          _____                __           ________        __   _____
         /     \ _____ _______|__| ____    /  _____/  ____ |  |_/ ____\
        /  \ /  \\__  \\_  __ \  |/  _ \  /   \  ___ /  _ \|  |\   __\
       /    Y    \/ __ \|  | \/  (  <_> ) \    \_\  (  <_> )  |_|  |
       \____|__  (____  /__|  |__|\____/   \______  /\____/|____/__|
               \/     \/                          \/

                     MARIO GOLF (N64 version) FAQ / GUIDE
                                   ver 3.0


                           Side_FX (sideFX@asu.edu)

                            Last Update:  10/18/99


      ----------------------------   NOTES   ---------------------------
     |                            \---------/                           |
     |                                                                  |
     |  You can find the newest version of this FAQ at:                 |
     |  - http://www.gamefaqs.com/                                      |
     |  - http://www.public.asu.edu/~ruokandy/mariogolf/mariogolf.txt   |
     |                                                                  |
     |  NEW STUFF                                                       |
     |  - added more info about the Game Boy Color version of Mario     |
     |    Golf and how to import characters into the N64 version        |
     |  - added cheers/taunts for the Game Boy Color characters that    |
     |    can be imported into the N64 version of Mario Golf            |
     |  - added more info about the Transfer Pak and how to use it      |
     |                                                                  |
     |  THE FUTURE...                                                   |
     |  - Soon (hopefully) I'll be posting an HTML version of this      |
     |    FAQ for easier navigation.                                    |
     |                                                                  |

 Table of Contents

     - About Mario Golf
     - Starting Out

     - Terms
     - Clubs
     - Shot Overview
     - Play Screen
     - Ball Control
     - Course Points
     - Power Shots

     - Viewing the Terrain
     - Par Tips

     - Key
     - Cast
     - Charts and Graphs

     - Club Slots
     - Get Character
     - Match Game
     - Mini-Golf
     - Ring Shot
     - Skins Match
     - Speed Golf
     - Stroke
     - Tournament
     - Training

     - Toad Highlands
     - Koopa Park
     - Shy Guy Desert
     - Yoshi's Island
     - Boo Valley
     - Mario's Star



     - N64 Compatibility
     - Description

     - Description
     - Usage

     - Web Sites






Mario Golf is a fun golf game for the N64 that takes place in various and
familiar Mario-themed landscapes.  The cartoony characters should grab the
attention of a young audience while the excellent physics of the game will
hold the attention of older gamers.  Whether you're a die-hard golf fan or a
golf newbie who doesn't know the difference between a bogey and a birdie,
you'll be hooked on Mario Golf faster than Mario can yell "Mama-mia!"


When you first start out, only 4 characters (Plum, Peach, Charlie, and Baby
Mario) are immediately playable in all of the play modes.  Other characters
have to be earned by achieving certain goals (see Section 4: Character Stats).
Also, the only course you can immediately play is Toad Highlands.  You gain
access to the other courses by earning Course Points in the various play



ALBATROSS - term for scoring three strokes under par on a hole (also called a
            double eagle)

BIRDIE - term for scoring one stroke under par on a hole

BUNKER - a sand trap

CUP - the hole on the putting green that you must sink the ball into

DRAW - a shot in which the ball flies to the right after being struck and
       curves to the left before landing

EAGLE - term for scoring two strokes under par on a hole

FADE - a shot in which the ball flies to the left after being struck and
       curves to the right before landing

FAIRWAY - the groomed lawn that makes up a large portion of a hole

GREEN - the area of short, cut grass that surrounds the cup

HOLE-IN-ONE - to get the ball into the cup in one stroke

IMPACT POINT - the point on the golf ball (marked by a red dot) where the club
               will strike the ball

PAR - the standard number of strokes for a hole

PIN - the flagstick that marks a hole

ROUGH - the area of long grass surrounding the fairway

WIREFRAME - this is the grid that you will see when you lining up a shot that
            shows *approximately* where the ball will land


NOTE:  The higher the club value, the higher the ball will be launched into
       the air (i.e. a 9-iron hits the ball higher than an 8-iron, 7-iron,

WOODS  (for going the distance when in good terrain)
1 WOOD (1W) - The most powerful club you have.  Unfortunately, it loses its
              effectiveness if the ball isn't perched on a tee.

3 WOOD (3W) - Not as powerful as the 1 WOOD, but it comes in handy on par 5
              holes when you're on the fairway.

4 WOOD (4W) - Slightly less powerful than the 3 WOOD, but it's useful when you
              want to hit the ball far and you're not on the fairway.

IRONS  (more accurate than Woods in foul conditions)
2 IRON (2I) - The strongest iron at your disposal.  It's helpful when you want
              to hit the ball a far distance when you're in the rough.
              Unfortunately, it loses its effectiveness when you're in deep

3 IRON (3I) - Hits the ball higher than the 2 IRON, but not as far.  It's
              helpful on the fairway or when the ball is in moderately heavy

4 IRON (4I) - For use when you're getting close to the green or when the ball
              has landed off the fairway.

5 IRON (5I) - A well-rounded club that can get you out of the rough, but still
              packs enough power to send the ball a considerable distance.

6 IRON (6I) - Good for moderate to short shots.  This club can get underneath
              the ball and lift it out of grassy or rocky areas.

7 IRON (7I) - Good for fairly short shots or if the ball is in heavy rough.

8 IRON (8I) - Good for a solid approach to the green.  This club's power sends
              the ball high into the air, but not very far along the ground.

9 IRON (9I) - Provides a fair amount of distance while still having enough
              power to pull the ball out of the rough.

Use this when you are very close to the green or when the ball is in deep

Like its name implies, this club is best suited for getting the ball out of a
bunker.  Unfortunately, the ball won't travel very far.

This club is best if used on the green to tap the ball into the cup.
NOTE:  Using this club will probably be the most *frustrating* part of game,
so start learning all the nuances about putting AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.


A shot has two parts:  height and trajectory.

All the characters' shot heights are broken up into three categories: LOW,
STANDARD, and HIGH.  Keep in mind that the higher the shot, the more the shot
will be affected by the wind.

All the characters' shot trajectories are broken up into three categories:
FADE, STRAIGHT, and DRAW.  Straight shots tend to be MUCH more forgiving and
are a lot easier to get used to; but if you want to use the upper tier of
elite golfers, you better get used to either the FADE or DRAW shots.


INFO - this section describes some of the more important parts that make up
       the play screen that you should check during a game

Found in the bottom-left corner of the screen.  This displays the club you are
using along with its corresponding drive distance.

Above the WIREFRAME, you'll see a value that displays the difference of
elevation between your current location and the target in question.  For
instance, if the elevation is listed as 20 Y DW, that means that the target is
20 yards below the elevation of your current position.  An elevation listing
of 20 Y UP means that the target is 20 yards above the elevation of your
current position.

The waving flag in the top-left of the screen that shows what hole you are on.

Found near the bottom-right corner of the screen.  This shows where the club
will strike the ball and the kind of the terrain the ball is currently located

Located near the top-left corner of the screen under the HOLE INDICATOR.  This
shows the number of strokes allowed on the current hole.

This is the little flag located at the top of the screen.  It shows the
direction from your current position to the pin.

Found in the bottom-right corner of the screen.  This shows how much power the
ball will receive.  For instance, if you aim for a 200 yard drive when the
power rate says 50, the ball will only travel about 100 yards if hit at full

Located near the top-left of the screen under the HOLE INDICATOR.  This lists
how far the pin is from your current location.

