       ______                       _______  _   _         _
      / _____)   _                 (_______)| | (_)       | |       _
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                             Starflight  (Genesis)

                               January 22, 2005
                                  Version 1.11

                      Written by:  Dan Simpson
                           Email:  dsimpson.faqs@gmail.com

                                Email Policy:
         If you are going to email me about this game, please put
         Starflight as the subject.  Just Starflight.  Also please
         realize that I am not hiding cheats or any other information,
         i.e. everything I know about Starflight is in this guide.

         If you see any mistakes, or have anything that you want to add
         please email me!  I will, of course, give you full credit for
         your addition, and be eternally grateful to you.

  The most recent version of this FAQ can be found at:

  This FAQ is for the Genesis version of Starflight.  I have played the DOS
  version, and it is nothing special.  The Genesis version has much better
  graphics and gameplay.

  This is the finished version of this FAQ!

  If you are a webmaster and wish to post this on your web page, please email
  me first.  And if you do post this FAQ on your site, please make an attempt
  to keep it up to date.  There is nothing worse than getting emails from
  people who saw an old version asking about things that are already in the
  newer versions.  Well, maybe there are worse things, but it IS annoying!

  This FAQ looks best in Courier New at about 9 points.

  This Document is Copyright 2000-2005 by Dan Simpson
  Starflight is Copyright 1991 by Binary Systems and Electronic Arts

  I am not affiliated with Binary Systems, Electronic Arts or anyone who had
  anything to do with the creation of this game.  This FAQ may be posted on
  any site so long as NOTHING IS CHANGED and you EMAIL ME telling me that you
  are posting it.  You may not charge for, or in any way profit from this FAQ.

What's New in 1.11:
    Changed my email address.

  For a complete Version History, check out the Final Words Section at the end
  of the FAQ.

Table of Contents:

  i.     Introduction
  ii.    Hiring a Crew
  iii.   The Ship
  iv.    The ATV
  v.     Minerals
  vi.    Colonizable Planets
  vii.   Starport Messages
  viii.  Artifacts
  ix.    The Minstrel Song
  x.     Aliens


  Final Words...

i. Introduction

  Starflight is a rather creative little space strategy game.  Combining plot,
  action, and strategy into a Space game is rather unique.  Starflight can
  be somewhat compared to Star Control, but with a different focus.  Wheras in
  Star Control you control an empire, in Starflight you only control one ship.

  You have to use your TV (Terrain Vehicle) to search planets (think Away Teams
  from Star Trek) and mine them for minerals.  You use your ship to hop between
  the stars.  And you use your wits to outthink the crafty aliens.

  But also something isn't quite right with the Stars themselves.  They are all
  going to Flare, killing all the life in their systems.  If only some brave
  Starship captain would discover the cause of the Flares, and prevent them
  from occuring.

  Along the way you'll encounter many strange aliens, some who like you, some
  who will shoot first and ask questions later.  You will find many odd 
  objects, called artifacts, which will help you on your way.  And you will see 
  many odd worlds, each with monsters, and treasures.

  Starflight is truly a unique game.

ii. Hiring a Crew

  The first thing that you'll need to do is to hire a crew.  Here's are the
  aliens and all their stats:

                                             Starting Skills/Max Skills
                 Dur.    Lrn Rate        Sci      Nav     Eng     Comm     Med
    Human         6         9          50/250   30/200   30/200  30/200  30/200
    Veloxi        8         6          30/200   50/250   50/250   0/100   0/100
    Thrynn        6         7          30/200   30/200   30/200  50/250   0/100
    Elowan        2        10          10/150   30/200   10/150  50/250  50/250
    Android      10         0          50/ 50  150/150  100/100   0/  0  20/ 20

  Assigning Duties:

    Science Officer:      Human
    Navigator:            Veloxi
    Engineer:             Veloxi
    Communications:       Elowan
    Doctor:               Elowan


    The cost of one training session is 300 MU.  And for that 300 you get as
    many skill points as that race will get added to their current skill.  So
    if you are training a Veloxi in Science at the beginning, they'll go from
    30 to 36 to 42, and so on.  
    Train your crew ONLY in the skill that they are assigned to.  So a Veloxi
    Navigator needs ONLY be trained in Navigation.

