we are monsters, and they are but men

The Valor RPG home page

The master list of creatures, including aliases. Only a quarter of these have been added to the encounter tables.

Contains links to the environment-based encounter tables. Currently about 800 creatures from the master list have been used to populate these tables.

Creatures grouped by tags. Most creatures don't have any tags, so the full creature list is not well-represented on this page.

Go to the page of a random creature. Most creatures don't have any stats yet, but most do have links to external sources which, if it's a freee resource, you can get the stats from. There are no combat stats yet - any stats which are populated are system-agnostic.

Creatures Elsewhere On The Web

D20 Bestiary

Pathfinder 2e


      from this reddit post

D&D 2e "Complete" Compendium

Sulerin index of 9000 rpg monsters

DnD Beyond 5e Monsters

Forgotten Realms Wiki 2e/3e/?e

DnD 2e Fandom Wiki

The Average Fantasy Bestiary

SBLaxman's Early DnD Spreadsheet

Logical-Extent-5604's spreadsheet

Size chart from here
Size CategoryAttack and AC ModifierSpecial Attacks Modifier (1)Hide ModifierHeight or Length (2)Weight (3)Space (4)Natural Reach (4)Carrying Capacity Multiplier
Fine+8-16+166 in. or less1/8 lb. or less1/2 ft.0 ft.0 ft.x1/8x1/4
Diminutive+4-12+126 in.-1 ft.1/8 lb.-1 lb.1 ft.0 ft.0 ft.x1/4x1/2
Tiny+2-8+81 ft.-2 ft.1 lb.-8 lb.2-1/2 ft.0 ft.0 ft.x1/2x3/4
Small+1-4+42 ft.-4 ft.8 lb.-60 lb.5 ft.5 ft.5 ft.x3/4x1
Medium+0+0+04 ft.-8 ft.60 lb.-500 lb.5 ft.5 ft.5 ft.x1x1-1/2
Large-1+4-48 ft.-16 ft.500 lb.-2 tons10 ft.10 ft.5 ft.x2x3
Huge-2+8-816 ft.-32 ft.2 tons-16 tons15 ft.15 ft.10 ft.x4x6
Gargantuan-4+12-1232 ft.-64 ft.16 tons-125 tons20 ft.20 ft.15 ft.x8x12
Colossal-8+16-1664 ft. or more125 tons or more30 ft.30 ft.20 ft.x16x24