Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
FAQ/Walkthrough (PC)
Time I Started This Guide: 5/22/06
Version: 1.2
Author: KoritheMan
E-Mail: verykoolguy2002[at]gmail[dot]com

                                   |    Table of Contents             |
                                   | 1. Introduction                  |
                                   | 2. Version History               |
                                   | 3. Characters                    |
                                   | 4. Storyline                     |
                                   | 5. Controls                      |
                                   | 6. Game Basics                   |
                                   | 7. Walkthrough                   |
                                   | 8. Bosses                        |
                                   | 9. Enemies                       |
                                   | 10. Items                        |
                                   | 11. Weapons                      |
                                   | 12. Force Powers                 |
                                   | 13. NPC List                     |
                                   | 14. Map List                     |
                                   | 15. Item Spawn List              |
                                   | 16. Cheat List                   |
                                   | 17. Multiplayer                  |
                                   | 18. FAQs                         |
                                   | 19. Copyright                    |
                                   | 20. Contact Info                 |
                                   | 21. Credits                      |

 | 1. Introduction                                                      |

 LucasArts has released many Star Wars games in the past, as we all know. This
 game, however, stands out as one of my all time favorites, simply because of
 all of the things you can do in this game. From slashing at your enemies with
 a lightsaber to going light side or dark side, this game has it all. This game
 may be EU based, but it still has that Star Wars feel that you'd want from a
 Star Wars game, and that's good! Overall, with all of the spawning you can do
 (like spawn Stormtroopers in levels they aren't supposed to be in), all of the
 maps you can play in multiplayer mode, and just the overall game features some
 great replay value, and this game will definitely keep you hooked for a while
 (I beat it a total of six times before I finally stopped playing).

 Basically, this is one Star Wars game you HAVE to try!

 | 2. Version History                                                   |

 Version 1.2 / Updated the walkthrough section of Blenjeel. There is a note at
               the bottom telling you how to reveal the worms underground.
               Thanks to Tatumali for this!

 Version 1.1 / Made a slight update regarding Thermal Detonators.

 Version 1.0 / Completed the guide.

 | 3. Characters                                                        |

 Jaden Korr: Jaden Korr is a young man who was born in Coruscant, and has done
             what the Jedi consider to be impossible: constructed a lightsaber
             without any formal Jedi training. Jaden Korr has potential to be a
             great Jedi, unlike his rival, Rosh Penin, who doesn't have the
             patience and humility it takes to be a great Jedi. Jaden Korr
             eventually trains under Jedi Master Kyle Katarn, as does Rosh.

 Rosh Penin: Rosh Penin is Jedi's friend and rival, who met Jedi on the ship
             that was transporting a bunch of people who wanted to be Jedi to
             the planet Yavin IV. The ship was shot down, and crashlanded on
             the planet, stranding Rosh and Jaden on the planet. Together, they
             had to make it to a safe shelter inside the Massassi Temple, and
             that's how they became friends. Eventually, Rosh also trains under
             Jedi Master Kyle Katarn, in hopes of becoming a great Jedi.

 Kyle Katarn: Kyle Katarn is a Jedi who has seen all sides of the Force. He
              almost fell to the dark side himself twice, and he is also in
              this game (obviously), to train Jaden and Rosh in the ways of the
              Force. Kyle, along with the leader of the Jedi Academy on Yavin
              IV, Luke Skywalker, hope to make Jaden and Rosh become great Jedi

 Luke Skywalker: We all know who Luke Skywalker is. He was a farm boy who lived
                 on the desert planet of Tatooine for a long time. One day, his
                 Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru, were killed by a mass of Imperial
                 Soldiers. Then, Luke eventually meets Obi-Wan Kenobi, a wise
                 old Jedi who is one of the two Jedi (at the time) to survive
                 the Jedi purge thirty years before. Eventually, Kenobi is
                 killed by his old apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, who had become
                 Darth Vader after the duel with Obi-Wan on Mustafar 30 years
                 before. After Kenobi's death, Luke helped destroy the Death
                 Star, the Empire's ultimate weapon that could destroy planets.
                 Eventually, Luke confronts Darth Vader in Bespin's Carbon
                 Chamber, where he is greatly wounded. Later on, Luke confronts
                 Vader again after learning that the man who killed Obi-Wan is
                 indeed his father. Since Luke at that time became very strong
                 in the Force, he defeated when he confronted him that final
                 time in a lightsaber duel. In this game, Luke is the leader of
                 the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV, and hopes to train the wannabe
                 that come to his academy in the ways of the Force.

 Alora: The apprentice of Tavion, who is the Dark Lord of the Sith in this
        game. Alora is first encountered on Hoth when Jaden confronts her. She
        narrowly escapes the battle with Jaden, and later returns on Taspir III
        for a final confrontation.

 Tavion: Tavion is the Dark Lord of the Sith. She was first seen in Jedi
         Outcast, where Kyle Katarn had nearly killed her, but decided to spare
         her life. This was a mistake, as Tavion came back stronger than ever
         with Marka Ragnos's scepter, a tool that can absorb and store Force
         energy. Tavion hopes to use Ragnos's scepter to resurrect him, since
         he is a Sith Lord that died almost 5,000 years ago.

 Marka Ragnos: A Sith Lord that died almost 5,000 years ago, Ragnos is the Sith
               Lord Tavion hopes to resurrect, using his scepter, which can
               absorb and store Force energy. If Ragnos is resurrected, he will
               be able to easily wipe out the entire Jedi Order. In order to
               resurrect Ragnos, Tavion must travel to Korriban, go to his
               tomb, and use the scepter on the tomb (as Luke says: "If a high
               enough concentration of Force energy is infused into a body, the
               cells might regenerate, bringing that person back to life).

 | 4. Storyline                                                         |

 A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....


                       JEDI KNIGHT:
                       JEDI ACADEMY

 Ten years after the Battle of Endor, the Imperial Remant continues to be
 driven back by the New Republic, forcing the Imperials to adopt to
 increasingly desperate tactics in the ongoing struggle.

 Meanwhile, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker moves to restore the Jedi to their
 formal place as peacekeepers of the galaxy at his Jedi Academy on Yavin 4.

 Jaden Korr, a promising student from Coruscant, is en route to the Academy
 after achieving the impossible: creating a lightsaber without any formal Jedi

 | 5. Controls                                                          |

 I'm going to list the default controls of this game, but you can customize the
 controls to suit your needs. You can also use either a keyboard or a joystick
 for the controls.


 Walk Foward: W or UP
 Beckpedal: S or DOWN
 Turn Left: LEFT
 Turn Right: RIGHT
 Run/Walk: Shift
 Step Left: , or A
 Step Right: , or B
 Sidestep/Turn: V
 Up/Jump: SPACE
 Down/Crouch: C


 Attack: CTRL or MOUSE1
 Alt.Attack: ALT or MOUSE2
 Lightsaber Style: L or MOUSE3
 Use: ENTER or R
 Look Up: PGUP
 Look Down: PGDN
 Mouse Look: /
 Centerview: END


 Melee / Lightaber: 1
 Blaster Pistol: 2
 AK-47: 3
 Disruptor Rifle: 4
 Bowcaster: 5
 M-16: 6
 Flamethrower: 7
 Shotgun: 8
 Concussion Rifle: 9
 Merr-Sonn: 0
 Throwable Weapons: -
 Next Weapon: ] or MWHEELDOWN
 Previous Weapon: [ or MWHEELUP

 Force Powers

 Push: F1
 Pull: F2
 Speed: F3
 Sense: F4
 Absorb: ???
 Heal: ???
 Mind Trick: ???
 Protect: ???
 Drain: ???
 Grip: ???
 Lightning: ???
 Dark Rage: ???
 Use Force Power: F
 Force Next: E
 Force Previous: Q

 Quick Keys

 Datapad: TAB or M
 Save Menu: F11
 Load Menu: F10
 Quick Save: F12
 Quick Load: F9


 Invert Mouse: No
 Smooth Mouse: No
 Sensitivity:  | (Note that the | is how far the sensitivity of the mouse is in
                  the sensitivity meter)
 Enable Joystick: No
 X Axis as Buttons: Yes
 Y Axis as Buttons: No
 Threshold:   | (Note that the | is how far the threshold is in the threshold
 Force Feedback: No


 Always Run: Yes
 Auto Switch: Higher weapon if safe
 3rd Person: P

 | 6. Game Basics                                                       |

 Datapad: This displays the current mission objectives that you have to do and
          that you have completed in the current mission that you are on.
          During a mission, if you have a new mission objective that you need
          to do, a message will appear onscreen saying "New Objective
          Information". After this, simply go to your Datapad to display the
          new objectives that you have to do. The objectives that you have
          completed, the circles on the left side of those objectives are
          filled in.

 Load Menu: This menu enables you to load the saves you have created in the
            past. Here, you can also load your checkpoints, as well as delete
            your saved games.

 Saving: You can save the current state of the game that you are at. For
         example, if you save during a fight with a Culist, if you load up that
         save, you'll arrive instantly back to the fight with the Cultist.

 Setup: This menu is where you can change the Video of the game, the Sound of
        the game, the Game Options of the game, the Mods of the game, and the
        Defaults of the game.

 Controls: You can adjust the controls of the game here, even if you are inside
           a level.

 Force Powers: Throughout the game, you'll gradually get stronger in the Force.
               Core Force Powers are leveled up as you advance through the
               game. Light side or dark side Force Powers, on the other hand,
               aren't updated unless you level them up (you are forced to level
               them up anyway) at the beginning of each actual mission in the
               game (the first two levels don't allow you to upgrade Force
               Powers). Each time you level up a Force Power, they get
               stronger. You can level them up as much as three times!

 Ammo Refiller: Throughout the game, you'll find ammo refillers. They are small
                black objects with orange colors on them. Examine these ammo
                refillers to replenish the ammo you've lost on the weapons you
                have used so far in that level.

 Armor Refiller: Throughout the game, you'll find armor refillers. They are
                 small black objects with green colors on them. Examine these
                 armor refillers to replenish the armor you've lost on the
                 level that you are currently playing.

 Checkpoints: Throughout the game in each level (even the first two
              introductory missions), you'll get Checkpoints. Checkpoints can
              be loaded if you die in that particular mission. After you load a
              Checkpoint, you automatically start back in that part of the
              level that you got the Checkpoint in. These are useful, but
              saving your game manually is even more useful.

 | 7. Walkthrough                                                       |

 Here is a complete walkthrough for this game from beginning to end.

 When you start the game, you'll have to choose whether you want a male Jedi,
 or a female Jedi to start with. You'll then have the option to customize the
 characters' torso, its head, as well as its legs. After that, you'll have to
 choose the difficulty of the game. There are four difficulties: Padawan, Jedi,
 Jedi Knight, and Jedi Master.

 NOTE: If you want to know where all the Secret Areas are in this game, look in
       the Codes n' Secrets section, as the walkthrough doesn't cover that many
       Secret Areas. I thought it would be easier to put the Secret Areas
       there, so the reader wouldn't get confused with the main path of the
       level and the optional Secret Areas.

 The game opens up in a ship on its way to Yavin IV, where you see Jaden and
 Rosh talk. Eventually, the ship will get fired on, then crashland on Yavin IV,
 where your first mission begins.

 Yavin Jungle

 When you begin this level, go north towards the tree that you see in the
 distance. Once there, use your lightsaber on it to cause it to fall, creating
 a makeshift bridge. Rosh will cross that bridge, so after he does, follow the
 path north, defeating the two Howlers you come across along the way (throwing
 your lightsaber at them is very effective). Eventually, you'll reach a door,
 which Rosh will open using the Force. Now, go through the door, and in the
 next area, you'll get a Checkpoint. Anyway, in that area, turn left and take
 out the Howler. Then, continue north until you encounter another Howler to the
 left; take it out. After that, continue north until you come across a gap.

 When you do, jump over that gap, then cut the tree down with your lightsaber
 to make another makeshift bridge. Cross that bridge, then follow the path to
 the north until you come across another Howler again. Kill it, then continue
 north and eventually, a cutscene will occur, as Rosh points out that there are
 Stormtroopers in the clearing, and asks you to check it out. After the
 cutscene ends and you regain control, head north and take out the two
 Stormtroopers using your lightsaber. Once they are killed, a Cultist will drop
 down in the below area to the north, so go north into that area, then kill the
 Cultist using your lightsaber, just be careful not die, since he also has a

 After you defeat the Cultist, this mission is over, so sit back, and enjoy the
 next cutscene! After the cutscene, you'll appear in the Yavin Temple. After a
 short cutscene, over course.

 Yavin Temple

 Here, Luke Skywalker will welcome all the new students to the Jedi Academy, as
 the longest cutscene in the game thus far occurs. Kyle will comment that the
 area around the temple felt strange, like its dark side aura was gone. Luke is
 troubled by this, but wants to look into it later. Eventually, the cutscene
 will end, as you, Kyle, and Rosh go to the training grounds, which is your
 next mission.

 Yavin Training Grounds

 Once here, head north and approach the door; it'll open, so enter it, into the
 next area. In this area, approach the door to the north, then a short cutscene
 will commence, as Kyle teaches you about Force Powers. After that is over, you
 will have to hear a few more words from Kyle, Jaden, and Rosh. After that,
 though, the door to the next room opens, so enter it. In this room, head north
 and take out the two remotes that come from behind. After that, take out the
 next three remotes that come out. Once you destroy those remotes, approach the
 door you haven't been through yet, then Kyle will talk for a moment. After he
 is done, the door will open, so go through it, into the next area.

 In this area, Kyle will talk to you for a moment about what you have to do to
 make it through this area. After Kyle gets done talking, go north, then turn
 right and get on the broken bridge, then on the right side of the bridge, you
 will see a piece of the bridge sticking out. Get on the edge of that piece,
 then jump over to the other side of the bridge. If you fall, simply get back
 on the bridge and try again. When you reach the other side, head north and use
 Force Push when you reach the wall and find that it is blocking your path.
 After you use Push and break the wall open, go north through the wall, into
 the next area. Here, Rosh will press a button, which sends a Saber Droid after

 Defeat it, then head all the way north, towards the next room. A cutscene will
 commence before you can reach the room, as Kyle wonders what took Jaden so
 long to get past that last room. After the cutscene, turn right, then use Pull
 on the lever inside the gated area there. Doing this will open the door to the
 next room, so enter it, then head north and turn right into the next room. In
 this room, head north and down the hill, then Kyle will talk. After he's done,
 turn left and look up slightly; you'll notice that a blue target appears when
 your cursor is over a certain spot on the wall. When you see that blue target
 appear, use Force Pull to pull out a piece of the wall! After that, use Pull
 on the next hidden piece of wall to the right.

 After this, jump on the brick to the south of the first wall piece, then jump
 over to the first hidden piece of wall, then jump over to the second piece of
 wall. Then, simply jump north, onto the platform there. On this platform, go
 north, down the hallway, and through the door, into the next area. In this
 area, head north and go through the door, then in the next room, head all the
 way north, then go through the door at the end. In this next room, go
 northeast, then enter the door that you come to (the one that doesn't look
 damaged), into the next area. In this area, Kyle will talk, so when he's done,
 head all the way north and go through the door at the end, into the next area.

 Here, use Force Speed, then quickly run to the open doors on either side of
 the room. When you reach one of those doors, quickly crouch and then move to
 the north, so that you go through the door before it closes. If done
 correctly, you'll be in the next area of the training grounds. In this area,
 enter the open door that you come to, then a cutscene will occur. After it's
 done, you'll see Luke talk for a moment. After he's done, click Continue
 Mission, then you'll be brought up to a list of five levels that you can go
 to. You can skip one, but I don't recommend it, because you can upgrade your
 Force Powers. This walkthrough will go by the missions (like in the order they
 are displayed on this screen), so keep that in mind.

 Mercenary Activity - Tatooine

 The Force Power I would suggest getting here is Heal, so upgrade that. Then,
 for the weapons, I would suggest the E-11 Blaster Rifle and the Destructive
 Electro-Magnetic Pulse 2 Gun. Finally, for the explosive, I would suggest
 Thermal Detonators.

 Starting off, a cutscene will occur, as Kyle and Jaden walk around the area.
 Eventually, Kyle will tell you to stay here and guard the entrance to the
 docking bay, while he goes to the Krayt Cantina and asks around. Eventually,
 you'll hear some gunfire, as Chewbacca appears! After the cutscene, you'll
 finally gain control of Jaden, and even better, Chewbacca is with you! Anyway,
 head north and turn right, then go into the outside area. There, kill all of
 the enemies using your lightsaber. After that, head northeast of where you
 first entered this outside area, then when you reach a door on the right side
 of the small area there, enter it, into the next room. In this room, head
 north while defeating all the enemies you come across.

 When you reach the door at the end, enter it, then go through the next door on
 the right. Now, head north and take out the two mercenaries, then turn left
 and go through the door, into the next outside area. Here, search the entire
 area for enemies, killing all of them that you come across. After you kill all
 of the enemies in the area, two mercenaries will come out of a small door to
 the northeast of where you entered this outside area. Kill them, then two
 tractor beams will come onto the Millenium Falcon and the Raven's Claw, thus
 disabling them from taking off. Now, turn left and take out the enemies that
 attack you. Then, go through the small door, into the next room. Here, head
 north and take out the two enemies that are shooting at you.

 Once they are taken care of, go through the small door on your right. Here,
 navigate your way through the area until you come across a small area with a
 door. When you come to that, enter the door, then a cutscene will occur, as
 Chewie and Jaden get separated. Now, head north and take out the two
 mercenaries. Then, go through the door on the left, then you'll get a
 Checkpoint! Now, go through the door on the right, then in this next room,
 head west and north, defeating any enemies you come across. When you reach the
 end of this room, go through the door into the next room. Here, go up the
 stairs, then throw your lightsaber at the enemy who is throwing Thermal
 Detonators at you (be sure to avoid the Thermal Detonator that is thrown at
 you, because he'll likely be able to throw one before you can kill him).

 After this, continue up the stairs, then turn right into the next room. Here,
 go north and defeat the enemies, then enter the door at the end to reach an
 outside area. Here, simply go north towards the door, then before you can
 reach the door, a Rodian with a Tenloss Rifle will come out and start shooting
 at you. Quickly dispose of him, being sure not to get killed (I would
 recommend that you save your game here). After the Rodian is killed, go
 through the door into the next room. In this room, go through the door, then
 in this next room, kill the two Rodians. Now, go up the elevator into the next
 room. In this room, go north and activate the lever to disable the tractor
 beam on the Millenium Falcon. Now, go through the door behind you, then in
 this room, I suggest you save your game, as you have to fight a Cultist.

 After saving your game, kill the Cultist, then activate the lever in the room
 to disable the tractor beam holding the Raven's Claw. After this, go back to
 the previous room and go down the elevator. Then, approach the door behind the
 back of the elevator, and Chewie will come out. Go down the hallway, then go
 through the door on the right. In this outside area again, kill all of the
 enemies, then a cutscene will activate. After the cutscene ends, this mission
 is over! Click the Continue Mission button twice, then select the second
 mission this time: Droid Recovery - Tatooine.

 Droid Recovery - Tatooine

 For this particular mission, I suggest you upgrade Heal to level 2. For the
 weapons, I suggest the E-11 Blaster Rifle and the Tenloss DXR-6 Disruptor
 Rifle. For the explosives, I suggest taking Thermal Detonators once again.

 After the cutscene, go north and take out the three Tusken Raiders. Then,
 continue north and take out the next three Tuskens that attack you, then after
 that, continue north some more until you reach a building (be sure to defeat
 all the Tusken Raiders that attack you). When you reach that building, go
 through the door, then you'll be in a cave. In this cave, take out the two
 Tuskens (be careful, they both have rifles, and they can be deadly, so
 throwing your lightsaber is a rather good tactic here), then go through the
 opening to the left of the second Tusken that you killed, into the next area
 of the cave. In this area, take out the Tuskens that attack you (once again,
 throwing your lightsaber works well here).

 Now, go through the area and you'll eventually come to two more Tuskens; take
 them out, then go north through the cave, ignoring the hill on the right that
 you come across, until you come to an area just southwest of the hill. In that
 area, take out the Tusken guarding the entrance to the next room, then enter
 that room for a Secret Area. In this Secret Area, you'll find a Large Shield
 Booster. Now, go back to the hill that I told you to ignore earlier (be sure
 to defeat all the Tuskens you come across on the way to the hill), then go up
 that hill (be sure to kill all the Tuskens you meet along the way). When you
 reach the top of the hill, head east, then go through the door that you come
 across on the left side, then you'll be in an outside area.

 In this outside area, take out the two Tuskens to your left, then go north and
 cross the bridge there, to the other side. When you reach the other side, go
 north and kill the three Tuskens you come across, then continue north into the
 cave. In the cave, go north and take out the Tuskens you come across. When the
 path splits to the left, take that left path down the hill, then kill the next
 three Tusken Raiders you come across. When you reach the bottom of the hill,
 go through the cave, and you'll eventually come to another outside area. In
 this outside area, go north and take out the two Tuskens you come across. Now,
 continue all the way north, then turn right when you reach the Sandcrawler,
 and take out the two Tuskens, then take out the ones that come down from the

 Once that is done, get on the Sandcrawler, then look up until you see a small
 platform. When you do, you should see a blue target cursor appear, so use Pull
 when you see that blue target to cause the platform to lower. Jump on the
 platform, then wait until it elevates to the top. When it does, jump over to
 inside of the Sandcrawler (the area north of the platform). Once there, go
 north and take out the Tusken. Then, wait until the next Tusken comes out,
 then when it does, kill it. Now, jump on the crate with the silver part on it.
 Then, jump to the next crate, then jump to the grated platform to the north.
 On that platform, activate the nearby lever, then drop back down to the area
 below. Once there, make your way to the western corner of the room, where you
 will find a black object blocking your way; push it back when the blue target
 appears (using Push, of course).

 Then, enter the elevator, then when you are elevated up to the next floor,
 exit the elevator and go north and kill the Tusken. Now, continue north and
 go through the door at the end, then go through the next door to reach the
 next area. In this area, look down and on the western side of the room, you
 should see a silver pipe; throw your lightsaber at the part of the pipe that
 is leaking out water. Then, water will spray out, thus melting the lava in the
 area below. Once the lava is melted, drop down to the area below and in that
 area, look to your left and jump up to the platform where the two Jawas are.
 There, grab the Instant Use Medpack to the left of the Jawas, then get off
 this platform and go north and jump on the platform there.

 Go up the stairs, then go through the door to reach the next room. In this
 next room, head north, then turn right, then when the top flame goes back in
 the wall, quickly jump over the bottom flame, to the other side (you can also
 use Force Speed here, which is a lot easier, but it can be done without the
 use of Speed). At the other side, take out the Tusken, then head north and on
 the left is a lever; activate it. Now, exit this small area, then go north and
 turn left and go down the elevator, into the next room. In this room, kill the
 Tuskens, then go through the door at the end to the next room. Here, push the
 nearby black object out of the way. Then, navigate your way through the room,
 killing all the Tusken Raiders you come across.

 Eventually, you'll reach another black object. Push it aside, and an R5 unit,
 which is the droid you were sent for, is revealed. Examine the droid, then it
 will end up following you. Go east, down the elevator after the R5 unit does,
 and you'll end up in the final area of this mission. In this area, kill the
 three Tuskens on the left side, then kill the three on the right side. Then, a
 cutscene will activate, as the mission ends. Instead of going to a level this
 time, you'll see a cutscene in the Academy. After the cutscene, choose the
 third mission: Emergency Assistance - Bakura.

 Emergency Assistance - Bakura

 For this mission, I suggest upgrading Heal to level 3. For weapons, take the
 E-11 Blaster Rifle, and the Destructive Electro-Magnetic Pulse 2 Gun or the
 Tenloss Rifle. Finally, for explosives, I suggest Thermal Detonators.

 Starting off here, head north and follow the path until you come across a huge
 building. Enter the door leading inside of the building, and once inside, turn
 left and when you see a computer, examine it, then press the jump button to
 exit the computer screen. After exiting the computer screen, Stormtroopers
 will talk, as they open the door to the left of you. Take out the
 Stormtroopers, then go up the stairs and examine the armor refiller if you
 need some armor, otherwise continue up the stairs into the next room (do that
 either way). In this next room, take out the two Stormtroopers, then go north
 and up the hill, towards the Trip Mines. Blow up the Trip Mines by shooting a
 bullet at each of the Trip Mines to blow them up.

