___ __ ___ ___ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ ___ __ __ __ _ _ __ ( \( )( \( \( \/ ) ( ) ) / \( \( )/ _) ( ) ( ) / _)( )( \( )/ _) ) ) ))( ) ) )) ) )\ / | ( ( () )) (( (/\ ) \ /__\( (_ )( ) (( (/\ (___/(__)(___/(___/(__/ (_)_) \__/(_)\_)\__/ (_)\_)(_)(_)\__)(__)(_)\_)\__/ ================================================================================ 01. Legal Disclaimer 02. Introduction 02A. SayainPrince's Introduction 02B. Brian Sulpher's Introduction 03. Story 04. Controls 05. Characters 06. Balloon Powerups 07. Walkthrough 08. Loose Balloons 09. Unlocking T.T. 10. Cheats + Unlockables 11. Credits ================================================================================ ________________________ ______________________/ \_______________________ ( \____ 01. Legal Disclaimer ______/ ) \ ======= \__________________________/ ======= / \___________________________________________________________________/ =================================================================== This file may not be reproduced except for personal or private use. It may not be placed on any website, without conesnt from both of the authors of this document. Currently the only sites with permission to use this file are: [ ] www.GameFAQs.com [ ] www.IGN.com Copyright (c)2004 Chris Quigley and Brian Sulpher. ________________________ ______________________/ \_______________________ ( \____ 02. Introduction ______/ ) \ ======= \__________________________/ ======= / \___________________________________________________________________/ =================================================================== _________ _________ ______/ \_________________________________________/ \______ / \ / \ ( ) ====== 02A. SayainPrince's Introduction ====== ( ) \______/ _________________________________________ \______/ \_________/ \________/ Ok, this is my first successful co-author - not counting that Kirby FAQ, which I let someone finish, after I had given up on, which isn't really a co-author at all - and I was lucky enough to get someone like Brian Sulpher to work with. We're obviously doing the guide on Diddy Kong Racing, which is, in my oppinion, the coolest racing game to date, as it mixes adventure and racing into one. I don't have much else to say for an introduction, but you can read Brian's below, if you want. _________ _________ ______/ \_________________________________________/ \______ / \ / \ ( ) ====== 02B. Brian Sulpher's Introduction ====== ( ) \______/ _________________________________________ \______/ \_________/ \________/ Well, this is a first time co-writing venture with SayainPrince, but then it has been that way for all my other co-writes. Anyhow, Diddy Kong racing is a killer game, far superior to Mario Kart 64, offering more depth, races, and vehicles in which to go for racing supremacy. So, if you are not "Mario obsessed", why not pop this in and start playing a good, challenging racer? Also, for Cougar, Howler, and Koonce. I miss you, and I hope you are living it up in the afterlife as you did in this world. You will always be in my memories, and you will never be forgotten. ________________________ ______________________/ \_______________________ ( \____ 03. Story ______/ ) \ ======= \__________________________/ ======= / \___________________________________________________________________/ =================================================================== Diddy Kong sat on the porch of his tree house and curiously tore open the letter. It wasn't often that a message arrived from so far away that it had to be brought in by carrier pigeon! Eager to find out what it contained, he tugged out the note impatiently and started to read. "Dear Diddy," it began. "Help!!!" Now this sounds promising, he thought. Things had been all too quiet since those old family friends of Tigers had arrived to spend the summer. And as it turned out, the message was from his old friend Timber, son of the Kongs’ guests, the Tigers. The young Tiger had found himself in quite a bit of trouble that, for once, wasn't even his fault. After Diddy Kong read the note through a couple more times, he sat back and gnawed on his finger, his gaze fixed somewhere beyond the early jungle mist. He'd been asked to help, so his intention to zip off as soon as possible could not be in doubt. The question that preoccupied him now was whether or not he should draft some extra help, just in case...after all, this Wizpig sounded like a pretty mean foe. Finally, he decided that his friends Banjo and Conker would still enjoy an adventure, even if it turned out that their services weren't needed. So, the young ape dug out a pencil stub from the mess of his bedroom and hopped back into his seat. Whistling for Squawks - his own makeshift carrier pigeon he began to scribble out a couple of messages of his own. A few hours later, Diddy Kong was on the first leg of his journey, tearing off at high speed through the jungle. A pair of Kremling spies lurking behind a boulder watched him with suspicion. "Hey - where you think he go?" asked Krunch. His crony frowned. "Why?" he asked. "What if he go fetch others? Fight Kremlings?" The second Kremling thought about this and then realized what Krunch was about to suggest. "No way. I not go," he said, and turned and bolted into the undergrowth. Krunch rolled his eyes. "Hopeless," he snorted. "I go after him," he bellowed to his cowardly colleague. "You go tell the boss - see what he think of that, huh?" And with that, Krunch lumbered off through the trees, grumpily swatting aside vines as he went. Meanwhile, Timber was trying to calm the excitable Pipsy so that he could understand at least part of what she was saying. "He said he'd help us!" she squealed, making Bumper and TipTup wince as the pitch of her voice soared in and out of audible range. "He said he wanted to find a champion to go after that horrible pig once and for all!" "Slow down, Pipsy," Timber urged, trying to make sense of her words without upsetting her. After all, this whole business had been harder on the little mouse than and of them. Wizpig's unwanted intrusion left her family homeless. "Who are you talking about?" Bumper asked curiously. "Taj! The Genie! Pipsy babbled. "He said he'd help! Really, Bumper, he did! I just saw him!" TipTup blinked. "The G-Genie? B-but nobody's seen him for f-fifty years," he protested. "I know, I know! But I just did, I promise!" Timber frowned, thinking this through. "That means he must have been kicked out of the mountain too," he reasoned. "After all, we've seen what that pig's spells can do..." They all thought of the huge, leering Wizpig face that had been carved into the mountainside overnight. Then they thought of the race courses, the island's pride and joy, which had been magically sealed off. That made them think of Drumstick, their friend and the island's champion racer, who had gone to challenge the intruder to an honorable race and hadn't been seen since. We could really do with Taj's help," Pipsy prompted. "N-No argument there," agreed TipTup, nodding nervously. Timber scratched his head. "Well, I guess you're right," he sighed, "especially if we're going to get this mess sorted out before my parents get back." "Well, if that Genie wants a champion, I say we all get practicing," Bumper grunted, getting to his feet and snapping down his goggles. "Good plan," Timber agreed. "Come on guys - yeah, TipTup, even you." Help should be on its way soon, but we can't just sit around waiting - let's get out there and do what we can! And let's just hope that Diddy Kong doesn't mention any of this to my parents..." ________________________ ______________________/ \_______________________ ( \____ 04. Controls ______/ ) \ ======= \__________________________/ ======= / \___________________________________________________________________/ =================================================================== ============= CAR ============= [A] Accellerate [B] Break [CONTROL STICK] Turn [Z] Horn/Powerup [R + CONTROL STICK] Sharp Turn [R + B CONTROL STICK] Power-Slide Turn ============= HOVERCRAFT ============= [A] Accellerate [B] Break [CONTROL STICK] Turn [Z] Horn/Powerup [R] Hop [R + CONTROL STICK] Sharp Turn [R + B CONTROL STICK] Power-Slide Turn ============= PLANE ============= [A] Accellerate [B] Break [CONTROL STICK] Turn [Z] Horn/Powerup [R + CONTROL STICK] Sharp Turn [R + B CONTROL STICK] Power-Slide Turn [R, R + LEFT/RIGHT] Barrell Roll [R, R + UP/DOWN] Loop-de-loop ________________________ ______________________/ \_______________________ ( \____ 05. Characters ______/ ) \ ======= \__________________________/ ======= / \___________________________________________________________________/ =================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bumper Weight : Medium Description: Bumper is the badger, with an accent Acceleration: 4 that makes him sound like he's from Turning : 2 Boston, MA. He is one of the average Top Speed : 3 racers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conker Weight : Medium Description: This is the squirrell that would spinoff Acceleration: 2 into Conker's Pocket Tails, and even to Turning : 2 the famous, Conker: Bad Fur Day. He isn't Top Speed : 4 quite as macho here, and isn't a great racer, either. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diddy Kong Weight : Medium Description: This is DK's best pal, who somehow Acceleration: 3 managed to get a Star role. He is Turning : 3 completely balanced in all categories. Top Speed : 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pipsy Weight : Light Description: This mouse is considered by many to be Acceleration: 5 the best racer in the game - Besides T.T. Turning : 5 of course - Do to her accelleration and Top Speed : 1 turning being so good. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tiptup Weight : Light Description: If you aren't a Pipsy fan, Tip Tup, the Acceleration: 5 turtle is for you. He controls very well Turning : 4 and in fact, I have to question the four Top Speed : 2 that he gets in turning... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Timber Weight : Medium Description: This is the tiger of the game. He is Acceleration: 2 average at best, and is below in most Turning : 2 ways. Top Speed : 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Banjo Weight : Heavy Description: This is the backpacked bear that later Acceleration: 1 went on to star in Banjo-Kazooie. He has Turning : 2 good top speeds, but he isn't very easy Top Speed : 5 to control. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Krunch Weight : Heavy Description: Krunch is a Kremling from the DK games - Acceleration: 1 or so he is supposed to be. He is Turning : 1 generally considered the worst racer, but Top Speed : 5 he does have a good top speed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drumstick (Secret) Weight : Heavy Description: Drumstick is the hidden chicken of the Acceleration: 1 game. All games should have a hidden Turning : 3 chicken. He is slightly above average, Top Speed : 5 but not great. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T.T. (Secret) Weight : Medium Description: T.T. is the clock that coaches the Time Acceleration: 5 Trials, and shows you your Adventure Turning : 4 He is almost undoubtedly the best racer, Top Speed : 5 although his turning is slightly off. