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See Outro for details. ------------------------------------------------------------------ //\\ 01> Intro \\// So, here's my Sin & Punishment guide. *some drunk passing by:* "Yeah, a little late, jackass!" Well. After finally commandeering a copy of the game about a month ago, I was shocked, _shocked_ I tell you, to find a rather paltry selection of guides for it. So a few weeks later and none the wiser, here is the result. Look on the bright side, at least the introduction is short. Some random quote, which you should skip but will now read because it is so out of place, and you are intrigued: "If I'm not inspired, then I'm bored as hell. I have to be doing something creative, or listen to somebody being creative, or watching somebody be creative. If not, I just have to be completely drunk." - Chino //\\ 02> Translation \\// Thankfully, Sin & Punishment is short on those pesky 'words' (if I wanted to learn I'd go to school), and long on gameplay, making it very playable by import standards. Add in the fact that all the dialogue is spoken in English, and you got one cracka-friendly game. The most important thing to know is the main menu, that and some other random things (pause menu, score sheet) are roughly translated below. The main menu is laid out as such: ____________ ____________ | Game Start | | Difficulty | ―――――――――――― ―――――――――――― ____________ ____________ | Training | | Sound | ―――――――――――― ―――――――――――― ____________ ____________ | Ranking | | Controls | ―――――――――――― ―――――――――――― ____________ ____________ | Act Select | | Clear Data | ―――――――――――― ―――――――――――― ____ _____ ____________ |Back| | OPT | | blah blah | ―――― ――――― ―――――――――――― Game Start: begins or continues a game. If you have a game in progress you will be taken to another screen with two options, the top in new game and the bottom is continue. Below that is some information on the game in progress, time, continues left and so on. Training: get to know the controls with your friendly teacher, a big ball of opium. All of the text is in Japanese, but you can still practice your skills. Ranking: shows your score, time and hit rankings for all three difficulties. See the 'difficulty' section to identify them. The score, time and hit screens are easy enough to tell apart. Act Select: replay any level you have previously completed and watch a few cinemas. If you finish a level, you do not continue on in the game, but will be taken back to the menu. Difficulty: set the game difficulty, from easy, medium or hard. The following butchering descriptions of Japanese characters may not be pretty, but they are functional, which is more important, or so I'm told. So: the one that starts out with a T shape and then a dash (T-) is easy. The one that starts with a slash and then a dash (/-) is normal, and the one that starts slash then backslash (/\) is hard. See, that worked, right? Sound: Stereo or mono. Controls: you have four options of control scheme. If you want to know what they are, see Elbarto's guide. There are two boxes at the bottom of the screen: the left one changes your control stick pitch (normal or reverse, reverse being like a flightstick), normal is default. The one on the right turns off the faint X and Y lines that intersect your crosshair, default is on. Clear Data: this will erase everything saved on your cart, all of the rankings and all the unlocked levels. Left is yes and right is no. Back: to title. OPT: this will not appear on the menu until you complete the game on normal. Once you unlock it, you are given a few options, which are, top to bottom, left to right: BGM Sound Test - listen to the game music, all the track names are in english. Alarm - turn off the warning beep when an enemy gets close enough to hit with your sword. Default is on. Captions - turn off the Japanese captions during cutsceens, which weren't doing you much good anyways, huh? Default is on. Frame Skip - supposedly eliminates slowdown. You have to wonder about making this kind of thing an 'extra'. Default is off. Turbo - turn on turbo and double the game speed. Quite exciting. Default is off. *Note that to unlock the last two options (Frame Skip and Turbo), you must complete the game on Hard. blah blah: just gives you the controls for the menu screen, being that stick moves the crosshair, A or Z selects, B cancels. Pause Menu (in-game): the top option returns to game, one of them changes your pitch (normal/reverse), and the bottom one quits the game (left=yes/right=no). Score Sheet (end of level): looks something like this HIT X,000 TIME X,000 LIFE X,000 You get 1,000 points for each hit, second left on the clock, and unit of life you have at the end of each stage. //\\ 