 After they are blown up, continue north, through the door, into an outside
 area. Here, go north and examine the bomb, and you'll get a Checkpoint. Go
 back inside the facility, then go down the hill, then turn right and go
 through the door you see, into the next room. In this room, go north and take
 out the two troopers (they can cloak, so keep that in mind), then continue
 north into the next room. In this room, take out the Stormtroopers, then go
 through the door at the end to reach the next room. In this next room, crouch
 and roll under the steam coming from the left wall. Then, simply jump over the
 fire, or hug the east wall to avoid the fire. After you pass the fire, go
 north, through the door, and into the next room.

 Here, destroy the gun turret on the floor, then go west into the next room. In
 this next room, go north to the next room, while crouching and rolling under
 the Trip Mines you come across. When you reach the next room, go north and
 take out the two Stormtroopers and the Imperial (be sure to walk over the
 corpse of the Imperial to get a Security Key). After that, go up the stairs,
 then blow up the Trip Mines that are blocking your path, then continue north
 into the next outside area. In this outside area, head north and take out the
 two Cloaktroopers, then examine the bomb to disarm it (you'll also get another
 Checkpoint). After disarming the bomb, go back inside the building you just
 exited, then backtrack to the room where you destroyed the gun turret.

 Back in that room, go down the hill, take out the Cloaktrooper, then turn to
 your right and examine the silver object on the wall to open the door with the
 Security Key you just got from the Imperial you killed a minute ago. After you
 open the door, go through it, into the next area. In this area, take out the
 two Stormtroopers on your left and your right. Then, go north and cross the
 bridge, then follow the path left after crossing the bridge. Keep following
 the path left until you come across some crates. At that point, go north and
 take out the Stormtrooper on the gun turret. Then, go through the nearby door
 into the building there. Once you are inside that building, go north and take
 out the Cloaktrooper. Now, go east, through the door, back into the outside

 Now, go north and jump onto the platform you come across, then go north on
 that platform, towards the bomb that the Imperial is beside. Take out the
 Imperial (be sure you take his Security Key), then disarm the bomb, and you'll
 get another Checkpoint. Now, head back to the gun turret that you killed the
 Stormtrooper on just a minute ago. Once there, head north, towards the locked
 door. Once there, examine the silver object on the door to unlock it, via the
 Security Key you just got from the Imperial. Once the door is opened, enter
 the building and once inside, go north and take out the Cloaktrooper. Then,
 follow the path east, and get on the elevator that you come across. After it
 elevates you to the upper level of the building, take out the Cloaktrooper and
 the Stormtrooper to your left.

 Then, enter the door on your right, then go through the next door you come
 across to the north, and you'll be in a huge room. In this huge room, jump to
 the platform to the north, then go through the door into the next room. In
 this next room, take out the nearby Stormtrooper, go north and take out the
 Cloaktrooper you come across, then disarm the nearby bomb, then you'll get yet
 another Checkpoint, so backtrack to the entrance of this room and use the
 armor refiller if you need it, but either way, go through the door by the
 armor refiller to reach the huge room again. In that huge room, take out the
 enemies in front of you, then either use the elevator beside you to get down
 to the below area, or simply drop down there (don't do it if you have about 20
 or 30 health, though or you might not survive).

 Once you drop down to that below area, search around for a bomb. When you find
 it, destroy the gun turret beside it, then disarm the bomb to get another
 Checkpoint. Now, head all the way back to your ship in the very beginning of
 the level, being careful not to die by the enemies you encounter along the
 way. When you reach your ship again, the mission is over! Your next mission is
 the fourth mission of the game, which is Merchant Rescue - Blenjeel.

 Merchant Rescue - Blenjeel

 For this mission, I suggest you build up Force Lightning to level 1, as it'll 
 help you a LOT later on in the game. For weapons, just pick anything, as you
 won't be using them for this mission. For explosives, do the same, as you
 won't use them, either.

 After the cutscene, go north into the broken piece of ship there. Then,
 continue going north, then jump on one of the three black pieces sticking out
 of the next broken part of the ship. Once you get on one of the three black
 pieces, get inside the ship, then go north and jump on the crate. Then, jump
 up to the area above you. Once there, follow the path northwest, to the door
 which leads to the next part of the broken ship. In this next room, go north
 and drop down in the broken piece of floor to get a Power Converter. Now, go
 north and look out of the hole, but be sure you look to the left; you'll see a
 huge gray piece there, so use Push on it when the blue cursor appears on it to
 pull it over to where you are.

 Once you pull that piece towards you, jump on it, then activate Force Speed,
 and quickly run north, towards your ship, which you can see in the distance.
 Force Speed will wear off before you can make it inside your ship, so when it
 does, quickly reactive it, or the Sandworm will eat you and kill you (the key
 to completing this mission successfully is to be quick, so that the Sandworm
 doesn't eat you). When you make it inside your ship, go northwest and you'll
 automatically place the Power Converter in the ship. Now, exit the ship and
 outside, activate Force Speed again and quickly run to the north, then when
 you reach the area with black rocks, quickly jump onto one of them before the
 effects of Force Speed wear off.

 Now, activate Force Speed again and run to the north and pick up the next part
 to your ship, which is an Energy Cell. After getting the Energy Cell, activate
 Force Speed yet again, while running back north to your ship, also being sure
 to do your best to avoid the Sandworm. When you make it back inside your ship,
 go north through the door, into the next part of the ship. Here, go east, then
 Jaden will automatically place the Energy Cell inside the ship. Now, exit the
 ship, then outside again, head directly north and jump on the high black rock
 there (along the way to the rock, be sure to activate Force Speed). Then,
 activate Force Speed and quickly run north, grabbing the next ship part you
 come across to get a Power Coupling.

 Activate Force Speed, as usual, and run back to your ship, being sure to avoid
 the Sandworm along the way (if the effects of Speed wear out along the way,
 simply re-activate it again). When you get inside your ship again, go east,
 then Jaden will automatically put the Power Coupling where it belongs. There
 is only one more part left to find, so head back outside again. Once outside,
 make your way back on the platform that you pulled to you in the very
 beginning stages of this mission (see above if you don't remember how to get
 there). On that platform again, jump to the object north of you, then jump to
 the crate to the north of you. Now, activate Force Speed. drop off the crate,
 and run to the north, towards the final ship part (believe me, you'll see it).

 This ship part is the Damper, so once you have it, run back to the platform
 that you pulled to yourself early in the mission, but be sure to re-activate
 Speed, should it wear off. Anyway, on that platform again, use Speed, then run
 back to your ship, which is to the north of you (be sure to re-activate Speed,
 like always, if it wears off before you reach your ship, which it will). When
 you get inside your ship, go west and Jaden will automatically put the Damper
 where it belongs. After that, this mission is complete! Your next mission is
 the final mission of the first set of missions: Cult Investigation - Corellia.

 NOTE: There is a way to make it where you can see where the worms are. This
       makes things a whole lot easier.

       If you fire the DEMP gun or throw a Thermal Detonator to the ground, you
       can see where the worms are and move them away from your path.

       Thanks to Thanks to Tatumali for this!

 Cult Investigation - Corellia

 For this mission, I suggest upgrading Lightning to level 2, and for your
 weapons, take the Wookiee Bowcaster and the Tenloss Rifle. For explosives,
 just take Thermal Detonators.

 When you start this mission, jump on top of the piece of the tram sticking out
 to the right. Then, jump up two platforms to reach a higher part of the tram.
 On that higher part, head all the way north, then jump on the higher platform
 there. Then, go north and jump on the next nearby high platform, then once you
 are on that platform (I'm talking about the one with the mercenary), go north
 and take out the mercenary, then continue north and drop down onto another
 platform and take out the Weequay. After that, look down and you'll see a
 black platform below you; drop down on it. Then, drop down to the part of the
 tram below and then enter the nearby door, into the inside of the tram. Here,
 go north and take out the two mercenaries, then continue north into the next

 Once there, go north and take out the nearby mercenary, then go north some
 more and activate the lever. Doing this will cause the electricity on the tram
 to dissipate. So, head back to the room where you killed the two mercenaries a
 moment ago. There, go north and through the door, into an outside area. There,
 go on either of the long beams on either side of the ship, then carefully walk
 across the beam (I suggest saving here), until you reach the end of it. When
 you reach the end of the beam, jump up to the above platform, then jump across
 the next couple platforms until you reach a high platform.

 On that high platform, head north and then drop down to the lower part of the
 tram again (Drop at the end of the path after you head north. Also, be sure to
 look down to see where you're dropping). After you drop down, jump to either
 of the platforms on either side that are sticking out. Then, go north while
 jumping to and from the obstacles you come across, until you come to a high
 platform on the tram. Once there, take out the nearby Rodian on the left, then
 get on the very edge of the platforms on either side that are sticking out,
 then jump over to the platform below you (the one where you see the Cultist in
 the distance).

 There, head north and take out the Cultist (if you drop down to the area
 below, simply kill the mercenaries and jump back up to the platform you were
 on when you encountered the Cultist). Then, continue north and drop off the
 platform you come across, to a lower area. In that lower area, jump to the
 part of the tram to your north, via one of the side pieces that are sticking
 out. Once you reach the other side, go through the door into the next room. In
 this room, take out the enemies you come across, while going north. When you
 reach the end of the room, go through the door into the outside area. Once
 there, jump to the other side via either of the pieces that stick out.

 When you reach the other side, jump to the above platform, then follow the
 path until you come across some enemies shooting at you to your north. When
 you come to that point, drop down to the below area and take out the mercenary
 and after that, then jump to the north, over to where the Weequay is and kill
 it. After that, follow the path left, and you'll hear someone talking. After
 you hear the talking, continue left and take out the mercenary that you heard
 talking just seconds ago. After that, head north and go through the door on
 the right, into the next room. In this room, kill the nearby mercenary, then
 get on the elevator behind him.

 After it elevates you up, look on each side of the blue forcefield to the
 north, and you'll notice two squares on each side. Throw your lightsaber at
 them to break them, then when they are broke, the forcefield will break, so
 kill the two enemies that are shooting at you, then jump to and from the
 obstacles in this small room, until you reach the top. Look up when you reach
 the top, and break the glass by throwing your lightsaber. Now, jump out of
 where the glass was, then look to your right (you may already be facing it,
 but I wasn't), and you'll see two pipes on the ship. An explosion will occur
 (you'll have to sit for a few seconds before it occurs), as Kyle destroys an
 enemy ship.

 After the explosion, walk across those pipes, then jump onto the higher
 platform there. Now, head north and you'll come across another pipe. Walk
 across that pipe, then jump onto the ledge above you. Once there, look down
 and drop down onto the small piece there, then drop down to the lower area of
 the tram there. Now, jump to the area to the north, then climb up the grated
 hill there, then at the top, take out the sniping Rodian. Now, continue north
 and take out the mercenary you come across. Then, slide down the nearby grated
 hill, then at the bottom, jump north to the other side, then take out the
 Weequay there. Then, go inside the room nearby and kill the nearby Rodian.

 Once that is done, go north and take out the Cultist that you encounter. Then,
 disarm the nearby bomb, then go north and take out the mercenary, then
 continue north into the outside area. Here, jump to either of the side pieces
 that are sticking out. Once you reach the other side, kill the two
 mercenaries, then go north and jump to the other side. Now, continue north and
 defeat the enemies you come across. Keep going north until you can jump to the
 other side. When you can, jump to the other side and kill the enemies that are
 shooting at you, then go inside the nearby room and kill the two mercenaries.
 Now, kill the Cultist, which is probably following you (I'd recommend saving
 here, just incase).

 After you kill the Cultist, examine the console in the northernmost part of
 the room where you killed the two mercenaries. After that, mission complete!
 Your next destination is the Jedi Academy, back on Yavin IV.

 Yavin Temple

 Here, a cutscene will occur, as members of the Academy are sent to various
 planets to investigate the stealing of Force power, as somebody has used a
 device to steal the Force energy from various planets across the galaxy. You
 are sent to Hoth, your next mission.


 For weapons, just take anything. Note that you can't upgrade your Force Powers
 here, and keep in mind that in each of the missions after the five missions
 you play, you can't upgrade your Force Powers, so just remember that. For
 explosives, just take anything as well, except for Detonation Packs. After you
 choose your equipment, it's time to disembark for Hoth.

 When you arrive here, head north and mount a Tauntaun you come across. Then,
 on the Tauntaun, run north through the barrage of Snowtroopers, then you'll
 eventually come across a cave entrance. At that point, dismount your Tauntaun,
 then enter the cave. Inside, go north and you'll encounter a Wampa; throw your
 lightsaber at it, while avoiding its attacks until you kill it. After the
 Wampa is killed, continue north into a Secret Area, which houses two Instant
 Use Medpacks, a Shield Booster, and a pack of Trip Mines. Exit the Secret Area
 after pillaging the items from it and go back to where the Wampa was. This
 time, take the left path that you ignored earlier.

 After taking the path, keep following it north until you emerge from the cave.
 Outside again, get on a Tauntaun, turn left, and follow the path north and
 keep following the light beacons until you come across a structure with an
 AT-ST beside it, as well as a Snowtrooper. When you reach that structure, on
 the right side is a lone crate, so jump on it, then jump to the other side of
 the structure, into the area below. In this area, throw your lightsaber at the
 nearby Imperial Probe Droid to destroy it. After that, kill the Snowtroopers
 in the area, then go through the huge door in the center of the area to get
 inside of a building.

 In this building, take out the nearby Snowtroopers, then turn right of the
 entrance to this room and go up the elevator to the next floor. When you reach
 the next floor, go through the door, then you'll be inside of a room with some
 Snowtroopers. Defeat them, as well as the Imperial, then pull the lever on the
 left side of the room, as doing this will cause a locked door on the level
 below to open. So, go down to the lower level again, via the elevator. Then,
 once in the lower level, go north and go down the elevator, then you'll be in
 an even lower level of the building. There, kill the Snowtroopers, then go
 through the door in the northwestern corner of the room, into the next room.

 In this room, go north, then go through the door on the right to reach the
 next room. In this next room, kill the Snowtroopers that are nearby, then turn
 left, kill the Snowtrooper, and go through the door into the next room. Here,
 kill the two Snowtroopers, then go north, through the door, and into the next
 room. In this next new room, go north into the next room. In this room, take
 out the nearby Snowtroopers to the north, then turn right and take out the
 next two Snowtroopers to your north, then go through the door to the north to
 reach the next room. In this room, kill the two Snowtroopers on each side,
 then use the armor refiller in the northwest corner of the room to refill your
 armor, as you'll probably need it by now.

 Now, turn right and go up the elevator to reach the next floor. Here, take out
 the Snowtroopers, then enter the door on the west side of the room to reach
 the next area. In this outside area, go north, get on the gun turret, and kill
 each Snowtrooper that comes your way. After they are killed, get off the gun
 turret, then continue heading north, following the beacons. When you come to a
 gray piece of something (not sure what it is, but it's a long piece, mind
 you), turn left, then go north and get atop the platform that the Snowtrooper
 is shooting at you from, and take him out. After that, drop off the platform,
 then look around for a forcefield that's on the side of the platform.

 When you spot that forcefield, use your lightsaber on either one of the two
 black objects holding the forcefield up, and it'll dissipate, so enter the
 room that's revealed after you break the forcefield. In this room, take out
 the Snowtroopers, then drop down to the room below. In this room, go north and
 kill the three Snowtroopers, then go behind where they were when you entered
 this room, and you'll drop down into Echo Base.

 Echo Base

 When you arrive here, head north through the tunnel, then you'll drop down
 onto a platform. Go north and drop off the platforms (yes, platforms), then
 when you get on the ground, go north and turn left, and go through the door
 you come across, into the next room. In this room, head north and take out the
 Snowtroopers, then turn right into the next room. In this next room, go north
 and drop down to the area with the four Snowtroopers and take them out. Then,
 go north and up the hill, then turn right into the next room. In this room,
 go north, then turn right and kill the Snowtroopers. Then, head north and you
 will come to an Instant Use Medpack, as well as a Small Shield Booster. This
 is a Secret Area, by the way, I forgot to mention that.

 After getting the two items from the Secret Area, exit the Secret Area, then
 in the previous room, head left into the next room. In this room, head north,
 then turn left and then go north and defeat the Snowtroopers. Then, head east
 into the next room. In this room, take out the Snowtroopers, then go through
 the door north of the entrance to this room, and you'll be in another room.
 Here, kill the Snowtroopers, then once they are killed, turn right of the
 entrance to this room, then use the armor refiller that you see, as you'll
 most likely need to by now. After that, head east, then go through the door to
 the next room.

 Here, simply head north through the door, and into the next room. In this next
 new room, kill the two Snowtroopers, then go around the elevator, and then get
 inside the elevator when you reach the opening to it. When you reach the next
 floor, enter the nearby room, then go north into the next room. Here, take out
 the four Snowtroopers, then simply go northwest of the entrance of this room,
 then you'll be in another new room. In this room, kill the two Snowtroopers.
 Now, go north of the gun turret and drop down to a lower area. There, continue
 north into the next room. In this next room, kill the Snowtroopers, then go
 into the next room on the right side of the room.

 In this room, go north and go through the door into the next room. Here, kill
 the nearby Snowtrooper to the north, then turn left and go up the hill and
 kill the next Snowtrooper you come across. Now, go through the door into the
 next room and in this room, kill the Snowtroopers. After that, go through the
 door on the right side of this room, into the next area. In this area, go down
 the steps and through the door to the north of the steps, while killing any
 enemies you come across. After going through the door, head north, then turn
 left and kill the Snowtroopers you come across. Then, go up the nearby hill,
 then turn right into the next room.

 Here, use the ammo/armor refillers, then use Heal to heal yourself up. Now, go
 west and go down the elevator into the next room. In this room, take out the
 nearby Snowtroopers, then go north into the next snow tunnel and in there,
 kill the Snowtroopers, then go north and turn right, then turn right and kill
 the four Snowtroopers you encounter. After that, turn right into the next
 room. In this snowy room, go north, then turn east and a cutscene will occur,
 as a Cultist talks to Alora, whom you'll soon meet. After the cutscene, go
 north, turn turn east and you'll have to fight the Cultist, so defeat him,
 then head west of where the Cultist originally was.

 Then, head north and follow the path into the next room. In this room, you'll
 see a Wampa killing a Tauntaun. You don't have to save the Tauntaun here, nor
 do you need it, so don't worry about it. Anyway, upon entering this room, head
 north while ignoring the Wampa, then when you reach the next room, use the
 armor refiller. Then, heal if you need it. Then, go through the nearby door,
 and a cutscene will trigger. After it's done, be prepared to fight Alora. Read
 the Bosses section of the FAQ to see how to defeat her. When you beat Alora,
 she escapes, and you automatically go back to the Academy.

 Yavin Temple

 Here, you'll find out that Rosh hasn't returned from Byss yet, and eventually,
 after the cutscene, you'll be given another set of missions to complete, and
 Jaden will be raised to the rank of Apprentice. Your next mission is Rescue
 Mission - Nar Kreeta. After the cutscene in the Academy, though, you have to
 choose a new style for your lightsaber. I recommend Fast, but it's up to you.
 After you choose your lightsaber style, you'll have two lightsaber styles to
 choose from now!

 Rescue Mission - Nar Kreeta

 For Force Powers, upgrade Lightning to Level 3. For weapons, take the E-11
 Blaster Rifle and the Golan Arms FC1 Flechette Weapon. For explosives, I would
 suggest taking Thermal Detonators.

 When you begin this mission, head north the tunnel, then turn left in the next
 room to find a grate. Break that grate, then go inside the grate (you have to
 crouch to get in), then go north once inside and use your lightsaber or a
 weapon to break the grate that you come across. After breaking the grate, drop
 down to the next room. In this room, go north while killing all the enemies
 you come across. Go north as far as you can, then go left into the next room,
 and there, take out the two enemies with Imperial Heavy Repeaters (rapid fire
 guns). Now, exit the room and head northwest, into the next room. Here, head
 north, then turn right, and you'll see a grated door on the wall; break it,
 then go inside.

 This is a Secret Area, which houses two Power Cell Ammo packs. After you get
 the items from the Secret Area, exit it, then head west into the next room. In
 this room, follow the path north, defeating the enemies you come across. When
 you reach the end of the room, kill the mercenary, then use the Security Key
 you just got on the silver object on the wall to open the locked door. After
 unlocking the door, go through the door, then crouch down and go through the
 once grated area, then go north in the tunnel and down the hole to the next
 area. Back in this area, head north, then turn left at the end of the path to
 reach the next room.

 In this room, head up the elevator on the east side of the room, then enter
 the door to the next room when it elevates you up. In this next room, kill the
 enemies, then activate the lever in the room to release four prisoners. Jump
 on the opening on the wall on either side of the lever, then crouch and move
 north to drop out of the openings, to the area below. In this area, head north
 and you'll eventually come across the four prisoners you released earlier. As
 you approach them, a cutscene occurs, as you see a Rancor come out. After the
 cutscene, the prisoner will unlock the door, so go through it, and all the
 prisoners will follow you.

 The prisoners will tell you that their are other prisoners you need to rescue.
 Eventually, you'll receive a Security Key from one of the prisoners, and they
 will eventually, since you cleared the area earlier, run off to the tunnel in
 the very beginning to get picked up by Kyle. Now, head north, then east, into
 the next room. Here, head to the left side of the room and use the Security
 Key you just got on the silver object on the wall to unlock the door to the
 next area. Go down the elevator to the floor below. There, head north and kill
 all the enemies you come across (Lightning works well here). When you reach
 the end of the room, go through the door into the next area.

 In this next new area, head north, then go left and up the elevator, into the
 next room. In that room, kill the enemies, then activate the lever in the room
 to cause openings to appear in the wall on either side of the lever. Go
 through one of those openings, into the area below. There, go north and you'll
 come across the four prisoners you just released. After the Datapad gets
 updated, follow the prisoners to the room that the first set of prisoners went
 to, while protecting them from the Rancor. If the Rancor gets close to them,
 throw your lightsaber at it to distract it, then quickly run towards the
 prisoners and keep following them to the room.

 When you reach that room again, make your way back to the lower level where
 you used Lightning to kill all the enemies. Back in that room, go north and
 defeat all the enemies you come across (since the enemies aren't in groups,
 Lightning is less effective as it was last time). When you reach the door at
 the end, go through the door into the next area. Here, go all the way north
 (being sure to take out the two enemies on your left that are shooting at
 you), until you have a choice to go either left or right; choose to go left,
 then go up the elevator to the next room. In this upper room, kill all the
 enemies, then activate the lever to free four more prisoners.

 After that, go down through either of the openings in the wall on each side of
 the lever, and drop down to the area below. There, go to the prisoners that
 you just released (they're to the north, as always), and then follow them to
 the room again, while protecting them from the Rancor. When you reach that
 room again, make your way back to the lower level again, and once in that
 room, head north, defeating all the enemies you come across. When you reach
 the door at the end of the room, go through it, into the previously visited
 area. In this area, head all the way north, then east when you are given the
 choice to.

 In this next area, take out the enemies, then head east of where the enemies
 were, then go up the lift, into the next room. In this room, kill the enemies,
 then activate the lever on the east side of the room to free the final set of
 prisoners. Drop down to the area below, then go toward the prisoners again.
 Follow them back to the room, while protecting them from the Rancor. When you
 reach the room again, go back to the access tunnel, which is where you started
 in this level, since you've done rescued all the prisoners! Be sure NOT to
 jump off the tunnel, though, as that'll get you killed. When you reach the
 tunnel, mission complete!

 Meet Contact - Zonju V

 For Force Powers, I suggest Absorb. For weapons, take the Imperial Heavy
 Repeater with Concussion Launcher, and then take the Golan Arms FC1 Flechette
 Weapon. For explosives, take Thermal Detonators.

 After the cutscene, get on a speeder bike and go down the ramp. Then, keep
 going north, being sure to kill the two mercenaries that are also on speeders,
 using your lightsaber. Eventually, you'll come across another mercenary on a
 speeder; dispose of him. Now, continue heading north and when the path splits
 west, go west, then keep going until you come across a stone structure. When
 you come to that, get off your speeder at that point, then jump from platform
 to platform on the stone structure, starting from the lowest platform, until
 you reach the top. When you reach the top, drop down to the other side. Here,
 head north and a cutscene will activate.

