************************************************************************ Goldeneye 007 ************************************************************************ The FAQ For the N64 Gaming System Version 2.3 11/6/00 Written by Ian Rogers mr_bean88@hotmail.com Drop me a line if you liked my FAQ, have a question, or just want to say hi. Revision History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 2.3 11/6/00 In this update I've added three new Tricks & Glitches, and fixed a mistake in the rules listing for The Man With The Golden Gun multiplayer scenario. I've also added a newer, easier Gameshark code to get to the Dam's Island. And if it matters, a few miscellaneous spelling, grammatical, and credit errors have been fixed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ And yes, I've moved the Past Revision History. It can be found in Section X-11, in the Miscellaneous section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Goldeneye is a game like no other. Sure, on the surface, it may seem like your average, boring, shoot-em up Doom type game, but it really isn't. Of course, I know that everyone already knows that Goldeneye is the greatest shoot-em up game ever, I just needed to restate the point. And also, I have recently come to the sad, sad conclusion that not everyone has beaten Goldeneye. No really, it's true. And that's not saying much. That's where I, Ian, the self-proclaimed Goldeneye Master come in. Not only have I beaten every level in the game on every difficulty, I've also gotten every cheat there is. But enough about me... (My apologies to anyone whose feelings were hurt by my bragging) So anyway, I decided to help out all of the suckers....I mean, dedicated gamers out there that need help beating the game. Come on, you know you wanna. Whether you need to get the Infamous Invincibility Cheat, beat the Aztec Temple, or simply beat the Dam on Agent, I'm here for you. Heh, heh, heh. Of course, I've also got all the other stuff that I know you all want from a good Goldeneye FAQ, a Complete Multiplayer Guide, A Weapons Guide, alternate techniques for beating the hardest villains in the game, and a bunch of other stuff that all true Goldeneye fans can't live without. Have Fun. Table of Contents ___________________________________________ I. Bond's Moves & Techniques 1. Basic Moves 2. Advanced Moves 3. Other Things to Know II. Level Walkthroughes 1. Mission 1: Arkangelsk i. Dam ii. Facility iii. Runway 2. Mission 2: Severnaya i. Surface 1 ii. Bunker 1 3. Mission 3: Kirghizstan i. Silo 4. Mission 4: Monte Carlo i. Frigate 5. Mission 5: Severnaya i. Surface 2 ii. Bunker 2 6. Mission 6: St. Petersburg i. Statue ii. Archives iii. Streets iv. Depot v. Train 7. Mission 7: Cuba i. Jungle ii. Control iii. Caverns iv. Cradle 8. Mission 8: Teotihuaca'n i. Aztec 9. Mission 9: el-Saghira i. Egyptian III. Cheat FAQ 1. Cheat List 2. Hints and Strategies 3. Cheat Guides i. Dam ii. Facility iii. Runway iv. Surface 1 v. Bunker 1 vi. Silo vii. Frigate viii. Surface 2 ix. Bunker 2 x. Statue xi. Archives xii. Streets xiii. Depot xiv. Train xv. Jungle xvi. Control xvii. Caverns xviii. Cradle xix. Aztec xx. Egyptian xxi: Magnum xxii: Laser xxiii: Golden Gun 4. The Lost Cheats i. Line Mode ii. Invisibility in Multiplayer iii. Maximum Ammo iv. Extra Characters 5. The MIA Cheats i. Debug Mode ii. Extra Weapons iii. The Extra Health Cheats IV. Multiplayer FAQ 1. Overview 2. The Scenarios 3. The Levels 4. The Weapons 5. The Game Lengths 6. The Characters 7. The Healths 8. The Aiming Options 9. The Awards 10. Tips and Strategies 11. Suggested Game Selections V. The Weapons FAQ VI. The Gadgets FAQ VII. The Supervillains 1. Ourumov (Silo) 2. Xenia 3. Trevelyan 4. Jaws 5. Baron Samedi VIII. The Fun Stuff! 1. The Top Ten Secrets 2. Codes 3. Tricks & Bugs, and Other Cool Stuff IX. The Q Watch 1. The Options 2. The Controller Settings X. Miscellaneous 1. Enemy Rockets FAQ 2. How to Use a Throwing Knife 3. How to Use the Golden Gun 4. The Race! 5. Alternate Invincibility Cheat Methods 6. The Land Across the Sea... 7. Rumors 8. Stupid Things Natalya Says 9. Smart-aleck Things that Alec Trevelyan Says 10. Bond Movie References 11. Previous Revision History XI. Frequently Asked Questions XII. Other Goldeneye Related Web Sites XIII. Acknowledgments XIV. Copyright Info XV. The Closing Statement ____________________________________________ Pretty Long, eh? ********************************* I. Bond's Moves & Techniques ********************************* 1. Basic Moves This is just a small section of my FAQ devoted to the folks out there who lost their instruction manuals, and it's also to make my FAQ look more complete. All controls are for the default controller setting (1.1 Honey). Move: Perhaps the most basic MOVEment of all, (bad pun intended) just use the control stick to run around. Fire: Perhaps the most IMPORTANT movement of all. Pressing Z fires any gun that bond happens to have out at the time. If no gun is present, Bond slaps. Switch weapon: Press A to switch to a different (usually better) weapon. Reload/Open doors/Operate: Press B to reload the current gun that you are using. You can also use this button to open doors, use computers, ect. Aim: Press and hold R, and a cute red little cross-hair appears on the screen. You can also set it so that you can toggle aiming on and off. Pause Game: Pressing start brings you to the Q Watch, essentially pausing the game. _______________________ 2. Advanced Moves _______________________ Switch to the Previous Weapon: Press and hold A, then press Z to switch to the previous weapon on the list. Careful, because sometimes you may make a mistake and accidentally fire that rocket launcher into a nearby wall instead of switching. Hey, it happened to me! Duck: Hold R, then press Down C to duck down. Release R, and you can move around freely. Press R to stand back up. Duck and Aim: Press and hold R, then hold bottom C to duck and keep aiming. Tough on the fingers, but it works! Lean: Press and hold R, then press Left or Right C to lean in that direction. While leaning, you cannot use auto-aim, as releasing R will bring you back to a normal position. Look Around: Press the Up and Down C-buttons, or the Up and Down buttons on the control pad (the one on the left) to look around. Great Graphics, huh? Detonate Mines the Easy Way: Press A and B at the same time, and all of your remote mines will detonate. This feature also makes it possible to throw a mine, and then detonate it in midair. Strafe: One of the most important moves of all; strafing makes you sidestep around, so that you can face one direction, and walk in another. Strafing also makes you go a little faster. To strafe, press Left or Right C. See the next section for more info about strafing. ___________________________ 4. Other Things to Know ___________________________ This section will tell you, the gamer, about some of the important "Sacred Laws of Goldeneye", and some other stuff that I couldn't really fit in anywhere else. Law #1: The Railings and Pits Law For some reason, bug or programmed trick, the enemies in Goldeneye can't shoot over pits and spaces in the level. For example, on the Dam, if you're sniping in one guard tower, and another guard sees you from another guard tower, he can't shoot at you. Instead, he has to jump down the ladder, and run halfway across the Dam to your guard tower, giving you time to nail him with a Soviet. It's the same thing with the railings on the corners of the stairs in the facility. This "trick" is especially helpful when defeating Jaws on the Aztec Level (more on this later). NOTE: For some reason, this law doesn't work with that big pit in the Aztec Level, or with the high bridge near the ammo dump in the Depot. Law #2: The Rules of Stealth When you fire off a couple shots of silenced PP7 at as guard, no nearby guards are going to hear. But when you pump a guard chock full of Soviet bullets, guards are going to come. But, shooting only one shot off of the Soviet (use the aimer) will not attract any guards. This is useful when going for head shots on stealth missions. Another point is that shooting a Soviet and other loud guns at drone guns, video cameras, and some computers will NOT attract any guards at all. This comes in handy on the Bunker 2. Law #3: Guards have Different Amounts of Health You've probably noticed this already, but on 00 Agent most Russian Soldiers can take one or two hits to the chest with the average pistol before going down. It's also been noticed that most Janus Special Forces (the black guys on the Cradle) can take MANY ZMG bullets to the chest. And or course the Supervillains (such as Xenia and Jaws) are totally different, so they get their own section of the FAQ. Also Remember... When using a PP7 (silenced or not), DD44, or even a Klobb, head shots are ESPECIALLY important, because these are weaker weapons. When using more powerful automatics, you can afford to aim for the chest because most enemies will be a bit stunned after being shot, and automatics take advantage of that. Know the Differences Between the Difficulty Levels! I can not stress this enough. On Agent, enemies are easy to kill, there are few objectives to get in the way, and body armor is plentiful. On 00 Agent (And on Secret Agent, to a lesser extent) enemies can take WAY more hits, there are usually more objectives, and of course, a lot less body armor. Know the Law of Spontaneous Generation! The Law of Spontaneous Generation is VERY important. Here, let me explain. You know how in the Facility, sometimes, guys will keep coming, as if from nowhere? Well, that's exactly it! They do come from nowhere! In most levels, if you reach a certain spot, or set off in alarm, guys will start coming from nowhere. That's the Law of Spontaneous Generation! Know when and when not to trust Auto Aim! A very important fact that few gamers realize is the auto-aim is more affective on Agent than it is on 00 Agent. I guess the purpose of this was to get you more used to crosshair aiming as you progressed through the game. Ambushing is very important! Remember that when an enemy turns a corner, there will be a short moment of surprise. Therefore, the best place to ambush enemies is around corners! This is a very important strategy, and you can use it in any level of the game! Know your Strafing! There are 3 different kinds of strafing. #1: The Speed Strafe Speed strafing is used when going for that certain Fast Animation cheat, or when trying to escape your pursuers in the Living Daylights. Basically, all you have to do is hold down the strafing button, (Left or Right C) and use the control stick to point you in the right direction. Speed strafing is the most important kind of strafing, and it's also the easiest to get used to. #2: The Circle Strafe Circle strafing is usually only done in Multiplayer. When you meet up with an opponent, strafe around them in a circle (use the control stick to move in the right directions), all the while firing at the opponent. If ever you should become a victim of a circle strafer, RUN AWAY! (Using the speed strafe, of course). #3: The Mad Strafe Mad Strafing is the hardest type of strafe to pull off successfully, but it's usually worth it. To mad strafe, hold down the strafing buttons while firing at your opponents, (with a high power automatic weapon of course) either wounding them or killing them. Don't take too much time trying to kill guys, just concentrate on getting to your goal. Mad Strafing is usually only used on the ending to the Jungle level, Ouromov's Silo ambush, and the end of the Caverns. ***************************** II. Level Walkthroughes ***************************** Let's face the facts, there are a lot of people that haven't beaten all of the levels in Goldeneye yet, that's why this big hunk of FAQ is here. But still, I like to know that I'm doing my part to help. Level Walkthroughes are mainly for those people who don't know where the Comms room key is on the Surface, or can't find Valentin in the statue. The Level Walkthroughes also try to provide some strategies on how to get through the level and get past certain tricky spots. Of course, most of the strategies outlined here are strictly optional. If you have a better way of beating Jaws or the Silo level, then go for it! Also, feel free to alter the strategies however you please, i.e., using this gun instead of that gun, going into this room before that room, ect. Whatever works for you is OK! ______________________________ Mission 1: Arkangelsk ______________________________ Setting: 9 years ago Part i: Dam Primary Objectives: a. Neutralize all alarms (Secret Agent) b. Install covert modem (00 Agent) c. Intercept data backup (00 Agent) d. Bungee jump from platform Available weapons: PP7 (Silenced) DD44 Dostovei KF7 Soviet Sniper Rifle Grenade Gadgets: Covert Modem, Bungee Cord Important Items: None Body Armor: 2 (Agent Only) Secrets: Hidden rifle bullets for the KF7 and sniper rifle are in the boxes by the truck's gate. Notes: Even on 00 Agent, the Dam is a pretty easy level. Agents will simply have to get to the Bungee jumping platform to complete the level. You don't need to go into the sewer unless you're on 00 Agent. Walkthrough: After a little cinematic overview of the first part of the level, we find ourselves in a little corner of the wall. Carefully lean out and look around the corner, and you should be able to nail the first guard right in the head with your PP7. Grab the KF7 Soviet that he drops. Walk across that little bridge thing (doesn't look very sturdy, but it holds) until you get to a guard tower. Here you can get a couple a good shots at a guard that's standing against the wall. You should be able to get him before he gets to you. Next, a guard will come out of the tower. Shoot him before he shoots you, and run up into the tower. Now you're in the guard tower. Here, conveniently enough, is a sniper rifle. Take the sniper, and switch to it. Now go up to the side of the guard tower that faces the tunnel. You should see two guards standing around. Zoom in with the sniper (up C), not all the way, but enough so that you can get a good head shot. Got him? Now the other guard should come running, but you can snipe him easily enough. Walk out of the guard tower and pick up all the ammo that the guys dropped. Switch to your PP7, and start walking through the tunnel. Excuse me, make that start running through the tunnel, keeping close to the right wall. Now, you'll come up into another big area, and guys will start firing. Head for the guard tower on the right. There's usually a guard around it, so nail him with your PP7. Run up into the guard tower, and Agents will find some Body Armor. Anyway, get your sniper back out and aim for the little stone fort on the right. If you zoom in all the way, you'll see two more soldiers in there. Take both of them out, and look to the big stack of wooden boxes right next to the fort. Shoot the boxes, (they all should blow up) listen for a guard to yell out. Now, stay on sniper and run out and collect everybody's ammo, then run up to that big gate. If you find yourself dangerously short on sniper ammo, shoot some of the wooden boxes with your PP7 and grab the ammo that you find. There should be some buttons on the side of the gate, so press them and run in when the gate opens. There's another gate, so open that one (darn thing has to wait for the first one to close) then run out into the next area. Quick! Zoom in with your Sniper and look to the left! There's a green soldier running to the alarm! Well, you better shoot him before he gets the chance to press it! Once the green soldier is gone, run up to the next guard tower. Take out any enemies that you see with your Soviet (You don't need to be silent anymore). IMPORTANT NOTE: Don't forget to shoot the alarm that the green soldier was going to push! Run up to the brown gate. Open it up, and you'll find a green guard, and a guy with a Dostovei! Shoot them both and grab the DD44. Now go out the door to the other side of the gate, and you should see some wooden boxes on the right. 00 Agents should walk behind them, where they'll find a little computer screen thing. Guess what this is????? OK fine, pull out your covert modem and throw it on to the screen (Objective b: completed). Alrighteeeee then, here's the gate to the Dam. But oh no! It's locked! No matter, pull out your Dostovei (Any weapon will do, but the Dostovei just makes it cooler), shoot the lock, open the gate, and run on to the Dam. Now, all Agents should run across the Dam until they get to a little stairway, then just run up there, jump off, and you'll complete the Level. ************************************************************************ End Agent Walkthrough Now, lets get to the good stuff! All Secret and 00 Agents run up to the first building on the Dam. Open the door and shoot the second alarm. No need to go inside. Climb up the ladder and grab your sniper. Aim across the Dam to the second guard tower. You should see a soldier making his rounds. Zoom in all the way and try to bump him off. If not, no biggee, just get him with a Soviet as he comes running down the Dam in a vain attempt to catch you. One that's done, run up to the second guard tower and do the same you just did (shoot alarm, pick off the next guard) and then run down to the next tower to get the final alarm (Objective a: Completed). Now, all Secret Agents should run back to the bungee platform and jump off to complete the mission. ************************************************************************ End Secret Agent Walkthrough Now we come to the best of the breed, the 00 Agents! We now have to descend into the hardest part of the level, so be ready! With Soviet in hand, run all the way back to the first guard tower. Open the door, run inside, and walk down the stairs. You are now in the sewer (Some call it the Hidden Tunnel of Mystery, but I prefer the sewer). Look through the gate, and you should see a guard. Shoot him, and a few more should come. Open the gate and enter. Now, take a left. That is a LEFT! The other way leads to almost certain death and destruction, yadda yadda yadda. The sewer is hard 'cause there are a lot of guys here. Be sure to get the ones that are far away (taking advantage of the scope on the Soviet). IMPORTANT: Each time you enter a new "room" in the sewer, look behind you. There is always a soldier hiding in the corner, waiting for a poor fool like you. Geez, that took a while! After a long trek through the sewer, you'll get to a mysterious door. What is beyond, you say? Aladdin's treasure??? NO! It's the computer room! There are a few guards in here but they shouldn't give you any trouble. If by some chance you never threw the covert modem on to the computer screen back before the locked gate, you can't download the data yet! You have to go back and plant the modem now! Now go up to the terminal (if you blew it up, tough luck) and press B. The Covert Modem will start to do it's thing, (Objective c: Completed) and you can run back through the sewer, back to the first door, back on to the Dam, over to the platform, and jump off (Objective d: Completed). ************************************************************************ Level Completed Mission 1: Arkangelsk Part ii: Facility Primary Objectives: a. Gain entry to laboratory area b. Contact double agent (Secret Agent) c. Rendezvous with 006 d. Destroy all tanks in the bottling room e. Minimize scientist casualties Available Weapons: PP7 (Silenced) DD44 Dostovei (Not Recommended)* KF7 Soviet D5K Deutsche (Not Recommended)* Grenade Remote Mine *Note: Not recommended after a weapon means that in order to get that weapon, you put yourself in either a lot of danger, or you risk failing a mission objective. Gadgets: Door Decoder, Detonator. Important Items: Clearance B Keycard, Clearance A Keycard. Body Armor: 2 (Both are on Agent only) Secrets: There is more Soviet ammo in the various wooden boxes that are scattered around the Facility. Notes: Dr. Doak (The Double agent) appears in the following places: The room with colored bottles, (on the left of the first stone hallway) at the top of the stairs. The room with the gray bottles to the right of the first stone hallway. In the room with the gas pipes (located behind the second remote security door on the right). It is not recommended that you enter this room to find Doak. In the final hallway with all the scientists. In either one of the labs to the left or right of the final hallway. It is not recommended that you enter the room with the gas pipes (the right security door, because of the danger of gas leaks, plus there are lots of guards in there. You should also note that one you get past the first security door, guards will start appearing from nowhere to come after you. Once you get into the upper hallway of the laboratory area, more guards will be coming, so watch your step! Walkthrough: You start off in a scary vent place. Claustrophobics beware! Walk forward, then take a left (the other way leads to a dead end). Now you should see a little hole in the floor. Looking down, you see two toilet stalls. Walk forward a little more and you should see a green object (it's a guard!) moving around. Now for the cool part! Carefully, with your PP7, shoot him in the head! All right! Now you can jump down into the first stall. Well, you're in the bathroom. Run out of your stall, and you'll see a big, tiled wall in the middle of the bathroom. Lean to the right, and fire some shots at the soldier that's standing guard over the urinals. Grab the guy's Soviet, but don't switch to it yet! Go up to that stall right in front of you, and open it. Oh no! Another soldier is standing guard in the stall! Get him out of the way now. There's also another guard in the stall to the left of that one. Before you leave the bathroom, be sure to grab everyone's ammo, including that of the first guy that you killed. Open the door and walk out on the stairs. There should be no one there. Walk to your left on to the small balcony, duck down, and aim your PP7. Eventually, a guy should walk by. Try to shoot him in the head. Now, it's time for the fireworks! A few guys should come running up the stairs to "capture" you, but your trusty PP7 will make short work of them. Sneak down the stairs, and walk into the hall. Here, Agents will find some Body Armor. Run forward, and through the door. There might be a guy in here, if so, I think you know what to do by now. Follow the little back hallway, and eventually you should come to a soldier that has his back to you. Just to be cool, shoot him in the head for an instant death, and grab his ammo. He also drops a keycard. That keycard will open the metal door that was right near the stairs where you came down. Why don't you go over there right now. Upon opening the door, a guy will start firing at you. Strafe to the side, and all three guys should run out of the room, one by one. Your PP7 will make short work of them. Run back into that room, and activate the little computer. It should say "Security Door Activated". Now, run out of the room, take a left, and run across the hall, then take another left, open the door, and run through the (hopefully) still open security door. You can catch your breath if you need to. Look to your left, and you'll see a tiled pillar and some lockers. Lean to the right and you should see another soldier. Shoot him, then strafe out where another soldier should be hiding on the left side of the pillar. Now you can take out your Soviet. All right! Open the next door, and you'll find a long hallway with three soldiers standing guard. They'll start firing immediately, so duck into a little alcove on the left. When the firing stops, lean out and nail the guys one by one. Watch out, because now four guys should burst into the hallway from the door that you just came through. Where did they come from? It's a mystery... Any Secret or 00 Agents out there? You guys should run into the rooms on the left or the right looking for Dr. Doak. If you find him, he'll give you the door decoder, (Objective b: Completed) which you'll need to get into the bottling room. If the good Doctor is not there, no sweat, you can catch him later. This would also be a good time to note that scientists are going to madly start running around the facility. Remember your briefing. No???????? Well then, just don't kill any scientists! Anyway...where was I? Oh yeah. Run across the hallway, and switch back to your PP7. Open tithe two doors, and get ready to fire! There is usually a guard there, if not, he will soon be walking by. Now, go to your left, and there's a guard around the corner. Shooting him will result in more guards in that little room seeing you. So switch to your Soviet, turn around, and get ready for a shootout! After killing a dozen or so guys, go back into that room that the guys came out of, (Agents will find Body armor here) and activate the left computer. Another security door will open, so run back outside, take a right, and run through the open door into the laboratory area (Objective a: Completed). Don't run up the stairs, but instead run forward to that pile of boxes. There are two guys hiding behind them, so blast 'em! Now you can run up the stairs and into the gray hallways. Don't worry, you're on the home stretch! There are either one or two guys in the gray hallways, so kill them with the Soviet. Now you should be in the lab area, so run forward and look into that little space in the shadows. Watch out, cause there's a guy in there! More scientists should be madly running around now, making life difficult for you. Remember....don't kill any! Now, Secret and 00 Agents should start looking for Doak. He's either in the either one of the laboratory's on the right and left, or he's in the hallway right next to you. If you still can't find him, abort the mission and try again. NOTE: There is one more place that Dr. Doak could be hiding, and that's through the other security door (the one on the right). I don't like to go in there, as it's full of guys, and there is usually a high potential for gas leaks, but it's your choice. Anyway, now you should be all set. Run down the hallway, and lean around the bend. There are two guys there that have their backs to you,, so do what has to be done. Now you're almost there! Run up to that big door and try to open it. Hmmmmmm, on Secret and 00 Agent, it seems to be locked! It should be a simple matter for you to open it using the Door Decoder. Great! Now you're in the bottling room. Ignore the little passages and doors that seem to tempt you all around, and instead walk up to the bottles. Hmmmmmmm. Who is this man with D5K Deutsche? Why it's Alec Trevelyan...006! Don't shoot him! He's here to help. Now Alec will start talking, or "rendez- vous"ing with you. Now, walk right up to those big bottles, and switch to your remote mines. Unless you foolishly wasted them in strange ways, you should have five of them. Start laying them on those big tanks in a pattern, because you want to blow them all up with one big kaboom! Here are the bottles before you throw mines on them: O O O O O O O O O O In which case, every O represents a bottle. Now start laying mines: O M O M O M O M O M Where M is a bottle that has a mine on it. Of course, if you really want to spite me, you could lay the mines like this: M O M O M O M O M O OK, by now, 006 should be done talking (Objective C: Completed), so run out of the bottles and right up to that big door. Oh yeah, did I mention that the alarm is now going off? Switch to your detonator and look for 006. He should be running around lost, so press the detonator and run away before Ouromov or any of those other nasty characters starts coming after you. By the way, if you stay, you get to see a pretty cool cinema, but I only recommend that if you've beaten the level at least once. And of course, if you've haven't killed many scientists, (Objective e: Completed) you've beaten the level. ************************************************************************ Level Complete Mission 1: Arkangelsk Part iii: Runway Primary Objectives: a: Find plane ignition key b: Destroy heavy gun emplacements (00 Agent) c: Destroy missile battery (Secret Agent) d: Escape in plane Available weapons: PP7 (Silenced) Klobb (x2) KF7 Soviet Grenade Timed Mine Tank Gadgets: None. Important Items: The Plane Ignition Key. Body Armor: None Secrets: I guess you could call the tank a secret, it's hidden in the little alcove to the right of the garage place. Notes: This walkthrough is structured so that the Agent and Secret agent walkthrough is separate from the 00 Agent walkthrough. I just thought that it was easier this way. Also, if you really want to, you can fool around with the tank on Agent level. Agent and Secret Agent Walkthrough: On Agent level, the runway is the easiest level in the game. You start off in this little garage place. Look around, and you'll see a little box right next to you. Oh goodie, grenades! Now look around some more and you can see a little alcove. Walk over there, and lean over to find a soldier. Shoot him, and your reward is a KF7 Soviet and a box of timed mines. Now go back to where the grenades were, and go out that little conveyer belt. Great, now you're on the runway! There is a guard out here patrolling, and your Soviet will make short work of him. Run up to that little brown building and grab the box of grenades that's sitting there. Open the door and walk inside. Just to be cool, throw a grenade into the little space next to the file cabinets. Boom! There goes two more soldiers. Run up into the smoke (after the explosion dies down) and you should grab the plane ignition key (Objective a: Completed). Now, run back outside. See the plane? No???? Well then, just start running (or speed strafing) across the runway. You will get hit, but not enough to kill you. Once you get close to the plane, Secret Agents should switch to their timed mines. See that big brown thing? Throw as many mines as you like on top of it, then run away! The missile battery will explode (Objective b: Completed), leaving you free to escape in the plane (Objective c: completed). ************************************************************************ Level Complete Mission 1: Completed 00 Agent walkthrough: Don't worry, this level isn't even that hard on 00! You start off in this little garage place. Look around, and you'll see a little box right next to you. Oh goodie, grenades! Now look around some more and you can see a little alcove. Walk over there, and lean over the corner to find a soldier. Shoot him, and your reward is a KF7 Soviet and a box of timed mines. Now go back to where the grenades were, and go out that little conveyer belt. Great, now you're on the runway! There is a guard out here patrolling, and your Soviet will make short work of him. Run up to that little brown building and grab the box of grenades that's sitting there. Open the door and walk inside. Just to be cool, throw a grenade into the little space next to the file cabinets. Boom! There goes two more soldiers. Run up into the smoke (after the explosion dies down) and you should grab the plane ignition key (Objective a: Completed). Quick! Run back outside! Now the guys will start coming for you! Follow the big building on your right until you get to a little space where there is....the tank! WARNING: Do NOT attempt to strafe while inside the tank! Doing so will mess up your whole driving...thing, and make driving the tank very difficult. You have been warned. Jump into the tank, and switch to your tank missiles. Start driving back to the runway. There should be lots of guys, but don't worry, because you can take A LOT less damage while in the tank. Don't try to shoot the soldiers, just run 'em over! But, you do have to shoot those big guns that are firing at you! There are four of those big guns scattered around the runway, all within plain site (no pun intended), so you should be able to get rid of them easily enough with the tank missiles (Objective: b: Completed). Now, drive your tank back over to the plane, and knock out that missile battery (Objective c: Completed) using either tank missiles or timed mines, hop out of the tank, and into the plane (objective d: Completed). ************************************************************************ Level Complete Mission 1: Completed ________________________ Mission 2: Severnaya ________________________ Setting: 4 years ago Part i: Surface (1) Primary Objectives: a: Power down communications dish b: Obtain safe key (Secret Agent) c: Steal building plans (Secret Agent) d: Enter base via ventilation tower Available Weapons: PP7 (Silenced) Klobb (2x) KF7 Soviet Sniper Rifle Grenade Launcher Grenade Gadgets: None Important Items: Comms room key, Safe key, Building plans. Body Armor: None. Secrets: There is a grenade launcher in the room where you get the large key. It's not really hidden, but... Notes: The thing about the surface is that it's easy to get lost. Just remember how to find your way to the dish, then figure out how to get to the ventilation tower, and you'll be fine. Walkthrough: You start off in a small clearing in the middle of the snow. Upon checking your weapons, you'll find that Bond actually brought something other than a PP7 on his mission this time. OK, fine, you also have a sniper rifle and some ammo for it. Anyway, start running forward, and dart over the snow on the left. Watch out for the wall...I mean, trees. Switch to your sniper, there should be some guys patrolling around here. After getting rid of any stray enemies, go to where you can see two cabins. The one on the right should have some guys in front of it. Take your sniper and shoot the gas barrels that they were stupid enough to stand next to. That should be the end of them! Grab their KF7 Soviets, and go into the cabin. Hmmmmmm, some grenade rounds. Wonder what those are for. The cabin on the left is locked, you'll be coming back here later. Now cut through the snow to the right, always running in the basic direction of the satellite dish (see it in the distance?). There are lots of guys scattered around here, so snipe them out. See that cabin? It's the one that has a door facing you. Grab your Soviet, and run inside. Kill the guy with the Klobbs, (and the other guy hanging around) and pick up the Large Key, and the Grenade Launcher and ammo. The grenade launcher is a fun little toy, I don't really use it much, but I know that some people just love to blow guys away with it. Anyway, know that you have the key, Secret and 00 Agents should run back the way they came, until you get to the two cabins. Remember that locked cabin? Well it ain't locked no more! Run inside and grab the safe key (Objective b: Completed). Agents should ignore the previous paragraph. Now you get to run down the path to that big satellite dish you saw in the distance. Get rid of any guys you see along the way with your trusty Soviet. Run over to the dish and open the door. See those stairs? Good. Run up to the top and go straight, ignoring the door on the left. That door just leads to the roof, nothing special. Anyway, inside this room is a suspicious machine. DO NOT SHOOT IT!!!!!!! Instead, walk right up to it and turn it off. Bwooooooooo. (Objective a: Completed). Now, any Agents should run out the door and run into the nearest wall, I mean trees, that you see. Follow the "trees" to the right, and you'll soon reach a little pipe thingy. Climb up the ladder and climb down the shaft. What's this, it's locked? No matter, simply shoot the locks off with your PP7, and then jump down the shaft (Objective b: Completed). ************************************************************************ End Agent Walkthrough Hope all you Secret and 00 Agents ignored that up there, 'cause you're in trouble if you did. Anyway, run out the door of the dish and take a left. You should find a little out of the way passage. Follow it into the woods. Now you should see some cabins inside a fence on your left. Run inside and open the door to the first cabin. Hmmmmmmm. This cabin must belong to Ouromov...who else would wear such an ugly hat?! Oh look, there's a safe in here! Open it up and take the Bunker plans (Objective c: Completed), then exit back the way you came. There isn't anything of importance elsewhere along the path, just a security camera and some exploding toys. Heh heh heh. There should be some guys waiting for you by the dish, so nail 'em with your Soviet. Keep following the left wall until you reach the ventilation shaft, shoot off the locks, jump in, and you're done! (Objective d: Completed) ************************************************************************ Level Complete Mission 2: Severnaya Part ii: Bunker (1) Primary Objectives: a: Disrupt all surveillance equipment (Secret Agent) b: Copy Goldeneye key and leave original c: Get personnel to activate computer (00 Agent) d: Download data from computer (00 Agent) e: Photograph main video screen Available weapons: PP7 PP7 (Silenced) Klobb (x2) KF7 Soviet Gadgets: Camera, Datathief, Key Analyzer. Important Items: Computer Room Keycard, Security Keycard, Goldeneye Key. Body Armor: 2 (Agent only) Secrets: None. Notes: The first Bunker is a major stealth mission. Use your Silenced PP7 all through the mission, until it's time to activate the terminal. Whenever possible, use "run and hide" tactics to avoid letting loose the squad of soldiers in the big room. If an alarm ever goes off (not including after you spring the datathief) restart. Walkthrough: You start off at the bottom of the ventilation shaft (remember the previous level?). Open the door that's right in front of you. Oh no! Two guards! Shoot your PP7 at the group of computers. They should explode, killing both guards. Now run over there and grab their Soviets. Don't switch to the Soviet yet! You won't need it until the end of the mission. See that red button on the wall? Don't push it! Shoot it with your Silenced PP7 instead. Don't forget to grab that brown box, it has extra Soviet ammo! Now, Secret and 00 Agents should retrace their steps back into the ventilation shaft. This time, open the other door, but don't go out yet! Face the left wall, get your aimer ready, and lean out! Quick, blast that camera before it sees you! If the alarm goes off, at this time, or at any other time, (excluding when you use the Datathief) restart. Now, go back into the room that had the guys in it. Look out the little glass window (the one inside the door) on the right. See the camera? Well???!??!? Shoot it (through the glass), and duck back to the side. Watch out, 'cause one, maybe two guys should come looking for you. Once you've disposed of the enemies, open that door and take a right. Go down the stairs, and lean out over the corner. Shoot that guy behind the box. Now, for some reason, some more soldiers should start coming. Run behind the box (where the guy was) and get your PP7 ready. After a short (sometimes long) shootout, look around for a keycard on the floor. That keycard is important, you will need it to escape! Anyway, go back into the hall where the cardboard boxes are (strange, they blow up!), and lean over the right corner. There is a guy at the bottom of the stairs. He should see you, and bring some friends. Ambush them as they come around the corner that you were leaning over. Now, go lean over the left corner. See that camera? Blow it up. See that guy? Blow him away! Now run down this hallway (Here, Agents will find some Body Armor) to where another guard has probably come. Shoot him! Now lean over the left corner of the wall, and shoot the last guard. IMPORTANT: Somewhere along the way, you should have picked up a computer Room Keycard. If you don't have it, go down into the big room using the strategies outlined later in the walkthrough to find it. Go back the way you came, and you'll find a door in the hallway. Agents can skip this part of the walkthrough. Open the first door (Keycard!) but not the second. Look through the right pane of glass, aim your PP7 at the closest guard, and fire several shots (one or two to break the glass, and one more to kill the soldier. Now, QUICKLY, run back the way you came and duck around the corner by the big room where you ambushed those guards before. The resulting shootout is smaller, and shouldn't give you much trouble. I usually go back into the computer room to check for stray guards. And now for the big room! Go down the stairs and lean over the left corner. Some guys will probably see you. Run back up the stairs and get ready to ambush them at the corner. Finished? Good. Now go back, and lean out again. This time, no one should see you. Get your camera ready, and take a picture of the big screen that you see on the left (Objective e: Completed). If you have trouble getting the photo, move back and to the right a bit. Now, go over to the right corner and lean over. You should see at least one soldier. Shoot him, and more will come. You can ambush these guys right where you are, it's a good enough spot at least. Now would be a good time to talk about Boris. Yeah yeah, that bad dressing guy with the friendship bracelets that we all know and love. If you're on 00...DON"T SHOOT HIM! Enough said. Anyway, go up to the back of the stairs and look around. You should see a regular green guard, and a Man in Brown. Shoot either one, and get the other as he comes. Strange, the brown guy had a PP7. Oh well, more ammo for you! Agents should also grab the body armor at the top of these stairs. Secret and 00 Agents have something else to do. Go to the top of the stairs, and switch to your Soviet (Yes! Finally), and aim across the room. See the pane of glass? There's a guy, and a camera over there. Shoot the guy, then the camera. Yippee, it was the last one (Objective a: Completed)! Now, go down the stairs to that little table. See that little table with a computer monitor and a little CD on it? Wait a sec...that's no CD! That's the Goldeneye Key! Strange, shouldn't it be locked up in a super security vault? Oh well, guess you just got lucky! Anyway, now switch to your suitcase....I mean Key Analyzer, and press Z. Hmmmmmmm....analyzing the Goldeneye Key. Now press Z again to throw the key away (Objective b: Completed) probably breaking it in the process. All right, now all Agents and Secret Agents should have all of their objectives completed. Open the steal door, run up the stairs, nail the two guys with the Soviet, and escape out the door. ************************************************************************ End Agent & Secret Agent Walkthroughes Now once again, the 00 Agents have to embark on some brave and foolish quest to get some useless piece of data. Good luck! Remember Boris? Well you should, because he's really important! You should find Boris at the top of the stairs (he tries to escape) by the exit. Careful, if you aren't fast enough, he'll escape, but this doesn't happen often. Run up to the top of the stairs and shoot the two guards. Watch out for Boris! Brandish your Soviet and walk right up to him. You'll tell him to "Take you to the mainframe terminal" in the first person. Now begins the Infamous Long Walk. It's long because you have to lead/prod Boris across the room, up the stairs, and into the computer room. He goes as slow as is humanly possible, and will try to escape if you turn away. All right, now we're back into the computer room. Bond will shout out more orders, and Boris will activate the terminal (Objective c: Completed). Get your Datathief ready, and get right up against the terminal. Boris will type in the password (Knockers. Hmmmmmmm, I wonder why this game was given a teen rating?) and say something else. Get ready! As SOON as the alarm goes off, fire the datathief, and RUN! Run through the door, down the hall, down the stairs, and through the big room! Oh no! The Men in Black have arrived! Just about now, the data should finish downloading, (Objective d: Completed) so that's a load off your mind! Anyway, we still got loads of guys to worry about! Fire madly with a Soviet! You should kill them all! Run up the stairs, and through the door! Freedom, oh sweet freedom! ************************************************************************ Level Complete Mission 2: Completed _________________________ Mission 3: Kirghizstan _________________________ Part i: Silo Setting: 2 years ago Primary Objectives: a: Plant bombs in fuel rooms (00 Agent) b: Photograph Satellite c: Obtain Telemetric data (Secret Agent) d: Retrieve Satellite Circuitry (Secret Agent) e: Minimize Scientist Casualties Available Weapons: PP7 (Silenced) DD44 Dostovei (Not Recommended) KF7 Soviet Grenade Gadgets: Camera, Plastique. Important Items: I/O Circuit Board, CPU Circuit Board, RSP Circuit Board, RDP Circuit Board, Keycard 4-H4, Keycard 4-C3, Keycard 4-52, DAT. Body Armor: 3 (2 are on Agent only, the one by the missile on the third floor is on every difficulty) Secrets: There is body armor hidden near the missile on the third floor. After you exit the third room, take a left to find it. Notes: The Silo is kind of a stealth mission, heck, you get a silenced weapon! Save up your Soviet ammo until a certain spot about halfway through. Three of the four fuel rooms (the big, important rooms) have a keycard that is guarded by a Scientist. He'll drop it at the sight of your weapon. And please, DON'T FORGET TO PLANT THE PLASTIQUES! Walkthrough: You start off on a little walkway right next to a big missile. Man, these Russians have more weapons than I thought! Run up to the door and open it. Right about now, you should get a message that says "Silo Infiltrated, Explosives Automatically primed", and a timer should appear at the bottom of the screen. On Secret Agent, you have 7:30 (seven minutes and thirty seconds) to complete the mission. On 00, you have 8:30. On Agent, there is no timer, so nuts to you! Anyway, open the door and fire your PP7 at the guard you see. You should wound him. Then, duck back on to the walkway and get ready to ambush two, sometimes three guards as they come in. After you nail those Russians, grab their Soviets, (I'm talking about the guns) open the door and run down the hallway and up the stairs. Are you at the top of the stairs? Good. Lean over the side and fire at the two guys over there. They'll do a pattern of "Stand up, fire, kneel, stand up, fire, kneel" over and over. Try to get them as they stand up. After all the guards are dead, run down the hall and into the first fuel room. There is one guard in here, he is on the right side of the room behind a small pillar. Lean over the side of the pillar and shoot him. Now, run over to the corner of the room and grab the two circuit boards. Look next to that computer/machine, (the one directly in front of you) and there should be a keycard on the floor. Grab it, and run up the stairs and out the door. 00 Agents...don't forget the Plastique! Now would be a good time to mention an important public service announcement: LEAVE THE SCIENTISTS ALONE! Be careful of shooting in the big rooms, and you should be all set. Anyway, as you run through the door, watch out for a stray guard. Lean over the right corner, quickly kill the guard, and lean back in. Now, lean over the left corner and get the guard behind the box. Careful, this one might try to pull a grenade on you! Now, take the door on the right. There a curved walkway with a guard here. Shoot the guard across the walkway, so he can't shoot back. Now open the next door and shoot the guard that you see. He'll bring some friends over to get you. Duck back on to the walkway (remember the first room?) and get the guards as they come in. There should be three of them. Now, take out you KF7 Soviet! All right! See those gas tanks at the top of the stairs? Hmmmmmmmm, they look pretty dangerous! Better shoot them! BOOM! Those tanks should set off some more tanks a little ways away. If your lucky, a guard will kick the bucket, but only if you're lucky. Lean around the corner and get the other guards that are hiding behind the boxes. Oh no, looks like the loud Soviet has attracted more guards! Get a little ways away from the door, aim, and blast the guards as they run through the door. There should be anywhere between 5 and 10 guards that come. OK, now we're in the second fuel room. There is one Circuit Board here, and Agents will find a helpful Body armor on the floor. The keycard here is in the middle of the room, next to the tallest computer. And yes, of course....DON"T FORGET THE PLASTIQUE! Now, exit this room. Watch out for a guard in the hallway. Do the same "lean out to the right, lean out to the left thing", but watch out, sometimes there are two guards on the left! WARNING: Beware of a large group of guards that comes out of the room on the right. If they come, ambush them around the corner with the Soviet. You have been warned. Anyway, run through the door on the right, and watch out for guards. Some might have stayed behind when the others ran to check out that loud Soviet noise. Now, open the door and watch out, there are lots of guards using boxes as cover. If you have a grenade, throw it here, but since you probably don't have a grenade, you'll have to resort to more "contemporary" tactics. What you do is, hide to the right of the door, and open the door, blast the guard on the left, and close the door again. Repeat the process with all the other guards. Whew, that was hard! Run up the stairs and lean over the corner to find, *gasp* more guards! Get these guys out of the way, and run into the third fuel room. Hurrah, now we're in the third fuel room! Grab the 4th, and last circuit board (Objective d: Completed), and go over to the right corner. There should be a scientist here. He drops the DAT (telemetric data). Grab it (Objective c: Completed), and run over to the bottom left corner of the room. There is a little nook here formed by where a computer meets the wall. There is also a keycard. Grab it, and remember...DON"T FORGET TO THROW THE PLASTIQUE! Now we're on the home stretch! There might be two guards in the next hallway, if so...well, you get the picture! Watch out for guards on the left and right sides. Also, sometimes a stream of guards will start coming from the right. This is perfectly normal...and pretty good! Get them all with the Soviet, and head out the left door. Hold on....the left door? Hmmmmmm, OK, but I don't see what this has to do with anything... All right! A hidden body armor! Its even there on 00 Agent! Yeah! Done celebrating? OK, I can wait... Now I can't wait anymore! Come on! Run out of the missile room, through the right door. There should be anywhere between 1 and 6 guards here, depending on how many "heard" your loud gunshots. The next room is hard. There are more guards behind boxes, but more than on the previous floor. Use the same tactics I gave you before. Run up the stairs (you know the routine by now) and there are more guards. Get them out of the way, and head for the final fuel room! Finally! The last fuel room! Hey, what's that thing in the middle? Must be the Goldeneye satellite? Hmmmmmmm, it looked bigger in the movie! Anyway, switch to your camera and take a few pictures (Objective b: Completed). There is also a body armor in here on Agent mode. A word to 00 Agents. This is the last fuel room, and it requires the placing of the final plastique (Objective a: Completed). But what if you missed one? The only thing to do is to run back down the silo, throwing a plastique in every room as you go. As soon as you see the "Objective a: Complete" message, start running back to the top. If you run out of time, start crying, then realize that you'll never, ever forget the plastiques again. And now for the final test: Ourumov's Ambush! Run through the door, and find your old "pal" Ourumov from the Facility. The General will yell "Kill him." That's your signal to duck back into the fuel room. Watch the timer here! If you're running short on time (20 seconds or less) forget the soldiers and start running madly. You probably won't make it, but if you do, my hat goes off to you! Anyway, now soldiers should start coming. Shoot them as they run down the stairs. When all the soldiers are dead, run back through the door. Ouromov stands alone. Strafe madly down the corridor, shooting Ourumov all the while. When he runs away, follow him, mad strafing down the hallway. Forget about shooting Ourumov, try to kill/wound the dozens of soldiers on the top floor. For more information on Ourumov's Ambush, see the "Supervillains" section of the FAQ. If you lose track of Ourumov, remember, take a left at the first turn in the path. Keep running, and there's a little alcove with an elevator! Freedom at last! Open the door, run in, and taste the sweet smell of victory. Of course, you'll only win if you killed 2 scientists or less (Objective e: Complete). Also, when 