The somewhat-transparent white line that flows from the ball.  This line shows
the path that the ball will take when it is hit.  This helps to determine if
the ball can clear an obstacle or if your character isn't on level ground.

The wind is shown by the BOO in the upper-right hand corner of the screen.
The BOO looks in the direction of the wind and indicates its velocity in miles
per hour.

The grid you see that approximates where the ball will land when it is hit.


If you hit a ball from a low to a high elevation, the ball will tend to roll
more than if it was hit on a flat elevation.

Hitting a ball from a high elevation to a low elevation will cause the ball to
roll less than if the ball was hit on a flat elevation.  In an extreme case
where the elevation difference is great enough, the ball may bounce a few
times and roll just a yard or two.

When hitting from a low elevation to an extremely high elevation (15+ yards
difference), your shot distance will be considerably reduced since the ball
will hit the ground before it has completed its entire trajectory (it's a
physics thing).  Remember to aim past your target in these situations.  A good
example of this situation is Hole 6 on the Yoshi's Island course.

Extreme elevation differences can seriously alter the path of the ball if your
character has a FADE or DRAW shot.  Since elevation differences either shorten
or lengthen the path of the ball, a DRAW or FADE shot will land to the right
or left of the target because of the nature of these shots (another physics
thing).  See the following chart to see how elevation affects these shots.

              Hitting from HIGH to LOW       Hitting from LOW to HIGH
FADE Shot  |  Ball will fall to the right    Ball will fall to the left
           |  of the target                  of the target.
DRAW Shot  |  Ball will fall to the left     Ball will fall to the right
           |  of the target.                 of the target.

By pressing the Z button and using the control stick, you can move the impact
point on the golf ball.  This puts a spin on the ball.

By moving the impact point to the top of the ball, you put a topspin on it.  A
ball with a topspin tends to cut through the wind better since it spends less
time in the air and rolls more when it hits the ground.

By moving the impact point to the bottom of the ball, you put a tailspin on
it.  A ball with a tailspin flies higher through the air and is affected more
by the wind than a normal shot.  When the ball hits the ground, it also tends
to roll less.

By moving the impact point to the right, the ball hooks to the left.  Vice
versa, moving the impact point to the left will cause the ball to hook to the

Although you'll want to try and keep the ball on either the fairway or the
green, a lot of times you'll find yourself in some *nasty* terrain--especially
on the harder courses.  Each form of terrain has a Power Rate (located in the
right-hand corner of the screen).  This value indicates the percentage of
power that the ball will receive from your club.  For instance, if the Power
Rate says 50 and you're aiming for a 200 yard drive, the ball will travel only
about 100 yards if hit all full power.

WEATHER (Rain and Wind)
When you're playing a hole, there are two things relating to the weather that
can affect your shot:  rain and wind.

When it rains, the power of your shots will be slightly diminished, so you'll
need to apply more force.  Also, the ball won't roll as well since the ground
is wet.  Keep this in mind when it comes time to putt.

If there is wind on the hole you are playing, you'll see a picture of BOO in
the upper-right corner of the screen along with the wind's velocity.  BOO will
look in the direction of the wind.  For example, if BOO is looking directly at
you, the wind is blowing against the ball and will reduce its driving
distance.  On the other hand, if BOO is looking directly away from you, the
wind is blowing with the ball and will carry it farther.

If the wind is blowing to the right, you'll need to compensate and aim a
little bit to the lift.  Vice versa, if the wind is blowing to the left,
you'll need to compensate and aim a little bit to the right.  Another option
to compensate for wind is to curve the ball against the wind by putting a spin
on the ball.

Compensating for the wind may take a little getting used to.  Keep in mind
that the longer the ball is in the air, the more the wind will affect it.  The
best way to get used to the wind is in the TRAINING play mode where you can
practice on any opened course and set both the wind's direction and velocity.
For added difficulty, you can also make it rain.


On all the play modes (except for Ring Shot and Training), you earn Course
Points just for playing.  The better you play, the more points you'll receive.
Course Points let you unlock the rest of the courses found in Mario Golf (see
Section 6: Courses).  However, when a new course is unlocked, your Course
Points reset to zero.  The best way to earn Course Points is to repeatably
play the Tournament play mode.


A Power Shot gives your character an extra burst of power.  This comes in
really handy during the tee-off and on holes with a par of 5.  Each character
is given 6 Power Shots.  But, if you time your swing perfectly so that the
announcer yells "Nice Shot!", your remaining Power Shots won't decrease!



Viewing the terrain from a few different angles will help to guide your shot

C-UP    - moves the view forward
C-DOWN  - moves the view backward

C-RIGHT - moves the view to a more overhead position
C-LEFT  - moves the view to a more level position

R       - moves your view to where your shot will approximately land (the
          wireframe grid)

Z+R     - zooms out to the course view screen (a high overhead view of the

A       - returns you to the normal view from behind your character

UP      - changes to a club with more power
DOWN    - changes to a club with less power

RIGHT   - moves your target to the right (marked by a wireframe grid)
LEFT    - moves your target to the left (marked by a wireframe grid)

NOTE:  You can use either the D-Pad or the Control Stick when viewing the
       terrain.  They both have the same functionality.


One shot is all you should need to reach to green.  Aim carefully and try to
set up an easy birdie putt.

Most of time, it'll take two shots to reach the green so tee-off with your
second shot in mind.  However, if your character is one of the better drivers
in the game and/or if the wind is blowing in your favor, you may be able to
reach the green in one shot.  Be careful, though.  Getting to the green in one
shot may require you to clear a few obstacles and/or nasty terrain.  A slight
miscalculation could send the ball into deep rough or into a water hazard.

You'll need at least two shots to reach the green so tee-off with your second
shot in mind.  If the part of the fairway you are aiming for is narrow and a
strong wind is blowing, you may want to sacrifice some yards and aim for a
part of the fairway that is wider.  That way, you have a better chance of
landing on good terrain.  If the ball lands in nasty terrain on your tee-off
shot, you'll have a hard time trying to score an eagle on the course.

On the early courses, most of the characters can reach the green in two shots
to set up an eagle putt so keep this in mind.


| KEY |

This refers to the length of a character's driving distance.  The first value
is the length of the player's normal drive.  The second value is the Power
Drive length (the maximum drive length when a Power Shot is used).

There are three shot types:  DRAW, FADE, and STRAIGHT.

A DRAW shot is where the ball flies to the right after being struck and curves
to the left before landing.  A DRAW shot value of +3 means that the curve of
the ball is much greater than the curve of the ball of a DRAW shot value of

A FADE shot is where the ball flies to the left after being struck and curves
to the right before landing.  A FADE shot value of -3 means that the curve of
the ball is much greater than the curve of the ball of a FADE shot value of

A STRAIGHT shot is just like it sounds--the ball flies straight after it is
hit.  This shot type is the easiest to learn to control; and weather
conditions, terrain, and poor timing are a *LOT* more forgiving on STRAIGHT

To see how various things (such as elevation) can affect a particular shot,
see the Ball Control subsection found in Section 2: Basic Information.  I
*highly* recommend reading this subsection first if you plan on using a
character with a FADE or DRAW shot.

This refers to the height of the ball's arc (trajectory) when it is hit.
There are three shot heights (Low, Standard, and High).  The higher the arc,
the more obstacles a ball can clear and the longer the ball will stay in the
air.  However, the longer the ball stays in the air, the more the wind will
affect its path.

Describes when a character becomes selectable in all play modes.