  The Android:

    Androids cannot be trained at all.  Therefore you won't want to use them
    unless you are a little short on cash.  If you find yourself in a position
    where you can't fully train a crew, just hire an andriod (it's free!) and
    have them TEMPORARILY work for you.  As soon as you can afford it, replace
    the android with someone who CAN be trained.

  Crew doing double duty:

    You can assign one person to do multiple tasks.  So based on my crew
    assignment chart, you could hire a mere 3 crewmen (1 human, 1 Veloxi and 1
    Elowan) and then assign the Veloxi both the Navigator and Engineer jobs and
    giving the Elowan both the Communications and Doctor jobs.  Then you train
    them in the two stats that they need.

    Does this get you anything?  Not really.  It costs you no more or less than
    if you had hired a full crew complement.  So I wouldn't bother doing it,
    just wanted to point out that you COULD do it.

iii. The Ship

  Prices are based on NEW items being bought and sold.  If you damage something
  then sell it, it will be valued less.

  Acceleration is based on a Mass of 110.  Higher Masses have lower Accel's.
  Armor is the greatest Mass, so if you want a speedy ship, have a light armor.

                    Cost       Mass
    Cargo Pods  -  500 MU       +10

                                  Cost      Accel.     Mass
    Engines  - Class 1 -         1000 MU      3        + 50
               Class 2 -         8000 MU      9        + 50
               Class 3 -        20000 MU     13        + 50
               Class 4 -        40000 MU     18        + 50
               Class 5 -       100000 MU     22        + 50

    Shields  - Class 1 -         4000 MU               +  5
               Class 2 -        12000 MU               +  5
               Class 3 -        32000 MU               +  5
               Class 4 -        70000 MU               +  5
               Class 5 -       125000 MU               +  5

    Armor    - Class 1 -         1500 MU               +  9
               Class 2 -         3100 MU               + 36
               Class 3 -         6200 MU               + 81
               Class 4 -        12500 MU               +144
               Class 5 -        25000 MU               +225

    Weapons  - Pulse Cannon      1000 MU               +  5
               Tri Cannon        2500 MU               +  5
               Buzz Bombs       50000 MU               +  5
               Fusion Blaster  100000 MU               +  5
               Photon Torpedo  250000 MU               +  5
               Lance             8000 MU               +  5
               Twin Beam       100000 MU               +  5
               Phaser          450000 MU               +  5

               Note:  Once you buy one weapon, the Mass of your ship will be
                      increased by 5, however, after that no weapon adds to the
                      mass of your ship.


    Cargo Pods  -                 500 MU

    Engines  - Class 1 -          900 MU
               Class 2 -         7600 MU
               Class 3 -        19000 MU
               Class 4 -        38000 MU
               Class 5 -        95200 MU

    Shields  - Class 1 -         3800 MU
               Class 2 -        11400 MU
               Class 3 -        30400 MU
               Class 4 -        66600 MU
               Class 5 -       119000 MU  Note:  When you sell this it will say
                                                 that the price is 19000 MU but
                                                 it will give you the proper
                                                 price when you sell it.
    Armor    - Class 1 -         1000 MU
               Class 2 -         2000 MU
               Class 3 -         3000 MU
               Class 4 -         4000 MU
               Class 5 -         5000 MU

    Weapons  - Pulse Cannon       500 MU
               Tri Cannon        2000 MU
               Buzz Bombs       45000 MU
               Fusion Blaster   90000 MU
               Photon Torpedo  175000 MU
               Lance             4000 MU
               Twin Beam        50000 MU
               Phaser          225000 MU

  Note:  Shields are useless in a Nebula (those big red cloud things).

iv. The ATV

                              Buy AND Sell Price
  Ice Runners                       1000 MU
  Snow Treads                       2000 MU
  Pontoons                          3000 MU
  Extra Cargo                       5000 MU
  Turbo Chargers                   10000 MU
  Heavy Armor                      20000 MU
  Wide Angle Stunner               50000 MU
  Radar                           150000 MU
  Mineral Scanner 2               450000 MU

  Note:  Whether buying or selling, these things cost the same amount each 
         time.  Som if you buy Ice Runners for 1000 MU, you sell for that exact 

  Note:  Ideally you want everything on this list, but make SURE to have at
         least the pontoons as they prevent you from getting killed if you
         wander into some water.

Using your ATV:

  The ATV is meant to collect things on a planet.  Usually this is just 
  minerals, but you also get to collect things like Artifacts, and get to use
  them as well.  You can also check out beacons for information.

