
                                Wave Race 64
                            for the Nintendo 64

                                Version 1.0
                           Last updated 03/09/05

                       Written & Compiled by TestaALT

This file is Copyright (c) 2005 Andrew "TestaALT" Testa. All rights reserved.


   < -------  T  A  B  L  E    O  F    C  O  N  T  E  N  T  S  ------- >

  1. Author's Forward
       1.1  -  Version History
       1.2  -  Introduction

  2. Basics
       2.1  -  Controls
       2.2  -  Stunts

  3. Championship Mode
       3.1  -  Sunny Beach
       3.2  -  Sunset Bay
       3.3  -  Drake Lake
       3.4  -  Marine Fortress
       3.5  -  Port Blue
       3.6  -  Twilight City
       3.7  -  Glacier Coast
       3.8  -  Southern Island

  4. Footer
       4.1  -  Credits
       4.2  -  Legal Disclaimer
       4.3  -  Contact Me


                            1. Author's Forward



                          1.1  -  Version History


Version 1.0  (03/09/05):  Completed version of guide.


                           1.2  -  Introduction


Wave Race 64 is one of those unique and awesome games that you don't want to 
end. Though it is a racing game, Wave Race 64 brings another dimension in 
racing with arduous waters. It's not just about making perfect turns, but 
rather how you can react to the water moving you into a wall, or a big wave 
coming right for you. It's only eight courses, but those eight courses are 
all beautifully designed. From astounding sunsets to the clear blue water 
full of dolphins, you'll find this game is graphically amazing. It gets a big 
fat "don't get it" because it has almost no replay value. And no, the racers 
aren't sexy in Wave Race - told you it didn't have any replay!


                                 2. Basics


Basics, as in stuff you should know before racing.


                              2.1  -  Controls


A: Accelerate.

B: Brake.

Z: Accelerate.

C-Buttons: Change views.

Joystick: Turn.


                               2.2  -  Stunts


Backflip: Up-down while in air.

Double Backflip: Two up-downs in succession - you need a ton of air.

Sideflip: Left-right while in air.

Underwater: Hold down while in air.

Handstand: Circle the joystick from up to up while on water.

Stand on Engine: Circle up while on water.

Ride Backwards: Circle joystick clockwise from up to down while on water.


                            3. Championship Mode


The main mode in Wave Race 64. You get points for placing and those points 
all add up in the end to determine the winner. The difficulties make the 
course tougher with more obstacles, such as spikes or planks.


                            3.1  -  Sunny Beach


Basics: Obviously, Sunny Beach is the easiest course in the game. It's your 
        basic nascar track, with a strategy of "turn left." The buoys tend to 
        make things interesting, however, as they are placed in a way where 
        you will have to go in and out. For the two turns, try to lean into 
        them as best you can, since the buoys are pointing to the inside. For 
        the last stretch of the track, bullet through since the buoys are 
        lined up so you can go through in a diagonal line. In the harder 
        modes, you'll find spikes on the second straight stretch of the 
        course. However, waves will jump you over them.

Time Trials: Blast through the first straight and lean into the corners. It 
             is a hairpin turn so you'll have to brake. Don't go in too much 
             or you'll hit the sand, which will slow you down substantially. 
             Go down the next stretch, weaving in and out of the buoys, and 
             do a major slide on the last hairpin turn. Race diagonally 
             through the buoys to the finish line.


                            3.2  -  Sunset Bay


Basics: This is a beautiful course that takes place during a sunset, making 
        the sky a pretty orange. Don't be distracted by the graphics, though, 
        because this track will take everything out of you on the harder 
        difficulties. From the start, race passed the buoys and make the turn 
        so you don't hit the wall. To do this, weave into the buoy. Launch 
        off the ramp on the western side (for the easiest difficulty) or the 
        east side (for the harder difficulty). Go through the buoys and slide 
        in to the last stretch of the race. Here, the buoys are set up so 
        you're going to have to do some major weaving! In the harder 
        difficulties, a spike minefield will be laid here.

