- Fight for the Future -
for the Sega Dreamcast (import) and arcade versions
Written by Chris MacDonald

 Unpublished work Copyright 1999-2001 Chris MacDonald

 This document is protected by US Copyright Law, and the Berne Copyright
 Convention of 1976.  It is for private and personal use only--it cannot
 be reprinted in part or in whole, or reproduced in any way or in any
 form (written or otherwise).  It is a free document that cannot be used
 in any sort of commercial transaction, including selling it or giving
 it away as a gift.  This FAQ cannot be referenced, altered, or used by
 anybody (including webmasters, publishers, and magazine staff) without
 my express written permission.  This FAQ was created and is owned by
 me, Chris MacDonald <kmegura (at) yahoo (dot) com>.  It can be found
 exclusively at (  All copyrights and trademarks are
 acknowledged and respected that are not specifically mentioned herein.

 I expressly forbid the following publishers/publications from using this
 FAQ, namely: Ziff-Davis Video Game Group (publishers of Expert Gamer),
 Future Publishing, Ltd. (publishers of PlayStation Power, Official UK
 PlayStation Magazine, etc.), IDG Media, Game 13th Magazine, Brady Games,
 and Prima Games.  Remember, plagiarism is a crime and is punishable by

 The Street Fighter series is (c) Capcom Co., Ltd.


      - Basic Controls
      - FAQ Notation
      - Basic Moveslist
      - Alex
      - Chun-Li
      - Dudley
      - Elena
      - Gill
      - Gouki
      - Hugo
      - Ibuki
      - Ken Masters
      - Makoto
      - Necro
      - Oro
      - Q
      - Remy
      - Ryu
      - Sean
      - Twelve
      - Urien
      - Yang
      - Yun
      - Hidden System Direction Pages
      - Play as Gill
      - Unlock Extra Options
      - Fight CPU-Controlled Q
      - Bonus Game Level Select
      - Secret Costume Color
      - Beat Up Your Defeated Opponent
      - Clear Pause Screen Trick
      - Effie Losing Pose Trick
      - Gouki's Shun Goku Satsu Trick
      - Chun-Li's Hidden Win Pose
      - Hugo's Hidden Taunt
      - Super Art Naming Glitch
      - Basic Instructions
      - System Direction Pages
      - Page Explanations
      - Rules of the Game
      - Blocking and Parrying
      - Super Arts
      - EX Special Moves
      - Super Canceling
      - The Stun Gauge
      - Overheads and Leap Attacks
      - Throws, Holds, and Escapes
      - Kara Canceling
      - Personal Actions
      - Stage Select and Bonus Stages
      - Grade Judge System
      - Training Menu
      - Blocking Training Menu
      - Replay Menu
      - Defense Power Ratings
      - Special Intros
      - Endings
      - Translations
      - Help Contribute to this FAQ
      - Special Thanks
      - Revision History

 This section outlines the basic controls for all characters:

 (controller directions and results)

  ub  u  uf      Jump Up-Back            Jump Up         Jump Up-Forward
    \ | /
 b -- n -- f     Walk Back / Block       Neutral         Walk Forward
    / | \
  db  d  df      Crouch / Low Block      Crouch          Offensive Crouch

 Remember to reverse the commands if on the left side of the screen.

 (button layout and effect)

 LP  MP  HP      Light Punch         Medium Punch        Hard Punch

 LK  MK  HK      Light Kick          Medium Kick         Hard Kick

 On the Dreamcast controller, the left trigger is Hard Kick, and the
 right trigger is Hard Punch.

 qcf / hcf           -  Input (d,df,f) or (b,db,d,df) on the controller.
 qcb / hcb           -  Input (d,db,b) or (f,df,d,db) on the controller.
 Rotate 360 / 720    -  Rotate the controller in a full circle or two
                        full circles.  The shorthand method to do this
                        is to input (f,df,d,db,b,ub,u) or the reverse.
                        There is no shorthand method for a 720, though.
 Charge b,f / d,u    -  Hold in one direction for two seconds, then press
                        in the second direction and press the button
                        listed (P or K).
 MP~HK               -  MP, MK, HP, or HK can be used for this move.
 EX                  -  The special move can be EX'ed.
 PA / SA             -  Personal Action / Super Art
 I / II / III        -  Super Art I, II, or III.
 x#                  -  Number of stocks you can hold for that Super Art.
 ?                   -  Means I'm unsure if this really works, because
                        I can't get it to work myself.

 Although this FAQ now covers the Japanese DC version of 3rd Strike, I'm
 still going to use the US terms US terms (blocking instead of guarding,
 parrying instead of blocking), since my old arcade FAQ used that


 Standing Block                 Hold b when attacked
 Crouching Block                Hold db when attacked
 Mid-Air Block                  Hold b when attacked in air  (see notes)
 Standing Parry                 Tap f when attacked to stop high attacks
 Crouching Parry                Tap d when attacked to stop low attacks
 Standing Guard Parry           Tap f when blocking a multi-hit attack
 Crouching Guard Parry          Tap d when blocking a multi-hit attack
 Air Parry                      Tap f when attacked in air
 Air Guard Parry                Tap f while blocking...  (see notes)

 Forward Dash                   Tap f,f
 Backward Dash                  Tap b,b
 High Jump                      Tap db,uf / d,u / df,ub
 Quick Standing                 When knocked down, tap d as you land
 Grap Defense                   When thrown, press LP + LK  (air)
 Throws and Holds               When close, press (b / f +) LP + LK
 Leap Attack                    Press MP + MK
 Personal Action                Press HP + HK

 - 'Grap' is a combination of 'grab' and 'grapple'.  It's not a
   mispelling. :)
 - You can only use air blocking and air guard parrying if you've
   unlocked Page 8 of the System Direction Menu and have turned those
   options on and set the System Direction to 'Original'.  See section
   4 for details.  Remember for air blocking that you must hold back
   and not up-back or down-back in order to block.  Likewise, for
   air guard parrying, you can only use 'tap f' version and not the
   'tap d' version.


 Characters are listed alphabetically.  The silly-sounding titles that
 come after each person's name are from the instruction booklet (except
 for Gill's, which I got from  My Japanese
 translating skills are not too hot, either, so they probably sound
 goofier than they really are.  Note that Gill is not normally selectable
 (see section 3 for details on how to play with him).

 Moves are listed in this order; throws, your leap attack, special moves,
 command attacks, then your Super Arts.  For the target combo listings,
 you stay standing or crouching throughout the whole thing, unless it
 says otherwise.  So for Alex's target combos, you'd do a crouching LK,
 then a crouching MK or HK.  For Chun-Li's, you'd do a jumping HP, then
 press HP while still in air.  If you need to do something for the next
 attack, you'll be told to stand or crouch (for an example, see Dudley's
 4th Target Combo).

 ALEX, Power Edge

     Body Slam                  Press (b / f +) LP + LK
     Hand Stamp                 Press MP + MK

 EX  Flash Chop                 qcf + P
     Power Bomb                 hcb + P when close
     Spiral D.D.T.              hcb + K
 EX  Air Knee Smash             f,d,df + K
 EX  Air Stampede               Charge d,u + K
 EX  Slash Elbow                Charge b,f + K
     Flying Cross Chop          Jump u or uf, d + HP
     Chop                       f + MP
     Lariat                     f + HP
     Headbutt                   b + HP
     Sleeper Hold               Headbutt a back-turned opponent
     Power Backdrop             Power Bomb a back-turned opponent
     Backdrop Bomb              Hyper Bomb a back-turned opponent

 I   Hyper Bomb                 Rotate 360 + P   x1
 II  Boomerang Raid             qcf,qcf + P      x2
 III Stun Gun Headbutt          qcf,qcf + P      x1

 Target Combos:
  1.  crouching LK, MK
  2.  crouching LK, HK  (won't combo)

 - The Flash Chop can destroy normal projectiles.  When you connect with
   this move, your opponent is spun around so that their back is left
   toward you.  You can combo off of them at this point, but only the
   MP or HP Flash Chop give you enough time to do this.  The EX Flash
   Chop will not turn someone around and instead knocks them away.
 - When your opponent has their back to you, attempting the Headbutt
   results in the Sleeper Hold.  Likewise, the Power Bomb becomes the
   Power Backdrop, and the Hyper Bomb becomes the Backdrop Bomb.  All
   of these attacks do more damage than their 'normal' counterparts.
 - You can't block or parry the Spiral DDT, but you can duck under it.
 - The EX Air Knee Smash can be blocked or parried.
 - The EX version of the Air Stampede homes in on an opponent.
 - Alex's Air Stampede, the Flying Cross Chop, and his standing HP must
   be blocked standing.
 - The Headbutt can be blocked.
 - Normally, doing the Boomerang Raid leaves Alex's opponent with their
   back turned towards him, so that he finishes with an unblockable
   Backdrop-like attack.  If they are still facing forward when he grabs
   them (such as if they blocked or parried the previous hits, or if he
   did the move out of range so that only the grab hit), he finishes
   them with an unblockable Power Bomb (the button used changes the
   Power Bomb animation, but not the damage).  The Power Bomb does less
   damage than the normal Backdrop finisher, obviously.
 - An opponent hit by the Stun Gun Headbutt ends up dizzy.  The button
   used determines how far forward Alex jumps during this Super Art.
 - The Power Bomb, Spiral D.D.T., Air Knee Smash, Sleeper Hold, Power
   Backdrop, Backdrop Bomb, Hyper Bomb, and Stun Gun Headbutt are all

 CHUN-LI, Beautiful Leg Lines Come Again
     Koshuu Tou                 Press (b / f +) LP + LK
     Ryuusei Raku               Press (b / f +) LP + LK in air
     Kakushi Ken                Press MP + MK

 EX  Kikou Ken                  hcf + P
 EX  Hazan Shuu                 hcb + K
 EX  Spinning Bird Kick         Charge d,u + K
 EX  Hyakuretsu Kyaku           Tap K rapidly  (tap KK for EX version)
     Souren Shou                b + MP  (cancelable)
     Hakkei                     b + HP  (cancelable)
     Senjou Shuu                f + MK
     Yoku Sen Kyaku             f + HK
     Tenshin Shuu Kyaku         df + HK
     Yousou Kyaku               In air, d + MK
     Kakushu Raku Kyaku         Press and hold MK when close
     Suitotsu Da                Jump uf, press db~df + HP
     Sankaku Tobi               Jump against a wall, then press uf

 I   Kikou Shou                 qcf,qcf + P   x1
 II  Houyoku Sen                qcf,qcf + K   x2
 III Tensei Ranka               qcf,qcf + K   x3

 Target Combos:
  1.  jumping diagonally + HP, HP

 - The button used for the Kikou Ken determines how far it travels (LP
   is longest range, HP is shortest).
 - The Kikou Shou can negate projectiles.
 - You can cancel the final hit of the Houyoku Sen with a high jump.
 - The Hazan Shuu, Tenshin Shuu Kyaku, Yousou Kyaku, Suitotsu Da, and
   the final hit of the Tensei Ranka are overhead attacks and must be
   blocked low.

 DUDLEY, Boxing Gentleman

     Lever Crusher              Press LP + LK
     Dynamite Throw             Press b / f + LP + LK
     Jumping Elbow              Press MP + MK

 EX  Jet Upper                  f,d,df + P
 EX  Machine Gun Blow           hcf + P
     Ducking                    hcf + K
     Ducking Straight           Press P during Ducking
     Ducking Upper              Press K during Ducking
 EX  Cross Counter              hcb + P
 EX  Short Swing Blow           hcb + K

     Slipping Jab               f + LP   (cancelable)
     Stomach Blow               f + MP
     Step Straight              f + HP   (super cancelable)
     Lever Blow                 f + MK   (cancelable)
     Dart Shot                  f + HK

 I   Rocket Upper               qcf,qcf + P                  x2
 II  Rolling Thunder            qcf,qcf + P, tap P rapidly   x1
 III Corkscrew Blow             qcf,qcf + P                  x3

 Target Combos:
  1.  standing LP, MP, MK  (super cancelable on MP)
  2.  f+LP, MP  (cancelable)
  3.  crouching LK, MP, HP
  4.  crouching LK, crouching or standing MK  
  5.  standing MK, HK, HP
  6.  f+HK, MK
  7.  standing MP, MK, HP
  8.  standing LK, MK, MP, HP  (super cancelable on MP)
  9.  f+MK, MK, HP

 - You can juggle someone after an EX Machine Gun Blow.
 - When you use the Cross Counter, Dudley stands around idly for a moment
   (LP is the longest amount of time, HP is the shortest, strangely).  If
   Dudley is hit, he counters with a rushing punch.  The damage he does
   depends on the strength of his opponent's attack--countering an Light
   Punch does less damage than counter a Hard Kick.  Dudley can counter
   most middle and high attacks (including jumping attacks), but can't
   stop low attacks.  Finally, note that he still takes damage from his
   opponent's attack, which means it's possible to kill Dudley but still
   have him Cross Counter you.  Unfortunately, his attack (even an EX
   version) will do no damage. ;(
 - On the bright side, the EX Cross Counter costs less to use than his
   other EX specials, so if it misses you didn't waste too much power :)
 - The Slipping Jab can be performed repeatedly (it combos into itself).
 - Dudley's Dart Shot must be blocked standing.
 - The button used for the Corkscrew Blow determines how far forward you
   move during this move.
 - Immediately after you input the command for the Rolling Thunder, you
   can press f + PPP to make Dudley dash forward, then dash again,
   before he starts punching.  If your enemy isn't close by, holding
   f + PPP will make Dudley dash forward repeatedly until he's within
 - Dudley doesn't seem to have the Punch and Cross (hcb,f + P).  Is it
   just a glitch move in the arcade version or something?

 ELENA, Warrior of the Earth

     Body Slam                  Press (b / f +) LP + LK
     Knee Attack                Press MP + MK

 EX  Rhino Horn                 hcf + K
 EX  Mallet Smash               hcb + P
 EX  Spin Scythe                qcb + K  (perform 2 times)
 EX  Scratch Wheel              f,d,df + K
 EX  Lynx Tail                  b,d,db + K
     Handstand Kick             f + MP
     Handstand Whip             f + MK
     Round Arch                 b + HK
     Sliding                    df + HK

 I   Spinning Beat              qcf,qcf + K                      x3
 II  Brave Dance                qcf,qcf + K                      x2
 III Healing                    qcf,qcf + P, then PP to cancel   x1

 Target Combos:
  1.  jumping LP, MK
  2.  jumping MP, HP
  3.  standing HP, standing HK
  4.  standing MK, crouching HP

 - The Mallet Mash, Handstand Kick, and Handstand Whip are overhead
 - After the first two hits of the Spin Scythe, entering qcb + K again
   makes Elena finish the kick.  In the EX version, she finishes the
   qcb + K version by knocking her opponent into the air, where they
   can be juggled.  Alternately, you can enter qcb + K before that
   final kick to make her do a normal finisher, but you're better off
   juggling, since the finisher does about the same damage (depending
   on what button you use).
 - The Lynx Tail and Sliding hit low and must be crouch blocked.
 - When the Healing SA is used, Elena gains back a small amount of
   lost life.  If she's hit during this move, then she gains back no
   more life and the move ends.  You can end the move prematurely by
   pressing PP during the Healing animation, but this is not advised
   as Elena gets back the most life just as the move ends.

 GILL, Supreme Ruler of the Age of Gods

     Impact Claw                Press LP + LK
     Guilty Bomb                Press b / f + LP + LK
     Elbow                      Press MP + MK

     Pyro-kinesis               qcf + P     (on the left side)
     Cryo-kinesis               qcf + P     (on the right side)
     Cyber Lariat (Pyro Heat)   f,d,df + P  (on the left side)
     Cyber Lariat (Cryo Heat)   f,d,df + P  (on the right side)
     Moonsault Knee Drop        hcb + K
     Psycho Headbutt            qcb + P
     Palm Upper                 b + MP  (this is cancelable)
     Step Kick                  f + MK

 any Meteor Strike              qcf,qcf + P                      x1
 any Seraphic Wing              qcf,qcf + K                      x1
 any Ressurection               (occurs when you lose a round)   x1

 Target Combos:
  1.  standing LP, MP
  2.  crouching LK, MK
  3.  standing LP, b+MP  (won't combo, but b + MP is cancelable)

 - Gill does not have any EX-able moves.  Unlike W Impact, he can now
   super cancel his moves, though.
 - The Cyber Lariat has two 'hit points'.  If done from relatively close,
   Gill's opponent is knocked down.  If done from further away, only
   the elemental part (fire or ice) hits, and won't knock an opponent to
   the floor.
 - Gill's Moonsault Knee Drop and standing HK must be blocked standing.
 - The Moonsault Knee Drop homes in on an opponent's location, no matter
   what button strength is used.
 - The Psycho Headbutt will miss most characters if they are crouching.
   It's best used as an anti-air attack.
 - The Seraphic Wing cannot be parried, only blocked.
 - If Gill has one stock left when he is killed, he will come back to
   life using the Ressurection.  For the rest of that round, he cannot
   earn more Super Art power, although he can earn SA power normally
   in all following rounds.  Gill can be hit out of this move, preventing
   him from earning back all of his life, but he also automatically
   pushes people away who are close to him, so it can be difficult to
   land a hit.
 - Gill's Hard attacks and some of his special moves have the elemental
   effect of fire or ice.  This changes depending on what side of the
   screen he's on.  When he's on the left side (or first player side)
   of the screen, his attacks are like so:

             Standing HP / HK        -  Ice
             Jumping HP / HK         -  Fire
             Crouching HP            -  Fire
             Crouching HK            -  Ice
             qcf + P                 -  Pyro-kinesis    
             f,d,df + P              -  Cyber Lariat (Pyro Heat)

   When he's on the right side of the screen, all of this is reversed
   (so his crouching HP would be an ice attack, his qcf + P is the
   Cryokinesis, and his Cyber Lariat is the Cryo Heat type).
 - Gill's standing HK can hit twice at times, as can the Cyber Lariat.
 - Gill's attacks can juggle like mad, and in fact he has an infinite
   combo--knock someone up with a crouching HP, then juggle them with
   Psycho Headbutts.  He has a ton of other insane juggles, like doing
   two Cyber Lariats in a row and so on.

