RedSun2020 is an RPG/FPS that continuously mixes and changes the plot so the player is always placed off guard, never certain whether the next danger may come from friend or foe. A la Deus Ex, the story revolves around, shooting, sneaking, hacking and puzzles.

Joseph is the newest Nanotech Agent developed in Secret by a group of UNATCO:SCI scientists who wanted to develop the ideal Agent. The agent they developed will fight for the good of the Human race. Then, during a training mission in Asia, he is kidnapped and taken to a TMG lab in Tokyo. However, before the scientists of the TMG are scheduled to conduct their experiments, a data transmission from UNATCO wakes you up. The UNATCO Scientist who wakes you beins to explain your situation when he is cut off and a new voice takes over. His name is REDSUN and he instructs you how to escape the labs. Now, it is up to the player to guide Joseph back home, and discover who kidnapped him and why.

The year 2031 is a dark period where governments hold on to power by the skin of their collective teeth. Japan is not immune from this plague of weak governments. Tokyo is the boiling point of three warring factions for control of Japan, the TMG, Kamikaze, and Yamaguchi are all battling for power. Was one of these groups responsible for the kidnapping of Joseph? If so, which one and why? What is hiding behind the peaceful facade of Tokyo? And most perplexing, who is REDSUN?

There will be many non-linear ways to play out the storyline. Also, there will be 2 different endings. As you play, you must make a choice, what groups will you be friends with and who will you oppose. No one survives in Tokyo without friends, and you better pick yours wisely!

Special features of REDSUN MOD

1. Top-notch storyline - The story is being develop by whole REDSUN team. As a team, we are pumping out awesome ideas with deep charactor development and plot twists to make your headspin.

2. Top-Noch Art - Lots of new art and more cool Japanese Neon signs than you can count will be added for eye-candy delight. Our current Art team includes: Scott, Yakedo and Odaiba! Scott as our Main artist and art director.

3. Top-Notch Level Design - We have a well experience group of Unreal Ed Level gurus that will give you a wake up call in what level design is all about. You will not know the difference between a professional add-on Pak and our MOD except we will provide you it for FREE!

4. Enhanced Game Play - To enhance the longevity of our Single Player Adventure, we have moved to a more linear design with an awesome single ending. Due to this design, we will be able to make our MOD a lot longer and add some very cool cut scenes.

5. Awesome Experience - Explore Tokyo night life and visit the Galaxy Disco and various restaurants; Hack into a high security bank to get money; Fight your way through the Tokyo Metropolitan Government; Escape and navigate through the huge maze of Otemachi Labs; Take a Fast Aqua Shuttle bus to Shin-Akasaka in the middle of Tokyo Bay; Ride the shuttle express elevator to the top of Tokyo's highest skyscraper and fight on the rooftops; Visit Tokyo's Finest Seafood Restaurant and see what's really cooking in the kitchen; Ride the fast bullet train from Tokyo Station and lots more.

6. New Characters - We are currently putting together a list of new Characters used in this MOD. Once we have finished creating a background story for each one, and fit them into the story, we will work on giving each one a unique voice and texture!

Other MODifications

There will not be any new weapons but we may add some other new surprises that you will have to play our MOD to find out! We are not going to spill out all our secrets beforehand!

Manual Installation Instructions
1) Unzip the file into the main Deus Ex folder. Use folder names if it's an option.
2) Create a shortcut to DeusEx/System/Redsun2020.exe. Add the following to the shortcut command.

INI=Redsun2020.ini USERINI=Redsun2020User.ini

The modification should run fine after that and should not intefere with your original installation.
If you'd like to use the Redsun 2020 icon, it will be in the DeusEx/Redsun/System folder.

Section 01 - Redsun 2020 Requirements
Full install of Deus Ex is recommended but partial installs can be used. See "Section 02" regarding this. Deus Ex will also require the MP Patch 1112fm patch (DeusExMPPatch1112fm.exe). SDK 1112fm (DeusExSDK111fm.exe) should not be required but if problems arise, install this after installing the MP Patch 1112fm.

