Body Harvest FAQ made by Kid Einstein ¸ 2003 21st APRIL 2003 Copyright owned by Kid Einstein. This document refers to Body Harvest for the N64 system. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS FAQ REFERS TO THE BEST GAME OF ALL TIME, BODY HARVEST FOR THE N64! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ ver. 0.4 GO VISIT THE WORLD'S FIRST AND ONLY WEBSITE DEDICATED TO THE GAME!!! Email: Date when FAQ was last UPDATED: 21st APRIL 2003 PLEASE JOIN GAMEFAQS TODAY! SUPPORT THE BODY HARVEST BOARDS TODAY! DIDN'T FIND THE STUFF? TRY MR. JUPITER'S FAQ, IT HOLDS SOME GUN- POWDER FOR FREE! IT SHOULD BE RELEASED SOON. BODY HARVEST STRATEGY GUIDE/WALKTHROUGH --------------------------------------------------------------- __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ _____ I \ / \ I \\ / \ / / \ I \ \ / I I I I I__I I I I I \_ _/ \__/ I__I I__/ \ / I__ I___ I I I I I I I I / \ / \ I \ \ / I I I I_/ \__/ I__/ I / \/ \ I \ I I__ I___I I _______ _____ _____ I I I I I I____ I_____I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I_____\ \ Written by Kid Einstein --------------------------------------------------------------- Note: This is not a full walkthrough yet! This is a Strategy Guide/ FAQ with a partial walkthrough. Warning: This document is spiced with excessive sarcasm and irony. If you're a very sensitive reader, close this document! Contents: (Doesn't contain nuts...) 1: Legal crap such as the hated disclaimer and conditions (And what will happen to you if you mess with me!) 2: About myself (Kid Einstein) 3: About the game (Body Harvest) 4: Some things you should know. 5: Strategy guide 6: FAQ 7: Walkthrough 8: Weapon list and recommendations 9: Bug list and advanced analysis 10: Boss list and advanced analyis 11: Harvester theories 12: About Harvester waves 13: About Attack waves 14: About Aquatic Attack waves 15: About Processor waves 16: Bug development each level 17: Level descriptions and recommendations 18: Game impressions 19: Bugs major strategies, advantages, disadvantages, flaws. 20: About the Alpha Tank 21: About Adam's equipment 22: Bugs (Not insects, stupid!), funny stuff, misc. (Might be considered as spoilers.) 23: Wish list for Body Harvest2! (Partial) 24: My Current Contributions (Newly added, will be updated!) 25: Technical stuff 26: Cheats (For the desperate.) 27: How to contact me and links 28: Greetings (AKA Hall of Fame) 29: Last words --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT'S NEW? (v.0.4) 0.4 release!!! So what's new then???? 245KB!!! It's larger than all other available Body Harvest FAQs together!!! A full walkthrough of Java!!! Important announcements @ the funny stuff section! A new link! An addition to the map! The coordinates! The map section is located in preparations section! I've continued on the cleaning up, to make this FAQ more userfriendly for the eyes :) Updated logo just a bit... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WHAT'S NEW? (.0.3f) This is a quick update which has also increased additional KBytes! Enjoy this little "makeover" release, which includes this: Updated some content, to the current knowledge! I've made the doc. more userfriendly with additional borders at approporiate places! Corrected some grammar and spelling FAQ size now above 225KB Updated ASCII FAQ LOGO Happy Easter! This is the 2nd Easter Release! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT'S NEW? (v.0.3e) I've got some heavy spam lately. It's been long since I updated this beauty. I've added and cleaned some things. Also, a heavy and the most exciting news for a long time! A Body Harvest Fanbase! URL: go and sign up! Today! The FAQ has for the first time reached over 200KB!!! It's 211KB!!! I've added the manual openings of the both versions of the game!!! I've opened the world's first and only site dedicated to Body Harvest, and it's fans! I've made this doc. look a little more userfriendly. A makeover. I've added Java, Stage2. Congrats to John, who has contributed some funny stuff. Welcome to Hall of Fame! Congrats mjc thewarrior! You've made it into the hall of fame! Congrats to Limegreen Pikkle, for posting a nice bug. The reason? Bugs, bugs, bugs.... Bunny! Added something more to the wishlist, heh. TYPOS, TYPOS, TYPOS fixed. I've prolonged the last words section. I've added a new section! Easter Egg, go figure... This is a rather nice update, eh? Heh... Happy Easter! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT'S NEW? (v.0.3d) Made the disclaimer a bit longer! Added Hugh Manatee, the crazy general of his squad of imbecile manatees! Yay! Why? Cause he has enlightened the day, by sending me the Midway version of the manual! Fullcolour too! Beat that! If you can! I've gotta thank David once again. He has discovered a new bug (Not reproducable, according to David, but I trust him.) That means that Funny Stuff is prolonged. This will also ease the work of the manual openings of both versions!!! Added Java, Stage1 to the walkthrough! Finally, the FAQ is available at both GameFAQS and Neoseeker! What a typo weekend! Added some FAQs! Oh Boy! Guess how much timetaking this was! Just for you guys! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT'S NEW? (v.0.3c) Prolonged the last words section. Added a new section: My contributions. Added Greece Stage 2 and 3. Which should mean, Greece is complete! Added some FAQs. Fixed a yackitysmackity of typos. My FAQ has become the most popular Body Harvest FAQ ever! This FAQ can also be found at Added some stuff into the wishlist. Added a bug in 'Funny Stuff'. Bug detected by David. Added a funny thing, if not too vulgar in 'Funny Stuff'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WHAT'S NEW? (v.0.3b) Due to extreme lack of time, I didn't have the opportunity to update the walkthrough section. I humbly appologize, but remember, I have a real life too! I got a girlfriend, a messy schoolwork, a messy life so please carry on! Fixed LOADS of stuff! Added some more stuff in wish list Added a Bug/Funny Stuff. Fixed some yaknowhat! Added some FAQs. Fixed some aliens in Bug list Prolonged the 'Last words' section, a strange, but a big request by many readers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT'S NEW? (v.0.3) Added preliminary FAQ support! (Added Greece Stage1) Added 'Expectations and wish list for sequel' section. Added some FAQs Added a Bug/Funny stuff. Fixed some typo's. Added a couple of military vehicles. (Java) Continued with 'Last Words' section. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT'S NEW? (v.0.2f) Added another bs code, the 'Invincibility' code. Thanks Mr.Jupiter for posting that for me! Disclaimer tweaked a bit, everyone in the Body Harvest boards (GameFAQS) have the right to copy-paste the FAQ anytime, a big thank you for all the guys in the boards! Added more FAQs, both technical and common. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT'S NEW? (v.0.2e) Fixed many typos. Added some FAQs. Added some Bugs/Funny Stuff. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT'S NEW? (v.0.2d) Fixed MANY typos. Added additional FAQs to the FAQ section. Added some names to Hall of Fame (You know who you are!) Added an important thing at the Bugs/Funny Stuff section, go fetch boy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT'S NEW? (v.0.2c) Fixed more typos. Fixed some faulty scores. Added a few interesting stuff in the Bugs/Funny Stuff, chech it out! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT'S NEW? (v. 0.2b) Fixed a stupid explanation of Zelda Oot battling system. Thanks sketchturner! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT'S NEW? (v. 0.2) Added Enemy Scores (Hero/Hard mode only.) Added more funny stuff, bugs... Added some FAQS (At last!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT'S NEW? (v. 0.1) Added Cheats section with working cheats. Added some more stuff in the funny stuff/bugs section. Fixed some typos. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT'S NEW (v. 0.0) The very beginning... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-----------------------------------I I 1: Legal crap (READ THIS FIRST!!!)I I-----------------------------------I I own the copyright of this FAQ, strategy guide, whatever you call this thing. Before you want to distribute this document elsewhere, inform me for permission before doing anything... Stupid! Fail to do so and I'll go medieval on your ass! Or I'll pick up a shotgun and hunt you down till you stop breathe! Also I don't give a damn whatsoever if you blame me for thinking this document will make your PC go bananas! You use this piece of paper on your own risk! I don't give a damn if you either hate or love this document, or if it will affect your sanity, your pet, your parents, your eating behaviour, your wife or anything else you could think of! With other words: NO WARRANTY, NO RECEIPT, NO COPYRIGHT, USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISC! Ah. That felt good! If you don't agree, close this document and use another one! Simple, isn't it? Oh, and one thing, if you rip off my work and don't give me any credit whatsoever, I'll sue the hell out of ya! BODY HARVEST© is a registered trademark. License owned by DMA Design Ltd, Gremlin Interactive (For Euro PAL) and Midway (For US NTSC.) Nintendo64 or N64 is a registered trademark owned by Nintendo Corporation (EAD for some people.) , I own the copyrights to this piece of crap FAQ. It means (If you're not that bright.) that I can do anything I desire with this document, while you can't do a thing with this document without my permission. Violate the disclaimer and I'll see you in court. Body Harvest© is a registered trademark owned by DMA design Ltd. It is also owned by Gremlin Interactive (Euro PAL) and Midway (US NTSC) Nintendo64© or N64© are registered trademarks, owned by Nintendo Corporation (EAD Nintendo, Japan.), so are Rumblepak©, Controller Pak©, DD64@, Memory Expansion Pak©, don't mess with these guys. The Body Harvest FAQ© is a registered 'trademark' owned by moi, Kid Einstein. Violate the disclaimer and I'll see you in court. I hereby disclaim any responsibility of your use/misuse/abuse with this documentation. You use it at your own risk! If you suspect that this document is a rip-off, mail me. I want a detailed explanation of what has been rip-offed. Any possible rip-offs are purely incidental, there are many FAQs in the world you know. I have only granted GameFAQs as a number one priority FAQ site. Second priority is I dedicate this FAQ only to GameFAQs and Neoseekers. Both of them very good gaming sites. this FAQ (For now.) only to GameFAQs. If I find a same FAQ at another site, then I'll see you in court. I might grant access to this FAQ and maybe the Cheat Code Central but don't get your hopes up. This document is protected by International Copyright law. And ya'll know what this means? Yup, never mess with a genius. You'll never know the consequences. I appreciate if you want to make a FAQ dedicated to Body Harvest, use my Guide as a reference only. Feel free to imitate my style, but don't rip off my work! If you want to make an expansion of my FAQ or alter it in any way, do this first: Ask for my permission. If I grant you permission, you shall give me appropriate credit. You may only add, never remove. I accept a couple of words removed, but not a whole section. When you ask me for permission, put up a reason why you want to alter my Guide. If granted permission, place this on the headline: BASED OUT OF KID EINSTEIN'S FAQ. I will only allow copy-pasting if you first ask me for permission and for the purpose for 'testing'. This means if you want to investigate the Guide for missing parts. I am not affiliated with Nintendo or their partners or any of their compet- itives. I do not endorse any of them and I do not represent them. This document is not endorsed, sanctioned or licked (That's right, licked.) by anyone. This .doc is independant work. I-------------------------------I I 2: About myself (Kid Einstein)I I-------------------------------I The Peoples Champion has spoken!!! Well, isn't that a cool nickname or what? I'm a member of a great gaming site (GameFAQs) and I'm nearly famous in the Body Harvest boards (Okay, I'm not exactly Sylvester Stallone, but.) And I started to play this game back in 1998 when it was released. I'm not a very tall guy and as the genius I really am I have a weird hairstyle and I wear glasses! My real interests are gaming, listening to trance music, sci-fi/fantasy movies and currently I write my debute novel. I started to play videogames when I was three and my parents already realized that I was a god at gaming (Alright, alright I'll stop with it!) but I also discovered the mysterious world of computers and programming when I was twelve. I've also made a translation hack for a famous SEGA Genesis emulator, GENS made by Stephane Dallongeville. So my name tells it all, you can ask me anything! How? Read on!!! (Also check 'How to contact me and links.) Oh, if you wonder, this is my first FAQ. One of the major reasons I wrote this one is because many people in the world experience problems with this game. Since there is only one true FAQ it is my duty to serve the people (*With an exaggerated heroic tone*) the right to get help! My name is Kid Einstein! The peoples champion has spoken! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Let me get this straight everyone, when I expect a mail relating the game or so, I expect you to either call me Kid Einstein or KE (Pronounced Kay-E) or even shorter terms like Kid E or even Kay E. I do NOT want to be called f**, g** or anything else that might piss me off, ok? Email: - My email, see conditions below ICQ: 159805354 - My ICQ, expect me at weekends since I only have a modem. Links: - The best gaming site ever! If you want to reach me from here, go to the N64 section, then on Body Harvest, then on Message Boards (Explanation for not so intelligent persons.) - The best emulation site! Although I don't really support emulation, but this could be the heaven for the one with a broken console. Note: Also check the Links section for more candy :) Conditions: When you want to email me about this game or this guide, you should keep this in mind: Don't ask me this or I'll give ya'll a good slap in yer mouth! Some of these are already answered from previous, bizarre mails I've recived. 1: No spamming! God damn it! I hate spam in can and I hate webspam! 2: Virus sending issues. You want to mess with me? You don't want to mess with me! 3: Whining. Don't whine on me being a pain in the ass! Don't whine on the FAQ being a pain in the ass... 4: ROM Begging! Go buy an N64 and the cart, cheapskate! 5: What 1 plus 1 will be... 6: If you're NOT in my Hall of Fame section don't ask for a demo of my book! (You've gotta EARN the position in the hall of fame! Or if you are a dedicated user of Body Harvest in the message boards!) 7: I don't care whatsoever if you're hunted by the mob and need 200 grant. 8: I'm NOT gonna make out with you (Unless you're Joanna Dark.) 9: No, I'm not gonna volunteer for a spam commercial. 10: This is ridiculous, for the last time, I'm not Billy Bob and I don't come from Arkansas! 11: Man, I didn't think people were this stupid to ask these questions! No, I'm not a volunteer for a spam commercial! Yet AGAIN! 12: No I'm not a fan of the Karate Kid movies! Honestly I think every movie with Noriyuki 'Pat' Morita and Ralph Macchio are mediocre! 13: I appreciate any job applications, I can assure you that I would be flattered but my answer is: NO! If I wanted a job application, then that would be for Nintendo! Not for Sony, MS, Sega, Atari (Nolan Bushnell is OK, but still.), SNK, Philips. You get the picture! You can ask me this: 1: Ask me when a next release of this FAQ will become a reality! (Just don't abuse this, okay?) 2: About the game 3: Why Nintendo is so good 4: Why XBOX and MS are so bad (The majority saying so.) 5: Why Metal Gear series are so god damned good (I luv you, Hideo Kojima) 6: What's the meaning of life? 7: Why I'm so attractive? 8: Ask for help in this game, since it will do this FAQ good. 9: You can ask about trance, techno, rave if you're interested :) 10: You can ask about my sci- fi novel if you are interested in such literature. 11: You can ask for my latest translations for the genesis/32x/SegaCD emulator Gens. (The translations are in Advanced English and Advanced Swedish!) 12: Not a question, but if you find other funny stuff, bugs or anything significantly at all contact me and I'll make you historical! (A tad exaggerated.) Note: If you think this FAQ is incomplete, mail me or use Marshmallow's FAQ/Walkthrough for Body Harvest! Also a funny one I say! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- What you can expect from future releases: More comprehensive walkthrough (More work is left.) A more detailed guide about the military vehicles. (Already very complete) A more detailed guide about the aliens (Already very complete, Comet bugs detail are somewhat insufficient.) A more detailed guide about each level and what circumstance. (Already very complete) Questions to be added for the FAQ section. More funny stuff, bugs etc. More analysis about the circumstances, I want to cover every single nook and cranny about this game. I will add a cheats section. Maybe a Gameshark list too. Statistics section. (When I'll aquire the numbers.) When I'll get a scanner I'll scan the Gremlin version box. Alien points (The numbers when an alien is killed.) Hero only for now... I will add an aliens weapon list and rate them too. Much, much more. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- What FAQS (Written by myself.) you can expect in the future: Metal Gear (NES) Snake's Revenge (NES) TMNT (TMHT) Hyperstone Heist (Genesis.) Startropics (NES) Faxanadu (NES) Super Mario64 (N64) Legend of Toki (Genesis) Note: You can send me an email about what YOU think should be added to this guide. Remember, YOUR opinion can make this FAQ improved! I--------------------------------I I 3: About the game Body Harvest I I--------------------------------I So what's so special about this game? It was developed in about two years and had everything you could expect out of a modern game: Decent plot, great graphics (Not so good when compared with Gamecube...) perfect sound and fast, exciting gameplay. Back in 1998, DMA developed this game for two publishers (Midway in the US and Gremlin Interactive in Europe) and it was developed for the best system of all time: The Nintendo 64. This game has everything! Loads of action and intensive gameplay, minor sci-fi and RPG elements here and there in the game and decent plot! This game also used FMM technology. FMM stands for Full Motion Movement which is very accurately integrated with the control stick. This game also uses very impressive gouraud shaded polygons for most sprites (Objects that can be manipulated.). Also, it uses RBS. RBS is a very advanced technology used in this game. It stands for Realtime Battle System. That should be explanation enough why this game has a better battle system than Zelda: Ocarina of Time that also used the same kind of technology, but it didn't synchronize with the controller as well as Body Harvest!. Also this game used tons of fog and vortex lightmaps. This game also had the potential to utilize anti aliasing. This effect jagged the edges to make the game look more smooth and less pixelated. This game also used a brand new graphics engine that drew polygons very fast since the engine was synchronized very well for the RCP chip inside the N64. This cart is on 96 megabits which means that N64 media was not only twice or trice the price (Hey, I'm rapping!) PSX media, but also very limited! Hell, Star Ocean for SNES is bigger than Bomberman 64! Now, CD media for the 64 could give this game better sound (Yes, the PSX has better sound, but lousier graphics heh!) and FMV. Since FMV eats what? YES, FMV eats many Mbytes, so I don't think this game would be any longer with FMV. However this game didn't get a too big success here in Europe or in America (N64 did terrible in Japan) since it's graphics was in PSX level. Although the media size was this small, this game proved that size doesn't matter! Hell, this game has much better particle effects than most PSX games. There is one downside, though. The N64 had the same resolution as the PSX. This made the people in the game look like freaks! Two thumbs up for the vehicles (Especially the military vehicles.) and the bug animation. I swear Panzerkampfwagen looked just as awesome like the whole Perfect Dark game! So the graphics vary greatly. The vehicles are like in Dreamcast level and the humans are in somewhat lower standard of PSX. Well, it's stupid to look at a cake with icing without eating it! This game is very well made indeed and it didn't need any icing at all! However, all Body Harvest fans (Including me.) could've expected a GCN sequel if the selling notes were a bit higher! Now thanks to all the so called 'gamers' that didn't buy this game and felt it's gameplay, the game is dead (Unless a miracle happens! I pray to God everyday!) and so is Gremlin Interactive (European publisher of Body Harvest.) (Note: You can also check for the section 'Technical' for additional info about technical stuff and compiling methods.) The game came with two different boxes. One for the Midway version (US NTSC.) and one for the Gremlin version (Euro PAL.). The Midway version box is descripted as Earth and a large bug sitting on it. The Gremlin version box is a destroyed town in the alien Comet, engulfed in flames. Adam stands on an alien corpse along with Daisy who is equipped with a minigun. That's the box version I have. It does also seem that there are some region differences between these two games inside too. Not too dramatic, but something like a couple of text changes perhaps, or even bugs! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MANUAL OPENING MIDWAY/DMA VERSION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING. 11/4/2016, CLASSIFIED In the late nineteenth century a new comet was discovered in the skies above Earth. Regarded since ancient times as harbringers of destruction, the new comet was named 'Shesha' the snake, after it's long, unnaturally brilliant tail. Rumors started a few years later. Stories of monstruos beings. Fantastic tales of insects who would appear from nowhere, consuming men, women and children, and then destroying everything in their path. It wasn't until 1916 that eyewitnesses and radio reports confirmed an attack on the islands of Greece. Rescuers rushing to the scene found an impassable barrier, a 'shimmering blue wall' that could not be broken or breached. For a full 24 hours the wall remained in place. the rescuers watched -helpless- as those inside the barriers beat at the wall with their fists, begging and screaming for help as they were hunted down and devoured by the huge predators. At dawn the next day, the walls were gone. The rescuers found the land silent. Devoid of human life. Not a single survivor was found. The following day the barriers appeared around the coast of Southern Spain. Twenty four hours later they were gone. The day after that Eastern Canada was the target, then the South Island of Japan. The pattern of the attacks was completely unpredictable but the method was always the same. The barriers would appear in the night, remain in 24 hours, then vanish. Leaving nothing but wreckage. No survivors of these attacks were ever found. Then the creatures vanished. Humanity struggled to comprehend this new reality, this new threat to the entire planet. Where had the creatures come from? How could they be stopped? And the question that every single person in the world was asking - where would they appear next? It was in India that the answer to the first question found. The comet Shesha, the great snake, had not vanished back into the depths of space but had somehow manuevered itself into a much smaller orbit around the sun than should have been possible. It was now heading away from Earth, back towards the sun. But it would be back. "Twenty five years", said the astronomers, "twenty five years before it's once more at it's closest approach to Earth." Enough time for the human race to devise, co-operate and plan it's defences. Twenty five years... Would it be long enough? THANX TO HUGH MANATEE FOR SENDING ME THE MIDWAY MANUAL!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MANUAL OPENING GREMLIN/DMA VERSION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING. 11/4/2016. CLASSIFIED. AUTHORIZATION: GRUDGE/MAJ 12. Summary of Intel. 1916-2016, United World Government. Dept's 12, 177, 2569 contributing. Top Secret. Eyes Only. Drake, A. Cpt 1476743; Hernandez, D. Flt Cmdr 6294323. For the last 100 years, mankind has been under attack from a giant race of insect- like predators. Harvested and consumed as a food source, mankind has been driven to the very edge of extinction. The aliens are a nomadic race, travelling through space on board a huge artificial 'comet' (Earth Classification: C/1889 M9 'Shesha'). Once every 25 years, the comet's orbit around the sun brings it close enough to Earth for the aliens to launch an attack. The first recorded instance of an alien attack occured in Greece, 1916. A large area was surrounded by impenetrable shield walls. These walls could not be destroyed or disrupted by any weapons at that time. The walls not only prevented victims from escaping but also prevented help arriving from outside the harvesting area Inside the shield walls, alien harvesting waves systematically consumed every human being in the area. Attacks in 1941 and 1966 destroyed the entire Java archipelago and over 98% of the continental United States. Billions of people were harvested. The frequency between attacks remained unvaried. Once every 25 years an alien attack would occur which lasted no less than four days. The first day always had a single attack, concentrated on one area of Earth. Then the attacks would multiply exponentially - more genetic material harvested, creating more aliens, allowing more attacks. The final battle occured in 1991, on the plains of central China. The last battalions of Earth soldiers were annihilated by more than a million alien invaders. You are reading this now because you were one of the lucky few chosen to be transported to Station Omega, a highly secret research station in geosynchronous orbit above the Earth. We are the last. A few scientists and a small band of marines. We have been working on several areas that could allow us to defeat the aliens and prevent mankind from becoming no more than a few relics upon a dead planet. We have devised new weapons systems to give a human a fighting chance against the aliens. More importantly we believe we are close to perfecting a 'time drive' that would allow us to send one or more people back in time to strike at the very heart of the alien invasion. Stopping the aliens before they can complete their first wave of harvesting would prevent them from collecting the genetic material they require to create and launch more attacks. it is possible that we could reverse the course of history itself and actually stop mankind from being harvested to extinction. One soldier, operating within the alien harvesting zones, trying - at all costs - to stop the Body Harvest. IF YOU WONDER WHO DRAKE A AND HERNANDEZ D IS, DRAKE A IS ADAM, AND HERNANDEZ D, IS DAISY :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plot (Spoiler, Spoiler, Spoiler) You've been warned for spoilers! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- You play as Captain Adam Drake, a genetically enhanced marine soldier. This is the year of 2016 and Earth is desolated of life. You are located in Station Omega, a space station located in the outer space. This station is controlled by scientists and a small band of marines. The scientists are almost finished with a machine that could in theory timetravel. The scientists also finds out that the aliens (The badguys.) launches an attack every 25 years from their artificial comet (Classification: M9 'Shesha') The aliens are insectlike huge creatures who look for food. The first attack was reported in greece 1916 (First world war) the second attack was in 1941, Java, Indonesia (Second world war) the third attack was in 1966, America (Vietnam war) and 1991 in Siberia (After Sovjet splits in several small independent countries) As you can see that everytime it becomes war, the army is concentrated only in the wars, not the alien attacks since the aliens have erected huge walls to prevent military help from the outside sneak in. This makes perfect sense, since every war prevents the military to think about the civilians in their own country (Or key locations) . 