 GOUKI, Man with the Ultimate Fist

     Seoi Nage                  Press (f +) LP + LK
     Tomoe Nage                 Press b + LP + LK
     Straight                   Press MP + MK

     Gou Hadou Ken              qcf + P
     Zankuu Hadou Ken           In air, qcf + P
     Shakunetsu Hadou Ken       hcb + P
     Gou Shouryuu Ken           f,d,df + P
     Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku     qcb + K  (air)
     Ashura Senkuu              f,d,df / b,d,db + PPP / KKK
     Hyakki Shuu                f,d,df + K, then...
     Hyakki Gouzan     nothing after Hyakki Shuu
     Hyakki Goushou    P while in air
     Hyakki Goujin     K while in air
     Hyakki Gousai     LP + LK when close and in air
     Tenma Kuujin Kyaku         Jump uf, d + MK at apex of jump
     Zugai Hasatsu              f + MP

 I   Messatsu Gou Hadou         qcf,qcf + P           x2
 I   Tenma Gou Zankuu           In air, qcf,qcf + P   x2
 II  Messatsu Gou Shouryuu      qcf,qcf + P           x2
 III Messatsu Gou Rasen         qcf,qcf + K           x2
 III Messatsu Gou Senpuu        In air, qcf,qcf + K   x2
 any Shun Goku Satsu            LP,LP,f,LK,HP         x(max stocks)
 any Kongou Kokuretsu Zan       d,d,d + PP            x(max stocks)

 Target Combos:
  1.  close standing MP, HP

 - Gouki does not have any EX-able moves.
 - You can follow a ground LK Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku with an MP or HP
   Gou Shouryuu Ken.
 - The weird thing about the Ashura Senkuu is that if your opponent
   does a Super Art while teleporting, Gouki immediately stops moving
   and simply stands where he was when the SA began.  This means that
   you can hit Gouki with Super Arts, and you don't have to worry
   about him teleporting out of the way!  This effect will even work
   if you use a non-hitting Super Art (like Healing or Sei'ei Enbu).
 - The Hyakki Goushou, Zugai Hasatsu, and Tenma Kuujin Kyaku are
   overhead attacks.
 - You can combo an attack after a Tenma Kuujin Kyaku or Hyakki Goujin.
 - The Hyakki Gousai is a mid-air throw.  It will only hit someone if
   you grab them by the head, and it cannot catch people out of the
   air.  Unlike other air throws, you can't Grap Defense out of it.
 - If you pick Super Art I, you can use both the Messatsu Gou Hadou on
   the ground, and the Tenma Gou Zankuu in the air.  If you pick Super
   Art III, you get the Messatsu Gou Rasen on the ground, and the
   Messatsu Gou Senpuu (which does 1 point less of damage) in the air.
 - No matter what Super Art you pick, as long as you have 2 stocks in
   reserve, you can use the Shun Goku Satsu or Kongou Kokuretsu Zan.

 HUGO, Great Iron-Blooded Giant

     Neck Hanging Three         Press LP + LK
     Body Slam                  Press b / f + LP + LK
     Knee Attack                Press MP + MK

 EX  Giant Palm Bomber          qcb + P
 EX  Monster Lariat             qcf + K  (see notes on EX version)
     Ultra Throw                hcb + K when close
     Moonsault Press            Rotate 360 + P when close
     Meat Squasher              Rotate 360 + K
     Shootdown Backbreaker      f,d,df + K
     Body Press                 In air, d + HP
     Drop Kick                  b / f + HK
     Elbow                      When close, press HP while standing
 I   Gigas Breaker              Rotate 720 + P when close      x1
 II  Megaton Press              qcf,qcf + K                    x2
 III Hammer Mountain            qcf,qcf + P, hold P to delay   x2

 Target Combos:  None.

 Link Combos:
  1.  standing or crouching LP, LP, LP

 - An opponent hit by the Giant Palm Bomber is stunned and can be hit
   by another attack before they recover.  The EX Giant Palm Bomber
   knocks an opponent into the air.  Both versions can destroy normal
   projectiles, too.
 - Any character can crouch under the Monster Lariat.  If you hold K
   during the EX version, Hugo will run all the way across the screen;
   the longer you hold K, the more damage the lariat does.  Releasing
   K will make Hugo stop running and immediately lariat his opponent.
 - The Ultra Throw makes Hugo grab his opponent and throw them against
   the far wall.  Afterwards, they rebound off the wall and are left
   open to attack.  The button used determines how far they rebound
   after hitting the wall (LK is not far at all, while HK makes them
   fall closer to you).
 - The Meat Squasher starts off looking like a missed throw, but then
   Hugo runs at his opponent, grabs them and belly bops them into
   whichever wall is closest.  This move doesn't do great damage, but
   it does have a good range (HK is full screen)!  Unfortunately,
   nothing prevents your opponent from clobbering you while you're
   running towards them.
 - The ranges on the Shootdown Backbreaker have changed since Second
   Impact; now they all carry Hugo further across the screen, so it's
   easier to grab someone from far away.
 - The Ultra Throw, Moonsault Press, Meat Squasher, Shootdown
   Backbreaker, Gigas Breaker, and Megaton Press are all unblockable.
 - The Hammer Mountain can be delayed, but if you delay it for too long,
   the SA ends without Hugo attacking.  The delay is useful if you want
   to get closer before beginning the combo part of this move.  Since he
   uses his standing close HP for the third hit of the Hammer Mountain,
   that hit must be blocked standing.
 - The Shootdown Backbreaker and Megaton Press only hit airborne foes.
   They will also connect after an EX Giant Palm Bomber or the Ultra
   Throw.  The Megaton Press, in particular, has a very good range (it
   depends on the button used, HK is furthest), can can grab people who
   are just off the ground (say, Sean doing a Tornado).
 - Hugo's standing MK, HK, and HP must be blocked standing.
 - You can follow Hugo's Neck Hanging Three with an attack when your
   opponent's in the corner of the screen, like the Megaton Press!

 IBUKI, High-School Senior Ninja

     Yamitsudzura               Press (b / f +) LP + LK
     Tobizaru                   Press (b / f +) LP + LK in air
     Souken                     Press MP + MK

 EX  Kunai                      In air, qcf + P  (hold f during EX ver.)
 EX  Kubi Ori                   qcf + P
     Kasumi Gake                qcf + K
     Tsuiji Goe                 f,d,df + P
 EX  Kazakiri                   f,d,df + K
 EX  Hien                       b,d,db + K
     Raida                      hcb + P when close
 EX  Tsumuji                    qcb + K, then same K or d + same K
     Rasen Chuu                 Press HP when standing from afar
     Oiura Ken                  Press HP during Rasen Chuu
     Maki Geri                  f + LK
     Koube Kudaki               f + MK
     Bonshou Geri               f + HK
     You Men                    b + MP  (cancelable on first hit)
     Ura Maki Geri              b + MK
     Sazan                      df + MK
 I   Kasumi Suzaku              In air, qcf,qcf + P, tap P rapidly    x3
 II  Yoroi Dooshi               qcf,qcf + P  (from far or up close)   x1
 III Yami Shigure               qcf,qcf + P                           x1
 Target Combos:
  1.  jumping HP, f+MK
  2.  jump diagonally LP, f+HP
  3.  jump diagonally LK, f+MK
  4.  standing close HP (2 hits), crouching HK, standing far HK  (can
      cancel last hit with a high jump)
  5.  (standing far LP), standing far MP, f+LK
  6.  b+MK, f+MK  (won't combo)
  7.  (standing LK), MK, HK
  8.  close standing LP, MP, crouching HK, standing HK  (cancelable on
      first hit of MP; can cancel last hit with a high jump)
  9.  close standing LP, MP (1 hit), HP  (cancelable on first hit of MP
      or on HP)
  10. b+MP (2 hits), crouching HK, standing HK  (can cancel last hit
      with a high jump)
  11. b+MP (1 hit), HP  (cancelable)
 - The button used for the Kunai determines it's angle.  The Kunai
   knives can be destroyed by normal punches and kicks, but you need
   to have good timing.  Even the EX Kunai can be destroyed, but this
   isn't too useful unless your attack can take out both knives, since
   otherwise, you'll still get hit.   You can hold forward during the
   EX Kunai to make them fly further.
 - The Kubi Ori must be crouch blocked.  The actual command for this
   move is "qcf + P", despite what the instruction manual says.
 - For the life of me, I can't figure out the purpose of the Kasumi
   Gake.  It's faster than Ibuki's normal dash (since she runs instead
   of hopping), but you can't use it to go through people, and if you're
   hit while running, you take _additional_ damage!
 - The Tsuiji Goe can be used to set up a Kunai or Kasumi Suzaku, but
   it's a little tricky.  If you do this move and jump over your enemy,
   you have to reverse the command for either attack since you're now
   facing toward them.  If you do this move but don't jump over your
   enemy (say, if they're far away), then you have to do the command
   in the same direction (towards them), even though Ibuki will throw
   the Kunai or EX Kunai in the wrong direction.  In the case of the
   Kasumi Suzaku, though, she'll turn the right way before firing.
 - The EX Kazakiri does 1 damage point less than an HK version, but
   Ibuki recovers in air, allowing to throw a punch or kick, or even use
   a Kunai or Kasumi Suzaku as you fall (of course, you could always
   supercancel out of an HK Kazakiri into the Kasumi Suzaku).
 - After the Hien, you can follow with a Kunai or Kasumi Suzaku.  The
   EX version of the Hien homes in on an opponent's location.  This
   move is an overhead attack.
 - The Raida is blockable.
 - Ibuki's Tsumuji has changed slightly since 2nd Impact.  For the LK
   or HK versions, you cannot add hits, but can make the last hit an
   uncomboable sweep by holding down.  For the MK version, you can add
   an extra hit by pressing MK after the 2nd hit, or you can add an
   uncomboable sweep by pressing d + MK after the 2nd hit.  During
   the EX version of this move, simply holding down makes you sweep,
   and the sweeps can combo together (but they can't combo into the
   standing kicks).
 - The Rasen Chuu is cancelable.  Unlike 2nd Impact, you can go into
   the Oiura Ken even if the Rasen Chuu misses or is blocked, but the
   Oiura Ken is no longer super cancelable.
 - The Maki Geri can be performed repeatedly (it combos into itself).
 - The Koube Kudaki is an overhead attack.  Since your opponet stays
   stunned, you can follow with an attack once you land (such as the
   Yami Shigure).
 - The Sazan hits low and must be crouch blocked.
 - During the Kasumi Suzaku, you can tap P to throw more knives.  This
   will also make you rise higher into the air.
 - When you do the Yoroi Dooshi from up close, it becomes an unblockable,
   unparryable Raida-like attack that does much higher damage (as opposed
   to it being both blockable and parryable in previous games).  From
   further away, Ibuki attacks with a large ball of orange energy (that
   is both blockable and parryable), which does significantly less
 - The Yami Shigure hits low and must be crouch blocked.  The button
   used determines where Ibuki throws her kunai at.  This is important
   because if you use the HP version while next to someone, Ibuki will
   throw the kunai past them and the Super Art not continue.
 - You can cancel Ibuki's close standing HK (on the second hit only),
   with a high jump.  You can do the same with her far standing HK or
   crouching HP, although neither of these attacks will launch her
   opponent into the air.
 - Unlike other characters, Ibuki's dash can be used to leap through a
   character and end up behind them.  Technically her backstep can, too,
   although I don't see how you could arrange a backdash through your
   opponent ;)
 - You can Grap Defense out of Ibuki's Personal Action.

 KEN MASTERS, Rising Dragon of Flames

     Hiza Geri                  Press LP + LK
     Seoi Nage                  Press f + LP + LK
     Jigoku Guruma              Press b + LP + LK
     Straight                   Press MP + MK

 EX  Hadou Ken                  qcf + P
 EX  Shouryuu Ken               f,d,df + P
 EX  Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku     qcb + K
     Inazuma Kakato Wari        b + MK / hold MK during standing MK
     Fumikomi Mae Geri          f + MK
     Shiden Kakato Otoshi       f + HK  (hold HK to fake)

 I   Shouryuu Reppa             qcf,qcf + P                  x2
 II  Shinryuu Ken               qcf,qcf + K, tap K rapidly   x1
 III Shippuujinrai Kyaku        qcf,qcf + K                  x3

 Target Combos:
  1.  close standing MP, HP  (cancelable)

 - Ken's Inazuma Kakato Wari and Shiden Kakato Otoshi must be blocked
 - If blocked, Ken stops the Shippuujinrai Kyaku halfway through.

 MAKOTO, Super Tough Karate Girl

     Hikiyose Zutsuki "Tacchuu"             Press LP + LK
     Hiji Otoshi Sanren Tsuki "Araiso"      b / f + LP + LK
     Tobi Ken "Chigusa"                     Press MP + MK

 EX  Tosshin Seiken-zuki "Hayate"           qcf + P  (hold P to charge)
 EX  Chokujou Seiken-zuki "Fukiage"         f,d,df + P
 EX  Uchi Oroshi Shutou "Oroshi"            qcb + P
     Tsurushi Nodowa "Karakusa"             hcb + K when close
 EX  Senkou Kakato Otoshi "Tsurugi"         Jump u or uf, qcb + K
     Kote Tsuki "Kazami"                    f + LP
     Gezuki "Kaoruna"                       f + MP
     Fumikomi Seiken-zuki "Shimaki"         f + HP
     Fumikomi Seiken Sanren Tsuki "Yamase"  Press HP during "Shimaki"
     Mae Geri "Shibuki"                     f + LK
     Fumikomi Joudan Mawashi Geri "Naruto"  f + MK
     Fumikomi Soku Barai "Kuroshio"         f + HK  (hold HK to fake)

 I   Seichuusen Godan-zuki                  qcf,qcf + P   x1
 II  Abare Tosanami Kudaki                  qcf,qcf + K   x2
 III Tanden Renki: Seme no Kata             qcf,qcf + P   x1

 Target Combos:
  1.  standing LK, MK
  2.  standing f + MK, HK  (won't combo)

 - You can hold P to delay the "Hayate", increasing the amount of damage
   it does.  If you wish to cancel a delayed "Hayate", press any Kick
   while still holding P.  After the "Hayate" hits, you can make Makoto
   taunt her opponent by pressing HP + HK.
 - The "Fukiage" will only hit an airborne opponent.  After connecting
   with this move, you can attack your opponent as they're falling.
 - The "Oroshi" is an overhead attack and must be blocked standing.
 - The "Karakusa" is an unblockable throw.  It does very little damage,
   but since Makoto recovers before her opponent does, you can follow
   it with any attack you like.
 - The "Kaoruna" is super cancelable. 
 - The button used for the Abare Tosanami Kudaki determines the angle
   of Makoto's diving kick.  This diving kick is an overhead attack
   and must be blocked standing.  After the final hit, you can juggle
   your opponent as they fall.
 - During the Tanden Renki, Makoto's skin turns red.  For a limited
   period of time, her attacks inflict more damage.  While she cannot
   block during this Super Art, she can still parry.

 NECRO, Bio-Cyber

     Shoulder Attack            Press (f +) LP + LK
     Frankensteiner             Press b + LP + LK
     German Suplex              b / f + LP / LK on a back-turned foe
     Finger Attack              Press MP + MK

 EX  Flying Viper               qcb + P
 EX  Rising Cobra               qcb + K
 EX  Tornado Hook               hcf + P
     Snake Fang                 hcf + K
     German Suplex              Snake Fang a back-turned opponent
     Denji Blast                f,d,df + P, tap P rapidly
     Drill Kick                 In air, d + K
     Elbow                      b + LP / MP  (cancelable)
     Necro Upper                b + HP
     Knee Dagger                b + LK       (cancelable)
     Knee Attack                b + MK       (cancelable)
     Knee Missile               b + HK
     Whip Straight              d / df + HP
     Elbow Cannon               db + HP

 I   Chou Denji Storm           qcf,qcf + P, tap P rapidly   x1
 II  Slam Dance                 qcf,qcf + P                  x1
 III Electric Snake             qcf,qcf + P                  x2
 Target Combos:
  1.  standing b+LK, MP  (cancelable)
 - Necro's Flying Viper and Rising Cobra are overhead attacks.
 - An opponent hit by the the HP Tornado Hook is left with his back
   turned towards Necro, allowing you to get in an extra hit or use
   the German Suplex (Snake Fang version only).
 - The Snake Fang and Electric Snake must be blocked low.
 - Anyone hit by the Knee Missile remains stunned long enough for Necro
   to follow up with an attack.
 - Anybody hit by the Necro Upper can be juggled as they fall.
 - The Chou Denji Storm has a 'vacuum' effect that will suck in nearby
 - The Slam Dance is unblockable.
 - Necro can shorten the length of his limbs by pressing back, then
   hitting any Punch or Kick button.

 ORO, Mysterious Old Man with the Secret of Immortality

     Kubi-jime Kataguruma       Press (f +) LP + LK
     Tomoe Nage                 Press b + LP + LK
     Kuuchuu Jigoku Guruma      In air, any dir. but d + HP when close
     Tobi Hiza                  Press MP + MK

 EX  Nichirin Shou              Charge b,f + P
 EX  Oni Yanma                  Charge d,u + P
     Niou Riki                  hcb + P
 EX  Jinchuu Watari             qcf + K
 EX  Hitobashira Nobori         In air, qcf + K, tap K rapidly
     Mawashi Hiji               f + MP
     2 Dan Tobi                 While jumping, press ub~uf

 I   Kishin Riki                qcf,qcf + P, then P to grab    x1/1
 I   Kishin K. Jigoku Guruma    qcf,qcf + P, grab out of air   x1/1    
 II  Yagyou Dama                qcf,qcf + P  (use 3 times)     x3/3
 III Tengu Ishi                 qcf,qcf + P                    x1/1

 I   Kishin Tsui                qcf,qcf + PP   x(max stock)
 II  Yagyou Oodama              qcf,qcf + PP   x(max stocks)
 III Tengu Midare Ishi          qcf,qcf + PP   x(max stock)

 Target Combos:
  1.  close standing LK, MK

 - The button used for the Nichirin Shou determines the direction in
   which Oro's projectile is thrown.  LP is straight forward, MP is
   at a diagonal angle, and HP is at a 45 degree angle.  During the
   EX version of this move, the projectile homes in on your opponent
   somewhat, and Oro will direct his arm according to where your
   opponent is (ground or air), when you fire.
 - The Niou Riki is blockable, but cannot be parried.
 - The EX version of the ground Jinchuu Watari homes in on an opponent.
 - The Jinchuu Watari only hits a set number of times when done on the
   ground.  The air version, called Hitobashira Nobori, can hit
   multiple times if you tap K.
 - Oro's Jinchuu Watari, Hitobashira Nobori, and standing HP must be
   blocked standing.
 - During the Kishin Riki, Oro glows.  Pressing any Punch button makes
   him attempt a grab, as does attempting the Niou Riki.  Unfortunately,
   while you can still do combos like close standing MK into Niou Riki,
   it won't combo, preventing you from comboing into the Kishin Riki.
   Anyhow, upon grabbing an opponent, he slams them around (if it was a
   ground grab), or performs the Kishin Kuuchuu Jigoku Guruma (Terrible
   God's Mid-Air Hell Wheel), if he grabbed them in mid-air.  Note that
   the grab attempt is unblockable.
 - The button used for the Yagyou Dama affects it's trajectory (LP is
   fairly straight, HP makes it bob up and down).  It would appear that
   Oro has lost his high-arc Yagyou Dama (which was done by using PPP
   in New Generation, and PP in 2nd Impact).  Nonetheless, you can still
   have three Yagyou Dama balls on screen at the same time.
 - During the Tengu Ishi, items float around Oro's head, and whenever he
   attacks, they ram into his opponent for additional hits.  They will
   not hit extra times during a Nichirin Shou or Niou Riki, though.  The
   items can also offer a limited defense against attack, as they will
   absorb blows.  For example, they could stop an incoming jump kick,
   or if someone had thrown a fireball at you, you could press LP to
   make the items fly forward and negate the fireball.  Not all attacks
   can be stopped by the items, though.
 - Whatever Super Art you select also gives you an enchanced SA as well
   that costs all your stocks.  So if you picked the Yagyou Dama, you
   could also perform the Yagyou Oodama once you had three levels of
 - The Kishin Tsui makes Oro leap forward and do an unblockable grab
   attempt.  If he misses, that's it--there's no timer or anything.  If
   he hits, he performs one heck of a flying piledriver.  You could still
   do more damage with multiple Kishin Riki hits, but this one looks more
   impressive :)
 - The neat thing about the Tengu Midare Ishi is that you have five items
   to attack with (which also offers you more defense), but the timer
   goes down a lot faster.  The damage increase isn't that great, but
   with all those items surrounding you, your opponent's attacks have a
   harder time reaching you.
 - You can cancel Oro's standing MP with a high jump on either hit.
   Since this attack launches an opponent, it means you can follow with
   an air combo.

