson, former human noblewoman with long blonde hair, high cheeks and piercing eyes,
wanted for tax evasion, supplying information to thieves guild and cavorting with a warlock.
Table 7�101: Job Postings 3
- Hunt down an escaped criminal gang leader
- Infiltrate a craftsmen�s guild where plans have been stolen are kept
- Interested in entertaining for a living? Come sing or play your instrument at the Yellow Lamp Tavern
- Investigate Mrs. Mooney�s Pie Shop for the real source of the meat used
- Investigate the truth of a coming prophecy
- Investigate what creature is destroying farmland
- Join the town watch and learn to fight off orcs
- Magic academy needs skilled adventurers to test new magical defenses
- Map an unexplored cave
- New bouncers needed at Brown Leather Tavern
- Procure a recently stolen item from a dragon�s horde
- Protect a frontier outpost
- Put your thieving skills to honest work and collect for the tax office
- Rats infest sewers; someone needed to clear them out
- Recover a sword said to bring luck and bounty to a town
- Recover goods from a shipwreck in dangerous territory
- Rescue a princess from a dragon in a distant land
- Retrieve holy symbol for Cult of the Squid
- Retrieve stolen sword from a gnoll tribe
- Return with the head of the leader of a troublesome barbarian tribe
Table 7�102: Job Postings 4
- Reward for anyone finding proof that will hold up in court to a local crime lord�s activities
- Root out local cult which may be behind recent kidnappings
- Royal Navy will pay handsomely anyone that can locate a hidden pirate cove
- Scribe needed to help preserve the record of our town
- Scroll scriber needed for a large order
- Search out ingredients for a wizard�s rare special potion
- Search out the dungeons revealed from a recent sinkhole collapse
- Show off your muscles and earn prize money at the fighting arena
- Sink a troublesome pirate ship
- Solve the mystery of the shoreline mist lights
- Spy on mysterious and secretive noble household
- Stop a cabal intending on opening a gateway to the lower planes
- Test the security of a bank vault
- Track down an elusive but young gang who uses the poor section rooftops
- Track down an elusive dwarf smuggler
- Track down who is blackmailing a prominent noble
- Travel aboard to bring back a former hero wrongly banished by false evidence
- Travel to a nearby town where a meteor was said to have hit
- Watch the graveyard to determine who is behind recent grave robbing
- Weapon smith apprentice needed immediately
Table 7�99: Job Postings 1
- Additional guards needed for trade convoy leaving tomorrow
- Adventuring party needs a good healer
- Band of bards and their followers need protection as they travel
- Bodyguards for a controversial bard who sings politically incorrect tunes
- Bodyguards for a wedding where jealous rivals may cause havoc
- Bodyguards for the ruler as he tours the land
- Bring to justice to a rival band of adventurers
- Bring to justice an elf black marketer
- Carry a message to someone in the next town
- Catch whoever continually spoils the vegetables in Farmer Ewan�s fields
- Church of the Sun needs some able bodied adventurers for a mission of holy cleansing
- City magistrate�s office needs some additional investigators for several new cases
- Clear out monsters from aristocrat�s ancestral home
- Deliver special cargo to dwarf city
- Determine if a villain is operating in a certain area
- Determine the source of the corruption of a powerful church
- Discover the assassin behind a recent political murder
- Discover the source of a magical plague unleashed
- Discover the source of lights from an abandoned seaside mansion
- Discover who and why someone poisoned the well
Table 7�100: Job Postings 2
- Discover who poisoned a recent shipment of wine
- Discover why a barbarian tribe attacks travelers moving through a valley
- Encode secret messages for the King and help keep our country safe
- Escort aristocrat to find lost pirate treasure
- Escort dwarf merchant on trip to neighboring city
- Explore a recently discovered island
- Explore a tower others say moves across the landscape
- Explore and map ruins of an ancient city
- Extra guards needed for a local celebration
- Find out why wolf pack attacks on nearby farms have suddenly increased
- Find the pass through the mountains that the goblin tribes use
- Flood washed away family heirlooms; need someone to locate and return objects
- Get back stolen wizard�s spell book
- Goblin translator needed for court case
