___      _     ____  _____  __    ___ ____  ____   _      __  _  _      _
|  _|    /_\   |  __||     ||  |  |  _|\   \/   /  /_\    |  \/ || |    /_\
| |     /|_|\  |_|_  |_   _||  |  | |_  \      /  /|_|\   |     || |   /|_|\
| |    / __  \    | |  | |  |  |  |  _|  \    /  / __  \  |     || |  / __  \
| |_  / /  \  \  _| |  | |  |  |_ | |_    \  /  / /  \  \ | |\  || | / /  \  \
|___|/_/    \__\|___|  |_|  |____||___|    \/  /_/    \__\|_| \_||_|/_/    \__\

 _____  __    _____  _____  ____    __    _  __  _  ___  ____
|  _  ||  |  |  _  ||  _  ||  _ \  |  |  | ||  \/ ||  _||  __|
| |_|/ |  |  | | | || | | || | | \ |  |  | ||     || |_ |_|_
|  _ \ |  |  | | | || | | || |_|  ||  |  | ||     ||  _|  | |
| |_| ||  |_ | |_| || |_| ||     / |  |_ | || |\  || |_  _| |
|____/ |____||_____||_____||____/  |____||_||_| \_||___||___|

                                   | Title: Castlevania: Bloodlines |
                                   | System: Genesis/Megadrive      |
                                   | Guide type: FAQ/walkthrough    |
                                   | Guide version: 1.1             |
                                   | Writer: Punisher_x2            |

  /                           \
 /    TABLE OF CONTENTS        \
|                               |
| 1. Introduction               |
|                               |
| 2. Version history            |
|                               |
| 3. Story                      |
|                               |
| 4. Controls                   |
|                               |
| 5. Enemies                    |
|                               |
| 6. Items                      |
|                               |
| 7. Weapons                    |
|                               |
| 8. Characters                 |
|                               |
| 9. Walkthrough                |
|                               |
| 10. FAQ                       |
|                               |
| 11. Unlockables               |
|                               |
| 12. Passwords                 |
|                               |
| 13. Legal stuff               |
|                               |
| 14. Contact info              |
|                               |
| 15. Credits and end           |

                  /  /\                                           \
                 / _(  )_                                          \
                / |      |                                          \
               /  |      |   _    1. INTRODUCTION                    \
              / __|______|__/ \                                       \
             /  \__________/\_/                                        \
            /                                                           \

 Hello people, how is it going? Well, recently my life has been very tight
with all kinds of homework, but since now I am in swine fly vacation I can do
a FAQ/walkthrough for one of my favorite Castlevania games. Now, this is a
very rare game so if you could get it then what the hell are you waiting for?
Enjoy my guide and the game aswell.

                  /  /\                                           \
                 / _(  )_                                          \
                / |      |                                          \
               /  |      |   _    2. VERSION HISTORY                 \
              / __|______|__/ \                                       \
             /  \__________/\_/                                        \
            /                                                           \

 Version 1.0 (30.11.09) - Guide created and uploaded

 Version 1.1 (14.03.10) - Added Myspace, Twitter and Facebook account ULRs at
the contact info section

                  /  /\                                           \
                 / _(  )_                                          \
                / |      |                                          \
               /  |      |   _    3. STORY                           \
              / __|______|__/ \                                       \
             /  \__________/\_/                                        \
            /                                                           \

 In the year 1897 the war between Dracula and humanity came to an end, as
Dracula was put to eternal rest by Quincy Morris, a descendant of the Belmont
family. Europe was at peace until the beginning of the world war, which turned
the continent into a dark world filled with massacre and violence. At the
beginning of the war, on June 1914 at Sarajevo, the Crown Prince of Austria was
assassinated by a mysterious beautiful woman named Elizabeth Bartley. In order
to revive her uncle, Count Dracula, she conducted an unholy ceremony which
caused the war, giving her possession of human souls from Europe. And now, two
silhouettes can be seen near Castle Dracula. John Morris, a descendant of the
famed Belmont and Morris families who obeyed his fate to fight vampires day and
night, and Eric Lecarde, whose girlfriend was transformed into a vampire when
Elizabeth was revived.