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________________ ______________________/ \_______________________ ( \____ 06. Balloon Powerups ______/ ) \ ======= \__________________________/ ======= / \___________________________________________________________________/ =================================================================== Balloons, in Diddy Kong Racing, can be compared to the question blocks in Super Mario Kart. That is, they give you powerups that will either help you out, or screw your oppenents up. Take note that if you collect multiple balloon colors in a row without collecting another color or using the Item will upgrade your Item to a more powerful version of what you were carrying. The balloons are as follows: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Balloons Missiles are the reward for picking up one of these common as dirt balloons, allowing your racer to fire off a salvo at the opposition that will sting quite badly. One Balloon : A single missile is acquired. It fires straight ahead. Two Balloons : Your single missile will be upgraded to one homing missile. Three Balloons: Your single homing missile will be upgraded to a battery of 10 regular missiles. Note that if you collect another red balloon while holding these, your count will revert to 10. [ SayainPrince says the homing missile is best, though.] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue Balloons Speed Boosting is your reward for the other common balloon type found in the game, allowing your racer to burst forward at a faster rate than normal. If you release the gas just before using a boost (same goes for the zippers on the tracks), you will gain an extra OOOOOMPH in the speed department! One Balloon : An orange boost will give you a minimal pick-up. Two Balloons : A blue boost will give you a good speed upgrade. Three Balloons: A purple boost will launch you forward at insane speeds! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Green Balloons Droppable weapons will be your reward for finding the third member of the most commonly seen balloons, allowing your racer to litter the track with obstacles for other racers to bypass or wipe out on. One Balloon : An oil slick will cause an opponent to spin out momentarily. Two Balloons : A spiked mine will stop a racer for a second or two. Three Balloons: A floating bubble will encase the racer, raising them into air for several seconds before releasing them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yellow Balloons A rarer sight, these balloons will give your racer a shield to protect them from attacks as well as spin out opponents who come into physical contact with the energy field. One Balloon : Weak shield that will last about 7 seconds. Two Balloons : Strong shield that will last for about 11 seconds. Three Balloons: Really strong shield that will last for about 15 seconds. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Balloons Perhaps the rarest balloon type of all, these bright orbs contain the power of magnets, which can pull your racer forward while possibly pulling a racer backwards. One Balloon : Yellow magnet will pull you forward towards a rival that is nearby just ahead. Two Balloons : Red magnet will do the same as Yellow magnet, but it has a better range. Three Balloons: Green magnet will not only pull your racer forward, but it will yank your closest opposition leading you backwards. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________________ ______________________/ \_______________________ ( \____ 07. Walkthrough ______/ ) \ ======= \__________________________/ ======= / \___________________________________________________________________/ =================================================================== - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ================================================================================ __________________O=======+---------------------+=======O__________________ (__________________| | Dino Domain | |__________________) O=======+---------------------+=======O ================================================================================ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Ancient Lake --+- CAR -+-- 1 Balloon Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| First, get the blue/green boost at the start of the race, and launch through the middle of the three bananas on the left - Hopefully nabbing all three of them. After that, hit the blue turbo balloon, in the middle of the road, than go left and stick close to the left side of the road, until you pass another banana; Get the one on the far left, and do a slide, to get back to the left, where you can continue hugging the side. Head for the zipper, letting go just before you hit it, to blast over the grass, hitting the blue balloon. As soon as you get the turbo, let go of the control stick and use it, blasting forward, onto the road again, and into another blue balloon. Save this one though, and go forward, getting the banana on the far left. Use a slide, as you turn around the lake, hitting the zipper. If you let go just before you hit it, you'll be blasted towards the finish line - Try to hit the two bananas here, or at least one of them. As you begin losing speed, use the turbo you saved, and you should easily boost across the finish line. ___ | |________ | | |____ | |___| |_|_| You can get the Key by saving the turbo you would normally use before the finish line, and using it when you reach the furst turn. You should see a key on a ramp in the grass. Turbo to it, and do a slide over the ramp, to get back on track fast, and easily, while still nailing the key. |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Fossil Canyon --+- CAR -+-- 2 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Get the boost on the start of the race, and hit both bananas in front of you. Soon after them, is a zipper, so take your hand of the A button, and hit it. Hit the green balloon, just as you turn the corner. Once around the corner, move over to the right side of the road. Pick up the two bananas, and hit the zipper just past them - Also, drop your oil slick right in front of the zipper. People will hit it, so you can use it in the next lap. Now, this next part has two paths. You can take the long way, and go around the lake, but it's best to hit the zipper, going over the lake. However, let go before you hit the zipper, or you won't make it. Just after landing, make a sharp left, and enter the tunnel. Use your slide to get both bananas, and then move to the left, around the turn, and hit the zipper. There are red, green, and blue balloons here, but if you are in first red won't help. If you get either the blue or green ones, just use them right away. Anyway, head foeward, and drive over the gap. In the air, you can catch a green balloon. When you land, you'll be at a fork in the road. Take the right path, and grab the blue balloon - Drop your green one just before you hit it - Use it, and you'll be blasted forward. You'll go over a small hill, and land on the road. The finish line will be just ahead. |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Jungle Falls --+- CAR -+-- 3 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| At the start, get the boost. You'll always do this, so this is the last time I'm going to say it. As soon as you start moving, take a sharp left slide, and stay to the wall, so you hit thr zipper, and the two bananas before it. If your finger wasn't on the A button you should be able to ride out the zipper's turbo until you turn the next corner. At this turn, stay to the right, and hit the blue balloon and the zipper. Turn left slightly, after hitting the zipper, so that you cross the bridge safely, and use your turbo, about halfway across the bridge, as the zipper's effect starts wearing off. Hit the middle of the tunnell, getting the force-field balloon, and activate it immediately. Drive through the tunnell, getting the banana, and hit the zipper when you come out. You'll hit another force-field balloon here, use this one as well. Now, drive forward and get a red balloon, then take a left, going through the mouth of the skeleton. There'sa hidden zipper there. Hit it, and turn around the corner, to cross the finish line. Use the red balloon if anyone is in front of you along the way. |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Hot Top Volcano --+-PLANE-+-- 5 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| From the start, take a left at the first turn, and dip down to pick up one of the blue balloons. From there, head through the left tunnell, hitting the turbo as soon as you enter it, sending you blasting out the other side, close to the wall. Make a sahrp turn, so that you are sitll near the wall, but are going forward, and go through the crevice near the wall, hopefully hitting at least two of the bananas. Head forward, over the hill ahead, on the leftm so that you hit the blue balloon just past it, then make a sharp turn back to the right, going through the zipper, nailing another blue balloon, just past it, if you turn st the right time. This will make you have a double turbo. Go forweard, under the ledge ahead, grabbing a third, then use it just as you turn the corner. You'll be turboed until you reach the open area again. Turn left, around the dinosaur, and hit the two zippers in a row. After that, it's a straight path to the finish line. +===============================================+ |-----------------------------------------------| |============+ BOSS: TRICERATOPS +=================| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |==============================================================================| If you get the boost at the start, you'll be ahead of the Triceratops. Use this time to get the red balloon on the left, then go back to the right, before he gets ahead of you. As soon as you hit the red balloon, go off to either the left or right - it doesn't matter, and wait for him to pass you. As soon as he does, slam him with the homing missile! It will slow him down a little but not much, so keep following him if he's winning, and stay ahead of him if you can. At the first turn, a boulder will roll towards you. Take a left, around the tree near the will when you see it, and it won't come close to you. Take a turn after that, and get the blue balloon near the tree. Now it's time to regain/improve your lead! Use it, and you should leave the Triceratops in the dust. Get the red balloon by the tree on the right, if you want, just in case, then stay in the middle of the road, until you rech a pillar. Grab the red balloon on the left of it. Nowwith a homing missile, you're ready if he pulls ahead again - Although, he shouldn't. Use it if you have to, and stay to the right side of the road, where he can't step on you. A little ahead is a red balloon - Grab it and use it if you have to, then move to the left. Around the bend is a blue balloon - Use this as well. There's another, just ahead, near the side, on the right. Here you have a choice. You can tkae a sharp left through the bushes for a shortcut - If you do, use the turbo inside - Or you can continue going around. I'd reccomend going around, as the shortcut often propels you off the edge when you come out. There's also a zipper halfway through the shortcut. If you don't use it, use the turbo anyway, so you land in the ditch, getting another blue balloon. Use this one as well. From here on - and possibly, since the beginning of the race- you should be in front of the Triceratops. So, stay in the middle of the road - Using the red balloon if you have too - Until you see a blue balloon on the right. Grab it, and save it until just before the finish line, where it will give you your last boost of speed. |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Coins: Ancient Lake --+- CAR -+-- 6 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Coin#1: Get the turbo from the start, and hit the bananas ahead, as well as the silver coin that's just past them. Coin#2: Get the blue turbo balloon, and then