- Guard an important caravan train heading across borders
- Guard nobles while hunting
- Help bolster the city watch as important ambassadors come to town
- Help clear out Kobolds and their traps out of the new mine to earn a great reward
- Help quell riots over recent overthrowing of the ruler
- Hunt down a monster that has been plaguing local roads
Table 7�97: Plot Triggers 1
- About to serve drinks, a barmaid quickly drops the contents of a small vial into one flagon
- Argument is suddenly silenced when one figure seems to faint, leaving the other standing nervous
- Confused witnesses debate the details of a recent crime with one another and a city guard
- Dark figure creeps to a doorway, leaves an object, knocks, and then flees as quickly as possible
- Down a long alley in darkness, a murder by silhouette, the victim human but the murderer has a tail
- Fast-moving woman dressed in black speeds from a shop, and yet no one follows in pursuit
- Gang of toughs openly brawls with another� and then a blade emerges, turning the display bloody
- Group of young ruffians eyes another across the street; they seem to be angrily passing signals
- Handsome young man suddenly pulled into an alley, several figures surround him quickly
- Hobgoblin raiders erupt from a sewer grate and begin to raze the city from within
- Hooded figure makes great haste in posting a note to a pillar, then slinks back off into the night
- Horseman suddenly loses control of his horse as it races away from him
- Hunter holding a bloody weapon stands confused as he�s been thrown off the scent of his quarry
- King's attendents, en route to a royal event, are attacked/mugged, their ceremonial gifts stolen
- Knight in armor dismounts and declares a simple bystander a heretic and enemy of the state
- Large gathering of people, one of them throws an object to divert attention, and then quickly leaves
- Man faking a sneezing attack suddenly runs into an alley and climbs over a rickety fence
- Man walking his dog suddenly has to hold dog back from attacking random pedestrian
- Meditating monk suddenly opens his eyes wide with horror and runs from the area
- Merchant pays his taxes, but continues to by time while another lifts coins from the tax collector
Table 7�98: Plot Triggers 2
- Nobleman�s carriage suddenly lurches forward out of control through the streets
- Normal-looking pedestrian is suddenly whisked into a coach wagon which hastily speeds off
- Oddly dressed man is being followed by several local maidservants, they seem dazed and quiet
- Older woman ushering several children drops a package into a sewer grate and moves away quickly
- Pair of young lovers is watched by an older man, there is no family resemblance to any of them
- Pedestrian reacts as if struck by a great arrow and falls lifeless, but no item can be seen on the body
- Performer juggling knives moves closer to a known noble and begins eyeing him up
- Priest performing a public rite turns when finished with a wicked smile on his face before leaving
- Rider practically kills several pedestrians while heading through town, wears a mask over face
- Small group of men shadow another who lifts a tool from the belt of an unsuspecting laborer
- Someone doing chores by a window indoors is suddenly whisked away from view
- Someone ducks into a one-way alley but if investigated there is no sign of the person
- Someone is questioning a person they know but seems to have recently forgotten everything
- Someone quickly hops out a second story window, closes it, then climbs to the roof out of sight
- Town watch struggle to get a criminal in irons when their prisoner suddenly vanishes
- Trying to stay silent and still, a spell-caster betrays his intent as a spell goes off in a crowd of people
- Two men leave an item just inside an alley to be spotted and picked up, then move to ambush
- Two men surreptitiously exchange a small package; another figure watches them from nearby
- Two women share a drink, and they both suddenly gasp and drop forward to the ground
- Woodsman sets a snare trap along a road, conceals it, then hides in ambush
Table 7�95: Heroic Happenstance
- Bard asks character to recite brave tales for song inspiration
- Blood found on weapon but no recent combat has taken place
- Caravan traveling with suddenly comes under attack
- Character summoned to aid another by a miscast spell of aid
- Fleeing thief smashes into character, spilling goods (perhaps loosing item he's chased for)
- Innocuous item someone carries begins to emit strange magic (cold, heat, noise, etc.)