2016, the last station is destroyed (Station Omega) but two persons managed to escape in a time machine (The protagonist Adam and the scientist Daisy) with a communicating droid. With limited but powerful equipment, Adam is supposed to act as Rambo and save the world! Spoiler end I-----------------I I 4: Preparations I I-----------------I First you need an N64 (duh) and the Body Harvest cart (double duh) plug it in (Triple duh.) and prepare yourself for your greatest gaming experience! Note that you can use left and right C-button while pushing the stick forward to turn instead of whining on why the stick is so stiff! And also note that this is not a full walkthrough! This is only a FAQ and a strategy guide with a partial walkthrough! Using my email to ask me questions will create more answers to the FAQ section. If you need a full walkthrough, then you've come to the wrong adress, moron! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4a: Controls. A-button= Open up doors and accelerate with any vehicle. Same function as 'Start' in menus. B-button= Brake or reverse with a vehicle. Also acting as a 'Cancel' in menus. C-up= Change view. Zoom when in map mode. Also used to change perspective when in interior mode. C-down= While pressing Z you can make a standard roll. Zoom while in map mode. Use it when near a vehicle and you will enter vehicle mode. Press again and you'll exit the vehicle. C-left= Change view sideways. While pressing Z you can make a side roll. When in interior mode (When inside a building) this acts as sidestep. Push and hold stick straight and press either C-left or C-right to change direction after desire. C-right= Changer view sideways. While pressing Z you can make a side roll. When in interior mode this acts as sidestep. Push and hold stick straight and press either C-left or C-right to change direction after desire. Start= Brings up the menu in the game. Also used as 'Accept'. Z-button= (God bless the one inventing this button!) Used as a trigger for all guns and a combination button. Press Z while entering a house, a nice feature. Control Stick= Move Adam around and to navigate through menus. D-pad= Used to navigate through menus. Also used to shift weapons (D-up and D-down.) R-trigger= Enters sniper mode. Use this to aim a specific alien (Or anything else.) manually. Normally, you shouldn't touch this button since targeting is automatic. Also used as a waypoint switch while in Map mode. L-trigger= This brings up an unanswered email or reads your latest email. Also acts as a stage coordinator switch when in Map mode. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4b: Modes for R.S.M's* (Really Stupid Moron's*) Vehicle mode= When inside a vehicle Interior mode= When inside a house Map mode= When you enter the map (duh) Inventory mode= I haven't mentioned this one earlier. When in this mode you can examine your items. You can also examine any casualties. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4c: The Map The map is used whenever you want to see your current directives or just take look at your location in different perspectives. Refer to the map often, since it will do you good if you're to do something in a good bit of distance :) To access it, simply push 'Start' button and choose the globe with the control stick or the D-pad. Also, when accessing the walkthrough listed here, you MUST refer to the map for locations. I am far too tired to write the directions. Note: You could also take a look at 4a: Controls. It will contain some informations about the controls used for the map. Flashing thin line: Alien shield wall. Red flashing bug: Alien Processor/Harvester Red Triangle: Single Alien Red Circle: Significant Alien presence/Shield wall portal White Circle: Significant area Yellow Circle: Inhabitant area, such as villages towns. Yellow Staples/Formations: Buildings Red Fork (In the middle of the map.): Alien shield generator Purple flashing triangle: Waypoint (When toggled.) White flashing triangle: Player (That's you, yes.) Green triangle: Vehicle Green, covered area: Explored/Charted area Black/Grey area (Depending on the terrain.): Unexplored/Uncharted area. Thin, yellow lines: Roads/Infrastucture made for transportation Also, the map has coordinates, these can prove to be very helpful if you want to analyse locations of certain things. The coordinates will also be very helpful if you're stuck somewhere. The coordinates are the variables and the numbers outside the map area. With the coordinate system, the map is divided in squares representing each coordinate! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4d: Inventory Mode The inventory mode is made for looking at the casualties percentage (If any existing.) and for examination of your weapons and your items. Only really useful to look at if you have caused casualties. To access it, simply press 'Start' button and choose the magnifying glass. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4e: When inside a vehicle When you enter a vehicle (Cars, Trucks, tanks.) (C-down) take notice that different vehicles usually has different speed, steering. A-button= Accelerate B-button= Brake A+B-buttons= Handbrake Control Stick= Steer A+B+ Control Stick Direction= Handbrake Turn R-button= Aim (Warning, many vehicles will limit the angle of aiming.) D-pad Up/Down= Change weapon C-Up= Change camera mode C-Left/Right= Change camera mode sideways C-Down= Enter/Exit a vehicle. When inside an areoplane A-button= Accelerate B-button= Brake (Or diving while in air) Controlstick down= Take off/Climb (Speed must be decent enough.) Controlstick up= Landing/Diving (If you are landing, make sure the landing angle is shallow enough when the plane approaches the ground.) When inside a helicopter A-button= Take off/Climb B-button= Land/Descent Controlstick= Control the helicopter I-------------------I I 5: Strategy guide I I-------------------I Humble beginning: This strategy guide refers to how to make the game easier by these constructive tips. If you encounter problems that still stands, refer to this guide, it may contain a solution for your problem. If a solution doesn't stand here, mail me and I'll try to put up a solution. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1: First you should try easy (Or zero Euro PAL, my version) and try to manage the game whatever the cost! Then play it through again without any casualties! You can do it if you believe in yourself! A lot of patience is also needed, since the real game is on Hero mode! Easy is just a mere practice! (The midway version can be completed on easy/zero!) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2: Alright, what you should observe closely are the people (I know they're ugly animated.) if they're running expect a harvester wave soon. If they just walk, you've nothing to worry about! There are compatibility issues about this though. It doesn't always correspond accurately. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3: Remember this basic rule: A moving target is harder target than a stationary target! This doesn't mean you should walk straight though. Push the stick forward and change direction using C-left and C-right to reduce tearing of the Control Stick. Try to move in a sick sack like pattern if aliens are pursuing you and tries to hunt you down. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4: This is useful in later levels: Use the side roll (Z+C left or right) or the usual roll (Z+C down) this is essential for your survival since without your vehicle you are basicly toasted! Also if you have stronger or more efficient weapons than your scrawny 12mm, use them against the bigger and stronger monsters (See weapon list and Bug list) and study exactly where the bug has it's weak point(s). Very useful tips that require some thinking. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5: When in a vehicle, use a technique to both manuevre and to aim. Very useful against large stationary bugs and large and more dangerous bugs. Also try to aim with more dangerous weapons. When inside the Alpha tank try to circle the boss from a safe distance and pound him with everything you have without a scratch on yourself! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6: When a harvester wave arrives in the first levels you should notice that the harvester is taking it's time to eat (See bug list for more info.) It's eating density is slow and the blobs don't move very fast. Take advantage of this and take it easy (Greece and Java) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7: Try to avoid a mutant. If a harvester eats 6 people it transforms to a mutant. It's big (Not that big really.) it's ugly and hell it's dangerous! If you encounter one of these, make sure you are inside a vehicle (You don't want to get stomped by this piece crap!) and equipped with anything but your pistol. Follow Advice number 4 for additional help. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8: If you are lost refer to your map. A button shifts perspective (Psuedo 3D and plain map) and C up and C down are used to change size. Use Control Stick to scroll the map anywhere. You can also activate a waypoint for STRAIGHT route for the area you're looking for. Now if you are not a very stupid lifeform, you should find what you are looking for. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9: Anger is sometimes very helpful. Think of a bully that has been torturing you for years or your teacher that gave you an F on your math test and imagine them as bugs. Recommended advice for desperate people! Just don't throw the pad at the wall if you failed! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10: Practice makes perifeccio! (It means 'perfect' in Kid Einsteinish :) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11: If you really lost your hope and have become litterally insane, a walkthrough or cheating is a very obvious choice. If you still don't want to cheat, I suggest to move your ass and start playing it over! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12: Always try to make the casualties as low as possible! If this reaches 100% (Check Inventory screen) the bugs has gained it's needed material and scraps the planet to pieces! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13: A military vehicle is highly recommended since it gives higher defence and unlimited ammunition. Always check for secondary weapons using the D- pad up or down. Advice 4 is also a very good compliment for this. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14: When an alien wave arrives, don't run away like a coward or else you will encounter more waves in your way giving you more and more encounters that will gather, also they will give chase after you and soon you would be overwhelmed. Destroy the waves as they come! Advice 3 is also useful. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15: If you need additional boss training, collect all three alien artifacts. This will allow you to replay the bosses. Practice makes perfect! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16: Collect all three weapon chrystals and you'll get powerful alien weapons! (Check weapon list for additional info.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17: If you are greatly injured and still in stage 1 in whatever the level return to the Alpha station. You'll see magic happen! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18: In Siberia you really don't need extra fuel because there are plenty fuel trucks that you just place beside the vehicle in need. This will require some practice since this fuel method is annoying! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19: When you get a HARM message (Not displayed as an email, it's displayed instantly) you should notice that Adam is a bit faster and don't take as much time to turn. HARM is displayed when Daisy alarms danger. Learn how to take advantage of this feature. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20: This tip is useful in earlier levels. When in levels such as Java and Greece if you are so injured that the health bar is flashing, stop immiedietly and watch yourself do magic! (Thanks medical assembly!) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21: Stay alert! Be careful not to accidentally shoot people or to mash them with your car! Also destroy bugs quickly since some of the insects has bad accuracy and might shoot the people! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22: When caught by a blob (Or human capturing units, HCU's) your best method to get rid of this thing is to press C-left and C-right repeatedly. Doesn't always work though. Another way is just to simply wait. Since the harvester will make a repelling shield when Adam is near, it will also destroy the HCU. This is not guaranteed to work either. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23: When an alien approaches from a long distance, make sure not to use high- explosive weapons (Unless you have the lightning gun.) such as other alien weapons or the rocket launcher. Rifle or the Sunshield will work perfectly. If you don't have access to those arms, then use a machinegun. If you don't have it either, then use the shotgun. Also if it is a very tough alien from a certain distance, then you're better off with alien weapon or rocket launcher. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24: Do not use strong weapons such as rocket launchers, alien weapons or anything else that says 'Kaboom' in close presence. It will damage you greatly! (Unfortunately, Adam isn't immortal.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25: When in Comet, DON'T LEAVE THE ALPHA TANK! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26: Some military vehicles have secondary weapons (D-pad Up and Down.), many tanks and special vehicles use this feature. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27: REMEMBER!!! Always when a harvester wave comes, always but always try to kill the harvester first!!! If there are other aliens in your way, you could shoot them, but don't hold still! The harvester is working and you know what that means. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28: Plan your next move! This game offers you not just an ability to act as a future Rambo, but also as a military general! You have a map! If an alien wave strikes, you can check your map, resp. compass to check your position and the aliens position. Check the map often! You will be forced to look at the map often if you are a perfectionist like me! You will have to look at the terrain and what vehicle you have and what abilities it has! You have to know your enemy! Be scientific in this matter! You can also check the 'Military Vehicles' section resp. 'Bug list' for additioanl info about the aliens weaknesses and strengths. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29: This trick is something to practice on. You can make a U-turn if an alien pursues you from the rear. How to make a U-turn: Run by holding Stick forward, then quickly push the stick back. Make sure that the alien is really behind you. While doing a U-turn, shoot with your weapon and the pursuing alien is blasted, yay! Very effective way that surprises the aliens pursuing pattern. Needs loads of practice to make perfect! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30: If you want fast aiming, hold A-button while aiming (R-button). Very useful addition if you want fast tracking instead of Adam's usual aiming speed. If you want aiming with precision, release the A-button and Adam returns to his normal aiming speed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31: Keep in mind that Adam has an auto-aiming function. Just face forward an enemy with a weapon with long range enough. This feature works when an alien comes into the centre of Adam's vision. Thanks to this feature, you will barely use the manual aiming (R-button). If you want manual aiming, check the above trick. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32: If you use a tank with a cannon and run out of fuel, don't exit! Just turn around and shoot, you'll be bounced backwards due to the heavy recoil. Not a recommended trick when climbing a mountain... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33: When out of fuel in a normal, civilian vehicle and a wave of insects are approaching you, exit your vehicle, but don't go away! Be strategic! The car can be used as a shelter! A shelter with limited armour value. Using the side roll, you can roll for offensive moves, shoot, roll back for defence. Can be done with minor buildings, which usually offer a more stable defence value. This will require multum with practice, but will pay out! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34: This is a bit risky method, but here it goes... Some aliens have bad accuracy which can also mean that they can even shoot their own allies!!! But as I said, this method is risky. Be near an earthbound, smaller alien (Goliath, drone etc.) and let another alien try to blast you up. As the beams try to hit you, use the side roll and the beams will (Hopefully) blast the alien behind you instead! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section will be expanded in the future! I--------------------------------------I I 6: FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions!) I I--------------------------------------I I've split this FAQ in two parts, one relating Body Harvest in common, one in the technical area of this game. Questions that aren't related to the question before will be lined. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BODY HARVEST RELATED Q: KE, I'M STUCK AT THAT POWERPLANT IN SIBERIA, WHAT'S THE PANEL ORDERS??? A: IF YOU COUNT OUTER LEFT AS 1, AND OUTER RIGHT AS 4, THE COMBINATION LOOKS LIKE THIS: 1,2,4,3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE MUSIC WHEN PLAYING THIS GAME? (Disabling sound, and turn on the external stereo.) A: WELL, JUST TO BE SOCIAL, I LIKE 'BLANK AND JONES'. (Trance music.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: HELP, THIS GAME IS TOO HARD! A: RELAX... JUST TAKE A LOOK AT THE STRATEGY GUIDE! Q: STILL IN DESPERATE NEED... A: CHEATING IS VERY OBVIOUS, CHECK THE CHEATS SECTION. Q: STILL... A: LUCKILY, YOUR WARRANTY HASN'T EXPIRED AND YOU STILL HAVE YOUR RECIEPT? IF NOT, I SUGGEST MOVING YOUR ASS PLAYING IT OVER! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: HEY KE, KNOW OF ANY ROM SITES... A: YOU JUST PROVE TO ANYONE ELSE READING THIS DOCUMENT THAT YOU'RE A POOR READER, MR. CHEAPSKATE! Q: AWWW, C'MON KE! PLEEEAAAASEEEEE! A: SURE, I'LL TELL YA... Q: WHERE??? A: CLOSE...... Q: HOW CLOSE??? A: IN YOUR ASS..... Q: I'M GONNA SUE YA, FOR HARASSMENT! A: THEN WHY THE HELL ARE YOU READING THIS DOC.?!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: WHAT THE HECK IS THIS GREMLIN THING I HEAR ABOUT? A: GREMLIN WAS A GOOD GAMING COMPANY (R.I.P) THAT PUBLISHED THIS GAME IN EUROPE, THE VERSION I OWN. YOU OBVIOUSLY OWN THE MIDWAY VERSION. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: SORRY MAN, YOUR WALKTHROUGH DOESN'T PROVIDE THE INFO I WANT. A: THERE ARE DIFFERENT WAYS TO DO THIS. EMAIL ME ABOUT YOUR ISSUE AND I WILL COME UP WITH AN ANSWER IF I CAN AND THEN ADD IT TO MY FAQ IF MORE PEOPLE EXPERIENCE THIS. ELSE, IN THE MEANWHILE WHY DON'T YOU TAKE A LOOK AT MR. JUPITER'S FAQ OR WHY NOT MARSHMALLOW'S FAQ? MR. JUPITER'S FAQ IS MAYHAP NEW, BUT I GUARANTEE YOU, THAT SATISFACTION WILL BE REACHED. UNFORTUNATELY IT IS NOT RELEASED YET, BUT VERY SOON! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: KE, WHAT SHOULD I DO WHEN I RUN OUT OF AMMO? A: WELL, IT DEPENDS ON YOUR CIRCUMSTANCE... Q: LET'S SAY THAT IF FOUR SCORPIOSAURS ARE BLOCKING... A: YOUR COJONES ARE BOILED... Q: BUT WHAT IF THERE ARE SMALLER ALIENS? A: EITHER USE THE PISTOL OR MASH 'EM IF YOU HAVE CAR! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: WHOA! THIS ALIEN IS A HARDASS! A: UNFORTUNATELY, YES THERE ARE SOME RAMBOS IN INSECTOID APPEARANCE... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: HEY! WHERE IS THE SEQUEL?! I WANT A SEQUEL!!! A: WELCOME TO THE CLUB, KID... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: YO KE, THOSE ELEVATOR DOORS IN AMERICA... A: LOCKED! NO WAY TO OPEN 'EM TOO! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: DAMN, THE GRAPHICS ARE CRAP! A: IT'S WHAT INSIDE THAT COUNTS... Q: BUT HOW THE HELL CAN TUROK2 HAVE SUCH EYECANDY... A: TUROK2 USES A VERY ACCURATE PIECE OF CODE TO ACCELERATE GRAPHICS! THAT PIECE OF CODE IS VERY DEMANDING AND IT PURGES ALL THE GRAPHIC BUFFERS. BUT THE GAME IS OPTIMISED TO BE PLAYED WITH THE MX PAK. WITHOUT IT YOU WILL SUFFER FRAME PERFORMANCE (STILL PLAYABLE BUT STILL RELATIVELY SLOW.) THE MX PAK HAS ADDITIONAL 4MB TO HELP OUT AND ALSO OFFERS BETTER SOUND AND GRAPHICS. BODY HARVEST HAS AN OPTIMIZED GRAPHICS ENGINE WHICH SYNCHRONIZES VERY WELL WITH RCP. THIS MEANS THAT GRAPHICS WON'T REACH IT'S PINNACLE, BUT WILL REWARD WITH SIMULATING SPEED (IN FPS OF COURSE!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: KE, HOW COME THERE WERE TWO PUBLISHERS??? A: THAT IS A RATHER STRANGE ISSUE, SINCE MIDWAY IN 1998 WAS ALMOST TOTALLY FOCUSED ON THE AMERICAN MARKETS. GREMLIN INT. WAS NOT WIDELY KNOWN OUTSIDE EUROPE AND THEY PUBLISHED THE GAME IN EUROPE. I DON'T KNOW MUCH MORE ABOUT GREMLIN INTERACTIVE SINCE I GET NO REPLIES FROM THEIR CLOSED SITE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: HEY KE! I THINK I FOUND A GLITCH/BUG IN THAT LEVEL BY DOING THAT! A: IF YOU'VE ENCOUNTERED SOMETHING STRANGE, EMAIL ME IMMIEDIATELY! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: YOUR FAQ IS GREAT! BUT IT LACKS A WALKTHROUGH. A: I WILL ADD A FULL WALKTHROUGH AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND EACH STAGE I PROGRESS WILL BE UPDATED WITHIN THE FAQ! BE AWARE THAT THE WALKTHROUGH THAT ALREADY IS OFFERED IS FAIRLY MORE DESCRIBING AND WILL OFTEN REQUIRE THE USER TO REFER TO THE MAP OFTEN. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: HEY KE, HOW DO I GET PAST THAT BOULDER IN GREECE STAGE1? A: THERE IS A TUNNEL IN THE END OF THE ROAD, PICK UP THE TNT AND BLOW UP THE BOULDER. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: YO KE, I'M STUCK AT THOSE LARGE STATUES IN GREECE STAGE2, WHAT TO DO? A: IF YOU HAVE THE SUNSHIELD, AIM FOR THE TORCH AND SHOOT. THE CORNEA CROSSHAIR SHOULD TURN RED WHEN YOU AIM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: KE, WHAT ARE THOSE ARTIFACTS FOR? A: COLLECT THREE OF THOSE EACH LEVEL AND YOU WILL BE GRANTED PRACTICE AGAINST THE LEVEL BOSSES. Q: KE, WHAT ARE THOSE CRYSTALS FOR? A: COLLECT THREE OF THOSE, AND YOU'LL GET AN ALIEN WEAPON, UNIQUE FOR EACH LEVEL. IMMENSELY POWERFUL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: KE, HOW DO I DO WHEN I'M AT THAT WINDMILL AT GREECE? THE OWNER TELLS ME TO KEEP MY HANDS OF HIS DARN MILLSTONE! A: GET YOUR ASS OUTSIDE, AIM WITH A GUN AT AN APPROPORIATE SPOT AT THE CROSS (CORNEA SHOULD TURN RED) AND BLAST THE DAMN MILL. GET BACK INSIDE AND RETRIEVE THE WINDMILL COG. Q: KE, I'M IN GREECE STAGE2. WHEN I GOT THAT HOWITZER THINGY, I ACCIDENTALLY DROVE OVER THE BLUFF WHERE YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BLOW UP THE DEBRIS, BLOCKING THE ROAD TO THE WINDMILL. MY HOWITZER NOW LIES IN THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA, WHAT TO DO? A: PLAY THE STAGE OVER! Q: YOU'RE NOT SERIOUS! A: HELL YEAH, I'M SERIOUS! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q: IN AMERICA STAGE1, WHERE YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DRIVE OVER THAT GAP WITH A FAST SPORTY, WELL, THE FASTEST ONES WERE THOSE V8-HIBOYS, RIGHT? WELL, I ACCIDENTALLY BLEW UP ALL OF 'EM, WHAT TO DO? A: WHAT ACCIDENT DO YOU CALL THAT?! YOU SCREWED YOUR OPPORTUNITY! PLAY IT OVER! (Or you can return to Alpha1 and regenerate your cars! But that wasn't funny...) Q: AWW, C'MON KE! YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS! (He didn't read the real answer, what an imbecile!) A: THEN READ ANOTHER FAQ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q: WHAT THE HELL O_o ?! THOSE TRUCKS IN GREECE (NOT STEERED BY ADAM) APPEARANTLY DON'T KNOW HOW TO BREAK! THEY MASH THE PEOPLE TOO! IT'S A PAIN! WHAT TO DO? A: USE A VEHICLE STRONGER THAN THE 'GRIMLY TRANSPORT' SUCH AS, FIRE- TRUCK, BULLDOG AND PANZERKAMPFWAGEN. WHEN YOU'VE ACQUIRED SUCH A VEHICLE TRY TO RAM THE ANNOYING TRUCK TO PLACE IT CAN'T ESCAPE (LIKE IN WATER, MONOLITH.) MOST RECOMMENDED IS WATER, IT TAKES NO CASUALTIES AND YOU'LL GET RID OF THAT LUNATIC DRIVING THAT PIECE OF CRAP! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: SORRY MAN, DON'T UNDERSTAND A WORD OF THIS... A: IT'S ALLRIGHT, I KNOW THERE ARE A COUPLE OF IMBECILES LEFT IN THIS WORLD... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: WHY DOES ADAM HAVE THE SPEED OF A DRUNK MAN CLIMBING UP ON A DOWN ESCALATOR?! A: YOU HAVE READ Mr.MechaEd's REVIEW, DIDN'T YOU?! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: WHAT HAPPENS IF I FILL THAT HUMAN METER? A: YOU, YOUR MAMA, YOUR PET, YOUR N64 CEASE TO EXIST... Q: REALLY....? A: NO, YOU IDIOT! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I ACCIDENTALLY BROKE THE CARTRIDGE, WHAT SHOULD I DO? A: NOTHING, YOU'RE F'ED! Q: STOP SH!TTING ON ME!!! IS THERE SOMETHING I CAN DO?! A: SHEEESH! GET A LIFE! Q: ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT! I'M SORRY, NOW WHAT SHOULD I DO?! A: IF YOU OWN A FAIRLY FAST MACHINE (+450MHz, 8MB VRAM, 64MB RAM, SB16....) EMULATORS SHOULD BE A CHOICE, SINCE YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO FIX THAT CARTRIDGE IN ANY WAY AT ALL. IF YOU'VE DOWNLOADED THE EMULATOR, THEN YOU MUST FIND THE BODY HARVEST ROM. IT'S AROUND 12MB AND SHOULD TAKE CONSIDERABLE TIME TO DOWNLOAD. BEWARE, THE BODY HARVEST ROM IS NOT SUPPORTED BY ANY N64 EMULATORS AT PRESENT TIME! Q: THEN WHY THE HELL SHOULD I HAVE A ROM?! A: EMULATORS ARE UPDATED IN FREQUENT PACES, SO PLEASE BE PATIENT! ALSO, TAKE HEED THAT SOME EMULATORS ARE TOTALLY DISCONTINUED SO FOCUS ON AN EMULATOR THAT IS UPDATED! Q: DUDE, I DON'T HAVE ACCESS TO INTERNET. A: YOU HAVE A PAL? IF YOU DO, HE/SHE CAN GO TO THE INTERNET FOR YA SO YOU CAN DOWNLOAD FROM THERE. AFTER THAT, SAVE ALL FILES ON A FLOPPY DISC (OR A CD-RW, IF HE/SHE OWNS A CD-BURNER, BECAUSE SOME EMULATORS ARE BIGGER THAN 1,44MB.) AND EXTRACT THEM TO YOUR COMPUTER! THERE ARE MANY WAYS, SO TRY WITH EVERYTHING! Q: DUDE, I DON'T HAVE AN ELECTRIC JAR. A: HOW DARE YOU LIVE WITHOUT A COMPUTER?! IF YOU TRULY DON'T HAVE A COMPUTER, THEN YOU'RE TRULY SCREWED! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: IS THERE AN OFFICIAL FANCLUB FOR BODY HARVEST??? A: JOIN GAMEFAQS, MY FRIEND. THEN LOCATE THE BODY HARVEST SECTION AND MEET ME AND THE GANG! Q: I'VE MET YOU AND YO' GANG. YOU ALL APPEARANTLY SUCK! A: LIARS... CAN'T LIVE WITH THEM, CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT 'EM... Q: I'M UNDER 13 AND CAN'T SIGN UP TO GFAQS. IS THERE ANOTHER PLACE? A: EVEN IF YOU ARE UNDER OR ABOVE 13, GO TO THIS ADRESS: AND SIGNUP TO MY BH SITE. MORE RECOMMENDED THAN GFAQS! Q: WHO IS BIG ED? A: HEH... --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: KE, THEM CRITTERS ARE ALL OVER MA CITY! A: STUPID SHERIFF... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TECHNICAL Q: WHAT IS A BUG? A: NEWBIE... A BUG IS A GLITCH, AN ERROR. A BUG ONLY AFFECTS SOFT- WARE, NOT HARDWARE (HARDWARE=MACHINE). IT AFFECTS GAMEPLAY, BOOTING SPEED, GRAPHICS, SOUND ETC. IN A BAD WAY. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: WHAT'S THE SIZE OF THIS GAME? A: IT'S 96MBITS AND IS ESTIMATED AT AROUND 12MB. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: WHY DOESN'T THIS GAME SUPPORT FMV OR SURROUND SOUND? A: THAT'S A FLAW FOR THE MEDIA SIZE, YOU WON'T GET ROOM FOR FMV OR DVD/CD-DA SOUND INSIDE THIS BABY! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: HOW COME THIS GAME HAS NO SUPPORT FOR MX PAK? A: THIS GAME WASN'T DEVELOPED FOR IT, SIMPLE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: HOW COME THIS GAME WASN'T DEVELOPED FOR THE PSX? A: THIS GAME CONTAINED MANY FEATURES THAT WASN'T POSSIBLE TO SIMULATE ON THE PSX. FOR EXAMPLE, THE ANTI-ALIASING AND THE TEXTURING CAPABILITIES! ALSO, THE RENDERING IN THIS GAME WAS OPTIMIZED FOR N64 HARDWARE (RISC 4300 SERIES) WHICH COULD ALSO MAKE THE RELEASE FOR A PSX VERSION TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: IS THERE AN EMULATOR SUPPORTING THIS GAME IN ROM FORMAT? A: I'VE STATED THAT I DON'T SUPPORT EMULATION OF FAIRLY NEW MACHINES, BUT TO BE HONEST, THERE IS CURRENTLY NO EMULATOR THAT CAN SUPPORT THIS GAME, YET! YOU CAN TRY GOOD EMULATORS LIKE PROJECT64, ULTRAHLE, NEMU64 OR EVEN CORN, BUT NONE OF THEM HAVE SUPPORT FOR THIS GAME AS OF YET, BUT YOU CAN TRY DIFFERENT INI'S! I MIGHT BE WRONG AFTER ALL! Q: BUT WHY CAN'T ANY EMULATOR SUPPORT THIS GAME? A: THERE MIGHT BE SOME DRAMATIC CHANGES NOW ON SOME EMU'S, BUT LAST TIME I CHECKED, THE GAME USES SOME ROUTINES THAT AREN'T DOCUMENTED AS OF YET! THERE MIGHT ALSO BE SOME FORMATTING ISSUES WHEN FINDING A DUMP OF THE BODY HARVEST ROM! IF AN EMULATOR SUPPORTS THE GAME (LIKE IT'S PLAYABLE, NOT BOOTING UP THE START SCREEN!) KEEP ME INFORMED! Q: I CAN'T EVEN USE THE EMULATOR! A: WELL, FIRST CHECK YOUR HARDWARE! YOU'll NEED A FAIRLY FAST MACHINE! ALSO KEEP IN MIND THAT YOU NEED DECENT VIDEO HARDWARE (NO SUCH THING AS TRIDENT OR INTEL 810!) LIKE TNT, ATIRAGE PRO OR EVEN AS GOOD AS GEFORCE 2! YOU CAN TRY CORN, A VERY FAST EMULATOR BUT IT CAN'T SUPPORT BODY HARVEST! Q: WHY DON'T YOU WRITE AN EMULATOR??? A: I'M FLATTERED, BUT I DON'T KNOW VERY MUCH ABOUT HOW TO WRITE AN EMU. IT REQUIRES KNOWLEDGE AND A DEV KIT THAT I DON'T OWN! IT TAKES GOOD TIME TOO, AND TIME IS A LUXURY I DON'T HAVE... Q: IF I CAN WRITE AN EMULATOR (HAVE DEV KIT AND ALL...) HOW SHOULD I MAKE IT??? A: WELL, MAKE SURE IT'S OPTIMIZED LIKE HELL! NOT EVERYONE OWNS A PC ON OVER A GIGAHERTZ! MAKE SURE YOU MAKE A MIX OF LANGUAGES, INSTEAD OF JUST TAKING ONLY ASM, C++, VISUAL BASIC (YEAH RIGHT!) OR ANYTHING ELSE! I RECOMMEND A MIX THAT LOOKS LIKE THIS: THE MAJORITY SHOULD BE ON OPTIMIZED ASSEMBLER AND THE MINOR PARTS SHOULD BE ON C/C++ FOR SOME STABILITY. I CAN'T HELP YOU MUCH MORE WITH THIS. ASK AN EMU AUTHOR ABOUT THIS AND I CAN ASSURE YOU THAT THE ANSWER IS MORE ACCURATE. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: WTF?! THE BUILDINGS ARE TRANSPARENT! I CHANGE ANGLE AND I SEE THROUGH IT! A: THAT'S A FLAW DUE TO FAULTY POLYGON CLIPPING. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: HOW COME THEY COULD CRAM IN SO MUCH IN 12MB? A: THEY USED A LOT OF EXPENSIVE COMPRESSION TO FIT WITH THE CARTRIDGE FORMAT. THEY ALSO REDUCED SOME COLOURS TO GET LOOSE WITH WEIGHT. NOT TO MENTION THAT THEY MADE THIS GAME PERFECTLY OPTIMIZED WITH THE N64. BUT THERE ARE SOME DOWNSIDES AND THAT WOULD BE FMV. FMV EATS MBYTES. MANY MBYTES! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I CAN'T OPEN THE CARTRIDGE! A: WHY WOULD YOU?! Q: RELAX, I JUST WANNA CHECK INSIDE... A: VERY WELL, YOU NEED A TORX SCREWDRIVER (SHELL) AT RIGHT SIZE TO OPEN UP THE CARTRIDGE. JUST DON'T DO ANYTHING I WOULDN'T DO, CAPISCE? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: IS THERE NO CELL-SHADING IN THIS GAME? A: SOME POLYGONS ARE (MOST POLYGONS, ACTUALLY.) GOURAUD SHADED, BUT CELL-SHADING IS A HARD PROCESS. ESPECIALLY WITH 32/64BIT HARDWARE. THE N64 ITSELF SUPPORTS CELL-SHADING, BUT I DUNNO IF CELL-SHADING IS USED INSIDE THE GAME. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: YO, KE! THOSE TREES! THEY LOOK GOOD! ARE THEY 3D? A: NO, THE TREES ARE NOT 3D. IF YOU LOOK CLOSELY AT THE TREES, THEY'RE SHAPED LIKE CROSSES. THE TEXTURES MAKES THE TREE LOOK REALISTIC AND I GOTTA SAY, I'M IMPRESSED... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: HOW CAN I IMPROVE PERFORMANCE (IN FPS, FRAMES PER SECOND.) A: YOU CAN TURN OFF MUSIC/SOUND PARTIALLY OR COMPLETELY. THIS WILL IMROVE PERFORMANCE SOMEWHAT... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: THE FMM SYSTEM STARTS TO FAIL, WHAT TO DO??? A: IT'S NOT THE FMM THAT'S FAILING. IT'S YOUR CONTROL STICK THAT IS FAILING! IF YOU DON'T FEEL LIKE STARTING OVER BY RESETTING, DO THIS: PRESS AND HOLD START, R AND L BUTTONS THE SAME TIME. NOW PRESS START AND NOTICE THAT THE STEERING IS BACK TO NORMAL. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: ABOUT THIS EMULATOR THING, HAVE ANYONE DEVELOPED A COMPLETE ONE? A: NO, BUT THE MOST COMPLETE N64 EMU'S YOU'LL EVER FIND WOULD BE PROJECT64, NEMU64 AND ULTRAHLE. ALWAYS CHECK THE INI'S! THEY ARE UP- DATED ON FAST PACES! OR, IF YOU HAVE A DECENT DEV KIT AND A GENIUS PROGRAMMERS MIND, YOU'LL PROBABLY MAKE IT. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I'VE COME TO AN AREA WHERE THE GAME STARTS TO CRASH (FPS LOSS, GRAPHICAL GARBAGE, TILE ERRORS...ETC.) WITH SEVERE OUTCOMES, WHAT TO DO? A: THIS IS ONE OF THE QUESTIONS I TRULY FEAR AND YOU MENTIONED THAT THE GAME STARTS TO CRASH. THERE MIGHT BE HUNDREDS OF WAYS TO MAKE A GAME CRASH. TELL, YOU WHAT? IF YOU KNOW HOW TO HANDLE ROM'S IN TEXT, YOU MIGHT MODIFY IT TO A DESIRABLE PARAMETERS. TINKER WITH THIS ON YOUR OWN RISK! I CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I----------------I I 7: WALKTHROUGH I I----------------I This enourmous part of this document is listed as Stages in Levels. This means that every secret (Like artifacts, crystals...) will be explained at the end of each stage. I hope you find this preliminary FAQ support useful. I've done this walkthrough made for gamers with problems, time issues and such which means, this will be absolutely the fastest and easiest way completing a stage on. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1a: GREECE STAGE1 Welcome to the easiest part of the game! From here you can just see a village, Parenthos village a village with ten inhabitants (The sign says so.) However, when you land, Daisy immiediately will contact you. Walk straight to the village and you'll bump into a harvester wave. First kill the harvester then begin to hunt down the goliath and the scout. Nice shooting, Tex! Get inside the house with red bricks on the base. It's the only door you can open, so head inside! When inside, walk behind that chubby guy and push the lever. You'll see a cutscene when the drawbridge will be pulled down. Yay! Now go outside and get inside that green ugly truck and drive through that bridge. You'll be greeted by small, pathetic aliens that you can leave or mash with your car. Now follow the mainroad to Trumptonas town, that looks more like a village if you ask me. Expect a harvester wave arrive and kill the harvester first. Kill the rest after that. Continue on that road. By a boulder you will encounter a rather small wave consisting a sniper and a couple of drones. Kill the sniper first and kill the rest. Don't bother with the boulder yet. Continue on the road till you reach to a tunnel. Exit your vehicle, get inside that tunnel. Go to that chest and get the TNT. After that go to the unlit torch right from your position. Fiddle with it and watch a trapdoor be opened. Get upstairs from there. You'll see a chest and two barrels. Go to the chest to get the machinegun, the two barrels have fuel and health. Get everything. Now exit the tunnel, re-enter your vehicle and drive back to that boulder. Exit your vehicle, place a bundle of TNT close to that boulder, quickly re-enter your vehicle and drive somewhere further away from that TNT, when it blows up, drive back to where the boulder used to be and drive through the passage. You will encounter an alien wave, so beat them and drive to the second path that begins in front of the path you drove on. Go to that house with red bricks as base and get on that motorcycle. Drive back to that previous path and drive to the left to find a house with the flag of Greece. Park your motorcycle near the edges, positioned right from the house. Exit,get inside that house and talk to that old guy, a wall will open, enter. Open the drawer and you recieved a key! Now, exit. Quickly, re-enter your motorcycle drive downwards from those cliffs, trust me. You'll get to Pollstura Suburbs much faster this way! Now drive to Pollstura Suburbs (Find the main road and find a small path leading to another large road.) over that bridge and wait until a harvester wave appears. When it appears, quickly kill the harvester, don't bother about the other aliens, just drive back to Trumptonas town, to the firestation. Instead of following the whole road, continue straight forward instead of turning! This will save you some seconds. When by the firestation in Trumptonas town Exit your vehicle,get inside the firestation, talk to the dude and he'll give ya a nice, red firetruck. Now get your ass to Pollstura suburbs and take out the fires (Hold 'Z' button) Good Job! Now drive to that house with the flag and the fences and a miitary truck, a Bulldogg. Exit your weak firewagon, enter the strong Bulldogg and blast all remaining aliens! Now drive along the large road till you see some monoliths, this means your in the correct way. Continue till you see a settlement that is not listed in the map. Continue the road, till you see a small path from the right. Now turn left for a path upwards to a hangar, blast the sniper waves and get to the hangar. Remember the key? Without it you couldn't enter the hangar. Open the gate and control one of the very first tanks Panzerkampfwagen, which means 'tank' in German (Now more commonly 'Panzer' but still...). Now drive back to the monoliths you saw earlier and drive to a road with trees. Don't bother with the spawned aliens. At the end of the road, you'll see a slimy hill with a green thing shooting pink flareballs, drive through the trees and up to the hill. Now blast the damn thing, which shouldn't be a hard task. Congratulations! You have beaten Stage1 in Greece! Now save at the Save Beacon. Secrets, Stage1 Greece. ARTIFACT: LOCATE THE VILLAGE WITH HIGH FENCES (NOT LISTED IN MAP.) NEAR THAT HANGAR. GET INSIDE THE VILLAGE, SEARCH FOR A HOUSE WITH A BOOKSHELF AND A CHEST INSIDE IT (NOT HARD TO FIND.) AND VOILA! CRYSTAL: RETURN TO THE AREA WHERE THE BIG BOULDER USED TO BE, DRIVE THROUGH THE PASSAGE, TAKE THE SECOND PATH AND SOON YOU SHOULD FIND A TUNNEL. GET INSIDE AND COLLECT SOME NICE STUFF AND AN ALIEN CRYSTAL! Tips AFTER completed the area: Collect more ammo, go back and save. Can be done over and over again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1b: GREECE STAGE2 Now, welcome to da next easiest part of da game! This will not be quite as easy as the stage before, but I'll think you'll be rather alright anyway. Now, get Panzerkampfwagen (If you started from this point.) and drive through the shield passageway. Drive fast now, because this will acquire full attention! Drive along the road and you'll realize that there is a Harvester wave. Daisy will notify a monastery along the road. Screw the monastery and drive along the road till you find a fairly high hill. Drive across it and voila! A city under siege, Perikonus settlement to be exact. Mash those bastards and explore the village a bit. Now, find that bridge. Look into your map. You have to go to a place called 'Summit of Light'. Follow da map, it ain't hard. The hard thing is the extremely annoying aliens you have to meet with your trustfull tank. Mash 'em and you'll reach a place with a tunnel, a high hill with two pillars on top. (Looks like two huge candles, lol.) Enter the tunnel and make yourself comfortable with laughing corpses (Press 'A' when by a corpse.). Go to that statue with a shield. Grab da shield and move yo' ass outside. Get inside your rusty, rustic tank (If you still have it.) and drive back all that way and check your map again. Or you can zoom out your view and find a quick shortcut, downhills. This time you gotta go to a place called 'Talosos statues'. Get your butt over there. Now, equip the sunshield, aim and lit the unlit torch, carried by the huge statue. When done, you should hear unlocking sounds. Enter the gate and see for yo'self. Walk through that tunnel and you'll end up outside, on the southern isle. Pay Attention! A very large surge wave has been sent to annihilate you! Use your sunshield and have fun blasting away all those gooey things (Told you the shield was great!) from your vision. After that happy time, search for a green, lowprofile tank. A Crocodile! Enter the green, lowprofile crocodile and drive along the main road. Turn to the right, Second main road when it appears. Drive till you see a small path to the left. You endup beside a house with a greek flag on top. A military outpost with a howitzer. Do not try to enter it, it's locked. Enter the building instead. Talk with that goofy seargeant and he'll open up a trapdoor behind him. Enter the little storage room and grab the Howitzer shells (Needed to unlock the vehicle) and the goody bags of ammo. Exit the building and enter the howitzer. Now go to the small path you came from. Turn Left to the second road and drive along it, till you come to a bluff. Daisy will make a 'HARM' message, saying that the distance is good enough. Shoot a couple of shots and make sure all the debris is gone on the barricade to the windmill. Now, return to the military outpost quickly, (A harvester wave in Genakos coastal village.) and grab the green, lowprofile tank. Look at your map to locate Genakos village. It's not far from there. Blast away those bugs bugging you and go back to the secondary main road. Drive till you notice a small path pointing at RIGHT. This will lead you to a reinforced house and a motorcycle. Grab the motorcycle and return to the road. Now, drive to the bluff in highspeed! Yeehaw! Drive straight to the windmill. Exit the funmachine and enter the windmill. Talk to the boss of the windmill and he is furious. Get yo' ass outside and aim against the mill (The cross) till the cornea turns red. Blast his business apart. Return inside the building, go near the millstone, press 'A' and you have the windmill cog! Exit the building, enter your sporty and drive to Mikatos Hamlet (Check map) and anticipate the incoming Harvester wave. Blast 'em, it shouldn't be too hard. Drive back to the bluff. Exit your sporty and swim to the boat, near the shore. It's a 'Cruiser', strange. It doesn't look like a cruiser :), Drive to the Watergate (Check map) and exit, swim to the right. Enter the house nearby and talk to the Watergate manager and he'll fix the God damn thing. Exit his 'mansion' and enter the 'Cruiser'. Drive towards the Watergate. Now, drive straight for a couple of seconds, then turn to the right. Mash those piranhas blocking your road! When you're out in the sea, check your map! Find an isle with a large red bug. That's your destination, buddy. When there find a good place to land. Equip the sunshield, there are no other GOOD allies to trust. Now blast that lousy, gooey excuse for a processor! Good work, sport! You have completed the second stage of Greece. Save at the beacon. Next level will prove your arrogance heavily. It will be considerably harder. ARTIFACT: GET PAST MIKATOS WATERGATE, WITH A BOAT OF COURSE. YOU'LL COME BY A HOLLOW AREA, BENEATH A VERY STEEP CLIFF. THERE IS A HOUSE. DOCK NEAR THE SHORE AND ENTER THE HOUSE. GRAB THE GOODIES. DON'T FORGET TO FIDDLE WITH THE 'LMAO' CORPSE WHEN MARKING YOUR ASS 'EXIT'. CRYSTAL: IT'S IN THE SAME HOUSE AS THE ARTIFACT. Tips AFTER completed area: Collect ammo, go back 'n' save. A good routine is an annoying routine ;) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1c: GREECE STAGE3 Welcome back, sport! This level will make it a little stiff for ya, but what the hell. Now, you should be starting from an isle with several ancient monoliths. Check your radar/compass thingy. There is a green triangle= A vehicle! Yay! Enter it, and check your map. Find the next shield portal. It is near Genakos coastal village. Now, when exitting the vehicle, don't go through yet. First equip your sunshield. Now you can go through. Don't panic. It's big, it's a mantasaur. Despite it's height and trustworthy stamina, it is fairly vulnerable. Just pump it full with sunrays! Now, find a vehicle, fast! You can ignore most aliens here, except for the mantasaurs, which will be a pain in the ass if not slayed in a narrow space of time. Now, follow the main road. It will lead you to a depression point. Here will be a fair amount of piranhas. Skip 'em. Follow through the main road and you will arrive to Mixapolous town. A fairly big village. Expect a harvester wave at any time if you were quick. If you arrived while a harvester gang did their job, you will gonna have to move your butt! After've kicked those evil aliens' asses apart, drive to a nearby bridge. DO NOT CROSS IT!!! Just be present, nearby. Watch da too cool psuedo FMV (At it's lowest, lowest quality, lol.) and enjoy. Now, check your map. Nearby Mixapolous town, you should find 'Captain Punto's Boatshed' near the coastline. Now grab a boat from there by talkin' to da captain and his bird (Reminds me about Barreta and his darn bird...) and accept his offer. Now drive along the streamline, to the north. There will be A LOT of piranhas so mash'em before you venture to much.In the north, there is a lagoon. A lagoon nearby the Pointer Statues. It's not hard to find, check your map as usual and you'll find it eventually. Now, when there, you'll see a submerged temple. Screw it for now, nearby is a place where you can dock. You will encounter simple attack waves, so grab your sunshield and do your job. Now you've ended up nearby three, ugly statues. Now what? To the right side of the path will end up ins- ide a tunnel. What are you standing for? Get your ass moving to the tunnel. Now ask that Indiana Jones guy and he'll unlock a chest for you. Grab it's content and scram. Where? To the three statues! Get your ass over there and enter the door to the only accessible statue. Now, here you'll find strange monoliths with a pad and a hole within it. Venture close to those and press 'A'. There are three of those and when finished, go outside. You'll see another videoclip with an ascending temple. Here, go back to the boat and drive to the other side of the ascended isle. Dock and walk to the other side again and enter the temple. Here, you will encounter very easy puzzles, which I won't post here. (2 leizy) Alright, you must've found the Hieroglyph map piece, eh? Alrighty then, get out of da temple and out to your boat again. Dock by the downhilled path, near the Pointer Statues. Now, go all the way back to the Indiana Jones dude and don't bother talking to him. Just plug in the piece on that relief on the facing wall, by pressing 'A'. Now, enter the once hidden trap door. Now, you should be ending up on the other side of the tunnel and a big wave of insectoids should be attacking you. You know you gotta have some fun, so go out there and fry 'em with yo' sunshield! Now, you gotta move yo' ass too! Find a vehicle fast, and check the map for Nestavosi Suburbs! There is gonna be a nasty Harvester wave there! Mash the gaspedal and destination Nestavosi Suburbs!!! Kill those aliens there and now, head to Winthropps Airfield (Map, map, map...) and you'll see another videoclip of a black dude blowing up biplanes! Wooohoo! Ooops! Sorry, not supposed to root for him... Anyway, enter the hangar and be sure not to try to enter the gate, but the door. Now talk to that ugly guy sitting on a chair, tied. Accept his offer (Or you can't get access to the planes.) and a good piece of advice: Have a high altitude and keep that minigun shooting on those balloons! Do not try to bump into them, keep a distance and blow them away! Not too hard, eh? Now here comes the little trickier part, you have to have a shallow angle to land! That's not too hard either, I suppose. Ok, after've done all that, open up the gate to the hangar. You've got a significantly stronger biplane, a Sapworth (Sopwith) Camel. Now, Daisy will email you with a HARM message. She says that there is a wave of doodlebugs planning to bomb a bridge. The bridge you crossed, when going to Nestavosi Suburbs. Now, my best advice is to patrol a bit away from that area (To the east of the area, to be more accurate.) and when they come, blast 'em! This can require some exercise, but be sure NOT to let them succeed! If so, a good piece of human flesh have gone into waste! Anyway, if you succeeded, then fly over to Tamalopolous settlement! There is gonna be a VERY large alien surge over there! But with your strong minigun, I'm sure it's gonna be just fine. Kill the harvester there and NOW, finally. Fly over to the Harvester. Check your map and make a waypoint. Since you now have a flying object, waypoints will be a much more simple tool to follow traces and destinations. When over there blast that son of a ***** excuse for an alien computer! Good work sport! You've made a huge alien computer, turning into a pile of dust and cinder! Now Save when the Beacon arrives. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1d: GREECE CENTRAL GENERATOR STAGE In this level, you will need these two things, to arrive to the Shield Gen- erator, in the middle: Sapworth Camel and the Adler. The Adler can be found at Davrosi Airfield and the Camel can be found at Winthropp airfield. I recommend the Adler, since it has a bomb hatch with multum of strong bombs so this is the one I recommend for newbies. Now, find the shield portal, to the mid-section. This can be much more easier if you mark a waypoint, By pressing 'R'. Now when inside and having the Adler, go around and bomb those bastards apart! Woohoo! If found that boring, land and find yourself either a military vehicle or a civilian vehicle. It's a matter of taste and skill. Now blow up the Shield Generator's rocketlaunchers (4x) and blow the god damned thing up! Congratulations boy! You've completed Greece 1916. All that matters now is a battle with Leviathan. Check the boss list if you want help with this one! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAVA 2a: JAVA STAGE1 Welcome back sport! Here you go! A dip**** landscape, rain pissing down the sky, roaring thunder and guess what? Bugs! So, you wanna fight huh? Kay... If this is the first time, then you will pretty much weep like a girl. Here we go then. From here, you've gotta move up your pace a little. Follow the path to the mainland (Actually, Java is a big island, a pain in the ass archipelago.) and you will expect a harvester wave. As usual, kill the harvester first and then finish off the other bugs. Get into the largest house (If you miss it, then go fetch some glasses.) and grab the rifle at the furthest wall, behind that funky dude. Congrats man, you've recieved the most farshooting array in the game that Adam will use. It shoots with a fantastic distance and is almost as strong as the shot- gun (Calm down, you'll get it later!), now drive down to a coastal building nearby (Check map), check that sign, outside the building. Now, enter the house and talk to the very short dude and he'll pretty much be unfriendly. Now, remember that sign outside? Someone's gotta sue this guy for false advertisement! Not to mention that the guy's name is Bob! He has an air- boat outside. He needs parts to fix it. Those parts are existant at the northern part of the archipelago, by his brother Rob (Oh no! There are two of them!) Anyway, drive to the other village. Don't know? Then go back to the Alpha1 path and by the main road, go to the right and soon you will bump into a Jeep. A trekker. Now drive along the road and you'll bump into a minor wave. Finish 'em. Now find a house that looks a little bit more modern. It is white and has a brown roof. Enter it and grab the goodies, like a machinegun and a bit of ammo. Now, exit and drive quickly to the Cablecar area (Check map) and shoot down that thing that blocks the cablecar (Use Rifle, it is a LONG distance!) and wait for it to come. Enter the cablecar and control it by stepping those buttons, layed out on the floor. You should be able to come out to the other side. Now, enter the station and grab the shotgun and some ammo. Congrats, the strongest non-explosive gun! Now, exit and destroy any bug blocking your way. Take the jeep that should be nearby and drive along the road. Now be very ready to hit your brake, because when you're to turn up to the hillpassage a gundrone will come and it's wave will push you several feet and push you down from the hill. Anyway, it's no problem and you should end up to the Ratlabour village (?, funky name) taking care of the harvester wave. When done and all aliens included at the wave are disposed of, then equip your shotgun and enter the Kubelwagen. Drive further along the road and encounter the feared Gundrone at the hut. Kill it and grab the tremendous health compensation. Now, drive to the nearby village, near the shop Rob owns. Drive to his lousy shop while killing the waves, sent to annihilate you. Enter his hut and grab the engine parts and when exitting, be ready for a harvester wave. Kill the harvester wave and check your radar, there is another vehicle nearby. If you've gone right, it is nearby Rob's shop. It's a bulldog. Enter it and experience it's infinte ammo, great armour and excellent speed! Drive back all the way to the cablecar, including killing the gun- drone that blocks your way. Now, when you've reached the cablecar station Daisy will bug you that a large jelly is draining a powerstation that rendered the cablecar useless. Now drive back to the area, where that gun- drone blocked your way. Nearby, there is a big, big jelly sitting atop of a powerstation. Kill it, by shooting it. Now, drive back to the cablecar station and get back to the southern archipelago. Drive back to Bob's store and talk to that funky dude. He'll mention paintwork. You've seen his darn excuse for an airboat, huh? Yeah Bob, we'll watch yer lousy paintwork! Get inside that funky airboat. It's pissing down from the sky, riding Bob's oh so excellent airboat! Gee, Bob. Thanks for nothing, you hypocrite! Now while killing all those aquatic aliens, check your map for the alien processor. Yup, drive there and finish them bugs! Them critters are all over ma city! (Felt like imitating that blind sheriff in America) Kill that processor (Yes, I know the difference. It's a bit more endurant...) Use yer shotgun and aim for the head! Yay! Congrats sport! You've finished Java, stage one! Wasn't that hard, eh? ARTIFACT: NEAR THE RATLABOUR VILLAGE, DRIVE DOWN TO THAT HUT. TALK TO THE SHAMAN AND HE'LL TALK SOME RUBBISH ABOUT SOME MEN FROM THE STARS AND SO ON. TAKE THE GOODIES AT THE CHEST BEHIND HIM. CRYSTAL: AT ROB'S SHOP, WHERE YOU GET THE BULLDOG, DRIVE ALONG THAT PATH AND YOU'll SOON BUMP INTO A BUNKER. ENTER THE BUNKER AND GET THE TREASURY. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2b: JAVA STAGE2 Ok, you have you airboat right now, so move your ass through the shield portal and to the village right ahead. Be very careful now, the field you're entering is a minefield. The large, dark spots are the devices themselves, so avoid the spots. Now, you've driven through the minefield, and as you know, there is a harvest wave in the village so blow up the mother****** harvester. Quick, enter another vehicle because the Airboat is a bad vehicle for these lands. You'll find out why... Just get that darn Kubelwagen... Now, you will have to move! Right after that, another harvest wave will dread you. So where is it then? Check your map. It's nearby the Earth elemental temple, so drive along the road that leads to the temple. You will see a village with a rather small harvest wave. You know what to do. Now, drive up the small path that leads upwards (It's left from the road you just drove.) you're going to the temple itself. And this one is rather easy. Talk to the native, and go to the wall to the right. It will lead you to a room with a large Buddha statue. Press 'A' and get the blade of the Java Kris Knife. Now, it's time to leave. Destination? To the Jonesville military station. Go back to the first village and take the other way instead. Ok, in this road, you will encounter a truck, a Grimly transport driving. Pursue it. It will lead you to the military station. Without that truck you would get rather heavy fire on you @ the military station. Now at the gates, you will encounter Mantasaurs. Skip them! If possible, skip 'em! You'll have fun later with better armory. The gates should open if you still pursue that truck. Now get your ass outside the car, and enter that large, stationary Anti Aircraft Tower, called Ack Ack. Enter it, and make jelly of all the aliens that's bothering you. When finished. Get inside the administration buildings and talk to the bald fella. He will unlock the Tank hanger. While inside the building take your time to find some ammo. When finished get outside and go to the factory next to the building you just entered, you will get the JagdPanther, a barrier tank with an immensely strong cannon. You can blow up the gates too if you wish!!! Blow up the gates. You will see a couple of other gates. Blow them up too! Follow the road and it will lead you to bunker and a jeep, sorry fella. Skip the tank and grab the jeep instead, and make sure that the tank doesn't block the bluff. Now go all the way back to the first gates and buckle up! Drive @ full speed to the bluff and make sure you'll land on the other side! You've now reached Craggy Island, now head to the radio station of Craggy island. Talk to the babe inside and after that you'll hear Daisy complain a little. Now enter a vehicle and find a path to the Craggy Island generator which is pretty nearby. Destroy all the alien choppers and the big ugly jelly that's draining the electricity of the generator. Now, a small scene will appear when an Ack Ack is making mashed potato of those gundrones nearby the Radio Station. Go back to the Radio station if you want to but head to the road behind the Radio Station. The way is a little under water, but drive on the rocky part to the right of the road that's under water, and you'll keep your jeep nice and clean. Drive along the road, and you'll see a Jagdpanther. Grab it and continue on the road. You will soon see a strange looking tunnel with a rock blocking it's entrance. Don't bother with it now. Continue on the road and you'll see a village under attack of a harvest wave. The usual thing, murder, death kill. Now, enter the bunker in the village. You'll find handgrenades. Now, head back outside. Don't bother going to the Temple nearby the village. Now, go back to the tunnel with the boulder. Choose the handgrenades and aim against some parts of the tunnel, till the crosshair turns red. Throw and see the bould disappear! Now choose another weapon, because the handgrenades really sucks as a combat array. Enter the tunnel, and get to the door. Quickly enter the jeep and follow the road, that is partially under water. Now, in the junction, go to the right and destroy the harvest wave. After that quickly drive back to the junction and pick the other road instead. In your compass, there is a vehicle nearby. It's a Bulldog. Go grab it instead. Now, go to the Alien processor and make your day! Congrats, kid. You've completed one of the harder levels of Java. Go save. ARTIFACT: N/A IN THIS LEVEL CRYSTAL: N/A IN THIS LEVEL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2c: JAVA STAGE3 You with me, sport? Great, let's prepare ourselves for Java Stage3. Be sure to be armed up to the teeth. You're gonna waste a good bit of ammo here. Ok, go get the Bulldog nearby, 'cause you ain't gonna survive without it. Hop in, and drive through the shield portal. Check your map. Drive to East Rua Rua village. Skip the enemies that tries to hunt you down, just drive, drive, drive, because there is this very annoying harvester wave in East Rua Rua village. When there finish the bugs' lives and be quick. On the shore, there is an Airboat. Daisy will bug you about the Mount Rua Rua's gonna erupt. Ya'll know what that means? It's gonna blow up West Rua Rua village which now lies across the water, which has heated up! Get inside the Airboat, and be really careful over here. If you check below the water, you'll see a continental line being highlighted. Since the Airboat is a pain in the ass to hold still, keep your speed down a bit and follow the continental line. Kay, you should now turn up in West Rua Rua village now. There will be a small cutscene with a frigate taking swimming passengers. Dock the Airboat and hunt down the Blood Mosquitos that has been sent to hunt you down. Now, enter the frigate and go all the way back to East Rua Rua. Repeat the advice I gave ya'll! Follow the continental track and I'll guarantee ya that the boat will be back in one piece! Now, go to the large house and talk to the guy. If you made it, rescuing all the passengers, he'll reward you with a rocketlauncher (!) with some rockets. If you failed, he'll mention a black dude, and we have seen one in that colour, haven't we? Ok, if you didn't get the rocketlauncher, you will get it later @ a bunker nearby the Mosy Isle Village (Don't bother, you can't go there now.) Ok, the guy inside the large house will also mention some fella named Bogie (lol) who resides in Port Humphrey. As the name implies, it has a harbour with 'Javanese Queen' a large ship. Ok, go check your map. Make your way over there, to Port Humphrey, you'll encounter a harvest wave over there. Murder, death kill... The usual. Drive downhill and you'll see a large house. Enter it and talk to the sailor, Bogie. He wants an idol which is located inside the Rua Rua Guardian, close to Mount Rua Rua, in trade for the Javanese Queen. This has to be the worst bargain ever... A priceless idol, in trade for a rusty ship with a cheesy, overestimating name... The guy has to be a freaking idiot... And I'm more idiot writing this crap... Anyways, you'll have to drive around quite a while to find the path to Mount Rua Rua. You will find a narrow path that will lead upwards, to a bluff that leads to another very small village that has been infested with another harvester wave. Close to that village is Mount Rua Rua. Drive upwards, the path, the narrow path! Ok, when up, you'll notice a very familiar face. It's our dark friend... the very same jerk from Greece. He'll threat you for a while, and he'll also send a horde of aliens to finish you. The bastard has sent you over 25 aliens, which includes several blood mosquitos, goliaths, blade drones, fleas etc. and in this area, which is not very comfortable... Uhmmm... There is not too much space around here, which will leave you pretty much surrounded of aliens. I sure hope you still have your Bulldog... Or else your cojones are boiled! This shouldn't be too hard. Just stand still and just move your turret and blast 'em. Try to blast the goliath's first since they can ram you, falling to the volcano. Then strike against the blood mosquitos. The smaller ones are pretty much nuisance as well, since you will have to cross the very narrow path through the volcano. Ok, finished? Let's cross this volcano then. Be very careful not to fall down, 'cause this will leave you burn... and playing this whole thing over! Now, if you have crossed the volcano you'll see a building with a sitting statue. Turn on the farsight camera and below, you'll see a tunnel. Drive down to the tunnel, exit from your Bulldog and enter it. Now, obtain the Idol. Exit, and enter the Bulldog. Drive the path, and be very careful here as well, remember that you still are near a volcano area. You should soon turn up in Port Humphrey. Go inside and talk to Bogey. He'll unlock the *ahem* Javanese Queen. Bogey will also mention a 'Murtz' guy. He resides in Mosy Isle village. That's our destination :) By checking your map constantly, this part should be no problem. The ship has strong cannons which will make this journey a little pleasant. The bargain wasn't that bad, eh? Ok, on your way to Mosy Isle, you will encounter several, hundreds of aliens, my advice is to just kill the mantasaurs and the gundrones. Since they are the only threat with their weapons, they will prove to be a nasty nuisance. The rest can be skipped. You should also be aware of that these waters are quite heated as well, because of nearby volcano's. Be also aware of that the fuel inside the ship may be a tad limited, so there is no time dawdling around. By following these tips, I'm more than sure that you'll turn up in Mosy Isle village. Dock the ship immidietly and quickly go to the large house. You'll notice a man behind a weird looking chair. It's Murtz. He'll be pretty straight- forward with his coughing and sneezing. He'll ask for medicine against his fever. A witch living up in the north, near the fire elemental temple. Exit, and grab the jeep nearby. You'll encounter various harvester waves so kill them first before doing anything else. Ok, there is a path in the village that leads to the north, yet another volcano area. If followed the path correctly you will turn up near a small hut near a very, very hot place. Enter, and talk to the fat ***** and she'll give you the medicine. Now return to your jeep, and drive all the way back to Mosy Isle village. If you encounter additional harvester waves, kill the bugs, you know the routine. Get back to Murtz and he'll unlock his torpedo boat. Now, if you didn't get the Rocket launcher in East Rua Rua, here's your chance to get it now! Nearby the village there is a path that leads to a bunker (Not the one in the village) and it has the rocket launcher, outside it there is a Kubelwagen. Anyways, go to the harbour of the village and hop into the Swordfish MTB!!! A fast, safe and lethal boat that will help you smack the harvester of Java stage3!!! Check your map to see the harvester's location and do whatever you must! It's a piece of cake with the torpedo boat! Congrats! You've completed the hardest level of Java, IMO! Prepare yourself for the next stage! ARTIFACT: IN A REMOTE AIRFIELD IN THE NORTH EAST. YOU CAN'T ACCESS IT WITH CURRENT VEHICLES SO DON'T BOTHER WITH IT NOW. WAIT TILL YOU HAVE COMPLETED JAVA STAGE4! GET AN AIRPLANE AND FLY OVER THERE! THERE IS A HUT AND INSIDE THE HUT THERE IS THE ARTIFACT! CRYSTAL: N/A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2d: JAVA STAGE4 Ok sport, ya with me? You're stuck on some small isle of alien slime. False! Find an approporiate way to swim to the isle ahead of you. From there swim to the mainland and pass the shield portal. Ok, get the jeep nearby and drive on the same road. You will come to a bluff which will lead to a village under attack. Attacked by a harvester wave. This is South Fang village on the map. Kill the bugs very quickly now, because the aliens are going to launch yet another harvester wave in the North Fang Village. Check your map. There are 2 paths of going to the village safely. The one through the woods and the one through a steep shore. I recommend the steep shore, because it's a much faster way, not to also mention that the way through the woods has this annoying glitch of a helicopter wave being launched and people accidentally gets killed. Ok, blast the harvester! We want to do this as quickly as posssible! If you took the way through the steep shore you must've noticed an Airboat. Now, go grab it, drive all the way back to South Fang village and to the south of it, there is a waterway, with a Swordfish MTB!!! Go grab it! Now, check your map once again! Your destination is to the alien barrier! On the way there you'll encounter a jelly that you'll have to destroy! Ok, when near the alien barrier, be ready to encounter heavy, alien artillery! Continue on your current route, escaping from the aliens and you'll end up by a huge frigate. Enter it and you'll see captain Ahab (Rotflol) Now, while in here grab all the goodies here, and I mean all of 'em, 'cause you can't return here later! Now, Ahab mentioned that the ship seems to be unable to start. Walk through all the doors till you find a pipe with a wheel. And as the mechanic you are, you should of course spin the wheel! Here that lovely engine sound? Heh... Go back to Ahab, and he'll say farewell to ya (Sorta...) and it's time for you to leave. Make sure you got the crystal in this frigate! Now, exit the ship and you'll see a neat cutscene with Ahab's ship, Peqoud, blasting through that alien barrier!!! That'll leave an entrance to Blackness Naval Base!!! Now, grab your torpedo boat and go all the way back to the area where the Alien barrier used to be. You'll see a military environment such as another frigate (A marine flight carrier, to be exact...) an Ack Ack, A tiger, A bulldog, and some planes!!! Woohoo!!! There is also a harvester wave in this base so be on your toes and enter the Ack Ack and make some huge splats!!! Now, when finished go to all the buildings that are accessible! Go grab all that sweet ammo! Near the factory and the administration building, there is a gyrocopter! Go grab it and fly to the frigate with the two airplanes! Enter the frigate and grab all the goodies such as the crystal and voila, when you come out, there is a new weapon, Starburst!!! Leave the frigate and look near the waters, that's a Zero plane. Enter it! Check your map again! There is a new mission directive. Remember the Kris Knife quest? You've got one of the parts, the blade. You'll need the hilt and the handle. Check your map again and find the Water elemental temple. Fly over there (Shouldn't be a problem) and try to find the handle, it's not hard. These stupid puzzles are so friggin' easy that it won't need a further explanation. One more temple to go! So where is it? By checking your map, it's on a heaty, familiar place! Java Stage3!!! The damned volcano stage! Remember the location of the witch hag, on the Mosy Isle quest? It's located on the map, and it's not the most comfortable place in the world! I assumed you found a landing spot near the temple? Good. Enter the temple and once again, watch your step... Or you'll have to play this over... Retrieve the hilt by solving the incredibly easy puzzle. Now, leave! If you landed on a good spot this shouldn't be a problem. Now fly to Java stage2 and save! First of all save! Now, fly to the village, near the Great elemental temple! Drive upwards to the temple and go to the shrine where the knife should be. Exit! See one of the game's most lovely cutscenes! The rain is gone and now enjoy the tropical Java! Save once again and fly all the way back to Blackness Naval Base in Java Stage4. Get your ass over to the flight tower, which should lie nearby the naval base. Blast the bugs... Enter the tower, and talk to the very tall dude... He'll unlock the factory in the Naval base. Get your ass over to the naval base again and go to the factory. Go get yourself a juicy gyrocopter! Now, check your map and search for an approporiate way to the harvester. I have two recommendations: Either fly to it with high altitude, or following the waterway that will lead you to it face to face. It all just depends on what aeroplane you pick. Go and show those bugs what for! Congrats dude! Java Stage4 completed! ARTIFACT: AFTER'VE DEFEATED THE ALIEN PROCESSOR, SEARCH FOR A BUNKER WITH A BULLDOG NEXT TO IT. IF YOU'VE COMPLETELY CHARTED THE AREA, JUST TRY TO FIND A BULLDOG ON THE MAP WITH A SQUARE BUILDING NEXT TO IT. YOU'LL FIND IT! CRYSTAL (2): THE FIRST ONE IS INSIDE AHAB'S SHIP, AND THE SECOND ONE IS INSIDE THE FRIGATE IN BLACKNESS NAVAL BASE! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2e: JAVA CENTRAL GENERATOR STAGE Ok, make sure you've got everything, all the artifacts and crystals of the JAVA level. Check your map and search for the shield portal. I recommend acquiring a Gyrocopter to get there. So acquire a gyrocopter to get there!!! Now, when there you'll notice some intimidating missiles, cruising towards you. Move over to the left path of the road and you'll get to a military range with a Bulldog, a Kubelwagen, a Gyrocopter AND a new vehicle you haven't seen! The Howitzer! My recommendations are either the Howitzer or the Bulldog. With the howitzer you can blast and blast and blast! So go to the battle field and make your day! Congrats sport! JAVA 1941 completed!!! You're gonna meet the boss Cerberus! If you want help with it, go to the boss list! This section will be expanded in the future. I-----------------I I 8: Weapon list. I I-----------------I This is a weapon list for the curious one! This is a common pros/cons list of weapons each level, also with the alien weapons. This list will expand with strange military vehicles and military vehicles with identical weapons in near future! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1: Adam's pistol Well, what can I say? It's dualpiped and 12mm. It appears to be integrated with the backpack so ammunition is infinite since the backpack memorizes the item's structure and reproduces it in realtime. Illogical? Hell yes! Pros. Infinite ammo! Can be used inside a vehicle Cons. Damn, it's weak! Wow, what an astounding projectile distance! Advice: Use this on weak ones, or if you're out of ammo! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2: Greece Well this level ain't that hard, so Adam can rely on his own gun. 2a: Machine gun This gun is a very common name in the video game realm. Pros. Very effective and fast! Somewhat larger distance than the pistol. Can be used inside a vehicle Cons. Weaker than the pistol! Eats ammo! Advice: Okay, this gun is pretty straight forward, not that good either. Still not that bad, but becomes obsolete when you acquire the sunshield (Greece only!) . -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2b: TNT (Trinitrotoloul, Dynamite, Explosive 'carrot' lol.) Some good old dynamite. If you have an IQ over 69 you should be alright without a further description :) Pros. One of the strongest weapons in the game carried by Adam. Cons. If you're too stupid you should see Adam in gibs. Low quantity Can't be used inside a vehicle. Advice: Only use this thing with thinking... That's all folks.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2c: The Talosus Sunshield This weapon is godlike! Pros. Stronger than the pistol! God, what a distance! Oh, it's very effective indeed! Infinite ammo! Cons. Cannot be used inside a vehicle Advice: Replace the machine gun with this! You won't regret it! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2d: Alien weapon Tri- Spinner Note: Acquire the three weapon chrystals! A very lethal weapon! Use it with care! Shoots a railgun like projectile, hence the name. Pros. Immensely strong! Astounding distance! Cons. So strong you could kill yourself. Slow fire Slow reload Cannot be used inside a vehicle Ammo hard to find. Advice: You are much better off with the sunshield. Greece summary: The sunshield is the obvious choice since it only has one downside. But Greece only has one true encounter: The mantasaur. The rest can be used with a pistol or the sunshield. The wardrones will develop to more dangerous enemies but in this level they are nearly harmless. Not very hard enemies. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3: Java (Note: Earlier weapons are not displayed although they do appear in later levels. These weapons are: Machinegun, Shotgun, Rifle, Rocket Launcher and Pistol.) This is harder than Greece, since the aliens have the new stationary wardrones which are a pain in the ass since they have vulcan cannons that are not only loud but also dangerous. They also have hard armour and are therefore hard to kill without heavy artillery. Anyways a new weaponset is waiting for you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3a: Shotgun This is a more powerful weapon with more power than the rifle and more distance than the pistol. It is a pain to reload this thing though. Pros. It's powerful enough to break the legs of a goliath! It can be used inside a vehicle The strongest weapon you'll ever use inside the vehicle! Cons. Distance is not very good.. Slow reload. Advice: I would use this weapon on the bigger and stronger bugs only for ammosaver but it's your own choice! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3b: Rifle Almost as powerful as the shotgun but with great distance! However, slower reload than the shotgun. Pros. Almost as strong as the shotgun! Astounding distance! Can be used inside a vehicle! Cons. Slower reload than the shotgun. Advice: It is slow so it's not recommended to use it in battle. However it's great for shooting from a long distance or trying to blast an alien chopper! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3c: Hand Grenades This weapon is not what I would call great, but it's your only way past the passage... Pros. It's almost as strong as the rocket launcher... Infinite ammo! Cons. Adam throws like a three year old... It can't be used inside a vehicle. Advice: After you pass the passage in Java, don't bother using the grenades at all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3d: Rocket Launcher This immensly powerful weapon is more useful than you can think of. Pros. Oh God, it's a beast! Excellent distance! Remote controlled! Slow enough, to be able to control the missile! Cons. You could kill yourself! Slow reload. Can't be used inside a vehicle. Advice: Great against large and annoying bugs! Also good against a gathered group of insects! Not very good against bugs an inch away from you.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3e: Alien weapon Starburst Almost as strong as the Rocket Launcher, but with better reloading time if you press fire just after you fired a round and if you don't press R. This cool thingy shoots stars (No kidding!), and this starlauncher speaks for itself as well. Pros. Very Strong! Good reloading time! Very good distance! Cons. Ammo is hard to find. You could hurt yourself. Slow projectile. Can't be used inside a vehicle. Advice: The Rocket launcer is much more useful since you also can control the rocket and it is somewhat faster. Avoid using this weapon too often. Java Summary: This level has more challenge than Greece but shouldn't be a problem. This level offers a brand new weapon set to discover. The mantasaurs and the wardrones are the real menace in this level, but this shouldn't be too much for you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4: America See the difference? Yes, I know.. America is not what you expected. It is much harder than Java because the mantasaur has swapped with scorpio, a nasty creature which is immensely powerful. However the stationary wardrones have become a lot weaker both offensive and defensive. You should also take notice of another 'scorpio'. This variant is much more dangerous than the scorpio found in the very beginning of America. This variant can pound the ground, shoot rockets, whatever you can think of! This level shouldn't be too hard but stay alert! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4a: Alien weapon Lightning gun Wow! This gun is everything! Do the same trick with Starburst (Java) and you'll be pleased! Pros. Rigorously fast! Dangerous like hell! Great distance! Cons. Can't be used inside a vehicle. You could kill yourself. Ammo is very hard to find. Advice: Well, what can I say? It is a great weapon, but it has limitations. America summary: Many new bugs makes this level very exciting and challenging. However many finds this level very frustrating since it's in a large town and an urban invasion is not the most pleasant thing. There are many interesting vehicles. Everything from a sportscar to an alien UFO (Unidentified Flying Object, for very retarded people.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5: Siberia This level is not the most sexy thing in this world since it looks like a garbage wasteland. Also if you thought America was hard, you'll become literally insane when you'll try to explore this piece of land. Scorpio has a more dangerous variant and the wardrones are now flying and are more pain in the ass than ever! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5a: Alien weapon Disruptor What the hell? What is this piece of crap?! Not only is it slow but it's also a pain in the ass to control. This crappy thingy shoots ripple like projectiles. The only good thing with it is just that it expands the further away it goes. Reminds of the Alien weapon of Greece. Yup, same uselessness. Pros. It expands. It's strong Cons. It's slow. Slow reloading. You can kill yourself with this piece of crap! You can't use this piece of crap inside a vehicle which makes this gun more crap than it is! Advice: This weapon is useless since you have the Rocket launcher! There is nothing more to say about this worthless piece of junk, except for that it's crap! Siberia summary: Hard level, with it's new challenging set of aliens this is a very much a tough level. The military vehicles makes up a bit, but it's still a very challenging level and not many ppl. manages this level. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6a: Special vehicles weapons. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.62mm GPMG Hmmm. This assault gun is equipped in most military vehicles. It has an outstanding range and it is somewhat stronger than Adam's pistol. Infinite ammo granted. Analysis: 7.62mm is a projectile standard made for assault rifles and military guns attached to different vehicles. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.7mm Minigun Equipped in many aircrafts. Immensely strong vulcan cannon with excellent range and is more than twice as strong than the GPMG. Infinite ammo granted. Analysis: 12.7mm is a special standard for high velocity guns, usually located on gunships and airfighters. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 76.2mm cannon Eqipped in all tanks (Even the MK1 Crocodile found in Greece, Stage2.) but the Panzerkampfwagen uses this powerful weapon. On tanks this weapon has a slow reload. On weapons such as Ack Ack in Java you'll be able to shoot these powerful projectiles in a fast pace. Very, very strong and with an outstanding range! Gives a slight recoil in tanks. Infinite ammo granted. Analysis: 76.2mm is a standard on light/medium sized assault vehicles. These, usually single loaded shells, are highly powered and will often come out with a heavy recoil. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 240mm mortar This powerful weapon is only found in the Trekker jeep in Java. It is weak for being a high explosive weapon but is still very strong against bugs. Shortranged, but fast paced. Infinite ammo granted. Analysis: Mortars are usually manually loaded and fired, but in this case they are fired in a fast pace and are not very strong even if their calibre is considered as high. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big bomb Only found on areoplanes and is a scarce weapon. This is an immensely powerful bomb which is being dropped. Infinite ammo granted. Analysis: This weapon doesn't define much more of it's contents. My theory is that this weapon should be over 100 lbs. For a desirable effect. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cluster bomb (Howitzer.) This terribly high explosive weapon is only found on two vehicles in the whole game! The howitzer in Greece (Stage2) and the howitzer in Java (Alien generator area.). You decide what range this weapon has! Immensely powerful and of course! Infinite ammo! Analysis: These howitzer shells are very outdated. They did have an impressive effect on enemies since the major 'shell' held many other minor bombs, that did split directly after impact. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Missile I (Torpedos) You'll only aquire this powerful array in Siberia, Stage3 while in the Proto RNV submarine. Very Powerful! Great distance! Can be used like the rocket launcher! Infinite ammo granted! Notify the special sound! It has a blue cover and is orange on the nose (The missile.) Analysis: Torpedos are immensely powerful weapons and can be locked on certain enemies. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Missile II (Assault rockets.) This weapon will be used inside the Rapier Launcher (America, Stage2,3), Skorpion RAV (Siberia, Stage1,3,4) and the MK3 Halo Gunship (Located in Siberia Stage1, but can only be used when finished with Stage4.) Immensely powerful rockets that can give a slight recoil when launched. Great range, Notify the different sound. Infinite ammo granted. White cover and a red nose. (The missile.) Notify that every time this one is launched, shrapnel and splinter are coming out of the launcher! (Cool Effect!) Analysis: Assault rockets are used to hunt down enemies from a good range and often with great accuracy. Same with the torpedos. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Missile III (Rapid missiles.) These powerful missiles are usually found in aeroplanes (Zero, Spectre VTOL, Gyrocopter. But also found in the Swordfish Torpedo Boat.) they can be fired in a fast pace and are extremely accurate! Great range! Infinite ammo! Notify the different sound. Totally white missile! Analysis: Rapid missiles are usually found inside Assault planes and airfighters. They are being fired in an automatic way. These missiles are usually fast so you may not be able to lock and so on. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resonator (Sound shockwaves.) Not only is the Alpha tank equipped with theses lethal arrays, the UFO in America is equipped with these extremely powerful shockwaves made from overmuted waves of unhearable echo. It is shooten from the source (Your vehicle) and as expected this weapon has short range. Infinite ammo in the UFO granted! Analysis: This weapon is of a strange technology. My theory is unhearable soundwaves along with fierce vibrations. It comes along with echoes that makes the effect last longer. The frequency must be very low causing a lethal sound and causing a bass vibration at a lethal level. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr Lolly theme (Terrible music!) This hideous sound can destroy your sensitive ears! Turn it off! Analysis: It destroys ears. Hangman B vinch. (Chinook chopper) Not a weapon, but is useful if you want to pick up things. Analysis: A simple vinch used for transportation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCUD Missile Hands down for the strongest weapon in the whole game!!! This beauty is located in Siberia, stage4. This godlike weapon will be the absolutely strongest weapon you'll ever get your hands on!!! Range??? God damn it, it's remote controlled and with an infinite range!!! Yay!!! Amount of missile: 1, Damn that's little!!! Analysis: SCUD missiles are extremely powerful. The warhead is usually just conventional and will just do physical damage. Sometimes the warhead is equipped with chemical weapons that can cause much more lethal damage as well as physical damage. It can also be equipped with uranium isotopes or even a whole nuke set! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6b: Military vehicles This section will refer to military vehicles each level. This list will refer in these ratings: abysmal, terrible, poor, average, ok, good, great, excellent, superb and perfect. These ratings will go in these groups: Weapons, Armour, Speed, Accuracy and Range. Note that the weapons rating will vary even if the same weapons as previous vehicles are shown. This is due to the weapon angle, range, weapon sets, terrain circumstances, etc. Also take note that identical weapons get stronger each level. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greece Military Vehicles Panzerkampfwagen The first tanks with a real turret had light weaponry, like this one. These bandwagons had a relatively low speed since by the first world war humans were not able to make speedy machines, but this tank represented one of the most powerful vehicles to the army. Both in engine and armour. Type: Light artillery Tank Weapons: 7.62mm GPMG Weapons Rating: Poor Armour Rating: Great Speed: Average Accuracy: Great Range: Average -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bulldog Armoured trucks of this kind is most widely used for transportation only. This variant could've been used for defence only since it has a relatively low speed. Weapons systems are usually light. Type: Armoured Truck Weapons: 7.62mm GPMG Weapons Rating: Poor Armour Rating: Excellent Speed: Poor Accuracy: Great Range: Average --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MK1 Crocodile Low profile tanks were widely used in the first world war. They had a very futuristic appearance (IMO) and were equipped with heavy cannons each side. Due to their shape, they are very hard to control. They also have limited angle in terms of aiming. Type: Low profile Tank Weapons: 76.2mm Cannon Weapons Rating: Great Armour Rating: Excellent Speed: Poor Accuracy: Superb Range: Excellent --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sapworth Trainer The Sapworth Trainer was a commonly used plane for educational purposes. It could be used for assault but is not recommended since stronger planes like the Adler and Camel could easily knock out this one. Type: Areoplane Weapons: 12.7mm Minigun Weapons Rating: Good Armour: Poor Speed: Superb Accuracy: Excellent Range: Excellent --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sapworth Camel Planes of this type were formidable against other aircraft. The Sapworth (Sopwith) Camel was one of the most common planes. Type: Areoplane Weapons: 12.7mm Minigun Weapons Rating: Good Armour Rating: Good Speed: Superb Accuracy: Excellent Range: Excellent --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adler DR1 Planes of this type were very feared since they used ferocious machineguns and bombs that could destroy villages in a glimpse. This type of plane was preferred for the Red Baron. Type: Areoplane Weapons: 12.7mm Minigun, Big Bomb Weapons Rating: Excellent-Superb Armour Rating: Superb Speed: Superb Accuracy: Excellent Range: Excellent --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Howitzer Heavy artillery mostly used against stationary targets, but could also be used against approaching troops. Both for Assault/Defence. Fires a clusterbomb. Type: Mobile Heavy Artillery Weapons: Pistol (Your own gun.), Clusterbomb Weapons Rating: Superb Armour Rating: Excellent Speed: Poor Accuracy: Abysmal Range: Defined by own choice --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Java Military Vehicles Trekker ATJ Jeeps of this type could be used to almost anything due to their speed, trekking abilities. They usually don't come with any weapons systems, but this jeep is rather boastful with it's impressive collection of weapons. Type: Terrain trekking Jeep Weapons: 240mm Mortar, Machinegun Weapons Rating: Excellent Armour Rating: Poor Speed: Good Accuracy: Good Range: Poor- Good -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jagdpanther Tanks that use no turrets are usually called barrier tank since their shots were highly powered and couldn't be placed inside turrets due to the heavy recoil. Same principe as the Howitzer. Type: Non-turret tank, Barrier tank Weapons: 76.2mm cannon Weapons Rating: Good Armour Rating: Excellent Speed: Average Accuracy: Good (Can only shoot up/down forward.) Range: Excellent -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tiger Light assault tanks are made for attacking smaller targets since their weapons are weaker than heavier tanks. Armour follows the same way. Speed is higher than most other tanks though. Type: Tank, light assault tank Weapons: 76.2mm cannon, 7.62mm GPMG Weapons Rating: Superb Armour Rating: Great Speed: OK Accuracy: Excellent Range: Good/Excellent -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bulldog Very common vehicle in the 2nd world war. It has a fast speed rating and could be equipped with thicker armour and better weapons, depending on circumstance. Type: Armoured Assault Automobile Weapons: 7.62mm GPMG Weapons Rating: OK Armour Rating: Great Speed: Good Accuracy: Great Range: Good -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zero This was the most preferred plane for the Japanese kamikaze pilots. This version of the Zero is a hydroplane, able to move in air, water and ground. Type: Areoplane Weapons: Missile III Weapons Rating: Excellent Armour Rating: Excellent Speed: Superb Accuracy: OK Range: Excellent -------------------------------------------------------------------------- B-25 Eagle Bombers are very straight forward with their name. It bombs for assualt. Can also be equipped with nuclear arrays. Type: Bomber Weapons: Big Bomb Weapons Rating: Good Armour Rating: Superb Speed: Superb Accuracy: N/A Range: N/A -------------------------------------------------------------------------- P38 Gryphon Planes of this type are unusual and are made for more acrobatic performances than military purposes. Only reason I posted it here is that its equipped with missiles. Type: Areoplane Weapons: Missile III Weapons Rating: Excellent Armour Rating: Superb Speed: Superb Accuracy: OK Range: Excellent -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gyrocopter The Gyrocopter looks like a helicopter but is steered as an areoplane. Usually not equipped with anything at all since it was only manufactured for tracking/pursuing purposes. This one is equipped with strong missiles. Type: Gyrocopter Weapons: Missile III Weapons Rating: Excellent Armour Rating: OK Speed: Good Accuracy: OK Range: Excellent -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swordfish MTB Torpedo boats of this type are usually fast and equipped with strong, boastful weapons. A very lethal opponent in marine circumstances. Type: Torpedo boat Weapons: Missile III Weapons Rating: Excellent Armour Rating: Superb Speed: Good Accuracy: Good Range: Excellent --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lifeboat Corvettes of this type are made for transportation, but due to their size they are also equipped with strong/heavy weapon systems for assault/defence. Type: Corvette Weapons: Fully Automatic 76.2mm cannon Weapons Rating: Excellent Armour Rating: Superb Speed: Abysmal Accuracy: Great Range: Excellent --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ack Ack Ack Acks were very common in the 2nd world war. Very lethal due to their strong automatic cannons. High armour rating. Type: Stationary Turret Weapons: Automatic 76.2mm cannon Weapons Rating: Superb Armour Rating: Superb Speed: N/A Accuracy: Superb Range: Superb ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Howitzer This howitzer has a base of a bandwagon/tank base. It uses a clusterbomb which is fired from a robust cannon. This vehicle can't use a turret due to the relatively high recoil. Type: Howitzer on a bandwagon Weapons: Pistol, Cluster bomb Weapons Rating: Superb Armour Rating: Superb Speed: Poor Accuracy: Abysmal Range: Defined by own choice --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kubelwagen This armoured car is a military vehicle! No kidding! I saw one of these cars in a documentary from the second world war! It has a high armour level for being a car and has a high speed rating. Type: Armoured automobile Weapons: None, your own. Weapons Rating: Depends on what armoury you have. Armour Rating: Good Speed: Good Accuracy: Depends on weapons Range: Depends on weapons --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grimly Transport This truck is a military vehicle. But it's made for transportation only. Type: Transortation truck Weapons: None, your own Weapons Rating: Depends on what armoury you have Armour Rating: Poor Speed: Average Accuracy: Depends on weapons Range: Depends on weapons ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- America Military Vehicles Rapier Launcher Rapier launchers are either stationary or mobile like this one. They are equipped with SAMs (Assault rockets.) which are very formidable against aircraft or stationary targets. Mobile rapiers are usually very slow. Type: SAM (Surface to Air Missiles.) Launcher Weapons: Missile II Weapons Rating: Excellent Armour Rating: Superb Speed: Poor Accuracy: OK Range: Excellent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Huey These helicopters were very common in the Vietnam war. They were made for assault (Long range machineguns.) and transportation. These helicopters real name is HU-1. Type: Supply Helicopter Weapons: 12.7mm Minigun Weapons Rating: Good Armour Rating: Excellent Speed: Excellent Accuracy: OK Range: Excellent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RGM Paton Assault tanks from the 60's are usually enourmous, but still equipped with usual weapons systems. These tanks have a rigorously high defence rate. This tank was widely used in the Vietnam war. The major differences between this tank and another standard tank is the huge base. It has double wheelc- radles along with a high powered engine. Type: Assault Tank Weapons: 76.2mm cannon, 7.62mm GPMG Weapons Rating: Excellent Armour Rating: Superb Speed: OK Accuracy: Superb Range: Good/Superb ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Miller J3P Cargo Jeeps are made for transportation of military hardware. Some of these vehicles are equipped with light weapon systems. Type: Cargo Jeep Weapons: Machinegun Weapons Rating: Terrible Armour Rating: Poor Speed: Great, with Nitro Fuel: Superb Accuracy: Great Range: OK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) UFO is a mysterious vehicle and obviously, no data is available. Type: Alien Vehicle Weapons: Resonator Weapons Rating: Perfect Armour Rating: Superb Speed: Perfect Accuracy: Perfect Range: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Siberia Military Vehicles APC (Armoured Personnel Carrier) APCs are made for fast transportations. Some APCs vary in size and camouflage. The usual versions of APCs are the sixwheeled and the bandwagoned. Some APCs can be larger than a heavy tank and can be as small as small as a light tank. It is made for transportation only and could be equipped with lighter weapon systems. Armour rating is high Type: Armoured Personnel Carrier Weapons: 7.62mm GPMG Weapons Rating: Good Armour Rating: Excellent (Armour bar is low, but very tough.) Speed: Excellent Accuracy: Excellent Range: Good -------------------------------------------------------------------------- T341 'Fist' Assault tanks are pretty much straight forward. They are made for assault sa the name implies, but can as well act as a defensive part against other invading vehicles/aircraft. Tanks have usually a large variety of calibre slots for different calibre shells. Also some automatic units/missile units may be available. Type: Assault Tank Weapons: 76.2mm cannon, 7.62mm GPMG Weapons Rating: Superb Armour Rating: Perfect (Front is outstanding!) Speed: OK Accuracy: Excellent Range: Superb -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MK3 Halo Gunships are made for assault. They are usually equipped with a variety of strong, high explosive weapons and automatic machineguns. These aircraft are not made for highspeed ops, but are made for precision ops which requires a handy aircraft like this one. Type: Gunship Weapons: Missile II, 12.7mm Minigun Weapons Rating: Superb Armour Rating: Poor Speed: Great Accuracy: Good Range: Superb -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spectre VTOL VTOL areoplanes only takes off/lands vertically. These planes are more expensive to manufactor, but make up since they don't need a large airfield to land or take off. Slightly slower than ordinary planes/STOL planes. Type: Vertical Take Off/Landing Attack Airfighter Weapons: Missile III, 12.7mm Minigun Weapons Rating: Superb Armour Rating: Superb Speed: Perfect Accuracy: Good Range: Superb -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hangman B Chinook choppers are usually very weak but their physical capacity in space and power makes up and their only purpose for the military is transportation only. Made for lifting vehicles and transportation for smaller squads. Type: Chinook flying personnel carrier Weapons: Hangman B vinch Weapons Rating: N/A Armour Rating: Abysmal Speed: Good Accuracy: N/A Range: N/A -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skorpion RAV Assault rocket launchers of this type are purely made for assault against stationary targets or it is for purposes against invading aircraft. Type: SAM Launcher Weapons: Missile II Weapons Rating: Good Armour Rating: OK (Front is perfect!) Speed: Good Accuracy: Good Range: Excellent -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proto RNV Submarines are used to guard a certain area or for purposes of assault. In this case, this RNV submarine is made for pure assault. It also has a special traction. It is totally bound to the aquatic terrain and cannot surface or submerge. It comes from a special underground hangar with a special connection with aquatic circumstances. Type: Prototype Assault Submarine Weapons: Missile I Weapons Rating: Good Armour Rating: Poor Speed: Average Accuracy: Good Range: Excellent --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Polokov 3850 Hovercrafts are harder to steer, but in addition it is able to hover on water as well as land. Armoured hovercrafts like this one have weaker weapons because stronger weapons always gives a recoil. Hovercrafts cannot use high recoil weapons without problems. Type: Military Hovercraft Weapons: Machinegun Weapons Rating: Poor Armour Rating: Great Speed: Great Accuracy: Great Range: Average ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCUD Launcher SCUD Launchers are made for assault. SCUDs were very common in the Gulf war. They could be either be only conventional (Physical damage only) or chemical. (Warhead with nervegas, bacterias etc.) SCUD launchers themselves have a very powerful engine but due to the weight and engine restrictions, the vehicle is very slow and armour rating isn't very high. Type: SCUD launcher Weapons: Pistol, SCUD nuclear missile with warhead Weapons Rating: Perfect Armour Rating: Abysmal Speed: Terrible Accuracy: Perfect Range: Perfect ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gunboat N-64 This vehicle is a very common marine array when guarding an area. Usually equipped with missile systems or automatic weaponry. Type: Gunboat Weapons: 7.62mm GPMG Weapons Rating: Good Armour Rating: Poor Speed: OK Accuracy: Great Range: Good ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Locomov This is probably the most powerful vehicle (In matters of horsepowers.) you'll ever get your hands on. Russian, armoured trains like this one are made for transportation of high positioned people and weapons/military hardware, military assembly. Type: Train, with an armoured locomotive. Weapons: Machinegun Weapons rating: Poor Armour Rating: Superb Speed: Terrible (Abysmal when putting on the reverse.) Accuracy: Good Range: Good This list will be expanded in the future. I-------------I I 9: Bug list I I-------------I This a comprehensive list of all the aliens. This list will go after levels. This list will also tell descriptions of an alien and it's weak resp. strong points. If I missed a bug let me know about it since not every bug is listed in the manual. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greece Bug Summary All the bugs are green (Except for the piranha which is red.) and not very strong. All of the aliens look more alive than mechanized or robotic. Of course, they are still a menace, but shouldn't be too much trouble. Gundrones are not yet dangerous (You know, those aliens with a large cannon on the shoulder! If you blast it, the head blows up but the body still is alive a couple of seconds, lol.) but the mantasaurs are the only menace. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Java Bug Summary Most of the bugs are now brown and have received some mechanical parts (Especially the goliath.) and looks more of a menace. The drones have been replaced with an ugly combination of a small scorpio and a small mantasaur. These replacements are green to the colour. Gundrones have developed to stationary, golden beasts that are not only very loud with their pitifully strong guns, but also very hard to kill due to their thick armour and size. Mantasaur has become somewhat weaker. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- America Bug Summary The bugs are purple/ dark blue in colour and very tough to kill. First real significant change is the mechanical look. The bugs still looks more alive, though. Also the mantasaur has been replaced by scorpiosaur, a very dangerous encouter with large claws and a very lethal beamlauncher located on it's tail. There is also another more dangerous variant of scorpiosaur. It has an 'open mouth' or something. However, this variant is equipped with strong rocket launchers and a strong electric tesla located on it's tail. It is also very strong, it can cause quakes which is also accompanied with a swarm of rockets! The gundrones are much weaker than in Java and their loud guns have been replaced by lasers. Also a comprehensive list of annoying choppers and sandworms! Also shoot a drone with a pistol and watch it burn!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Siberia Bug Summary The bugs are black. Biggest difference in a long time is not only the gruesome mechanical design, but the scouts shoots lasers! Also, scorpiosaur has received another variant. This slightly smaller version of scorpiosaur is equipped with a rocket launcher on it's tail. A hook as a replacement for a claw and a noisy vulcan cannon on the other claw. Other annoying variants of choppers. Also the gundrones have become one pain in the ass! Didn't they do enough damage while stationary? This time, they are as strong as in Java but hovering! Yup, that's right! Hovering! Not only are they equipped with their annoying lasers, but also armed with flareballs! These balls vary in colours depending on alien but vary in damage as well. Well these flareballs, launched by those bastards, are immensely strong lifesweepers, arrrrggghhhh!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comet Bug Summary If you'll ever arrive to this godforsaken place, you'll discover one thing very quickly: Don't leave the God damned tank! Was this explanation enough?! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug list symbols Now, the bug list will start and it will go after levels. These are the reactions I got when I played this game for the first time. Symbols: += You kidding? ++= Nearly harmless +++= Average ++++= Don't get cocky. +++++= Dangerous..... ++++++= .... And very annoying +++++++= Oh, holy shit. ++++++++= Get me out of here!!! +++++++++= This is too much. ++++++++++= God with insectlike appearance! Movement symbols: S: Stationary A: Airborn H: Hovering M: Mobile W: Aquatic Any numbers such as 100, 1000, 500 etc. are points when you've killed an alien. Points that are listed here for the aliens refer to Hero/Hard mode. Information about points is limited and will be incomplete for now but future releases will add more points, perhaps points in Zero/Easy mode too. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1: Greece bugs Harvester waves- These squads usually forces people to be ingested. Drone (M) 100 + A minor version of goliath. No real weak point since it already is weak. Uses it's mandibles to chew your legs. Real objective: Annoy you like a retarded three year old. Shoots some minor beams. You can mash this one with a car, for ammosaver, of course. (Neat trick: Approach a drone slowly, push against it, press B, watch the drone fly away in highspeed!!!) --- Flea (M) 25 + An annoying small creature that blows up when flashing. Weak. Not recommended to mash it with a car, since it will blow up. --- Goliath (M) 150 ++ A big, ugly insect which task is to blow up buildings. The head seems to be a suitable target. You can mash this one with a car. Else it could chew your precious legs with it's mandibles. --- Scout (A)+ 200 A dragonfly like insect. Although it looks big, it's nearly harmless. Relatively weak. Shoots minor beams with poor accuracy. Annoying. --- Warscout (A) 300 (Scarce) + This thing looks more mechanical than alive. Crappy work, made by lazy alien workers! No weak point revealed yet. Blasts a vertical laser beam that is able to blow up buildings. Can act as a goliath if necessary. --- Harvester (M) 800 +++ This is the grand eater! It can summon it's defending aliens again. The true weak point is the head. It either shits some acid like blobs or it shoots electrical beams out of it's head. Also, if you come near these, a shield will be erected to bounce back any enemies. Be careful not to be caught by a HCU, since this one will most likely eat you with it's inhumanly strong mandibles. --- Mutant (M-H) 1500 ++++ Not very dangerous, but in other circumstances, this will be hard. A mutant can only be created if a harvester eats six persons. This mechanical thing is equipped with annoying beam launchers. Can stomp you to death too. No real weak point. Leaks oil when destroyed, lol. --- Attack waves- These usually small forces either hunts after Adam or they have offensive tasks against a certain area. Gundrones (M) 200 ++ In Greece, this thing isn't very dangerous. No real weak point, except for the head. Carries a huge cannon on one shoulder, but shoots minor beams. Strong against cars though. --- Mantasaur (M) 500 +++ This is the biggest alien vertically. It's very strong and can impale you with it's spears. Weak point is usually the head. Also equipped with annoying lasers located on it's anus. --- Sniper (S) 100 ++ Now this thing is controlled by a flea and could be a pain in the ass, depending on circumstance. No weak point. Bio-mechanical suit with some cannons that shoots rapid beams. --- Aquatic Attack waves- This is not a very concentrated group. It is very concentrated in Java and in Siberia. --- Piranha (W) 150 +++ This is not a big menace, but becomes a real pain when gathered with other piranhas. You don't need to waste ammo on these. If you ride a boat, simply mash them. No real weak point. Shoots mortar. --- Processor waves- The processor will only have two different aliens to guard it. If you shoot the processor, a pivot in the lower part of the processor (!) will open. Out of it, aliens will spawn. Processor (S) 3000 ++ The processor is easy. It's weak point is the head. It can only shoot weak flare balls. Stationary enemy. --- Fleas (M) 25 + Easy encounter, mentioned before. --- Doodlebugs (A) 250 +++ Oh God! This little thingy is hard to kill! They will act as kamikaze bugs. Hard to shoot since they're flying! Their armour is also surprisingly hard. --- Generator waves- These waves of all sorts of aliens (Except the Harvester and the Processor) are usually very big and defend the vulnerable shield generator. Greece Generator (S) (Rocketlauncher 250) 2000 +++++ This red pillar or whatever is kind of weak. It has four white rocket launchers that shoots somewhat weak missiles. Destroy the rocket launchers first, then pound the red pillar with everything! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Java bugs Harvester waves. Blade drone (M) 75 +++ This is the replacement for the drones. They're green and ugly like hell. Slightly stronger armour. Annoying when using it's spear! --- Flea (M)++ 25 More resistant variant. --- Goliath (M) 150 +++ This goliath looks more mehanical since it now have small teeth and a big visor covering it's ugly eyes. --- Scout (A) 200 ++ Slightly stronger beams and armour. --- Warscout (A) 300 ++ Same crappy work as in Greece with more hideous colours. --- Harvester (M) 800 ++++ It's shit is now a more pain in the ass and it's lightning attack is also stronger. Stronger physically. --- Mutant (M) 1500 ++++++ Doh! This thing has become a lot stronger! Kill it quickly! --- Attack waves Sniper (S) 100 ++++ This time they are slightly stronger and they are now equipped with lasers. --- Mantasaur (M) 500 +++++ Slightly weaker defence, but stronger weapons! It's spears can kill you without further effort. Also, it's lasers are slightly stronger. --- Gundrones (S) 500 +++++++ Oh shit! Oh shit! Not only are they big, golden and ugly! They are also equipped with large, loud and deadly cannons! Also if you approach them too closely, they'll kick you back fiercly! Also, they're hell of tough to kill! Weak point is the head. AKA Roachgunners in Marshmallow's FAQ. --- Choppers (Alien gunships.) (A) 150 ++++ Not all too dangerous, but these flying... Things can shoot terribly accurately! Tough to kill. No weak point. --- Blood Mosquitos (A) 150 +++++ These red flying things are not only red, but they are also chubby! They'll shoot dangerous red goo (?) out of their snouts. Not tough to kill, so there is no weak point. --- Alien Jelly (S) 200 ++++++ These huge blobs of magenta coloured jellies are actually very tough to battle against. They shoot electrical rays if you venture on 'em too close. Aooouuuch! --- Aquatic Attack waves Piranha (W) 150 ++++ They are now physically stronger and their mortar is more deadly than ever! --- Torpedo Raft type 1 (W) 200 ++ These Sniper ripoffs are very weak, but is controlled by a flea and shoots (Surprise!) torpedos. No weak point, since it already is very weak! --- Torpedo Raft type 2 (W) 500 +++++ The first time you'll encounter this one, is when you'll receive the airboat. Not only is it tough to kill, but it's also very nifty with it's beam cannons. No weak point. --- Processor waves Processor (S) 3000 +++++ Very tough to kill, since it's body has become bigger and the head has become scrawnier. Still the head that is weak though. Also equipped with stronger flare balls. --- Flea (M) 25 ++ A more resistant variant. --- Doodlebugs (A) 250 +++++ This time, they are stronger and much more accurate with their kamikaze! --- Generator waves Java Generator (S) (Rocket launchers 250) 2000+++++++ This, more lethal variant launches stronger rockets. Use a military vehicle to make life easier. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- America bugs Harvester waves Drones (M) 100 ++ They are back, but still weaker than the bladedrone. --- Goliath (M) 150 ++++ They are stronger, and it's harder to mash with a car. Looks very mechanical. --- Scout (A) 200 +++ Slightly stronger defence and better accuracy on it's weak beams. Better association with the goliath. --- Warscout: N\A --- Harvester (M) 800 ++++++ Man, this thing is hell of strong! Shits faster than ever and eats like Sherman Klump in 'The nutty professor'. Better offensive. --- Mutant (M) 1500 ++++++++ Do me one favour: Don't let the harvester eat this much or else you'll encouter this lethal beast! AND one thing: It's after you! It doesn't care whether it's gonna destroy a whole town, but it's after you! AND it won't stop until it kills you (R.I.P) or if you'll kill it (Hah!) --- Attack waves Scorpiosaur (M) 750 +++++++ One very impressive substitute for the mantasaur. This is one of the biggest alien horizontically. It's equipped with a nasty high explosive laser launcher located on it's tail. Talk about lethal poison, lol. Equipped with huge claws that can push away cars several yards away! Only weak point is the body when sideways. --- Scorpiosaur type2 (M) 1000 ++++++++ If you thought type1 was very dangerous, you'll go nuts when you'll encounter this one! It's equipped with huge, lethal rocket launchers on it's sides. They work as arms too. It's tail works as a tesla. The rocketlaunchers are used as arms and can cause quakes. This variant looks more aggressive since it's facial appearance differ greatly and it wails more often. It is also almost twice as large as type1!!! Kill this one quickly! It has no weak points! --- Gundrones (S) 500 +++++ Well, it's not as strong as in Java, but it's still able to inflict respect! This version shoots weaker lasers, but it's car mashing method is more gruesome. Armour has weakened significantly. AKA Roach gunners in Marshmallow's FAQ. --- Sandworms (M)+++ It's huge!!! But weak. Their only weapon is their vomits! No weak points, since they already are very weak! AKA Choco Worms (lol.) in Marshmallow's FAQ. --- Chopper type1 (Alien Gunships.) (A) 150 ++++ This version is more common in Springville. It shoots very annoying flare balls. --- Chopper type2 (Alien Gunships.) (A) 200 ++++++ This is a very common version in Stage 2. Does shoot flare balls, they also shoot beams in a very annoyingly fast pace. Harder to kill. --- Aquatic Attack waves: NA Processor waves Processor (S) 3000 +++++ Not a big menace, but body has grown and head has become smaller. Indeed hard to kill! --- Doodlebugs (A) 250 +++++ Instead of doing painful kamikaze, these flying devils are equipped with strong and loud vulcan cannons. Weak armour though. Shaped like aircraft. Will only do kamikaze while in air though, but no annoying diving kamikaze. --- Flea: N/A --- Generator waves America Generator (S) (Rocket launcher 250) 2000 + (With UFO) +++++++ (With Huey) You will either need UFO or Huey to reach this one. You can take the UFO to make life easier (Not for the bugs though) or take the Huey (HU-1 to be exact.) to make this battle a pain in the ass. You get the picture. --- Special waves- These waves only appear in America, stage4. Doomsday Device (Bomb) (S)+++++ Since you will use the UFO to blow up these it should be no problem at all, but if you come into one of those annoying circumstances, this one will be hard, since it will shoot powerful electricity as defence. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Siberia bugs Harvester waves Drones (M) 100 +++ Much harder to mash with a car. It can now gather in small groups. --- Goliath (M) 150 +++++ Their jaws are very strong and their armour has thickened since they now look more mechanical. Strong! --- Scout (A) 200 ++++ These bugs have much more thick armour than in America. Also their scrawny beam launchers have been replaced by lethal lasers! Very accurate! --- Warscout: N\A --- Harvester (M) 800 ++++++++ These bugs can be hard to kill. Not only is their shit very strong but their diet on humans are much faster. Harder armour, stronger weapons. This alien has reached it's most progressive point. --- Mutant (H) 1500 +++++++++ This beast is fully mechanical. It's not able to stomp, since it's hovering with huge engines. Equipped with identical launchers like the scorpio's has. They shoot like maniacs and indeed accurately! Very, very tough to kill! Not impossible though. Attack waves Scorpiosaur type1 (M) 750 +++++++ Indeed! These bugs have become stronger. And I mean it! --- Scorpiosaur type2 (M) 1000 +++++++++ This is the feared scorpion that even surpasses America scorpio type2!!! Equipped with a hook, a vulcan cannon and a rocket launcher on it's tail. It is somewhat smaller than type 1, but hell it's strong! The first one you meet will be inside the armoured train. No weak points found! --- Gundrone (H) 800 ++++++++ Oh God! Oh man! You will meet this thing, often! Instead of being stationary, it's more mobile than in Greece and more tough to kill than in Java! It's hovering and damn, it's equipped with an immensely strong flare ball cannon! Get rid of this bastard, or he'll hunt you and becoming the worst pain in the ass! Try to hit the head! AKA Hoveros in Marshmallow's FAQ. --- Warchopper (Alien Gunships.) (A) 300 ++++++ Strong! This is the strongest airborn alien you'll ever encounter! Equipped with strong and noisy vulcan cannon and carry a strong armour! No weak point whatsoever! --- Alien Jelly (S) ++++++ Aoooooouuuch! These huge dots of glue are equipped with ferocious electro-rays. Not hard to kill if inside something strong like a tank... Aquatic attack waves Crabdrone (W) 150 ++++ Not too dangerous, but highly annoying! These things (More common in Processor area.) can make your boat/submarine halt for ages! Equipped with scrawny beam launchers. Strong shells. No weak points found. --- Barracuda (W) 250 ++++++ These sharklike aliens weapon is electricity. You could mash them with a boat, but takes time. They have high armour rating and should not be underestimated. No real weak point discovered. --- Processor waves Processor (S-W) 3000 +++++++ Very tough to kill! Indeed! This thing is highly annoying with it's flare balls! It took me pretty long to kill the stage one processor! --- Doodlebugs (A) 250 +++++++ These bastards have unluckily returned to kamikaze style! Now they are really annoying since their explosions are much stronger!!! Hell, I hate them! Damn them to hell!!! Aaaarrrrgghh! (Pacemaker stops.) Generator waves Siberia Generator (S) (Rocket launcher 250) 2000 ++++++++ What the hell? You'll either need the Spectre VTOL, APC or the 'Fist' tank to at least survive this one! Damn, those rockets are one hell of lifesweepers! If you're an expert like me, you can use the MK3 Halo (Chopper.) like a challenging experience, but it's not recommended. Also, the waves will spawn many Scorpio, type2!!! If you'll ever survive this one, be lucky that you're still breathing! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comet bugs (Note: There are no harvester waves here, only attack waves will be listed.) Sniper (S) 250 ++++++ Those fleas has grown like hell! So have their scrawny beam launchers. Those cannons have grown to dangerous flare balls launchers! When killed a cool pillar of multicoloured explosions will destroy it completely. It stands on a special platform that will warp those aliens to the same spot, AGAIN! AKA Sharts in Marshmallow's FAQ. --- Tesla bats (A) 400 +++++ Although these green bats look dangerous while in their relatively large groups, they are weak. As their name implies, they shoot teslas. AKA Jade Dragons in Marshmallow's FAQ. --- Missile Giant (H) 1000 ++++++++ These inhumanly endurant creatures are very annoying with their strong rapid missiles! High defence rating too! Kill this one with a fragcannon or lazer missiles for best effect. If more than one use the resonator or else your cojones are boiled. AKA Suppressors in Marshmallow's FAQ. --- Gundrones (H) 800 ++++++++ These hovering nightmares are immensely strong and their annoying flare ball cannons are much worse. If in a group with others if these hovering bastards, you're boiled! AKA Hoveros in Marshmallow's FAQ. --- Scorpiosaur (Comet version.) (M) 1000 +++++++++ These scorpiosaurs are immensely strong! They got dual beam launchers and one of the most insane creatures in the whole game! Don't let these guys thrash your sporty! AKA Eliminators in Marshmallow's FAQ. --- Warscouts (A) 300 +++ This type has the face of a harvester. Shoots very weak lasers but indeed very accurately. Very weak armour rating and shouldn't be too hard to beat. AKA Fodder in Marshmallow's FAQ. --- Alien Warbikes? (M) 300 ++++ Also known as 'Qwertys' in Marshmallow's FAQ. These 'bikes' are yellow and jetblack to the colour. Equipped with dual vulcan cannons, these bikes are definitely trouble on the freeway. You can drive on them and see them turn red (Rapid damaging.). They are very fast and shouldn't be underestimated when summoned in groups. --- Electrocutor (S) 250 +++ Well, these creatures are placed on something that looks like a chair? Anyway these weaklings shoots weak electricity. Easy to kill. Weak. Even Adam can get out of the Alpha tank and sneak up behind it, find a weak point and blast it! --- This list will be expanded in the future. I----------------I I 10: Boss list I I----------------I 10a: Leviathan (M)+++++ This huge four-armed 'crab' is equipped with a rocketlauncher placed on the creature's head. It also excreetes vomits if you venture too close. Hit the arms, then when all four are gone pound this thing with lazer (I know they spelled the name wrong!) missiles or the frag cannon. Tip: Circle in full speed and pound it. You can't really miss it. Just avoid getting near it since it will shove you with rockets, puke on you or it will mash your tank with it's claws. Shouldn't be a problem, though. Analysis: Well, in most religions they often mentions a monster from the oceans (Which explains the word 'crab'.) to invade and to destroy. Well, in this circumstance Leviathan is an alien bug. If you check a dictionary under the word 'leviathan' you should see some synonyms or related words which relates greatly with the ocean. Point Summary: Body Points: 8000 Claws Points (Each): 2000 Total: 16000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10b: Cerberus (M)+++++++ This is supposed to look like a non-clawed scorpion. (It has a couple of mantids, though.) It has three heads (Looking like claws...)and a dangerous tail. The left and right heads shoots beams in a rapid burstlike pace. If you shoot them they'll go off separately. The center head (Bigger) shoots accurate lasers. In the beginning this monster is equipped with a tesla generator. You need to shoot this down first to be able to kill this one. Also the tail shouldn't be underestimated. It shoots powerful flare balls and can mash the tank in no time! What you should use against the minor heads is frag cannon. When they're separate you should use the chaingun against them. Then shoot the major head with the received lazer missiles. Then pound this beast with everything you got! Tip: You circle this one too, but it's less essential. When you've done everything (Except blowing up the body.) you could exit your vehicle and fight it alone. Beware, it will take a good time! Analysis: Cerberus (Or Kerberos.) is mentioned in the greek mythology. It is mentioned as a horrid, huge dog with three heads and a spitting snake as a tail, living in Hades death realm (The dog lived by the shore of Karun's river. Karun was the boatsman to Tartaros, a place similar to the Abyss.) Hercules (Or Herakles) had ten tasks to accomplish (He was a slave for his cousin.) this was his second task. He had to take a walk with the dog. Mission accomplished, Hercules! Point Summary: Body Points: 5000 Claws (Heads) when dropped off (Each): 2000/3000 Claws Points (Each): 500 Generator: 1000 Large head: 3000 Total: 15000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10c: Moloch (H)+++++++ This boss is not what you would expect to exist. It seems very small. However, blow up his spiky pouch and see this huge moster grow like hell! Pound him with everything you have! This bastard is equipped with a spike pouch (Beginning.) and is also equipped with dual flare ball launchers. Later on he'll use his hands and strong rockets. When he is almost dead you will notice that he only crashes and so on. Continue to pound him! Tip: Circling is a great option here, since this bastard will shoot dangerous spiky wheels that will thrash your sporty. You can also shoot those spiky wheels to get health. This bugger will also shoot missiles so be on your guard. Analysis: There isn't much information about this semitian diety. Before any Christian or Islamic religions were known in northern Africa, there was this semitian polyteistic reiligion. Moloch (Or Molok) was one of the gods. Moloch was known to be the god of destruction and famine (Also mentioned in the greek book of Gnosis, Abraxas and the rome book of Grimorum.), this god was also known to eat small children (Strange diet.). Point Summary: Body Points: 8000 Spike Pouch: 1000 Arms (Each): 5000 Total: 19000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10d: Belseebub (A)+++++++++ Tough alien! Too tough, actually. I don't use any generic tactic for this one since this son of a bitch uses a comprehensive amount of weapons! Pound him with anger! Else, you could try to circle him and shoot his arms first, but it will take a good time since this son of a bitch has a hell of an armour rating! Tip: Hah! Analysis: Well, this little bastard has many names. Some of them would be: Lucifer, Hornper, Bhaal, Mephistopheles, Diablo, Satan, The devil, Demogorgon, Ahriman, The dark angel, The grand lich, The demon knight, The tempter, well all in all the devil. You know, the red guy with a huge fork, little sharp tail, beard, mustache and some sharp thorns on the head. Mentioned in all known religions. Point Summary: Body Points: 4000 Jet Engines (Each): 1000 Stinger: 2000 Total: 8000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10e: Tomegatherion (M)++++++++++ (At the beginning.) Whoa! This little fella can actually transform! How good for him! He uses one annoying collection of weapons that are just too much. He also summons defending aliens to help him out, that coward! Tip: Don't underestimate this guy! He is very dangerous when he summons his aliens. Blow up his guns (First blow up that huge flare ball launcher, then blow up the laser blaster!) and a new set of guns will spawn in to his hands. (Same thing, blow up the tesla gun first, than blow up the scorpio beam launcher!) If he summons his aliens use the efficient Resonator or the frag cannon. Now you've blown his arms and his ability to spawn defending aliens! Beware to venture too close on him! He has an eyeray that will blow up your tank! Aim for the head and blow with either lazer missiles or frag cannon. If you've accomplished with that, you will notice that you can blow up his body. Do that. Now you will see Tomegatherion shrink back to normal size! Blow him! Blow him! (I mean, blow him up! What the hell did you think I mean, sicko?!) Analysis: I know I've heard of this name before, I know, I know! I've searched for that name in all dictionaries and in all encyclopedias! Damn, I know I've head of this name before! Point Summary: Body Points: 9000 Laser machinegun: 5000 Flare ball charger: 5000 Electro blaster: 5000 High powered scorpion laser: 5000 Ray visors (Head): 5000 Total: 34000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10f: Sub bosses- This area does include enemies you won't encounter in other levels or in other quantities. Java- The alien barrier in Stage4. You'll see Tomegatherion stand on the barrier and shoot you with Tri-Spinner projectiles. You can only kill this whole barrier (Only lightly damage that little bastard who flees, doh!) if you search after the huge frigate Pequod. Convincing captain Ahab to do a kamikaze attack. Danger Rating: (S)N/A ---------------------- America- Stage2, you'll meet Tomegatherion along with other aliens in the Blackfoot Gulch. This time Tomegatherion is equipped with an annoying flare ball launcher. Best way to take him out is to use the Rifle and aim at him. First, you could try to take out the other aliens before even trying to attack Tomegatherion. You can only damage that little bastard! Danger Rating: (S)+++++ ---------------------- America- Stage4, You're gonna meet Tomegatherion, again! This time with harder armour (It will take a good amount of the UFO Resonator.) and his annoying Tri-Spinner. You have plenty of time, so pound this guy with everything you have! You will only be able to damage him, though. Danger Rating: (S)++++ ---------------------- Siberia- In the second stage, you will encounter a genetically modified woman with insect legs coming out of her body. She will morph into a huge dangerous mutant with a powerful pushing arm (I bet she throws handgrenades much better than Adam.). It looks kind of strange, it has an 'extreme' hairdo and it has a strange looking tail. Congratulations, Legopov! Not only have you created the worst freak ever existing, but also an insanely annoying encounter! Can only damage you physically and digs occasionally. Doh! Kill this one quickly! Danger Rating: (M)+++++++ ---------------------- Comet- Exactly when you're going to the detention center, you'll encounter this gundrone ripoff, controlled by Tomegatherion. Hard to kill indeed! Shoots an annoying flare ball in an annoying fast pace! Take your time to choose a strategy. Circling the area seems to be a good option! Danger rating: (H)+++++++++ ---------------------- Comet- Exactly when you're in the area for the Central Command Tower to kill the hivemind, you'll encounter this lethal asshole! Not only is it's missiles annoyingly strong but it has facial 'claws' that can cause quakes and powerful tesla beams. Use lazer missiles for this one! Danger rating: (M)++++++++++ I-------------------------I I 11: Harvester theories I I-------------------------I The harvester has several aliens to protect it and to make the harvesting easier, correct? This will show what position and priorities affect each alien. This is also a list of what A.I level each alien have. Take care that all the aliens have a sort of a self-destruct mechanism if it would prove that their objectives failed. This is a sort of a smart mechanism since there will be no evidence of their existance. This feature affects ALL aliens! Harvester: The main alien in such waves. Acts as genetic ingester. Main mission is to gather as much genetic information as possible (Eating with other words!) It will spawn it's own defending aliens, if they appear missing. If the harvester is killed first, all aliens will pursue and hunt Adam. When in harvester mode you can see if the harvester is in two 'modes'. First mode is when it has it's eyes closed. It's in a trance state and tries to control the HCUs. When disturbed (Like when Adam shoots a bullet on it's ass!) It will open it's eyes and abort the trance state. It goes completely bananas on everyone disturbing it! It will also mean that the harvesting is delayed. Goliath: Will act as the offensive part of the harvesting. It's main direction is to destroy inhabitant builings, to force occupants to leave. This will bring the HCU's to work. In association with the Scout. If harvester is killed, this nasty fellow will pursue you and attempt to *ahem*, chew you. Scout: Also very essential for the Harvester waves. It marks it's location to the Goliath. Equipped with a weak beam located on it's stinger. If harvester is killed it will pursue you from air and it will try to hunt you down with it's relatively weak armaments. Drone/Blade drone: Main objective is to be a pain in the ass! Mission accomplished, God damn it! This one will protect the harvester, but will also attack the people (It never does.) and vehicles. If harvester is killed it will gather in groups (Especially on the later levels.) and annoy the hell out of you! Warscout: Similar to Scout. If harvester is killed it will pursue you from air and will attempt use it's somewhat powerful lasers. HCU: (Human Capturing Unit.) or green blobs like many people prefers. This is the most important tool in the harvesting. Not only does this capture human lifeforms but it transports the victims back to the harvester. It is excreeted each time from the harvester. It is organic but not living. I---------------------------I I 12: About Harvester waves I I---------------------------I These waves will only appear in inhabitant areas or mostly in a very crowded area. Their main purpose is to collect genetical information. I------------------------I I 13: About Attack waves I I------------------------I These waves mostly appear in hunting down any forces against the waves. Else they just protect the harvester if existing. Also these waves, have the direction of destroying important targets that might be essential for the humans. I--------------------------------I I 14: About Aquatic Attack waves I I--------------------------------I These waves are identical with the regular attack waves, but are in water and should be marking essential objects out in marine circumstances. I---------------------------I I 15: About Processor waves I I---------------------------I This will explain any priorities and positions. Processor: This alien controls the aliens in a specified area (Inside a shield wall.) and will send harvester waves in specified time. If hunted down it will spawn defending aliens to protect it. If it is destroyed the area is free and a small gap in the shield wall will be generated. (Reason unknown) Flea/Doodlebugs: Either do crappy kamikaze or defending the processor. I---------------------------------I I 16: Bug development each level I I---------------------------------I Each level you will notice some changes made to aliens. They will not only change appearance, colour or texture set, but they will also change their native behaviour (From Greece) in some aspects. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- GREECE Colour: Green Mechanical parts/textures: No Armour Average: Low Weapon average: Weak Harvester waves: The harvester's eating density is low (How much it can eat in a row, what interval it has between humans.) HCU speed is slow. Attack/Aquatic Attack waves: In Greece, there is no real force, but don't get too cocky, the mantasaurs can still give ya a bad slap. There are two only true attackers, Gundrones and the Mantasaurs. Other attackers such as the snipers and the piranhas are no real attackers and should be considered as jokes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAVA Colour: Somewhat Brown Mechanical parts/textures: Some Armour average: Low/Medium Weapon average: Medium Harvester waves: The harvester's eating density is somewhat higher than in Greece and HCU speed is also increased. Attack/Aquatic Attack waves: In Java a real boost in attack waves is made. The gundrones have become stationary, but are equipped with thick golden armours and loud, dangerous vulcan cannons! The ordinary mantasaur from Greece has now a lower armour rate, but are equipped with stronger mantids. The laser is also stronger. The snipers have the same armour ratio, but are equipped with lasers instead of the minor beams. The aquatic forces such as the piranha have received stronger depthcharges and tougher armour. New additions such as the torpedo raft (Cheap, aquatic sniper rip-off which fires slow torpedos), are very weak! The other torpedo raft is much more stronger but doesn't fire any torpedos at all! Instead it uses it's nifty beam cannons. High armour rating as I said! Java has a boost in difficulty. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMERICA Colour: Mostly purple Mechanical parts/textures: Intermediate Armour average: Above Medium Weapon average: Dangerous Harvester waves: The harvester's eating density has become doubled compared to Java. HCU has become much faster. Attack/Aquatic Attack waves: There is no aquatic waves in this level! Instead the alien hierarchy has concentrated on it's land troops. One big difference is that the mantasaur has swapped with a gruesome and a very aggressive alien: The scorpiosaur! This gruesome creature is equipped with hardass armour and an explosive laser launcher, located on it's tail! It's accurate like hell!!! It also has it's claws which can thrash and swipe your vehicle several yards away! There is another version of the scorpiosaur, a much more gruesome variant! Yep, this is the most insane creature in the whole game (IMO) and it's equipped with dual rocket launchers, a tesla tail and massive strength and armour!!! It can cause shockwaves if it tries to make quake impacts!!! Dangerous like hell!!! The gundrones are however weaker and the loud vulcancannons are disabled. Instead they are equipped with lasers that are a tad inaccurate. America is all in all a level that should not be underestimated! