Ridge Racer 64
Racing is fun again!

   An informative guide by FLOWERPOT
                         Version 2.2

 T A B L E   O F   C O N T E N T S-------------------------------------

01   Revision History
02   Car Driving 101
03   The Automobiles
04   Cheats/GameShark/Secret Cars
05   Legal Disclaimer
06   End

 01   R E V I S I O N   H I S T O R Y----------------------------------

/// Saturday, June 2, 2001: Version FINAL

* Finalized the guide and added the new disclaimer.

/// Wednesday, August 30, 2000: Version 2.2

* Added the cheat for Red Shirt Rage Car in section 04.

/// Friday, August 25, 2000:  Version 2.0

* Section 04, Cheats/Secret Cars/GameShark, added.
* Minor redesign.

/// Wednesday, July 19, 2000: Version 1.0

* First Version. Complete Guide.
* E-mail me with additions or corrections.

 02   C A R   D R I V I N G    1 0 1-----------------------------------

/// C O N T R O L S

Analog      : Movement
Start Button: Pause / Select
Z Button    : Shift Down
L Button    : Shift Down
R Button    : Shift Up
A Button    : Acceleration / Make selections in menus
B Button    : Brakes / Cancel selections in menus
C ^         : Toggle views
C >         : Toggle mirror on/off (Cockpit View)
C <         : Toggle radar on/off

/// M O D E S   O F   P L A Y

Quick Play  : Jump right into the race! Race 3 laps around the
Revolution Novice course in the F/A Racing car against 11 computer
controlled cars. Your car will be an S class with automatic
Grand Prix  : This is the main mode! Choose any available track and any
available car, then select certain settings. The number of laps is pre-
determined for each track, and you will race against 11 computer-
controlled cars.
Car Attack  : Compete for better cars! Once you have won the first
stage trophy, the car attack mode will become available. Choose the car
you want to race against. Select any available car and determine
certain settings. The number of laps is pre-determined for each track,
and you will race against a single, higher powered computer opponent.
If you beat the computer car, that car will be added to your garage.
Time Attack : You have the track all to yourself! After choosing the
course, select Time Attack or Freerun. If you choose freerun, there
will be no set number of laps. If you select Time Attack, the number of
laps will be preset to match the Grand Prix races. If you break a lap
or race record in the Set Records mode, you will be asked to enter your
name in the records book. Woo!

/// E N V I R O N M E N T S

*note* each environment has different courses within, which is why many
of the stages look the same.

R I D G E   R A C E R
The city-scape of Ridge Racer is the backdrop for these classic races.
Race through the crowded downtown, then blast through the mountain
tunnels on you way to the sunny beaches nearby. For the Ridge Racer
elite, a high speed race through the moonlit downtown has been created
exclusively for RR64. If you have what it takes, you can compete on
these streets which, until now, have been seen but never raced on.

The scenic Northwest is the new setting for the three courses from
Ridge Racer revolution. Leave the city in your rearview as you climb
into the evergreen-covered mountains and rocket through breathtaking
canyons and valleys. These narrow, winding courses require driving
skill and precision to master, especially in the latter stages.

The sun-baked desert of the Southwest paints the background for three
all-new courses designed exclusively for RR64. YouÆll be burning rubber
through sand-blasted gulches and twisting tunnels on your way through
devious courses designed to test your Ridge Racer driving skills. No
time to stop for water! These courses are the toughest youÆll encounter
at each stage.

 03   T H E   A U T O M O B I L E S------------------------------------

Legend:      Speed- Depends on top speed
             Acceleration- How fast the car reaches top speed
             Handling- How well car responds to controls
             Grip- How well car handles corners and sliding
             FlowerpotÆs note- My opinion on the car

01   F/A Racing
     Speed       :  Average
     Acceleration:  Average
     Handling    :  Average
     Grip        :  Average
*  Flowerpot Says: Good car to start out with if you are completely
foreign to racing simulation controls and dynamics.

02   RT Ryukyu
     Speed       :  Average
     Acceleration:  Low
     Handling    :  High
     Grip        :  High
*  Flowerpot Says: Good for turning corners but just doesnÆt cut it
when you really need to get into first place after falling to fifth
in the last lap.