00 Agents beat the level, they'll be rewarded with a little cinema that shows the silo blowing up. Shame, it would have had more effective if we could see the Silo from the outside! ************************************************************************ Level Complete Mission 3: Completed ________________________ Mission 4: Monte Carlo ________________________ Part i: Frigate Primary Objectives: a: Rescue hostages b: Disarm bridge bomb (Secret Agent) c: Disarm engine room bomb (Secret Agent) d: Plant tracking bug on helicopter Available Weapons: PP7 D5K Deutsche (x2) D5K Deutsche (Silenced) Phantom (x2) Grenade Gadgets: Tracker Bug, Bomb Defuser. Important Items: None. Body Armor: 2 (One is Agent only, the other is Agent and Secret Agent only) Secrets: On the ships bridge (that place with the bomb and a hostage), there's a door that leads to a small room. This room has it guy in it brandishing 2 Phantoms! Agents and Secret Agents will also find a Body Armor here. There is also another body armor (Agent only) in the small room with the pipes and the boxes. If you shoot those boxes, you will also find some ammo. Notes: The Frigate is just your basic hostage situation. The hostages are the guys dressed in green. If you're going to rescue these guys, you have to learn to aim for the heads of the guys holding them at gun point. If you wait too long, you'll lose that hostage. On Agent, 2 hostages have to escape, 4 on Secret Agent, and 5 on 00 Agent. There are a total of 7 hostages being held captive. Another of the Frigates finer points is it's maze like quality. Below, I have outlined the fastest way to get to all the hostages on the Frigate, hopefully you can do it without getting lost. Walkthrough: You start off at the side of the frigate in your personal speedboat. Run on deck, brandishing your silenced D5K. This is the only gun I recommend using for this level. For some reason, Bond only took 20 bullets on this mission, so you'll have to conserve ammo early in the mission. Anyway, run on deck and up the left set of stairs. Once inside, run all the way to the left wall. Go forward, hiding behind the little piece of wall. There is a Janus Marine on the other side. Lean over, and get him in the head. Grab his Phantom, and the ammo inside. Now, open the door on the right. A hostage! Do NOT enter the room, instead, fire some shots to the heads of the Janus goons right next to him. If all goes well, the hostage will be rescued. Now, here's the tricky part! We have to rescue the other hostage! Agents and Secret Agents should skip this step, they have enough easy hostages to rescue as it is! Walk carefully into the room. Look to your right. See that doorway? Do you see anything beyond it? Good, you shouldn't. VERY CAREFULLY, sidestep to your left. After a FEW steps, you should be able to make out the gray elbow of a soldier. Shoot him until you here him cry out in death. Now, his buddies are gonna come! Duck out of the room, then wait for two or three guys to come after you. Try to get head shots, because you should be running a little short on ammo right now. You'll probably find an unsilenced (is that a word?) D5K that one of the guards dropped right about now. You should also get a little message that says that the hostage was rescued. If you're having trouble completing this step on 00 Agent because of a lack of ammo, you should follow the steps mentioned in the next 2 paragraphs to get some easy ammo. Then, come back to this spot. Run out the other door (the one on the left) and back on to the deck of the Frigate. Run along the edge, until you see the helicopter. Pull out your tracking bug, and throw it on the plane. You should get the message "Tracker Bug Successfully Planted on Pirate" (Objective d: Completed). Hmmmmmmm.....wasn't it the Tiger helicopter in the movie? Turn around. See that garage door? Open it, and go through the smaller door. Oh no! Three guys! Whew, they have their backs to you! Fire three head shots, and you'll pick up some ammo, and an unsilenced Deutsche. That should be the end of our little ammo crisis! Open the next door. Geez, another guy with his back to you! Fire another head shot, but this time, two other guys will see and start firing. Get rid of them and take the ammo. Now go up by that staircase going down. If you look to your left, you should see a set of pipes. If you look through them, there are some soldiers! Shoot 'em! You should be able to get an easy head shot off one of the guards, and the other will go down with a few hits to the chest. Once those guards have been dealt with, look down that set of stairs. If you're lucky, the guard down there won't see you. Shoot him (head shot) and some other marines will start firing at you. Duck away from the stairs, and ambush a few guys as they come running up! Down the stairs we go! Hmmmmmm, I wonder what that sound is? It must be the engine room! Go through that door right in front of you to get to the engine room. OK, now we're in the engine room (I've typed those words so many times, they've lost all meaning). There is a guy standing on a little walkway right in front of you. Head shot for him! Attention all Secret and 00 Agents! Walk forward. See those computers? Hey, what's that suspicious looking device on top of them? Could it be....a plastique? Actually, it is, but lets just pretend it's a dangerous bomb and defuse it! Switch to your Bomb Defuser, walk up to it, and press Z. No more bomb! (Objective c: Completed). Walk down that set of stairs. A big....thing blocks your view on the left. Walk forward a bit. You should be able to make out a Janus Marine's head. Well, he's holding a hostage! I smell a great opportunity for a head shot! Do it! This should attract the attention of a few more soldiers, and one of them has 2 D5Ks! Attention all Agents! Once this hostage is free, you'll be all set for hostages, unless you messed up somewhere. If no hostages were executed, (or carelessly slaughtered by you) go back up the engine room stairs, through the door, up more stairs, through the door you came in through, through another door (Now that word's lost all meaning!) and on to the deck. Go around the deck, in through the other door, out the last door, right by your boat. Now, wait. Eventually, the "Objective a: Complete" sign should appear. Well, get in your boat and sail away! ************************************************************************ End Agent Walkthrough Well, here we are again. Now let's see, where did we leave off? Oh yeah, the engine room! Go up that other stairs. There's a guard up here, but don't sweat it, he can't see you! Go through this next door. Now we're back in the maze like hallways of the Frigate! And I know the way through the maze! *Evil Laugh* Go forward past the next door. Oh no! Hostage! Serve up the Janus goon a head shot. Watch out, 'cause there's another guy in this room! When you shoot him, PLEASE be careful not to kill the hostage! The best way to do this is to deliver several/many hits to the chest of the soldier with your Silenced Deutsche. Walk right past where the hostage was. You should walk around a few bends. Ack! Another hostage! Just stay cool, this one's the easiest hostage of all! Hey, the guy even has his back to you! Take careful aim to shoot him right in the head. Look, I'm sure that now you want to continue exploring the Frigate, but there's really no need! Go back the way you came, past the two easy hostages, back to the engine room door. This time, take a left, and walk up that flight of stairs. There are usually a few scattered guards around here, so be on the lookout. Once you get up these stairs, take a left. Now, there's another set of stairs! Go up these stairs, and take a right. Everybody got that? Yippee! Outside in the fresh air! Go right up the next set of stairs. Congratulations, you've made it to the bridge! There's hostage here! You can get a pretty good shot at his captor, but do it quick, there are a lot of other guards in this room! Once you've rescued the hostage, duck back outside where you can ambush the soldiers that will be coming after you shortly. Once the Janus goons are dead, go back into the room. Watch out, a bomb! Just kidding....no wait, there really is a bomb! Well, walk right up to it, and use the Bomb Defuser (Objective b: Completed). Boy, that was fast! All of the objectives are complete, and Ian's found the fastest way through the Frigate! Of course, if you missed the required number of hostages (See the Notes Section) you're in trouble. Restart the level, and try to be more careful! To get back to your boat, just run out the door on the other side of the room. Which one? I'll give you a hint, it's the one that's not locked! Then, just run outside and wait for any straggling hostages to escape (Objective a: Completed), and then it's time for you to bid Bon Voyage! ************************************************************************ Level Complete Mission 4: Complete _______________________ Mission 5: Severnaya _______________________ Part i: Surface (2) Primary Objectives: a: Disrupt all surveillance equipment (00 Agent) b: Break communications link to bunker c: Disable Spetznaz support aircraft (Secret Agent) d: Gain entry to bunker Available Weapons: PP7 (Silenced) Klobb (x2) KF7 Soviet Grenade Gadgets: Special Timed Mine Important Items: Comms Room Key. Body Armor: 1 (Agent Only) Secrets: None. Notes: Hey, I remember this place! Yep, it's the same old surface, except it's night (or the nearest equivalent) and considerably colder and windier. And of course, there are no sniper rifles, instead, most of the bad guys here are armed with Klobbs. Those guns will eat up all your ammo pretty quickly, so 00 Agents should use their PP7s instead. Agents and Secret Agents should be able to find enough Soviet ammo to tide them over, but the 00s will have to save those bullets for a big shootout at the end! The Comms room key is in the same cabin as in the first Surface. Walkthrough: You start off in the same old clearing, far away from civilization. Run out of your hiding place, brandishing your PP7. Head for the left side of the path. Pretty soon, a guy with a Klobb should come to meet you. His Klobb won't do much damage, so do away with him and grab the gun. With the Surface 2, guys with Klobbs will randomly appear in places to ambush you. I won't bother in adding all of the klobb ambushes to this FAQ, that would be silly. Just so you know, only the guys with Soviets are always in the same place. Anyway, sprint over the snow, keeping to the right side of the path. Wandering around the path (standing guard) is a guy with a Soviet. Shoot him and grab it, but don't switch to the Soviet...yet. Several hundred yards and a few more Klobb ambushes later, you'll arrive at the secret cabin. How do you know which is the secret cabin? It's the one with the video camera in front of it! You should shoot that thing, even if you aren't a 00 Agent. Aim your PP7, and open the cabin! Oh no, I soldier with 2 Klobbs! Shoot him! He drops the Klobbs, and the Comms Room Key. Agents will also find a body armor in this cabin. Just so you know, none of the other cabins have anything of importance in them. In fact none of the other cabins have ANYTHING in them! All right, now we start heading for the dish. It's a little hard to see it on the horizon, but just keep going in the general direction that you were going in, and you should be find. Somewhere along the way is another Soviet guard (you know what I mean!). Once you get to the dish, just jump right in and run up the stairs. Oh no! Video Camera! You should be able to get an easy shot at it from across the walkway. At the top of the stairs are 2 doors. Go in the one right in front of you. Hey, a machine. Remember the first surface? DON'T TURN IT ON! Instead, you have to shoot this one! Pretty sneaky, ay? A few Klobb shots will make short work of this one (Objective b: Completed). Afterwards, switch back to your PP7. As you go out of the room, be careful, most of the time, a guy with a Klobb will be there to ambush you! See that door on the left? That door leads to the roof. There is a guard with a Soviet up there! If you're on 00 Agent (or just like Soviets!) I suggest you get that ammo! Anyway, go down the stairs and out the door. There might be some guys waiting for you, just so you know. Here, 00 Agents should take a left, everyone else should take a right! 00s, keep reading, the Secrets and Agents, skip down to the next line of stars. ************* All right, listen up! Is everyone here a 00 Agent?! Good. Please proceed. Head right, following the wall...I mean, trees. Didn't I make that "joke" in the 1st surface? Oh well, that was old news. Soon, you should come to a little path. Remember this place? Run over to the first set of cabins. Don't bother going inside, but instead, go around to the back of the cabin on the left. See it? There's a camera back here! Shoot it before it sees you! Now, continue on to the next set of cabins. There is another camera here, mounted on the right cabin. This one can usually spot you pretty quickly, so shoot it even quicker! Yay! The last camera (Objective a: Completed)! If the alarm goes off, it's no big deal. Now, for that big shootout! Switch to your KF7 Soviet! You should have between 20 and 50 bullets, depending on how many guys you ran into. Slowly peak around the wall of trees... And get ready for an ambush! There is usually a LOT of guards here! Wait for them to come to you, one at a time, instead of running out there and getting yourself killed! Whew! That was close! Assuming you made it, that is! Now, head back to the dish, then take that right I told the Secret Agents to take. Oh look, that little line of stars is back! ********** Now we should be all together again! Follow the "wall", keeping to the left, past the ventilation tower (don't bother trying to get in that way, they've sealed it up), and right up to the Bunker's front door! Wow! A helicopter landing pad! And a great big plane! Hmmmmm, must be reinforcements! Nope, it's the Spetznaz! Well, you'd better show 'em who's boss by throwing your "Special" mine at the plane (Objective c: Completed). After 30 seconds, it should blow up, so you'd better get out of here! Oh no, where should we go?????? The mine is gonna blow up!!!!!! Quick, through that door! (Objective d: Completed) Whew, that was close! Uh-oh, you've been captured! And scary music is playing! This ain't good...... ************************************************************************ Level Complete Mission 5: Severnaya Part ii: Bunker (2) Primary Objectives: a: Compare staff/casualty lists (Secret Agent) b: Recover CCTV Tape c: Disable all security cameras (Secret Agent) d: Recover Goldeneye Operations manual (00 Agent) e: Escape with Natalya Available Weapons: Throwing Knife PP7 (Silenced) (x2) DD44 Dostovei (x2) Klobb (x2) KF7 Soviet Grenade Gadgets: Watch Magnet Attract. Important Items: Cell Key 1, Cell Key 2, CCTV Tape, Staff List, Casualty List, Goldeneye Operations Manual, Keycard A, Keycard B, Safe Key 1, Safe Key 2. Body Armor: 2 (One is Agent only, and the other is on Secret Agent and Agent) Secrets: There are some throwing knives hidden down in the sewer near the cells. Use your watch magnet to get them. Notes: The Bunker 2 is the Ultimate Stealth Mission, or so I've called it. In order to beat it properly on Secret and 00 Agent, you're going to have to learn to use the Throwing Knives like a pro. I've included a special section, "How to use a Throwing Knife" in the Miscellaneous Section of the Walkthrough. Refer to that for more information. For your convenience, I've separated this Level Walkthrough into 2 parts, Agent, and Secret Agent/00 Agent. That just made it easier. Agent Walkthrough: Alrighteeeee then. It seems you're trapped in the Bunker Prison Cell! You can wander around or what-not, talk to that mysterious woman in the cell next to you, junk like that. Hey, mysterious woman! Well, Bond, meet Natalya. Natalya, Bond. She's the Bond girl in this adventure! After talking with her, it seems that Ouromov has stolen the Goldeneye Key, and she's in jail for being a traitor. Hmmmmmmm, this situation looks grim. Now it's time to make your escape. Switch to your watch magnet (What's the matter, didn't you see Live and Let Die?) and use it while standing right up at the cell bars. Oh look! The cell key has "magically" floated up to you! Heck, you didn't even see it! Now, watch the guard. He's making his rounds. Wait until he reaches your cell, then turns away. Now! Open the cell door and run out! The guard will make a threat, squat down, and start shooting. When he kneels down, you kneel down, step behind him, and start slapping! After a few slaps, that guard will be out of it, and you'll have a Soviet and a cell key. Well, that cell key unlocks Natalya's cell! You'd better free her, it says so in the Mission Objectives! Open Natalya's cell, then start running, you don't need to wait for her! Open the door that leads out, and take a left. You might meet up with a guy, in which case, shoot him and grab the ammo! Continue on a little ways, up the stairs, and take a right. There are lots of guards here! No, I mean lots! Blast most/all of them, but keep an eye out for a guard with 2 Klobbs. Did you find the 2 Klobbed Guard yet? Great! Shoot him! He should drop a keycard, if he didn't, look for another guard with two klobbs. That keycard is very important, it opens the exit door! Now, if you're lucky, you aren't dead yet. Run through the door, and take a right. Ignore the video camera, blowing it up would waste time and get more guards on your tail! Take a right at the next fork, then go into the next door on your right. Oh no! A guard! Well, SHOOT HIM! Hey, what's that on the table? The CCTV Tape! Grab it! (Objective a: Completed), and leave! Get back in the hallway, take a left, then a right. Watch out for Natalya, she usually catches up with you right about now. Welcome to the control room (A.K.A. The Big Room). There are TONS of guards here, so keep running and blast any that come in direct contact with you! See that door? Run for it! DO NOT STOP RUNNING! If you do, you're toast! Open the door (you have the keycard) run up the stairs, and out the exit (Objective b: Complete). It doesn't matter whether Natalya is with you or not, just as long as you let her out of her cell, and didn't kill her, you'll complete the mission. ************************************************************************ Level Complete Mission 5: Completed Secret and 00 Agent Walkthrough: And of course, it's A LOT harder with these two! Remember, if an alarm EVER goes off, restart. Those Men in Black are tough, they carry Double DD44s and Klobbs! Alrighteeeee then. It seems you're trapped in the Bunker Prison Cell! You can wander around or what-not, talk to that mysterious woman in the cell next to you, junk like that. Hey, mysterious woman! Well, Bond, meet Natalya. Natalya, Bond. She's the Bond girl in this adventure! After talking with her, it seems that Ouromov has stolen the Goldeneye Key, and she's in jail for being a traitor. Hmmmmmmm, this situation looks grim. Now it's time to make your escape. Switch to your watch magnet (What's the matter, didn't you see Live and Let Die?), and use it while standing right up at the cell bars. Oh look! The cell key has "magically" floated up to you! Heck, you didn't even see it! Now, watch the guard. He's making his rounds. Wait until he reaches your cell, then turns away. Now! Open the cell door and run out! The guard will make a threat, squat down, and start shooting. When he kneels down, you kneel down too, step behind him, and start slapping! After a few slaps, that guard will be out of it, and you'll have a Soviet and a cell key. Now, it is VERY important that you leave Natalya in her cell until the very end. She gets in the way and is a general nuisance. Are you ready for a secret? Well, here it comes! Go up to the sewer on the side of the room nearest to your jail cell, and look down. See anything? Try using the watch magnet. Well lookkee here? Some throwing knives! Well, isn't that just lucky! Save those knives, they're very important! Walk over to the door and look through the glass. Do you see a guy? If you do, stay hidden! When he leaves (through another door) open your door and step into the hall. Go over to where the two doors are. One door is locked, the other one should not be opened until later! Now turn around, get on your throwing knives, and wait. No, I'm serious. Wait. After a while, a guy should walk around the corner. Shoot, er, knife him! Once he goes down, grab his ammo, then duck back into your spot. You should be able to kill 3 more guards in this way, for a total of 4. Once that's done, it's time for the hard part! Walk down that other hallway until you get to the stairs. Do NOT go up the stairs, just wait at the corner. Get ready, and lean over that corner. You should see some guards patrolling. If one of them notices you, he will fire a "warning shot." Don't worry, the warning shot will never hit you. If you should hear the warning shot, get back, and get those knives ready! When the guard comes over, ambush him! Repeat this process 5 or 6 times. There is usually a different amount of guards every time. If you're lucky, your life won't suffer too much. Also take note that one of the guards you ambush in the fashion described above carries 2 Klobbs. He drops a keycard. That keycard is very important, you need it to escape! After a while, and several ambushes, all of the guards in the hall should be gone. Walk up the stairs, take a right, and walk up to the door of that little room on the right. Get out your Soviet. Remember what I said in the Sacred Laws of Goldeneye? If not, go read them now. They're in the "Other Things to Know" part of Section I. Well, you should now know that a single shot with a Soviet can not be heard by guards! With that in mind, walk up to the door and aim through the left pane of glass. You should be able to get a good shot at the guard behind the desk. And I mean a head shot. Get ready, aim, and fire! As SOON as you fire, start running! Run back down the stairs to your ambush spot! You should have no problem getting a few guards as they come across the corner. Once all of those guards are dead, walk into that little room. Hmmmmmm, what could be of importance in here? Look on the table, and grab the Severnaya Staff List. All right! If you find the Casualty List, you'll complete an objective! Go out of the little room, take a left, then a right. You should be in the shadows now. Go down the hall a little ways, but DO NOT go around the corner! Instead, go right up to the corner, and aim your Soviet at the ceiling. There is a hidden drone gun up there that was going to blow you away if you walked around that corner! Once the first drone gun is gone, walk around the corner, then go straight. When you get to the next corner, stand right like this: _________________ | | Wall | You | _________________| | Hear me? Stand like this. Now aim your Soviet in the general direction of the X on this map. X | _________________ | | | Wall | You | _________________| | If you move around a bit, you should see another drone gun. Shoot it! Now, walk over the corner, and stand on the X on the map above. Now, here is the scene as I see it: | | | |_______ | | | X | | | | ________| | | | | | You |_________ See that X? It's another drone gun! Blow it away from this vantage point. There we go, no more drone guns! Get back to your throwing knives, and go up to that corner on your right. There are two guys behind it. If it was Agent, there would be a Body Armor there too, but we're not on Agent! Anyway, go up to the corner. Slowly sidestep left until you can see a guard's shoulder. Then, throw your knife, and run! Run back to that alcove where that drone gun was. Once there, aim your throwing knives. Two guards should come, one of which is already wounded. After those guards are out of the way, run back and get your throwing knife. Take a left at the next turn. Now, you're out of the Shadow Zone! This next spot is tricky. Walk out into the hall, and get ready to run! There is a guy at the far end of this hallway, and after a little while, he'll fire a warning shot. When you hear the shot, duck back around the corner, and get ready with your knives! That guard will come over to get you, so nail him when he comes over! Once that guard is out of the way, go all the way back the way you came, past the drone guns, back to where you found the staff list. Then, go through that door. You have to go back this way, because a camera will see you! What's that....a camera? Yeah, that's right! Walk over to the corner, then lean out. With the help of the scope on your Soviet, you can get a long distance view of the camera. It's by the entrance to the Big Room (Remember the First Bunker?). Shoot it, so you can safely pass without being spotted. Remember, no enemies will be alerted by the sound of you shooting the camera. Now, its time for another video camera! Walk into the long hallway, and take the first door on the right. Do NOT open it...yet. Get into a position so that the door is on your left. Aim your Soviet, and open the door. See the camera? Well, some bug in the game makes it so the camera takes a LOT longer to see you if you are NOT inside the room. I wouldn't take chances, just shoot the camera as soon as you see it. And now, for something completely different. Walk around the corner (NOT the one that leads into the big room) taking a right. Using your Soviet, peek through the glass. Here, you can get a fine shot at a soldier's head. Well, go for it! Once he's gone, run inside and grab the CCTV tape. (Objective b: Completed) Hey, that's a funny surveillance tape! Hmmmmmmm, now where have I heard of that movie before....? Here's a really tough video camera! Inside the video tape room, aim your Soviet, and open that big door. Shoot the camera, QUICK! That was awful sneaky, putting a camera inside the ventilation shaft! Go on through the other door to the shaft, past the blue thing (What is that, a radiator?) back into the long hallway. Now, take that other door, the computer room. Go through the first door, but not the second! Aim through the left pane of glass with a Soviet. You should be able to get a fine shot at a soldier's head. Once he's dead, there is also a video camera in this room. That one is on the left wall. And, of course, there is something good in this room. Walk over to where that guy was, and pick up some ammo, and a safe key. That safe key is important! I mean REALLY important! Once you have the safe key in your grasp, run back through the keycard door, (Or you could take the long way, past the blown up drone guns) back to the hallway with the jail cells. There is a door here that leads into a small room. Take aim with a Soviet, look through the glass, and pick a head shot off of that guy standing behind the table. Run! There are two other soldiers in that room, and these guys don't play around! Duck around the nearest corner, switch back to throwing knives, and wait. Ambush the guys with those knives once they come over. Now, return to that room to take your prize. Remember that guy with the bullet through his head? Look behind the table, and find...The Other Safe Key! Now you can open the safe! Wait a minute...why two safe keys? Well, why not?! Anyway, open the safe, take the Goldeneye Operations Manual (Objective d: Completed), and, count 'em, not one, but two Silenced PP7s! All Right! You've reached the top! Wait a minute...Bond only came here with one PP7! What's your answer for this one? Hmmmmmmmm, must be one of the many Mysteries of Life... Still, now you have Double PP7s! And that's exactly what you need to replace those old throwing knives. Of course, you could still use the knives, but the PP7s have a higher success rate. And ammo shouldn't be a problem, if you picked up all of the Klobb ammo along the way, you should be fine! Where are we? Oh yeah, the safe room. Open the door on your left. It's not locked anymore, you have the keycard! See that corner to the left? DO NOT GO OVER THERE! There's a video camera at the end of that hall, just waiting to spot you! Instead, I've got a better idea! First, go as close as possible to the right wall as you can. Then, run past the corner as fast as possible. If you're lucky, a guard will see you. If not, run back an forth until two guards come after you. You can ambush these guys (with your PP7s) as they come around the corner. One of these guys will probably drop a keycard. That keycard is important, you need it to open the door to the next room! Next, go over to that door at the end of the hall. Open the first door, but NOT the second. Instead, aim your Soviet through that door. Look around to the right. You should see some boxes, and a soldier standing guard. Shoot him in the head through the glass, and start running! Run all the way back down that long hall (Don't forget to stay to the right!) to the room with the safe. Go around the next corner, and wait for either one, two, or three enemies to come after you. Once those guys are done for, go all the way back (remember to stick to the right wall!) to that big warehouse room. Open the door, and look to your left. There might be a guy over there. Then, Secret Agents should grab a helpful Body Armor that just happens to be sitting on that box over on the right. Walk over to the little alcove on the left. Slowly, walk over to the corner of the little divider thing, and lean over. Shoot the guard over there with your Silenced PP7. Repeat this process with the other two alcoves, until all of the guys are dead. Right now, you're probably asking "Ian you idiot! Why are you leading me on this wild goose chase, into a room with nothing in it, just so some loser Secret Agents can get some Body Armor!" Well, have I got something to show you! Walk over to those boxes over there. Remember that guy you killed earlier over here? Well, he drops a clipboard. It's the casualty list! (Objective a: Completed) I guess I sure showed you, huh? Now, exit this room through the opposite door. Only open the first door, however. Aim your Soviet through the glass, and nab that video camera! All right! Now, we're on the home stretch! Since there's no need for stealth anymore, you can use the Soviet as much as you please! You should have plenty of ammo. Finally, it's time for the Big Room! From where you are, go through the door, around the corner, up the stairs, down the hall, and down these stairs. STOP! Go no further! Carefully, lean over this corner. Look at the door, and fire blindly at the enemies guarding it. The scope on your Soviet should help for this. Once the guards see you, run back up the stairs, and around the nearest corner. Wait to ambush some guys. There should be, oh I don't know, maybe two or three that come. After those guards are done for, run back down the stairs, and lean out, the same way you did before. You shouldn't see any guards. Now, lean over the other corner (the one that does not face the main computer screen). You should see a soldier or two. Fire at them, and some more soldiers should come running down the stairs. You can ambush these guys right where you are. Run up the stairs that all of the guards came from. There shouldn't be any more up here. Stand next to the stair railing, and aim your Soviet across the way to the other little alcove. There should be a video camera, and an enemy. Shoot the soldier. If you don't kill him right away, he'll come after you. Congratulations, you have now killed EVERY guy in the Bunker! Now, get that pesky video camera. It's the last one! (Objective c: Completed). Well now, this place sure feels empty. At least there aren't any more soldiers to bother you! Now you can just escape and... Wait a minute! Don't escape! I KNEW I forgot something! Run all the way back to the jail, and open the door to Natalya's cell. She'll happily walk out, and follow you wherever you go. Run back to the Big Room, with Natalya following all the while. As soon as you get there, Natalya will say something about wanting to check the control counsel. She'll run up to the place where that video camera was, and fiddle with the machine. All of a sudden, Natalya will announce that the Goldeneye Satellite is about the fire on Severnaya! Oh no! Aren't you in Severnaya????!!! Run through the door, and up the stairs. Don't be afraid if Natalya doesn't follow right away. Run through the exit door (Objective e: Completed), and that is that. Although, I think we all could have agreed that a this would be more rewarding if there was a decent cinema of Severnaya being blown to smithereens... ************************************************************************ Level Completed Mission 5: Completed ___________________________ Mission 6: St. Petersburg ___________________________ Part i: Statue Primary Objectives: a: Contact Valentin b: Confront and unmask Janus c: Locate helicopter d: Rescue Natalya e: Find flight recorder. Available Weapons: PP7 KF7 Soviet Automatic Shotgun Grenade Gadgets: None Important Items: Flight Recorder. Body Armor: 1 Secrets: In a little alcove, near the area where Lenin's Statue (Where you meet Janus) you can find a hidden body armor. It's right behind that big statue of a hand. Notes: The Statue is perhaps the easiest level to avoid getting killed in. In the beginning, the Russian soldiers are no problem, just watch out for grenades. Shotgun blasts can be a real problem, but that body armor can take care of that. Be sure to learn your way around the park, losing your way makes it easier for the guards to get you! Walkthrough: You start at the top of a high hill, right by the Park's gate. Run down the hill, past that big stone...thing, to be ambushed by some guards. Hide behind that stone hand statue, and fire your PP7 at them. There should be between 3 and 5 guards down here. Wait a minute...why is this park full of armed guards? Oh well, only in Russia! Anyway, the path kind of splits here, so follow the left wall....I mean, hill. There's really a sort of path here that you can follow. Watch out, because there a guard hiding behind a statue on the right. After some running, past the weird and unusual, you should find a big, gray box. Now, you know that you're on the right track! Continue on the way you were going, until you get to the big red box. This is the real one. Go inside, and be confronted by.....A MONSTER! No, it's just Valentin. He's got a lazy eye. He'll sit down and talk to you (well, you know what I mean, no one ever sits down in this game!) about Janus (he's the bad guy) and how he's a Lienz Cossack. What's that? You don't know what a Lienz Cossack is? You should see Goldeneye (the movie). Anyway, it turns out that Janus will meet you by Lenin's Statue. After saying that, Valentin will start walking away. (Objective a: Completed) Hmmmmmmm, his limp was a lot more noticeable in the movie... Now, dart out the door and go straight. When you hit the wall, take a left. Go around the stone brick, and through a little entrance into a closed off area. Here's a tip, grab the body armor! As you run into this place, which is sort of like a maze, take a left, then wander around a bit. Look for the giant hand. On the palm side, there is a hidden body armor. Once you have that body armor, run out of the maze and on to the side of the hill. Oh look, it's Lenin's statue! Nice pose. Run up to it, run around it a few times, and shoot it from the back. This is all just for good luck. Soon, some guy will emerge from the shadows. He comes with only his bodyguards. Oh look, it's Janus! Hi Janus! He'll be a jerk and tell you to put your gun away. You had better do what he says, and get on your slapper. Do not attempt to switch to your weapon until I tell you to! Anyway, Bond will now have an "inspiration" and realize that Janus is really Alec Trevelyan, 006! You know, that guy in the facility! Alec will confirm that it's him (Objective b: Completed). You now have one of two choices. One: You could stay and listen to Alec's evil plans about how he has the Goldeneye Firing Key, (That thing from the Bunker 1) the fact that he's got Natalya trapped in a helicopter rigged to explode, and that the British Government betrayed his parents (Whiny little guy, isn't he?). Or, you could get out of there! Start strafing, as fast as you can, right towards Trevelyan. He'll run away, and a timer will start counting down. His guards will fire Auto Shotguns at you, so randomly fire your KF7 at them. The important thing is to get out of here alive! Run through the maze, heading to the left, out the little corridor, past the stone block, past Valentin's hideaway, past the fake hideaway, past that big tall thing, past the first hand statue, up the hill, and right to the helicopter (Objective c: Completed). In other words, just run back the way you came! That's the helicopter that was on the Frigate! Oh no, a proximity bomb! You only have a few seconds to save the helicopter! Forget about that, save Natalya! Walk right up to Natalya. She'll wake right up, and will start following you. Ugh, this brings back bad memories. Anyway, lead Natalya down the hill, or close to it. Now, the helicopter should go off, saving Natalya from further danger (Objective d: Completed). Bond will now order Natalya to wait for him at the park gates. You, however, have to find the flight recorder for some odd reason. Run down the hill. If you're unlucky, there might be some of Trevelyn's goons waiting for you. Blow them away with what little Soviet ammo you might have. The flight recorder appears randomly in the little maze like area at the base of the hill. Sometimes it's easy to find, and sometimes it isn't. Just wander around, looking for a little orange box. If you go to far away, you'll get a message saying that "The Flight Recorder could not have been thrown this far from the explosion!" If you get that, turn around towards the hill and keep looking! Once you've found the flight recorder (Objective e: Completed) more enemies should come, blasting shotguns as they go. In times like this, there's only one thing to do. Run away! Run up the hill, and be prepared to escape, but... Oh no! Some guy came with a bunch of guards and captured Natalya! That guy is Mishkin, and he's a big important communist.....I mean, head of the Russian government. So you better do what he says! Do NOT shoot any guards, but instead, walk up to the gate and open it. Mishkin and his friends will take you and Natalya off to the Military Archives, where fear and torture awaits you, or maybe not. I wish to take this time to apologize to anyone who was offended by my calling Mishkin a communist. ************************************************************************ Level Complete Mission 6: St. Petersburg Part ii: Archives Primary Objectives: a: Escape from interrogation room b: Find Natalya c: Recover helicopter black box (Secret Agent) d: Escape with Natalya Available Weapons: PP7 DD44 Dostovei (x2) Klobb (x2) KF7 Soviet Grenade Gadgets: Watch Magnet Attract. Important Items: Flight Recorder, Interrogation Room Key, Safe Key. Body Armor: 2 (On is Agent and Secret Agent Only, the other is Agent only) Secrets: The body armor mentioned above is hidden in the big room across from where you start off, sitting right in the middle of the floor. Notes: The Archives is basically a big maze. If Natalya ever says "I'm scared, I'm getting out of here," then run all the way up to the attic, because that's where she usually goes to hide. The attic is easy to find, just go up! Walkthrough: You start off in this little interrogation room. Some black goons with Dostovei's are here, and they think you're involved with the Goldeneye! For some really weird reason, these "nice" guys have placed your PP7 and ammo right in front of you. This doesn't seem like the smartest thing to do, seeing as how you could easily grab it and start shooting, but this would result in some nasty Dostovei wounds. There are many methods known for an escape from the interrogation room, but I know the best way! Simply walk around the table, being careful not to grab your weapon. The guards are still talking to you. Walk up to the guy on the left. Be careful not to go too close to the door, or they'll start shooting. Anyway, give the guy on the left a shot with your slapper! Usually, one good slap to the chest kills these guys. Once the first guy is dead, kneel down to avoid the other's gunfire. Then, start slapping! He should go down with a few slaps to the legs. Once these idiots are taken care of, you have to work fast! Grab the key, the DD44s, your PP7, and the ammo, and get out of there (Objective a: Completed)! Arm yourself with a PP7, or DD44, whichever you like better. There is a soldier in the hallway to the right as you exit the interrogation room. Shoot him, grab his KF7, then go in the door in front of you. Don't switch to the Soviet yet, lack of ammo is a problem. This next, big room is full of boxes. There is also a body armor here on Agent and Secret Agent. There should also be a soldier or two. When these guys are taken care of, run out the other door and up the stairs. This next hallway is full of guys! Here, you'll find all the usual weapons, Soviet, 2x Klobb and 2x Dostovei. Shoot only those guys that are directly in your way, taking them all on at once would be a foolhardy task. Anyway, after going up the stairs, take the first left, shoot some soldiers, then open the door to the library. There should be a guard or two in here. Blow them away, then take whatever ammo you can find. Now might be a good time to start using your Soviet, you should have enough ammo by now. The first door on the left needs to another book filled room. Don't worry, it's perfectly normal to feel lost. After going through the door, take a right, shoot the guard over here, then go to the SINGLE door on the left wall. It's the only single door in the whole room. Oh look, it's Natalya! As soon as she sees you, Natalya manages to escape (Objective b: Completed). The two guards in that room will start firing, so get out of there! Natalya should be following you now. So should an entire legion of guards. Run through the door on the opposite wall. This leads down the stairs, and on to the bottom floor of the room you were on before. Open the door on the right wall, take a left, run for the only single door that you see, go through that door, take a left, and WATCH OUT! Now we're in Mishkin's Secret Hideaway. Agents can shoot him and be done with it, (you murderers!) but everyone else has to listen up! Walk right up to Mishkin, and he'll explain that he was wrong, Ouromov is the traitor, and that he's very sorry for what he did. Now Bond gets to ask for a favor! Mishkin will give you the safe key. Use it to open up the nearby safe, and we find...the helicopter flight recorder (Objective c: Completed)! IMPORTANT: Sometimes, some nasty soldiers decide to enter the room while your pleasant conversation with Mishkin is still in progress. If so, DO NOT SHOOT THEM! If you do, Mishkin pulls out a Dostovei and start shooting! Instead, slap these pesky soldiers to death, then go back to your conversation. Once you have the black box, run out the opposite door, and continue along that hallway. After going through the next door, you find a room with some windows. Hmmmmmmmmm, I wonder what those could be used for? Shoot the glass with your KF7, then jump through (Objective d: Completed). Once again, no matter how far away Natalya is when you escape, she'll still appear right next to you in the ending cinema. Weird. ************************************************************************ Level Complete Mission 6: St. Petersburg Part iii: Streets Primary Objectives: a: Contact Valentin (Secret Agent) b: Pursue Ouromov and Natalya c: Minimize Civilian Casualties Available Weapons: PP7 KF7 Soviet Grenade Launcher Rocket Launcher Grenade Tank Gadgets: None Important Items: None Body Armor: 2 Secrets: Past the house where you meet Valentin, there is another house with broken windows. You can walk right through these windows! Inside, there are some soldiers, a body armor, and a grenade launcher. Yee-ha! There is also a second body armor located near in the end of the level, in the shadows between the buildings. Notes: The streets aren't really that hard. Don't forget to take the tank, it's MUCH harder to beat this level without it. When driving in the tank, try to avoid the cars as best you can. The "maze-like" qualities of the streets can best be avoided by always taking left or right turns every time that there is a fork in the road. I prefer right turns. Walkthrough: You start off, conveniently enough, next to the window where you broke out of the Archives. Hmmmmmmmmmm, where's Natalya? What's wrong, didn't you read the briefing? Well, it seems that in the split second that you had your guard down (watching that cinema, no doubt) Ouromov came out of nowhere and captured Natalya. Why everyone wants to get a hold of her, I don't know, so let's just start the walkthrough. As I was saying, you start off in a little alleyway. Run forward, and lean over the side of the corner. You should see a guard. Nail him with your PP7. Lean over a little more, and shoot the second guard. Right about now, a little timer should appear. It gives you plenty of time on Agent level, but on the higher levels, that number will significantly decrease. Looks like you'll have to find a way to raise that number... Anyway, run forward and grab some Soviets. Switch to that gun right away, and start blasting away at the bunch of soldiers that are now firing at you. Once all of them are dead (there should be around 5-8 of them), run up towards the tank! Attention! The following section is for Secret and 00 Agents only! Agents should skip down to the second row of stars! *************** All right all you Secret and 00 Agents, let's find Valentin! Run right past the tank, into that little alleyway on the other side of the brick wall. There should be a soldier guarding the entrance. Get rid of him! The alleyway has a few twists and turn, and you can use these to your advantage by leaning out over the corners to ambush guys. By now, you should have a decent amount of Soviet ammo. As I said, after a few twists and turns, look to the left of the alley. What's that? Could it be a door? It is! Run inside, and go through the left doorway. Geez, these Russians are in worse shape than I thought! Lookkee here, Valentin (that guy from the statue) is in this room. Talk to him, and he'll say that he's willing to help get you more time to catch up with Ouromov and Natalya. After Valentin is done talking (Objective a: Completed), run out of the house and take a left. Right now, the amount of time you have left should rise significantly. On the left of the alley, besides there being more guards to get rid of, is that secret place I told you about. You know, that house with the broken glass windows? Well, run through those windows, and shoot the guards inside. This is one great secret room, there is body armor and a grenade launcher in here! I don't use the grenade launcher much, but the body armor should be a big help. After exiting the secret room, keep going down the alley, until you reach the big, empty street. Run forward, then exit out that big gate. Guess what? You just went around in a circle! Funny, isn't it? ************ Run up to the tank. Wow, a tank, just like on the Runway! Jump inside (press B) and switch to your tank missiles. These babies may be slow, but they can really do some damage! Drive your new toy out of that gate. When you get to that first intersection, take a right. NOTE: Any agent that wishes to get that hidden body armor should exit the tank now, and take the short cut. The short cut is the way the Secret Agents came out of the alley, on the dead end in the road. Continuing left, we find our first civilian. Awwwwwww, he's a cute little guy. Well, try not to crush him! There aren't a lot of civilians around here, but more will come if you take too much time. Right around here should be the first intersection. Take a right. It really doesn't matter, but whatever you choose, STICK TO IT! That is, always take rights when the time arises, or always take lefts. I recommend taking rights because that's the easiest way, but it is up to you. Now, I'm not going to waste time saying a COMPLETE walkthrough for the streets, I'm just going to go over some basic tips and strategies. First of all, there are those guards. Remember, KF7 Soviets take less damage while you're in the tank, so killing guards isn't a priority. Just try to run them over with the tank, but don't go out of your way to get a high kill count. You may have noticed those mind fields laid out for you in the center of the road. Well, listen, shooting these fields with a gun, or any explosive weapon will cause the whole fiend to explode. I DO NOT recommend doing this because it takes WAY to much time, and during that time, a guard with a Rocket Launcher could sneak up behind you. So, if you see a mine field, just plow right through it! Oh yeah, speaking of which, there are guards here with Rocket Launchers. These are the guys that get you. DO NOT fool around with these dudes, just try to either get past them, or run them over with your tank. As tempting as it may sound, do not stop to pick up a rocket launcher. You don't need it. There is also the matter of the cars. Now, one of the Laws of Goldeneye says that if you shoot a normal object in the game, be it chair, desk, or computer, it will explode. The cars on the streets are no exception. These death traps will also explode when you run into them with your tank, so try to stay away from the cars whenever possible. Last thing, in the streets, they give you lots of fun, explosive toys. One of these toys is the tank missiles. They are very dangerous. It also takes a long time for a tank shell to hit the ground, explode, and fade away. With this in mind, fire the tank only when absolutely necessary. Or, don't fire it at all. That's all I have for that. Anyway, after many right (or left) turns, you'll reach the Gate To Nowhere. Trust me, you'll know it when you see it. As soon as you reach the path that leads to the gate, get out of the tank and start running! There are too many cars here to risk driving the tank in, so I just get out here. The Gate to Nowhere leads to the Janus base, where Ouromov took Natalya (Objective b: Completed). If you haven't hit too many civilians, (Objective c: Completed), you can go on to the next level. ************************************************************************ Level Complete Mission 6: St. Petersburg Part iv: Depot Primary Objectives: a: Destroy illegal arms cache (00 Agent) b: Destroy computer network (Secret Agent) c: Obtain safe key (Secret Agent) d: Recover helicopter blueprints (Secret Agent) e: Locate Trevelyn's train Available Weapons: PP7 KF7 Soviet (Where's the ammo?) D5K Deutsche (x2) Rocket Launcher Grenade Proximity Mines Gadgets: None Important Items: Safe Key, Blueprints. Body Armor: There are 11 on Agent, 6 on Secret Agent, and none on 00 Agent. Secrets: On Agent and Secret Agent, you can find lots of ammo by simply wandering around in the big warehouses. There's a body armor in almost every one. Notes: The Depot is one of those levels that gets steadily harder on each difficulty level. For that reason, I've divided this walkthrough into a section for each difficulty level, as I did on the Runway and Bunker 2. Agent Walkthrough: If you know where to go, this one is even easier than the Runway! Run forward and take a right. If you want, you can put your gun away, because you don't have to fire a single shot! After you pass some crates, gunshots will start sounding. Don't worry, this is normal. Take a left when the opportunity comes and head towards that gate. After a long run, you'll make it there. Open the gate, and take a right. You'll pass some large warehouses, but no need to go into any of them! Instead, run past them, and take a left. Run past all of those graffiti infested crates and other oddities. You should see a little entrance, and behind that, a big house. Run through the entrance and into the house. You're almost there! Open the door, run up the stairs, run past the safe, through another door, and down some more stairs. Now, you're in the big warehouse place. There is a body armor here, but you don't need it. Open one of the doors, and there's the train! Open the train door (that yellow thing) and you've made it! (Objective a: Completed). ************************************************************************ Level Completed Secret Agent Walkthrough: And of course, as you might have expected, the Secret Agent difficulty is just a little bit harder... You