1. Door to Leave the Keep
2. Monsters
3. Ruoln
4. Prisoners
5. Treasure
6. Kimarr
7. Journal
Back to the World map travel to Taydome’s Keep (7) and enter. You’ll be immediately attacked by
giants that seem to be controlled.
Dispatch them, retrieve some magical treasure and continue north (unless you want to clean the side
rooms from monsters).
At 3 you’ll
meet Ruoln. He asks to join
your party but refuse and choose
to “Evade” him. His
presence will prevent your party from resting in some areas.
Enter the room
at 4 to free the prisoners
and cross the secret door to
the north to retrieve some
treasure. (Note that with this action your party will sustain damage so be prepared).
Follow the
hallway east cleaning the rooms
that contain monsters and soon, at
an intersection,
Kimarr appears and sends a drow force against you.
Remember that
the drow are resistant to magic
(so plan your attack carefully) and
that their
weapons will be destroyed by the sunlight. After the battle retrieve the journal at 7.
Continue on your path and approach the door at 6. Be fully rested and then save. You must face
Kimarr now so, when you’re ready, enter the room.
You’ll fight a dozen of giants and Kimarr himself. Concentrate your mages’ efforts on the giants
mages and send your fighters on Kimarr for a melee combat.
Before dying Kimarr will change into a blue dragon so kill him quickly to prevent him from casting
his deadly bolts of lightning.
When the battle is over retrieve the treasure and you’ll meet Quill. Agree to go with him, you’ll end
this quest and return to the World Map.