turn left getting the coin. Coin#3: This is just past the previous coin. Coin#4: This is also just past the previous one, but it's a bit closer. Use a powerslide to make sure you don't miss it. Coin#5: At the next turn, instead of taking the zipepr over the grassm stay on the road. The silver coin is in the center of it. Coin#6: Hit the blue balloon under the arc, and the silver coin is just after it. Coin#7: Another coin is just beyond that. Coin#8: Hit the zipper, to be propelled towards the finish line. Hit the last coin, in the middle of the road, before you cross it. |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Coins: Fossil Canyon --+- CAR -+-- 7 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Coin#1: Turbo forward, and go to the right of the zipper, getting the coin. Coin#2: Keep going forward, and get the green balloon on the left. Slide left just after it, for the second coin. Coin#3: Hit the zipper on the right of the road, hitting the coin as you are turboed forward. Coin#4: Hit the second zipper, to blast over the water. Make sure to take your finger of the accelleration, and you'll make it. The coin is on the sand on the other side. Coin#5: Enter the tunnell, and proceed until you reach the turn. Slide around it, and hit the zipper, nabbing the coin as well. Coin#6: The next coin is right in front of you in the middle of the road. Coin#7: After the "jump" take the right side of the fork, and hit the coin. Coin#8: Before you keep goin, make an extremely sharp turn to the left, so that you drop to the left side of the road. Pass through the red balloon, and the silve coin will be just ahead. |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Coins: Junglefalls --+- CAR -+-- 8 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Coin#1: The first coin is on the right, but leave that until you come back in the second lap. Instead, make a sharp turn near the wll, hitting the zipper. Ahead, just past the green balloon, is the real first coin. Coin#2: Hit the zipper near the blue balloon on the right, and hit the edge of the water. You'll likely land in the water, but real close to the edge. Grab the silver coin as you drive up the ramp back onto the road. Coin#3: You'll see another coin near you. That's also for lap two. Pass through the cave, and hit the zipper, grabbing the silve coin ahead. Coin#4: A coin is in the skeleton's mouth. Grab it as you get the zipper. Coin#5: Get the coin ahead, by sliding past the wall, while using the turbo from the previous zipper. Coin#6: Hit the coin by the water, past the finish, that you skipped before. Coin#7: Take the turbo and the zipper around the next turn, to go over the bridge. A coin is in the middle of it. Coin#8: Finally, hit the second coin you skipped before, just past the end of the bridge. |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Coins: Hot Top Volcano --+-PLANE-+-- 5 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Coin#1: Turbo at the start, and turn, going through the tunnel on the left. The coin is inside it. Coin#2: From inside the cavern, go to the right and the coin is in between two red balloons. Coin#3: Number three is in the middle above the next ramp. Coin#4: Take the zipper on the right, then go over the arc. The coin's on top. Coin#5: The next is in the center of the only path forward. You can't miss it. Coin#6: Take the zipper once outside, the coin's in the center of it. Coin#7: Hit the second zipper just after the first. Once again, there's a coin in the center of it. Coin#8: Cross the finish line, and take a right around the large rock. The silve coin is on a small ledge over there. +===============================================+ |-----------------------------------------------| |============+ BOSS REMATCH: TRICERATOPS +=================| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |==============================================================================| Once again, you're back up against this guy. From the start, there are three pillars. They will fall, bt if you're going fast, you can avoid them. So, turbo from the start, past two of them, then pick up the red balloon, and shoot the Triceratops when he passes you - because he will. Use the second red balloon as well, if he remains ahead. Next comes a boulder again. Stay to the right of the tree on the left, but then immediately head to the far right, due to another pillar falling. Make a sharp turn to the left again, jsut after that, to get the blue balloon. Use it immediately to catch up with or pass the Triceratops. Then, head right and get the red balloon. Shoot the Triceratops, then go back to the left to avoid another falling pillar. The next part of the race, is on the winding path again. Grab the red balloon on the left, and nail him again, if you can. There's yet another red balloon on the right, a bit further. Then, you get something more useful. To the right ahead, is a blue turbo balloon. Use it to catch up with or pass the Triceratops again. Then a bit further, is the shortcut. You don't have to use it, but you can - Either way, remember the blue balloon to the right of it. If you take the shortcut, this is vital, as there is no longer a zipper in the tunnel. You should now be ahead of the Triceratops. Grab the final blue balloon on the right, to keep that lead, and then just go up the hill, crossing the finish line. You've just earned your first piece of the WizPig Amulet! +===============================================+ |-----------------------------------------------| |============+ KEY CHALLENGE: FIRE MOUNTAIN +=================| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |==============================================================================| Goal: Hatch three eggs before the other players. Strategy: At the start, swoop down into the lava pool, and grab an egg. Make a U-turn, and bring it back to your nest, dropping it with the Z button. Take a look at the other players who have eggs under their icons, and go to their nest and steal one - Remember, once they stop blinking, they've hatched, and can't be stolen. When all eggs have hatched, go back to the lava pool, and get another one, and repeat the process. If you get three eggs first, you'll win. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ================================================================================ __________________O=======+---------------------+=======O__________________ (__________________| | Snowflake Mountain | |__________________) O=======+---------------------+=======O ================================================================================ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Everfrost Peak --+-PLANE-+-- 2 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| A flight through a frozen wasteland, you will be able to take advantage of both ground and air zippers. STar out by going left of the first tree to see a Blue Balloon, though you may want to try for the ground zipper that is nearby instead. Next up is an air zipper on the right that can shoot through an Orange Balloon, or you can head left of the air zipper to pass through a Blue Balloon instead. Now you will fly through a portion where Banana collecting is your concern, though you can hang to the left to get the Rainbow Balloon there (better to leave it), which will end with two balloons of both the Blue and Orange colours. You will then enter a tunnel where two ground zippers and one air zipper can be used to boost through quickly, accompanied by a bunch of Bananas to help your top speed. Upon exiting you will face a choice of going left for an Orange Balloon or right for a high Blue Balloon followed by a second Blue Balloon (this one is low to the ground). Go low under the arch to use the ground zipper, then you will see a double set of Blue and Orange Balloons, followed by an air zipper on the left side of the track leading into the final straightaway leading to the finish line. |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Walrus Cove --+- CAR -+-- 3 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Head into the cave, grabbing a Blue or Yellow Balloon Power-Up before entering into a large loop. Upon exiting it, head up the slope through a blue balloon to find a birdge passing through thw aforementioned loop, taking care to hit the zippers you will encounter. Turn left into a new tunnel which last mere moments, taking the zipper on the left side as you exit, passing through more Blue and Yellow Balloons as you go through the S Curves. Head straight off the large mounds of snow to avoid bouncing around on the ice below, arriving at a fork in the path. The left path offers a shorter path, a zipper, and a Rainbow Balloon, but with the risk of a much narrower path. The right path offers a lot of leaps over the bouncy ice, but your control can be less perfect and you will still make it through. After exiting whichever path you chose, you will be at the finish line. |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Snowball Valley --+- CAR -+-- 6 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Head straight off to find a fork in the path, forcing you to choose right away. The left path has two Blue Balloons in a narrow cave, dumping out your kart into the bottom of a valley with a cliff to the left. The right path offers Orange and Green Ballons while you navigate a path with some patches of ice on the sides, emptying out off of the cliff to the valley below. Head up the hill, using the zipper on the right to pass through the small arch (Yellow and Blue Balloons are in here) to enter into the Snowball Valley. Here you will have to drive down the slope and then up the far side, all the while dodging the constantly appearing snowballs as they launch down the far slope (if they hit you, your car will be squished for a few moments, costing you vaulable time and speed). You will enter an igloo entrance to pass through a brief tunnel to find a zipper on the left side at the end, shooting your car towards some Balloons (Blue, Orange, Green) which are just before the final corner to the srtraightaway to the finish line. ___ | |________ | | |____ | |___| |_|_| The Key also resides within this race, so you better pick it up sometime. After passing through the Snowball valley and exiting the igloo tunnel, move through the Balloon row that you see. As you head down the straightaway to the finish line, hang a left just before the candy cane holding up the finish line banner, moving up the hill towards a picket fence, turning right to find a small cubby hole containing the Key! |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Frosty Village --+- CAR -+-- 9 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Head for the Orange and Blue Balloons, followed by turning right to pass over a zipper to fly under a bridge going downhill. If you go on the outside route (left side) of this downhill area, a Rainbow Ballon can be found while a Blue and Orange Balloon can be found closer to the wall on the right. Turn right to enter a tunnel, which will cut left sharply rather quickly (watch out for a zipper on the left side of the corner for a good boost). Head up the windy path leading right to exit the cave, finding two Yellow and one Green Balloons greeting you, then you enter a snow field with a path zig-zagging through it. However, to speed your journey up, you can use the set of zippers spread out over the entire area to shoot over the snow for shortcuts as you head for a cave with a couple Balloons and a zipper. This part will then lead you through a small open area to pass through one last covered area (very brief), at which point the track swerves to the left to bring it home to