Please take some time to read this fire carefully, because the mod includes a lot of things which work differently compare to the original game.
Method A
This is the preferred method of the installation, because you don’t need to remove (backup) your original game files and saved games. Just unzip the file and place the Hejhujka folder to your main DeusEx directory (usually C:\DeusEx) and run the Hejhujka.bat file to start playing the mod. It will launch the game with the default settings, so you’ll need to reconfigure things like screen resolution and keyboard again. But don’t worry all your original settings and saved games will not be overwritten, because by launching the game with the Hejhujka.bat file DeusEx will use special configuration files.
By default all items are picked up automatically (same with searching the corpses for items). If you want to deactivate this feature, go to Settings/Controls in the main menu and turn off the "Auto Pickup". When auto pickup is active it erases the "highlight boxes" around NPCs and objects.
Important: By default I set the CdPath=C:\DeusEx in the Hejhujka\System\DeusEx.ini. If your installation of the game has another destination, please change it to match with the directory your copy INSTALLED.
That’s all!
You can also launch the game by starting DeusEx.exe with the appropriate –ini= and –userini= parameters. For example if your copy installed in C:\DeusEx you can launch the mod (create a desktop shortcut for it) the following way: C:\DeusEx\System\DeusEx.exe –ini=C:\DeusEx\Hejhujka\System\DeusEx.ini –userini=C:\DeusEx\Hejhujka\System\User.ini
In this case you’ll need to remove the file from your DeusEx\System folder, because otherwise the new descriptions and menu items will not be available.
Alternatively (or if something just don’t work for you) you can install the mod as it described in Method B.
Method B
1. First make a backup copy of your DeusEx.u,, DeusEx.ini and User.ini files! You can find these files in your DeusEx\System directory.
2. Put the Maps folder contents in to your DeusEx\Maps directory.
3. Put the System folder contents in to your DeusEx\System directory and overwrite the old files (it is very important to overwrite all the files!!!). After that put the Config30 folder contents to your DeusEx\System directory and overwrite the DeusEx.ini and User.ini files you’ve just installed (this is also very important to use the configuration files from the Config30 folder if you decided to install the mod using MethodB).
It reset all display and other options, so you need to reconfigure them again.
4. Start the game, go to keyboard/mouse settings and assign some new commands you found there.
5. By default all the items are picked up automatically, same with searching the corpses for items. If you want to deactivate this feature, go to Settings/Controls in the main menu and turn off the "Auto Pickup".
You can't turn it off for MP. When auto pickup is active it erases the "highlight boxes" around NPCs and objects.
Important: By default I set the CdPath=C:\DeusEx in DeusEx.ini , if your copy has another destination, please change it to match with the directory your copy INSTALLED.
That’s all!
You can uninstall the mod by replacing the files with your backup copies.
The mod overwrites some functions and properties and other modifications may not work with this mod installed.
Features of the mod.
HARDCORE DX version 5.0 (Final) readme file.
Deus Ex version required: 1112 fm
Author: Janus Hejhujka, e-mail:
Main Features:
1. Single-Player game with new and old enemies on 4 different difficulty levels:
A/ Easy: 30-room inventory, high damage resistance;
B/ Classic: classic DX inventory, normal damage resistance;
C/ Realistic: 9-room inventory (that’s mean you can carry only 9 items plus the key ring), low damage resistance. This is the most realistic (and probably the hardest) difficulty level with modified music settings;
D/ Unrealistic: new Player class, HUD, music settings, better "machinegun support", infinite inventory, no skills, no augmentations. A true and classic FPS where you play not a rookie, but a highly trained professional, but your enemies are also skilled combatants and they’re hard to defeat.