03> Strategy \\// **NOTE** This walkthrough is written for the normal (default) difficulty. Many things change at other difficulty levels, and although general boss strategy may work, not much else will. //> Stage 0-0 <\\ This is a very simple run and shoot stage to get you acquainted with the controls. All trees can be destroyed, the ones that fall across your path can also be jumped over. BOSS: Bee Seemer / 100 HP This guy is basically the same as all the other enemies you kill this stage, except he can take more than one hit. If you kill him fast enough he won't even fight back. Either way it's just a warm up fight. The giant centipedes that fly past you right before the boss can be killed for a time bonus, and each of their vertebrae can be shot for one hit each. BOSS: Centipede Seemer / 64 HP Again, his vertebrae can be destroyed; shoot him in the face to kill him. However he is an easy kill, and if you have the time you can blast the endless supply of enemies around him for a high hit score. If a smaller centipede starts to circle you, take it out with your sword. //> Stage 1-1 <\\ The Armed Volunteers' rockets are the first thing in the game you can deflect. Keep in mind that any large, slow moving projectile can be deflected with your sword and aimed with your crosshair. BOSS: Crab Seemer / 50 HP Just stay away from the claw he steps down with and shoot the eye. simple left/right movement while shooting. The tanks on either side of the screen in the very next segment can be destroyed for life pickups, or score if your life is full. BOSS: Colderon / 100 HP Your sword is law here. Slash him when he comes close enough. Be aware of the bombers above you; the red skull icons on the ground are not pickups, they show where the bombs will be dropped. The bombs can be destroyed, but not deflected, with your sword. The bombers themselves can also be taken out, but Colderon usually gets a few shots in if you take the time, so don't bother. BOSS: Near Zero / 380 HP The blue electric beam you can either jump or roll through. When he fires two huge missiles they can be deflected for some nice heavy damage, even from the air. //> Stage 1-2 <\\ The horizontal pipes in the first part of this level can be destroyed, and are useful for taking out the grappling ninja clowns that jump behind you if not killed fast enough. BOSS: Lizard Seemer / 140 HP Keep moving here, you _do not_ want to get hit by his whip. You can kill the bats above him, but they actually help you if kept alive, as the dark red orbs they shoot can be deflected back at the boss for kind damage. Sometimes he comes close enough that you can slash him with your blade, take advantage if he does. After the boss fight stay away from the middle of the platform (there is a danger icon), because you are about to briefly meet Radan. After he leaves, shooting the 'small fries' will get you life pickups or score if your life is full. BOSS: Moth Seemer / 20 HP Quickie boss, just shoot in the eye and jump his shot. BOSS: Radan / 3000 HP First things first, shoot the girl. When she's down you can concentrate on Radan who has three attacks. One is firing red shots at you at two different heights, the low ones can be jumped and the high ones will go right over you. The dangerous attack comes when he starts sucking in white energy, he is about to fire a very fast and very powerful bolt. Double jump about two seconds after he starts charging. His last attack is some white lightning which strikes from above, either say completely clear of this or dash through it. While dodging these move in and slash him with your sword until you push him over the edge. Repeat a few times and he's gone. Back to his woman. BOSS: Kachua / 10 HP Just 10 HP? Well, yeah, but you can't hit her. She will throw a continuous flow of dead bodies at you, just keep shooting them and ignore her for the time being. After you destroy all the bodies and a little paper airplane, she will dash at you. Step aside and execute her with your blade. One hit and she's down. //> Stage 1-3 <\\ ..Or so you thought. This stage is one long fight against that little girl, who is now quite large and menacing after falling into some gooey red stuff. Luckily Sake fell in too, and you got some menace of your own. Bring the ruckus and whatnot. BOSS: Kachua / 170 HP Kachua has seen better days. Her right hand is severed and floating in midair, while her stump of a right arm sprays blood everywhere. Also her brain has melted into mush, and left her with no choice but to follow a predictable pattern of attack, making her an easy kill. Sorta. So here's her pattern: first she swipes low across the screen with her good arm, double jump this. Next she smashes downward, keep moving in