 Q, Whose Existence is a Mystery

 Due to Q's really long move names, the complete spellings have been
 abridged a bit (they should all say 'Kari' after them).  For the real
 spellings, please see the Translations section.

     Hokaku Oyobi Shippu o Mochii ta Tsuuda (Kari)   Press LP + LK
     Hokaku Oyobi Touteki ni yoru Daraku Shougeki    b / f + LP + LK     
     Shippu ni yoru Ko-Chouyaku Kougeki (Kari)       Press MP + MK 

 EX  Tosshin Toubu Dageki (Kari)                     Charge b,f + P
     Tosshin Touchoubu Dageki (Kari)                 Charge b,f + hold P
 EX  Tosshin Kashi Dageki (Kari)                     Charge b,f + K
 EX  Kousokudo Renzoku Dageki (Kari)                 qcb + P
     Hokaku Oyobi Tsuukon Dageki (Kari)              hcb + K when close
     Toubu ni yoru Jouhou Kougeki (Kari)             b + MP
     Ryouude ni yoru Zenshin Tsuugeki (Kari)         b + HP
     Tentou kara no Toubu Tsuugeki (Kari)            b + HK
     Tentou kara no Kyakubu Tsuugeki (Kari)          db~df + HK

 I   Tosshin Oyobi Chishi Renzoku Dageki (Kari)      qcf,qcf + P   x2
 II  Fukubu Oyobi Koutoubu e no Tsuuda (Kari)        qcf,qcf + P   x1
 III Bakuhatsu o Tomonau Dageki ya Hokaku (Kari)     qcf,qcf + P   x1
 III Bakuhatsu o Tomonau Dageki ya Hokaku: Dageki    qcf + P from SA III
 III Bakuhatsu o Tomonau Dageki ya Hokaku: Hokaku    qcf + K from SA III

 Target Combos:  None.

 - You can hit someone while they're falling after an EX Tosshin Toubu
   Dageki, Hokaku Oyobi Tsuukon Dageki, or Fukubu Oyobi Koutoubu e no
 - The Tosshin Kashi Dageki, the next-to-last hit of the Tosshin Oyobi
   Chishi Renzoku Dageki, as well as Q's crouching HP all hit low and
   must be blocked crouching.
 - The Tosshin Touchoubu Dageki is an overhead attack and must be
   blocked standing.
 - The button used for the Kousokudo Renzoku Dageki determines the
   angle of Q's hand swipes.  LP is horizontal, MP is slightly upwards,
   and HP is at a higher upwards angle.
 - The Hokaku Oyobi Tsuukon Dageki is an unblockable throw.
 - The Tentou kara no Toubu Tsuugeki has two 'hit points'; first low,
   then high.  Both can be blocked standing, but only the low hit can
   be canceled into special moves or Super Arts.  However, this hit
   will also knock an opponent down.
 - After the Bakuhatsu o Tomonau Dageki ya Hokaku, Q will flash orange.
   You now have two new moves you can use: the Dageki and the Hokaku.
   The Dageki is a comboable punch attack, while the Hokaku is an
   unblockable throw.  Connecting with either one results in a large
   explosion.  The throw method (Hokaku) does more damage than the
   punch attack (Dageki), though.
 - Here's something weird--for anyone who has seen the 'Giant Robo: Day
   of the Dead' anime, one of the women, Wendy, first shows up in the
   movie disgused _exactly_ like Q--same hat and trenchcoat, same gloves,
   even the same riveted metal mask.  So there has to be some connection,
   but I don't know what.

 REMY, Love and Hatred Compacted Together

     Valse no you ni Kuruoshiku    Press LP + LK
     Nemuri wo Midasu Contour      Press b / f + LP + LK     
     Izanai no Vague               Press MP + MK

 EX  Vertu no Zankou: Haute        Charge b,f + P
 EX  Vertu no Zankou: Basse        Charge b,f + K
 EX  Ma Cherie no Hiai             Charge d,u + K
 EX  Tsumetaku Aoi Regret          qcb + K
     Amari ni Muku na Aiguille     f + MK

 I   Hunnu no Supernova            qcf,qcf + P   x2
 II  Vierge ni Ansoku O            qcf,qcf + K   x2
 III Shoushin no Nocturne          qcf,qcf + K   x1

 Target Combos:
  1.  close standing MK, HK

 - The Vertu no Zankou: Basse is a low attack and must be crouch
   blocked.  During an EX version of either Vertu no Zankou, Remy
   throws a high and low projectile--the low one must be crouch
   blocked or it will hit.
 - The Tsumetaku Aoi Regret can be used to pass over a projectile
   and hit someone at the same time, if you're using the HK version.
 - The Amari ni Muku na Aiguille must be blocked standing.
 - The Shoushin no Nocturne is a counterattack SA.  If Remy is hit
   while his knee is lifted, he counters with a series of attacks.
   The attack must come right after the SA starts--afterwards he won't
   counter, even though he's in the same pose.  This move can counter
   aerial attacks, but this is not recommended, as you won't get in all
   of the hits.
 - Remy's crouching HP and his LP + LK throw (the Valse no you ni
   Kuruoshiku) knock a hit opponent into the air, allowing you to
   follow up with, say, a Ma Cherie no Hiai (for the throw, this only
   works in the corner of the screen).

 RYU, Superior One Who Seeks the Way

     Seoi Nage                  Press (f +) LP + LK
     Tomoe Nage                 Press b + LP + LK
     Straight                   Press MP + MK

 EX  Hadou Ken                  qcf + P
 EX  Shouryuu Ken               f,d,df + P
 EX  Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku     qcb + K
 EX  Joudan Sokutou Geri        hcf + K
     Sakotsu Wari               f + MP
     Kyuubi Kudaki              f + HP

 I   Shinkuu Hadou Ken          qcf,qcf + P                     x2
 II  Shin Shouryuu Ken          qcf,qcf + P                     x1
 III Denjin Hadou Ken           qcf,qcf + P, hold P to charge   x1

 Target Combos:
  1.  far standing HP, HK

 - An opponent hit by the EX Joudan Sokutou Geri is knocked off the
   wall behind them and into the air, where they can be juggled.
 - Ryu's Sakotsu Wari must be blocked standing.
 - You can link the Kyuubi Kudaki into an EX Shouryuu Ken or the Shin
   Shouryuu Ken.
 - The Shin Shouryuu Ken hits more times against an opponent who is in
   the air, but for less overall damage.  You can juggle someone who
   is falling down after getting hit by the ground version.
 - The Denjin Hadou Ken is unblockable, but can still be parried.  If
   you hold down the button used, Ryu will charge it up through four
   levels, flashing each time he reaches another level.  The more levels
   you have, the faster the fireball goes, and the more damage and stun
   damage it inflicts.  At level 3, it will stun most anyone but Hugo,
   and at level 4 (if you charge it all the way), it will stun any
   character with an empty stun gauge.  Ryu still charges a bit even
   during the throwing animation, so for example, you could charge up
   almost to Level 3, release the button, but still reach the next level
   while Ryu begins to toss the fireball.
 - You can make the Denjin Hadou Ken charge faster by wiggling the
   joystick rapidly while holding down the Punch button used.

 SEAN, Hot Storm Kid

     Seoi Throw                 Press (f +) LP + LK
     Tomoe Throw                Press b + LP + LK
     Straight                   Press MP + MK

 EX  Sean Tackle                hcf + P  (hold P to tackle)
 EX  Dragon Smash               f,d,df + P
 EX  Tornado                    qcb + K
 EX  Ryuubi Kyaku               qcf + K
     Zenten                     qcb + P
     Rolling Sobat              f + MK
     Sean Pachiki               f + HP

 I   Hadou Burst                qcf,qcf + P                  x3
 II  Shouryuu Cannon            qcf,qcf + P, tap P rapidly   x2
 III Hyper Tornado              qcf,qcf + P                  x1

 Target Combos:
  1.  close standing MP, HK
  2.  close standing HP, f+HP  (won't combo)

 - The Sean Tackle hits low and must be crouch blocked.
 - Sean's Ryuubi Kyaku and Sean Pachiki are overhead attacks.
 - The EX version of the Ryuubi Kyaku homes in on an opponent.
 - You can roll thorugh somebody using the Zenten.

 TWELVE, White Massacre Machine

     H.U.G.                     Press LP + LK
     F.L.G.                     f + LP + LK
     T.R.W.                     b + LP + LK
     J.S.P.                     Press MP + MK

 EX  N.D.L.                     qcf + P
 EX  A.X.E.                     qcb + P  (air)
 EX  D.R.A.                     In air, qcb + K
     Kokkuu                     In air, tap b,b / f,f
     Kabe Haritsuki             Press f into a wall during Kokkuu
     B.M.K.                     f + MK  (cancelable)

 I   X.N.D.L.                   qcf,qcf + P           x2
 II  X.F.L.A.T.                 In air, qcf,qcf + P   x2
 III X.C.O.P.Y.                 qcf,qcf + P           x1

 Target Combos:  None.

 - The button used for the N.D.L. determines where the needles come up
   from (LP is closest, HP is furthest away).  The EX version of the
   N.D.L. will home in on an opponent's location.
 - You can add hits to the MP, MP, or EX version of the A.X.E. by
   tapping any Punch button rapidly.  The same applies if this move is
   done in mid-air, but I had trouble getting the extra hits to land
   unless they were standing and I did the A.X.E. while descending from
   a jump.
 - The button used for the D.R.A. determines Twelve's angle of descent.
 - When the Kokkuu is used, Twelve glide through the air in a downward
   arc.  You can cancel this move into any mid-air punch, kick, or
   special move, although I had trouble doing the A.X.E. consistently,
   and wasn't able to do the EX A.X.E. at all.  You can do this move
   while on the ground by tapping ub,ub (to fly backwards), or uf,uf
   (to fly forwards), but it's not as easy to perform as the mid-air
 - You can hold in the direction that you're flying during the Kokkuu,
   and if you're near a wall, Twelve will grab onto it, then spring
   off again and do another Kokkuu.
 - The closer you are to someone when you use the X.N.D.L., the more
   damage they will take from this attack.
 - The X.F.L.A.T. is Twelve's most damaging Super Art, but connecting
   with it is difficult, as it only has one range (unlike the D.R.A.)
   Also, it does significantly less damage if your opponent is airborne
   when you hit them.
 - When you use the X.C.O.P.Y., Twelve transforms into a copy of his
   opponent (albeit with different colors, and altered vocals).  He will
   remain transformed for a limited period of time.  While imitating his
   opponent, he can't use EX moves or Super Arts, since he can't earn SA
   power.  However, he can still use any other ability that his opponent
   can (including Personal Action bonuses, like increased attack power).
 - While transformed, you get an increase in both attack and defense
   power, so you take less damage and inflict more yourself.  However,
   you have to be careful, since when you're transforming back into your
   original form, you can be hit and will take added damage during this
   time.  However, once you transform back, you keep any Personal Action
   bonuses!  This means that if you copied Hugo and taunted four times,
   you'd have an exceptionally high defense ranking, and even when you
   turned back into Twelve your defense power (although lowered) would
   still be above average.
 - During a bonus stage, using the X.C.O.P.Y. makes Twelve hold his head;
   this will not drain your SA power though, so you can do it as often as
   you want.
 - Twelve's standing MK can be canceled into a high jump.
 - Twelve can walk under projectiles that aren't too low to the ground,
   since he crouches so close to the floor when moving back or forward.
 - When you use Twelve's Personal Action, he turns invisible.  See the
   section on Personal Actions for more information.

 URIEN, Treacherous Disciple

     Destroy Claw               Press LP + LK
     Spartan Bomb               Press b / f + LP + LK
     Elbow                      Press MP + MK

 EX  Metallic Sphere            qcf + P, can hold P to delay
 EX  Chariot Tackle             Charge b,f + K
 EX  Violence Knee Drop         Charge d,u + K
 EX  Dangerous Headbutt         Charge d,u + P
     Quarrel Punch              f + MP
     Quarrel Kick               f + MK
     Terrible Smash             f + HP

 I   Tyrant Punish              qcf,qcf + P        x2
 II  Jupiter Thunder            qcf,qcf + P        x2
 III Aegis Reflector            qcf,qcf + P / PP   x2

 Target Combos:
  1.  standing LP, MP  (cancelable)
  2.  f + MP, HP

 - Urien's Violence Knee Drop, Terrible Smash, and standing HK are
   overhead attacks.
 - The EX version of the Violence Knee Drop homes in on an opponent.
 - The Jupiter Thunder shrinks as it travels.  This means it hits less
   times and does less damage from further away than from up close.
 - The button used for the Aegis Reflector determines it's location.
   After arriving at it's location, the reflector solidifies, then begins
   drifting towards Urien's opponent.  The PP version throws a reflector
   diagonally up into the air, where it stays in place.  While one can
   hit a reflector with attacks (which are considered to be blocked),
   actually touching a reflector with too much of one's body results in
 - As previously stated, the reflectors do hit for damage (up to six hits
   before they break apart).  You can also block or parry a reflector.  A
   weird property of the reflector is that it's "one way"--you can pass
   through the back of a reflector but not the front.  For example, if
   Urien throws a Reflector behind you, he could push you into it and you
   would be knocked through it while taking hits.  But if he throws a
   reflector in front of you, you won't be able to walk through it.
 - This means you can use the back of a reflector for juggles.  As an
   example, let's say Urien is next to Ibuki and does an LP Reflector.
   Ibuki is pushed through it for three hits.  Now Urien can jump over
   Ibuki, and walk forward or attack, pushing her back into the Aegis
   Reflector.  Instead of her getting knocked through it again, she is
   pinned between it and Urien for several hits.  You can even bounce a
   person off of a reflector if you hit them in air, or set them up
   to bounce between two or more reflectors!
 - Another (much more obvious feature) is that the reflector can reflect
   certain projectiles and absorb others.  Some projectiles (mostly
   Super Arts) are not only reflected, but they lose a hit.  For example,
   Gouki's HP Shakunetsu Hadou Ken hits three times, but after being
   reflected, it will only hit twice.  Here's how each projectile is
   affected by the Aegis Reflector:

    Denjin Hadou Ken        Absorbed if uncharged or at Level 1.  Any
                            higher and it goes through the reflector but
                            loses a hit.  Once it reaches Level 3, even
                            multiple reflectors can't totally absorb it.
    Gou Hadou Ken           Reflected.
    Hadou Burst             Reflected.
    Hadou Ken               Reflected.
    EX Hadou Ken            Reflected.
    Hunnu no Supernova      Reflected (projectiles cancel one another).
    Jupiter Thunder         Reflected, but won't lose a hit.
    Kunai / EX Kunai        Absorbed.
    Kasumi Suzaku           Absorbed, but quickly breaks reflector.
    Kikou Ken               Reflected, but may not hit Chun-Li since
                            it dissapates after a while.
    EX Kikou Ken            Reflected.
    Kikou Shou              Goes through (and destroys) the reflector.
    Messatsu Gou Hadou      Reflected, but loses a hit.
    Metallic Sphere         Reflected.
    EX Metallic Sphere      Absorbed.  If it destroys the reflector,
                            one sphere continues forward.
    Meteor Strike           Absorbed, but quickly breaks reflector.
    Nichrin Shou            Reflected.
    EX Nichrin Shou         Abosorbed.  If it destroys the reflector,
                            it loses a hit.
    Personal Action         Both Dudley and Sean's are absorbed.
    Pyro- / Cryo-kinesis    Absorbed, but will break the reflector.
    Shakunetsu Hadou Ken    LP is absorbed, the others reflect but lose
                            a hit.
    Shinkuu Hadou Ken       Reflected, but loses a hit.
    Tengu Ishi              Blocked--does lots of damage to reflector.
    Tenma Gou Zankuu        Reflected, but loses a hit.
    Vertu no Zankou         Reflected.
    EX Vertu no Zankou      Both are reflected.
    Yagyou Dama             Reflected (or deflected, depding), but loses
                            a hit.
    Yagyou Oodama           Goes through reflector.
    Yoroi Dooshi            Absorbed, but will break the reflector.
    Zankuu Hadou Ken        Reflected downwards.

   Once a projectile has been reflected, it can hit you, obviously.
   You can't reflect something twice (for example, using an LP Reflector
   to turn aside a Yagyou Dama ball, then throwing an MP or HP Reflector
   to try and knock it back towards you).  Speaking of Oro, he can throw
   an LP or EX Nichrin Shou through the reflector (it won't hit his arm,
   and since his hand is beyond the reflector, the projectile isn't
   deflected).  The MP and HP versions (as well as the EX version, if
   Oro's opponent is in the air and he aims upwards) hit the edge of the
   Reflector and bounce away, or are absorbed in the EX version's case).
 - Finally, each reflector has a 'life span' of a limited duration.  This
   lifespan is further reduced by the following:

     * Using the reflector to block attacks.
     * Using the reflector to parry attacks.
     * Using the reflector to absorb projectiles.
     * Using the reflector to reflect projectiles.
     * Using the reflector to damage someone (6 hits and it's gone)
     * Using the reflector to juggle someone (6 hits and it's gone)

   It's possible to weaken a reflector enough that a projectile will
   break it and go through instead of being absorbed.  Projectiles that
   are reflected will always be reflected back even if the Aegis
   Reflector breaks upon touch.  In either case, they still lose a hit
   (although any projectile can always hit at least once).