2. New Multiplayer with tournament-style bots, 4 game-type and offline feature.
3. Totally rebuilded weapons with primary and alternate firing modes.
4. Mounted weapons you can find during the game play.
5. Advanced key ring (key, lockpick, multitool and melee weapon in one).
6. Modified AI which is now able for some kind of advanced combat tactics; tons of new and old enemies on every level.
7. A lot of new augmentations like Levitation, Telekinesis, Hologram System, Teleportation, etc.
1. Single-Player game.
I. Augmentation system, energy bar.
- The augmentation system is modified and the most of augmentations drain energy only when needed. Here comes the description of the new and old augmentations:
1/ Aqualung – drain energy only underwater;
2/ Bullet Time (ex Ballistic Protection) – Max Payne and Cheaser-style augmentation, drain a lot of energy. Please note, that you can’t slow down the bullets with this augmentation, because this mod was not build around this feature and therefore I don’t even wanted to recode every instant hit weapon for augmentation which you might even not choose because of a tons of other interesting stuffs. But rather that slowing down the bullets you can, for example, can kill a heavy enemy while his/her moving slowly to turn to you;
3/ Cloak – make you invisible to any hostiles, turrets, cameras and laser beams;
4/ Telekinesis – You’ll be able to interact with the surrounding environment (pickup items, use switches, hacking, etc.) at longer distances by pressing the “use object in the world” button. Drain energy only when you press the use button and the object with which you want to interact is present;
5/ Aggressive Defense System – drain energy only if the projectile is fired at you;
6/ Teleporting Spy Drone – by detonating the drone, you’ll be teleport to the drone location. The drone is able to cross through doors;
7/ Levitation – you’ll be able to fly with this augmentation;
8/ Equipment Recharger – this augmentation recharges your armors, goggles and rebreathers and drain energy only, when the recharge is needed;
9/ Regeneration – drain energy only when actually heal;
10/ Synthetic Heart – don’t drain energy, but increase the energy drain of all active augmentations;
11/ Light – now you can upgrade this augmentation if you want a brighter lighting;
12/ Muscle Strength - Muscle Strength + Combat Strength, drain energy only when actually used;
13/ Power Recirculator – don’t drain energy and reduce the energy drain;
14/ Hologram System – create a hologram copy of the player which will fool your enemies;
15/ Electricity Attack system – a kind of Jedi style augmentation;
16/ Speed Enhancement – drain energy only when you move;
17/ Run Silent – drain energy only when you move;
18/ Targeting – nothing new;
19/ Life-power Gainer – it is a DXIW-style augmentation. You’ll be able to gain extra health from corpses and double from not dead bodies. Drain energy only when “use” the dead body and your health is under 100%.
- The energy bar indicate your current energy, the default value you start with is 100 and the max value 850, so you don't need to recharge your energy very often;
- Faster reactions for NPCs;
- The AI also can use the alternative fire mod for weapons;
- Some of the NPCs can communicate and call for help if needed;
- During combat the smarter NPCs calculate the difference between their health and weaponry and the enemy's health and weaponry and try to retreat and use cover (but don't even imagine a retreating military robot!);
- About 9-10 new NPCs added;
- Some of the enemies can duck.
III. Inventory items.
- Pickups like ballistic armors work like a classic armors and don't need inventory space;
- The tech-goggles and the thermoptic camo now has the on/off feature (assign this functions in the keyboard/mouse menu), the thermoptic camo can hide you from turrets, beams and cameras too;
- The bioelectric cells first charge your system until it reaches the max value, after that they come to your inventory and you need to activate them manually;
- The cigarettes stop the poison effect and incapacitate your foes like the gas grenade. I know it's not very realistic, but at least it's something new and funny.
IV. Turrets.
You can scramble the turret to make it attack your enemies without hacking the computer.