start off in a little corner of the Depot. Run forward and around the bend. Go up to that crate on the left, and lean over the corner. Shoot the Janus Marine over there in the head, and grab his D5K. Switch to that, you're gonna need it! Turn around and head for that large group of crates. Lean over the corner of the big warehouse to get an easy shot at an enemy. Run all the way over and get his ammo, then lean around the next corner for an easy ambush. Once both guys are dead, run out of the crates and take a right. There is a warehouse over here that has some much needed Body Armor in it. Grab the armor and move on. Run up towards that big gate. Open it, and take the first left. You should see lots of warehouses, but all of them are empty, except one... Run up to the last warehouse on the right. This is the important one! Staying on one side of the gate, aim your Deutsche, open the door, and prepare to fire! If you stood one side of the gate, you just got the easy shot! The shots that you fired should attract the attention of another guard, who will come running out to meet you. Give him his just desserts. Once the first two guards are dead, a few more should come. If they don't, stand right where you are and start firing shots at the wall. This should attract some guys! Ambush them all as they come out from behind the boxes, all within easy sight of your D5K. Once it's clear that no more guards are going to come, walk into the warehouse and close the door. Sometimes, a rather nasty Marine will sneak up on you as you come in, but that rarely occurs. Carefully, strafe over to the right. Be VERY careful! Take small, easy steps, until you can see a blue blotch from behind the corner of the crates. Shoot it! Well, that's a drone gun, and it is very hard to destroy! If it ever starts firing on you, run away! Then, try again. Once the TOUGH drone gun is destroyed, walk out from behind the boxes. Watch out for any stray Janus goons. Aim your gun at that big computer screen, and BOOM! Once the screen is destroyed, turn around and blow up those two terminals. You can't miss them (Objective a: Completed). Good job, you just destroyed the computer network! Don't leave yet, you've got one more thing to do! Look on the table closest to the computer screen, on the left. See anything? It's the safe key (Objective b: Completed)! As soon as your work is done, go back to the door, get your Deutsche ready, open the door, and fire! Trust me, there is ALWAYS a guy waiting for you outside. Once the first enemy is dead, you've got your work cut out for you. Run outside and start shooting guards. There's no real strategy for this place, you just have to be fast, and lucky! Try to run as you shoot, it saves time. As soon as you're past most of the guards, keep running, keeping to your left. When you get around the turn, you're home free. Weave in and out of the crates, until you get to the open gateway. Run through it, and open the door to the house. Don't worry, there aren't any Marines in the house! But there is something else! Run upstairs, and find the safe. Open it and grab the blueprints (Objective c: Completed) of the helicopter. Once you have that, run down the other set of stairs, through the gate, and into the train (Objective d: Completed). Ignore the guards, you can shoot them during the cinema! ************************************************************************ Level Complete 00 Agent Walkthrough: Okay boys, you ain't seen nothin' yet! You start off in a little corner of the Depot. Run forward and around the bend. Go up to that crate on the left, and lean over the corner. Shoot the Janus Marine over there in the head, and grab his D5K. Switch to that, you're gonna need it! Turn around and head for that large group of crates. Lean over the corner of the big warehouse to get an easy shot at an enemy. Run all the way over and get his ammo, then lean around the next corner for an easy ambush. Once all of the guards are dead, run for the gate. Open the gate, and head right. Look on your right. Go up to the second warehouse, (that is correct, the second warehouse) open the door, walk in, and close the door again. Walk on over to the right side of the boxes. You should see at least one Janus goon. Shoot the nearest one, and the two others should come running. Shoot them both, then prepare for a raid! As you might have already guessed, this is the infamous Ammo Dump. Gee, it's a lot smaller than I thought. Hey, let's get looting! First of all, run right up to the table on the right, and grab the green box. Wow! Proximity Mines! I thought those were only in Multiplayer! These mines serve a purpose in this level... As soon as you grab the mines, run back to the door, and throw a mine on it. This should protect you from any guards that try to ambush you. Remember, a guard can NEVER open the door to a warehouse if you are inside. They can only stand right outside and get blown up by the mine. There are other weapons in here as well. You can pick up a few D5Ks, and a few Soviet's (Hey, where's the ammo?). I think the Soviet's are just here for show. There's also a........Rocket Launcher. ROCKET LAUNCHER?!?!??!?!?? All right! With 3 Rockets? Yeah! Now it's time to get down to business! Run up on to the balcony, and look down at all those boxes. Take one of your mines, and throw it on one of the middle boxes. Pull out a gun, and shoot the mine. That mine will blow up, destroying the ammo dump (Objective a: Completed) and leaving you unharmed. If any boxes remain, shoot them! Once the ammo dump is gone, run back to the door. If you were lucky, the mine should have exploded, killing a guy or two. If it didn't, shoot the mine right now, (careful not to get too close!) hopefully killing a guy or two. Once that explosion has died away, grab you Deutsche and run outside, shooting like there's no tomorrow. After a few shots, grab your Rocket Launcher and shoot for the big cluster of guys that are directly in your way. Ready...Aim...Fire! Don't forget to aim the rocket at either the ground at their feet, or at the wall behind them. This makes it a clean kill, getting rid of all three guys. That's the Ian way! Once the coast is clear...run for it! Charge back the opposite way you came, heading for the Janus Control Warehouse! It's the last warehouse on the right! Run up to it, and go over to the left side of the door. Aim your Deutsche, open the door, and prepare to fire! If you stood one side of the gate, you just got the easy shot! The shots that you just fired should attract the attention of another guard, who will come running out to meet you. Give him his just desserts. Once the first two guards are dead, a few more should come. If they don't, stand right where you are and start firing shots at the wall. This should attract some guys! Ambush them all as they come out from behind the boxes, all within easy sight of your D5K. Once it's clear that no more guards are going to come, walk into the warehouse and close the door. Sometimes, a rather nasty Marine will sneak up on you as you come in, but that rarely occurs. Don't forget to put a Proximity Mine on the door to the warehouse. A bunch of guys try to ambush you over here as well! Carefully, strafe over to the right. Be VERY careful! Take small easy steps towards the corner of boxes. Now, get out your Rocket Launcher. Keep going until you can see the wall next to the computer screen. Now...fire! That Rocket should make short work of that drone gun! Now, wasn't that easier than on Secret Agent?! Once the EASY drone gun is destroyed, walk out from behind the boxes. Watch out for any stray Janus goons. Aim your gun at that big computer screen, and BOOM! Once the screen is destroyed, turn around and blow up those two terminals. You can't miss them (Objective b: Completed). Good job, you just destroyed the computer network! Don't leave yet, you've got one more thing to do! Look on the table closest to the computer screen, on the left. See anything? It's the safe key (Objective c: Completed)! Once all of your duties have been done, go back to your mine. If you were lucky, it blew up a few guards over here, making your job a little easier. If it didn't, shoot it, and hope for the best. Grab your D5K, open the door, and start shooting! Once all the guys right next to you are dead, grab your Rocket Launcher and aim for the nearest group of guys. This should be your last rocket, so make it count! Once your rocket has been fired, start running! Madly fire, it's your only chance! Strafe around a lot, it'll make you harder to hit! When you get around the turn, you're home free. Weave in and out of the crates, until you get to the open gateway. Run through it, and open the door to the house. Don't worry, there aren't any more Marines in the house! But there is something else! Run upstairs, and find the safe. Open it and grab the blueprints (Objective d: Completed) of the helicopter. Once the blueprints have been found, it's time to blow this pop stand! run through the door, down the stairs, and through the warehouse door. Quickly jump into the train (Objective e: Completed) before the Janus goons can start firing, and you're done! ************************************************************************ Level Completed Mission 6: St. Petersburg Part v: Train Primary Objectives: a: Destroy brake units b: Rescue Natalya c: Locate Janus secret base (Secret Agent) d: Crack Boris' password (00 Agent) e: Escape to safety Available Weapons: PP7 DD44 Dostovei ZMG (9mm) (x2) D5K Deutsche RCP-90 (Agent only) Watch Laser Grenade Gadgets: None Important Items: Door Key Body Armor: None Secrets: After you clear all of the enemies out of the first train car, look at the boxes on the left of the exit door. Shoot the boxes, and you'll find a hidden weapon! On Agent, it's an RCP-90, but on Secret and 00 Agent, it's just a lowly Dostovei. Oh well. Notes: The train is just a straight shoot-em up level. And I mean that! In the first cars, use the boxes for cover whenever possible, and on the later cars, hide inside the bathrooms and around the corners, and wait for the guys to come to you. The hostage situation (Oops, didn't mean to spoil the ending!) in the final car can be a real hassle on 00 Agent. I'll explain that later. And above all, don't forget the brake units! Walkthrough: Well, here you are, aboard the train. On your left is a big pile of boxes. Lean over the right corner of boxes to get a good shot at a soldier. Be warned! In the first two cars of the train, guys are hiding behind boxes, ready to pounce on you! Okay, that's a lie, but they frequently stand up, fire, then duck down again. Shooting the boxes will rarely kill them, and is usually just a waste of ammo. The soldier that I told you to hit in the previous paragraph is ducking up and down, and it's best to shoot him as soon as he stand's up. Once the first guy is dead, run up to the smaller stack of boxes leaning against the right wall. Lean over the right side, and you can get a good shot at that guy that can't even shoot back! Next, lean over the left side of these boxes...just a little. If you do it just right, you should be able to see only one guy shooting back at you. If you see two, get back behind the crates and try again. After that guy is dead, lean over even more and get the last guy. Once he's out of the picture, run out and grab a D5K and some ammo. Agents, I've got a surprise for you! Go over to the pile of crates on the left of the door. Now shoot them! After the explosions die down (hope you weren't too close!) go over to the wreckage and find....an RCP-90! Secret and 00 Agents can do this, but they only get a Dostovei. Oh well, guess they'll have to beat the level the hard way. The RCP-90 should be the only weapon that Agent's use throughout the entire level! And now for something completely different. The brake unit! It's that gray, metallic thing to the right of the door that blows up when you shoot it. One down, five to go! This next part is tricky if you don't know what to do. Open the first door, then the second. Now, QUICKLY jump back behind the door to the right! From there, you can get a good shot at a goon hiding behind a box on the left. After the first guy has been disposed of, move over a little more so that you can get a good shot at the guy standing next to where that first guy was. He can shoot at you, but his buddies can't! Continue on in this manner until all of the Marines in the first half of the car are dead. Then, grab the ammo. One quick note, while using the tactic outlined above, the door will almost always close on you. When it does, wait a while to catch your breath, then quickly open both doors and return to your hiding spot. You should now be in the next car. The row of boxes sort of forms a little wall that divides things a little. Lean over the side of it, and check for a guard dressed in black. Now is also a good time to note that in this car, there are two guards dressed in black. They carry Deutsches, but these guys can move around, and follow you! Be wary of them. After walking around the corner, you'll find there is another little wall here. This is the spot of your next shootout! I really don't have a strategy for this one. You can usually get past it by leaning over the corners and shooting the guards that way, but sometimes the guards will blow up the boxes, damaging you and eliminating some of your cover. When this happens, hide behind the metal crates, they can't blow up! Also, beware the men in black. They usually try to sneak up on you right about now. Once this car has been cleared of enemies, grab all the ammo you can find, and shoot the next brake cable. If you're short on ammo, try using your watch laser for a while (but not TOO long!) or try a few head shots. This next car is a LOT easier, so don't sweat it too much. Open the next door and shoot the enemy right in front of you. Now, walk in, and stay put, under the cover of that corner! Make sure that you're not in the direct line of fire for any nasty soldiers lurking in the hallway! Any second now, the guys will start coming. And there's quite a few of them! Just shoot them as they come around the corner. Once you are absolutely positive that there are no more enemies in the hallway, walk out and grab the ammo. Turn around quick! As soon as you get about halfway down the hall, you'll hear the sound of a door opening. This sound means death! Run back the way you came, firing all the while. You should kill the soldier that came out of the locked room, before he kills you! After that little confrontation with a soldier, run to the end of the car and shoot out the next brake unit. This next car is almost exactly like the previous car. As soon as you run in, there is a guy. Shoot him, and duck behind the corner. Again, the guys will start coming, this time in greater numbers. When they are all dead run out of hiding... ...and back into a new spot! Look on the right for a glass door. Open it, and duck inside the little room. Don't worry, this important. A little while later, two guys will come running up the hall up to your room. Shoot them before they can shoot you. There is one final guy in this car. He is standing at the very end, with his back to you. Make his death even cooler with a head shot! What? No brake unit? It's back at the beginning of the car. Well? What are you waiting for? Run back and get it! This next car will be the undoing of many top notch 00 Agents. As soon as you open the door, get ready to shoot! There will be a guy here with either a D5K, or 2 ZMGs (9mm). If you get ZMGs, grab 'em! They rock! The next room is a little tricky. Aim your weapon(s), and open the door. If there is a Man in Black at the far end of the room, shoot him. If there is no one, turn to the left, lean over the corner, and shoot yet another soldier. You should probably get ZMGs in this room, if you haven't already. Okay, if you thought that was hard (which it really wasn't), you ain't seen nothin' yet! Open the next door, then AS FAST AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN, duck backwards and to the left. Hide behind the wall, it's your only chance! Right now, several TOUGH guys, all armed with ZMGs, are coming to have an all- out firefight with you. Are you ready? No? Well, too bad! If you die in this spot, tough luck. If not, smile, laugh, and bravely continue on. After the shootout, enter another room, this one has the same guy amounts as in that first green room back there. Use the same strategy as the previous green room. The next hallway only has one enemy in it. It also has a brake unit! Don't worry, we're almost done! The next room only has one regular Janus Marine. If you were to go further, you would find a locked door, but there's no time for that now. Turn around and shoot the brake unit. It should be the last one (Objective a: Completed). If not, forshame, and go back and get the one that you missed. After the train screeches to a halt, turn around and get ready for an ambush! Two ZMG guys are going to come from behind the locked door. One of them will drop a key, and you need this if you want to get behind that locked door! Anyway, arm your best weapon (2 ZMGs or an RCP-90), take a deep breath, and enter the locked room. Holy smokes! It's all of your old enemies! Ourumov is right in the middle of the room, holding Natalya at bay with his Dostì¥Á 7 ð ¿ O¢ bjbjU U - Î 7| 7| Ož ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ l ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ^© ^© ^© ^© ì¥Á 7 ð ¿ O¢ bjbjU U - Î 7| 7| Ož ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ l ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ^© ^© ^© ^© d Secret Agents, carefully aim your weapon. Don't worry, you have plenty of time (Trevelyan is going to be rambling on for a while)! Aim the crosshair at Ourumov's head. Fire a few bullets (In case you miss, or something) trying not to hit Natalya (Objective b: Completed). If all goes well, Ourumov is toast, and Trevelyan will escape again! Now for the 00 Agents! When YOU walk into the room, slide over to the right as far as you can. Then, walk forward until Trevelyan yells at you. Look way in the background. Do you see Xenia? You might not if you have a small TV, or a bad one. Take a deep breath, aim at Ourumov, then fire, not taking your finger off the aiming button. Quickly! After hitting Ourumov, move the crosshair over the Xenia and keep firing! She should yell "Wait for me Alec, I'm hit!," which essentially gives you a lot more time to complete the level! Hopefully, Natalya survived (Objective b: Completed). If not, restart, and try again. Don't feel bad if you can't do it, it takes a LOT of practice! Warning: You do not need to attempt this trick unless you are on 00 Agent! I hope that we're all in the same place now! Natalya is rescued, and we're stuck in Trevelyn's Evil Trap! How will we ever escape???? Well, he does give you one hint... "Good luck with the floor James." Now, a one minute timer will start counting down. Did you see the movie? Oh well. Grab your Watch Laser, and run into the corner of the room. There is a little trapdoor here, and you have to cut off all the metal bolts with your laser. This is tricky at first, but it's easy to get the hang of it. Be careful, you have a limited supply of ammo! Once all the bolts are sliced, the trapdoor will fall, giving you a way of escape. Listen up! While you're busy with the floor, Natalya is busy doing what she does best, mindlessly hacking on the enemy computers! If you are on Secret or 00 Agent, you need her to hack some stuff for you. Agents can simply jump out right now, and Natalya will follow. Secret Agents, wait. Natalya will start talking about finding out where they're going, then yell out, "He's in Cuba!" (Objective c: Completed). Now, all Secret Agents can escape. 00 Agents, wait. After Natalya finds the base, she has the crack Boris' password. Remember Boris? That guy from the first Bunker? Oh well. Anyway, after more hacking, Natalya will get the password (Objective d: Completed) and you're off! I hope all you 00 remembered to do the Xenia thing, because you NEVER have enough time to crack the password and escape unless you get more time! Now, you're outside! Run like a madman towards the horizon! Guys behind you are firing, but there's no time! The train will explode, and hopefully you can avoid that explosion and escape with Natalya (Objective e: Completed). Well...that was something! ************************************************************************ Level Completed Mission 6: Completed _____________________ Mission 7: Cuba _____________________ Part i: Jungle Primary Objectives: a: Destroy drone guns b: Eliminate Xenia c: Blow up ammo dump (Secret Agent) d: Escort Natalya to Janus base Available Weapons: PP7 AR33 Assault Rifle RCP-90 Grenade Launcher (Can be paired with RCP-90) Grenade Remote Mine Gadgets: Detonator Important Items: None Body Armor: 3 (One of these is not on 00 Agent) Secrets: None Notes: Some people are good at the Jungle, and others can't stand it! You should duck around a lot, hiding behind trees and so on. This is the best way to avoid front on firefights, and ambush the enemy. Also, try and get the drone guns from as far away as possible. This might be tough on low resolution TVs, but try your best! Walkthrough: You start off by your wrecked plane, stranded in the jungle with Natalya. Don't fool around with that plane, it blows up! Anyway, run forward and duck into the trees on your left. Soon, some Jungle Commandos should be coming after you. Lean over the sides of the trees and ambush them with your PP7. After three or four guys, run out and grab some Assault Rifles! it is very important that you understand the ammo shortage in the jungle. On Agent, there is really no problem. But on 00, you'll be running out of Assault Rifle ammo pretty quickly. The best way to avoid this is to use your PP7 in the beginning of the level, then switch to AR33 as soon as you get a reasonable amount of ammo. Once the first wave of soldiers has been eliminated, duck behind the trees on the right. Using the scope on the Assault Rifle, you should be able to get a good shot at some soldiers and the first drone gun! You have to remember those drone guns! They are very important, namely because they'll shoot at you! You can save yourself some life if you use your rifle scope to nail the guns from far away. The only real way to accomplish this is through lots of practice. Lean over the side of the tree and get rid of a drone gun and a few more soldiers. Natalya can usually get rid of a few guys at this point, after all, she does have a Cougar Magnum! Once the guys and the drone gun are out of the way, run into the clearing and grab the ammo. There is a also a body armor hidden in the bushes on the left side of the clearing. The next part of the level is pretty much the same as the first. You walk down a little path, meet a few guys, hide behind some trees, and nail another drone gun in the clearing. This clearing has a lot of guys in it, so proceed with caution! If you wound a few, they'll come at you with rifles drawn, so try to aim for the head when sniping! Also, don't forget about Natalya! The guards won't usually try to kill her, and if she dies, it's most likely because of a mislaid grenade, or because you shot her! Keep her alive, after all, she never misses. There is also another body armor "hidden" here. It's really in plain site near the back wall (of trees). If you're doing fine on life, leave it and come back for it later. Yet again we have the same drill. Path full of guys, ambush the drone gun in the clearing, yakkity yak. Be wary of this drone gun, there is a lot of "fog" (jungle steam) in this part of the level. On Agent and Secret Agent, there is a body armor hidden in the bushes by the guard tower. And now, for the moment you've all been waiting for. Walk down the next path, and you'll see an old rickety bridge. Oh no, a troll lives under this bridge! Close, but no cigar. It's Xenia! There are several ways to "eliminate" Xenia, and I've listed a few methods in the Supervillains Section of the FAQ. But, for right now, I'm just going to list the best method. Before you walk on to the bridge, bring out your remote mines. Aim carefully, and throw two or three on to the center of the bridge. Now, pull out your detonator and go hide in the trees to the left of the bridge. If all goes well, Natalya should position herself right in front of the bridge, just out of range of the explosives. After a little while, Xenia will appear, saying her famous line from the movie. Watch the bridge. When the comes running up to the middle of it...DETONATE! The resulting KABOOM shouldn't be enough to deep six Xenia on 00 Agent, but it's a start. Pull out your Assault Rifle and start firing madly at Xenia. No time to show off with head shots! You should still be hidden in the trees, so Xenia shouldn't pull out her grenade launcher, but will instead rely heavily on her RCP-90. Natalya will also be firing at Xenia, and that Cougar Magnum don't mess around! After Xenia's untimely death, (Objective b: Completed) grab her RCP-90 and Grenade Launcher, and proceed across the bridge. When you get to the end of the bridge, aim your rifle to your left. You should see a drone gun on a small mound. Don't say I never did anything for you. Oh yeah, a word to the wise. Don't use the RCP-90 unless you run out of rifle bullets. In this level, any weapon without a scope is basically useless. Now, we venture into the cave. Walk into the final jungle clearing, and hide behind the big tree near the entrance to the cave. Pull out your Assault Rifle and start firing madly. This should attract the attention of three or so commandos. Get rid of them as they walk out of the cave. Hey, where you going? We're not finished yet! Aim your Assault Rifle in to the left side of the cave, to the left of that little passageway. There is a drone gun there. Whew, glad you knew about that one! Walk into the cave and up a little path. You should come to a big room, straight out of a dream (or a Goldeneye Multiplayer Level). Aim at the soldier standing guard on the right side, fire, then duck back into the shadows. His friend should come after you, get him as he comes around the corner. WARNING: Do NOT attempt to climb up that suspicious looking ladder. I'll tell you why later. You have been warned. All that firing should attract the attention of more soldiers. They come out of that little door on the right. These guys have a high tendency to use grenades, so watch out! Also, try and get Natalya to go away while you ambush the few guys stupid enough to walk around that corner in plain site of your weapon. Some things never change... After all of the guys that are going to come have, walk around that corner. Lean over the side, and get rid of the guys behind the boxes. The easiest way to do this is to lean over a little bit at a time, so at only one soldier can see you at once. As soon as that is done, run over and grab some ammo and maybe a grenade or two. Don't run up that next passage! Instead, run back to that big room with the ladder. It's show time! Pull out your grenade launcher. And ONLY the grenade launcher, that is, don't go around trying to pair it with the RCP-90. Stand at the base of the ladder, aim at the little hole at the top, and fire! If you're lucky, you'll here a great Kaboom. You'll know the sound, because it will be a bigger explosion than just a regular grenade. If not, try again. There is a rather nasty drone gun up there, and you have to blow it up! If you don't blow it up (ran out of explosives?) then go back into the room with the boxes, and run up the path. If you went up the path, listen up! There is usually a guy at the top. Get rid of him, then aim to your left. You should see a drone gun. Blow it up, Then run over to that little nook. A swarm of guys will start firing and grenading you, but they can't hit you once you get to that little area where the drone gun was. Anyone who went up the ladder, like I suggested before, would find themselves up in that same little nook. Only, thing is, you'll also be facing the back end of a drone gun. If I were you, I'd get rid of it! Anyway, now that you're here, blow up that other drone gun that has it's back to you (Objective a: Completed). If you linger too long, it'll turn around and you'll be in trouble. One more thing to do! See those little boxes? Well, that's the ammo dump. Wow, looks a lot smaller than the one at the Depot! Throw a remote mine on it, then shoot (or detonate) the mine. It should blow up all (Objective c: Completed) or most of the ammo dump. If you don't get the mission completed sign, you're either on Agent, or you missed a box. If you missed a box, then blow it up! Let's see now, we've completed all of the mission objectives, made it to the end of the level, and Natalya is still alive. Well, guess we're done. Wrong! The trickiest part of the level still remains! Stand in your little nook, and pull out whatever explosives that you might have left, not including remote mines. Aim all the way at the end of the room, by the boxes with all the enemies, and shoot! You should try to spread the explosives all around the far side of the room (i.e., don't throw them all in one place!), or, if you only have one grenade, throw it towards the center. Now, let's roll! Pull out your RCP-90, and start running across the room, shooting wildly! Stop to wound guys, but don't go for an overkill. Simply concentrate on running as fast as possible. Don't worry about Natalya, she's right behind you! When you get past the boxes (assuming you even live that long), take a right and keep going! There are a few guys here, but not enough to cause problems. Just try to shoot them and keep running for the elevator. Once you get to the elevator (lucky you) Natalya will automatically come in there with you (Objective d: Completed), if she's still alive. If she is, then congratulations, the worst is yet to come! ************************************************************************ Level Completed Mission 7: Cuba Part ii: Control Primary Objectives: a: Protect Natalya b: Disable Goldeneye satellite c: Destroy armored mainframes Available Weapons: PP7 D5K Deutsche Grenade Remote Mine Gadgets: Detonator Important Items: None Body Armor: 2 Secrets: On the very top floor of the Janus control room, there is a little vent that you can crawl into. There is a very helpful body armor hidden here. Notes: Off the record, the Control is the hardest level in the game. And I mean that! The average Goldeneye player should be able to complete the level no problem, if it wasn't for the Natalya Shootout. That's just my little name for. The hard thing about the Natalya Shootout is that it's different every time. Just keep at it, and within a little (or long) while, you should be able to get the hang of it. The second body armor mentioned is in one of the back rooms by the lockers. I don't usually go for it. Walkthrough: You start off right where you left off, in that elevator you took out of the Jungle Cave. Don't leave yet! This place is booby trapped! Or, at least it is on Secret and 00 Agent. Agents can ignore the next section. Open the elevator door, but stay there! Squat down, then turn a little bit to the left, then move back. This takes a lot of practice to do correctly, but if you succeed, you'll have an easy shot at a hovering drone gun! Once that first gun is destroyed, exit the elevator (Natalya will stay in the "lift" while you go off on a killing spree) and go up to that corner. Do not walk around the corner yet! Fire a few random PP7 shots, which should attract the attention of three nearby Jungle Commandos. Try to use head shots here, because they have high power D5Ks, and you have a lowly PP7. After a rather short shootout, grab a Deutsche and get ready to nail another drone gun! This time, make it sop that the left side of your body is facing the little wall with that corner. A drone gun should start firing here. Pick it off nicely with your new weapon. Watch out, there's one more! Carefully move out from behind the corner, and walk around the next corner. Now, aim for the ceiling and you should get a good shot at the non-lethal end of a drone gun. It's the last one. And of course, as I said before, there are no drone guns on Agent. Now, go around that bend where the drone gun was (Man, there are a lot of corners in this place, or at least, in this FAQ), lean over the side, and hit a guy with a few bullets. One of his friends will come running up, so get rid of him too. Hey, where do you think you're going? There's one more guy left. There is a tiny hallway on the side of the room opposite where the two guys that you just shot were. Lean over the corner of that hallway and surprise the soldier that's over there. There, all finished! Run back to the elevator, and grab Natalya. She will make a comment about your physical condition, then follow you to that little computer where that last guy was. Natalya will start doing what she does best, while you hang out on the sidelines. After a short wait, she'll do something right and get a door open. Run over to that open door right now. As soon as you get to that recently unlocked door, get your Deutsche ready. Look at the far side of the hall (a scope would really come in handy here!) and fire a few shots at the two guys hiding over there. Make sure you kill them, if not, you'll regret it. This next part is pretty tricky. The guys on the other side of the hallway tend to throw lots of grenades, so watch your step! Kneel down, and start going as fast as you can down the hallway. If you remembered to kneel, you shouldn't get hit by any stray bullets. Now we come to the of the hallway. There's not much here, only some ammo and a box of remote mines. Those mines are really important, so don't waste them! Here comes a big sneaky...thing. Run up to the side of the entrance to where all of the soldiers are. Use the old process of "lean out so you can only face one guy at a time" strategy to get rid of all of the guys over here. And watch out for stray grenades! If you're having trouble with this part, try using a remote mine to blow up the guards. It really works great! Once you've grabbed all of the ammo, and maybe a grenade or two, continue on to the next room. There are two or three guys in the rock hallway, but they shouldn't be any problem. There are also two more guys in the room after that rock hallway, they aren't any trouble either. Explosives fans rejoice! This next part is for you! Run up the stairs and over to the door at the top. Grab a remote mine and throw it on the door, then detonate it! You should hear two death moans from inside. As soon as you do this, switch back to your Deutsche and wait for two more guys to come running out into an easy ambush. After that shootout, walk through that door and down the next flight of stairs. Through the next door we will find Boris. You might remember him from the Bunker. Well, as you did in that level, DON'T SHOOT HIM! If you do, Natalya is going to be very angry, plus, you'll fail the mission! Instead, Boris will try to defend himself by pulling out a gun, which you can easily take from him, either that, or he will drop it. Grab the ammo, you need it! As soon as you turn around, Boris will shout his famous line "I am Invincible!" and run up the stairs. Don't follow him...yet. See those two computer terminals? Grab your remote mines, and throw a mine on each one. But DO NOT DETONATE THE MINES YET! Sorry for the Capital letters, but it's very important! After planting the mines, run up the stairs. When you get to the top of the first set of stairs, stop. Now, fire a few D5K shots, then run down the stairs. That shooting should attract the attention of two Janus goons, who will happily walk down the stairs so that you can ambush them. Once the two guards are dead, run all the way to the top of the stairs and take a left. At the end of this little hallway is Boris' Secret Hideaway. There's not much here, only a Body Armor. Wow! A Body Armor! Darn right that's important! It's one of the most important Body Armors in the game! Uh, sure.....I knew that.... Anyway, run back down to the second floor. At the end of each of those hallways, there is another computer terminal. Once again, throw a mine on both of them, but Don't Detonate! Before the Natalya Shootout (yippee), we've got one more thing to do! Go back to the first floor, and open the only other unlocked door on that floor besides the one you came through. Quick! Back away! Why should you back away? Well, there are two drone guns in that room that are aimed at your head! Back away, far enough so that they can't shoot you, and then shoot them. Usually, right in the middle of the fight, some soldiers will come out of the room to get you. If you hear the sound of enemy gunfire, hide beside the door an ambush the guys as they come out! When the nasty soldiers in that room have been defeated, go back to your drone gun shootout. Remember to stand far away from the door as you pick off the guns. Wait! Don't go running into the room yet! There are more drone guns that you can't see! NOTE: These drone guns I'm talking about are not on Agent mode, so you guys can go ahead. Slide into the little hallway that separates the drone gun room with the room where Boris was. VERY carefully, face right, then lean over that corner into the room. If you hear bullets, retreat and try again. If you get it just right, you can knock out a drone gun where it can't see you. Repeat the process with the second drone gun on the opposite side. Finally, you can run into the room. There isn't much here, just a terminal! It's all the way at the back of the room on the right side. Throw a mine on it, but DO NOT DETONATE THE MINES YET! Don't worry, it's coming up! Once that mine has been placed, run back up to the second floor, (by the back stairs) take a left, and open that big bulky door that's built into the rock. Go through it, and find Natalya! Geez, she could've come earlier and helped her out with that Magnum of hers... And now, for the moment, you've all been waiting for... the Natalya Shootout (unenthusiastic hooray). Run down into the Central Control Room (that place with the big screen) and pull out your Deutsche. Natalya will run up to the computer and start typing. Run up right behind her, and start shooting tables. No, I'm serious. Shoot them. Those dang things get in the way! WARNING: Do not shoot the computer in the middle. Doing this will cause you to fail the mission. Once all the tables have blown up, take a position right behind Natalya. Put your back to hers, and get ready! From this vantage point, you should be able to turn so that you can see both sets of stairs, as well as the panes of glass on the far left and right. These are the places where guys will come from. After a few seconds, an alarm will go off (Nice going Natalya!) and Jungle Commandos will start coming. I'm not going to bother with a full walkthrough of this section, but here are some things to keep in mind. Keep turning and looking at both sets of spiral stairs! That's the main place that guys come from. Don't waste time shooting the guys up top, instead, get them as they run down the stairs, or as the stand stupidly at the base of the staircase and start shooting. Some guys, instead of standing around, will run over to the back of the room to go for Natalya, so be wary of them! Most importantly of all, watch the glass at the far left and far right of the room! Every game, without fail, some guy will come from behind there, shoot the glass, and go for Natalya. If you hear the sound of breaking glass, drop everything (even if you're involved in a high stakes shootout) and turn over behind you to scope out those panes of glass. These annoying guys are usually the reason you fail the mission. And lastly, watch your ammo! If you ever run low, run up to the nearest set of stairs, and grab some bullets. By the time you run out of ammo, there should be a big pile of guns over there. Anyway, after a long and difficult shootout, Natalya will deactivate the Goldeneye satellite (Objective b: Completed) and run away. Don't worry if it takes you a while to get this far, it takes a lot of practice! When Natalya is running, shoot any guys that are right in front of her, or about to shoot her. Try not to shoot Natalya! As soon as she gets out of site, take the nearest exit (usually one of the panes of glass that a guy shot out for you) and head for Trevelyan! About this time, Natalya should escape (Objective a: Completed). Well, that's the last of her! She wasn't any real help anyway! Now that the soldiers have come, all of the doors are unlocked! Open the one to the right of the back stairs, and to the left of where the room with the drone guns is. There is a guy at the other end of the room, so shoot him! Doing so will attract his friends in the room, so shoot them too! And hurry up! There are dozens of guys chasing you! Close the door behind you as you enter. Guess what's in this room? The last mainframe! Throw a mine on the glass, then you can detonate! There should be several explosions, blowing up every terminal that you laid a mine on (Objective c: Completed). You're almost there! Open the next door and shoot the guy right there! Run around the boxes and head left! Trevelyan will shout something at you, but that doesn't matter now! Keep going! I call this the Home Stretch. Never stop running here! Use Auto-Aim to shoot the soldiers that are in front of you, but don't stop to do unnecessary shooting! Just keep going! If you make it to the elevator, you can have a big party by your N64, complete with yelling and jumping up and down, because you just beat the hardest level in the game! ************************************************************************ Level Completed Mission 7: Cuba Part iii: Caverns Primary Objectives: a: Destroy inlet pump controls (Secret Agent) b: Destroy outlet pump controls (Secret Agent) c: Destroy master control console (Secret Agent) d: Use radio to contact Jack Wade (00 Agent) e: Minimize scientist casualties Available Weapons: PP7 DD44 Dostovei (Not Recommended) ZMG (9mm) (x2) AR33 Assault Rifle (x2) RCP-90 (x2) (Double RCP-90s are not recommended) Auto Shotgun (Not recommended) Grenade Timed Mine Gadgets: None Important Items: Code Cards (3) Body Armor 2 (The one by the first pump is Agent Only, the one in the big room is Secret Agent Only) Secrets: In the room with the Master Control Console (the big room) run over to the right side of the room. There is a special wooden box against the wall. Shoot it, and another box will pop out. Repeat this, and two boxes will fall out. Shoot each one, and you will find two televisions. Shoot each one, and find 2 AR33s! There is also extra ammo hidden here, every single box in the caverns has either ammo for a ZMG, or an AR33! Notes: The Caverns in one big level. And, of course, the bigger a level is, the more enemies there are in it. That's why most 00 Agents tend to run low on ammo. To avoid this, frequently switch between the ZMG (or RCP-90) and the Assault rifle. Try blowing up the wooden boxes with your mines to get the ammo inside. Anyone on Agent Level who wants to easily beat the Caverns should see "The Race" in the Miscellaneous Section of the FAQ. Walkthrough: You start off in the elevator, right where you were when you left the Control. Only, for some reason, you have a ZMG. Hmmmmmm, I wonder where you got it? probably the same place you found the Timed Mines. Open the door, and prepare for a shootout! There are three guys waiting for you outside the elevator, and more are coming. Try not to get hit. When the first three are dead, exit the elevator, grab the ammo, and watch the door. Like I said, some more guys are coming. Open the next door and run down the stairs. You can usually find an AR33 Assault Rifle on the way down (being held by an angry Janus goon, of course!). I don't use the Rifle until later, because of a lack of ammo. It's best to switch between the two guns frequently (AR33 and ZMG) to save ammo on each gun. After the stairs there are two guys guarding another door. You can hide around the corner of the railing, in plain site, and they still won't see you. I often use this handy trick throughout the Caverns. Try to get head shots off the two soldiers, then open the door. Of course, there is always a guy guarding the other side of the door. Shoot him, then continue along the walkway. Bump off a second guy guarding a second door. Now, go back to the first door, and go down the stairs. There is a third, and last guy guarding the little hallway in between the two rooms. Agents will find a helpful body armor down here. Secret and 00 Agents have a job to do. They have to blow up both large computers in each of the rooms. But watch out! There are scientists in here that like to guard these computers, and get caught in the explosion, causing you to fail your mission. The best way to get the scientists to leave is to run up to them holding a gun. Make sure the gun is pointed towards their face. This will usually make them run away, but sometimes they just stand there with arms up. If this happens, simply fire a shot or two over their heads. This usually causes them to run away. Use your timed mines on the computers (Objective a: Completed). This saves ammo, and makes the mission seem more cool. Now is the time to grab some ammo. Throw a few mines on the big pile of boxes, then wait for it to blow up. Failing to wait may cause a few...injuries. Then, grab a bunch of AR33 and ZMG ammo! Once you're finished with computers and ammo, run up the stairs and out the next door. There may or may not be a guard on the other side, so be prepared! You are now in the spiral room. It goes around and around and around and around (Dang, I'm getting kind of dizzy). There are two guards walking mindlessly up and down the passage. I try to snipe them with my Rifle scope, but a direct confrontation will also work in most cases. Be sure to snipe the guard at the very top! This next part is tricky. There are about a million guards on the other side of that door. Well, maybe a little less than that. Anyway, open the first door, then the second, and run away! Run down the circular staircase a little ways, then wait. A few guys should come out, and you should easily be able to shoot them as they come running down to get you. One of these guys has 2 ZMGs! Joy! Get out your 2 ZMGs (or Assault Rifle if you're out of ammo) and run into the room. Go around that corner, and fire on the guys standing guard. It should be a short fire fight. Once again, we find ourselves in another room filled with ammo boxes. You know what to do. And don't afraid to use all of your mines in here either. You won't need them anymore, you'll have all the ammo you want to waste on computers! Grab your AR33 (you'll need the scope) and open the door. Told you that you would need the scope! Fire on the guy at the other end of the walkway, then at his friends that come running. Afterwards, run over and grab some ammo. Pull out your gun of choice, and run along the Cavern walkways. There are a lot of easy ambushes here, at least, they're easy if you use the "hide along the walkway where the guys can't see you" trick. Continue all the way to the end of the walkway, ignoring the first door. Once you've reached the last door, use your AR33 to snipe out the two goons standing guard. One of them drops a special code card, and remember to pick that up later! For now, fire a few shots with your most ammo filled gun. This should attract the attention of some guys on the bottom walkway. They'll come running up to get you, and you can ambush them as they come running around the corner, as usual. Once the shootout is over, grab the ammo and the code card, and run down the stairs. There are a few guys left down here, shoot them now so they don't come running for you later! As soon as you're done with that, run all the way back to the last door on the walkway (the place where you got the code card), grab an Assault Rifle, and shoot through the glass window. This should attract a few guys that will come running out, which you can easily ambush. You should find another code card, and an RCP-90! Agents: Turn back now before it's too late! Maybe that's a little strict, but there is no need for you to continue. If you want, go back to the second door on the walkway. I'll see you there! Stay on your Rifle, despite all temptations to switch to the RCP-90. Open the door, run into the room, and grab a Body Armor that's there on Secret Agent. Oh well, guess 00 Agents are out of luck. Run over to the left side of the big platform that looks like a stage. Aim your rifle across the room and get rid of that annoying guy that's shooting at you! Now, for a very hard part! 00 Agents have to save a radio, which is hidden up on the stage, surrounded by cans of gasoline, the Master Control Console, scientists, and trigger happy bad guys. Now, any mislaid shot by you or a guy will cause that whole place to blow up. The best way to save the radio is to stay where you are, and carefully use your Rifle to give head shots to all the guys hiding behind the crates. There are five of them. Please, try not to hit any scientists! Once you're positive that all of the bad guys up on the stage are dead, run up there and use the radio. You'll magically get the right frequency, and call Jack Wade (Objective d: Completed), who says he will bring in some reinforcements. Some reinforcements, you never get any real help from them! Once the radio has been used, grab some ammo, and shoot one of the gas barrels. This will cause the whole thing to explode, destroying the Master Control Console (Objective c: Completed). Make sure you get out of the way before shooting! WARNING: Do not shoot the barrels until all of the scientists have left the stage. You don't want to fail your objective now, do you? Once that's done, grab some ammo. Hey, it's all in the boxes! Oh yes, there is one special box in this room. It's in the right corner of the room. If you shoot it, another box will pop out. Hmmmmmm, that's odd. Better shoot it! Doing so will release another box. Shooting that box will give you two more boxes. If you shoot these, than a TV will pop out of each one. Shoot the TVs to find... Double Assault Rifles! All right! Yeah! Anyway, when you're finished, exit this room the way you came. Ignore the big door, it's locked. Go all the way back along the walkway until you get to that second door. Pull out your RCP-90 (Yeah!) and open the door. Turn to your left, and shoot the guy over there. He should attack you, so get rid of him quick! If more guys come, exit the doorway and wait for them in the hall. There is also a drone gun in this room. It's on the left side, just above the big door. Be sure to blow it up before continuing on. Now then. There are lots of guys in this room, but no particular strategy for killing them. There are two behind the file cabinets on the right, and a few more at the bottom of the stairs. All I can say is "Try to stay out of the direct line of fire, and never take on two guys at once!" Good luck. When this room is emptied of guys, run down to the bottom and shoot the two computers next to the big pump, then the one in the corner. Congratulations, you just destroyed the outlet pump controls (Objective b: Completed), which make it so Janus can't hide their satellite underwater! Yay! This is the big moment. Take your AR33s (Single, or Double) and go up to that big door. Press B (to open the door) and kneel down. As the door opens, aim your weapon, and you should see two guards at the other end of the hall. Get rid of them. Grab the ammo, then open that door on the right wall. Get ready to shoot just like you did before, because there are guards over here too! It is very important that you close the door behind you, you'll see why in a minute. Are you ready? Take a deep breath, and get on your AR33s. Open the first door, then the second, and step backwards out of the doorway! Trevelyan will yell at you, but ignore him. Fire your guns at the two drone guns firing at you from the ceiling. Remember, there are two! Once the two drone guns have blown up, start running and firing like there's no tomorrow! And there won't be if you don't kill any guy that shoots at you in this last room. Be quick, because there are guys coming after you with 2 RCP-90s and Auto Shotguns! Use the same mad run and fire tactic that you did at the end of the Control. With luck, you should make it to the elevator, essentially beating the level. Wait! You didn't kill any scientists, did you? If you did, you lose! If you didn't (Objective e: Complete) pat yourself on the back, you just beat the level! ************************************************************************ Level Complete Mission 7: Cuba Part iv: Cradle Primary Objectives: a: Destroy control console b: Settle the score with Trevelyan Available Weapons: PP7 ZMG (9mm) (x2) AR33 Assault Rifle Grenade Gadgets: None Important Items: None Body Armor: 5 Secrets: The Body Armors mentioned above are hidden on each side of the antenna (those long walkways), including by where you start off. The fifth one is "hidden" behind a big machine in the shed opposite where the control console is. Notes: I DO NOT recommend getting the other three body armors hidden on each end of the antenna cradle. It just wastes time, and, by the time you get over and back, some smart-aleck (no pun intended) guy has already shot the dickens out of you. I didn't go into very much detail on beating Trevelyan in this part of the FAQ. That's because there are so many different ways to defeat him. For more information on Trevelyan, see the Supervillains section of my FAQ. Walkthrough: You start off at the very end of the antenna. If you hurry, you could catch Trevelyan now (OK, that's a lie if I ever heard one), or you could prepare yourself for the battle ahead. What I mean is, there's a body armor over here behind the pillar! This next part is tricky. Pull out your PP7 and start running. Somewhere around the halfway point of the walkway, a guy will magically appear at the other end, and Auto Aim will jerk your PP7 upwards. This is your cue to start firing, and keep firing until you can actually see that this guy is dead. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: "Thank you Auto Aim!" Now, unfortunately, sometimes luck will run against you, and you will not kill that nasty soldier, and he will instead greatly wound you. If this happens, restart and try again. Grab the two ZMGs that the guy dropped. Watch out, because there are two more guys coming from the right. Shoot them before they can shoot you. Oh no, there are two more coming from the left. Shoot them too. NOTE: A little while before this, a sign should have appeared that says "Trevelyan has activated the control console," and a timer will appear. You now have to blow up that console before the timer runs out. It's really no big deal, but I just wanted to let you know. Take the left path, then take the next right walkway. This one leads down to the center. There is also a guy here shooting at you. Shoot him before he can do any serious damage. Run down the stairs to the space with the two sheds. There is another guy here, and more are coming! Quickly, open the left shed, and Heeeeeeeeeeeres Trevelyan! Pump him full of lead, and he'll shout at you and run away. This is your cue to back up, because the two drone guns over here don't mess around! Shoot them from a distance, and you should be fine. Watch out for guys sneaking up on you while you're shooting those drone guns. Now, you can run into the shed. Go over behind that big machine, and there's the control console. Blow it up (Objective a: Completed) and you just saved the world. Congratulations, now you've got to save your life! As I mentioned before, there are lots of ways to beat Trevelyan, so many, in fact, that I moved them down to the Supervillains section of the FAQ. Trevelyan is in Section VII-3. Go over there if you need more information. One word of advice: Don't forget the Body Armor in the opposite shed! Get it as soon as your first body armor runs out. Anyway, after a long chase, Trevelyan will yell "Finish the Job James, if you can!" Now the music will start going faster, and Trevelyan will madly run for the very bottom of the Cradle. Follow him! Watch out for Trevelyn's goons on the way down. They can easily ambush you. When you get to the very bottom, open that door and go in. Trevelyan is waiting for you, and he drops down into a hole. Kneel down (This makes it easier to avoid missing the platform) and fall down into the hole. You should land on a platform. Kneel down, and start firing at Trevelyan like mad! After a little while, Trevelyan will either fall off, or die, in either case he will say: "For England, James?" "No, for me" THE END And so, Bond defeated Trevelyan, (Objective b: Completed) and escaped from the rest of the soldiers as Natalya came up in a helicopter and rescued him. Bond, of course, made a comical jump on top the landing gear, a risky move, but oh, who cares! ************************************************************************ Level Completed Mission 7: Completed Now you get to watch Bond and Natalya kiss. And the credits begin to roll. And it is truly the end.... But Wait! Bonus Level #1 Requirements: Beat all levels on Secret Agent _________________________ Mission 8: Teotihuaca'n _________________________ Part i: Aztec Primary Objectives: a: Reprogram shuttle guidance system b: Launch shuttle Available Weapons: PP7 AR33 Assault Rifle (x2) Moonraker Laser (x2) Grenade Gadgets: None Important Items: Guidance data, Security Smart Card, Launch Protocol Data. Body Armor: 1 Secrets: The Body Armor is hidden in the ventilation system, on the far right side. Notes: In order to access the Aztec Temple, you must beat all of the previous levels (Dam-Cradle) on Secret Agent. There are some that say that the Aztec is the toughest level in the game. I disagree, but still, everyone says that. The overall layout of the level, combined with the heavy enemy firepower, and the fact that a certain Classic Bond Villain is after you doesn't really make things any easier. The whole idea of the Aztec Temple, as well as the layouts for most of the rooms, come from the Bond movie Moonraker. Walkthrough: You start off in a little alcove in a big room with three guards in it. These guards are Moonraker Elite, which means they're pretty tough! The opening part of this level is tough too, so good luck! Kneel down and face left. then, lean over the side of the alcove. Aim your PP7 and fire at that Moonraker's head. Then, go back into your alcove and reload. The two remaining guys are going to come running up to you. Fire at them with your PP7. It's best to try and go for head shots here, but that's still hard to do! After the fire fight, run out and grab everyone's Assault Rifle. You might also get a grenade if you're lucky. Now is as good a time as any to talk about the Great Aztec Ammo Shortage. You must conserve ammo on 00 and even Secret Agent levels. To do this, try using your PP7 wherever I say it's a good idea. Agents should not attempt to use the PP7, because there's really no need. Anyway, we now have to get out of this room. There is a secret door on the wall opposite the one you started off in. Grab your PP7, open the door, and duck to the side. You should fire off a few shots to get the attention of the guy standing guard right in front of the door. Once he comes, give him a taste of PP7, and grab his ammo. You can now switch to your Assault Rifle. This next part is tricky. Make sure that you're on the left side of the door. Then, lean over, just a little bit. At the very top of the screen you might see a Moonraker hiding behind some crates. If you do, duck back under cover. In order to properly ambush him, you have to get your "body" at the exact point where you can see him, but his gun can not reach you. Don't worry, it's easier than it sounds. If done properly, you should be able to shoot him without getting a scratch on you. While you were shooting that one guy, two more will probably have come out of the sides of the hallway. If you see them, duck back away from the door. Get a decent distance away. You will probably hear an explosion. If so, it's safe to come out, because those Moonrakers just blew themselves up with grenades! Once those four guys are dead (one in the hall, one behind the crates, and two on the sides of the door) you can go into the little hallway. But don't go too far! On your right, you should see a pillar in the room. On the left side of that pillar, you should see a yellow arm through the Assault Rifle scope. If so, shoot it wildly! If not, move forward a little bit until you do. That guy that you're shooting in the arm probably won't die from arm-shot wounds. So, in his wounded rage, he usually stumbles a bit to his right (your left) right into your scopes! The next guy is easy. Walk into the room, and aim your rifle on to the right side of that other pillar (the one on the left side of the room) and you should see another guy. This guy likes to throw grenades, so shoot him before he gets the chance. Once those guys are done for, run into the room and grab some ammo. Don't forget the gun behind the crates on the top! Watch out for the pit. Do NOT fall in the pit. Doing so makes the Aztec ten times as hard. You will regret it if you fall down there. You might want to use your PP7 on this next ambush. Run up to the door in the rear wall. Open it up, then run in a little ways. Quickly, run out! There are two guards in that room, and you just got their attention! Get the guards on their way out. Once the first two guards are done for, go into the control room. Wow, nice place. Don't look now, but a guy just saw you! Duck into the alcove on the right, and get your AR33 ready. Sometimes the guy comes, and sometimes he doesn't. If he doesn't, aim your rifle into the right corner of the room and fire on the Moonraker you see. That should attract the attention of him and two other guys in the room. Did I lose you? Good. If the two other guys don't come (which they usually do) than look into the alcoves on the right side of the room. You can usually get the enemies this way without serious damage. After all of the guys are dead (five in all) you can look around the room, peer through the glass, whatever. But don't shoot through the glass! How will we ever get out? There is a secret door (Man do they love secret doors in this place!) that is made up of those terminals to the right of the bulletproof glass. To open it, go to the computer thing to the left of the terminals. Presto! The door is open! This next part makes for good PP7 ambushes. There is an idiot guard standing on the other side of the door. You can get a perfect head shot off him without him ever seeing you. Around the next corner are three more that you can get in exactly the same way. Be careful though, because the first one occasionally sees you. When the three soldiers are dead DO NOT GO IN THE NEXT ROOM! I mean it! The next room, as well as being a highly dangerous trap, also has two Moonrakers in it. To flush them out, grab a grenade. Stand right outside the door, and throw the grenade at the floor. It should bounce into the center of the room, where no one will ever notice it, then explode killing both guys. If you do not have a grenade, there is another solution. Stand on the right side of the door, and fire AR33 bullets. That should get their attention! Get them as they come around the corner. You may now walk safely into the room without incident. All of a sudden... The door closed and the shuttle is about to fire it's engines on you! Oh no! What do you do!??!?!? Think man, think. Oh no....... Wait! I have it! Shoot the computer on the left of the rear wall (either one is fine, but I prefer the left) and run into the vent to safety. Do NOT go around the corner. Whew, that was close. Now we play the waiting game. A little while after the shuttle fires, anywhere between 2 and 5 guys will come after you, at least one of which is armed with a Moonraker Laser. Ambush them as they come around the corner. After waiting a while to make sure no more guys will come, pull out your laser and look around the corner. Oh no! Drone gun! Don't worry, it has it's back to you! Shoot it, then do the same with the one guarding the other side. I suggest using the Laser here to save ammo. Before you leave, there is a body armor you must get. Take a right at the drone guns, and go to the end of the hall. A more needed body armor there never was. Well, maybe in the Control... Finally, it's time to leave the vent. From the body armor, go forward, then left. Follow the long corridor around a few twists and turns, then stop when you can see the exit vent. This next room is the hardest part of the Aztec. Please bear with me! Aim your Assault Rifle out of the vent. You should see another vent across the room. Inside that vent, those of you with a decent color TV should be able to make out a flash of yellow. Shoot it, that's a soldier! You can move a little closer now. On the top left of the vent across the room (where the guy was) is a drone gun. The Rifle Scope should help you get this one. It's kind of hard to see through the vent, but try to do your best to blow it up. The next two drone guns are easy. Walk right up to the edge of the vent and turn to your right. If you do it right, you should see a great big drone gun over there. Blow it up! Once that's done, turn your scopes to the left a little bit. Way up in the background, mounted on the ceiling, is the third drone gun. Take a deep breath, and run out of the vent a little ways. Hide behind the stack of crates where the soldiers can't see you. Across the room, where the third drone gun was, are three Moonraker Elite, all armed with lasers. There is also a fourth drone gun on your right, also mounted on the ceiling. The trick is, getting a good shot at them. Duck down, and lean over to the right. If you hear the sound of bullets firing, lean back to the left, back to the safety of the crates. You should be able to do it just right so you can get the enemy, but the drone gun can't see you. After you've gotten rid of that pesky soldier (Ouch, that laser hurts!) lean back over and go for the drone gun. Next, you lean over to the left. Don't duck this time, it only complicates things. Lean over just enough so that you can get one Moonraker at a time with your Assault Rifle. There is one more guy, and he's easy! Pull out your laser, and start running across the room, firing madly. The guy mentioned is hiding in a little alcove in the right wall. Your surprise laser attack will be enough to get rid of him. Don't leave yet! We've still got stuff to do! Run over to the opposite side of the room, by the Shuttle. Wow, it sure is small, for a space shuttle. Right next to it is a ladder. I refer to this ladder as The Ladder of No Return, and you'll find out why later. Climb up the ladder and run around the corner. Activate the computer. Congratulations, you just closed the shuttle hatch and made it so you can go back through the trap again! Don't worry, the Shuttle only fires once! When the hatch is open, pull out your laser and run across the room through the opposite vent. Hey, we're back in the Temple! Run down the circular stairs, and shoot the guy with his back to you. Run down the first set of stairs that you see. It should lead to a long room with a few guys in it. Hey...that guys not a Moonraker. Hmmmmmmm, haven't I seen him before? Oh no! It's Jaws! And I ain't talking about the shark! In case you haven't seen Moonraker, or The Spy who Loved Me, I'll have to tell you who Jaws is. He's 8 feet tall, prefers to dress in suspenders, and has metal dental work, or "jaws". And he also carries two Assault Rifles! I thought such a trick was reserved only for the Caverns! Anyway... Oh yeah, Jaws is out to kill you! Wait a minute...I thought he turned to good!? Oh well. Anyway, run away, back up the stairs, and on to the circular stairway by the entrance to the big room. Jaws should be following you. Use the stairway trick to defeat Jaws. If you need more detail (and most of us do/did), go to the Supervillains section of the FAQ. The stairway method, as well as another method, is discussed in more detail there. Or, you could use the Close Up Method, which is also discussed in the Supervillians Section. After the mighty giant has fallen, grab his two Assault Rifles. Jaws also drops a Security Smart Card. You need this baby a little later on. Don't stand around! Start running! From now on, until the end of the level, you'll be doing a lot of running! Run back up the circular stairs, into the shuttle room, into the vent, through the vent, past the blown out drone guns, take a right, into the Trap Room, through the opened door, down the easy guard hallways, open up the Terminal passage (Press B next to the computer) and back into the control room. Remember that glass that I told you not to shoot? Well, you can open it with Jaws' Smart card! Open the door, then close it behind you. You'll see why in a minute. Look on the right table. Grab that little tape thing. Hey, it's a DAT! That DAT is important, you need it to steal the shuttle! Quickly, pull out the Guidance Data. It's that disk that Q gave you. Use it on the disk drive, (Objective a: Completed) and you'll automatically upload the data. Pretty quick, no? Pull out your laser and be prepared! While you were working, guys with double lasers were coming after you! They come out the Terminal Secret Door, and through that other door that leads back into the room with the pit. If there are guys coming from the Pit Room door, then shoot them now. If you were fast enough, there won't be any at all. Afterwards, run to the right and keep shooting! There will definitely be at least two guys waiting for you here! Shoot them while running (Thank you Auto Aim!) and maybe pick up a second laser. Do NOT stop to look for another laser that a guy dropped! You have to keep going! Run down the hall, into the trap room, into the vent, take a left, down the corridor, and into the Shuttle Launch Room. Don't worry, we're almost there! There may or may not be a few guys in here waiting for you. If so, give them a taste of your laser. Run to the dark side of the room, where the computer screens are, and the shuttle isn't. Walk right up to that big terminal, and use your "Launch Protocol Data" (DAT) on it. This should start the countdown! Start running! You can feel the exhilaration flowing through you! Go! Across the room to The Ladder of No Return, and start climbing. Now you'll see why I call it that. Usually, while you're climbing the ladder, a guy will come out of nowhere, and shoot you. There is nothing you can do to avoid this! Just climb and hope for the best! If you make it, awesome! If not, try again! And don't get discouraged! Run around the corner to the computer. By now, the countdown should have stopped, because you left the shuttle bay open! Well, close it! Press the computer! Quick! Now, you're home free. But you still have to be prepared! Stand in front of the computer, and madly fire your laser(s). Sometimes, a guy will climb the ladder, hoping to come after you! If he does, give him what's coming to him! After a little while, the hanger bay will open, and the shuttle will launch (Objective b: Completed). You'll then be treated to a small cinema of the shuttle blasting off. Congratulations, you've made it! I always thought that this level would be a lot better if you had to escape on the shuttle before it blasted off. Oddly, it never does show how Bond gets out of the Aztec. Oh well, guess it was the same way he got in. ************************************************************************ Level Complete Mission 8: Completed Bonus Level #2 Requirements: Beat all levels on 00 Agent _______________________ Mission 9: el-Saghira _______________________ Part i: Egyptian Primary Objectives: a: Recover the golden gun b: Defeat Baron Samedi? Available Weapons: PP7 ZMG (9mm) (x2) Golden Gun Grenade Gadgets: None Body Armor: 3 Secrets: The three body armors are really not that hard to find. One is in the little alcove in the long hallway near the pool room. The second is through the door off of the Golden Gun room. The last is right next to the last Baron. Notes: To access the Egyptian Temple, you must first beat all of the previous levels (Dam-Aztec) on 00 Agent. One thing about this level that everyone agrees on: It's Easy! That's right, the Egyptian Temple is a true Bonus Level, it's not that hard, you get to shoot guys with a Golden Gun, the music is catchy, and you get a really cool cheat when you beat it on 00 Agent! Also, since many Goldeneye fans have never laid eyes on the Egyptian Temple, it's good thing to impress your friends with! Walkthrough: You start off in the pool room. I call it that because there is a big pool of water in the middle. Run forward past a few pillars. When you get to the end, you should lean over the last pillar and shoot that Russian Soldier. Try to get a head shot. This should attract his partner from a few feet over. Wait a second...why are there Russian guards in the Egyptian Temple? I guess the folks at Rare were too lazy to give the Baron a gang of voodoo priests to protect him. Anyway, run back to the beginning of the room to where you first started. Go over to that other opening and pull out the ZMGs that you grabbed from the guard. If you look into the room just right, you should be able to see a guard standing next to the door. Shoot him! Wow! Doing this sets off a giant chain reaction, causing half the guards in this place to come running right around that corner into an easy ambush position. That just made your job a whole lot easier. Once the flow of guards has ceased, grab a ton of ammo, and continue on into the long hallway. There might be a stray guard hanging out over here. Duck into a little alcove on the left to find a guard, and some body armor. Yeah, about that body armor. I don't like to get it until a little later, and I suggest that you wait also. Trust me, you'll find more. Run down the hallway and take a right. Now you're in a smaller room with pillars. There are two guards here, and a door. Go through the door, down the hallway (straight) and up the stairs. Are you excited? We're going to get the Legendary Golden Gun! Oh no! The door has closed and the gun is locked inside a display case! I'll just shoot it open! Too bad! It's bulletproof! Aw nuts! There is another, sneaky way to open the case. Some of the tiles in this room are booby trapped. If you step on them, some invincible (non-explosion proof) drone guns will pop out of hiding and start shooting you! Don't worry, it's not that hard, the game gives you plenty of room for error! So, here's the way to get the gun! Move left 2 tiles (to the corner) Up 2 tiles Right 3 tiles (one tile between you and the wall) Forward 2 tiles Left 1 tile Up 1 tile Left 1 tile Up 2 tiles Right 1 tile Open the case! And of course, I will also draw a little diagram to help you. Key: G=Golden Gun Case S=Starting Point O=Tile G O OO O OO OO O OOOO O OOS And there we have it! Voila! The case is open! Grab the Golden Gun and the Golden Bullets (Objective a: Completed) and get out of there! You probably already know about the Golden Gun from Multiplayer mode. It only holds one bullet at a time, kills any enemy in one shot, etc. You don't have to use the gun on the ordinary soldiers if you don't want to, they die easily enough by ZMG! If you feel that you are having trouble with the Golden Gun, or are just not good with it, see "How to Use the Golden Gun" in the Miscellaneous Part of the FAQ. Anyway, open the door on the left, and grab the body armor. Told you not to grab that other set. Anyway, it's no big deal, I've beaten the level with no body armor! Open the second door. Whoa, I feel dizzy! Quickly jump out, and start shooting guards with either ZMG, or Golden Gun. Your choice. Baron Samedi is hiding at the other end of the hallway. He is armed with two Dostovei's. Run over to him and pull out the Golden Gun. One shot will put him down! All right! You killed the Baron and beat the level! ************************************ Level Co Wait a minute! Stop everything! What's that evil laugh??? Baron Samedi must still be alive! We must find him! Oh, by the way, you can't pick up the Baron's Dostovei's. Hey, why would you need them? Now, you should check your body armor. If it's empty, run back to the long hallway and grab some more. If not, wait until a little later. Run all the way back to the first room. You know, the pool room! If you're fast enough, you will see the Baron appear in a cloud of smoke! Cool, huh? Shoot Samedi the same way you did the first time. Watch out for his ZMGs. When he's down, you can't grab these either. Yeah, like you're really short on ammo. Oh no! Another evil laugh! And the sky turned black as blood... Yeah, really. The sky turns black (Sudden change of weather, or voodoo curse? You decide) making your job a little more difficult. Guys can see you perfectly, but you might have a little bit of trouble seeing them! Speaking of which, now guys are going to start appearing out of nowhere, so be prepared! There are two ways to get to the final showdown. Both ways take a little while to find. The long way is located off of the hallway that leads to the Golden Gun room. Simply take a right in the dark hall. Trust me, it's there. The short, but dangerous way is in that really big room where the first Baron was. There is a secret door built into the far wall. It's easier to see from a distance. This way is dangerous because there are a few drone guns around. Don't worry, simply run right past them (Speed Strafe!) and you'll be fine. Anyway, one way or another, you'll have made it to the Final Showdown with Baron Samedi! It's the small room with the black statue in the middle. I call that The Statue of Darkness (In case you haven't noticed, I like making up names for things). This time, the Baron is armed with two Moonraker lasers! Don't sweat it, because there is also body armor in the room! For some reason, Baron Samedi has increased in strength, so it takes three direct hits to kill him! You can either run right up to him, or try to chase him around the Statue of Darkness a few times. Still, the Baron really isn't that hard. Once he's down (Objective b: Completed) the game will end, and you'll be treated to a rather spine-tingling cinema. This one is my favorite, by the way. I won't spoil it for ya. ************************************************************************ Level Complete Mission 9: Completed Congratulations! You've beaten the game! Ahhhh yes, the joys of beating Goldeneye. You're proud, you've finally done it, and 007 Mode and the Legendary All Guns Cheat are yours! Have fun. ******************** III. Cheat FAQ ******************** This part of my FAQ covers, you guessed it, the Cheating side of Goldeneye! __________________ 1. Cheat List __________________ Here is a list of all 23 Cheats: LEVEL CHEAT DIFFICULTY TIME Level 1: Dam Paintball Mode Secret Agent 2:40 Level 2: Facility Invincibility 00 Agent 2:05 Level 3: Runway Donkey Kong Mode Agent 5:00 Level 4: Surface 1 2x Grenade Launcher Secret Agent 3:30 Level 5: Bunker 1 2x Rocket Launcher 00 Agent 4:00 Level 6: Silo Turbo Mode Agent 3:00 Level 7: Frigate No Radar Secret Agent 4:30 Level 8: Surface 2 Tiny Bond 00 Agent 4:15 Level 9: Bunker 2 2x Throwing Knives Agent 1:30 Level 10: Statue Fast Animation Secret Agent 3:15 Level 11: Archives Invisibility 00 Agent 1:20 Level 12: Streets Enemy Rockets Agent 1:45 Level 13: Depot Slow Animation Secret Agent 1:40 Level 14: Train Silver PP7 00 Agent 5:25 Level 15: Jungle 2x Hunting Knives Agent 3:45 Level 16: Control Infinite Ammo Secret Agent 10:00 Level 17: Caverns 2x RCP-90s 00 Agent 9:30 Level 18: Cradle Gold PP7 Agent 2:15 Level 19: Aztec 2x Lasers Secret Agent 9:00 Level 20: Egyptian All Guns 00 Agent 6:00 Beat All Agent Magnum Agent N/A Beat All Secret Agent Laser Secret Agent N/A Beat All 00 Agent Golden Gun 00 Agent N/A I suggest printing this out and using it as a checklist. ________________________ 2. Hints and Strategies ________________________ I, Ian, have successfully obtained all 23 Cheats. It was hard! And no fooling! After a while, I've basically narrowed getting cheats down to a science (or at least a liberal art form). There are 4 different kinds of Cheats: #1: The Speed Cheats You know these guys when you see them. The Bunker 2, the Surface, Statue, the Cradle, etc. These are the cheats where speed is the most important thing! You have to learn to run to get these cheats! A little speed strafing wouldn't hurt either! To cardinal rule here is to keep going, because nine times out of ten, life won't be a huge problem here. #2: The "Not So Fancy" Cheats These are the ones that don't take much work to get. The levels are usually big, and they give you plenty of time to get the cheats. If anything is the problem, it's going to be life. the rule of thumb here is to complete the level normally, only strafe around a lot and try not to waste time! The most prominent examples are the Control, the Caverns, and the Aztec. #3: The Master Cheats These are the babies that separate the men from the boys! The levels are tough, the times are low, and you usually have to think up some crazy, farfetched way to complete them without getting killed. The only two cheats in this category are the Archives and the Facility. #4: The Gag Cheats These are the cheats that no one needs help on, and that are purposely made easy to get, just to give you a break! The only two cheats in this category are the Runway, and Egyptian. And now, some tips on getting those hard to get cheats! Never stop running! With some cheats, hesitation can be deadly! You've got to keep running (or speed strafing) in order to beat the clock! Shoot wildly! If you're running to the end of the Bunker, and there are guys in your way, pull out a large gun and fire madly! Who cares if you don't hit anyone! You might as well try! Don't automatically assume you won't get the cheat if you make a small error! Once, I was over at a friends house, and he wanted me to get the Invisibility cheat for him. I said yes, and after a few tries, I was getting close. Then, on one try, I got stuck in a corner for a few seconds. My friend told me I wouldn't get it, and told me to abort and try again. I was doubtful, so I kept going, and Voila! I got the cheat! And last of all, never give up! I may sound like a lame after school special, but it's true! It took me seven non-consecutive hours to get the Invincibility Cheat. But I did it! And three of those hours led up to me finally getting the cheat! Hey, what else are you going to do on as Thursday night? ____________________ 3. Cheat Guides ____________________ I don't think the need for a complete cheating walkthrough is necessary, just general hints and tips. Step by Step Walkthroughes are only given here for the Facility and the Archives. If you need help with level by level specifics, refer to the Level Walkthroughes in Section II. I'll list the Cheats like this: Cheat Name Level Time Difficulty Level Kind of Cheat (Speed, not so fancy, master, or gag) Rank of Difficulty (1st, 5th, 17th, etc.) Multiplayer? (Whether or not the cheat works in multiplayer mode) What the Cheat Does Notes/Walkthrough With that in mind, let's get to it! Name: Paintball Mode Level: Dam Time: 2:40 Difficulty Level: Secret Agent Kind of Cheat: Speed Rank of Difficulty: 14th Hardest Multiplayer: Yes What it Does: A wise man (me) once said "Cheating isn't really cheating without Paintball Mode." And he was right! Paintball Mode makes things seem so bright and colorful. Little blotches of color appear on the walls and other things that you shoot, instead of bullet holes. I don't know why, but Goldeneye just seems more fun this way! Notes: Some people have trouble getting this cheat. I was one of them. And no, I'm not ashamed to admit it! The secret is to just keep running! Blindly shoot people with your Soviet or PP7! If you're fast enough (it's not that hard) than you'll beat the truck and get to quickly run through the security gates without waiting for the first gate to open! Some people like to save their Soviet ammo for the alarms, but not me! I think PP7 (or DD44) work just fine. Name: Invincibility Level: Facility Time: 2:05 Difficulty Level: 00 Agent Kind of Cheat: Master! Rank of Difficulty: 1st Hardest Multiplayer?: Yes What it Does: Once you get Invincibility, you'll never go back! It's pretty simple, "you can't get hit." And that goes for explosions and drone guns too! Walkthrough: The Facility is one of two cheat levels in this FAQ that requires a walkthrough. And here it is! You start off in the vent. Quickly take a left and strafe around those corners! While doing this, switch to your remote mines. When you come out of the vent, throw open the stall door, take a left, open the bathroom door, run through, and open the second door. Run (or strafe) down the stairs. Once you get to the bottom of the stairs, turn right, and throw a mine across the room! Try to hit that big pile of boxes. Detonate it in midair (A+B) and you'll get rid of two VERY pesky guards! Afterwards switch to your slapper. Turn left and run through the door under the stairs. Chop the guard once (maybe twice) in the chest. Then grab his KF7 and keycard. I like to chop the guard because it's quicker than PP7ing him to death! Pull out your PP7 and run out the way you came. Now, open the door in front of you, and start shooting wildly! Try not to blow up the computer! Run up to it (the computer) and press B. Now, start running! Take a left and run across the room. Keep firing your PP7, because a soldier is about to run out of that door. Try and hit him. Turn left at the corner, and open the door, switching to your remote mines as you do so. Now you're in the next room. Run across the room, ignoring any guards. Open the door and throw a remote mine, and duck to the side. It should land in the middle of those three guards. Detonate it (A+B again) and run out, grabbing whatever guns are in front of you. Turn to your left and open the door. Run along the left wall to the stairs, and run up. If Dr. Doak is there, run up to him to start him talking, then run back down the stairs. Dr. Doak will still give you the door decoder (Objective b: Completed) as soon as you start talking to him, and you'll be halfway across the level before he finishes! If the good doctor wasn't there when you arrived (remember, his placing is random) run back down the stairs and keep going! Don't forget to switch to your Soviet while in this room! As you are running back across the room, two guys should walk out of the door. Shoot them before they get a chance to shoot you! When you get to the door, dead guards or not, run out the door and take a left. NOTE: This whole room is crucial to getting the cheat! Unless you follow those instructions exactly, those two guards would have snuck up on you and shot you to death! Run a few feet to the nearby door, open it, duck to the side to avoid gunfire, run in, close the door, and open the next one. This step is where most people get hit. To avoid some damage, try to go as fast as possible, and move to the side of the door while you wait for the door to open. Run into the next hallway and take a left. Blindly shoot anyone in your way. There should be at least two guards in this hall. While you were running down the hall shooting guards, one guy behind the door decided to run over and open it for you. Shoot him, and run past the carcass into the laboratory area (Objective a: Completed). Run up the stairs. This may be difficult to do, as many people will be shooting you now. Run down the hallways, shooting anyone you see. Trust Auto Aim! If a guy kneels down, forget about him and run on by! If you haven't found Dr. Doak yet, now would be a good time! We sometimes hangs out in the dark corner of the hallway. If he is there, get him talking and run away! Run down the last hallway by the scientist's rooms. There are two goons here standing guard with their backs to you. Shoot them and run up to the door. Pull out your Door Decoder and use it, while pressing B frantically. After a few seconds (which seems like an eternity) open the door and run through. A lot of fine agents never make it past this part because of the flow of guards (sniff). Run down the stairs into the bottling room. Run up to Trevelyan to start him talking! While he's babbling, start placing your mines! With the limited amount that you have, we'll have to do some fancy stuff! O=Bottle M=Mine O O O O O M M M O O O O O That's right! Throw the mines right on the floor in between the bottles! See how the one mine takes care of four bottles, and the second takes care of four, and the third blows up the last two? Now you run away! Trevelyan should follow you. By now, he should be finished rendez-vousing (Objective c: Completed). As soon as he gets out of the way of the bottles, detonate the mines. It should blow them all up, (Objective d: Completed) but not hurt Trevelyan. As soon as you see that message, throw open the facility door and run out because a huge squad of soldiers is about to run into the room after you! And of course, don't forget the scientists (Objective e: Completed). And that was my method of the Invincibility cheat. Seven non-consecutive hours of work rolled into a page and a half of ASCII text! If you have problems following my crazy, hastily thought out method (only took seven non consecutive hours) look at the "Alternate Invincibility Cheat Methods" Section in the Miscellaneous part of my FAQ. There are a few different ways to do it there. Name: DK Mode Level: Runway Time: 5:00 Difficulty Level: Agent Kind of Cheat: Gag Rank of Difficulty: Easiest Cheat in the game Multiplayer?: Yes What it Does: DK Mode stands for Donkey Kong Mode. That means that all of the guys (even you) have big heads, and tiny bodies and arms. I don't use it very much myself. This cheat also makes Multiplayer Mode a little more...interesting. Notes: This cheat is pretty darn easy. They give you plenty of time. Most people get it the first time they beat the level. Just don't go for the tank! It wastes time. That doesn't really make much sense, but it does. Name: 2x Grenade Launcher Level: Surface 1 Time: 3:30 Difficulty Level: Secret Agent Kind of Cheat: Speed Multiplayer?: No Rank of Difficulty: 18th hardest What it Does: Now you start off with two grenade launchers! Makes for some...explosive fun! This is just one of the many 2x Weapons cheats. Notes: One thing about this level, never stop running! Don't stop to shoot anyone! In fact, there's no need to even shoot at all! Name: 2x Rocket Launcher Level: Bunker 1 Time: 4:00 Difficulty Level: 00 Agent Kind of Cheat: Not-so-fancy Multiplayer?: No Rank of Difficulty: 8th Hardest What it Does: Now you have two Rocket Launchers. This is sort of a drag, because you don't start out with many rockets (only 8), but with Infinite Ammo this is no problem. A lot of people prefer the grenade launchers (see previous level) because of the greater amount of ammo. Notes: Don't try to run around crazily in this one! Just beat the level normally, only try to strafe around and do things a little quicker! Another way to get this cheat is to do a "suicide run" in the big room, that is, running around crazily with a Soviet. Hey, it works for some people! Don't forget to do all of the objectives! Name: Turbo Mode Level: Silo Time: 3:00 Difficulty Level: Agent Kind of Cheat: Speed Multiplayer?: Yes Rank of Difficulty: 13th Hardest What it Does: Turbo Mode makes YOU and you alone go really fast! The enemies, however, stay the same speed! It's pretty funny. This cheat is also used on Multiplayer, though I don't like doing that, as it makes it a lot harder to hit someone in an open area. Notes: Since it's Agent, you can take a LOT of hits here. Just run straight through the Silo, killing/wounding everyone you meet. Try to memorize where the keycards are in each room to save time. And at Ouromov's ambush, just run right through! Don't forget the Body Armor! Name: No Radar (Multi) Level: Frigate Time: 4:30 Difficulty Level: Secret Agent Kind of Cheat: Not so fancy Multiplayer?: Yes, and ONLY multiplayer Rank of Difficulty: 11th hardest What it Does: Turns radar off in Multiplayer. Pretty cool for when you have four experts playing at once. Don't use this cheat if you're a beginner at Multiplayer, it just makes things harder. If you absolutely, positively can't get this cheat, and you REALLY want no radar, you can take care of it with a couple pieces of cardboard and some scotch tape. Notes: Don't forget, since it's Secret Agent, you only need to save 4 hostages. Just follow my Frigate walkthrough, (you can skip the second hostage, it's kind of tricky and wastes time) then run away when the first four hostages are saved. Remember to keep running, and don't forget the bridge bomb! Name: Tiny Bond Level: Surface 2 Time: 4:15 Difficulty Level: 00 Agent Kind of Cheat: Speed Multiplayer?: No Rank of Difficulty: 15th hardest What it Does: This cheat makes you very small, about the size of a kneeling Bond. Then why the cheat, you ask? Well, for starters, it's cool, second, you go slower while regularly kneeling, and lastly, when Tiny Bond kneels, he's about the size of a toy soldier! Notes: Much like the Surface 1, you just have to keep going! Run around everywhere, don't bother to shoot anything except the video cameras (and the communications link), and don't forget about the mine on the helicopter! Name: 2x Throwing Knives Level: Bunker 2 Time: 1:30 Difficulty Level: Agent Kind of Cheat: Speed Multiplayer?: No Rank of Difficulty: 17th hardest What it Does: Most people hate this cheat. You start out the level with 2 sets of throwing knives. What's there to hate? I use this cheat as an opportunity to work on my aim, or to turn the Archives into a stealth mission (try it, it's pretty cool). Of course, two knives tends to mess up your aim a little, but whatcha gonna do? Notes: Yet another cheat where you must never stop running. Try to do the jail break as fast as possible, and let Natalya out of her cell right away. It's easiest if you shoot the guy with two Klobbs to get the exit keycard you need to escape. You should beat the level with a few seconds to spare, and don't forget the CCTV tape! Name: Fast Animation Level: Statue Time: 3:15 Difficulty Level: Secret Agent Kind of Cheat: The Ultimate Speed Cheat! Multiplayer?: No Rank of Difficulty: 3rd hardest What it Does: Makes all of the guys in the level go really fast. Affects the opening and closing cinema's too! For some real fun, try using this cheat with Turbo Mode! Notes: One mess up, and you're finished! They give you practically no time to spare with this cheat! Strafe as FAST AS YOU CAN across the park, always! At Valentin, get as far way from the door as you can, so you can take off when you see the Objective Complete message. At Trevelyan (I mean...Janus), walk as close as you can to him without him getting mad. Run away as soon as you see the Objective Complete sign. While waiting for the helicopter to explode, wait right by the bottom of the hill and hope that the flight recorder will land there. If it doesn't, go off and look for it. The only other advice I can give is Good Luck! Name: Invisible Bond Level: Archives Time: 1:20 Difficulty Level: 00 Agent Kind of Cheat: Master Multiplayer?: No Rank of Difficulty: 2nd hardest What it Does: In case you didn't know, invisibility means that no one can see you. Which goes for all of the enemies in the game. I don't find this cheat very entertaining, as it takes most of the fun out of the average Goldeneye cheating game, but most people love it. Walkthrough: As the Archives is one of the "Master Cheats," it requires a special walkthrough. You start off in the interrogation room. Strafe around the table, then slap the guard on the right. One hit should put him down. Grab his key and his gun, open the door, then run out of the room (Objective a: Completed), ignoring the second guard and the PP7 on the table. NOTE: This walkthrough requires that you not fire one single shot, until the very end. I like to put my DD44 away until the very end, but some prefer to keep it out. You'll see why later. Take a right and run down the hall. Ignore the guard. Run up the stairs and take a left. Ignore all of the guards here. Then, take a right and strafe past all the guards and boxes in this tiny hallway. Open the door and run into the big library room. Take the FIRST left that you see. Run into another library, and strafe around the bookcases to get to the other side of the room. This comes naturally with practice. Run over to the only single door in the whole room. This is where Natalya is being held prisoner. Open the door (Objective b: Completed), and get into Natalya's line of vision, quickly! When she yells your name, it's time for you to split! Turn around, dodging another bookcase, and run through the double doors. Step back, as this door opens inward. Run down the stairs, and take the first door on the right. You can't miss it. Open that door and take a left. Run across the room and open the single door. This one opens outward, so you can go through quickly. After this door, take the first right, which is immediately after that door. Are you confused yet? Welcome to Mishkin's lair! He'll start talking as soon as you enter. This is where most of your 1:20 is wasted! Remember, you have to wait for him to finish talking so that you can get the safe key. Nine times out of ten there is going to be a soldier in this room with Mishkin. It's actually a sign that you're close to getting the cheat. You can't shoot him, or else you'll run out of bullets, and Mishkin will start shooting you. So.....you slap him! That's right, slap him to death, and Mishkin won't care. You should be doing this while Mishkin is talking. After a little while (which seems like an eternity) Mishkin will give you the key. Open the safe (you should be standing right in front of it in order to beat a hasty retreat) grab the flight recorder (Objective c: Completed) and split! Run out the opposite door, take a left, run across the room, and through the next door. See that window? Start shooting! Put enough holes in that glass and it'll break, allowing you to escape, hopefully with time to spare. There, now that wasn't so hard, was it? Name: Enemy Rockets Level: Streets Time: 1:45 Difficulty Level: Agent Kind of Cheat: Speed Multiplayer?: No Rank of Difficulty: 16th hardest What it Does: All of the enemies in the game now have Rocket Launchers! This goes for Natalya too (in the Jungle), so at least you get some extra firepower. Enemy rockets was designed to make the game harder, more challenging, like a whole "Goldeneye Masters Quest," so I've given this cheat a special section. See my Enemy Rockets FAQ in the Miscellaneous Section for more Info. Notes: This one really isn't that hard, except, they don't give you much room for error! Just run through the whole beginning of the level, get in the tank quickly, make tight turns around corners, and remember to always take left turns, and you'll be fine. Name: Slow Animation Level: Depot Time: 1:40 Difficulty Level: Secret Agent Kind of Cheat: Speed Multiplayer?: No Rank of Difficulty: 5th hardest What it Does: This cheat, being the exact opposite of fast animation, makeess tthhiiinnngggsss gggooo vvveeerrrrryyyy sssssslllllllooooowwwwwlllyyyyy llllliiiiikkkkkkkkeeeeee ttttttthhhhiiiiisssss. Hey, that was pretty cool. And by "things", I really mean everything in the level except you. This cheat also affects the opening and closing cinemas! Notes: This one is pretty hard. Or, at least I thought so. My brother got it on his second try. But enough about me. Just madly speed through the level. You have to run to the Janus base first (last warehouse on the left), without grabbing the rocket launcher. There's no time for that. Your chief opposition will be that pesky drone gun! Lean over the corner of that big stack of crates, and you should be able to get a good shot at it. Takes a few tries, but it's possible. Don't forget the blueprints! Name: Silver PP7 Level: Train Time: 5:25 Difficulty Level: 00 Agent Kind of Cheat: Not so Fancy Multiplayer?: No Rank of Difficulty: 6th hardest What it Does: The Silver PP7 is referred to by me as the "super realism weapon." Let me explain to you how it works. One shot to the head or chest kills the enemy on normal mode. A shot to the arm or leg doesn't. Any questions? Good. It also looks all shiny and silver-like. Notes: I had lots of trouble getting this one. Maybe that was because the train was never one of my stronger levels. Or maybe because I just couldn't beat the dang level a second time. Anyway, just beat the level as usual, only, try to strafe around a bit, don't hang around to wait for guys, and do the hostage part as quickly as possible! Name: 2x Hunting Knives Level: Jungle Time: 3:45 Difficulty Level: Agent Kind of Cheat: Not so Fancy Multiplayer?: No Rank of Difficulty: 12th hardest What it Does: The hunting knives are the only "2x" weapon that doesn't appear in the regular game. They're cool little things that make a "squish" sound when you hit a guy with them. Lot's of fun. Notes: Many people think that you have no time to spare on this cheat, but they're wrong. Simply beat the level as usual, making sure to kill every guy and grab every body armor. At Xenia, use the "super sniper head shot method" (see Supervillains Section) and shave off a few seconds. Remember to forget about the ammo dump, you don't need to go there! Name: Infinite Ammo Level: Control Time: 10:00 Difficulty Level: Secret Agent Kind of Cheat: Not so fancy Multiplayer?: Yes Rank of Difficulty: 10th hardest What it Does: Pretty straightforward, you get infinite ammunition for any gun you pick up or start with! This cheat comes in handy when using the 2x Rocket and 2x Grenade Launcher cheat, as well as with All Guns. It also makes multiplayer battles a lot more interesting. Notes: The control is famous for giving you more time to beat it than any other cheat, but they don't give you much to spare! Like all of the other "not so fancy" cheats, simply beat the level as usual, only strafe around, and don't hang around after Natalya has escaped! The easiest way to cut a big chunk off of your time is to go a little crazy in that place with the grenading guys, or, make sure to get rid of those drone guns quickly! Name: 2x RCP-90s Level: Caverns Time: 9:30 Difficulty Level: 00 Agent Kind of Cheat: Not so fancy Multiplayer?: No Rank of Difficulty: 4th hardest What it Does: This cheat, the hardest to get of all the "2x weapon" cheats, gives you two, ammo filled RCP-90s. They pack a pretty powerful punch, and the guys won't know what hit 'em! Notes: When I said this one was hard, I wasn't kidding! It may seem simple, but you'll see otherwise when you're running out of time and life. Yeah, that's right, they don't give you much time on this one. If time is a problem for you, don't bother about all those ammo boxes scattered around the place. Also, be sure to "hastily" clear out the big room with the radio, this is another place where most people run into time related trouble. Once again, the only other thing I can say is "Good Luck!" Name: Gold PP7 Level: Cradle Time: 2:15 Difficulty Level: Agent Kind of Cheat: Speed Multiplayer?: No Rank of Difficulty: 9th hardest What it Does: The Gold PP7 is just like the Legendary Golden Gun, except it holds more bullets and is a lot faster. Most prefer this weapon to the Golden Gun, and I don't blame them. Ironically, this cheat is harder to get than the Silver PP7 (Train), which brings up a few questions... Notes: There's no real trick to beating Trevelyan in such a short amount of time. Just run real fast, and try to hit him with as many bullets as possible when he stops. Also, don't forget the body armors! After all, you don't have infinite life! Name: 2x Lasers Level: Aztec Time: 9:00 Difficulty Level: Secret Agent Kind of Cheat: Not so fancy Multiplayer?: No Rank of Difficulty: 7th hardest What it Does: I don't think I really need to explain this one. You get two lasers, which isn't that impressive, considering you get the single laser cheat by beating this level once on Secret Agent, but it is something to shoot for. Notes: Once again, just beat the level as usual! You know the drill! The easiest way to cut a lot of time off of your time (?) is to run wildly at a few of the beginning guards, and hurry up in the second room! You know, the part with the sniping assault rifles? The other big time-shaver is to use the "Run up close" method on Jaws. See the Supervillains section for more information. Name: All Guns Level: Egyptian Time: 6:00 Difficulty Level: 00 Agent Kind of Cheat: Gag Multiplayer?: No (I wish it was!) Rank of Difficulty: 19th hardest What it Does: This, the legendary All Guns Cheat, greatest cheat in all of Goldeneye, you need to know what it does?!?!??!?!? Just Kidding. The gist of the matter is, you get 2 of every weapon in the game, from the Klobb to the grenade launcher, plus a few bonus weapons, such as the Shotgun (non- automatic) and the Taser. Unfortunately, to get any ammo for the coolest weapons and mines, you need to have the Infinite Ammo cheat enabled. Notes: Not many people have trouble with this