03   Pac Racing
     Speed       :  Average
     Acceleration:  Very High
     Handling    :  Very Low
     Grip        :  Very Low
*  Flowerpot Says: Sure, it has awesome acceleration, but it only
accelerates to itÆs top speed, which isnÆt something this car can
boast about.

04   RT Solvalou
     Speed       :  High
     Acceleration:  Very Low
     Handling    :  Average
     Grip        :  Low
*  Flowerpot Says: My favorite out of the first four starting cars. It
is not great when it comes to turning but it make up for the bad
grip with a nice top speed that can overrun the three other starting

05 RT Pink Mappy
Speed       :  Average
     Acceleration:  Average
     Handling    :  Low
     Grip        :  Average
*  Flowerpot Says: Basically the same as the F/A Racing Car, only with worse
handling. Not a good car.

06 RT Blue Mappy
Speed       :  Average
     Acceleration:  Average
     Handling    :  Below Average
     Grip        :  Average
*  Flowerpot Says: Identical in looks to the RT Pink Mappy (except color) and
basically the same except for slightly better handling.

07 Galaga RT Prid’s
Speed       :  High
     Acceleration:  Average
     Handling    :  High
     Grip        :  Low
*  Flowerpot Says: This is the car I used the most when I only had 7 cars, but
it was soon replaced. The speed isn’t all that great and it’s best quality is
handling, which isn’t something to brag about either.

08 Galaga RT Carrot
Speed       :  High
     Acceleration:  Average
     Handling    :  Very High
     Grip        :  Low
*  Flowerpot Says: The acceleration and grip of this car are identical to the
Galaga RT Prid’s but it has a faster speed and much better handling which makes
this one much better. It’s also one of the nicer looking cars in RR64.

09 RT Bosconian
Speed       :  Above Average
     Acceleration:  Average
     Handling    :  Average
     Grip        :  Below Average
*  Flowerpot Says: After getting the Galaga RT Carrot, why would you want to
switch to this car. It’s almost identical to the very first car, except for
slight changes in speed and grip. Big Whoop!

10 RT Nebulasray
Speed       :  High
     Acceleration:  Average
     Handling    :  Average
     Grip        :  Below Average
*  Flowerpot Says: Once again, a crappy car that you are able to win that
no chance against some cars you may already have (i.e. Galaga RT Carrot/RT

11 RT Xevious Red
Speed       :  Average
     Acceleration:  Very High
     Handling    :  Low
     Grip        :  Very Low
*  Flowerpot Says: This car may be horrible at turning tight corners, but it’s
awesome acceleration makes up for it. Each time it loses speed by crashing, it
makes up for it with the acceleration. The speed can compare to some other

12 RT Xevious Green
Speed       :  High
     Acceleration:  Average
     Handling    :  Average
     Grip        :  Low
*  Flowerpot Says: The RT Xevious Green trades in the great acceleration of the
RT Xevious Red for a better speed and more handling. The extra handling still
doesn’t suffice for large corners, especially in the Renegade environment.

13 DIG Racing Team
Speed       :  High
     Acceleration:  Above Average
     Handling    :  High
     Grip        :  Below Average
*  Flowerpot Says: This car is pretty much good at everything, except grip. But
don’t worry, if you crash because of poor grip, the nice acceleration will
quickly speed you up to the high top speed this car has.

14 Micro Mouse Mappy
Speed       :  High
     Acceleration:  Average
     Handling    :  Average
     Grip        :  Low
*  Flowerpot Says: The only good point on this car is the speed. If you are
confident in your turning and twisting skills, and you don’t crash a lot, this
is a good car for the third or fourth levels.

15 Thirteenth Racing Kid
Speed       :  High
     Acceleration:  Very High
     Handling    :  Low
     Grip        :  Below Average
*  Flowerpot Says: This speed demon has one of the best acceleration speeds in
the game, but if your aren’t such a great driver your speed will cause you to
take a few spills on the road, slowing you down greatly.

