Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker FAQ/Walkthrough Table of Contents I – Introduction 001.0 – Contact Info 002.0 - Legal Info 003.0 - Version History II – Game Basics 001.0 - Controls 002.0 - Characters 003.0 – Gameplay III – Walkthrough 001.0 – Round One 002.0 – Round Two 003.0 – Round Three 004.0 – Round Four 005.0 – Round Five 006.0 – Round Six Welcome to my Moonwalker FAQ. Any questions, comments, corrections, or contributions are welcome, my email is tarrun75(at)gmail(dot)com. Please make sure to add something related to Moonwalker in the subject line so I don’t have to figure out what game you’re talking about. Questions regarding something that’s already covered in the guide will not be answered. Credit will be given to anything sent to me that I add or major corrections. For corrections, please email me only if it's something really important, something that will clearly confuse anyone reading. Legal information: This document is copyrighted Tarrun 2008. This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstance except for personal or private use. It may not be placed on any web site, magazine or otherwise distributed publicly without advanced written permission. This guide may not be used for profit, and may only be used on gamefaqs.com. Use of this work on any other web site besides the ones noted above or as a part of any public display is a violation of copyright and is strictly prohibited. Version History: First Submission: Version 1.0 II – Game Basics and Codes 001.0 - Controls F – Dance Magic/Slide (while on stairs) D – Attack S – Jump Left/Right – Move Up – Action Button Down – Crouch 002.0 – Characters 002.1 – Main Characters - Michael Jackson – The King of Pop is on a mission... to rescue young children... Alright, we’re all aware of how disturbing that sounds given the molestation charges brought against him, and even though there are an overwhelming number of easy puns to make, I’m going to try to avoid making them. The point is that Michael is our protagonist, and he fights Mr. Big’s goons primarily by dancing and throwing magic stars from his hands and feet. - Mr. Big – With a name that ambiguous, he just has to be evil. Mr. Big, an insidious drug dealer, is the game’s antagonist who has decided to kidnap children for some reason. We aren’t sure why, but presumably it will further his plot for world domination... somehow. - Katie – One of the characters in the movie, in the game Katie is the generic kidnapped child that Michael must rescue in every round. Katie will be kept in dumpsters, behind doors, or simply in plain sight, but you’ll always have to fight through Mr. Big’s goons to rescue her. - Bubbles – Michael’s pet monkey doesn’t help fight in any way, but he still plays an important role. After rescuing all of the children in a level, Bubbles will appear and point you in the correct direction to fight the boss. 002.2 – Minor Characters - Attack Dog – Despite all of PETA’s protests, Mr. Big has trained rottweilers to attack his enemies on sight. The dogs are somewhat annoying because you have to crouch to hit them and will lunge forward to bit you, but they’re also fairly weak. - Billiards Player – Only found hanging around Club 30, Billiards Players stand near some of the pool tables and take swings at you with their pool cue. They’re fairly weak, so even though they’re armed they won’t give you any trouble. - Commando – The commandos are Mr. Big’s private army, who carry laser guns and attack in groups from as early as Round Two. Later on, commandos become more intelligent and will fire diagonally and leap around the screen to inflict damage. - Killer Suit – These guys are your basic, weak thugs that attempt to give you trouble in the earlier rounds. They mainly just walk around and wait for you to walk into them, but other will carry pistols. Killer Suits are only found in the Club 30, and they have several upgraded versions used as bosses. - Prostitute – These ladies of the evening, found in Club 30, don’t actually injure you in any way, but when you try to walk past them, the Prostitutes will jump out and stop you from passing. Don’t give in to the temptation - kick them out of the way and continue on with the mission. - Ravens – These birds of prey will sit perched on a dead tree branch or tombstone and wait until you walk by before flying over and crashing into you. They only have the element of surprise going for them, so spot the ravens and take them out before they take off. - Spider – These horrible little creatures will primarily crawl along the ground and bite at your feet, though they can also been found hanging from the ceilings near spider webs waiting to drop onto your head. - Street Thug – Local gang members that hang around the streets looking for trouble, the thugs are fairly weak, so feel free to send them a message. - Ultra Attack Dog – The leader of the attack dogs is distinct in its shiny silver coat, and it acts as a General who dances around away from the battle while its minions do the dirty work. Ignore the Ultra Dog’s goons and force it to fight. - Ultra Commando – The elite soldiers in Mr. Big’s army, Ultra Commandos are similar to their lesser counterparts but require many more hits to defeat. If you plan to stop Mr. Big, you’ll have to get through these guys first. - Ultra Killer Suit – Ultra Suits are the mac-daddies of Club 30. They have all of the basic characteristics of White Killer Suits, but are much more durable and require more of a beating to take down. They can also jump across the screen to catch you off guard – don’t let them. - Ultra Zombie – The Ultra Zombies are an interesting group. Instead of simply having more life than the regular zombie, Ultra Zombies can detach their torso from the lower half of their body and fly across the screen to attack. Ultra Zombies are invulnerable while performing this attack, so wait until they put themselves back together before striking. - White Killer Suit – As the name implies, White Suits are dressed in clean, white suits and are an upgrade from the regular Killer Suit. They’re still fairly weak, but White Suits will carry pistols to attack from afar. - Zombie – The living dead will appear in the woods and caverns to feed on the brains of Michael and the children. Zombies are annoying because their leaping attack can be difficult to avoid, particularly if there are multiple zombies on screen. - Zombie Bomber – Why attack with your hands when you can use explosives, I always say. Zombie Bombers will use their upper bodies to hover high above the ground and drop bombs on Michael. Don’t give them the chance to use this attack – just keep them stunned until they bite the dust. 004.0 – Gameplay 004.1 – Miscellaneous Questions - How do I moonwalk? - Considering who the main character is and the title of the game, there’s no way Moonwalker could leave out Michael’s signature dance move. To moonwalk, press the attack button and immediately begin walking before the attack animation finishes. If done correctly, Michael will moonwalk until you stop or get hit by an enemy. - How can I transform into a robot? - In many of the levels, there’s a specific child that, if rescued first, will cause a shooting star to fall. If you jump up and catch it, Michael will transform into a powerful robot for a short period of time. As Mecha-Michael, your standard attack is to fire lasers from his eyes, while the special attack is to release a group of homing missiles. Note that you can’t rescue children while in this state, but you can see where they’re hidden. III – Walkthrough Round 1-1: Club 30 Number of Children: Five The first level is naturally pretty simple, so use this time to get accustomed to the controls and play around. After Michael tosses a quarter into the jukebox, head to the right and rescue the child on the other side of the jukebox. Continue upstairs, but watch out for any killer suits who might follow you up. Take them out if they do, and walk to the right on the second floor. Jump over the pinball machines and attack the killer suit near the door, which contains another suit if you open it. Instead, continue right and rescue the child sitting on the floor before hitting the suit that jumps out from behind the door. Cross over the raised ladder and open the door to find another child. Just ahead near the pool table is a thug looking to whack you with his pool cue, so