Jikkyou Osyaberi Parodius: Forever with Me Guide (aka Chatting Parodius) 
for Sega Saturn and PSX

By DDCecil (James Tompkins)

1. Introduction/Updates
2. Characters - 8 pairs plus a bonus pair!!!
3. Options
4. Areas (Including the 2 Omake levels)
5. Bosses
6. All 70 Fairies
7. The NEXT 70 Fairies
8. Help me!
9. Credits

1. Introduction
Take everything you know about the SNES/Super Famicom version and throw 
most of that info out the window. The Saturn version has all kinds of 
new things and bosses, not to mention a CD-quality soundtrack and 2 
bonus Omake levels!

I used my original SNES version FAQ as a shell and have erased most 
things that are wrong and added new things. Unlike the SNES FAQ of this 
game, some fairies are in different locations than the SNES version and 
I have updated that list with the correct info. 
Pretty soon, I'll update the SNES FAQ too. But until then, let's begin 
our journey into one of the coolest sequels of the BEST (IMHO) shooter 
series ever...

Now Konami, PLEASE make a Parodius for GBA... PLEASE! Konami Krazy 
Racers was a great start...

V1.2 - 4/12/02 - The PSX version arrived today, and here are the changes 
from the Saturn version:

* - Instead of EXTRA, there is a new option called ACCIDENT (Every time 
you beat a level, you get to do a bonus mini-level, which the enemies 
are in polygonal 3D!)

* - The Save/Load Menu and Continue/End Game Menu are in English.

V1.1  - 4/4/02 - Fixed the date for one thing (I finished this on March 
28th 2002, not December 21st of last year. Forgot to fix that before 
submitting the FAQ! ;D) Anyways, I'm getting the PSX version (should be 
here next week!), and I'll update the FAQ with any new info that version 
of the game might have! Also, I fixed some more spelling errors...

V1.0 - 3/28/02 - FAQ is finally finished.

2. Characters
For info on all of the available weapons, check out PentaroX's FAQ 
available at Gamefaqs under the SNES version. I'm too lazy to type all 
of it out, and his list as complete as they come!

Vic Viper (Male, Blue Spaceship) 

The 1P ship of Gradius, he uses the same weapons as he does on Gradius.

Speed Up (Speed Up!)
Force Field

Lord British (Male, Red Spaceship)

Speed Up
Twin Hawkwind
Multi Shield

Takohiko (Male, Red Octopus)

Speed Up
2-way Missile
O Trap

Belial (Female, Yellow Octopus) 

Speed Up
O Trap

Soitsu (Male, Green Stick Figure)

One of the coolest characters ever made...

S. Speed (Speed Up!)
S. Missile (Little Soitsus drop down, and depending on where you are, 
they can do funny things (dance, drown, etc...))
S. 3-Way (Shoots in 3 directions, straight ahead, up 45 degrees, and 
down 45 degrees)
S. Energy Laser (Like on Gradius 3, hold to make it bigger)
S. Power (Upgrade you weapon)
S. Shield (How do I explain this shield?!)

Doitsu (Female, Yellow Stick Figure)

All of here weapons are the same as Soitsu except she has a twin laser 
(red and green) instead of an energy laser.

Pentarou (Male, Blue Penguin)

He originally appeared in Antarctic Adventure for the MSX computers, and 
later for the Colecovision, Famicom, and Gameboy Color versions...

Speed Up
Poton (Misspelled Photon?!?)
Spread Gun

Hanako (Female, Red Penguin)

Speed Up
Spead Bomb
Spread Gun

Sue (Female)

Speed Up
Force field

Memim (Female)

Speed Up
Reverse Hawk Wind
Twin Laser
Force Field

Mike (Male, Grey Cat)

Speed Up
Grade Up
Force Field

Ran (Female, Yellow Cat)

Speed Up
Homing Bit
Search laser
Grade Up

Twin Bee (Male, Blue Twinbee)

Speed Up
Tail Gun

Win Bee (Female, Pink Twinbee)

Speed Up
Tail Gun

Upa (Male, Baby in Blue)

Speed Up
Grade Up
Mega Crush

Rupa (Female, Baby in Pink)

Speed Up
Multi Spread Gun
Search Vulcan
Grade Up
Mega Crush

Plus a secret pair of bonus characters... You get this pair after 
finding the 140 fairies... If you gotta know who this is, check (*5) at 
the very bottom of the FAQ...