Provides a list of characters who would be relatively easy to upgrade from.
For example,  Yoshi's UPGRADE FROM list consists of Plum and Peach.  This
means that if you're used to playing as Plum or Peach, learning to use Yoshi
should be pretty easy.

Provides a list of characters who would be relatively easy to upgrade to.  For
example, Peach's UPGRADE TO list consists of Yoshi and Maple.  This means that
if you're used to playing as Peach, learning to use either Yoshi or Maple
should be pretty easy.

NOTE:  If you aren't familiar with how terrain, elevation, and wind conditions
       can affect a ball's trajectory, you way want to take a look at Section
       2: Basic Information before you choose a character to use.

| CAST |

NOTE:  There are 4 more characters not listed here that can be imported from
       the Game Boy Color version of Mario Golf using the Transfer Pak (see
       Section 9: Game Boy Color Version and Section 10: Transfer Pak).  Since
       their statistics will vary, they are not listed here with the normal

| DRIVE         :  215 yards   ==>   236 yards
| SHOT TYPE     :  ----[]X---  +1 Draw
| SHOT HEIGHT   :  High  
| PLAYABLE      :  At start
| UPGRADE FROM  :  none
| UPGRADE TO    :  Sonny
| Baby Mario is the first character you have access to that has a DRAW
| shot.  If you plan to upgrade to the "Big 3" (Mario, Bowser, and Metal
| Mario), it wouldn't hurt to start training with Baby Mario.  His DRAW
| shot may take a little while to get used to, but the time you invest
| in him will help you out should you decide to start using characters
| with stronger DRAW shots.

| DRIVE         :  280 yards   ==>   308 yards
| SHOT TYPE     :  ----[]XXX-  +3 Draw
| SHOT HEIGHT   :  High
| PLAYABLE      :  After he is defeated in the Get Character mode
| UPGRADE FROM  :  Mario
| UPGRADE TO    :  Metal Mario
| Bowser has the second best drive in the game.  His normal drive beats
| Mario by 10 yards; but Metal Mario bests him by 5 yards.  Bowser is
| huge, but he plays very similar to Mario and Metal Mario.

| DRIVE         :  210 yards   ==>   231 yards
| SHOT TYPE     :  ---X[]----  -1 Fade
| SHOT HEIGHT   :  Low
| PLAYABLE      :  At start
| UPGRADE FROM  :  none
| UPGRADE TO    :  Luigi
| Charlie is the first character you have access to that has a FADE shot.
| If you plan to use Donkey Kong in the future, this is a good person to
| start with to get used to the FADE shot.
| Like all characters with a FADE shot type, Charlie has a LOW shot
| height that isn't affected by the wind as much as most of the other
| characters.

| DRIVE         :  275 yards   ==>   302 yards
| SHOT TYPE     :  -XXX[]----  -3 Fade
| SHOT HEIGHT   :  Low
| PLAYABLE      :  After 30 stars are earned in Ring mode
| UPGRADE FROM  :  Wario
| UPGRADE TO    :  none
| Donkey Kong has the third longest drive behind Metal Mario and Bowser.
| Since Donkey Kong has a LOW shot height, however, his shot isn't
| affected by the wind as much as Metal Mario and Bowser's HIGH shot.
| Basically, it's a trade off.  Metal Mario and Bowser may have a longer
| drive than Donkey Kong, but their HIGH shots are affected more strongly
| by the wind than Donkey Kong's LOW shot.

| DRIVE         :  260 yards   ==>   286 yards
| SHOT TYPE     :  ----[]XX--  +2 Draw
| SHOT HEIGHT   :  High
| PLAYABLE      :  After he is defeated in the Get Character mode
| UPGRADE FROM  :  Sonny
| UPGRADE TO    :  Mario
| Harry is basically the same as Sonny.  The only significant difference
| is that Harry's normal drive bests Sonny by 20 yards.
| If you haven't unlocked Mario, Bowser, or Metal Mario yet and you plan
| to use them in the future, Harry is a good character to train with.
| Also, Harry's drive is only around 10-25 yards less than the upper tier
| of DRAW shot golfers (Mario, Bowser, and Metal Mario), yet his DRAW
| shot isn't as sharp.  If Mario, Bowser, and Metal Mario's DRAW shot is
| too sharp for you, Harry is a good character to use.

| DRIVE         :  220 yards   ==>   242 yards
| SHOT TYPE     :  --XX[]----  -2 Fade
| SHOT HEIGHT   :  Low
| PLAYABLE      :  After he is defeated in the Get Character mode
| UPGRADE FROM  :  Charlie
| UPGRADE TO    :  Wario
| Luigi is the first player you can unlock in the GET CHARACTER play
| mode.  His fade shot is sharper than Charlie's, but getting used to it
| shouldn't take long.
| Like all characters with a FADE shot type, Luigi has a LOW shot height
| that isn't affected by the wind as much as most of the other
| characters.

| DRIVE         :  245 yards   ==>   269 yards
| SHOT TYPE     :  ----[]----  +0 Straight
| SHOT HEIGHT   :  High
| PLAYABLE      :  After 50 birdie badges have been earned in the
|                  Tournament mode
| UPGRADE FROM  :  Princess, Yoshi
| UPGRADE TO    :  none
| Maple is the elite of the characters who have a STRAIGHT shot type.
| Maple has a pretty good drive and her STRAIGHT shot can't be beaten.
| If characters with FADES and DRAWS give you a headache, Maple is the
| character to use.  She may not have the power of Donkey Kong, Bowser,
| or Metal Mario, but she has enough power to score birdies and even a
| few eagles on most of the courses.
| On some of the advanced courses (such as Mario's Star) where the
| fairways are small and narrow and ball control is more important than
| sheer power, you'll find her STRAIGHT shot to be major advantage.

| DRIVE         :  270 yards   ==>   297 yards
| SHOT TYPE     :  ----[]XXX-  +3 Draw
| SHOT HEIGHT   :  High
| PLAYABLE      :  After he is defeated in the Get Character mode
| UPGRADE FROM  :  Harry
| UPGRADE TO    :  Bowser, Metal Mario
| Once again, Nintendo's main mascot returns.  Mario has a good drive,
| but Bowser bests him by 10 yards.  Fortunately, if you want to stick to
| Mario and still have the best drive in the game, you can use Metal
| Mario.
| The "Big Three" (Mario, Bowser, Metal Mario) are all pretty much the
| same.  Switching back and forth between these characters is relatively
| painless.

| DRIVE         :  285 yards   ==>   313 yards
| SHOT TYPE     :  ----[]XXX-  +3 Draw
| SHOT HEIGHT   :  High
| PLAYABLE      :  After ALL 108 birdie badges have been earned in the
|                  Tournament mode
| UPGRADE FROM  :  Mario, Bowser
| UPGRADE TO    :  none
| Metal Mario is the *ULTIMATE* character for raw power.  He boasts an
| incredible 285 yard drive--5 yards more than Bowser.  When Metal Mario
| uses a Power Shot, his drive gains an additional 28 yards for a
| maximum drive length of 313 yards!
| If you're familiar with playing with Mario or Bowser, upgrading to
| Metal Mario will be VERY easy.

| DRIVE         :  212 yards   ==>   233 yards
| SHOT TYPE     :  ----[]----  +0 Straight
| SHOT HEIGHT   :  High
| PLAYABLE      :  At start
| UPGRADE TO    :  Yoshi, Maple
| Peach is very similar to Plum.  The only differences are that Peach's
| shot height is HIGH and her drive is 4 yards more.  Like Plum, Peach is
| a good beginning player.  Her HIGH shot height may take a little
| getting used to if you got used to playing as Plum (who has a LOW shot
| height).  Keep in mind that the wind affects a HIGH shot more than a
| LOW shot and you should do just fine. 