kick the chair and finish him off from a distance. Pass over the pool table, drop back down to the floor, and knock away the prostitute standing in your way before heading back downstairs. Back on the first floor, eliminate any killer suits walking around and open the door in the far right under the stairs to find a child. Head back to the left to find the fifth and final child near the bar just off screen. When all of the children are safe, Michael’s monkey Bubbles will fly onto Michael’s back and point him in the direction of the boss – in this case, in the area with the piano on the first floor. Since the final child is right there, head to the right just a little to trigger the boss. When you reach this spot, Mr. Big will arrive to taunt you before leaving to let his goons do the dirty work. Boss: Killer Suits A swarm of Mr. Big’s killer suits will appear from both sides of the screen, but they aren’t very tough, so the only thing they have going for them is their numbers. Either stand on the piano and hit them with stars as they jump up, or perform a special to take them all out in one blow. Afterwards, talk to the child that appears to continue to the next round. Round 1-2: Club 30 Number of Children: Six You have the option of exploring the higher or lower levels first, so slide down the railing and walk to the far right side of the basement. There are some killer suits down here, including some that carry guns, but they won’t give you too much trouble. Many of the doors on this floor conceal more suits, however, so don’t bother opening them all. Instead, only open the last door on the right, which is under the other set of stairs, to rescue the first child. Afterwards, head back to the main level. As you return to the floor you began on, a pair of killer suits should be walking around. One of them is packing heat, so crouch to avoid his gunfire if you aren’t able to get close enough to attack. With the area clear, open the second door from the right to find the second child. There’s nothing else here, so continue up to the third floor. Here, there are two more staircases with four new doors in between them. The leftmost door is hiding a child, so rescue her and head to the right. Open the door underneath the stairs on the right to quickly find another child and walk upstairs, taking out any suits that get in your way. On the next level, push the prostitute out of the way and open the second door to the right – the one just to the right of the jukebox – to find the fifth child. Walk up to the highest and final floor in the area and head to the left. There are killer suits hiding in the doors surrounding and between the pinball machines, so take this part slow to avoid taking hits. The final child is trapped in the corner door beyond the pinball machines, and Bubbles will point you to the right to fight the boss near the stairs. Boss: White Killer Suits The upgraded versions of the killer suits are more durable, but they don’t put up any more of a fight. They do have pistols with them, but as long as you crouch you won’t have problems. There are four white killer suits in total, and each one requires four hits to eliminate. To make things easier, use a dance magic special to weaken them, since a special is equivalent to three hits from the normal stars. Round 1-3: Club 30 Number of Children: Seven You begin on a table, so head to the right and eliminate the killer suit and the prostitute. Jump over the piano and avoid the suit’s gunfire, and open the door in the corner to find your first child. Now backtrack to the table where you started and continue past it. Attack the suit that jumps out from behind the door before sliding down the railing to the floor below. Crouch to avoid the suit at the bottom with a pistol, and open the door under the stairs to rescue another child. Head to the right from here – you’ll find a pair of pool tables with a thug carrying a pool cue in between the two. Once you’ve taken him out, stand on the rightmost pool table and open the window to find yet another child. Follow this path to the end, eliminate any suits patrolling around, and head downstairs to the lowest level in the area. Spin around and hit the killer suit under the stairs before he gets a chance to shoot you, and face the left again to take care of the pool thug. Jump in between the two pool tables and open the door there to rescue another child, but first deal with the killer suit standing in the way. Climb over the rest of the pool tables, taking out any suits and thugs that get in your way, and open the last door to find another child. With the lower levels taken care of, head back to the highest floor and stand on the table you began on – directly under a ladder raised up to the ceiling. Tap the special button to lower it and head upstairs – the door directly at the top contains another child. Attack the suit loitering in the corner before rescuing her, and then continue down to the right. Knock out the prostitute and the killer suits beyond, and open the last door on this floor to rescue the final child. Michael’s monkey appears and points you a few feet to the left where you fight the boss. Boss: Ultra Killer Suit This is the big daddy of the killer suits, but even this incarnation isn’t too difficult if you can learn his patterns. If you’re standing on the left side of the screen when the ultra suit first appears, he’ll jump across the appear and attempt to land on you. He moves in a fairly normal arc, so it’s pretty easy to project where the suit is going to land, so step out of the way to avoid him. If you’re closer than a half-screen away, he’ll whip out his gun and fire off a round. Crouch to avoid his gunshots and return fire with your star kicks. When the ultra suit is hit, he’ll fly across the screen just like the others do, so more than likely he’ll jump back to cut the distance. It takes eight star kicks to finish the ultra suit off for good, and afterwards you can continue on to Round Two. Round 2-1: The Streets Number of Children: Six Note: This is the first level where you can transform into a robot. In order to do so, you must rescue the child in the right window on the second story of the Club 30 building first, and then catch the shooting star that falls moments after. In order to do so, however, you’ll have to intentionally avoid rescuing a few children. After exiting from Club 30, head right and knock out the street thugs hanging around the two smaller buildings. Along with the street thugs here, there are bombs placed behind some of the windows and doors that will explode if you open them, so avoid any unnecessary exploring. Open the door of the first building to rescue the first child, and then open the window of the second building to quickly rescue another. Continue down the street to find yet another child just off screen near a parked car surrounded by some more street thugs. Around this time, some attack dogs will begin appearing, so be on the lookout for them on top of the gang members. Jump onto the car and climb up to the wall. Head to the left and jump to the roof of the smaller buildings, and use them to reach the roof of the Club 30. Open the window on the right to rescue a child, and jump onto the overhang above the windows to find another child behind a street thug. With all of the children near the Club 30 rescued, jump down to the streets and moonwalk down the street to the end, taking out any dogs and thugs that get in your way. Kick the garbage cans to eliminate any enemies nearby, and open the dumpster at the end of the level to find the final child. There’s also a commando walking around, so crouch to avoid his attack before taking him out. Afterwards, Bubbles will appear and point you to the boss area just left of the dumpster. Boss: Street Thugs Just like the boss of Round 1-1, the first boss of the second round is nothing more than a group of weak street thugs. There are eight in total, and you can use a dance magic special to wipe them all out in one shot. If you’re unable to perform one for whatever reason, simply stand near the center of the screen and attack the thugs as they come within range, jumping and attacking the ones above you at the same time. Round 2-2: The Streets Number of Children: Seven Note: To transform into a robot in this level, use the elevator to reach the top floor and open the yellow car on the right. After rescuing the