one direction (do not jump) and it will miss you. She tries one more time with her good arm, a horizontal strike like the first one but with more power, this can also be double jumped. Her last attack is to use her severed hand to send out several ghosts of itself to try and grab you. The easiest way to avoid this is to start at one side of the screen and keep moving in the opposite direction. Ie., start on the right side of the screen and when she starts shooting hands move left. That's the pattern, rinse and repeat. BOSS: Hiding Kachua / 120 HP After Kachua falls, she hides beneath the waves. Double jump right before the big wave hits to avoid damage. This part is simple, just sidestep and keep firing on the little green spot. The blades of water can be destroyed with your sword, and the big yellow fireball can be shot down. The lighter colored blades of water can be destroyed for pickups. 120 hits later she comes out of hiding.. BOSS: Kachua / 60 HP ..and you begin the fight with her final form. Kachua has just one attack in this form, which involves firing a whole bunch of beams at you all at once, every second or two. You will need to sidestep while jumping or double jumping to avoid these, while laying down heavy fire. "Pieces, pieces, eve //> Stage 2-1 <\\ BOSS: Leda / 200 HP Time to fight the cat / baby dragon / fictional anime-inspired creature. Keep running in one direction around the pillars and deflect the little spinning robots at Leda with your sword. If she fires a purple ball at you it will follow you where ever you go, so jump when it gets close. After 100 damage Brad steps in to defend his pet, telepathically of course. Hide behind a pillar when the place blows up, and when Leda comes by you double jump and use your sword to hit her on top of the pillar. She always moves counter clockwise, so after you hit her once keep moving that way and get ready to strike again. Five hits and Leda flees. When you come to the big cannon shooting two constant beams at you, take out the four turrets on the wall above first. With them gone concentrate on the big gun - you can jump or dash all of its attacks, tho don't try dashing when there are four guns shooting slow red shells at you, or you will dash into a different line of fire. Precision jumping here. BOSS: Anemone Seemer / 99 HP This boss has four suction-cup feet type things which it uses to scale the walls. Before you can damage the boss you need to destroy the four feet and knock it to the floor, and this must be done fast, or they regenerate. Once it is down there are three spots where you can damage it, very obvious, they are large and purple and rotating counter-clockwise. The key here is to not concentrate on one, but to evenly distribute the damage as much as possible between the three. When it fires at you do not jump, do not dash, do not be alarmed; simply step between the shots. When you finally destroy one of the purple spots, the boss will grow feet again and crawl back up the walls. Shoot his feet again and quick-like, because at this point he is regenerating HP. Same story once he falls, distribute damage, he will shoot faster now. Destroy the second point, he crawls back up, regens, and you shoot him down. Now you will see why you have been distributing damage- the third time he shoots at you crazy-fast, and it is hard to avoid. But since you paid attention his HP is now low, and he falls easily. BOSS: Crawfish Seemer / 650 HP You are now running through the underbelly of a huge ship, fighting a giant crawfish who is rolling down the halls a large green sphere which your friend Achi has chosen to encase herself in. Treasure is noting if not creative. Follow the crawfish, avoid the pillars, jump when there is a gap. When you see a little diamond shaped robot with a propeller on top (the same thing you deflected at Leda), slash with your sword to deflect it at the crawfish. This...is key. Between gaps they will often be in the air, so you have to double jump over the gap and towards the propeller-diamond, aim at the crawfish, and deflect. Once you get that down they will throw a new obstacle at you: a spit path dead-ends into a pillar, so you must double jump sideways over the gap. If you do this fast enough you can grab a life bonus, which you likely need. Once you get the crawfish down to around 150 HP, it will finally start attacking you by firing some purple rings (like the ripple weapon from Lifeforce). You should jump over that. And that's all the elements, keep deflecting and the crawfish falls. BOSS: Leda / 80 HP -and- Brad / 3000 HP Now you finally get to fight Brad. For the time being you can only hurt Leda, though you must avoid Brad at the same time. Brad's target is green; if he locks