                  /  /\                                           \
                 / _(  )_                                          \
                / |      |                                          \
               /  |      |   _    4. CONTROLS                        \
              / __|______|__/ \                                       \
             /  \__________/\_/                                        \
            /                                                           \

                 /   _                          START    \
                /   | |           SEGA           ____     \
               / ___|_|___       GENESIS        (____)     \
              / |___(_)___|                    ___  ___  ___\
             /      | |                       ( A )( B )( C )\
            /       |_|                                       \
           /                                                   \
           \                                                   /
            \             _______________________             /
             \           /                       \           /
              \         /                         \         /
               \       /                           \       /
                \     /                             \     /
                 \___/                               \___/

 Basic controls:

 D-pad - Move, crouch

 A button - Attack

 B button - Jump

 C button - Use weapon

 Start - Pause the game

 Advanced controls:

 John Morris:

 D-pad down + A button - Crouch attack

 B button + D-pad up and A button - Air attack (It can also attache to

 Eric Lecarde:

 D-pad down + A button - Crouch attack

 B button + A button - Air attack

 D-pad down (Hold) - Super jump

 D-pad diagonal + A button - Diagonal attack

                  /  /\                                           \
                 / _(  )_                                          \
                / |      |                                          \
               /  |      |   _    5. ENEMIES                         \
              / __|______|__/ \                                       \
             /  \__________/\_/                                        \
            /                                                           \

 Here is a list of all the enemies:

 Zombies - Hungry undead zombies.

 Golden eye - A golden eye with a chain attached to it.

 Fish monster - Big fish monsters with long tongues.

 Flying skeleton - Half flying skeleton with blue flames around it.

 Skeleton - An ordinary skeleton that throws his bones.

 Bats - Angry vampire bats

 Three headed skeleton heads - They are big skeleton heads atop each other.

 Skeleton dragon - A skeleton dragon with a long neck that stretches.

 Minotavar - A Greece mythology creature.

 Raven - The devils bird.

 Medusa heads - Medusa's clone heads.

 Brutes - Little guys with spiked metal balls.

 Bird warrior - A big bird carrying a spear.

 Mummy - A bandage undead creature.

 Skeleton bat - Big skeleton bat

 Robot bug - Flying bugs that also speed up on the ground

 Tree creature - A creature attached to a tree

 Knight - An undead knight

 Skeleton bagger - He throws skeletons that come alive and pork chops

 Knight archer - A knight archer

 Knight brawler - A knight holding a big hammer

 Knight wheeler - A knight on wheels

 Knight gunner - A knight with a turret for an arm
                  /  /\                                           \
                 / _(  )_                                          \
                / |      |                                          \
               /  |      |   _    6. ITEMS                           \
              / __|______|__/ \                                       \
             /  \__________/\_/                                        \
            /                                                           \

 Here is a list of all the items:

 Crystals - Gives you ammo

 Porkchop - Restores a fair amount of health

 Money bags - Gives you extra score

 Black orb - Gives you invincibility for a short period

 Blue orb (John only) - Upgrades your weapons

 Small object with a red ball (Eric only) - Upgrades your weapons

 Mirror - Destroys all enemies on the screen

                  /  /\                                           \
                 / _(  )_                                          \
                / |      |                                          \
               /  |      |   _    7. WEAPONS                         \
              / __|______|__/ \                                       \
             /  \__________/\_/                                        \
            /                                                           \

 Vampire killer (John only) - A strong wipe made to kill all kinds of creatures

 Alcarde spear (Eric only) - Alucarde's spear

 Boomerang - A very sharp cutting boomerang

 Axe - Small axe which can be thrown

 Holy water - Weak but it's still holy water :)

 Upgrade item ( For the two different characters) - Creates a powerful blast

                  /  /\                                           \
                 / _(  )_                                          \
                / |      |                                          \
               /  |      |   _    8. CHARACTERS                      \
              / __|______|__/ \                                       \
             /  \__________/\_/                                        \
            /                                                           \
             |   John Morris      |

 Born: December 12th 1895 in Texas, USA

 Weapon: Vampire killer

             |   Eric Lecarde     |

 Born: May 3rd 1892 in Segovia, Spain

 Weapon: Alcarde Spear

                  /  /\                                           \
                 / _(  )_                                          \
                / |      |                                          \
               /  |      |   _    9. WALKTHROUGH                     \
              / __|______|__/ \                                       \
             /  \__________/\_/                                        \
            /                                                           \

 From here, the FAQ begins. Now be aware that this is a very difficult game
so I will do my best to explain all kinds of boss and level strategies. Enjoy!

 Note: Destroy the candles to get items

 Stage 1: Ruins of the Castle Dracula - Romania

 Castle entrance

 The castle entrance is unguarded, so just collect items from the torches and
go inside. Also, look at the torn up body, pretty violent eh?

 Castle hallway

 Go right only and get the candles. In a few seconds you will encounter some
zombies. Don't bother killing them all because they are endless. Go up by the
first stairs and smash the candles. Get the invincibility and go on. There is
another stairway ahead. Go up and through the door.

 Empty room

 The room is empty, except there is a golden eye on the platform. Once you
go down, kill it. Before you go down the stair, destroy the cracked wall and
get the item inside.