child, catch the shooting star. When the level begins, head right and attack the thugs and dogs sitting on the car hoods. Car parks like these can be a real pain because enemies will jump from car to car, which is high enough to avoid your kicks but not high enough not to hit Michael. Open the back of the second yellow car on the lowest level (the convertible) to find the first child. Near the end of this floor is a commando and a pair of dogs waiting by the elevator, so crouch to avoid the commando’s gunshots and take them all down. Jump in the elevator on the far right side and ride up to the second floor. Open the trunk of the very first car – a blue station wagon-looking vehicle – to find your second child. Three street thugs are loitering around just ahead, so knock them out with star kicks. When they’re gone, continue down the row of cars and deal with another trio of thugs. Afterwards, flip open the trunk of the other blue station wagon to find another child. With three children rescued, take the elevator on the left up to the third floor. A few street thugs are hanging around just in front of the elevator, so be prepared to attack with a flurry of kicks as soon as the doors open. In between two red cars is a blue van that is hiding the fourth child in this area, so open it to find her. There aren’t any more children on this level, so don’t bother exploring the area since you’ll just run into timed bombs in the other cars and random goons to fight. Take the same elevator from before up to the next level. Here, open the first car on the far left side – another blue station wagon – to find the fifth child. Moonwalk down the row of cars, defeating any dogs or thugs that get in your way, until you reach the end. There’s a yellow car parked in the last space that contains the sixth child, so rescue her and take the elevator up to the roof. Here, knock away any thugs on the screen and open the yellow car to the right of the blue van to find the final child. Continue to the left to fight the boss. Boss: Commandos This is a ridiculously easy boss. There are about twenty commandos you have to defeat, but they line up from each side and blindly walk towards you, waiting to be kicked. Of course, if you attempt to use your dance magic special all of the commandos will run off screen to avoid it, so don’t bother. Instead, stand near the middle of the screen and crouch to avoid the commando’s gunfire and wait for them to get close enough. As they do, knock them all out with kicks, remaining crouched at all times and spinning around to attack anyone sneaking up behind you. When the final commando goes do, talk to Katie to end the level. Round 2-3: The Streets Number of Children: Eight Note: To transform into a robot in Round 2-3, take the elevator to the second floor and rescue the child in the blue van at the end of the row. Afterwards, the shooting star will fall. When the level begins, a street thug will be walking towards you, so knock him out with a quick kick. Stand on top of the manhole a few steps in front of you and tap the dance magic button to open it. Drop down to the first step and use your stars to get rid of any pesky commandos hanging around below, and then climb down to the sewer floor and rescue the child on the right side of the screen. Follow this sewer all the way down to the far right side to find another child before returning to the original manhole and climbing back up to the main street – you probably won’t run into any enemies along the way, but the rare commando or attack dog might show up on the return trip. Back on the street, take the lift up to the second story of the car park. Eliminate any thugs hanging around before opening the trunk of the blue van at the end of the row to find the third child. Now that the second floor is finished, continue up to the roof and clear it of any enemies hanging around – there’s another child in the red van parked between the other two cars. With the two children in the car park rescued, run to the end of the car park’s roof and jump off – you should land on the roof of an adjacent building with a kidnapped child and a street thug on it. Since the child’s closer, rescue her first before taking out the thug. Afterwards, jump from the roof to the building on the right, which has two street thugs sitting on it near a window. After eliminating the two enemies, open the window to find another child before dropping down to the level below the one you’re currently on. There are two windows – one on either side of a sign - on this part of the roof, and the one on the left has your seventh kidnapped child. The final child is stashed away on the ground level, so jump back down to the street and head to the left. Open the door to the building nearest the car park to find the eighth and final child, and then follow Bubbles’ direction to walk right to fight the boss. Boss: Ultra Attack Dog This boss can be somewhat annoying because the Ultra Attack Dog is just as agile as its normal counterparts, which are also roaming the streets during this fight. To make things even more troublesome, the Ultra Attack Dog almost exclusively sticks jumping from rooftop to rooftop rather than fighting on the ground level. Instead, it just sits where it is and lets its group of minion attack dogs do all of the dirty work. Fortunately, the Ultra Attack Dog only needs to be hit with four star kicks to be defeated, so jump onto the roof to coax it into lunging at you. When it does, crouch down and attack – it may still hit you, but if you see it fly backwards you’ll have still registered a hit, so just wait for it to attack again. Should it fall down to the streets, follow after it and continue fighting. Round 3-1: The Woods Number of Children: Seven Zombies, man, they creep me out... Before going anywhere, push the very first tombstone aside to find the first child in the area. Now walk forward and count the fourth tombstone on this level – it’s the one just in front of where the zombie appears and is the last of the large, nondescript tombstones. Push it aside to find a quick second child. Meanwhile, the zombie crawling out from the earth just in front of you, as well as one or two more who may wander on screen. Zombies are fairly annoying enemies to fight because they require two kicks to destroy and leap at you. Plus, they attack in groups from all directions – the classic zombie battle strategy. When fighting zombies, be sure to keep them at a distance, and time your jumps so that you can knock them out of the air with a star punch before they can land on top of you. Continue along this path, jumping over coffins and sending the endless swarm of zombies back to Hell as you go, until you come across a muddy ditch. Drudging through here slows you down, so use the stepping-stones as... well... stepping-stones... to reach the other side - as you do, you’ll undoubtedly rescue the child on the second stone. Back on dry land, eliminate the zombie that attacks you and rip away the second bush to find another kidnapped child. Jump onto the dead tree in the corner of this area, but make sure to throw stars at the raven sitting on the second branch or else it’ll knock you back off. The fifth child is sitting right in front of you on the second level, so rescue her and head back to the left. Some more zombies should attack at this point, so fight your way through them and cross the bridge. Knock the raven sitting on the column out of the air, and rescue the sixth child sitting out in the open on the other side. You may think that the developers would be cruel in this situation and hide the final child all the way at the far end of this area, but in fact she’s hidden behind the bush just off screen. Rescue her, and head back down to the muddy pit to fight the boss. Boss: Zombie Horde There is the potential for frustration here, because attempting to stay on the stepping-stones while fighting a swarm of zombies can be pretty difficult. The same rules apply, of course, so it’s simply a matter of figuring out which zombies are about to attack and countering with your own. That being said, simply use a dance magic special to wipe them all out in one shot. Round 3-2: The Woods Number of Children: Eight Note: To transform into a robot, push aside the second tombstone on the first level of this area and catch the shooting star. This will probably be the first child you rescue anyway. Walk forward