  So once your ship lands on a planet, disembark your ATV and do a quick
  Mineral Scan to check for minerals.  If you have the Mineral Scanner 2 then
  you will be able to find more minerals.  (These minerals are still there, and
  can even be dug up before you get the better scanner, but you'll be hunting
  for them blindly)  Then just run around getting minerals by digging (this is
  where a Turbo button comes in handy).  Also you can pick up the minerals on
  the surface by running over them.

  There are also the occasional monsters running around on planets.  Use your
  gun to stun them, then capture them by running over them.  Also storms will
  stun some monsters.

Storms:  Storms are annoying nuisances.  They push around your little ATV, and
         make it hard to see.  On Ice or water a storm can be even worse.  So
         the second a storm breaks out, high tail it back to your ship to
         "hide" out from the storm.  Once the storm is gone, go out again.

v. Minerals

                       |   Name       |      Cost (MU)  |
                       |  Aluminum    |      220        |
                       |  Antimony    |      280        |
                       |  Chromium    |      260        |
                       |  Cobalt      |       80        |
                       |  Copper      |      120        |
                       |  Gold        |      380        |
                       |  Iron        |       60        |
                       |  Lead        |       40        |
                       |  Magnesium   |      200        |
                       |  Mercury     |      320        |
                       |  Molybdenum  |      160        |
                       |  Endurium+   |   1000-2000     |
                       |  Nickel      |      100        |
                       |  Platinum    |      400        |
                       |  Plutonium   |      420        |
                       |  Promethium  |      300        |
                       |  Rodnium     |      440        |
                       |  Silver      |      360        |
                       |  Tin         |      180        |
                       |  Titanium    |      240        |
                       |  Tungsten    |      340        |
                       |  Zinc        |      140        |

  Some minerals are required to make repairs on your ship.  These are:


vi. Colonizable Planets

    | Name                 Location                     Reward           |
    | Heaven    |   Planet 4 Of System 145, 107   |   50000 Mu           |
    | Koann 3   |   Planet 4 Of System 112, 200   |   40000 Mu           |
    | Elowan    |                                 |                      |
    |  Homeworld|   Planet 2 Of System 129, 33    |   35000 Mu           |
    | Phlegmak  |   Planet 2 Of System 234, 20    |   30000 Mu           |
    | Noah 9    |   Planet 1 Of System 175, 94    |   35000 Mu           |
    | Mardan 4  |   Planet 4 Of System 217, 88    |   50000 Mu           |
    | Earth     |   Planet 3 Of System 215, 86    |   35000 Mu           |
    | Venus     |   Planet 2 Of System 215, 86    |   35000 Mu           |
    | Harrison  |                                 |                      |
    |  Secondary|   Planet 1 Of System 81, 98     |   50000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 1 Of System 68, 66     |   55ooo Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 4 Of System 118, 146   |   40000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 1 Of System 78, 123    |   40000 Mu           |
    |           |   [Nebula]                      |                      |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 3 Of System 209, 80    |   35000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 4 Of System 149, 133   |   40000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 5 Of System 149, 133   |   40000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 1 Of System 143, 115   |   35000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 4 Of System 18, 50     |   30000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 1 Of System 169, 2     |   35000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 1 Of System 247, 81    |   40000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 2 Of System 188, 74    |   35000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 2 Of System 211, 93    |   30000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 2 Of System 221, 109   |   35000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 2 Of System 226, 167   |   40000 Mu           |
    |           |   [Nebula]                      |                      |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 2 Of System 199, 181   |   35000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 2 Of System 149, 173   |   40000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 1 Of System 145, 168   |   35000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 2 Of System 90, 8      |   35000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 2 Of System 160, 48    |   30000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 3 Of System 163, 46    |   35000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 4 Of System 163, 46    |   35000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 1 Of System 151, 68    |   35000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 8 Of System 164, 85    |   50000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 4 Of System 91, 86     |   35000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 1 Of System 86, 80     |   35000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 1 Of System 98, 82     |   35000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 1 Of System 104, 71    |   35000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 2 Of System 87, 40     |   35000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 1 Of System 14, 5      |   35000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 1 Of System 33, 6      |   30000 Mu           |
    |           |   [Nebula]                      |                      |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 2 Of System 12, 112    |   35000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 2 Of System 65, 99     |   30000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 1 Of System 69, 163    |   40000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 3 Of System 94, 118    |   30000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 1 Of System 128, 124   |   30000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 4 Of System 105, 165   |   35000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 1 Of System 137, 153   |   30000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 3 Of System 103, 185   |   35000 Mu           |
    |           |   [Nebula]                      |                      |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 2 Of System 125, 189   |   30000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 1 Of System 128, 187   |   35000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 3 Of System 16, 163    |   35000 Mu           |
    |  *Blank*  |   Planet 1 Of System 17, 213    |   35000 Mu           |