 Underground sewer

 Now we go a little more deep. This area is filled with fish monsters coming
from the water. Get on the platform, destroy the candle and get the mirror
to kill a few of the fish monsters. Then hurry up the stairs before the attack
you again.


 Use the stairs to go up. Oh look, the first skeleton. Make him suffer. Get
all the items and go through the door.

 Castle hallway 2

 This hallway is filled with vampire bats. They keep coming from the right
side of the screen so keep your guard up. After a while you will encounter
the fist boss.

 > Boss: Hellhound <

 This Hellhound is tough, if you stay too close to it. Hit it's head to take
damage. Make sure when he spits the flame to run away quickly. It also barks
so loud it breaks the mirrors. When this happens, go to a spot where the
mirrors aren't flashing to avoid the glass. After it's health is gone, hit
it again so it dies completely. Allright, now that the pest is out of the
way, continue.

 Hellhound boss rating: 1.5/5

 Stairway 2

 You should notice the skulls on the floor. Don't get fooled, because when
you get close to them they raise up to skeletons. Walk slowly to avoid damage.
On the second stairaway, destroy the cracked wall and go up.

 Upper floor

 Kill the skeletons in the way. Before the stairs you will see a three headed
skeletons. From now on remember to avoid their flames just duck and attack
without stoping. After that go up the stairs.

 Upper floor 2

 Notice the spinning gear. It looks pretty cool. There will be a skeleton
with a sword that jumps towards you. Just smack him and he is as good as
dead. Now, you have to reach the platform. There is a rotating platform
with spikes. Jump on it when the spikes are under it but do it quickly. Move
by the stairs. Go right and take down the skeleton with the shield. This guy
dies when his shield is knocked out. As you keep moving there will be two
paths. First go to the below and smash the candles to get a mirror. It will
kill all the enemies above. Return and go up. Be aware that the spiked
platforms rotate when your on them so, jump quickly.

 Upper floor 3

 Above you there are skeletons. If you are playing with Eric, jump on the
platform. There is a big skeleton in the background holding a spinning
blade. Jump when the blade comes towards you. Before you go in the door,
make sure that you kill the skeletons and get the items and destroy the
cracked wall. Now go through the door.

 Outside the castle

 This area has no enemies but, you should see a Vertebral column. Move very
fast because the column breaks. Once it's head fall down move ahead.

 Outside the castle 2

 Now you will engage into a small fight with the skele - dragoon. Don't stay to
close, I suggest you use some of your other weopones. After it's dead go by the

 Ruined hallway

 Collect the items from the candles before you encounter the boss.

 > Boss: Super Knight <

 This is a boss where you have to keep a distance amoung him. To avoid damage
use your weopons. When he charges, hide behind the platforms then attack again.
The more damage he takes, the more his bodyparts start to fall of. Make sure
that you are not behind the platforms when he jumps also. When he is armless
just finish him like the little pig he is and congratulations! Now for the
second stage.

 Super knight boss rating: 1.5/5

 Stage 2: Atlantis shrine - Greece


 Be very cautions because the water instantly kills you. On the next platforms
is a minotavar waiting. When he reaches the edges then attack him. Before
jumping further, wait for the minotavar to run at you. This should be followed
because he will hit you otherwise. As you keep moving more of them will come.
move slowly so you don't accidentaly run into them. At the last platform you
will encounter some fish monsters. Ignore the ones from behind and go on.


 Here, you need to move extremely quick because the water keeps rising. On the
platform in front of you is a small ball that rolls all around it. Don't touch
it for it takes damage. Move up the stairs but, be watcheful for the minotavar
with the spear. Stay away and attack after his attack. Go to the stairs and
be aware of the next ball. Don't try to hit it because it won't break. Keep
going up, and kill the next minotavar. Now, you are between two stairs. Go left
because the right one is a dead end. Watch the ball and the minotavar above.
Either of the two stairs lead to the same platform, but still be cautios for
the balls. At the last platform, take down the minotavar and see that the water
has stoped rising. Go up and prepare for battle.

 Tower top

 > Boss: Atlantis wizard <

 This is the easyest boss in the game. Make sure to beat him quick because he
is the reason why the water rises. Don't get too close to him before you attack
due to the fact that he teleports away. After he dies, the water will reise

 Atlantis wizard boss rating: 0.5/5

 Go right and collect the items. As you go, blood-thirsty ravens shall attack
you from the statues. They are easy targets. Before you complete this section,
a knight will attack you from the right side of the screen.