Time Trials: From the start, accelerate passed the buoys and be sure not to 
             hit the sand - it will kill your time. Put yourself into the 
             first turn by holding the joystick left. While jumping the ramp, 
             hold down to make your hangtime shorter. Just go into turns and 
             go through the buoys expertly, so you don't hit them but don't 
             waste time, and you'll get a good time on this race.


                            3.3  -  Drake Lake


Basics: This track is basically a big, long square. The buoys get tougher as 
        difficulties progress. Anyway, from the start weave through the buoys 
        until you get to the little island. Take the inside path and dodge 
        the weeds. The outside path is a tad bit more time consuming. Weave 
        through the next line of buoys and you'll be at the last stretch of 
        the race. Here, posts are set up through the water, making racing 
        through tough, especially with the buoy placement. For the easy 
        difficulty, stay on the outside and go through diagonally - so you 
        don't hit any posts. The harder difficulties have the buoys set up 
        inside the posts, making it complete luck getting through. Take the 
        last turn and you'll be at the finish line. The harder difficulties 
        boast more weeds, but they are good for braking.

Time Trials: Run through the buoys until you get to the island. If you hit 
             any buoys, the racers, or the wall, start over. ;) At the 
             island, take the inside path and go around the weeds, but be 
             sure not to drive on the island itself, because it will destroy 
             your time. Weave through until you get to the posts. Here, try 
             going through the middle - it will definitely be tough, but if 
             you weave correctly in the inner part, you shouldn't hit a post. 
             Turn sharply and the finish line will be a couple meters ahead.


                          3.4  -  Marine Fortress


Basics: This race is pretty tough because it's always done during a big 
        storm. So, the sky is grey, the water is tough, and there will be 
        crates at one point of the race. From the start, accelerate and try 
        to ram into the stone wall ahead of you. Instead, a wave will hit the 
        racer and throw him over the wall. Sharply turn and follow the buoys 
        through another turn to the wreckage. It's hard to get passed the 
        wreckage successfully on the harder modes because it covers most of 
        the water, but if you weave into already covered positions you should 
        be able to get passed it. The easiest difficulty is just a couple 
        crates, so just stay in the middle. Turn swiftly after the wreckage 
        and follow the buoys to the green arches overhead. There's no buoys 
        here, but you'll want to hug pretty close to the wall. Turn into the 
        last leg and cross the finish line - there isn't a ton of buoys 
        before the finish line.

Time Trials: Again, use the waves to get over the walls. For the turn, put 
             your whole racer into it and brake to make things go faster. At 
             the wreckage, stay in the middle or on one side (preferably the 
             inner side) to get passed it. While under the green arches, stay 
             on the right side and try not to hit the wall. Sharply turn into 
             the last stretch, it's a straight ninety degree angle so you'll 
             going to have to brake.


                             3.5  -  Port Blue


Basics: The wreckage in the water outlines the track on the perimeter, so yo 
        don't have to worry about that. From the start, accelerate passed the 
        buoys and turn into the tunnel. A wave will sometimes hit you before 
        you turn, but it's easy enough to straighten out. Down the tunnel, 
        hug the right side of this area and take the tunnel on the opposite 
        side. After going down the tunnel, take a sharp left turn and try not 
        to hit the wall at high speeds because it will make things a lot 
        harder. After the three buoys, ditch the ramps and go through the 
        little opening on the far eastern ramp. Take a sharp turn and drive 
        to the finish line.

Time Trials: More of the same thing, however, you should be an expert on the 
             alternate tunnel. It's a lot smaller and really curvy, but also 
             saves a ton of time. If you hit a wall in the tunnel it's game 
             over, so try to stay on the middle. Out of the tunnel, stay 
             close to the three same direction buoys and angle yourself so 
             you are at the opening on the most eastern ramp. After driving 
             through the opening, swiftly turn, almost hugging the wall, and 
             accelerate to the finish line.