vii.  Starport Messages

        You are about to embark on your first mission.  In your bank account 
        you will find the amount of 12,000 monetary units (MU).  This money is 
        to be spent training your crew, configuring your ship, and purchasing 
        any necessary materials.

        Of course you may wish to leave some portion of this in the bank to 
        earn interest.  This is acceptable.  At this stage of the operation our
        primary goal is to gather information.  Consequently, your objectives

        1.      Seek Out And Explore Strange New Worlds
        2.      Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before
        3.      Establish Contact With Any Sentients
        4.      Capture And Bring Back Non-Sentient Lifeforms
        5.      Record Alien Lifeform Data
        6.      Bring Back Alien Artifacts
        7.      Bring Back Any Valuable Minerals (Including Endurium)

        We have little information to offer concerning what you might find.  We
        suggest however, that you avoid the area of space around the 
        coordinates 135, 84 since that is where we lost contact with two of our 
        earlier ships.
        Scout reports indicate a high density of minerals in the mountainous 
        regions of the innermost planet of our system.
        Further, we have found information that leads us to believe that there 
        may be some ruins of the old empire at coordinates 17n x 162e on the 
        second planet of the neighboring  k-class system.

        We have also received some indication of alien activity in the system
        175, 94.

        Good luck, and a safe return.

        It is necessary to give you some unpleasant news.  You may have been
        aware that for the last several years scientists have been observing
        anomalous fluctuations in the radiation levels of our sun.

        While you have been away it has been ascertained that the stability of
        our sun is definitely deteriorating.  How much time we have until there
        is a fatally large flare, we are still not sure, but there is little
        doubt that this will eventually occur.

        As yet, we have no clue as to the cause of this instability. Therefore,
        we must assume there is nothing we can do to change the situation.  In
        view of this the only option available to us is to get as many 
        colonists off of arth as we can.

        You can be invaluable to us in this.  First we need endurium to power
        the ships we will build.  We will pay well for any that you can bring 
        back.  Secondly, we need to know where to send the colonists.

        As you may have already discovered, your ship is equipped with homing
        drones which you may use to log your recommendations.  This is so that
        we can move the colonists out as quickly as possible.

        In addition, a sensor has been installed which will inform you of the
        stellar condition upon entering a system.  Your ship computer will
        inform you in the event that a flare is imminent.

        We advise caution while in systems which are more than slightly 
        unstable.  Being caught in a solar flare would certainly be fatal.

        In your manual we have outlined the criteria which will be important in 
        your evaluation of viable colony worlds.  You will be rewarded for 
        recommendations of valuable planets and penalized recommendations of
        planets which turn out to be uninhabitable.

        Consider carefully before logging a planet.

        To all captains - one of our ships was just destroyed by what reports 
        indicate to be androids approximately 20 sectors directly coreward of 
        arth.  When passing through this area proceed with caution.

        We have received reports of an area outward and downspin of arth about 
        40 sectors distant.  There is a constellation here in the shape of a 
        cross which seems to mark a nexus of continuum fluxes.

        We suggest however, that unless you are properly prepared you avoid 
        this area since we have already lost several ships in this vicinity.

        A big congratulations to commander topiphophex and his mate.  They just 
        hatched 16 new larvae.  Way to go topi!

        One of our ships has stumbled across some ruins on the third planet of 
        our own system.  There is evidence that there may be more.  This may be 
        worth investigating.

        Xenon, where's my money?  Borno.

        Scientists have ascertained that the cause of the instabilities in our
        sun are external to the star.  The rate of the deterioration is 
        increasing.  There is a possibility that some other race may have some 
        clue as to the cause.

        Our situation appears increasingly dire.