 > Boss: Golden and bronze knight <

 This golden knight is also easy. Just duck and stay close to him to avoid his
attacks. When he jumps, go where he is and repeat. When the golden knight is
no more, a bronze one will come from the left side. Because his attack is slow,
just get near him and attack. Then run. Repeat and he is as good as dead. When
he jumps he will get his axe stuck leaving you to kick his butt.

 Golden and bronze knight boss rating: 1/5

 Go down the stairs to the next part.

 Tower 2

 Now, the water goes down. Stand on the five wooden platforms as you go down.
Annoying medusa heads will appear from all directions as you continue. You
also need to keep track with the platforms because the water keeps decresing.
This means you are stuck and have to comith suicide. Just go down to the last
floor and go right.

 Waterway 2

 Again your in the middle of the sea. In front of you is a brute. As you
attack he will defend himself but he still takes damage. Don't stay too
close because he charges his attacks. Go right and kill more of them. In
a few seconds you shall encounter a huge statue that blocks your path. Just
hit his head once and it will fall of thus creating a path for you. Then
another brute shall come. In a matter of seconds you will see some two
headed skeleton heads. You know what to do. You shall reach a dead end with
a skeleton dragon. After you kill it hit the platform to fall in the water.
More brutes and a two headed skeleton awaut for you. You will again see
a platform which you have to hit. Keep going and watch for the brutes. The
third and last platform you have to hit will drop in the water and disapear.
Move fast to get to the other side. Kill the last brute and three headed skulls
and go down the stairs.


 This part is also very short. There are three minotavars below you who run
into the wall. Here is a tip on how to kill them and go down the stairs.
After the two ones run for the wall immidietly go and kill them. Once the other
one goes to the center where you fall down from kill him too. Now, go down.

 Underground fortress

 > Boss: Rock creature <

 You start from a platform. Stay there untill the water decreases. Look at the
big rock creature in front of you. It will start walking towards you when the
water disappears. Don't worry because it won't pin you down to the corner.
Attack the body to the destroy it's body. This doesn't do him damage, but it's
has to be done in order to hit it's head. When it touches the ceiling make sure
to run and avoid the rocks that fall. After the body is destroy attack the head
so it can die. The pretty annoying thing is that it will start jumping and will
bounce you off. This is also annoying because you may hit a falling rock. The
only way to avoid it is to jump right before he lands. Once it's dead look how
he shaters and get the orb.

 Rock creature boss rating: 2/5

 Stage 3: The Leaning tower of Pisa - Italy

 City of Pisa

 Immediatly take out the bird warrior and advance. Watch out for the next ones
aswell. After a certain number of dead birds see the minotaval how it takes the
platforms pillar. Don't stay next to it for it will attack you instantly as
soon as it gets the pillar. Go ahead. There is also another minotavar just
waiting to strike at you. Kill it fast and from behind kill the bird warrior.
The next part is easy so I think you should be allright.

 Tower of Pisa stairway

 Awaken the golden eye and take it out first. The two skeletons in front of
you may be dangerous if you don't have a boomerang. I suggest you wait for
them to attack and run go up the stairs. If you are with Eric the just jump
on the platform where the eye was. By now you should guess that this is an
acword maze of stairways. Kill the other skulls and go to the platform below.
Take the invncibility behind the candle and go up by the same starway. Kill
the next skulls and golden eye. Get on the stairs to the left. Okey, go right
for the next room.

 Tower of Pisa maze

 This place is a multi path. If you are playing as John, go right only but, if
you are with Eric, keep jumping up and then right. This is because the area on
the right is a death trap for Eric because he doesn't have the wipe to swing
across and John can't jump so high. I hope you understand and watch an eye out
for the burdys.

 Empty room

 An empty room. Just continue and destroy the skeleton dragon that guards the
door. Don't get caught by it's fire.

 Tower of Pisa escourt

 Yet again you have to hurry up to avoid death. Look at the way the tower
shakes and messis with your eyes. The strategy here is to keep jumping on the
platforms and avoiding or killing the medusa heads. Be on the lookout for a
door on the left side and enter it.

 Empty room 2

 Another sraithgh forward room with enemies in it (what else). Mummys and bats
have got the place coverd. Go by the stairs and go on. Well this place isn't so
hard right? Go up again and to the next part.

 Sky platforms

 This is another "hurry up or the screen kills you" part. Follow the strange
looking platforms and avoid the screen. You will also be introduced to the
new enemie; the big bat skeletons. This part may be difficult for unexpirienced
jumpers due to the many hazards in the way. Soon after the platforms will begin
to come from above then to the right. The annoying bats won't leave you alone
and they move all around the screen. Try hitting them with your sub-weopons to
gain advantage. Once you get pass the last platform in the row, you will be
guided before the boss section.

