Dave's Semi-Official Walkthrough Of Stonekeep

Special Note: Since that neat scroll you have can hold just about anything
in the known universe, don't pass up items...you never know when another
skull or stone or something will come in handy.

Second note: If you have trouble beating the game and have WWW access,
try out my Universal Game Editor module for Stonekeep-you can give yourself
up to 999 h.p. at any time, teleport anywhere in the dungeon, increase all
the skills of all your party members, and even instantly recharge all your
runecasters...or make them capable of storing even more power!  Point your
browser to http://www.ici.net/customers/overkill/overkill.htm and choose
the "UGE Page" option to find it.  Hey, it's free...why not?

WARNING: I started off writing down EVERYTHING, but figured that'd get
boring, so after I while, I started skipping a LOT of secret stuff.  
This walkthrough only contains the absolute essentials to beating the game 
(plus a few little bonuses you might not have caught before...)

1.} (Intro) Pick up just about everything you can find in the room.  Always
punch rubble piles and piles of bones to see if there's anything there.
You should find a skull, a healing root, and a throwing stone.  Exit through
the door with rock in hand.  Wait for the ant to pass by.  You can throw
the rock at the ant (and probably kill it), or punch it a few times to kill
it.  That's about as far as the walkthrough the game comes with takes you...

2.} Take your first left, and read the plaque at the end of the hall.  Go
into the guard room.  You'll find a leather breastplate in there, plus, in
the chest, you'll find a scroll, heal potion, five heal roots, and a dagger.
Arm & armor yourself.  Wander around until you find Thera again (the
glowing ball).  Note the lever on the wall.  Pull it; it'll unlock the door,
but DON'T go through yet!  Push the handle back up again, then pull it
down again.  Now, walk south to the wall, turn east, and walk to the end
of the hall.  Turn north and walk two squares north.  Turn left, and search
the wall for a hidden stone that wasn't there before.  There's a lever; pull
it.  A secret door opens up just to your south and behind you.  Go through
it, and grab the three oil bombs.  Look at the north wall to find another
hidden brick; there's a Dagger of Penetration there.  Equip it.  It's
actually one of the more powerful weapons in the game, believe it or not...
There's also a throwing rock in the rubble (yaaay)

3.} NOW go through the exit door (where Thera is).  You'll run into the
Shadowking.  No, he won't kill you now.  After he does his monologue, go
into the corridor and turn right, then follow the corridor around and take
your first left.  Go to the door on the right.  Kick the Sharga's butt and
take his sword, heal root, gold coin, and brass key.  Exit and go north.
Use the brass key on the lock.  Go inside, smash the barrels.  Grab and
equip the wooden shield.  Exit and go north to the next room.  Unlock the
door.  Smash the left barrel.  Kill the two warrior ants that come out.
Smash the right barrel and take the heal roots.  Continue north.  There'll
be an alcove on your right.  Smash the barrel in it to get three heal roots.
Go to the intersection.  Follow the corridor around to the left.  Ignore the
door you'll see to the south; you can't open it.  Go around the square and
take the passage that heads east.  Go east until you see a passage south.
Go through that door.  You're in a four-door room (you can't get through
the south door from either direction, by the way).  Go through the west door.
Kick the sharga's butt.  I suggest you run past the Shagra to the north wall,
or else he'll try to get a super heal root that's in a hidden brick there.
If you block him from that, he'll go down faster, and you'll have a super
heal root.  On the table is your journal...grab it.  Then unlock the south
door with the brass key and go south.  Waste the five Shargas that come
after you.  Take their heal roots (I also collect swords from these guys,
for no particular reason.  I think at one point I had about sixty of them).
Now, move to a square on the map that is 4 south and 1 east of the door
you came through from the room with the journal.  Face south and check the
wall.   You'll find a heal root.  Now go north, then east, and turn south 
again.  Check the hidden brick and pull the lever.  Go 2 west, one north,
and face west.  Go in the secret room and find a blue heal potion, a
green agility gain potion, and a cure potion, plus another oil bomb.  Now
go south until you hear a fire crackling.  Turn west and proceed to the
fire.  Search the fire twice (you'll take a few points of fire damage,
but find two Firedaggers).  Now dump one of your potions you don't mind
losing on the fire to put it out.  Kill the Sharga that's beyond it, and
search the chest to find another agility gain potion and a strength gain
potion.  Exit and turn right at the corridor.  Go three south, six east,
and then turn north.

4.} Kill the Shargas.  Keep going north to the end of the hall.  Go east one
square, then turn north and go into the room.  There are four barrels.
Smash 'em all.  In one, you'll find a drunk Sharga.  This guy is hillarious;
he's harmless, and keeps hiccuping.  Kill him if you want; it's hardly
necessary.  Behind another barrel is a hammer you can use as a weapon.
Exit the room, go back to the corridor, and go east.  At the square just
east of the next passage north, check the north wall to find the hidden
Health potion bottle.  Then keep going east to the kitchen.  Whack one of
the sacks; ants will start attacking.  You've got to waste six of 'em.  When
the last one dies, check its body to find a bronze key.  Head back west;
ignore the passage to the north.  Go to the end of the hall, turn north,
walk to the wall, and turn west again.  Go west, and turn south at the first
intersection.  Unlock that door with the bronze key.  Kill the two Sharga
leaders (easier said than done; they're a lot tougher than the others).
One has a steel key, and the other has the Orb of Afri.  This orb is pretty
useful; when you put it on the ground and wait a second, it projects a
map of your surroundings, including moving dots for all live monsters, and
also shows all secret rooms.  Just don't lose it!  Take the scroll from the
bookcase.  There's a hidden brick in the west wall with a super heal root,
and a hidden brick with a lever on the south wall.  When you pull the lever,
a room opens up to your immediate west.  In there is a chest with a heal
potion, an agility gain potion, and a strength gain potion.  Exit through
the north door and follow the corridor to the left.  Open the first door on
the right with the bronze key, and slay the Sharga.  Then go north up the
corridor.  Note the dead Sharga.  The west wall in the square where he is
has a trap; throw skulls into the square to trigger it and fire two arrows.
Do this three times, then it's out of ammo.  Grab the arrows, and go north.
Throw something at the Sharga.  Two more will jump out to help him in a
moment.  Check the east wall for a hidden heal potion.  Take the three
scrolls from the bookcase. Exit the room and go south, then west to the
locked door.  Unlock it, then go east, through the other door into the
corridor.  Go five south, three east, then two south and unlock the door
with the brass key.  Ignore the barrel, but check the brick on the south
wall for a heal potion.  Exit and go south one, then west and open the
door.  Punch the rubble for a coin and a heal root.  Exit and go three
north, three east, five north, three east, then turn south and open the
door.  There's eight ants wandering around in here; kill 'em all.  You'll
find a few arrows and a quarterstaff.  Head south, and grab the helm near
the forge.  Also punch the rubble to find a throwing axe.  Then go east.
Check the bricks on the west wall for a heal root.  Use the steel key to
open the chest and take the small metal shield.  Now exit back to the
corridor and continue east, unlocking the south door with the bronze key.
Smash the barrels to find three oil bombs.  Now weave your way all the way
back to the northernmost passage.  Go east along it, then turn north, and
then east again.  Turn south at the intersection and unlock the door with
the brass key.  Go through the door, and you'll wind up in another room.

5.} Smash the barrel.  About 50 ants will come out to attack you, so if
you need weapons training and are in good shape, stick around and kill
'em all!  Exit the room, head north, west, north, and west.  Go through
the door at the end of the hallway.  Follow the corridor around to the
south and open the southern door.  Kill the ants, and check the east wall
for a hidden switch.  A secret room with a chest (locked, can open with
bronze key) is to the south-it has three oil bombs.  Now head back to the
stairs that lead down.  Proceed to the easternmost north-south corridor.
Head all the way south, killing whatever gets in your way.  Go around the
square to your left, then head south and go west.  Take your first northern
passage.  You'll find a throwing stones bag.  Go back to the corridor, and
continue west a couple squares, then turn north, unlock the door with the
brass key and equip the leather leggings you find.  Go back to the corridor,
and head west, south 1, west, north 1, west, south 1, west, north 1.  Check
the north wall and pull the lever.  Turn west and find the secret room in 
the north wall just a little ways up.  Grab the heal potion and the
broadsword.  Now head west, north, west, north at the intersection.  Take
your fourth right, through the door, and unlock the door to the north with
the steel key.  It's the stairs down to level 2.

(From here on in, I ignore secret stuff and just go for the essentials.)

6.} Welcome to level 2.  Go north, then east.  Meet Wahooka.  DO NOT ATTACK
HIM!  Talk to him.  He wants something valuable.  Go through the door,
continue east.  Go south.  You'll probably meet your first slime now.  JOY!
(Slimes, by the way, are more vulnerable to cuts than crushes, so use a
sword or axe.  Or fire.  Slimes are afraid of fire).  At the corridor, turn
east and go through the first door on your right.  Waste the slime & pick
up the gem it leaves behind.  Go back to Wahooka's spot and give him the gem.
Now go back to the corridor.  Go east to the wall.  Turn south.  Walk 
through the south wall-it's an illusion.  Kill the Sharga, then go south to
the wall (which is really another illusion, but ignore it for now).  Turn
left and walk to the wall.  Turn south.  Take your first passage left.  Go
to the end of the corridor.  Turn left and go north to the wall.  Turn
left and go through the door.  Kill the slime, then check its corpse for the
ivory key (useful stuff!)  Go back east to the wall.  Turn south and take
your next door on your right.  Open it with the ivory key; Farli Mallestone
will join you.  Now head south to the wall.  Turn west and go two squares
west.  Mark this spot on your map as, say "SECRET PLACE."  Now go west to 
the wall, then turn north.  Go to the wall, turn west.  Walk to the wall,
turn north.  Go up to the (illusory) wall, and turn east.  Walk to the
wall.  Turn south, and walk to the wall.  Turn east, and unlock the
door with the ivory key, but don't go through.  This may seem like a
fool's errand, but it comes in handy later.  Head all the way back to
the spot you just marked as "SECRET PLACE" on your map.  Then turn south 
(facing the wall) and walk through (illusion again)  Kill the two Shargas and 
get the iron key.  Turn east and walk to the wall.  Turn south and proceed to 
the fountain; drinking from it heals you.  I suggest, if you
have my UGE module, save your game here and exit to get the location.
When you are hurt, you can teleport back here for an instant heal, then
teleport back to wherever you were.  VERY useful trick.