 Here, you'll meet the guy whom you were sent on this mission for, but just as
 he is about to go inside with you to tell you everything he knows, he is shot
 by a Tenloss Rifle and killed. After the cutscene, turn around and go north,
 then use the armor refiller, as you'll probably need it. Also, there are two
 Instant Use Medpacks Now, go through the  nearby door, into an outside area.
 There, get on a speeder, then go down the ramp, and go all the way north,
 killing all the enemies you come across, until you reach another stone
 structure (Note that at one point, before you reach the stone structure, it
 appears that you've reached a dead end.

 You haven't. There is actually a path you can take to get to that stone
 structure, and it's in the northeast corner of the area). When you reach that
 stone structure, go through it to the next part of the level, then in that
 part, keep going north, killing all the enemies along the way, and you'll
 eventually come across a mass of buildings on the left side of the area. When
 you come to that, go up the stairs when you see them, then go north through
 the area there, and you'll eventually come to a door, so go through it. Now,
 head north and get off your speeder when you come across more speeders. After
 you dismount your speeder,  get on one of the other speeders.

 These speeders are undamaged, and your other one more than likely is damaged
 quite a bit, so this is a plus. Anyway, on your new speeder, I recommend you
 save your game. Then, go north through the tunnel there, then continue north
 in the next area, killing all the enemies you come across, and eventually you
 will come to five black pillars (it takes a while to get here, but the general
 direction is north), as well as a stone structure to the north of those
 pillars. At that point, take the left path west of the stone structure, and
 follow it north until you come to an area where a message appears onscreen
 saying "Use turbo to jump chasm".

 In that area, save your game, then get back as far as you can (you might want
 to kill any mercenaries that might have followed you here to make things a
 little bit easier), then use the turbo feature on your speeder as you start to
 go north, towards the chasm. If you did it right, you'll end up at the other
 side of the chasm. The trick here is to basically move north, almost toward
 the cliff, then activate the turbo feature. When you reach the other side, go
 north, then turn right, and follow the path north, killing the enemies along
 the way, until you come to a path split to the left. When you come to that,
 take that western path, then follow it north, killing the enemies along the

 Eventually, you'll reach the end of this rather boring level.

 Covert Operation - Kril'dor

 For Force Powers, upgrade Absorb to Level 2. For weapons, take the Golan Arms
 FC1 Flechette Weapon, as well as the Tenloss DXR-6 Disruptor Rifle. For
 explosives, as usual, take Thermal Detonators.

 When you arrive here, go north, through the door, and into the hangar. There,
 head to the northeast corner of the room, killing all the Stormtroopers you
 come across along the way. When you reach the northeast corner, get on the
 elevator, and it'll take you to the upper level. There, get off the elevator
 before it carries you back down, then look directly above where the elevator
 was to find a gun turret. Throw your lightsaber at it or use a weapon on it to
 destroy it. Once that is done, go north of the elevator, then go through the
 door into the outside area. There, head north and wait until an enemy on a
 jetpack comes. When it does, throw your lightsaber at it or use weapons while
 it is in the air to kill it.

 After you kill that enemy, jump atop the silver piece above the door you used
 to get into this outside area. Then, jump up to the roof above. On that roof,
 look around and you'll eventually spot a bridge; cross it. Now, up to the
 slightly higher area, then go north and you'll see a red thing; examine it,
 and Jaden will put a beacon in it, then Wedge will make a pass with his ship,
 and destroy some of the roof there. Now, cross the bridge again, then examine
 the red spot on the roof, and you'll automatically place a targeting beacon on
 that red spot. Wedge will then make another pass, as he blows up some of the
 roof of the hangar.

 Now, head north and jump on the silver piece above the locked door. Then, jump
 up to the roof above you. There, look around and you'll spot another red spot.
 As usual, examine it, then Jaden will automatically place a targeting beacon
 on it, then Wedge will make another pass, as he destroys part of the roof
 here, as well. After this, look behind you and jump on the silver piece above
 the door. Then, jump back up to the broken roof there. Atop the roof, go to
 the left side of it, then jump on the broken green pipe there, then jump to
 the platform on your left, then jump up to the orange and gray platform above

 Now, look below you, and you should see a long grated platform. When you see
 that, crouch and roll onto that platform, but make sure you are at full health
 before the fall, as you lose approximately 46 health from this fall (saving
 your game before you do this would be a good idea, just incase). Anyway, on
 the grated platform, head north and then go east and get on the long grated
 platform you come across, killing all the Stormtroopers along the way. On that
 grated platform, head north, crossing the grated platform that when you cross
 it, turn left and cross the next long grated platform (just ignore the
 Stormtroopers to your right).

 After that, go east, then turn left when you reach the four red gas-tank like
 thigs. You'll see a door at that point, so enter it, into the next room. In
 this room, kill the Stormtrooper, then head left and go up the elevator to the
 next floor. Here, go east and up the lift to the next floor, killing all the
 Stormtroopers you come across. When you reach the next floor, head west and
 use the ammo refiller if you need to. Regardless if you use it or not, press
 the switch on the wall just east of the ammo refiller, then a broken window
 will be revealed, as the door opens. Break the rest of the window with your
 lightsaber, then jump out the window, onto the platform below it.

 On that platform, save your game, then head north, then go east when you come
 to a piece that sticks out. Go east until you come across a space in between
 the two pieces that stick out. Save your game at that point, then drop down to
 the long grated platform below. Take note that you lose approximately 37
 health after this fall, so make sure you have at least that much life before
 going down. On the grated platform, go north and kill the jetpack enemy (we
 saw one earlier in the level), then grab the Instant Use Medpack and the
 Thermal Detonators if you need them (search around the area; you'll find

 Then, go west of those items and you'll find another red spot; examine it, and
 Jaden will place a targeting beacon on it, as Wedge makes another pass, and
 blows up the area you were just at. When you regain control, save your game,
 then go down the nearby elevator, to a previously visited area again. Once
 there, head north, then look down (be sure to kill any enemies that may be in
 the area) and you should see a long grated platform. Make sure you have at
 least 52 health before making this fall, as the fall itself (without rolling,
 of course) takes 51 health away from you, so save your game just incase you
 fall off or anything.

 Anyway, drop down to the grated platform, then go north and get on the lift
 there, and let it elevate you down to the lowest possible area in this level.
 Once there, search around the area until you find another red thing. Examine
 it, and Jaden will automatically place a targeting beacon on that red thing.
 Then, Wedge makes another pass, and blows up part of the platform. When you
 regain control, turn around to the right, then go north and activate the lift,
 then when it comes down, get on it and it'll carry you back to a higher area.
 There, you'll encounter two more jetpack enemies. Dispose of them, then head
 north, through the door, into a previously visited room.

 Back in that room, head west and then jump over the empty space where the lift
 is supposed to be, then at the other side, activate the lift. Then, go up the
 lift to the next floor. There, head west and go through the door there, into
 an outside area. Once there, head east, then go north across the grated
 platform when you come to it. After that, head east, then cross the next
 grated platform, then go through the nearby door to the north, into the
 building there. In there, go right and up the elevator, to the next floor. In
 this room, to save you the trouble, just ignore all of the enemies and run to
 the red thing, then examine it, as Jaden places another targeting beacon on
 yet another red thing.

 Wedge makes a pass, as usual, blowing up the previous room. When you regain
 control, go through the door to the west, and you'll be back outside. Back
 outside, head north across the grated platform, then head west and cross the
 next grated platform, then go north, then when you come to those four red gas
 tank lookalikes, go east across the grated platform, then walk around the
 circular platform you're on until you reach a bomb. When you do, disarm it,
 being sure to kill the enemies beside it. Now, head north and cross the next
 grated platform, then search around this circular platform until you find a
 bomb. Disarm that bomb, then go back to the four red gas tank lookalikes.

 Head north of those, to the next set of gas tank lookalikes. Then, turn east
 at those gas tanks, and cross the next grated platform. Now, go around this
 circular platform until you come across another bomb; disarm it. Now, head
 across the next grated platform (walk around this circular platform until you
 find it), then search around on that platform for the fourth and final bomb.
 Disarm that bomb, then save your game and go back all the way back to your
 ship, which is located at the spot you spawned at when you started this

 Keep in mind that you will have to fight some enemies along the way, so be
 prepared. When you reach your ship, congratulations! You've beaten this
 annoying mission.

 Capture Crime Lord - Coruscant

 For Force Powers, upgrade Absorb to Level 3. For weapons, take the Golan Arms
 FC1 Flechette Weapon and the Tenloss DXR-6 Disruptor Rifle. For explosives,
 take Thermal Detonators, like always.

 When you begin this mission, turn around and then go north, past your ship.
 Look down after you go past your ship, then you should see a platform that to
 the north that you can jump on, so save your game and jump over there. Now,
 follow the path north, killing all the enemies you come across. To kill the
 Rodian in the cart to the right of the platform, use the Golan Flechette
 Weapon, as it's more effective than the Tenloss Rifle for this enemy. Anyway,
 at the end of the path, grab the Instant Use Medpack if you need it, but
 either way, after killing the Rodian, jump in the cart, but save before you
 do. In the cart, jump to the platform below you.

 Now, jump to the platform above you, then look north, where the stairs are,
 then kill the Weequays that come down. Now, go west, then go north up the
 nearby sets of stairs, then go north and kill the three mercenaries. Now, save
 your game and look to the north, and when you see the platform below you, jump
 to it. After that, follow the path north, killing all the enemies you come
 across until you reach the end of the path. When you reach the end of the
 path, jump up to the platform above you, then go behind the leftmost crate in
 this area, then save your game and look down, and when you see the platform
 below you, jump to it.

 After that, head north, then go west into the next room, killing all the
 enemies you come across. When you reach the next room, kill all the enemies,
 then go up the lift in this room, but be careful not to let it squash you, as
 if you position yourself wrong it can do it. When you reach the next area, go
 all the way north, and jump to the platform below you when you reach the end
 of the path (just ignore the enemies). Now, go north and jump over the three
 small forcefields. After that, head north, then all the way east, ignoring the
 enemies, then when you reach the end of the path, jump down to the area below.
 There, go north, then jump to the platform on the other side when you can.

 On that platform, head north, then jump on the platform there, but be careful
 not to fall off (save just incase). Go north on that platform, then drop down
 to the other side. At the other side, go north and through the door, into the
 next room. In this room, head north and take out the Cultist and the Cultist
 that uses the Force (he uses Push and Grip) first, as he poses the most
 threat. Then, kill the Cultist that wields the lightsaber. After killing both
 those guys, go through the door leading to an elevator on the east side of the
 room. Ride the elevator up to the very top floor of this building, then a
 cutscene will commence, as you encounter Lannik Racto, the man you were sent

 Lannik isn't willing to be caught that easily, though, as he sends four
 Assassin Droids after you. Save your game when you regain control. Now, the
 actual strategy to defeating these Assassin Droids is rather simple, actually.
 Wait until their shield dissipates, then when it does, quickly activate Force
 Speed and use the blue lightsaber style and then start swinging at the droid,
 but be careful, as the shield will be up any moment, and when you touch it,
 you can die VERY quickly. When the shield is back up, wait until it dissipates
 and then quickly activate Force Speed again and swing at the droid until you
 kill it. Repeat this process for all four droids, being sure to save your game
 after each one, until you kill them all.

 After killing all the droids, Lannik is forced to come with Jaden to shut down
 his droid factory on Nar Shadaa. After that, this mission is over!

 Cult Investigation - Dosuun

 For Force Powers, upgrade Protect to Level 1, as you'll need it for the next
 level. For weapons, take anything. For explosives, take anything.

 Jaden gets captured, and Rax lets him out of his cell, so that he can play a
 "game" with him. When you gain control of Jaden, jump out of the cell, onto
 the platform. Now, you should know that you don't have a lightsaber in this
 mission, since Rax took it, but believe me when I say it's possible to beat
 this level without a lightsaber. Also note that you don't have any weapons,
 either, which is why I told you above to pick anything. Anyway, when you get
 on the platform, go west, then turn right and enter the door there. In this
 room, take an E-11 Blaster Rifle off the wall, then go through the door in
 this room to reach an outside area.

 In this outside area, head north through the door at the end to reach the
 facility, being sure to kill all the Stormtroopers you encounter along the
 way (be sure to take the weapons of the Stormtroopers as you kill them). When
 you get inside the facility, go north and turn left, then use Lightning to
 kill the Stormtroopers behind the forcefield (this also breaks the
 forcefield). Be sure to grab the Golan Flechette Weapon from the Stormtrooper
 commando, and then be sure to destory the gun turret all the way down the
 hall. Now, go east and then stand a few steps back from the three Trip Mines
 (I suggest saving your game here, just incase).

 Then, use Lightning to blow up the Trip Mines. After that, go north through
 the nearby door into the next room. Here, kill the Imperial and the
 Stormtrooper, then use the armor refiller in the room if you need some armor.
 Now, exit the room and head down the hall to the left. Look on the left side
 of the hallway, and you should see a locked door that you can use the Security
 Key you just got from the Imperial on. When you see that, use the Security Key
 to unlock it, then go through it. In this room, kill the two enemies to the
 north, then turn left and kill the enemy behind you. After that, go up the
 nearby set of stairs, then kill the enemy you come across, then activate the
 nearby lever.

 Now, go up the lift on the opposite side of where you are, since it is now
 active. In this next room, take out the nearby enemy, then go through the next
 two doors into the next room. In this room, go north through the door, into
 the next room. Here, go north and take out the three Stormtroopers, then
 activate the nearby lever to the south where the chair is. Once that is done,
 go north, then use Lightning to dispose of the Trip Mines, then go through the
 door into the next room. In this next room, go north and kill the two
 Stormtroopers, then go through the door to the next room. Here, go around the
 entire circular room, killing all enemies you come across with Lightning.

 Once that is done, break one of the forcefields in the center of the area,
 then go inside the small room there. Kill all the enemies, then grab the ammo
 packs, and the Instant Use Medpacks along the left wall. Now, go through the
 big door in this room (beside the small door) to reach a previous room. There,
 go through the nearby door to the east, and you'll go down an elevator to the
 lower floor of the area. Once there, head north, then west through the two
 doors into the next room. In this room, activate the lever to dissolve the
 forcefield in the room. After that, get on the gun turret in the room and
 shoot the wall where the forcefield was earlier to break it.

 Go through the wall, into the outside area. In this outside area, save your
 game, then head north and shoot the objects stacked atop each other to blow
 them up, breaking the glass and providing a way to get inside the building.
 Go through the opening where the glass used to be, then inside the building,
 look to the north and shoot the two objects beside each other to blow them up.
 After that is done, go through the opening into the next room. There, kill the
 Imperial, then activate the lever he was guarding to open a door. Now, turn
 around and go north and activate the next lever there. Now, use the ammo/armor
 refillers in the room to replenish your ammo and armor.

 Then, exit the room and back in the big room, go west, through the two doors,
 and ride the lift up to the upper floor of the level. Once there, follow the
 path west, then go through the door you come across and in this outside area,
 head up the nearby set of stairs. Then, go north, then all the way east, being
 sure to avoid Rax's gunfire as best you can (save your game incase you die),
 and also kill all the Stormtroopers you come across. Go through the door you
 come to at the end of the path, then inside the building, go around the entire
 circular room and kill all the Cloaktroopers (some of them hold Tenloss
 Rifles, so be careful). After you kill all the Cloaktroopers, go all the way
 east of the entrance to this room until you come across an armor refiller.

 Use it, then grab the Instant Use Medpack and Metallic Bolt Ammo on the wall
 to the east of the armor refiller if you need it. There is another Instant Use
 Medpack to the left of the armor refiller, as well as some ammo for the E-11
 Blaster Rifle. Regardless, head west a bit more, then go east into the next
 room when there is an opening in the wall. In this room, go all the way north,
 then go through the nearby door into the next room. Here, kill the two
 Imperials, then activate the lever on the west side of the room. Now, go
 through the door in the room that you haven't been through, then ride the lift
 to a lower level of the facility.

 In this room, head up the stairs, then make your way to the very top platform
 in this room, where Rax lies. I won't give directions, since it's basically
 straightfoward, just be careful, and save your game often in this room. Rax
 can blow a piece of the grated platform that you are on off, and knock you
 down from that platform, so just be careful. When you are directly below the
 top platform, save your game and jump up on top of that platform. On that
 platform, find Rax, then activate Force Speed, and use the Golan Flechette
 Weapon's primary attack to kill him easily. Use Heal if your health gets too
 low. After you beat this mission, you'll be carried back to the Academy.

 Yavin Temple

 Here, Luke will send all Academy members to certain planets, like he did last
 time. Kyle and Jaden will end up going to Vjun, a place with strong dark side
 power, according to Luke. After the cutscene, you'll be going to Vjun.

 Vjun (Part 1)

 For weapons, take the Golan Arms FC1 Flechette Weapon and the Tenloss DXR-6
 Disruptor Rifle. For explosives, take Thermal Detonators, like always. You
 can't upgrade Force Powers here, because this is not a level in an actual set
 of missions.

 First off, you should know that you'll need Protect for this mission, because
 of the acid rain. If you don't have it, your health will constantly drain
 until you have none left, which isn't good. Even Protect Level 1 will do the
 trick, and if you've been following my walkthrough up to this point, you'll
 have it. If you don't have Protect, you'll have to rely on Speed throughout
 the mission; the acid rain will still hurt you with Speed on, but not as fast.
 If you do use Speed, be sure to use Heal often to recover your health. Anyway,
 at the start of the mission, go north and kill the armored trooper there. Now,
 continue north into the inside area there.

 In there, turn on Protect, as its probably worn off by now, then simply hide
 in the nearby alcove, and let Kyle kill the next armored trooper. Now, head
 to the northeastern corner of this area, and atop the small objects you'll
 find a Large Shield Booster and an Instant Use Medpack below the small
 objects. Now, turn around and head north, then turn right at the opening and
 go up the ramp. When Protect wears off, put it back on (it wore off on me
 after I got up the ramp). Anyway, after you go up the ramp, get on the hill in
 the northwest corner of the area, and activate Protect (to avoid taking heavy
 damage by the armored troopers), while you let Kyle kill the armored troopers.

 If you want to make things quicker, use the Stouker Concussion Rifle's
 secondary fire on both armored troopers to quickly dispatch them. After the
 armored troopers are killed, go through the nearby door to the east of the
 hill you are on, into the next room. In this room, head all the way north and
 kill the three Stormtroopers you come across. Then, enter the door at the end,
 into the next room. In this room, take out all the enemies, then use the armor
 refiller in the lower area of this room to refill your armor, then use the
 ammo refiller if you need ammo. Then, enter the door at the end, into the next

 Here, head north and let Kyle kill the Cultist that appears (save just incase
 you happen to die). Then, continue north, through the door, into the next
 room. In this next new room, head north and kill the Stormtroopers, then go
 through the door at the end to reach the next room (there's a Large Shield
 Booster near the ammo pack on the wall by the door). Here, kill the nearby set
 of enemies, then head east of the entrance into the next area. In this area,
 go up the ramp, kill the Stormtrooper, and then go west into the next room. In
 this room, kill all of the enemies, then enter the door east of the entrance
 to this room. You will get a Checkpoint after this.

 In this outside area, head north, through the door, into the next room. Here,
 use the armor refiller and ammo refiller if you need it, then head through the
 door on the left side of the room, but grab the Instant Use Medpack on the
 wall near the door before you go. In this next area, head north, through the
 door to the next room. Here, use the ammo/armor refillers if need be, but
 either way, go through the door into the next area (note that there is an
 Instant Use Medpack on the wall just west of the entrance to the room we just

 Go down the hallway, and through the door, into the next room, where you'll
 find another armored trooper (be sure to activate Protect before you enter
 this room). Kill the armored trooper (activating Speed also helps), then go
 through the nearby door to the north, into the next outside area. In this
 outside area, head down the grated hill, then follow the path west until you
 come across a path split. At that point, take the east path, then take out the
 three Stormtroopers, one of which is operating a gun turret. Then, follow the
 path west of the gun turret, until you see three armored troopers in the
 distance. When you do, get atop the high dirt area you came across a second
 ago (before you saw the armored troopers).

 On it, save your game, then either wait and let Kyle kill the three armored
 troopers, or use the Stouker Concussion Rifle's secondary fire on each of the
 armored troopers a couple times each to kill them. After they are killed, take
 the Large Shield Booster and the Instant Use Medpack on the left side of the
 objects on this high dirt area. After that, get off the high dirt area, then
 follow the path west of where the three armored troopers were when you saw
 them in the distance. At the second set of objects that you come to while
 following the path, there is an Instant Use Medpack atop the objects, so grab
 it if you need it.

 Either way, keep following the path west until you come across another set of
 objects against the wall. Atop the objects is a Large Shield Booster and an
 Instant Use Medpack, so grab them if needed. Now, head west a slight bit and
 then cross the bridge you come across (you ignored the first one, as it leads
 to a dead end). Near the end of the bridge, go west, then save your game when
 you reach the rocks, incase you fall into the water, which will gradually
 drain your health until you die, and there's no way out of it. After saving,
 jump across the rocks to the other side. Then, go north a slight bit and a
 cutscene will commence, as you see two Tie-Bombers in the air.

 Kyle says that you need to get to the turbo laser above you to destroy the
 Tie-Bombers. After the cutscene, Stormtroopers will come through the nearby
 door, so kill them, then follow them through the door into the next room. In
 this room, go north, take out the Imperial, then continue going north, then
 when the path splits east, save your game, activate Protect and Speed, then go
 east and take out the armored trooper you encounter. After this, go through
 the nearby door, into the next outside area. Here, head west, go up the grated
 hill, then follow the path west, killing all the Stormtroopers you encounter.
 Eventually, you'll come to a door, so enter it when you do.

 In this room, kill the Stormtroopers that come out, then go through the door
 they were in, then follow the path to the next room. In this room, go north
 and let Kyle take out one Cultist, while you take out the other (save your
 game, just incase). Then, continue north, past the protocol droid, then drop
 down to the lower area there, then go into the next room. In this room, save
 your game and then kill all the enemies in the room, then go through the door
 north of the entrance to this room. In this next new room, go north, turn to
 the right, then go left, past the pillars with the computers on them, into the
 next room.

 Once here, go north, then go left at the split, then go through the nearby
 door into the next room. In this room, go north and up the hill, then a
 cutscene will trigger. After it's over, save your game, then wait for a
 Cultist to come and attack you. Note that this Cultist is different from the
 previous Cultists you've dueled thus far. Anyway, when Cultist arrives, kill
 him, but be careful not to die, as he might be a bit tough if you are an
 inexperienced dueler. After the duel, make your way back up to the area you
 appeared in after the cutscene, if you aren't already there already (you
 likely moved from that spot because of the duel).

 There, the locked door unlocks, and Kyle says he will be right there. Go
 through the locked door, then turn on Protect in this outside area, then go
 west and get on the gun turret there (the rain won't hit you when you are on
 the gun turret). On the gun turret, shoot down the two Tie-Bombers to the
 north, then Kyle will say let's get to the castle, and your Datapad gets
 updated. Now, save your game, then turn on Protect again if it's wore off.
 Then, head directly north of the entrance to this outside area, then drop down
 into the lower area there. You'll be on an elevator, which will elevate you
 down to the lower part of this outside area.

 After you ride the elevator down, turn on Protect again, as it has probably
 wore off by now, then go north, then go east at the split, then go up the ramp
 and go through the nearby door, where you'll finally arrive in Bast Castle.

 Vjun (Part 2)

 When you arrive here, go directly north, then a short cutscene will occur, as
 you and Kyle fall down into a garbage pit. After the cutscene, save your game,
 then do as Kyle says and run from the middle and jump up and out of the pit.
 After you jump out of the pit, Kyle will take another chute, while he tells
 you to take another one also, and that with luck you and he will meet up on
 the other side. Anyway, into the chute just left of the one that carried you
 to this room. Go up the ramp in this chute, then kill the enemies in the room.
 Then, pull the lever where the Imperial was standing before you killed him,
 then go through the door at the opposite end of the entrance to this room.