 YANG, Blue Dragon of the Gale

     Hiza Geri                  Press LP + LK
     Youhon Shiun               f + LP + LK
     Monkey Flip                b + LP + LK
     Toukuu Koushu              Press MP + MK

 EX  Tourou Zan                 qcf + P  (perform 3 times)
 EX  Senkyuutai                 qcf + K
     Byakko Soushouda           qcb + P  (qcb + PP to fake)
     Zenpou Tenshin             hcb + K when close
     Kaihou                     f,d,df + K
     Raigeki Shuu               Jump u or uf, then df + K
     Senpuu Kyaku               f + MK
     Koushu                     When close, f + HP

 I   Raishin Mahha Ken          qcf,qcf + P   x1
 II  Tenshin Senkyuutai         qcf,qcf + K   x2
 III Sei'ei Enbu                qcf,qcf + P   x1

 Target Combos:
  1.  standing MP, HP, b+HP                (super cancelable)
  2.  standing LK, MK, HK
  3.  jump diagonally MK, MK Raigeki Shuu      

 Link Combos:
  1.  close standing MP, far MP  (cancelable)

 - During the EX Tourou Zan, you can perform it five times instead of
   the normal three.  However, unless you do all five attacks fairly
   quickly, the last hit will miss.
 - The Byakko Soushouda can destroy normal projectiles.
 - The button used for the Senkyuutai determines both how far Yang
   rolls, and the height of the kick performed.  LP results in no roll
   and a high kick, while HK makes Yang roll across the screen but do
   a rather short kick.
 - The Zenpou Tenshin is an unblockable throw that switches places with
   Yang and his opponent.  Since Yang recovers first, you can combo off
   of this move.
 - The Kaihou is a teleport move that can be used to move through
   attacks and your opponent.  However, you can still be hit by attacks
   while you're visible (he can only go through attacks when he is
   totally invisible).
 - Yang's Raigeki Shuu and Senpuu Kyaku must be blocked standing.
 - The button used for the Raigeki Shuu determines the angle at which
   Yang descends.  This attack can be comboed into a ground combo.
 - The Sei'ei Enbu has been toned down from 2nd Impact.  During this
   move, Yang is followed by two copies of himself that attack when
   he does.  Technically, this means any attack that hits once would
   hit three times, but the last shadow is somewhat slower, so you'll
   really get 2 hits (and 5 hits for a 2-hit attack).  Only on
   particularly slow moves will you get all three hits (like Yang's
   standing HK).  You cannot use the fake Byakko Soushouda (qcb + PP)
   during this Super Art.
 - You can cancel Yang's standing MK with a high jump (but not if it's
   done in his standing LK,MK,HK Target Combo).  Since this attack
   launches an opponent, it means you can follow with an air combo.
 - You can delay the final hit (b+HP) of Yang's MP,HP,b+HP Target Combo.

 YUN, White Dragon of the Winds and Clouds

     Monkey Flip                Press b / f + LP + LK
     Hiza Geri                  Press LP + LK
     Gekihou Sui                Press MP + MK

 EX  Zesshou Hohou              qcf + P
     Kobokushi                  qcb + P  (qcb + PP to fake)
 EX  Tetsuzan Kou               f,d,df + P
 EX  Nishou Kyaku               f,d,df + K
     Zenpou Tenshin             hcb + K when close
     Raigeki Shuu               Jump u or uf, then df + K
     Senpuu Kyaku               f + MK
     Dakai                      f + HP

 I   Youhou                     qcf,qcf + P   x1
 II  Sourai Rengeki             qcf,qcf + P   x3
 III Gen'ei Jin                 qcf,qcf + P   x1

 Target Combos:
  1.  jumping LP, jumping f+HP
  2.  crouching MP, crouching HP
  3.  crouching HK, standing HK
  4.  standing MP, HP, b+HP                (super cancelable)
  5.  close standing LP, close LK, far MP  (cancelable)
 Link Combos:
  1.  crouching HP, Youhou or Sourai Rengeki
  2.  close standing MP, far MP               (cancelable)
  3.  crouching MP, MP                        (cancelable)

 - You can follow the MP or HP Tetsuzan Kou with an attack, like the
   Zesshou Hohou.
 - The Kobokushi can destroy normal projectiles.
 - The Zenpou Tenshin is an unblockable throw that switches places with
   Yun and his opponent.  Since Yun recovers first, you can combo off
   of this move.
 - Yun's Raigeki Shuu and Senpuu Kyaku must be blocked standing.
 - The button used for the Raigeki Shuu determines the angle at which
   Yun descends.  This attack can be comboed into a ground combo.
 - You can hit someone while they're falling after the Youhou.  A
   Zesshou Hohou will work nicely ;)
 - During the Gen'ei Jin, Yun can combo together his normal moves (sort
   of like chain combos), and can juggle his opponent with any of his
   moves as well (for example, you could do a LK Nishou Kyaku -> LP
   Zesshou Hohou juggle repeatedly to carry your opponent across the
   screen).  In addition, all of his normal attacks and special moves
   come out faster.  The Gen'ei Jin also affects him in different ways:

     *  His Zesshou Hohou and Tetsuzan Kou hit multiple times.
     *  His Zesshou Hohou won't knock people down.
     *  His Kobokushi knocks people away further than before.
     *  However, you can't use the fake (PP) Kobokushi.
     *  He can't do Target Combos #1 or #4.
     *  He can't use normal throws (he can still do the Zenpou Tenshin).
 - You can cancel Yun's standing MK with a high jump.  Since this
   attack launches an opponent, it means you can follow with an air
 - You can delay the final hit (b+HP) of Yun's MP,HP,b+HP Target Combo.


 The way I was able to unlock Page 8 was to beat the game on maximum
 difficulty (Level 8).  I used a bunch of continues and still got the
 page unlocked.  I had beaten the game previously at Level 8, but I
 had turned the System Direction to ORIGINAL (I was cheating, aheheh),
 and nothing was unlocked.  So I think you have to play with System
 Direction set to NORMAL, or else beating the game doesn't count.

 The method Jimmy Lee told me will unlock all the pages (8 through 10).
 Simply beat the game once with every character--it doesn't matter what
 difficulty you're playing on, or how many times you continue.  As you
 beat the game with more characters, the pages are unlocked.  I would
 assume you have to leave the game on NORMAL, but I haven't tested it,
 so I can't say.


 To enable Gill, beat the game with every character.  It doesn't matter
 what difficulty you use, or how many times you die or continue.  To
 select Gill, highlight Yun and press up, or highlight Yang and press


 Beat the game with Gill on any difficulty (it doesn't matter if you
 lose a round or continue) , and the Extra Options menu will appear under
 the Options submenu.

 By the way, one of the options in Extra Options lets you change how
 many stocks you can hold.  Changing this will make Gill's Super Arts
 unusable--I'm not sure why, though.  Probably has something to do
 with his Super Arts costing all of his stocks to use, normally.


 Normally Q will never show up as a CPU opponent.  However, you can
 fight him if you fulfill the following requirements by the time you've
 reached Stage 7 or 8.

        - Don't lose any rounds
        - Don't continue.
        - Get a grade of at least a D or better on every stage.
        - Get 2 or more Special Points.
        - Get more than X Super Art Finishes, where X equals:

             1-round battles   X=  3 Super Art finishes
             3-round battles       5 Super Art finishes
             5-round battles       7 Super Art finishes
             7-round battles       9 Super Art finishes

 If you meet all the requirements, then after beating your last opponent,
 Q's profile will flash across the screen, and he will challenge you on
 whatever stage you were last in (although now Q's theme will be


 In Arcade Mode, after beating every three opponents, you get to play a
 bonus game.  To pick the difficulty of the bonus game, input the
 following command when the 'Let's Blocking' message appears on-screen:

                         Normal                Hard
        For Level 1      Hold d + LK           Hold u + LK
        For Level 2      Hold d + MK           Hold u + MK
        For Level 3      Hold d + HK           Hold u + HK
        For Level 4      Hold d + KKK          Hold u + KKK
        For Level 5      Hold d + LP+MK+HP     Hold u + LK+MP+HK

 Personally, I have had trouble getting the Hard codes to work, except
 for the ones for Level 4 and 5.  Normally, the difficulty is determined
 by how well you play (it gets harder depending on how well you do
 against the CPU).


 Each character has six different colors, depending on the button you use
 to select them.  They also have a seventh, hidden color that you can get
 by selecting them with LP + MK + HP.

 Note that Gill only has two colors--red and blue (select him with any
 Punch), or his hidden color from 2nd Impact, which is monochrome (pick
 him with any Kick button).


 You can hit an opponent after you've delivered the knockout blow.  If
 you killed them with a LP or LK, they'll be stunned and you can attack
 them again.  With any other attack, they get knocked away (but it's
 still possible to juggle them around).


 Pause the game, then press X, and the menu will vanish.  Pressing any
 button but start will make the menu reappear.


 Normally when you beat Necro on the last round, Effie runs up and falls
 down next to him.  However, if you kill Necro with an attack that
 doesn't knock him down (LP or LK, or say, Alex's Headbutt or Stun Gun
 Headbutt), Effie will run up and sit down next to Necro instead.


 Simply kill somebody with a Shun Goku Satsu and you're treated to a
 rather hellish-looking Gouki pose.

 CHUN-LI'S HIDDEN WIN POSE                         (arcade version only?)

 Get a perfect win, then press and hold Start when the "K.O." message
 appears on-screen (she'll throw a peace sign).  I got this trick from
 Ura no Ura and haven't tested it out myself.

 HUGO'S HIDDEN TAUNT                               (arcade version only?)

 Hold Start while doing Hugo's Personal Action (HP + HK), and Poison will
 appear and do a taunt.  There are three types of taunts he can perform,
 but they're random.

 SUPER ART NAMING GLITCH                            (arcade version only)

 There is a glitch in some versions of 3rd Strike (supposedly, only the
 early revisions?) where when you pick Yang on the 2P side, his second
 Super Art is listed as "I. Magnetic Storm" instead of "II. Tenshin
 Senkyuutai"  It's just a naming error, you don't actually get Necro's
 SA :)  This doesn't happen if you pick Yang on the 1P side, though.
 And no, Necro doesn't have the "Tenshin Senkyuutai" listed as one of
 his supers, either (too bad, since I hate Magnetic Storm anyway....)


 Anyone else noticed this in the DC version of Third Strike?  You'll see
 a vertical line in your character that's transparent, so you can see
 the background--this keeps popping up occasionally.  I hope my disc
 isn't faulty....


 "System Direction" is an interesting feature that lets you change the
 basics of how the game plays.  For example, you could disable high
 jumps, or make EX moves cost nothing to use, or even change the Leap
 Attack command back to d,d + P / K instead of MP + MK.  This section
 explains each option in the menus.  In order to aid those who can't read
 Japanese, I've included Japanese text in this section, so you can simply
 compare it to the text on-screen and figure out which option is which.
 Note that the text is EUC encoded, and you will need a Japanese word
 processor to read it (or a web browser that can display Japanese).  The
 only good free word processor I know of is NJSTAR, created by Hongbo Ni
 and available at <>.

 Since NJSTAR can only display small files, you may which to look at my
 "System Direction FAQ", which is this section as a stand-alone text
 file, available at <> or <>.  Otherwise,
 if you're using NJSTAR, you'll have to cut out this section and save it
 as a new file.


 Once you go into the System Direction menu, you'll be confronted with
 several options:

 SYSTEM         - NORMAL uses the game's default rules of play, while
                  ORIGINAL uses any changes you've made in the System
                  Direction menu.  So without this option set to
                  ORIGINAL, no changes you make will affect the game!

 DIRECTION      - This takes you to the System Direction pages, explained

 SAVE           - System Direction data is saved separately from the
                  standard save file.  If you create a particular setup
                  that you want to keep, don't forget to save!

 LOAD           - You can use this to load up any previous System
                  Direction data files that you've already saved.

 Here's where you can start altering how the game works.  Press up or
 down to highlight an option, then press left or right to change it.
 White indicates the default settings, red indicates any changed
 settings.  Unfortunately, there is no 'master reset' option, so you'll
 have to put the options back to normal yourself if you didn't like a
 change that you made.  You can go to the next page by going down to the
 black bar at the bottom of the screen, then pressing left or right plus
 a button, or else tap left or right twice.

 The pages are as follows.  Note that the option titles are there to help
 you understand what the option does, and aren't verbatim translations of
 the Japanese text (that's all found in the Translations section, below).
 Some of the stuff that I couldn't translate, I was able to figure out by
 fooling around, but some of the options have me stumped, frankly.
 Anyway, here goes:

 [ PAGE 1 ]  ------------------------------------------------------------

 Ground Parrying                       [ ÃϾå¥Ö¥í¥Ã¥­¥ó¥° ]
 Anti-Air Parrying                     [ Âжõ¥Ö¥í¥Ã¥­¥ó¥° ]
 Mid-Air Parrying                      [ ¶õÃæ¥Ö¥í¥Ã¥­¥ó¥° ]
 Time to Input a Parry                 [ ¥Ö¥í¥Ã¥­¥ó¥°¼õ¤±ÉÕ¤±»þ´Ö ]
 Guard Parrying                        [ ¥¬¡¼¥É¥Ö¥í¥Ã¥­¥ó¥° ]
 Time to Input a Guard Parry           [ ¥¬¡¼¥É¥Ö¥í¥Ã¥­¥ó¥°¼õ¤±ÉÕ¤±»þ´Ö ]

 [ PAGE 2 ]  ------------------------------------------------------------

 Blocking                              [ ¥¬¡¼¥É ]
 Active Blocking                       [ ¶¯À©¥¬¡¼¥É ]
 Distance at which Blocking Occurs     [ ¥¬¡¼¥Éì¬Ê̵÷Î¥ ]
 Block Damage                          [ ¾Ã¤ê¥À¥á¡¼¥¸ ]

 [ PAGE 3 ]  ------------------------------------------------------------

 Forward Dash                          [ Á°Êý¥À¥Ã¥·¥å ]
 Backward Dash                         [ ¸åÊý¥À¥Ã¥·¥å ]
 Jump                                  [ ¥¸¥ã¥ó¥× ]
 High Jump                             [ ¥Ï¥¤¥¸¥ã¥ó¥× ]
 Quick Standing                        [ ¥¯¥¤¥Ã¥¯¥¹¥¿¥ó¥Ç¥£¥ó¥° ]
 [ PAGE 4 ]  ------------------------------------------------------------

 Basic Throws and Holds                [ Åꤲ ]
 Grap Defense                          [ ¥°¥é¥Ã¥×¥Ç¥£¥Õ¥§¥ó¥¹ ]
 Restricted Grap Defense               [ ¥°¥é¥Ã¥×¥Ç¥£¥Õ¥§¥ó¥¹¤ÎÀ©¸Â ]

 [ PAGE 5 ]  ------------------------------------------------------------

 Leap Attacks                          [ ¥ê¡¼¥×¥¢¥¿¥Ã¥¯ ]
 Leap Attack Command Change            [ ¥ê¡¼¥×¥¢¥¿¥Ã¥¯¤Î¥³¥Þ¥ó¥É ]
 Personal Actions                      [ ¥Ñ¡¼¥½¥Ê¥ë¥¢¥¯¥·¥ç¥ó ]
 Personal Actions after a KO           [ £Ë£Ï¸å¥Ñ¡¼¥½¥Ê¥ë¥¢¥¯¥·¥ç¥ó ]

 [ PAGE 6 ]  ------------------------------------------------------------

 Super Arts                            [ ¥¹¡¼¥Ñ¡¼¥¢¡¼¥Ä ]
 Special Moves                         [ ɬ»¦µ» ]
 EX Special Moves                      [ £Å£Øɬ»¦µ» ]
 EX Special Move Gauge Consumption     [ £Å£Øɬ»¦µ»¤Î¥²¡¼¥¸¾ÃÈñÎÌ ]

 [ PAGE 7 ]  ------------------------------------------------------------

 Target Combos                         [ ¥¿¡¼¥²¥Ã¥È¥³¥ó¥Ü ]
 Normal Move Cancels                   [ ¥­¥ã¥ó¥»¥ëɬ»¦µ» ]
 Supercancels                          [ £Ó£Á¥­¥ã¥ó¥»¥ë ]
 High Jump Cancels                     [ ¥­¥ã¥ó¥»¥ë¥Ï¥¤¥¸¥ã¥ó¥× ]
 Method of High Jump Canceling Used    [ ¥Ï¥¤¥¸¥ã¥ó¥×¥­¥ã¥ó¥»¥ë¤Î»ÅÍÍ ]

 [ PAGE 8 ]  ------------------------------------------------------------

 Mid-Air Blocking                      [ ¶õÃ楬¡¼¥É ]
 Jump after a Knockdown (?)            [ ¿á¤­Èô¤Ó¸å¥¸¥ã¥ó¥×¾õÂÖ¤Ø ]
 All Attacks Cause Block Damage        [ ¤¹¤Ù¤Æ¤Îµ»¤Ë¾Ã¤ê¥À¥á¡¼¥¸ ]
 Start off with a full SA Gauge        [ £Ó£Á¥²¡¼¥¸£Í£Á£Ø¥¹¥¿¡¼¥È ]
 SA Gauges reset after each round      [ £Ó£Á¥é¥¦¥ó¥É¥ê¥»¥Ã¥È ]

 [ PAGE 9 ]  ------------------------------------------------------------

 Ground Chain Combos                   [ ÃϾå¥Á¥§¡¼¥ó¥³¥ó¥Ü ]
 Mid-Air Chain Combos                  [ ¶õÃæ¥Á¥§¡¼¥ó¥³¥ó¥Ü ]
 Cancel out of any Normal Attack       [ Á´Ä̾ﵻ¤¬¥­¥ã¥ó¥»¥ë²Äǽ ]
 Supercancel into Specials or SAs      [ ɬ»¦µ»¢ªÉ¬»¦µ»or£Ó£Á ]

 [ PAGE 10 ]  -----------------------------------------------------------

 Use All Super Arts                    [ Á´¥¹¡¼¥Ñ¡¼¥¢¡¼¥Ä»ÈÍѲÄǽ ]
 Cancel Super Arts into Super Arts     [ £Ó£Á¥­¥ã¥ó¥»¥ë£Ó£Á ]
 Mid-Air Chain Combo Restrictions      [ ¶õÃ楳¥ó¥ÜÀ©¸ÂÃÍ ]

 Pages 8 through 10 are not normally accessible.  See the 'Secrets and
 Tricks' section for details on how to enable them.