the finish line. +===============================================+ |-----------------------------------------------| |============+ BOSS: WALRUS +=================| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |==============================================================================| An Orange Balloon is on the left side of the track near the start, but in this race speed boosts are a lot more important, so you should likely just ignore it. Try to beat the Walrus down to the cave entrance below, as getting in haead of him will allow you to go down the gradual left turning path before cutting back to the right to use the R Button to hop into the air as you are about to exit, grabbing the Blue Balloon that floats there. Now you will race through a tree-filled section to go off a big bank to the ground below, where an Orange Ballon rests on the right side as the path turns left (again, no real need to grab it). Get into the middle of the track as you go towards the huge sloipe ahead, as it will line you up to fly through a Blue balloon in the middle of the small ice track you will land on, then continue down the path to pass through a brief tunnel (turns left and then right before exiting) to find the final area where two Orange Balloons and a Blue Ballon are scattered (as a last resort to slow the Walrus if you are still behind at that point) around before the finish line area. |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Coins: Everfrost Peak --+-PLANE-+-- 10 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Coin#1: Off the start you should fly low to the ground, going to the right of the pine tree while being a bit off to the ground to grab the Coin. Coin#2: Continue low to the ground, flying past the air zipper to split the two upcoming Balloons to get the Coin. Coin#3: Now move to the outside wall, flying directly towards the Rainbow Balloon. You will see a Coin right before it, begging to be grabbed. Coin#4: Fly through the Rainbow Balloon to grab the Coin that lies in wait, blocked from view by the Rainbow Balloon. Coin#5: Fly over the arch ahead, skimming the top of it to grab the next Coin. Coin#6: You will enter a cave where an air zipper should be used, boosting towards the exit. As you approach the exit, get towards the middle of the opening area to grab the Silver Coin floating there. Coin#7: Head through the split track portion to see an arch ahead. Fly low on the first lap, getting the Coin right above the ground zipper. Coin#8: On the second lap you need to fly high to get the remaining Coin, leaving you an entire lap to get into the lead while collecting any Coins you may have missed to that point. |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Coins: Walrus Cove --+- CAR -+-- 11 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Coin#1: Head straight off the start, passing through the Balloons as you move towards the center of the track. Just before the big loop you will find a Coin sitting there, just screaming out for collection. Coin#2: After exiting the loop, look to the left side of the small cave you enter to find another Coin. Coin#3: After exiting the cave, head down the bridge through the loop (using the zippers if at all possible), turning left to see another cave. However, instead of entering the cave, look to the left rail to see a Coin (if you miss it, remember about it on the next lap). Coin#4: Head though the wavy cave, looking to the right side to see the rotating Coin sitting there for pick-up. Coin#5: Go around the right turn coming up, passing through the Balloons. You will see the next Coin not far ahead, so try your best to be in the middle of the track so you can get to it a bit easier. Coin#6: As you move towards the nasty bouncy ice area, drift to the right side of the track where some trees are placed, as a Coin twinkles from inside their protective confines. Coin#7: Head over a few bumps and bouncy ice patches, seeing a fork ahead. This tim you should bear right along the bouncy ice, grabbing the Coin located near a tree. Coin#8: On the second lap you should take left fork, as it holds the final Silver Coin. After getting that one, race like a fiend while collecting any others you missed en route to victory! |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Coins: Snowball Valley --+- CAR -+-- 14 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Coin#1: Start off by going straight ahead to grab the Coin in the middle of the track. Coin#2: Choose to go right, following the trail through the bouncy ice to grab the Coin found at the end of the path. Coin#3: When you appraoch the edge of the cliff and fall to the ground below, cut to the right to grab the Coin along the wall short of the zipper. Coin#4: Head up the hill through the small opening, grabbing the Coin found by the Balloons. Coin#5: Choose the right side of the Snowball section, grabbing the Coin on that side on this lap. Coin#6: After exiting the snowball area and passing through igloo tunnel, a row of balloons need to be passed to find a Coin on the left side of the curve that leads to the right. Coin#7: Pass the line to start the second lap, this time choosing the left fork as your route, grabbing the Coin in the entrance to the narrow tunnel you have to pass through. Coin#8: Continue through the race, passing through the balloon row in the small arch, bearing to the left to get the lone remaining Silver Coin, meaning you have about one and a third laps remaining to race out to the front of the pack to take home the Balloon! |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Coins: Frosty Village --+- CAR -+-- 16 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Coin#1: Start off from your first place spot, go along the left side of the track to grab your first Coin. Coin#2: After passing through the balloons, bypass the zipper as you go for the Coin in the left arch of the bridge. Coin#3: Head down the left side of the slope, angling towards the houses where a Coin spins, waiting patiently for the pick-up. Coin#4: Enter the cave ahead, hugging the left wall to hit the zipper to boost along the wall to grab the Silver Coin found nestled in there. Coin#5: Upon exiting you will find a zipper, which you should use as you aim your Car along the left side of the track to find the next Coin. Coin#6: Head through the cave ahead, using the zipper upon exiting to fly along the wall to your left to grab yet another Coin. Coin#7: Continue to follow the left side of the track as you pass through a brief cave, coming out to see the starting area, grabbing the Coin along the water (try to avoid going into it as it will slwo your Car down greatly). Coin#8: Head through the starting area, past some balloons and a zipper, this time bearing to the right to pass through the arch there to get the final Silver Coin, leaving a ton of race time to get to the front and finish the job! +===============================================+ |-----------------------------------------------| |============+ BOSS REMATCH: WALRUS +=================| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |==============================================================================| An Orange Balloon is on the left side of the track near the start, but in this race speed boosts are a lot more important, so you should likely just ignore it. Try to beat the Walrus down to the cave entrance below, as getting in haead of him will allow you to go down the gradual left turning path before cutting back to the right exit. Now you will race through a tree-filled section to go off a big bank to the ground below, where an Orange Ballon rests on the right side as the path turns left (again, no real need to grab it). Get into the middle of the track as you go towards the huge slope ahead, as it will line you up to fly through a Blue balloon in the middle of the small ice track you will land on, then continue down the path (watchful of those large snowballs that roll onto the path as you near, trying to crush you) to pass through a brief tunnel (turns left and then right before exiting) to find the final area where two Orange Balloons and a Blue Balloon are scattered (as a last resort to slow the Walrus if you are still behind at that point) around before the finish line area. Upon winning you will unlock the Trophy Challenge as well as gain a piece of the Wizpig Amulet! +===============================================+ |-----------------------------------------------| |============+ KEY CHALLENGE: ICICLE PYRAMID +=================| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |==============================================================================| Goal : Be the final survivor in a four car battle melee using any weapons that you desire! Strategy: Powering-Up Items will only reach the second level of three possible ones, no matter how often you try to make it otherwise, so you will have to adjust accordingly. Each person begins with 8 Bananas, losing 2 of those each time they take a hit. Your best bet is to go after multitude of Orange Balloon that litter the course, collecting two in a row to get the Homing Missile Power-Up, alloing you to hold the Z Button down to search for a target, taking the shot when you have a line of sight to hit them. However, if you are in-between Missiles, it is often wise to duck into one of the two alcoves on the bottom floor for a Yellow Balloon so you can have a shield for a few seconds, as it can really save your bacon. Survive to the last to gain a piece of the T.T. Amulet! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ================================================================================ __________________O=======+---------------------+=======O__________________ (__________________| | Sherbert Island | |__________________) O=======+---------------------+=======O ================================================================================ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Whale Bay --+-HOVER-+-- 10 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Aim for the zipper on the right side of the course off the start, followed by going around a big left turn (go inside or outside for a bevy of Balloon opportunities) to see a ship in the distance. If you want to take the short route, aim for the right side of the ship on the portion closest to you, as a whale will pop out of the water to allow your Hovercraft to be hopped up onto the deck (use the R Button to hop high enough to reach the deck, then go straight forward while angling left to complete the shortcut). If you want to go the long route, go to the right of the ship, turning left while passing through a large collection of Balloons on the outside portion of the course. Head for the zipper that lies ahead, using it to boost your vehicle forward to reach the finish line area! |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Crescent Island --+- CAR -+-- 11 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Head down the hill towards the cave, where you will have to choose a route. Going left takes you along the shoreline, but the thin path offers a couple zippers to boost your speed, while going right takes you through a safer route but it only has one zipper to help you along. Head for the zipper that is positioned after you rejoin the other path, passing some Orange and Green Balloons to find another Zipper leading into a sweeping right turn. Head down the hill and up the ramp ahead onto the ship, at which point you should turn left immediately to enter into the hold of the ship. Head down the slope, turning left to find a slope leading upwards with Rainbow and Orange Balloons on both sides of the tracks. Make use of the zippers