1. Portal
2. Monsters
3. Treasure
4. Cadorna’s Chamber
5. Ulfim
6. Inn
7. Cadorna’s Temple
8. Wedding Altar
9. Iron Wall
As usual rest, heal and train then leave all your items in the Storage. Now “Move On” and enter
Dark Phlan.
Here you’ll be immediately attacked by drow so dispatch them and return to Limbo to rest after
getting their treasure. Come back to this area and exit the room of the portal.
You’ll be captured by the celebrations of the wedding between Sasha and your old enemy Cadorna.
After the speech clear three north spots at 2 from monsters to receive some treasure and begin to
equip yourself.
Enter the town
hall and fight other monsters then
get the treasure at 3 (guarded
by assorted
vampires) and talk to Ulfim at 5. Now enter the room at 4 to fight some friends of Cadorna.
Exit the town hall and clean other two south spots at 2 from monsters then use the nearby inn if you
need rest. Now enter the temple at 7 and fight a variety of monsters. Get their treasure then “Burn”
the Gown when the game asks you.
Return to Limbo to rest, heal and train then approach the altar at 8. Here you’ll fight a large group
of spell casters and Cadorna himself. Blast them all with a couple of spells and get their treasure.
Sasha will thank you and give you a couple of rings of protection before leaving.
Now exit the
room and enter the park on
the west. Cross the room and
approach the wall.
Gothmenes will appear and send against you a large group of minions of Bane but you should have
no problem with them.
After the battle choose to “Blow the Horn of Doom” then type “6”. This will cause a crack to open
in the wall.
Go back for some rest then return here and cross the wall to enter Gothmenes Palace, the final level.