onto you he will fire, if you return fire he will move to avoid you and cease fire. So while doing that, concentrate on attacking Leda. When Leda is in front of you just shoot her, when she comes close enough slash with your blade. Leda will drop her green bombs, and also a proximity mine sort of thing (they stick straight up). Once you step near one it will start flashing and then detonate in a few seconds. Once Leda is down you get to swordfight with Brad, tho it doesn't last long. Brad will lunge at you and you will lock swords, just hammer the Z button. Your swords will clash a number of times and if you win Brad will fly back and smack against the window. Do this three times and the third time brad crashes through the window and you win the fight. //> Stage 2-2 <\\ Hopefully you have learned by now what you can deflect, but just in case, there are these huge gray missiles with blue smoke trails in this stage that can be deflected for major damage. Essential. Right before fighting Near Zero Minor, for helicopters show up. If you fire at them their blades deflect your shots, so deflect one of those big missiles previously mentioned into each of them. Take out all four for a life bonus. BOSS: Near Zero Minor / 250 HP Just stay away from the two blue balls. They cause lots of damage. Jump and dash around them while keeping that crosshair fixed. Remember, blue balls are bad. *Snickering from crowd* ...What? Well, around 100 HP Near Zero Minor changes his attack to a single red beam, which moves across the ground, easy to jump. When he fires some big missiles at you deflect them and take him out. BOSS: Raptor Seemer / 80 HP You have a small time frame to beat this boss in, after which he kicks a hole in the speaker, pulls the plug and then jets. Love 'em or leave 'em, but you don't need 'em. When he is flying in front of you he will have a shield up and you can't hurt him, so feel free to take out some of the enemies in the background. So he fires some pink balls at you, its hard to tell when they are close enough to hit you but when you think they are, jump. When he flies off the screen he is going to come at you from the right, jump and start tapping Z, you should get a few slashes in before he falls back, then get a few shots in before his shield goes back up. He will continue his shooting pink balls routine. When he starts to turn yellow he is about to dash straight at you; either just sidestep or dash before he hits, but be aware he moves fast. If you don't avoid this attack it is impossible to win the fight. If you do avoid it, move in for the kill. Slash him with your blade and shoot if he backs up, when you kill him you get a life bonus. BOSS: Sentry Machinery / 350 HP After you kill this bosses' two little friends, he lifts off the deck and the fight begins. He will constantly be dropping bombs from above, they hover for a second before falling. These can be destroyed with your blade. When he shoots a big yellow fire ball, dash out of the way, or if it is dead center double jump to the side. When he flies straight at you stand right in the middle of the platform and slash him when he lands. Rinse, repeat. Four more helicopters plus four more missiles gets you one more life bonus. BOSS: Mother Crow / 200 HP If you just fire on this boss from the moment it appears, you can take it down with little to no resistance. The only reason not to do this is if you want a high hit score, in which case you should concentrate on picking off the many fighters around the boss. You can also pickup three time bonuses from the three Sentry Machinery type enemies that show up, but if you wait this long Mother Crow will likely fly away. Which is alright. BOSS: Malacia / 250 HP It's Brad again. This time he is riding on top of a fighter jet, and looks to be enjoying himself. He's got some friends with him, who will kindly stop by and give you a bunch of missiles to deflect at Brad. Ignore the other fighters and keep your fire fixed on Brad's jet, and his plane blows up. If you deflected all the missiles Brad should go down before his friends begin their Fluster Cuck maneuver, but if not you're on your own. Brad takes off looking like someone just stepped on his pet hamster, and you get to fight his giant aircraft weapon / satellite thing. When you first get up close to it, there are two large panels, destroy them for a life bonus each. Then there are a series of smaller panels which must be destroyed. If you don't take them out right away they fire on you, jump between or dash through. When you turn around to head back the other way there are two more large panels like the first two, one on either side, each containing another life bonus. BOSS: Earth Eyelid "Rear Crater" / 200 HP