                      Far East Of Eden: Kabuki Klash
               FAQ By: Goh_Billy (billy_kane_32@hotmail.com)
                             Version #: 5.0

      1. Legend
      2. System
         2.1  Basics
         2.2  Items
      3. Characters
         3.1  Gokuraku Taro  
         3.2  Kinu
         3.3  Kabuki Danjuro 
         3.4  Sengoku Manjimaru
         3.5  Ziria 
         3.6  Yagumo
         3.7  Tsunade 
         3.8  Orochimaru
         3.9  Manto Ace 
         3.10 Karakuri 
         3.11 Jyashinsai
         3.12 Lucifeller 
      4. Conclusion
         4.1  What's Missing/Needed
         4.2  Credits
1. Legend

  ub  u  uf        f - Forward        HP - Heavy Punch     P - Any Punch
    \ | /          b - Back           MP - Medium Punch    K - Any Kick
  b--   --f        u - Up             LP - Light Punch     + - And  
    / | \          d - Down           HK - Heavy Kick      / - Or  
  db  d  df                           MK - Medium Kick     , - Then 
                                      LK - Light Kick

qcf - quarter circle forward (d, df, f)
qcb - quarter circle back (d, db, b)
hcf - half circle forward (b, db, d, df, f)
hcb - half circle back (f, df, d, db, b)

2. System

* 2.1 Basics *

  Far East Of Eden: Kabuki Klash has level 3 attacks (LP+MP, LK+MK).  For a 
level 3 punch (HP) press LP+MP.  For a level 3 kick (HK), press LK+MK.  For 
the sake of convenience, all level three attacks are referred in this guide 
by HP/HK.

Throw                    f/b + HP close

Dash Forward             f, f
  Halt                   b  
  Super Jump             uf
  Roll                   df
  Attack                 P/K/P+K
Back Dash                b, b

Air Block                ub/u/uf, b
Block High               b
Block Low                db                       will not block overheads

Strong Attack            P+K / d + P+K
Weapon Throw             P+K in air               does not work for everyone
Retrieve Weapon          LP over weapon
Dizzy Recovery           shake joystick and 
                           tap P and K rapidly
                           when poisoned

Magic Meter - Starts out maximized and will drain once a super is performed.
                It will regenerate slowly on its own, but one can get the 
                scroll powerup to automatically restore the magic meter.
Supers      - Performed when the magic meter is full.

* 2.2 Items *

  Items can appear on the stage in two ways.  One is by being dropped into
the battle field from the sky.  The other is by randomly being knocked out
of an opponent when they are knocked to the floor.  Although an item will
be on the playing field, it is possible to destroy it before anyone is able
to walk over it and claim the result of the item (either intentionally or 
unintentionally).  To destroy an item, use any ducking attack that strikes 
the item.  Not all ducking attacks will connect with the item.  Some ducking
attacks will pass over the intended target, so make sure you are using
something that hits low enough to destroy the item all together.  The 
following is a list of items and their results when walking over them:

Item                           Result
````                           ``````
Tiny Statue                    10,000 points

Small Dagger                   offense up
Samurai Armor                  defense up
Sandals                        speed up

Scrolls                        magic restore
Food                           strength restore (gain life back)

Purple Bottle                  poisons (dizzies character)
Banana Peal                    character slips and falls

3. Characters

* 3.1 Gokuraku Taro                                                           *
P - Green w/ Red-Orange jacket
K - Blue w/ Green jacket

Quick Toss               f/b + HP close           f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown

Basic Move
Crawl                    hold df

Command Moves
Handle Strike            Dash Forward, P
Quick Kick               Dash Forward, K
Gokuraku Head Sliding    Dash Forward, P+K        must be blocked low
Rising Big Swing         d + HP                   first part must be blocked
Double Trip              d + HK                   both parts must be blocked
Gokuraku Big Swing       P+K
Gokuraku Jirestsu Sho    d + P+K                  the hit box for this move
                                                    reaches slightly past
                                                    the dust cloud; must be
                                                    blocked low
!Weapon Throw            P+K in air               switches to unarmed

Special Moves
Gokuraku Dai Senpuu Kon  f, d, df + P             LP=fast, MP=medium, HP=slow
Gokuraku Taiatari        Charge HP for 2 seconds,
Gokuraku Home-Run        hcf + MP+LK close        unblockable

Gokuraku Fire            d, d + LP/MP/LK          LP=high, MP=low, 
                                                    LK=straight; use u or d to
                                                    switch flame from high to
                                                    low or vice versa


Quick Toss               f/b + HP close           f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown

Basic Move
Crawl                    hold df

Command Moves
Forearm                  Dash Forward, P
Quick Kick               Dash Forward, K
Gokuraku Head Sliding    Dash Forward, P+K        must be blocked low
Double Trip              d + HK                   both parts must be blocked
Gokuraku Axe Handle      P+K                      overhead
Gokuraku JirestsuSho     d + P+K                  the hit box for this move
                                                    reaches slightly past
                                                    the dust cloud; must be
                                                    blocked low

Special Move
Gokuraku Taiatari        Charge HP for 2 seconds,

Gokuraku Fire            d, d + LP/MP/LK          LP=high, MP=low, 
                                                    LK=straight; use u or d to
                                                    switch flame from high to
                                                    low or vice versa

Win Quotes
~To Gokuraku - I'm thinner and much better looking than that!