 For those desiring a more in-depth explanation, here you go.  I can't
 figure out some of these options, so I've typed the Japanese text in;
 maybe someone out there could translate it for me? :)

 [ PAGE 1 ]  ------------------------------------------------------------

 GROUND PARRYING                       [ ÃϾå¥Ö¥í¥Ã¥­¥ó¥° ]
  - With this turned off, players cannot use any kind of ground parry
    (standing or crouching parries).

 ANTI-AIR PARRYING                     [ Âжõ¥Ö¥í¥Ã¥­¥ó¥° ]
  - You can't parry an incoming mid-air attack from the ground.

 MID-AIR PARRYING                      [ ¶õÃæ¥Ö¥í¥Ã¥­¥ó¥° ]
  - With this turned off, players cannot use the mid-air parry (against
    ground or air attacks, so this effectively turns off Anti-Air
    Parrying as well).

 TIME TO INPUT A PARRY                 [ ¥Ö¥í¥Ã¥­¥ó¥°¼õ¤±ÉÕ¤±»þ´Ö ]
  - This determines how long you have to enter a parry.  S is the
    shortest amount of time, L is the longest (so one star makes it
    difficult to parry after blocking an attack).  Honestly, though, I
    can't tell the difference.  The literal translation is 'parrying
    recival time', if that means anything to anybody.

 GUARD PARRYING                        [ ¥¬¡¼¥É¥Ö¥í¥Ã¥­¥ó¥° ]
  - With this turned off, players cannot use the standing or crouching
    guard parry while blocking an attack.

 TIME TO INPUT A GUARD PARRY           [ ¥¬¡¼¥É¥Ö¥í¥Ã¥­¥ó¥°¼õ¤±ÉÕ¤±»þ´Ö ]
  - This determines how long you have to enter a parry after blocking an
    attack.  S is the shortest amount of time, L is the longest (so one
    star makes it difficult to parry after blocking an attack).
    Honestly, though, I can't tell the difference.  The literal 
    translation is 'guard parrying recival time', if that means anything
    to anybody.

 [ PAGE 2 ]  ------------------------------------------------------------

 BLOCKING                                              [ ¥¬¡¼¥É ]
  - With this turned off, players cannot use the standing or crouching
 ACTIVE BLOCKING                                       [ ¶¯À©¥¬¡¼¥É ]
  - This affects how you block attacks.  With it turned off, you can
    block a multi-hit attack, and remain blocking even if you let go of
    the controller.  With it turned on, you stop blocking shortly after 
    letting go of the controller, so if you want to block all the hits of
    an attack, you have to keep holding back or down-back.

 DISTANCE AT WHICH BLOCKING OCCURS                     [ ¥¬¡¼¥Éì¬Ê̵÷Î¥ ]
  - This affects how close your opponent has to be to you in order for
    you to go into your blocking animation.  S means you won't block
    unless the attack actually hits you; L means you'll block their
    attack even if their throwing jabs from the other end of the screen.

 BLOCK DAMAGE                                          [ ¾Ã¤ê¥À¥á¡¼¥¸ ]
  - With this turned off, players take no damage from blocking special
    moves or Super Arts.

 [ PAGE 3 ]  ------------------------------------------------------------

 FORWARD DASH                                  [ Á°Êý¥À¥Ã¥·¥å ]
  - With this turned off, players cannot tap f,f to dash forward.

 BACKWARD DASH                                 [ ¸åÊý¥À¥Ã¥·¥å ]
  - With this turned off, players cannot tap b,b to backstep.

 JUMP                                          [ ¥¸¥ã¥ó¥× ]
  - With this turned off, players cannot jump.

 HIGH JUMP                                     [ ¥Ï¥¤¥¸¥ã¥ó¥× ]
  - With this turned off, players cannot high jump.

 QUICK STANDING                                [ ¥¯¥¤¥Ã¥¯¥¹¥¿¥ó¥Ç¥£¥ó¥° ]
  - With this turned off, players cannot use d to get up after being
    knocked to the floor.

 [ PAGE 4 ]  ------------------------------------------------------------

 BASIC THROWS AND HOLDS                    [ Åꤲ ]
  - With this turned off, players cannot use any kind of LP + LK throw
    or hold.

 GRAP DEFENSE                              [ ¥°¥é¥Ã¥×¥Ç¥£¥Õ¥§¥ó¥¹ ]
  - With this turned off, players cannot use the Grap Defense to get
    out of throws or holds.

 RESTRICTED GRAP DEFENSE                   [ ¥°¥é¥Ã¥×¥Ç¥£¥Õ¥§¥ó¥¹¤ÎÀ©¸Â ]
  - I couldn't figure this one's something about pressing and
    holding any upwards or downwards direction for a Quick Standing (?)
    The original text reads as follows:

             [ Êý¸þ¥Ü¥¿¥ó¤¬¾å¤Þ¤¿¤Ï²¼Í×ÁǤ˲¡¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤¿¤é
               ¥¯¥¤¥Ã¥¯¥Ç¥£¥Õ¥§¥ó¥¹¤¬¤Ç¤­¤Ê¤¯¤Ê¤ê¤Þ¤¹ ]

 [ PAGE 5 ]  ------------------------------------------------------------

 LEAP ATTACKS                              [ ¥ê¡¼¥×¥¢¥¿¥Ã¥¯ ]
  - With this turned off, players cannot use Leap Attacks.

 LEAP ATTACK COMMAND CHANGE                [ ¥ê¡¼¥×¥¢¥¿¥Ã¥¯¤Î¥³¥Þ¥ó¥É ]
  - This option changes the command used for Leap Attacks.  On '3rd',
    the command is MP + MK.  On '2nd', the command is d,d + P / K.
    Note that you cannot EX your Leap Attacks using the 2nd-style
    command (although you could in the arcade version of 2nd Impact).

 PERSONAL ACTIONS                          [ ¥Ñ¡¼¥½¥Ê¥ë¥¢¥¯¥·¥ç¥ó ]
  - With this turned off, players cannot use Personal Actions.  This
    will also affect the option below (so if this is off, you can't
    use Personal Actions after a KO, too).

 PERSONAL ACTIONS AFTER A KO               [ £Ë£Ï¸å¥Ñ¡¼¥½¥Ê¥ë¥¢¥¯¥·¥ç¥ó ]
  - With this turned off, trying to do a Personal Action after the KO
    sign has already appeared isn't possible.  For example, normally
    Twelve could do his invisibility PA in the few moments he has left
    after having just killed Ryu (before he does his win pose).  But
    with this option on, pressing HP + HK would have no effect.

 [ PAGE 6 ]  ------------------------------------------------------------

 SUPER ARTS                                  [ ¥¹¡¼¥Ñ¡¼¥¢¡¼¥Ä ]
  - With this turned off, players cannot select or use Super Arts.

 SPECIAL MOVES                               [ ɬ»¦µ» ]
  - With this turned off, players cannot use Special Moves.

 EX SPECIAL MOVES                            [ £Å£Øɬ»¦µ» ]
  - With this turned off, players cannot EX their special moves.

 EX SPECIAL MOVE GAUGE CONSUMPTION           [ £Å£Øɬ»¦µ»¤Î¥²¡¼¥¸¾ÃÈñÎÌ ]
  - This determines how much SA gauge power is used up when you perform
    an EX special move.  S is the smallest amount (EX moves are free),
    while L is the largest amount used (EX moves cost a whole level, just
    like Super Arts).

 [ PAGE 7 ]  ------------------------------------------------------------

 TARGET COMBOS                           [ ¥¿¡¼¥²¥Ã¥È¥³¥ó¥Ü ]
  - With this turned off, players cannot use their Target Combos.
 NORMAL MOVE CANCELS                     [ ¥­¥ã¥ó¥»¥ëɬ»¦µ» ]
  - With this turned off, you can't cancel the following attacks into
    special moves or Super Arts:

     > Cancelable punches and kicks, such as Oro's crouching MP into
       Oni Yanma or Yagyou Dama.
     > Cancelable command attacks, such as Chun-Li's Hakkei into Kikou
       Ken or Houyoku Sen.
     > Supercancelable command attacks, such as Dudley's Step Straight
       into Rolling Thunder.
     > Cancelable Target Combos, such as Ibuki's close standing
       LP, MP (1 hit), HP into Tsumuji or Yoroi Dooshi.

 SUPERCANCELS                            [ £Ó£Á¥­¥ã¥ó¥»¥ë ]
  - With this turned off, you can't supercancel the following moves into
    Super Arts:

     > Special moves, such as Ryu's Hadou Ken into Shinkuu Hadou Ken.
     > Supercancelable Target combos, such as Yun's MP, HP, b + HP into
       the Youhou.

 HIGH JUMP CANCELS                       [ ¥­¥ã¥ó¥»¥ë¥Ï¥¤¥¸¥ã¥ó¥× ]
  - With this turned off, you can't cancel certain normal attacks with
    high jumps.  For example, Oro can cancel his close standing MP with
    a high jump, but with this option turrned off, he'd be unable to.

 METHOD OF HIGH JUMP CANCELING USED      [ ¥Ï¥¤¥¸¥ã¥ó¥×¥­¥ã¥ó¥»¥ë¤Î»ÅÍÍ ]
  - I can't tell what this is for--it says something like, "You can use
    the 2nd Impact style of high jump canceling," which would appear
    to be the ability to cancel special moves with a high jump.  That
    being said, I couldn't get anything like that to work (it didn't
    affect Chun-Li's Houyoku Sen, either), so I'm stumped.  The original
    text reads as follows:

             [ ¥Ï¥¤¥¸¥ã¥ó¥×¥­¥ã¥ó¥»¥ë¤ò¥¹¥È¢×£²£î£ä»ÅÍÍ
               ¡Öɬ»¦µ»¤Ø¤â¥­¥ã¥ó¥»¥ë²Ä¡×¤ËÊѹ¹¤Ç¤­¤Þ¤¹ ]

 [ PAGE 8 ]  ------------------------------------------------------------

 MID-AIR BLOCKING                            [ ¶õÃ楬¡¼¥É ]
  - With this turned on, you can block attacks while jumping.  The only 
    catch is that you have to hold back in order to block--hold up-back
    or down-back and you'll still get hit.  Not only can you block in
    mid-air, but you can also Guard Parry multi-hit attacks in mid-air,
    too (I could only get the "tap f" version of the Guard Parry to
    work and not the "tap d" version, though).

 JUMP AFTER A KNOCKDOWN (?)                  [ ¿á¤­Èô¤Ó¸å¥¸¥ã¥ó¥×¾õÂÖ¤Ø ]
  - I can't get this to work, nor can I figure out the translation.  It's
    something about jumping the moment you hit the ground, and it tells
    you that you can attack while doing this, too.  The original text
    goes like this:

             [ ¿á¤­Èô¤Ó¤ä¤é¤ì¤«¤éÃåÃϤޤǤδ֡¢¥¸¥ã¥ó¥×»þ¤È
               Ʊ»þ¾õÂ֤ˤʤê¤Þ¤¹¡Ê¹¶·â¤Ê¤É¤¬²Äǽ¤Ë¡Ë ]

 ALL ATTACKS CAUSE BLOCK DAMAGE              [ ¤¹¤Ù¤Æ¤Îµ»¤Ë¾Ã¤ê¥À¥á¡¼¥¸ ]
  - With this turned on, all of your attacks do block damage (normal
    punches and kicks, command attacks, etc.)  Personal Actions that can
    hit will do block damage, but some won't (like Ibuki's).

 START OFF WITH A FULL SA GAUGE              [ £Ó£Á¥²¡¼¥¸£Í£Á£Ø¥¹¥¿¡¼¥È ]
  - With this turned on, you start with a maxed out Super Arts gauge at
    the beginning of each round (this overrides the option below).

 SA GAUGES RESET AFTER EACH ROUND            [ £Ó£Á¥é¥¦¥ó¥É¥ê¥»¥Ã¥È ]
  - With this turned on, your SA gauges at the start of each round, so if
    you had 1.5 levels when you won (or lost) the round, you'd start the
    next round with nothing.

 [ PAGE 9 ]  ------------------------------------------------------------

 GROUND CHAIN COMBOS                         [ ÃϾå¥Á¥§¡¼¥ó¥³¥ó¥Ü ]
  - With this turned on, you can do chain combos while standing or
    crouching.  The pattern is like the six-hit series from the VS games;
    you can go from the same strength Punch to the same strength Kick,
    and can go from any strength P / K into a stronger one.  That means
    you could (theoretically, not in actuality), do the following combo:

                      LP -> LK -> MP -> MK -> HP -> HK

    Turning this on will prevent you from doing some of your Target
    Combos, though (for example, I couldn't do Yun's MP,HP,b+HP combo).

 MID-AIR CHAIN COMBOS                        [ ¶õÃæ¥Á¥§¡¼¥ó¥³¥ó¥Ü ]
  - This lets you do chain combos in air.  Presumably it works like the
    above option, but I could never get more than two hits myself, and
    was unable to do the same strength Punch to Kick (like MP -> MK);
    I could only go from a weaker attack to a stronger one.  Turning
    this on will prevent you from using some of the Target Combos
    though (like Chun-Li's diagonally jumping HP,HP).

 CANCEL OUT OF ANY NORMAL ATTACK             [ Á´Ä̾ﵻ¤¬¥­¥ã¥ó¥»¥ë²Äǽ ]
  - With this turned on, any normal attack or command attack can be
    canceled into a special move or super art.  For example, you could
    do Ryu's standing HP into a Hadou Ken or Denjin Hadou Ken, even
    though that normally isn't possible.  There's a notice regarding this
    option that I can't figure out (at all!), so here's the text in full:

             [ ¤¹¤Ù¤Æ¤ÎÄ̾ﵻ¤¬¥­¥ã¥ó¥»¥ë²Äǽ¤Ë¤Ê¤ê¤Þ¤¹

 SUPERCANCEL INTO SPECIALS OR SAs            [ ɬ»¦µ»¢ªÉ¬»¦µ»or£Ó£Á ]
  - This lets you cancel special moves into different special moves
    (for example, Twelve's N.D.L into an A.X.E. or EX A.X.E.)  You can
    also cancel any special move into any Super Art (like Gouki's Gou
    Shouryuu Ken into the Tenma Gou Zankuu).

 [ PAGE 10 ]  -----------------------------------------------------------

 USE ALL SUPER ARTS                          [ Á´¥¹¡¼¥Ñ¡¼¥¢¡¼¥Ä»ÈÍѲÄǽ ]
  - Turn this on and you can use any of your Super Arts, instead of just
    one of them.  There is a drawback, though--everyone gets the same
    uniform Super Arts Gauge, only capable of holding two stocks.  For
    'timer' SAs, you'll still have power in reserve once the Super Art
    ends (if you had more than one level beforehand), but MAX level SAs
    cost the whole deal, so instead of only needing to fill up one level
    for Oro's Tengu Midare Ishi, you now need two levels.  Also, because
    your Super Arts, some characters have altered Super Art commands:
    see below for details.

 CANCEL SUPER ARTS INTO SUPER ARTS           [ £Ó£Á¥­¥ã¥ó¥»¥ë£Ó£Á ]
  - With this turned on, you can supercancel from one Super Art into
    another, _different_ Super Art.  For example, you could do the
    Tyrant Punish into the Jupiter Thunder.  What this means, though,
    is that if you don't turn on 'Use All Super Arts', this option
    is useless.
  - I can't figure this out; it's something about the changing the
    amount of time you have to do mid-air chain combos.  One thing I
    was able to figure out is that it affects juggles, since with it
    turned all the way up, I was able to juggle someone with Gill's
    Psycho Headbutt indefinitely.  Turn it down a bit and you can't
    do that many juggles--put it to one star and you can only get in
    one to two hits before the juggle ends.  Anyway, the original
    text is as follows:

             [ ¶õÃ楳¥ó¥Ü¤¬¤Ç¤­¤ë»þ´Ö¤ÎŤµ¤ò
               À©¸Â¤·¤Æ¤¤¤ë¿ôÃͤòÀßÄꤷ¤Þ¤¹ ]

 [ NOTES ON USING ALL SUPER ARTS ]  -------------------------------------

 As I said above, when you turn on this option, the commands for your
 Super Arts change.  Here are the following SAs with new commands.  If
 an SA isn't listed, that means you perform it the same way you would
 had you selected it by itself.

   Alex         Stun Gun Headbutt               qcb,qcb + P
   Chun-Li      Tensei Ranka                    qcb,qcb + K
   Dudley       Rolling Uppercut                qcf,qcf + K
                Corkscrew Blow                  qcb,qcb + P
   Elena        Brave Dance                     qcb,qcb + K
   Gill         (no changes)                    (see below)
   Gouki        Messatsu Gou Shouryuu Ken       qcf,qcf + K
                Messatsu Gou Rasen              qcb,qcb + K
                Messatsu Gou Senpuu             In air, qcb,qcb + K
   Hugo         (no changes)                    (see below)
   Ibuki        Yami Shigure                    qcf,qcf + K
   Ken          Shippuujinrai Kyaku             qcb,qcb + K
   Makoto       Tanden Renki: Seme no Kata      qcb,qcb + P
   Necro        Electric Snake                  qcf,qcf + K
                Slam Dance                      qcb,qcb + P
   Oro          Kishin Riki                     qcb,qcb + P
                Tengu Ishi                      qcf,qcf + K
                Kishin Tsui                     qcb,qcb + PP  (max level)
                Tengu Midare Ishi               qcf,qcf + KK  (max level)
   Q            Super Art II                    qcb,qcb + P
                Super Art III                   qcf,qcf + K
   Remy         Shoushin no Nocturne            qcb,qcb + K
   Ryu          Shin Shouryuu Ken               qcf,qcf + K
                Denjin Hadou Ken                qcf,qcf + P
   Twelve       X.C.O.P.Y.                      qcb,qcb + P
   Urien        Tyrant Punish                   qcf,qcf + K
                Aegis Reflector                 qcb,qcb + P
   Yang         Sei'ei Enbu                     qcb,qcb + P
   Yun          Gen'ei Jin                      qcb,qcb + P

 The two characters who are unaffected by this are Hugo (all of his 
 Super Arts use differnet commands), and Gill (he can already use all
 of his Super Arts).  Not only is this option useless for Gill players,
 but it actually makes Gill harder to use because all of his Super Arts
 (Meteor Strike, Seraphic Wing, and Ressurection), require max levels to
 use--in other words, two levels instead of just one.
 Remember that none of your System Direction changes will work unless
 you've set the mode to 'Original'.  Also, the changes you make effect
 all modes of play (except for replays).  If you want to have an easy
 time beating the computer, turn off all the jumping, blocking, and
 parrying commands, and just fireball or sweep your opponent to death ;)



 The game is consist of battles, which are broken into three round
 matches (by default).  The first person to win two rounds wins.  To
 'win' a round, you must empty your opponent's Life Gauge--this can be
 done by attacking them.