| DRIVE         :  208 yards   ==>   228 yards
| SHOT TYPE     :  ----[]----  +0 Straight
| SHOT HEIGHT   :  Low
| PLAYABLE      :  At start
| UPGRADE FROM  :  none
| UPGRADE TO    :  Princess, Yoshi
| Plum is a great player to start out with to get the *feel* of the game.
| She has the worst drive in the game, but if you play on the Toad
| Highlands course, the only time this may cause a problem is on the par
| 5 holes.  Also, her LOW shot height may not clear some tall objects,
| but the Toad Highlands course has relatively few obstacles.
| The reason I recommend Plum for beginners is because her LOW shot
| height is not affected by the wind as much as HIGH shots and her
| STRAIGHT shot type creates a relatively easy trajectory to predict.

| DRIVE         :  240 yards   ==>   264 yards
| SHOT TYPE     :  ----[]XX--  +2 Draw
| SHOT HEIGHT   :  High
| PLAYABLE      :  After he is defeated in the Get Character mode
| UPGRADE FROM  :  Baby Mario
| UPGRADE TO    :  Harry
| If you liked Baby Mario's play style, upgrade to Sonny when you you get
| the chance.   Sonny's DRAW is sharper, but his style should be pretty
| easy to pick up.

| DRIVE         :  250 yards   ==>   275 yards
| SHOT TYPE     :  -XXX[]----  -3 Fade
| SHOT HEIGHT   :  Low
| PLAYABLE      :  After he is defeated in the Get Character mode
| UPGRADE FROM  :  Luigi
| UPGRADE TO    :  Donkey Kong
| Wario is very similar to Donkey Kong.  Their FADE shots are virtually
| identical with the only difference being that Donkey Kong's drive is
| 30 yards more than Wario.
| If you like the LOW FADE shot better than the HIGH DRAW shot, you
| should feel right at home using Wario.

| DRIVE         :  230 yards   ==>   253 yards
| SHOT TYPE     :  ----[]----  +0 Straight
| SHOT HEIGHT   :  Standard
| PLAYABLE      :  After he is defeated in the Get Character mode
| UPGRADE FROM  :  Plum, Princess
| UPGRADE TO    :  Maple
| Yoshi is an easy character to get used to.  He's got a STRAIGHT shot,
| an OK drive, and his STANDARD shot height isn't affected by the wind
| as the HIGH shot height of other characters.
| If you want to stick to just STRAIGHT shooters, Yoshi should tide you
| over until you've unlocked Maple.


Metal Mario      285 yards    ==>    313 yards
Bowser           280 yards    ==>    308 yards
Donkey Kong      275 yards    ==>    302 yards
Mario            270 yards    ==>    297 yards
Harry            260 yards    ==>    286 yards
Wario            250 yards    ==>    275 yards
Maple            245 yards    ==>    269 yards
Sonny            240 yards    ==>    264 yards
Yoshi            230 yards    ==>    253 yards
Luigi            220 yards    ==>    242 yards
Baby Mario       215 yards    ==>    236 yards
Peach            212 yards    ==>    233 yards
Charlie          210 yards    ==>    231 yards
Plum             208 yards    ==>    228 yards

                   NORMAL DRIVE LENGTH
|                                                        |
|         Charlie   Baby Mario    Yoshi          Maple   |
|             210    215           230            245    |
|               |    |              |              |     |
| ... +---------+---------+---------+---------+----- ... |
|             |   |       |                   |          |
|           208   212     220                240         |
|          Plum   Peach   Luigi             Sonny        |
|                                                        |
|                                                        |
|                 Harry    Donkey Kong   Metal Mario     |
|                  260            275       285          |
|                   |              |         |           |
| ... ----+---------+---------+---------+-----           |
|         |                   |         |                |
|        250                 270       280               |
|       Wario               Mario     Bowser             |
|                                                        |

                      POWER DRIVE LENGTH
|                                                            |
|          Charlie    Baby Mario     Yoshi           Maple   |
|              231    236             253             269    |
|                |    |                |               |     |
| ... +---------+---------+---------+---------+--------- ... |
|             |    |        |                     |          |
|           228   233      242                   264         |
|          Plum   Peach   Luigi                 Sonny        |
|                                                            |
|                                                            |
|                   Harry      Donkey Kong   Metal Mario     |
|                    286             302        313          |
|                     |               |          |           |
| ... +---------+---------+---------+---------+-----         |
|          |                     |          |                |
|         275                   297        308               |
|        Wario                 Mario      Bowser             |
|                                                            |

                            SHOT TYPE
        FADE                 STRAIGHT                 DRAW
  -----------------         ----------          -----------------
  Donkey Kong  (-3)           Maple             Metal Mario  (+3)
  Wario        (-3)           Yoshi             Bowser       (+3)
  Luigi        (-2)           Peach             Mario        (+3)
  Charlie      (-1)           Plum              Harry        (+2)
                                                Sonny        (+2)
                                                Baby Mario   (+1)

                            SHOT HEIGHT
       LOW                   STANDARD                  HIGH
   -----------              ----------              ----------
   Donkey Kong                Yoshi                 Metal Mario
   Wario                                            Bowser
   Luigi                                            Mario
   Charlie                                          Harry
   Plum                                             Maple
                                                    Baby Mario



This mode is for 2 to 4 players.

The rules are basically the same as in the Skins Match, only you use a slot
machine to determine what clubs you can use on each hole.


This mode is for 1 player.

This mode allows you play against a computer opponent.  This play mode is
where you can unlock most of the hidden characters in the game.  After you
select your character, select the character whose picture is in silhouette.
If you defeat this character in an 18-hole game of golf on any of the open
courses, the defeated character will now be selectable in any of the other
play modes.  If you want, you can also select to play against a character who
is already selectable.

The winning character is the first to fill all his slots with coins.
Originally, there are 10 slots.  The winner of a hole (the player with less
strokes) receives a coin which is placed in the player's next available slot.

For the first tie and every two following ties (first, third, fifth, etc.), a
slot is deleted from both players.  EXAMPLE:  If both players tie on the first
hole, then the winner of the game will be the first player to win 9 holes.

WARNING:  If you're lousy at this game, the match could be over for you after
          only 10 holes if the computer wins 10 holes in a row.  Vice versa,
          you can sweep the computer if you're good.

You can unlock the following players in the given order by beating them:
o Luigi
o Yoshi
o Sonny
o Wario
o Harry
o Mario
o Bowser

The following information provides a few hints for unlocking these characters.

- As a game progresses, the computer AI seems to break down--the computer
  starts making more mistakes, so don't give up if you start to fall behind.
- Even if you're WAY behind and a loss is unavoidable, you may just want to go
  ahead and play the game out--you'll still earn Course Points.
- MASTER the Toad Highlands course.  This course is probably the BEST chance
  you have to unlock most of the characters.

- If you're doing lousy on a hole, you can SAVE AND QUIT.  When you continue
  your game, you'll be back at the tee-off of the hole you were struggling on!
  Also, the more you replay a hole, the more likely your opponent will make a
  mistake.  This cheat also works in other play modes.
  NOTE:  This cheat will not work if your character was imported from the Game
         Boy Color version of Mario Golf.