                           3.6  -  Twilight City


Basics: Definitely one of the more enjoyable course in the game, Twilight 
        City is also pretty tough. You'll find yourself in a ton of "sticky" 
        situations throughout the track. At the start, accelerate to the ramp 
        ahead of you and jump off of it, going over a wall. At the end of the 
        tunnel, hang a left and follow the buoys until the narrow ramp. Here, 
        launch off the ramp on the western side so you don't hit the wall 
        ahead. Ride passed the buoys and head left at the second red buoy. Go 
        up and launch off of both ramps and turn into the finish line.

Time Trials: Speed out from the start and hit the ramp on the left side. Hold 
             down while in the air to make the hangtime shorter. Stay on the 
             left side of the tunnel and turn into the outside. Go passed the 
             buoy and turn as you hit the sand. Accelerate up the ramp on the 
             left side so when you jump down you don't hit a wall. Continue 
             and on the second red buoy turn right after it into the ramps. 
             After the two ramps, hand a hard left and go passed the finish 
             line. The best way to get a better time is to slide into the 
             last left turn.


                           3.7  -  Glacier Coast


Basics: This course is bad, I'll admit. There's tons of different obstacles, 
        narrow paths, and the ramps aren't all that fun either. Try to dodge 
        everything and take every ramp - not much else to say.

Time Trials: Try and try until you don't hit anything. ;)


                          3.8  -  Southern Island


Basics: The last course is actually one of the easier ones. It has a ton of 
        obstacles, but they're all easy to get around. From the start, turn 
        and launch off the ramp and over (or on) the boat. After the boat, 
        take the buoys until you reach the post-field. Go into the field from 
        the left side and weave your way to the ramp ahead. When you launch 
        off the ramp, hold down to go underwater. This will allow you to go 
        under the pier. After the first lap, it's more of the same thing. 
        However, maneuver around the boat because you won't be able to jump 
        over it at low tide. In addition, at low tide you don't need to go 
        underwater to get under the pier, but it's recommended anyway.

Time Trials: Try to do things as clean as possible. This includes the sand on 
             the course - nothing kills time like a water object trying to 
             get through the sand. Again, only jump over the ship for the 
             first lap as you won't be able to for all the others, and even 
             if you can, it will take a long time to get up the ramp. In the 
             post-field, go through on the left side and take the ramp - just 
             remember to hold down to save time. The last leg of the race has 
             some tricky buoys, but you should be okay with some decent 


                                 5. Footer


Beware: boring end stuff.


                              4.1  -  Credits


  *  CJayC for creating GameFAQs.

  *  IGN for posting this guide.


                          4.2  -  Legal Disclaimer


This document is Copyright (c) 2005 Andrew "TestaALT" Testa. All Rights
Reserved. This document may not be reproduced or retransmitted in any form 
and under any circumstances without the complete consent of the author. It 
may not be sold, altered, or published in any way without the advanced 
permission of the author. All sources, which have contributed to this 
document, are cited and/or credited in some form. The only sites I allow this
document to be viewed at are:

GameFAQs <http://www.gamefaqs.com>
IGN <http://www.ign.com>

If you see this document at any other site please email me as I do not allow 
this document to be published at any other sources. Please do not ask me if 
you want this document on your website, as the answer will most likely be no. 
These terms have become binding once the recipient (or reader) opened this 
document. Violation of these terms are strictly prohibited and will result in 
a lawsuit. Please do not take these terms as threats and/or not read them as 
they are all very much true. I can sue you for an act of plagiarism and will 
not hesitate to do so. Thank you for reading this legal disclaimer and have a 
nice day! =)


                            4.3  -  Contact Me


Contact me via email (TestaALT@aol.com) or AIM (TestaALT) if you have any 
questions, comments, or suggestions about this guide. Just make sure that you 
put the game name in the subject line. If you don't, I'll probably delete 
you're email thinking it's spam. Also, make sure that the question isn't 
answered in the latest version of the document, which can be found at 
GameFAQs. Try to ask me legibly, as I can't decipher chickenscratch. For AIM,
just beep me whenever you like. Thanks for reading, and check some of my 
other work at:

         -> http://gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/23249.html <-

<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>  END OF DOCUMENT  <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>