16 White Angel
Speed       :  High
     Acceleration:  Very High
     Handling    :  High
     Grip        :  High
*  Flowerpot Says: Where have you been all my life. This was my favorite car
a long time and has good stats in everything. Use it. Love it. Win.

17 Digipen Racing
Speed       :  High
     Acceleration:  Maximum
     Handling    :  Average
     Grip        :  Average
*  Flowerpot Says: Wow. Go from 0-60 in less than 2 seconds.. then crash
of the not-so-good handling and grip. A good car for getting the lead early in

18 Assoluto Infinito
Speed       :  High
     Acceleration:  Very High
     Handling    :  High
     Grip        :  Below Average
*  Flowerpot Says: Must be an Italian car? This car has strong point everywhere
except grip, which can be made up for with the nice acceleration. The speed is
comparable to the other cars and the handling will make you forget about poor

19 Age Solo Supernova
Speed       :  Very High
     Acceleration:  Average
     Handling    :  Average
     Grip        :  Low
*  Flowerpot Says: Just like the RT Solvalou, the speed is great. But, because
of acceleration problems, it takes time to get to your top speed. Once you are
their, an experienced driver will have a hard time losing. One of my favorite
looking cars.

20   Atomic Purple
     Speed       :  Very High
     Acceleration:  High
     Handling    :  Very High
     Grip        :  Average
*  Flowerpot Says: This car is the color of my N64 controller and is also
comparable to the Assoluto Infinito. Strong everywhere except for grip, where
lacks the power the speed, acceleration and handling control.

20 Extreme Green
Speed       :  High
     Acceleration:  Maximum
     Handling    :  High
     Grip        :  None
*  Flowerpot Says: This baby has 100% acceleration but 0% grip. You must make
sacrifices to get good things. Many cars aren’t that great in grip yet they
still perform. Yeah, you can pick this cool-looking car, but don’t expect not

21 Terrazi Terrific
Speed       :  Very High
     Acceleration:  Average
     Handling    :  Average
     Grip        :  Low
*  Flowerpot Says: Yet another look for a car with almost the same stats as the
RT Solvalou.

22 Lizard Nightmare
Speed       :  Very High
     Acceleration:  Maximum
     Handling    :  Maximum
     Grip        :  High
*  Flowerpot Says: Excellent acceleration and handling lay inside the hood of
this car. The great acceleration works fast to get the car to its very high top
speed. If you are a good driver, you won’t crash much either, because of
handling and great grip. Good car, folks.

23 Screamin’ Eagle
Speed       :  Very High
     Acceleration:  Very High
     Handling    :  Maximum
     Grip        :  Maximum
*  Flowerpot Says: Good drivers will never crash in this baby and at the same
time they’ll be speeding down any level. Great car for the Renegade environment
filled with all its twists and turns. Also, the official car of the united

24 Ultra 64
Speed       :  Maximum
     Acceleration:  Maximum
     Handling    :  Maximum
     Grip        :  Maximum
*  Flowerpot Says: Can you say “Perfect”? Good drivers will be at top speed and
hardly ever crash. Yeah baby.


25 00-Agent
Speed       :  Maximum
     Acceleration:  Low
     Handling    :  High
     Grip        :  Below Average
*  Flowerpot Says:  This is the best looking car in the game. Wow! It has
awesome speed but takes forever to speed up because of bad acceleration. Once
it’s at it’s top speed, don’t expect not to crash, because and handling and
aren’t that great.

26 Galaga ’88
Speed       :  High
     Acceleration:  Maximum
     Handling    :  Very High
     Grip        :  None
*  Flowerpot Says: This car is not a car. It is a flying spaceship. It be
if it could fly over other cars, but all it can do is crash a lot. Don’t pick

27 Blinky
Speed       :  Average
     Acceleration:  Maximum
     Handling    :  Maximum
     Grip        :  None
*  Flowerpot Says: A pac-man character as a car? Not a good idea. He moves
slower than a school bus and isn’t the greatest turner. Good when playing by
yourself on FREERUN, but not in any race.