and push the second tombstone you see away to reveal a hidden child. As mentioned above, assuming this is the first child you rescue, a shooting star will fall and you can become a robot to scout around to find some of the other kidnapped children in this area. It’s not necessary, but it may prove to be more helpful than the previous rounds. This area can be particularly hectic, as groups of zombies will randomly drop down from out of nowhere and land on top of you. Prior to this, it was usually easier to just avoid most of the enemies that constantly respawned, but if you stick to that strategy you’ll quickly find yourself surrounded and overwhelmed, so make sure to fight the zombies and keep their numbers manageable. Since the six levels in this area aren’t as clear-cut as some of the previous levels, here’s an ASCII diagram of Round 3-2 to make everything less confusing: ____ ____ ____ _ ____ ___________(_C__)________(____)____(__C_)_________C___|_|___(____)______ ____ | __ | ____ | | ____ | __ | ____ | | | | | | ____ ____ _______(____)________ | | | | | | __(____)_(_C__)_ | | | | | | __ | | |_|____|_ | | | | | | | | | | | |_|____|_ | __ | | ____ ____ | ____ | | | ___(____)_ _____(__C_)_______ |_(____)_|____|_| | | ____| |_____ ____ | ____ | ____ ____ _(____)_| | __ | |___(____)___(____)__| ____ _____ | | ____ __(_C__)__ | | | | | | |________ | | | __ | _____| ____ | | | ____ ____ | | | ____ | | |_|____|__(____)_(_C__)_ | | _______| | __ | | __ | | | | | ____ | | | | |_|____|_|| __ | | | | __ | ____ | | | | | | | __ | | | | | _______|____|__ | | | | ______|____|____ | | | | | | |______ | | _|____|_| | ____ | | ____ | |_(____)_|____|__(____)_| ____ ____ ____ ____ | | | | | | | __ | | __ | | __ | | __ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ____ | | __ | __ | __ | | ____ | | ____ __S__(____)__|____|__|__|__|____|__|C_|__|____|__(____)__|____|_(____)__ Legend: ____ ____ (____) – Bush | | _ | __ | - Dead Tree |_| - Tombstone | | | | C – Kidnapped Child | __ | |____| S – Starting Point Regardless of whether or not you take advantage of the shooting star, from the second tombstone use the dead tree on the left to reach the second level. There aren’t any children here, so head to the right and climb up to the top of the dead tree at the far end and use it to leap to the third level. Here, climb up the ledges on the right to find a child hidden behind a bush. Once she’s rescued, backtrack a little and head towards the far left side of the area – as you jump up to the spot with a pair of bushes near a dead tree, part the bush farthest from the tree to find the third child. At the end, climb up to the highest spot of the ground and jump to the platform on the tree and make your way up to the fourth level. There’s a kidnapped child behind the bush above you to the left, so grab her before pressing through the horde of zombies to the right side of this area. Stand on the highest point of the fourth level and look to the left – you’ll see a dead tree with three platforms stuck into it on the fifth level. Get a running start and leap onto the lowest platform to reach it. This tree leads up to the highest level, but first, there’s a child hidden behind a bush to the right on a cliff. With five children rescued, use the tree to reach the sixth level, which has a child sitting out in the open right in front of you. The final two children are hidden behind bushes to the left – one right next to the sixth child and the other under the last bush in the corner – so you can quickly regain any life you’ve lost and avoiding being killed so late in the level. With all of the children safe, moonwalk to the right to face the boss. Boss: Ultra Zombie These zombies may look the same as their non-ultra counterparts, but the Ultra Zombies are infinitely more of a pain. Besides their normal jumping attacks, Ultra Zombies has the ability to separate the upper and lower halves of their bodies and send their head and torso flying across the screen to swipe at you. This is terrible in itself, but you must defeat ten of them, and they initially attack in one large pack. To give yourself a fighting chance, immediately perform a dance magic special, which will destroy eight of the ten Ultra Zombies. This still leaves the final two, however, and you’ll have to split your attention between them to stay alive long enough to finish the job. The key to this fight is that Ultra Zombies will change the height of their flying torsos depending on what Michael’s doing – if he’s standing or jumping, the torso will attack higher than if Michael was already crouched. With this in mind, when the two Ultra Zombies first attack, there should be one on either side of the screen. Pick one and immediately attack it and throw the two Zombies out of synch – it’s incredibly difficult to avoid both of their attacks at the same time, but if you only deal with one at a time, things become much easier. In the time that the Ultra Zombie you hit is jumping back on screen, remain standing at wait for its partner to launch its upper body at you. As it comes at you, crouch to avoid it and prepare to attack the first Zombie, who should be appearing once again shortly. Send it flying back again, and wait for the second Ultra Zombie to put itself back together and leap over to you. Quickly attack it to get it out of the way and attack the first Zombie as it reappears on the screen. Afterwards, the two Zombies should repeat their attack pattern, so follow the same strategy to defeat them. It only takes five hits to finish one off, and without a partner to distract Michael a long Ultra Zombie is a breeze to destroy. Round 3-3: The Woods Number of Children: Nine Note: To transform into a robot in this round, rescue the child that’s just visible in the far right corner of the opening screen first and catch the shooting star that appears. Walk forward and tear away the second bush on screen, the one just below the child on the level above you, to find the first kidnapped child. A few zombies will show up on screen and attack you, so deal with them before continuing down the row. It is possible to reach the child on the second level – the one that can transform you into a robot – from here, but you have other children to rescue, so to prevent any backtracking we’ll leave her alone for now. Instead, moonwalk under the waterfall, but don’t jump onto the platform to avoid the zombie above from pouncing on you. On the other side of the waterfall, head for the corner, where you’ll find several trees populated by ravens. Kick away any ravens that come looking for trouble, and rip away the far right bush in the corner to rescue the second child. Afterwards, use the platforms on the dead trees to climb up and reach the second level – if you jump and attack at the same time, you’ll deal with any ravens that get in your way before they have a chance to attack. Once on the next level, drop down to the lower ledge on the left and move the bush to find a kidnapped child. You’ll see another on a platform in the middle of the waterfall, so jump to where she’s sitting without drawing any zombie attacks in the process. After rescuing Katie and knocking the zombie on the nearby platform to the ground, jump to the second level and rescue the child you first saw in the very beginning of the round – the one that summons the shooting star. With five children down, walk to the left and climb up to the platform on the dead tree and use it to reach the third level. Near the platform on the far left side of the area on this level is a small dip in the ground with a bush in the middle that is hiding another child, so rescue her. From here, stand on the ledge to the left of this bush and jump to the platform on the dead tree in the very corner. Now jump up to the fourth level, where you’ll see a child on the other side of the bridge. Once she’s rescued, continue right, climbing up the ledges, until you reach another bridge with a child in front of it. With only one child remaining, cross the bridge and step down to where the third bridge is. You should just be able to see Katie’s hair beneath you, so drop down to the third level and rescue her. With all nine children safe, head back to the ground floor of the main waterfall to fight the boss. Boss: Zombie Bombers If the Ultra Zombies weren’t tough enough, the Zombie Bombers take it one step further. Not only do the Bombers detach their