7.} Now head back to the illusory wall.  Turn south, and go through the door.
Keep going south, turn west.  Go west, and take the corridor to the south to
the wall.  Turn right, and go through the door.  Whack the Sharga guard, then
keep going west.  At the square between door #2 and door #3 to your right,
check the north wall for a scroll with a Meta Rune, which will enhance your
runecaster's runes...when you find the runecaster, that is.  Keep going west.
Turn north, then wesr again.  Go north, east, north, west.  Push the button 
on the wall (seals the pit to your north).  Go north to the wall, then east
to the wall.  Turn south and head to the wall (there should be a lock in
front of you, but no door in sight).  Whack the Sharga that guards it.
Unlock the lock with the ivory key; a wall opens up to your right.  Go
through it.  Head south, but stop short of the circular stone in the floor.
Drop a skull on it.  Three arrows shoot out.  Now pick up the skull, then
drop it on there again.  Three more shoot out.  Pick up the skull, and pick
up the six arrows.  Continue along the corridor, and do the same process
with the other three circular floor stones...by the end, you'll have 24
arrows.  Not a bad deal!  Keep following the passage to a door.  Unlock
it with the ivory key, and go through.  Waste the two slimes; one will
drop your first runecaster.  Pick it up.  Read the three scrolls on the 
shelf.  Now inscribe your runecaster with the two runes.  I suggest you also
use the "2x power" Meta Rune on both of them as well.  Now, head north.  You
will see a "Mana Circle."  If you DON'T have my UGE module, this is a great
place to build up magic ability.  Just blast a wall with firebolts till the
'caster goes dead, then step into the circle-instant recharge!  Repeat as
necessary.  When you're done, head back through the circular stones, out
the secret door, and continue east.  Head north; waste the two Shargas.  
Head north, and turn east, then north.  Walk through the illusionary wall.
Go east to the wall, then south, then take the east passage.  Follow it to
one past the south turn and face south.  Yep, you've been here before.  Go
through the wall, then turn east.  Walk to the wall and turn north.
Wahooka will talk to you.  Keep going north.  Walk up to the door, and unlock
it with the ivory key.  Keep going north, and go through to door...to the
wonderful world of the Sewers beneath Stonekeep.  Joy.  Oh yeah, make sure
you've got a bunch o'skulls with you.  Why?  You'll find out...

8.} Be expecting snakes (Snakes...why did it have to be snakes?).  Go north,
turn west.  Slog west, and take your second turn south.  Go south till you
hit your first right turn.  Take it, and slog west, through probably about
a gazillion snakes.  Go one north at the wall, then keep going west to the
wall.  Go north to the wall.  Turn west again.  Go west, and take your 
first left.  Follow that to the wall, and turn right.  Follow that
passage west, south, west, south (through a slime) to the wall, then west,
and south again until Drake screams "OW!  My foot!"  He just kicked a control
cylinder.  Grab it.  Go all the way back to the stairs up and climb back
up to the lower ruins of Stonekeep.  You might want to go visit the fountain
to heal up now.  Assuming you do, go north from the fountain to the
intersection, then turn west.  Go to the wall, and turn south.  Go to and
through the door.  Go south to the wall, and turn west.  Walk up to that
funny looking thing in the wall.  Use the cylinder on it.  You've just
opened a few floodgates below, which you needed to do to get the other
cylinder.  Go back to the sewer (SHEESH!) and go as follows: North, west,
second corridor south, first left, second left (through the now-open
floodgate) and proceed south.  Turn west, go 1 square, head south.  STOP
one square before the south wall (there should be a passage on your right).
Trust me; you do NOT want to go one more square south.  Just trust me.
Go west, north, take your west turn, to the wall, south to the wall, west
one square, and south.  Proceed south.  When you come to the little room,
turn right (west) and deal with the Sharga captain.  He's pretty tough.
Once you finish him off, go south to the wall.  Turn west, and go that way.
Waste the two Sharga guards, then turn south.  Go to the wall, turn east.
Go to the wall, and turn south.  Right ahead is the other cylinder.  Okay,
now then-head back north, west, north, then turn east.  Walk down and waste
the two Shargas.  Go to the wall, and turn south.  Go to the wall, and turn
east again.  Waste the two other Shargas.  Go one square south, then march
east fourteen squares.  Turn north immediately and deal with the Shagras.
Then proceed north and take out the "backup" Shagra.  Keep going north.
Then turn west and start walking.  Wahooka puts in an appearance and asks for
three "heads of men long dead."  Now turn around, and plod back to the
east wall.  Head south all the way to the wall (this'll reset Wahooka).
Go back north to the wall, and turn west again.  At the same spot, Wahooka
will reappear, demanding his payment.  Give 'em three skulls.  He'll give
you a triangle key.  If you keep going west, and climb the stairs, you'll 
be back in Lower Ruins o'Stonekeep...if you performed that "fool's errand"
I mentioned before, this'll be a shortcut.  If you didn't, you'll be on
the wrong side of a locked door.

9.} Follow your map back to the "SECRET PLACE."  Go through the illusory 
wall, and go south through the door to the south wall.  Turn west, then
go south along the passage three squares.  Turn right, and there should
be another of those cylinder thingys.  Put your second cylinder in it; this
will drain the sewers (and make a certain beast a LOT less difficult to deal
with).  Now trudge all the way back to the entrance to the sewers you just
came through (I know the other way's shorter, but saving Sewer trip time is
certainly better than saving Lower Ruins trip time).  Head back east, then
north, then east to the wall, then south to the wall, then west five squares.
You should hear some wind.  Turn north and walk through the secret passage.
There's a chest here.  Use the triangle key on it.  You'll find a firedagger,
oil bombs, and a rune scroll.  Inscribe this new rune (a shrink rune) over
your cure rune.  Okay, here we go...head west to the wall, north one square,
west to the wall, north two squares, west two squares, north to the wall,
east one square, north through the floodgate to the wall, east one square,
north one square, east to the wall, south one square, east to the wall.
Clever adventurers will remember this is where is told you NOT to take that
one step south.  Guess what.  Get your runecaster up and ready, then take
that one step south.  Turn left IMMEDIATELY, and fire the shrink rune at
that...thing.  I even think that's what it's called.  A "thing."  Well,
that'll chop it down to size slightly.  Do NOT attempt to engage it in
hand-to-tentacle.  Keep your distance and fire power enhanced (with that
meta rune) firebolts at it.  Eventually, it'll keel over.  When it does,
it drops a dragon statuette.  Grab that.  Now head back to where you first
saw the Thing, walk to the east wall, turn south, and take your first
left.  Walk through the secret passage in front of you.  Follow it down;
you'll wind up at a stairwell eventually.  Take it up to yet another part
of the lower ruins.  After all that, a locked door.  Fortunately, FARLI has 
the key (gee, it's a good thing you rescued him, isn't it?)  He'll open it 
and you just bravely march on through.  Head south to the wall, and follow 
the passage to the east.  Turn south at the wall, and go to the south wall.  
Turn west and march two squares west.  Turn north and put the dragon 
statuette on the altar.  It opens a passage to the south.  Go south through 
the passage, and you'll be transported to Level 4: The Sharga Mines.  Yeah.
This has been the EASY part so far.

10.} Now that you're on Level 4, keep this in mind: Not ALL the Shargas on
this level are to be slaughtered.  Matter of fact, there's some downright
good ones on this level.  Go west.  Do NOT attack the wasp; it's just
checking you out.  You don't attack it, and the swarm of 100 wasps doesn't
attack you.  Get the picture?  Good.  Now turn north to the wall, west to
the wall, north again, turn east and walk one square.  Kill the Shargas.  
Check the rubble to find a Silence Rune (very useful, all things considered).
All right, now head back west to the wall, south three steps, west three
steps (kill the Sharga if you want, or if he charges you), then south to
the wall, west to the wall, and south to the wall again.  Turn east.  See
that fungus thingy?  If you take a step closer to it, it'll sound an
alarm that summons some Sharga guards.  If you don't think this is a big
deal, go ahead and walk up to it.  Otherwise, blast it with Firebolts.  Walk
to where it was, and turn south.  Go two steps, and check the west wall.
Press the button, and turn around.  In the room that opens, you'll find
a Mana Circle and a "Lesser Aerial Magick" rune.  Go back to where you  
saw the toadstool.  You might want to mark "GO BACK HERE" on your map;
I'll be referring to this point again.  Now head west, north, east, north
to the wall-this puts you in line with another of those toadstools.  Waste
it and the Shargas.  Then follow the passage around until you meet the
two Shargas-kill them, and head north, then east one square, north again
(you'll note once you get to a certain point, the ceiling collapses
behind you.  No problem.  Whack away at it with a weapon to clear it away)
to the wall, west to the wall, south to the wall, east one square, south
(waste the two MORE Shargas...these guys are everywhere) to the wall, one
square west, south to the wall, east to the wall, south to the wall, one
square west, south through the door to the wall, east (take out the 
Shargas) to the wall, north one square, east to the wall, south to the wall,
west two squares, north one square-open the chest and take the money bag 
and two coins.  Go west (kill the three Shargas) to the wall.  Go north,
east, north (kill the exploding fungus), west one square, north to the wall,
west one square, north (do NOT attack the wasp nest) to the wall, east 
(kill the exploding fungus) to the wall, north to the door.  Push the button
on the west wall to unlock the door.  Go through & kill the Sharga.  Now go
north one square, mark this spot with a "DOOR DOWN" on your map, and turn 
west.  Go through the door.  Go west to the wall, then due south.  Ignore 
the first right for the time being...you'll be back soon enough.  Walk south 
to the wall, then west one square, south one square. Go west, and take your 
first left.  Go south (kill the Shargas and smash through the cave-in) to 
the wall.  Turn west & walk to the wall (kill the Sharga).  Mark this spot 
with an "X" on your map.  Now go north, then turn west.  Waste the Sharga 
guards, then go west into the room.  Pick everything up, including 
(important) the skull key.  Now walk back to that turn I told you to ignore 
before.  Go down that western passage and free the dwarf with the skull key.  
This is Karzak Hardstone.  He's in bad shape-heal him up before you go any 
further, and arm him...he's a tough bastard.  He joins your party 

