1 Hurricane strength winds force the party to remain on the ground for 4d6 hours. Check for random encounters in the relevant area.

2 A once a millennia full solar or lunar eclipse occurs, turning the sky pitch black. PCs exposed to the sky at the right time have their fates altered by otherworldly forces extending their influence through the Veil (50% chance gain or lose 1 point of Luck).

3 Another flying ship, mounted adventurers/guard patrol, or a single flying sorcerer appear on the horizon, taking up a heading to intercept the PCs.

4 A flock of bats flies through or over the party, chasing insects. A random PC is accidentally struck by a bat or their droppings, requiring a Luck (Con) save to avoid a random disease.

5 A flock of 2d6 Griffons fly around the party�s ship, playing some kind of game, or attack them if they are riding flying mounts (or are powered by personal flying magic).

6 2d4 Giant Wasps are conveying 1d6 paralysed humans back to their nest. At least one captive has regained movement in her face, giving the party a desperate look as they buzz by.

7 The haunting song of 2d6 Harpies can be heard on the wind before they descend from the clouds, appear from a mountain top, etc. They attempt to beguile at least one PC and lure them back to their lair (to be their plaything, and eventual meal).

8 2d6 Dire Bats can be heard screeching in the night sky before they appear, swooping around the PCs as they decide who to target. Their plan is to grab one or two of the adventurers, then escape back to their colossal cave to devour them.

9 3d6 Giant Eagles with humanoid riders approach from across the skyline, signalling an intention to parlay.

10 A large 10 HD Air Elemental takes up a course parallel to the PCs, curious about what they are, and what they�re doing. It is not inherently hostile, but will attack if spooked.

11 A Manticore is hunting in the area, looking for a fresh meal. There is a 30% chance the beast is an ancient 20 ft behemoth with 15 HD (Boss Monster). It has a limited vocabulary, but might spare the party for one of their mounts, or some other valuable trinket that takes its fancy.

12 A stowaway is discovered aboard the PC�s ship, or 2d4 Xornlings (60%) or Treasure Ticks (40%) in a random PC�s backpack or coin pouch.

13 Tainted air currents carry an unsavoury tang, spreading the spores of a rare windborne disease strain. Each party member must make a Luck (Con) save or contract a random disease.

14 The party has unwittingly entered the hunting grounds of 1d4 Wyverns, whose lair is nearby. They are highly territorial, and will attempt to destroy or drive off any intruders.

15 The PCs� ship, mounts or flying magic falters, disrupted by poor maintenance, sabotage, sickness or a tear in the Veil. The party are forced to land and lose 1 day�s travel. Checks might be required to make repairs, cure illnesses, etc at the GM�s option.

16 A terrifying 40 ft Roc, with a 100 ft wingspan, blacks out the sun or moon before diving from high altitude. It is determined to eat at least one of the PCs before moving on.

17 A solitary bat follows the party. It might simply be curious (30%), a trained pet that has lost its owner looking for a new master (50%), or a vampire hoping to ambush one of the PCs during a moment of isolation (20%).

18 A heavy dust storm blows in, turning the sky red grey with fine silt. Breathing becomes difficult (even with a mask) for those above deck or riding mounts. A Luck (Con) save is required to avoid losing 1 point of Con. 140

19 On a high mountain peak, an ancient spire juts toward the sky, its jade tip reflecting the sunlight. A cold iron door marked with forgotten runes can be found at the base. There is a 50% chance of a Genie guardian.

20 On the horizon, an unnatural cloud system is forming high above. Forked lightning flashes around a swirling, central vortex, drawing in nearby cloud cover. Even at this distance, a slight tugging force can already be felt.