3. Options
At the title screen, you have 3 options:

Normal Game (The normal game)
Omake 1 (A bonus level, try to get as many points as possible)
Omake 2 (Race on a track and try to gett as many points as possible)


After pressing start on the title screen, you'll be at a list of 

I.   1P start
II.  2P start
III. Load Game
IV.  High Scores
V.   Status screen
VI.  Option 1
VII. Option 2
VIII. Return to title

I. 1P Start
Start a one player game!

II. 2P Start
Start a two player game

III. Load Game
Load a saved game. (To save during the game, pause it and press L (On 
Saturn version) or Select (without pausing, on the PSX version). Choose 
the middle option to save on one of the three available turns. The top 
option is load, and the bottom is return to the game.

IV. High Scores
Check the top scores of each difficulty level.

V. Status Screen
Check on your character's highest scores.

VI. Option 1

*Lives - Choose from 0 to 9 lives.

*Slot(arrow)Y - Turn this on to replace the useless 'Oh My option' 
(Usually a !, now it will be a Circle) option into a cool slot machine 
game you can play:

3 Yellow Bells - 1-UP
3 Konami Signs - Free Continue
3 White Bells - Powerful Megaphone you can use at anytime
3 Green Bells - Use it anytime you want and it lasts twice as long as 
the normal green bell
O-H-! - The (!) option. Takes away all of your weapons and speed.
3 Red Bells - Same as a normal red bell
3 Blue Bells - Get 3 Bombs

You can press Y to stop the slots quicker, too.

*Extra - Turn this on to add more variety to your game.
(On the PSX version, this is replaced with ACCIDENT)

*Duel - No clue, something about 2 player mode...

*Ikari - If this is on, during the 2 player game, you can shoot at the 
other player and once (s)he is hit enough times, (s)he'll use a special 
fireball attack that shoots in all directions.

*Nage(arrow)Y - During the 2 player game, press Y near the other person 
to make him turn into an invincible ball that rolls around the screen, 
killing enemies.

*Oshaberi - Turn this on to hear the man (and a woman during 2 player 
mode) talk during the game.

VII. Option 2
Erase data, scores, and check how many fairies you have found. Also has 
2 (or more?) other options, available only when you beat the game on the 
difficulty  level of 7 or get all 70 fairies...

VIII. Return to Title
Go back to the title screen.

4. Areas
World 1 - Go through a disco nightclub
(Music: KC and the Sunshine Band's "That's the way I like it and Get 
down tonight")

Bonus Points:

*Use a bomb to blow up the Creature with a drum's projectiles for 1000 
points a projectile.
* Unlike the SNES version, you can use your normal weapon to shoot the 
penguins with afros for 1000 points each.
* Halfway through the level, a Konami sign will fly by. Use a bomb to 
get 10000 points.
* On the disco ball, use a bomb to blow up the shards for 1000 points 

World 2 - Go through a local school/college
(Music: Not sure! I'm guessing Tokimeki Memorial... The Saturn version 
doesn't have the cool Japanese School Bell theme when the level starts 
for some reason... The boss muic is Hikaru and Akane's theme followed by 
a part of the Hungarian Rhapsody by Liszt.)

Bonus Points:

* The hippo's projectiles can be bombed for 1000 points a projectile.
* Once the level is underway, watch at the bottom of the screen for a 
gang of penguins harrasing a goody-goody penguin carrying books. Stay at 
the bottom and keep shooting. You'll kill their leader for 10000 points!
* After the gang of penguins, you'll see a penguin holding a lunch tray. 
Bomb him for 10000 points.
*After the luch tray penguin, you'll see a statue of one of the 
minibosses from Parodius 2. Let the stone come out of the sky and hit 
him. Now use your normal weapon or a bomb to blow up the top of his head 
that flys off for 10000 points.

World 3 - Go through Twinbee land
(Music: Minuet in G Major by Bach, Various Twinbee music) 

Bonus Points:

* Right before the level begins, creatures riding stars will start to 
rain down. Bomb them for 10000 points a piece. The higher the difficulty 
level, the more that will rain down!
* Once the level begins, use a bomb to blow up the White Rabbits 
projectile once he begins shooting it out (before it explodes into 
numbers) for 10000 points.
* If you wait until the White Rabbit shoots out his projectile, you can 
bomb each invidiual number for 1000 points a piece.
* Once you pass the first white rabbit, 3 bombs will fly out of the 
water. You can bomb them for 10000 each.
* Most of the Card Soldiers on the ground can be blown up for 10000 
* The ones in balloons can be blown up for 5000 each.
* On of the balloons will be tipped sideways. He is worth only 100 
* Before the Waterfall area, you'll see 2 tiny flying pigs in the 
background. Bomb them for 10000 pts.
* Once the Evil Bee comes out of Warumon, you can bomb his 2 options for 
10000 points a piece.
* Evil Bee's lasers can be bombed for 1000 points piece.