11.} Now walk back to the "X" on your map.  Go to the southern turn, and
walk south to the wall.  Turn west, and go through the door.  Go north
one square, west to the wall, north one square, west to the wall (kill the
fungus thing), and north to the ladder.  Follow the passage to the end.
Pick up the runescepter and the two rune scrolls...one is a Cure (which
you already have) and the other is a Language rune.  Inscribe the Language
rune and the Silence rune on the new Runescepter.  Walk back and climb up
the ladder.  Now then...go back to the spot you marked as "GO BACK HERE."
Now head west to the wall, north to the wall, east to the wall, two steps 
north, three steps east, south to the wall, east to the wall, south to the 
wall, west to the wall, south to the wall, east one step, south to the wall, 
and one step west.  Note the bolt on the floor.  Pick it up.  Hear that 
giggling sound?  RUN west to the wall.  Smash the barrel.  Push the button.  
Whip around, and head back to steps east, then turn north and obliterate the 
Sharga sniper.  Take his crossbow and bolts.  Head back west to the wall, go 
one south, then head west through the door, and take your second turn north.  
Walk north to the wall.  Now listen up VERY closely.  Do NOT smash skeletons 
or anything around here. Do not do ANYTHING to make ANY noise.  You're close 
to the Ettin, and you do NOT want to wake him up, because he's invulnerable.  
GOT IT?  Good. Walk due east to the wall.  Turn south.  Use the silence rune 
on the barrel in the middle.  Smash the nearest barrel.  Now step up to the 
chest.  Open it up to find gems, a Throg gate key, and Aquila's Orb.  Now 
turn north.  Walk one pace north.  Turn west.  Follow it west to the wall.  
You've got orb #2, but there's still some stuff to do on this level.

12.} Walk back to the "DOOR DOWN"-marked spot on your map.  Go through the
door to the north to find the passage down to the lower Sharga Mines.  As
soon as you walk through the door, you'll be attacked-waste the Sharga.  Go
north to the wall, then east to the wall.  Turn north and waste the Sharga.
Then go east to the wall, south one square, east to the wall, north to the
wall, east to the wall, north one square, east to the wall, south to the
wall, east to the wall, north to the wall, east to the wall, north through
the door, then north to the wall (kill the fungi), west one square (smash the
bones to find red mushrooms), then west one more square, north one square,
west twao squares (kill the patrol), north one square, west two squares,
north to the wall, turn east and kill the patrol.  Walk east to the wall, 
north one square, east one square, and look through the crack in the wall,
to get an interesting thought...the Shargas are getting beaten by the Throgs
and won't fight back.  Hmmm.  Now go west 1, south 1, west 1, south to the
wall, west to the wall, north to the wall, west to the wall, north 1, west
to the door (check the bone pile to the north for more red mushrooms),
through the door and west to the wall, turn north & whack the snake, go 1
north, west to the wall (smash through the cave-in and kill the snake),
north 1 square, 1 west, turn north & grab the balista bolt, then turn
back west, go 1 west, then south to the wall, 1 west (smash the cave-in and
whack the snake), then west to the wall, north to the wall, west to the
wall, south through the door, west to the wall, north to the wall, then
turn west and walk up to the Sharga.

13.} Do NOT kill the Sharga.  Just wait.  You'll strike up a conversation
with him.  Follow him.  He'll open a secret door.  Kill the snake beyond,
then follow him again..."home."  Do NOT attack any Shargas along the way;
they won't bother you.  Talk to Skrag.  He recharges your runecasters.  Go
past him into the alcove.  Smash the barrel.  Push the button.  Go into
the room that opens up, and open the chest.  Get the rune scroll, at least;
it's another metarune-which enhances the potency of spells.  Very nice!
Now go back to where Skrag was, go one north, west to the wall, south one,
west four, and turn north.  See the little Shagra?  For some reason, the
other guys here don't mind when this guy gets it, so walk up to him.  He'll
tell you not to open the door.  Open the door anyway.  See the BIG Sharga?
Well, whack the little guy anyway. (This is only for humor value)  Go walk
up to the big Sharga and kill him.  Take his six coins, blue and green gems,
and check the barrels-you'll find some more red mushrooms in one.  Go back
into the east-west corridor and keep going west.  Go north, west to the wall,
north, west to the wall, north to the wall, and west to the door.  Use the
key you got from the Ettin's chest on this one, and go through...into the
Throg Temple, also known as Level 5.  Fun, fun, fun!

14.} Level 5.  Another guy to rescue, another orb to get.  Sigh.  Okay,
head south and waste the fungus.  When you get to the wall, go west three,
and turn south.  Go through the door.  Wahooka shows up.  Hand him any
item except an orb.  Offer him another item (anything but an orb).  Now
hand him any weapon or armor item (one of those eighty billion Sharga swords
you have by now will do).  He'll give you some not-so-free advice.  Go back
to the corridor.  Go west to the wall, north one square, west to the wall,
and north to the wall.  Turn right and smash the two barrels.  You'll find
a dead Dwarf, and a short conversation.  Then pick up his stuff-a blue gem,
battle axe, armor ring (equip Drake with this) and two scrolls.  Turn
around, walk west to the wall, south four squares, west to the wall.  Now
you're in a little trapped maze, so follow this:  Turn north & walk to the
wall, turn west & walk two squares, turn south & walk four squares, turn
west & walk two squares, turn north & walk two squares, turn west & walk
to the wall, turn south & walk one square, then turn west out of the maze.
Follow the passage west to the little room.  Search the refuse for Dombur's
Helm.  Exit back to the east and take your first left.  Walk north to the
wall.  Turn west & walk all the way to the wall (ignore everything unless
it attacks you).  Now turn south, go through the door, and down into the
Temple of Throggi (note: there's one rune I'm skipping in this walkthrough,
but you've already got it {the "feather fall"}, also because you'd have
to kill THREE of those tentacle...things you met in the sewers.  Not fun.)

15.} Head south.  Three Throgs are wandering around the passage. Kill 'em
all as you get to the wall, then turn west to the wall, then south 12
squares, then east.  Ignore the southern passage for now.  Time to go get
another rune; walk east & take your first left.  Walk north to the wall,
west to the wall, north to the wall, east and take your first left.  
Decimate the Throg & pick up the dowel he drops.  Now go back south, west 
to the wall, south two squares, and east one square.  Don't open the door
yet; turn to face the north wall & find the hole.  Put the wooden dowel in
it; then go in.  You'll find super heal roots & a "flame column" rune scroll.
Now exit the room, walk west back to the corridor, and south to the wall,
east one square, south four squares, then turn east & walk to the wall.
Turn north and walk to the wall.  Then turn east again.  Some Throgs will
ALMOST attack you, but then run off...waiting in ambush.  Big plan.  Anyway,
keep going east; when they attack you, take 'em out.  Take your second left
and walk north.  Watch out for the two tough Throgs that come at you.
After getting by their little alcove, take your first right.  Go through
the door & waste the bodyguard.  Now exit back to the north-south passage 
and continue north four squares.  Turn east, go through the door & waste
the second bodyguard.  Now exit back to the north-south corridor again and
go two squares south.  Turn east & go through the door.  Walk all the way
into the room, then IMMEDIATELY get in the sub-shaman's face and waste him.
Don't let him get time to start casting spells!  Pick up his dagger, and
check the rubble to find a shield scroll.  Now exit back to the corridor;
walk north to the wall, then turn east & go through the door.  Follow the
twisting little room in, and, once again, get RIGHT IN THE GUY'S FACE.  This
is the head honcho shaman, and he is NOT nice.  Kill him and pickup his
pendant and runecaster (yep, now you've got 3 of 'em).  Check the rubble
piles to find an Energy Bolt rune scroll.  Now exit back to the corridor
and head south.  Stop one square before you reach the south wall; note the
BIG Throg standing around the corner?  I suggest you get ready; he's tough.
Take the south step, turn quick, and go in, all guns blazing (so to speak).
(He, by the way, was summoned when you walked into the sub-shaman's room,
but if you hadn't done that, you'd have to deal with both the shaman AND
the sub-shaman at the same time!)  Once he's dead, head west and take your
first right.

16.} Now that you're at this nice door, use the pendant on it to open it.
Head through to the north, straight up the middle (waste the two Throg
guards that are patrolling).  By the way, since they ARE tough, if you
aren't using my UGE module to set your characters to some insane number
of hit points, this would probably be a good time to use Aquilla's Orb-if
used on your party, twice per region (i.e. unexplored map) it can completely
heal them.  So waste the guards, then continue north to kill the last guard.
Walk all the way north to the statue.  Take the RED eye of the statue (ha,
ha, very funny Wahooka...keep an "eye" out for the god of the temple); it's
the Orb of Azrael.  The other orb will release a poison gas, so do NOT
touch it.  You can take any ONE of the four weapons (you might want to take
the spear & give it to another NPC you'll find on a later level, since he
uses it quite well).  If you try to take a second, the weapons go bye-bye,
and the statue proceeds to whack the hell out of you.  Now head south, 
through the door, and to the wall.  One more thing ya gotta do on this level;
walk west four steps, and turn north.  Walk north three squares, then west
one square.  Turn until you see the handles.  Pull 'em all.  Then walk
one square east, eight squares north, and turn west.  Go talk to the
dwarf; it's Dombur.  Give him his helmet, and heal him up (he's in bad 
shape!).  Now walk back out to the corridor, and go south to the wall, west
to the wall, south three squares, west down the corridor, and take your
first left.  Walk south five squares, east all the way to the wall, north
to the wall, east to the wall, south two squares (kill the Throgs if they
charge you) then west through the door.  Open the chest to find three gold
coins, a heal root, and two rune scrolls-one is a Strength enhancer, the
other is "Spoilspell," which can cancel the effetcs of other spells.  Now
go back out east to the wall, north to the wall, west to the wall, south
to the wall, west to the wall, north five squares, go west, and take your
first left.  Walk up to the porticullis.  If you have the Orb of Azrael,
the porticullis will open.  Walk south to the wall, east to the wall, then
south down and through the door...into the Dragon Feeding Grounds.  Oh dear.