one. If they wanted to make it hard, Rare could have made the time 1:30, and I still could have gotten it! Well....maybe. Anyway, if you can't get it, you probably got lost trying to find the third Baron Samedi. Just remember to take a right in the Golden Gun hallway (see my level walkthrough for more information) and you'll be fine. Name: Magnum Level: N/A Time: N/A Difficulty Level: Agent Kind of Cheat: Beat all the Levels on Agent Difficulty (excluding the Aztec and Egyptian levels) Multiplayer?: No Rank of Difficulty: N/A What it Does: Wow! A Cougar Magnum! This was the first really good cheat that I ever got, and I had tons of fun with it too. You can't pick up this gun anywhere in the game, but Natalya has one in the Jungle. You know, "Boom!" "BOOM!" The cowboy gun! Notes: Just beat all of the levels, excluding the Aztec and Egyptian Temples, and the cheat is yours! Name: Laser Level: N/A Time: N/A Difficulty Level: Secret Agent Kind of Cheat: Beat all of the levels on Secret Agent, except the Egyptian Temple. Multiplayer?: No Rank of Difficulty: N/A What it Does: The laser is now yours! The bad thing about this cheat is that it basically becomes useless if you get the 2x Laser Cheat, so I never did see the logic behind this. Notes: Like with the Magnum Cheat, just beat the game on Secret Agent, excluding the Egyptian Temple! Come on, it's not really that hard! Name: Golden Gun Level: N/A, but I might as well say Egyptian Time: N/A Difficulty Level: 00 Agent Kind of Cheat: Beat all the levels on 00 Agent, in other words, beat the game! Multiplayer?: No Rank of Difficulty: N/A What it Does: Scaramanga's Legendary Golden Gun is yours! Of course, you'll also get this gun when you get the All Guns Cheat, as most people do the first time they beat Egyptian on 00 Agent, but Rare needed to keep things consistent and give you a cheat here! Notes: This one is hard, it took me a while. A LONG while. Beating the game on 00 Agent is no easy task. The good thing is, you get to brag and show off to all of your friends. And that is all of the regular cheats. No, no, there is no All Bonds Cheat. _____________________ 4. The Lost Cheats _____________________ This little section is based on the codes that have recently been discovered that give us options that are not available in the final game of Goldeneye. These codes were once used as Cheat Options, but they were deleted before the final release of the game. Rumor has it that these codes were discovered by someone known only as Dr. Ian. In case anyone asks, there is no way to earn these cheats in the final game! They can only be unlocked using Codes! The codes to use these cheats can be found in the Codes section. So, without furthur ado.... Line Mode This is without a doubt the coolest of all of the Lost Cheats, but not the most well known. Basically, Line Mode will erease all of the color in the game, replace it with white, then replace all of the outlines of objects with black lines. I love this cheat, but some people find it silly. Line Mode can also produce a variety of fun effects, like your bullet holes will be square, and explosions will look like little pieces of paper flying all around. No one is really sure why Line Mode was deleted, but we do know it was the last of the Lost Cheats to be ereased. Invisibility in Multiplayer The title says it all. In multiplayer, your characters will be invisible. This makes for some interesting matches, especially with No Radar on. However, you can still see faint outlines and color if you look closely at you opponent. The major problem with this cheat is that needs to be re-entered after a player dies, plus, each player has to enter it on his own in order for it to work. These problems might possibly have led to it's removal. Maximum Ammo This is a silly cheat. What happens is that as soon as you pick up a gun, it will be filled to the maximum amount of bullets. For instance, if you pick up a Soviet, you will have 430 bullets, (the maximum allowed) but when you pick up another Soviet, it will just give you the regular amount of bullets as the difficulty level allows. This cheat is useless if you have Infinite Ammo, perhaps leading to it's removal. Extra Characters Most every Goldeneye player knows about the 10 Step Code that gives you extra Multiplayer characters, including the Terrorist and the Biker. But did you know that it was a cheat at one time? If you have a Gameshark, you can get this cheat (along with all of the others) to appear. Unlike the other Lost Cheats, this one was given to the public by Rare soon after the release of Goldeneye. ____________________ 5. The MIA Cheats ____________________ As you may have already guessed, there are some Lost Cheats that don't yet have codes for them. I refer to these as the MIA (Missing In Action) Cheats. It is my hope that someday the codes for these cheats will be found. Until then, we've just got to hope. All of the information in this section comes from the webpage of my good friend The Terrorist. He found these cheats with a Gameshark. I take no credit whatsoever for this. When you're done here, take a look at his page on these cheats: http://www.geocities.com/ace1062/Cheats/betacheats.html If you know of a code that can unlock any of these cheats, please, please, PLEASE email me. Debug Mode This is the most wanted of the MIA cheats. It's not really awesome or anything, though. Debug Mode just makes a bar appear at the top of the screen that shows your exact position throughout the level using a number code. Not very exciting, but hey, it's a start! Extra Weapons The most mysterious of the MIA cheats is Extra Weapons. This cheat will give you access to the Magnum, Laser, Golden Gun, Silver PP7, and Gold PP7. Do you see a pattern? Yes, these are all weapons that have their own individual cheats! Why were things changed? There was probably a reason, but I don't know what it might have been. The Extra Health Cheats There are three other MIA cheats, Super 2x Health, Super 10x Health, and Super 10x Armor. Super 2x Health gives let's you take twice as much damage, Super 10x Health lets you take ten times the normal amount of damage, and Super 2x Armor gives you Body Armor that lasts twice as long. They aren't really very useful, but still, I can see where Rare was going with this. These cheats could possibly have been created before Invincibility. Please, please PLEASE! If you know the code to use any of these cheats, PLEASE email me! ****************************** IV. Multiplayer FAQ ****************************** And now, without further ado, my Goldeneye Multiplayer FAQ! _________________ 1. Overview _________________ It's Saturday afternoon. You're stuck at home with a friend or two, and you're bored out of your minds. What do you do? No, this isn't a trick question, or a line from Speed. You Play Goldeneye! Goldeneye, besides it's fantastic mission mode, also has a stupendous Multiplayer Mode. Sure, it could have been better, adding more levels, and more weapons would have been nice, but hey, nobody's perfect. Hmmmmmmmmmm, I can't think of anything else to put here. Might as well start with the important stuff! ___________________ 2. The Scenarios ___________________ This part talks about the many (?) Multiplayer Scenarios, and what they do, etc. Normal, (a.k.a. "Live and Let Die") This is just you usual game of Goldeneye, nothing special, nothing interesting. Of course, this mode is still lots of fun, and provides plenty of fun and enjoyment. I refer to it as "Live and Let Die" because that's basically what it is, plus, "Normal" was never a Bond movie. You Only Live Twice This setting is short, but fun, if you have four people. With two, it's kind of...short. I once played this game with my brother, and I beat him in less that a minute! The rule is here, if you die twice, you're out of the game. The last person alive wins. Kills don't matter at all. I once beat three of my friends in this setting, while getting only one kill. True story. The Living Daylights (Flag Tag) This game, while hated by most players of the game, is my personal favorite selection. I'm not really sure why. The deal is here, there is a flag hidden somewhere in the level. If you pick it up, a timer will start. If someone kills you, you drop the flag, your timer stops, someone else picks it up, and their timer starts. And here's the deal: the person with the flag can't use any weapons! Kills don't matter at all in this setting, which is why most people hate it so much. The only real complaint that I have about this is that the game won't give you your total time, that is, how long you have the flag for. Kind of a drag, since I would like to have some kind of record list, where you could keep track of how long you had the flag. If you really wanted too, you could have someone use stopwatch to keep track of your flag times. The Man With the Golden Gun This one is a little complicated, but fun. As you start off, there is a Golden Gun hidden in the level. Once someone gets it, they become Scaramanga, the Man With the Golden Gun, and turn a different color on the radar. As you probably already know, the Golden Gun will kill anyone in one hit, even those of you with body armor. The Man has to kill people with the Golden Gun until they die, then someone else picks it up, and the whole thing starts all over again. Thing is, if you have the Golden Gun, you can't pick up Body Armor! The scoring in this scenario is the same as in a normal game. The best advice I can give is for the other players to all not shoot each other and gang up on the Man With the Golden Gun. Dang, I just love saying that! License to Kill This is, without a doubt, the most popular non-normal (is that a word?) Goldeneye Scenario. The rules are simple, one hit and you're dead, even with body armor. A minute to learn, a lifetime to master! Whoops, wrong game. Anyway, the best strategy here to is to go for fast, automatic weapons, such as the RCP-90, or KF7 Soviet. Team 2 vs. 2 This is basically your average team game. Two people are on a team, one red team, one blue team. The object of the game is to kill the other teams members as many times as possible. Oh yeah, you lose points if you kill your teammate! Team: 3 vs. 1 Uh-oh! This exciting and fun scenario is another team game. Only this time, it's everybody versus one person! Or, as I like to refer to them, "The Lone Ranger." Anyway, I find this a lot of fun, especially if you're the one! Same thing goes with all team games, you lose a point if you kill your teammates. Team: 2 vs. 1 This is basically the same as the one above, except this only works if three are playing. There are two, and they gang up on the one. My advice to you is to find another friend so that you can at least play 3 vs. 1, which, in my opinion, is a lot more fun! ________________ 3. The Levels ________________ This is a list of all the available Multiplayer Levels. If I had my way, there would be a lot more levels on this list, but.... If you want to unlock the "Mission" levels, you must first beat that level on Agent difficulty. NOTE: I was considering adding a "Selected Weapon Location Guide," but I decided against it, considering: #1. Most experienced players already know where they are. #2. If you don't, you'll soon find out. #3. It doesn't make that much of a difference. #4. My instructions for finding them were pretty vague. For instance, The big room with the hole in the ceiling, the small room with the hole in the wall, the bottom floor, etc. Besides, if you want to cheat and find the weapons, just play the levels over a few times and try to memorize the spots. Name: Temple # of Players: 4 Size: Big Body Armor: 1 Description: The Temple is best known for it's large layout, and even larger rooms. That doesn't make much sense, but I'll continue anyway. There are a lot of rooms, so it's easy to get lost. Even I don't know my way through it by heart. Your best bet is to find the single body armor, which is located near the REALLY big room, in a dark corner. Name: Complex # of Players: 4 Size: Big Body Armor: 3 Description: The Complex, another big level, has more body armor and is easier to navigate than the Temple. There are lot's of hallways here, so watch out for anyone who might be following you. The large amount of rooms here make for good ambush spots, and I suggest doing just that! Another note: Due to the large amount of "sniping spots," be careful if you're in an open area, especially on License to Kill! Name: Caves # of Players: 4 Body Armor: 2 Size: Medium Description: The Caves (not top be confused with the Caverns) are dark, gloomy, and it's hard to see people in the shadowy areas. That is why I suggest being a dark character here. The caves also have lots of nooks and crannies to hide in, making for good ambush spots. Another good quality of the caves is that some of the walls look too steep to climb up, but in reality, they aren't, which can leave a clumsy attacker left wondering where you went. But if they know about that walls, you better start running! Name: Library # of Players: 4 Body Armor: 3 Size: Really Big Description: In case you didn't know, the library is made up of both the Stack and the Basement (see below). This makes for a REALLY big level, just perfect for a game of Living Daylights! A little known (and little used) trick is to look through the vents separating the two floors, and fire through them at a player passing by beneath (or above). This can be accomplished by using radar. Name: Basement # of Players: 4 Body Armor: 1 Size: Medium Description: The Basement is a favorite level among many, because of it's pillar filled hallways (great place for a shootout!), it's easy to find selected weapons, and it's numerous ambush positions, especially in the colored hallways. If you ever get lost, then try to find the body armor. It's located in the center of the level, and makes for a good compass. Name: Stack # of Players: 4 Body Armor: 2 Size: Big Description: Some people hate the Stack, others love it. It's kind of hard to find your way around at first, which may cause players to holler cries of "How do I get up top?" All of the good stuff is really on the second floor. The Stack is a good level for explosives, because you can launch them from the bottom floor to the top (or vice versa) causing humorous and sometimes confusing ("Hey, who killed me?") deaths. Name: Facility # of Players: 4 Body Armor: 2 Size: Small Description: I'm surprised they made the Facility a Multiplayer level. I mean, it's so small! That's why I recommend this level for three players or less, four if you really want some quick and bloody deaths. You'll find that the facility is shaped sort of like an "L" with a Selected Weapon and a Body Armor on each side. My advice is to grab all the goodies in one area, then go scouting for kills! Another good strategy is to chase people in circles around the tiled floor areas! Name: Bunker (2) # of Players: 3 Body Armor: 2 Size: Medium Description: The Bunker is a fun level, with three or two players. It would be fun with 4, but there's Rare stepping in again! It's really not that hard to find your way around here, just use the Big Room, the Jail Cells, and The Colored Rooms as landmarks, and you'll be fine. For some reason, not many people go for Body Armor here, which doesn't surprise me, it's kind of out of the way. One set is in the Colored Rooms, the other is in the room with the pillars. Name: Archives # of Players: 3 Body Armor: 2 Size: Really Small Description: The Archives, the smallest level in the game, is recommended (by me) for two player games. With three, it's hard to hide, tail people, and set ambushes. It's easy to avoid getting lost here, just learn your upstairs from your downstairs. The two "Secret Passages" on the top floor house a body armor, and the selected weapon, so memorize where they are! Name: Caverns # of Players: 3 Body Armor: 2 Size: Medium Description: Another fun level is the Caverns. There is something for everyone here, big rooms, little rooms, hallways, byways, even a few scenic views! If you know the level from one player mode, finding your way around here should be a breeze. One word of advice: avoid the Death Trap! That's the place where the radio is on one player, in Multiplayer, they've filled it with combustible gasses and explosive liquids! If you see someone over there, shoot one of the barrels for an easy kill. Name: Egyptian # of Players: 2 Body Armor: 2 Size: Medium Description: I don't know why the Egyptian Temple is only for two players. It's actually pretty big, if you count the back hallways and the big blue floored room. I think that's supposed to be water. But anyway, no one ever seems to go over there. Or maybe it's just me. The pillars in the main rooms make for good ambush and shootout spots, as does the big long hallway with the crevices in the walls. If you're using snipers, try getting a lookout position in that doorway that opens out from the Golden Gun room. The one I mean is high up in the wall of the large room, and makes for some easy sniping kills. ___________________ 4. The Weapons ___________________ This is where the action takes place, the big choice, the choice that decides how much fun your Goldeneye game will be! Well, that actually might be the Scenario, but I just couldn't think up an introduction for this section. Here all 14 of the Weapon Selections, and what combinations of weapons they contain, in alphabetical order, for some reason: Automatics: Silenced PP7, DD44 Dostovei, Klobb, D5K Deutsche A whole bunch of machine guns and pistols. This is sort of like a default weapons selection. It's not very important or extraordinary, so I only pick it if I just don't know what to pick, which doesn't happen often. Golden Gun: Silenced PP7, DD44 Dostovei, Klobb, KF7 Soviet, Golden Gun As you probably already know, Scaramanga's Legendary Golden Gun kills in one hit, whether it be to the head, or in the leg. Now, as we're not doing the special "Man With the Golden Gun" Scenario, anyone can pick up the Golden Gun at any time, which makes for some interesting shootouts... Grenade Launchers: DD44 Dostovei, Klobb, KF7 Soviet, Grenade Launcher The selected weapon here is the grenade launcher. This is my personal favorite explosives weapon in the game, because it holds more ammo than the Rocket Launcher, and it's easier to aim and use. Grenades: DD44 Dostovei, Klobb, KF7 Soviet, Grenades These boys pack a hard punch! Grenades are fun because you can bounce 'em off of walls, and around corners, so that no ambush spot is safe! Try to pull the pin early (press and hold Z) to gain some advantage over your opponent, but don't hold it for too long! Lasers: DD44 Dostovei, Klobb, KF7 Soviet, Military Laser (Moonraker) This baby really gets the job done! Lasers make for quick shootouts, and quick chases, since they never run out of ammo, or need to be reloaded. For some real fun, try them on License to Kill... Pistols: Silenced PP7, DD44 Dostovei, Cougar Magnum All of my friends really like this setting, for some reason. Me, I just think of it as the best weapons selection for Magnum shootouts! If you're doing License to Kill, use the PP7, it's faster than the DD44. Power Weapons: DD44 Dostovei, RCP-90, Automatic Shotgun, Cougar Magnum My favorite non-explosive weapon setting is Power Weapons. I mean, you get three awesome weapons, the Automatic Shotgun, the RCP-90, and the Cougar Magnum! All right! The only problem is choosing between the RCP-90 and the shotgun. Most prefer the RCP-90, but I prefer the shotgun, myself. Proximity Mines: PP7, ZMG (9mm), AR33 Assault Rifle, Proximity Mines Ah yes, the hallowed tale of the proximity mine game. It's fun, but make sure you remember where you put those mines! Use the AR33 scope to snipe them out from a distance, that's what it's there for! Remote Mines: PP7, ZMG (9mm), AR33 Assault Rifle, Remote Mines This is my personal favorite out of all three mines. Lot's of people try top hide the mines everywhere, but not me! I like to just throw and detonate (Hold A and B) if I see someone coming. Just make sure the intended victim isn't too close to you! Rockets: DD44 Dostovei, Klobb, KF7 Soviet, Rocket Launcher The most famous of all the explosive weapons, and the most popular. The only problem is ammo (you can hold at most four Rockets), so use the Infinite Ammo Cheat if you have it! Slappers Only!: None They just had to put this one in there. No weapons allowed, so you have to slap your way to victory! This is fun on License to Kill, or if you set the Health to -10. For real fun, try a Team Game! Sniper Rifles: DD44 Dostovei, Klobb, Sniper Rifle, Cougar Magnum One spot where the Multiplayer crew blundered was that the only level with decent sniping spots is the Complex. The most fun I ever had with Goldeneye was a 2 vs. 2 Team game of Snipers in the Complex. One team would stay in a "sniping spot," one would snipe, and the other would guard the entrance with a Magnum. When that team died, the next one would run in. Ahhhhhh, good times. Throwing Knives: Throwing Knives Yep, that's all. It's pretty fun though, believe it or not. A good idea would be to set the health down to -4, so one knife in the chest kills, but one slap doesn't! If you want more information, see my exclusive guide on "How to use a Throwing Knife," located in the miscellaneous section. Timed Mines: PP7, ZMG (9mm), AR33 Assault Rifle, Timed Mines. This is my least favorite mine selection. Timed mines are hard to use, hard to control, and half of the clever traps you lay just don't work! Some people like them though, and that's what's important. ______________________ 5. The Game Lengths ______________________ Most people would call me daffy to commit a whole section of FAQ to the Game Lengths, but here they are! 5 Minutes This is your basic short game. Short games aren't really the most accurate in terms of skill (some people need a little while to get warmed up), so I don't use this very often. 10 Minutes This is more like it. Sort of a default setting, 10 minutes is like the perfect length of time for a game, either normal shoot-em up, or the Living Daylights. 20 Minutes More of a long game really. REALLY long. Sometimes, a little too long. First to 5 Points Another short game. If you play Slappers Only!, I recommend using this setting. First to 10 Points For those of you who hate ties, this one is for you. The average game is about the same as 10 Minutes, give or take depending on the number of players, the skill, the level, and the weapon. The match stops when one person reaches ten points. First to 20 Points Another VERY long game on Normal mode. If you're doing License to Kill, it's a different story! This is my preferred timing for the average License to Kill match. Unlimited Now we're talking! The game lasts until everyone either gets bored, or someone (usually the losing player) gets angry and quits. This is best used when you've found a game that everyone seems to love more than anything else in the entire world. Last Person Alive Wins While not a selectable setting, this is used during You Only Live Twice, where the final surviving person is the winner. ____________________ 6. The Characters ____________________ Here is a complete list of all 33 selectable Goldeneye characters. I have also included the characters that can be gained use of the "Rare Employee's Code." The Codes Section (Listed under Section VIII, The Fun Stuff!) for more information. I included descriptions of all the characters, because most of the names are pretty vague, and without this, trial and error would be the only way to find the red civilian. The additional 25 characters become available after you beat the Agent difficulty. The letters NIG signify that the character does not appear in the one player mode. A last note: In the case of the Scientists and Moonraker Elite, the one on the left is the boy, the one on the right is the girl. Bond This cheerful British fellow is dressed in the black tuxedo he wears in the Aztec and Egyptian levels. The black clothes and hair make him blend in the darker areas, making for surprise ambushes. Natalya She comes dressed in the green dress that she wears in the Bunker 2, and the St. Petersburg mission. Pity, her jungle suit might actually make her useful when it comes to camouflage. Trevelyan The evil 006 wears the black suit you see him in throughout the game. It is darker than Bond's tux, but the bright face and hair are a dead giveaway if you like to blend in. Xenia Of course, Xenia comes with her solid steal bra and dark trousers. Looks pretty ugly in the game, actually. Ourumov The Russian general actually blends in pretty well in the Caves. It's the whole off green thing. However, his large hat actually counts towards a head shot, making him much easier to kill that way. Boris The Russian answer for the "hip" computer nerd comes complete with tinted glasses, brightly colored jacket, slicked down haircut, and friendship bracelets. Valentin This guy makes for a sort of handicap, considering he's the only fat character in the game! His gray suit does tend to blend in well in dark areas, though. Ugh, that lazy eye freaks me out! Mishkin Politburo Member Defense Minister Mishkin wears a solid black jumpsuit instead of official looking suit and tie. Could the black clothes be on loan from Trevelyan? Mayday Well liked because of her thinness and dark features, Mayday is the only African-American character in the game. Unless the Siberian Special Forces ever takes off his mask. I'm surprised that Mayday never got her own level. Jaws At eight feet tall, Jaws is not one to mess with! Unfortunately, his large height makes him very easy to hit, causing most to find him unpopular as a character. Jaws' one advantage, however, is that his auto-aim tends to go for his opponents head! I always though that it would be cool if Jaws could take shots to the mouth with no injury, a recap of one of the funniest scenes in The Spy Who Loved Me. Oddjob Any true Bond fan that tell you that Oddjob was of normal height when he made his appearance in Goldfinger. What's up with that? Anyway, this unnaturally short karate expert is often outlawed in many matches, because his size makes him very hard to hit. Some experts, however, will note that Auto-Aim seems to be less affective with Oddjob, since his height makes him have a tendency to shoot between your legs. Baron Samedi Otherwise known as "The Man Who Can Not Die," the Baron's large amounts of face paint and white jacket make him a standout at any party! His biggest disadvantage is that his large hat makes his head very easy to hit, much like Ouromov's. Russian Soldier This little fellow, dressed in green, is one of the members of the legions of soldiers that insist on following you around in the Facility. If green is your thing, than you just found your perfect guy! Russian Infantry It's kind of hard to tell the difference between the Russian guards right away. The Russian Infantry is dressed in light brown, he's the one you see on the Statue and in the Egyptian Temple. His clothing makes him blend in very well in the Caves. Scientist, Male Oh no! It's Dr. Doak! The classic scientist, with his white lab coat, comes with the face of Dr. Doak! I don't know why, but that's actually pretty cool. They should have put him as an actual character, name and all, in the Multiplayer section. Scientist, Female (NIG) Rare must have goofed up or something, because they forgot to put female scientists in the One Player mode! Either that, or they just didn't want to. Much like the Mayday affair... Anyway, the good thing about the girl scientist is that she is shorter than most of the other characters. Russian Commandant This guy appears in the Dam near the satellite dish. He carries a DD44, much like Ouromov. He is dressed in brown, which seems like a good Russian color, for some reason. Janus Marine These guys just get in the way! You know them, dressed in a combination of gray, white and black. Trevelyan's marines appear in the Frigate, the Depot and the Train. Actually a pretty good choice, for some reason, these guys tend to sort of blend in at the Complex and the Facility. Don't ask me why. Naval Officer The was absolutely the worst choice of names ever. A better, more descriptive name would have been "Hostage." Still, I can see where they were going with the Naval Officer thing. These guys from the frigate are dressed all in green. Helicopter Pilot (NIG) I always thought it would have been cool if Janus goons had kidnapped the helicopter pilots, and you had to save them in the frigate. Or, at least get some kind of message or gadget from them. Anyway, the blue suited helicopter pilots head is unusually large, making for more easier shots. St. Petersburg Guard (NIG) I guess Rare didn't have time to put these guys in the game either. They actually look more like Russian businessmen than guards, dressed in their grayish green suits and ties. Shame they weren't hanging around the Streets, would have been fun to kill! Civilian #1 (NIG) Another character restraint, the first three civilians aren't in the Mission mode. The first civilian on the list is a short woman (or maybe a girl) in a green dress. And I mean it, like the female scientist, she too is shorter than average. Civilian #2 (NIG) This character, my little brothers personal favorite character, colorfully nicknamed "Grandpa," is an old man dressed in a light blue and gray clothing. Rare did a nice job, seeing as he's the only person over 50 in the game. Well, maybe Pierce Brosnan... Civilian #3 (NIG) Purple was one of the few colors not used as a base for any character in the game, so they had to start somewhere! This adult male decided to wear a purple shirt when he showed up in the game. Adds some colorful variety to the game, actually. Civilian #4 Here we go! This is the civilian we all know and love from the Streets level. Dressed in a casual dark red shirt, he actually looks halfway decent, which was why they chose him alone to appear in the Streets. Siberian Guard #1 Here come the Men in Black! These guys, dressed head to toe in black, make Mishkin look colorful! They're the character of choice for anyone who likes to blend in to the shadows. In case you were wondering, they come when the alarm sounds in the Bunker. Arctic Commando Now we're talking! Jokingly referred to as "Rough Faced Bill," because of the large scar on his face, he dresses in the blue/black costume worn by the guards in the Bunker 2. Kinda like that name actually. Like "Grandpa," my little brother also thought that one up. Siberian Guard #2 Not many people are aware that there are two Siberian guards. They should have put them right next to each other. This guy, dressed in brown, doesn't even look a thing like the first Siberian guard! Actually, he's not even found in Siberia! You CAN, however, find him on the Dam and Runway levels. Siberian Special Forces Your chief opposition in both Surface levels, the Siberian Special Forces gray suit and breathing mask make him kind of look like Darth Vador. Well...sort of. If he was dressed in black, and wore a cape. Jungle Commando This is, without a doubt, the most simple name given to anyone on the characters list. Dressed in Jungle camouflage, with a helmet that is basically useless on multiplayer mode, he patrols, you guessed it, the Jungle level. Janus Special Forces A.K.A. Trevelyn's goons. They protect him on the Cradle, and are dressed all in black. Rare actually made it so there are four all black characters, (Trevelyan, Mishkin, Siberian Guard #1, and Janus Special Forces) one for every player, which might make for an interesting team game... Moonraker Elite, Male These bright yellow guys are found in the Aztec Temple. I don't like choosing the Moonraker Elite, as it's hard to miss a yellow suit in the average Goldeneye level. Moonraker Elite, Female (NIG) A better alternative to the male Moonraker Elite. She is dressed in the same suit as the male, only she is shorter. The last of the three short women (Female Scientist, and Civilian #1), actually the worst choice because of the yellow suit. Secret Characters NOTE: Since a large percentage of the Secret Characters are simply the ordinary face of a soldier along with Bond's tuxedo, I have only included descriptions for those characters who are different. Rosika One of the few "Rare Employees" that actually stands out among the rest, Rosika is wearing a white dress. She is also shorter than the average person, so you can put her up there with the Female Scientist, the Female Moonraker, and the 1st Civilian. Karl Just a normal, everyday guy wearing Bond's tux. Martin Mark Dave Duncan B Steve E Grant Graeme Ken I'd be willing to bet that this is the famous Ken Lobb... Alan Pete Shaun Dwayne Des Chris Lee Neil Jim Robin Steve H Terrorist This dude is dressed in the normal "Rare Employee Tuxedo," but he also has a black mask with red eye holes. Looks pretty cool actually. Gee, I wonder who this guy was modeled after? Biker The other "cool" character, the Biker wears a green helmet (much like the one that a Jungle Commando wears!) and a pair of sunglasses. Of course, he also has the trademark tux. Joel Scott Joe Sally Marion Mandy Vivien _____________________ 7. The Healths _____________________ The cool thing about Goldeneye is that you can adjust the healths of certain players, making for a handicap. The Healths option is also useful if you want to give everyone a high, or low amount of health, making for pretty interesting game combinations... NOTE: I realize that "healths" is not a word. I enjoy using bad grammar. Good thing my English teacher ain't been seen lately. I will list the Healths from Highest to Lowest +10 (Rookie) This setting is only useful if you're playing with a small 2 year old child with no knowledge of video games. The handicap is that much. Only a very skilled player can defeat even a beginner (not the 2 year old) on +10 health. +4 (Novice) Still a bit up there, and really hard to kill. +3 (Novice) This is the beginning of the plausible health section. I recommend this handicap for first time Goldeneye Players, but use +4 if you've never even played N64. +2 (Novice) The lowest noticeable plus handicap. While seeming outrageous, this is still high enough to give a skilled player a chance at winning a fire fight. +1 (Novice) This handicap is barely even noticeable. If an average Goldeneye Player is complaining about a handicap, then give them this one. 0 (Normal) As you can probably figure out, this is the normal health setting. -1 (Veteran) Much like +1, this one isn't very noticeable, if the other players are on Normal. -2 (Veteran) The first noticeable minus health setting. If you're on this one, try to avoid direct fire fights with the higher players, and instead stick to hit and run tactics. -3 (Veteran) Use the same technique as for -2. -4 (Veteran) This a bit like realism mode. A shot to the chest or head will kill you, but a shot to the shoulder, arm, leg, hand, or foot will not. I sometimes like playing with everyone set on -4, it's actually pretty fun. -10 (Hero) Ah, the joys of being a Hero! This is basically like License to Kill, (One hit anywhere will kill you) except that you can use Body Armor, but that won't help very much! ________________________ 8. The Aiming Options ________________________ Heck, I did a section for every other part of Multiplayer Mode! Site Off/On This means that if you press R (the default aiming button) the gun will move but no crosshair will appear on the screen. Vice versa if the site is on. You can choose the selection on 1 Player mode in the Options section of the Q Watch. Auto Aim Off/On I like playing with auto aim on, but turning it off can often decide the difference between the Goldeneye experts! In case you didn't know, Auto Aim is that thing that makes your gun hit the enemy if it wasn't perfectly on target. Like the site option, the auto aim can also be turned off in One Player Mode. The site and auto aim options can be configured in four different ways, which are: Site on, Auto Aim on Site on, Auto Aim off Site off, Auto Aim on Site off, Auto Aim off And that's the end of this very short section. _____________________ 9. The Awards _____________________ In case you didn't know, at the end of every multiplayer game, you are given two awards, less if you're unlucky. For some reason, I am also devoting an entire section to these awards. Most Deadly This means exactly what it seems, you were basically a killing machine during the match. Most Cowardly Run away! Run away! Yep, the winners of this award usually do that a lot. Most Dishonorable You get this one if you tried to shoot people in the back more often than not. Hey, it works! Most Honorable Maybe the "shoot guys in the back" thing isn't for you. In fact, you didn't do it at all. Most Frantic Do you like to madly run around? Just asking. Marksmanship Award People who get this award usually get off more head shots than most. Or, you nail off one lucky shot. Lemming Award OK, so maybe explosives aren't your thing. This award actually translates to most suicides taken in a match. AC-10 Award This is actually the most confusing of all the awards. According to Rare, it means you were basically a body armor hog. The AC-10 thing actually has something to do with RPGs or something like that. Where's the Ammo? Have you ever run out of bullets in the middle of a big shootout? If so, then you've probably earned this award. Where's the Armor? Much like "Where's the Ammo?," this one means that you didn't really go for armor during the match. Longest Innings This award is given to the person who can last the longest without getting killed. Shortest Innings Ever start right in the middle of a fire fight? How about in the middle of a mislaid explosion? Doing so usually earns you this award. Double Kill All right! You killed two guys at once! Triple Kill All right! You killed three guys at once! Awesome! Quadruple Kill The rarely given Quadruple Kill Award(I've only gotten it once) signifies how your mislaid trap actually backfired and killed you along with those other four guys! __________________________ 10. Tips and Strategies __________________________ It doesn't take a genius to figure out that if you like to walk up guys madly firing, sooner or later, you are going to get killed. Happens to all of us. Not me though. All right, that's a filthy lie. Anyway... I now bring you some fun and useful strategies (and tips) for Multiplayer mode! Tip #1: Grab that Body Armor! Most of the time, this can be the difference between the winners and the losers. Body armor is especially important if you are engaging in head on fire fights. Tip #2: Get the Selected Weapon! If everyone else is duking it out with a laser, and you show up with a Dostovei, odds are you ain't getting out alive. Remember, there are always two (2) selected weapons in each level (the lone exception being the Golden Gun). So, if there's a fight going on right next to one of the good weapons, run across the level and grab the other! Tip #3: Watch your ammo! Don't you hate it when you're firing your rocket launcher at the other guy, and you run out of ammo? Don't you hate it even more when he blew you away right afterwards, because he was smart and saved his ammo? The best way to conserve ammo is to avoid unnecessary firing of weapons with limited ammo, like the rocket launcher. Tip #4: Don't forget to reload! You're walking down the Facility hallway, and you find a guy standing against the wall. You pull out your Soviet and blow him away. You continue walking down the hall, and find another guy. You fire off a few bullets, then suddenly, the gun stops. Of course, this gives the other guy enough time to blow you away with his Soviet, which he reloaded when he was done with that last fire fight. Tip #5: Use your radar! This one is especially important where most of the level is one story, like the Facility or the Bunker. Use your radar to tell if anyone is close to you, so you can turn the tables on a would be ambusher! Obviously, you should ignore this tip when playing with the "No Radar" cheat. Tip #6: Learn your levels! You're playing a 2 vs. 2 game in the Bunker, and all of a sudden, your teammate leans over and whispers, "Meet me in the jail." Well, you now have to face the embarrassment of admitting that you don't know where the jail is, or ask your friend and let the other team hear you plan. Which brings me to my next tip. Anyway, try to study the layouts of levels as you play them, and avoid just aimlessly wandering around. Tip #7: Talk with your Teammate! It's actually a good idea to let your teammate know if you have a cunning plan for World Domination...I mean, winning the game. Just don't go overboard and explain the entire plan before you even carry it out. A simple "Grab some Remote mines and meet me in the big room" usually works fine. Tip #8: Watch out for those Proximity mines! This is especially important! When playing with these things, try to look around corners for mines, and always be suspicious of everything. In other words, watch your step! The scope on the AR33 comes in handy here. Oh yeah, and the same thing goes for remote mines, too! Tip #9: Avoid Head on Firefights! These things tend to drain your health quickly. Instead, use sneaky, low down, and dirty strategies, like the ones outlined below! The Duck and Hide Method: This one is kind of like a game of chess. Okay, that's another lie. Basically, you want to find a place where you can shoot a guy, but he can't shoot you. A good example would be leaning over a corner in the hallway, or sniping from high above. Pump a few rounds into him, wait for the reaction, then disappear before he can shoot back. Easy as pie. Just use this method to wear people down one at a time. The Covered Fire Fight Method This is pretty simple actually. Just find a place where you have some cover, like that hallway in the Egyptian Temple with all the places to hide, or one of the offices in the Archives. Now, you have to shoot a guys, then duck back into your hiding spot. When they stop shooting, jump back out and pump 'em full of lead! The Hoggy Weapon Method Another Simple, but cheap thing to do. Let's say that you have the selected weapon, the grenade launcher, Golden Gun, whatever. You now try to go for people who don't have this weapon, where you will surely have the upper hand. And of course, avoid the other people that DO have the good weapon. This trick has been pulled many times with varying amounts of success. The Guard the Selected Weapon Method This one is cheap, dirty, sleazy, and wrong. Just find a good place where the selected weapon is that you can guard easily, grab the weapon, and guard it. The only really good places to do this are the Complex and Facility, and the Complex has a place where a sniper can see you if you hide in the selected weapons place. Still, if the other players don't flush you out, or you don't die of boredom first, everyone will get mad at you, which isn't a good thing. The Circle Strafe Method This one really isn't a 100% sure fire deal, but none of the others are either. To pull this off, wait for someone to attack you (or find someone to attack) and strafe around them in a circle. Use auto aim and never stop firing, if you're using an automatic weapon. The other guy will have to turn around and around to keep up with you, not getting very many hits, and causing you to gain the upper hand. Well, that's about it. If I think up any more, I'll update my FAQ and add 'em in. _________________________________ 11. Suggested Game Selections _________________________________ Are you tired of the same old games of Goldeneye? Our are you stuck in a rut, and can't think up anything exciting to play? Well, search no longer! This section of the FAQ outlines the coolest, and funnest game selections in al of Goldeneye! The Living Daylights: Suggestions The Living Daylights is my personal favorite non-normal scenario, that's why I put so much on it, if you can call this much. Most people like playing Flag Tag in a big level. The best levels for these people are the Temple, Complex, and the Library. But, there are also those you prefer the tiny levels! Games in the tiny levels tend to be fast paced, and exciting! Talk about an adrenaline rush! If you prefer the small levels, try the Archives, or the Facility. For weapons, almost anything works! My favorites, are Golden Gun, Lasers, Power Weapons, or Grenade Launchers. For a slightly twisted game, try throwing knives! You Only Live Twice: Suggestions For some real fun, have everyone set their health up high, +4, or even +10! Explosives are a favorite here, no matter what your health is! The Man With the Golden Gun: Suggestions For a real hit and run game, try this with two players on the Facility! For fast-paced excitement, try three players on the Archives! And, for a fast-paced, REALLY exciting game, try the Egyptian! License to Kill Any level works well here. For weapons, try power weapons, so you can get an RCP-90! Some other good ones are Lasers, Throwing Knives, and Sniper Rifles. License to Kill is also the only good scenario for Slappers Only! Team Games 2 vs. 2, Sniper Rifles, the Complex, Unlimited. Trust me, you'll like it. 2 vs. 2, Slappers Only!, everyone's health on -10. Loads of fun. The possibilities are pretty much endless with team games. For some reason, everything is more fun when you're on a team. Other Fun Stuff Proximity mines, a favorite of many, are best used in the Facility, Bunker, and Archives. Lots of nooks and crannies in these levels... Grenades in the Facility. I don't know why, but it's fun! Rockets in the Temple. The big rooms make for long range shots! Fun with Character Cloning! See Section VIII (The Fun Stuff!) for information on how to pull off the character cloning trick. Imagine if you will, a game of 3 vs. 1. Three people are Jaws, versus one Oddjob! Trust me, it's lots of fun! Or, three Oddjobs versus one Jaws! Have 3 people choose the same character, and player 1 choose someone else. Right away, have player one commit suicide, or get killed. For some reason, playing against yourself is pretty cool. Team Uniforms? I invented this one spur of the moment: Team One: Scientist Male, Moonraker Elite Female Team 2: Scientist Female, Moonraker Elite Male The cool thing about this is that from a distance, you won't be able to tell if the person in white (or yellow, if you're the scientist) is your teammate or not! Here's another fun one, even more confusing than the last one! Team 1: Trevelyan, Mishkin Team 2: Siberian Guard, Janus Special Forces Remember, all of these guys are dressed in black! This makes it much more confusing! Have fun! Handicapped Characters Start a game of 3 vs. 1. Have the "one" be Jaws. Set Jaws' health to +2. Fun! Or, have the "one" be Oddjob, and set his health to -2! Another play on the "tall, short" thing is to have one team have the Female Scientist, the Female Moonraker, and Civilian #1. The three short women! Have the "One" be anyone else, except Oddjob or Jaws, and set his health to +1. These next two games come to you from Eric John Summers <EGGY7496@aol.com>, who emailed them to me. Name: Bigshots Players: 4 Scenario: License to Kill Weapons: Pistols You start off by picking one person to be the Bigshot. The Bigshot should leave the room (in real life) while other players get some guns and find places to hide. The place where the player hides is their Base. The Bigshot then has to go to the Bases and kill the other three players. If he gets killed by a player, the player that killed him becomes the Bigshot, and the former Bigshot goes back into their Base to wait. In order for someone to win, they must successfully become the Bigshot and kill the other three players. Name: Search and Destroy Players: 4 Scenario: License to Kill Weapons: Pistols First off, someone is chosen to be the Assassin. That person should grab a gun, but no extra bullets. They should then fire seven times, so that there are only three bullets left in his gun. Then, that person has to leave the room (in real life). The other three players do not pick up guns. Instead, they scatter throughout the level and find places to hide. To hide, they have to kneel down and face the wall. Once everyone is hidden, the Assassin can come back into the room. The Assassin then has to find and kill the other three players. He only has three bullets, and can't pick up any more, so if the Assassin misses, he loses. Also, looking at the other players screen would do no good, because the other players are facing the wall. The basic object of the game is to kill the other three players as fast as possible. Someone should have a watch, and keep track of time. After everyone is dead, someone else can have a chance to be the Assassin. The player who can kill the other three players in the fastest time wins. If someone does not kill all three players (by missing a shot) then they are disqualified. Handicap Tournament This idea is good for those you who like playing lots of games of Goldeneye all in a row. When you start your first game (any game at all works) set all of the Handicaps to 0. After the first game, the person who came in 1st place should set their Health to -1. Likewise, the person who came in 4th should set their health to +1. The players who came in 2nd and 3rd should leave their Healths alone. After the 2nd match, repeat this process, that is, the person who came in 1st moves their Health down 1 point, and the person who came in 4th moves it up 1 point. Eventually, the healths should start moving around quite a bit, so each game will never be quite the same. And, oh yes, the maximum handicaps are -4 and +4, because +10 is just silly, as is -10. Hide the Mines I wish that I could take credit for this addictive and fun game, but I can't. I really don't know exactly who first made it up (at least five different people take credit for it) but this game is widely spread throughout the Internet. I did, however, make up that last part with the shootout. Start a 2 player game, any level (see below), and set the weapon to Remote Mines, and the length to Unlimited. Have one player be the hero. Set his health to +10. Have another player be the villain. He gets -4. Have one player (the hero) leave the room. Not in the game, in real life! The other player (the villain) grabs ten remote mines, and sets them throughout the level. Hide the mines in hard to find places. When you're done, walk to someplace in the level, (someplace "cool" like the elevator in the Caverns) get on your detonator, and tell the other person to come back into the room. When they come in, have them look throughout the level to find the mines! Give them 10 minutes (one minute per mine) to find all of the mines. Once the "hero" finds a mine, they shoot it, blowing it up. This is known as "diffusing the mine." If the hero has not found all ten mines when the timer goes off, the villain detonates the mines, and the hero loses. If the hero has found all ten mines, they have to grab a gun and find the villain, and kill him before time is up! Oh yeah, and the villain is not allowed to use any weapons during this time! Notes: The hero may NOT shoot the villain before all of the mines have been defused. If he does, the villain may detonate the mines, causing the hero to lose. Use the AR33, it's great for flushing out mines! If the hero did defuse all of the mines, but fails to kill the villain before time is up, then the hero loses anyway! Remember, the villain can never use a gun (or mines) after all of the mines are defused, so all he can do is run! The Best levels for this game are the Archives, Facility, Bunker, Caverns, Complex, Basement, Stack, Egyptian, and the Temple, in that order (from best to worst). NEVER do the Library, it's too big! A great site for new and interesting Goldeneye Multiplayer games is http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arena/6391/goldeneye.html Great site. If you have any ideas for new, fun or creative games, please email me. I'll be sure to give them a try, and add them to the FAQ. ********************* V. The Weapons FAQ ********************* All of the best Goldeneye FAQs have a section on the weapons. Then again, most of the worst ones do too. Dang, I sure wrote myself into a corner on that one! Anyway, I'll list the weapons like this: Name: RPC: (Rounds Per Clip) Ammo Taken: Speed: (Very slow, Slow, OK, Good, Quick, Awesome) Damage Rating: (Bad, OK, Good, Excellent, Awesome, Other) Noise: (Silent, Quiet, Medium, Loud, Blasting) Where Found: (What levels) Scope: (Whether or not it has a scope) Two?: (Whether or not you can find two of this in the game, without All Guns) Multiplayer?: (whether or not the gun is found in multiplayer mode) Cheats: (What cheats get you this weapon, excluding All Guns) Notes: NOTE: I know you