World 4 - Go through Mystic Ninja land
(Music: Mystical Ninja music heard in Konami Wai Wai World for the 

Bonus Points:

* The teapot raccoon's projectiles can be blown up for 1000 points.
* As the level begins, use a bomb to blow up the man and woman penguin 
for 10000 points each.
* Afterwards, a bird will carry a leaf. Kill the bird and the leave will 
reveal a raccoon (The same from Sexy Parodius?). Blow him up for 10000 
* Once you reach the cherry trees, there will be a white skeleton thing 
lying under the trees. Blow him up for 10000 points.
* Afterwards, a kareoke-singing penguin (up to 3) will appear singing to 
a girl penguin. Blow them up for 10000 points each.
* At the green Penguin-shoot, there will be another white skeleton 
* Near the end of the level, match up the 3 dice to get 3 5000 point 
* You can bomb Goemon's bombs or Ebisumaru's rings for 1000 points a 

World 5 - Go through a cavern of food based upon the first level of 
(Music: Claire de Lune by Debussy, Laser Platform music of Gradius 3)

Bonus Points:

* The Ice Cream's projectiles can be bombed for 5000 points a piece!
* The Strawberries encircling the jolly rancher can be bombed for 1000 
* The kiwis encircling the bomb can be bombed for 1000 points each.
* The boss's mid-size lasers can be bomnbed for 1000 points each. The 
little and giant ones cannot.

World 6 - Go through Lethal Enforcers land complete with 2 justifier 
guns shooting at you!
(Music: Lethal Enforcers (Track 5 on Sega CD version))

Bonus Points:

* Coins:

Yellow - 500 points
Orange/Red - 1000 points
Purple - 2500 points
Green - 5000 points
Blue - 10000 points

* The blue targets can be bombed for 2500 points each.

World 7 - Go through the city of Taisen Puzzle Dama.
(Music: 2 Volcanos Gradius Music, a bunch of songs from Taisen Puzzle 

Bonus Points:

* The Dog's bones can be bombed for 1000 points each.
* the Penguin's Ice Cubes can be bombed for 1000 points each.

World 8 - Gradius 3 Finale Reprise
(Music: Gradius 3 - Shadowdancer level (LV 9), 2 volcanos Gradius music)

Bonus Points:

* The Penguins at the beginning of the level that are stuck to boards 
can be bombed for 2500 points each.
* The Blowfish's projectiles can be bombed for 2500 points each.

Omake 1 - Omake Round!
(Music: I forget...)

Bonus Points:

* The raindrops the elephants shoot out can be shot or bombed for 1000 
points each.

* Coins:

Yellow - 500 Points
Orange/Red - 1000 points
Purple - 2500 points
Green - 5000 points
Blue - 10000 points
Pink - 20000 points

* Throughout the level are hidden, giant super bells! You can grab them 
for 20000 points, or shoot them until they explode into 6 tiny bells!

* The teacup penguins can be shot indefintely. 

* Items you can grab:

Car - 10000 points
Train - 20000 points
Plane - 50000 points
Doll - 100000 points (aka a 1-Up!)

* The blue lasers that shoot out of the cannons at the boss's area can 
be bombed for 10000 points each.

Omake 2 - Grand Prin in Bellka!
(Music: ?)

Notes for this level: The point of this level is to make it to the end 
as fast as possible. At the start, don't use your speed-up until the 
final light goes off, or you'll be fined -10 seconds off your score. 
You'll fight 4 minibosses through out this level, which all follow easy 
patterns. The more speed-ups you have, the faster you go throughout the 
track. Near the end of the track (after the 4 minibosses), arrows 
painted on the track will point downwards. If you continue to go 
straight (not recommended), you'll have to shoot through some cones and 
you'll lose all of your speed-ups if you touch the area in between the 2 
sets of cones. Also, avoid the flagman-chicken at the end of the race 
which goes up and down trying to crash into you. 

Bonus Points:


Accident Levels (PSX only):
You get to play a level after levels 1-5, and 7. What enemies you fight 
during the level is random. Here is what you might expect:

1. Volcanoes on Mini-earths (most common)
2. Green Meteors with a giant red pig-shaped one
3. In the background will be the Moaiship from the first 2 Parodius 
games, and it shoots missiles you have to weave between.
4. Green Salamnder dragons (like the ones on level 3A (The underwater w/ 
geishas) on Sexy Parodius) and barbecue grills.