~To Kinu - If possible, I wish I didn't have to harm my friend.
~To Kabuki - Ha ha!  You're no world famous warrior, only a world famous 
~To Manjimaru - Manjimaru your skills have fallen.  Maybe you should start
  training again.
~To Ziria - Are you really a warrior of the fire clan?  Let's get real!
~To Yagumo - I'm sorry, but my wife is the only woman for me.  I treat all
  others as men.
~To Tsunade - You little brat!  You're annoying!
~To Orochimaru - I can't lose to someone inexperienced like you.
~To Manto Ace - Are you seriously fighting to win?
~To Karakuri - You might be winning in size, but you're no match for me in
  pure strength. 
~To Jyashinsai - Don't be over confident of yourself!  I'll teach you some
~To Lucifeller - Don't think you're invincible!  You're no match for me!

Gokuraku: Second helping for me my lovely wife.  Nothing better than a great 
           meal after a great fight.  Listen to me my children.  I am the 
           strongest man in all of Jipang.  Eat well and become strong like
           your father.

* 3.2 Kinu                                                                    *
P - Light Blue costume
K - Pink costume

Energy Push              f/b + HP close           f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown 

Basic Moves
Crawl                    hold df
Shiro Drop               K in air
Shiro Charge             MK
Shiro Sand Kick          HK

Command Moves
Dashing Energy           Dash Forward, P/K
Kumo Hakare              Dash Forward, P+K        this causes Kinu to teleport,
                                                    which means she can't be
                                                    hit when she disappears;
                                                    she can teleport past the
                                                    opponent, however the
                                                    second part where she 
                                                    attacks will not track
                                                    the opponent, thus leaving
                                                    her open
Shiro Attack             d + MK
Shiro Tail Strike        d + HK                   3 hits
Flip Kick                P+K / d + P+K
Energy Swirl             P+K in air

Special Moves
Cry                      tap K after any move
                           that sends Shiro 
                           away from her
Yuuki                    f, f + LP                timing of the f, f part is
                                                    different from that of 
                                                    a Forward Dash; to 
                                                    perform, try tapping f 
                                                    with a half a second pause
                                                    between the two taps, and
                                                    then press LP
Kamitsuki                Charge b for 2 seconds,  Shiro's charge must connect 
                           f + HK                   (not blocked) for the 
                                                    entire move to come out
Toriyose                 Charge d for 2 seconds,
                           u + LP
Triple Toriyose          Charge d for 3 seconds,
                           u + LP
Large Toriyose           Charge d for 4 seconds,
                           u + LP

Haha Wasure              d, d + LP                magic steal; short projectile
                                                    part must connect (not
                                                    blocked) to steal magic
Tsukineri                d, d + MP                opponent's offense down; 
                                                    short projectile part must
                                                    connect (not blocked) to 
                                                    bring opponent's offense
Nazumi Mushi             d, d + LK                opponent's speed down; short
                                                    projectile part must 
                                                    connect (not blocked) to
                                                    bring opponent's speed down
Triple Demon Toss        d, d + MK
Shiro Rolling Attack     d, d + HK

Win Quotes
~To Gokuraku - I can now see that your strength was mere show.