 It's possible to have a double K.O. (both characters kill each other at
 the same time), in which case both players are awarded a win, and
 whoever has more wins is the winner.  If they both have the same number
 of previous wins, another round is held.

 Another factor is the game timer, which is set to 99 (66 seconds), by
 default.  Once it reaches 00, whoever has more life is the winner.  If
 both characters have the same amount of life, then 'Judgment' occurs.
 This is where the CPU determines which player should be the winner via
 three random judges (Hoimei and Pat are pictured in the instruction
 booklet, along with Necro's friend, Effie).  Even if you have both
 players sit there until time runs out, the CPU will still pick a
 winner ;)  In W Impact, the winner is chosen randomly, but in the
 arcade version of 2nd Impact (and in the DC version of Third Strike,
 at least), the first player will always win if neither character does

 There are various ways to kill your opponent, and these are noted by
 win signs:

  V for "Victory"
   - You killed your opponent with anything other than a Super Art.

  S for "Super Art"
   - You killed your opponent with any Super Art.

  C for "Cheap (or Chip) Damage"
   - You killed your opponent via block damage.

  D for "Draw Game"
   - Both players killed each other at the same time; both of them get
     a victory for this match and whoever has more wins advances;
     otherwise another round is held.

  J for "Judgment"
   - This means you won via Judgment (both players had the same amount of
     life when time was over, and the judges picked you as the winner).

  P for "Perfect"
   - This means you had full life (a green life gauge) when the round
     ended.  No matter how you finish the match, if you get a perfect
     win, you always get a "P".


 (Please remember that I'm using the US notation--'parrying' is when you
 tap f or d to stop an attack, and 'blocking' is when you hold down or
 down-back to block an attack.)

 Blocking occurs when you hold back to block high attacks, or down to
 block low attacks.  You take no damage when you block, although
 blocking special moves or Super Arts results in a minor amount of
 damage per hit, even though you're in a defensive posture.  Some
 attacks cannot be blocked; others can only be parried.  Unlike some
 other SF games, you cannot block while in mid-air _normally_.  If
 you've unlocked page 8 of System Direction, turned on mid-air
 blocking, and set the game to Original, then you can air block, but
 only by holding back in air when attacked (holding up-back or down-
 back won't work).  For more information, see the System Direction
 Menu section.

 Parrying is the major new feature in the SF3 series.  It works a lot
 like a block; you simply tap forward or down when you are attacked, and
 if your timing is right, your character flashes blue and takes no damage
 from the attack.  Like blocking, certain attacks have to be parried
 standing (the forward parry), or crouching (the down parry).  Parrying
 can also be done in air, although unlike the previous games, you now
 only have one type of air parry (tap forward when in air).  In older
 games, the type you used would affect your trajectory after you parried.
 Now, you will continue falling in the direction you were going in once
 you've parried an attack (so if you leap forward and parry, you will
 fall forward).

 In Third Strike, a new parry has been added, called the Guard Parry.
 This allows you to block a hit, then come out of blockstun to parry
 the next hit (obviously the Guard Parry only works against multi-hit
 moves or attacks done quickly in succession, such as Target Combos).
 What you have to do is block any attack that hits more than once, and
 immediately after blocking the first hit, tap forward (to parry a high
 attack), or down (to parry a low attack).  Your character will parry
 the hit and flash red instead of blue.  From now on you can parry any
 more hits as you normally would (by tapping forward or down).  Guard
 Parries are useful if you don't want to take too much block damage from
 a Super Art (as most of them hit multiple times), or if you want to
 break out of blockstun so that you can parry, then attack.  You can
 combine both parries, too--for example, you could block the first hit
 of Twelve's crouching HP, guard parry the second, then blue parry (the
 normal kind of parry) the third and final hit.

 If you've turned on mid-air blocking using System Direction (see the
 System Direction Menu section for more details), then you can guard
 parry in air, but only the forward kind (tap f after blocking a hit
 of a multi-hit attack) can be used.

 The big difference between parrying and blocking is that you have to
 parry at the moment an attack would hit you; you can't hold forward
 and wait for the attack to get close to you, as with blocking.  On
 the other hand, right after a parry is done, there is a brief window
 of time in which you can move around, attack, block, or parry again
 (you'll need to parry multiple times against multi-hit moves).


 Super Arts are a lot like the Super Combos found in other SF games;
 they generally do more damage than any other attack, have better
 invulnerability, and they can only be used with a full SA gauge (each
 full gauge is called a 'stock').  The difference is that each Super Art
 takes a varying amount of time to build up, and has a different number
 of stocks.  For example, Sean's Hadou Burst is a Super Art with a very
 short gauge.  So he can build up power to use a Hadou Burst rather
 quickly.  What's more, he can build up enough power to fire three Hadou
 Bursts.  On the other hand, Hugo's Gigas Breaker has a very long gauge
 that takes a while to build up.  What's more, he can only hold enough
 power to do one Gigas Breaker.

 In general, the more damaging / powerful / effective a move is, the
 longer a gauge it has, and the less stocks you can hold.  Conversely,
 this also means that you have less energy to use for Super Arts, as
 compared to the characters who can hold more stocks (in the previous
 example, even though Hugo's Gigas Breaker gauge is pretty big and means
 that he has a lot of SA power to use, Sean's three Hadou Burst gauges
 hold more SA power overall and enable him to use more EXs than Hugo).

 Another advantage of having more stocks is that you can always keep
 building up power.  Once Yun's short, single-stock Sei'ei Enbu gauge
 is filled, he can't earn any more SA power until he uses the Super Art,
 and this puts him at a disadvantage to, say, a Yun player using the
 Sourai Rengeki, since even after Yun has enough power for a Sourai
 Rengeki, he can continue to earn power (since he can hold three stocks
 total).  Note that Super Art gauge power is carried over from round to
 round (this includes stocks), but not battle to battle.


 This concept is a spin off of the ES-special moves from the Vampire
 Hunter series.  The idea is basically this; that every character has
 certain moves that, when performed with two buttons, hit more times and
 do more damage.  For example, Yun's Zesshou Hohou is done with qcf + P.
 Since the Zesshou Hohou is EX'able, if you perform it with qcf + PP,
 the move will go further, hit twice and do more damage than normal.
 You can always tell when you're EX'ing a move because your character
 will flash yellow.

 The drawback with EX moves is that they cost Super Art power to use.
 The amount is the same for any EX'able move, but the overall cost
 changes depending on what Super Art you're using, since the SA gauges
 vary in length and stock size.  This not only forces you to choose
 between conserving your SA power for Super Arts or EX moves, but it
 also means they you may wish to choose an SA with more stocks or a
 longer gauge so that you have more EX moves to use.

 What I've done below is roughly determine how many EX move uses you get
 out of each characters' Super Arts.  Anyway, the list is below:

 [ ALEX ]  --------------------------  [ CHUN-LI ]  --------------------

 Hyper Bomb              3.2 uses      Kikou Shou              2.1 uses
 Boomerang Raid          4.8 uses      Houyoku Sen             5.2 uses
 Stun Gun Headbutt       2.0 uses      Tensei Ranka            5.4 uses

 [ DUDLEY ]  ------------------------  [ ELENA ]  ----------------------

 Rocket Upper            4.8 uses      Spinning Beat           6.0 uses
 Rolling Thunder         2.8 uses      Brave Dance             5.1 uses
 Corkscrew Blow          6.0 uses      Healing                 3.1 uses

 [ HUGO ]  --------------------------  [ IBUKI ]  ----------------------

 Gigas Breaker           3.1 uses      Kasumi Suzaku           6.6 uses
 Megaton Press           5.5 uses      Yoroi Dooshi            3.0 uses
 Hammer Mountain         4.3 uses      Yami Shigure            2.0 uses

 [ KEN MASTERS ]  -------------------  [ MAKOTO ]  ---------------------

 Shouryuu Reppa          5.6 uses      Seichuusen Godan-zuki   3.0 uses
 Shinryuu Ken            2.6 uses      Abare Tosanami Kudaki   4.3 uses
 Shippuujinrai Kyaku     6.0 uses      Tanden Renki: S.n.K.    2.3 uses

 [ NECRO ]  -------------------------  [ ORO ]  -----------------------

 Chou Denji Storm        2.2 uses      Kishin Riki             2.5 uses
 Electric Snake          2.6 uses      Yagyou Dama             6.6 uses
 Slam Dance              3.6 uses      Tengu Ishi              2.8 uses

 [ Q ]  -----------------------------  [ REMY ]  ----------------------

 Super Art I             4.7 uses      Hunnu no Supernova      5.2 uses
 Super Art II            3.0 uses      Vierge ni Ansoku O      6.0 uses
 Super Art III           2.7 uses      Shoushin no Nocturne    2.0 uses

 [ RYU ]  ---------------------------  [ SEAN ]  ----------------------

 Shinkuu Hadou Ken       5.6 uses      Hadou Burst             5.4 uses
 Shin Shouryuu Ken       3.2 uses      Shouryuu Cannon         4.5 uses
 Denjin Hadou Ken        2.4 uses      Hyper Tornado           3.0 uses

 [ TWELVE ]  ------------------------  [ URIEN ]  ---------------------

 X.N.D.L.                4.7 uses      Tyrant Punish          5.2 uses
 X.F.L.A.T.              2.7 uses      Aegis Reflector        4.0 uses
 X.C.O.P.Y.              3.2 uses      Jupiter Thunder        4.4 uses

 [ YANG ]  --------------------------  [ YUN ]  -----------------------

 Raishin Mahha Ken       3.0 uses      Youhou                 3.0 uses
 Tenshin Senkyuutai      5.2 uses      Sourai Rengeki         6.6 uses
 Sei'ei Enbu             1.6 uses      Gen'ei Jin             1.8 uses
 Gill and Gouki are not included since they have no EX-able moves.


 Super canceling is the ability to cancel special moves into Super Arts.
 You can even cancel an EX special move into a Super Art, if you have
 enough power to do so.  Like normal canceling, this simply means that
 the animation of that special move is canceled by the animation of the
 Super Art.  Unfortunately, like normal canceling, this also reduces
 the damage of the canceled move.  For example, Hugo's Megaton Press
 does far less damage after being supercanceled out of an EX Giant Palm
 Bomber.  Stick it in a combo (say, in the corner, Ultra Throw, Giant
 Palm Bomber, EX Giant Palm Bomber, supercancel into Megaton Press), and
 the damage of the Megaton Press ends up being next-to-nothing.

 Note that some moves, and EX versions of some moves, cannot super
 cancel.  Also, some moves (even command attacks) are _only_ super


 The Stun Gauge is located beneath either character's lifebar.  What it
 does is tell you how close you are to getting dizzied.  Every time you
 are hit by an attack, in addition to doing damage, it also does 'stun
 damage'--in other words, it fills up the stun gauge a little bit.  Note
 that this has nothing to do with actual life-decreasing damage that you
 take from getting hit by attacks.  Anyway, some characters' attacks do
 particularly large amounts of stun damage; take most of Gill's attacks,
 for example.

 Once the Stun Gauge maxes out, it reads 'STUN', and your character
 becomes dizzied.  You can recover from a dizzy faster by shaking the
 controller and mashing on the buttons, but until you do recover, you're
 left defenseless an immobile, giving your opponent a free chance to
 attack you.  What's more, any attacks done prior to the dizzy are
 considered to be 'comboed' along with any attacks done to a dizzied
 opponent, so if your jumping HP, standing HP combo dizzied someone,
 hitting them with a crouching HP into a Hadou Ken wouuld count as a
 4-hit combo instead of two 2-hit combos.

 In your defense, though, any stun damage you take immediately begins to
 decrease, so in time you can empty out your Stun Gauge again.  And if
 you are dizzied, the Stun Gauge resets once you recover.

 Another interesting thing about the Stun Gauge is that, like the Super
 Arts Gauge, it varies in size depending on the character.  Hugo's Stun
 Gauge is much larger than most characters because he's so tough.  Gouki
 has a pretty small stun gauge, on the other hand.


 An overhead is an attack which must be blocked standing, even if it
 looks like you could block low.  Sometimes it seems obvious--most aerial
 attacks have to be blocked standing.  Others, like Alex's standing HP
 or Ibuki's Koube Kudaki, will hit you if you crouch block.  The tricky
 thing about overheads is that you can mix up low attacks (say, most
 crouching kicks), with overheads to try and make your opponent use the
 wrong type of block and end up getting hit.  All overhead attacks are
 listed in the character movelist section as attacks that must be
 blocked standing.

 Leap Attacks are a sort of 'universal overhead', since every character
 can do them by pressing MP + MK.  Your character will then leap just
 off the ground and do an attack that must be blocked standing.  Leap
 Attacks can also be used to go over low moves like crouching kicks.


 Every character can throw someone by getting close and pressing LP + LK
 (no directional press is needed).  You can also throw by pressing back
 or forward + LP + LK, and this may result in different throws for
 certain characters (for example, Alex only has one throw, while Yang
 has three).  Some characters also have air throws, which are performed
 by pressing LP + LK while in air (only Chun-Li, Ibuki, and Oro have
 mid-air throws).  If you're not close enough to your opponent when you
 attempt a throw, your character will do a short 'miss animation',
 during which time they are vulnerable.
 The nice thing about throws and holds is that they are unblockable.
 However, they are escapable, using the 'Grap Defense' system.  What you
 do is press LP + LK just as you are thrown.  This even works on air
 throws.  If you did it correctly it will look as if you 'parried' the
 throw and you will hop back a bit.

 A weird feature of all holds is that you can wiggle the controller
 during the hold to make it animate faster.  The characters who can do
 this include:

    - Alex's Sleeper Hold         - Dudley's Lever Crusher
    - Gill's Impact Claw          - Hugo's Neck Hanging Three
    - Ken's Hiza Geri             - Oro's Kubi-jime Kataguruma
    - Twelve's H.U.G.             - Urien's Destroy Claw
    - Yang's Hiza Geri            - Yun's Hiza Geri

 Gill, Twelve, and Urien's holds work differently; you have to tap the
 P buttons rapidly to speed up the animation.  Again, this doesn't affect
 damage, stun damage, or anything like that.  It just makes it go faster;
 which also makes it harder for your opponent to break out of the hold.
 Note that Alex's Sleeper Hold is not escapable as it is a special move
 and not a normal hold.


 Kara Canceling (man, I hate that name), is still in the DC port of 3rd
 strike.  The basic premise is that you perform an attack which makes
 you move forward, then quickly (almost simultaneously) press LP + LK
 to attempt a throw.  The throw animation cancels out your normal move
 animation, and you move forward while attempting the throw at the same
 time.  It basically boils down to you having a larger throw range than

 An easily-observable example is with Hugo--do his standing MK, then
 immediately press LP + LK.  If you're fast enough what happens is that
 the MK doesn't even come out--instead you see Hugo do his throw
 animation but he inches forward while doing it instead of remaining in
 place.  Obviously, if you're close enough to your opponent, you can
 use this to grab them and do the Neck Hanging Three even though you'd
 normally considered to be outside of throw range.

 For more information on kara canceling, try reading the amazingly in-
 depth article at  These guys even list the ranges
 for people's kara cancels!


 Personal Actions are performed by pressing HP + HK.  When you do a
 Personal Action, you gain a small amount of SA power.  Some Personal
 Actions can hit for minor damage (and a small SA power increase), as
 well, and in such cases can be comboed into (try Ibuki's close HP--
 cancel the first hit into her Personal Action and it will combo).
 However, Personal Actions are there for more than just taunting; they
 also offer a variety of benefits:

 ALEX    His attack power increases.  If you hold down HP+HK, it will
         begin to increase even more at a steady rate, but after a
         certain point you cannot earn any more attack power.  As an
         alternative, you can simply perform the taunt repeatedly and
         raise his attack power that way (it maxes out after four

  CHUN   What bonuses she gets depends on what she does during her
   LI    Personal Action:

         - If she yawns, her stun gauge recovery rate increases.
           You can yawn up to three times for increased recovery.
         - If she also cracks her neck, her attack power increases
           for all moves but throws.
         - If she also pats her shoulder, her defense power increases.
         - If she also arches forward and stretches her hips, her
           attack and defense power increase.

 DUDLEY  His attack power increases for all of his moves except throws.
         His Personal Action can hit, but if you attempt it immediately
         after throwing a rose, Dudley merely holds one up.  In this
         case, he still gets his attack power increase, but he gets no
         SA gauge bonus for doing his Personal Action.

 ELENA   All of her attacks do more stun damage.  You can taunt more
         than once to increase the amount of stun damage you do (after
         four taunts, you won't earn any more damage).  Elena's Personal
         Action is both a low attack (when she sweeps her leg out), and
         it can hit somebody in the air when she lifts herself up.

 GILL    His attack power increases.

 GOUKI   His attack power increases for all of his moves except throws.
         Additionally, all of his attacks (even throws) do more stun
         damage.  Note that the Shun Goku Satsu will not do more damage
         even if you do Gouki's Personal Action.

 HUGO    His attack power increases for all of his moves except throws
         (this includes all special move and Super Art throws).  If you
         hold down HP+HK, he does an alternate taunt that also increases
         throw damage.  Furthermore, each time you do either taunt, he
         gets a defense bonus (less damage from attacks).  After taunting
         four times, you won't get any more defense power bonuses.

 IBUKI   Her attack power increases.  Her Personal Action can hit
         somebody, and in fact she won't get an attack power increase
         unless her Personal Action hits!

 KEN     His attack power increases for all of his moves except throws.
         His Personal Action can hit twice, but the hits no longer combo.

 MAKOTO  With Makoto's taunt, you can hold HP + HK to make her perform
         three actions.  Just pressing it makes her do one action, and
         this can hit for minor damage.  It also increases her attack
         power for all moves except throws.  Holding it until the 2nd
         action comes out gives her a further attack power increase.
         Either action also gives her a stun gauge recovery rate boost.
         Holding HP + HK until she does her third action gives her an
         additional stun gauge recovery bonus.  So basically, let her do
         one action for an attack and stun recovery bonus, two actions
         for two attack and two stun recovery bonuses, and three actions
         for two attack and three stun recovery bonuses.

 NECRO   His attack power increases for all of his moves except throws
         (this includes his Snake Fang, German Suplex, and Slam Dance).
         His Personal Action can hit multiple times, and you can hold
         down HP+HK to make him keep flailing his tongue at you.

 ORO     His stun gauge will lower a bit.  If you hold HP+HK, he will
         continue to sleep and lose even more stun gauge power.

 Q       He gets a defense bonus for the rest of the round.  You can
         taunt three times for an even higher defense power.