torsos to attack Michael, but now they hover high above the area and drop a series of missiles around the area. To make matter worse, you’re stuck drudging through the sludge at the bottom of the waterfall. However, as before, these guys are easy enough to handle if you get the jump on them early. There are only two Bombers, and one will jump from either side of the screen when the boss fight begins. As Mr. Big walks exits stage right, stand near one side of the waterfall and wait for the Zombie Bombers to appear. When they do, immediately start kicking the one nearest you into the lip between the waterfall sludge and the actual ground. The Bomber will get stuck, allowing you to continuing attacking without having to move, and won’t be able to perform an attack. Its partner, of course, will, but if you position yourself under the outer half of the lower platform on your side you should be able to stand in between the falling bombs. If you do get hit, just keep kicking the Bomber you have trapped until he goes down – it takes six hits to take each one out. After the remaining Zombie Bomber finishes the bombings and reattaches himself, he’ll jump over to attack Michael. You should have destroyed the first Bomber by this point, so spin around and kick his partner into the other corner of the waterfall. Repeat the same strategy of pinning him down and kicking him while he’s stunned to finish this boss off without breaking a sweat. Round 4-1: The Caverns Number of Children: Eight This area adds a few new elements to the game, with individual rooms that can be accessed and entering doorways from the main area. The kidnapped children will mainly be found in these rooms, which are often guarded by multiple enemies and traps – including stalactites that will drop down when you get within a few feet of it. However, you can use these to your advantage and have them drop onto any enemies below. On the opening screen, you should see three entrances – two before the spider web and one hidden behind it. The first two contain commandos, zombies, and spiders - but no children, so avoid them. The entrance underneath the spider web, however, does, so defeat the two spiders hanging from the ceiling and head inside. There are three commandos in this room guarded Katie, who’s sitting in the left corner. Quickly walk to the left, crouch down to avoid the commandos’ attacks, and throw some stars to knock the two near the child out. These commandos will crouch down to shoot at you, so crouching isn’t a sure way to stay alive anymore. When the two commandos near the child are out of action, rescue her and use the platforms to reach the exit – ignore the remaining commando. When you reappear in the main room, leave the spider web and continue right. A zombie will rise from the ground, so kick it away and jump up to the platform and enter the cave just right of the spider web. There are several zombies here and the kidnapped child is on a platform on the right, so kick away any zombies nearby and jump up to the platform above you. A zombie is standing near the child, so attack while jumping to knock it away. Afterwards, leave the cave and return to the main area. Continue down the lower path to the right and enter the cave behind the spider web – though you’ll have to get rid of the spider hanging around first. You appear on a platform in the center of the area, with a zombie on the left and a kidnapped child on the right. There are also two stalactites on the ceiling, and if you jump to the child they’ll shake momentarily before falling to the ground – usually on top of the leaping zombie and a commando on the lower level. With the child here rescued, return to the main cave and enter the next room, which is on a platform just past the spider web. The kidnapped child is sitting on the floor to your left, but the disturbed earth just in front of her indicates that a zombie is lying in wait. Lure it out and destroy it to reach the kidnapped child. The other zombies in this place will dance in place, so ignore them and leave the area. There aren’t any more children on this level, so walk to the right and climb up the platforms in front of the underground waterfall to reach the second floor. There’s a sign near a platform that has a pair of feet with a line crossing them out, which indicates that jumping on this platform will destroy the rock wall and create a new entrance – however, the cave that it leads to is void of any children so ignore it. The fifth kidnapped child is sitting on a platform above the waterfall, so rescue her and jump to the main ledge on the left. Between a pair of spider statutes is another doorway that has a child in the cave it leads to, so head inside. The child herself is easy enough to reach since she’s right next to you, but the exit is below you, where several commandos are patrolling. Additionally, a zombie is underground near the exit waiting for you to step on it. Wait for them to walk to one side of the room and quickly drop down to the ground. As the commandos and zombies attack you, push them back and fight your way to the exit. Back outside, pass by the next few cave entrances and jump across the gap. There’s a doorway concealed by a spider web just on the other side, so destroy the spider that drops down and enter the cave. Katie is sitting on the left in front of a commando, so destroy the spider on the ceiling and rescue her. There are more stalactites that will drop down and eliminate the commando and zombie in this area, so with just a lone commando patrolling the ground floor remaining, wait for him to walk past the exit and slip by him. The final child is hidden in the second to last cave in the left corner of the second story. Jump across the platforms to reach it, and once inside, jump to the platform above you and kick the commando to your left to the ground. Eliminate the spider dangling by your head, and jump to the eighth and final kidnapped child – throw stars at the spider just in front of her to avoid missing the platform. With all of the children safe, return to the lower level of the main cave and head towards the area just before the waterfall to fight the boss. Boss: Commandos After the new and exciting variations of the zombies in the woods, these plain old commandos will seem pretty dull. However, their strength is in their numbers, and they’ll attack you in groups of six or more at a time. Use a dance magic special to quickly reduce their ranks, and then jump onto the platform on the right. On the platform, Michael is high enough that the commandos will shoot underneath him, but low enough that Michael’s attacks will still connect if you’re crouching. As with the other bosses that consisted of swarms of enemies, remain crouched and throw stars whenever a commando gets close enough to attack. Round 4-2: The Caverns Number of Children: Nine Note: To transform into a robot in this area, rescue the child in the cave directly beneath your starting position, hidden behind a spider web. Afterwards, leave the cave and catch the shooting star that falls in the main area. When you begin, run to the end of the ledge and jump to the other side. There’s a cave entrance and a commando here, so knock out the commando and head inside the cave. There’s a kidnapped child here, but there are some spiders hanging from the ceiling and a pair of zombies hiding underground – one right next to the kidnapped child, in fact – guarding the area. Drop down to the lower level and lure the zombie out to destroy it. Afterwards, rescue the child and leave. Back in the main cavern, use the platforms to descend down until you reach another cave entrance hidden behind a spider web that’s directly below the previous one. Inside you’ll find a commando and a spider surrounding the second child, with a few zombies hanging around away from the action. Destroy the spider and step down onto the platform where Katie is, which both rescues her and causes the stalactite above the commando to fall, killing him. With the kidnapped child rescued, there’s nothing left to do here, so walk off the right side of the platform and use the opening to exit. From the cave entrance you just left, drop down into a small inlet and knock out the two commandos patrolling around. Break the wall that has a spider statue covering it and enter to find another child surrounded by zombies. Knock the zombies that attack you immediately