~To Kinu - Though we may look alike, once we fight there's no mistake who the
  real one is.
~To Kabuki - You haven't changed at all.  You personality, your strength and 
  even what's in your head!
~To Manjimaru - Any small mistake can lead to your defeat.
~To Ziria - Thank you Shiro.  You're the only one I can trust in the end. 
~To Yagumo - That was a pretty dance, wasn't it Shiro, but dancing and 
  fighting are different.
~To Tsunade - There's no difference between a man and a woman in battle.  Just
  believe in your strength.
~To Orochimaru - Father use to say, the more you fight the more afraid you 
~To Manto Ace - Manto, it's good to see you're doing well.
~To Karakuri - No matter how big the enemy, Shiro will protect me!
~To Jyashinsai - Shiro is barking and telling me that your heart is pure evil!
~To Lucifeller - Father as you have taught us, Shiro and I have fought 

Kinu: Shiro please tell me why we must all fight?  When will we all be able to
      live in peace and happiness?  Someday we will be able to live in peace, 
      won't we?  Shiro?  Until that day, we will travel together.  You're the
      only one I can count on, Shiro.  

* 3.3 Kabuki Danjuro                                                          *
P - Green costume
K - Purple costume

Hard Slam                f/b + HP close           f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown 
!Kenka Ranbu             f/b + HK close           tap buttons for longer hold;
                                                    switches to unarmed

Basic Moves
Crawl                    hold df
Kabuki Cutter            HP close                 2 hits
Flying Kick              HK far

Command Moves
Quick Poke               Dash Forward, P
Knee                     Dash Forward, K
Slide Kick               Dash Forward, P+K        must be blocked low
Arc Sword                P+K
Kadan Nitoh Kiri         d + P+K                  the second part must be 
                                                    blocked low
!Throw Weapons           P+K in air               switches to unarmed

Special Moves
Kabuki Ra Saitoh         f, d, df + P             LP=short, MP=further, HP=far
Failed Rekkuuha Kick     f, d, df + HK far
!Kabuki Rekkuuha         f, d, df + HK close      switches to unarmed           
Kabuki Senpuu Dan        hcf + P                  LP=short, MP=medium, HP=long

Kaze Bana                d, d + LP
Hana Arashi              d, d + MP


Hard Slam                f/b + HP close           f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown 
Kenka Ranbu              f/b + HK close           tap buttons for longer hold

Basic Moves
Crawl                    hold df
Kabuki One Two           HP close                 2 hits
Flying Kick              HK far

Command Moves
Weak Punch               Dash Forward, P
Knee                     Dash Forward, K
Slide Kick               Dash Forward, P+K        must be blocked low
Low One Two              d + HP                   2 hits
Down Palm                P+K                      overhead
Uppercut                 d + P+K

Special Moves
Failed Rekkuuha Kick     f, d, df + HK far
Kabuki Rekkuuha          f, d, df + HK close                 
Kabuki Senpuu Dan        hcf + P                  LP=short, MP=medium, HP=long


Win Quotes
~To Gokuraku - Hey Gokuraku!  What happened to that power you used to have?
~To Kinu - Kinu it's not your fault.  It's that untrained dog of yours.
~To Kabuki - There's only room for one good looking guy like myself in this 
~To Manjimaru - No matter how much you try, your attempt to defeat me is 
~To Ziria - There's no way that I would lose to an inexperienced kid like you!
~To Yagumo - She looks like my old girlfriend, but it must be just a 
~To Tsunade - You're a strong girl.  But I like fragile women.
~To Orochimaru - It's been awhile since we fought, but you're still no match
  for me.
~To Manto Ace - Manto, I know you only fight to cause a scene.
~To Karakuri - What an unfriendly guy.  I should just leave him out on garbage
~To Jyashinsai - An ugly creature like yourself doesn't deserve to fight me.
~To Lucifeller - I already told you!  You're too ugly to fight me.

Kabuki: Ha ha ha.  Everybody out of my way.  Make room for the strongest man
        in all of Jipang, Mr. Kabuki Danjuro!  I have defeated all the 
        strongest in this land and have returned home!  