- Magical message (with unfamiliar voice) requests character travel to specific locale
- Merchant rushing store � bruised and beaten � begging for aid
- Mistaken for a criminal, authorities place character under arrest
- Mistaken for someone else, suddenly the target of an assassination attempt
- Person suddenly falls from above into character�s path
- Person talking with suddenly lurches forward and collapses
- Pouch of never-before seen gems or riches is on the character�s belt
- Press gang steps from the shadows and threatens with recruitment
- Scroll not before seen appears in character�s pack with instructions and map
- Stopped by authorities to undertake mission for the realm
- Summoned to a ruler�s advisor�s side for an emergency meeting and mission
- Wagon or building character is guarding or near suddenly bursts into flames
- Walk into an area and suddenly witness a murder or theft in progress
- Woman suddenly runs to the character and uses him for cover
Table 7�96: People in Distress
- Absent minded cleric has lost or misplaced important scrolls to the faith
- Apprentice wants to discover why his master never appeared for work
- Band of merchants need help crossing a flooded river
- Creature normally known for evil needs chance to prove change of heart
- Guild leader needs their kidnapped sire rescued
- King needs to discover who in court may be spying
- Local cleric and healer needs rare herb for antidote
- Local natural healer and adept is being accused of necromancy by townsfolk
- Merchant needs to prove innocence in smuggling charges
- Merchant�s son or daughter needs to be cleared of blackmail
- Princess desires her fathers� item of rule returned to her
- Prominent shopkeeper needs someone to watch his business suddenly for a week
- Ship captain needs to hire on protection for important cargo
- Tax collector is being harassed by a mob
- Wealthy shop owner is accused of using magic on them during transactions
- Wizard needs his captured familiar returned
- Woman needs help with runaway carriage with kids onboard
- Woodsman has lost his hunting animal companion
- Young royal needs a lesson in humility
- Young student is accused of belonging to an illegal gang and needs clearing
100 Plot Twists
DnD Speak
- They wanted you to pick their pocket
- An old man/woman is an evil or heroic, “well known” NPC who disappeared a long time ago. The day he/she disappeared something happened that erased his/her memories and since then he/she lives a normal life.
- The poison the players had to steal as a quest is later used by the client(s) to kill an NPC that was a friend/partner etc. of the group.
- A guild of tradesmen has a contract with another region that allows them to send their workers to the region’s forests/mountains in order to get wood/minerals but in reality, they search for precious crystals etc. the region didn’t know about or which are even holy to the region.
- The party discovers a plot against the king’s family, but they are arrested before they can reveal it.
- The NPC who’s acting all suspicious really just has a crush on someone involved (maybe in the party, maybe another NPC).
- A ciphered letter is intercepted and when breaking the cipher and the group realizes it is describing the party’s exploits when both sender and receiver are not discerned
- The initial quest/problem etc. was “seeded/faked” by the villagers or client only to have experienced adventurers around to be protected by a much bigger threat the group doesn’t know about
- The McGuffin the PCs have been sent after is worthless; the quest giver is simply keeping them busy to avoid them actually solving another problem.
- The just-assassinated King/Jarl etc. was, in fact, a doppelganger/double/twin brother; no one knows when he was replaced or where the real one is.
- The Mining operation is actually digging into royal coffers
- The Thieves’ Guild is actually government-funded to keep stealing under control
- The PCs are being goaded into breaking the local laws so that their assets can be seized and they can be legally tortured
- A nerdy/old etc. NPC is actually very good in battle and had some valuable experiences in their past that made him so good
- The slave isn’t actually a slave. They chose to pretend to be a slave so that they could spy more effectively
- A friendly NPC has been thrown in jail justly
- Turns out the quest giver didn’t like the party (for whatever reason) and thus sent them on the quest thinking that they would die in the process
- You are hired to escort someone important. While traveling you are attacked and accused of kidnapping. To clear your names you discover the person you were escorting faked their own kidnapping or the quest givers (and the real kidnappers) gave you the hostage in order to get away and also put you in trouble.
- The ancient scroll is revealed to be a badly written erotic fiction (or other unexpected literature) when deciphered
- The villain NPC works in reality together with the friendly king/jarl etc. to either spy on the criminals in the town or to keep real villains away from the town
- The whole quest was set up by a secret admirer of one of the PCs to endanger them so the admirer could come to the rescue. Or the person wants a reward (money etc.) from the pcs for helping them although it was all set up by him/her.
- The main Villain actually has no idea what he’s doing- he has no major plan, and is just trying to be a jerk
- An NPC the players have befriended is actually a spy for a heretofore undiscovered force in the game’s plot. The NPC confesses and explains the grave danger the PCs are in.
- You encounter an orphanage filled with all the kids of the people you’ve killed 25
- The dead body is in reality just a very well made puppet
- The town rat-catcher is a Were-Rat.
- The main villain is actually trying to save the world from a much worse threat
- You see one of the villains that you have killed. If confronted but not attacked, he / she will claim no knowledge of ever meeting you. He / she still has all the scars from the injuries you inflicted on him /her before they died.