        We have compiled a list of some of the nearby fluxes from data that has 
        been brought back by the exploration vessels.  This may be of use to 
        you.  Here are some link pairs -
           128, 105 - 146, 112
           126, 87 - 173, 88
           148, 166 - 170, 93
           104, 82 - 118, 107

        Highly qualified female thrynn, ihsss t'larra, seeks employment on 
        outgoing exploration vessel.  Extensive experience on board the ISS
        Intrepid and has a class 5 navigator's rating.

        Borno, meet me on regulon 7 on the 15 th.  You know where.  You'll get 
        your money.  Xenon.

        One of our ships has reported that the Thrynn have offered to buy 
        artifacts from them at inflated rates.  We urge you not to do this.

        Inasmuch as it may further relations with them, this is understandable, 
        but we do not wish to sacrifice what we might be able to learn from 
        these artifacts.

        We have just lost another of our ships.  This time it was at the 
        coordinates 192, 152.  Any ships in this area may wish to investigate,
        but we advise extreme caution.

        Due to an increased demand resulting from stepped up colonization 
        efforts, the price of endurium has been raised to 1500 MU Per cubic 

        We have received to date, many reports which indicate that minimial or 
        no life exists coreward of here.  Any ships acquiring more information 
        are instructed to report on this immediately.

        Used 'teleportal' matter-mitter.  Almost perfect condition.  Fine for 
        short distance teleportation, and relatively safe for longer jumps.  
        13,000 or best offer.  Will consider trade for family sized neutron 
        scooter.  See guido.

        Xenon, I was there, where were you?  Borno.

        Elowan hermaphrodite seeks xb-stp w-vo for fun and companionship.  Must 
        be well-leaved and enjoy 4-D senso-rama and moon hopping.  Send

        The price of endurium has once again been raised.  It is now 2000 MU 
        Per cubic meter for everyone but the interstel corporate heads and 
        their families.  For them there is a special reduced rate of 50 m.U. 
        Per cubic meter.

        Borno, gone relativistic.  See you in a hundred years.  Xenon

There are, of course, other messages, but those appear only after you have
done something, such as Logged a planet for colonization.

viii.  Artifacts

The Three Artifacts that you MUST have to pass the game are:

  A Black Egg (there are 3, but you only need one)
  Crystal Cone
  Crystal Orb

Everything else just helps you out.

   Artifact            Location               Description
| Black Egg     |  143,115 P1 28N X 4E  | Planet Bombs                        |
| Black Egg 2   |  234,20 P2 35S X 99E  | Planet Bombs                        |
| Black Egg 3   |  238,189 P3 52N X 16E | Planet Bombs                        |
| Crystal Cone  |  20,198 P1 29S X 55W  | Identifies Control Nexus on Crystal |
|               |                       |  Planet                             |
| Crystal Orb   |  132,165 P1 46N X 14E | Negates Crystal Planet Defenses     |
| Crystal Pearl |  56,144 P1 29N X 13W  | Teleports you when you are in       |
|               |                       |  trouble                            |
| Dodecahedron  |  118,146 P4 16S X 20W | Passivist Device (Prevents you from |
|               |                       |  attacking)                         |
| Ellipsoid     |  81,98 P1 44S X 137W  | Makes Velox friendly                |
| Flat Device   |  Spacport 30000 MU    | Teleports TV back to ship when out  |
|               |                       |  of fuel                            |
| Hypercube     |  215,86 P3 12N X 104W | Shows Nearby Encounters on Starmap  |
| Red Cylinder  |  112,200 P3 59N X 64W | Locates Artifacts on Planet         |
| Ring Device   |  215,86 P4 90N X 0    | Shows nearby Fluxes on Starmap      |
| Rod Device    |  180,124 P2 59N X 22E | Super Charges Lasers                |
| Shimmering    |  68,66 P1 12N X 32E   | Autoscan Aliens                     |
|  Orb          |                       |                                     |
| Tesseract     |  18,50 P5 15N X 44W   | Increases Ship Fuel Efficiency      |
| Whining Orb   |  Spaceport 6000 MU    | Makes Spemin Obsequious             |

ix.  The Minstrel Song

                   Through the windless night we sail
                   To watch the timeless dance unfold.
                   Out of joy we share the tale
                   To any who would have it told.

                   Time, it seems, doesn't flow...
                   For some it's fast, for others slow.
                   In what to one race is no time at all
                   Another race may rise and fall.

