How to read the controls pages
This page consists mostly of the meanings of the images/icons found under the controls links for all of my games contained in my
game lists
A few notes first:
Each HTML page of controls mainly consists of one large image which is intended to be printed and placed in a binder. For most fighting games, I use two pages per character, and these would obviously be facing pages in the binder. The first of the two pages consists mostly of generic (or common-to-all-characters) moves, but most games also have at least some character-specific information on the first page as well.
The images for button representation are based on the specific layout and color of buttons on my control panel. Further down this page is a reprentation of the CP these move lists are based on.
Moves are not categorized by type (normal/special/super). They are all sorted by the distance you should be away from your opponent to perform the move.
Moves are categorized by effective range, but even within range categories, the moves are sorted by effective range, so you could erase the range category images and you would still have a list of all moves sorted by effective range.
Within each range category, moves are vertically aligned by the first button press.
Each character is documented as to where they are in the character selection screen.
There are three parts to a move entry:
Blueish-purplish icons which represent any special spatial reltionship which which must exist between you and your opponent in order for the move to work, or any special state you or your opponent must be in for the move to work. Also in this first part are icons which tell you if the move has any function other than causing damage (teleportation/healing). You will also find icons here to let you know if the attack is on overhead or a sweep.
The joystick and button input for the move.
The right-most icons are pinkish and can relay two bits of info: If you have a choice of buttons to use for this move, then this will tell you the proprty which changes based on button selection (damage, distance, speed, direction, damage), and there are also icons which will tell you any additional effect on your opponent (launch, knock down, knock back).