 Sky platforms 2

 Collect the items and get ready to fight the big guy.

 Tower of Pisa top

 > Boss: Giant bat creature <

 Wow, this is a pretty epic fight. The tower keeps spining so it might make
you feel dizzy. This bat creature has 3 main methods of attack so read what I
tell you. First hit it once and go to the opposite corner to avoid the bats
ball tail attack. The next assault is harder so stay cautions. The bat will
begin shooting 3 ball which you have a small space to jump through. You can
hit it but don't jump attack when it's to low because you will get hit. Now,
when the final balls have been shot, get either left or right to get passed
the bat. When his health gets low it will start to bounce on the floor and
goes after you. When the bat dies it shall start to scream and explode.
well done.

 Giant bat creature boss rating: 2.5/5

 Stage 4: The munitions factory - Germany

 Outside the factory

 Notice the skeletons workers in the fence in the background. Just ignore them
and dodge their bones. Some of them even hide in the barrels. The fourth barrel
you see has a skeleton inside. After awhile the skeletons will jump over the
fence and start attacking you from behind. Usually they will jump on the metal
platforms and strike you from there. I think this part is short but easy too.

 Factory entrance

 The skeletons here are a little tougher. You need to hit them twice before
they die because their heads restore the bodys. Go up then right. Kill the
skeleton and get on the conveyor belts. Make sure not too fall because it
means instant death. Kill the skeleton with the sword. Head to the appear right
corner with the conveyor belts and smash the wall to get some food. Go down the
stairs and destroy the skeleton brute then go through the door.

 Factory room

 Get on the stairs and on the conveyor belts. Smack the skeleton and don't
fall. The third belt sends you bacwards so hurry and hop on the next one.
Kill the skeleton brute and the one from behind. There is a platform beneathe
you with a cracked wall.

 Factory mechanics

 In this section, one mistake could mean death. As you go right look at the
big piston. Jump after it on the platforms and wait for the next piston to
move. Before it squishis you jump on it and then on the right edge. Now, here
is the most dangerous part. Jump on the two platforms then wait for the piston
to move and quickly move ahead. Then go right and ignore the left piston.

 Gear room

 This room will remind you of the classic NES Castlevania games. Also, the
place is filled with Medusa heads comming from everywhere. Get on the spinning
geat and then go up the stairs where the skeleton is standing. Continue up
and don't hurry too much because the skeletons are staning on the stairs. Just
attack them from there. After the next stairs get on the gear and then on the
left one. Make this jump carefuly or you might fall. Kill the skeleton go right
to the stairs and on the gear. Kill some more skeletons then continue. Notice
the small and giant gear. The small one moves you slow but the big one just
sends you away so jumo quickly on the platform. Get on the stairs and prepare
for the next part.

 Gear room 2

 This section is allitle more tricky than the previus. Look at the platforms
with hooks. You have to jump one on one to make it to the next. You know what
I'm talking about right? Make sure to look out for the little skeleton ghosts
that come every 10 seconds. At the door, get on the platform and wait for it
to fall down completely the you can acess the door.

 Empty room

 > Boss: Frankenstein's monster <

 This guy is huge but not so difficult. First, don't get close to him to avoid
his whipe. Then, crouch and attack while he attacks with the whipe. Quickly get
on the left platform to get away from the lightning. The it's the same stuff
but watch for his hand. If it starts to glow get on the platform as fast as

 Frankenstein's monster boss rating: 1.5/5

 Gear room 3

 Get through the empty space on the blade. Move slowly and don't get hit or
you lose half your health. Wait for the bugs to get on the ground and kill
them. The next blade is alot faster so you have to move without stoping.
The last on move to the left but has some small space beneathe it. Just crouch
and move when there is more room to go. Now, exit and go on.

 Outside the factory 2

 Were back in the outdoors again. Get on every platform then take out the
skeleton brute. Continue and kill the next couple of brutes. Pay attention
to all of the platforms movements or one mistake is fatal. Well, the next
is the same so let's go on.

 Gear room 4

 This room is filled with these golden gears. They move nonstop so you have to
destroy them. Get the holy water because you will need it ahead.

 Gear chamber

 > Boss: Gear transformer <

 This might be the perfect time to use the holy water. The only way to kill
this thing is to hit the ball in the center of it's body. This thing also
has a million attack strategys that may be hard to avoid. When it throws some
gears head to the far opposite platform. He also makes sounds which means
trouble. When that happens, do a circular motion away from it around the room.
The other attack where he transforms, just get on the highest platform to get
out. When it dies, it's gears will split on the ground leaving you to take
the orb.