If you haven't unlocked any hidden characters yet, Luigi has a longer drive
than whatever character you are using.  Keep this in mind on holes with a par
of 5.  You may want to use one or more Power Shots on these holes to keep up
with Luigi.  Fortunately, Luigi doesn't use his own Power Shot very often.

Luigi seems to be a lousy putter.  If the putt is a 18+ yard short-length
putt, Luigi will miss most of the time.  For middle-length putts, Luigi will
miss over 90% of the time.

Luigi's biggest weakness seems to be holes with a par of 4.  For some reason,
he seems to bogey often on these holes.  Also, Luigi doesn't seem to adjust
well on courses with heavy winds and/or rain.

Chances are, you'll want to challenge Luigi on the Toad Highlands course
(either because you're pretty good at this course by now or because you
haven't unlocked any of the other courses yet).  On this course, Luigi shoots
a few birdies, but most of his other shots are split between bogies and pars
with a few more pars than bogies.

Yoshi is a little better than Luigi--but not by much.  During the first 9
holes of Toad Highlands, Yoshi plays pretty well--mostly pars with a couple
of birdies and maybe 1 bogey.  For the last 9 holes of Toad Highlands, Yoshi
starts to choke and shoots 3+ bogeys, mostly pars, and very few birdies.

Yoshi putts a little better than Luigi, but just by a little.  For short-
length putts, Yoshi shoots pretty much the same.  However, Yoshi seems to sink
a couple of middle-length putts--something Luigi seldom does.

If you beat Luigi on Toad Highlands, beating Yoshi on this course won't be
much more difficult.

After Yoshi, each character becomes progressively harder until you finally
earn the right to play against Bowser.  Bowser will be a challenge.  The first
time I played against him on the Toad Highlands course, he shot an eagle (two
shots under par) on the first hole and a hole-in-one on the second hole.
Good luck--you'll need it  :-)


This mode is for 2 players.

The winning character is the first to fill all his slots with coins.
Originally, there are 10 slots.  The winner of a hole (the player with less
strokes) receives a coin which is placed in the player's next available slot.

For the first tie and every two following ties (first, third, fifth, etc.), a
slot is deleted from both players.  EXAMPLE:  If both players tie on the first
hole, then the winner of the game will be the first player to win 9 holes.

WARNING:  If you're lousy at golf and/or your opponent is much better than
          you, the match could be over for you after only 10 holes if your
          opponent wins 10 holes in a row.  Vice versa, you can sweep your
          opponent if you're good.


This mode is for 1 to 4 players.

Your putter is the only club you have to take on different courses shaped like
numbers and letters of the alphabet.

This mode is fun, but some windmills or other miniature golf related things
would have been nice.  Mini-golf may help to build up your putting skills; but
this mode is more a test of your Geometry skills than your putting ability.
You'll see what I mean when you try this mode out--ricochet is the key to
doing well.


This mode is for 1 player.

Rings hover above different courses in various patterns. Your goal is to hit
the ball through all the rings AND sink it within par.  For every completed
hole, you earn a star.  For every four stars you earn, another course becomes
accessible (after 4 stars the second course is opened, after 8 stars the third
course is open, etc.).  There are a total of 6 courses.  In each course, you
can earn 6 stars for a grand total of 36 stars.

Each of the 6 courses has a theme similar to one of the six main courses of
Mario Golf.  The holes in the first Ring Mode course are similar to holes
you'd find in the Toad Highlands course.  The second course is similar to
Koopa Park, the third to Shy Guy Desert, the fourth to Yoshi's Island, the
fifth to Boo Valley, and the sixth to Mario's Star.

If you haven't tried out any of the other play modes yet, you may want to
become more familiar with the game before you attempt this mode since it
requires you to have a firm grasp on controlling the ball.

o Donkey Kong - earn 30 stars in any the 6 courses

- If the weather conditions aren't to your liking, HOLE OUT and try the hole
  again.  The weather conditions will have changed.
- Choose a character you are very familiar with.  If your character uses a
  shot that FADES or DRAWS, remember to keep the unusual trajectory of the
  ball in mind when aiming for the rings.
- You may want to choose a character who shoots straight (i.e. Yoshi, Maple,
  etc.) since these characters' trajectories are relatively easy to
- In each of the courses, the rings are at varying heights so you may want to
  choose a character accordingly.  For instance, if the ring is low to the
  ground, choosing a character who shoots HIGH (such as Harry), may cause you
  to inadvertently overshoot the ring if you aren't careful.
- You will probably find yourself in situations where it's necessary to apply
  *unusual* spins on the ball.  Practice makes perfect  :-)


This mode is for 2 to 4 players.

The player who has the fewest strokes on a hole wins skins.  When a tie
occurs, the skins roll over to the next hole meaning that who ever wins the
next hole wins twice as many skins.


This mode is for 1 player.

The only competitor in this play mode is the clock.  You play 18 holes on any
of the courses you've unlocked trying to minimize both your score AND in as
little time as possible.


This mode is for 1 to 4 players.

The winner is the player who has the best overall score (the lowest number of
strokes) on the course that is chosen.


This mode is for 1 player.

In this play mode, you're in a tournament competing against 29 other
contestants.  The character with the best overall score (the lowest number of
strokes) wins.  Keep in mind that the score to beat is somewhat random and
varies by a few strokes.

This is THE play mode to earn Course Points on.  If you win a tournament,
you'll win a gold trophy.  These trophies are worth a LOT of Course Points.
For instance, earning a gold trophy on the Boo Valley course will net you 2000
Course Points!

If you score a birdie or better on a hole, you earn a birdie badge.  This play
mode is the only mode where you can earn birdie badges.  NOTE:  You can only
earn 1 birdie badge per hole.

Once all of the 6 courses have been unlocked, you can earn a maximum total of
108 birdie badges (6 courses * 18 holes = 108 badges).

o Maple       - earn 50 birdie badges
o Metal Mario - earn ALL 108 birdie badges

- All the other players in the Tournament choke on the last 9 holes so don't
  worry if their early scores seem unbeatable.

- If you're doing lousy on a hole, you can SAVE AND QUIT.  When you continue
  your game, you'll be back at the tee-off of the hole you were struggling on!
  This cheat is helpful if you're trying to earn birdie badges on all of the
  holes in a course or if you're frustrated trying to earn a gold trophy the
  real way.
  NOTE:  This cheat will not work if your character was imported from the Game
         Boy Color version of Mario Golf.

COURSE - indicates the course a tournament takes place on

SCORES - indicates most of the possible scores you need to beat (or tie) to
         win a particular tournament (scores will vary)

FREQ   - (frequent scores) indicates the most *probable* score(s) you'll have
         to beat or tie in order to win a particular tournament.

| TOAD TOURNAMENT                           |
|                                           |
| COURSE : Toad Highlands                   |
| SCORES : +0, +1                           |
| FREQ   : usually +0                       |

| KOOPA CUP                                 |
|                                           |
| COURSE : Koopa Park                       |
| SCORES : -1, +0                           |
| FREQ   : usually -1                       |

| SHY GUY INTERNATIONAL                     |
|                                           |
| COURSE : Shy Guy Desert                   |
| SCORES : -3, -2                           |
| FREQ   : usually -3                       |

| YOSHI CHAMPIONSHIP                        |
|                                           |
| COURSE : Yoshi's Island                   |
| SCORES : -5, -4                           |
| FREQ   : usually -4                       |

| BOO CLASIC                                |
|                                           |
| COURSE : Boo Valley                       |
| SCORES : -7, -6                           |
| FREQ   : usually -7                       |

| MARIO OPEN                                |
|                                           |
| COURSE : Mario's Star                     |
| SCORES : -9, -8, -7                       |
| FREQ   : usually either -7 or -9          |


This mode is for 1 player.