                   The virus spread like burning fire...
                   The sea of dread rose higher and higher.
                   The crystal ones had to fight
                   By causing suns to ignite.
                   ...self defense. It is their right.

                   Back when all the stars were young,
                   Before the Minstrel songs were sung,
                   When this galaxy was new
                   There came from far the crystal few.
                   Gradually they spread through space.
                   They were the first...the only race.

                   And harder still to recognize
                   That which lies before one's eyes.
                   So many races have believed
                   In only what was preconceived.
                   That which is ancient may be new...
                   It all depends on point of view.

                   From inward out the races flee
                   Searching for a place to hide...
                   Ever in a wave of war
                   And on the crest the strongest ride.

                   We are the watchers of the dance.
                   Many wonder at us...
                   But how could there not be an audience
                   For the greatest of all comedies?

x.  Aliens

  The Aliens listing I got off the internet, but the author is not known.  I
  then modified it a little.  This should help you in dealing with all the
  aliens in the game.

  Note:  Most encounters can be settled by flying away.  Eventually the aliens
         will give up and let you fly away.

     ULTECK - POWERFUL Weapons Plasma bolts follow you around no
              escape, Hope to have a clocking device on board and class 5
              everything, stay close and battle with lasers, or RUN!!
              MISSILES ARE USELESS!!

     SPEMIN - Cowards, sometimes tough at first, Treat them Very hostile and 
              kill them if them bother you.

     VELOX  - Brave at first, but afraid of class 5 weapons, Not to be feared 
              once you have class 5 stuff, until then treat them nice and ask 
              all kinds of questions!

     MECHHANS - Androids, they want to know if you are group 9, say yes, if 
              they ask if you are Noah, you are, Go to 175,94 and answer 
              distress call you will learn about them when you land at the camp 
              at (22N, 97W).

     GAZURTIOD - Allies with the Ulteck, LARGE powerful ships, fight in close 
              with lasers, Missiles are useless against their shields, if you 
              are weak, be Obsequious and they'll eventually let you off!

     MINSTRELS - Singing life forms, When scanned they show no energy - 
              Harmless, Do Not Destroy!

     MYSTERIONS - Large ships made of Rodium. Powerful shields. No weapons. DO
              NOT FIRE ON!! HARMLESS


This is a bare bones walkthrough, if you want to really experience the game,
go exploring.  Talk to the aliens, fly around the planets, etc.

The Walkthrough can be boiled down to 3 stages:

  Getting Started
  Gathering Artifacts
  Destroying the Crystal Planet

There are a bunch of other things for you to see and do, but that's what it
boils down to.

Getting Started:

  Objective:  Get enough money (MU) to get a really killer spaceship.  Don't
              worry too much about weapons, but make sure to get Level 5 
              Engines, Shields and Armor.  But in order to get that we need to 
              start with a killer TV (Terrain Vehicle), so make sure to equip
              that fully first.  Get the Mineral Scanner 2 as soon as possible.
              It makes life easier.

  The first things you should buy are things for your TV.  Buy everything you
  can.  Then for your Ship, buy as many Cargo Containers as you can afford. Now
  go to the first planet in the system, and land somewhere.  Be careful not to
  just crash into the planet, do a controlled landing.  We're here on this
  planet to mine.  Once your Tv's hold is full, go back to the ship.  Then go
  out again.  Keep doing this until your Ship's hold is full.  Return to the
  Spaceport and sell your minerals.  Buy anything else you might need.

  Another good planet to mine is the 3rd planet in this system (the first Ice
  World).  It has Plutonium by the bucketful, which is quite valuable.  Also
  buy the two artifacts that are available at Spaceport, these come in handy.
  One of them allows you to keep your TV out until it runs out of fuel, it will
  be teleported back, and the other helps with the Spemin.

  Once you have a good ship going, try to buy up to about 150 Endurium.  You're
  going to need it!  Save it before you leave, and let's go get some Artifacts!

Gathering Artifacts:

  Objective:  Get the Artifacts needed to destroy the Crystal Planet:

                A Black Egg (there are 3, but you only need one)
                Crystal Cone
                Crystal Orb

              Also log in any planets you find, and get any other Artifacts 
              that are convenient.  You can find where these artifacts are in 
              the above section.  If you run into Aliens, be cautious.  Never 
              arm your weapons and raise your shields unless they have already
              fired, as it is quite antagonistic.