17.} Doesn't sound too comforting, does it?  Well, do things right, and the
dragon will be on your side.  Really.  As soon as you open the door, kill
the Sharga.  Then walk two squares west, turn south, kill the Shargas, and
continue south to the wall.  Go east to the wall, south to the wall, and
west one square.  Open the chest & take the Circle scroll.  Now go east one,
north to the wall, west seven squares, turn and look north.  Mark this spot 
with a "COME BACK HERE" on your map.  Now walk six squares east, north to
the wall, west to the wall, north to the wall, east to the wall, north two
squares, east to the wall, south 1, east to the wall.  Turn south to find
a helm, plate armor, and a dagger.  Now walk north and take your left
turn through the door.  Kill the Shargas, open the chest, and get the
Stoneshooter piece.  Walk back OUT the door to the corridor, south three
squares, west to the wall, north 1, west to the wall, north 1, wet to the 
wall, south 1, west 1, south to the wall, west 1, south 2 squares, west
2 squares (kill the ants), north to the wall, turn west, and open the chest
to get the second Stoneshooter piece.  NOW, walk back to the "COME BACK 
HERE" point.  Now walk south six squares, then IMMEDIATELY turn left or right,
and the boulder (which was just shot from the north wall) streaks by you
at amazing speed...and misses you.  If you turned fast enough.  Now
continue south two squares, then go east to the wall.  Turn south; blow
away the toadstool with some fire magic.  Then go south two squares, east
one square, and turn south to face the Throgs.  Kill 'em, then go south
to th ewall.  Go east to the wall, south one, then turn east & hack the
Throg guard.  Take his guard key.  Walk back to where the toadstool was.
Mark this spot with an "X" on your map...you'll be back.  Now go north
to the wall, west to the wall, north-and take your left turn, west to the
wall, north (and kill the exploding fungus) to the wall, west to the wall,
south one square, west to the wall, north, west, north (hack through the
cave-in) to the wall, west, north to the wall, west, north to the wall,
west to the wall, two squares north, east to the door.  Unlock the door
with the key you got from the Throg.  Go through & waste the Throgs (pick
up their coins when they're dead).  Now turn north and go through the door
to the upper level of the feeding grounds.  Walk south to the wall, west 
through the door and then take your right, north to the wall, east (kill the
exploding fungus), north, west to the wall (hack the cave-in and the fungus),
south 1, west 1, south to the Shaman (watch for the Energy bolt)-he'll take
off, but leave some feathers behind.  You need 'em, so take 'em.  Now go
north to the wall, east to the wall, south 1, east to the wall, north 1, east
to the wall, south 1, east to the wall, north to the wall, east to the wall,
south to the wall, west 1 (note the glowing thing but don't attack it),
south to the wall (another glowing thing), east 1, south 1, then mark this
spot as "Fairy Realm Entrance," then continue south to the wall, west 1
(another glow), south to the wall, east, south, east to the wall, south 2,
west to the flowers. Grab all 7 flowers.  Do NOT give these away!  Now go
back to the north-south corridor, and continue south.  Then go west 1, south
to the wall, turn west & waste the Shargas, then go through the door and
open the chest to find an Armor scroll and half of a key.

18.} Now for some REAL fun.  Walk back through the door, east to the wall,
north to the wall, east, north to the wall, west to the wall, north, west,
north three squares, west through the door and to the wall, then turn south.
Uh...hmm.  Funny, that kinda looks like a...yup.  Walk ONE south.  The
dragon will wake up.  Do not even THINK of attacking the dragon.  In the
words of Egon Spengler, "it would be bad."  Now walk ALL the way back to the 
"X" on your map of the lower level of the feeding grounds.  Walk east to
the door with the symbol on it.  Now that you have the feathers, you can
go through without the symbol (glyph) killing you off.  Go in, turn right,
and whack the holy living spit out of the shaman.  Take the feathers, the
scare rune, and the other half of the dragon key.  Hey, you've got both
halves!  Too bad that won't help...unless you reforge it.  And that can only
be done in the Dwarven fortress.  This is going to get more annoying...
Okay, time to go to the Dwarven Fortress.  Go out the door, west two squares,
north to the wall, west to the wall, north six squares, west to the wall,
north to the wall, west to the wall, south 1, west 1.  Spin around and look
for a button.  Press it to disarm an arrow trap.  Go south to the wall, west
one, south to the wall, turn east & waste the Throg guard, go east to the
wall, south 1, east 1, south through the door (the feathers will let you
through, again), and just beyond the door, look around for a button.  Press
it to disarm a trap.  Walk south 1, west 1, south 1, west to the door...
Karzak will now take off, "preparing the guards for your arrival."  How nice.
Go through the door after he's gone...and welcome to Level 7, the Dwarven

19.} Time to relax a little...do NOT attack ANY dwarves here.  That turns
all the dwarves in your party against you, and every other one also comes
after you.  That would also not be good.  Go south and through the door.
Take your left, and through the door.  Talk to the Dwarf guard.  Now, take
everything out of Dombur's inventory and give it to yourself...he leaves
in a second.  Walk east to the wall, south to the wall, west two squares
(at which point Dombur takes off), west two more squares, south to the wall,
then east over to Dombur.  Just wait while he paces around.  When he asks
for a piece of a "device," give him one of the Stoneshooter pieces.  He'll
pace some more.  Wait till he asks you for another piece.  Give him the
second piece you found.  Now, there's one more piece...on the other side of
the dragon.  We'll worry about that later.  For now, check the scrollcase
to get a silly scroll and a Language Rune scroll.  Also, take the heal 
potion.  The scroll on the table is worthless; it's blank.  Now walk back
out west, then north to the corridor.  Walk west two squares, south-and take
your second right.  Walk up to the Dwarf elder (Torin).  Farli'll take off,
apparently banished, after a discussion amongst the guys there.  Now walk
back east to the wall, north (and take your second left), west to the wall,
north to the Blacksmith dwarf.  Talk to him, but don't walk past him.
Oh great, he needs magickal flint.  Mark this spot as "Forge" on your map.
Now...ready for this?  Walk all the way back to the spot you marked 
"Fairy Realm Entrance" on your Dragon Feeding Grounds Lower Level map.
Now walk south three squares, east to the wall (hack through the cave-in),
north to the wall, turn east, and use the chisel the Blacksmith just gave
you on the Magickal Flint Rock.  Now, walk BACK to the "Forge" (see how
useful that little teleport feature in my UGE module is?) and hand the guy
the piece of flint.  He'll go light the forge, then come back.  Hand him
both pieces of the dragon key.  He'll go re-forge 'em.  By the way, turn
right.  See that big rock thing?  It's the Glorystone.  If you need to
improve your weapons skills, put a weapon in each hand, stand next to it,
tape down both mouse buttons, and walk away for about twenty minutes.  When
you come back, the Glorystone will still be uninjured, but your stats in
the weapons you used will be quite improved!

20.} Now head back south down the corridor to the wall, east three squares,
north through the door and go talk to Geldor.  He'll hand you a price scroll.
Hmmm.  Good equipment, for the money you've gotten in past levels.  But, the
prices seem awfully steep, don't they?  Sure wish there was some way you
could get 'em for free...yup.  Give him the Throg Shaman's feathers; you
won't need them any more.  He gets all emotional about his family being
killed by a Throg Shaman, then tells you to take whatever the hell you'd
like.  GOOD DEAL!  Grab whatever you want, then go back to see the Dwarf
elder (Torin).  You might want to mark this spot on your map, by the way.
He'll tell you about an undead beast you could slay to get some real benefit.
So go east to the wall, north and take your second right, walk east to the 
wall, north, east 2, north, east, north, east to the wall, south to the
wall, east 2, south 1, east 1, south to the wall, west 1, south 1, west
to the wall, south to the wall, east 1, south 1, east to the wall, north
to the wall, east 2, south to the wall, east 1, south 1, east to the wall,
north...and get the picks and iron spike, then south to the wall, west to the
wall, north 1, west 1, north to the wall, east to the wall, north to the
wall, west 1, north to the wall, east to the wall, south to the wall, east
to the wall, north four squares, then west through the porticullis, which
opens automatically.  Turn north and walk to the sarcophagous.  Get a
charged runecaster ready (one with a fire spell, preferably), and click on
the sarcophagous.  WELL, here's that undead warrior you were warned about!
It takes full damage from fire attacks and piercing attacks.  Arm yourself
with the Dagger of Penetration, and blast away with Firebolts (preferably
with the power enhancement).  Go ahead and back away from him, blasting 
away.  It takes 600 points of damage to kill him REALLY dead, so be a coward
and back off while firing.  If you get stuck (kinda tough, as the corridor
all around his little tomb back out past that porticullis is a loop), use
the Dagger of Penetration.  Watch out though...his attack can poison you!
Once he's permanently dead, head back through the whole maze until you reach
the spot just outside Dombur's room (where he first took off).  Turn back
east and take your first left, then go north to the wall.  Go 1 east, 1 
north, east to the wall, north 1, east 2, then turn south and go "talk" to
the dwarf.  Bit unfriendly, isn't he?  Hang around till he says "have it
your way."  Then turn and walk north, and IMMEDIATELY spin around and kill
him when he attacks you!  Yeah, I know-I said don't kill Dwarves.  But THIS
one isn't a Dwarf-it's a Throg is disguise, and turns back as such when it's
dead.  Now walk through the south wall and pick up the Meta Rune scrolls-they
are for the Ball, Power x2, Power x3, Duration, and Potency runes!  
Excellent!  Now, go back to Torin.  Talk to him; a chest will appear behind
him.  Take the magic shield and the Homing Rune scroll-ah, now, with the
Circle rune, you can teleport!  I suggest you go cast a Circle rune outside
Dombur's place, then walk all the way back to the entrance to the Upper
Level of the Dragon Feeding Grounds (this requires you to go through the
Lower Level).