can get to of almost every weapon with All Guns, when I say "Two?" I mean whether or not you can get two of them in the mission mode. And, without further ado, let us begin..... Name: Unarmed (Slapper) RPC: N/A Ammo Taken: N/A Speed: Slow Damage Rating: Bad Noise: Silent Where Found: All levels, except Surface 1 Scope: None Two?: No, not even with All Guns Multiplayer?: Yes Cheats: None Notes: The slapper is a simple weapon, you just hit the guy! What most people don't know is that the slapper can actually cause a one hit death on SOME enemies if used correctly. Try to hit the guys in the chest, and see what happens then. I don't usually recommend using the slapper, except during the escape sequences in the Archives and Bunker 2. Name: Unarmed (Sniper Butt) RPC: N/A Ammo Taken: N/A Speed: Slow Damage Rating: OK Noise: Silent Where Found: Dam, Surface 1 Scope: None Two?: No, not even with All Guns Multiplayer?: Yes Cheats: None Notes: The sniper butt replaces your hand as your unarmed weapon as soon as you grab the sniper rifle. You don't really find much use for it in these levels, but it is sort of a fun toy to play with when using All Guns. Name: Hunting Knife RPC: N/A Ammo Taken: N/A Speed: Good Damage Rating: Good Noise: Quiet Where Found: Use a Cheat Scope: None Two?: Of course, with the cheat! Multiplayer?: No Cheats: 2x Hunting Knives Notes: The hunting knife is another fun weapon. It's so much fun, it's not even in Mission Mode! Kind of a pity, it might have fun to at least find one to play with in a level. The funniest thing about the hunting knife is that squishy sound it makes when you use it on a guy. Name: Throwing Knife RPC: N/A Ammo Taken: Throwing Knives Speed: Bad Damage Rating: Awesome Noise: Silent Where Found: Bunker 2 Scope: None Two?: No Multiplayer?: Yes Cheats: 2x Throwing Knives Notes: A lot of people just don't realize the full potential of the throwing knife. It actually does a lot of damage, about as much as a Cougar Magnum. If you have trouble using it, try my guide on How to Use a Throwing Knife in the Miscellaneous section of the FAQ. The only trouble with two throwing knives is that they both get thrown at once, so one goes a little to the left, and the other goes to the right of the crosshair. Real drag. Oh yeah, these don't work with auto-aim! Name: PP7 RPC: 7 Ammo Taken: Normal Bullets Speed: Good Damage Rating: OK Noise: Medium Where Found: Frigate, Statue, Archives, Streets, Depot, Train, Jungle, Control, Caverns, Cradle, Aztec, Egyptian. Scope: None Two?: No Multiplayer?: Yes Cheats: None Notes: The PP7 (Hey, wasn't it the PPK in the movies?) is 007s weapon of choice. Why wouldn't it be, you get one of it (silenced, or unsilenced) in every level. I don't use the unsilenced one much, just use it to shoot the first guy that you find so that you can take his bigger, better gun. Name: PP7 (Silenced) RPC: 7 Ammo Taken: Normal Bullets Speed: Good Damage Rating: OK Noise: Quiet Where Found: Dam, Facility, Runway, Surface 1, Bunker 1, Silo, Surface 2, Bunker 2. Scope: None Two?: Yes Multiplayer?: Yes Cheats: None Notes: The reason that they give you a silenced weapon is so that you can be stealthy! I like using the silenced PP7 when they give it to you, because when they do, those missions are stealth missions! Sheesh! Anyway, the quiet sound of the PP7 usually isn't enough to alert guards. Name: DD44 Dostovei RPC: 8 Ammo Taken: Normal Bullets Speed: OK Damage Rating: Good Noise: Loud Where Found: Dam, Facility, Silo, Bunker 2, Archives, Caverns Scope: None Two?: Yes Multiplayer?: Yes Cheats: None Notes: The DD44 Dostovei is basically your standard pistol. It's small, loud, and packs a punch. It also holds one more bullet than the PP7. It's downside, however, is that the PP7 is a little faster than the DD44. Name: Klobb RPC: 20 Ammo Taken: Normal Bullets Speed: OK Damage Rating: OK Noise: Medium Where Found: Runway, Surface 1, Bunker 1, Surface 2, Bunker 2, Archives Scope: None Two?: Yes Multiplayer?: Yes Cheats: None Notes: A lot of people really, really hate the Klobb. I'm not one to take sides, so I'm saying that it's an "OK" gun. Bet that'll stir up some controversy. Anyway, the Klobb, even though it's an automatic, is a bit slow on the trigger. It's damage rating is sub-par, and it really does tend to eat away at your ammo. Name: KF7 Soviet RPC: 30 Ammo Taken: Rifle Bullets Speed: Quick Damage Rating: Good Noise: Blasting Where Found: Dam, Facility, Runway, Surface 1, Bunker 1, Silo, Surface 2, Bunker 2, Statue, Archives, Streets, Depot Scope: Yes, a small one Two?: No Multiplayer?: Yes Cheats: None Notes: The KF7 Soviet is your standard, Russian made machine gun. You get the opportunity to use it in most of the levels in the game. It has great man stopping power, but a little bit of recoil can be expected, especially when using auto-aim. The Soviet's scope is also very helpful in most situations. Name: ZMG (9mm) RPC: 32 Ammo Taken: Normal Bullets Speed: Awesome Damage Rating: Excellent Noise: Medium Where Found: Train, Caverns, Cradle, Egyptian Scope: None Two?: Yes Multiplayer?: Yes Cheats: None Notes: The ZMG is a really good weapon. First of all, it's really fast. And when you have two, it's even faster! They're also REALLY powerful, and can stun a guy for a while even if you only hit him once, which you shouldn't really be doing, but.... Name: D5K Deutsche RPC: 30 Ammo Taken: Normal Bullets Speed: Quick Damage Rating: Good Noise: Loud Where Found: Facility, Frigate, Depot, Train, Control Scope: None Two?: Yes Multiplayer?: Yes Cheats: None Notes: The Deutsche isn't really a very good weapon, I think. It's not as fast as most other automatics, plus it's louder and takes away less damage. It's your only choice for a (good) weapon in most levels, though. The hardest thing to do with this gun is pronounce it's name correctly. Name: D5K Deutsche (Silenced) RPC: 30 Ammo Taken: Normal Bullets Speed: Quick Damage Rating: Good Noise: Quiet Where Found: Frigate Scope: None Two?: No Multiplayer?: No Cheats: None Notes: You only get the Silenced D5K in one level (Frigate), so use it wisely! It is my recommended choice of gun for that level. This is the only silenced machine gun, which was kind of a shame. I would have liked to see a Silenced Phantom, or a Silenced RCP-90. Name: Phantom RPC: 50 Ammo Taken: Normal Bullets Speed: Quick Damage Rating: Excellent Noise: Loud Where Found: Frigate Scope: None Two?: Yes Multiplayer?: No Cheats: None Notes: The Phantom is another fun weapon. It's large clip (2nd biggest in the game) and great power make it an overall good gun. It's a real shame that you only get it in one level. Would have made a good substitute for the D5K in the Control. Name: AR33 Assault Rifle RPC: 30 Ammo Taken: Rifle Bullets Speed: Awesome Damage Rating: Excellent Noise: Loud Where Found: Jungle, Caverns, Cradle, Aztec Scope: Yes, larger than the Soviet, but smaller than the Sniper. Two?: Yes Multiplayer?: Yes Cheats: None Notes: The AR33's large scope and great speed make it the best long range weapon. It especially comes in handy on the Jungle, where you need to do a lot of sniping through the trees. It's only real problem is that the AR33 tends to give you a sort of small ammo shortage when you start out a level, seeming as how it takes rifle bullets. Name: RCP-90 RPC: 80 Ammo Taken: Normal Bullets Speed: Awesome Damage Rating: Awesome Noise: Medium Where Found: Train (Agent Only), Jungle, Caverns Scope: None Two?: Yes Multiplayer?: Yes Cheats: 2x RCP-90 Notes: The RCP-90 can really be described as the best weapon in the game. Consider the reasons, huge clip, awesome speed, and unbelievable damage caused to those wimpy enemies. Ha, ha, ha, they don't even stand a chance. By the way, you can get 2 RCP-90s without the cheat. In the Caverns, if you hang out at the very end, some guys will come, some of which have 2 RCP-90s! Name: Shotgun RPC: 5 Ammo Taken: Shotgun Cartridges Speed: Very Slow Damage Rating: Other (See Notes) Noise: Blasting Where Found: Use the All Guns Cheat Scope: None Two?: N/A Multiplayer?: No Cheats: All Guns only Notes: The shotgun is a really cool and fun weapon. You only get it with the All Guns Cheat, and it's just there to fool around with! It's really loud, to ensure that enemies are always following you, but it is pretty slow. The amount of damage caused varies. See, the shotgun fires 5 bullets with every shot, in about the same area. One bullet does about normal damage. The closer you get to the enemy, the more likely it is that all of the bullets will hit him. Name: Automatic Shotgun (Auto Shotgun) RPC: 5 Ammo Taken: Shotgun Cartridges Speed: Slow Damage Rating: Other (see Shotgun, notes) Noise: Blasting Where Found: Statue, Caverns Scope: None Two?: No Multiplayer?: Yes Cheats: None Notes: The Automatic Shotgun is a bit more practical than the normal shotgun. For one thing, it's a little quicker to fire. And, that's it. The Automatic Shotgun is exactly the same as the regular shotgun, only it's automatic. Are we all clear on this? Good. In case you don't know how the damage thing works, see the regular Shotgun notes. The Auto Shotgun is also used in Multiplayer, making for some fun situations. Name: Sniper Rifle RPC: 8 Ammo Taken: Rifle Bullets Speed: OK Damage Rating: Good Noise: Silent Where Found: Dam, Surface 1 Scope: Yes, it's long range and adjustable. Two?: No Multiplayer?: Yes Cheats: None Notes: Sniper Rifles aren't used very much in the game, mainly because they wouldn't have a use in most levels. I mean, do you really think a sniper would be necessary in the Archives? When they do give you a sniper, fill it up with Soviet bullets and use it a lot, it's great for taking out those far off enemies. To adjust the scope, use the Up and Down C Buttons, up to make things bigger, down to make things smaller. Name: Cougar Magnum RPC: 6 Ammo Taken: Magnum Bullets Speed: Very Slow Damage Rating: Awesome Noise: Blasting Where Found: Use a Cheat Scope: None Two?: No Multiplayer?: Yes Cheats: Magnum Notes: The Cougar Magnum is that really loud gun that Natalya uses in the Jungle. And you can use it to, with the proper cheats, that is. The Magnum is loud, slow, and REALLY powerful! It's also a lot of fun too! That's why they give it to you with cheats, I guess. Perhaps the Cougar's most useful function is that it can shoot through doors, which comes in handy in Multiplayer. Name: Golden Gun RPC: 1 Ammo Taken: Golden Bullets Speed: Very Slow Damage Rating: One Hit Death Noise: Medium Where Found: Egyptian Scope: None Two?: No Multiplayer?: Yes Cheats: Golden Gun Notes: Scaramanga's Legendary Golden Gun causes any enemy, from Russian Soldier to Janus Marine to die with only a single bullet. Cool, huh? The down side is that it only holds one bullet, making the time between firings seem like an eternity. That might be why most people prefer the Gold PP7 over the Golden Gun. On an interesting note, in Ian Fleming's book "The Man With the Golden Gun," Scaramanga used a gold plated Colt 45 as his weapon, which can hold six bullets. More practical than the Golden Gun from the movie of the same name. If you want to improve your Golden Gun skill, see my guide for it in the Miscellaneous Section of the FAQ. Name: Silver PP7 RPC: 7 Ammo Taken: Normal Bullets Speed: Good Damage Rating: Other (see notes) Noise: Medium Where Found: Use a Cheat Scope: None Two?: No Multiplayer?: No Cheats: Silver PP7 Notes: The Silver PP7 is another fun weapon to play with. It takes the same ammo, and has the same speed and loudness (is that a word?) of a normal PP7. But, the damage system is a bit different. Let me explain. On normal mode, one hit to the chest or head will usually kill you. But, a hit to the leg or arm will not! This scale does not work for when you fiddle with 007 mode, causing enemies with 1000% health to be able to take multiple hits to the head without dropping. The other cool thing about this gun is that it can shoot through doors, objects, and enemies, something we can't say about the Gold PP7. Name: Gold PP7 RPC: 7 Ammo Taken: Normal Bullets Speed: Good Damage Rating: One Hit Death Noise: Medium Where Found: Use a Cheat Scope: None Two?: No Multiplayer?: No Cheats: Gold PP7 Notes: The Gold PP7 is more popular than it's predecessor, the Golden Gun, for a number of reasons. It's faster, holds more ammo, and takes a more common kind of bullet. That's about it. The Gold PP7 still causes a one hit death, even with the enemy health set way up high. I, however think that the Golden Gun is a lot more fun, considering it gives the guys a fighting chance, and hey, it's all cheating anyway! Name: Moonraker Laser (a.k.a. Military Laser) RPC: N/A Ammo Taken: N/A Speed: Quick Damage Rating: Awesome Noise: Medium Where Found: Aztec Scope: None Two?: Yes Multiplayer?: Yes Cheats: Laser, 2x Laser Notes: The Laser is another really good weapon. It can usually cause either a one hit, or a two hit death on those pesky Moonraker geeks. The good thing about is that it never runs out of ammo, so you can just run around the level holding the fire button, and those enemies won't have a chance! Unless of course, they get you from behind. The laser's one con is that it takes a little while to fire once you hit Z, which is actually a pretty small con. The Moonraker can also shoot through doors...and people. Name: Watch Laser RPC: N/A Ammo Taken: Laser Battery Speed: Quick Damage Rating: Awesome Noise: Medium Where Found: Train Scope: None Two?: No, not even with All Guns Multiplayer?: No Cheats: None Notes: The Watch Laser, though you technically have it in every level, can only be used on the Train. That's kind of stupid, but it makes the game work better this way. The Watch Laser causes the same amount of damage as the regular laser. It's major cons are that you have limited ammo for it in the Train, and the Watch Laser has a pretty short range. Name: Grenade Launcher RPC: 6 Ammo Taken: Grenade Rounds Speed: Slow Damage Rating: Causes Explosion Noise: Blasting Where Found: Surface 1, Streets, Jungle Scope: None Two?: No Multiplayer?: Yes Cheats: 2x Grenade Launcher Notes: The Grenade Launcher is my favorite explosive weapon. The grenades it fires are affected by gravity, so don't expect to be able to hit that high tower up there. The grenades also explode on contact, making them easy to handle. The Grenade Launchers major con is that it's hard to hit things that are really far away, but this can be improved with practice. Name: Rocket Launcher RPC: 1 Ammo Taken: Rockets Speed: Very Slow Damage Rating: Causes Explosion Noise: Blasting Where Found: Depot, Streets Scope: None Two?: No Multiplayer?: Yes Cheats: 2x Rocket Launcher Notes: A lot of people say that the Rocket Launcher is the best explosive weapon, but I disagree. It's biggest problem is that you can only hold 4 rockets! These rockets cause an explosion when they collide with any physical surface. They're also not affected by gravity. a big mistake that most people (including me) occasionally make is to miss the wall you were aiming for, and have your rocket fly out into space! The best strategy to use, especially in Multiplayer is to aim for the floor or wall next to where the enemy is. Name: Grenade RPC: N/A Ammo Taken: Grenades Speed: 5 Seconds to Explode Damage Rating: Causes Explosion Noise: Blasting Where Found: All levels Scope: None Two?: No, not even with All Guns Multiplayer?: Yes Cheats: None Notes: The grenade is the only weapon that can be found in every level. You just have to get a guy to take one out before you kill him. Once you have a grenade, press and hold Z, and count to four. Release Z once you hit four! Watch out, the grenade explodes five seconds after the pin is pulled, even if you're still holding it at the time. The fun thing to do, if you have Invincibility, is hold a grenade, then run into a big crowd of guys. Heh heh heh. Name: Timed Mine RPC: N/A Ammo Taken: Timed Mines Speed: Explodes five seconds after thrown Damage Rating: Causes Explosion Noise: Blasting Where Found: Runway, Caverns Scope: None Two?: No, not even with All Guns Multiplayer?: Yes Cheats: None Notes: The Timed Mine is my least favorite type of mine. It doesn't have much use in multiplayer, as most people are usually able to escape the general area before the mine explodes. The only place I really use the timed mines is when blowing up the Missile Battery on the Runway. Name: Proximity Mine RPC: N/A Ammo Taken: Proximity Mines Speed: N/A Damage Rating: Causes Explosion Noise: Blasting Where Found: Depot Scope: None Two?: No, not even with All Guns Multiplayer?: Yes Cheats: None Notes: I really think that the Proximity Mine could have been used more often in the game. Instead, it's used mainly in Multiplayer. Just throw the mine, wait a second or two, (to arm it) then when someone walks by...BOOM! It's that simple. Proximity mines can also be set off if another mine is placed right next to the first one, causing both of them to explode. Name: Remote Mine RPC: N/A Ammo Taken: Remote Mines Speed: N/A Damage Rating: Causes Explosion Noise: Blasting Where Found: Facility, Jungle, Control Scope: None Two?: No, not even with All Guns Multiplayer?: Yes Cheats: None Notes: Remote Mines are cool. Really, they are. You throw 'em, they arm, and then you detonate them later. That's all there is to it. Of course, you can also use the A+B trick to detonate a mine right after you throw it, causing it to explode in midair, making remote mines quite the combat weapon. Name: Taser RPC: N/A Ammo Taken: N/A Speed: OK Damage Rating: OK Noise: Medium Where Found: Use the All Guns Cheat Scope: None Two?: No, not even with All Guns Multiplayer?: No Cheats: All Guns only Notes: The Taser was made, well, as a gag weapon. It's kind of fun, but not really fun. It does make a cool sound, and cause amusing deaths, however. The way it works is that it sends an invisible electric shock through the air, like a long range stun gun. The Taser's looks are the coolest thing about it, the says "Taser Boy" on it and flashes the 007 logo in a cool pattern. Name: Tank RPC: 1 Ammo Taken: Tank Shells Speed: Very, Very Slow Damage Rating: Causes Explosion Noise: Blasting Where Found: Runway, Streets Scope: None Two?: No, not even with All Guns Multiplayer?: No Cheats: None Notes: The Tank as a vehicle is technically not a weapon, so I'm talking about the shells that it fires. They cause a regular explosion, but they take a REALLY long time between shots. If you're using the All Guns cheat, you can have tank shells even without the tank! I guess you shoot them out of your head, since there's no visible weapon on the screen when you do this. If you don't have All Guns, I've listed a trick for shooting the Tank shells from your head, which can be found in the Tricks & Bugs section. ************************ VI. The Gadgets FAQ ************************ Of course, along with the Weapons FAQ comes a Gadgets FAQ! I do realize that to some people, the word "gadget" may translate to "item," so I wish to make it clear that this section will not deal with the various items that you may find in the game, (Blueprints, Keycard, Circuit Board, etc.) so if you need info on that, check the level where the item in question can be found! I will list the various Q Branch Gadgets in alphabetical order. Bomb Defuser This little device would come in handy on most terrorist raids. Just use it on a bomb, and the thing cuts the right wire for you! The Bomb Defuser was made especially 007, because we all know how he can be with explosives! Use this on the Frigate to disarm the Bridge and Engine Room bombs. Bungee Cord The Bungee Cord does not appear in your inventory, for some reason. You need it on the Dam to jump off of the platform and gain entrance to the Facility. Just walk off the platform, and you'll automatically use the bungee. Camera Bond's special custom made camera is small, lightweight, and has his number on it. I don't see the point of this, as it allows any enemy agent to know Bond's number if he gets caught. Anyway, use the camera in the Silo and Bunker 1 to photograph the main video screen, and the Goldeneye satellite. Just to fool around, I like to use the zoom in/out feature to get comical shots of foolhardy enemies! Covert Modem This thing isn't very covert, you could spot it easily if it's blocking your view of the computer screen. Found in the Dam, just throw the modem on the computer screen and run away. You need to actually be at a terminal to download the information that the modem will give you access to. Datathief While in the Bunker 1, you'll need to get some data off of a computer...fast! That's why you bring along your trusty Datathief. It's small, covert, and just use it on a terminal and it'll download the data for you surprisingly quickly. Now if only Internet downloads were that quick..... Detonator There are some that say this is actually a weapon. Others call it a gadget. I'm going to come right out and call it a gadget for explanation purposes. The idea of a detonator is simple. Just lay some mines, and push the right button on your watch. You can only use this in the Facility, Jungle, and Control, which are the places you find remote mines! As a shortcut, you could also push A and B at the same time to detonate your mines quickly. Door Decoder Just put this baby up to an electronically locked door with a password on it, press the right button, and you're in! It's that simple. On Secret and 00 Agent, you'll need to get this from Dr. Doak in the Facility. Floppy Disk (Guidance Data) When you enter the Aztec Temple, Q has given you a green floppy disk. What is it for, you ask? No, it doesn't contain the latest version of Windows Solitaire, it has the new Guidance Data for the stolen shuttle! Just pop this baby in the disk drive in that place behind the bullet-proof glass, and you're in! Key Analyzer It always makes me laugh when I picture Bond walking around the Bunker, carrying a briefcase while shooting people. The Key Analyzer is built into that briefcase, and it's soul purpose is making a duplicate copy of the Goldeneye Key. You know, that fancy little thing that looks like a CD. Don't forget to leave the original key when you're done! Plastique Basically your compacted block of C-4 plastic explosive, you need the Plastique to blow up the Silo. Just throw one in each of the big rooms, and you're all set! Just be sure to escape before the timer runs out! That's right, all of the C-4 will explode once the timer hits zero! Hey, that reminds me, doesn't Bond usually take most of the extra Plastiques with him when he leaves? Special Timed Mine Unlike your ordinary timed mine, which explodes after five seconds, this baby will explode after thirty seconds. You need it to put that Spetznaz support aircraft in the Surface 2 out of commission. The mine's major downside is that it will take the place of the remote mine (hey, they're both red!) on the Surface 2 if you're using All Guns. This will cause every remote mine you throw to not detonate. Instead, it too will explode after thirty seconds! Tracker Bug Put one of these on your bike so you know where it goes if the bike ever gets stolen. The Tracker Bug will transmit the information about where the thing it's on is going back to a computer. Kinda complicated. Just plant the bug on the helicopter in the Frigate, within plain site of anyone watching, and casually walk away. Watch Magnet Attract I guess Rare put the "attract" part there for anyone who doesn't know what a magnet does. Like the one that Bond uses in Live and Let Die, the Watch Magnet will attract metal objects within a certain distance. It can even deflect the path of a bullet, at long range. Of course, that won't work in the game. Instead, use it to get the key to your jail cell in the Bunker 2, then get those Throwing Knives that are hidden in the sewer. In the Archives, some people (not me) like to use it to get the PP7 on the table. ************************* VII. The Supervillains ************************* In Goldeneye, there are some enemies, no matter how normal-looking they may seem, are actually evil maniacs with super powers. Their powers: the ability to take many, many hits without dying. I call these twisted fiends the Supervillains, and you, of course, have to defeat a few of them in the game of Goldeneye. And that is why this section of the FAQ is here. Any questions? Good. Let's get started. _____________________ 1. Ourumov (Silo) _____________________ As you might already have noticed, Ourumov in the Silo isn't really a Supervillain. You don't even have to kill him! But, due to my own ways of doing things, a guide to getting past Ourumov's Ambush has been added to this section. So..... Overview ----------- Just when you thought you've made it to the end of the Silo, who should appear, but Ourumov, your General friend from the Facility. How charming. He comes with the usual army of soldiers, and they're all bent on killing you, or at least making your job a bit tougher in the meantime. Methods of Death (or in this case, completion) ------------------------------------------------- Method #1 You are in the last fuel room. All of your Objectives are complete, and you're ready to go. You have plenty of time left on the clock. When I say plenty, I mean at least one minute, or more. Open the final door, and duck to the side! You should see Ourumov yell something, in captions. Now, fire off a few bullets from your Soviet. Just a few. Now, the guys will start coming! Wait outside the door, and some soldiers will come running out. Kill every last one of them in an easy ambush position as they are running out the door. Are they all dead? Good. Wait a few seconds, making SURE that no more guys will come out! Take a deep breath, and run in! Ourumov should be standing alone at the end of the hall. He'll start madly firing his Dostovei in your general direction (no pun intended). While he's firing, you should be running down the hall, strafing from side to side. This should allow you to take a minimum of damage. When you get close to the General, he'll start running away. You run after him! Remember, unlike the last few times in the Silo, the way out is on the left. Just follow Ourumov that way. Run on to the walkway. There might be some soldiers here. Start firing madly with your Soviet. Don't stop to make sure they're dead, the important thing is speed! Open the next door, shooting any guys that you see. Take a left, then a right. Follow the right wall until you reach the elevator. Then, simply open the elevator and walk inside. Easy as pie, no? Method #2 This next method is for those of you who are running out of time towards the end of the Silo. I'm talking about 30 seconds left low. It also doesn't hurt to have a lot of life and/or body armor left either. Like I said, this is not my recommended way of getting past Ourumov's Ambush! It's just for those of you who are low on time! Now then. You're in the last fuel room. You're also running out of time. Open the door, and start running! Oh yeah, and don't forget to madly fire! Ourumov and his band of cronies are in the hall! Madly shoot the guards that you see, and concentrate more on getting out of there then on shooting guards. Once you're past that first part, it's easy! Simply follow the instructions for Method #1, and you'll be fine. Just don't run out of time! ____________ 2. Xenia ____________ Overview ----------- Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the Jungle, Xenia has to show up with her solid steel bra and bad ponytail. It also doesn't hurt that she has a fancy grenade launcher and an RCP-90. You'll have to eliminate her, and that's no easy task! She can see you a mile away, even if you're hiding behind a tree! *Sigh* Methods of Death -------------------- Method #1 You're up at the point right before that bridge. Hold on a second, Xenia is over there! Well, you can't see her, but she's there. Don't go across the bridge yet! Instead, pull out your remote mines. Stand on one side of the bridge, and throw a few a little ways on to the bridge. Some always bounce off, so if one does, throw another to replace it. I recommend having at least three remote mines planted on the bridge. Now, get on your Watch Detonator. Carefully, take a few steps on the bridge, Now, wait a little while. When you hear that music, and see Xenia's words appear on the screen, run off of the bridge, quick! There is a little place over here that I like to hide. On your side of the bridge there is a group of trees on the left. That would be, to the left of the bridge as you are looking at it. A simple diagram should explain. | | | | | | | | | | ________________________| |____________________________ Bridge 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Group of trees Of course, the tree's aren't really that small. Look for the big tree that offers a good view of the bridge. You'll know it when you see it. Now, you wait for Xenia. As soon as you see her go by where you planted your mines (you do remember, don't you?) press Z to detonate, then QUICKLY backslash through your weapons (hold Z, then tap A) to get to your AR33 Assault Rifle. It is also possible to use the A+B trick to detonate the mines. Use the scope on the Assault Rifle to get a good shot a Xenia. Fire like a madman, it's your best chance! Be careful, because she sometimes rolls over on the ground. If she does, then move your scope down and get her there. Also, Natalya will be firing off a few rounds of Magnum on to Xenia, helping you out greatly! If you do remain hidden in the trees while doing this, Xenia will be unable to fire her grenade launcher at you. And that would be bad if she did! After unloading a few rounds of AR33, Xenia should be dead, thanks to your carefully placed mine trap. Method #2 I only recommend using this method on Agent and Secret Agent. This time, forget the remote mines! You won't need to use them for this method. Get on your trustee AR33, and walk a few steps on to the bridge. When you hear that music, run away! Run back to your side of the bridge and get your aimer ready. As SOON as you see Xenia's head, start shooting. You should be able to get a few good head shots off of her. These should drain a very large portion of Xenia's life bar. While you're doing this, Natalya will also be here, poking away at Xenia with her Magnum! With the two of you combining forces, you should easily blow Xenia away. ___________________ 3. Trevelyan ___________________ I think that it is safe to say that Trevelyan is the hardest Supervillain in the game. Overview ---------- The final showdown with Trevelyan occurs in the Cradle. You're up a few thousand feet in the air, the whole world is depending on you to kill this madman, and his soldiers outnumber you a thousand to one. Uh-oh. For space and time conserving purposes, all of the methods described here will begin right after you have destroyed the control console, and after Trevelyan has first run away. You should always try to get some hits off of him at this point. Methods of Death -------------------- Method #1 This method is only recommended for Agent, though it has worked a few times on Secret Agent. After you've destroyed the control console, run out the door that Trevelyan exited out of, shooting any stray guards that are in the way. You'll see Trevelyan waiting for you at the bottom of that ramp. Well, run down there and shoot him! Now, he'll go running down the lower catwalk. Run after him. Shoot any guys that follow you, the last thing that you need is more soldiers following you. Next, Trevelyan will run up the walkway, then go into a room. Walk up to the door, then open it, firing madly. Trevelyan will be there waiting for you. He'll run away after getting shot a few times. After running away, Trevelyan will either run up to the top of the Cradle, or back to where you first saw him. If he does the second one, skip back and repeat what you just did. If he goes up, continue on. Speed strafe up the ramp to the center of the Cradle. Then, run up to the top. It doesn't matter which path you choose. When you do get to the top, run around the Cradle until you see Trevelyan. He'll be waiting for you, with his gun pointed down below. Here, snipe him from far away where he can't see you, and he'll run back down. After a while of this, Trevelyan will yell "Finish the job James...if you can!" Now, he'll run all the way to the bottom of the Cradle, where you can easily finish him off. See my Cradle Level Walkthrough for information on how to complete this. Method #2 This one is the method that I myself recommended as being the best. When Trevelyan runs away the first time, destroy the control console and follow him! Run out the door after him, killing any enemies that get in your way. Trevelyan is waiting for you at the bottom of the ramp at the other side of the door. After MAKING SURE that all of the nearby enemies are gone, carefully edge over to the side of the ramp, and try to aim your gun right at Trevelyn's head. You should be able to hit him, but he can't hit you. Fire a few shots (conserving ammo is important!) at Trevelyan, then wait for him to yell at you and run away. Instead of following him, turn around and open the door that you came through. Watch out for Trevelyn's goons, they're usually hanging around here waiting for you. Go through the next door back outside, and wait for a few seconds. This is so to give Trevelyan time to fall into your trap. Then, open the door to the next shack, and get ready to fire! Trevelyan should be in here, so shoot at him! He'll insult you, and run away. As you might have expected, he'll run back down to the bottom of the nearby ramp, which is identical to the one that he tried to ambush you on before. Instead of just walking down the ramp, once again walk over to the side and try to snipe Trevelyan in the head. When you hit him, he'll run away again. Now, just repeat the same thing that you just did! Run back into the other shack and get Trevelyan as he comes in! The purpose of this method is to put Trevelyan in several easy to kill positions, so that you can wear him down fairly quickly, while taking minimal damage from all of the other enemies. After a while, Trevelyan will get tired of running, and yell out that famous line, "Finish the job James-if you can!" When this happens, follow him down top the bottom of the Cradle and blow him away. See my Cradle Level Walkthrough for more information. Method #3 I sometimes do this one on Agent mode. I don't really recommend it as a foolproof method of beating Trevelyan, but I'm adding it to the FAQ anyway. The real problem with it is that Trevelyn's goons are always on your back when you do this one. ALWAYS! So, half the time, it's them that kill you, and not Trevelyan. When Trevelyan first runs away from you, don't follow him! Instead, blow up the control console, and run the other way. Watch out any guards that are over here! Run into the other shack, out the door, and then down the ramp. Now, run all of the way across the bottom of the Cradle. You should see Trevelyan waiting for you at the bottom of the ramp. If you stand in the right place, you should be able to get a great shot at his head. Once you hit him, Trevelyan will run up the ramp. Again, don't follow him! Run all of the way across the bottom of the Cradle, blowing away any guards. Now, run back up the ramp, into the shack, and into the other shack. Be on the lookout for lots of guards while doing this. Trevelyan is hiding in the other shack. When you shoot at him, he'll run away, back to the bottom of his ramp. Again, you have to run back the way you came, back down the ramp, all of the way across the Cradle, and then snipe a head shot at Trevelyan at the bottom of his ramp. Now, repeat everything you just did, over and over and over and over........ Eventually, if you were lucky, Trevelyan should yell, "Finish the job," and you can run down to the bottom and finish him. See my Cradle Level Walkthrough for more information on doing this. Method #4 I didn't create, or write this one. That honor goes to Karl Jobst and Greg Whatmore. This method may seem hokey, but not only does it give you an easier way to beat Trevelyan, it may allow you to do it in a minute flat! Try and beat Trevelyan to the bottom of the second ramp. If you do you will get a fast time. When you start don't bother about the body armour and run like mad up the ramp killing the guy at the top. Turn left and run down the ramp on the right trying to beat Trevallyn. When you get to the bottom of the stairs turn right and enter the shed. Snatch up the body armour and open the door on the other side. Run down the ramp and turn left. Now here's a secret way I just recently found out about when experimenting with this level. Run all the way to the other side of the area and look up. You should be able to see the shed Trevallyn is in. Quickly run back and forth under the shed and believe it or not Trevallyn drops a grenade but doesn't move! He blows himself up! And, If you're lucky he will also blow up the antenna console! So quickly run to the end of the level. MISSION COMPLETE. NOTE: You have to be very lucky for Trevallyn to blow himself up AND blow the console up. I tried for ages for it to happen. _____________ 4. Jaws _____________ Overview ----------- He's eight feet tall. He's armed with two deadly AR33 Assault Rifles. He's stronger than five men. And he's got a bite to match. He's Jaws, the only person in the game who can REALLY be called a Supervillain. I mean, look at him! When you first find Jaws, he's down at the bottom of the Aztec Temple, standing in a hallway with a few of his Moonraker buddies. The best way to approach him is from the back entrance to the hallway, so that Jaws has his back to you. Methods of Death ------------------- Method #1 The "Chase Jaws around the stairs" method is guaranteed the best and most foolproof way to beat Jaws without losing much life. The only problem with it is that it really does take a lot of practice to be able to do it easily. Walk up to the end of the Aztec Temple hallway, so that Jaws has his back to you. Watch out for the first Moonraker Elite over here, because he'll see you right away. Pull out your Moonraker Laser and aim at Jaws' head. Fire off two shots, and run away! Congratulations, you just got Jaws to chase you! And this guy doesn't quit easily! Run back the way you came, to that room with the circular stairway and the big pit in the middle. It's the room right next to the Shuttle room. Jaws, as well as a few of his Moonraker friends, should be here soon. Stand at the very top of the stairs, on the side opposite the door, like this: 888888888888888888 888888888888888888 ---Door that you just came through 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 Bottomless 88 88 Pit 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 ---Stairway 88 88 88 88 X 8888888888888888 | | Other Door Stand on the X! Now, once Jaws comes in, he'll look confused for a second. Fire your laser at him! Remember, Auto-aim won't work when you're shooting across a pit, so you'll have to use your scope! Jaws will now start running up the stairs after you. You, in turn, should run down the other set of stairs. Once Jaws gets to the top, he'll run down after you again. And you, will run up the OTHER set of stairs. In other words, the secret is to always be on the other set of stairs, the one that he isn't on. That way, Jaws will never be able to open fire on you, due to either a bug in the games programming, or a planned secret. When firing at Jaws, make sure that he's either standing still, or far enough away from you so that you can get away easily if he gets too close. The biggest mistake that you can make is to take too much time firing, and have Jaws sneak up on you. After a while of the stair chasing game, Jaws will kick the bucket, surrendering his AR33s and his Security Smart card to you. Method #2 This one can cause you to lose more life than Method #1, but it is easier for some people. The biggest problem here is that all of the Moonraker Elites will try to kill you while you're duking it out with Jaws. I do recommend this method if you are going for the Aztec cheat on Secret Agent, which is 2x Lasers. It is much faster than the previous method. When you confront Jaws in the back hallway, first take out that first Moonraker Elite. Then, it's time for Jaws. Run right up to him and start firing your laser. No, really, just run right up and press your body against his. (Ugh!) The trick here is that Jaws' arms are so long that he can't hit you with his guns. This will only work, however, if you keep your body as close to his as possible. The one tricky thing is that Jaws will sometimes kneel down. When he does so, he WILL be able to hit you. If he does kneel, then you kneel down too! If you do, then Jaws will stand up again, which you should also do. And then there are the Moonrakers. These dastardly fellows are in the room with you, and they're firing their guns too! It's best to try and take them out before you go for Jaws, but there is no guaranteed way to do this without losing LOTS of energy, either by their guns, or by Jaws. I recommend that you just forget about them and hope for the best, or try the stairway method. _________________ 5. Baron Samedi _________________ NOTE: Due to the fact that most people don't need that much help defeating baron Samedi, I'm not going into that much detail in this FAQ. I'm simply putting this section here for continuity purposes. Overview ------------ Baron Samedi, Voodoo Master and evil Supervillain, has stolen Scaramanga's Legendary Golden Gun and lured Bond into coming to the Egyptian pyramids at el-Saghira. Beware the Baron, for he has mysterious voodoo powers and is said to be the "Man who Can Not Die." Methods of Death -------------------- Method #1 This method is unbelievably simple, just use the Golden Gun to defeat Samedi! The first time you meet the Baron, he is in the big, long room with the pillars on the sides, and is armed with two DD44s. One hit with the Golden Gun will kill him, as can be expected. The second time is a little trickier. Go back to the room you started in, the one with the pool. Baron Samedi has two ZMGs, and if you hit him in the arm with the Golden Gun, he won't die! But, if you hit him in the chest, head, or hit him twice in the arm, he'll go down. The third time, the Baron is actually a little difficult. He's in that room with the big black pillar, armed with 2 Moonraker Lasers. It will take several hits with the Golden Gun to send the Baron to the grave (supposedly), so make those shots count! Most people also like to hide behind the pillar and use it for protection. Method #2 It is possible to defeat Baron Samedi without the Golden Gun. I only recommend this to people who have beaten the Baron before, and are looking for a challenge. Hey, since this is a challenge, I don't think you deserve any tips! Oh well, I guess you'll have to complete my crazy challenge on your own. ************************ VIII. The Fun Stuff! ************************ There comes a time in every Goldeneye gamers life when he (or she) becomes tired of hard missions and constant failure. Not me though. That's why I've brought you this section of the FAQ, which deals with Codes, Secrets, and an all-out selection of Tricks and Bugs! I guess everyone needs to take some time out to have fun with Goldeneye, and that time will be dramatically increased as soon as you read this section! ________________________ 1. The Top Ten Secrets ________________________ No, I'm not David Letterman, I just thought it would be easier to organize all of the secrets this way. Well, not all of them. I don't really consider a "hidden" body armor in the Bunker to be a secret, nor that item you REALLY need in order to beat the game. Anyway, without further ado.... ************************************************************************ The Top Ten Goldeneye Secrets! #10. That hidden Body Armor in the Statue. It's on the palm side of the big hand statue near the place where you meet Janus. #9. Hidden ammo in the Caverns. Just blow up any box (except that special one) and find armor for a ZMG or an AR33! #8. The secret doorway in the Egyptian Temple. Not only is it a faster way to get to Baron Samedi, but it's also a great place to hide during Multiplayer! In case you don't know, the secret door is on the far side of that long, pillared room, by the 1st Samedi confrontation. #7. You're on the Train. You need a better weapon than that tired old Deutsche. So, you break open the crate on the left side of the first car next to the door and Voila! You've got an RCP-90! This would have gotten a better position on the list, but the RCP-90 can only be found on Agent. Players on higher difficulty levels will only find a Dostovei. #6. If you've ever followed Boris up to the top of the Control, you'd find a little secret room with some body armor. Now, if that secret wasn't put in, I would have NEVER beaten the Control! #5. When you're chasing Trevelyan across an enemy filled Cradle, nothing eases your sores like a good helping of body armor. There's some right where you start, as well as behind the big machine in the shack. As an added bonus, there is MORE body armor hidden at each of the four far corners of the Cradle. #4. Double Assault Rifles. A nobleman's dream if I ever saw one. The real secret pair of AR33s is the in the Caverns. On the far corner of the radio room, (the one overlooking the water) there is a seemingly ordinary wooden box. Shoot it, another box will pop out. Continue shooting every box, until two TV sets emerge from two small boxes. Inside these are the double AR33s! #3. There's only one foolproof way to defeat Jaws. I'm talking about the stairway trick! After a while of chasing Jaws around that stairway several dozen times, it actually gets kind of fun. I'm not sure if this can be considered a secret, but I'm listing it anyway! See Jaws Section in the Supervillains chapter for more information. #2. In the Bunker 2, there's a sewer near the jail cells. Look down into it, and use your watch magnet. All right! You've found the throwing knives! These super stealth weapons should make your job of beating the Bunker a lot easier.... #1. In the Streets, in the back alley, there is a building with two broken windows. Run through a window, defeat a few easy guards, and you've earned yourself some body armor and a grenade launcher! For more secrets, see the beginning of each Level Walkthrough. ____________ 2. Codes ____________ Thanks to a mysterious individual known only as Dr. Ian (no, he's not me, the same name thing is just a coincidence) there are now 43 extra Goldeneye codes available, including ones that will unlock levels, give you cheats, and give you access to new cheats that had until now been inaccessable to those of us without Gamesharks. For more information about the Lost Cheats, visit my section on that subject in my Cheats Section. To get these Codes to work, enter them at the beginning of the level. You could enter them at any place in the level, but the beginning is usually more fun, and safer. NOTE: Whenever Right, Left, Down, etc. are used, they refer to the Control Pad (the one on the left) not the Control Stick (the one in the middle that you usually use to move around in Goldeneye. Line Mode (Lost Cheat!) 1. Hold R and press C-Down 2. Hold L+R and press Down on the Control Pad 3. Hold L and press Right on the Control Pad 4. Hold R and press C-Up 5. Hold L+R and press C-Right 6. Hold R and press Up on the Control Pad 7. Hold L and press Down on the Control Pad 8. Hold L and press Right on the Control Pad 9. Hold R and press C-Left 10. Hold R and press C-Up Invincibility 1. Hold L and press Down on the Control Pad 2. Hold R and press C-Right 3. Hold R and press C-Up 4. Hold L and press Right on the Control Pad 5. Hold L and press C-Down 6. Hold R and press C-Up 7. Hold L and press Right on the Control Pad 8. Hold R and press Down on the Control Pad 9. Hold L and press Left on the Control Pad 10. Hold L+R and press C-Right All Guns 1. Hold L+R and press Down on the Control Pad 2. Hold L and press C-Left 3. Hold L and press C-Right 4. Hold L+R and press C-Left 5. Hold L and press Down on the Control Pad 6. Hold L and press C-Down 7. Hold R and press C-Left 8. Hold L+R and press C-Right 9. Hold R and press Up on the Control Pad 10. Hold L and press C-Left Invisibility 1. Hold R and press C-Left 2. Hold L+R and press C-Up 3. Hold L+R and press Left on the Control Pad 4. Hold L+R and press Up on the Control Pad 5. Hold R and press Up on the Control Pad 6. Hold L and press C-Left 7. Hold R and press C-Up 8. Hold L and press C-Down 9. Hold L+R and press Left on the Control Pad 10. Hold R and press Right on the Control Pad Invisibility in Multiplayer (Lost Cheat!) 1. Hold L and press C-Up 2. Hold L+R and press C-Left 3. Hold R and press Up on the Control Pad 4. Hold L and press C-Right 5. Hold R and press C-Left 6. Hold L and press Right on the Control Pad 7. Hold R and press C-Up 8. Hold L and press C-Right 9. Hold L and press Up on the Control Pad 10. Hold L+R and press C-Down Maximum Ammo (Lost Cheat!) 