 Gear transformer boss rating: 3.5/5

 Stage 5: Versailles Palace - France

 Palace garden

  Get some items then continue. Notice the giant rose which throws pollens
at the ground. If you get hit by it you start to blink like a negative effect.
Revers your control like left-right right-left and so on. Also destroy the rose
if you want. Ahead are two more but on the platform you have to get on is
another glowing ball. Jump to avoid it and hit the rose. The next one is a
little more tricky to destroy. Hit it diagonaly or use your weopons. The last
green woode thats on the ground before the fountain. Stand at the center and
attack the spikes that come and move on. Once you get passed the fountain, the
water will become red and red skeletons will appear. They can't die, so just
hit them to go on. Once your out, see the creature that's hanging on to the
tree. Killing it without taking damage might be tough. If you have the
boomerang use it and get on the platform left of you as fast as possible. Do
this untill it dies and proced. There are more ahead but kill them the same

 Palace hallway

 This is a pretty place. As you move watch for the chandeliers above you
because it will fall on your head. Move slow and head back before it falls.
Using the third chandelier to make it fall on the knight may be a good idea.
The next knight you will have to kill him on your own. Make sure to duck and
strike to destroy the weapon he throws. Look out for the candlelier above you
again. At the end there will be a golden knight blocking your path. This guy
proves to be tough and especially with the regular knight behind you. I don't
know how you can get passed him without taking damage but, just take one hit
and finish him off. Go on to the exit.

 Empty room

 Duck and destroy every single of these flame spiting skeleton heads to
proceed. Pretty simple.

 Organ room

 We have come across another multhipath zone. If you are with John, simply
kill the big eye ball lasers and go through the door but, if you are with Erick
then just jump on the platforms above you. Kill the laser eye balls to get
through safely. At the top go to the door.

 Barrel room (John)

 Swing to the other side. Now, you will encounter the most interesting enemie
in the game. The skeleton bagger. This guy takes a alot of hits considered by
the other enemies so far, but if you leave him alive for long he will throw
porkchops at you. Isn't that nice? But beware that he also throws skulls that
turn into skeletons and that might be dangerous. Continue and you shall see
more of them untill you get to the exit.

 Palace roof (Eric)

 This part is a bit annoying due to the fact that the bird warriors now throw
little hunchbacks. Try to kill the while in mid-air. Do this and keep going
because more will come. After a while it will get overcrouded but do not fear
because ahead is a mirror in one of the candles. Go onwards and you will exit.

 Spinning gear (John)

 Boy, this can get tidios. Kill the skeleton heads at your spot by diagonal
attack. The formula here is to follow every platform on the spinning gear
otherwise you fall down. The next enemies are skeleton heads and skeleton
bats. To kill the enemies a little bit easy, just hop on a platform and keep
going up. The exit is near so don't worry.

 Spinning gear (Eric)

 Just like John's but you have to go down which is easyier. Keep going down
and use the same strategy like John's. Dont'go all the way down or you will
reach a dead end. The real exit is in the middle.

 Empty room 2

 > Boss: Giant knight <

 Finaly, another boss battle. This guy is pretty easy when your not close
to him and your sub weopons do a perfect job here. Be careful when your next
to him or he will puch. Also be on the lookout when he jumps then get near him
and duck attack. Then, runaway. Easy right?

 Giant knight boss rating: 1/5

 Palace hallway 2

 This place is the hardest part of the level. These archer knight's take too
much hits and directly shoots at you. Hit the two times and retreat. Now repeat
and go on. But if you hit the arrows they will brake so this makes it easyir.
After these fellow archers you will stumble across the knight brawler. These
guys die fast but still troublesome. After the second brawler you shall see the
knight wheeler. As long as you keep hitting them, you will be safe. Then the
last one is the knight gunner. Keep ducking before he shoots and take him down.
After him a reward will come.

 > Boss: Magical column <

 This boss is very interesting but dangerios. First off destroy the bouncing
blue balls to avoid damage. After the faces are gone attack the pillar. When
they reappear destroy more of the balls. Keep doing it and you will be
victoryus. Go right and brace yourself what come next.

 Magical column boss rating: 3/5

 Outside the palace

 Collect every single candle then head for the boss.

 > Boss: Spirit/Giant Moth <

 Attack the spirit as much as possible before she turns into the Giant Moth.
After the transformationg destroy it's pollen that falls above you. This
thing takes lot's of hits so make sure that you follow it and don't stop
attacking it. Sometime it will start to dash towards you so don't get too
close. After that she will drop her eggs and little baby moths will come in
to save their mother. Too bad you have to end their punny little lives soo
soon. You should have beaten her by now.