 In this next room, go through the nearby door you see to the north of you, and
 the moment you get in the next room, you'll get a Checkpoint. In this room,
 you'll hear Kyle fighting some Cultists, so go north and join him in killing
 the Cultists. Once they are killed, save your game and exit the room via the
 way you came. In the previous room, go directly north, toward the mass of
 crates against the wall. When you see a blue cursor appear on a crate, use
 Pull to pull it aside and out of the way. Jump behind where the crate was,
 then crouch down and break the grating, then go through it into the next room,
 which is a Secret Area.

 This Secret Area houses two Instant Use Medpacks, so grab them if you need
 them, but regardless, whenever you're ready, exit this Secret Area, back into
 the previous room. Back in the previous room, go directly north, then go east
 and Kyle will open the locked door, so go through it and a cutscene will
 occur. After it's over, save your game, then look on the east side of the room
 and use Pull on the three red pipes that you see. After you do that, the water
 in the room will recede, then the power conduit that Kyle was holding up with
 the Force falls down to the ground, but since there's no water, you won't be

 Jump on the power conduit, then walk up it and then jump into the next room.
 In this room, follow the path until you come across a room where you see wind
 blowing. Go into that room, then the wind will blow you up to the top, so go
 through the small doorway that you see after you rise up, into the next room.
 Note that if you fall and don't make it into the room, the wind will blow you
 back up until you succed. Anyway, in this next room, follow the path until you
 enter the next room. Here, wait until the laser to the right dissipates, then
 when it does, quickly activate Force Speed (save incase you die).

 Then, quickly run into the next room, then go to the left of where the laser
 is being fired out at (where the three Stormtroopers are). There, dispatch the
 Stormtroopers, then activate Speed again when the laser dissipates, then go
 east, past where the laser is being fired out and take out the Stormtrooper
 there. After that, jump on one of the long platforms sticking out of the
 machine that's firing the laser, but don't jump on a platform when it moves by
 the laser, as you'll die (each of the four platforms move in a counter-
 clockwise direction.

 Atop the platform, jump up onto one of the gray floors, which circulates
 around the entire room except against the wall north of the entrance. When you
 get on a gray floor, jump up to the above platform and Kyle will meet back up
 with you. Now, go through either of the doors in the area, then kill the
 enemies in each of the rooms you come across (kill the enemies in each door in
 the area is what I mean, but taking one door will eventually lead to the one
 door that you didn't take). There is an armor refiller in the room with the
 mass of Stormtroopers, and there is an ammo refiller in the room with the

 At any rate, after killing the enemies, go into the gray room where the
 Imperial was shooting at you from below. In that room, go up either of the
 lifts in the room (they are black), to the next room. In this room, kill all
 the enemies, then go through the door on the east side of the room, then kill
 all the enemies in the room you come to, then use the armor refiller in the
 room if you need to recover your armor. Exit this room, then go through the
 door opposite this one and use the ammo refiller in that room if you need to
 (there are no enemies in this room). At any rate, go through the door that
 you haven't gone through in either of the rooms that house refillers.

 Then, you'll be on another floor of the castle so on this floor, kill the two
 troopers with jetpacks that you encounter. After that, go around the room
 until you see a higher platform with crates on it. Jump on the small ledge
 holding up the light slightly below that higher platform, then jump on the
 higher platform with the crates. On that platform, jump to the highest crate
 out of the three crates, then jump to the highest level of Bast Castle. On
 this highest level of the castle, look above and use Force Pull on the object
 emitting a laser beam. Go across the entire room and use Pull on the other
 three objects emitting laser beams, then a cutscene will occur.

 Kyle will fall down to who knows where, but you find out he's fine. Then, we
 are off to Vjun part 3, which is the final part of this annoying level.

 Vjun (Part 3)

 Here, grab the nearby Instant Use Medpack the Shield Booster to the left of
 where you start. Then, jump up into the actual room. In this room, go north
 and take out the Stormtroopers, as well as the Imperial and the trooper on the
 jetpack. After the room is cleared of the enemies, go through the only door
 that's unlocked in this room, then you'll be in another room. In this room, go
 north, then go west at the split and take out the two Cultists you heard
 talking when you entered this room. After that is done, go up the lift north
 of where the Cultists were before you killed them, then in this room, save
 your game, just to be on the safe side.

 Then, kill the nearby Cultist, then go through the nearby door in this room,
 into the next area. In this area, follow the path north, killing all the
 Stormtroopers you come across. Eventually, you'll come across a Cultist that
 you come across in Vjun part 1 before you got on the turbolaser. Save your
 game, kill that Cultist, then enter the door to the next room. In this room,
 use the armor refiller to the north if you need to, which you probably will,
 then go east and go up the nearby lift to the next room. Here, go north and
 kill all the Stormtroopers in the room, then go through huge door in this

 In this hallway, save your game, go north, and defeat the Cultist. This is a
 different Cultist than you've dueled thus far, so keep that in mind. After you
 defeat the Cultist, go north into the next room, then in this next room, go
 around the room until you come across the Cultists you hear talking, as well
 as three Stormtroopers. Then, save your game and take out the Stormtroopers
 first, then take out the two Cultists (one is a Force user, so keep that in
 mind). Now, go up the lift, to the next room. In this room, kill the two
 Cultists, being sure to kill the weaker one first (the standard Cultist). When
 both Cultists are killed, save your game.

 Now, stand a few steps back from the explosive object against the wall in the
 center of the room. Then, use a gun and shoot that object to cause it to
 explode, thus giving us access into the next room. Drop down into that room,
 then kill all of the enemies in this room, but save your game immediately
 after dropping down into this room. Once the room is free of enemies, head
 all the way north of where you dropped down into this hangar at, then go left
 at the split. Then, use the armor/ammo refillers, then grab the Instant Use
 Medpack by the refillers, then go through the door to the left of the

 In this next new room, jump atop the highest of the three crates that are
 nearby. Then, jump up to the above platform, save your game, then take out the
 two Cultists on the platform to the north of you (one of them is a Force user,
 so beware). Then, go through the nearby door into the next room. In this room,
 go west, then in the next room, save your game, then go north and kill the
 Cultist you come across (this one wields two lightsabers, so be VERY aware in
 this duel). After you win, go through the door to the north of the entrance to
 this room, then follow the path to the next room.

 Here, four pillars will elevate down to the ground, so activate the console in
 the vicinity of the pillars. After that, four Interrogators will come in the
 room and attack (these things make the screen look weird, and also constantly
 drain your health, even after you kill them, but the effect eventually wears
 off). Kill them, then two Assassin Droids come, so kill them the way you did
 in the Capture Crime Lord - Coruscant mission (save your game incase you die
 at them). Then, two Saber Droids will come out and attack you, so save your
 game and defeat them as well (Lightning works good against them, too).

 After you defeat them, go into the room with the armor refiller (look around
 the room to find it), then once there, you'll get a Checkpoint. Use the armor
 refiller and then use Heal to heal yourself, as you'll probably need it by
 now. Go down the nearby lift into the lower floors of the castle. In this
 room, go north, then turn east at the split, then keep going until you come
 across two Cultists armed with blasters; take them out. Then, go through the
 door into the next room. In this room, save your game and then kill the nearby
 Cultist. Then, go left of the broken pieces of what was once a Darth Vader
 statue, then go up the ramp until you reach the next room.

 In this room, go up the ramp, kill the Cultist you come across, then go
 through the door at the end to reach the next room. In this room, follow the
 path west to the next room. Here, head north, turn left at the split, and go
 up the stairs and you'll meet a Cultist, who is armed with a double-bladed
 lightsaber. Save your game, as this guy is HARD, especially if you didn't
 choose the red style of your lightsaber (you'll have blue if you've followed
 my FAQ up to this point). Kill that Cultist, then use the armor/ammo refillers
 that he was beside before you started dueling him, then Heal, save your game,
 and go through the door to the final room of Bast Castle.

 Here, you'll encounter Rosh, who is with two Cultists, namely DKothos and
 VKothos. You'll find Rosh is on the dark side, and you'll see that he has the
 scepter that you saw in the beginning of the game. After the cutscene, save
 your game, as you are about to duel with Rosh and the DKothos and VKothos
 enemies. Read the Bosses section to see how to win this fight. After you win,
 another cutscene occurs, as Kyle enters the room. Tavion then comes in as Kyle
 enters the room, not willing to let her new apprentice go so easily.
 Eventually, Tavion will trap Jaden and Kyle in the room via the Scepter and
 Jaden's lightsaber (she pulls the saber to the ceiling with the Force).

 You and Kyle will eventually escape, then the scene will switch back to the
 Jedi Academy.

 Yavin Temple

 Back at the Academy, a cutscene will occur, as Luke finds out why there are so
 many dark Force users, as well as who is leading the cult, which is Tavion.
 Since you lost your lightsaber, you get to build a new one; this time with all
 three lightsaber styles! So, choose a style you haven't chose yet up to this
 point, which would be the Strong style if you have followed my FAQ up to this
 point. After constructing your lightsaber, your next mission is this: Cult
 Sighting - Chandrila.

 Cult Sighting - Chandrila

 For Force Powers, upgrade Protect to Level 2. For weapons, take the Golan Arms
 FC1 Flechette Weapon, followed by the E-11 Blaster Rifle. For explosives, like
 usual, take Thermal Detonators, as they are the only explosives worth
 anything, really.

 At the start, push the nearby boulder aside with Push, as doing so will enable
 you to progress further into the level, and it'll also kill a Cultist. After
 you push the rock, go north into the outside area. There, turn around and kill
 the Cultist that lands in the area where the  kill the Cultist wielding two
 sabers that drops down from the sky. Then, go east of the entrance to this
 outside area, then at the end of the path look down and drop down onto the
 small platform there. Listen to the two troopers talk, then drop down to the
 area below where they are at, but save your game before going down there
 incase you die, as the one on the right wields a Stouker Concussion Rifle.

 Anyway, in the area with the troopers, kill them, then head north, toward the
 door (you can't go through it, but head there anyway). From there, go east,
 then go down the makeshift staircase. Now, jump to the platform to the north,
 then kill the two Cultists (one of them is a Force user). Now, go west, then
 go across the platforms (save your game incase you fall, as the platforms are
 very narrow, and some of them break), then at the end of the platform trail,
 jump down to the platform below, but be careful not to fall off. On this
 platform, take out the Cultist, then take out the mercenaries shooting at you
 from afar.

 Once the enemies are cleared out, go through the rightmost tunnel in the area
 where the mercenaries were, then you'll appear in an area with a mercenary, as
 well as a patch of red ground to the north. Save your game, then head north
 and when you hear a beeping sound, that indicates that the bridge is about to
 explode, so quickly jump to the other side (you have to put as much Force
 energy into this jump as possible in order to make it successful). At the
 other side, head north, up the stairs, into the huge building there. Inside,
 go north and take out the three Cultists.

 Then, approach the door on the east side of the room, then use Force Sense to
 reveal a symbol on the door; use Pull on that symbol to pull the door open. Go
 through the door, then in this room, go down the nearby set of stairs, save
 your game, and take out the dual saber-wielding Cultist. Then, continue east,
 down the next set of stairs, then continue north and down the next set of
 stairs, exiting the building completely. In this outside area, go north and
 get on the nearby platform, then take out the Cultist that drops down from the
 sky. Now, look on the very left side of the platform. There, jump on the
 railing, then save your game and look down.

 Then, jump down to the small platform there. On that platform, jump over to
 the area to the north, then in that area, go north, down the nearby set of
 stairs, then continue north, save your game, then kill the Cultist, but be
 careful not to fall off. Once that is done, you'll have to jump over to the
 other side, but save your game, as you have a good chance of falling off here.
 Now, you can either use a Force Jump with as much Force energy as possible put
 into it (you can only get to the other side this way if you stand on the VERY
 edge of the piece sticking out on the east side of the platform), or you can
 use a Long Force Jump (see the Force Powers section) to get across.

 When you reach the other side, kill the two Cultists, one of which is a Force
 user (I recommend taking out the Force user first, actually). Then, kill the
 mercenary and from where the mercenary was, head north and down the hill, then
 at the end of the path, save your game, look down and drop down onto the small
 piece sticking out on the wall. Then, jump down onto the other small piece on
 the wall just below this one. On that piece, jump over to the platform to the
 north. There, kill the two Cultists (there is one Force user, as usual), then
 head north of where the Cultists were, to the other side.

 At the other side, follow the path east, then at the end of the path you'll
 come across a dual saber-wielding Cultist, so save your game and take him out.
 After that, follow the path back west just a bit, but look to the left as you
 are following it. When you see a doorframe below you, save yuor game and jump
 on it, then look below you and jump across the next couple doorframes until
 you come to a doorframe above a bridge with blue crystal-like lights. Drop
 down from the doorframe, onto the bridge, then head north to the other side,
 then at the other side, follow the path east, then when you see a stone
 platform, jump on it.

 Now, save your game and get to the edge of the platform and use a Force Jump,
 putting as much Force energy into it as possible, to reach the other side. At
 the other side, take out the mercenary, as well as the two Cultists in the
 area. After that, go all the way north to the end of the platform, then jump
 atop the doorframe above the door that you come across. Now, save your game
 and jump up to the above platform and take out the mercenary. Then, look above
 you and jump to the next area there. In that area, get on the bridge and go
 north and across the bridge, being sure to take out the two Cultists you come
 across (save your game incase the Force user knocks you off).

 After crossing the bridge, head north into the building there; you'll get a
 Checkpoint, and your Datapad will be updated. Now, save your game and take out
 the two nearby Cultists wielding dual sabers, then continue north into the
 next room of the building. In this room, save your game and take out the
 Cultist that has a double-bladed lightsaber. After he is dead, activate Sense
 and push the gray blocks in with Push on each side of the wall and then the
 tomb will be completely sealed. Now, save your game and exit this building via
 the way you come, being sure to not get killed by the falling debris. After
 you get out of the building, get on the bridge.

 The bridge will collapse, however (at least some of it), so be prepared to
 jump to the other side when that happens. If you can avoid falling off, the
 mission ends.

 Cult Investigation - Tanaab

 For Force Powers, upgrade Protect to Level 3. For weapons, take the Golan Arms
 FC1 Flechette Weapon, as well as the E-11 Blaster Rifle. For explosives, just
 take Thermal Detonators.

 You'll see a cutscene of a Mutant Rancor being unleashed. After the cutscene,
 go to the opposite side of where you start (there's no need for me to explain
 how to get to the opposite side, but just keep in mind that you have to avoid
 the Mutant Rancor). There, jump into the alcove there and activate the lever.
 Doing this will cause a machine to pull a huge piece that's blocking your path
 to the next room out of the way. After the machine lifts the piece up, save
 your game and head north, then west into the tunnel that you just opened up
 after activating the lever. Go through the tunnel, killing the two Cultists
 you come across (one is a Force user who uses Drain, so keep that in mind).

 In the next room, take out the two nearby Cultists, one of which is a Force
 user who uses Lightning, so use Absorb to counter that (you could've also used
 Absorb on the Cultist who used Drain in the tunnel, but I forgot to mention
 that). After that, make your way to the end of the room, killing all the
 Cultists you come across, while avoiding the Mutant Rancor at all costs. At
 the end of the room, you'll have to wait until the door to the left opens up,
 so during this time you could be attacked by Cultists, as well as the Mutant
 Rancor, so save your game here and be VERY careful not to die. When the door
 opens, go through it, into the next room.

 In this next new room, go all the way north, ignoring the Cultists in the
 room. While you are going north, when you see an open spot in the wall with a
 lever, activate that lever. After that, go north of the lever, approach the
 huge black object, and wait for the Mutant Rancor to come to that object. When
 the Mutant Rancor comes, save your game and hide in either side of the black
 object and wait for the Mutant Rancor to break this black object. Once it is
 broken, quickly go north to the wall. There, you should see a lever in a small
 piece of the wall that's opened; activate it.

 Once that is done, Jaden will get the idea that maybe he can trap the Mutant
 Rancor between the containers and the door, so that's our main objective now.
 So, go through the nearby door, into the next room. There, save your game and
 head up the path to the next part of this small building. In this room, kill
 the nearby Cultist that wields a double-bladed lightsaber, then continue north
 and kill the next two you Cultists you come across (I would STRONGLY suggest
 saving your game after you kill each Cultist, as it's a very likely
 possibility that you're going to die here). After the enemies are cleared out
 of the room, activate the lever where the last Cultist was when you found him.

 After activating that lever, the Mutant Rancor is trapped between the door and
 the containers, and this rather quick mission ends!

 Dismantle Device - Yalara

 For Force Powers, I suggest upgrading Grip to Level 1, as it's an extremely
 useful Force Power for the upcoming mission after you do this set of missions.
 For weapons, take the Golan Arms FC1 Flechette Weapon and the Tenloss DXR-6
 Disruptor Rifle. For explosives, as always, I suggest Thermal Detonators.

 At the start, go north and approach the door and a short cutscene will occur,
 as you'll see a Noghri. He'll tell you to leave, but ignore him and kill him,
 then enter the room. Go through the door in this room to reach the next room.
 In this next room, kill the two Noghri enemies, then grab the Instant Use
 Medpack to the west of the entrance to this room if you need it, but either
 way, be sure to go through the door that you haven't been through yet to reach
 an elevator. Go up the elevator to the next area, and in this outside area,
 take out all of the Noghri and Stormtroopers on each side of the building in
 the center of this area.

 Once the enemies are cleared out, enter the building in the center of the area
 (not the building to the west; we'll get to that as soon as we get out of this
 building). Once there, grab the two Instant Use Medpacks on the east side of
 the room to replenish your health, as you'll probably need to replenish at
 least some of it by now. After you've gotten the two Instant Use Medpacks,
 exit the building. Outside, head through the door all the way west of the
 building we just exited, and you'll be in the next room. In this room, kill
 all of the enemies, then go through the door northeast of the entrance to this
 room, then go down the elevator to the next room.

 In this room, kill the Stormtroopers, then go through the door in this room,
 into the next new room of this mission. In this next new room, take out the
 enemies in this room, then grab the Instant Use Medpack and the Pack of
 Detonation Packs west of the entrance to this room. After that, activate the
 lever just west of the broken lever that has sparks coming out of it (these
 two levers are right beside the entrance to the room). Once that is done, the
 fan in the upper levels of this place will stop, thus allowing us to go deeper
 into this place. So, after activating the lever, go into the room with the
 elevator that brought you to the lower levels of this place.

 Once there, press the switch on the wall to cause the elevator to come back
 down, then when it comes down, get on it and ride it up to the upper levels of
 this place again. Back in the upper levels, go directly north, toward the fan.
 Get on either side of the fan, then save your game and go north and onto the
 fan on the floor. Let that fan carry you across to the ledge at the other
 side. On that ledge, save your game and get on either side of the fan, then go
 north into the next room.

 In this room, grab the Instant Use Medpack and Pack of Detonation Packs to the
 northwest of the entrance of this room (they are up against the wall). After
 that, go north and take out the two Cultists, but be careful not to fall off.
 When the two Cultists are dead, go through the door on the west side of the
 room to reach the next room. In this next new room, go north and kill all the
 Stormtroopers and Noghri's you come across, but be careful, as the green acid
 type thing left behind by the bullets of the guns of the Noghri can damage you
 if you touch it.

 Anyway, don't go north all the way, but go north till you see a split to the
 left. Go west through that split and in that small room that you come to, take
 out the two Noghri, then armor/ammo refillers in this room if you need them
 (you'll definitely wanna refill your armor here). After that, go east and down
 the hallway, toward the end of the room, killing the two Cultists you come
 across (one of which is a Force user). When you reach the end of the room, go
 through the door into the next room. In this room, kill the two Cultists
 (there's no need to save your game here, as you just got a Checkpoint before
 entering this room), then go toward the fan on the west side of the room.

 Before you can get on either side of the fan, a Cultist wielding a double-
 bladed lightsaber comes down to attack you (be sure to save your game here).
 Kill the Cultist, then go on either side of the fan blades and go north, onto
 the fan on the floor. Like you did with the previous one, let the fan carry
 you across to the other side. When you reach the ledge, get on either side of
 the fan, then go north into the next room. In this room, kill all of the
 Stormtroopers, then go through the door on the west side of the room, and you
 will be in another outside area.

 In this outside area, save your game, go north, kill the Noghri and the
 Stormtroopers, then go inside the nearby building. In the building, save your
 game, then use the armor/ammo refillers behind the staircase. Also, behind the
 staircase is a crack in the ground; break it via your lightsaber or a gun or
 even Lightning, then drop down into the area there. In that area, drop down to
 the ground below and you'll find a Secret Area! Grab the goodies in that
 Secret Area, then jump back up to behind the staircase. Now, head up the first
 set of stairs, killing the Cultist wielding a double-bladed lightsaber. After
 that is done, go up the next two sets of stairs and kill the two Cultists.

 One of these Cultists is a Force user who uses Lightning, so be prepared to
 use Absorb to counter that. After those two Cultists are taken care of, save
 your game, then go up the next two sets of stairs and defeat the two Cultists
 that wield dual sabers. After they are killed, save your game and go through
 the door, into another outside area. Here, go north and kill all of the
 Cultists and Noghri, then after all the enemies are cleared out, go around the
 pillar in this area, then you'll see an opening with an elevator in it. Ride
 that elevator up to the highest floor of this mission.

 Once there, save your game and kill all the Cultists and the Noghri in this
 area, while being very careful not to fall off. Once the enemies are cleared
 out, activate all four red objects on each side of the huge structure in the
 center of the area. After that, this mission ends!

 Force Theft Investigation - Byss

 For Force Powers, upgrade Grip to Level 2. For weapons, take the Golan Arms
 FC1 Flechette Weapon and the Imperial Heavy Repeater. For explosives, take
 Thermal Detonators.

 A cutscene will occur after you start the mission, as Kyle and Jaden get
 caught in a tractor beam, and are forced onto an Imperial Dreadnaught! When
 you gain control of Jaden, turn around west and go north through the door. In
 this room, head north, then west, killing all the enemies you come across
 (Note that there is a Stormtrooper in an alcove to the northeast of the
 entrance to this room, so kill him. Also note that there is a gun turret in a
 small alcove on the west side of the room, so destroy that too.). Eventually,
 the path will split, so when it does, take that split, then go through the
 door to the north, into the next room.

 In this next room, kill the enemies, then take out the gun turret in the
 northwest corner of the room. Now, go through the door east of the entrance to
 this room, then in that room, go north, then west, killing all the enemies in
 this room. Once the enemies are cleared out, go back to the previous room and
 use the Security Key you got from one of the Imperals on the silver object by
 the locked door to unlock it. After the door is unlocked, go through it, then
 ride the elevator up to the next room. There, go east, take out the two
 Stormtroopers, then follow the path until you reach a split.

 Take the split, then save your game and kill all of the Stormtroopers in the
 area. After that, activate Protect and deal with the two armored troopers (you
 can use Lightning to get rid of them, but it won't kill them after you use
 Protect, as you won't have enough Force energy to go into it). Then, go north,
 east, through the door, into the next room. In this room, take out the two
 Imperials, then activate the lever on the machine on the west side of the
 room. After that, Kyle will tell you that someone must have sent a distress
 signal, and that you've got incoming Tie-Fighters.

 Now, go through the door to the north of the entrance to this room, then in
 that room, kill the enemies, then go east, toward some Trip Mines on the wall.
 When you reach the Trip Mines, save your game, then stand a few steps back
 from the Trip Mines and use the Imperial Heavy Repeater's secondary fire to
 destroy them. After you destroy the Trip Mines, go down the path the Trip
 Mines were blocking, then kill the Stormtroopers if they didn't die from the
 explosion of the Trip Mines you just destroyed. At the end of the path, you'll
 come across some more Trip Mines; stand a few steps away from them and use
 Lightning to destroy them (save your game incase you die).

 After destroying the Trip Mines, go north, then east, up the stairs. Then,
 follow the path west until you come across a door; you'll get a Checkpoint, as
 well as an updated Datapad upon reaching the door. Anyway, go through the
 door, into the next room. In this room, go north, then west, killing all the
 enemies you come across. When you see an alcove to the west, use the armor/
 ammo refillers there, then save your game. Now, emerge from the alcove and go
 north and activate Protect, kill the two armored troopers you come across.
 Then, go into the next alcove you see on the west side of the room and use the
 armor refiller there, then save your game again.