* 3.4 Sengoku Manjimaru                                                       *
P - White pants w/ Red top
K - Yellow pants w/ Blue top

!Shoulder Throw          f/b + HP close           f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown; 
                                                    switches to unarmed 
!Manjimaru Rush          f/b + MP close           switches to unarmed

Basic Move
Crawl                    hold df

Command Moves
Sword Slash              Dash Forward, P
Dash Kick                Dash Forward, K
Side Kick                Dash Forward, P+K
Low Slash                d + MP                   must be blocked low
Wind Break               d + HP                   must be blocked low
Jumping Slash            P+K
Kaiten Kadan Kiri        d + P+K
!Weapon Throw            P+K in air               switches to unarmed

Special Moves
Manji Kiri               qcf + P                  LP=short, MP=medium, HP=long
  Follow Up              qcf + P                  LP=short, MP=medium, HP=long
    Finish               qcf + P                  LP=short, MP=medium, HP=long
Matsumushi Kiri          f, f + P                 LP=short, MP=medium, 
                                                    HP=long; timing of the 
                                                    f, f part is different 
                                                    from that of a Forward 
                                                    Dash;  to perform, try 
                                                    tapping f with a half a 
                                                    second pause between the 
                                                    two taps, and then press 
                                                    P; overhead
Air Matsumushi Kiri      u, u + P in air          LP=short, MP=medium, 
                                                    HP=long; overhead

Raikoh                   d, d + LP
Junrai                   d, d + MP                creates ground shockwave
                                                    that must be blocked low
!Tenrai                  d, d + LK                switches to unarmed


Shoulder Throw           f/b + HP close           f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown
Manjimaru Rush           f/b + MP close           

Basic Moves
Crawl                    hold df
Reverse Backfist         HP close                 2 hits

Command Moves
Straight Punch           Dash Forward, P
Dash Kick                Dash Forward, K
Side Kick                Dash Forward, P+K
Swing Kick               P+K / d + P+K

Special Moves
Manji Shotei             hcb + P                  LP=short, MP=medium, HP=long


Win Quotes
~To Gokuraku - Is to fight to be brave?  Or maybe it's just an adventure.  Or
  maybe just nothingness.
~To Kinu - I'm sorry Kinu...  Please forgive me but I must follow my sword.
~To Kabuki - Once you take the easy path, you'll only take that path, and 
  never return to the correct one.
~To Manjimaru - You may look alike, but a copycat can never surpass the real 
~To Ziria - My sword will shed the light!  And none may stand in the way!
~To Yagumo - In the way of the sword, you admit defeat when you become over
  confident of your ability.
~To Tsunade - You can not win with strength alone.  The way of the sword is
  not that easy.
~To Orochimaru - To lose to a sissy like you, would harm my name as a 
~To Manto Ace - I can't be satisfied with this victory.  I must constantly
  sharpen my skills.
~To Karakuri - You can't win with size alone.  Pride and tenacity brings 
~To Jyashinsai - No one can defeat me!  At the end, the only one who can
  defeat me is myself.
~To Lucifeller - Yes!  If one has faith in the path he leads, at the end all
  is correct.

Manjimaru: What was I fighting for?  What am I left with?  Is this bravery? 
           Is this strength?  I don't know.  Fighting has left me with 
           nothing...  I guess I'll return home and think about this for 
Narrator: Manjimaru was filled with hope as he returned home... 

* 3.5 Ziria                                                                   *
P - Blue costume w/ Green vest
K - Purple costume w/ Yellow vest

Bring Down               f/b + HP close           f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown; can
                                                    combo from throw

Basic Moves
Triangle Jump            jump towards wall, 
                           then away
Jump Kick                HK

Command Moves
Elbow Strike             Dash Forward, P
Dash Knee                Dash Forward, K
Slide                    Dash Forward, P+K        must be blocked low
Low Fist                 f + HP
Jumping Strike           P+K
Suihei Kunai Nage        d + P+K                  tosses small blade; must 
                                                    retrieve to throw again
Weapon Throw             P+K in air               tosses small blade; must 
                                                    retrieve to throw again

Special Moves
Kama Itachi              qcf + P                  LP=low, MP=high, HP=straight
Momi                     qcb + HP                 magic restore; connects 
                                                    close; significant recovery
                                                    time if opponent blocks 
Emmaku                   qcb + K                  LK=left, MK=right, HK=center

Baku En                  d, d + LP
Ko Ten                   d, d + MP
Kami Hono                d, d + LK

Win Quotes
~To Gokuraku - You fool!  Train yourself a little more before you challenge 
~To Kinu - If you want to win against me, I suggest you teach that dog some
  new tricks.