V. Unrealistic Difficulty.
Player, augmentation system, augmentation goodies.
a/ the new player run faster, jump higher and can lift heavy crates by default;
b/ there is only one augmentation - the light augmentation and the skill system is also irrelevant at this difficulty level (your skills are already at the level which allow you to play a combat oriented game, but it doesn’t mean that all your skills at the master level);
c/ the new player has an energy armor which protect him from any damages. You start with 0% of energy armor and each augmentation canisters add 10% of energy protection. When you reach the 100% you'll be invincible (of course if you has energy), and It’s actually has the same effect as the maxed-out armor-augmentations and the regeneration;
d/ the augmentation upgrade canisters (adrenaline canisters) are boost your health up to 199 and it's very useful when you face a couple of bad guys;
e/ the max value of energy is only 500 instead of 850 and you can carry only 5 extra cells;
f/ if there is any “health” items (medkits, food, etc.) in your inventory and your health drop under 50, those items will activate automatically to heal you during the firefight.
g/ the new player is also able for so called double jumping. This ability is similar to double jumping introduced in UT2003.
Inventory items, weaponmods.
a/ the armor-pickups are removed, because they don't protect the new player;
b/ some of the weaponmods (starting from Hardcore 4.0 actually only the laser mod) are also removed, because all of your weapon skills are at max level;
c/ the food and drink is very important on this difficulty. First these items heal you and if your health is on 100% they comes to your inventory;
HUD, weapons, inventory-selecting system.
a/ the icons at the left-top of the screen are indicate your current health and energy, the client messages appear near from the bottom of the screen, the icon at the left-bottom display your current weapon, ammunition type (for weapons which has more then one type of ammo), weapon’s firing mode and amount of ammo, if you equip the nanokey it shows the lockpicks/multitools you have, the icon at the right-bottom display your currently selected item and number of copies/charge of this item (you should go to keyboard/mouse menu and assign the "select item" and "activate selected item" functions, now you can toggle between the items and activate them, you'll be able to fire weapons and use other items which is very cool);
b/ mouse-wheel: first it put a weapon in your hand (if you don't have any weapon equipped), then it start toggle between weapons you have (melee-pistols-rifles-heavy-grenades) and a small icon of the selected weapon will appear at the left-top of the screen (it skip the non-melee weapons with no ammunition left), now you can equip the selected weapon by pressing the fire button of cancel the selection with the alternative fire button (when you get familiar with it, you'll be able to select any weapon in a matter of seconds). If you zoom with sniper weapons, the mouse-wheel work like a zoom in/out function (also available on other difficulties);
c/ by pressing the F1 you can show your credits;
d/ if you run out of ammo the weapons switch automatically;
e/ weaponmod installation: if you select the weaponmod an text appear under the weaponmod icon, if the text is “Install” your current weapon can be upgraded with this mod ( press the activate selected item button to install the mod).
f/ mounted machineguns. They look like turrets, but if you press the use button when you close enough you'll take control over the machinegun. You can't move or use weapons while using the machinegun and you need to press the use button again to release the gun.
g/ hide weapon. You can hide your weapon like before with the exception that you need to press the same button again to equip any weapon!
h/ weapon hotkeys - there is only one hotkey: press 0 to select the key ring.
2. Multiplayer game.
- New multiplayer game play with DX-style taunts; including single-player (no connection) part of the game, where you play with UT-style bots. Go to Multiplayer/Botmatch to start the offline game, ignore "server-mode" settings, because they don't affect the off-line game. There is 4 game types, including Deathmatch, Team deathmatch, Last man standing and Kill the leader. "Kill the leader" is very similar to CTF game: you must kill the enemy leader and protect the friendly leader. The leaders are sitting behind the tables at their bases. There are no skills and augmentations in the new multiplayer. There in only one type of bot orders: you can release the supporting bot by pressing the "F" button by default or entering the "freelance" console command. Every item picked up automatically. The mod comes with 9 maps (6 for DM, 3 for KTL). On maps with no paths the bots can't run across the maps, so you need to add paths before playing the mod on maps, which are not comes with this mod. Use UED2 for DX to add paths, because the SDK is unable to add inventory reach-specs and therefore the bots can't collect long-distance items. UED2 include the auto-pathbuild feature, but I don't recommend using this feature very often. The maps which comes with this mod are already has AI path, so you don’t need to rebuild them. The MP work correctly only with weapons and items you find on the maps and the weapons comes with mutators!!! The weapons switch automatically when find better or run out of ammo. If you don't like the autoswitch settings you can modify them in the User.ini [Engine.PlayerPawn] section.