28 Red Shirt Rage
Speed       :  Very High
     Acceleration:  Low
     Handling    :  High
     Grip        :  Maximum
*  Flowerpot Says: Nice top speed, which will take you a long time to reach
because of crappy acceleration. Also, don’t expect to crash in the Grip Charged

29 Crazy Canuck
Speed       :  Very High
     Acceleration:  Very High
     Handling    :  Maximum
     Grip        :  Maximum
*  Flowerpot Says: The Canadians have built a great car only surpassed by the
Ultra 64.

30 Caddy Car
Speed       :  Maximum
     Acceleration:  Very Low
     Handling    :  Average
     Grip        :  None
*  Flowerpot Says: The fastest caddy car in the world will never win a race for
you, but it will crash for you :)

31 Pooka
Speed       :  Very High
     Acceleration:  Very High
     Handling    :  Low
     Grip        :  Very Low
*  Flowerpot Says: You may actually win a race with this guy. I was able to
in second on in a Renegade environment level. I crashed a lot, but I did it!

 04   C H E A T S   /   S E C R E T   C A R S   /   G A M E S H A R K--

/// G A L A G A   ' 8 8   M I N I   G A M E

Finish Ridge Racer Extreme Extra in first place to play one level of the
classic Galaga '88 game. Destroy all forty aliens to unlock the Galaga '88 car
and "Galaga Pac Jam" song.

/// C A D D Y   C A R

Begin a race on the first track in grand prix mode. At the start of the race,
turn your car directly around and drive into the brick wall until you pass
through it. A reversed race should now begin. Win this race to unlock the
extremely fast caddy car.

/// C R A Z Y   C A N U C K   C A R

Select car attack mode and choose stage 8 in mirror mode. Defeat the car to
unlock the Crazy Canuck car.

/// P O O K A   C A R

Select time attack mode and choose stage 7 or 8. Select set record. Break the
record to unlock the Pooka car.

/// 0 0 - A G E N T   C A R

Note: Two players are required to unlock this car. Select two player mode and
choose team mode. Select three teams and choose stage 7 or 8. Win first and
second place to unlock the 00-Agent car.

/// B L I N K Y   G H O S T   C A R

Drive 99 laps in free run in time attack mode on any track.

/// R E D   S H I R T   R A G E   C A R

Use the Ultra 64 on the RR Novice track, Z class. The goal is to hit the
chopper, which can be done at one place on the first lap only. At the start,
drive normally up to the checkpoint next to the beach, then stop completely and
wait for at least 5 seconds (to allow the chopper to take up the right
position). Then hit the gas and try to get enough air off the jump just before
the tunnel in order to hit the chopper. It's probably easiest to judge the jump
in the first-person view, but the game doesn't acknowledge whether or not
you've succeeded. Anyway, finish the race - it's not necessary to even win -
and you should have the car.

/// C A R   P R E V I E W

At the car selection screen or trophy screen, press C-Up, C-Right, C-Down, or
C-Left to change the view and rotate the cars.

/// M O T I O N   B L U R R I N G

During an instant replay, press C-Left to add a motion blur effect.

/// R E V E R S E   3 6 0   P O W E R S L I D E

Set the drift mode option to "RR64". Begin a game and get to a sharp turn. Stop
accelerating, turn the opposite direction from the turn, and accelerate again
while still turning. If done correctly, your car will spin around during the
powerslide. After you are turned around, control the car as if in a normal
powerslide and re-align it with the track. This trick allows your car to get
through winding turns without braking or losing speed.


/// I N F I N I T E   T I M E

811269CA 0700

/// A L W A Y S   P L A C E   F I R S T

81056444 0001

/// U N L O C K   A L L   C A R S

8102F19C FFFF
8102F19E FFFF

/// U N L O C K   A L L   T R A C K S   &   T R O P H I E S

81043530 FFFF
81043532 FFFF
81043534 FFFF
81043536 FFFF

/// G R A N D   P R I X   M O D E   C H A N G E S

Car Modifier 8113CF5A 00??
Track Modifier 8113CF6A 00??