There may be more, but these are the only ones I have seen.

5. Bosses
(On the highest difficulty level (8), the bosses throw a ton of 
projectiles at you, especially after they die! BTW, the bosses will die 
on their own if you wait a long time, but you will not get any 

World 1 - 
Disco Ball and the Dancin' 'n Singin' Panda

Disco Ball - Unlike the SNES one (where you can only shoot it's chain), 
you can shoot it anywhere. Once it drops to the ground, it will reveal 

Dancin' 'n Singin' Panda - Shoot at the mallard duck. It will take 
around 12 hits. Avoid the panda's notes, and when the panda gets to the 
left side and sings, stay over by it's mouth and shoot the notes for 
extra points. When the panda moves right, it does a jumping twirl that 
can kill you if you do not stay to the far left (or right) of him. On 
this version, there are penguins above the rafters. When the Panda 
jumps, and lands, some of them will fall down, so avoid them!

World 2 -
2 Anime girls - Hikaru and Akane

Traitors! They once helped you out, now they 'own' the "Technical 
College for the Evil Impaired"!
As the screen scrolls upward, watch out for the girls in bubbles. You 
can shoot the bottom girl (Akane) for 100 points a shot and she will 
swipe at you. When you get to the top girl (Hikaru), stay to the left 
side of the screen and shoot at her eyes. She has 3 attacks: 

1. She can throw bubbles containing her Parodius 2's option weapon
2. She can make homing flowers come out of her hair and chase you. 
3. See that missile she usually rides on? Once in a while it will shake 
and go upwards, trying to hit you.

12 hits should do it...

World 3 -
Warumon and the Momma Bee

Stay at the bottom of the screen, and if you have them, let your homing 
missiles shoot up at the 4 turrets. If you don't have them, manuever up 
in front of each turret and blow it up. After this, stay at the bottom 
of the screen and to the far left. The bottom of the flying ship opens, 
revealing a mid-size Twinbee known as Evil Bee. Stay to the far left and 
fire away avoiding its 2 mini-ships. After this, feel free to blow up 
the turrets on top of the ship, and the pig's nose. Pretty soon, the 
Momma Bee appears...

Momma Bee - She comes from the right side of the screen shaking her "you 
know whats" :) If you have "Extra" on the main options menu, you will 
have Power-Up Random Pillows all over the screen during the fight. Use 
these to make sure your ship is powered up! Stay to the left and avoid 
her lipstick missiles that come out a few times. She can also blow 
hearts that go in different () directions. Shoot her in the face when 
her helmet is off. After the missile attack, she rushes forward doing 
something "naughty" :D, avoid this "naughty" attack, and continue 
shooting her in the face. After you beat her, prepare to laugh and be 
shocked (Unlike the SNES one, instead of flesh, her body is 

World 4 -
I am Goemon Impact... and Ebisumaru?!

It's a cold day when a hero becomes a boss... Sigh... Anyway, start 
shooting his face, and what out for his Bombs, that he spits out. After 
being shot a few times, he will compact into his compact (PUN!) and move 
around the room chasing you. He then goes back to his original position. 
After hitting him a number of times, Ebisumaru appears! He shoots out 
Star-Bracelet things that bounce around the screen. Shoot him 4 times 
and you are off to the next level!

World 5 -
Lips: Part Tres

After 2 foiled attempts to defeat you in Parodius Da! and Gokujyou 
Parodius, he is back and this time he means business! Make sure to get 
the fairy above and below him. Once you get the fairies, stay to the 
left side of the screen moving up and down to avoid the lasers while 
shooting the little guys inside the lips. Once in a while he transformes 
and throws tiny lasers all over the room. On this version, he can also 
ram to the far left of the screen, and start moving slowly back towards 
the right of the room, throwing out thick frosting that moves in a wae 
type motion! After beating the 3 "creatures" in his mouth, he will split 
and try to crush you 3 times. Move out of his way, and after the third 
time, he'll explode into shiny shards of glass!

World 6 -
That Bleepin' Cat is Back!

If you have played the SNES version, you are now expecting a big fight 
with the man I dubbed Puyo Puyo Man (now he's officially called Taisen 
Puzzle Dama man). 

But not this time... You are in for a much bigger surprise!

The level starts going faster, you enter a small corridor, and cat paws 
start trying to crush you! At the end of this, you enter an area with 
train tracks and you'll face that darn cat from Parodius Da! (when he 
was a litle boat) and Gokujyou Parodius! (where he was a medium sized 
submarine). Now he is a big train!