Intel Pentium 3 750mhz, equivalent or faster (definitely gonna recommend faster)
256mb Memory
~346mb of free Harddrive space. Including space for saves (This can get up to about 90mb's per save towards the middle).
Geforce 2 MX 32mb, equivalent or faster

Section 02 - Partial Deus Ex Installation Fix
Go into the X:\DeusEx\System (X: being the drive you have Deus Ex installed on). Open the file "Redsun2020.ini" notepad. Change the line "CDPath" to read:

(Where X: is the drive letter of your CD drive.)

Section 03 - Bug Reporting
If you experience a bug, please email Hanh Court at
Use the Subject: Redsun2020 Bug
Then elaborate on the bug itself. I'll also need to know your current Operating System and system specifications.

Section 04 - Known Bugs
-Selecting "Training" from the main menu, will revert Deus Ex back to normal. The only solution is to restart Redsun 2020.

-There has been one report of the installed shortcuts not working. Ensure that you set the installer to install in the base Deus Ex directory (ie: C:\DeusEx), not a subdirectory. If the shortcuts do not work, right-click 

-You can't end the cutscenes short by pressing the escape key. I believe this is UnrealScript related, but I (Hanh) lack the knowledge in how to correct this.

- When exiting 22_Kurokuma_Base1.dx, the 10mm Pistol sometimes becomes automatically silenced.
No known fix.

- After 21_Shuttle_Bus_Vid.dx and the 22_Can_Vid.dx cinema, for some reason you lose the ability to equip weapons. Interim fix is to drop a weapon and pick it back up. It only seems to happen when you have a weapon drawn prior to entering the cinema scene.
Afflicted Maps:
21_HibiyaPark_Towers.dx => 21_Shuttle_Bus_Vid.dx
22_LostCity.dx => 22_Can_Vid.dx

- At the end of 21_OtemachiLab_2.dx, the next map will refuse to load, searching for a "TITAN.utx" file. There has only been one report of this and it is possibly connected to a Canadian version of Deus Ex.
Still investigating this issue.
[Update] Resolved in v1.01

- In one of the later maps, I used a cinema song without fully playing the song through, so it starts looping towards the end of the song. That was my fault and it's already been fixed.

- The mission goal to "Retrieve information on Project Adam" cannot be completed. Mostly because there's nothing to gather. It's moot point by that point in the game anyways.

- In 21_TMGComplex.dx, there is a tendacy for one of the TMG Guards to end up standing on either a TNT crate or the command console. The TMG Guard wanders there on his own. Shit happens.

- In 21_HibiyaPark_Towers.dx, the turrets in the armory refuse to switch over and fire upon the enemies when told to do so.
No known fix.
[Note] Upon blowing these two turrets up, the game will slow down considerably for approximately a minute. There is no known reason for this effect

- During the intro movie, if you go to the Main Menu and restart a new game, your hud will be displayed. Shortly afterwards the second intro starts, you'll die.
No known fix. Thanks to Julian de Lange for pointing this out.

Section 05 - Credits

John Leonard - "Odaiba"
Hanh Court - "Yakedo/Wanderer" (Better known as the really cranky guy doing the later news posts.)
Markus Haudam - "Necro"
Scott Saunders
Steve Foxon (

-Additional Help From-
Steve Tack
Dave Hodgson - "Damocles"
Matei Sarbu
Lawrence Laxdal - "Trestkon"
Albert Tsang - "slicer"
Rob Hale
Jason Mclaudlin

Bugs Fixed
[There's about a dozen more small things that I fixed, but I gave up on keeping track and just fixed'em.]

- 21_OtemachiLabs_2
	:Dr Miyazaki goal actually works (read the book) :o
	:Datacube by Dr Miyazaki originally read F2 Kappa, now reads F3 Kappa.

- 21_OtemachiKu
	:The JR Administrator's Control Panel read UNATCO. Now reads Japan Railroad.

- 21_LostCity
	:Fixed the control panel in the locked room. I think... Untested.

- Fixed 210 typos. (I stopped keeping track after 120, so everything after that is an estimate.)
	[Scratch that. ConEdit doesn't know how to import it's own damn exported text files. With that in mind, live with it :P
	I'll have Odaiba do this for a future patch I guess.]
- Everything mentioned in the previous patch before Aqua Grill actually works now. I forgot to include them in the patch :|
- 21_Otemachi_Ku
	:Fixed the Otemachi Labs gate sound.
	:Removed the ambient sound from the top warehouse door and added movement sounds.