as you enter the cave, coming to a 180 degree turn going right. However, you can take a shorter path by turning right as soon as you leave the cave to go to the finish line a tad quicker. ___ | |________ | | |____ | |___| |_|_| Come back in after you finish the race, heading down the slope to go onto the left fork, riding it till the path leads right to a zipper. Go left into the water instead, heading towards the outside portions of the rock face, following it till you find a hidden cave that holds the Key! |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Pirate Lagoon --+-HOVER-+-- 13 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Head straight over the hump ahead (through the Blue and Orange Balloons), bearing to the left to get to the zipper to boost ahead. Go towards the embanked corner (though you should turn in the water to make it far faster), heading through a second zipper to boost towards an entrance to a cave where a Yellow and Blue Balloon stand guard. Turn left as you enter, going down the brief tunnel to turn right to see a zipper on the left side. The path will lead right slightly, finding a set of Balloons as the path changes to a left turn, finding a choice in paths. The quick route is to use the zipper and the incline behind it to fly over a small wall in the rock face, but it carrties the potential for a screw up as well. The longer (but safer route) is to go around that rock wall. Either way you will then find yourself on the straightaway, leading to the finish line. |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Treasure Caves --+- CAR -+-- 16 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Off the start, look for a zipper on the right side of the path, leading towards the hill that passes through a line of Orange and Blue Balloons in a small cave. Head down the hill through an area of Bananas, turning left to pass Green and Orange Balloons en route to a dark cave. Follow the winding path through the green waters, making use of the zippers ni the cave to fly back outside to find the finish line! +===============================================+ |-----------------------------------------------| |============+ BOSS: OCTOPUS +=================| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |==============================================================================| This race is considered the hardest of the original four boss races, he is fast, full of attacks, and he does not fool around in his path he races. He will attack by dropping Spiked Mines (the second level of Green Balloon Power-Ups), which he will liberally spread out all over the course. Dodge these while racing past him (making use of the inside path for best results to win). To beat him, you have one of two methods for beating him, both revolving around collecting sets of the same coloured Balloons to get the victory! ===================== Blue Balloon Strategy ===================== Head straight past the log, going for the Blue Balloon on the right side under an arch (first level Power-Up). Stay ont he right side of the course, aiming your Hovercraft for the next Blue Balloon by a log (second level Power-Up), which leads into the cave ahead. After passing through the cave that leads left, head for the small island with two trees and split them to grab the Blue Balloon floating there (third level Power-Up). Now you will have a Purple Boost built up, meaning you can cover a lot of ground in a hurry, so once you get on the straightaway towards the finish line, use it to blow past the annoying Octo and then keep up the strategy to finish two more laps. This strategy is one that is for the more purely speed racer, as you will not be after the Boss with physical attacks but more with your pure speed and moves. ======================= Orange Balloon Strategy ======================= Head straight off the start towards that small island in the distance, grabbing the Orange Balloon resting there (first level Power-Up). Then follow the charging Ocotpus, enterting into a tunnel where the path leads to the left. Hug the left wall on the corner, grabbing the Orange Balloon squirreled there (second level Power-Up). Exit the tunnel, following the left wall till you see an Orange Balloon on the right of the screen, resting on an island (third level Power-Up). With a battery of 10 Missiles, you can now proceed to line up your shot against the multi-limbed terror, launching 9 of your Missiles at him. Now you must hold onto that last Missile, as hitting another Orange Balloon will fill your totals back up to 10, all without starting from scratch (just takes one Balloon as opposed to three Balloons!). This strategy is one that is for the more offensively minded racer, as you want to cream him with your overpowering weaponry to take over the lead. |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Coins: Whale Bay --+-HOVER-+-- 17 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Coin#1: Cut towards the zipper on the right side of the track, grabbing the Coin as you enter into the speed booster. Coin#2: Cut towards the left wall, grabbing the Coin short of the Balloon row. Coin#3: Continue through the Balloon row towards the bouy line, getting yet another Coin. Coin#4: Turn to the left slightly while ghosting the line of bouys, heading towards the next zipper as it contains the next Coin. Coin#5: Continue along the bouys to grab yet naother Coin. Coin#6: Head right around the ship, looking for a small rock outcropping with a Coin floating above it. Coin#7: Head for the next zipper as the course turns, grabbing the Coin inside of it. Coin#8: After leaving that zipper, the last Silver Coin sits out in the wide open, leaving you more than two whole laps to blow the competition away! Remember to make use of the whale shortcut as it will help you get those valuable extra seconds you want. |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Coins: Crescent Island --+- CAR -+-- 18 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Coin#1: Head down the hill, choosing the left path as it has a Coin right at the entrance to the beach front. Coin#2: Finish heading up the beach path, grabbing the second Coin on this route. Coin#3: Head for the right wall, specifically the palm tree that has the Coin positioned behind it. Coin#4: Finish going through the long left turn, heading down the slope towards the ship, but heading to the left side of the area to grab the Coin spinning along the shoreline. Coin#5: Head up the ramp into the ship, but this time you will turn left to head up the small ramp to the higher deck, driving straight into the hole up there as it will grab the Coin while getting your Car back onto the main track. Coin#6: Head down the ramp to turn left to find a slope leading upwards, which has a Coin positioned on the left side of the track. Coin#7: Head up the hill and through the cave, taking the shortcut route as it holds a Coin. Coin#8: Now on the second lap, choose the right path (through the cave) this time, grabbing the final Silver Coin. This will leave you a lot of race time to go after 1st place (almost two full laps), so go get out there, using those zippers to help build a very comfortable lead. |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Coins: Pirate Lagoon --+-HOVER-+-- 20 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Coin#1: Head to the left of the ramp with the Balloons to find the first Coin. Coin#2: Now cut back towards the middle area of the moguls, grabbing the Coin resting the water. Coin#3: Head for the corner, making the turn as you collect the Coin in the middle of the water. Coin#4: Cut right past the zipper, instead heading for the beach along the wall, as it has a Coin resting upon it. Coin#5: Head through the tunnel, turning rightn to take the zipper along the left wall to the next Coin. Coin#6: Head through the Balloons, going for the corner, being sure to stick to the right side as it has a Coin on the apex of the turn. Coin#7: Continue drifting right, passing the small islands to grab the Coin positioned out by the right wall. Coin#8: After passing the low rock wall, head left to follow the wall to grab the final Silver Coin! Now you will have two laps to finish off the opposition! |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Coins: Treasure Caves --+- CAR -+-- 22 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Coin#1: Head straight along the left wall, grabbing the first Coin. Coin#2: Slide across the track to the right wall, getting the second Coin. Coin#3: After passing through the small cave with the Balloons, go to the right side upon exiting to get the Coin spinning there. Coin#4: Go to the right of the next zipper to get another Coin. Coin#5: Once you enter the large cave, stay on the right side of the track for the Coin there. Coin#6: Immediately slide across the track for the next Coin. Coin#7: Once again, immediately slide, this time to the right side for another Coin. Coin#8: Although you could try for this one, wait to grab it on the second lap. It is on the right side of the track around the portion where the track widens. With your final Silver Coin in hand, race through the final lap to victory! +===============================================+ |-----------------------------------------------| |============+ BOSS REMATCH: OCTOPUS +=================| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |==============================================================================| This race is considered the hardest of the original four boss races, he is fast, full of attacks, and he does not fool around in his path he races. He will attack by dropping Balloons (the third level of Green Balloon Power-Ups), which he will liberally spread out all over the course. Dodge these while racing past him (making use of the inside path for best results to win), but note that the Bubbles will raise your Hovercraft into the air, delaying you far longer than the Spiked Mines. Also note that he will be far faster while laying more annoying mine weapons than the previous race. To beat him, you have one of two methods for beating him, both revolving around collecting sets of the same coloured Balloons to get the victory! ===================== Blue Balloon Strategy ===================== Head straight past the log, going for the Blue Balloon on the right side under an arch (first level Power-Up). Stay ont he right side of the course, aiming your Hovercraft for the next Blue Balloon by a log (second level Power-Up), which leads into the cave ahead. After passing through the cave that leads left, head for the small island with two trees and split them to grab the Blue Balloon floating there (third level Power-Up). Now you will have a Purple Boost built up, meaning you can cover a lot of ground in a hurry, so once you get on the straightaway towards the finish line, use it to blow past the annoying Octo and then keep up the strategy to finish two more laps. This strategy is one that is for the more purely speed racer, as you will not be after the Boss with physical attacks but more with your pure speed and moves. ======================= Orange Balloon Strategy ======================= Head straight off the start towards that small island in the distance, grabbing the Orange Balloon resting there (first level Power-Up). Then follow the charging Ocotpus, enterting into a tunnel where the path leads to the left. Hug the left wall on the corner, grabbing the Orange Balloon squirreled there (second level Power-Up). Exit the tunnel, following the left wall till you see an Orange Balloon on the right of the screen, resting on an island (third level Power-Up). With a battery of 10 Missiles, you can now proceed to line up your shot against the multi-limbed terror, launching 9 of your Missiles at him. Now you must hold onto that last Missile, as hitting another Orange Balloon will fill your totals back up to 10, all without starting from scratch (just takes one Balloon as opposed to three Balloons!). This strategy is one that is for the more offensively minded racer, as you want to cream him with your overpowering weaponry to take over the lead. Upon winning you will unlock the Trophy Challenge as well as gain a piece of the Wizpig Amulet! +===============================================+ |-----------------------------------------------| |============+ KEY CHALLENGE: DARKWATER BEACH +=================| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |==============================================================================| Goal : Be the final survivor in a four car battle melee using any weapons that you desire! Strategy: The best bet in this competition is to just collect two Orange Balloons (making a Homing Missile), holding down the Z Button, and then drive around, looking for an enemy to lock onto with your artillery, then unleashing a big hit. Repeat this as necessary, remembering that the high bridge formation hides a Yellow Balloon (Shield) if you want a bit of protection from yout foes. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ================================================================================ __________________O=======+---------------------+=======O__________________ (__________________| | Dragon Forest | |__________________) O=======+---------------------+=======O ================================================================================ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Windmill Plains --+-PLANE-+-- 16 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Start, by heading to the right of the first windmill, and using grabbing the blue balloon. Use it, as you pick up a banana ahead, and go under the next windmill, where there's a zipper for you to hit. Grab either the red (if you aren't in first) or the forcefield (if you are) balloon as you turn, and go through another zipper. Stay straight, as you enter the tunnel ahead. In the tunnel, hit one of the bananas, and grab the green balloon, as you exit it. Go forward, and drop the gas just in front of the zipper. Go aunder the next wind- mill, and hit another zipper. After that, stay on the road, until you reach another zipper. turn into it. As you enter the cavern area, grab the red balloon and use it if you have too, the nturn the corner, and grab and use the blue one. Pick up the banana, continue aheadm and grab another one, just before yeet another zipper. Use the red balloon in the next cave if you need to, then just continue. It's a simple path to the finish line, with no tricks. |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Greenwood Village --+- CAR -+-- 17 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Start, by turboing forward, and hitting the forcefield balloon. Use it, and hit the zipper as you make the first turn. Unlike any of the other racers, aim directly towards the well ahead, and break before hitting it. You'll fall in, putting you on the track again. Drive forward, nabbing two bananas, and a zipper which will propell you farther ahead. Note: You can alternatively stay with the other racers. Try to collect a few of the bananas as you turn, and use the rainbow ballooon if you aren't in first. On the right of the tunnel, is a zipper. Use it then stay on the path - Note, there's a sidepath here, but it's nothing but a "long cut." On both sides of the road ahead are bananas - Use the slides to get both sets, then hit the zipper on the left. As you turn the corner hit the final zipper, to get pushed over the finish line. |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Boulder Canyon --+-HOVER-+-- 20 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| From the start, take a left around the floating log, hitting a banana, then do a sharp right, arounf the second one, getting a blue balloon. Use it as you go over the third log - Getting another blue balloon on the right. Save this one for a minute. Take a right around the log ahead, and go up the hill, then take a left onto a drawbridge. Now you can use it, if you aren't going for the key. Hit the bell so the bridge goes up, slowing down your opponents. Hit the zipper, so that you go flying towards the wall, then make a sharp turn, so you hit anotehr zipper near the wall. Stay to the left, and hit another zipper just past the waterfall. In the next room take the left path - hitting a few bananas - and when you come out, take a right. Go around the left side of the log, and hit the zipper. On the left, is one last blue balloon. Use it, and turbo over the finish line. ___ | |________ | | |____ | |___| |_|_| To get the key, cross the drawbridge, hitting the bell, and the blue balloon. Turn around, and the drawbridge will be raised! When it stops, use the turbo to reach the top of the ramp, where the key is. |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Haunted Woods --+- CAR -+-- 22 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| From the start, stay to the wall, and turbo, nailing at least three of the bananas. Make a turn around the lake, and enter the tunnel, thi time, grabbing the bananas o the right. There's also a rainbow balloon you can use if you aren't in first. At the end of the cave, are two green balloons. Grab one, and leave an oil slick, then continue into the next cave. Grab a red balloon or two and use them if you aren't in first - Also make sure to grab one of the bananas at the turn. Hit the zipper after the drawbridge, and blast forward, through some bananas. After that, there's another zipper, and then the finish line. +===============================================+ |-----------------------------------------------| |============+ BOSS: DRAGON +=================| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |==============================================================================| Like always, the boss will get a head start. Follow him into the cave ahead, staying out of the way, of the fire balls he drops in the air. In the cave, there's a red balloon on the side, behind a stelagtite. Grab it, and save it as you turn the corner, where you'll find another one, bringing it to a homing missile. Blast it as soon as you're in the clearing with the windmill, to slow the dragon down! Seaking of windmill, go under it, grab the blue balloon, and turbo into the next tunnel. Once through the short tunnel, head to the wall, and make a sharp turn, just after getting the blue balloon. In the next cave, you have a few choices. You can nab the red balloons and hit him, or the blue one tpo turbo ahead. If you are close, you can hit him with red, then turbo. There's a second red near the exit, and a second blue on the left ourside. I like to get the first two reds, then the blue outside - Of course, you should get both of the blues if you are already in first. After that, it's just an overhang, a red balloon, and the finish. Hit him with the balloon if you can, then stay in there for two more laps. |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Coins: Windmill Plains --+-PLANE-+-- 23 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Coin#1: It's udner the first windmill on your left, just passed the start. Coin#2: This one is a bit further ahead, under the second windmill. Coin#3: Stay on the course, and it will be in the middle of the road, between two trees, just before the cave. Coin#4: Inside the cave on the left wall, is another coin. Coin#5: Just outside the cave, head forward, and under the first windmill you see, is another coin. Coin#6: It's behind the waterfall, in the open area. Coin#7: Further ahead, in the "rocky" area, it's in the air, towards the left. Coin#8: Past the rocky area, the coin is just left of the zipper. |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Coins: Greenwood Village --+- CAR -+-- 24 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Coin#1: After the first zipper, make an extremely sharp left turn. The coin is against the wall. Coin#2: Take the long route, with the other racers. The coin is to the right of the entrance. Coin#3: After the first turn, the coin is on the left against the wall. Coin#4: In the green part of the tunnel, it's on the right side of the road. Coin#5: It's right before the exit of the tunnel. Coin#6: Take the tunnel on the left - the "longcut" - The coin is in the middle of it. Coin#7: It's on the right side of the entrance to the next tunnel. Coin#8: When you reach the main street again, it's on the right. |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Coins: Boulder Canyon --+-HOVER-+-- 30 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Coin#1: Stay on the right from the start, and it's against the wall. Note: You may want to save this coin until the second lap. Coin#2: It's at the top of the first "ramp". Coin#3: At the bottom of the "ramp" take a left around the log. Coin#4: Across the drawbridge, is a zipper. The coin is just past it. Coin#5: When you hit the zipper that's against the wall, make a sharp left turn. The coin is on the left side of the waterfall. Coin#6: When you reach the split in the path, take the left, a coin is there. Coin#7: There's another coin at the end of the left path. Coin#8: When you land back in the water, it's under the arc, on the left. |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Coins: Haunted Woods --+- CAR -+-- 37 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Coin#1: This is in front of the large fountain/lake. Coin#2: Take the left path, and the coin is in the middle of the road. Coin#3: In the brick tunnel ahead, this is on the right, just past the set of bananas. Coin#4: This is in front of the entrance to the set of woods ahead. Coin#5: This is on the left side of the woods about halfway through. Coin#6: Strangely enough, this is just inches past the fifth coin. Coin#7: On the middle of the drawbridge ahead, lies anoher coin. Coin#8: Continue the race as you normally would, until yuo reach the second lap. this time, when you reach the lake, go right. The coin is on the right side of the road. +===============================================+ |-----------------------------------------------| |============+ BOSS REMATCH: DRAGON +=================| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |==============================================================================| Like all the other rematches, this is similair to the first Dragon race. There are a few changes though. For one, he's faster, and he will drop alot more fire - And to top it off, it slows you down more, now. And even worse, several of the fire balls, in asigned spots, will not dissapear! Despite the changes, though, the same strategy will work - If you don't mess up at all. Turbo from the start, into the cave. Make sure to grab both red balloons from there, and hit him with both of them, as soon as you see the windmill. Grab and use the blue balloon from under it, and turbo under the archway. In the open area though, watch out - Instead of going for the blue balloon, which is no longer there, just make a sharp turn around the corner. In the next cave, use either the red or blue balloons, depending on your taste, and just after that, is the finish line. Stick close to him, and know that if you can't see him anymore, you've probably lost. On the other hand, if you manage to take a lead in the first lap, he won't be able to hit you with fire, and you should be able to win easily. Stay in there, until you win, and you'll have collected