During this fight there is a row of constant beams, stay between two of them and sidestep until you reach the edge of the screen, then jump to another safe spot. Your target is the bank of guns that the red beams are coming from. They hand out some missiles to make your life easier, be sure to deflect them. Next up, the blue balls return: about six pair of them, just like Near Zero Minor's weapon. Jump and dash while firing on the source. Next you fly straight down the center of the thing while getting zapped. So avoid the red beams. If you get through that part, a little window pops up, which translates roughly as 'you get hooked up with full life and time'. Then you take off after a giant warhead targeted at your buddy Sake. BOSS: Polestar / 380 HP Well this fight is pretty simple, seeing as the missile doesn't fight back. It does move around a lot. Just stay fixed on it, and when Sake fires on you stay in front of the missile to use it as a shield. Right at the end when it gets close to Sake you can slash it with your blade; take advantage. //> Stage 2-3 <\\ BOSS: Mole Seemer / 100 HP Shoot him in his face. Deflect the white shots from the wolves, and avoid the smoke cloud type thing he shoots at you. When the wolves mob you in the next car, use your blade. BOSS: Mole Seemer / 100 HP Again, aim for the head. This boss will give you little spiky balls to deflect at him. BOSS: Jelly Seemer / 120 HP For the most part you can avoid the small blue shots by side stepping, jump if you feel the need. When he charges and fires a big blue shot, the safest thing is to wait until it is about to hit you and then dash out of the way. BOSS: Mole Seemer / 50 HP Aim for his head, avoid the fire. If he used one hand to cover his face, move to the other side and shoot around it. All the seats in the next car can be destroyed for bonuses, the ones directly around you can be slashed and the ones further off can be shot. BOSS: Mole Seemer / 80 HP Jump before he strikes the ground or you will take damage. Aim for the head and be careful of the little kamikazes jumping over the seats at you. BOSS: Birth Model / 1150 HP Ah, the wall of angry rocks. Classic. The yellow shots can be deflected, he blue and purple beams should be avoided (it is not possible to jump the blue beam, you must dash through it). When a purple beam shows up, deflect a yellow shot into the rock the beam is coming from. This sets off a chain reaction which blows up a bunch of stuff. Which is good. So keep doing that. When there is a blue beam, it can be destroyed by hitting the rock at the source, follow the arm down and look at where it connects, that is your target. Once the wall is gone the boss attaches itself to the ceiling and swings to and fro like a pendulum. In fact he swings so damn fast that my preferred method here is to switch to lock-on (hit A) and let that do the work. Then all you have to do it hold Z and avoid the bombs until the boss falls. Don't touch the stick or you loose your lock. //> Stage 3-1 <\\ BOSS: Octpus Seemer / 300 HP This boss consists of the main head and six arms sticking up from the sand. There should be eight, but since Treasure didn't spell 'Octopus' right, we'll assume it's some fictional creature. So. When the head is close enough, slash it. The rest of the time you should be shooting at the six arms (aim for the tips), this will prevent them from shooting at you. Each arm destroyed gives a bonus icon. They will come back a few times, just blast them when they appear and concentrate on the head. Once the arms are gone some huge creatures will pop up in their place, ignore these and keep slashing the boss. BOSS: Spider Seemer / 100 HP Just aim for the legs and upper body area. His attacks are far too easy to jump over. BOSS: Spider Seemer / 120 HP Aim for the same area as last fight. The black and red spiders that crawl over the wall can be slashed with your blade. The green ones are explosive so you will want to shoot them from a distance. When the boss fires a slow white shot, stand clear, it will turn into a large web when it hits, which will then be electrocuted a few seconds later. Also beware of the larger black and red spiders, which will spit fire at you and should be dealt with as soon as they appear. BOSS: Birth Model / 600 HP As you shoot the boss, bloody, jagged chunks of flesh will fly at you and can in turn be deflected back at him. The little blue spots will arc towards you, hit the floor and then shoot a beam up to the ceiling, so stand clear of them. //> Stage 3-2 <\\ Last level, and it's pretty rough. It's also in a very different perspective, more like side scrolling: instead of automatically running, you will need to use right to move forward and left to move