21.} Now go south to the wall, west through the door and take your first
right, north to the wall, east 1, north 1, east to the wall, south 1, east 1,
south 5 squares, west to the wall, south 1.  Note the LARGE leg sitting 
there.  Mark this spot as "REAR LEG." Unlock the lock on it with the dragon 
key.  Now go north to the wall, east to the wall, north to the wall, east to 
the wall, south 1, east to the wall, north 1, east to the wall, south 1, east 
and take your first right, south to the wall (watch for the exploding fungus)
east 1, south to the wall, west to the wall, north 1, west 1...see the OTHER 
big leg?  Unlock it with the Dragon Key.  Now walk to the spot marked "Fairy 
Realm Entrance."  Go south 1, west 1, south 3, west through the door and to 
the wall, and south to the dragon.  When she wakes up, unlock the neck chain.  
The dragon will go free, and you'll finally be able to get to the other half 
of this level!  Walk west to the wall, south two, west to the wall, north
and pick up everything in sight-green and red and blue gems, 18 gold coins,
and a heal potion.  Open the chest to find another heal potion, another
blue gem, two more coins, and three scrolls-one with Healing (VERY useful,
especially if you've been poisoned or diseased!), another Shrink rune, and
a Tornado spell.  Now walk all the way back to the spot that says "REAR
LEG" on your map.  Go south to the wall, east 1, south to the wall, west 1,
south 1, west 1, south two, west through the door and down the stairs.
Walk east to the wall, south to the wall, turn west and kill the fungi, then
open the chest to find all sortsa good stuff, including the third Stone
Shooter piece.  Now go back through the passage to the upper level, and
back out to the north-south corridor.  Continue south to the wall.  Turn
west and go to the wall, go 1 south, 1 west, then turn south and walk up
to the Sharga...but don't attack him.  This is Skuz the Sharga, and he'll
join your party.  Remember that spear you took from Throggi?  Give it to
him; he uses it quite well.  Mark this spot as "ICE."  Now, head back 
through the passage to the Dwarven Fortress to Dombur's lab.  Note Skuz 
won't go with you, but he'll be there when you go back to the grounds later.
Give the third Stoneshooter piece to Dombur, who then gives you the completed
Stoneshooter and instructions.  Use as you please (aren't you glad you've
been picking up rocks all along?)  Now head back to the passage to the
Dwarven Fortress (Skuz'll rejoin you).  Walk to the "Fairy Realm Passage"
square.  Walk east two squares.  Place five of those primroses you picked
up a while ago on the ground and the passage to the Fairy Realm opens up.
Go on through...

22.} Welcome to Level 8, land of the Fairies and things of insufferable
cuteness.  Note: While you could've picked up Karzak Hardstone again
back in the Dwarven Fortress, he weakens on this level a lot...he doesn't
like cute things at all.  We'll go back for him later.  For the time being,
you can tough it out with just Skuz.  Head due south, and prepare for a
meeting with...Snort.  Pick up all the flowers as you go along here; you
may need them later.  Actually, you WILL need them later.  Take the left,
go west to the wall, north to the wall, east 1, north to the wall, west (and
get greeted by the Fairy Players), continue West to the wall, south to the
wall, west 3 squares, south four squares, east to the wall, south 1, east
to the wall, north to the wall, east to the wall-pick the mushrooms and grab
the book.  Then go west to the wall, south to the wall, west to the wall,
north 1, west to the wall.  Mark this spot as "COME BACK HERE!"  Then go 
north, take your first left (mark the intersection with an "X"), west to the
wall, south 1, west 1, south to the wall, west to the wall, north 1, west
to the wall.  Pause here a moment.  When the Fairy Players show up, hand
'em a mushroom.  You'll get a scroll with a rune that looks sort of like
a duck.  You'll need it much later.  Now-north 1, west two squares, and turn
north to grab the flowers and the moss.  Head back to the "X."  Then go north 
to the wall (and get an opportunity to buy a song if you wait here too long), 
west to the wall, south 1, west to the wall, south 1, west 1, south 1, 
west to the wall, north 1, west to the wall, north to the wall, west to the 
wall, north to the wall, west to the wall (you'll get a scroll from Murph 
that gives you the "Slow" Rune), south 1, west to the wall and grab the Cake 
and Fiddle.  Now go east 1, south to the wall, west 1, south 1...give Binkle 
the fiddle to get the Faerie Pants.  Put 'em on Drake.  Yeah, he looks silly.
So why do you do it?  Because...every Fairy clothing piece you put on him
gives him 20% protection against Troll attacks, cumulative.  There are five
pieces you can get.  So, guess what all five gives you?  Bingo!  Invulner-
ability versus Trolls!  Now go south 1 more, and grab the decanter.  Keep
picking flowers, by the way.  You'll need five primroses eventually.  Now
go 1 west, south to the wall, east to the wall, south 1, east 1, south and
take your second right.  Go talk to Snort.  Give him that decanter, the
wild thyme you found, and the Brownie moss.  Pick up the decanter with red
brew he drops.  DO NOT DRINK IT!!!  Now go back east five squares (should
be at a crossroads), head south, and take your next right.  Go into the
room to talk to Winkle.  Mark this spot as "WINKLE."  Exit & then re-enter.
You'll get an iron spike (useful in stopping Trolls) Now walk back out to the 
corridor, and go south to the wall, then west to the wall and pick up the 
spike, flowers, and jester cap.  Put the cap on Drake (yeah, now he looks 
REALLY silly.  But he's up to 40%...)  Head back to the north-south corridor, 
turn north, and take your right.  Walk two squares east, turn north, & grab 
all the primroses.  Then walk one more east, turn south to the wall, east to 
the wall, and turn south to talk to Surly, the...well...surly fairy.  When 
she asks for the cake, give her the Faerie cake.  She'll give you a silver 
key.  Now exit back west to the wall, north to the wall, east to the wall, 1 
north, east to the wall, north to the wall (getting another cake from 
Sweetie), then west to the flower patch.  Take 'em all, especially the daisy 
chain.  Walk back to where Sweetie was and give her the chain.  She'll give 
you a choice-a prize or a kiss.  Well, take the prize.  Really.  It's a 
four-leaf clover, and while you have it, Trolls are visible.  Otherwise, 
they're not.  How convenient.  BUT...you still have more stuff to do.  Mark 
this spot as "QUEEN" on your map.  Go back to the spot marked "COME BACK 
HERE!" on your map.  Go south 1, west 1, south 1, west 1, south to the wall, 
east three squares, turn north and grab the parchment, then continue east to 
the wall, then go south 3, west to the wall, north 1 (another song & dance), 
west to the wall, and south to the wall.  Mark this square as "TROLLS".  Now 
go west to the wall (get the flowers & berries), north 1, west to the wall, 
north 1, west to the wall (yet another song & dance), north 1, west 1, north 
two squares, east to the wall, give Chuckie the red decanter for another 
jester's cap (hey, put it on Skuz!  He'll love you for it!  Really!), then 
go back west to the wall, north to the wall, east 1, and north two squares 
to talk to Giggle.  Give Giggle the book you picked up a while ago to get 
the Gold Key.

23.} NOW it's time to go deal with the Trolls for a little while.  Not long.
Go back to the spot marked "TROLLS" and go north two, east to the wall, 
north 1, east to the wall, south through the porticullis (after the silly
conversation) to the wall, west to the wall-smash the bones & get the book.
You COULD pick up a Fairy party member now, but why bother?  Turn around and
head back east to the wall, south 1, east to the wall, north 1, east to the
wall, south 1, east and take your SECOND right, kill off Mr. Wasp (get in
close-he has ranged attack!), then south to the wall, west 1, south to the
wall, west to the wall, turn south, and be prepared to whack some trolls.
Use the iron spike to keep 'em from teleporting too much.  After you kill 
them (assuming they show up here), go south to the wall, and look around for
some flowers (pick 'em) and a stick of drawing charcoal.  They should be
just to your east.  Turn around so you face west.  See that toadstool?
Blast it into oblivion from a distance.  Now walk west to the wall, north 1,
west to the wall, south to the wall, and west until you find a drum on the
ground.  Grab it, then backtrack all the way to where the map says "TROLLS."
Now walk to where the map says "QUEEN."  Go north 1, west to the wall, south 
1, west up to Chuckle again.  Give him the charcoal stick and the parchment
you found much earlier.  He'll hand you a portrait and a Fairy Shirt.  Yep.
Put the shirt on Drake.  60%, but looks REALLY dumb now.  Then go north 1.
The gate is locked.  Look around the walls for a keyhole.  Use first the
gold key, then the silver key on it.  The porticullis unlocks.  Go north,
then around to the right.  Check that alcove on the right; touching it
recharges all your runecasters.  Now continue north and then west 1, then
north 1.  The door is locked.  You've probably heard a fairy or two say
"Roses down, twice around" before.  Put a primrose down, then back up one and
walk around the 3 by 3 square (west, south, east, north) twice.  The door 
will open.  Go on through and walk up to the altar-to meet the Queen of
Fairies, who heals all your wounds.  When she mentions the portrait, hand her
the one Chuckle just did to get a Luckstone ring.  Then listen to her first
story.  She's tired now, so it's time to go do more good deeds...Go back to
the spot marked "Winkle."  Walk in and give him the book.  Let's see...you
now have jester's caps, fairy shirt, fairy pants, luckstone ring.  You're
up to 80%.  And the LAST Troll-defense item is right next to the one Troll
you HAVE to kill...so, let's go get him!  Walk back through the porticullis
into the Troll realm south to the wall, then east to the wall, south 1, east
to the wall, north 1, east to the wall, south 1, east 1, south (waste the
trolls and REMEMBER THE SPIKE TRICK!  Pound it into the ground to keep them
from teleporting!) to the wall, west 1, south 1, west 1, south 1, west
(when you become "paralyzed," use the Spoilspell rune to cancel it) to the
wall, north 1, west to the wall, north 1, west 1, turn north & root through
the flowers to grab the horseshoe.  Put it on Drake...he is now immune to
Troll damage!  Turn around, walk back out of the alcove, and face west to
fight THE TERRIBLE TROLL.  This could take a while; he's not very nice.
When you finally kill him, he drops The Orb of Yoth-Soggoth (okay, who's the
wiseass who ripped off H.P.Lovecraft?  Sort of, that is.  Lovecraft's god
name is Yog-Sothoth).  Now continue west to the wall, go south to the wall,
west to the wall, south 1, west to the wall (take the decanter if you want),
south 1 (ignore the will o'wisp), west to the wall (take the mushrooms along
the way), then north to the wall to find a bunch of flowers, red mushrooms,
and another runecaster-the Elfwand.  Cool.  You'll need it, believe me.
You're done here, so walk all the way back (ignore Will O' Wisps) to the
Queen of Fairies.  She'll tell you another story.  Walk out and return in
30 seconds for a third story.  Walk out and return in 30 seconds for a
fourth story...and a magical pendant which you'll need later.  Take it, of  
course, and put it on.  Thank whoever, that is the END of the Fairy Realm!  
Remove the fairy stuff & put your real armor back on again (yes, this
includes the Jester's cap you stuck on Skuz's head) Go back to where you 
started this crazy level to warp back to the Dragon Feeding Grounds, Upper 
Level.  NOW, we go get Karzak again.