- One of the high-ranking villains turns out to be a spy or assassin working for a neighboring kingdom. His / Her mission is to take out the main villain
- The main villain is actually being controlled by someone / something else. (Mind control / control collar / creature attached to spine / spells / etc.)
- Most of your lucky breaks turn out to be engineered by someone working behind the scenes. (Ex: guards fell asleep, a door just happened to be unlocked, guards were distracted just long enough for you to sneak past, etc.)
- A great hero of the land turns out to be a fraud. He somehow gets credit for the works of others. (Deliberate / accidental & too scared to tell people)
- The tavern owner you patronize harbors an intense hatred for your party and has often passed on information he overhears to your opponents.
- The entire village has a suicide pact, and they’re trying to get you out of town so that they can go through with it
- That middle-aged mother whose kid you rescued was really the antagonist all along and was just using you
- The birds are smarter than they act. Much smarter
- When you find the treasure all you find is a chest with a note saying “The real treasure was friendship all along”
- One of your group members is the “newborn” of a prophecy, which says… (Whatever prophecy that may fit into your current story)
- The local mayor wasn’t pushed down the well; he jumped due to an intense bout of depression and claimed he pushed so that he wouldn’t have to admit to his moment of weakness.
- The kingdom’s tyrant is actually a puppet ruler, controlled behind the scenes by the Shoemaker’s Guild, who is desperately trying to maintain a modicum of importance.
- The main bad guy is trying to fulfill a prophecy. He is creating challenges to create more powerful heroes, so these heroes can defeat an even more powerful threat
- One of the main bad guys in the story turns out to be related to the PCs (brother, sister, cousin, uncle, aunt, etc.)
- One of the main bad guys in the story turns out to be one of the PCs romantic interest (boyfriend, girlfriend, lover, etc.)
- The main bad guy turns out to be trying to stop the real bad guy, who has deceived the players into working for him.
- That weak item that you sold 2 towns ago turns out to be critically important to the quest
- When the evil cultist opens the gate to hell, only one demon walks through. “What! You think we just all stand around waiting for someone to open a gate, these things take planning”
- The quest was fake, it was a test by the local adventuring guild. They are testing you to see if your worth recruiting
- The innocent villagers that you’re trying to save are the ones who started the war with the goblins
- The horrible monster turned out to be deadly allergic to some common food or spice
- The main villains HQ turns out to be the prison where the villain is supposed to be incarcerated
- The main villain actually died some time ago. This whole time his or her minions have been faking it and running the show this whole time
- That beggar you just helped turns out to be the king or some other high official, who is using the disguise to see the commoners the way they really are.
- The hulking beast of a warrior working for the bad guy didn’t realize he was working for the bad guys. Once you prove it to him, he switches sides and agrees to help the PCs.
- The main villain captures the group. He or She wants to quit the villain business but is afraid of their minions, gang, cult, army, etc. They ask for the PCs help to get them out alive.
- The main villain was holding a lot of other villains in check. Now that the main villain is gone, there is a mad grab for power by all the lesser villains.
- One of the PCs looks just like the main villain. In fact some of the villains minions mistake the PC for the boss.
- Some curse that has plagued the PC their entire life, turns out to make them immune to the bad guys main power
- The oracle told you your tattoo marked you as “the prophesied one” and sent you on the quest. They really have no idea what the tattoo means or how you got it, but someone needed to go on the quest.
- The caravan of traveling performers that you�re traveling with turns out to be the assassin�s guild.
- The greatest wizard in the land turns out to be a fake. It�s all stage magic done with props, smoke, mirrors, and slight of hand.
- The dread pirate Roberts is not the real dread pirate Roberts. Every few years, the current dread pirate Roberts retires and gets someone else to take up the role
- The PCs aren’t really going to die. The villain gave them a drug to mimic the symptoms of a deadly poison, so the villain could coerce them into doing his or her bidding.
- Oh I’m sorry that wasn’t the antidote you just drank, that was the actual poison. I just lied about you being poisoned up to this point.
- The quest giver turns out to be a villain, using the PCs to take out his or her competition
- The quest givers are the ones who built all the horrible death traps in the dungeon. They just needed someone to test their designs to see how effective they were.
- The spider bite that nearly killed you, apparently made you deadly toxic to the horrible monster that you would encounter later
- You though it would be fun or interesting to join in the tribal dance or ritual. Now you�re married to one of the tribes men or women.