This mode allows you to practice on any hole on any of the courses you have
unlocked.  You can also head out to a driving range.  In addition, you can
change the weather to suit your needs.  This is a good mode to use to "feel"
out a character's style.

The driving range is a good place to start to see how various conditions can
affect a shot.  Pick the character you want to use and hit a couple balls out
at varying drive lengths.  Then change the weather conditions and see how
your shots are affected.


When you first start the game, the only course you have access to is Toad
Highlands.  The rest of the courses are unlocked by earning Course Points in
the different play modes.  After a course is unlocked, your Course Points
reset to zero.  The best way to earn Course Points is in the Tournament mode.

There are six courses included with Mario Golf:
o Toad Highlands - 0    Course Points needed
o Koopa Park     - 50   Course Points needed
o Shy Guy Desert - 300  Course Points needed
o Yoshi's Island - 1000 Course Points needed
o Boo Valley     - 1500 Course Points needed
o Mario's Star   - 2200 Course Points needed

PAR  - numbers of shots you are allowed on a hole
DIST - distance from the tee-off to the cup in yards


This is the only course you have access to when you start the game.  With
almost no obstacles and only a few bunkers and water hazards, this course can
be an excellent source of training.  The fairways are wide and continuous and
are relatively forgiving on miscalculated shots.  Also, putting shouldn't be
too difficult since the greens are relatively flat.

 HOLE     PAR      DIST
  1   |    4     363 yards
  2   |    3     161 yards
  3   |    4     343 yards
  4   |    5     477 yards
  5   |    4     355 yards
  6   |    3     138 yards
  7   |    4     387 yards
  8   |    5     511 yards
  9   |    4     409 yards
  10  |    4     304 yards
  11  |    4     380 yards
  12  |    5     466 yards
  13  |    3     165 yards
  14  |    4     388 yards
  15  |    4     369 yards
  16  |    5     448 yards
  17  |    3     149 yards
  18  |    4     400 yards


You gain access to this course after 50 Course Points have been earned.  This
course could've been named Toad Highlands 2 since the holes are similar to the
ones found in Toad Highlands.

There are more obstacles, bunkers, and water hazards than in Toad Highlands,
but just a few more.  The fairways are a little bit more narrow and the greens
are slightly more difficult to negotiate.  Also, the courses tend to have
greater elevation differences and curve more.  But, if you've mastered the
Toad Highlands course, this course will seem pretty tame.

 HOLE     PAR      DIST
  1   |    4     372 yards
  2   |    5     527 yards
  3   |    4     375 yards
  4   |    3     169 yards
  5   |    4     400 yards
  6   |    5     545 yards
  7   |    4     380 yards
  8   |    3     140 yards
  9   |    4     362 yards
  10  |    4     381 yards
  11  |    4     366 yards
  12  |    5     512 yards
  13  |    3     174 yards
  14  |    4     392 yards
  15  |    4     436 yards
  16  |    3     154 yards
  17  |    4     360 yards
  18  |    5     520 yards


You gain access to this course after 300 Course Points have been earned.  Like
this course's name implies, it is full of sand-related hazards.  There are a
lot of bunkers and most of the courses are surrounded by large areas of hard
sand (Waste Area).  The fairways are more narrow than on the Toad Highlands
and Koopa Park courses, but they usually remain continuous (only a few gaps on
the fairway).  Tall cacti are a common obstacle so try and stay clear.  Since
this course is set in a desert, you won't find any water hazards so that's a
plus.  The greens slope in many different directions so putting will be harder
than on the earlier courses.

 HOLE     PAR      DIST
  1   |    4     360 yards
  2   |    3     153 yards
  3   |    5     520 yards
  4   |    4     390 yards
  5   |    4     400 yards
  6   |    4     420 yards
  7   |    3     170 yards
  8   |    4     403 yards
  9   |    5     550 yards
  10  |    4     380 yards
  11  |    4     412 yards
  12  |    3     177 yards
  13  |    4     370 yards
  14  |    5     535 yards
  15  |    3     164 yards
  16  |    4     340 yards
  17  |    5     570 yards
  18  |    4     398 yards


You gain access to this course after 1000 Course Points have been earned.
Since this course takes place on an island, there are large water hazards on
several on the holes.  Two of the holes (#6 and #12) have large elevation
differences between the tee-off position and the cup.  There are a few
scattered bunkers, but not as many as on the Shy Guy Desert course.  The
fairways "snake" around in different directions and are more narrow than
the fairways on earlier courses so aim carefully or you'll find yourself
behind one the many large palm trees on one of the holes.  Also, the bumpy
greens will be harder to negotiate than earlier courses.

Occasionally on this course, the mellow soundtrack will be interrupted by
birds chirping or monkeys screeching.  The animal chatter isn't very loud or
distracting, but it is *very* annoying.

 HOLE     PAR      DIST
  1   |    4     350 yards
  2   |    4     400 yards
  3   |    3     170 yards
  4   |    5     470 yards
  5   |    4     382 yards
  6   |    3     155 yards
  7   |    5     544 yards
  8   |    4     420 yards
  9   |    4     365 yards
  10  |    4     375 yards
  11  |    5     507 yards
  12  |    3     140 yards
  13  |    4     415 yards
  14  |    4     395 yards
  15  |    3     190 yards
  16  |    4     398 yards
  17  |    4     389 yards
  18  |    5     530 yards


You gain access to this course after 1500 Course Points have been earned.  The
fairways on this course are some of the most narrow fairways in the entire
game.  There are few scattered bunkers and a couple of tall pillars serving as
obstacles on each hole, but they're the least of your  worries--the narrow
fairways are surrounded by areas that are considered out of bounds (1 stroke
penalty).  In addition, these fairways "snake" around in many directions even
more than the fairways on the Yoshi's Island course.  Fortunately, water
hazards are rare.  However, since the greens are more bumpy than ever, putting
will be harder than ever.

 HOLE     PAR      DIST
  1   |    4     373 yards
  2   |    4     400 yards
  3   |    5     534 yards
  4   |    3     199 yards
  5   |    4     335 yards
  6   |    4     411 yards
  7   |    5     546 yards
  8   |    3     136 yards
  9   |    4     402 yards
  10  |    5     562 yards
  11  |    4     357 yards
  12  |    3     152 yards
  13  |    4     396 yards
  14  |    4     391 yards
  15  |    3     170 yards
  16  |    4     407 yards
  17  |    5     484 yards
  18  |    4     380 yards


You gain access to this course after 2200 Course Points have been earned.  All
of the holes on this course resemble characters from the Mario universe.  In
this course, the fairways are small and narrow.  Nasty terrain is everywhere
and the bumpy greens are small and surrounded by sand traps, water hazards,
etc.  Keeping your ball on the fairway will be a challenge.

 HOLE     PAR      DIST          SHAPE
  1   |    4     338 yards    Yoshi
  2   |    4     414 yards    Boo
  3   |    5     510 yards    Wiggler
  4   |    3     194 yards    Cheap Cheap
  5   |    4     410 yards    Thwomp
  6   |    3     149 yards    Lakitu
  7   |    5     500 yards    Shy Guy
  8   |    4     346 yards    Piranha Plant
  9   |    4     416 yards    Bowser
  10  |    4     400 yards    Koopa Troopa
  11  |    5     515 yards    Bullet Bill
  12  |    3     172 yards    Toad
  13  |    4     400 yards    Goomba
  14  |    4     380 yards    Chain Chomp
  15  |    4     419 yards    Bloober
  16  |    3     195 yards    Peach
  17  |    5     520 yards    Bob-omb
  18  |    4     395 yards    Mario's face


During a match involving 2 or more contestants, players have the option to
cheer or taunt their opponent(s).  Cheers are executed using the Control Pad
while Taunts are done using the C buttons.