~To Kabuki - It's been awhile Kabuki, but now we know who's the better man.
~To Manjimaru - In the end, we don't need two heroes in the clan!
~To Ziria - What do you think you're doing imitating me?  You foolish 
~To Yagumo - You're pretty, but you can't win a fight with a pretty face.
~To Tsunade - There's no man or woman in a battle.  There's no room for 
  sympathy either.
~To Orochimaru - I'm sorry Orochimaru, but I'll crush anybody who gets in my
~To Manto Ace - M..Manto!  You were alive, but not anymore.
~To Karakuri - You scrap heap!  You're no match for me!
~To Jyashinsai - No matter how many times you challenge me, the outcome will
  be the same!
~To Lucifeller - You don't learn, do you !?  No matter how many times we 
  fight, I will win!

Ziria: Being strong doesn't mean anything.  There's only one way for me to 
       live.  The life of an outlaw, to steal from the rich and give to the 
       poor.  So who should I steal from today? 

* 3.6 Yagumo                                                                  *
P - Blue costume
K - Purple costume

Frankensteiner           f/b + HP/HK close        f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown

Basic Moves
Triangle Jump            jump towards wall, 
                           then away
Slice And Dice           HP close                 2 hits
Hop Knee                 MK far
Deadly Roundhouse        HK close                 knocks opponent across the
Deadly Jaw Kick          HK far                   knocks opponent across the

Command Moves
Pretty Hop               Dash Forward             unlike the other characters,
                                                    Yagumo cannot Dash Roll,
                                                    Dash Super Jump, or Halt
                                                    with this dash;  Yagumo
                                                    can, however, dash past
                                                    the opponent
Upward Fan               Dash Forward, P
Knee                     Dash Forward, K
Power Kick               Dash Forward, P+K
Ryu Sei Kyaku            d + HK in air            overhead   
Loq Slash                d + MP                   must be block low
Energy Swipe             P+K                      dizzies opponent if the
                                                    move connects (not blocked)
Youen Tembu              d + P+K
Air Projectile           P+K in air  

Special Moves
Oh Rou Zan               qcf + P                  LP=stationary, MP=short,
Rouga Tenrin             f, d, df + P             LP=fast, MP=medium, HP=slow
Hyakka Ryohran           f, d, df + HK

Shirako                  d, d + LP
Narukami                 d, d + MP
Fudoh                    d, d + LK

Win Quotes
~To Gokuraku - Hey you pervert!  Stop touching me!
~To Kinu - I can't forgive anyone who uses an innocent animal in a battle.
~To Kabuki - The Kabuki my sister told me about was supposed to be much 
  stronger than this.
~To Manjimaru - So this is the strength of the fire clan.
~To Ziria - So this guy is also a warrior of the fire clan.  They don't live
  up to their reputation.
~To Yagumo - You're no match against the real thing.
~To Tsunade - My own sister is the only one who maybe able to defeat me.
~To Orochimaru - This guy's wearing make-up.  He must be a narcissist.
~To Manto Ace - You could have lived happily if you hadn't run into me.
~To Karakuri - Who are you?  You're just a pile of junk.
~To Jyashinsai - You make me sick.  Get out of my sight.
~To Lucifeller - I'm really busy and I hate persistent guys.

Yagumo: Even in battle, women are superior to men.  It was worth the trip just
        to find that out.  But I prefer dancing over fighting.  Shall we 
        dance my sister?