- HUD. The HUD is same as in Unrealistic difficulty, but it shows the armor you have instead of energy and it also shows the weapons you collected if you have ammunition for this weapon.
- Mouse-wheel. Simply switch between weapons which have ammo.
- Hot keys:
0. Prod
1. Pistol
2. Bio Pistol
3. Mini Crossbow
4. Assault Rifle
5. Flamethrower
6. Sniper Rifle
7. Plasma Rifle
8. Sabot Cannon
9. GEP Gun
- Aug keys: by pressing the buttons from F3 to F12 you can view your teammates.
3. Weapons.
Most of the weapons have the alternative fire function, by default it set on the right mouse button and the use button replaced to the middle-mouse button. Under the weapon icon on your HUD you can read the firing mode information about your weapon (semi-auto, burst, automatic, etc.). If the weapon is a semi-automatic gun, its mean that you’ll need to press the mouse button again for each shot. If the weapon is fully loaded or you don’t have more ammo you can’t reload the weapon like it was before, but you still can change the type of ammunition and some of the weapons don’t needs to be reloaded at all. Here comes the description of the weapons:
1/ Assault Rifle: Normal fire: fires caseless 7, 62 mm rounds; Alternative fire: fires the 20mm ammo, but only when you have it. Note: I’ve increased the rifle’s damage, so you don’t need to empty the whole clip to kill a regular enemy, but the 20mm shell’s damage and blast-radius is somewhat reduced;
2/ Sabot Cannon (ex Assault Shotgun): Normal fire: fires cased 12 mm sabot slugs; Alternative fire: fires the caseless explosive fragmentation grenades. Note: on higher skill levels the normal fire is almost always lethal at close ranges;
3/ Melee weapons - the most of melee weapons can be thrown in alternative fire mod as a one-shot weapon, the dragon sword work like a Jedi’s saber, because it return to you after you throw it. If you lucky enough you can kill a whole army of enemies with one sword throwing;
4/ EMP grenade: Normal fire: fires an EMP or a Stun grenade; Alternative fire: switch between EMP and Stun modes;
5/ Flamethrower: Normal fire: fires a flame balls; Alternative fire: fires the whole napalm canister. Be careful, because your enemies are also able to fire napalm canisters :);
6/ Gas grenade: Normal fire: fires a Gas or a Vacuum grenade; Alternative fire: switch between Gas and Vacuum modes;
7/ GEP Gun: Normal fire: fires a normal or a WP rockets; Alternative fire: scope mode (only if the scope mod is installed) or rocket grenade fire by default (normal or WP). Please note that after installing the scope modification you will not be able to fire rocket grenades anymore. This is by design. If you prefer a stealth game play you should equip the GEP Gun with the scope, but if you like a combat oriented game style you will find the rocket grenades very useful.