 Spirit/Giant Moth boss rating: 3/5

 Final stage: The Castle Proserpina - England


 Welcome to the last stage of Castlevania: Bloodlines. Yep only six stages but
a really good game. As you move kill the ravens that dare to stand in your way.
Also make sure too kill the fire spitting medusa heads as you continue. Don't
get caught in their fire balls because they do bad damage. Before reaching the
castle entrance, jump off the bridge when it explodes and get in.

 Mirror room

 Here we come to the most messed up place in the game. Go to the stairs and
check at the bizzar mirror effect. Your probably saying it's impossible to
move ahead but no, there is a way.Just look at your feet the wholle time you
walk and you will be allright. At the pit part this is very important to follow
to avoid death. Look out for the Medusa heads after you get to the other side.
Keep doing it untill you get out of there and beware the pits.

 Upside down room

 Oh boy, this gets even more annoying. Now the screen is upside down and what
shall you do. Ok just turn your head upside down and there you go. Make sure
not to get too much blood on your head :). Kill the knight and get across and
avoid the ball on the platform. Watch for the next ones aswell. Then kill the
next knight. After that go through the exit and things will be back to normal

 Castle hallway

 Keep collecting the items from the candles as you go on. In a matter of
seconds you will hear a strange noise. Ahead of you is the first boss you
encounter but hit him once and he dies. Then kill the other from the back.
Now they shall speed up and come from the front and behind. Don't be afraid,
the exit is near.

 Sky stairway

 Get the candles and get on the stairs.

 Balcony room

 Get as many of the candles untill you reach the balcany.

 > Boss: The Grim Reaper <

 Finaly we encountered Death himself. Don't bother attacking him because it
doesn't do him damage for now. When he fully appears you will see some cards
spinning around him. Attack any of them and I will say what they do:

Scythe card - Creates a  fire ball. Keep moving around to avoid it.

Angel card - Gives you 12 Porkchops.

Gear card - Returns you to fight the Gear transformer boss again. Check out
stage four for strategys.

Grim reaper card - Same as the scythe card.

Bat card - Returns you to fight the giant bat in stage three.

Fountain card - Returns you to fight the rock creature in stage two.

After all that trouble you will get to fight the Grim Reaper. Throw your
axes while he is in the air. Avoid his spinning blades too. When he raeches
the ground prepare to jump or he will slash you. Avoid the blades again.
The second time he raches the floor he will throw his scythe and suck you
towards him. Hit him a few time and then jump over the scythe. His last
attack is when he stands in the air he shoots multiple blades so scater
around. Reapet untill death dies.

 Grim Reaper boss rating: 4/5

 Sky stairway

 Get the items and go up.


 Get all the items and get ready for another battle

 > Boss: Elizabeth Bartley <

 Here come the cobret behind all the trouble. You cannot hit her untill she
transforms into Medusa. She will take plenty of hits to kill. First avoid
the fireballs by Ducking when they are together. Then stay away to escape the
fire breathe. Her last assault is her tail. It will hit you no matter where you
stand. Jump at the right time. Now she will struggle to move thus giving you
plenty of time you hit her. Reapeat and use your sub weopons. When her Medusa
form runs out of health she will return to normal. She will cast four to six
orbs into the air. You need to hit her by watching the number of the orbs. If
there are four orb then hit her four times and so on. If you fail she will
summon some hunchbacks. When she appears duck to avoid her fireball. Do this
untill she is no more.

 Elizabeth Bartley boss rating: 3.5/5

 Castle hallway 2

 Easy. Get the candels and procced.

 Stairway 3

 Get the items and go.

 Coffin room

 Make your way to the coffin and get ready for the Final battle.

 > Boss: Dracula <

 Here he is, the King of darkness Dracula. This is going to be intense
especially because that Dracula has three forms.

 1st form

 Pretty easy. Just get to the side with the light and bats and wait for Dracula
to appear then jump and hit his head. Stay close so you can brake his attack.

 2nd Form

 He turns into a Grim reaper kind of sorcerer, pretty weird. He moves fast to
random places so make sure to follow him and attack. His first assault is
sending these fire balls on the ground. Jump before they hit you. His second
attack is cloning himself. Remember where the real one is and stay underneath
him. The third attack well, he just moves towards you. Well I think you can
take him from here. Now get ready for his last form.

 3rd form

 Here the background will change and Dracula will become a demon with a mouth
on his lower part of the body (yuck). Hit that mouth to hurt Dracula. Now for
his attacks. He will throw blades like the Grim reaper so avoid them the same
way. After a few hits he will change his color to bloody red. From his lower
mouth he will spit some fire balls attached to each other. Jump over it and
beat him up. He will also grow larger depending on your hits. When he gets in
bad shape he will shrink to his normal size and turn grey. Now, he will just
jump towards and shoot bones from his back. After his health reaches zero he
is dead.