back, and jump up onto the platform above and kick the rock at them. From there, jump to the platform where the child is and kick the zombie off – you’ll trigger the stalactite to fall just as he falls back. With your third child safe, leave and return to the cavern. Climb back up to the main area and head left – there are paths that lead up and down. For now, take the one that leads up, which ends directly below the starting point. There’s a spider hanging from the ceiling with a cave entrance behind its spider web, so brush it away and head inside. The kidnapped child is in the left corner, and only three commandos are guarding her. Immediately run over and knock them down before crouching to avoid the third commando’s gunshot. Once it passes over your head, rescue the child and leave. There were two paths to take before, so drop back down to the intersection and continue down the other one, which leads to the ground floor. There are several spiders here, so take your time making your way down to avoid accidentally stepping on one. At the bottom, take care of any straggling spiders – including the one crawling on the ground – and any commandos in the area, and destroy the spider statue partially concealed by a spider web to reveal a cave entrance. Inside there are two commandos and a kidnapped child, but you can ignore the commandos for now. Jump onto the platform above you and use it to reach the child to the right – as a bonus, this will cause the stalactite nearby to fall on the commando. By now, the zombie hiding on the left platform will have risen, so as you rescue the child be sure to watch for it to leap out at you. Kick it away and fight your way back to the exit. Back outside, continue to the right and stay on the ground floor for now. The cavern branches off into another path that leads back up, beginning with another “No Jumping” sign, but there aren’t any children in that direction. Instead, just ahead is a spider web next to a spider statue and a very large rock. Eliminate any enemies in the area, and destroy the statue to reveal another cave entrance. Before exploring inside, kick the rock down towards the end. In the cave are four commandos and a kidnapped child sitting on the floor in the right corner. Wait on the platform you begin on for a moment until the commandos walk off of the platform and start patrolling the lower level. Once they do, stand on the platform directly above the child and wait for the commandos to walk away. When they do, drop down and rescue the child before jumping back up to the platform. Wait once again on the other side of the platform near the exit until the coast is clear so you can drop down and leave. If you haven’t already, kick the large rock against the right wall and use it as a step to reach the platform above it. Jump to the ledge covered by a spider web, but watch out for the zombie that rises from the ground and the spider that attempts to catch you by surprise. When they’re both out of action, enter the cave and immediately attack to the left, where a zombie is just about to pounce on Michael. Afterwards, step down onto the platform and rescue the seventh kidnapped child before dropping to the ground floor and leaving as soon as the exit is clear. Back outside, continue up this side of the cavern, eliminating any spiders and commandos, until you reach another “No Jumping” sign. Jump to reveal a hidden entrance that leads to the eighth child. Inside are two zombies on the ground level, so take them down and rescue Katie, who’s hiding in the far left corner. The other two zombies will just stand on their platforms and dance if you leave them alone, so ignore them and exit the same way you entered. With one more child remaining, continue climbing up the platforms until you reach the very top, where a spider and a lone commando are guarding a spider statue. Destroy them all, and enter the cave to find the ninth child. When you take control of Michael, kick the commando nearby away and climb up the platform above you. Kick the rock to the left to destroy the spider and injure the second commando before jumping over to the platform where Katie is, which will trigger the stalactite behind her to fall and crush the final commando. With all nine children rescued, Bubbles will point you back down to where the large, moveable rock and the “No Jumping” sign are to fight the boss. Boss: Zombies and Spiders The zombies and spiders gang up on you this time, and it’s actually a pretty effective team. There’s nothing special about any of these enemies, though, so this boss fight isn’t too much trouble. When the zombies first appear on screen, use a dance magic special to wipe out the first wave and any spiders that get caught as well. Afterwards, crouch down in the middle of the area and wait for more zombies to appear. Most of them will attack from the right, so face that direction and kick them away as they come. For the occasional zombie that enters from the left, allow them to jump over you before attacking them as well. You should easily be able to bunch all of the zombies together and attack them all at once as a group, and since Michael is crouched the entire time you’ll automatically destroy and spiders that wander over. When spiders attack from both directions, knock the group of zombies back and jump over the two spiders sneaking up behind you to avoid being hit. Round 4-3: The Caverns Number of Children: Ten In the opening screen, there’s a large block just in front of a spider web. Stand to the right of the block and kick it into the left wall to reach the platform above you. Three spiders are hanging from the ceiling above and will drop down on your head if you immediately jump up to the second level, so wait for them to recede back up before doing so. A commando and a few spiders are crawling around here, so take them down and enter the cave blocked off by the spider statue. Inside, jump up and rescue the kidnapped child on the right – the falling stalactites should destroy the zombie and commando walking around, and the remaining commando doesn’t bother you. Back outside, head back to the starting point and go straight down the path. Some commandos and zombies will attack, so use the large rock as a bulldozer to plow through any enemies. After the web and spider statue, enter the first cave and destroy the zombie that attempts to catch you by surprise. The second kidnapped child is on the left, so step down and rescue her. The stalactites should eliminate most of the enemies here, so jump down to the ground level and leave before the zombie can crawl out of the dirt and attack you. In the main cavern, continue to the end of this area and stand on the platform directly under the underground waterfall and enter it. There are spiders and commandos guarding the kidnapped child, but you should only pay attention to the commandos. Fall to the ground level and kick the commando patrolling around away, rescue Katie, and slip back outside before the enemy has a chance to recover and counterattack. With seven children to go, climb up the platforms near the waterfall and jump over to the ledge on the left. Knock out the commando and walk over to the spider statue, wipe out the zombie that appears, and enter the cave behind the spider statue. The two zombies on the platforms just stand around if you give them enough space, so knock out the remaining two zombies on the ground and rescue the child in the corner before returning to the main cavern. Stay at this height, but jump over to the platform with the “No Jumping” sign to reveal a hidden cave entrance. Enter it, and attack the zombie to your left first. As you kill it, the other zombie above should start attacking, so take it out as well. With just the three zombies left, kick the one near the kidnapped child away and let the stalactite nearby do the rest of the work. Afterwards, continue up to the third level and jump to the ledge on the left. A commando, a zombie, and a spider will all attack simultaneously, so knock the first two backwards and crouch to swat away the spider. Finish the others off, destroy the spider statue, and enter the now-open cave after getting rid of the commando that appears from behind the statue. Inside, kill the spider and step down onto the platform where Katie is, which will cause the stalactites to fall on the two commandos nearby. Ignore the remaining enemies and