 Now, emerge from the alcove and head north, killing all the enemies you come
 across while going through the door to the west after going north (be careful,
 as one of the enemies is a trooper with a rocket launcher, so be sure to save
 your game incase he catches you by surprise). After going through the door,
 you'll be in a new room, obviously, so in that room, go north, then east and
 up the stairs, killing all the enemies you come across. After going up the
 stairs, follow the path west, then go through the door on the west side of the
 room (you'll come to an opening in the wall, so that's how you'll know you've
 reached that door).

 In this small room, kill the four enemies, then grab the Instant Use Medpack
 and the E-11 Blaster Rifle ammo on the wall, then exit this room. Now, head
 west and continue following the path until you come across a door that's not
 locked (the first door you come to will be locked), being sure to kill the
 three enemies you come across along the way. When you reach the door, go
 through it, into the next room. Here, save your game, then quickly go north
 and west, into the elevator, ignoring all the enemies in the area. After you
 go up the elevator, go west and use the ammo/armor refillers.

 Then, kill all of the enemies in the area while heading north and east of the
 area with the refillers (you head east when the path splits east), into the
 next room. In this room, kill all of the Imperials/Stormtroopers in the room,
 then when the room is emptied out, get on one of the machines on either side
 of the room, then shoot all of the Tie-Fighters down when they come within
 range (this may take a bit, so be patient). After destroying the Tie-Fighters,
 your Datapad will be updated. Now, get off the machine and exit this room
 completely. Now, go west and kill the Stormtroopers and the Imperial in the
 area, then press the switch on the wall by the elevator entrance.

 Doing this will cause the elevator to rise up, so when it rises up, get on it,
 and then let it elevate you down to the lower level of this ship. In this
 previously visited room, head east and through the door, into the next room.
 Here, head north, then east, through the door and into the first room of this
 ship (the room where you first started this mission). In this room, save your
 game and kill all of the enemies. After all the enemies are killed, the
 mission ends.

 Weapon Destruction - Ord Mantell

 For Force Powers, upgrade Grip to Level 3. For weapons, take the Golan Arms
 FC1 Flechette Weapon and the E-11 Blaster Rifle. For explosives, take Thermal

 Get ready for a boring mission. This is EASILY one of the worst missions in
 the game. In fact, the only level I loathe more is Taspir, which we'll have to
 do after this mission. Anyway, after the cutscene, you should know that you'll
 have to disarm six weapons and then you'll have to take on Boba Fett. A quick
 note: throughout this entire mission, you'll have to avoid Boba Fett (well, up
 until the fight with him). If you get close, he uses a flamethrower. If you
 are far away, he uses an E-11 Blaster Rifle and uses a rocket launcher, so be
 VERY prepared throughout this mission.

 Also, if Boba Fett is standing on something high in the air (yes, standing,
 not flying), then that means he is about to aim at you with a Tenloss Rifle. 
 weapon, turn around left and go north and up the ramp you see in the distance.
 Then, go through the door into the next area. In this area, go down both sets
 of stairs, then look to the east and you should see a door; go through it. In
 this area, head north, then west at the split. Keep going until you come
 across another door; go through that one. In this room, head east, then north,
 then drop down into the area with the huge stone pillar. There, go around the
 pillar, then you'll come across your first of the six weapons; disarm it.

 Once you disarm it, you'll get a Checkpoint and hear a beeping sound, which
 means that the weapon is about to explode, so get a good distance away from
 the weapon so that you won't die. Note that this applies to all weapons, so
 get away from a weapon each time you disarm it. Anyway, after disarming the
 first weapon, head back to the previous and once there, go north, then east,
 out the door, and into the previously visited outside area. There, look to the
 east until you spot a door; go through it. In this next area, head north, past
 the debris, then look west and you should see a grated bridge; cross it.

 After crossing the bridge, go through either of the doors, as they both lead
 to the same place. In this next room, drop down to the area below and search
 the room until you find another weapon; disarm it. Now, exit this room via the
 way you entered it. I'm assuming that you went through the leftmost door like
 I did, so the directions are this: head directly north, then head west into
 the room there. In this room, disarm the third weapon, then hightail it out of
 there. Now, head back to the area with your ship. Once there, go through the
 door on the opposite side of the door you went to to disarm those three

 After you go through the door, head all the way north along the dark-colored
 walkway and eventually you'll come across a door. Go through that door, and in
 this room, head west and disarm the fourth weapon. Now, exit this room and you
 will be back in the previously visited outside area. Once there, head north,
 then go east when you see another walkway besides the one you are on; follow
 the walkway into the door. In this room, head north, then west, then north
 again, then head east, up the hill, then follow the path until you come across
 an outside area. In that outside area, head north through the nearby door,
 into the next room.

 In this room, go to the weapon you see in the distance and disarm it. Then, go
 ahead and exit this room and back in the outside area, drop down to the area
 below. Then, make your way to the door to the north, which is the door that
 you took in the area with your ship to get into this outside area. When you
 reach that door, don't go through it just yet, as we still have one more cache
 to disarm. Instead, head north, down the steps (the steps near the door I
 mean), then take the east path this time. Keep following the east path until
 you come across some stairs; go up them, then go through the door to the next

 Here, head north and jump on the platform with the last weapon cache. On that
 platform, disarm that weapon, then exit this room and in the outside area,
 make your way back to your ship. Once there, you'll have to fight Boba Fett.
 This can be tough, so save your game. I recommend using Lightning when you are
 within range of him (just don't get too close so that he can't use the
 flamethrower on you, as that can REALLY hurt you if you aren't careful), then
 while he's distracted, hack and slash away at him. Repeat this, while healing
 when necessary and you should prevail.

 Also, be VERY aware of where Boba Fett is at all times. Make sure you know
 when he's firing at you, especially with his rocket launcher, as that alone
 does the most damage out of all of his tricks. When you don't see him, look
 around and see if he's standing on the walls high in the air, because if he
 is, he's going to use a Tenloss Rifle on you. If he's in the air, shoot him
 and he should come down. Also, use Push to deflect the rockets from his rocket
 launcher (you'll be able to tell you are about to get fired on by the sound).
 Once you defeat Boba Fett, the mission ends after a short cutscene. Now, you
 are off to the Academy again.

 Yavin Temple

 Here, Luke comes up with a plan where he sends all Jedi to Korriban, a home to
 dead Sith Lords. After the cutscene in the Academy, instead of going to
 Korriban like originally planned, Kyle will say that Rosh has sent a distress
 signal from the planet Taspir III. At first, Jaden is reluctant to go, as he
 thinks it might be a trap, but eventually he gives into Kyle's wish and
 decides to go. Wee, we're in for a VERY annoying mission. The most annoying
 one in the entire game, in my opinion.

 Taspir III (Part 1)

 Like Hoth and Vjun, you can't upgrade Force Powers here, unfortunately. You
 can, however, choose weapons, so take the Golan Arms FC1 Flechette Weapon, as
 well as the Imperial Heavy Repeater. Then, choose Thermal Detonators as your
 explosive. Then, it's off to Taspir III.

 After the cutscene, turn left and head north and cross the bridge. At the end
 of the bridge, kill the two Stormtroopers, as well as the trooper on the
 jetpack. After that, go through the nearby door into the building there. In
 this building, kill the two nearby Stormtroopers, then go through the entire
 room, killing all of the Stormtroopers. Once the Stormtroopers are cleared
 out, go through the door on the west side of the room and in that room, take
 out the lone guard there, then exit the room. Now, go north and through the
 door, into an outside area. In this outside area, follow the path down the
 spiraling walkway.

 When you get off the walkway, activate the left lever first, then do the right
 one. After that, save your game, turn around left, go north and cross the
 bridge, but before you cross the bridge, activate Protect so that you can have
 an easier time killing the armored trooper. After crossing the bridge and
 killing the armored trooper, head west of where the armored trooper was and
 activate the lever. Now, head east, back to the bridge, cross the bridge
 again, go up the spiraling walkway, then go through the door into the building
 you were in before. Once there, go to the opposite side of the door that lead
 you to the outside area you were just in a moment ago.

 At the opposite side, you'll find a door; kill the Stormtrooper, then go
 inside the room and get on the elevator there, and let it carry you up to the
 next floor. There, go through the door, into the next room. In this next room,
 ignore the enemies as they don't pose much of a threat, since they all carry
 blasters, rather than lightsabers like the many Cultists you'll soon encounter
 throughout this level. Anyway, ignore the enemies and head through the door on
 the east side of the room. Outside, save your game and head north, toward the
 two Cultists (one is a Force user, so keep that in mind).

 Kill them, then continue north and kill the two Stormtroopers you come across.
 Then, go through the door into the next room. In this room, turn left and kill
 the Cultist who uses Lightning (use Absorb to counteract the Lightning), then
 follow the only path in the room, killing all the enemies you come across, and
 you'll come to a door at the end of the path. Go through the door, ride up the
 elevator to the next floor, then go through the door to the next room. Here,
 save your game and head counter-clockwise around the room (that's the only
 direction you can go anyway), killing all the enemies you come across.

 I suggest you use Lightning to kill the enemies in this room, as it's VERY
 effective in this room. After the enemies are cleared out, use Push on the
 crate in the room near the door leading outside to a broken bridge which you
 cannot cross. After using Push on that crate, it'll move to the west next to
 the other crates, so jump on it, then jump up to the vents. Once there, follow
 the path, then break the piece of grating at the end your lightsaber, then
 drop down to the room below. In this next new room, follow the path north and
 kill the three enemies that you'll eventually come across. Be sure that you
 grab the Security Key that the Imperial has after killing him.

 Once you obtain the Security Key, backtrack west a bit until you come across a
 door. When you come across that door, use the Security Key you just got on the
 silver object on the wall by the door to unlock it; go through it, into the
 next area. In this outside area, save your game and take out the nearby
 Cultist who has dual sabers. After he is killed, walk down the nearby
 spiraling walkway, then after that, go all the way north and kill the three
 troopers on jetpacks you come across. After going north as far as you can, you
 will come across a ledge with a door on it. Jump on that ledge, then go
 through the door to the next room.

 You'll get a Checkpoint before entering the room, so that's good. Anyway, in
 this room, go around the room in a clockwise direction, killing all the
 enemies you encounter. Eventually, you'll come to some stairs, as well as a
 Cultist with a single lightsaber. Dispatch him, then go up the next set of
 stairs and kill the Cultist and the Cultist Force user (he uses Lightning).
 After that, go up the next set of stairs and kill the next Cultist. Then, go
 up the final set of stairs and take out the trooper on the jetpack that you
 see nearby.

 After that, go through the door on the east side of the area, but be sure to
 kill the Cultist with the double-bladed lightsaber that drops down, as well as
 the Imperial in the area. Anyway, after going through the door, save your
 game, go north, and take out the two Cultists. Then, continue north, through
 the door, into the next room. In this room, kill all the enemies (Lightning is
 very effective here, so I recommend using that), then go through the door at
 the end (be sure to use the ammo/armor refillers first), into the next outside
 area. In this outside area, save your game and get on the edge of the piece of
 broken bridge and jump with full Force energy to the other side.

 At the other side, kill the two Cultists (one is a Force user who uses
 Lightning), then save your game and kill the trooper on the jetpack that is
 shooting at you. Once that is done, get off the bridge and follow the path to
 the door to the next room, being sure to kill the remaining two armored
 jetpack troops on your way there. When you reach the door, go through it, to
 the next room. In this room, kill the two nearby Stormtroopers, then follow
 the path north of the entrance to the room, killing each enemy you come
 across. At the end of the path, go through the door into the next area.

 In this area, save your game and head north and kill the two Cultists. Then,
 go north and kill the two Cultists (one uses Lightning), then go through the
 door to the next room. There, save your game and kill the two Cultists in the
 room (as always, one is a Force user), then go north through the door into the
 next outside area. There, you'll get a Checkpoint, so after that, head down
 the ramp, then head north, then west and cross the long bridge. At the end of
 the bridge, save your game and jump on the rock in the lava. Then, jump over
 to the platform on the west side. Since this area has SO many enemies, it is
 advised you hide in some of the rooms on the platforms on either side.

 By hiding, you can take time to heal yourself with Heal, and then when you are
 at full health again, you can take out one enemy, rinse and repeat. Anyway, on
 the platform on the west side, follow it north, then at the end of it, go up
 the ramp, then go through the door to the next area. In this area, save your
 game, then kill the Cultist that drops down from the ceiling. Then, save your
 game and go north and take out the Cultist wielding a double-bladed saber,
 then go through the door to the next area. Here, save your game, head north,
 take out the two Cultists, then go through the door like usual to the next

 There, go around the room in a counter-clockwise direction, killing all the
 enemies you come across with Force Lightning. At the end of the room, go
 through the door and get on the elevator. After it carries you up to the next
 floor, go through the door to the next room. In that room, take out the two
 enemies to the left, then on the opposite side of where you are now, kill the
 two Stormtroopers. Now, follow the path to the end of the room, killing all
 the enemies you come across (one of these enemies is a Cultist wielding a
 double-bladed lightsaber, so be careful). Go through the door you come to, and
 you'll be in another outside area.

 Here, go north and take out the trooper on a jetpack, as well as the
 Cloaktrooper, then go through the door at the end to reach the next room. In
 this room, kill the two nearby enemies, then head around the room in a
 counter-clockwise fashion, killing all the enemies in the room (ignore the
 first door you come across, as that door is a trap, as it has a Cultist in an
 outside area in which there's nowhere to go). At the end of the room, go
 through the door, ride the elevator up to the next floor, then go through the
 door there to reach the next room. In this next new room, save your game and
 take out the nearby Cultist with a double-bladed lightsaber.

 After that, look north and you should see a door; go through that one. In this
 outside area, save your game and head north and take out the Cultist (this one
 is stronger than anyone you've faced thus far, except maybe the double-bladed
 lightsaber wielders). Then, go through the nearby door to the next room.
 There, simply head north to the next door to end the mission. Get ready for
 part two of this annoying and boring level. Thankfully, it isn't nearly as
 long as this part was.

 Taspir III (Part 2)

 When you arrive here, a cutscene will occur, as you see Alora and Jaden talk.
 Jaden gets mad at Alora, as she basically knows how to tick him off. After the
 cutscene, make your way through the wreckage, to the west side of the room.
 There, get on the elevator and let it carry you up to where Alora was. Once
 there, go through the nearby door to the northwest. In this room, kill the two
 Cultists (one of which is a Force user, like you'd expect), then follow the
 path, then at the end of the path, go through the door to the next room. In
 this room, kill the two guards on the east side of the room.

 Then, from the entrance of the room, go north, then turn left at the split.
 Then, go through the door there to the next room. In this room, go north, past
 the lava tube in the middle, then a cutscene will occur, as Alora sends two
 Cultists to fight you. Save your game and dispatch them, then go through the
 door on the north side of the room, then ride the elevator down one floor. In
 this next room, head north and save your game. Then, kill the two Cultists,
 then go through the door to the north, to the next room.

 In this room, follow the path left or right (it doesn't matter which path you
 take, as both doors in the room lead to the same place anyway) and go through
 the door at the end of the path, into the next room. In this room, look up and
 jump atop one of the beams in the room. Then, look up and jump up to the high
 platform above you by putting all the Force energy you can into your jump.
 When you reach the platform, a cutscene will occur. Once it's done, look above
 you yet again and jump to the grated platform there. Then, save your game and
 jump up to the next platform where the Cultist is. Up there, take the two
 Cultists out.

 Then, enter the lone door on the east side of the room. In this next room,
 follow the path then enter the door you come to at the end of the path. Here,
 save your game and defeat the Cultist wielding dual sabers. Be careful not to
 fall off here, as there is lava below and this is a VERY narrow area. After
 you kill the Cultist, go through the door in the area, into the next room. In
 this new room, follow the path and go through the door at the end of the path
 to the next new room. In here, save your game and take out the mass of
 Stormtroopers in the room (one of them has a rocket launcher, so going east to
 kill him first would be a good idea).

 Once the Stormtroopers are cleared out of the room, use the ammo refiller by
 the inaccessible door in the room, then go through the door to the east of the
 ammo refiller, into the next room. In this room, kill the two Cultists, then
 save your game and go north, killing all the next two Cultists you come
 across (there's a Secret Area in this room, so consult the Codes n' Secrets
 section of this FAQ for information on it). In this next room, go west and
 kill the Cultist there (this is the strongest saber Cultist you've faced thus
 far, as he wields dual sabers and has Absorb and Lightning).

 After that, go through the nearby door to the north into the next room. Here,
 kill the guard, then pull the switch the guard was guarding before you killed
 him. After the switch is pressed, quickly activate Force Speed and get on the
 conveyor belt and go north, into the outside area there (where the forcefield
 was before you pulled the switch). When you finally reach the outside area (it
 could take a few tries, depending on how quick you are), a cutscene occurs.
 After it's over, head north and crouch and roll under the first steam pipe.

 Then, look below you and jump on the ledge above the forcefield. Then, on that
 ledge, drop down to the conveyor below. Now, look below and to your left, and
 you should see a small platform sticking out of the wall; jump on it. Then,
 look down and drop down to the platform below, just be careful not to jump
 directly into the steam, or you might die (the fall itself will hurt you some,
 but you can live through it as long as you have a good bit of health). When
 you get on the below platform, turn left, go north, crouch and roll under the
 steam pipes, then go through the tunnel to your left after you go north, then
 enter the door at the end of the tunnel.

 Then, ride the elevator up to the next floor, then go through the two doors
 into the previously visited outside area. There, take out the nearby guard,
 then save your game and jump over to one of the blocks on the conveyor belt
 to the north. When you get on one of the blocks, jump over all the steam pipes
 until you are in range of the second platform sticking out of the left wall.
 When you are in range of that second platform, jump over to it, then enter the
 room it takes you to. In there, follow the path and when you reach the end of
 the room where the door is, take out the two Cultists (save your game first).
 After that, go through the door to the next room.

 In this room, kill all of the enemies, then save your game and use the ammo
 refiller east of the entrance to this room if you need to, but either way,
 make your way onto the moving conveyor belt. Once there, don't get on a red
 block, as they are traps. Instead, make your way to the end of the conveyor
 belt where the electricity is. Once there, let the door close (Don't get close
 to the electricity, or be prepared to die in one hit. And I mean let the door
 where the electricity is close, by the way.), then when it does, quickly use
 Speed, then go through the door when it starts to open back up, just be
 careful to get in the room to the north BEFORE the electricity comes back.

 When the door starts to open, jump on the red block, then save your game. Now,
 jump to the platform in the middle of the room via the red block. On that
 middle platform, save your game, then quickly go north and drop off of the
 platform. Now, go against the wall to the left or the right and stay there
 until the forcefield dissipates. When it does, quickly go into the next room
 (there's no need for Speed here) where the red block went. In that room, stay
 against the left or right wall, then go into the next room the moment the
 forcefield dissipates.

 In this next room, the nightmare that we just went through is over,
 thankfully. Anyway, in this room, kill the two guards, then kill the Cultist
 with a double-bladed lightsaber. After that, go through the door where the
 Cultist was, into the next room. In this room, simply follow the path to the
 next room. There, a cutscene will activate, as Alora sends a Cultist to fight
 you (this one also wields a double-bladed lightsaber). Dispatch it, then jump
 up to one of the three platforms above you (you have to have at least 50 Force
 energy in order to get up there). When you get on one of those platforms, go
 north towards the forcefield.

 There, wait for a platform to come out of the forcefield (save your game
 incase you fail to get on the platform, as it takes a bit for it to get back
 over to where you are if you miss it). When it does, jump on the platform,
 then ride it until you see a huge room to the north. At that point, quickly
 jump off the platform and into the room there, where a cutscene occurs. Jaden
 finds Rosh and is mad at Rosh because it appears that Rosh has lured Jaden
 into a trap. Jaden is about to kill Rosh, but Kyle tells him not to, but Alora
 keeps encouraging him to kill him. After the cutscene, you should know that
 THIS is your turning point in the game.

 You can either deactivate your lightsaber and spare Rosh, or you can hit Rosh
 with your lightsaber and turn to the dark side. Save your game before you do
 this to ensure that you make the choice you want to make. Also, going to the
 light side/dark side effects a little bit of the game in the final two areas
 of the game, which we'll go to very soon. I'll tell you those differences when
 the time comes. Anyway, if you choose the path of the light side, you'll spare
 Rosh, but Alora will cut Rosh's arm off, so either path you take Rosh gets
 hurt. If you choose the dark path, Jaden will almost kill Rosh, then you'll
 fight Alora (you fight Alora either path you take, though).

 Anyway, either way you'll enter combat with Alora, as I said above, so read
 the Bosses section of this FAQ for information on winning. After you kill
 Alora, a cutscene occurs depending on which path you took. If you took the
 light path, Kyle will come in the room and carry Rosh to a bacta tank, as
 Jaden goes to Korriban. If you choose the dark path, Kyle will come in the
 room, as Rosh wakes up one last time. Kyle tells him that he is a Jedi, then
 he dies. Kyle then goes to Korriban to stop Jaden. Either way though, you're
 going to Korriban regardless of which path you take, so get ready for the
 final two areas in the game!

 Korriban (Part 1)

 If you went to the light side, Jaden will talk to two Jedi that greet him when
 he lands. If you went to the dark side, the two Jedi will sense the dark side
 in Jaden and will not allow him passage. Jaden will then push the two Jedi out
 of the way, as a fight starts. Note also that if you went to the dark side,
 all of the Jedi in both areas of Korriban (part 1 and part 2) will be against
 you. The Cultists throughout both areas of Korriban are already against you
 regardless of your path, so if you went dark, you'll have an even tougher time
 time getting through both areas of Korriban.

 Also, if you unintentionally kill a Jedi when you go light, they'll all be
 against you in each of Korriban; go figure. Anyway, after the cutscene, go
 all the way north, then west, into the building. In the building, down each
 set of stairs, killing each Cultist/Jedi you come across (you only kill the
 Jedi if you went to the dark side in Taspir, so remember that, as I won't tell
 you that from now on). After going down the stairs, go all the way north, then
 go west into the next room. In this room, kill all of the Cultists, then when
 they are killed, stand in the center of the room and use Push on the three
 statues that are out of place (not against the wall, in other words).

 After doing that, the elevator in the center of the room will go down (the
 thing you're supposed to be standing on), so ride it down to the floor below.
 In this next room, kill all the enemies, then approach the door at the north
 end of the room (The door on the high platform. Also, if for some reason you 
 wish to backtrack to the floor above in this place, there are two paths on
 each side of the room that can take you back up there. There are enemies in
 those paths, so be careful). When you approach the door, use Force Sense to
 reveal three tiles on the floor. Look at the tiles, then look on the sides of
 the door and above the door at the blocks.

 Use Push on the blocks that match up with the tiles on the floor, then after
 you use Push on all three blocks that match up with the ones on the floor, the
 door will open and you'll also get a Checkpoint. Now, through the unlocked
 door into the next room. In this room, simply go all the way north, into the
 next area. In this area, kill all of the enemies, then once they are all gone,
 look above the door to the entrance of this room and you'll notice three white
 blocks in the wall; use Pull on each one of them to cause them to come out of
 the wall, thus creating platforms.

 Jump from platform to platform till you reach the highest platform that you
 just created. When you are on the top platform above the door, look up and
 jump to the high platform above you (you have to put a lot of Force energy
 into your jump in order to be successful). When you are on that high platform,
 jump to the ledge with the door that you see. When you reach the ledge, go
 into the next room. In this next room, go all the way north, killing all of
 the enemies you come across until you reach the next room. In the next room,
 drop down the hole on the left side of the room, then in this next area, head
 through the nearby hole, then follow the path out of the tunnel.

 When you emerge from the tunnel, follow the path west, killing all the enemies
 you encounter. Eventually, you'll come across a double-bladed lightsaber-
 wielding Cultist blocking the door to the next room. Save your game, dispatch
 him, then go through the door to the next room. In this room, go either west
 or east, it doesn't matter which, into the next room (on the west side there
 are two Cultists, so kill them even if you don't go that way). In this next
 room, kill all of the enemies, then once the room is cleared out, go to the
 very back side of the room behind the huge platform in the room. Once there,
 search the wall, and on the left side, you'll find a hole.

