1. Passage to World of Moander
2. Portal
3. Monsters
4. Treasure
5. Prisoners
6. Aeghwaet
7. Hermit
8. Chasm
9. Device
10. Entrance to Heart
LARGE DEPRESSION – There is nothing here except for the portal.
WALL OF FLESH – When you enter this area a wall prevents you from exit. Dispatch large
groups of cultists at 3 then retrieve some good treasure at 4. Now go to 5 and free the prisoners.
Dispatching the last group of monsters allow you to exit this area back to the world.
GREAT WOUND – Enter and meet Aeghwaet. To help him clear all the four fixed encounters
at 3. You’ll fight a very assorted quality of monsters here. Watch out for the minions of Bane,
when you hit them with a melee attack your character will suffer half of the damage he inflicts.
When you clean all four rooms return to the entrance and Aeghwaet will thank you giving some
healing and youth potions. He’ll also give you a couple of very important potions that you must
pick up for a later use. The man can also provide healing services and you can rest safely here.
EAR – Follow the hallway and pass two fixed encounters, nothing difficult. Enter the room at 7
and you’ll meet and hermit. Talk with him and you’ll receive some useful items. Now you can
leave but you can return here if you need training because the hermit will do this service.
HAIR – When you arrive at the hair spot you’ll hear a scream. Enter immediately or you’ll lost
this encounter.
Once inside clear the corners from
hulks then wander around following
scream sound. Eventually you’ll find a priestess. Save her fighting some cultists and elementals.
After the speech
engage the “Search” mode and wander
around again until you find her
amphora. Now you can leave this area.
MOUTH – Reach the chasm at 8 and throw the amphora down the throat before leaving.
EYE – Dispatch some cultists and use the devices at 9 to get some useful information.
SIDE WOUND – Reach the south-east room and mix the potions of Aeghwaet to cut through
and enter the Heart.