Here is some very sad and pathetic artwork by myself:

                          !!!   Star Fox 64  !!!

                               Author:  marshmallow
                          E-mail Address:
                                 Version 1.0

   Here I am, delivering another game of the dead. Don't worry, though, 
this is going to be the last FAQ for a game that no one really plays 
that much anymore! 

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 
Version 1.0

Revision History: 

June 5th - It seems I forgot the artwork. It also seems that I lied in 
my last update, that it would be the last version. Um...look over there, 
a monkey! 

May 17th, 1999 - First, and last, version.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Table of Contents
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
1) Items
2) 	Levels
- Easy Path 
- Medium Path
- Hard Path
3) Credits
4) Legal Crap
5) Fin

1) Items

Instead of explaining the plot and characters, I shall skip right to the 

Silver Rings: 
Re-fills life meter...some are star shaped and fill up half of your 
energy! It's rather rare, though.

Golden Ring: 
Re-fills life; collect three to extend your life meter, collect more for 
extra lives.

Laser Upgrade: 
At first you can only shoot one laser, with this you can shoot two, then 
you can get the Hyper Laser, which is blue and very powerful.

Smart Bombs: 
Shoot 'em with B, they will then explode whenever they a) hit something 
or b) you hit B again. Very powerful, and the explosion radius is very 

Wing Repair: 
If your wings get knocked off your flying abilities will be hindered, 
collect this beeping item to repair them.

ROB 64 Crate:
Answer ROB's message, and he will beam down a crate, destroy it for an 

2) Levels

As if you didn't know, there are 15 levels, but you will only get to a 
play a limited amount of them. Upon defeating certain bosses are 
completing secret objectives, your path will change. The easy path is in 
blue, medium in yellow, and hard in red. 

Depending on your path, you will either meet a decoy Andross, or a 
powerful, evil being that could easily kill you. It all depends on your 
playing skill!

                             EASY DIFFICULTY

                      E A S Y    D I F F I C U L T Y 

//////////////////////////STAGE 1: CORNERIA\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Type: Water and rocky terrain
Path 1: Meteo (easy)
Path 2: Sector Y (hard)

Technically, this level doesn't belong in any of the difficulty levels, 
since it is your first mission. Oh well! 
Protect Slippy: 
At the very start you will be able to test our your skills, as Slippy 
will be attacked by a lone ship, so shoot it! Even if it's just to stop 
him from screaming...his voice is so annoying! Also, if you can lock-on 
and kill all the enemies with lock-ons, you will get a laser upgrade 
before you hit shore.

City Madness: 
This city is insane, with buildings, fire, and ships flying all over the 
place. Use the break constantly to slow down and fire at the robots that 
are pushing over buildings, they are worth +5 a pop! Just don't get too 
cocky -– you'll end up killing yourself. 

Blow the Gates: 
You will notice gates, if you shoot the doors they will flash, keep 
doing it and it will open, revealing a nice item!

Decisions, Decisions...: 
Here, you have a choice of either a Laser Upgrade or a Smart Bomb. 
Unless you already have Hyper Lasers, get the upgrade.

Which Path to Take?: 
If you want to continue on the easy route, ignore Falco and the stone 
arches in the water, you will find a humanoid boss at the end to deal 

If you want to get to the hard difficulty, pay attention to what happens 
after the checkpoint. Once Falco starts to be attacked by the three 
ships, immediately lock on and fire, this will save him. Then, you will 
reach a water section where there are many stone arches in the water. 
Fly under them, killing the skiing robots, and Falco will be impressed 
with your flying. He'll then lead you to a secret path behind the 
waterfall, going to the secret boss and the hard difficulty.

///////////////////////////STAGE 2: METEO\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Type: Asteroid Field
Path 1: Fortuna (easy) 
Path 2: Katina (medium)

Asteroid Happiness: 
Shoot the asteroids, they will count as an enemy down. However, you must 
hurry, as they will soon turn into the stone type, which can not be 
destroyed. Also, it seems empty at first, but then a fleet of enemies 
willl attack!

Do 'Da Flip: 
At the end of a tunnel through a huge asteroid, you will see three items 
on top of each other. Go to the very bottom one and do a summersault, if 
you timed it right you should have gotten all of the items. Sweet!