Once he appears, stay at the top left corner of the screen. Keep 
shooting the cannons until the screen scrolls and hit his head all you 
can! Afterwards, he'll escape, and the screen will stop scrolling, with 
the cat appearing on the right side of the screen. Just shoot at his 
face until his goggles come off, then finish him!

World 7 -
World 7 is a actually a parade of bosses level, but I just can't explain 

Boss #1 - Dog House with Dog
Boss #2 - Penguin with a bucket on its head
Boss #3 - Taisen Puzzle Dama Man

Boss #1 -
After you pass 2 angels holding a banner and kill a machine which houses 
atop 3 girls, you will fight a Dog House.

This boss is just like the 3rd boss of Level 8 on Gradius 3 (Who's name 
is Ice Ice), he goes up and down, throwing lasers, and then goes to the 
opposite side of the screen throwing the same lasers, and after that, he 
goes back to the original side and throws fast, out of sync lasers, and 
after that, will go to the opposite side and do that too. During all of 
this, just shoot away, and you'll destroy the dog house, revealing a 
spotted dog...

Kill the dog the same way as the Dog house.

Boss #2 -
A penguin with a bucket on its head. No kidding...

He acts like the Twinbee boss on the SNES version. Shoot at his bucket 
until it comes off, and then keep firing at his head. The Blue ice cubes 
he throws go staright ahead, the yellow ones bounce off the screen, and 
the red ones are homing missiles.

Boss #3 -
Taisen Puzzle Dama Man!

Unlike his SNES counterpart, he is smaller. First he is in his temple. 
Shoot the roof 16 times to reveal the man himself! Keep firing at his 
head/neck, and avoid his puyos which will split if you shoot at them.

World 8 -
The Showgirl cometh and the final battle!

You can't kill the showgirl, just avoid her until she leaves! Don't let 
her speed fool you, as she wil not crash into you as long as you stay on 
the opposite side of the screen! Once in awhile, she will appear, but 
facing the background with her back towards you! After getting past her, 
you'll fight the Samurai Octopus! All I can say is good luck! (heh heh 

Omake-1 Boss:
Stoopid Robot...

He's pretty easy. Just stay in the middle of the screen and far back and 
shoot whatever comes your way! The 4 cannons at the top and bottom of 
the screen shoot out coins and enemies. Feel free to get the coins...

6. The 70 fairies
Get all 70 for a special treat! If you want to know what kind of a treat 
it is, it's listed at the bottom of this guide as (*2). (There are also 
many other secrets down there as well, but be warned: They are spoilers! 
Not like any of this other stuff is, of course...) Unlike the SNES 
version, you CAN use the green bells to get fairies! Also, put the 
difficulty on "1" to find the fairies without too much difficulty. Upa 
and Rupa's Megacrush doesn't work though...
Rupa and Ran are the best at getting the fairies, with their weapons 
(Multispread Gun and Reflect at full power.)

When in doubt, use bombs (or the green bell!)

Area 1 (10 fairies)

1. Just as you start the area, go to the bottom of the screen into the 
cityscape and shoot!

2. Just as you enter the club, shoot in front of the top naked penguin 

3. It will be on the top of the screen between a dj penguin and a 
construction-striped platform.

4. After #3, it will be in a very skinny space on the bottom of the 

5. It's at the 2nd set of naked penguin statues. It's in front of the 
top one's face. Use a bomb for best results.

6. Go under the first tightrope, and to the far left, and shoot.

7. Go under the second tightrope, and to the far left and shoot. There 
are 3 fairies right here.

8. Same as #7

9. Same as #7

10. At the end of the second tightrope, shoot beneath it.

Area 2 (9 fairies)

11. On the giant tree in front of the school's entrance, shoot near the 
top right side of the tree.

12. After going through the classroom area, and the screen starts 
scrolling, go upwards and stay right near the wall. The fairy is near 
the bottom of this wall (use a bomb for best results)

(Warning: 13-18 are very hard fairies to get, so good luck!)

13. Near the beginning of the pencil area, scroll up and down and look 
for a small pencil (it will have a pink penguin of top of it.) Shoot 
under it.

14. Right after the pencils quit coming, get ready to scroll up and down 
and watch for a teacher moai blocking a dead end. Kill her and shoot in 
the area.

15. Right after #14 watch for 2 pencils that are skinny and long. Go 
between these and shoot. 

16. For this fairy have a bomb or you are going to need to die to get 
it. After #15, watch for a small closed area made of pencils. the fairy 
is inside of there. Use your bombs or die to fit in there (You need to 
have the Option 1, "Revive" on to start right where you die).