- Fixed 34 typos.
- 21_OtemachiLabs_1
	:Some of the guards were named "MJ12 Troop." They've been renamed to Guard.
	:Has been made "Jim Proof" on Easy. Not to mention, slightly easier to get out on all other settings.
- 21_OtemachiLabs_2
	:One of the doors in the lower floors was already open.
	:The skill award was only awarding 150 for the exiting of Otemachi Labs. Changed to 500 points.
	:The skill award was only awarding 150 for finding Dr Miyazaki. Changed to 500 points.
	:One of the keys read "F1 Alpha cabinet key." Now reads "F2 Alpha cabinet key."
- 21_OtemachiKu
	:The door in the JR Admin's office now highlights.
	:Finding Steve Thompson only gave you 50 skill points. Changed to 500.
	:Added another sign to point towards the Benihana Restaraunt.
	:Refined the goal assigned by Kaneko from Benihana.
	:The NPC coming down the stairs after finding the JR Admin's body is now an enemy.
	:Fixed the door leading to Kimiko after she's kidnapped. It now ignores if anything gets in the way.
	:The skill award for finding Kimiko was 100 skill points. Changed to 500.
	:Raised a light in the warehouse. I kept running into it.
	:Added an ATM.
	:In Ken's Pet Shop, in one of the dog pens, you could see through to the sky.
- 21_TMGComplex
	:Fixed the "Open TMG front gate" goal.
	:Guards were named "MJ12 Troop." Renamed to "TMG Guard." [Except when dead.]
	:All goals are cleared out before the end of the map. No skill points awarded.
- 21_HibiyaPark_Plaza
	:Brightened the hallway leading to the Aqua Bus Station.
	:Goals should clear out prior to exiting map.
- 21_AquaBusTerminal
	:Deleted a second control panel.
- 21_Passageways
	:Changed primary goal completion award to 500.
- 21_HibiyaPark_Towers
	:Modified the Banzai Jump. (Read: Does not result in untimely death.)
- 21_KabukiCho
	:Changed around the options for the Aqua Grill doorman. Now only the -1000 credit comes up if you've got the money.
- 22_Tokyo_Aqua (The Aqua Grill)
	:Fixed the water zone.
	:Changed the politician mission goal slightly.
	:Changed the conversation with the hitman at the bar. Now the "Sure I'll whack the guy" option is on top instead of the bottom.
	:The secondary goal with the hitman now says to go to the restaraunt in Otemachi-Ku.
	:Gang Members/Guard's "minimum combat radius" lowered from 512 to 128 units.
	:Refridgerator doors when broken, have reduced chunk sizes, different sounds, and proper texture.
	:The Key for the Kurokuma Base Door now works on both doors.
	:Finding the Kurokuma Base entrance now rewards 500 skill points.
- 22_Kurokuma_Hideout
	:The TNT boxes were untextured.
- 22_Kurokuma_Base1
	:Replaced the Darts and Flare Darts in the barracks with poison darts and a 20mm HE grenades.
	:Barracks trunk is now breakable.
	:Fixed the vent leading from a storage room into the back office of the meeting room. Originally the grates weren't blocking anything.
	:Added a datacube with a computer user login and password.
- 22_Kurokuma_Base2
	:Added a datacube with a computer user login and password.
	:The leader's doors can now be lockpicked.
- 21_YokotaniBank
	:Front door is now exitable. (At my age, it's amazing how the obvious escapes you.)
- 22_OtemachiReturn
	:Removed the mechanic conversation. Was causing occasional crashes.
- 22_TMG_Military_2
	:Max Chen is now killable. (Why in frugs name some of you even took on that entire mob is beyond me...)
- 22_TMG_Military_3
	:Fixed the extra guards to better accomodate different skill levels.
- 22_TokyoStation
	:The final conversation with Redsun actually works... again.

- Includes all missing packages. Including Redsun_Extro1.umx, TITAN.utx, WeatherFX.utx.
- Fixed the JR ADmin's door in 21_OtemachiKu. It wasn't being highlighted.
- Fixed the conversation with Redsun in 22_TokyoStation.
- Fixed the missing doors from 21_YokotaniBank_Off.