* 3.7 Tsunade                                                                 *
P - Purple-Pink costume w/ Purple trim
K - Green costume w/ Light Red trim

Overhead Toss            f/b + HP close           f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown

Basic Moves
Low Step                 MK                       must be blocked low
The Drill                HK far
Axe Strike Stationary    HP far

Command Moves
Handle Strike            Dash Forward, P
Low Kick                 Dash Forward, K          must be blocked low
Flying Leap              Dash Forward, P+K        dizzies opponent if move
                                                    connects (not blocked)
                                                    on a standing or ducking
                                                    opponent; overhead
Axe Strike Forward       f + HP far
Axe Strike Backward      b + HP far
Kaiten Keri              f + HK                   overhead 
  Launch Kick            qcf + HK                 first part must connect (not
Low Spear                d + HK                   must be blocked low
Twirling Axe Dive        P+K                      overhead
Usonaki                  d + P+K                  drains your own lifebar
!Weapon Throw            P+K in air               switches to unarmed

Special Moves
Kaiten Koma              qcf + P                  LP=fast, MP=medium, HP=slow
Namekuji Kami Kakushi    qcb + P                  LP=left, MP=right, HP=center
!Bakujin Namekuji Keri   qcb + HK                 switches to unarmed

Riki Oh                  d, d + LP                offense up
Kin Goh                  d, d + MP                defense up


Overhead Toss            f/b + HP close           f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown

Basic Move
Low Step                 MK                       must be blocked low

Command Moves
Dash Punch               Dash Forward, P
Low Kick                 Dash Forward, K          must be blocked low
Flying Leap              Dash Forward, P+K        dizzies opponent if move
                                                    connects (not blocked)
                                                    on a standing or ducking
                                                    opponent; overhead
Kaiten Keri              f + HK                   overhead 
  Launch Kick            qcf + HK                 first part must connect (not
Low Spear                d + HK                   must be blocked low
Usonaki                  P+K / d + P+K            drains your own lifebar

Special Moves
Namekuji Kami Kakushi    qcb + P                  LP=left, MP=right, HP=center

Riki Oh                  d, d + LP                offense up
Kin Goh                  d, d + MP                defense up

Win Quotes
~To Gokuraku - You're well rounded and almost good enough to eat.  Maybe I'll
  roast you later!
~To Kinu - Hey stop acting so cute.  I hate people who act cute!  
~To Kabuki - You're a flashy guy, but now you can't act so cool.
~To Manjimaru - There's no way that I would lose against a kid.
~To Ziria - Ha ha!  Ziria, your strategy never changes.  You're no fun. 
~To Yagumo - Though not as cute as me, you're pretty cute.  But pure strength
  makes a woman attractive.
~To Tsunade - Hey you're only a copycat!  And not a very good one at that!
~To Orochimaru - I'm sorry Orochimaru.  This is only a dream, isn't it?
~To Manto Ace - Ha ha!  That's the end of Manto!  You're even funny dead.
~To Karakuri - I wonder if I could eat this?  Doesn't look too appetizing.
~To Jyashinsai - You look frightening!  You're scaring me so why don't you 
~To Lucifeller - I hate persistent old men!  Never show your face in front of
  me again!

Tsunade: Ahh...my beloved Orochimaru...that day has finally arrived.  Oh 
         Orochimaru, can I ask you one thing?  This is not a dream, is it? 
         Is it....  Zzzzzz.

* 3.8 Orochimaru                                                              *
P - Purple pants w/ Green top
K - Dark Purple pants w/ Yellow top

Turn Toss                f/b + HP close           f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown

Basic Move
Reach Step               HK close                 must be blocked low

Command Moves
Handle Hit               Dash Forward, P
Low Foot                 Dash Forward, K
Slide Kick               Dash Forward, P+K        must be blocked low
Turn And Slash           P+K
Weapon Flick             d + P+K
!Weapon Throw            P+K in air               switches to unarmed 

Special Moves
Kanzashi Nage            Charge b for 2 seconds,  LP=slow, MP=medium, HP=fast
                           f + P
Tatsuyari Rengeki        tap P                    LP=short time length, 
                                                    MP=medium time length, 
                                                    HP=long time length

Saryu                    d, d + LP                
Kohryu                   d, d + MP


Turn Toss                f/b + HP close           f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown

Basic Move
Reach Step               HK                       must be blocked low

Command Moves
Quick Poke               Dash Forward, P
Low Foot                 Dash Forward, K
Slide Kick               Dash Forward, P+K        must be blocked low
Power Fist               P+K
Low Double               d + P+K

Special Moves
Kanzashi Nage            Charge b for 2 seconds,  LP=slow, MP=medium, HP=fast
                           f + P

Eiryu                    d, d + LP                
Kohryu                   d, d + MP

Win Quotes
~To Gokuraku - War is always unwarranted.  All that it achieves is suffering.
~To Kinu - Kinu, someone as pure as you should not enter a battle.