 Go through that hole, then look down and jump on the first beam. Then, look
 down again and drop down onto the second beam. After that, look down and to
 your left and you should see an opening leading to a new room. Jump down on
 that opening, then when you land, follow the path to the next room. In this
 room, kill the two Cultists, then follow the path on the west side of the room
 until you reach the next room. Once there, kill the two Cultists, then follow
 the path on the west side of the room, until you reach the next room. When you
 reach the next room, save your game and jump on either platform on either side
 of the room, then make your way to the other side, out of the room.

 When you get out of the lava room, follow the path up the stairs into the next
 room. In this next new room, kill all of the enemies, then go to the north
 side of the room up against the wall. There, you should see two white objects
 sticking out of something above them. When you see those white objects, use
 your lightsaber to break them. After they are break, break the two chains to
 the north of the objects you just broke (there is one chain on each side).
 After that, the door leading out of this entire building will open. To get to
 it, simply jump on a platform where one of the chains were. From there, simply
 jump to the platform above, into the previously visited room.

 In this previously visited room, save your game and kill all of the enemies.
 Be sure that you also kill the Cultist by the door that unlocked after you
 destroyed the supports in the previous room (this door is located on the
 opposite side of the door where you had to push the blocks in according to
 what the symbols were on the floor. Also note that the Cultist wields a
 double-bladed lightsaber, and is the STRONGEST Cultist you've faced thus far,
 as he has some STRONG Force Powers, too, as if his double-bladed lightsaber
 isn't enough).

 After clearing the enemies out, go through the unlocked door the Cultist with
 the double-bladed lightsaber was guarding, then continue north and you are
 done with Korriban part 1!

 Korriban (Part 2)

 When you arrive here, head north into the outside area. There, walk down the
 pyramid (you will find paths that you can take to get off the pyramid,
 starting off by going west of the entrance to the outside area), killing all
 of the enemies you come across. When you get off the pyramid, head west until
 you come across a huge chasm (be sure to kill all the enemies you encounter
 along the way). When you come to that, search around the edge of the chasm (be
 sure to save incase you fall) until you come across a rock. Get on the edge of
 the rock, then jump across to the other side of the chasm, onto solid ground
 (be sure to put the maximum amount of Force energy possible into the jump).

 At the other side, follow the path north and kill the enemies you come across.
 After they are killed, search around the area for a pillar. When you see that
 pillar, use Push on it to create a makeshift bridge. Cross the makeshift
 bridge to the other side, and at the other side, head north and kill the two
 Cultists (one of which is a Force user). After the Cultists are killed, save
 your game and head north, then look down at the pit there and you'll see a
 pillar sticking up; jump on it. Now, simply drop down to the bottom of the
 pit, which is where we need to go, obviously.

 When you drop down to the bottom of the pit, crouch and crawl through the
 tunnel in the area. When you emerge from the tunnel, jump on the nearby stone
 piece on the ground. Then, look up and jump onto the next stone platform. Now,
 jump onto the platform above you, then go north and out of this building until
 you reach the edge of the tunnel. Now, look to the left and you'll see some
 Stormtroopers; jump over to that side. When you reach the other side, save the
 game and head north, killing all the enemies you come across. Keep heading
 north till you get past the second Imperial Shuttle. When you pass the second
 Imperial Shuttle, look to the left and you'll see a hill.

 Go up that hill, and you'll see a Cultist at the top of the hill. Kill him,
 then save your game and go all the way north (keep going north even after you
 get inside Ragnos's temple) and you'll encounter a Cultist. Dispatch him, then
 go north into the next room. In this room, save your game and kill the two
 Cultists (one on each side of the entrance to this room). After they are
 killed, get on the narrow bridge in the room and keep going across it until
 you come across two Cultists. Since this area is very narrow, save your game
 incase you fall.

 To defeat them, I suggest using Grip and throwing them both off into the lava.
 This saves you a possible death before Tavion. After you kill the two
 Cultists, use Heal to heal yourself up to 100 health, then save your game.
 After you're fully healed, follow the path across the bridge to the door. When
 you reach the door, it'll automatically open up and you'll get a Checkpoint.
 After that, go through the door to the final room of the game. Depending on if
 you went light side or dark side, you'll see a slightly different cutscene
 (regardless if you went light or dark, you'll still a cutscene with Tavion).

 After the cutscene, you'll fight Tavion. Read the Bosses section to see how to
 defeat her. Once she's defeated, if you went to the light side, you'll see a
 cutscene where Tavion says she won't cower as she did before Katarn, and then
 she goes over to Ragnos's tomb and resurrects him with the scepter. Ragnos
 then possesses her, as she gains a sword, which is a VERY powerful weapon. If
 you went to the dark side, Jaden will kill Tavion and Kyle will come in and
 try and get Jaden back to the light side. Jaden challenges Kyle, and you'll
 have to duel with Kyle.

 Regardless of which side you choose, after beating Tavion the first time, see
 the Bosses section of this FAQ for each boss on both the light side and the
 dark side. After you win the last boss fight on either light or dark side, you
 have just beaten Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. Congratulations! Enjoy
 the endings (depending on which side you went), and feel good that you beat
 the game!

 | 8. Bosses                                                            |

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |            Alora                                               |
 |          Location: Echo Base                                   |

 Strategy: This fight isn't that particularly difficult, though you may find it
           to be difficult, simply because this is your first lightsaber fight
           with an opponent other than a Cultist. The key here is to hit her
           when she is open for an attack. If you swing your lightsaber and
           miss her, don't swing again; wait until she has an opening, then hit
           her. Also, it is NEVER a good idea just to recklessly swing your
           saber around, as that will result in death 95% of the time. Keep
           yourself aware throughout this fight, and strike her when she is
           vulnerable, and watch out for her attacks, as she can be deadly with
           them. Also, Alora likes to use cartwheels and attack from the side,
           so be on your guard.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |      DKothos/Rosh Penin/VKothos                                |
 |          Location: Bast Castle                                 |

 Strategy: Your best bet here is to go after the DKothos and VKothos enemies
           that accompany Rosh. The best way to kill them I find is to use the
           Golan Flechette Weapon's primary fire (sure, they may use the Force
           to pull it away from you, but all you have to do is walk up to it to
           get it back, so it's no huge loss as long as you don't get hit by
           Rosh). Keep using the Golan Flechette Weapon's primary fire on the
           DKothos and VKothos enemies until they are killed. Also, Lightning
           works well here, so definitely use it. Also keep in mind that the
           DKothos and VKothos enemies attack with Lightning and they push and
           pull you a lot, so just be ready for that.

           Anyway, to take care of Rosh, simply duel him like you would any
           other opponent. Rosh is quick, though, so you have to be just as
           quick against him. Attack him when he is vulnerable (e.g. after he
           misses an attack). When Rosh uses Protect in the battle, that's your
           chance to really get some good damage in, so make use of that
           opportunity when it arises. Just be sure to avoid his attacks as
           best you can, and grab the Instant Use Medpacks/Shield Boosters
           around the room until you win. Also, use Heal after you grab all of
           the Instant Use Medpacks. Overall, this is a fairly easy fight,
           though it may prove to be a bit challenging while the DKothos and
           VKothos enemies are still alive.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |            Alora                                               |
 |          Location: Taspir III (Part 2)                         |

 Strategy: This time around, Alora will be MUCH harder than she was in Echo
           Base. Not only does she have Lightning, she has dual sabers this
           time around as well, so you'll want be VERY careful throughout this
           fight to avoid getting killed. Alora uses a slide attack this time
           around, and she also fights VERY aggressively and likes to keep the
           battle going constantly, which means you won't really get a break
           from her barrage of attacks. Anyway, onto the actual strategy. Like
           you did in Echo Base, attack her with your lightsaber when she is
           vulnerable (e.g. after she attacks you and misses). If you can
           strike her when she's vulnerable, and avoid being hit (if you get
           hit, it will HURT, since she has dual sabers), you can damage her
           really easily.

           Also, when Alora uses Lightning, quickly use Absorb to counter it.
           If you want an easy way to win against Alora, simply Grip her, then
           while her lightsabers are deactivated, switch to the red lightsaber
           style and strike her. Repeat that until she is dead.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Tavion (1st fight)                                    |
 |          Location: Korriban (Part 2)                           |

 Strategy: Tavion uses both Ragnos's scepter and her lightsaber to attack with.
           She can fire a beam out of the scepter, as well as cause an
           earthquake that can send you up into the air. To avoid the
           earthquake, simply jump out of the way (be sure to jump high, or you
           have a good chance of getting caught in that earthquake). Also, to
           avoid Tavion's beam from the scepter, simply jump very high in the
           air. The beam is by far her most deadly attack, so you'll definitely
           want to be sure that you avoid it each and every time she does it.
           Anyway, to defeat Tavion, do like you do on any other lightsaber

           Attack her when she's vulnerable (e.g. after she misses an attack
           with her lightsaber), but attack quickly, as you don't want to stay
           close to her, as she'll either do her earthquake ability or she'll
           fire the beam out of the scepter. Also, one attack I didn't mention
           that she does is throw her lightsaber, so be sure to watch out for
           that. The good thing about this fight is that Tavion doesn't use any
           Force Powers. Anyway, as I said above, just attack her when she's
           vulnerable, and avoid getting to close too her, as she is good in
           hand-to-hand combat, and you should prevail.

           One more thing: if you get into a saber lock with Tavion, you'll
           most probably lose, as she has a very good saber lock.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Tavion (2nd fight)                                    |
 |          Location: Korriban (Part 2)                           |

 NOTE: This fight is only accessible if you went to the light side in Taspir.

 Strategy: Winning this fight is much harder than it was to win the previous
           fight. Not only does Tavion wield that powerful sword that came out
           of the scepter of Ragnos, she also has Force Powers this time
           around. She has Drain and Dark Rage, both of which are very good
           Force Powers (especially Drain). Like in the previous fight, she can
           still throw her sword at you like she did her lightsaber. Defeat her
           the same way you did in the previous fight, which is to strike her
           when she's vulnerable, and avoid getting too close to her. She
           doesn't do the beam/earthquake combo anymore, thankfully.

           However, DO NOT attack her when she's in Dark Rage mode, as she'll
           be extremely tougher and her attacks will hurt more (she'll be
           glowing red kind of, and you'll hear a weird sound, indicating that
           she is in Dark Rage mode). If you can attack her when she's
           vulnerable and avoid getting too close to her, you got this won.
           Take the time to hide somewhere when she isn't attacking you and use
           Heal to heal yourself up.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Kyle Katarn                                           |
 |          Location: Korriban (Part 2)                           |

 NOTE: This fight is only accessible if you went to the dark side in Taspir.

 Strategy: Kyle is extremely hard and very annoying to beat. He has Absorb,
           Protect, AND Heal, and he heals A LOT throughout the fight, making
           this fight very tedious. Like you do every other battle, attack Kyle
           when he's most vulnerable. If you get into a saber lock with him,
           you will likely be killed, as he has a VERY good saber lock, just
           like Tavion and Alora. If you get too close to Kyle, he'll choke
           you and beat you up, then throw you across the room, which can do
           some real damage to you, so be VERY aware of that annoying attack.
           Just don't give Kyle the chance to heal, which means attack
           consistently, and take the time to heal yourself with Heal when you
           get low on health.

           This fight is extremely tough, but that's the only strategy I can
           give you is to avoid getting into saber locks with him, heal up when
           necessary, and don't allow Kyle to heal up. Don't stray too far away
           from Kyle though or take too long to heal, as if you do, he'll use
           Heal on himself, which makes this fight really annoying.

 | 9. Enemies                                                           |

 There are quite a bit of enemies in this game. I'll give you information on
 them here. Also, I list characters like Bartenders and Elders in this section
 as well, even though they aren't enemies. However, this section does NOT cover
 the enemies who are not in the game, such as the Bespin Cop. If you wish to
 see the text that you need to type in the console in order to spawn these
 NPCs, see the NPC List section of the FAQ.

 Description: Alora is found on Echo Base part 2, as well as Taspir III in the
              2nd part of it. In Echo Base she wields only one lightsaber, and
              is fairly easy to defeat, just so long as you watch out for her
              cartwheels that she likes to do so much, and avoid being too
              reckless when fighting her. In Taspir III, she wields dual sabers
              and is much tougher than she was in Echo Base. She is defeated on
              Taspir III if you be very careful when fighting her, avoid
              getting close at all to her, and striking when she's vulnerable.
              Alora also has a slide attack and a very deadly saber lock on
              Taspir III.

              She also has Lightning for a Force Power, so be careful.

 Assassin Droid
 Description: These are droids that were banned from being manufactured, since
              no public companies produce them. However, Lannik Racto, a crime
              lord on Coruscant, secretly manufactures these droids in his base
              that's hidden on Nar Shadaa. These droids put up an electric
              barrier to protect themselves from harm, which means don't get
              close to them or you will be electrocuted and take damage. Their
              shields eventually go down, however, so that's when you should
              use Speed and rush in to attack with your lightsaber. Repeat that
              until you kill them. These enemies also appear in Vjun part 3.

 Description: The Empire's walking weapon, the AT-ST is a gray-colored tall
              walking machine that can step on you and kill you. Not only that,
              but an AT-ST can also shoot missiles at you, or shoot a bullet at
              you, so use Push to deflect those back at the AT-ST. There is no
              way to kill an AT-ST is to get on a gun turret and keep shooting
              at it until you destroy it.

 Description: Bartenders are people that are in bars (obviously, hence the name
              Bartender). They stand behind the counter, waiting to serve
              anyone who wants a drink from the bar. They don't actually do
              this in the game, they are merely there for you to kill them or
              to make the bar seem like a bar. They only appear in Rescue
              Mission - Nar Kreeta in the second set of missions.

 Boba Fett
 Description: The famous bounty hunter from the OT of Star Wars is in this game
              (I thought he was killed by the Sarlaac Monster in Return of the
               Jedi o_O). He appears in only one mission, which is Weapon
              Destruction - Ord Mantell, in which you have to fight him. He
              attacks using a Tenloss Rifle, a rocket launcher, a blaster, a
              flamethrower, and a jetpack (he doesn't actually attack with the
              jetpack, but you get the picture). Don't get too close to him or
              he will use his flamethrower to attack you. Using Lightning to
              stun him and then attack him is a great way to defeat Boba Fett.

 Description: Chewie only joins you on Mercenary Activity - Tatooine in the
              first set of missions. Chewie carries a Wookiee Bowcaster, which
              is the weapons the Wookiees use.

 Description: Cultists are followers of Ragnos (or Disciples of Ragnos, if you
              prefer) who wield a lightsaber or use Force Powers. There are
              several types of Cultists, which include: Force users (some use
              Push, some use Grip, some use Lightning, some use Drain, it just
              depends on the Cultist). Some Cultists are not Force users, but
              instead, as I said above, wield a lightsaber. Some Cultists have
              only one lightsaber, whereas some have dual sabers, or even a
              double-bladed lightsaber, which is the most deadly saber of all.
              Cultists are also a VERY common sight in this game.

              Cultists are the same thing as Reborns, I just refer to them as

 Description: These elders only appear in one mission, which is Rescue
              Mission - Nar Kreeta. These elders are prisoners in that level by
              a hutt, whom they went to make a treaty with before they were
              imprisoned. You, as Jaden, will rescue them in that mission
              before you yourself get off the planet Nar Kreeta.

 Description: These are simple small, black droids. They don't do anything but
              make a weird sound if you destroy them.

 Description: These are weird creatures who have orange-colored skin. These
              creatures all look the same, but some carry Thermal Detonators,
              some carry blasters, and some merely use their fists as their

 Description: I refer to these enemies throughout the guide as "armored
              troopers", though in truth they are called Hazardtroopers. These
              troopers are among the toughest troopers in the game. They are
              extremely hard to kill, and their Stouker Concussion Rifle is
              very deadly, capable of killing you within seconds if you don't
              have Protect on (you'll need a strong level of Protect, such as
              Level 2 or 3, in order to really nullify any damage done to you
              by their rifles). When Protect is activated, you can use all your
              saber attacks to kill them. Lightning works good against them,
              but only if you have 100 Force energy.

 Description: Howlers are creatures that appear in the very first introductory
              mission of the game. They will sometimes let out a scream, which
              if you get close to them when they scream, you'll be temporarily
              paralyzed and take damage. The best way to kill them is to throw
              your lightsaber at them from a safe distance.

 Description: Imperials are members of the Galactic Empire that used to stand
              years ago before the Rebel Alliance dismantled it during the
              Battle of Endor. Imperials all the look the same except for their
              outfit, and each of these Imperials attack, though some carry
              different weapons.

 Imperial Worker
 Description: These are Imperials with helmets. They carry around a pistol
              weapon very similar to your DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol.

 Description: These interrogator droids were used by the Empire during the time
              of the Rebellion. Darth Vader used this droid to try and persuade
              Princess Leia to tell him the location of the Rebel base. In this
              game, these droids appear only in Vjun part 3, in the room with
              the Saber Droids. These droids will cause the screen to become
              weird looking, and they will cause Jaden to gradually take
              damage. They can be destroyed by simply attacking them with your
              lightsaber, though even after they're dead the effects of their
              attack still remains for a bit.

 Description: There are male and female Jedi in this game, and they all appear
              either during cutscenes, or in Korriban part 1 and 2. If you turn
              to the dark side, every Jedi throughout both areas of Korriban
              will be against you, but if you remain loyal to the light side,
              each Jedi will be on your side and aid you against the Cultists.
              If you do manage to kill a Jedi when you are on the light side,
              they will all turn against you, so be careful not to do that.

 Description: Kyle Katarn, the co-leader of the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV, is in
              this game, and he comes with you in quite a few missions. You can
              fight Kyle in Korriban part 2 in Ragnos's tomb if you turn to the
              dark side. Kyle uses Force Powers, which include: Absorb, Heal,
              Protect, Lightning, Push. Kyle is also immune to Mind Trick. Kyle
              also has a very good saber lock, so be careful if you get into a
              saber lock with him. Not only is Kyle good with the Force, but he
              is also good with a lightsaber. Overall, he's a very tough
              opponent to defeat.

 Description: Luke Skywalker is the leader of the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV. His
              duty is to teach all of the Jedi wannabe's that come to his
              academy the ways of the Force, so that they can become Jedi. You
              never get to fight Luke in this game, even if you go to the dark
              side, though you can spawn Luke and fight him, which is why I
              listed him in this section. Luke has Heal, Absorb, Protect, and
              Push. He is not as hard as Kyle, though he is still hard, but you
              can defeat him easier than you can Kyle, though Luke is quicker
              than Kyle, so you'll have to be aware of that.

 Mutant Rancor
 Description: This huge mutated Rancor appears in the mission Cult
              Investigation - Tanaab, and is released by a Cultist. You can't
              kill this beast with weapons or Force Powers. Be sure to check
              the walkthrough section of this FAQ for Cult Investigation -
              Tanaab to see how to destroy the Mutant Rancor.

 Description: These blue-colored creatures appear only in the mission Dismantle
              Device - Yalara. They attack you with guns that shoot out green
              poison gas (if you get hit head on with the bullet from the gun,
              it will hurt you, but if you can avoid it, it'll become a gas,
              and stepping on it will hurt you). Noghri can be defeated by
              using your lightsaber.

 Description: These Imperial Probe Droids appear in Echo Base part 1. Simply
              use your lightsaber or Lightning to kill them. They attack you by
              shooting bullets at you, which are easy to deflect, because of
              your lightsaber.

 Description: Protocol droids come in two colors: gold and black. The gold one
              highly resembles that of C3-P0 from the Star Wars movies, whereas
              the black one is just a casual black-colored Protocol droid. They
              do not attack, though, and you can kill them if you wish. These
              Protocol droids serve no purpose whatsoever in the game.

 Description: The famous miniature droid from the Star Wars movies is back in
              this Star Wars game as an NPC. Like the Protocol droids, R2
              serves no purpose whatsoever, and you can kill him if you want.
              R2D2 also comes in a black color, like the Protocl droid.

 Descriptin: R5D2 is a white and red-colored miniature droid, much like R2D2.
             They serve no purpose, and you can kill them if you want to.

 Description: These huge brown beasts are one of the most powerful enemies in
              the game. They attack you by swiping you around with their huge
              claws, or they can pick you up and attempt to eat you if you do
              not fight back with your lightsaber by throwing it at them. If a
              Rancor does manage to eat you, you'll get an instant game over,
              and you don't want that. You can kill a Rancor, it just takes an
              extremely long time, and is not worth it, as the Rancor will
              simply be revived again shortly after you kill it. Rancors only
              appear in Rescue Mission - Nar Kreeta in the second set of

 Description: Rax is a guy who owns a hidden Cult base on the planet Dosuun. By
              orders of the Jedi Academy, you are sent to investigate Dosuun to
              find out if this so called "cult activity" is actually true. Rax
              takes Jaden's lightsaber in the mission, so the only way to kill
              him when you get to confront him is via the Force. Using Grip (if
              it is Level 2 or higher) to stun him, then quickly switching to
              the Golan FC1 Arms Flechette Weapon to kill him is the best way I
              have found to defeat him. Repeat that until he is dead. Lightning
              also works well against Rax, just be sure to hide behind the many
              obstacles in the area you fight him in and take the time to heal.

 Description: Remotes appear only in the second introductory mission, which is
              Yavin Training Grounds, where you and Rosh get your first lesson
              from Kyle. Merely deflect their bullets with your lightsaber, and
              throw your lightsaber at them or simply strike them to destroy

 Description: Rodians are green-colored alien-like creatures that use blasters
              and Tenloss Rifles as weapons. Simply strike them with your saber
              to kill them. Be sure to jump over their Tenloss Rifle bullets
              (activating Speed works WELL against their Tenloss Rifles) to
              ensure that you don't get hit and possibly get killed.

 Description: Jaden's rival and friend, Rosh Penin is Kyle's second student,
              who wishes to become a full-fledged Jedi Knight in Luke's Jedi
              Academy on Yavin IV. Rosh fights against Jaden in Vjun part 3.
              See the Bosses section to see how to defeat him.

 Description: Saboteurs sometimes carry blasters, sometimes Tenloss Rifles, and
              sometimes pistols. They take longer to kill than most normal
              enemies that wield guns, but they are still easily killable with
              your lightsaber, as well as Force Powers. Saboteurs also have
              cloaking devices, so be on your guard and if you see something
              weird in the area (like a heat wave lookalike thing in the area),
              then examine it and if it uncloaks, it's a Saboteur without a
              doubt. I refer to Saboteurs as "Cloaktroopers" throughout the

 Description: Sandworms are extremely dangerous creatures in the game. They
              appear only in Merchant Rescue - Blenjeel. They are pretty much
              impossible to avoid without the use of Force Speed, as they will
              quickly unburrow out of the ground and eat you. You can kill them
              by throwing Thermal Detonators at them, but they'll just respawn,
              so it is useless to do so. Just use Force Speed at ALL times
              during Merchant Rescue - Blenjeel to avoid being eaten by these

 Description: These are the same thing as the Remote enemies (I think so
              anyway, though I could be wrong).

 Description: Sentrys are floating black droids that appear only in Vjun part 3
              in the room where you have to fight Saber Droids, Interrogators,
              and Assassin Droids. Sentrys are sometimes invulnerable to any
              physical damage (e.g. blaster shots), where other times they are
              very vulnerable to physical damage. Using Lightning to kill them
              is a very wise choice, as even if they are invulnerable to any
              physical damage, Lightning will still hurt them. Sentrys attack
              by shooting bullets at you; simply deflect them with your saber
              to avoid any harm.

 Description: Snowtroopers appear only in the two Echo Base missions, and they
              fight the same way as a Stormtrooper does. They sometimes operate
              gun turrets like Stormtroopers. In other words, they are the same
              enemies as Stormtroopers, except for a different outfit. They can
              easily be killed with your lightsaber or Force Powers (Grip is a
              poor choice, since there is usually a mass of Snowtroopers).

 Storm Pilot
 Description: These are troopers who wear black outfits and a helmet over their
              heads. They use a pistol to attack with. Deflect their bullets
              with your lightsaber to kill them, or simply use your lightsaber
              on them to kill them. Force Powers are also very effective.