 REMY    All of his attacks do more stun damage.  You can taunt more
         than once to increase the amount of stun damage you do (after
         four taunts, you won't earn any more damage).

 RYU     The rate at which his stun gauge empties will increase a bit.
         You can taunt up to three times to increase the rate at which
         his stun gauge goes down, but after that point, additional
         taunting won't do anything.

 SEAN    All of his attacks do more stun damage.  You can taunt more
         than once to increase the amount of stun damage you do (after
         three taunts, you won't earn any more damage).  His Personal
         Action can hit somebody (you can even use it to start combos),
         but if you try to throw another basketball after the first one
         was thrown, Sean will jump up and panic when no basketball
         comes down ;)  I didn't notice that much of an increase in
         stun damage as I did in 2nd Impact, for some reason.

 TWELVE  He turns invisible, and remains this way for a limited period
         of time, or until he is hit, he blocks an attack, or he
         performs a hold or Super Art.  Note that he won't turn visible
         after parrying attacks, using (or getting stopped by) the Grap
         Defense, though.  If you do an EX special move, the EX 'flash'
         will still appear on-screen.  If you use the X.C.O.P.Y. in a
         Twelve vs. Twelve match, you won't be able to turn invisible,
         even though you're still Twelve.  Once invisible, you can press
         HP+HK to taunt and reappear.

 URIEN   His attack power increases for all of his moves except throws.
         His Personal Action can hit once.  Interestingly enough, if
         it hits, he doesn't get he attack power bonus!

 YANG    His attack power increases for all of his moves, but his throws
         only get a miniscule (1 point) increase in damage.  His Personal
         Action can hit once.

 YUN     His attack power increases for special moves only, but he gets
         a miniscule increase for normal attacks, command attacks,
         throws, and Super Arts.  If you hold down HP+HK, he not only
         continues to spin his hat around, but he gets a damage increase
         for _all_ attacks.  After a while, the damage bonus maxes out.
         Alternatively, taunting eight times will max out the damage
         bonus in the same manner.  His PA can hit multiple times.

 If a Personal Action affects 'all attacks', that includes throws, unless
 stated otherwise.  When you perform a Personal Action, you keep attack
 and stun damage bonuses until you make an attack that hits or is blocked
 (it's okay if it misses).  So if Remy powered up his stun damage three
 times, the next attack that hit would do increased damage, but all
 future attacks would do standard stun damage until he started taunting
 again.  For defense bonuses and stun gauge recovery bonuses, you keep
 them for the rest of the round!  As a final note, attack and stun damage
 bonuses seem to be proportionate to the attack itself.  If you get an
 attack bonus and do a jab, it won't be that much better than it normally
 would.  A hard punch or Super Art will do considerably more damage,


 Capcom scrapped the 'course select' idea of 2nd Impact and replaced it
 with the ability to pick your next opponent for each fight (except for
 the last two battles, against your rival, then against Gill).

 There are now two bonus stages; after the first three rounds, you get
 to beat up a car, and after three more rounds, you get to practice
 parrying with Sean, who tosses basketballs at you.  You start off
 both bonus rounds with a full SA gauge, making it easier to beat up
 the car (it's kinda useless for the basketball game).

 I've noticed that you can get different rankings on the car stage
 ('Great' or 'Excellent') depending on how you beat up the car.  As for
 the basketball stage, the level of difficulty is determined by your
 average grade so far--the better grades you've earned, the harder it


 After each battle, you are 'graded' on your performance.  The following
 grades are possible (worst to best):

                G, F, E, D, C, B, A, S, XS, SS, SX, MSF

 You can earn up to three plus marks after each grade (from G to SS
 only).  Grading has no real purpose aside from determining the
 difficulty of the basketball level, and determining if you get to
 fight Q or not (see the Secrets section for details).  You can also
 earn 'Special Points' in the game, but I don't really know what you
 can do to earn them.  I would assume it's from getting a really good
 grade in your next fight (for example, you get an E+ in one fight
 but an S in the next), but Mousse Lee suggests that hitting someone
 with a Super Art (without killing them), may contribute to you earning
 more SPs, and Robert Iu suggests that fighting certain characters give
 you Special points; not all characters will award you with SPs when you
 beat them.


 After selecting your characters and Super Arts, the Training session
 begins.  Once the characters have done their introductory poses, you
 can select from the following options:

 [ NORMAL MODE ]  -------------------------------------------------------

 Lets you train as you normally would.

 [ RECORDING MODE ]  ----------------------------------------------------

 This lets you play one round against your opponent, and you can actually
 kill them.  Once the round has ended, the REPLAY option will light up,
 allowing you to watch what you just did in that round.  If you stop and
 exit out of a Recording Mode battle, you can still replay the match,
 but after the point where you exited out, the characters will just sit
 there until time is over or you exit out again.

 [ DUMMY SETTING ]  -----------------------------------------------------
 In here you can determine what your opponent will be doing; standing,
 crouching, or jumping vertically.  You can also make them controllable
 via a 2nd controller (HUMAN) or have the computer fight you (CPU).

 There are also blocking options--ALL GUARD makes them defend against
 all attacks, AUTO GUARD makes them take a hit, then block all following
 hits, only relaxing their guard when you stop attacking for a while.
 RANDOM GUARD makes your opponent randomly block attacks, and BLOCKING
 makes them parry all attacks.  Unlike W Impact, if you make your enemy
 jump and turn on BLOCKING, they'll actually parry your attacks ;)  NONE
 prevents your opponent from blocking or parrying in any way.  None of
 these options will affect a HUMAN or CPU opponent, though.

 Finally, QUICK STANDING will make your enemy roll and get up whenever
 possible, and STUN leaves them with an almost-full stun gauge, so any
 attack you make will dizzy them.

 [ TRAINING OPTION ]  ---------------------------------------------------

 S.A. GAUGE lets you use a normal gauge (NORMAL), one that starts off
 full (MAX START), or one that constantly refills itself (INFINITY).

 ATTACK DATA determines whether the damage info. will appear in the
 corner of the screen or not.  You can only display attack data for
 your character though, and not your opponent (even if they're being
 played with via the HUMAN setting).

 DAMAGE determines how much damage your attacks do, while DIFFICULTY
 determines how smart (some would say cheap) the computer is when you've
 made your opponent CPU controlled.

 DEFAULT SETTING returns everything to the default settings.  Duh!


 This is pretty easy to figure out once you're familiar with the
 Training Mode controls, so I won't bore anyone with details unless they
 want me too.  How this works is; first you play with the 2nd player and
 make them do some attacks.  Then you 'train' using your first character,
 while the 2nd player repeats the attacks you made them do the first
 time around.  This is actually pretty ingenious, as it lets you do a
 sick combo or whatever, then you can practice parrying all the hits
 of your own crazy combo ;)

 If there is one drawback, it's that the computer interprets your
 commands literally, so if you've instructed Hugo to do a bunch of
 Monster Lariats but you jump over him, he will stand there kicking you,
 since the computer is now inputting "qcb + K", which has no effect ;)
 So try to stay on the 1P side during training.


 After winning a VERUS MODE fight, you can save it to your VMU using
 the REPLAY SAVE option.  You can then watch it using the REPLAY option
 in the main menu.  Note that you can't save CPU vs. CPU matches.



 Not all characters take the same amount of damage; the list below ranks
 characters in order from least damage taken to most damage taken per
 hit (PA stands for Personal Action, btw).  I determined the rankings by
 seeing how much damage people took from Ryu's ground Shin Shouryuu Ken.

  Least   Q (PA x3)                          45
    .     Hugo (PA x4)                       49
    .     Hugo (PA x3), Q (PA x2)            54
    .     Hugo (PA x2)                       58
    .     Hugo (PA x2), Q (PA x1)            63
    .     Twelve (X.C.O.P.Y. of Ryu)         63
    .     Chun (PA x1)                       64
    .     Hugo                               67
    .     Gill                               71
    .     Urien                              72
    .     Alex, Q                            73
    .     Dudley, Ken, Makoto, Ryu           76
    .     Elena, Oro, Sean                   80
    .     Elena (Healing), Necro, Remy       82
    .     Twelve                             85
    .     Yang, Yun                          87
    .     Ibuki                              89
    .     Gouki, Ibuki (Kasumi Gake)         94
   Most   Twelve (End of Ryu X.C.O.P.Y.)     95

 For Chun-Li's PA x1 rating, she has to get the type of Personal Action
 that increases her defense (either the one where she rubs her shoulders,
 or the one where she arches forward and rubs her hips).

 I'm not too sure on Twelve's X.C.O.P.Y. rankings, because I don't know
 if his attack and defense power increase by a set amount when he
 transforms, or if the increase is based on his opponent's abilities
 (which makes more sense given the nature of the X.C.O.P.Y.)  I can't
 think of a way to test this, though.  The neat thing about Twelve is
 that he can take both the least damage in the entire game (copy Q and
 then do the Personal Action three times), and the most damage in the
 entire game (copy Gouki and have the original Gouki attack him as the
 X.C.O.P.Y. ends).  


 Only a few characters have special introductions; Yun vs. Yun (they both
 clasp hands and bow to each other), Elena vs. Elena (they touch hands
 and flip away to the opposite sides of the screen), and Ibuki vs. Ibuki
 (one of the Ibukis is shown sparring with the help of another ninja
 woman).  Yun vs. Yang will have the two brothers backflip in from the
 opposite sides of the screen.

 Of course there are other intros, like Yun coming in on his skateboard
 in his stage and Oro appearing in a sleeping bag at the start of the
 battle in his stage, but those are all stage-specific.
   Alex and Hugo pose, then Hugo bumps Alex away with his chest.

   Either (or both) characters pull up in a different-looking (and
   different colored) car.

   Both Elenas touch hands and flip into their ready stance.

   While Makoto is meditating, Dudley drives up in his Rolls-Royce and
   hops out.

   They jump towards each other while kicking, then land and turn to
   face each other.

   Both Makotos bow towards the screen, then to each other.

   Makoto stands with her back to Ryu while meditating, and then she
   turns around after a moment.

   Both players bow to each other before the fight.

   A group of Necro prototypes appear opposite Necro.  They all vanish
   except for one of them (Twelve).
 RYU vs. KEN
   Ryu and Ken tap fists before they start fighting.

   Both characters backflip past each other into their starting

   Both characters teleport to their corresponding sides of the screen.


 All of the endings in this section were contributed by Chris Lee.
 Anyone want to send in any others?  My Japanese isn't good enough to
 figure them out by myself.
 Figures out where he wants to be, and writes a letter home to Tom,
 saying that he can't be on the camping trip.  He's fighting Ryu, who
 seems to be beating the crap out of him and saying "is that all your

 Figures out that her future is to work with youth and a final scene is
 with her training children in martial arts.

 She writes her Japanese friend (I can't remember the name) and she's in
 front of a cafe in Paris, and tells her that she is visiting her family
 (sends a picture).

 Hugo and Poison take over the World Federation of Wrestling and make the
 Huge Wrestling Army, and all the Street Fighters are seen involved. It's
 actually an amusing ending, where Ken sees Ryu involved...

 GILL  (by Chris MacDonald)
 Gill makes Alex two-toned like himself (blue and red).  He leads a
 group of people (including many of the Street Fighters) to the edge of
 a cliff, where he parts the seas to reveal the way to a two-colored
 island.  The sky has become blue and red as well.

 A deep sea exploration vehicle is checking the remnants of a boat, and
 they lose contact with the boat overhead, and it's Akuma.  (He's doing
 like a Shoryuken out of the water)

 She is training in ninja camp and has a boyfriend (something like that).

 He wins again (his 2nd world championship) and offers the trophy to
 Sean, and goes away with his family; Sean declines and wants to win it
 for himself.

 Everyone near and from far come to learn Karate from her, and she takes
 off for more fighting.

 An FBI like agency notices that a mysterious man in a trenchcoat is at
 various scenes around the world, and they want to investigate it.

 He wants to let go of his hatred, and also lets go of his sister, who is
 entombed in what seems to be ice, and she sinks into the sea.

 Keeps on wanting to fight so long as he has strength.

 Is dreaming that he won the American Fighting (Martial Arts)
 Championship... Ken is seen next rousing him, and he has two black eyes.
 He realizes that he was knocked out, and he wants to fight until he

 The scientists are discussing about an army of genetically engineered
 soldiers who regenerate and do not suffer damage.  And they have no

 Urien goes into this pyramid where Gill's head is telling him that his
 legacy is pitiful; Urien blows the entire place up and says that he'll
 define his own future and won't let any legacy define who he is.


 Most translations were done by me, so they're not perfect (some of
 Remy's move translations were done by Cyril Caniot).  Nonetheless,
 accuracy has always been strived for ;)

 [ INSTRUCTION MANUAL TERMS ]  ------------------------------------------

 Blocking                       (called 'parrying' in the US)
 Guard                          (called 'blocking' in the US)
 Grap Defense                   Grab and Grapple Defense
 Kizetsu                        Fainted  (aka 'dizzied')
 Hissatsu Waza                  Certain Death Techniques
 Tsuujou Waza                   Normal Technqiues
 Nage Waza                      Throwing Techniques

 [ CHUN-LI ]  -----------------------------------------------------------

 Koshuu Tou                     Attacking Tiger Overthrow
 Ryuusei Raku                   Shooting Star Drop
 Kakushi Ken                    Crane's Beak Fist
 Kikou Ken                      Chi (Internal Energy) Fist
 Hazan Shuu                     Supreme Mountain Kick
 Hyakuretsu Kyaku               Hundred Rending Kicks
 Souren Shou                    Rapid Paired Palms
 Hakkei                         Internal Energy Release
 Senjou Shuu                    Pointed Cane Kick
 Yoku Sen Kyaku                 Spinning Wing Kick
 Tenshin Shuu Kyaku             Rolling Eagle Kick
 Yousou Kyaku                   Hawk's Talon Kick
 Kakushu Raku Kyaku             Crane's Neck Leg Drop
 Suitotsu Da                    Lower Piercing Strike
 Sankaku Tobi                   Triangle Hop
 Kikou Shou                     Chi (Internal Energy) Palm
 Houyoku Sen                    Phoenix's Fanning Wings
 Tensei Ranka                   Heavenly Star Brilliant Riot

 [ GOUKI ]  -------------------------------------------------------------

 Seoi Nage                      Over-the-Shoulder Throw
 Tomoe Nage                     Overhead Judo Throw
 Gou Hadou Ken                  Great Surge Fist
 Zankuu Hadou Ken               Sky-Slashing Surge Fist
 Shakunetsu Hadou Ken           Scorching Heat Surge Fist
 Gou Shouryuu Ken               Great Rising Dragon Fist
 Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku         Sky Slashing Tornado Kick
 Ashura Senkuu                  (demonic warrior) Air Flash
 Hyakki Shuu                    Evil Pandemonium Attack
 Hyakki Gouzan                  Evil Pandemonium Great Slash
 Hyakki Goushou                 Evil Pandemonium Great Thrust
 Hyakki Goujin                  Evil Pandemonium Great Blade
 Hyakki Gousai                  Evil Pandemonium Great Smash
 Tenma Kuujin Kyaku             Demonic Air Blade Kick
 Zugai Hasatsu                  Skull Destroyer
 Messatsu Gou Hadou             Great Surge Deadly Attack
 Tenma Gou Zankuu               Great Demonic Sky Slasher
 Messatsu Gou Shouryuu          Great Rising Dragon Deadly Attack
 Messatsu Gou Rasen             Great Spiralling Deadly Attack
 Messatsu Gou Senpuu            Great Whirlwind Deadly Attack
 Shun Goku Satsu                Imprisoning Death Flash
 Kongou Kokuretsu Zan           Continent-Destroying Vajra Slash
 Tenshou Kaireki Jin            Sky-Thrusting Ocean-Trampling Blade

 - There are two spellings of 'shakunetsu'; one (also 'sekinetsu')
   means "red hot", while the other 'shakunetsu' means "scorching
 - The literal meaning of 'hyakki' is 'one hundred demons'.  What this
   actually refers to is a 'large host of evil-doers'.
 - A 'vajra' is a small weapon with points on either end and a handle
   in the middle.  It has to do with Buddhism as well as Hinduism
   (the vajra is the weapon of Indra, god of destruction).  It can
   also mean 'thunderbolt' which makes sense if you consider Gouki's
   2nd Impact ending.  The real name of this move is actually
   "Ougi 'Kongou Kokuretsu Zan'", where "ougi" means a secret or
   something that is concealed.  According to Clarence, it can also
   mean a technique passed down from teacher to student.  The kanji
   for 'koku' is also spelled differently (an enclosed 'gyoku'
   instead of 'arui').
 - The Tenshou Kaireki Jin isn't a real move, it's the name of the
   attack that Gouki does in his ending when he destroys the sunken
   ship.  Knowing Capcom, it'll probably show up in the fourth SF3
   installment ;)

 [ IBUKI ]  -------------------------------------------------------------

 Yamitsudzura                   Dark Arrowroot
 Tobizaru                       Leaping Monkey
 Souken                         Spear Fist
 Kunai                          (a type of weapon)
 Kubi Ori                       Neck Breaker
 Kasumi Gake                    Running Mist
 Tsuiji Goe                     (a proper name) Pass
 Kazakiri                       Cutting Wind
 Hien                           Flying (Swallow)
 Raida                          Lightning Strike
 Tsumuji                        Whirlwind
 Rasen Chuu                     Spiral Elbow
 Oiura Ken                      Reverse Pursuit Fist
 Maki Geri                      Winding Kick
 Koube Kudaki                   Head Smasher
 Bonshou Geri                   Temple Bell Kick
 You Men                        Frying Surface
 Ura Maki Geri                  Reverse Winding Kick
 Sazan                          Sand Slash
 Kasumi Suzaku                  Crimson Phoenix Mist
 Yoroi Dooshi                   Armor Piercer
 Yami Shigure                   Dark Shower

 - The 2nd Impact manual spells her f,d,df + K move as "Kazekiri", while
   the 3rd Strike manual spells it "Kazakiri".  I don't know which one
   is correct, though.