leave this area. Follow the main path to the left, past the spider web, until you come up to a zombie and another web barricaded by a large block. Kick the block to the left and enter the cave, where you’ll find several commandos standing around while another kidnapped child sits in the right corner. Wait for a moment, and eventually the commandos will begin walking around again, and in particular the ones on the platform above Katie will drop down to the ground. With the platform clear, stand just above the child and rescue her when the commandos are on the other side of the area. Once the seventh child is rescued, kick away any commandos and exit from the cave. Since you kicked the stone block to enter the cave on the third floor, it should be just about in the correct spot to reach the platform above. From the platform, knock the two commandos back to give yourself room to stand, but watch out for the spiders just off screen. Escape from the web and stand on the platform with a spider statue on it and enter the cave after destroying it. There are only three commandos patrolling this area, so eliminate them before rescuing the child on the left. Back outside, jump up to the platforms on the right and follow them along the cavern until you come across another “No Jumping” sign with a pair of spiders crawling on it. Squish the spiders and destroy the cracked wall to reveal a hidden cave entrance, where you’ll find more commandos, spiders, and the ninth kidnapped child. Turn around and get rid of the two commandos below Katie first, and take out the spider that drops in front of you next. That just leaves a lone commando and spider, so eliminate them and rescue the child. The tenth and final child is located in the very last cave on this floor, so use the platforms to avoid the enemies below and leap from the final one to drop behind the commando standing near the wall. The final cave is full of spiders and a pair of zombies that are still six feet under for now. Take out the spiders before going near Katie, which will lure one of the zombies out. Kill it, and rescue the final child. Afterwards, exit the cave and walk slightly to the left to fight the boss. Boss: Everyone Well, maybe not everyone, but close to it. Once again there aren’t any special enemies, but instead the game throws a swarm of zombies, commandos, and spiders at poor Michael. Previously, whenever the boss consisted of multiple weak enemies it was a good idea to use a dance magic special to get rid of the first wave. You can still do this, but then you’re stuck to fight the rest of the group with only half of your life. It’s quite possible to still win this way, but you might want to consider sticking to kicks and hats throws to begin instead – if you get overwhelmed, it might be more helpful to have the extra life rather than fewer enemies. This boss fight is all about taking out the zombies first – the commandos are annoying, but the zombies are going to be the reason you lose a life. Since the lower level is going to be filled with commandos, jump up to the higher of the two platforms – the one on the left – and wait for the zombies to attack. When they do, crouch and use kicks to inflict damage, but make sure to jump when multiple zombies attack to avoid getting hit. When the first three zombies are out of the picture, a second trio will appear and attack the same way, so repeat the same strategy as before. Without the zombies, that just leaves the spiders and commandos roaming the lower floors. At this point, if you still have the life to perform a dance magic special, go for it to speed things up. If not, drop down and fight the same way you would any group of commandos – just keep an eye for when one decides to crouch and shoot, and use the platforms to get away if you need to. Round 5-1: The Enemy Hideout Number of Children: Nine Note: To transform in to a robot in this round, rescue the child sitting on the platform on the first floor. To reach it, take the second transporter on the level below. Afterwards, the shooting star will fall. A new round brings new gameplay elements, and the ones in Round Five are certainly interesting. For one, the only enemies you’ll encounter are Mr. Big’s commandos, who can now fire diagonally. If that weren’t enough, traps are scattered around the level, including electrified cables and sentry turrets mounted on the ceilings. Fortunately, turrets can be destroyed and destroying the nearby computer panels can deactivate the cables. Finally, there are transporters – small bumps in the floor – that will teleport Michael to another area in the level. This can make things a bit more confusing if you get lost or skip a child, but as long as you pay attention to what transporter you take it’s easy enough to get back. Slide down the staircase and knock out the two commandos walking up to get you. At the bottom, eliminate the commando on the left and open the door in the corner to find the first child – remember that you have to stand in front of the keypad and not the door to open it. Walk past the bottom of the stairs and into the next screen to the right, where more commandos will arrive to backup the one monitoring the computer panel. Knock them all out and slide down the stairs, but watch out for the turret above your head off screen. To avoid being shot by the turret, run to the left and stand by the computer panel to get out of its range. Destroy the computer to kill the electrified cable trap and jump over the first transporter. Jump over the second transporter and destroy the other computer panel along with any commandos in the area. With the area clear, step on the transporter and press Up to teleport. The transporter takes you back up to the first floor, onto a small ledge in the far right corner that is otherwise unreachable. Eliminate the commando and rescue the child sitting in front of you, and then open the door behind her to find a third child. We’re done here, so take the same transporter back to the B1 level and take the other transporter to the right, which takes you down to B4. There are some commandos hanging around and a pair of turrets, so kick the commandos back to give you enough space to destroy the nearest turret. Afterwards, clear away any remaining commandos and the other turret. Walk to the left and open the second door you come upon – it’s just to the left of a new transporter that you should use after rescuing the fourth child. Once you’ve teleported to B2, step off to the right and take out the commando and the computer panel. With the electric sparks no longer running along the cables, knock out the remaining commando and rescue the child in the left corner. Next, stay on this level and head right, where you’ll find more commandos and another series of cables. Stand to the right of the computer to destroy it without having to worry about being electrocuted, and then rescue the child sitting on the other side of the transporter in the corner. B2 contains two transporters besides the one you used to enter the area, and both lead to B3. However, to work from one end to the other, take the middle transporter, which will teleport Michael to the far right side of B3. Here, take out the commando near the transporter and open the first container to find a child. Continue to the left, pass over the other transporter, and destroy the turret before it gets a chance to aim at you. The final two children are found in the last two containers in the row – the ones before them contain bombs. With all of the children rescued, return to the very beginning of the stage near the first computer panel you found to fight the boss. Make sure to jump and shift the camera up, or the game won’t recognize that you’re in the correct area. Boss: Commandos After the craziness in the caverns, this boss is extremely simple. Eight commandos appear all at once, so wait for them to assemble and use a dance magic special to wipe them all out. Round 5-2: The Enemy Hideout Number of Children: Ten There’s a container right next to where Michael begins, so open it to find the first child. There are some children still on this floor, but we’ll get to them later. For now, wait until the turret fires, and then walk up the staircase and head down the hall on the second floor. Jump over the trap door and destroy the computer panel, though you’ll have to deal with the commando and turret nearby. When the area is