~To Kabuki - You become invincible when you win against yourself.  Not by
  winning in battles.
~To Manjimaru - The loser is not the only one hurt.  The winner who had to 
  hurt the loser is also hurting.
~To Ziria - The way of the sword is abstract as is life.
~To Yagumo - You can only truly win when you lose your ambition.
~To Tsunade - Tsunade, if possible I wish I did not have to fight you.
~To Orochimaru - You may have imitated my appearance but you were not able to
  imitate my skills. 
~To Manto Ace - A mere ape can not win against a human being.
~To Karakuri - You need a better strategy than strength alone to fight against
~To Jyashinsai - People will strengthen through conflict.  There are no 
  useless battles.
~To Lucifeller - War is cruel.  There is no future for the loser.

Orochimaru: Hmm...  Just think of all the people I will trick.  They will 
            truly believe me as a woman in my role in a Kabuki play.  I'm too
            modest say this out loud but...  I Orochimaru am the strongest 
            warrior in Jipang.


* 3.9 Manto Ace                                                               *
Any - Yellow fur

#NOTE - Manto has no Dash Roll, Throw or Strong Attacks (P+K / d + P+K / 
  P+K in air)


Basic Moves
Crawl                    hold df
Manto Spike              u, P                     overhead; will knock opponent
                                                    out of the air

Command Moves
Hand Flick               Dash Forward, P/K
Torpedo                  Dash Forward, P+K

Special Moves
Fireball                 qcf + LP
Shoen Ken                f, d, df + LP
Spinning Kick            qcb + LK
Leap And Bite            qcf + LK                 unblockable
Rush And Scratch         qcf + MK                 unblockable

Bakano Jutsu             d, d + LP

Win Quotes
~To Gokuraku - Gokuraku you're a newlywed aren't you?  Can I go to your place
  for dinner?
~To Kinu - Kinu!  Since I have won, I have a request.  Can I have your veil?
~To Kabuki - Kabuki!  Introduce me to a girl!  I'm looking for a wife.
~To Manjimaru - Your mommy must be ashamed of you, Manjimaru. 
~To Ziria - You better apologize to your master for losing, Ziria.
~To Yagumo - Yagumo!  Your twin sister and you are beautiful.  One of you must
  become my wife.
~To Tsunade - Tsunade!  Do you admit defeat?  Then beg me to forgive you!
~To Orochimaru - This is a crushing defeat for you Orochimaru.  Your master
  will not be happy.
~To Manto Ace - There can't be two such good looking guys in the world, but
  I see you're only an imitation.
~To Karakuri - Hey Karakuri!  You know something!  I've got...nothing to say
  to you.
~To Jyashinsai - Hey Jyashinsai, now you know my true strength.  You wimp!
~To Lucifeller - Hey Jyashinsai!  No Mr. Jyashinsai, don't bother me again....


* 3.10 Karakuri                                                               *
Any - Tan costume

#NOTE - Karakuri has no Throw, Super or Strong Attacks (P+K / d + P+K / 
P+K in air);  He also cannot use items and cannot use any sort of dash


Basic Moves
Disappear Crawl          hold df                  invulnerable
Butt Drop                K in air                 overhead; grounds opponent
Down Punch               MP                       overhead
Heavy Stomp              LK                       overhead
Extend Plate             MK/HK                    knocks opponent across the

Command Move
Robo Swipe               d + P/K                  must be blocked low

Special Moves
High Arm Swing           qcf + LP
Flamethrower             qcf + MP
Arm Swing                qcb + LP
Machine Gun              qcb + MP
Grab And Blast           hcf + LP close           unblockable


Win Quotes
~To Gokuraku - Easy...  To...  Defeat...  Too...  Slow...
~To Kinu - Not...  That...  Easy...  To...  Reach...  The...  Top...
~To Kabuki - Kabuki...  Inexperienced...  Weak...
~To Manjimaru - Fire...  Clan...  Too...  Weak...
~To Ziria - Ziria...  Weaker...  Than...  A...  Mouse... 
~To Yagumo - Yagumo...  Weaker...  Than...  Sister...
~To Tsunade - Can...  Not...  Win...  With...  Strength...  Alone...
~To Orochimaru - Orochimaru...  Carelessness...  Mean...  Defeat...