Since Bowser, Donkey Kong, and Yoshi don't speak, their cheers and taunts are
corresponding noises and growls.

Mario and Metal Mario have the same cheers and taunts.

NOTE:  The 4 characters listed at the bottom (Azalea, Joe, Kid, and Sherry)
       are only available after they have been imported from the Game Boy
       Color version of Mario Golf using the Transfer Pak (see Section 9: Game
       Boy Color Version and Section 10: Transfer Pak).  These characters'
       names will be whatever name they were assigned on the Game Boy Color

|    _CHEERS_
|        UP    - [ Nicey Shot, ga, ga, ga... ]
|        DOWN  - [ Ah-choo!  Heh... ]
|        LEFT  - [ Aw-right-y!  Hmmm... ]
|        RIGHT - [ Wonderful! ]
|    _TAUNTS_
|        C-UP    - [ Hurry up, ga, ga, ga... ]
|        C-DOWN  - [ Fore! ]
|        C-LEFT  - [ Mama-mia! ]
|        C-RIGHT - [ Woo-hoo! Ga, ga, ga... ]

|    _CHEERS_
|        UP    - [ (growl) ]
|        DOWN  - [ (growl) ]
|        LEFT  - [ (growl) ]
|        RIGHT - [ (growl) ]
|    _TAUNTS_
|        C-UP    - [ (growl) ]
|        C-DOWN  - [ (growl) ]
|        C-LEFT  - [ (growl) ]
|        C-RIGHT - [ (growl) ]

|    _CHEERS_
|        UP    - [ Good shot! ]
|        DOWN  - [ OK! ]
|        LEFT  - [ Excellent! ]
|        RIGHT - [ Wonderful! ]
|    _TAUNTS_
|        C-UP    - [ Hey, while we're young! ]
|        C-DOWN  - [ Fore! ]
|        C-LEFT  - [ Ohhh, nooo! ]
|        C-RIGHT - [ Well! ]

|    _CHEERS_
|        UP    - [ (monkey sound) ]
|        DOWN  - [ (monkey sound) ]
|        LEFT  - [ (monkey sound) ]
|        RIGHT - [ (monkey sound) ]
|    _TAUNTS_
|        C-UP    - [ (monkey sound) ]
|        C-DOWN  - [ (monkey sound) ]
|        C-LEFT  - [ (monkey sound) ]
|        C-RIGHT - [ (monkey sound) ]

|    _CHEERS_
|        UP    - [ Nice shot! ]
|        DOWN  - [ Alright! ]
|        LEFT  - [ Excellent! ]
|        RIGHT - [ Wonderful! ]
|    _TAUNTS_
|        C-UP    - [ Hurry up! ]
|        C-DOWN  - [ Fore! ]
|        C-LEFT  - [ Oh, no! ]
|        C-RIGHT - [ Hmmm... ]

|    _CHEERS_
|        UP    - [ Nice Shot! ]
|        DOWN  - [ Fine! ]
|        LEFT  - [ Yeah, alright! ]
|        RIGHT - [ That's-a-wonderful! ]
|    _TAUNTS_
|        C-UP    - [ Hurry up already, huh? ]
|        C-DOWN  - [ Okay Dokey--Look Out-a!  Fore! ]
|        C-LEFT  - [ Mama-mia! ]
|        C-RIGHT - [ Hmmm... ]

|    _CHEERS_
|        UP    - [ Good Shot! ]
|        DOWN  - [ OK! ]
|        LEFT  - [ Excellent! ]
|        RIGHT - [ Wonderful! ]
|    _TAUNTS_
|        C-UP    - [ Hurry up! ]
|        C-DOWN  - [ Fore! ]
|        C-LEFT  - [ Oh! ]
|        C-RIGHT - [ Ohhh! ]

|    _CHEERS_
|        UP    - [ Nice Shot! ]
|        DOWN  - [ Great! ]
|        LEFT  - [ Al-right-y! ]
|        RIGHT - [ Wonderful! ]
|    _TAUNTS_
|        C-UP    - [ Hurry up, already! ]
|        C-DOWN  - [ Fore! ]
|        C-LEFT  - [ Mama-mia! ]
|        C-RIGHT - [ Hmmm... ]

|    _CHEERS_
|        UP    - [ Nice Shot! ]
|        DOWN  - [ Great! ]
|        LEFT  - [ Al-right-y! ]
|        RIGHT - [ Wonderful! ]
|    _TAUNTS_
|        C-UP    - [ Hurry up, already! ]
|        C-DOWN  - [ Fore! ]
|        C-LEFT  - [ Mama-mia! ]
|        C-RIGHT - [ Hmmm... ]

|    _CHEERS_
|        UP    - [ Nice shot! ]
|        DOWN  - [ Fine! ]
|        LEFT  - [ Excellent! ]
|        RIGHT - [ O-K! ]
|    _TAUNTS_
|        C-UP    - [ Hurry up! ]
|        C-DOWN  - [ Fore! ]
|        C-LEFT  - [ Mama-mia! ]
|        C-RIGHT - [ (sigh) ]

* PLUM *
|    _CHEERS_
|        UP    - [ Nice shot! ]
|        DOWN  - [ OK! ]
|        LEFT  - [ Excellent! ]
|        RIGHT - [ Wonderful! ]
|    _TAUNTS_
|        C-UP    - [ Hurry up! ]
|        C-DOWN  - [ Fore! ]
|        C-LEFT  - [ Oh, no! ]
|        C-RIGHT - [ Wow! ]

|    _CHEERS_
|        UP    - [ Oooh, nice shot! ]
|        DOWN  - [ Alright! ]
|        LEFT  - [ Excellent! ]
|        RIGHT - [ Wonderful! ]
|    _TAUNTS_
|        C-UP    - [ Hurry up! ]
|        C-DOWN  - [ Fo-re! ]
|        C-LEFT  - [ Oh, no! ]
|        C-RIGHT - [ Awww! ]

|    _CHEERS_
|        UP    - [ Good shot! ]
|        DOWN  - [ Fine! ]
|        LEFT  - [ Heh, heh, heh!  Excellent! ]
|        RIGHT - [ Heh, heh, heh, heh!  Wonderful! ]
|    _TAUNTS_
|        C-UP    - [ Hurry up, will you? ]
|        C-DOWN  - [ One, two, three, FORE! ]
|        C-LEFT  - [ Mama-mia! ]
|        C-RIGHT - [ Wow! ]

|    _CHEERS_
|        UP    - [ (Yoshi sound) ]
|        DOWN  - [ (2 Yoshi sounds) ]
|        LEFT  - [ (Yoshi sound) ]
|        RIGHT - [ (slower Yoshi sound) ]
|    _TAUNTS_
|        C-UP    - [ (hurried Yoshi sound) ]
|        C-DOWN  - [ (shortened Yoshi sound) ]
|        C-LEFT  - [ (Yoshi whistling sound) ]
|        C-RIGHT - [ (extended Yoshi sound) ]

|    _CHEERS_
|        UP    - [ Good shot! ]
|        DOWN  - [ Beautiful! ]
|        LEFT  - [ Excellent! ]
|        RIGHT - [ Wonderful! ]
|    _TAUNTS_
|        C-UP    - [ Hurry up! ]
|        C-DOWN  - [ Fore! ]
|        C-LEFT  - [ Oh, no! ]
|        C-RIGHT - [ Ohhh! ]