8/ Shock Pistol (ex PS20): Normal fire: fires an EMP-Stun plasma ball; Alternative fire: charged fire, which increase the plasma ball’s damage. This weapon is very useful against regular enemies and enemies affected by EMP, but useless against augmented enemies or against enemies which has another types of protection. Please note that this weapon do not needs to be reloaded;
9/ LAM: Normal fire: fires a LAM; Alternative fire: detonate the attached LAMs;
10/ Rocket Machinegun (ex LAW): Normal fire: fires small rockets in a rapid rate of fire; Alternative fire: scope mode with semi-automatic fire. Please note that this weapon do not needs to be reloaded;
11/ Mini-Crossbow: Normal fire: fires the normal, poison and gas darts; Alternative fire: scope mode (only if the scope is installed). Note: now the crossbow is a long-range sniper weapon;
12/ Scramble grenade: Normal fire: fires a Scramble or a Spider grenade; Alternative fire: switch between Scramble and Spider modes;
13/ Bio Pistol (ex Pepper Gun): Normal fire: fires a green bio-sludge in a rapid rate of fire; Alternative fire: spray the tear gas like the original pepper gun. Note: in normal firing mode this weapon is extremely effective at close ranges, even against a couple of bad guys;
14/ Pistol: Normal fire: semi-auto or dual-pistol fire. Note: the dual-pistol fire is very suppressive at close ranges, but less accurate at longer ranges;
15/ Plasma Rifle: work like the ASMD Shock Rifle: if you hit the plasma ball with the plasma beam it will cause a very big and cool-looking explosion. Note: in the single-player game it can be equipped with scope and fire through the wall like a rail gun, but you’ll need to upgrade it with range modifications to increase the distance the rifle can acquire enemies though the walls. Also note that after installing the scope mod you will not be able to fires a plasma ball in alternative fire mod (that’s mean no combo move anymore). This is also by design (like with the GEP Gun), because if you prefer a stealth game play you will definitely like the ability to shoot through the walls, but if you are a combatant then the combo move fire will be your best friend, because you’ll be able to kill a tons of enemies with one good combo move, so everything depend on you :);
16/ Riot Prod: Normal fire: stun-charge fire; Alternative fire: shield function. Note: the shield function absorbs the 75% of damage you take in multiplayer, so it might be useful when you decide to retreat without fighting. In the single player game it creates a real shield around you and actually makes you invincible until you run out of ammo or somebody get you with a GEP rocket or something like that. And the shield is able to reflect your enemies by pushing them back. It is a good idea to upgrade this weapon with the clip weaponmods because it will help you to protect yourself with the shield for a longer period of time;
18/ Sniper Rifle: Normal fire: fires a high velocity bullet; Alternative fire: scope mode. Note: to make it a rapid-firing semi-auto weapon, upgrade it with recoil weapon mods. On the hardest difficulty the sniper rifle removed from the first levels of the game, so if Paul will not give you the sniper rifle it’s not a bug.
19/ Riot Shotgun (ex Sawed-off): Normal fire: semi-auto or pump-action 2-round burst fire; Alternative fire: switch between semi-auto and burst modes. Note: This weapon reloads like shotguns in other games, so you can always abort the reload by shooting the weapon if you’ve already loaded enough rounds. This is an extremely deadly weapon at close ranges;
20/ Stealth Pistol: Normal fire: semi-auto, burst or full-auto fire; Alternative fire: switch between semi-auto, burst and full-auto firing modes. Note: the automatic fire is less accurate, but sometimes it has a devastating effect at close ranges and now you can really make a silent takedown with this weapon;
21/ Cyborg Dog: not a weapon, but sometimes better then weapon. If you find the cyborg dog you can activate it like you activate any other items. If you want to deactivate the dog go to the dog and press the "use" button just like you want to talk with the dog. The cyborg dog will follow you and deal with your foes, but forget about stealth approach when the dog is nearby. You can control the dog’s orders by using the key ring.
Well, that’s all. I hope you will enjoy this mod.
This level (mod) was not made and is not supported by Ion Storm and Eidos Interactive.
This mod includes improved codes from my previous modifications (Altfire, Tnag, and Arena).
If you wish to use the codes or maps in your modifications, just do it, but please give my name a mention in your mod-documentation and mod-announcement. Thank you very much.
If you want to ask me about coding/mapping system used in this mod feel free to mail me at
If you find any bugs in this mod, and if you'll be interested to fix them, please mail me.
Special thanks to: Luminous Path, Photoblokey, DA_Terminator, Geist, Paul Vyper, Dark NSF, DrunKArd, Equiverse, Smoke39, Despot, Jonas Waver, JoeF_5050 and others.
For the multiplayer part of the game I’ve used a lot of codes from some other games based on Unreal Engine :)
Best Regards,
Hardcore and other modification’s links:'sdeusexmods