Smashy Smashy!: 
These titanic boulders can easily crush you, so carefully avoid them. 
You'll need to use a combination of the boost/brake methods to get 
through (which looks cool to anyone else watching).

Of Webs and Bombs: 
Before the second asteroid tunnel, a fleet of bots will spin a cord 
around you (sounds odd, but the people who have played it know what I'm 
talking about). Shoot them down, then at the end of the tunnel, use a 
bomb to rack up the points as it destroys tons of turrets!

Damn You Slippy: 
Slippy will have some problems before the checkpoint, so be sure to help 
out! Or, you could shoot him and kill him to get it over with, either 
way, it really doesn't matter. Also, Falco will shoot out a rock 
asteroid, leaving a Golden Ring. How nice!

Beam Me Up, Scottie: 
These strange looking portals appear shortly after the checkpoint. When 
you enter, your ship will increase in speed and start twirling madly. Go 
through all the warps (difficult! Try using R and Z to bank) and you 
will go to a strange place (the LSD-zone by the looks of it) where you 
will be able to get at least 50 kills. At the end will be a secret warp 
to Katina. Of course, if you mess up, you just screwed yourself, AND 
missed out on a lot of points. Ha ha!

Of Course...: 
You could ignore them and lock-on to the trillions of enemies floating 
around, getting up to +10 on the fleets of butterfly type creatures. At 
the very end is a mad monkey man who likes to fight.

/////////////////////////////STAGE 3: FORTUNA\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Type: Barren Iceland
Path 1: Sector X (easy)
Path 2: Solar (medium)

This military base is under attack, so all you have to do is destroy a 
few bogeys. Sounds easy, right? 
Star Wolf!!: 
The Star Wolf team, which consists of Wolf, Leon, Pigma Dengar, and 
Andrew, will come in and start kicking your team-mates around. Each one 
will focus on one player: Wolf on you, Leon on Fox, Andrew on Slippy, 
and Pigma on Peppy. If one of your team-mates is getting his ship 
repaired, then their assassin will start attacking you, so keep your 
eyes peeled. When someone is behind you, simply do a summersault to get 
them right in front of you. If you manage to kill them all before the 
bomb explodes, then the bomb will de-activate and you will travel to 
Solar. If not, you will escape, the bomb will destroy the base, and you 
move on to Sector X.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

/////////////////////////////STAGE 4: SECTOR X\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Type: Secret Enemy Base/Magnet Pulse Aurora
Path 1: Titania (easy)
Path 2: Sector Z (hard)
Path 3: Macbeth (medium) 

This is the first of the strange zones where a giant letter is formed by 
an odd, magnetic, highly dangerous nebula: this time it forms a giant 
blue X, which is always visible in the backdrop. <cue Twilight Zone 

If you have a handful of bombs, the first part of this area will be fun! 
Groups and groups of enemies will line the screen (which, surprisingly, 
doesn't cause any slowdown whatsoever), waiting to be blasted.

Don't be distracted by all of the moving objects, as there are plenty of 
things to shoot down here! You'll need to slow down before the 
checkpoint, as there is a space-mine field waiting for you. Then, avoid 
the flying fists, and be sure to watch out for the mechanized walls and 

You Take the Highroad...: 
You will soon come to a fork in the road. If you choose right, you will 
find the secret weapon (after about 50 enemies, of course). If you 
choose left, however, then you will find MANY MANY moving doors and 
floating metal panes that will kill you. You will also notice red doors, 
when you shoot them they glow. The more you shoot, the more difficult it 
gets to hit the next one. First off, have the Hyper Lasers, many bombs, 
AND HOLD THE BRAKE DOWN! Also, if you came from Katina, then your friend 
Bill will be here to help you out. If you go through the five doors, 
then you will warp to Sector Z (after a strange LSD zone). If you miss 
even one door, you will end up at the boss.

Three Paths?: 
Besides the warp above, there are two other paths, and it all depends on 
how you fight the boss. In his second form, if you let him swat away 
Slippy, you go to Titania...if not, you go to Macbeth!