24.}  Go to that passage to the Dwarven Fortress on the Lower Level.  There?  
Good.  From the entrance, go south through the door, take your left through 
the gates, east to the wall, south to the wall, east and take your first 
right, south to the wall, east 1, south three, west into the room, then go 
talk to the dwarf-it's Karzak, who'll rejoin the party.  Exit back out to the 
Feeding Grounds. (Skuz will rejoin you once more).  Now go to the Upper Level 
of the Dragon Feeding Grounds, and walk up to that spot marked "ICE" on the 
map.  Turn east and go through the door...into the Ice Caverns.  Also known
as Level 9.  Now, DO NOT KILL ANY SHARGAS ON THIS LEVEL!  They're the Ice
Shargas, and, believe it or not, they're good guys.  So when you walk through
the door, walk up to-but don't attack-the Sharga.  (POINT OF NOTE: The Ice
Caverns are frigid, and do 1-2 points of damage to party members every 30
seconds or so.  You'll need magical protection-which unfortunately, requires
you to get something first.  Wonderful.  Just keep an eye on your health
meters & heal up when things look bad)  Follow the Sharga when he finishes
talking.  Turn north up the corridor and go talk to Kandoc, the Ice Sharga
King.  After he finishes, turn west & go three spaces (do NOT walk up to
the Sharga ahead-he's a healer, and will heal all damage, but he only does
it once an hour, so unless you're in bad shape, don't do it), then turn north
and go talk to the Advisor.  He tells you about "different fire."  Great.
Now back out, take 2 steps east, and turn north to talk to Gorza.  Hmmm. He
needs scrolls.  No problem...yeah, right.  You're getting cold, so let's 
move out.  Back out, go 1 east, south to the wall, east to the wall, south
2, west to the wall, south to the wall, west 2, north 1, west 2 (kill the
Ice Witches with Firebolts), south to the wall, east 1, south to the wall,
west to the wall, south to the wall, east to the wall, north 1, east to the
wall, north 1, east 2 (mark this spot with an "X"), south 2, east (and don't 
attack the Sharga.  He's gone nuts.  Use the curing rune on him to heal his 
insanity, and he'll tell you about an ice hammer).  Keep going east to the 
wall, then north 1, east to the wall, turn north & kill the Ice Witches, 
north to the wall, west to the wall, north three squares, turn west.  Hammer 
the wall a couple times to break it and clear the debris.  Punch the snowpile 
a couple times to find a magic chain-mail skirt, an ice hammer, and a rune 
scroll with a Circleward spell on it.  Hmmm-a fire trap.  Might be useful.  
Now turn back north and continue north to the wall, east 1, north four 
squares, and turn east.  Punch the snow pile to find the parchment.  Okay, 
RACE back to that guy who wanted the scroll.  Give the parchment to him, and
you'll get an Ice Bolt scroll AND a Warming Rune Scroll!  FINALLY!  Inscribe
it on a runecaster, then inscribe the Duration Metarune over it.  Cast it,
and you're immune to the Cold damage for 15 minutes.  Great!  Oh yeah, you  
get a couple others, too, but you already have those (Armor rune, Ball Meta-

25.} Now head back to that spot marked "X" on the map.  Continue east to the 
wall this time, then go north to the wall, and west to the wall.  Note the 
frozen Dwarf. Use the warming rune to thaw him out.  It's Nigel Hardstone, 
Karzak's clan brother.  Note he knows your name...without you ever telling
him what it is!!  (That's not important, just a silly plot hole).  Follow
the Dwarf west to the alcove.  After his little spiel (and when he takes 
off), bash open the north wall of the alcove.  Go on through to the north 
wall, turn west 1, then north-uh-oh.  A skeleton.  When you step up to him
to fight, however, since you have that magic pendant from the Fairy Queen
(you DID save that, didn't you???), the skeleton collapses into a pile of
bones.  Cool.  Now go east 1, north 2, west 1, pick up the Magic Armor
Rings and the Magic Chainmail Shirt, then look north.  Hmm.  Blue fire?
Grab it.  And listen closely.  Don't put it down.  Inventory is okay, but
don't put it down.  It'll melt!  This is called Coldfire, and it's the only
thing that can make the Ice Queen vulnerable.  Excellent!  Okay, now back
all the way out of this secret chamber to that place that Nigel just showed
you.  Head west 2, south 1, west to the wall, north 3, east to the wall,
north to the wall, west 1, north to the wall, east to the wall, south to the
wall, east to the wall (Karzak will give a warning, then three cave-ins will
happen behind you so keep moving), north 1, and east up to the frozen elf.
Thaw him out.  A conversation takes place; Karzak gets warped back home, and
Enigma the Elflord (who recognizes the Fairy Queen's Pendant) joins your
party.  Elf or no elf, this guy is one cool customer.  Now turn around, go
back west, 1 south, west (hack through the cave-ins) to the wall, north 2,
east 2, north to the wall, east to the wall, north 2, west 3, north to the
Ice Sharga king.  He sees the Coldfire and goes nuts, telling you you can
now kill the Ice Queen.  Great.  Now he shows you a secret passage-bash at
it a couple times (that ice hammer you found works great), then go north
to the wall, east to the wall, 2 north, east to the wall, 2 north, 2 east,
1 north, then east to the wall-and bash IT with the hammer to break through!
Turn north & kill the Ice Witch.  Now go north 1, east 2, south 1, east 1.
Stop right here.  If you look up ahead around the corner to the left, you
can see what looks like an aerobics babe.  This is the Ice Queen.  Here's
a nasty method of dealing with her problem.  Grab a runecaster with a high
charge.  Inscribe the Warming rune on it, then inscribe the Ball, Power x3,
and Duration Metarunes on it.  Cast the spell (it'll cost about 8 Mana
Points, but it's worth it!) and your entire party is now immune to all
Cold damage for 15 minutes, which is all the Ice Queen uses.  Kinda mean to
these bad guys, aren't I?  Take one step east, and walk one north.  She'll
go through her little speech.  Then use the Coldfire on her.  Boy, does that
make her mad!  She starts teleporting around and attacking...and your entire
party is immune to it!  (Insert mad scientist's laughter here)  Just keep
hacking or blasting away whenever she's in front of you, preferably with a
fire spell.  When she finally goes down, pick up Helion's Orb.  Once you
pick it up, you're completely immune to cold attacks.  Nice, huh?  Go one
north and blast the chair with a firebolt.  Drink the remains (no, seriously.
It'll heal you).  Pick up the scroll and read it.  Now turn around and head
due south.  Waste any ice witches that attack you-they can't hurt you any
more anyway.  A secret door has opened here-walk on through it...to the
Gate Of The Ancients.  As my time-travelling friend Sam used to say, "Oh 

