Hotel Carone manual Setup v1.14 ------------------------- Create the folder HotelCarone in your Deus Ex main folder. Unzip the in that folder. There are two ways of doing this: --------------------------------- 1) The easy way is to copy the files to your Deus Ex subfolders instead of leaving them in the HotelCarone folder. Copy .dx files to DeusEx\Maps .u files to DeusEx\System .utx files to DeusEx\Textures the .umx file to DeusEx\Music Create a copy of deusex.ini in your DeusEx\system folder and call it HotelCarone.ini. Open HotelCarone.ini in a text editor and change these two settings: DefaultGame and Root. DefaultGame will probably be DeusEx.DeusExGameInfo and root DeusEx.DeusExRootWindow The new settings have to be: DefaultGame=HotelCarone.HotelCaroneGameInfo root=HotelCarone.HCDeusExRootWindow If you don't know how to create a shortcut, you might want to choose the easiest way of them all and rename DeusEx.ini to DeusEx.ini.bak and then rename the modified HotelCarone.ini to DeusEx.ini and start Deus Ex with the original shortcut. However, if you'll want to play the original game again you'll have to undo these changes. If you don't want to do it that way, do this instead: Create a new shortcut(on the desktop for example). Select DeusEx.exe (in \DeusEx\System\) as executable file and add the parameters ini=HotelCarone.ini so the Destination should be similar to this: C:\DeusEx\System\DeusEx.exe ini=HotelCarone.ini Launch Hotel Carone by double clicking on the shortcut. 2) If you want to keep the mod's files neatly organized in the mod's folder you have to add 4 more lines to the hotelcarone.ini. Follow the instructions in 1) except for copying the files and place HotelCarone.ini in HotelCarone\System\ Adjust the shortcut so the ini parameter points to the location of HotelCarone.ini (for example ... ini=C:\DeusEx\HotelCarone\HotelCarone.ini) Now edit HotelCarone.ini and add the following lines right before the line paths=..\System\*.u paths=..\HotelCarone\System\*.u paths=..\HotelCarone\Maps\*.dx paths=..\HotelCarone\Textures\*.utx paths=..\HotelCarone\Music\*.umx Now launch the mod with the shortcut. (If you want to use the Hotel Carone icon for the shortcut, you can find it in the mod's system folder) (if you want to play with the set of fun(twisted) conversations, rename HotelCarone.u and HotelCaroneText.u to something else and rename HotelCaroneF.u and HotelCaroneTextF.u to HotelCarone.u and HotelCaroneText.u) I hope I didn't forget anything. =) Have fun playing the mod. carone