back. Time is also scarce, so get bonuses whenever possible and always keep moving. The flying green things in the first part of the level can't be hurt with your blade, so shoot them. Also throughout this level you will come across some hovering, round red enemies, similar to ones mentioned above. When slashed they release a barrage of shot that can be aimed with your crosshair, as if you were deflecting. They are very powerful, and are your best method of killing quickly in this level. Shortly after that, there will be some large creatures in the background making a creepy moaning noise. They take too long to kill, so only bother with the ones directly across your path. The big ruffian/dinosaur guy that chases you isn't really a boss, as you can't hurt him. Just run. The long, thin ruffian dragonfly things can be destroyed by slashing the end of their tail. BOSS: Larva Seemer / 30 HP This boss sucks. He cannot be damaged with your gun or blade. Just run from him, using the spaces between blocks as cover. Be careful of the enemies above you, they will try to pull you up into the Larva Seemer's line of fire. Keep running until you come to one of those hovering red balls, then aim at the boss and slash it to kill him. You can also just keep running and ditch him, tho if you beat him you can collect a long line of bonuses. BOSS: Man Seemer / 200 HP You have a relatively small window to defeat this boss in, after which he leaves. He has only one attack, shooting a huge flame in your general direction. Double jump over it and slash him with your blade as he sweeps back and forth. //> Stage 3-3 <\\ FINAL BOSS: Earth Mimicry / 50,000 HP So here's the deal: you are standing on earth, and the planet in front of you is Achi's clone of earth, Earth Mimicry. Both planets have HP and they start with 50,000 each. Achi will throw a whole bunch of stuff towards Earth, which you have to shoot down. Everything you shoot is automatically deflected and will fly back and hit Earth Mimicry. The only thing you can hit with your blade are the huge red lava balls, everything else must simply be shot. The earth can't take much damage, so let as little through as possible. And that's it - pretty straight forward to be the final boss of this game, seeing as it requires no dodging, dashing, maneuvering or deflecting of any sort, but I suppose the sheer score makes up for it. I mean, you _are_ fighting a planet. As Mike Patton said, "Epic". //\\ 01> Outro \\// [Legal] This guide is copyright © 2001 D. Engel (d0wner). It is free for any form of private use. Print it out, make origami cranes out of it, use it for a deed rag, whatever. You may _not_ use this guide or any portion of it for any profit making purposes whatsoever, including publication in any print medium, use as promotional material, or even posting it online with a banner above it. If you would like to post this guide on your site, email the author and permission will very likely be granted. If you would like to use any portion of this guide in your own work, again, email the author first and he will probably let you, as he is a very reasonable person about 80% of the time. Do not let the author find this guide on your site without permission, pls. Sin & Punishment is © 2000 Treasure and Nintendo. [Version History] version 1.0, 10.03.01 - It's basically done. Any changes after this point will likely be very minor or cosmetic. I was toying with the idea of including the game script, but this would likely be much more trouble that it is worth, and probably won't happen. [Contact] Feel free to contact me at d0wner451 at hotmail dot com (obviously you'll have to put the address back together, it is deconstructed for anti-spam purposes) regarding just about anything. Blatant sexual requests will be ignored, sly ones considered. Feel free to send contributions although the guide may not be updated again. [Props] Thanks to Treasure, love ya. Thanks to Nintendo, I guess. Thanks to Big Baby Jesus for supplying the game. Thanks to A. Case for the beer, an essential element of the guide writing process. Thanks to Adam "The Madam", for puking on my N64 but missing the essential circuits so that it still works. Thanks to greyerlynx and rich t from the Sin & Punishment board for their help. Thanks to CJayC, as if that needs explanation. ASCII text made with FIGlet. Thanks to them. Thanks to AP for the Chino Moreno quote in the intro. Thanks to my baby's momma, for not calling the cops. Thanks to Radiohead, for having heads which are radios. Thanks to all the Eskimos, the marines, the school teachers, and the munchkins across the world playing hopscotch. youspeakrealfastandyoudon'tknowme. _______________________see you space cowboy_______________________