~To Manto Ace - Just...  Stupid...  Ape...
~To Karakuri - No...  Data...
~To Jyashinsai - Jyashinsai...  Returns...  Bad...  News...
~To Lucifeller - I...  Defeat...  Lucifeller...  Light...  Shines...  On...  


* 3.11 Jyashinsai                                                             *
Any - Blue costume w/ Purple cape

#NOTE - Jyashinsai has no Super, Dash Roll, Dash Super Jump, Air Attacks or 
Strong Attacks (P+K / d + P+K / P+K in air);  He also cannot attack out 
of a dash and cannot duck;  Jyashinsai is not affected by the Banana Peal and
the Tiny Statue items

Energy Prison            f + HP close

Basic Moves
Slide                    hold df  
Disappear                any button in air        invulnerable
Taunt                    LP/LK           

Command Moves
Demon Dash               Dash Forward             Jyashinsai is invulnerable 
                                                    during the dash, however
                                                    he cannot do anything from
                                                    it (attack, roll, etc); 
                                                    can dash past the opponent
Taunt                    d + LP/LK   

Special Moves
Firebird                 qcf + LP
Electric Shoot           qcf + MP
Freeze Ball              qcb + LP


Win Quotes
~To Gokuraku - The road to the top is far and endless.
~To Kinu - I won't give up my position as the strongest in Jipang that easily.
~To Kabuki - It's easy to say you are the strongest, but it's not that easy to
  prove it.
~To Manjimaru - There's no second chance in a life or death battle.
~To Ziria - My victory is not a dream, but is a nightmare for you.
~To Yagumo, Manto Ace, Karakuri, Jyashinsai and Lucifeller - Struggle!  
  Suffer!  And never think to challenge me again.
~To Tsunade - What a prestige this is to defeat a warrior of the fire clan.
~To Orochimaru - No matter how much you wound me, it is nothing compared to
  the damage you receive.


* 3.12 Lucifeller                                                             *
Any - Green

#NOTE - Lucifeller has no Super, Dash Roll, Air Attacks, HP normals or 
Strong Attacks (P+K / d + P+K / P+K in air);  He also cannot attack out 
of a dash and cannot duck;  Lucifeller is not affected by the Banana Peal, 
Purple Bottle and the Tiny Statue items

Crash Slam               f + LP close

Basic Moves
Slide                    hold df  
Air Disappear            any button in air        invulnerable
Spine Laser              MP
Flicker                  HP                       very small window where
                                                    Lucifeller is invulnerable
Ground Pound             LK                       the hit box for this move
                                                    reaches slightly past
                                                    the dust cloud; must be
                                                    blocked low; grounds 
Death Claw               MK/HK                    overhead; grounds opponent

Command Moves
Disappear                Dash Forward, any        invulnerable
Spine Laser              d + MP
Flicker                  d + HP                   very small window where
                                                    Lucifeller is invulnerable
Ground Pound             d + LK                   the hit box for this move
                                                    reaches slightly past
                                                    the dust cloud; must be
                                                    blocked low; grounds 
Death Claw               d + MK/HK                overhead; grounds opponent

Special Moves
Rising Fireball          qcf + LP
Dive Kick                qcf + LK                 overhead
Ice, Fire, Electricity   hcf + MP close           unblockable


Win Quotes
~To Gokuraku - I will beat you to the ground, so you may never challenge me
~To Kinu - There is no future for you, now that you have angered me.
~To Kabuki - Now that you have seen my true form, you will not leave here 
~To Manjimaru - A nightmare!  You will be seeing this nightmare forever 
~To Ziria - So this is the true strength of the fire clan.  You disappoint me!
~To Yagumo, Manto Ace, Karakuri and Jyashinsai - Your attacks cannot harm me! 
   You must train a little harder if you wish to defeat me.
~To Tsunade - You cannot win without a strategy.  You need a little more brain
  to defeat me.
~To Orochimaru - So this is the end of Orochimaru.  Your skills were no match
  for mine.
~To Lucifeller - *Crashes Game (No win quote)*


4. Conclusion

4.1  What's Missing/Needed
-Clean up and corrections  
-If you have anything to add, any corrections I need to make, please email me
at billy_kane_32@hotmail.com.  Credit will be given for your contribution.

4.2  Credits
-And me for writing this faq