 Description: Stormtroopers appear only in the two Echo Base missions, and they
              fight the same way as a Snowtrooper does. They sometimes operate
              gun turrets like Snowtroopers. In other words, they are the same
              enemies as Snowtroopers, except for a different outfit. They can
              easily be killed with your lightsaber or Force Powers (Grip is a
              poor choice, since there is usually a mass of Stormtroopers).

 Description: Tavion, the Dark Lord of the Sith in this game, is an extremely
              powerful Sith Lord, in both her forms. Her first form is her
              wielding a lightsaber, as well as Ragnos's scepter. Her second
              form is her wielding the sword that came out of Ragnos's scepter.
              To see how to beat her, see the Bosses section of the FAQ.

 Description: Trandoshans wield Imperial Heavy Repeater guns for weapons, and
              because the rapid fire rate of the bullets is so high, you can't
              use your lightsaber to deflect the bullets very effectively, so
              you'll have to go in for a quick kill with your lightsaber to win
              against these enemies. Force Powers also work well against them.

 Description: Tusken Raiders, or Sand People in the movies, carry Gaffi Sticks
              or their own custom made rifles. Killing the Gaffi Stick wielders
              is hard if you don't effectively avoid the Gaffi Sticks, and
              killing the ones who have rifles is even harder, as those rifles
              are extremely deadly, though the bullets can be deflected back at
              them with your lightsaber, so be sure to deflect them to avoid
              getting killed. Never take out a Tusken, be it a Gaffi Stick one
              or a rifle one, without killing them from far away, as attacking
              them at close range is a VERY bad idea, which often results in
              you dying.

 Description: Wampas reside on the ice planet Hoth. They can attack you by
              clawing you to death, or by picking you up and hanging you upside
              down while they slash at you with their claws until you die. If
              you get hung upside down, use your lightsaber to cut their arms
              off and kill them. Don't get close to these creatures, and throw
              your lightsaber at them to kill them.

 Description: Weequays are weird white-skined creatures that carry Wookiee
              Bowcaster. Deflect their bullets with your lightsaber, and kill
              them with your lightsaber or with Force Powers.

 | 10. Items                                                            |

 This section will list every item in the game, as well as all the information
 about them, etc. This section will also include explosives. I will not,
 however, list the various ammo packs in this game, as there's no real reason

 Detonation Pack
 Description: A detonation pack that explodes when you press a certain key.
 What It Does: Lay one on the ground, then press the key you use to attack with
               to explode the Detonation Pack. You can also use the key you use
               to throw your lightsaber with (the alternate attack key) to blow
               it up as well. These are only useful if an enemy is standing
               near (and I mean very near) the Detonation Pack before you
               explode it.

 Instant Use Medpack
 Description: When used, these medpacks heal up a small portion of your health.
 What It Does: As I said above in the description for this item, when you use
               one (automatically used when you touch one), you'll recover a
               small portion of your health. Note that you cannot use this when
               you are at full health.

 Large Shield Booster
 Description: When used, this shield booster recovers a large portion of your
 What It Does: As I said above in the description for this item, when you ise
               one (automatically used when you touch one), you'll recover a
               large portion of your shields. Note that you cannot use this or
               any shield booster for that matter if you are at full shields.

 Small Shield Booster
 Description: When used, this shield booster recovers a small portion of your
 What It Does: As I said above in the description for this item, when you ise
               one (automatically used when you touch one), you'll recover a
               small portion of your shields. Note that you cannot use this or
               any shield booster for that matter if you are at full shields.

 Thermal Detonator
 Description: When thrown, these devices will explode either a few seconds
              after they are thrown, or the instant they're thrown.
 What It Does: Depending on which key you press (be it the attack key or the
               alternate attack key), these devices will explode after they are
               thrown. If you press the attack key, they'll explode a few
               seconds after you throw them. If you press the alternate attack
               key, they'll explode the instant you throw them. Also, if you
               throw a Thermal Detonator on the ground, an enemy will chase it
               for 5 seconds, allowing you time to escape if you need to.

               Thanks to jak cornwall for that information.

 Trip Mine
 Description: These are devices, that when planted, will cause a blue beam that
              stretches as far as the eye can see to appear from the Trip Mine.
 What It Does: When you plant a Trip Mine, a blue beam will come from the Trip
               Mine, and stretch as far as the eye can see. Anyone that touches
               the blue beam will be hurt by the explosion of the Trip Mine, so
               avoid getting hit by the blue beams of Trip Mines. Whether or
               not you use the attack key or the alternate attack key, the
               result of the Trip Mine will be the same.

 | 11. Weapons                                                          |

 This section will (obviously) list every weapon in the game, and all the
 information I know about them.

 Destructive Electro-Magnetic Pulse 2 Gun
 Description: A very powerful and deadly gun that emits EMP (Electro-Magnetic
 Primary Attack: Shoot a ball of EMP at the selected target.
 Alternate Attack: Hold the alternate attack key down to charge up a huge EMP
                   ball. After the ball is fully charged, release the ball on
                   the selected target and not only that target, but any other
                   target in range, will be hit from the blast of EMP (you can
                   hit your ownself with this blast if you get close to it).
 Ammo: 300
 DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol
 Description: A small black pistol with a scope (you can't look through it,
              sadly). This is your default weapon you get in every level, and
              it never runs out of ammo.
 Primary Attack: Shoots a bullet at the selected target.
 Alternate Attack: Hold the alternate attack key down to charge up a bullet.
                   After the bullet is fully charged, release the bullet on the
                   selected target for some decent damage.
 Ammo: Unlimited

 E11-Blaster Rifle
 Description: A standard blaster used throughout the galaxy. Fires red bullets.
 Primary Attack: Fires a bullet at the selected target.
 Alternate Attack: Hold the alternate attack key down to fire a barrage of
                   bullets at the selected target. It is NOT wise to use this
                   function against Jedi or Cultists, as they can simply
                   deflect the bullets back at you and hurt you instead of you
                   hurting them.
 Ammo: 300

 Golan Arms FC1 Flechette Weapon
 Description: A fairly big gun that fires metal bullets or explosive mines.
 Primary Attack: Fires several metal pieces at the selected target. Be careful
                 NOT to let these metal pieces ricochet off the target and hit
                 you, otherwise you'll take TONS of damage, and potentially
 Alternate Attack: Fires some explosive mines, which, when they make contact
                   with the selected target or a wall or anything solid, will
                   explode. Be careful not to let them ricochet off of a solid
                   object (excluding an enemy) and hit you.

 Ammo: 400

 Imperial Heavy Repeater
 Description: A long black gun that repeatedly fires bullets.
 Primary Attack: When used, you'll fire a barrage of bullets at an incredibly
                 fast speed at the selected target.
 Alternate Attack: The alternate attack for this weapon is an explosive ball,
                   much like that of the DEMP-2 Pulse Gun, except it's not an
                   EMP ball. This ball can hurt you if you get close to it, so
                   be careful.

 Ammo: 400

 Description: The weapon of the Jedi Knight, to be blunt. Lightsabers come in
              different hilts and different colors. The colors of the Jedi are:
              blue, green, orange, purple, and yellow. The color of the Sith is
 Primary Attack: When you use the primary attack for the lightsaber, you'll
                 swing your lightsaber in different directions, depending on
                 which keys you press while you swing it (see the Lightsaber
                 Techniques section of the FAQ for that information).
                 The primary attack of the lightsaber will kill anyone as long
                 as it is a direct hit to the body. It is harder to kill Jedi
                 and Cultists, however, since they will block your attacks with
                 their saber.
 Alternate Attack: The alternate attack of the lightsaber is a very effective
                   one against pretty much every enemy except for Cultists and
                   Jedi. You can throw your lightsaber at the selected target,
                   and if any other targets are nearby, the lightsaber will be
                   thrown at them too until they're all dead. This is a VERY
                   useful ability your lightsaber has, and I'd recommend using
                   it to destroy gun turrets both on the ceiling and on the
                   ground. This is also useful for destroying mechanical units
                   (except for Saber Droids).

 Ammo: N/A

 Merr-Sonn PLX-2M Portable Missile System
 Description: This is a rocket launcher. Go figure.
 Primary Attack: Fire a rocket at the selected target for explosive damage.
                 Note that the explosion can hurt you if you are very close to
 Alternate Attack: Hold down the alternate attack key to lock onto the selected
                   target (only works on enemies/allies). Once you are fully
                   locked on, release the alternate attack key and then a
                   missile will be shot at the selected target for explosive
                   damage. If you are close to the explosion, which you should
                   not be, then it will hurt you as well.

 Ammo: 10

 Stouker Concussion Rifle
 Description: This is a long rifle that fires explosive beams.
 Primary Attack: Fire a beam at very fast speeds at the selected target for
                 some excellent explosive damage. If you are too close to the
                 explosion, you too will be hit by it.
 Alternate Attack: Fires an extremely powerful beam at high speeds at the
                   selected target for some very effective explosive damage. If
                   you are too close to it, you too will be hit by it.

 Ammo: 400

 Tenloss DXR-6 Disruptor Rifle
 Description: A rifle that has the power to cause the selected target to cease
              to exist by causing them to disappear.
 Primary Attack: Shoot a beam at the selected target for damage.
 Alternate Attack: Press the alternate attack key and then you'll enter the
                   rifle's scope mode. In the scope mode, you can see very far
                   ahead of you. Quickly aim at your selected target and hold
                   down the attack key (not alternate attack) and then when the
                   beam is fully charged (you'll be able to tell by the meter
                   at the bottom of the screen), release the attack key to
                   shoot a powerful charged up beam at the selected target.
                   This can make the target disappear in one beam, depending on
                   the enemy (this is not effective against stronger enemies,
                   by the way).

 Ammo: 300

 Wookiee Bowcaster
 Description: A bowcaster gun used by Wookiees.
 Primary Attack: Shoot a green bullet at the selected target for good damage.
                 Also, hold down the attack button to charge up a beam in the
                 gun. After the beam is charged, release it to cause five
                 bullets to spread out of the gun and hit any nearby targets
                 for damage.
 Alternate Attack: Hold down the alternate attack key to cause a rapid fire of
                   bullets to come out of the bowcaster. However, with this
                   function, there is a great chance for ricochet damage, which
                   is why I suggest sticking to the primary attack, rather than
                   the alternate attack.
 Ammo: 300

 | 12. Force Powers                                                     |

 Here, I'll list every Force Power in the game, and all the information I know
 about them here. Core Force Powers, by the way, are Force Powers you don't
 have to invest points into; they come naturally.

 Core Force Powers

 Description: Allows Jaden to jump a lot higher than he normally could.
 What It Does: This Force Power allows Jaden to jump a LOT higher than he could
               without the use of this Force Power. Jump is mandatory
               throughout the game, as you'll need it to reach certain heights
               that you couldn't reach with a normal jump.

 Description: Jaden pulls his hand toward himself, pulling any nearby objects,
              such as Instant Use Medpacks and Shield Boosters, toward him.
 What It Does: Like I said above, Jaden pulls all nearby objects toward him.
               You can even use Pull on certain crates too, moving them aside.
               If you use Pull on an enemy armed with a weapon (this doesn't
               work on all of them, though, but most of them), you will cause
               that enemy to drop his or her weapon, and then you can pick it
               up for yourself. You can also pull things out that are pushed
               into a wall. You can also pull enemies toward you.

 Description: Jaden pushes his hand straight out, pushing any nearby objects,
              such as Instant Use Medpacks and Shield Boosters, away from their
              original location.
 What It Does: Jaden will push any objects away from their original position.
               You can even push heavy objects, such as crates with this power.
               You can also push enemies down on the ground, but it doesn't make
               them drop their weapons like Pull does. Basically, Push works
               the same way as Pull does, except it pushes things, rather than
               pulls them.

 Description: Allows Jaden to use the Force to see things that are hidden to a
              non-Force user.
 What It Does: When used, Sense allows Jaden to use the Force to see things
               that are normally hidden to a non-Force user. Sense reveals
               things that need to pulled or pushed in order to gain access to
               the next part of the level you're in. Sense also causes each
               enemy to become red and every ally to become green, letting you
               know which are enemies and which are allies (you can see objects
               through Sense from several rooms away). Finally, Sense makes
               objects, such as armor and ammo refiller, Instant Use Medpacks
               and Shield Boosters, etc, to become yellow, letting you know
               what is an object and what is not.

 Description: Allows Jaden to gain insane amounts of speed. In other words, he
              can go a lot faster than he normally could without it.
 What It Does: Makes Jaden go faster than he normally could without Speed, and
               slows every enemy down and everything down in the process (Jaden
               is the only thing that is fast when Speed is activated), thus
               giving Jaden the advantage, especially if there is a mass of
               enemies. The effect of this Force Power varies with each level
               (level 1, 2, and 3).

 Light Side Force Powers

 Description: Absorb allows you to absorb Force Powers. Very useful.
 What It Does: When you use this, Jaden will turn blue, indicating Absorb is
               active. As long as Absorb is active (you will turn back to
               normal color when the effect wears off), you can absorb Force
               Powers that are thrown at you. This includes Grip, Drain, and
               Lightning. Also, you can activate Protect while you have Absorb
               on, as long as you have the sufficient Force energy. Also, if
               you have a Force Power used on you, you regain all of your Force
               energy if Absorb is active when you get hit by that Force Power!
               You only regain all your energy if Absorb is level 3, however.

 Description: Allows Jaden to heal himself up, regaining his health.
 What It Does: When used, heal will recover Jaden's health quite a bit. If you
               have a level 1 Heal, you'll have to stop moving completely and
               just sit there while you activate this power in order to heal.
               If you have a level 2 Heal, you can activate this power and heal
               yourself, but the power will deactivate if you swing your saber,
               or shoot a bullet from any of your guns. Also, if you switch
               weapons Heal will deactivate at this level. Finally, if you have
               a level 3 Heal, you can heal yourself up anytime, regardless if
               you swing your saber or use one of your guns! Heal stops working
               after you run out of Force energy, regardless of what level Heal

 Mind Trick
 Description: Makes enemies your allies or makes them unable to move.
 What It Does: Jaden will use a Jedi Mind Trick (a Force Power used by many
               Jedi throughout the movies and the EU) on the selected target
               (does not work if that target is already your ally by default),
               either tricking them into thinking you are their ally, or making
               them stand still and not attack anyone (if they are your ally
               they'll help you). The effect of this power depends on its
               level. If you have a level 1 Mind Trick, you can confuse the
               selected target for 10 seconds. making them stand still. With a
               level 2 Mind Trick, you can directly target an enemy and use
               this power on them to confuse them for 15 seconds. You can also
               use Mind Trick on a nearby surface to distract enemies.

               For Mind Trick level 3, you can use Mind Trick on the selected
               target to make them think you're their ally for 30 seconds.
               Also, you can use Mind Trick on a nearby surface to distract
               numerous enemies. Finally, if the Mind Tricked target is
               attacked while the Mind Trick effect is still on him/her, the
               effect of Mind Trick will wear off.

 Description: Jaden's body becomes covered in green when you use this,
              indicating that Protect has been activated. This Force Power is
              for minimizing the damage you take from attacks.
 What It Does: At level 1, Protect minimizes the damage you take from a
               phyiscal attack, a projectile, and an energy attack by 25%. You
               cannot be protected from any Force Powers, though, regardless of
               Protect's level. A level 2, Protect minimizes the damage you
               take from a physical attacks, from projectiles, and from energy
               attacks by 50%. If you have a level 3 Protect, the damage you
               take from physical attacks, projectiles, and energy attacks is
               reduced by 75%.

 Dark Side Force Powers

 Dark Rage
 Description: Jaden's power is boosted, and his speed is also boosted. Jaden is
              also protected from damage by 50%-90, depending on the level.
 What It Does: When used, Jaden becomes red, indicating this Force Power is
               active. During the time this power is active, Jaden's strength
               is increased, though his health is sacrificed. Also, Jaden will
               become faster. Not only that, but Jaden can't die when this
               power is active!  However, this eventually wears off, and when
               it does, you'll have to wait another 10 seconds for you to be
               able to use it again. If Dark Rage is level 1, you are protected
               by attacks by 50%. If you have a level 2 Dark Rage, you are
               protected by attacks by as much as 75%, and if you have a level
               3 Dark Rage, you are protected by attacks as much as 90%.

               Note that you must have 25 health or more to use this Force

 Description: If you use Drain on any nearby enemy (not ally), you'll be able
              to drain their health and their health transfers over to you if
              you are damaged! Jaden sends red streaks from his hands that look
              like lightning bolts from Force Lightning, by the way.
 What It Does: When used, this drains the health of the selected target (not
               your ally), and adds it to your own if you are damaged. At level
               1, get as close as you can to the selected target and make
               physical contact with the target (by using the power when you
               are in front of them). At level 2, you can use Drain from a
               range (though not a wide range by any means) at the selected
               target. At level 3, you can use Drain from a very far distance,
               and can use it on multiple targets.

 Description: Jaden uses his hand to choke the selected target with the Force.
 What It Does: At level 1, Grip allows you to choke the selected target (the
               target doesn't take damage) for five seconds. After the choke,
               quickly attack that target to do some damage or even kill that
               target. If you move even a short distance away from the target,
               you'll stop choking the target. At level 2, Grip allows you to
               choke the selected target while lifting the target up in the
               air. Don't move too far away, or the effect will wear off.
               Finally, at level 3, Grip will allow you to choke the selected
               target AND move it around anywhere you want until you run out of
               Force energy.

               Don't worry about straying too far, because as you move, the
               target moves as well. Grip does have a disadvantage, though. If
               you try and use it on a Cultist (anyone who has the Force), it
               can work, but they can simply use Push to get out of it, or they
               can use Absorb and you can't choke them at all.

 Description: Jaden shoots tons of electric lightning bolts from his hands at
              the selected target or at multiple enemies.
 What It Does: At level 1, Jaden will shoot a lightning bolt at the selected
               target for some minor damage. At level 2, Jaden will shoot out
               several lightning bolts at the selected target, damaging it.
               Finally, at level 3, Jaden will shoot tons of electric lightning
               bolts from his hands, damaging every enemy/destroyable object
               nearby. Note that your Force energy decreased RAPIDLY with the
               use of this power. It had to have some disadvantages, right?
               Also, if an opponent uses Absorb, they can simply absorb this
               Force Power, unfortunately.

 | 13. NPC List                                                         |

 Here is a complete list of all of the NPCs in this game. This section tells
 you how to spawn them (put them in levels). I know I listed the majority of
 them in the Enemies section, but hey this section is here for whatever reason.
 In order to spawn an NPC, hold SHIFT and press the "~" key. This will bring up
 the console, in which you will be able to spawn NPCs. When the console is
 brought up, type one of the NPC spawn names listed below (e.g. "NPC Spawn
 Stormtrooper"), then press Enter (without the quotations). After that, an NPC
 will be spawned. NOTE: Not all NPCs work (some are bugged), and in order to
 exit the console, simply hold SHIFT and press ~ again.

 Thanks to Ghost of Araissi's spawn guide for this information. I used it to
 learn all the spawn names (I knew most of them), otherwise I'd have never
 found out half of this stuff. Thanks!

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Alora

 Alora (Dual Sabers)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Alora_Dual

 Assassin Droid
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Assassin_Droid

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn AT-ST

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Bartender

 Bespin Cop
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Bespin_Cop

 Bespin Cop 2
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Bespin_Cop2

 Boba Fett
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Boba_Fett

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn DKothos

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Chewie

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Cultist

 Cultist (Destroyer)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Cultist_Destroyer

 Cultist (Drain)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Cultist_Drain

 Cultist (Grip)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Cultist_Grip

 Cultist (Lightning)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Cultist_Lightning

 Cultist Saber
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Cultist_Saber

 Cultist Saber 2
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Cultist_Saber2

 Cultist Saber Throw
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Cultist_Saber_Throw

 Cultist Saber Throw 2
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Cultist_Saber_Throw2

 Cultist Saber Med
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Cultist_Saber_Med

 Cultist Saber Med Throw
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Cultist_Saber_Med_Throw

 Cultist Saber (Strong)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Cultist_Saber_Strong

 Cultist Saber (Strong) Throw
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Cultist_Saber_Strong_Throw

 Cultist Saber (Strong) Throw 2
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Cultist_Saber_Strong_Throw2

 Cultist Saber (All)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Cultist_Saber_All

 Cultist Saber (All) Throw
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Cultist_Saber_All_Throw

 Cultist Saber (All) Throw 2
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Cultist_Saber_All_Throw 2

 Cultist Commando
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Cultistcommando

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Desann

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Elder

 Elder 2
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Elder2

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Galak

 Galak Mech
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Galak_Mech
 NOTE: This spawn turns into a Stormtrooper with an Imperial Heavy Repeater,
       rather than Galak Mech

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Glider

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Gonk

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Gran

 Gran 2
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Gran2

 Gran Boxer
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Granboxer

 Gran Shooter
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Granshooter

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Hazardtrooper
 NOTE: I refer to these as armored troopers throughout the walkthrough.

 Hazardtrooper (Concussion)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Hazardtrooperconcussion
 NOTE: I refer to these as armored troopers throughout the walkthrough.

 Hazardtrooper (Officer)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Hazardtrooperofficer
 NOTE: I refer to these as armored troopers throughout the walkthrough.

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Howler

 Human Merc
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Human_Merc
 NOTE: I refer to these as mercenaries throughout the walkthrough.

 Human Merc (Bow)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Human_Merc_Bow
 NOTE: I refer to these as mercenaries throughout the walkthrough.

 Human Merc (Repeater)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Human_Merc_Rep
 NOTE: I refer to these as mercenaries throughout the walkthrough.

 Human Merc (Flechette)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Human_Merc_Flc
 NOTE: I refer to these as mercenaries throughout the walkthrough.

 Human Merc (Concussion)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Human_Merc_Cnc
 NOTE: I refer to these as mercenaries throughout the walkthrough.

 Human Merc (Key)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Human_Merc_Key
 NOTE: I refer to these as mercenaries throughout the walkthrough.

 Imperial Commander
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn ImpCommander

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Imperial

 Imperial Officer
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn ImpOfficer

 Imperial Worker
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn ImpWorker

 Imperial Worker 2
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn ImpWorker2

 Imperial Worker 3
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn ImpWorker3

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Interrogator

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Jan

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Jawa

 Jawa (Armed)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Jawa_Armed
 NOTE: Crashes the game.

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Jedi

 Jedi 2
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Jedi2

 Jedi (Random)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Jedi_Random

 Jedi Female
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn JediF

 Jedi Master
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn JediMaster

 Jedi Trainer
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn JediTrainer

 Jedi RM 1
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Jedi_RM1

 Jedi RM 2
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Jedi_RM2

 Jedi KDM 1
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Jedi_KDM1

 Jedi KDM 2
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Jedi_KDM2

 Jedi HM 1
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Jedi_HM1

 Jedi HM 2
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Jedi_HM2

 Jedi ZF 1
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Jedi_ZF1

 Jedi ZF 2
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Jedi_ZF2

 Jedi TF 1
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Jedi_TF1

 Jedi TF 2
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Jedi_TF2

 Jedi HF 1
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Jedi_HF1

 Jedi HF 2
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Jedi_HF2

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Kyle

 Kyle (Korriban)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Kyle_Boss

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Lando

 Lannik Racto
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Lannik_Racto

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Luke

 Mark 1
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Mark1
 NOTE: This doesn't work.

 Mark 2
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Mark2
 NOTE: This doesn't work.

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Merchant

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Minemonster
 NOTE: Turns into a Stormtrooper that is unarmed, rather than a Minemonster.

 Mon Mothma
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn MonMothma

 Morgan Katarn
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn MorganKatarn

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Mouse

 Mutant Rancor
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Mutant_Rancor

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Noghri

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Player
 NOTE: This spawns Jaden.

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Prisoner

 Prisoner 2
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Prisoner2

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Probe

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Protocol

 Protocol Imp
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Protocol_Imp

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn R2D2

 R2D2 Imp
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn R2D2_Imp

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn R5D2

 R5D2 Imp
 NPC Spawn Name: R5D2_Imp

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Ragnos
 NOTE: Crashes multiplayer servers.

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Rancor

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Rax

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Rebel

 Rebel 2
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Rebel2

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Reborn

 Reborn Acrobat
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Rebornacrobat
 NOTE: This NPC does not work right; it's silver when you spawn it.