26.} Welcome to the Gate of the Ancients.  Guess what!  There are NO monsters
on this level at ALL!  So put all your weapons away.  Really.  I'm not
kidding.  There ARE, however, some of the most ridiculous puzzles in the
game on this level.  There is also Safrinni's Orb, the last and most 
powerful runecaster, and...well, you'll find out.  Occasionally, you'll
see signs.  Click the "Look" icon on 'em.  If Enigma says "Sorry, I can't
read it," it's meaningless-don't waste a Language rune on it.  Exceptions
will be noted (if there are any).  And yes, you'll finally get to use that
Duck Rune.  Here we go.  Note that a lot of this is unnecessary, but helpful  
(gets you some very useful armor & stuff)  Excuse me if I degenerate into 
ogre-language; there's a lot to cover, and this file is already over 60K of 
text.  North to wall.  West, take right, mark spot as "BACK 1," north, take 
first left, 1 square west.  Look north, push button.  1 west, 1 south, push 
button, 1 north, 2 west, 1 north, pull handle down.  Mark spot as "TELEPORT 
SWITCHER."  Return to "BACK 1."  West to wall, north 1, west 4, south to 
bodies.  Punch bodies, take arrows.  North 2, east 2, south to campfire, use 
icebolt on fire.  Take scare rune scroll.  North, take 1st left, west to 
wall, north to wall, west 1, north to wall, east 1, north to wall, east 1, 
north to body.  Punch body, take stone, Poison Resist Ring, Throg Shaman 
feathers.  South to wall, east, take next left, north 4, west through door.  
Take Life Restore potion, Vampyre Rune Scroll.  East to wall, north to wall, 
1 west, 1 north, west to wall, 1 north, west to wall, south 2, west 1, south 
6 onto the clickplate.  North 1, turn east.  Note porticullis timing.  Run 
through when all the way open (timing is crucial, else SPEAR TIME).  Take 
Life Restore Potion and Dagger Of Penetration.  Time exit west to wall.  Walk
through west wall (illusion), then 1 more west.  1 north to recharge
runecasters.  1 south, 1 west.  Cast Feather Fall (Lesser Aerial Magic)
on party.  South (jump into pit).  Take super heal potion.  South to wall,
west to wall, north to wall, east to wall, south 1, east 1, south 1, mark
spot as "BACK 2," east to ladder, climb ladder.  East 3, south & jump in pit.  
4 West, 1 North, 3 West, 1 south.  Face east wall, push button.  Face west 
wall, push button.  North 1, west 1.  Push button to restore Vitality.  East 
1, south 2, east 1.  Push button to heal party.  West to ladder, climb up.  
South 2, east 2, south 2, west 2-jump in pit.  1 east.  Face north.  Push 
button.  East 1, read sign on North wall.  East through door.  Take wolf key.  
West through door, then 2 west, north through door.  Search & take Poison 
Resist Ring.  South through door and through south door as well.  Take Magic 
Shield.  North back through door (all three now lock!), north 1, west 2, 
north to wall, then 1 more through 1-way door.  1 West, climb ladder.  Return 
to spot marked "TELEPORT SWITCHER."

27.} Push handle up.  Follow annoying pit route back to "BACK 2."  East to
ladder, climb ladder.  East to wall, north 1, east to wall, south & jump in
pit.  South to wall, west 1, south 2, west 1, south 2, east to wall, south 3,
check corpse for warhammer, helm, chain shirt, chain skirt, heal potion.
East 1, 2 south, 5 west.  Mark spot as "BACK 3."  South through 1-way door.
Go to ladder & climb it.  West to wall, south & jump in pit.  East to wall,
south 2, west to wall, south 1, west 2, face north.  Use Fairy Duck Rune on
Duck statue.  North through passage that opens-take Horn of Fear, magic
quiver for arrows, life restore potion, Ring of Ducking, Language & Sphere
Rune scrolls, and two message scrolls.  South to wall.  West to wall, north
to ladder.  Climb ladder.  West to wall, south to wall, east to wall, 1
south, east...time porticullis again (careful!) and go through (but not
through second porticullis).  North to wall; push button.  Porticulli shut
off.  South 3, east to wall, 1 north, 1 east, 1 north, push button.  South 1,
west 1, south 1, west 3, north 2, east 1, north 1, east 1, north 1, east 1,
north through door (unlocks it) then north to wall, west 2, north 2, east 1,
north 2, east 1, north 3, west 2, north to wall, east to door.  Unlock door
with wolf key.  East 2, north 2, east 1, north to campfire-use icebolt & take
Eagle Key.  South to wall, west 1, south 2, east 1, south to wall, east to
wall, north 2, east & pick up hammer, chain shirt, chain skirt, Dwarf helm,
and message scroll.  West, south to wall, west to wall, north to wall,
west to wall, south 2, west to wall, north & take first right, east to wall,
south to sign.  Read it.  Joy.  4 North, 2 west, 1 north, 1 west, 1 north,
2 west, 6 north, east to wall, north 1, east to door.  Unlock it with
Eagle Key, continue east to wall, south 1, east to wall, south to wall,
east 1, south...another timed porticullis...to wall, east 1.  Pick up Orb
Key ("very sturdy key") and Stoptrack Rune.

28.} West 1, north to wall (through porticullis again), west 1, north to
wall, west to wall, north 1, west through door to wall, south 1, west to
wall, south 3, west through illusionary wall to real wall, south and jump in
pit.  Walk to spot marked "BACK 2," east to ladder, climb ladder.  East 3,
north to wall, west 1.  DEACTIVATE Featherfall rune, if still in effect
(cast Spoilspell on party to do so) and jump in pit.  You take damage, but
a door opens to the north.  Go north 2, west 1 to recharge runecasters. 
East 1, north 2, east 1 and pick up Safrinni's Orb.  Examine signs on walls
using Language rune.  Scourge, huh?  Hmmm.  You'll meet HIM on the next 
level...heh heh heh.  Now go back to the square where you picked up the
orb.  Turn to face west.  Click the new orb on Drake.  As soon as you reach
the top of the pit, step forward.  North 1, west to wall, south through
1-way door to wall, west to wall, south 3, west through illusionary wall to
real wall, south & jump in pit (no need for Feather Fall any more; the Orb
does it for you!)  Walk to spot marked "BACK 2," east to ladder, climb
ladder.  East 3, north 1, east 2, south to pit and jump in.  Walk to spot
marked "BACK 3." West to wall, face south.  Click Safrinni's Orb on Drake.
When you reach the top walk forward through illusionary wall.  East 1,
north 2, west 1, north 6 (clickplate does nothing), east 1 (take ancient,
magical armor helm breastplate, leggings).  West 1, north to door.  Use
orb key (sturdy key) to unlock it. Go through...but do NOT step into that
gate thing yet.  East 1 through illusionary wall, north 1, west 1 through 
illusionary wall, north through door.  Pick up silver runestaff, three super 
heal potions.  South 1, east 1 through illusionary wall, south 1, west  
through illusionary wall, face north...and step through the Gate to the
Palace Of Shadows.  See, that wasn't so hard, now was it?  Yeah, right.
Oh yeah...and NOW, you're in trouble.  Yes, we've only got two "levels" to
go.  No, it's not going to be easy...at ALL!

29.} A word about the Palace of Shadows...it's divided in halves, east and
west.  Creatures in the western half are "real," while creatures in the
eastern half will be shadowy reflections of their opposites.  Therefore,
watch out on BOTH sides.  Okay.  Ready?  Good.  Walk all the way north to the
north wall; notice the walls start closing behind you.  Hope you're not
claustrophobic.  Walk all the way to the north wall, then go one step east.
You'll get a warning from Thera.  Take one more step east, turn north, and
walk through the illusory wall.  Take the four heal potions.  Go back south
1, then west 4, turn north, and go through another illusory wall for more
heal potions.  Arm as many party members as you can with Daggers of 
Penetration.  Take 1 step south, 2 west, 1 south.  Walls close behind you,
and a couple floating skulls come after you.  Kill 'em if you want, but if
you wait too long, more show up...and these are NOT nice creatures.  Use
magic at long range and the Daggers of Penetration (or a magic throwing axe)
for up-close & personal combat.  Head 2 south, then 1 east.  Look around for
a Yin symbol on the wall.  Take it.  Now go 1 west, 2 south, 1 east, 4 south.
Turn and face the dark mirror on the wall.  You can step through it to
teleport, but you'll lose some Strength temporarily (so don't OVER use it!).
Step through it now.  Go north 4 (watch out for Shadowskulls that may be
flying around here), east 1, north 2, west 1.  Look for the Yang symbol.
Place the Yin symbol on it.  That opens up two secret doorways.  Go west to
the wall, then head south.  Actually, heal your party a bit first...once
you get to a certain square, the Shadowking shows up and blasts the hell out
of you for about 60-80 points of damage.  OW!  Fortunately enough, he only
does this once.  Walk down south again so you have a short passage off to
your left.  Turn right and push the button to open the passage's other end.
Do not go through; continue south to the wall, east 1, south to the wall,
west 2, south 1.  Note the REALLY big orb.  This is Marif's Orb.  Use the
Shrink rune on it to get it to a size you can manage, then take it.  Walk
south to the wall, then east over to the Dwarf.  It's Farli!  He's back!
YAY! (I think)  Once he joins the party, walk west & take your right.
North 2, east 1.  Look around for a button.  Push it, then go east to the 
wall, south three.  Turn to face the Dark Mirror and smash the hell out of
it FAST (it'll start throwing Firebolts if you wait too long).  Then grab
a shard of the mirror and go north 3, west four, look for a button, and push
it.  Then go west to the wall, north 1, west to the wall, and south to take
on the lesser and greater skeletons.  Now, as SOON as one collapses, grab
either his sword, helm, or skull IMMEDIATELY, or he'll re-form and attack
again!  Do this with both of 'em.  Nasty, huh?  Take one step west, go south
and take your first left.  Take one step (and ONLY one step) east.  Wahooka,
after all this time, shows up again-and this time, he joins your party.

30.} Take one step west.  Go south through the door to the wall.  Go east 
three squares, and north 1.  Open the chest to find a heal potion and
super heal potion.  East to the wall, south two squares (through the one-way
passageway).  Go west through the door.  Kill off the skeletons (remember
the trick), then go west all the way through the second door and to the wall,
then south to the chest to find another heal, super heal, and poison cure 
potion.  Ready a weapon.  Turn around and walk 2 east (through the illusory
wall).  You'll be attacked by a couple floating skulls.  Kill 'em off, then
go east 7 squares, turn south, and walk through the illusory wall.  Pick
up the thing on the floor; part of the Shadow Weapon.  VERY cool...but only
part of it.  Now walk two north, 1 east, 1 south, 1 east.  Prepare for battle
again, then walk through the dark mirror.  You'll be beset by a set of Shadow
Skulls.  After they're toast, take two steps east through (yep, you guessed
it) another illusory wall.  Take one step south.  Before you do the next 
thing, check your stats to determine what your best weapon skill is.  Then 
put the part you just found onto the base-the top will morph from weapon to 
weapon...sword, hammer, dagger, ax, spear...every few seconds.  When it 
becomes the one you're best at, GRAB IT!  You now have the most powerful 
weapon in the game.  Feel safe?  No?  Good.  Go north 1, west 2 to the
mirror, through the mirror, one more west, north 1, west all the way to
and through the illusionary wall, then north 1, east through the door, 
further east through the door and to the wall, then south through the door
and waste the two skeletons.  South to the wall, west 1, south 1, west to
and through the door, west through the second door, north two (watch for
floating skulls), west 2, north through the door, north through the second
door, north through another door, kill the floating skulls, north more
(check the chest to the east for more super heal potions) to the next door,
through that and north MORE through the next door, to the wall.  Then east
to the wall, north 2, east through two doors, waste the small skeletons, then
through the door-and to the wall.  You're back almost where you started.
Now for some real fun...Mark this spot as "X."