the final piece of the WizPig Amulet! +===============================================+ |-----------------------------------------------| |============+ KEY CHALLENGE: SMOKEY CASTLE +=================| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |==============================================================================| Goal : Be the first player to drop 10 balloons into their treasure chest. Strategy: First of all, you can only hold two bananas at a time, so you'll be making a least 5 trips. Second of all, know that if you are hit, you will drop your bananas. Now, the strategy, is to turbo off the ledge at the start, and grab two red balloons. Then, proceed to the closest doorway out of the castle. cross the bridge, and take either a left or a right, and keep moving until you collect two bananas on the path - The go back in through the closest door, go up the ramp, and frop the bananas into your treasure chest. Use the homing missile whenever you're close to an opponent, but remember to get more every time you head out for more bananas. ================================================================================ __________________O=======+---------------------+=======O__________________ (__________________| | The Island | |__________________) O=======+---------------------+=======O ================================================================================ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +===============================================+ |-----------------------------------------------| |============+ BOSS: WIZPIG +=================| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |==============================================================================| Turbo forward, and go over the bridge, turn the corner, and go over a second bridge. Hit the zipper here, to turbo over some grass, and onto another path. Stay on this path, until you hit another zipper, sending you over some more grass, and water, onto another path. Be careful not to miss the zipper, or you will be slowed down. The next zipper, will send you over a bunch of wayer - It is extremlely important to hit this one. The next two will also bring you across gaps of water. After that, it's a bumpy, yet simple path to the finish, with just one zipper - Hit it. You should be in front of WizPig if you didn't mess up. Just stay in there for two more matches, and you'll win. After the match, WizPig will dissapear, and it will seem that the island is saved. In fact, the character will party, and you'll see an ending! Don't be fooled though. WizPig is behind the lighthouse during the party, and he's about to wreck everything, before taking off in his ship. Following that, is a set of credits, but it's still not over yet. Collect four gold trophies and head to the beach, and you'll follow him to the real final world. ================================================================================ __________________O=======+---------------------+=======O__________________ (__________________| | Future Fun Land | |__________________) O=======+---------------------+=======O ================================================================================ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Spacedust Alley --+-PLANE-+-- 39 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Head forward, and dip under the floating boulder, if it comes near you, and grab the red balloon. Use it if anyone's in front of you, and then turn the corner, hitting both of the zippers, one after the other. At the next turn, there are four bananas - Try to grab at least one before entering the cave. At the entrance of the cave is a Magnet balloon - If you can use it, wait until you exit the cave first, because you'll want to make sure to avoid the electric beams inside it. Outside of the cave, is a UFO that wil shoot you - Don't turn, but stay low to the ground, and you'll be fine. After that, is another cave full of beams. Avoid them, but make sure to grab the blue balloon thats inside as well. Once outside, use the turbo, and cut off the apath, to the right, to save some time. Here, you'll notice that there are two caves - One on the path, and one below it. Head for the one below it, hitting the zipper, and the three bananas inside. Once through it, take a right, and hit the zipper on the ground, entering another part of the cave. Hit the blue balloon in the center, and use it just as you reach a straight-away. Grab another blue balloon near the exit of the cave, and use it to reach the finish line. Alternatively, it may actually be easier to skip the last balloon. |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Darkmoon Caverns --+- CAR -+-- 40 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Take a wide left at the start, hitting some of the bananas, then entering the the cave with the zipper on the right. Hit some more of the bananas against the wall, and then a right outside, hitting three more bananas, entering another cave. Here, there's a zipper on the right. Hit it, so that you turbo out of the cave, and hit a blue balloon. While outside, stay to the right side of the two rocks, and hit the zipper, entering another cave. Hit the banana on the right, but then go back to the left, to hit a zipper, once again, leaving a cave. Take a right around the bend while outside, picking up an oil slick, and drop it, as you enter the next cave on the left, picking up the blue balloon. Save the balloon though. When you leave the cave, you'll be on a loop-de-loop, and it will be useless. Use the turbo when you get off it, just before you hit the green balloon. You'll be right in front of another mandatory loop-de-loop, making this the perfect place to drop a green balloon. When you get off that one, just take a right to exit the cave, and you'll find yourself at the finish line. |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Spaceport Alpha --+-PLANE-+-- 41 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Get the turbo from the start, and head forward, grabbing a green balloon as you turn. Drop it just as you go through the doorway. Just after making the turn, fly upwards a bit, before you turn the next corner - There's a zipper up there that you don't want to miss. Fly over the open area, and enter the tunnel - I guess you couldcall it - grabbing the green balloon as you do. Drop the green balloon about halfway down, before looping back upwards, into another open area. Fl across, grabbing a turbo as you etner the next area. Stay low to the ground to avoid being shot here, and use the turbo, on the right. You'll grab another turbo along the way, and end up near a zipper. Fly through the zipper, and take a right, into the tunnel, when you reach the wall. There are two green balloons you can pick up and drop in this tunnel - Try to use at least one of them. After that, is a red corridor - Pick up the blue at the beginning of it, and turbo through it. After that, is one final area, with a few bananas - Grab one of them - and the finish line to the left. |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Star City --+- CAR -+-- 42 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| From the start, stay on the left, and pick up the three bananas. After that, hit the zipper, which is also on the left, and go through the tunnel, grabbing either te red or green balloons, depending on which is more useful to you. On the next pathway, stay on the left, and pick up the line of bananas. After that, you'll enter a tunnel. Grab and use the forcefield balloon at the entrance, and a little further down, grab and use a blue one. At the end of the tunnel is a zipper. Use it, and you'll be turboed onto the streets. You will find a couple of blue balloons and zippers as you turn them. Hit them whenever you see them, and make sure to slide-turn around the corners. After the streets, you'l lgo through a tunnel, and then onto a dirt road, up to the finish line. From here on there's no tricks, and the only things to pick up, are bananas, of which there are plenty. |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Coins: Spacedust Alley --+-PLANE-+-- 43 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Coin#1: The first coin is just to the right of the first zipper in the air. Coin#2: The second coin is on the ground, to the left of the second zipper in the air. Coin#3: This coin is on the ceiling of the first cave. Coin#4: This is to the left of the open area after the cave. Coin#5: When you reach the open path, take the bottom path, and the coin is just after the zipper. Coin#6: As you near the end of the caves, and have the finish line in sight, the coin is in the middle of the air. Coin#7: Play through the second lap as normal, until you reach the area where you got the 4th coin. This coin is to the right of that. Coin#8: When you reach the large open area, with two paths, stay on the top path, and the coin is in the air, after the zipper. |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Coins: Darkmoon Caverns --+- CAR -+-- 44 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Coin#1: Just after the first turn, the coin is on the right. Coin#2: After the tunnel, the coin is on the elft side of the road. Coin#3: In the next tunnel, hit the zipper on the right, and you'll hit the coin that is just after it. Coin#4: The next coin is in the middle of the road, outside the cave. Coin#5: Between the two rocks in the area, is another coin. Coin#6: After another cave, you'll find another coin, on the left side of another road. Coin#7: Stay on the path, until you reach the loop-de-loop. The coin is right in front of it. Coin#8: The final coin is in front of the second loop-de-loop. |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Coins: Spaceport Alpha --+-PLANE-+-- 45 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Coin#1: The first coin is just after the first two green balloons, against the wall. Coin#2: In the next room, on the left wall, on the floor, is a coin. Coin#3: In the "dip" after the large open room, there's a coin. Coin#4: In the center of the large room after that, there's another coin. Coin#5: On the left side of the room where you get shot at, on the floor, there is a coin. Coin#6: There's another coin just past that, in the air on the right. You may want to wait until lap 2 to get it though. Coin#7: At the top of the entrance to the next tunnel, there's a coin. Coin#8: The last coin is at the end of the tunnel, just before the red area |================================|=======|=====================================| +-- Coins: Star City --+- CAR -+-- 46 Balloons Required --+ |================================|=======|=====================================| Coin#1: You won't see the first coin, until you pass through the first tunnel, and end up on the walkway. It will be on the right-hand side. Coin#2: Near the end of the walkway, another coin is in the middle of the road. Coin#3: At the end of the glass tunnel, to the right of the zipper, is another coin. Coin#4: When you reach the first turn on the streets, the coin will be to the right, a bit. Coin#5: On top of the zipper, at the end of the road, is another coin. Coin#6: Three turns ahead, is another coin, on the corner. Coin#7: Just a bit further ahead from number six, is number seven. Coin#8: Near the beginning of the final tunnel, before the home stretch, is the final coin of this level - of the game, even! +===============================================+ |-----------------------------------------------| |============+ BOSS REMATCH: WIZPIG +=================| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |==============================================================================| Note: You need all four pieces of the amulet to reach this race. You're finally here, the last, and hardest boss of the game, the rematch with WizPig. Unlike last time, this time you're in a completely new course, and you are on a plane - And alhough some, like Brian claim this is easier than the car, it made things difficult for me - while WizPig is on the much faster rocket! With some practice though, you'll be able to beat him. turbo from the start, like always, and go to the right side of, or under the first two boulders. Go to the right, and get the blue balloon, and use it immediately, dodging the boulders in the area. Go under the arch, and grab the red balon after that. Hold it for a second, and go over the second arch getting another red balloon, making a hominh missile - Nail WizPig with it, as soon as you hit the open area. At this time, make a tight turn to the left, over the stone pig's nose, grabbing a blue ballon. Use it, as you enter the cave ahead. Here, there's a red balloon, and a blue balloon. Grab the blue one from the left side, and use it immediately, because after that, there are two more red balloons on each side anyway. Grab both, and once again, nail WizPig with a homing missile - That is, if you aren't already in front of him. Before you leave the cave, pick up the final blue balloon near the ceiling, and trubo through the forcefield balloon. Use that as soon as you enter the next room - As spaceships will be firing t you. Just after that, is a tunnel with one final blue turbo balloon on the left. Use it, and cross over the finish line. Stick in there for three laps, and come out in first place, and you'll have successfully beaten the game for real! The only thing left is the final trophy challenge for Future Fun Land, and of course Adventure 2, which you've just unlocked! In Adventure 2, all the courses are mirrored, so you may have some fun with it. ________________________ ______________________/ \_______________________ ( \____ 08. Loose Balloons ______/ ) \ ======= \__________________________/ ======= / \___________________________________________________________________/ =================================================================== ========== LOOSE ONES ========== [1] Drive up the ramp to Dino Domain, as it will have a Balloon floating there, just waiting to be snagged up. [2] When you are in the plane, look for a cliff to the right of the Wizpig head on the mountain, which is where you will find a Balloon floating around on a ledge just waiting to be picked up. Fly your plane at it, coming at the proper height to grab it as bouncing off of the cliff face will cause you to lose you momentum, meaning you will have to attempt another fly-by. [3] When you go into the SNowflake Mountain entrance area, turn right while facing the doors to go through the small opening above the river. Fly along the grass and trees on the right side of the stream, looking for a Balloon lying in wait at the very end of the path, right up near the huge log. [4] When you enter the bay of water near Sherbet Bay, head for the left side of the bay, following the wall (this is the same wall that supports the rodway above), heading out into the bay in a Hovercraft or a Plane. You will find a Balloon floating just above the waves, awaiting pick-up. ============= CAR CHALLENGE ============= Requirements: 5 Balloons collected and you set foot in the outside area of the island From the starting line, you will drive on the roadway in a clockwise circle, completing three quick laps to win. Use your Car slide to drift around the course a tad quicker, allowing you to annihalate the big Genie. =============== HOVER CHALLENGE =============== Requirements: 13 Balloons collected and you set foot in the outside area of the island From the starting line, head through the arch that is under the roadway to Dino Domain, following the water towards a waterfall that hides the entrance to a watery cave. After passing through the caev, turn right and o across the snow towards the watery path that goes down to the river below, which you will ride along till you fall into the bay. Head towards the section of beach to the right of lighthouse, turning right to climb the slope to pass through an opening to head straight towards the finish line. Complete two more laps to win the Balloon. =============== PLANE CHALLENGE =============== Requirements: 18 Balloons collected and you set foot in the outside area of the island Head slightly to the right, entering into the tunnel above the path, exiting into the Snowy Mountain Area. Head towards the same exit area on the river, following the river down under a log and into the Sherbet Bay. Head to the right side of the lighthouse, turning right along the rock wall to go through the narrow opening, heading straight for the finish line. Bust off two more blistering laps to get that oh so valuable Balloon! ________________________ ______________________/ \_______________________ ( \____ 09. Unlocking T.T. ______/ ) \ ======= \__________________________/ ======= / \___________________________________________________________________/ =================================================================== You can unlock T.T. by choosing Time Trial, in a file in which you have played each stage at least once. Then, you'll have to play each stage, one at a time, with the timer on, and the racers off. You're goal in each stage is different, and when you beat it, you'll unlock T.T's ghost, which will race you when you play in that stage again. ========================== ========================== Dino Domain Snowflake Mountain ========================== ========================== Ancient Lake 1:07.00 Everfrost Peak 1:53.00 Fossil Canyon 1:37.00 Walrus Cove 2:10.00 Jungle Falls 1:08.00 Snowball Valley 1:13.00 Hot Top Volcano 1:35.00 Frosty Village 1:44.00 ========================== ========================== Sherbert Island Dragon Forest ========================== ========================== Whale Bay 1:19.00 Windmill Plains 2:22.00 Crescent Island 1:39.00 Greenwood Village 1:46.00 Pirate Lagoon 1:34.00 Boulder Canyon 2:11.00 Treasure Caves 1:10.00 Haunted Woods 1:22.00 ========================== Future FunLand ========================== Spacedust Alley 2:12.00 Darkmoon Caverns 2:20.00 Spaceport Alpha 2:16.00 Star City 2:07.00 Once you've unlocked T.T's ghost in a course, you have to play it again, and this time you have to beat T.T! T.T. being a ghost, however, uses the same path and strategy each time, thus getting the same times each race. This means that you just have to beat his time. His times are shown below. ========================== ========================== Dino Domain Snowflake Mountain ========================== ========================== Ancient Lake 1:01.28 Everfrost Peak 1:48.00 Fossil Canyon 1:30.18 Walrus Cove 2:06.28 Jungle Falls 1:02.50 Snowball Valley 1:06.41 Hot Top Volcano 1:30.71 Frosty Village 1:39.40 ========================== ========================== Sherbert Island Dragon Forest ========================== ========================== Whale Bay 1:13.11 Windmill Plains 2:13.13 Crescent Island 1:33.16 Greenwood Village 1:40.61 Pirate Lagoon 1:28.56 Boulder Canyon 2:02.35 Treasure Caves 1:05.63 Haunted Woods 1:09.51 ========================== Future FunLand ========================== Spacedust Alley 2:06.16 Darkmoon Caverns 2:12.05 Spaceport Alpha 2:09.03 Star City 2:01.45 After you've beaten his times on each course - By no means an easy fate, you may even want to consider the "A Button Glitch" shown in the cheats section - You'll unlock T.T. He will become a playable character both in the Time Trials, and in Adventure mode. ________________________ ______________________/ \_______________________ ( \____ 10. Cheats + Unlockable ______/ ) \ ======= \__________________________/ ======= / \___________________________________________________________________/ =================================================================== Magic Codes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following cheats can technically be unlocked by Beating Wiz Pig 2. Each time you beat him, one magic code at random will be shown. However, you don't actually have to beat him. Just go to the options menu, and go to Magic Codes, and enter them for the desired effects. TOXICOFFENDER----> All Balloons become green FREEFRUIT--------> Start with 10 bananas DOUBLEVISION-----> Two players can use the same character BODYARMOR--------> All Balloons become yellow BOMBSAWAY--------> All Balloons become red ROCKETFUEL-------> All Balloons become blue OPPOSITESATTRACT-> All Balloons become rainbows NOYELLOWSTUFF----> No Bananas are in play BYEBYEBALLOONS---> No Weapons are in play JOINTVENTURE-----> Two-player Adventure TIMETOLOSE-------> Computer is better BLABBERMOUTH-----> Changes horn sounds to character’s noises BOGUSBANANAS-----> Bananas reduce your speed VITAMINB---------> Unlimited Banana upgrades to your speed ZAPTHEZIPPERS----> No zippers are in play FREEFORALL-------> Fully powered-up Balloon Items JUKEBOX----------> Adds Music Test to audio menu ARNOLD-----------> Increases character’s size TEENYWEENIES-----> Decreases character’s size OFFROAD----------> Off-road driving does not slow you as much WHODIDTHIS-------> Displays credits -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drumstick -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Complete the Wizpig Amulet and the T.T. Amulet, then go to the main area of the Island (where Taj The Genie wanders around). Look for the big group of frogs, at which point you should spot one that has a few red feathers sticking out of it and it will be making the oddest croaking noises. This is the frog you should aim your vehicle for (easiest in a car) and run down the poor beast, unleashing Drumstick! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T.T. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We have a whole section on unlocking this guy, so please look there. It is the section just above this one. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A-Button Glitch -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a famous glitch, as far as this game goes. While racing, instead of holding the A-Button down, you rapidly press it, throughout the race - except for when you are about to hit a zipper. See, the vehicles have maximum speeds that they can reach when they are not being turboed. Using this trick will push the speed above that, and keep it there. This can be used to cut down your times by quite a bit, but remember, it's always possible to win without using this. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adventure Two -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beat WizPig 2, in Future Fun Land, to unlock Adventure Two. Here, you'll be collecting silver balloons, in mirrored versions of the original courses. Silver coins are also in new locations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Future Fun Land -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get all four pieces of the WizPig Amulet, all four trophies, and beat WizPig. Then, when you get a chance, head to the beach, and drive/fly over where the lighthouse once was. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________________ ______________________/ \_______________________ ( \____ 11. Credits ______/ ) \ ======= \__________________________/ ======= / \___________________________________________________________________/ =================================================================== Brian Sulpher: Author Number One SayainPrince: Author Number Two Turok4N64: The T.T. times were aquired from his FAQ, available at GameFAQs. Intstructions: The Story was quoted from the Instructions Manual