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIBERIA Colour: Generally black Mechanical parts/textures: Plenty Armour average: Hard Weapon average: Deadly Harvester: The harvester's eating density can become higher than in America and lower than in Greece depending on circumstance. HCU has reached it's most progressive point. I---------------------------------------------I I 17: Level Descriptions and Recommendations. I I---------------------------------------------I Greece 1916 What you see in this level is basically bright water, bumpy roads, dull environment, old veteran cars (Reminder: 1916) and so on. You won't see a metropolis with skyscrapers and so on, only villages. This is the first place the aliens harvested. In this time, the first worldwar was started. You will be pretty much bored if you don't manage this level. The weather is basically 'fine'. Java 1941 What you will see is a very aquatic environment, since this basically is an archipelago. You will notice very quickly that the aliens have fucked up with the weather! More tropical environment such as darker, filtrered water and palms. You will also notice that you'll need a Subaru Impreza to pass this environment safely. This time had the 2nd world war, which you will notice with Japanese Zero planes. The weather is classed as 'wet' :) America 1966 You will see that you're slap bang in a hippie small city! You can see that this would be in Woodstock ages. Not only does the denizens have a funky way to talk but they also seem to be very blind too. Not only does the very stupid sheriff place roadblocks to prevent the aliens coming outside (Hahaha, they can spawn!), but also doesn't let Adam get any further and the Aliens reign in that part of the town! Gee, Mr. Sheriff, thanks for nothing! I should pick up a gun and shoot the sheriff (But I failed to shoot his deputy, lol.). The second stage resembles some small settlements in the Mid-west and some Indian reservates. The third and fourth stages looks like Area 51 and Roswell. Jesus, this level is the best in terms of variation! This was in the Vietnam war, which you can see because they used the tank RGM Paton most commonly. The weather is basically the same as Greece. Siberia 1991 What you first will notice is a snowy, garbage wasteland with green, foggy sky. Perifeccio! Accompanied with mucho military depots and nuclear powerplants! God bless communism! Not only is this a very foggy and greenish area, but it's also inhabitant of zombies! Yay! I think this was after the Tjernobyl accident back in 1986 and the same area! (Now I make myself stupid, Tjernobyl was Ukraine and this is the godforsaken Siberia!) Unfortunately it's diplayed as Novoscale and it's 1991. This is also after the split of the Sovjet union. Military depots everywhere since this is Siberia after all! If there is one man who wants to act as Johny Rambo this is the paradise! Everything from VTOL planes, Tanks, APCs and Attack choppers, to Chinook helicopters and SCUD launchers! Yay! The weather should be classed as 'snowy', 'cold'. The Alien Comet (M9 Shesha the snake) 2016 Well, what do you expect out of this area? It does differ greatly from Earth. It has acid seas and electric plants. No other vehicles, no people! Nothing, whatsoever! Just aliens, a hell of a pack of aliens! Damn, I hate them! Just rely on your tank alright? Also, I don't know for sure, but I think this is before the aliens invade Station Omega. The weather is fine I suppose. I----------------------I I 18: Game Impressions I I----------------------I Well, as you can see Adam is very well synchronized with the control stick. However, you'll find him very slow. The backgrounds are pretty much blurry and dull. I think the developers should've put away some fog to save Cart space. The graphics do vary greatly. The music will change rhythm as soon as an alien approaches. I think they should've add some mighty choir to make the great tunes more mighty and epic. They should've add some real textures and shape for the humans. However, nothing beat this games spirit and gameplay. The graphics really come to their paramount when on the bugs and the vehicles. The vehicles has some of the best texturing capabilities a N64 has to offer. The bugs are also very well rendered with their smooth movement and their mechanical textures. The blood is also very realistic when it reaches the ground, although the blood itself looks very oily. The graphics nasal points are basically the humans. I mean, the humans almost give the impressions of being the enemy. Also, they could've made Adam a bit more structural look. His arms are straight and his textures are so blurry that they are barely visible. A.I is surprisingly high though. A.I in the bugs are very intelligent. It gives them their own instinct also their screaming comes from different reasons. Some of the aliens also drool and that is a very realistic effect. The A.I really adds to this gameplay. Sound also are to the full extent. Although the cart doesn't have internal support for Surround Sound an existing set may be attached to reach a similar effect. What really makes the sound are the aliens wailing, the guns and much more. Music is also a high paramount of the game. First you may think the game music is boring when nothing happens, but that's just the mood. When a battle appears a mighty orchestra offers a very epic feel with the horns, piano and the violin sets offered in the polyfonic sets of the N64 sound unit. Very epic indeed if you have a Surround Sound set. So Impressions are: Graphics: Bad-Excellent Sound: Superb Music: Superb Controls: Superb Plot: Excellent A.I: Superb Gameplay: Superb As many of you know, this game didn't make a very high success which also made the nightmare a reality: NO SEQUEL! Nope, unfortunately, there will be no sequel for the GCN nor the GBA (Yeah right.) because of the relatively low sales. Also Gremlin Int. Are no longer with us for good games, their site is dead and there is no way to contact them. Midway has released many, many games and getting a reply from these guys are nearly impossible. DMA has turned into Rockstar games for making the PS2/PC bestseller GTA3. Many consider GTA3 as the best game ever created, but that's because it bears the Body Harvest legacy further without many people's attention. This is a bit more advanced sight of the whole situation. This is also noted in Marshmallow's FAQ. The most accepted theory when studying the time is in timelines. This word is very complicated to explain so here it goes: we all know that timetravelling is impossible now and anytime soon, but when those scientists built that time-machine they lived in a timeline where they were the only humans existing. When Adam and Daisy entered that machine and went back to Greece 1916, they went to ANOTHER timeline! Even if they managed all that, if they return to the same timeline they used to be, nothing is changed! Why? Because it's another timeline! I---------------------I I 19: Bugs situations I I---------------------I Advantages: The bugs have generated huge walls to prevent people from escaping and to prevent help coming from the outside. This is a huge advantage. Disadvantages: Adam is there and hopefully he'll save the day! They are also not very mobile and will not make fast enemies. They are also big and concentrates on a mass of people. This will make infiltration a most excellent method! Also, the aliens doesn't really concentrate on defence since they are after all hunting for food. Since they don't really have a defending it would make defending the area against the bugs easier, if it wasn't for the huge walls, Doh! Flaws: They don't make their own decisions since they're controlled by a processor that holds orders made by a boss (A boss controls the aliens in a time zone!) this makes a flaw since there are very few units that controls the aliens. If they are destroyed, no control, no food, no nothing! Major flaw! Major Strategies: They follow these instructions both offensive and defensive. Harvester waves are in reality the offensive part and the attack waves are in reality the defensive part. Since the attack waves destroys some important, essential obstacles. This is for defensive reasons. Especially preventing help coming from outside to let the harvester eat in 'privacy'. The harvester waves forces the inhabitants to become bug food! I--------------------------I I 20: About the Alpha tank I I--------------------------I You will be granted access to use this vehicle only if you meet a boss and in the Comet. This futuristic all terrain vehicle is generally what you would call a hovercraft. Both at design and will most likely act like one. It can achieve a high speed and is equipped with powerful weapon systems. It also has a strong and lightweight armour which makes it absolutely brilliant to use for offensive purposes. Weapons Chaingun- This shortrange weapon is identical to machineguns located on tanks. Only difference is that this chaingun is strong enough to destroy houses! Not very useful on aliens in Comet level though. The weakest weapon in Alpha tank, but you are granted infinite ammo. Frag cannon- This powerful weapon acts as a missile 'shotgun' and will be spreaded the further it is launched. Great range makes this weapon a great replacement for lazer missiles since those missiles are harder to aquire. It does give a slight recoil that will force the tank backwards. Lazer missiles- Your first thought will be misspelling. These very efficient and deadly missiles are fully automatical and will act as a rapid rocket launcher. You can also control these in a simple way by pressing and holding R and shoot and control with stick. These missiles give no recoil whatsoever and are more powerful than the frag cannon. Resonator- You can only aquire this weapon in Alien Comet. This weapon is identical to UFO's weapons. Thus will shoot immensely powerful shockwaves of deadly vibrations accompanied with overmuted echoes. This weapon is immensely powerful and should only be used by a large number of aliens or very tough aliens. It is also shortranged since the source comes from the alpha tank and the shockwaves will be lesser lethal as further it goes. Plasma Bombs- The plasma bomb is shooten by a mortar like position. It is just as powerful as the resonator, but it's terribly shortranged. It will give you three seconds to evacuate the area. This should only be used with care and precision, since you will most likely miss your targets unless they are stationary. You can only shoot up to two of these in the same time. I----------------------I I 21: Adam's equipment I I----------------------I Now as you probably know, Adam comes from the future. This means that his equipment differ greatly from the current. His equipment comes from an advanced equipment series named JR-S Mark XIII. This series includes weaponry, armour and other military hardware. Helmet The helmet is made by C90 molecules (Have no idea what the heck it is!) and associates with Adam's breathing. It also helps Adam with cornea tracking with targetting (Cornea tracking is a special system found in many missiles. It's used to lock on certain things so it becomes somewhat a homing missile.) and a holographic communication system. ------------------ Gun This scrawny 12mm is acting like Adam's best friend or actually it makes a lousy effort since it's weak! The good thing with this toy, is that it is totally integrated with all bio armour systems. It has a very good association with the backpack which feeds the gun with ammo. ------------------ Backpack This nifty backpack uses nanotechnology units (Very, very small units.) to reproduce an item's structure for reproduction. Since this one uses a sixdimensional solution for physical things, this could in theory offer an unlimited storage solution. Very illogical, but what can I say? Games maybe are supposed to be unreal (Another great game!) ------------------ Medical Assembly God bless this thing! Thanks to this one Adam is never tired and if his health is flashing it will try to keep his health at an acceptable level. Thanks to this thingy, Adam never asks for food, sleep, water or *ahem* private stuff. I should get one of those when I play games. ------------------ Boots Not only does these boots look very cool (In FMV quality in manual.) , but they look disgustingly heavy! These boots are designed to stabilize the traversing behaviour such as unbalance or muscular fatigue. These boots in other words enhances the traversing of terrain. ------------------ Armour This is what keeps Adam alive! This armour offers unparalleled protection against alien weapons and without it Adam would barely stand a minute against those bugs. Based out of C90 molecules. I------------------------------------------------------------------------I I 22: Bugs (Not insects, stupid!), funny stuff, misc. (Warning! Might be I I considered as spoilers!) I I------------------------------------------------------------------------I Funny Stuff (Important announcement!!!): I found a pic. of the game, and it sooooo special!!! This is nothing region based... But here... Take a look! The pic is here in GameFaqs and uploaded... It doesn't look familiar? Hell, it shouldn't! I don't know if this is the beta version of the game, but I'll find out more! Be sure! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug: Sometimes a serious bug with shield holes appear in America. Some persons have done everything but the shield hole still doesn't open. (The hole for America Shield Generator.) Solution: This is a stupid answer, but have you done everything? I mean there is a stage4, but if you've done all stages, there is no real solution but to replay the whole level. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug: There is this another serious bug in stage2 in Greece. It is when you're supposed to drive the howitzer to the bluff to blow up the block. Sometimes when you're in the bluff area an invisible 'fence' won't let you get any further and if you exit the vehicle, Adam can't move any further either. Solution: Press start to display the menu, choose the map, exit the map and you can move again! Yay! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: In Siberia you'll encouter towns with strange and familiar names. Djugashvilli is a town with the real last name of Stalin! No kidding, check an encyclopedia! And also, does Zhivago sound familiar? Yes, Indeed! It is the name of Dr. Zjivago! Also the oil rigs are Adnah: One, Dvah: Two, Tree: Three, Chetree: Four. This game holds a lot! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: In America, Stage1, you can get the mr.Lolly (An icecream truck.) play the track by holding Z and mash those ugly kids! Hahahahaha! I had to post this! Try it out! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: Did you know that another alien race were victims against these bugs? Yes, indeed! In America Stage3, when you aquire the translator you can talk with one of those cute aliens. Also in a large building in Stage3 you'll notice that the moon landing 1969 was a fake! They prepared it here in 1966! Damn I love this game!!! Those aliens are called Grays and they were a sophisticated race that made the Doomsday devices, so powerful that they could destroy a whole planet. This is quite interesting in a matter of a fact. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: In Siberia, you'll notice this inside the house (Owned by the one owning the Combine Harvester.) 'In loving memory, SHEP 1972-1986' I think this refers to the disaster in Tjernobyl 1986, but I'm not sure. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: If you read the one above, you'll also notice a large 'house' near it. Enter it and you'll see plenty of bags with rubble? Also there is a large machine that blocks the way. Behind it are lots of boxes. Is there a way to pass the machine? This is the lost property office of Dorzet. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: I never knew that hospital helicopters (Hughes 500) were equipped with machineguns... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: How come the Hughes 500 and Huey are so strong and why the hell is the MK3 Halo so God damned weak?! (I mean, the Halo is a gunship with missiles and everything... It should be at AH64 Apache armour standard...) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug: I tried this in Greece Stage1 when I completed it. I killed at 90 something percent in Trumptonas town and Pollstura Suburbs. I used the ICHEAT as name. Used all weapons cheat. I killed 96% In Trumptonas town and Pollstura Suburbs. I returned to Parenthos village and blew up a couple of houses so people were forced outside. I ran to the near presence of the Alpha Station and used the Tri-Spinner for massive kill. The human meter was filled and I went inside the Alpha Module and spoke to Daisy. Her face was replaced with the fat guy Poppadoplis (maintainer of the drawbridge.) I went outside and was killed immediately. I was inspired to this since Daisy always says 'Get out of there! Get out now!' Solution: Pfeh! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: Doesn't that look like Will Smith in Men in Black? I'm referring to America Stage3 when you're supposed to get the UFO. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: Why does that mean, black guy talk shit about Adam? He has been called 'runt', 'maggot' and uhhmm... And 'maggot'... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: I know I'm a bit late, but Novoscale starts to resemble Tjernobyl 1986. I know, I know, It's 1991! But I know it is something... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: Mommy! Mommy! Daisy is mean to Adam! (Hint: Stage1, Siberia, enter the Alpha module and watch Daisy yell at Adam, lol.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: Mommy! Mommy! Daisy is jealous! (Hint: Stage2, Java, Radio Station when you're supposed to save the babe talk to the babe inside the radio station watch Daisy become jealous like hell!) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: Flirting! Oh yeah! Inside the hospital (America Stage1) you'll meet a nurse talking about some stuff, heh... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: There is a very blind sheriff in America Stage1 inside the police Station. Say no more... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug/Funny Stuff: On the roof on the hospital or in any other buildings rooftops (Use a helicopter) use the side roll or simply run out of the rooftop and see Adam fly... Or actually he falls, but takes no damage at all... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: You'll notice that colonel Kurtz/Murtz (Third stage in Java.) is a rip-off from the movie Apocalypse Now/ Redux (Made by Francis-Ford Coppola) with Tom Berenger and Martin Sheen, great movie. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: Captain Ahab and the ship Peqoud (Java, Stage4.) are based out of Herman Melvilles well known roman 'Moby Dick'. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: You'll encounter a gunboat named 'cannonboat N-64'. Clever name! *A huge bell of sarcasm is sounded* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: Xerxas Military depot (Greece, Stage2) is based out of a persian emperor named Xerxas (Or Xerxes.) check this name in a encyclopedia to come over more information covering persian/Iranian history. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug: In America Stage2 you will encounter serious alien problems if you drive to the Wakon Tinka Ridge, if you don't complete the Wakon Tinka Totem Quest. Some of the alien choppers will become harder, faster and stronger. In other words nearly impossible to kill! Solution: Find all the totems and return to Chieftain Payoteh's House to talk with old indian lady and say yes to the offer. (If you say 'no' you will not be able to to pass the Wakon Tinka Ridge.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: What the hell is sidestep for?! (When in interior mode.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: When you enter a building you can hold 'Z'. This will make Adam go SWAT style :) Have no idea what it does though... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: In stage3 America I found this on one of those fake moonpods: 'Neil woz ere'. This is located in the second, large building (The one closer to the processor.) Also check number five in this section for additional info. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: I checked this at the Gamewinners cheating site. It did say that the black guy (Known as Tomegatherion.) is called Damian. I see no connection why he whould be called that! I have to mail DMA for further info. Since the Gremlin Int. Site no longer works! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug/Funny Stuff: I got this from Mr. Jupiter from the Body Harvest Boards. He says that he could timetravel to Siberia on Easy/Zero, but can't pass Siberia. Solution: I don't know actually, this has never happened to me! I mean, most people can't pass even America on Easy/Zero! I don't personally know if this is a region-based problem. Everyone else encountering this problem should email me immiediately if such a thing happens again! I need a second confirmation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug: (?) Some people aren't able to manage the infamous 'Very Hard' and 'Very Easy' modes cheat. I don't know anything myself since I have Euro PAL version of Body Harvest (Displaying Zero as Easy and Hero as Hard.). Solution: This is very stupid. I think this might be a region problem (At least it could be for me!) but some people living in America (Midway as publisher.) does encounter this problem anyway. (I live in Europe myself, Gremlin Interactive as a publisher.) If you have any additional info about this code, please mail me! I wan't to know EXACTLY what buttons you used and how many times you used Left or Right in the difficulty screen and if you used the Control Stick, D-Pad, R and L or if you even used C-right or C-left! If you own the Body Harvest that was published by Gremlin Int. and managed to do the code, please tell me how you did! Currently, this code is labeled as a bull**** code! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug: (?) What the hell does 'Suffer mode' do? I think this could be a region based bug. Solution: Dream on. It's probably a bull**** code! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: I don't know what hallucinogens the creators in DMA used when they named that fueltruck in Siberia! Nothing is more stupid than the name 'Fuelski'. Congratulations, DMA! You have completed your proof of stupidity! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: The tank you'll find in Siberia (T341 'Fist') has a very robust front! Try it out with your artillery and try to blow it up on the front! Same thing with the Skorpion RAV. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: When you'll receive the access card from the research facility (Siberia stage2) and enter Legopov's home in Pelatz, you'll notice many TV sets. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: The manual says that the APC has dual 24mm beltfed aircooled machinegun and that the Panzerkampfwagen has dual 120 mm cannon. Not only are DMA very stupid, but this takes the price! The APC has 7.62 mm GPMG and so does the Panzerkampfwagen! The strongest cannon you'll ever receive in the game is a 76.2 mm cannon! I think they were in one of those illegal rave parties and made some *ahem* stuff. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: I know, I know. I shouldn't tease DMA too much, but now I have to. Yet AGAIN! Now we have the world's most lousy swimmer, but what the f*** is the diving button ( Holding 'A', while swimming) for?!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: When you first arrive to the Comet, the Alpha1 droid says in the end of the message: "WARNING, ENOURMOUS ALIEN PRESENCE DETECTED!" No Sh!t... So there are ENEMIES!!! Oooooh, KOOOOL! Well duh, you did arrive to the enemies comet didn't you? That is one hell of a stupid comment, don't ya think?! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: In Greece stage three (If you succeeded to save the bridge.)when you've beaten that alien processor, you can fly back to Nestavosi Suburbs, back to the church near the alien wall and drive the refugee truck! Cool! Else if you didn't succeed to save the bridge, you'll see a green dot in the sea, lol. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: Almost insignificant, but the very first time you enter a new level, the first building you'll enter will make a swift white flash. I had to get it with this guide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug (?): Mr Jupiter posted this for a time ago about this infamous 'Siberia/Easy bug'. It seems to be a region based bug. I haven't noticed any Gremlin users with this issue. I have found some Midway users experiencing this 'problem' (Actually it's more of a bliss to some people.) and they say that they can't pass the Siberia (To Comet.) level. The manual says that Travelling to Siberia is not guaranteed on Easy/Zero. I HAVE NEVER EVER ENCOUNTERED SUCH AN ISSUE, EVER! My highest priority would be the Gremlin users (Not a very usual group of BH players.) since they don't have this kind of info. (Gremlin Site is dead.) Solution: Nope! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: In Tamalopolous settlement (Greece, Stage3.) you can try to find a house which leads all the way to the ancient tunnel (Where this Indiana Jones guy is, lol.). Try to find that house! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: In Siberia, kill everyone (After you revived the zombies to normal.) and watch the Alpha droid yell!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: Many military vehicles shoots blue fire, lol. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: Fly with an aircraft (Helicopter, UFO, Areoplanes.) just nearly over a watersurface and watch a cool water effect!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: I think that the creators of those sandworms in America were inspired by two movies that I personally think were mediocre: Tremors, Tremors 2: Aftershocks. Something to look at anyway. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: ROTFLMAO, LOL, LMAO, ROTF, ROTFLOL. Daisy. What kind of name is that!? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: This tip could prove as useful in America Stage1. If you jump ed over the gap in the school area, keep the V8-Highboy. Why? Because I say so! With that car you can also jump over the broken Halsall bridge! No need to take the storm drain anymore, yay! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: The 'weak boss' cheat can be used on normal aliens as well, at least it does for me (Gremlin version) and I need confirmings on this is- sue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: Shanova sent me this trick: 'Shoot a plasma bomb in the near p- resence of Leviathan and watch him warp!' I've tried this trick and it is a- pproved as a funny thing. Neat trick though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug (?): Shanova sent me this one: 'Play against Leviathan and let him des- troy Alpha1. He stares and stares then he blasts you away!' I've tried this one. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. That's why I list it as a bug. Neat job Shanova! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug/Funny Stuff: Sometimes while aiming, you get hit and Adam reacts with pain. This doesn't always happen since he usually continues to fire even if he got hit! Strange, but quite fun to see that sometimes the hero is in pain, lol. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug: This seemes to be a bug in the sprite plane. When completed all the four levels, hop into the SCUD launcher and drive to that broken bridge, drive through it, you will notice that you drove through a broken bridge! Yay! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug: BizzyDa1st reminded this for me: 'In Java, Stage 3, when you get the permission to use Murtz TorpedoBoat, when going to that small pier's banisters, Adam will hop and make a fierce landing.' Stupid me! I forgot to post this! In my theory, this bug is located in the sprite plane. However, thanks for the reminder BizzyDa1st! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: Fly with any aircraft in high altitude, crash into a mountain and behold a wondrous explosion effect! More woundrous if higher altitude and the far away angle (Press C-UP.), lol! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug: If you meet a boss and it blows your Alpha tank. If you luckily manage somewhat 10secs. alive a bar will say: 'Invulnerability'. Allright! Recieve a missile or anything that kills you immiediately, you'll die! Haha! Very insignificant bug, but had to be posted! Solution: Whatever! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug: I encountered this bug in Java, affecting stage 1 and 2. Destroy stage one processor and quickly proceed to the next area before the processor completely blows up! Don't bother to save! In the next area kill the first and the second harvesters and a save beacon will appear! This saves you alot of time and pain, believe me! However, you'll still have to find the beacon (Positioned in the exact spot, where the 2nd alien processor was placed, check map.) Solution: Why would you want a solution against this??? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: Nothing important, but the snow/rain never reaches the ground. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: When Leviathan is almost dead, he'll bleed from the torso. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: In Java, stage2, Jonesville military base, you'll notice that there are a couple of towers that shoots you with minigun. If you observe those two towers from another perspective (Wide angle and changing view si- deways.) you'll notice doors on the actual turrets, you'll need an aircraft to reach that spot, I'll investigate that later... Oh, now I investigated it. You can't enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: In Java, Stage1, you can read the note at Bob's store. It mentions friendly service... Do I smell a false advertisement? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: If you read the one above read this, when you've aquired the boat parts, talk to Bob. He'll mention paintwork... What paintwork excuse me? Oh you mean that ugly piece of junk standing out in the rain? Sure, I'll watch the paintwork... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: I finally have some confirmings! I owe Mr. Jupiter, Baseman and mostly BizzyDa1st for helping me out with this! It is confirmed that the game can be accomplished on easy/zero Midway version!!! But too bad for us Gremlin users... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: Here you can check some of the graphical glitches! Use a howitzer (Greece and Java only!) and aim! Shoot against the forcefield! It still won't budge, but you'll see a nice explosion effect and a glitch with smoke! Nice! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: MR.Jupiter told me this: 'Shoot the missile from the SCUD- launcher and aim for the Alpha1, lol.' I dunno what will happen, but I'll check that out, be sure! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: Did you actually know that Leviathan can kill himself? Pound him till he has minimal energy left. Drive through him and he'll attempt to puke at you! It will take some tries to make him puke at him- self! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug: Now this is a quite interesting one. The Powerup cheat seem to work in NTSC (It works for PAL too, but has no affection whatsoever.) and it seems to have the same effect as 'Weak Boss' in Euro PAL. Strange... The NTSC version only makes Bosses weak with the 'Weak Boss' cheat, while Euro PAL makes ALL enemies vulnerable. Solution: What? Solution? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: If you got TNT, go check 'Inventory' and the TNT portrait. It looks either like an ugly drawed vase with a bunch of marbles in it or a strange looking condome, lol. Oh, it's an explosion? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug: This bug was found by David: "This bug occurs in Siberia, stage 2. After I've shutdown the reactor, I went back to save. I turned the whole thing off. I returned to the reactor, it was shut down. But there was no processor! No matter what I did, there still was no processor and no shield portal either!!! No matter what I did! The bug is easily reproduced but there is no solution whatsoever." Poor guy. But he ain't lone. I've experienced it before, but had no idea how to reproduce this glitch. This bug may also be regionbased but I am not sure... Solution: You heard the guy... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug: This bug was found by David (Poor guy, let him finish the game for crie sake!) : "This bug is also encountered in Siberia. As I came from a house at the hillside, I pressed C-Down, to enter my Hovercraft thingy. Adam Jumped up and promptly dived in the nearby mountain and refused to come out. It was like a blank screen, with an Adam in the middle. I could still move my camera and when I wanted to press 'R', The camera came beneath Adam and up, through his anus! Then you could see the camera end up inside Adam's helmet! It is not reproducable and it seems like something random and not bugbound to the nearby area." Poor guy. All he wanted was finishing his game! Anyway, this seems like a bug in the back- ground and spriteplane. You will need a very expensive devkit and a Z64 or something that you can make backups with your game. If you know some general debugging, then this will fall into your taste, but I'm else very unfamiliar with this, since I'm not experienced at the area. BTW, you can't modify the original cart. You must take the ROM, inside your pc and then hack it! Please do not try this, if you do not under- stand my words! Solution: Poooor Guy! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: Heh. This happened when I was recieving Hugh Manatee's files. I own a 56K (Sad isn't it?) modem and he sends me a file on over 5MB. I had to wait for over two hours to recieve those files, I had to wait for over two hours with a bottle of Tylenol! Then I took a Valium. Then I took a Prozac, then I took a Viagra, because a son of a ***** manatee bit my **** (Rhymes with lick) so hard that I literally got impotent! It bit Big Ed! That bastard manatee! Great, first a lousy Internet. Next, a 5 Meg file makes my pc go bananas and lastly, a drooling manatee bit Big Ed! Can it be worse?!! Not to mention it, but when I recieved all the files, my computer restarted and Scandisc was opened! Then it restarted again! I was sitting there in my chair cursing at my pc while it restarted additional five times, with Scandisc recieving a lot of stackdump data! Then how did a manatee bite Big Ed? Now, when I wanted to start my computer again, when I wanted to check Hugh's mail, a manatee jumped out of the monitor pulled down my firetruck panties and bit the genital parts of my body. This is how it looks like, <(^..^)>, I'm gonna deal with that bastard manatee! Now, I know why more people get broadband.... To be little more realistic, this means that I now have the NTSC manual and it will ease my hunt for bugs ;) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug: Lime Green Pikkle sent me this beauty that actaully happened to me too :) "This happened in Java Stage3. When I was going to the Naval Base. @ the frigate, I rammed to the side of it. I couldn't get anywhere so I "dismounted" my airboat. Now, I got to the middle of the ship and couldn't get anyway! So darn annoying!" Thanx to Lime Green Pikkle for posting this bug that also has dreaded me lately. Solution: It's a fault in the spriteplane. Nothing can be done about it :( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug: Mjc The Warrior sent me this: "There was this glitch in Greece stage2 in the house outside the Mikatos Watergate. Inside the house, I found 2 (!) weapon crystals. I already had one earlier. So I made my way oustide. It said that a "alien weapon is constructed". Really weird, but I had fun with my new toy though :)" Thanx to mjc the warrior for posting this. Solution: This has never happened to me. But there are similar bugs in Java. I got astounded by the fact that mjc found 2 crystals in the same house. Weird bug, but a pleasant one :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: Thanx to John for sending this one! "Don't you think that the water in Siberia should be frozen? It would be fun seeing Adam, slip, slide, or even fall through!!!" DMA, that's the last touch you forgot! Great point! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Stuff: John has also sent me this one. "All the houses in Siberia stage1 have zombies inside. Right? Now, blow them up and your human meter gets filled up. They must've been killed!!!" I know... It's a stupid thing that you can shred and mash zombies with the combine harvester, while blowing up a house with zombies will make a pain in the ass for your human meter... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Use my email if you have more interesting bugs or funny stuff you think I should know. Thanks in advance! As a reward, Hall of Fame will wait for ya! This list will be expanded in the future. I--------------------------------------------------------------------I I 23: Wishlist and requests for BODY HARVEST2 (If God is merciful.) I I--------------------------------------------------------------------I Graphics: Better graphics with better texturing, cell-shading, anisotropic to mipped trillinear graphics. Higher resolution, lesser fog, more lighting better particle effects, anti-aliasing associated with hardware mipping. You get the picture... This is possible on the Gamecube since it has a relatively high resolution and very good texturing abilities, also don't forget it's the easiest system to develop for! Sound: Surround Sound with Pro Logic2 coding. 48/64KHz polyfonic effects wi- th full support for voices. Higher variety of orchestra instruments with choir. Full aliasing in sound along with distortion, pan-delay, auto- pitching in some sound-effects (Sounds more natural with these effects turned on.) partial analogue lowpass, interpolation and proper flags. The whole sound package should support Dolby 5.1. Gaming Issues: Faster Swimming/Diving, Better Moving Speed. Ability to go 'SWAT'style all the time and ability to use weaponry inside buildings and using buildings as a gun nest and defence/recovery houses. Ability to make/join rebel forces and having a nest/guild. Making defensive/offen- sive troops against the bugs. Different perspectives such as Strategic view, 3rd Person and 1st Person views. Map should be totally in 3d and have advanced zooming and texturing abilities. Inventory should be a more advanced tool for items and weaponry. Ability to choose side when completed the game once. Compass should render everything in 3d and have more advanced features. Different sniper modes with advanced zooming. While aiming, the crosshair should move occasionally just a bit, gives a more realistic feel. Different types of bullets for the machinegun for an example. You should also be able to hold equip two light weapons at the same time! Note: I know these requests are a tad exaggerated. The media size is critical, but it is possible, by just adding more discs! Requested Insects: Craneflies- Who doesn't hate those? Flies- A common insect that should be listed. Spiders- Not even shown in Body Harvest! Ants- Somehow, I want these too. Roaches- I hate those. Butterflies- No, I hate butterflies. They are NOT cute and I hate them! Grasshoppers- They are disgusting. Molts- No, they are NOT Butterflies. Termites- The wood eaters are back! Wasps and bees- I hate them. Yeah I do! Cyborg bugs edition of all insects- The guys in the Body Harvest boards wants this and I want it too! Look how much we have in common! This game is a sign of international diplomacy! Suggested titlenames: Body Harvest2: The return of Tomegatherion. Body Harvest2: The bugs resurrection. Body Harvest2: Tomegatherion's revenge. Body Harvest2: Operation Bugsquasher (lol.) Body Harvest2: Insectal wrath. Body Harvest2: The beetle army. Body Harvest2: The bugs planet. (Not their darn comet.) Body Harvest2: The arachnids answer. Body Harvest2: Adam's second answer. Body Harvest2: The second invasion. (What a cliché!) Body Harvest2: The second timeline. (Check 'game impressions'.) Body Harvest2: The Grays dead planet. (In America, Stage3 you'll find one of those aliens!) GUI/HUD: More detailed healthbar More detailed oxygenbar Speed bar (When walkin/running and driving a vehicle!) A more detailed ammobar and weaponicon! Altitude bar (Essential when flying!) Shifting transmissions while inside a vehicle. When inside a vehicle different bars including engine, steering, body should be displayed and monitoring it's status. A more detailed and a 3d rendered compass, with transparent, centered icons for vehicle types and firing angle in a different colour. PLOT SUGGESTIONS: 'Adam realizes who he really is'-style 'The true source of the aliens'-style 'What Station Omega really is'-style Suggested vehicles: (Not found in original game!) Monster truck (Thanks, Final Titan!) Alien vehicles F1/Indycar Fancy vehicles (Referring to Ferrari, Porsche, Lamborghini...) Frigate KAWAKS Military Submarine Streetcar Golfcar Suggested weapons: (Not found in the original game!) Grenadelauncher Gatlinggun EM/EMP (Electromagnetic pulse) guns! Plasma rifles Shurikenlauncher Handresonator C4 (A more modern TNT :) Suggested Auxiliary: (Not found in the original game!) Speed Tab Accuracy Tab Strength Tab Agility Tab Endurance Tab Oxygen Tab Armour Shard (5% Additional protection) Armour Pad (10% Additional protection) Armour Mat (20% Additional protection) Armour Layer (40% Additional protection) Shield (100% Additional protection) Alien Armour Crystals Alien Secrets Artifacts Stimulated Fuel Double Fender (Twice the fuel value) Energycells (To power the medical assembly and the helmet) Energygenerator (Same purpose as above, but driven chinetichally) NOTE: Send me more suggestions! I------------------------------I I 24: My Current Contributions I I------------------------------I This newly added section is a list of work I've done so far. This list will show exact sizes and versions. It will also show the dates for latest update. FAQ V. nr. Size Platform Date Body Harvest 0.4 245KB N64 21 April-03 Legend of Toki/Toki 0.1 5KB Genesis *Not released* I---------------------I I 25: Technical stuff I I---------------------I This section refers to media size and technologies used to create this wonderful game! The media size will astound you! You won't believe what they put into this beautiful cartridge with barely 12MB data! Data size: 96mbit (12MB) Custom Graphics chips: FMM, RCP (Also a graphics processor inside the N64.) Polygons: Gouraud shaded, mipped, hi-lighted and with billinear filter. Texture Set quality: Billinear (Some objects has mipped billinear texture sets.) Particle effects: Vortex technologies. Sprite plane: Adam, the bugs, vehicles, people and buildings. Polygon clipping: Yes (Faulty) Other graphical effects: Tons of Fog along with a good piece of Vortex quality lighting. Not to mention 21bit colour, doesn't differ any much with 24-bit. This game is very dependant on the Z-buffer for fast rendering so this game won't become slow and lack frames. It does become slow in some times/circumstances slow when a lot of memory is needed and when such a circ- umstance happens, it is possible that the game might lack frames.(It is a flaw due to the media size and so on.) In Game FPS: The N64 renders the game in good Frame amount. About 25-45 FPS. It is fully optimised for the human eye and won't tear it due to the Screen update frequency. Screen Update values. NTSC: 60Hz (FPS limited to 60.) PAL: 50Hz (FPS limited to 50.) Resolution: Some screens renders in 640x480. Other unknown. The resolution uses anti-aliasing. Most screens could use the default resolution programmed into the internal RCP chip, located inside the N64. Memory Expansion Pak: No Sound quality: 44.1 KHz in 16bit Stereo (CD Quality, but without streaming CDDA sound channels support.) due to lack of data, many tracks are estimated under 40sec. and are being looped. Buffer latency: 4 frames Surround Sound: No internal support for Dolby Virtual Surround Sound, but it can be attached with an existing Surround Sound set for TV to achieve such an experience. Stereo Sound: Yes, but if you have a lousy TV set, you won't be able to hear any differences. You'll either need the Nintendo64 Stereo A/V cable (Not necessary.) or you need a TV set that is able to catch the audio readings in a decent way. If you have a Surround Sound set (Check above.) it is much better since you can attach the N64 set with a reciever or something to get a richer sound and more environmental feel, especially good with the great tracks made in the game :) ADPCM used: Yes Polyfonic Effects: Yes MIDI samples: Yes Lowpass: (This feature gives a more rich and heavier bass. Works as a sub- bass, sort of...) Partial support for lowpass sound in some samples/tracks. Amount of sound channels used in game: 100 (Hardware.) Quality: Unknown for now. Render Method: N64 RCP using Z-buffer in 21bit colour. Anti- Aliasing: Yes Gouraud as base for most 3D objects: Yes A.I: RBS, programmed instructions for Enemy A.I. DD64 Compatible: No Game speed: 93.75MHz processed by Hardware. Publisher Europe: Gremlin Int. Publisher America: Midway Corp. Developer: DMA Design technologies, EAD Japan (Nintendo.) Licensed by: Nintendo (EAD) Made for: Nintendo64 Contact me for additional information about technical stuff in this game. Or you can contact me if you have more info to share. I------------------------------------------------------I I 26: Cheats (For the very lousy and desperate gamer.) I I------------------------------------------------------I This section refers to very desperate gamers that has tried everything but still have failed. Experienced users of this game are adviced to ignore this section. If you still fail and have used these cheats, I'm sorry but you're simply to immature to meet the challenge in this game. I will only, but only list cheats that work (When a bar appears that a cheat is correct.) You need to make a new game with the name ICHEAT in order to make the codes work! IMPORTANT NOTE: I will not list GameShark codes. Why? Because I don't own one, and therefore I can't control the truth over that area. I am sorry, but Cheat Code Central may have some juicy codes for ya. Therefore, I will not add this (Unless a BIG request of this comes.) now or anytime soon. Why is it so hard then? This game is differently coded, depending on regions. There are some important changes in USA NTSC and Euro PAL (Didn't bother to post Japan, those PSX freakz!), so please be understanding in this matter. ALL WEAPONS: A, RIGHT, C-DOWN, C-RIGHT, C-UP, A, LEFT Analysis: This cheat has been tested and it works both in PAL and NTSC. It speaks for itself. The ultimate code for the helpless gamer. --- WEAPONS POWERUP: C-DOWN, C-UP, UP, Z, Z, LEFT, C-RIGHT Analysis: This cheat works, but I have no idea whatsoever what it does! A region based bug??? --- SMART BOMB: A, C-UP, C-UP, UP, LEFT Analysis: Do this cheat when alien presence is nearby and you'll be pleased! --- RESTORE HEALTH AND FUEL: DOWN, UP, RIGHT, A, B, LEFT, C-RIGHT Analysis: This cheat restores your health (When not inside a vehicle!) and it will restore the fuel level (When inside a vehicle!) --- ALL ALIEN ARTIFACTS: UP, C-DOWN, C-RIGHT, Z, UP, LEFT Analysis: Entering this cheat will give you the level's three artifacts! --- WEAK BOSS: Z, C-RIGHT, C-RIGHT, B, LEFT, C-RIGHT Analysis: Also works on ordinary aliens. Cheat will become deactivated when entering a house and you will have to do the code again if you exit. --- KILL ADAM: B, LEFT, C-RIGHT, C-RIGHT, DOWN Analysis: Why would anyone do this??? --- BLACK ADAM: C-LEFT, C-RIGHT, A, C-DOWN, C-RIGHT, LEFT Analysis: Cool... --- TALL ADAM: B, A, C-UP, A, C-UP, A Analysis: Enter this cheat and watch Adam become 2D and tall 'n' scrawny! --- SHORT ADAM: DOWN, C-LEFT, A, RIGHT, Z Analysis: Watch Adam become a midget! --- MUTANT ALIEN: C-DOWN, UP, Z, Z, C-RIGHT, RIGHT Analysis: Do this when a harvester wave appears and you'll meet a mutant! --- FAT LEGS ALIENS: LEFT, A, RIGHT, DOWN Analysis: Fat legs on aliens.... --- DANCER: DOWN, UP, C-UP, DOWN, C-RIGHT, C-RIGHT Analysis: Watch Adam doing his infamous Dundee dancing moves, lol. --- SURREAL MODE: C-DOWN, UP, RIGHT, RIGHT, C-RIGHT, A, LEFT Analysis: Will force buildings to bounce, ROTFLMAO! --- NOTE: If you find other cheats (That work!) contact me at once! Also, note that I will not list Gameshark codes since I don't own such an array! KNOWN BS CODES: SUFFER MODE 'VERY HARD, VERY EASY' INVINCIBILITY CODE (Thanks, Mr.Jupiter!) I---------------------------------I I 27: How to contact me and links I I---------------------------------I Go and visit the world's only and first BH site! Owned and coded by me! Goto: From there, go register and meet other BH'ers! --- My email: See conditions in the beginning of this FAQ. --- The great gaming site I'm a member on: P.S you need to be registered to post on the message boards. If you want to contact me from the message boards, use N64, then Body Harvest (Section B) and then 'Message Boards'. Piece of cake! --- Also, there is a really great site with comics!!! mjc0961 (AKA mjc the warrior) has a great funny site with awesome homemade comics! --- The best emulation site ever! --- I got some additional info in the in general great cheating site: This section will be expanded in the future! I----------------------------------I I 28: Greetings (AKA Hall of Fame) I I----------------------------------I This is a section where I would like to thank some people related to Body Harvest and some other people for other things! You know who you are! If you think you have the pride and balls enough to stand on the Hall of Fame, make yourself heard by posting a bug, a strategy tip or a link to a great BH site on your email! First of all I want to thank myself for this FAQ! Without myself, this document would never exist! Thanks, Kid Einstein! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I would also thank CJAYC for maintaining the greatest gaming site ever! GameFAQS! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Kudos for Sam Michaels AKA 'SwampGas' for maintaining the best emulation site ever! Zophar's Domain! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Muchos Gracias for the following persons: Marshmallow, for making the best Walkthrough for Body Harvest as of yet! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Shanova earns a place here for his great work with game beta testing. Many Kudos goes to him. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Jupiter also earns a place here since he has mailed me about one bizarre bug that seems to only affect the Midway-version! Many thanks also goes to him! He has given me loads of info about the Midway version! Also has been sending a bs code I had to investigate for the Gremlin version. Thanks Mr.Jupiter! Thanks and good luck with your FAQ!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Also mucho thanks to Bizzyda1st for being cool and sending me some info and bugs! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to Baseman for some confirmings. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to sketchturner for those nice talks and infos, and some bug testing! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks also goes to David, with the great power of reviving my memory! No ointments worked before!!! We also wish him the best of luck, completing the game!!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks goes to mjc thewarrior. A great guy, with nice humour and recipes. He has discovered some severe bugs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks go to John who has made two really funny stuff!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to Lime Green Pikkle, who has posted a nice bug. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to Joshdaninja, for being a very dedicated BH:er, having the Gremlin version, has discovered some things too. He is also the inventor of the word 'PIE'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, thanks to everyone in the Body Harvest boards! Without you, I would've never been so encouraged to make a FAQ at all, mucho thanks to Body Harvest fans all over the world! You have my support! I don't know why, but thanking Nintendo for making the release of this game a reality would be nice! I dunno why, I just do. Thanks to the Scots in DMA for making this wonderful piece of N64 software (Totally makes Microsoft's products look like a piece of sh!t!) Thanks to Gremlin Int. (R.I.P) and muchos gracias for the guys in Midway. Thanx to all the members of my BH site as well! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Last, but not least: Hugh Manatee <(^..^)>!!!! A dedicated BH fan! Without him,I could never lay my hands on the Midway manual! Thanks to him, compatibility issues are much more eased!!! Thanx man! ------[} <(^..^)> ---------[} <(^..^)> ---[} <(^..^)> Thrown Pies© (Copyright owned by Joshdaninja) The following can kiss my A$$: Microsoft- for being a pain in the butt with their crap products! Squaresoft- for stabbing Nintendo in the back and becoming a traitor! Macintosh- God damn it! Is there no decent OS any longer! ROM beggars!- Go buy the N64 and the cart, cheapskates! Billy Bob in Arkansas- I dunno... Tomegatherion- for being an ass**** Everyone with an IQ beneath 20- I dunno... The annoying drones- Just don't use your mandibles, okay! Hugh Manatee's manatees - They bit Big Ed! Everyone using. Never mind. There will be many mouths kissing my butt, Oh did I forget that I recently made a large, brown sausage, without wiping my ass? 2003 Kid Einstein I----------------I I 29: Last words I I----------------I Uhhmm. I'm not very good at this. Oh, if you tinker with this FAQ and distribute it without my permission, I'll sue you! Yup! I'll sue you and. And. And. I'll go medieval on your ass! That's right! I'll go medieval on your ass! Oh, and if you send me spam, both in can and webspam, I'll go insane! You know what my nickname means? It means don't mess with me! Never send a monkey to do a man's job! If you mess with moi I will personally call you a monkey! And I'll. I'll. I'll. (Pacemaker stops.) (Pacemaker starts again after a couple of days.) Oh, where was I? Oh and if you send me spam. Oh, I already took that. Oh if you send me email, keep this in mind, it will do you good in the future! This is what happened when I had my awesome Body Harvest telephone help line: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kid Einstein show telephone line: 'Please Kid Einstein, loan me 200 grants! The mob is after me!' Answer: Sure I'll borrow you money if I was 90 year old with Alzheimer and an IQ beneath 31. This is obvious. NO! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Another call* 'Uhhmmm. Kid Einstein could you please donate money for a.' Answer: For a so called dying child with a what.? A twenty feet large lump located on his what.? Oh. NO! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Another call* 'Yo, Kid Einstein we here on Microsoft, ya know da big 'MS'. We like to offer you a job, ya know and we have searched for an awesome dude like yo' with da high expertise and a smart dude like yo'self! You gonna have da job, or what?' Answer: I'm sorry but my name is Billy Bob and come from Arkansas. MS is crap! Searching for developers forced making poorely made software and other MS sh!t! No thank you! 'Awe c'mon KE it's a good job.' Answer: You still here, get lost and get a life moron! 'Hey, yo! I'm talkin' to ya!' *Kid Einstein runs to the parking lot where the MS guy is standing and talking with his crappy Alcatel cellphone, loads a five feet long shotgun* Answer: Get lost you mother******! Or else I'm gonna boil up your cojones in oil and fat! 'Yo! I was thinking of a bargain.' *Kid Einstein shoots a round at MS nerd's holy lombardos. Answer: No thanks, no bargain. *Kid Einstein runs back to the studio.* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Another guy calls.* 'Hey Kid Einstein, my boss owns a new place in town, for ahem, you know, ahem.' Answer: I don't give a damn what place your boss owns! I don't want anything! God damn it, and no spam! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Another call* 'Uuuhm Kid Einstein, I had this crush on you since I was five years old.' Answer: No!!! I'm not gonna make out with YOU!!! 'Oh, come on just a little kiss.' Answer: No, get lost, you ******! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Another call* 'KE, I hate you! No, I mean I really hate you! Yup, I hate you like ****! No, I don't hate you, I despise you! I really dislike you like hell! And I loathe you like my insane dog! I hate you! Answer: Alex, is that you again?! Didn't I tell you to stop drinking that piece of crap with those ugly pills! Man, when are you going to learn?! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Another call* 'KE, your FAQ sux!!! Not only does your FAQ suck, but you suck too!' Answer: You ain't Alex! If you have problems against my FAQ, so sue me! Or better up, make your own FAQ and compare it to mine, then we should have a talk about who REALLY sucks! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Another call* 'KE, we have kidnapped your former girlfriend! Give us 200 grant or else we have to end her!' Answer: I don't have 200 grant and will never spend those green beauties to see nor hear that nagging tramp alive! Or are you that guy in desper- ate need of money? Then kiss my (_|_)! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Another call* 'Hiya KE, it's Hugh, Hugh Manatee!' Answer: Humanity? Are you from a humanitary organisation? 'No, you phool! Manatee! Hugh, Manatee!' Answer: Y r u yell'n' at me? 'Because, you harassed my manatees!' Answer: Yea, so? 'Well, it wasn't very nice...' Answer: You hoaxcaller! How dare you call me, you... you... Humanitary bully! 'It's Hugh Manatee, you phool!' Answer: I'm sorry, but yer pets bit Big Ed! KE (Yup, that's me! Talkin' 'bout maself in third person!') won't tolerate this humanitary petowner! 'KE, ever searched for some professional help??? You're in dire, dire need!' Answer: You sure you're not that woman who wanted a donation for a... 'Man, am I glad I bust your modem... Answer: So, it was you?! 'Yup, and that was intentional! Answer: Oh.... ok. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Another call* 'KE! I've got some new recipes for ya to try out!' Answer: Who the hell is this? 'mjc thewarrior, you pool!' Answer: Pool? 'Well, that's what the humanity guy said, or something...' Answer: It's fool, you.... Humanity lover! 'You're hurting my feelings....' Answer: So, what's your darn recipe?! 'Lima beans with cheesesauce...' Answer: *drools* 'I guess you liked it then? Then you must try full grain bread...' Answer: YUMMY! 'Have you tested PIE?' Answer: Wait a sec. That's Joshdaninja's recipe you disguised crook! 'I was just....' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Another call* 'Have you ever been to Burger King?' Answer: PIE....... *drools* 'Hey, you crook! That's my recipe!' Answer: Sorry... 'You know I'm a ninja!!!' Answer: How breathtaking... 'Joshdaninja to be exact...' Answer: Very psychadelic... '???' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Another call* 'KE, them critters are all over ma city!' Answer: Greetingz to ya too, mr. Blind Sheriff... 'Naw, ya see them critters are all over ma city!' Answer: Bye to ya too, mr. Blind Sheriff... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Kid Einstein show ends. ¸ Copyright owned by Kid Einstein, 2003. The author of this document will not be held responsible, in any damage, casualties, divorces, doomsdays, Monica Lewinsky trials, etc. No warranty, no reciept, no nothing. If you don't like it, you can suck my **** if you don't like my ****! 'Cuz I was high when I wrote this so suck my d***! 'Cuz I don't give a **** if you don't like my ****! 'Cuz I was high when I wrote this so suck my ****! (Eminem) Copyright owned by Kid Einstein, All rights reserved. End of Document