- By defeating the warrior in single combat, you have made them your servant.
- By defeating the warrior of opposite sex, they are now married to you.
- By saving the persons life, they now owe you a life debt and have become your servant
- This person was being a total jerk in the tavern. You challenged and defeated them in single combat. They turn out to be a member of a powerful mercenary guild. The guild leader and several other members show up. Just when you think you are doomed. The guild leader makes you an offer to join the guild. Accept and you�re in the guild. Decline and they walk away.
- The horrible monster plaguing the town turns out to be one of the PCs long lost pets grown to unusual size.
- After defeating the main villain in an epic battle, the villain hands you a sealed letter. “The cloaked figure said I was supposed to give this to whoever defeats me”
- By defeating the villain you have become the leader of his or her armies. Armies that are just itching to kill something.
- One of the people you saved ages ago became the villain that you now have to stop.
- One of the people you saved ages ago sneaks into the enemy stronghold to free you from the dungeons.
- The kid you just saved from the horrible monster is the son or daughter of the main villain. They wont stop being a villain but they are now indebted to you.
- Turns out your great grand parent were the architect who designed the villain�s castle, stronghold, or citadel. You think there might still be plans somewhere in their old house.
- The minion you just took out was kind of dumb, so he or she has picture instruction on how to find the secret door & instruction on how to open it.
- The villain mistakes one of the PCs for the person they are trying to kidnap and ransom. They can�t understand why the ransom isn’t being paid.
- Bounty Hunters mistake the PCs for the people they are supposed to capture
- The wounded man, who asked the PCs to help against the brigands that are chasing him, is in fact a brigand. The people chasing him are bounty hunters.
- You have been trying to figure out how to get into the citadel for some time now. You just got a quest to clear out a cave full of monsters near there. Turns out the monsters have been digging tunnels under the citadel. Now only a thin stone wall separates you from your goal.
- While trying to sneak into the citadel, you spot another group sneaking in. allies, rivals, foes, a convenient distraction?
- You snuck past the temple guards, you fought your way past the horrible monsters, you survived the insane death traps, you figured out the overly complicated lock mechanism. What you found was an empty treasure room and the calling card of a famous thief.
- Just as you sneak into the treasure room, you see someone else sneaking in from the opposite side. The fabled treasure of “x” sits on a pedestal in the center of the room. You both seem to be after the same thing.
- You sneak into the enemy stronghold. You have almost reached your destination when you hear alarm bells ringing. A cloaked figure suddenly rounds the corner at a full run, and runs down the corridor you just came from. You hear lots of shouting and the sounds of many soldiers headed in your direction.
- You are about to enjoy a meal at the local tavern, when you notice the person at the next table has a type of deadly mushroom on their plate. Accident? Attempted Murder? By a tavern employee or someone else?
- PCs go to meet their contact or quest giver. They find him dead with a dagger in his chest. An NPC looks through the doorway, sees the PCs around the dead body and screams.
- Everything horrible or wonderful that happened shortly after you woke up from a night of sleep was just a dream.
- The wanted poster said to bring the criminal in alive. You’ve tracked them to a neighboring country. They are in jail & scheduled to be executed for crimes in that country tomorrow.
- You’ve tracked down the criminal from the wanted poster. They are right over there, in a duel with another wanted criminal who is way above your pay grade.
- You are successfully returning from a quest to claim your reward. You discover the quest giver has been arrested and is in jail. If you want your reward you have to figure out how to free them or prove them innocent.
- You’ve tracked the bounty to a god-forsaken swamp, only to seem them sink below the surface of quick sand. You still need some proof that they are dead to claim the bounty.
- You’ve tracked the bounty to a dungeon, where they were just swallowed whole by some monster. You still need some proof that they are dead to claim the bounty.
- You have tracked the murderer to a small village, where they have been hiding for years. It seems that while they have lived there, they have saved the villagers from monsters, bandits, and a fire. They seem to be trying to repent for their past sins.
- You discover that the quest giver paid your reward with money that he or she stole from rest of the villagers.
- You break into the warlords most heavily guarded treasure room. All you find is portraits of his or her family & little stuffed animals.
- One of the PCs committed the crimes during the night because the villain hypnotized them.
- Why is my face on this wanted poster? A crowd of NPCs starts to gather.