Destroying the Crystal Planet:

  Now fly to the Crystal Planet (192,152).  Land near the site (47N x 45E).
  This site is near the water.  This is an Ancient City, and as you touch it
  you will find out about the Ancients and why they're causing the Solar 
  Flares.  Drop a Black Egg, get back in the ship, and fly away.

  Note:  The Crystal Planet can only be destroyed from that one spot.

The Planet will explode, and you will win!

Once you win, you will see the Endgame Sequence, which will then repeat until
you press the C button to end it.  Then you will be back in Spaceport, but with
an extra 500000 MU.  So if you want to keep on exploring, feel free!

                                Final Words...

Some information taken from The Starflight I Resource (such as the Artifact

The aliens listing that I used can be found here: (again the author is unknown)

Online Resources:
  http://www.gamefaqs.com/  -- GameFAQs, for all your gaming needs

                            -- Starflight I Resource Page

                            -- The Official Starflight III page
                               In addition to looking at the latest Starflight
                               as it develops, you can download the previous
                               two PC Starflights if you are curious.  Bear in
                               mind that the Genesis Starflight has better
                               graphics than either PC Starflights.

Shameless Self Promotion:
  I am Dan Simpson (dsimpson.faqs@gmail.com) and have also written FAQs for:

    NES:      Disney Adventures in the Magic Kingdom
              Final Fantasy -- Magic FAQ
              The Legend of Zelda
    SNES:     Aerobiz
              Aerobiz Supersonic
              Utopia: Creation of a Nation
    Genesis:  StarFlight
    PSX:      Thousand Arms -- Walkthrough
                            -- Forging/Dating FAQ
    PS2:      Madden NFL 2001
    XBOX:     Star Wars: KotOR II: The Sith Lords -- Influence Guide
    PC:       AD&D Rules FAQ, 2nd and 3rd Editions
              Baldur's Gate & Tales of the Sword Coast -- FAQ/Walkthrough
                                                          NPC List
                                                          Creature List
              Baldur's Gate II & Throne of Bhaal -- FAQ/Walkthrough
                                                 -- Items List
                                                 -- Class FAQ
                                                 -- Creature List
              Civilization III (incomplete)
              Colonization -- the Single Colony Strategy Guide
                           -- the Cheat Guide
              Drakan: Order of the Flame
              Dungeon Hack
              Icewind Dale & Heart of Winter -- FAQ/Walkthrough
                                                Items List
                                                Kresselack's Tomb Map (JPG)
                                                Burial Isle Map (JPG)
                                                Shattered Hand Map (JPG)
              Icewind Dale II                -- Items List
              Master of Magic (revision)
              Pharaoh (currently being edited by Red Phoenix)
              Planescape: Torment  -- FAQ/Walkthrough
                                      Items Listing
              Rollercoaster Tycoon
              Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
              The Sims
              Ultima 4: Quest of the Avatar
              Ultima 7: The Black Gate
              Ultima 7 Part 2: Serpent Isle
              Ultima Underworld -- Keyboard Commands
              Ultima Underworld II -- Keyboard Commands
                                   -- Spell List
  All of my FAQs can be found at:

Version History:
Preliminary Version 0.5 (3-9-00, 36k)
Preliminary Version 0.51 (4-26-00, 37k)
  Updated the Format
  Other Small Changes
Finished Version 1.0 (5-4-00, 46k)
  Filled in section ii. Hiring a Crew
  Filled in section iii. The Ship
  Filled in section iv. The ATV
  Added section x. Aliens
  Fixed a mistake
  Other Small Changes

  Version 1.1  September 28, 2002  42k

    Cleaned the tables up somewhat, and updated the format.

  Version 1.11  January 22, 2005  41k

    Changed my email address.


  "Of course we were just joking about blowing you to pieces.  Smerg smerg
   smerg, isn't that a funny joke?"

This Document is Copyright 2000-2005 by Dan Simpson
Starflight is Copyright 1991 by Binary Systems and Electronic Arts

I am not affiliated with Binary Systems, Electronic Arts or anyone who had
anything to do with the creation of this game.  This FAQ may be posted on any
site so long as NOTHING IS CHANGED and you EMAIL ME telling me that you are
posting it.  You may not charge for, or in any way profit from this FAQ.