* JOE *
|    _CHEERS_
|        UP    - [ Good shot! ]
|        DOWN  - [ OK! ]
|        LEFT  - [ Excellent! ]
|        RIGHT - [ Wonderful! ]
|    _TAUNTS_
|        C-UP    - [ C'mon, man!  Hurry up! ]
|        C-DOWN  - [ Fore! ]
|        C-LEFT  - [ Oh, no! ]
|        C-RIGHT - [ Awww, man! ]

* KID *
|    _CHEERS_
|        UP    - [ Good shot! ]
|        DOWN  - [ Awww, yeah! ]
|        LEFT  - [ Excellent! ]
|        RIGHT - [ Wonderful! ]
|    _TAUNTS_
|        C-UP    - [ Hurry up! ]
|        C-DOWN  - [ Fore! ]
|        C-LEFT  - [ Oh, no! ]
|        C-RIGHT - [ Oh! ]

|    _CHEERS_
|        UP    - [ Good shot! ]
|        DOWN  - [ (laugh) ]
|        LEFT  - [ Excellent! ]
|        RIGHT - [ Wonderful! ]
|    _TAUNTS_
|        C-UP    - [ Hurry up! ]
|        C-DOWN  - [ Fore! ]
|        C-LEFT  - [ Oh, no! ]
|        C-RIGHT - [ Ohhh! ]


You can change a character's colors by holding down one of the C buttons.
This can make for some interesting colors  (i.e. you can make Metal Mario look
like a gold trophy or even a big blue popsicle).

When you unlock all of the main courses or earn all 36 stars in the Ring Shot
mode, the Mario Golf end credits will roll.  Besides seeing scenes of your
own player and the rest of the normal cast, you can catch a few glimpses of
the 4 characters from the Game Boy Color version of Mario Golf.

If you'd prefer your player to be left-handed, hold down either the L or Z
button when you're selecting your character.

To see a replay of the current shot, just press the B button.

When you play in a Tournament, take a look at the names of some of your
competitors.  If you're familiar with other Nintendo games, you'll find the
names of characters from other games such as Star Fox and and the Legend of



At the bottom of the character select screen of the N64 version of Mario Golf
are 4 empty slots.  These slots are reserved for up to 4 players that can be
imported from the Game Boy Color version of Mario Golf.  However, in order to
import any characters, you'll need a Tranfer Pak (see Section 10: Transfer
Pak).  Imported characters cannot be saved in the N64 version.  When you
shut off the N64 and turn it on again, you'll need to re-import these

Mario Golf is the first N64 game to be released that supports the Tranfer Pak.


In the Game Boy Color version of Mario Golf, you start by choosing one out
of four players.  Using this player, you play at various clubs in one-on-one
matches, tournaments, etc. and earn experience points.  When your character
earns a certain amount of points, he or she "levels up" like in an RPG.  When
your character levels up, you can improve one of the character's attributes
such as the character's drive or shot height.  These attributes carry over
when you import your character to the N64 version.

By importing your character into the N64 version, you can view your character
in 3D and play out a couple rounds.  What's great is that any experience
points you earn for your character on the N64 version can be transferred back
to the Game Boy Color version!

The four characters you can choose from are originally named Azalea, Joe, Kid,
and Sherry.  However, you are free to rename them whatever you want.



The Transfer Pak plugs into the back of a N64 controller.  Using this device,
the N64 version and the Game Boy Color version of Mario Golf can communicate
with each other and send data back and forth.

Unfortunately, the Transfer Pak probably won't be released in the United
States until next year when Pokemon Stadium is released.  However, if you own
the Game Boy Color version and you're dying to transfer those 4 extra
characters to your N64 version, you can import the Transfer Pak from Japan--
that's how I got mine.  Check out a few of your local import stores or see if
you can find one on the Internet.

For more information, visit IGN-Pocket's site and sift through the Hardware
section (see Section 11: Further Information for the exact URL).


First, make sure the Game Boy Color cartridge of Mario Golf is plugged snugly
into the Tranfer Pak and the Tranfer Pak is properly inserted into the N64
controller.  Next, with the N64 version of Mario Golf properly inserted, turn
on the N64.  The Transmit menu will automatically pop up.

The Transmit menu will now be accessible in the main menu.

STATUS  -  Allows you to tranfer Mario Golf for N64 data to Mario Golf for
           Game Boy.  This data includes such things as your best scores on
           each course, which stars you've earned in the Ring Shot mode, etc.

GAME BOY CHARACTER  -  Allows you to bring over any players you have trained
                       in the Game Boy Color version over to the N64 version.

MAIN MENU  -  Ends communication with Mario Golf for Game Boy and returns to
              the main menu.


| Web Sites |

 Nintendo's official Mario Golf online tournament

 Nintendo's official Mario Golf site

 IGN64's review of Mario Golf for N64

 IGN-Pocket's review of Mario Golf for the Game Boy Color

 IGN-Pocket's information about the Transfer Pak

 GameFan's review of Mario Golf for N64


VERSION 3.0 (10/18/99)   [78.1 K]
- added more Transfer Pak info
- added more info about the GBC version
- added how to import GBC characters into the N64 version
- added cheers/taunts for GBC characters

VERSION 2.5 (9/27/99)   [73.8 K]
- added new Transfer Pak section
- added link to Nintendo's online tournament
- reformatted hole info in Courses section to take up less space

VERSION 2.0 (9/13/99)   [72.4 K]
- added ASCII art
- found and moved a tip that was in the wrong play mode section
- added more elevation information
- added more information about the 6 courses
- added Par and Cup distance for each of the 18 holes in the 6 main courses
- added a section named Playing Out a Hole
- expanded information about how elevation affects Fade and Draw Shots
- moved around, renamed, and reworded a few sections

VERSION 1.7 (8/19/99)   [56.1 K]
- added Power Drive lengths to the cast of characters
- updated the Charts and Graphs section accordingly
- added Frequency for Tournament scores
- added more comments about a few of the characters
- expanded descriptions of available courses

VERSION 1.5 (8/17/99)   [52.7 K]
- fixed Maple's taunts and a few typos
- added more info about the 6 tournaments
- added Trajectory Indicator to Play Screen section
- added probable names for GBC-imported characters
- added Overview to Training section
- added Power Graph to renamed Charts and Graphs section

VERSION 1.0 (8/11/99)   [47.6 K]
- first version


The following was obtained from the Mario Golf instruction manual:
- characters' shot heights
- play mode list
- some descriptions of the various play modes
- player count for each of the play modes
- player shot types
- term definitions included in the BASICS section
- power shot info
- how to play as a Lefty
- information found in the play screen description

The following was obtained from Nintendo's official Mario Golf site (see
Section 11: Further Information):
- the "SAVE AND QUIT" and "CONTINUE" cheat listed in the TOURNAMENT and GET
  CHARACTER play modes
- all of the club list and most of the club info in the BASICS section
- the Tournament tip about the contestants choking on the last 9 holes

- ASCII art generated by FIGLET (http://www.surfplaza.com/figlet/)

All other information I obtained by playing the game.


(C) 1999  Side_FX  (Andrew Will)

No part of this FAQ can be copied, reproduced, etc. without the author's prior

Mario Golf and its corresponding characters are trademarks of Nintendo and

For the most recent version of this FAQ, visit http://www.gamefaqs.com/