17. Right after the above fairy, watch for 2 more pencils just like #15 
and get the fairy between them.

18. Near the end of the pencil area, you will find another dead end 
Moai. Just follow #14's instructions.

19. After the gym and you are outside, shoot at the "all alone" penguin 
on the 3rd bench to find his date, fairy #19!

Area 3 (8 fairies)

20. Shoot at the first sight of land near the bottom of the screen once 
the level begins.

21. When you get to the small bridge, go inside of it for 2 red pods. 
The fairy is on top of the bridge near the right end of it.

22. Right after #21, shoot at the bottom corner of the upcoming hill for 
the fairy.

23. When you get to a floating rock with a waterfall on it, go to the 
right side of the rock and get the fairy (a bomb works well).

24. On the second rock like #23, the fairy is above and to the right of 

25. After going uphill, the fairy is in an alcove at the very bottom of 
the hill.

26. Right after the island with the annoying girl on it, shoot at the 
right side of her island for the fairy.

27. After the flying ship releases a mid-sized twin bee, shoot near the 
water for this fairy. Careful! It is hard to get (use a bomb).

Area 4 (a whopping 19 fairies)

28. When you first see the top of a cherry blossom tree, get near it, 
and move back as far as you can without hitting the nearby wall. Now 
shoot or use a bomb.

29. Right after scrolling right/downwards, shoot in the alcove near the 
bottom of the screen by the cherry blossoms.

30. After the cherry blossoms, get to the top of the screen, and shoot 
near the ceiling.

31. When you get to the area of hammers, scroll to the very top of the 
screen and use a bomb or shoot in the top,most/lefthand corner.

32. After #31, quickly scroll down to the very bottom. Shooting between 
a leftward pounding hammer and the thing it is pounding on for a fairy.

33. Right after #32, go to the top of the area you are in (while staying 
near the bottom), and shoot between a "top" hammer and the thing it is 
pounding on.

34. Stay near the bottom of the screen for this and the next 2 fairies. 
Shoot the empty bottom corner for a fairy.

35. Right after #34, shoot between the 2 rising "things" that the 
hammers always pound on.

36. Right after #35, the fairy is in the bottom of the lefthand corner 
where you just got the other fairy (It's hard to explain, use a bomb!)

37. After you pass the "bamboo shoot", you will enter another scrolling 
upwards/downwards area. Go to the very top of this area and use a bomb 
or shoot in one of the top left hand corners.

38. After #37, rush to the bottom and shoot behind the 1st cookie in the 
empty space.

39. This and the next 4 fairies are in the area you have to blow up the 
pastry walls. Use a bomb or full grade up weapon to find them all! 

40. Same as #39

41. Same as #39

42. Same as #39

43. Same as #39

44. When you get to the 3rd statue with swinging hair (he will be on 
top), shoot the top corner of him.

45. Right after #44, go around the statue and the fairy is on the 
opposite side of this same statue.

46. Right before the dice area, shoot the divider between the top and 
bottom row.

Area 5 (8 fairies)

47. When the area begins, shoot at the top-strawberry area.

48. After #47, go to the bottom row and shoot at the end of the suspened 
platform. Use a bomb to get it easier.

49. When you see some more strawberries at the top of the screen, the 
fairy is right in front of them.

50. Shoot at the end of the next suspended platform.

51. After #50, be looking for a small area at the top of the screen in 
the middle of strawberries and kiwis. Shoot there.

52. Right when the second set of spike-objects close the area, go to  
the bottom of the screen for the fairy.

53. Right above the boss.

54. Right below the boss.

Area 6 (3 fairies)

55. After the level begins, start by looking for a skinny path full of 
coins. Continue down it for the fairy.

56. Near the end, find a path to take you downwards into a straight 
area. The fairy will be in an empty spot between all the coins

57. At the end of the level (once the 2 LE guns disappear), shoot in the 
spot right after the top red light for the fairy. 

Area 7 (Zilch, zippo, nada fairies)

Area 8 (13 fairies)

58. At the beginning of the area, shoot at the top of the screen to get 

59. At the beginning of the area, shoot at the bottom of the screen to 
get it.

60. (These 4 are the toughest to get! If you have this on a higher 
difficulty level, pinwheels will surround the area where the fairies 
are. Use a bomb, and if you don't find them all, save the game and 
reload it and try again!)