 Dracula boss rating: 4/5

 Congratulations! You just beat Castlevania Bloodlines. Now try expert mode.

                  /  /\                                           \
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               /  |      |   _    10. FAQ                            \
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            /                                                           \

 Here is an FAQ with all kinds of questions realeted to the game:

Q: Why is this game called The new generation in Europe?

A: Because the game had too much violents and was censored in the European

Q: Who is John Morris?

A: He is the son of Quincy Morris from Bram Stoker's Dracula novel.

Q: Can I use this guide on my site?

A: Just ask me first.

 If you have a question and want it to be posted in this FAQ then see the
contact info section.

                  /  /\                                           \
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               /  |      |   _    11. Unlockables                    \
              / __|______|__/ \                                       \
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            /                                                           \

 This game has a few nice unlockables:

Expert Mode:

If you don't want to beat the game to unlock the Expert Mode, just press: up,
up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A on the title screen. If done
correctly, you'll hear a sound.

Previous Castlevania Series Music Code:

On option screen play BGM (Background Music) 05 and play SE (sound effects)
073. Make sure that these music settings are set when you leave the options
screen. Press start to start the game. When your standard weapon is powered up
to level 4, you will hear the old Castlevania Music until you get hit.

                  /  /\                                           \
                 / _(  )_                                          \
                / |      |                                          \
               /  |      |   _    12. Passwords                      \
              / __|______|__/ \                                       \
             /  \__________/\_/                                        \
            /                                                           \

 Here are the passwords for each stage:

Level passwords

Stage 2
Empty Axe Bird Empty
Bird Empty Bird Empty
Jewel Empty bird axe
axe Empty axe axe

Stage 3
axe bird jewel axe
Empty Empty Empty jewel
axe Empty bird Empty
Bird axe axe axe

Stage 4
Empty bird Empty bird
bird Empty bird Empty
axe Empty bird Empty
axe Empty jewel axe

Stage 5
axe axe jewel jewel
Empty Empty Empty jewel
Empty bird bird jewel
bird axe jewel axe

stage 6
axe axe Empty jewel
Empty bird Empty jewel
Empty axe bird jewel
bird axe Empty Empty

Various Stage Passwords

Enter the following passwords at the PASSWORD screen...

01. Start game at Stage 2/Atlantis Shrine, Greece with John Morris/Expert Mode


02. Start game at Stage 3/Ruins of the Castle Dracula, Romania with John
Morris/Expert Mode


03. Start game at Stage 4/The Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy with
John Morris/Expert Mode


04. Start game at Stage 5/The Munitions Factory, Germany with John
Morris/Expert Mode


05. Start game at Stage 6/Versailles Palace, France with John Morris/Expert


06. Start game at Stage 2/Atlantis Shrine, Greece with Eric LeCarde/Expert Mode


07. Start game at Stage 3/Ruins of the Castle Dracula, Romania with Eric
LeCarde/Expert Mode


08. Start game at Stage 4/The Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy with Eric
LeCarde/Expert Mode


09. Start game at Stage 5/The Munitions Factory, Germany with Eric
LeCarde/Expert Mode


10. Start game at Stage 6/Versailles Palace, France with Eric
LeCarde/Expert Mode


                  /  /\                                           \
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               /  |      |   _    13. Legal stuff                    \
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            /                                                           \

 I am in no way associated with Konami or this game. Castlevania is pure
property of Konami.

                  /  /\                                           \
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               /  |      |   _    14. Contact info                   \
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            /                                                           \

If you want to ask/tell me something, Inform me of any spelling mistakes, want
permission to use this guide on your web site, then send me an E-mail to this
address: the_punisher_x@mail.bg or visit my website:

Don't forget that Punishing X Guides is on MySpace too:

Follow direct updates at our Twitter:

Make sure to become a fan at our Facebook page:

Note: If you ask me about emulators, roms or anything like that you won't get
any answers. I will just say no.

                  /  /\                                           \
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               /  |      |   _    15. Credits and end                \
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            /                                                           \

Thanks goes to:

Konami - For making this game and the Castlevania franchise

Bram Stoker - For writing the Dracula novel

Special thanks goes to:

My family - For supporting me

My friends - For the advice

You - For reading this guide

Important: If I missed something (item description, enemy info etc.)
please tell me.

Support: If you like this guide, please send me an E-mail saying you want
me to make more guides. Who knows, I might even add you to the credits

Advice: If you don't like the style or the way this guide is written,
tell me and give me some advice on how to make this guide better.

Thank you for reading this FAQ/walkthrough

- Philip

Copyright 2009 Philip Petrov
All rights reserved