DUNGEON 1.     Stairs to Manshoon’s Tower – Level 1, Location 4 2.     Monsters 3.     Traned 4.     Rest Place 5.     Stairs to Kalistes Temple 6.     Stairs to Drow Caves From  this  level  you’ll  encounter  mainly  drows,  tons  of  them.  They’re  tough  enemy  for  their resistance to magic and their spell casters are very dangerous. When fighting them try to concentrate your efforts on the mages first then bombard all the others with “Delayed Blast Fireball”. This level is a little difficult to navigate and there are a lot of random encounters with drow troops but there are few key encounters. When moving through this level use the little rooms at 4 to rest and heal. In this level you can also encounter some carrion crawlers and umber hulks. These battles are quite easy but the hulks have the annoying ability to confuse your characters so be careful. First of all reach Traned at 3. Agree to help her and let her join your party; she’ll remain with you until you find the prisoners. Now  make  your  way  to  the  south-east  section  of  the  map.  At  a  certain  point  the  ladder  you descended will be retrieved but don’t worry, you can always come back from another side. Journey on until you arrive at a room (marked with 2) accessible by three doors in column situated in the south east part of the map. Be fully rested, save and enter. You must fight a large drow troop here in order to free the prisoners. Hit with all you have and all should go well. When the battle is over Traned will leave you to remain with the captives. Now rest where you can and make your way to the stairs at 6 to access the Drow Caves.