This type of terrain has much more to do with topography than
with ecology. A forest can be hilly, as can a desert (even a sandy
desert, if you consider the dunes to be hills). Hills can be gently
rolling mounds or craggy, mountainlike piles of rock and earth
that jut out of the surrounding landscape.
For purposes of classifying a certain area that includes hilly ter-
rain, the Dungeon Master can use the following guidelines:
Any irregular (not level) terrain that includes dense or
moderate tree cover is forest.
An area of gently rolling hills at an elevation of less than
2,000 feet containing few or no trees is classified as some
type of terrain other than hills; use whichever designation
(desert, plains, swamp, or seacoast) is appropriate.
An area is classified as hills if it is generally at an eleva-
tion of less than 2,000 feet, contains few or no trees, and
has sharply sloping mounds with peaks that may rise
above 2,000 feet.
Or, an area is classified as hills if it is at an elevation of
between 2,000 and 4,000 feet, generally contains irregular
terrain. and has few or no trees.
Hills: 4d6 x 10 yards (40 - 240 yards)
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