1. Hold L+R and press C-Right 2. Hold R and press Up on the Control Pad 3. Hold R and press Down on the Control Pad 4. Hold R and press Down on the Control Pad 5. Hold L+R and press C-Right 6. Hold L+R and press Left on the Control Pad 7. Hold R and press Down on the Control Pad 8. Hold R and press Up on the Control Pad 9. Hold L+R and press C-Right 10. Hold R and press Left on the Control Pad There are also Goldeneye codes that let you save the cheats on to the Cheat Menu! Perfect for those of you who want to impress your friends with how you "earned" the Invincibility Cheat. To enter these codes, go into the cheat menu, then enter in the corresponding codes. If you entered it correctly, you should hear a beep. Now, exit the Cheat Menu (press B) and go back into it, and the new cheat should be there! I have listed the cheats in alphabetical order, except for the 2x Weapon Cheats, which are listed by the name of the weapon. All Guns Down Left C-Up Right L + Down L + Left L + Up C-Left Left C-Down Bond Invisible L+R + C-Left L+R + C-Down L + C-Left R + C-Left R + Right L+R + Left L + Right Left L+R + C-Left L + Down DK Mode L+R + Up C-Right R + Left R + Up Up R + Right Up L+R + C-Down L+R + Down L +R + C-Left Enemy Rockets L+R + C-Down C-Left R + C-Down C-Down C-Down L+R + C-Down L+R + Up C-Down R + Up L +Up Fast Animation L + C-Down L + C-Left C-Down C-Right C-Left L+R + Right C-Right L+R +Up R + C-Left L + Left Gold PP7 L+R + Right L+R + Down L + Up L+R + Down C-Up R + Up L+R + Right L + Left Down L + C-Down 2X Grenade Launcher R + Down R + Up Right L+R + C-Down L + Right R + Left Left Down Up R + C-Down 2X Hunting Knives R + C-Down L + Right R + C-Left R + Right L+R + Right L+R + Up L + Down R + Left L + Right L + C-Left Infinite Ammo L + C-Left L+R + Right C-Right C-Left R + Left L + C-Down L+R + Left L+R + C-Down L Button + Up C-Right Invincibility R + Left L + Down Left Up Down R + C-Left L + C-Left L+R + Left L+R + Right L + C-Left 2X Laser L + Right L+R + C-Left L + Down R + Left R + Down L + Right C-Up Right R + Right L+R + Up Magnum R + C-Down R + Left L + Right L+R + C-Right L + Down L+R + C-Up L + Left L+R + C-Up L+R + Right L + C-Left No Radar [Multi] R + Up C-Down C-Left C-Up L + Down R + Up C-Left Right R + Left R + Right Paintball Mode L + Up C-Up R + Right L+R + C-Left L + Up R + C-Down L + C-Down L+R + C-Down L+R + Up L + C-Down 2X RCP-90s Up Right L + Left R + Down L + Up L + C-Left L + Left C-Right C-Up L+R + Down 2X Rocket Launcher R + Right L + Up Down Down R + C-Down L + Left L + C-Left R + Up R + Down R + C-Left Silver PP7 L + Left L+R + Up L + Right L+R + Up L+R + C-Left L+R + Left L+R + Down C-Down L+R + Right L+R + Left Slow Animation L+R + Left L+R + Left L+R + Down L+R + Left C-Right L+R + Down L+R + Down L + Down C-Left C-Up 2X Throwing Knives R + C-Left L + Left Up L+R + Right Right L+R + C-Left L+R + C-Left R + Down R + Left R + C-Left Tiny Bond L+R + Down R + Down L + C-Down Left R + C-Left L+R + C-Down Right Down R + C-Down R + Right Turbo Mode L + Down L + C-Down L+R + Up R + C-Down Left R + Down L + C-Down Up R + Down L + Right These next codes unlock most of the levels in the game. For some reason, a code to unlock Egyptian is not on the list. I wonder why.... To enter these codes, go to the Mission Select Screen (the screen with the pictures of all of the levels) and enter the code. You should hear a beep, and the level will now be available to play! NOTE: In order to unlock a level, you must have unlocked the previous level. So, in order to use the code to unlock the Cradle, you must have unlocked the Caverns, Control, Jungle, etc. Facility L+R + C-Up R + C-Left L + Left R + C-Up L + Left R + C-Down L + C-Right R + Right L+R + C-Up L + Right Runway L+R + Left R + Left L + C-Up L + Left R + C-Up R + C-Down R +C-Right R + Right L + Down R + C-Left Surface 1 R + C-Left L+R + C-Up L + Left R + Up R + Left L + Up R + C-Down L + Right L +C-Right L+R + Down Bunker 1 L + C-Down R + Right L + C-Right R + C-Left L + C-Down L+R + Left L + C-Right L+R + Up R + C-Right L + Up Silo L + Up R + C-Down L + Left R + Down L + C-Left L+R + C-Right L + C-Up R + Right R + Right R +C-Right Frigate R + C-Up L + Down R + C-Right L + Left L+R + Up L+R + C-Down R + C-Right R + Up L+R + C-Down R + Up Surface 2 L + C-Down L+R + C-Right R + C-Right R + C-Up R + C-Left L + Right L+R + C-Up L + C-Up L+R + Down L + C-Right Bunker 2 L + Down R + Down L+R + C-Up L + Left L+R + Right L + C-Left R + Right L + C-Up L + Left L + C-Down Statue L+R + C-Down L+R + C-Down L + Right L+R + Left R + Left R + C-Right L+R + Left R + C-Up R + C-Down R + Right Archives R + Left L+R + Up L+R + C-Down R + Left L+R + C-Right L + Left L+R + Right L+R + C-Down L + Up R + C-Down Streets L+R + C-Left L + C-Right L + Up L+R + C-Down R + C-Right R + C-Down R + Left R + C-Down R + C-Up L + Down Depot L + Down L + Down R + C-Down L + C-Right L+R + Right R + C-Left L + Down L + C-Left L + C-Right L + Up Train R + Left R + C-Down R + C-Right L+R + Left L + Right R + C-Down L + Left L+R + C-Left L + Up L + C-Up Jungle R + C-Down R + Left L+R + Up R + Right R + Down R + Down R + Up R + C-Left R + C-Up L+R + Left Control L + C-Down R + Down L + Right R + C-Right R + C-Down R + Left R + Left R + C-Up R + Left L+R + C-Up Caverns L + Down R + C-Down L+R + Up L + Right R + C-Up R + C-Left R + Up L + C-Left L + Up R + C-Left Cradle L+R + C-Up L + Left R + Down L + Down L + C-Up L + Down R + Right R + C-Up L + C-Left R + Right Complete the Cradle on Agent R + C-Down R + Left L + Right L+R + C-Right L + Down L+R + C-Up L + Left L+R + C-Up L+R + Right L + C-Left NOTE: In order the use the following code the unlock the Aztec level, you must have beaten the Cradle on Agent, OR use the preceeding code to beat the Cradle on Agent for you. Aztec L+R + Up L+R + C-Right L + Down R + Right R + Up L + Down L + Left L + C-Right L+R + C-Right L + Left To get more Multiplayer Characters, such as the Biker, the Terrorist, and a lot of the folks who made the game, enter the following sequence of buttons. This code should be entered at the Multiplayer character list, while looking at the character farthest to the right (Moonraker Elite Female, or Mishkin). If this code is entered when you only have the default eight characters unlocked, the secret characters, as well as the other 25 characters you earn upon beating Agent mode. 1. Hold L+R and press C-left 2. Hold L and press C-up 3. Hold L+R and press Left on the Control Pad 4. Hold L and press Right on the Control Pad 5. Hold R and press Down on the Control Pad 6. Hold L+R and press C-left 7. Hold L and press C-up 8. Hold L+R and press Right on the Control Pad 9. Hold L+R and press C-down 10. Hold L and press Right on the Control Pad. If nothing happens, try holding L and press Down on the Control Pad. SPECIAL NOTE: If you own a foreign version of Goldeneye, try Hold L and press Left on the Control Pad as an alternate last step. If you don't get results, you've probably entered the code incorrectly. It's VERY easy to make a mistake here, and it even takes me a couple of tries to enter the code in perfectly. Oh yeah, I almost forgot....Gameshark codes! I'm not a really big Gameshark fan, so I wasn't planning on posting thousands of codes on this FAQ. If you are looking for Gameshark Codes, try this site: http://www.cmgsccc.com/n64/golden _________________________________________ 3. Tricks & Bugs, and Other Cool Stuff _________________________________________ As I said before, Goldeneye isn't all about killing and getting killed. It's also about outrageous tricks, and crazy, yet fun things that YOU (yes you!) can try at home. Some of these Tricks were taken off GameSages (http://sages.ign.com) If a trick has been taken off there, I have given credit where it is due. And, some others were taken off of Cheat Code Central (http://www.cheatcc.com) another great site for game codes and tricks. Of course, the huge bulk of the tricks in this section were discoverec by the many readers of this FAQ. In this case, credit is given where it is due. If no credit with email address is listed, I've either discovered it myself, or got it somewhere else. Oh yeah, and two of my Goldeneye playing friends also gave me some stuff that I used. So, without further ado, let the games begin! ****************************************************************************** Fire Two Different Guns In order for this to work, you'll need two (2) different sets of double weapons. for example, you can have set of 2 Dostoveis and 2 Klobbs in the Archives. To get double guns, first hold the aim button, and fire the Left gun only. Then, reload. While you're reloading, press A (to change your weapon) and fire quickly. If you did it right, the two weapons should now be locked together. Enjoy! -Contributed to GameSages by Kamin Miller <comocozie@aol.com> ****************************************************************************** Copy Multiplayer Characters This trick allows up to three people to be the same character in Multiplayer. Player one's character may not be duplicated. 1. Start a new Multiplayer game with four players. 2. Choose the character you want to duplicate as player 4, (Bond, for example) and have other players choose other characters. 3. Go back into the menu and select a three player game. 4. Now, select your characters again, and choose Bond as Player 4 (or, whoever else you want to duplicate). 5. Go back into the menu and select a two player game. Choose the characters again, and choose Bond as player 2. Have Player One choose the character that he wants to be in the real game. 6. Change the number of players from 2 to 4, and start the game! If you're dead set on having all of the players be the same person, simply kill Player One in the beginning, and take turns playing with three people. -Submitted to GameSages by Robert Williams <cbowne@hotmail.com> ****************************************************************************** Floating Mines This is an interesting one. First, start a Multiplayer game in the Bunker, with Remote Mines (these work the best). Once the game starts, have someone grab some mines and run to the big room. Next, throw a mine on each of the TV screens that are hanging from the ceiling. After every screen has a mine on it, use your detonator to blow them up. Grab some more mines when you're done. When you've gotten more mines, try to throw one on the pole next to the stairs. Wow, it seems like nothing happened! Instead, every other mine that you place in the game will be floating in midair! This also works with other types of mines, tank shells, throwing knives, rockets, grenades, and grenade rounds! NOTE: This trick may also be done in the Mission Mode, but you'll need All Guns and Infinite Ammo. -Submitted to GameSages by pao91884@aol.com, Nitroxis64, and big2boys@teclink.net ****************************************************************************** Null, the Hidden Weapon! Go to the Bunker 2 with All Guns and Infinite Ammo on. Perform the floating mines trick, which is listed above. Now, look at your watch, and go to the second screen where there is a long line of weapons. Scroll down until you get to your Watch Magnet Attract. Now, right after the magnet, there should be a blank space. Highlight the blank space, and press A, then Start. You are now using the Null weapon! You can tell the name of it because it says "Null" on the first screen of the watch. On screen, you won't be able to do anything at all by pressing the fire button. And, for ammo, the game will say that you have three extra tank shells, and zero in your current clip! NOTE: If you have difficulty getting the blank space, try running around madly, throwing grenades, mines, and other weapons that float. For some reason, that works! -Submitted to me by Mike <MJB008@aol.com> ****************************************************************************** Open Locked Doors This is a cool one. First, put on the Invisibility Cheat, then go to any level. Then, find a locked door. Walk up to a nearby guard (remember, he can't see you!) and shoot him in the foot! This should attract his attention, and he'll start madly running around trying to find you. If you wait for a while by the locked door, the guard will open it in his attempt to find you! This trick works best on the Train and in the Frigate, where there are doors that could never be opened without this trick. In the Train, there are small rooms with yellow beds, and on the Frigate, there are small observation decks that you're too big to fit on to! Submitted to me by Sean <eyemsean@aol.com> ****************************************************************************** The Frigate's Lookout Post Actually, I was wrong. You can get on to the observation deck in the Frigate. Just go to the Frigate with the Tiny Bond cheat on, and use the Open Locked Doors Trick (explained above). Now, try to strafe through the door, but use the Control Trick to move your body through that tiny door. After a few tries, you should make it through! Unfortunately, once you make it on to the deck, the door will close and you'll be locked out! NOTE: If you're dead set on avoiding being locked out, you could always block the door with your body to prevent it from closing. SECOND NOTE: It is possible to do this trick without Tiny Bond, just a lot harder. -Submitted to me by <Satchamo007@aol.com> ****************************************************************************** Flying Bond Put on the Tiny Bond Cheat and go to the Bunker (either one). Run up to the top of the tall flight of stairs by the exit. Now, kneel down. Try to move down the stairs, but for some reason you'll now be floating! -Submitted to GameSages by Chris DiIonno <diionnop@erols.com> and Tanner Packer <lj937@aol.com> ****************************************************************************** The Portal into Oblivion Use a cheat to get a Rocket Launcher (with Infinite Ammo, preferably), turn on Tiny Bond, and go to the Control. Move through the level as you usually would, but when you get to the main control room (where Boris is) shoot out the main control screen that has the map of the world on it. Go over to the back stairs that are behind where Boris was (the ones that lead up to the secret Body Armor room), and stand on the second staircase from the top. Now use the Flying Bond trick (described above) to float across the room slightly, until you pass through a piece of scenery. Pull out your rocket launcher and fire a few off at the Control Screen. Instead of hitting it, the rockets should fly right through the black screen and on into oblivion. -Submitted to me by The Xtremist <p.speakman@xtra.co.nz> ****************************************************************************** The Egyptian Crypt This is a cool one. Go to the Egyptian level, and pause the game. Now, press left on your watch screen to get to that screen that shows your objectives and the briefings. It should also tell you the name of the level. But, instead of displaying the correct level name, it says Crypt! This may require some explaining. You see, the Goldeneye Team originally planned for the Egyptian to be called the Crypt. Obviously, this was later changed. But, they forgot to put Egyptian on the watch screen, making for this interesting design mistake! -Found on The Terrorist's Goldeneye Site ****************************************************************************** Shoot Tank Shells from your Head This little trick is for those of you without the All Guns cheat. First, you need to be using the Infinite Ammo Cheat on either the Runway, or the Streets (the Tank Levels). Get in the tank, and switch to the weapon immediately before your tank shells. Switch weapons, then QUICKLY get out of the tank. If you did it right, you should now have an endless supply of tank shells to use wherever you please. -Submitted to GameSages by TheGameDr@segasages.com ****************************************************************************** The Impossible Aztec Climb We've all seen that big pit in the Aztec level. Well, now there is a way to climb out of it! Simply go to the bottom of the pit, and run to your left until you reach the place where there are two Moonrakers on guard inside another room. You'll probably want to kill them to get them out of the way. After this is done, switch to your grenades (or AR33 if you have no grenades). Now stand on the left wall and run forward while facing the wall. When you get to a certain spot, press A to change weapons to your slapper, and then press it again about a second later. You should suddenly find yourself at the top of the pit! The only way to find the spot to press A is to practice this a lot! There really isn't any way to tell. To narrow it down, the spot is in between the wall at the side of the pit, and the bridge. You just have to practice this a lot. If you're having trouble, try using Turbo Mode. For some reason, that makes things a lot easier. You can use this trick to get really fast times for the Aztec level! -Submitted to me by Karl Jobst <k_jobst@hotmail.com> ****************************************************************************** Get Back in the Vent (Facility) To return to the Facility vent where you begin the level, simply go to the correct stall in the bathroom, and stand right up facing the wall. Then, press Left C then hold R, and press Left on the Control stick. You should start turning around, then you'll suddenly appear in the vent. When you do, release R and Left C, and press right on the Control Stick. This trick works both in Mission Mode, and in Multiplayer. It can not be done with short players, so Oddjob and the female scientist, Moonraker, and Civilian #1 are out of the question. -Submitted to GameSages by Chris Tart <c_tart@coffey.com> ****************************************************************************** The Missile Silo Door This is a really cool one. Go to the Silo, and run through the level as usual, past the first big room, until you get to the tall room with the missile in it, and the path that winds around the side. Now, get on your PP7, and backwards scroll through your weapons (A and Z) once until you get to your Slapper. Press B and look up. The Silo roof should be opening, revealing the sky above! ****************************************************************************** Floating Guards Go to the Runway, and use the All Guns Cheat to get a Sniper Rifle. Wait for a while until there are a lot of guards ( it helps if you have Invincibility, but it's not required). Now, simply find a good spot on the Runway, pull out your Sniper, and zoom in all the way (use Up-C). Look at some of the guards that are farther away and...surprise! They'll seem like they're floating! This trick works because the Sniper conflicts with the fog in the level that makes far away objects disappear, like the ground in this case. You can also get the Plane, the Tank, and the Missile Battery to float. Or, try using the Sniper on the Facility building to produce a variety of fun effects. -Submitted to me by Weisan Chen <WCHEN@niaid.nih.gov> ****************************************************************************** Stall the Truck Turn on the Tiny Bond cheat and go to the Dam. Find that big truck that drives around the level and stand right in front of it. Now, duck down, and crawl under the truch. If you stand up, the truck will totally stop and you'll be standing inside the truck itself. You can look around, admire the many glitches, and wonder, who's driving that thing in the first place? To escape, simply duck down again and crawl out. -Submitted to me by The Xtremist <p.speakman@xtra.co.nz ****************************************************************************** Reluctant Assassins Go to the Archives with Enemy Rockets on. In the beginning, don't do anything, and watch the conversation between Bond and the guards. Eventually, a third guard will come in and order Bond killed. But, since the enemies have rocket launchers, they won't fire, only move around strangely! NOTE: This trick will occasionally not work if the green guard moves to a different part of the room. -Submitted to me by Stenko Dragonlord <shaunthedragonslayer@hotmail.com> ****************************************************************************** Vanishing Bulletholes Start any kind of multiplayer game in any level, and kill your opponent. Now, make sure that the person you killed does NOT press Start. You should stand next to the body until it disappears. Shoot at the exact spot on the floor where the body was, and your bullets will never enter the floor, but they are stopped by the invisible body of the dead player! The only way to hit the floor in this way is to use a weapon that normally shoots through doors, such as the Cougar Magnum. NOTE: This trick will stop working if the player who died presses start and rejoins the game. -Submitted to me by Jerry Culbertson <zjfc21@altamaha.net> ****************************************************************************** High Leaping Guards Go the first Surface level with Invisibility on. Immediately, grab a KF7 Soviet and start pumping out bullets like there's no tomorrow. You want to attract as many guards as you possibly can. You can even set off the alarm system if you want. Anyway, run for the ventilation tower and shoot off the locks, but do NOT go inside yet! Instead, simply stand behind the opening and wait for the mob of guards to catch up with you. As the guards run up the tower and run around desperately trying to find you, several will fall down the hole and magically rise up a split second later. If you can't get the guards to fall down the pit, try shooting them in the foot and getting them to fall down there. Quite funny, isn't it? -Submitted to me by <cmohans@worldnet.att.net> ****************************************************************************** Death in Midair This is a cool one. Go to the Cradle on 00 Agent (Secret Agent works too) with All Guns on, and go all of the way to the bottom platform where you fight Trevelyan. Jump down on to the platform, and pull out a grenade. Press and hold Z for four seconds, then leap off of the platform, without letting go of Z. If you did it right, the grenade will explode before you fall all of the way out of the level, killing you in the traditional way. The ending scene will then show Bond collapsing in the middle of the sky! For some reason, sometimes you will automatically throw the grenade when you jump off. If this happens, try it again, and hold the grenade for a little bit longer. -Submitted to me by Andy Basler <earthbattle@hotmail.com> ****************************************************************************** Broken Lock in the Dam In the Dam level, use cheats to start off with any explosive weapon. Go up to the lock that's on the gate to the main part off the dam, and fire your explosive right at the lock. Wait for the smoke to clear, and open the door. The shattered remains of the lock will now be floating in midair! ****************************************************************************** Flaming Bond This one is one of my all time favorites. Use the Invincibility cheat and go to the Silo. Grab some of your C-4 Plastique and throw it somewhere, then shoot it with a gun. It will explode, effectively blowing up the Silo, but instead, a giant fireball will follow you wherever you go, causing enemies to die humorous deaths before your very eyes! You can also do this trick on the Bunker 2. Simply wait until Natalya goes up to her computer and makes her announcement that the Goldeneye is going to fire. Then, do a little waiting, and watch the fireworks! -Submitted to GameSages by Matt Higgins <rectoman@hotmail.com> -Bunker 2 Method Submitted to me by Sean <SeanNutsoInc@telus.net> ****************************************************************************** Two Slow Train Glitches One trick produces two humorous glitches? Wow, I never could have imagined that. Go to the Depot level on Agent with Slow Animation on, and just run up to the Train and open the doors. Now, shoot ONLY ONE of the guards inside, either the one on the right, or the one on the left. Shooting either guard works, but I prefer the right one, as the result is funnier. When you step on to the Train, the ending cinema will show Bond aiming his gun, and killing the guard without any gunshot at all! And to top it all off, when he's done with that, Bond will aim his gun up to the roof of the Train and keep it there until the doors close! -Submitted to me by <dmcgee@dcsmail.com> ****************************************************************************** Rip off Bond's Arm There are several different ways that you can get this trick to work. The easiest way is to use All Guns to get a Grenade. Throw the Grenade on the ground next to you, a turn a little bit to your left. Now, press Start to access the watch screen, and as soon as the game pauses, press Start again, then press Start AGAIN when Bond's arm is almost off of the screen. Keep doing this, and eventually the Grenade will explode, killing you. If you were lucky, when the explosion happens, Bond's arm will be at a certain point, and when you die the arm will look like it's being blown off! The other way to do this trick is to use Enemy Rockets, preferably on the Aztec. That was how I first discovered this trick! ****************************************************************************** Use a Weapon in The Living Daylights Start a game of The Living Daylights (Flag Tag) while choosing Sniper Rifles as a weapon. Anytime you see the flag, switch to the butt of your sniper, and hold the fire button as you run over the flag. Now, as long as you don't let go of the button, you can swing the butt of the rifle all you want! Hey, at least it's better than nothing! -Submitted to GameSages by Aaron Allison <Jincoz@aol.com> ****************************************************************************** Mad Scientists In the Facility, Silo, and Caverns, there are always scientists running around, getting in your way. Have you ever tried purposely shooting them in the foot or hand? If you shoot the scientist twice in a row, they will usually take out a Dostovei or a grenade, and start coming after you! If your scientists never do it, try it on 00 Agent, or on 007 mode with the Enemy Health set on 1000%. -Submitted to GameSages by Code Master and Craig Schiffbauer ****************************************************************************** The Dead Guard Speaks! Go to the Bunker 2, and turn on any cheat that will give you a gun. First, use your Watch Magnet to grab the key, then wait by your cell door. Take out your gun and shoot the guard as he walks by. As soon as the guard falls to the ground, open the cell door. The guard should yell out "Stop, or I'll Shoot!" even though he is obviously dead. In order for this trick to work, you must escape from your cell before the guard's body disappears. -Submitted to me by Kaiserroll <Kaiserroll@email.msn.com> ****************************************************************************** Glass Mine Trap In the Library (or Stack) choose Proximity mines as a weapon. Any kind of mine works, but I like Proximity the best. Go to that spot where all of the panes of glass are. Throw a mine on the glass, then shoot the glass with your gun to break it. Careful not to get too close, or to hit the mine! The glass will not regenerate, and the mine will be harder to spot, making for a great trap! -Submitted to GameSages by <pao91884@aol.com>, Nitroxis64, and <big2boys@teclink.net> ****************************************************************************** The Incredible Exploding Car If you've ever fooled around on the Streets, you would see that if you shoot one of the cars with a gun, it won't blow up. The cars will only explode if you run over them with the tank. But, there is one special car on the Streets. Go to the very end of the level, then turn around and take a right. Shoot the very first car that you see with any gun. This is the only car in the entire level that explodes when you shoot it! -Submitted to me by Tim Conboy <fly_guy5@hotmail.com> ****************************************************************************** Floating Knives Turn on either the 2x Throwing Knives cheat, or the All Guns Cheat, and go to the Dam. First, clear out all of the soldiers in the first part of the level (they get in your way). Then, go up to the top of the watch tower and grab the sniper rifle. Walk back to the little bridge that connects the two sides of that little canyon where you first start out. Walk over to the pit on the right of the bridge (from your point of view if you were first starting the level) and start throwing your throwing knives down into the pit. Careful not to throw them in too far! Once you've done that, pull out your sniper and look down into the pit, zooming in all the way. You should see your knives at the bottom of the pit, sitting in blackness. Now, shoot each one of the knives. As you shoot them, you should hear the *swoosh* sound, and the knife will disappear. After shooting a few knives, get off your sniper and look back up. You should see all of your knives floating in midair over the pit! -Submitted by Michael Rushia ****************************************************************************** Extra Tank Shells On the Runway, while driving the tank, fire your tank missiles, switch to your timed mines, throw one, then quickly switch to your tank shells. If you did it right, and were fast enough, you'll have an extra shell. -Submitted to GameSages by Eric Frederick and Ryan Romba ****************************************************************************** 007 and 006, as it was meant to be! Go to the Facility using the Gold PP7 cheat. Beat the level as normal, and go to the final bottling room where Trevelyan is. Rendez-vous with him, then be standing by the bottom of the stairs when the alarm goes off. After a little while, Ouromov should run down the stairs. Shoot Ouromov with the Gold PP7, then run back into the group of bottles. Now, you and Trevelyan can fight side by side, mindlessly shooting all of the soldiers that come! -Submitted to me by Tyler Knutson <toylak@yahoo.com> ****************************************************************************** The Paintbrush In Multiplayer, start a game using Sniper Rifles in any level. Now, run and grab a sniper rifle, without touching another player, grabbing a gun, or grabbing ammo. Pick up the Sniper, and press A twice. You should now be on the Paintbrush, which is like a sniper butt, only the colors are screwed up so that it looks like a paintbrush! -Found on Cheat Code Central ****************************************************************************** Make Natalya Type Thin Air In the Control, clear out the first room of guys, then lead Natalya up to her computer. When she starts typing, use your PP7 to shoot her in the hand, or the foot. If you did it right, Natalya will back away in pain, but will then resume her typing, even though the keyboard is a little ways away! -Submitted by Kevin Hughes ****************************************************************************** No Bonds Allowed In the Facility, at the very end of the long stone hallway is a very small room. Above one of the doors in the room is a sign that would say No Smoking, except that the cigarette is replaced with Bond! ****************************************************************************** Tank Cruise Control This is a fun one. In any tank level (Runway or Streets) get into the tank and move the Control Stick forward a little bit. Then, hold down the R button (aim). Now, continue holding R, but release the control stick, and now you can swivel the tank gun all around while not having to worry about moving! -Submitted to GameSages by JUSTIN <dube.1@globalserve.net ****************************************************************************** The Aztec Leap of Faith Go to the Aztec Complex with Turbo Mode on. Go to the second room and kill everyone in there, just to make things easier. Now, go to either side of the pit and get ready! Give yourself a little room, and run-strafe across the pit by using the Control Stick and the Left or Right C Buttons! Yeah, you heard me! You can run-strafe across it! Try it, it's true! You can see how many times in a row you can do it, or you could try letting go of the Controller at a certain time, and see if you can still make it across! NOTE: It's also possible todo this without Turbo Mode, it's just a lot harder! ****************************************************************************** Blow up the Flag This is a major Goldeneye bug, but it's cool too. Start a Multiplayer game of the Living Daylights in any level, and set the weapons to grenades. Now, when someone is about to pick up the flag anytime during the game, pull out a grenade, hold Z, then pick up the flag while still holding Z. After five seconds, the grenade will explode, killing you, and also blowing the flag to bits. The flag will now be gone forever, never to return. -Submitted to me by Anonymous ****************************************************************************** Bottomless Pit Start a Multiplayer game in the Bunker, and select any explosive weapon (Grenade Launchers are preferred) and go outside into the snow. Walk over to the big, black wall. Now, look over the side. You should see nothing but blackness, a black wall. But, if you fire a grenade launcher into the "wall," the explosives will fall, and fall, and fall forever, proving that the blackness is actually a bottomless pit. -Found on Cheat Code Central ****************************************************************************** Reminder from Moneypenny In the Frigate level, go up to the helicopter and attach a bug on to it. Then, pull out a gun and shoot it off. A voice will come and say "Careful with those bugs, James." Who is this? My guess is, it's Moneypenny, it sounds like something that she would say. Another funny thing with the helicopter bugs is to use the Infinite Ammo cheat, go to the Frigate, put a bug on helicopter, shoot it off, then put another one on. The message will say "Objective d: FAILED," when you shoot the bug, but when you put another one on, it will show the mission completed message. ****************************************************************************** Shootout with Trevelyan In the Facility, try going up to Trevelyan and shooting him in the foot. He'll say, "So golden boy is a traitor, how ironic, James," and start shooting at you! He says more things during the shootout and when you finally kill him, but I'll leave those as a surprise. ****************************************************************************** Domino Fights Back In any Goldeneye level, complete all of the objectives, then switch to the controller setting 2.3 Domino. Then, complete the level by going through the exit, or whatever. While the closing cinema is playing, press the fire button, (Z on Controller #2) and you'll now be firing a gun during the movie! This works best on the Statue, Surface 2, Bunker 2, and any other level with people during the cinema. -Found on Cheat Code Central ****************************************************************************** Explosion in the Cinema Here's another fun thing to do during a level's closing cinema. For most of the levels, you may need the All Guns cheat to give you mines. If you don't have the cheat, use whatever mines that they give you. Anyway, let's take the Surface 2 as an example. At the very end, open the door to the Bunker. Now, take out a few proximity mines and throw them down there. Immediately run into the entrance, and the mines will explode during the movie, killing some of the guards! The mine trick works on every level (except the Runway) and can be done with any type of mine, or a grenade. ****************************************************************************** The Final Death of Baron Samedi There are two ways to kill the Baron for the fourth time during the Egyptian level. The first (and easiest) method is to use the Domino Control Setting trick (see above) to beat the level, then fire during the ending cinema to kill the Baron while he's laughing. The second (and harder) method is to use All Guns to lay remote mines in the long temple hall where the Baron appears. Lay a straight row of mines on each side. Then, lay one proximity mine at the end, and make sure that no soldiers set it off! After you kill Baron Samedi for the final time, during the cinema when he walks down the hall, Bond will set off the proximity mine, which causes a chain reaction making all of the remote mines explode, killing Samedi! -Submitted to me by Peter Cramner <Peter@apocalypsedemon.freeserve.co.uk> and Gwilym Wogan <vanguard_gw@hotmail.com> ****************************************************************************** Bond Misses his Flight As you may know, using either the Fast or Slow Animation Cheats on a level also affects the opening and closing cinemas. My personal favorite level for doing this is the Cradle. With Slow Animation, the helicopter leaves before Bond can get a chance to grab on, and with Fast Animation, Bond jumps, only to overshoot the plane by a mile! ****************************************************************************** Slappers not Slapping? In multiplayer, have two players stand in the same room facing each other. Now have one player slap repeatedly. But on the other player's screen, they will only see their opponent standing perfectly still, not doing anything! -Submitted to me by <Zck13@aol.com> ****************************************************************************** Falling Mines On the Runway, (Agent level is easiest) grab the plane ignition key and run for the plane. Before you jump in, throw a few timed mines on the plane. Now open the door and complete the level. During the cinema, the mines will fall off of the plane as it flies along and explode! -Found on Cheat Code Central ****************************************************************************** Surprises in the Surface The programmers really wanted to make a level that was full of fun toys. So, they created the Surface #1! Seriously, there is some pretty funny stuff in here! Go to that little secluded corner where you find the safe. In one of the cabins, there will be a wooden box in the corner of the room. Shoot it, and a bunch of books will fly out! Also, in the cabins in this area, there will be a little model of a helicopter, and a little model of a car. If you shoot either of these once, it will fly off the desk and explode! Tricky little toys, aren't they? ****************************************************************************** Wrong hands, Mr. Bond? In Multiplayer, you may have noticed that every character has the same animation for Slapping, and for using the Remote Mine Detonator. Why is this important, you ask? Well, this happens even if the character is wearing gloves, or is black, like Mayday. It seems that Bond likes to stick his hands in a variety of places... -Submitted to me by Gwilym Wogan <vanguard_gw@hotmail.com> ****************************************************************************** Juggling Knives Go to the Dam level with the 2x Throwing Knives Cheat on. At the beginning of the level, use the look up button to scroll your vision so that you're looking straight up into the sky. Take out your throwing knives, and throw one or more up in the air. It will fly up, and then you'll catch it as it falls down. Use the Infinite Ammo Cheat and get quite a few knives going at once, it's actually pretty funny. This trick can actually be performed in any outside level, but I think the Dam works best. -Submitted by Michael Rushia ****************************************************************************** Guardian Angels In the Frigate, if you use 007 Mode to turn the Enemy Health up ridiculously high, all of the hostages can survive being executed! After the guards shoot the hostage, he will just hang around while the guards go after you! -Submitted to me by Gwilym Wogan <vanguard_gw@hotmail.com> ****************************************************************************** Disappearing Boris In the Control, have you ever wondered where Boris goes? Well, you can follow him. Simply walk into the room where you find him, then run up the stairs before Boris can react. Run up both flights of stairs, until you get to the very top floor. At the top, take a left and run into the little room with the body armor. A few seconds later, Boris will come running in, walk into a corner, and vanish. -Submitted to me by <TCBCA@aol.com> ****************************************************************************** If you have any other Trick or Bug that I've missed, please email me and tell me about it. ********************** IX. The Q Watch ********************** Some people would call me crazy for devoting an entire section of this already gigantic FAQ to the Q Watch. I decided to ignore those people. My actual alterior motive in making this section was just to have a neat, organized place where I could list all of the different game options and controller settings. That's all! __________________ 1. The Options __________________ This is for all of you who don't know the awesome power of your own watch! Well, maybe not that awesome, but..... The screen numbers are from 1-5 and are listed from left to right. Screen #1 -------------- Mission Status This shows whether your mission is Incomplete, Complete, or Failed. Abort If you want to, you can abort the mission. If you do so, you'll quit the level and fail your mission. Weapon Name and Picture The name of your weapon you are currently using, and a pretty little picture (if applicable) are displayed. Ammo Count This shows you the number of spare bullets, as well as the amount in your current clip. This is also available by default on the normal mission screen. Screen #2 -------------- Weapons and Gadgets List This handy list shows all of the weapons and gadgets that you are currently carrying. To switch to a weapon, simply select it from the list! The only way to switch to a gadget is to use this menu. Screen #3 -------------- Controller Settings This list is so long, I've given it a separate section! See the next section for a list of all the various Goldeneye Controller Settings. Screen #4 -------------- This is the screen with most of the important stuff on it! Music Volume This bar lets you adjust the volume of the music. FX Volume This bar lets you control the volume of the game's Sound Effects. Look Up/Down Reverse/Upright This let's you change the looking controls, so that you can make down look down, or down look up. Reverse is the default, as most people are more comfortable with it. Auto Aim On/Off Serious players can choose to turn the auto aim option off for more challenging play. The default setting, of course, is on. Site on Screen On/Off If you find that bright, red crosshair distracting, or prefer to aim your gun by eye, turn the on screen site off, as the default is on. Look Ahead On/Off You know that if you're looking into the sky, or down at the ground, then start walking, your view will automatically shift back to normal? If you hate this, turn it off. The default is on. Ammo on Screen On/Off This allows you to turn the ammo count on or off. Some players may find it distracting to have those numbers blocking some screen area, but I don't mind it. On is the default. Screen Full/Wide/Cinema This is pretty cool. Full screen (the default) makes the screen just be it's normal self. Widescreen is just like watching a widescreen movie. What, you never seen a widescreen movie? There are these little bars at the top and bottom that fiddle with the screen somehow, makes for interesting gameplay. The Cinema setting makes things look like your watching a movie in a theater. Cinema is a lot of fun, but I use it only when cheating, as the limited view and small screen can make things hard to see, especially with a small TV. Ratio Normal/16:9 This option is for you people that have widescreen televisions. It makes things a lot easier to see. It changes the horizontal screen width. 16:9 makes things look taller than they really are, but not very much taller. You kind of have to try it out to see what I mean. The default is Normal. Screen #5 -------------- Mission Objectives A list of the current level's Mission Objectives (and whether or not they are currently complete) is available here. Briefing In case you foolishly forgot to read M's, Q's or even Moneypenny's briefings before the level began, you can read them on this screen. _______________________________ 2. The Controller Settings _______________________________ Are you sick and tired of using the same old controller setting while playing Goldeneye? Are you bored of using Z to fire? Do you have two controllers, and want to make good use of them? Or are you simply curious about stuff like this? Whichever one, read this section and your questions about button settings will be answered! Oh yeah, and in case you've never noticed, all of the different controller varieties are named after Bond girls. The movie that the girl comes from is listed, as a useless fact. Hey, you never know, that question just might come up on Jeopardy! someday... ANOTHER NOTE: When holding two controllers at once, it is suggested that you hold #1 in the left hand, and #2 in the right hand. Name: Honey Number: 1.1 Controllers Required: One Movie: Dr. No Button Functions R: Aim D Pad: Strafe and look Control Stick: Move Start: Pause Z: Fire A: Switch Weapons B: Action C Buttons: Strafe and look Notes: The Honey setting is the one that a large percentage of players, (including me) are most comfortable with. The controls are simple, and it handles very well. Name: Solitaire Number: 1.2 Controllers Required: One Movie: Live and Let Die Button Functions R: Aim D Pad: Move Control Stick: Look Start: Pause Z: Fire A: Switch Weapons B: Action C Buttons: Strafe and look Notes: In this setting, you are intended to use the C Buttons to move you around, and the Control Stick to make you face in the right direction. This can be difficult to get used to, but many people like it. It just takes a lot of practice. Name: Kissy Number: 1.3 Controllers Required: One Movie: You Only Live Twice Button Functions R: Switch Weapons D Pad: Strafe and look Control Stick: Move Start: Pause Z: Aim A: Fire B: Action C Buttons: Strafe and look Notes: This setting is very easy to use, and handles quite comfortably. I would recommend Kissy to people who spend most of their time aiming, as the Z button serves that purpose. Name: Goodnight Number: 1.4 Controllers Required: One Movie: The Man With the Golden Gun Button Functions R: Switch Weapons D Pad: Move Control Stick: Look Start: Pause Z: Aim A: Fire B: Action C Buttons: Strafe and look Notes: This is basically a combination of Solitaire and Kissy. However, I find it easier to handle than the difficult Solitaire, as you have better access to the firing button. Name: Plenty Number: 2.1 Controllers Required: Two Movie: Diamonds Are Forever Button Functions Controller #1 Control Stick: Move Start: Pause Z: Fire A: Switch Weapons B: Action Controller #2 Control Stick: Look Start: Pause Z: Aim A: Switch Weapon B: Action Notes: This is my personal favorite of the two controller selections. I also find it the easiest to handle. Most people will find it more comfortable to use the A and B buttons on Controller #2, using your thumb. Name: Galore Number: 2.2 Controllers Required: Two Movie: Goldfinger Button Functions Controller #1 Control Stick: Look Start: Pause Z: Fire A: Switch Weapons B: Action Controller #2 Control Stick: Move Start: Pause Z: Aim A: Switch Weapons B: Action Notes: This one is a lot harder to handle than Plenty, because it is difficult to switch weapons, or reload while moving. Name: Domino Number: 2.3 Controllers Required: Two Movie: Thunderball Button Functions Controller #1 Control Stick: Move Start: Pause Z: Aim A: Switch Weapons B: Action Controller #2 Control Stick: Look Start: Pause Z: Fire A: Switch Weapons B: Action Notes: The real problem with the Domino setting is that the aiming controls tend to really get in the way. Either that, or they'll just give you sore fingers. As you can see, the moving and looking controls are switched from the Plenty Setting. The Domino setting is more commonly used to do the "Shoot during the ending cinema" trick. See the Tricks & Bugs section for more info. Name: Goodhead Number: 2.4 Controllers Required: Two Movie: Moonraker Button Functions Controller #1 Control Stick: Look Start: Pause Z: Aim A: Switch Weapons B: Action Controller #2 Control Stick: Move Start: Pause Z: Fire A: Switch Weapons B: Action Notes: Goodhead has the moving controls of Galore, and the firing controls of Domino. With that in mind, I can safely say that this is a very difficult setting to master. Even I (gasp!) find it difficult to handle smoothly. If you notice any errors in buttons, or whatever, please email me. *********************** X. Miscellaneous *********************** This section (as they title may have implied) contains all of those little things that didn't really fit anywhere else. ________________________ 1. Enemy Rockets FAQ ________________________ Some hastily done research by myself shows that most Goldeneye players really, REALLY hate the Enemy Rockets cheat. And I don't blame them! It can get annoying after about the tenth time you've been blown up at close range, and a lot of the levels are hard to beat. Hard to beat. That is the key phrase. Lately, I've discovered that Enemy Rockets is actually just one big challenge. The Challenge: beat every level with the Enemy Rockets cheat on, and only that cheat! No Invincibility or Gold PP7 for you! The following is a list and some overall tips of notes on every level in the game, when used on Enemy Rockets. I really don't think that a step by step walkthrough is necessary, that would just take all of the fun out of it. So....are you up to the challenge? Tip: An important thing to remember is that every guy that starts off at the beginning of the level has a rocket launcher. Try to pick rockets up by killing them. Also, enemies that come when an alarm goes off, or that appear magically, will have regular guns. Kill these new guys to get a decent automatic, at the very least, in alternative to your PP7. Special Note: There is at least one person who has beaten most of the levels on 00 Agent with Enemy Rockets. His name is Eric Salter, and he has written an Enemy Rockets FAQ on Gamefaqs. I strongly suggest that you take a look at it, because it gives full walkthroughs for each level. ============================================================================== Dam This is one level where you can actually get some good weapons! Grab the Sniper Rifle in the watch tower, and there are some KF7 Soviets with ammo in those boxes by the security gate. Other than that, the wide open spaces should make it easy to avoid being hit by a mislaid rocket. Difficulty: Agent and Secret Agent are pretty easy, but beware of 00! Rockets in the sewer is not pretty...... ============================================================================== Facility The secret to beating this level is treating the whole level like a huge stealth mission. Use your rocket launcher sparingly, only when guys are in hard to get places. One good tip is to pick up some ammo off of the first three guards with Soviets that come through the first remotely sealed door. Oh yeah, if things look rough, use your remote mines! Difficulty: Quite a challenge on all three difficulties, and only a master could beat it on 00 Agent. ============================================================================== Runway The real trick here is to get to the plane before it's blown up by a stray rocket. That is plain and simple luck. On higher difficulties, it's harder, because the more things you have to blow up, the longer you're in the level, and the more likely it is that the plane will explode. Other than that, fears of your own death are really very low. Difficulty: It's all luck, as I said before. ============================================================================== Surface 1 When playing Enemy Rockets on the Surface, it is important to run. Otherwise, you're going to die. Don't stop for needless fire fights, you're likely to get blown away! If needed, use your sniper rifle, that's what it's there for! Difficulty: Actually not that hard, on any difficulty. ============================================================================== Bunker 1 This an another big stealth mission. Use your silenced PP7 all of the time, and forget all about your rocket launcher. Take out each guy one at a time, much like it says in my main Bunker Walkthrough, without the other guys seeing you. Try not to set off any alarms either, as the last thing you need is more soldiers! Difficulty: A real challenge, but it can be mastered with practice. ============================================================================== Silo One of the hardest Enemy Rockets levels, even beating it on Agent is an accomplishment! I can't really offer any advice here, other than use your rocket launcher! You'll need it! Difficulty: Whew....you can be proud if you beat it on Agent. ============================================================================== Frigate As you might have guessed, the big problem here is hostages. They just keep getting themselves killed! Ammo is another problem, rocket launchers are of little use around hostages, and you start out with a measly 20 bullets. If you can, use you slapper! Don't laugh, it worked for me! Difficulty: Another challenging level, and watch out for those hostages! ============================================================================== Surface 2 Much like the Surface 1, you're going to be doing a lot of running. However, very few of the enemies here have rocket launchers. Instead, you'll find a lot of Klobbs. This is good for you, it's almost as easy as beating the level without enemy rockets! Difficulty: Good level to start off on, because not many of the enemies carry Rocket Launchers. In other words, it's pretty easy. ============================================================================= Bunker 2 To beat the 2nd Bunker on Agent, simply charge right through, running like mad. On the other two difficulties, however, things get a bit tricky. I've tried using Throwing Knives several times, without success. Going all out with the rocket launcher isn't much easier. Oh yeah, watch out for Natalya! Difficulty: Agent is not that hard. You're one good player if you can beat it on Secret Agent. ============================================================================== Statue Without a doubt, the easiest Enemy Rockets level. Well, maybe the 2nd Surface. Anyway, just run right through! There's no need to even fire a shot! Just do a bit of dodging, and it's a peace of cake! Difficulty: It's almost too easy... ============================================================================== Archives The thing about this level is that Natalya always seems to get killed! Always! Of course, you might try killing every guy in the level before going for Natalya, but that is a challenge in itself. Besides that, the level itself is really hard, but it's easier if you use your Rocket Launcher a lot. Difficulty: Very, very hard...and I'm talking about Agent. ============================================================================== Streets Once you've gotten past the beginning, it's easy! Just grab your tank and get going! If you need to go for Valentin, just use a rocket launcher to clear out that little alleyway. The tank ride is still pretty easy, even with dozens of rocket launchers being fired at you. Difficulty: Go for beating 00 Agent on this one. ============================================================================== Depot Yet another easy Agent level, just run right to the train! Of course, raiding the Janus base and the arms cache on Secret and 00 Agent is no day at the beach. It's actually really, really hard. Difficulty: Agent is easy, Secret Agent is heard. Simple, no? ============================================================================== Train One of the hardest Enemy Rockets levels, the cramped corridors of the train make for one sided battles against you. A full frontal attack with your watch laser can sometimes prove