/// A C C O M P A N Y   C A R   M O D I F I E R   C O D E S

00 - F/A Racing
01 - RT Ryukyu
02 - PAC Racing
03 - RT Solvalou
04 - RT Pink Mappy
05 - RT Blue Mappy
06 - Galaga RT Prid's
07 - Galaga RT Carrot
08 - RT Bosconian
09 - RT Nebulasray
0A - RT Xevious Red
0B - RT Xevious Green
0C - Dig Racing Team
0D - Micro Mouse Mappy
0E - 13th Racing Kid
0F - White Angel
10 - Digipen Racing
11 - Assoluto Infinito
12 - Age Solo Supernova
13 - Atomic Purple
14 - Extreme Green
15 - Terrazi Terrific
16 - Lizard Nightmare
17 - Screamin' Eagle
18 - Ultra 64 (Full Stats)
19 - 00-Agent
1A - Galaga' 88
1B - Blinky
1C - Red Shirt Rage
1D - Crazy Canuck
1E - Caddy Car
1F - Pooka
20 - Trophy Room
21 - Ridge Racer Novice
22 - Revolution Novice
23 - Renegade Novice
24 - Ridge Racer Intermediate
25 - Revolution Intermediate
26 - Renegade Intermediate
27 - Ridge Racer Expert
28 - Revolution Expert
29 - Renegade Expert
2A - Ridge Racer Extreme

/// A C C O M P A N Y   T R A C K   M O D I F I E R   C O D E S

00 - Ridge Racer Novice
01 - Revolution Novice
02 - Renegade Novice
03 - Ridge Racer Intermediate
04 - Revolution Intermediate
05 - Renegade Intermediate
06 - Ridge Racer Expert
07 - Revolution Expert
08 - Renegade Expert
09 - Ridge Racer Extreme

 05   L E G A L   D I S C L A I M E R----------------------------------

This Version of the Legal Disclaimer was last updated on 5/30/2001. The latest
version of this disclaimer can always be found at

This document is protected under United States and International Copyright
Laws. Unauthorized electronic or printed duplication for anything other then
private use is not permitted without written consent of the author of this
guide, Jason Gomer (AKA flowerpot).

Copyright © 2000-2001 Jason Gomer
All Rights Reserved.

If you wish to seek permission to use this guide or any other publications by
flowerpot, consider the following rules of duplication before asking for

  • Complete and full credit is given to flowerpot.
  • The entire document remains unedited in any way, shape, or form. The
    guide can not be duplicated in HTML format.
  • The newest version of the guide must be posted at all times. I will
    not e-mail/send you the newest version every time I make an update,
    it is your responsibility to keep it updated by checking for new
    versions at the sites listed below this list.
  • The document cannot be used to make any profit whatsoever. This
    means no pop-ups on the .txt file and even ads on the page linking
    to the documents (Except GameFAQs, FBGames, or advertisements that
    are mandatory by free domain providers such as GeoCities Pop-ups).
  • I must be notified via e-mail if you ever decide to remove the

The sites with that will always have the most recent version of this guide and
all FAQ publications written by flowerpot:

  • http://www.gamefaqs.com

  • http://www.fbgames.com
    Fresh Baked Games

  • http://members.aol.com/orangeuranium/flowerpot.htm
    flowerpot's personal homepage / FAQ Archive

If you are reading this and it is still incomplete, make sure to check the
above sites to make sure you are reading the most recent version of the guide.
If you find an outdated version of this guide on another website, please e-mail
me with the URL and name of the site.

Copyright © 2000-2001 Jason Gomer
All Rights Reserved.

 06   E N D------------------------------------------------------------


  • CJayC
    The creator of the biggest FAQ Archive on the web. Without him, I
    would've never began to write.

  • Five different people
    Telling me how to get the Red Shirt Rage car.

  • CheatCC.com
    Info in section 04.

                                                              END NOTE

Yet another walkthrough is finished. As always, you can send questions,
comments, constructive criticism, deconstructive criticism, library cards,
shoelaces, scientific calculators, smelly candles, bottles of vagiclean, spring
water, back issues of tv guide, AAA batteries, monkey ears, or any other thing
your mind can think of to flowerpot2000@email.com.

Until I am needed to save the gaming society once again, this is JASON GOMER,
signing off.

This has been a helpful guide by FLOWERPOT.
© 2000 FAQ64