61. See #60

62. See #60

63. See #60

64. After the first area closes down on you, pass it and go to the top 
of the screen near the wall and shoot.

65. At the second area where walls form, pass this place, the fairy is 
at the bottom against the wall.

66. After #65, stay at the bottom and shoot against the new wall.

67. After passing the pillow, go to the top of the screen against the 
wall and shoot.

68. After you get to the area where the area gets tighter and tighter, 
at the bottom of the screen in an open area is a fairy.

69. Just like #68, but at the top of the screen in the next open area.

70. When you make it to the final boss' door which closes, shoot inside 
the drape right before this door!

7. The NEXT 70 fairies!
A special treat for those who own the Saturn (and PSX) version! After 
getting the first 70 fairies, and you go to the second option screen 
(It'll say you have 70/70 fairies, leave the game will ask you if you 
want to save your data. Choose yes.) Now you'll notice at the bottom of 
the screen that you have 70/140 fairies! There are now 70 more to find, 
all in new places! These ones are tougher to find than the first 70, but 
that's why I am here to help. ;)
This time, most of the fairies are hidden in walls that aren't normally 
accessible, so you'll have to use bombs, the green bell, or weapons that 
can go through walls (Ran's Bell missile or Vic Viper's Option). Getting 
all of them opens something and someone up. Check (*5) at the bottom of 
the walkthrough if you just gotta know right now...

Area 1 (10 fairies):

1. Once you start the level, fly to the top of the screen and you'll 
find 4 fairies.

2. Same as #1

3. Same as #1

4. Same as #1

5. Once the level begins (pass the first creature with the drum), shoot 
at the top of the screen.

6. The same position as #5, only at the very bottom of the screen.

7. Once the tight-rope area begins, use a bomb to get the fairy, which 
is hidden in the small-diamond in the wall at the bottom of the screen.

8. Right pass fairy #7, you'll find another fairy in a small-diamond at 
the bottom of the screen.

9. After #8, it's in the final diamond at the bottom of the screen.

10. This fairy is hidden behind the disco ball at the bottom of the 

Area 2 (11 fairies)

11. Once the level begins, shoot in the middle of the grey gate to find 
this fairy.

12. Behind the Moai-Principal Statue lies this fairy.

13. Once the screen starts scrolling up/down, this fairy is hidden in 
the space inside the wall, fly downwards once the screen starts to 

14. On the second thing of Moai-Teachers, it's in front of 2 pencils 
sticking to the right with a Moai teacher inf ront of them. The fairy is 
hidden behind the teacher.

15. Once you pass all of the Moai-Teachers, this fairy is hidden in a 
space inside the wall (once the screen stops scrolling up/down).

16. Fairies 16-21 are all like this: Hidden inside the bleacher-like 
things that hop up and down on level 2 difficulty and higher. If you are 
using level 1 difficulty, use a bomb.

17. Same as #16

18. Same as #16

19. Same as #16

20. Same as #16

21. Same as #16

Area 3 (8 fairies)

22. Once the level about to begins, shoot at the top of the screen 
(where all of the stars are falling).

23. This fairy is hidden under the covered bridge.

24. This fairy is hidden in the giant castle's front door. Use a bomb or 
green bell to get it.

25. This fairy is hidden inside the small waterfall.

26. This one is inside the 2nd waterfall.

27. Once the Warumon ship flys to the very bottom of the screen (after 
Evil Bee is destroyed) and is about to leave, wait until it starts to 
fly upwards and shoot under it near the water.

28. Once the Momma Bee appears, this fairy is in the top left corner of 
the screen.

29. This fairy is at the very bottom left corner of the screen once 
Mamma Bee appears.

Area 4 (17 fairies)

30. Once the level begins, the fairy is between the male and female 
penguins on the edge of the building.

31. Once the screen has finisheds scrolling down/right and is going 
right again, this fairy is hidden in the trees at the bottom of the 

32. Just like #31, this fairy is also hidden in the trees.

33. At the end of the trees, where the kareoke penguin is, this fairy is 
behind him.

34. Once you enter the hammer-area, scroll to the very top of the 
screen. This fairy is hidden in a corner near the ceiling.

35. Fairies 35-38 are each hidden above the stoves that make the white-
popcorn-like bags rise. The only way to get these is to use a bomb and 
grab all 4 fairies (or use a weapon that goes through walls).

36. Look at #35

37. Look at #35

38. Look at #35

39. This fairy is in the wall, in an empty space, right past fairies 35-

40. This fairy is located above the green bamboo shoot where the 
penguins drop from the sky.

41. Fairies 41-44 are hidden in each of the middles of the 4 cookies.

42. Look at #41

43. Look at #41

44. Look at #41

45. This fairy is hidden in the wall-space behind the bottom-most 

46. Right pass the statues with spinning hair, but before the dice, this 
fairy is hidden in the wall-space near the ceiling.