/////////////////////////STAGE 5: TITANIA\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Type: Arid Desert
Only Path: Bolse

This is the first level where you get to try out the Landmaster, a sort 
of tank equipped with a rocket (allows you to boost ahead and break, 
just like the Arwing). Another new features allows you to hover over the 
ground for a few seconds: just hold R and L.

My God...How Do you Stop It?!?!:
This level is simply too exciting for its own good...Ships, tanks, 
droids, mines, giant mechanical spiders, rock tossers, and every other 
enemy under the sun will be darting, flying, crawling, and moving around 
in this level! If you have bombs, then there's really no excuse for 
getting less than 100 kills. I don't have much advice, except to follow 
your wingmen's orders!

//////////////////////////STAGE 6: BOLSE\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Type: Defense Satellite
Only Path: Venom (easy)

To advance, you need to take out the barriers. If you don't know what 
that is...try the 50 foot towers with electricity flowing into the 
center of a large energy well! :) When they are all gone, dozens and 
dozens of small ships will erupt from the well. Doesn't that remind you 
of Independance Day? Just a little? 
?Si o No?: 
If you killed all the Star Wolf team members at Fortuna, then they won't 
come. If you didn't, however, then prepare to duel it out with the 
remaining members! 

Main Barrier: 
After all of this, the core of the battle station will come out. Shoot 
the small yellow triangles...when they explode, a laser will replace it. 
After a few of these are gone, there will be lasers everywhere! It's 
quite a show...when it's all done, the level explodes.

/////////////////////////STAGE 7: VENOM (EASY)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Type: Poisonous Wasteland
Only Path: Andross

You should now have enough experience under your belt to get past this 
level, as it is rather easy. At the start, though, be sure to use a 
bomb, you can get up to 35 kills if you position it right! At the end, 
you will need to dodge stone blocks, and fight a strange enemy. Then, 
Fox will go it alone and go down a straightforward tunnel (the 
electricity enemies can be killed). Collect the items and face off with 

...of course, I forgot to mention, that he's fake. When you kill him, 
you will see that a robotic skull was under the skin. You have completed 
the easy game!

                          MEDIUM DIFFICULTY

                   M E D I U M   D I F F I C U L T Y 

/////////////////////////STAGE 8: KATINA\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Type: Independence Day Rip-off (Not a bad thing) 
Path 1: Solar
Path 2: Sector X

<Enter Title>:
You are trying to protect a pyramid shaped base...which is easy. After 
shooting down a few fighters, the Mother Ship will appear! It will 
situate itself over the base and let out wave after wave of fighters. As 
they pour out, you will notice that they are difficult to distinguish 
from the good guys! Use the lock-on technique, as you can't lock on to 
allies. When the doors open on the mothership, open fire and blow all 
the hangers away. Then, the core of the ship will reveal itself: so, 
obviously, shoot it! You only have one minute (LOL) to kill it, so 
uh..."hurry up."  
But let it shoot at least once, it's cool to see it blow up the base, 
Independence Day style. Of course, you'll have to go to Sector X then...

////////////////////////////STAGE 9: SOLAR\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Type: anyone sad enough to have read this far down? You need 
to get a life!! Oh, yeah, look who's writing this...
Only Path: Macbeth

Baddie Bad: 
The star's head will do a number on your hull, burning it from the 
outside in. To survive, you must avoid the lava waves and collect as 
many energy rings as you can!! 

Oh, I'm lazy, and I LOVE IT!
I can write whatever I write here, because NO ONE WILL READ IT!
...well, maybe.

This is pretty pathetic, isn't it? I'm supposed to be helping 
someone...<wink, wink>.

/////////////////////////STAGE 10: MACBETH\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 

Type: Topsy-Turvy Train
Path 1: Bolse (easy)
Path 2: Area 6 (hard)

Basically, you follow a big, cool looking train as you blast at it 
(getting TONS of points for killing a car. Bring extra bombs!). Near the 
end, you have to shoot down a number of switches. 

# 1 -  is after the fuel bunker to the left.
# 2 -  is in front of the fuel bunker.
# 3 -  3 is on the right side of the track. 
# 4 -  is on the left side of the track, you must be quick though,       
# 5 - because they are at the same length. (ex. 3 |-|-| 4) 
# 6 -  is on the right side of the track after switch 3.
# 7 -  is behind a door on the right. 
# 8 -  7 is on the left. 