useful, but dangerous. Of course, hiding behind boxes with a PP7 is dangerous too, so I'd take my chances with the laser. But don't use it all before the final train car! Difficulty: Pretty darn hard. ============================================================================== Jungle This level is harder than most might expect. Not only are you in danger of being blown away, but Natalya seems to get herself into a large amount of explosions as well. And the trees don't provide much cover either. Difficulty: Very hard, and watch out for Natalya! ============================================================================== Control Actually, this is easier than you might expect. If you can make it to Natalya's ambush, you've practically made it. Know why? The guys that come don't have Rocket Launchers! Of course, you'll have to tackle them without your trustee Deutsche, but that's life. Difficulty: Go ahead, you can at least beat it on Agent. ============================================================================== Caverns One of my friends likes to brag about how he can beat this level on Enemy Rockets. And he has good reason to! It's very hard, especially on the walkways and in the small rooms! For extra support, break into boxes to grab an AR33, and extra ZMG ammo. Also, try and use "The Race" method to beat Trevelyan to the elevator, which tends to avoid a lot of bloodshed. See section 4 of the Miscellaneous section for more info. Difficulty: Easy....on Agent. ============================================================================= Cradle The thing about this is that the only guy in the whole level with a Rocket Launcher is Trevelyan, and I'd rather see him fire that than an AR33! Seriously, some people might actually find this level EASIER if you use Enemy Rockets. Wow, that is freaky. Difficulty: Try and beat this one on 00. ============================================================================== Aztec Believe it or not, this is the crown jewel of your Enemy Rockets Quest! The hardest level of all, (Well...maybe the Train and the Silo) and it is actually possible to beat it! Just try and beat it the normal way, except use a Rocket Launcher around the trickier places. Difficulty: Very hard. ============================================================================== Egyptian Try to ignore most of the soldiers, just run! Grab the Golden Gun as fast as possible, and it's all downhill from there. Samedi is as easy as ever, just watch out for his rocket toting friends! Difficulty: Go for it! It's one of the easiest levels! ============================================================================== And that's it. If you have anything to say about my Enemy Rockets FAQ (an original creation in itself) please email me. _________________________________ 2. How to Use a Throwing Knife _________________________________ Lots of people say that throwing knives stink, throwing knives are pointless, and throwing knives are weak. Well, most of the Goldeneye fans who say this aren't as good with them as I am, and I plan to change that right now! Heh heh....I didn't mean that quite the way it sounded! Anyway, on with the guide! My guide on How to Use a Throwing Knife should explain the tactics and methods of using the weapon, as well as a few tips. ************************************************************************ Let's start off with the basics, and work our way over to the more complicated stuff. Location ------------ You find the throwing knives in the Bunker 2, hidden down at the bottom of the sewer. See the Bunker 2 Walkthrough for more information. So, now we have our Throwing Knives. Now what? Aiming ------------ First of all, Auto Aim will not work with throwing knives. Period. It will not work at all, even on Agent. So, if you randomly throw one at an enemy, odds are, it's not going to hit him. So, we have to use crosshair aiming! Yeah yeah, I'm sure all of you remember aiming. You have to aim with throwing knives! It's very important! And don't forget that! Power ------------ For our purposes, I'm going to say that a Throwing Knife is about as powerful as a Cougar Magnum. One hit to the chest will usually kill a guy (on 00 even) but on hit to the shoulder, arm, or leg, will not. What about head shots? Well, they'll cause a one hit death also, but you don't really want to go looking for head shots with throwing knives. It's too much trouble, and I'll get into that later. Now for the main part of the Guide! Strategies ************************************************************************ The "Hold" Tactic -------------------- One of the most useful throwing knife tricks is the "Hold" tactic, which is discussed here. The biggest con about the throwing knives is their speed. It takes a while to throw one, grab another one, and throw the next one. That's why we use the Hold Tactic. To do it, simply grab a knife, then hold down the fire button. This makes it so you put the knife in a ready to fire position. To release the knife, just let go of the fire button! This should decrease the time it takes to throw the knife, making the knives more affective. Practice this tactic a lot, it's a good one! Hiding ------------ To use throwing knives efficiently, you have to learn to hide. And when I say hide, I mean hide around corners, so that you can get the drop on an unsuspecting soldier. Hiding is simple. I'm sure everyone already knows how to do it. Remember, hiding is the only useful way to get an easy kill! The Wrap-up ------------ All right, we've got our knives, we know how to aim, we have our knife held in a ready to fire position, and we're hiding around a corner, waiting for an unsuspecting enemy. Well, what happens when the enemy shows up? First of all, you have to be ready! Don't be surprised when someone comes! Then, simply move the crosshair over to the soldiers chest, and fire. If he doesn't die, then grab another knife, quick! If you're fast enough, he won't get a chance to shoot you, and the second knife will usually finish him off. 2x Throwing Knives ************************************************************************ Two throwing knives at once is cool, but handles a little differently than one. The only real difference is that one knife will go a LITTLE bit to the left of the crosshair, and the other will go a LITTLE bit to the right. Both of the knives will be thrown at once when you fire. That doesn't usually end up in any major problems, so I wouldn't worry about screwing up majorly. In fact, it's much better, since two knife hits to the chest will surely kill a soldier. Multiplayer ************************************************************************ The Goldeneye Multiplayer Throwing Knives game isn't that much different from single player. I don't really want to give out whole strategies, but I can offer some advice. I like to just pick a corner, or secluded area, and wait for someone to come. Leaning over those corners works well. Don't try to run around, chasing opponents, throwing knives madly, because remember, auto aim won't be there to help you. If a dogfight should arise, I like to run away a little ways, and find a corner, than do a sequence of lean out, lean in motions, and shoot if I see the enemy. It usually works very well. Well, that was my guide. I hope it helped. If you have any questions or comments about it, please email me. _______________________________ 3. How to Use the Golden Gun _______________________________ Like the throwing knives, I consider the Golden Gun to be a hard to use weapon. Well, that doesn't really sound right. Obviously, it's not hard to kill someone in one hit, but the one bullet per clip does add a bit of challenge to using the gun. And that, is why this guide is here. You know, to give out some tips and pointers. I don't know if people will find it as useful as the Throwing Knives guide (assuming people found that useful at all) but we'll see how things turn out. Overview ************************************************************************ The Golden Gun is only found in one level, the Egyptian Temple. And most Goldeneye players haven't even unlocked that level yet. But, the Golden Gun is one of the most popular Multiplayer weapons. Hey, it even has it's own scenario! This guide was mainly intended to be used in Multiplayer The Basics ************************************************************************ We all know the Golden Gun kills in one shot. We also all know that it only shoots one bullet before you have to reload. This makes the time between shots seem like forever. If you didn't already know that, you know it now. Strategies ************************************************************************ Auto Aim? ------------- Some people love to use auto aim with the Golden Gun. Others find it stupid, and distracting. And of course, some use both. Use Auto Aim if: You are chasing an opponent through many corners and passages, and there is no time to stop and use a crosshair. The person is all of the way at the other end of the room, and you plan to shoot a few random shots as you run closer. You are kneeling down and running. Using the crosshair would cause you to stand up, putting you in an easy line of fire for the enemy. You are at Point Blank Range. Use the Crosshair if: Your opponent is standing still and may not have noticed you. You are chasing your opponent through a long, straight hallway, and you want to stop and take a few good shots. You are leaning around a corner to get a good shot. You have chased a weaponless opponent into a dead end and he/she is running around in a circle-like pattern trying to avoid being hit. You can use the aimer to get a better shot than with auto aim. Golden Bullets ------------------ If you're like me, you tend to run out of Golden Bullets pretty quickly. There are two good ways to avoid this. #1. After grabbing the first two boxes of bullets that appear, walk a short distance away, and wait for the boxes to come back. Be sure to have your gun ready while you wait! #2. Watch your bullet count, and run back to get more when it reaches ten or so. The extra bullets give you a good chance in case you meet an unsuspecting opponent on the way to the bullets. In the Egyptian ************************************************************************ Since most of the strategies outlined above were mainly intended for Multiplayer use, I've also added a few tips for using the Golden Gun in the Egyptian Temple. You can also use these in any other level, with the Golden Gun cheat on! I like to use auto aim with the Golden Gun in single player mode. I don't know why, but enemies just seem a lot easier that way. If you're running towards a guy, and he starts shooting, duck down, take aim with the crosshair, and fire! Trust me, this simple tactic works surprisingly well! The good thing about the Egyptian is that they give you lots of cover, (large pillars and such) so try and hide behind them, or lean over the side of them, or something! Well, that's the end of my Golden Gun Guide. If you liked it, or have a comment, feel free to email me. __________________ 4. The Race! __________________ Don't let the title throw you off, Goldeneye isn't a racing game! But, I have discovered a fun little trick in the game that adds a little bit of replay value. Anyone who has ever tried the Slow Animation Cheat in the Caverns knows that you can find Trevelyan running at a greatly decreased pace in the level. Well, he's also there without the cheat! Except, you don't see him (except for those with a keen eye for details in the very beginning) because he is just too fast! Trevelyan is simply there to make a brief appearance at the beginning, then run all of the way across the level to the elevator at the end. Well, I've come up with a little game. Go to the Caverns on Agent mode. When the level starts, run out of the elevator and hurry across the room as fast as you can. Keep running across the entire level without slowing down or stopping for anything (or anybody). The point of this is that if you can run (or strafe) fast enough, you can eventually catch up with Trevelyan, and even pass him! Once you pass him, all of the doors in the level will be open (they would normally close as soon as he passed through them) allowing you to make better time. The reason you do the level on Agent is so that (a) The guys will be easier to kill and (b) You don't have to stop and complete objectives (blowing up computers and such) so your fastest time will be saved at the very end. Cool huh? The little bonus of this is that you can shoot for the fastest time possible. As of the latest FAQ update, my best time for The Race is: 1:25 Some General Tips -Don't bother trying to shoot Trevelyan. He can't be killed! -Remember, the doors blocking the quickest way to the elevator will be open before Trevelyan has run through them. Including the ones that you would normally need a code card to enter! -Don't bother stopping to shoot guys, just use Auto Aim to shoot wildly, wounding or killing guys. -Try to speedily strafe up the long, tall, twisted pathway. This is where I can usually catch up with Trevelyan. -When you're on the metal walkways, in the later part of the level, the first door on the right leads to the elevator. -Ignore the drone guns. -Remember, never stop running! If you have any comments about this section of the FAQ, please email me. _____________________________________________ 5. Alternate Invincibility Cheat Methods _____________________________________________ Of course, everyone knows that the Invincibility Cheat is the hardest one to get, no questions asked. And, there are many different ways of getting it. MANY. So, that's why this section is here. It covers a lot of different ways that you can earn the Invisibility Cheat. If you have a way of getting the cheat, type it out, email it to me, and I'll most likely post it here. Get it? Got it? Good. ****************************************************************************** The first alternate method that I have listed here is one that I took from the October 1998 edition of Nintendo Power Magazine. I did not write the following walkthrough, the good folks at Nintendo Power did, so please don't sue! As soon as the mission starts, crawl out of the vent and run down the stairs outside of the bathroom. Place a Remote Mine on the crate outside of the guard room with the remote door console. Go through the door, detonate the mine, and switch to your PP7. Eliminate the guard and take his security card. Switch to the KF7 you picked up from the guard and activate the remote door. Dodge the guards as you run for the remote door. And after you clear it, zig- zag down the hall and turn left. Take out the guards in front of you, run past the rest and look for Dr. Doak in the hallway. If Doak isn't in the hall, restart the mission until you find him there. Doak will automatically give you the Door Decoder the moment you speak to him, so start running for the bottling room the moment you see his speech on the screen. Plant a Remote Mine at the last turn before the bottling room and run past the guards as you set off the mine. Use the Door Decoder to open the door, then switch back to the three Remote Mines that you have left. Start talking to 006, then step away from the tanks, and throw a mine between the tanks. If you throw the mines high enough, 006 won't be hurt. Destroy the next four tanks the same way, and use the last Remote Mine between the final pair of tanks. If everything goes as planned, you'll reach the exit with time to spare. ****************************************************************************** This next one was written and invented by Karl Jobst and Greg Whatmore. It allows you to get a really, really fast time! I'm talking 1:14. That's one minute and fourteen seconds! Level: Facility Completed by: Karl Fastest Time: 1:14 Difficulty: Hard Tips: To get a time of under 1:20 you have to use the run-strafe technique through the ENTIRE level. There should be no time where you don't use this technique. Also, this walkthrough may seem like any other walkthrough. It all depends on how fast you carry it out. Personally, I know that if I didn't make a mistake I could of easily beaten 1:10. When you start get out of the vents and switch to remote mines. Run down the stairs and place a mine just outside the console room on one of the boxes. Turn around and detonate the mine and switch to your PP7. Open the door and kill the guard to get his key card. Run through the "should be open" door and press B to open the security door. Run around ignoring the guards till you get to the long hallway. Open the door and run through (don't worry if you get hit) until you get to the double doors. Go through them and get out your KF7. Turn left and fire three (only three) bullets at the remote door. The loser on the other side will open it so kill him and continue up the stairs. Run through the hallways while dodging bullets until you get to the column. Look to the right and Dr Doak should be there (if he isn't you must start again). As soon as you see him turn left and continue running. Plant a remote next to the last two guards and detonate it while you go to your wristwatch and switch to the door decoder. After you open the door quickly run down the stairs and get Trevallyn's attention. Throw the first mine in between the first four gas bottles and detonate it. Do the same with the next 6 and by that time objective C should be completed. Quickly run out the doors. MISSION COMPLETE! A good time is around 1:15-1:25. ****************************************************************************** This next method was submitted by Eric <MewsicLover@aol.com> Run out of the vents ignoring all the guards in the bathrooms, switching to mines on your way. plant one of the mines on the boxes and run to the guard with the keycard, killing him with your slapper. then whip out the KF7 and fire some bullets at the console door so that the guards inside come out. hide in the corner of that wall and the double doors, and detonate the mine, lots of guys should get killed. run into the room, activate the console, and run like mad down the hall, trying to kill the two or three guards at the other end. after that switch to mines again, and in the long hallway throw a mine in the face of the three guards and detonate it in midair. Here, I check the room on the left for Dr. Doak, but if he isn't there it is still possible to get the cheat. Keep going through the double doors and blast the door on the left full of bullets to get the guard to open it for you. run up the stairs and if Dr Doak isn't in the first room on the left or in the hall restart it. Get close enough for him to start talking to run down the hall towards the bottle room. blast the door 3-5 times the turn around and whip out your mines. plant one on the hall and detonate it as soon as you see the first guard appear. quickly get out your KF7 and blast the guard as he opens the bottling room door. run down the stairs, start Trevelyan talking, and set your remaining two mines on the ground in a fashion that they will destroy four tanks each. As soon as the game says Objective C has been completed, detonate the mines, get your KF7 out, and blast away at the last two tanks, then immedietly split for the door. Using this I got a time of 2:02 but it could have been faster if Dr. Doak was in the first room I checked. Using this way gets around having to use the decoder to open the door and thus does not leave yourself vulnerable to guys coming up behind you. The first time I tried it this way, using the mine to blow up the hall behind me, I got the cheat. I just about had a stroke when it happened...<grin> ****************************************************************************** Next, a method that is guaranteed to be good, because it came from the good folks at Nintendo! To avoid any plagiarism related issues, I've avoided posting Nintendo's Invincibility Cheat Walkthrough on this FAQ. Instead, I've provided a link to the site: http://www.nintendo.com/goldeneye007/facility_cheat.html In addition to there being a walkthrough, there is also a movie in QuickTime format of someone actually getting the cheat in a really fast time! See the movie if you need help, or have nothing better to do. ****************************************************************************** Remember, if you have new, radical, or different way of getting the Invincibility Cheat, please email me. _________________________________ 6. The Land Across the Sea... _________________________________ Lots of Goldeneye fans know that there is a small island across the water on the other side of the Dam. You can get a good look at it with a sniper rifle, but you can't get over there. This island was originally meant to play an important part in the game, but it was cut out for some reason. But, you can get on to the island if you use a GameShark! The code to get to the island is: D006 4F31 0030, 800D 33ED 0050, 880D 33ED 0000 (To activate it, stand at the end of the dock and press the L and R buttons) To use it, activate the code when you are on the second dock behind the Dam, then walk on to the water and travel to the island. ************************************************************************ Thanks to my good friend James Minning <minning@toast.net> I've found out some info about the island! Yippee! As it turns out, there's not really much to do over there. You walk out of the water, on to the island, and there is a guard tower. That's about it. There is also a drone gun inside of a little fort thing (like on the Runway) but it doesn't shoot at you, because it wasn't programmed to. As a matter of fact, you can't shoot anything on the island, for some reason. If you shoot, the bullets will just go through the wall! Well, that's about all I have to say about The Land Across the Sea. There really isn't much over there, because you were never meant to go over there at all! If you want to see tons of cool pictures of the Dam's Island, visit the Terrorist's Goldeneye Site: http://www.geocities.com/ace1074/index.html He has a whole section of his site full of pictures, and info. If you know of anything else related to the island, please email me. ___________________ 7. Rumors ___________________ As with most popular games, Goldeneye has many crazy rumors attached to it, most of which aren't true. ************************************************************************ The most notable of these is the All Bonds Cheat. A while back, someone decided to be funny, and make up a cheat that simply didn't exist, and could never be gotten. According to the rumor, the All Bonds Cheat would give you the option of playing as either Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, or Timothy Dalton (all of the actors who have portrayed Bond) in Multiplayer Mode. But, the "requirements" for this cheat were pretty steep. After obtaining every other cheat in the game, you must beat the Aztec in under nine minutes on 007 Mode with Enemy Health on 200%, Enemy Damage at 100%, Enemy Accuracy at 100%, and Enemy Reaction Speed at 100%. I seriously doubt that anyone could ever do this. Here is a cool site for any of you fanatics. It has a bunch of reasons why the cheat is fake, as well as some cool pictures! http://www.hotcheats.com/goldeneye007allbondscheat.html So, therefore, there must be no All Bonds Cheat, and there never was. I also don't think that anyone believes in it anymore, but I'm adding it to the FAQ just the same. ************************************************************************ The Oddjob and Mayday Rumor The other major Goldeneye rumor is that Oddjob and Mayday can be found in one player mode, in their own secret levels. Oddjob's level was supposed to be Fort Knox (to go with the plot of the movie Goldfinger) and Mayday's was the Eiffel Tower (to go along with a scene in A View to a Kill). Some also say that both of these characters could be found in an alternate Egyptian Temple. These levels were originally supposed to be a part of the game, but were nixed at an early stage, unfortunately. I still think that the Eiffel Tower would have made for an interesting level. ************************************************************************ The Xenia on the Frigate Rumor If you were to read M's briefing before the Frigate level, you would find that she tells you to look out for Xenia, because she might be on the Frigate. Anyone who saw the Goldeneye movie would also know that Xenia is on the Frigate (in the movie), along with Ouromov. But, Xenia is definitely NOT on the Frigate in the game. And the thing is, Xenia was never meant to be on the Frigate at all! So why the note about her in the briefing? Well, my guess is that Rare was upset that Xenia never appeared until the Train, when she did really play a large part in the movie. So, they put her name in the briefing so that you might know who she is when you reach the Train. According to one version of the rumor, Xenia could be found in a secret room in the very bottom of the Frigate. According to another, more outrageous rumor, there were a bunch of Moonraker Elites down there too. But of course, we know better. ****************************************************************************** If anyone out there should know of a rumor that I've missed, please email me and tell me about it. __________________________________ 8. Stupid Things Natalya Says __________________________________ For some unknown reason, I've put together a list of all of the things that Natalya may say when she shoots someone with her Magnum in the Jungle: I like this game. Gotcha! Close, but no cigar. Advantage, Natalya Simonova. Did you see that? Oh, that's a nice plant. Naughty boy. That's one more for me. Too slow. This is fun. Cover me. Unlucky. That looked painful. Who was that guy? Just like in the movies Loser Be careful James Ooh, messy This gun's quite powerful If you notice that I'm missing anything, email me about it. _________________________________________________ 9. Smart-aleck Things that Alec Trevelyan Says _________________________________________________ (Bad pun intended) To go along with my Natalya list (see section 8) here is a list of all the things that Trevelyan shouts at you during various parts of the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Statue No gun, 007? MI6 must be cutting their budget these days. Put the gun away, it's insulting to think that I haven't anticipated your every move. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Train James, what an unpleasant surprise. Do come in. Two targets, time for one shot. The girl, or the mission? Come on James, don't try to be clever. Make your move. Too slow 007. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Control Too slow James! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Caverns Too slow James...yet again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cradle From the Cradle to the Grave-your grave James. You could have joined me James, but you had to side with the pen pushers. Always loyal to your mission-never to your friends. James Bond, Her Majesty's loyal terrier-you sicken me. What's the matter James? No glib remark? No pithy comeback? Come on! Is this the best you can do? You never give up do you? Pathetic really. What's the matter James? Can't take the pace? Finish the job James-if you can. I was always better, James. Trevelyan: For England, James? Bond: No, for me. _____________________________ 10. Bond Movie References _____________________________ If you're a fan of Bond movies like I am, you may have noticed that there are a few things in Goldeneye which come from other, older Bond movies. After many years of research, I think I can say that I've found them all. So if you're a Bond fan (or just somebody who likes weird stuff) check out this section! All references are listed in the order in which that particular Bond movie was released. ****************************************************************************** Dr. No #1. Controller Setting 1.1 Honey is named after Honey Ryder, the Bond girl in Dr. No. From Russia With Love No references are currently known. If you know of any, please email me Goldfinger #1. Controller Setting 2.2 Galore is named after Pussy Galore, the Bond girl in Goldfinger #2. Oddjob makes his appearance in Goldfinger. Strangely, in the movie he is of normal height, while in the game, he's a midget. Thunderball #1. Controller Setting 2.3 Domino is named after Dominio Vitali, the Bond girl in Thunderball You Only Live Twice #1. Controller Setting 1.3 Kissy is named after Kissy Suzuki, the Bond girl in You Only Live Twice. #2. The Multiplayer scenario You Only Live Twice comes from the movie of the same name. On Her Majesty's Secret Service #1. The letters OHMSS that appear during the Mission Briefings stand for the title of this movie. Diamonds are Forever #1. Controller Setting 2.1 Plenty is named after Plenty O'Toole, a girl in Diamonds are Forever. Live and Let Die #1. Controller Setting 1.2 Solitaire is named after the Bond girl of the same name in Live and Let Die. #2. Baron Samedi makes his appearance in Live and Let Die. #3. The Watch Magnet was introduced in Live and Let Die. The Man With the Golden Gun #1. Controller Setting 1.4 Goodnight is named after Mary Goodnight, the Bond girl in The Man With the Golden Gun. #2. The Multiplayer scenario The Man With the Golden Gun comes from the movie of the same name. #3. The Golden Gun in the game is modeled after the one in the movie. #4. References to "Scaramanga passing in to legend" appear in the Mission Briefing for the Egyptian level. Scaramanga was the villain in the movie. The Spy Who Loved Me #1. Jaws makes his first appearance in The Spy Who Loved Me. #2. It is suspected that the Egyptian Temple level was loosely modeled after the Egyptian ruins that Bond visits in the movie. Moonraker #1. Controller Setting 2.4 Goodhead is named after Holly Goodhead, the Bond girl in Moonraker. #2. Jaws makes his second appearance in Moonraker. #3. The Moonraker Laser was used in the movie. #4. The entire Aztec level appeared in Moonraker, and parts of the level are actually modeled after locations from the movie. #5. All references to the Drax Corporation and the Moonraker Elite in the Mission Briefings come from Moonraker. #6. The yellow Moonraker guards in the movie carry M16s, and the yellow guards in the game carry AR33s, the rough equivalent of the M16. #7. Bond's camera with the "007" logo that you use in the Bunker and Silo comes from Moonraker. For Your Eyes Only #1. On the file folder where you can choose Select Mission, Multiplayer, or Cheat Options, the stamp in the background reads "...R YOUR...ONLY." This stamp, when read in full, is most likely the same as the film. Octopussy #1. The red handled throwing knives that you get in the game are identical to those used by the assassin in Octopussy. A View to a Kill #1. Mayday makes her appearance in A View to a Kill The Living Daylights #1. The multiplayer scenario The Living Daylights comes from the movie of the same name. License to Kill #1. To multiplayer scenario License to Kill comes from the movie of the same name. ****************************************************************************** Well, that's all. If you know of another Bond Movie reference, email me about it. __________________________________ 11. Previous Revision History __________________________________ Since all of my many revision notes on this FAQ have just been sitting up at the top taking up valuable space, I've put them here, out of the way, yet still within easy access to the reader. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 2.2 8/7/00 The most important feature on this update is a new section: Bond Movie References, which shows all of the things in Goldeneye that come from all of the other Bond movies. It's section X-10 in the Miscellaneous section, so check it out. I've also added more Tricks and Glitches on this update. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 2.1 7/3/00 Not much this update, I just added the Push-button Code to unlock the Aztec, and a few more Tricks and Bugs to the list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 2.0 5/4/00 Yes, yes, by popular demand, all 44 of the Goldeneye Push Button Codes are now on this FAQ, located in the Codes section. One new Trick has been added to the list, and a LOT of errors have been fixed. And that's all I have to say about that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.9 4/5/00 It's been a while, hasn't it? On this update, I've fixed a bunch of errors, and added a few new Tricks and Bugs. Oh yes, and the new Goldeneye Codes are now on this FAQ, and can be found in the Codes section. Take a look at them if you really, really, really want to try out those cheats! I also have a new section that describes the old cheats that are no longer in the final version of Goldeneye, including Line Mode, and Invisibility in Multiplayer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.8 3/2/00 Well here we go, another update! I've added four new Tricks and Bugs, including a trick to rename the Egyptian Temple, one to jump out of the Aztec Pit, and a trick to make guards float! See the Tricks and Bugs Section for more Info. Some more information has also been added to the Q Watch Section, the Level Walkthroughes, and the Weapons FAQ. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.7 2/17/00 Well, this has been the first update to this FAQ for a long time. I added a lot more Tricks and Bugs, found out 2 new Stupid Things Natalya Says, found some body armor in the Streets and the Frigate, added some cool links to Goldeneye websites, and updated the Enemy Rockets FAQ. Also, the Big Update Note. I am no longer in control of the best level times! That honor now belongs to Karl Jobst and his FAQ, which is also available at Gamefaqs. He is posting the best times for both Agent, and 00 Agent, so go visit his FAQ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.6 1/25/00 This was the first update in two weeks, and it was a big one! I added more Stupid Things that Natalya Says, and I think that I might have a full list now. I also got some faster 00 Agent times, and some new Multiplayer games. The Weapons FAQ has also been updated a little, and I found out how to get on to the Observation Deck in the Frigate (See the Tricks and Bugs Section). Finally, the Depot and Aztec Level Walkthroughes have also been updated, since I finally got a specific Body Armor count for the Depot. And of course, I fixed a lot of errors. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.5 1/9/00 I added lots of things to the Tricks and Bugs section this update. This includes the Null Weapon Trick, which as far as I know, is exclusive to this FAQ! Well, maybe someone else has it.... Anyway, thanks to Mike <MJB008@aol.com> for telling me about it. Oh yeah, I also added two more Invincibility Cheat Methods, added a full list of Smart-aleck things that Alec Trevelyan says, and fixed more errors. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.4 1/3/00 Worked on a few more little things this update. I found out some info on the Island of the Dam (Thanks to James Minning) and finally completed that section. I also added the Xenia on the Frigate Rumor (to the Rumors section, no less) as well as a link to a cool website about the All Bonds Cheat (found in the Other Websites Section). The Acknowledgments section also got some more names added on to it. And of course, I fixed some more errors and added some more Frequently Asked Questions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.3 12/28/99 Let's see, let's see.....updates, updates. I added the list of Rare employees that you can get using the Secret Characters Code to the Characters List. Oh yeah, I also fixed a few walkthrough and grammatical errors. There are also some new Frequently Asked Questions on the list. Does anyone else see a pattern to when I update this FAQ? Because trust me, it's just a coincidence. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.2 12/21/99 Fairly good sized update here, I added a few more Tricks, fixed a few errors, and put up a few more Frequently Asked Questions. I also proved that the "Open Locked Doors" Rumor was true, thanks to Sean for that! But the big update thanks go to Karl Jobst <k_jobst@hotmail.com> and Greg Whatmore, for sending me their best level times, as well as an Alternate Invincibility Cheat Method, and a new way for beating Trevelyan! Thanks for your help guys! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.0 12/14/99 Finally, this FAQ is finished! Well, maybe not quite. I still need more Invincibility Cheat methods, and some info on the Island of the Dam, but that can be added in the next update. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ********************************* XI. Frequently Asked Questions ********************************* Q: Hey, didn't you used to list the fastest times for each level on 00 Agent? What happened to that? A: Well, I was talking things over with my pal Karl Jobst, and we decided to move all of the best times for any difficulty level on to his FAQ. It's listed on Gamefaqs with the rest of the Goldeneye Guides. Q: Is it possible to beat the game on 00 Agent with Enemy Rockets and no other cheats? A: Surprisingly, the answer is yes. A few people have done it, and those names are listed in Eric Salter's Enemy Rockets FAQ, which is also available here at Gamefaqs. Q: Can I use Cheat Mode to earn a Cheat? A: No, you can only use cheats on levels that you've already beaten, so this would be impossible to pull off. Q: Which controller Setting do you recommend using? A: I prefer Honey, but I also like to use Kissy on some missions that require a lot of aiming. The Solitaire setting is also popular among many people. Q: Are Oddjob or Mayday in the Mission mode? A: For the last time, no! Q: Is Xenia on the Frigate? M said that she was! A: Nope, M was mistaken. Q: How do I switch to a gadget? A: You need to go to the big list of weapons and gadgets on the second screen of the Q Watch. Q: Why doesn't auto aim work on 00 Agent? A: It does, just not as much as Agent. The point of that was to make the game harder. Q: What's the point of 007 Mode? A: It's just to fool around, and have some fun. You don't get anything if you beat all of the levels on it. Q: In the Facility, I killed some running scientist, and he dropped a Clearance A Keycard! What's this thing for? A: That Keycard will open all of the doors that you normally need to be opened by using the remote door consoles. Very useful if one should get blown up. You don't even have to shoot the scientist to get the keycard, just hold him at gunpoint for a while. Q: What's the point of having the Invincibility Cheat when you can just go to 007 Mode and turn Enemy Damage all of the way down? A: If you do that, then drone guns and explosions will still be able to hurt you, and they can't even put a scratch on you with Invincibility. Q: What's the point of Moneypenny's briefing? A: It just adds a little bit of humor to the game. Q: Can you roll like all of the guards always do? A: No. I wish you could though... Q: Wait a minute......in the movie Goldeneye, wasn't the helicopter named Tiger? A: Yes. And for some odd reason, it's Pirate in the game. Q: In the Control, I followed Boris up to that place with the Body Armor, and he just disappeared! What's the deal with this? A: You were never really meant to see him disappear, so consider yourself lucky. Q: In the Train, I used Turbo Mode and actually made it to where Trevelyan and Xenia were hiding! But, why isn't there anything over there? A: You were never really meant to do that either. Kinda neat trick though. Q: In the Silo, I found a briefcase that Ourumov had! What is it for? A: Ourumov's briefcase was originally meant to be part of a mission objective, but that objective was taken out, while the briefcase remains. Q: Can I make to the Island in the Dam level without using a GameShark? A: No. Q: Why does the Dam have a bunch of sewers in it? A: Contrary to what it says in my FAQ, those aren't sewers. They're called Access Tunnels, and most Dams have them. I simply refer to them as sewers to make things easier. Q: What does AC-10 stand for? A: It was a term that came from an old RPG gaming system, where A stood for Armor, C stood for Class, and the most armor you could get would be -10. It basically means that you got the most body armor that you could get. Like any normal human being would ever figure that out. Q: Tell me just one more time, what's the path for getting the Golden Gun in the Egyptian? A: Move left 2 tiles (to the corner) Up 2 tiles Right 3 tiles (one tile between you and the wall) Forward 2 tiles Left 1 tile Up 1 tile Left 1 tile Up 2 tiles Right 1 tile Q: Hey, I saw Diamonds are Forever, and Plenty O'Toole wasn't the official Bond girl! What's the deal with that! A: A controller setting named Case didn't sound as good as Plenty. Q: Why don't Plastiques come with the All Guns cheat? A: They're technically not a weapon, they're a gadget. Q: Where did they come up with the name Goldeneye? A: They took it from the movie. And the movie took it from the name of Ian Fleming's summer house in Jamaica. Q: What is the Drax Corporation? A: The guys that the Moonraker Elite work for. Go rent Moonraker for more info. Q: Are the Hunting Knives, Regular Shotgun, Gold or Silver PP7s, or Taser hidden in the game? A: No. Q: Why can't I play all of the single player levels in Multiplayer? A: According to Rare, most of them ran too slowly, or just didn't work very well. Q: In Goldfinger, wasn't Oddjob normal height? A: Yes, they just made him short for the game for some reason. Q: In the Living Daylights, why can't I hit people with the flag? A: That would just be dumb. Q: Why is the sky that weird color in the Depot? A: It just adds a little touch of variety to the game, don't you think? Q: Hey, wasn't Baron Samedi killed in Live and Let Die? A: If you stayed until the very end, you would have seen the Baron riding on the back of the train. You can't kill a voodoo master that easily.... Q: What is a Lienz Cossack? A: In World War II, the Lienz Cossacks were a group of traitorous Russians that were assigned to work for the Nazis, but were later caught by Britain. Britain, in turn, sent them back to Russia where they were murdered by Stalin. Trevelyn's parents were Lienz Cossacks, and that's why he wanted revenge on England. Q: Is James Bond's arch enemy Ernst Stavro Blofeld in this game? A: No, he's not, beyond a SPECTRE of a doubt. Q: In the Jungle, why can't you pick up Natalya's Cougar Magnum if she gets killed? A: The Cougar Magnum is strictly a cheating weapon. It's too cool to be able to use in real missions. Q: Why is it that I only have one PP7 in the Surface 2, but I find two of them in the Bunker 2? A: Don't ask me. Q: What's the deal with that squishy sound that a Hunting Knife makes when it hits someone? A: Sounds more like a sponge than a knife, doesn't it? Q: Hey, I saw Moonraker, and at the end, Jaws turned to good! So why is he out to kill you in the Aztec? A: The Moonrakers offered him more money to come back. Besides, he was still mad at Bond for picking him up with that giant magnet and dropping him into the shark tank. Q: Doesn't Bond use a Walthar PPK in the movies? A: Yes. All of the guns in Goldeneye are fake, so they just changed the name to PP7. Rather lame, but..... Q: What is the Spyder? A: It was the original name for the Klobb, but then they changed it to name it after a game designer, Ken Lobb. Q: What's the point of a silenced weapon in Multiplayer? A: There is none! They just put the Silenced PP7 in sometimes to add some variety! Q: In the Goldeneye Instruction Manual, it shows a picture from Multiplayer, and Bond is wearing a white tux! What's the deal with this? A: That was an early shot from the game, Bond's choice in Multiplayer clothing was later changed. That character is in fact Sean Connery, but he was removed from the game along with the other Bond actors. Q: I'm confused, didn't Ourumov kill Trevelyan at the Facility? A: No, his death was staged. Ourumov and Trevelyan had the Goldeneye theft planned from the beginning. Q: In the Egyptian, I'm using the Infinite Ammo Cheat, and it prevents me from picking up the Golden Bullets so that I can't complete Objective A! What should I do? A: This one had me stumped for a little while. Get out your Golden Gun, and stand right next to the bullets. Fire the gun, then while it reloads, you should pick up the bullets. Q: Why doesn't Valentin walk with a limp? A: He.....uh.....had an operation to correct it. Q: Why is there only one type of civilian on the Streets? A: The other three were designed especially for Multiplayer. Q: Who is this Scaramanga character anyway? A: I take it you didn't see the Bond movie "The Man With the Golden Gun." Well, Francisco Scaramanga was the villain in that movie, and he was the world's most devious assassin. He used a Golden Gun (that looks like the one in the game) to do his dirty work. Scaramanga was killed by Bond at the end of the movie, and you find his Golden Gun in the Egyptian Temple. Q: Why are there Russian guards in the Egyptian Temple? A: Because Baron Samedi couldn't find anyone else stupid enough to work for him. Q: Why are there two safe keys in the Bunker 2? A: The safe is very special, you need two keys to open it. Q: Who is Jack Wade? A: Bond's CIA contact in the movie. Q: What's the point of The Race? A: There is no point! That's the beauty of it! Q: What's that big black thing in the Egyptian Temple? A: It's a big.....black.....thing. Q: How does the Silver PP7 work? A: One hit with it to the chest or head will kill on Agent, Secret Agent, or 00 Agent, but a hit to the arm or leg will not. If you go on 007 mode and fiddle with the enemy health, it will take multiple hits to the head to kill an enemy. Q: Why does Bond where his black tux in the Aztec and Egyptian levels? Wouldn't it be better to wear something a little more discreet? A: He looks cooler in that tux. Q: I shot a guy with the Golden Gun, and he didn't die! A: You probably hit him in his gun. That will not kill him. Q: One of the things on your tricks sheet didn't work! What's the deal? A: Try it again. I'm positive that everything on there works. Q: Can you mix and match Hunting Knives with other weapons? A: Yes, but it's very hard to do. You have to swing the left knife, than change weapons and fire, but that is tricky because the knife only takes a little while to swing. Q: How long did it take you to get the Invincibility Cheat? A: Seven non-consecutive hours. Q: In the Bunker 1, why is the Goldeneye key just lying around in the open? Shouldn't it be in that vault? A: Yeah, it really should, but you know those Russians. ************************************** XII. Other Goldeneye Related Websites ************************************** Here are a few other Goldeneye sites that you might find useful. Nintendo Homepage http://www.nintendo.com Self Explanatory Rare Homepage http://www.rareware.com The folks that made the game! Gamefaqs http://www.gamefaqs.com The best video game FAQ site on the net! The Terrorist's Goldeneye Site http://www.geocities.com/ace1074/index.html The best Goldeneye site on the Net! Goldeneye HQ http://www.n64shooters.com/007/ The second best Goldeneye site on the Net! Cheat Code Central http://www.cheatcc.com Great codes. GameSages http://www.gamesages.com Lot's of Codes! GameShark Codes http://www.cmgsccc.com/n64/golden Get your GameShark Codes here! Rare's Goldeneye Push Button Codes http://www.nintendo.com/goldeneye007/codes2.html All 44 of the Goldeneye Codes, straight from the source! Goldeneye Multiplayer Variants http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arena/6391/goldeneye.html A great page with lots of fun Multiplayer games The All Bonds Cheat http://www.hotcheats.com/goldeneye007allbondscheat.html Evidence that proves that this infamous cheat is a hoax. Cool pictures too! Nintendo's Invincibility Cheat Walkthrough and Movie http://www.nintendo.com/goldeneye007/facility_cheat.html If you need help getting this cheat, then see the movie! It helps! Videogame Music Archive http://www.vgmusic.com Go here for lots of Goldeneye MIDIs! If any of these links do not work, please email me. ************************ XIII. Acknowledgments ************************ First of all, I would like to thank Nintendo, the greatest gaming company of all time. Oh yeah, and don't forget Rare, they made the game! Of course, I can't forget to thank the late Ian Fleming, without whom there would be no James Bond, and no Goldeneye. Thanks to United Artists for making the Goldeneye movie in the first place. Because if there were no movie, there wouldn't be a game, now would there? And a special round of applause for the Goldeneye Team! Keep up the good work! Gamefaqs also, they're the main site hosting this FAQ! And also, thanks to GameSages and Cheat Code Central for all of their tricks and codes! Special Thanks to: Kamin Miller <comocozie@aol.com> Robert Williams <cbowne@hotmail.com> <pao91884@aol.com> Nitroxis64 <big2boys@teclink.net> Chris DiIonno <diionnop@erols.com> Tanner Packer <lj937@aol.com> <TheGameDr@segasages.com> Chris Tart <c_tart@coffey.com> Matt Higgins <rectoman@hotmail.com> Aaron Allison <Jincoz@aol.com> Code Master Craig Schiffbauer Eric Frederick Ryan Romba JUSTIN <dube.1@globalserve.net> for submitting material to GameSages that I used in my FAQ. I'd like to take these lines to thank Karl Jobst <k_jobst@hotmail.com> and Greg Whatmore for all of their help, they sent me the idea of the best times for each level, added a Cradle method AND an Invincibility Cheat Method, and a bunch of other stuff too! Thanks to The Terrorist, a guy who added lots of info to this FAQ, and who is even more deicated to Goldeneye than I am! And a word of thanks for James Minning <minning@toast.net> for all of his help giving me info about the Island of the Dam. Special Thanks to Sean <eyemsean@aol.com> for telling me about the secret to Opening Locked Doors. Thanks to Andy Basler <earthbattle@hotmail.com> Eric <MewsicLovr@aol.com> Tyler Knutson <toylak@yahoo.com> Mike <krys.kelly@virgin.net> Sean Christie <SeanNutsoInc@telus.net> Mike <MWest25@aol.com> Cullen Stevenson <cbsteven@umich.edu> <EdK82@aol.com> Eric John Summers <EGGY7496@aol.com> <Satchmo007@aol.com> Nathan Adams <BlinkBizkit86@accucom.net> Alex Glass <glassad@wesly.evms.edu> Anthony Crage <psycodope@hotmail.com> Ben Wong <Bomberman_3D@hotmail.com> Sean Chen <WCHEN@ATLAS.niaid.nih.gov> Tim Conboy <fly_guy5@hotmail.com> Kaiserroll <Kaiserroll@email.msn.com> <TCBCA@aol.com> Stas P <me_no_dumb@hotmail.com> Dinobot <Dinobot100@aol.com> Stephen Dahlke <sddahlke@hotmail.com> Weisan Chen <WCHEN@niaid.nih.gov> Glenn Sheasby <g_sheasby@hotmail.com> <SPCullen@aol.com> marshmallow <marshmallow@planetn2000.com> Mike <MJB008@aol.com> Justin Yanke <kornfreak42@hotmail.com> Jim Wylie <isuccess2002@yahoo.com> Ollie & Morgan <ollie@vurt.net> <dmcgee@dcsmail.com> Jerry Culbertson <zjfc21@altamaha.net> <Zck13@aol.com> Jarel Jones <ArrowFox@MailAndNews.com> <Raz532@cs.com> J Ohanley <j_ohanley92@hotmail.com> Josh Welch<insan_clown@hotmail.com> The Xtremist <p.speakman@xtra.co.nz> <cmohans@worldnet.att.net> Peter Cranmer <Peter@apocalypsedemon.freeserve.co.uk> Stenko Dragonlord <shaunthedragonslayer@hotmail.com> for submitting their tricks, rumors and other stuff to this FAQ. I'd also like to thank Michael Rushia and Kevin Hughes for discovering some cool things and letting me use them in the FAQ. If he exists, I would like to thank Dr. Ian, the mysterious individual who reportedly discovered the 43 Lost Goldeneye Codes. And of course, I'd like to thank my parents, for buying me Goldeneye. ************************ XIV. Copyright Info ************************ Goldeneye: 007 The FAQ, Copyright 1999 by Ian Rogers, mr_bean88@hotmail.com This FAQ was written by me. No part of this FAQ may be reproduced or sold for profit in any way, shape, or form. That includes putting it in magazines, on CDs, or in some obscure Korean newspaper. No one may link to this FAQ on Gamefaqs at all. No one may post this FAQ on their any website unless they a) give me credit, b) post it in it's original form, and c) email me asking for permission first. This FAQ was not created, endorsed, or acknowledged by Nintendo, Rare, or any other such parties. ***************************** XV. The Closing Statement ***************************** Well, that was my FAQ. Hope you liked it! If you have any Goldeneye info, find a mistake, or know anything else related to Goldeneye that you think might be useful, just email me at <mr_bean88@hotmail.com> I'll be waiting to hear from you. Bye.