Area 5 (0 fairies)

Area 6 (8 fairies)

47. Once the level starts moving fast, near the very beginning, scroll 
up until you find a lone yellow coin inside a passsage like this:

    Y x

The 'x' marks the fairy.

48-54. Fairies 48 through 54 are in the area with the catpaws. The 
fairies will appear like this:

   48  49          52

            50 51      53  54

Area 7 (0 fairies)

Area 8 (7 fairies)

55-58. Once you pass the 6 small temples (with a drummer penguin in 
between each of them), you'll appear at the place where the 
ceiling/floors close in on you, the fairies are in about the same place 
as the "First 70 fairies - #64-67" locations, but they will be INSIDE 
the ceiling/floors that close in on you this time.

59. After the final boss' gate closes, shoot inside the drape at the top 
of the screen.

60. Once the final boss music plays, shoot inside the drape at the top 
of the screen.

61. Once you destroy the final boss, shoot at his forehead for this 

You now have 61 fairies. Where are the other 9? Maybe you should check 
out another level of the game you wouldn't normally think of checking... 
This really threw me off for a loop... Until I loaded...

Omake-1 (9 fairies)

62. Once you enter the blocks/robot area, shoot at the bottom of the 
screen in the first open space after the first 4 stuck together blocks.

63. Once the screen starts to scroll up/down, shoot at the very bottom 
of the coin-arrow (where it is pointing).

64. This fairy is behind the blocks after the area where a coin of each 
color ascends and descends downwards.

65. After the screen starts to scroll up/down again, this fairy is above 
the Blue "P" block.

66. This one is below the Pink "girl" block (right above fairy #65).

67. This are fairy #68 are hidden the giant area of blocks that form a 
checker-board design. They will be in empty spaces in the middle of the 

68. Look at #67.

69. This fairy is at the top of the screen, in the tea cup-penguin 

70. Near the end of the area, they will be a closed off area at the 
bottom of the screen (filled with giant bells). The fairy is hidden at 
the end of this area..

8. Help Me!
I need someone to help me:

- Translate the story
- What duel does on the Option-1 menu
- Translate what the "Oshaberi" guy is saying through out the game 
- Find any codes for the Saturn version
- Why does the Giant Showgirl sometimes come out with her back turned on 

9. Credits
Thanks to everyone at GameFAQs, everyone who played this game (legally 
of course), and you for reading. Also, play the other Parodius games in 
this great series, they are FUN!

- PentaroX for his guide about the weapons and other things. If there 
isn't an answer to your question in this guide, check his (under the 
SNES version of JOP)! 

- John Lange on info about World 3's music, World 2's boss music and a 
couple of other things.

- http://www.angelfire.com/anime3/twinbee/parodius.html - For more info 
on the Twinbee and Taisen Puzzle dama references in the game, check here 
for some of the greatest info I have ever found!

- Gamewinners for the PSX codes.


*1 Get some pods and get some weapons. Save the game and reload and 
you'll still have all your weapons, but your score will be 0.
*2 A stage select opens up after getting all 70 fairies.
*3 If you beat the game on 7, 8 difficulty will open up. Beat that (good 
luck!), and you can choose what "quest" to start on (Meaning how many 
times you beat the game in a row (Difficulty on 8 and this option on 8 
is the hardest possible game variation.) Beating either of the Omake 
levels on 7 will open up level 8).
*4 - Beating the game on level 8 and the "quest" option on different 
levels makes all kinds of weird things show up during the credits!
*5 - Getting the NEXT 70 fairies opens up...

Dracura(sic) and Kid-D! Two kick butt characters, that were on the SNES 
version of Gokujyou Parodius (The moves that Dracura has were for both 1 
and 2 players on Gokujyou Parodius. Kid-D has a whole new set of 

Plus getting the 140 fairies allows you to find the first 70 and second 
70 fairies at the same time during the levels, which will greatly 
increase your score.

Dracura (Blue):

Kid-D (Pink):

*6 - Codes for PSX (From Gamewinners) and yes, they all work!:

Pause the game and press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, 
X, Circle.

Nine continues:
Pause the game and press Down(3), X, Circle, X, Circle, Triangle, 
Square, Triangle, Square, Up(3), Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right. 

Nine planes:
Pause the game and press Up, Down, Left, Right, Square(2), Left, Right, 
Square, Circle, Up, Down.