Note: If you came from Zoness, Kat will be here to help you some.

                         HARD DIFFICULTY 

                   H A R D    D I F F I C U L T Y

///////////////////////STAGE 11: SECTOR Y\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Type: Battlefield
Path 1: Aquas (hard)
Path 2: Katina (medium)

This battlefield is filled to the brim with small ships, so be sure to 
get them all (use lock-ons, they travel in groups!). You will also meet 
the humanoid soldiers, which are equipped with a rocket to get around; 
they're worth a lot of points. Shortly after the start, there will be a 
surprise attack from above. Blow up as many of the little ships as you 
can...then, suddenly, about 30 small ships will come from the two black 
holes...USE A BOMB! That's the only way to kill them all. The rest of 
the level is a breeze....

If you kill 100 enemies, you go to Aquas. If above!

//////////////////////////STAGE 12: AQUAS\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Type: Ancient Ocean
Only Path: Zoness (hard)

This is the first (and only) time you get to use the Blue Marine, which 
is a small submarine equipped with lasers and an infinite amount of 
homing torpedoes. And, the propellers act exactly like your Arwing (it 
can even barrel roll). Even with all of this, though, you're going to 
keep an eye on your health, as you will be taking tons of damage! Near 
the end, you'll need to go through a deep canyon, filled with 
electricity emitting jellyfish and exploding starfish. Ouch!

/////////////////////////STAGE 13: ZONESS\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Type: Polluted Sea Planet
Path 1: Sector Z (hard)
Path 2: Macbeth (medium)

Well....this is certainly an interesting level! You go over the polluted 
oceans of a dead planet, and there are all of these mutated sea dragons 
and things like that. Add in a few warships, boxes, and you have 
yourself one exciting level! The main objective is to take out all of 
the searchlights, which is actually rather easy if you know what to do. 
If even ONE spots you, you can't move on to Sector Z. You can know this 
because their light will turn't let it happen :) Use 
a bomb if all else fails! Katt will also make an appearance.

And when fighting the boss, save up a few bombs...

///////////////////////////STAGE 14: SECTOR Z\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Type: Battlezone
Path 1: Area 6
Path 2: Bolse

You have to protect the Great Fox from six missiles...there will be one 
at first, then two, then three. If you retained the Hyper Laser from the 
last area, then this level will be rather simple. But if you have a 
single laser...argh! Be sure to use plenty of bombs.

If you came from Zoness, Katt will also be here to help out.

///////////////////////////STAGE 15: AREA 6\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Type: Defense Fleet
Only Path: Venom (hard)

This is one of my favorite levels in the entire game! You should have 
enough experience to get through here...

/////////////////////////STAGE 16: VENOM (HARD)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Type: Poisonous Wasteland
Only Path: Andross

You will fight the Star Wolf team before entering the tunnels...except, 
they have new ships, new lasers, and can do the exact same moves as you! 
This is the most difficult battle in the game, so if you find this easy, 
then consider yourself a good player.

After this, you will go down the tunnels and face the true Andross.

                            T H E    E  N D

3) Credits
-----------------------'s it.

Is anyone actually reading this? Didn't think so.

4) Legal Crap

You may freely distribute this FAQ as long as the following terms are 
1) The version you are taking is from
2) 	You give me credit
3) 	It is shown in it's full version
4) 	This fine print is included
5) 	It will not be used to gain a profit by ways of selling or bartering
6) 	You update it as I update it. I can not be bothered to send everyone 
the newest version, it would simply take WAY too long. And besides, 
I'm too busy (i.e. lazy). 

You may put it into HTML if you wish, but the above conditions must be 
met. It can be "broken into pieces" when in HTML as long as the text 
remains untampered, unaltered, unpirated, and just plain left alone 
(except for color stuff, bold, links, or whatever, but that's not 
changing the meaning). 

This document is copyrighted (c) 1998-99 marshmallow
All Rights Reserved

5) Fin

So...bye. I'm getting too lazy!!

                                - marshmallow -