 [ KEN MASTERS ]  -------------------------------------------------------

 Hiza Geri                      Knee Kick
 Seoi Nage                      Over-the-Shoulder Throw
 Jigoku Guruma                  Hell Wheel
 Hadou Ken                      Surge Fist
 Shouryuu Ken                   Rising Dragon Fist
 Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku         Tornado Whirlwind Kick
 Fumikomi Mae Geri              Advancing Forward Kick
 Inazuma Kakato Wari            Lightning Flash Splitting Heel
 Shiden Kakato Otoshi           Violet Lightning Heel Drop
 Shouryuu Reppa                 Rising Dragon Renderer
 Shinryuu Ken                   Divine Dragon Fist
 Shippuujinrai Kyaku            'Swift as Lightning' Kick

 [ MAKOTO  ]  -----------------------------------------------------------

 Hikiyose Zutsuki "Tacchuu"
 Drawing Up Headbutt "Pagoda Head"

 Hiji Otoshi Sanren Tsuki "Araiso"
 Elbow Drop: Three Continuous Thrusts "Wind-swept and wave-beaten shore"

 Tobi Ken "Chigusa"
 Hopping Fist "Great variety of flowering plants"

 Tosshin Seiken-zuki "Hayate"
 Rushing Justice Fist Thrust "Fast Gale"

 Chokujou Seiken-zuki "Fukiage"
 Steadily Rising Justice Fist Thrust "Rising Wind"

 Uchi Oroshi Shutou "Oroshi"
 Falling Hand Blade Strike "Mountain Wind"

 Tsurushi Nodowa "Karakusa"
 Neck Hanging Ring "Arabesque"

 Senkou Kakato Otoshi "Tsurugi"
 Flashing Heel Drop "Sword"

 Kote Tsuki "Kazami"
 Small Hand Thrust "Wind Watcher"

 Gezuki "Kaoruna"
 Lower Thrust "Fragrant Greens"

 Fumikomi Seiken-zuki "Shimaki"
 Advancing Justice Fist Thrust "Winding Wind"

 Fumikomi Seiken Sanren Tsuki "Yamase"
 Advancing Justice Fist Triple Continuous Thrusts "Mountain Heights"

 Mae Geri "Shibuki"
 Forward Kick "Splash"
 Fumikomi Joudan Mawashi Geri "Naruto"
 Advancing Upper Spinning Kick "Steamed Fish Paste Cake"

 Fumikomi Sokubarai "Kuroshio"
 Advancing Foot Sweep "Japan Current"

 Seichuusen Godan-zuki
 Median Line Five-Part Thrust

 Abare Tosanami Kudaki
 Violent Tosa Wave Crusher

 Tanden Renki: Seme no Kata
 Refined Spirit in the Point Above the Navel: Offensive Style
 - I'm no martial arts master, but at least in Tai-Chi, the 'point below
   the navel' is a place where your chi is supposed to mainly reside.

 [ NECRO ]  -------------------------------------------------------------

 Denji Blast                    Electromagnetic Blast
 Chou Denji Storm               Super Electromagnetic Storm

 [ ORO ]  ---------------------------------------------------------------
 Kubi-jime Kataguruma           Neck-Wringing Piggyback Ride
 Tomoe Nage                     Overhead Judo Throw
 Kuuchuu Jigoku Guruma          Mid-Air Hell Wheel
 Tobi Hiza                      Leaping Knee
 Nichirin Shou                  Sun Palm
 Oni Yanma                      Demon Fly
 Niou Riki                      Herculean Strength
                                (lit. 'Strength of the Niou')
 Jinchuu Watari                 Sacrifical Human Crossing
 Hitobashira Nobori             Sacrifical Human Climbing
 Mawashi Hiji                   Spinning Elbow
 2 Dan Tobi                     Two Part Jump
 Kishin Riki                    Terrible God's Strength
 Kishin Kuuchuu Jigoku Guruma   Terrible God's Mid-Air Hell Wheel
 Yagyou Dama                    Souls Travelling by Night
 Tengu Ishi                     (type of demon) Stone
 Kishin Tsui                    Terrible God's Hammer
 Yagyou Oodama                  Great Soul Travelling by Night
 Tengu Midare Ishi              Tengu Stone Riot

 - 'Yanma' can also mean 'to lament'.  Since it's spelled in kana,
   I don't know which interpretation is correct.
 - The 'Niou' are the two guardian Deva Kings of Buddhism.  You may
   have seen them before as two terrible-faced statues, usually on
   either side of a door or an entrance to a building.  
 - 'Jinchuu' and 'Hitobashira' are different spellings of the same
   kanji that have the same meaning.  In fact, 'Jinchuu Nobori' may
   be the official name of this move, I have no idea myself.

 [ Q ]  -----------------------------------------------------------------

 Hokaku Oyobi Shippu o Mochii ta Tsuuda (Kari)
 Seize and Use Knees for a Painful Strike (Assumed Name)

 Hokaku Oyobi Touteki ni yoru Daraku Shougeki (Kari)
 Depraved Impact using a Seize and Throw Technique (Assumed Name)

 Shippu ni yoru Ko-Chouyaku Kougeki (Kari)
 Small Leaping Attack using the Knees (Assumed Name)

 Tosshin Toubu Dageki (Kari)
 Charging Blow (to the Head) (Assumed Name)

 Tosshin Touchoubu Dageki (Kari)
 Charging Blow (to the Top of the Head) (Assumed Name)

 Tosshin Kashi Dageki (Kari)
 Charging Blow (to the Legs) (Assumed Name)

 Kousokudo Renzoku Dageki (Kari)
 High Speed Rapid Strikes (Assumed Name)

 Hokaku Oyobi Tsuukon Dageki (Kari)
 Seize and Strike Regretfully (Assumed Name)

 Toubu ni yoru Jouhou Kougeki (Kari)
 Attack to the Head using the Upper Body (Assumed Name)

 Ryouude ni yoru Zenshin Tsuugeki (Kari)
 Advancing Painful Attack using Both Arms (Assumed Name)

 Tentou kara no Toubu Tsuugeki (Kari)
 Painful Attack to the Head via Inversion (Assumed Name)

 Tentou kara no Kyakubu Tsuugeki (Kari)
 Painful Leg Attack via Inversion  (Assumed Name)

 Tosshin Oyobi Chishi Renzoku Dageki (Kari)
 Charging as well as Rapid Lethal Strikes (Assumed Name)

 Fukubu Oyobi Koutoubu e no Tsuuda (Kari)
 Painful Strike to the Back of the Head and Abdomen (Assumed Name)

 Bakuhatsu o Tomonau Dageki ya Hokaku (Kari)
 Strike or Seize Accompanied by an Explosion (Assumed Name)

 [ REMY ]  --------------------------------------------------------------

 Valse no you ni Kuruoshiku     'With a Crazed Waltz'
 Nemuri wo Midasu Contour       Disturbed Sleep Outline
 Izanai no Vague                Vague Temptation
 Vertu no Zankou: Haute         Virtue's Afterglow: High
 Vertu no Zankou: Basse         Virtue's Afterglow: Low
 Ma Cherie no Hiai              My Love's Sorrow
 Tsumetaku Aoi Regret           Icy Blue Regret
 Amari ni Muku na Aiguille      Excessively Pure Needle
 Hunnu no Supernova             Supernova of Rage
 Vierge ni Ansoku O             Virginal Repose
 Shoushin no Nocturne           Brokenhearted Nocturne
                                (or 'Nocturne of Grief')

 - Remy is French, hence the partially-French move names.

 [ RYU ]  ---------------------------------------------------------------

 Seoi Nage                      Over-the-Shoulder Throw
 Tomoe Nage                     Overhead Judo Throw
 Hadou Ken                      Surge Fist
 Shouryuu Ken                   Rising Dragon Fist
 Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku         Tornado Whirlwind Kick
 Joudan Sokutou Geri            Upward Sword Leg Kick
 Sakotsu Wari                   Collarbone Splitter
 Kyuubi Kudaki                  Solarplexus Smasher
 Shinkuu Hadou Ken              Vacuum Surge Fist
 Shin Shouryuu Ken              True Rising Dragon Fist
 Denjin Hadou Ken               Electric Blade Surge Fist

 [ SEAN ]  --------------------------------------------------------------

 Seoi Throw                     Over-the-Shoulder Throw
 Tomoe Throw                    Overhead Judo Throw
 Ryuubi Kyaku                   Dragon's Tail Kick
 Sean Pachiki                   Sean Headbutt
 Hadou Burst                    Surge Burst
 Shouryuu Cannon                Rising Dragon Cannon

 [ TWELVE  ]  -----------------------------------------------------------

 H.U.G.                         Hug
 F.L.G.                         Flog
 T.R.W.                         Throw
 J.S.P.                         Jumping Short Punch
 N.D.L.                         Needle
 A.X.E.                         Axe
 D.R.A.                         Drop Attack
 Kokkuu                         "Gliding through the air"
 Kabe Haritsuki                 Attach and Cling to Wall
 B.M.K.                         Back Medium Kick
 X.N.D.L.                       Extra Needle
 X.F.L.A.T.                     Extra Flying Attack
 X.C.O.P.Y.                     Extra Copy

 [ YANG ]  --------------------------------------------------------------

 Hiza Geri                      Knee Kick
 Youhon Shiun                   Flying Hawk Cloud Flip
 Toukuu Koushu                  Mid-Air Bent Hand Imitation
 Tourou Zan                     Mantis-style Slash
 Senkyuutai                     Arcing Thigh Drill
 Byakko Soushouda               White Tiger Paired Palm Strike
 Zenpou Tenshin                 Roll Body Forward (over opponent)
 Kaihou                         Pleasant Kneel  (Concealed Tracks) 
 Raigeki Shuu                   Lightning Attack Kick
 Senpuu Kyaku                   Whirlwind Kick
 Koushu                         Bent Hand
 Raishin Mahha Ken              Quaking Thunder Demonic Break Fist
 Tenshin Senkyuutai             Rolling Arced Thigh Drill
 Sei'ei Enbu                    Phantom Point Waltz

 - The 'tourou' in Tourou Zan refers to 'tourou ken', or mantis-style
   martial arts.  Eiji Kisaragi from AoF2 uses this fighting style
   for some of his moves.
 - Trying to find the real spelling of Kaihou has been a pretty arduous
   task for me, as I kept seeing the 'hou' kanji with a different
   spelling each time the name popped up on the Net.  So, I was looking
   forward to getting the official spelling from the manual, only to find
   that the kanji used in the instruction booklet doesn't even exist--the
   closest one I could find means "kneel" which is a little nonsensical.
   The radicals used for the non-existant 'hou' kanji are for 'foot' and
   'conceal', so maybe it means 'concealed tracks'?  That'd be more
   fitting, but is just a guess and is hardly correct.

 [ YUN ]  ---------------------------------------------------------------

 Hiza Geri                      Knee Kick
 Gekihou Sui                    Demolishing Attack Strike
 Zesshou Hohou                  Technique to Move without Stepping
 Kobokushi                      Tiger Strike
 Tetsuzan Kou                   Iron Mountain Lean
 Nishou Kyaku                   Leaping Double Kick
 Zenpou Tenshin                 Roll Body Forward (over opponent)
 Raigeki Shuu                   Lightning Attack Kick
 Senpuu Kyaku                   Whirlwind Kick
 Dakai                          Break in the Deadlock
 Youhou                         Frying Roast
 Sourai Rengeki                 Rapid Thunder Spear Attack
 Gen'ei Jin                     Phantom Formation

 - The translation of 'Zesshou Hohou' refers to how Yun moves forward
   by leaping instead of walking.

 [ SYSTEM DIRECTION TERMS ]  --------------------------------------------

 Chijou Blocking                Ground Blocking
 Taikuu Blocking                Anti-Air Blocking
 Kuuchuu Blocking               Mid-Air Blocking
 Blocking Uketsuke Jikan        Blocking Receival Time
 Guard Blocking Uketsuke Jikan  Guard Blocking Receival Time
 Kyousei Guard                  Enforced Block
 Guard Shikibetsu Kyori         Guard Distance Indentification
 Keri Damage                    Erased Damage
 Zenpou Dash                    Forward Dash
 Kouhou Dash                    Backward Dash
 Nage                           Throw
 Grap Defense no Seigen         Restricted Grapple Defense
 Leap Attack no Command         Leap Attack's Command
 KO nochi Personal Action       Personal Action after a KO
 Hissatsu Waza                  Certain Death Techniques
 'EX Hissatsu Waza no Gauge     'Level of Gauge Consumption for EX
  Shouhi-ryou'                   Certain Death Techniques'
 Cancel Hissatsu Waza           Certain Death Techniques Cancel
 High Jump Cancel no Shiyou     Method of High Jump Cancel
 Kuuchuu Guard                  Mid-Air Guard
 Fukitobi go Jump Joutai e      Able to Jump after being Blown Over (?)
 Subete no Waza ni Keri Damage  All Techniques cause Erased Damage
 Chijou Chain Combo             Ground Chain Combo
 Kuuchuu Chain Combo            Mid-Air Chain Combo
 'Subete Tsuujou Waza ga        All General Techniques are Cancelable
  Cancel Kanou'
 'Hissatsu Waza -> Hissatsu     Certain Death Techniques -> Certain
  Waza or SA'                   Death Techinques or Super Arts
 'Subete Super Arts shiyou      All Super Arts are usable
 Kuuchuu Combo Seigen Atari     Mid-Air Combo Restriction Level


 If you have any comments, complaints, or questions not answered in this
 FAQ, feel free to mail me at <>.  If you have seen this
 FAQ reprinted in any publication or plagiarized anywhere online (or
 being sold, for that matter), please drop me a line, as this sort of
 thing has happened before.

 Also, please don't ask me about network-related questions because I
 can't even log on using my Dreamcast (I need a 33.6 modem).  So I
 couldn't help even if I wanted to :)


 It sounds rude, doesn't it?  Well, anyway, as of this release (v0.1),
 I have some unanswered stuff that I can't figure out, so I need help
 from the readers.  I'm looking for information such as a code to play
 as Shin Gouki (is he even in this game?), or maybe a speed select or
 pick-by-round Super Art code (these were both normal featuers in W
 Impact, I wonder why they were removed)?

 Another thing that I can't figure out is that in the arcade version
 of Third Strike, Hugo had a special taunt that could be performed by
 pressing Start + HP + HK (Poison would come out and taunt), and Chun-Li
 had a special taunt she could do after KO'ing an opponent (just hold
 Start, although I've never seen this one myself).  The thing is, the
 Start Button can't be used for either of these tricks on the DC version
 (it either pauses the game or has no effect), so I have no idea how to
 do either of these taunts (and trust me, I've fiddled with just about
 every button combination I can think of)!  Anyone know how they're done?

 Also, for anyone familiar with using NJStar, is there a way to prevent
 Japanese text from getting corrupted?  I don't know what causes it, but
 all my files with Japanese text in them will get messed up, and then
 I'll have to go re-type everything.  It's driving me nuts.


 This FAQ would not have been possible without help from the following

 Jimmy Y. Lee
  - For telling me a ton of stuff; the other method for getting page 8,
    how to get pages 9 and 10, as well as how to get Gill and the Extra
    Options.  Thanks man!

 Shoryuken                                           <>
  - I got all the information on kara canceling from their site.

 Chris of Dash Taisen                               <>
  - Once again I relied on a plethora of move name information taken from
    Dash Taisen's SF3: New Generation section.  This site is a must for
    anyone looking for information you wouldn't find elsewhere--he even
    has information (and pictures!) of Ibuki's test-version Super Art
    from the arcade version of SF3: New Generation.

 yru02135                          <>
  - A number of move names were taken from his 2nd Impact and 3rd Strike
    sections, as well as tips like how to do Dudley's dashing Rolling
    Thunder, Necro's German Suplex, etc.  I also got some Target Combos
    from his page as well, as well as the bonus game difficulty codes
    and the name of Gill's new super.  Although it's in Japanese, this
    page has got really in-depth information on SF3, so check it out if
    you're interested.
  - I took some Target Combos, some of Gill's movenames, and some tricks,
    as well as other misc. information, from his superior arcade SF3: 2nd
    Impact FAQ.  You can find it at: (

 Suimaa                            <>
  - The names for characters' normal throws and Leap Attacks were taken
    from his Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike section (which is alarmingly

 Jeffrey's J <-> E Dictionary    <>
  - As usual, I had to rely on this excellent online dictionary to help
    out with translating some of the Japanese terms into English.

 Double Reverse (Ura no Ura)                    <>
  - Some Personal Action information was taken from the SF3: 3rd Strike
    section at this cool page.
 Special thanks (and a big round of applause) also goes to the previous
 contributors to my Third Strike arcade FAQ, namely:

   Krizalid, Nathan Henry, Chris Lee, James Kuroki, Furious, MechGouki,
   Clarence, Ronald Batiste Jr., Michael Park, Andrew, Robert Iu, Jan-
   Vincent Halili, Bitoku Kishi, Mouse Lee, Mowena, Nathan Arnold, Mr.
   Guy, OneShot, G Nocide, Agustin Ramos-Lopez, Jinston, Kenichiro
   Tanaka, Shon, Ben Williamson, shinbahn, Duke Fleed, airmax95, Matt
   Russell, Jonathan Winkler, Cyril Caniot, Kyoujin, Elusive, Capcom of
   Japan (, the newsgroup, Ura no
   Ura (Double Reverse, located at, and
   Nagasima's Homepage (


 Version 0.9  (July 5, 2000)
  - Now that I own the Dreamcast version of this game, I was able to go
    through and check everything out, as well as add information on
    the DC-only features.  The FAQ has been completely rewritten (based
    off my W Impact FAQ).

 Version 0.8  (December 8, 1999)
  - I was sent a bunch of great stuff right after I put v0.7 up, so I
    figured I'd do this update early and stick all that stuff in.
 Version 0.7  (November 25, 1999)
  - More general corrections and stuff.

 Version 0.6  (October 25, 1999)
  - I meant to update this earlier, but I'm back in college again (summer
    was so short), and I haven't had a lot of free time.  Then again,
    there wasn't a lot to add, anyway--just some small additions and
 Version 0.5  (July 12, 1999)
  - The FAQ has been redone and lots of new info. has been added.  A
    great deal of it (the new secrets, target combos, personal action
    info, etc.) came from Ura no Ura, so I have to give that site a big
    thanks.  Another big hand goes to Nagasima's page, where I got
    some more Personal Action info from, too.

    This game finally surfaced in the CA Bay Area at Golfland in Castro
    Valley (2533 Castro Valley Blvd., next to Wendy's).  So, anyone who
    has been looking forward to playing 3rd Strike knows where to go.
 Version 0.4  (June 10, 1999)
  - Lots of various info. has been added, including how to perform
    Akuma's new Super Art, info. on playing as Gill using Twelve, etc.

 Version 0.3  (May 27, 1999)
  - Special color and Oro info. added.

 Version 0.2  (May 21, 1999)
  - Some additions in the Other Stuff section and some moveslist
    additions as well.

 Version 0.1  (May 20, 1999)
  - First version, not much to say.

  "So let the sadness come again / on that you can depend on me, yeah /
   until the bitter, bitter end of the world, yeah / God sleeps in bliss
   / I'm all by myself / as I've always felt / and I'll betray myself to
   anyone."  -  'Soma', by the Smashing Pumpkins

 Unpublished work Copyright 1999-2001 Chris MacDonald