clear, stand on the computer panel and jump to the platform on the left, which leads to a ledge near the ceiling with two doors. Open the door on the left to find another child, but make sure to jump if the turret tries to shoot at you. Destroy it if you’d like, and then return to the computer panel and trap door. Beyond that is a conveyor belt and several platforms above, though before that a commando will appear from the door to the right of computer panel. Knock him out and climb up; using the platforms to jump over the trap door, make your way to the third platform and open the door, where you’ll find another child. Continue down the corridor, past the end of the conveyor belt, and jump onto the new computer panel, which you can use to reach the next series of platforms. At the end is a platform with a pair of doors on it, with another two directly below it. Open the right door on the platform to find the third child, and then drop down to the main level – just be sure not to fall through the trap door on the right. The door on the left below the platform contains another child, which finishes off the kidnapped children on the second floor. With five children remaining, either take the stairs down or fall through the trap door to return to the first floor. From the stairs, head to the left back towards the starting point. More commandos are roaming the area, and the first door underneath the stairs is hiding another child. The door above you near the turret is empty, so continue forward and rescue the child sitting out in the open near the conveyor belt. Climb up onto the platform and jump to the next one near another turret – behind the door on this platform is the ninth child, so rescue her before jumping down and letting the conveyor belt take Michael back towards the starting point. At the end of the belt, you should see a child sitting on a platform near another turret. Take out any commandos hanging around and jump up and rescue her. The final child is behind the door sitting on the platform on the opposite side of the turret to the left, so destroy the turret and rescue her. The area where the boss appears is right where the conveyor belt and floor connect, but before initiating the boss fight be sure to destroy any remaining turrets. Boss: Ultra Commando The green commandos may look like those little green Army Men figurines, but they’re not nearly as fun to play with. Besides having more life than the average commando, the Ultra Commandos don’t bring anything new to the fight, but their erratic jumping and gunshots are more than enough to keep you busy. First of all, stick to the left side of the area. Dodging enemy attacks is difficult enough, but trying to do so while having to run in place is next to impossible. Instead, stand underneath the lowest platform in the middle of the room and wait for the three Ultra Commandos to appear. When they do, try to bunch them together like you may have done with some of the zombie bosses. There really isn’t a set strategy to use, since the Commandos will randomly leap back and forth and shoot depending on where you are and what you’re doing. However, it’s much easier to take them on if you can keep them all together, and you can jump up onto the platform above you to attack a Commando while they’re jumping or avoid a gunshot or two. If you can hit one of the Ultra Commandos without moving away from the platform, do it – otherwise wait for them to jump and counterattack. If you forgot to destroy the turret in the center of the screen, you can attempt to destroy it and have the wreck land on an enemy as well. Round 5-3: The Enemy Hideout Number of Children: Ten The developers were kind enough to hide one of the kidnapped children right next to where you begin in the previous level, but weren’t kind enough to do it twice in a row. The door is empty and the container will release a bomb, so jump onto the conveyor belt and walk across, plowing through the commando that tries to stop you. At the end, ignore the possible hiding places and focus on the two commandos patrolling the area. In the corner is a silver door, which turns out to be an elevator, so take it up to the main area of the level. There’s a child sitting on the roof of the building across from the one you’re on, but you can’t quite jump far enough to rescue her just yet. Instead, walk off the edge and fall to the floor – you’ll see a child on the two balconies on either side of you, so use the purple rocks jutting out from the wall as platforms and rescue them both. With the first two children safe, jump back down to the floor and head left. There are three doors at the base of the building on the left, but only the first one has a kidnapped child inside of it – commandos will appear from the others when opened. Jump over the trap door rescue the child on the other side, and then stand under the Building Three. There are another three doors on the first floor, though this time the kidnapped child is stashed in the very last door. With the first floor clear, use the rock platforms to climb up to the second building and stand on the railing to reach the platform with the child sitting on it. Afterwards, jump to the balcony on the third building and rescue the child at the other end. Eliminate any commandos in the area, and use the step-shaped roof to climb up and rescue the kidnapped child at the highest point. With the children in Building Three rescued, use the rock platforms at the top of the area to reach the roof of Building Two. The door on the right contains the ninth hidden child, and the tenth and final one is sitting on the ledge right next to the door. Once all of the children have been rescued, jump down to the first floor and walk in front of Building Two to fight the boss. Boss: Ultra Commandos The three Ultra Commandos that attacked at the end of Round 5-2 were a fair challenge, but this boss appears to trump that fight by miles. Countless Ultra Commandos attack all at once, swarming around you like locusts and picking away at your life with their laser guns. However, as soon as you press any of the buttons on the controller, a final shooting star falls to the ground to transform Michael into a robot and even up the odds. Sweet. Michael isn’t indestructible, though, so don’t think that this is going to be a breeze. Mecha-Michael has the power, but his enormous size makes him an easy target for the endless number of Ultra Commandos. To avoid being bombarded, fly up to the rooftops and hover between two of the buildings. Here, only a handful of enemies will attack at a time, making things much more manageable. There are about fifty Ultra Commandos, so stick to the laser since you won’t be able to take enough of them out with the homing missiles. As long as you stay at a high altitude, however, you should be able to come out the victor. Round 6: Michael's Battle Plane “Congratulations, you’ve defeated all of Mr. Big’s henchmen, you’ve escaped from the traps Mr. Big set for you. You rescued all of the children Mr. Big kidnapped. Now it’s time for the final challenge - you versus Mr. Big!!!” Mr. Big escapes from his island fortress in some sort of spaceship, but luckily Michael has his own aerial ride to chase him down. Mr. Big doesn’t actually attack you, but instead sends out miniature drone spaceships to crash into you. Michael, on the other hand, fires the battle plane’s guns, which release an endless stream of energy orbs. You’ll want to destroy the drones to avoid taking damage, obviously, but only hits to Mr. Big’s ship will actually matter, so just hold the attack button and the stray energy orbs will destroy most of the drones. Mr. Big’s craft is green as opposed to the blue drones, and you can see where he is on the battle plane’s radar. It’s difficult to continuously track Mr. Big, but keep at it and do your best to focus the crosshairs on his ship. After about a minute, Mr. Big will turn his ship around and begin crashing into you, which does cause damage but is a golden opportunity to score easy shots. After receiving about ten hits, Mr. Big’s spacecraft will be destroyed. With Mr. Big defeated and the children rescued, Michael’s adventure comes to a close. Congratulations on completing the game, so sit back and watch the ending credits as Michael and the little boy from the movie dance in the background. Thanks for reading, and hopefully you found this guide helpful.