31.} South to the wall.  East 1, south 4, west 1.  North 2 through illusion-
ary wall, west 2 through illusionary wall, 2 south.  You're teleported.
Kill skeleton, then touch the green thing in the wall to heal you and Farli
(the others'll have to suffer, I guess).  Now go north through the one-way 
passage, then follow it north all the way back to the spot marked "X."  Go
south to the wall, east 1, south 4, east through the mirror.  North to the
wall, east 1, north 2, west 3, south to the wall, east 1, south 2, west 2,
south 2, west 3, north 1, west to the wall, south 8, 1 west, south and take
your left.  Get that shadow-weapon ready NOW!  March on down the hallway 
east to meet...Scourge.  Three floating skulls...may not seem like much.
Yeah, right.  Each skull can do a different kind of damage, and only the
Shadow-Weapon can hurt him so BASH HIM.  This is a good place to save the
game, by the way...he's tough!  Once you manage to defeat him, walk north
to the wall, east to the wall, and south 2.  Turn east & step through the
dark mirror to teleport to the other side of the palace.  Go south to the
wall, then east to the wall.  Push the button.  Go 4 north, then through
the now-open door.  You're back in the Temple of Throggi!  Why?  You'll see.
Grab the heal roots & scarf 'em.  Then stand in the square where you found
the heal roots for at least 10 seconds.  Turn left twice, then turn right
four times.  The whole party is poisoned with an unusual sort of poison...as
in, it actually heals 3 points of damage up to your maximum every 15 seconds
for the next 90 minutes!  Nice, huh?  Now go back through the dark mirror,
and west to the wall, then 2 south, and 1 east.  A little conversation will
come up.  Use the Dark mirror shard on Drake to reveal a skull door.  Open
it, then climb the stairs...and welcome to the tower of the Shadowking.
Oh boy, are YOU in trouble now...

32.} Walk up to the Gatekeeper Gargoyle.  He asks you two questions..."Do
you want to enter the Shadows?"  Answer "NO" by pressing the Red button. 
(Would you really WANT to enter the Shadows?  I don't think so...)  Then 
he'll ask "Do you NEED to enter the Shadows?"  Answer "YES" by pressing the
green button.  If you whine because you're colorblind, the triangle is YES
and the square is NO.  Set up one runecaster with the Shield rune, as well
as a x3 Power Metarune on it.  You'll be needing it.  2 steps north, east
through the door to the wall.  Open the panel.  A puzzle.  Joy.  Now, the
solution you could get by freeing the ensorcelled Dwarves on the basement
level, but hey, if you wanted to do that, you wouldn't have bothered with
this walkthrough.  So here's the solution...there's a grid of 16 tiles in
the puzzle.  Click on the ones marked "X" below:

        Column:         1       2       3       4
        Row:    1       X       X
                2                               X
                3       X
                4                       X       X

        Now go west 4, north 2, west through the door.  Note the floating
spikers that attack you.  Kill 'em with a piercing weapon, but watch out!
They explode (jump back!).  Continue west to the wall, north to the wall,
east to the wall, north to the wall, 1 more north (illusory wall), 1 east,
north through another illusory wall to the wall.  Turn east and walk up to
the porticullis.  There's a button on the north wall.  Push it to open the 
porticullis.  Take one step east and kill the floating spiker that comes
through the illusory wall.  Now then...read the next section VERY CAREFULLY!
Back west, where you have to go, is a nearly invincible giant spiker, who can
turn your whole party to mincemeat, no matter how well armored you are.
So, here's how to deal with him.  And don't screw this up!  Turn around and
march west to the spiker's location.  He'll start coming after you.  Back
up rapidly away from it (still facing it) until you get to the square beyond
the porticullis.  Turn right and back up three squares.  Wait for the spiker
to come into the room.  When it's right in the same square as you are,
turn left or right twice quickly (so you're now facing south).  The spiker
should spin with you.  Back up three steps rapidly, turn left, back up one
space, turn left again and whack that button!  The porticullis will close,
and if you did it fast enough, the spiker will be trapped behind it.  Nice!
NOW, march west down the corridor to the wall, go 1 south, then 1 west
through the illusory wall.  Pick up the silver ankh you find on the ground.
Now go east through the wall again, to the real wall, north 1, east 5, south
5 (through another illusory wall), west 1, south 1 through the illusory
wall and south 2 more, then west to the wall, south 2, east 6 (through the
door), south 2, west 2 through the door, kill the floating skull, and
continue west to the other door.  Open it to go to the second floor of the

33.} Use that Shield rune (w/Power x3 and Ball enhancements).  Arm up a
cutting weapon.  Go 2 east, 1 south, then head east down the corridor.  Note
the fire elemental.  If you didn't put that Shield rune up, you're toast.
Literally.  But with it, you'll kick butt.  Do so.  Take your second left
(should be where the elemental appeared).  North 6, east 2, kill elemental.
East to wall, south 1 to teleport.  Ignore the scroll on the ground unless
you want to read a silly inside joke from the designers.  Go 1 north, then 
east to the wall (kill the elemental).  When you get to the wall, take 1
step north.  Set up a "Circle" Rune here.  Wait; notice the energy bolt 
slamming into the wall?  Hmmm.  Time for some timing.  Wait until one slams 
in, then RUN north to the wall immediately after it hits.  Now go 2 east, and 
1 south.  Once again, wait until an energy bolt flies past (NOT when it hits) 
and QUICKLY go 1 south, 2 east, 1 south.  PHEW.  Grab the silver crescent.  
Now you've gotta go back!  You can repeat this process in reverse to get out,
or, if you took my advice, just cast the return rune to warp back to the 
spot just south of the energybolts.  Anyway, once you get to that spot, go 
1 south, east to the wall, south 1 through the teleporter.  Go 1 north, west
to the wall, south to the wall, east to the wall, north 1, east 1, north 1,
east 1, north to the ankh on the wall.  Step into the wall to teleport (you
need that silver ankh from the first floor for it to work).  Go 2 west, 
north to the wall (kill the elementals...you ARE checking that Shield rune
occasionally, right?), east 1, north 1, east 1, north 1, east to the wall,
south to the wall, west 1, south through the door and to the wall, west 1
and pick up the silver cross, then east 1, north through the door and to
the wall, east 1, north 4 squares, west through the door to teleport again.
Walk east through the door & kill the elemental, then east to the wall,
south to the wall, west 1.  Face the south wall and step through it to
teleport to the third floor of the Shadowking's tower.

34.}  Fire up that Shield rune again...or else!  Go south 1, west all the way
to the wall, north 2, turn east & kill the elemental, north to the wall, and
pick up the silver circle.  Go east to the wall, south 3, east 3, north to
the wall, west 1.  Welcome to Hell.  Go 2 squares north, then I suggest you
retreat one square-there's 4 elementals in that hall, and they'll hit you
from both sides!  Sure hope you got that shield active!  Anyway, once they're
all dead, go north to the wall, west to the wall, north 2, and then east 2.
Note the flashing icons.  Ready?  Step on through to the top floor of the
Tower of the Shadowking.  Go east to the wall, south to the wall, 1 west,
1 south, 1 west, then north 1 through a 1-way door.  Go north 1, east 1, 
north 2, west 1.  Enigma mentions this must be the room where the Gods were
trapped.  Hmmmm....the Shadowking is a god, isn't he?  Hmmmm.  Take ONE more
step forward (west).  Note the four sunken pillars (one's in front of you)
surrounding a center square.  If you step onto that center square, the
Shadowking will appear and blow you to hell, so DO NOT DO THAT!  Instead,
put one of your silver items down on the sunken pillar in front of you.
It'll rise up from the floor.  Now go 2 east, 2 south, west 1, south 1,
west 2, north 2.  Place a second silver item on the sunken pillar in front
of you.  Go south two, west 2, north 1, west 1, north 2, east 2.  Place the
third silver item on the sunken pillar in front of you.  Now go west 2, 
north 3, east three through the one-way door.  Save your game!!  Take two
steps south.  Take a deep breath, and READ THIS NEXT SEGMENT CAREFULLY FIRST!  

35.} Take one more step south into that square.  The Shadowking appears, 
along with Thera's Orb and Kor-soggoth's Orb.  He goes through his little 
spiel, then tells you to take the last 2 orbs.  Do so.  He then tries to cast 
a spell on you.  It won't work.  He THEN tells you to give him the orbs.  
Yeah, right.  Take one step backwards, IMMEDIATELY open your inventory,
grab the last silver item and put it on the last sunken pedestal in front
of you.  It rises up, and the Shadowking is trapped!  You can grab his Orb
if you want, it doesn't matter.  Go south to the flashing silver icons on
the wall.  Step through the wall; all your buddies disappear, and you're
alone in the temple of Thera.  Note the pillars.  One should be glowing.
This is the last puzzle.  Place the orbs on the pedestal in the proper
order.  The orbs correspond to the planets of the solar system and their
relative distance to the sun is the order to place them in.  For those of
you who are confused, or just plain don't remember Astronomy 101, follow 
this: Place each orb in order on the GLOWING pillar.  As you place an orb,
another pillar starts glowing to let you know that's the next one to place
an orb on.  The correct order of orbs is: Helion (Mercury), Aquila (Venus),
Thera (Earth), Azrael (Mars), Marif (Jupiter), Afri (Saturn), Safrinni
(Uranus).  The last two (since their orbits alternately are closer to the
sun) can be in either order-Yoth-Soggoth (Neptune) or Kor-Soggoth (Pluto).
Once all nine are placed, the game goes into endgame sequence and you've 
won.  GAME OVER, MAN!!!

The Spoiler Centre