 Reborn Boss
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Rebornboss

 Reborn Chiss
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Rebornchiss

 Reborn (Dual Sabers)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Reborn_Dual

 Reborn (Dual Sabers) 2
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Reborn_Dual2

 Reborn Force User
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Rebornforceuser
 NOTE: This NPC does not work right; it's silver when you spawn it.

 Reborn Master
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Rebornmaster

 Reborn Master (Dual Sabers)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Rebornmasterdual

 Reborn Master (Staff)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Rebornmasterstaff

 Reborn New
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Reborn_New

 Reborn New 2
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Reborn_New2

 Reborn Rodian
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Rebornrodian

 Reborn (Staff)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Reborn_Staff

 Reborn (Staff) 2
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Reborn_Staff2

 Reborn Trandoshan
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Reborntrandoshan

 Reborn Weequay
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Rebornweequay

 NPC Spawn Name: Reelo

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Remote
 NOTE: This is merely a Stormtrooper that will move in a weird way, then

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Rockettrooper

 Rockettrooper 2
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Rockettrooper 2

 Rockettrooper 2 (Officer)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Rockettrooper2officer

 Rockettrooper Version 1
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Rockettrooper_Ver1

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Rocks

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Rodian

 Rodian 2
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Rodian2

 Rosh Penin (Sith)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Rosh_Dark

 Rosh Penin
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Rosh_Penin

 Rosh Penin (Forceless, as well as unarmed)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Rosh_Penin_Noforce

 Saber Droid
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Saber_Droid

 Saber Droid (Training)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Saber_Droid_Training

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Saboteur
 NOTE: I refer to these as Cloaktroopers throughout the walkthrough.

 Saboteur Commander
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Saboteur_Commander
 NOTE: I refer to these as Cloaktroopers throughout the walkthrough.

 Saboteur (Pistol)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Saboteur_Pistol
 NOTE: I refer to these as Cloaktroopers throughout the walkthrough.

 Saboteur (Sniper)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Saboteur_Sniper
 NOTE: I refer to these as Cloaktroopers throughout the walkthrough.

 Sand Worm
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Sand_Creature

 Sand Worm (Fast)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Sand_Creature_Fast

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Seeker
 NOTE: This is merely a Mouse NPC that floats around and makes the sounds of a
       Seeker. It isn't a real Seeker.

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Sentry

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Shadowtrooper

 Shadowtrooper 2
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Shadowtrooper2

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Snowtrooper

 Stormtrooper Commander
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn StCommander

 Stormtrooper Officer
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn StOfficer

 Stormtrooper Officer (Alt)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn StOfficeralt

 Storm Pilot
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Stormpilot

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Stormtrooper

 Stormtrooper 2
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Stormtrooper2

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Swamptrooper

 Swamptrooper 2
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Swamptrooper2

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Tavion

 Tavion New
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Tavion_New

 Tavion (Sword of Ragnos)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Tavion_Sith_Sword

 Tavion (Scepter)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Tavion_Scepter

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Trandoshan

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Tusken

 Tusken (Sniper)
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Tuskensniper

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Ugnaught

 Ugnaught 2
 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Ugnaught2

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Wampa

 NPC Spawn Name: NPC Spawn Weequay

 | 14. Map List                                                         |

 In this section, I'll list all the map names for each of the levels in this
 game. Yes, maps are levels. Anyway, to bring up the console where you need to
 type in the map names, hold SHIFT and press the "~" key. Once the console is
 brought up, type "map yavin1", or any other mapname to begin that level. If
 you want cheats, simply type "devmap yavin1" or any valid mapname. There you
 go. If you are in a level after typing "map yavin1" or any valid mapname (not
 devmap, mind you), you'll have to open the console and type "helpusobi 1" to
 activate cheats in that level. Finally, you can also type "devmapall", to
 enable cheats on every level, then after typing in devmapall, type in a
 mapname. To exit the console, hold SHIFT and press ~ again.

 Academy Cutscenes

 Academy Cutscene #1
 Mapname: Yavin1
 NOTE: This is the very first cutscene in the game, where the ship landing on
       the planet Yavin crashes. This is also where you first meet Rosh.

 Academy Cutscene #2
 Mapname: Academy1
 NOTE: This is the very first cutscene in the Academy, where Luke welcomes all
       his students to the Jedi Academy.

 Academy Cutscene #3
 Mapname: T1_Inter
 NOTE: This cutscene occurs after you do two missions in the first set of

 Academy Cutscene #4
 Mapname: Academy2
 NOTE: This is the cutscene that occurs after you do either four or five
       missions in the first set of missions (you can return to the Academy,
       rather than doing the fifth mission, and this cutscene will occur). In
       this cutscene, Luke sends every Jedi to various planets across the
       galaxy to investigate those planets to see if they have been drained of
       their Force energy.

 Academy Cutscene #5
 Mapname: Academy3
 NOTE: This cutscene occurs after you do the two Hoth missions. In this
       cutscene, you'll find out that Rosh is missing. Kyle goes to look for

 Academy Cutscene #6
 Mapname: Academy4
 NOTE: This is the cutscene that occurs after you do either four or five
       missions in the second set of missions (you can return to the Academy
       after doing four missions, rather than doing the fifth missions, and
       this cutscene will occur). In this cutscene, Luke will say that the
       Disciples of Ragnos have hit every site that was mentioned in his
       journals, but that he still doesn't know what it is they are planning
       to do with the energy. Kyle and Jaden are sent to Vjun, where they are
       to determine whether or not the Disciples of Ragnos have been there.

 Academy Cutscene #7
 Mapname: Academy5
 NOTE: This cutscene occurs after you do the three Vjun missions. In this
       cutscene, Luke finds out more information about the Scepter of Ragnos,
       and who the leader of the cult is (Tavion). You then get to construct a
       new lightsaber, because you lost your other one thanks to Tavion.

 Academy Cutscene #8
 Mapname: Academy6
 NOTE: In this cutscene, Luke sends all the Jedi to Korriban to get rid of the
       Disciples of Ragnos. Just as Jaden and Kyle are about to go to Korriban,
       they get a distress signal from Rosh, and go to Taspir III to rescue


 Yavin Jungle
 Mapname: Yavin1b

 Yavin Training Grounds
 Mapname: Yavin2

 Mercenary Activity - Tatooine
 Mapname: T1_Sour

 Droid Recovery - Tatooine
 Mapname: T1_Surprise

 Emergency Assistance - Bakura
 Mapname: T1_Fatal

 Merchant Rescue - Blenjeel
 Mapname: T1_Danger

 Cult Investigation - Corellia
 Mapname: T1_Rail

 Mapname: Hoth2

 Echo Base
 Mapname: Hoth3

 Rescue Mission - Nar Kreeta
 Mapname: T2_Rancor

 Meet Contact - Zonju V
 Mapname: T2_Trip

 Covert Operation - Kril'dor
 Mapname: T2_Wedge

 Capture Crime Lord - Coruscant
 Mapname: T2_Rogue

 Cult Investigation - Dosuun
 Mapname: T2_Dpred

 Vjun (Part 1)
 Mapname: Vjun1

 Vjun (Part 2)
 Mapname: Vjun2

 Vjun (Part 3)
 Mapname: Vjun3

 Cult Activity - Chandrila
 Mapname: T3_Rift

 Cult Investigation - Tanaab
 Mapname: T3_Stamp

 Dismantle Device - Yalara
 Mapname: T3_Hevil

 Force Theft Investigation - Byss
 Mapname: T3_Byss

 Weapon Destruction - Ord Mantell
 Mapname: T3_Bounty

 Taspir III (Part 1)
 Mapname: Taspir1

 Taspir III (Part 2)
 Mapname: Taspir2

 Korriban (Part 1)
 Mapname: Kor1

 Korriban (Part 2)
 Mapname: Kor2

 | 15. Item Spawn List                                                  |

 Here, I'll list all of the item spawns in the game. You'll need to open the
 console to spawn these items, and in order to do so, you'll have to hold SHIFT
 and press the "~" key. Once the console is brought up, you can type in, for
 example "saber dual_1" to get a double-bladed lightsaber. I list item and
 weapons in this section. Finally, to exit the console, hold SHIFT and press ~.

 Give All
 Effect: Gives you all weapons, full health, full armor, all Force Powers, and
         gives you Force energy.

 Give Ammo_Blaster
 Effect: Gives you some Blaster Pack ammo.

 Give Ammo_Detpack
 Effect: Gives you some Detonation Packs.

 Give Ammo_Metallic_Bolts
 Effect: Gives you some Metallic Bolt ammo.

 Give Ammo_Powercell
 Effect: Gives you some Power Cell ammo.

 Give Ammo_Rockets
 Effect: Gives you some Rocket ammo.

 Give Ammo_Thermal
 Effect: Gives you some Thermal Detonators.

 Give Ammo_Tripmine
 Effect: Gives you some Trip Mines.

 Give Weapon_Blaster
 Effect: Gives you the E-11 Blaster Rifle weapon.

 Give Weapon_Bowcaster
 Effect: Gives you the Wookiee Bowcaster weapon.

 Give Weapon_Blaster_Pistol
 Effect: Gives you the Blaster Pistol weapon.

 Give Weapon_Bryar_Pistol
 Effect: Gives you the Bryar Blaster Pistol, which appeared in Jedi Outcast.

 Give Weapon_Concussion_Rifle
 Effect: Gives you the Stouker Concussion Rifle weapon.

 Give Weapon_Demp2
 Effect: Gives you the DEMP 2 Gun.

 Give Weapon_Det_Pack
 Effect: Gives you a Detonation Pack.

 Give Weapon_Disruptor
 Effect: Gives you the Tenloss Rifle.

 Give Weapon_Flechette
 Effect: Gives you the Golan Arms FC1 Flechette Weapon.

 Give Weapon_Melee
 Effect: By activating this cheat, you can use a melee weapon (aka your hands).

 Give Weapon_Repeater
 Effect: Gives you the Imperial Heavy Repeater weapon.

 Give Weapon_Rocket_Launcher
 Effect: Gives you the Rocket Launcher weapon.

 Give Weapon_Saber
 Effect: Gives you Kyle's lightsaber.

 Give Weapon_Stun_Baton
 Effect: Gives you the Stun Baton, which appeared in Jedi Outcast.

 Give Weapon_Thermal
 Effect: Gives you a Thermal Detonator.

 Give Weapon_Trip_Mine
 Effect: Gives you a Trip Mine.

 Give Weapon_Noghri_Stick
 Effect: Gives you the guns the Noghri use.
 NOTE: The game has a chance to crash when you fire with this weapon.

 Give Weapon_Scepter
 Effect: First off, switch to a gun to get this to work. After switching to a
         gun, type "Give Weapon_Scepter" in the console without the quotations
         to get the Scepter of Ragnos, which has both a primary attack, and an
         alternate attack. It's very useful and powerful, espcially the
         alternate attack.

 Give Weapon_Turret
 Effect: Spawns a portable sentry gun. This doesn't damage anything, so keep
         that in mind.

 Give Weapon_Tusken_Rifle
 Effect: Gives you the rifle the Tusken Raiders use.

 Give Weapon_Tusken_Staff
 Effect: Gives you the staff the Tusken Radiers use.

 Saber 1 Saber 1
 Effect: Gives you dual sabers. Their colors are automatically red, but to
         change them, simply open up the console and type "sabercolor 1 x
         (replace x with any of the available saber colors in the game), and
         then type sabercolor 2 x (replace x with any of the available saber
         colors in the game).

 Saber Dual_1
 Effect: Gives you a double-bladed lightsaber. Note that you can change the 1
         in that cheat to 2, 3, 4, or even 5 to get different hilts.

 Saber Single_X
 Effect: Replace the X's with numbers 1-6 for different hilts. This also gives
         you a single saber.

 Saber Single_X Single_X
 Effect: Replace the X's with numbers 1-6 for different hilts. This also gives
         you dual sabers.

 Saber Sith_Sword
 Effect: Gives you a Sith sword. This is a very powerful weapon.

 Saber Sith_Sword Sith_Sword
 Effect: Gives you two dual Sith swords. These are very powerful weapons.

 | 16. Cheat List                                                       |

 Here, I'll list every single cheat in the game (e.g. the godmode cheat). To
 open up the console, which is what you'll need to open to enter these cheats,
 hold SHIFT and press ~. Once on the console, type in the desired cheat to
 execute it. To exit the console, simply hold SHIFT and press ~.

 /Broadsword 1000
 Effect: This cheat enables dead bodies to act like real dead bodies. These
         means that the bodies will lean on walls and stuff like that. This is
         a multiplayer only cheat.

 Cg_Drawfps 1
 Effect: This cheat shows the framerate that is onscreen.

 Effect: Set the maximum frame rate. Default number is 85.

 Effect: Enable cheats on every level.

 Effect: Replace the # symbol with any number you desire. This is a multiplayer
         cheat, so it's only useful there. Type, for example "Fraglimit 1" in
         the console to make the number of kills in that multiplayer server be
         1. If you wish to have a no kill limit, type Fraglimit 0 in the

 Give Health
 Effect: Restores health to maximum. Can also type, for example "Give Health
         25" to get 25 health.

 Give Ammo
 Effect: Gives maximum ammo to all your weapons.

 Give Armor
 Effect: Restores armor to maximum. Can also type, for example "Give Armor 25"
         to get 25 armor.

 Give Force
 Effect: Restores your Force energy to the maximum amount.

 G_Knockback X
 Effect: This code makes it where people are knocked back very far. Replace X
         with any number. The higher the number, the farther people are knocked

 Effect: Makes Jaden taunt. The taunt varies upon the lightsaber style.

 Effect: Activates godmode, which makes you invincible to anything except lava
         and some falls (e.g. at the starting point of Yalara).

 Effect: This allows you to pick up lightsabers that are dropped. The minimum
         number is 0, while the maximum number is 1. Replace the # symbol with
         0 or 1.

 Helpusobi 1
 Effect: If you entered a level manually (e.g. by starting a new game or by
         just typing "map" then a mapname, rather than devmap), type this into
         the console to turn on cheats.

 Effect: This makes you where you can use punches, kicks, and throws.

 Effect: Kill Jaden. Ends the mission if you do this, though.

 Effect: Type, for example, "map Taspir1" in the console, and you'll be brought
         to that level. Note that this works the same way as Devmap does,
         except that cheats are not enabled.

 Effect: Causes Jaden to meditate.

 Effect: Noclip enables you to go through any building, and anything at all for
         that matter! Very fun cheat.

 Effect: Makes it where enemies don't attack you.

 NPC Kill All
 Effect: Kills every single NPC in the level, except for you. If you do this on
         any level where someone must survive (e.g. in the first introductory
         mission Yavin Jungle, if you do this, the mission ends, since Rosh has
         to survive).

 NPC Spawn Vehicle ATST_Vehicle
 Effect: Spawns a ridable ATST. Walk up next to this vehicle after you spawn
         it, then press the Use key to get in it.

 NPC Spawn Vehicle Lambdashuttle_Vehicle
 Effect: Spawns an Imperial Shuttle that you can go inside and drive!

 NPC Spawn Vehicle Rancor_Vehicle
 Effect: Spawns a ridable Rancor. Jump on top of it to ride it.

 NPC Spawn Vehicle Swoop_Vehicle
 Effect: Spawns a ridable gray swoop bike. Approach it and press the Use key to
         get in.

 NPC Spawn Vehicle Swoop_Red_Vehicle
 Effect: Spawns a ridable red swoop bike. Approach it and press the Use key to
         get in.

 NPC Spawn Vehicle Tauntaun_Vehicle
 Effect: Spawns a ridable Tauntaun. Get on it by approaching it and pressing
         the Use key.

 NPC Spawn Vehicle Tie-Bomber_Vehicle
 Effect: Spawns a flyable Tie-Bomber. Get it in by approaching it and pressing
         the Use key.

 NPC Spawn Vehicle Tie-Bomber2_Vehicle
 Effect: Spawns a flyable Tie-Bomber. Get it in by approaching it and pressing
         the Use key.

 NPC Spawn Vehicle Tie-Fighter_Vehicle
 Effect: Spawn a flyable Tie-Fighter. Get it in by approaching it and pressing
         the Use key.

 NPC Spawn Vehicle Wampa_Vehicle
 Effect: Spawns a ridable Wampa. Jump on top of it to ride it.

 NPC Spawn Vehicle Wildtauntaun_Vehicle
 Effect: Spawns a ridable wild tauntaun. Get on it by approaching it and
         pressing the Use key.

 NPC Spawn Vehicle XWing_Vehicle
 Effect: Spawns a flyable X-Wing. Go up next to the X-Wing and press the Use
         key to get in.

 NPC Spawn Vehicle Z-95_Vehicle
 Effect: Spawns a flyable Z-95 vehicle. Go up next to the Z-95 and press the
         Use key to get in.

 Effect: Type, for example "Playermodel Kyle" in the console to play as Kyle
         instead of Jaden. You can play as any NPC in the game, as long as they
         aren't glitchy. Also, type "Playermodel default" to play as a
         Stormtrooper. Note that you'll be treated as enemy if you input this

 Effect: Type Playerteam enemy, free, or neutral in the console to activate
         this cheat. It's a bit to explain, so just try and discover what each
         playerteam code does for yourself.

 Effect: Quits the game.

 Sabercolor 1, Sabercolor 2
 Effect: If you have a single saber, type Sabercolor 1 into the console, then
         after typing that in, type in one of the available saber colors in the
         game. If you have dual sabers, type in Sabercolor 1 and change the
         color of your first saber, then type in Sabercolor 2 and do the same
         for the other one. I only know how to change the color of your first
         lightsaber on a double-bladed lightsaber, which is by typing
         Sabercolor 1, then an available saber color in the game. For some
         reason, typing Sabercolor 2 doesn't work for the second saber if you
         are using a double-bladed lightsaber.

 Effect: This allows you to set each and every Force Power in the game to the
         level you want them at. For example, type "Setforceall 3" in the
         console to cause all your Force Powers to go to level 3. Replace the #
         symbol with the numbers 1-3.

 Effect: This cheat enables you to set your saber abilities to the extent you
         want them to be. The maximum is 10, while the minimum is 1. Replace
         the # symbol with the numbers 1-10.

 Effect: This cheat works the exact same way as Spwin (listed below), but a
         losing message is displayed onscreen.

 Effect: This cheat causes the camera to spin all around you. The only way to
         cause it to stop is to exit the current multiplayer server you are on,
         then come back in. Yes, this cheat is multiplayer only.

 Effect: Your character will taunt. Simple as that.

 Effect: Type this in the console to cause the camera to a matrix-like camera
         to take the place of the regular camera. The effect doesn't last but a
         few seconds, however, but it's still cool to see.

 Effect: Increases or decreases gameplay speed. Replace the # symbol with any
         number. Note that number 1 is the default gameplay speed.

 Effect: Gives you 999 health, and makes it where not even lava kills you. The
         only way you can die is if you fall off a cliff (e.g. at the start of
         Yalara). If you want 999 armor, simply type give all.

 | 17. Multiplayer                                                      |

 This section will explain the basics of multiplayer. However, it will not
 teach you how to duel with other people. If you want to learn that, I suggest
 you look at the Lightsaber Techniques section of this FAQ. Multiplayer, is, by
 the way, online mode (obviously). Also, this section does not cover how
 multiplayer works with JA+, so basically, this section only covers the
 original multiplayer that LucasArts intended.


 The first option you'll probably notice on multiplayer since you are so
 anxious to start playing a game is the "Play" option, located to the left of
 the Controls option. I'll start by explaining Play first. By clicking Play,
 you'll be brought to a screen with five options: Solo Game, Join A Game,
 Create A Game, Play Demo, and Rules. I'll start by explaining Solo Game first.
 In Solo Game, there are game modes to choose from: Capture the Flag, Duel,
 Free For All, Power Duel, and Team FFA.

 In Capture the Flag, the blue team tries to capture the red team's flag, while
 the red team tries to capture the blue team's flag. After a team has gotten
 the opposite team's flag, that team must return to their base and bring that
 flag there. That's basically all there is to Capture the Flag. Boring, if I do
 say so myself. Then there's Duel. In Duel, you simply duel someone with a
 lightsaber. If you kill your enemy first, you win. If there is more than one
 person in the Duel server, then you'll have to watch the other combatants
 fight until you get your turn to duel. Duel is extremely fun.

 In Free For All, there are no rules, except what the server host makes (server
 restrictions is what I'm talking about). Basically, Free For All mode is a
 mode where everyone walks around the level freely, killing each other until
 they feel like quitting, since Free For All mode never ends unless there is a
 kill limit, which there usually isn't. Power Duel is like the epic Obi-Wan,
 Qui-Gon, and Darth Maul lightsaber duel seen in Episode I: The Phantom Menace.
 Basically, you have two people duel one person. Whoever is the last person
 standing (or if the two of you who are on teams are standing) wins the duel.

 Finally, in Team FFA, you are on either the red or the blue team, and each
 team is out to kill each other. Like in Free For All, there are no rules,
 except to kill. Anyway, after selecting a game mode, you'll have to select a
 map. After selecting a map, click Next at the bottom right part of the screen.
 Once that is done, you'll be brought to a screen where you can change the
 General Rules, the End Game Rules, and the Bots. After you're done on this
 screen, click Next again. Now, the server will start. If you have slots open,
 other players can join that server and play with you, or you can just play
 solo against bots. The choice is up to you.

 Now, the next option when you click the "Play" option at the multiplayer
 startup screen is Join A Game. By clicking Join A Game, you'll be able to join
 other people's servers. You can't join all servers, however, as some of them
 have a lock by them, indicating that you need a password to get into that
 particular server. At the top of the screen, you'll see several options, which
 are: Get New List, which gets you a new list of games. Refresh List, which
 refreshes the game list. Then east of those two options are more options,
 which include: Source, and you can change that source to be either Local, on
 the Internet, or Favorites, which are your favorite servers.

 The next option is Game, which you can set to All, or strictly Jedi Academy.
 The next option is Type, where you can set the game type to Capture the Flag,
 Duel, Free For All, Power Duel, Siege, and Team FFA. Note that I know nothing
 about Siege, so please e-mail me if you happen to know how it works. The next
 option is View Empty, which you can set to Yes or No. The next option is View
 Full, which you can also set to Yes or No. Finally, the final option on this
 screen is Data Rate, which you can set to 56k, ISDN, or LAN/Cable. If you want
 to a join a server, click one of the servers on the list and click Join at the
 bottom right part of the screen to join the server. Sometimes it might say
 Awaiting Connection, then start a countdown that never ends.

 This is when you know that the server you're trying to join doesn't allow
 other people in it, because the server hoster's computer doesn't allow it. I
 have no idea how to fix this, since the only way I was able to make a server
 was to get a new computer, since my old one didn't allow it. After you join a
 server and are in the server (if it doesn't give you the Awaiting Connection
 countdown), there are a few things that need to be explained. First of all,
 you'll have to configure your character. First of all, pick your character,
 then after that is done, configure your Force Powers by clicking the picture
 of Force Powers southeast of the "The Force" option near the bottom of the

 After clicking the picture of the Force Powers, you'll be brought to a screen
 where you can configure your Force Powers, as well as your Force side (light
 or dark), and then you can configure what type of Force user you wish to be.
 You can be the following types of Force users: For the dark side, Custom,
 which is where you can configure your own Force Powers. Blademaster,
 Destroyer, Manipulator, Sentinel, and Support. For the light side, you can be
 a Defender, a Healer, a Knight, a Scout, and a Swashbuckler. Note that you can
 add some Force Powers to any of these types of Force users you wish to be as
 long as you have some remaining Force Points left (which you will).

 After configuring your Force Powers, click Apply Powers at the bottom of the
 screen. Once that is done, you can configure your lightsaber by clicking the
 picture of the lightsaber hilts just east of the picture with the Force
 Powers. After clicking the picture with the lightsaber hilts, you'll be
 brought to a screen where you can choose between a single saber, dual sabers,
 or a double-bladed lightsaber. After choosing your lightsaber, you can choose
 your hilt. After choosing your hilt, you can choose your color. After you
 choose your color, click Apply Settings at the bottom of the screen. Now, the
 next option on the configuration screen is Custom.

 Custom is located to the north of the picture with the lightsaber hilts, so
 click the picture with the several body pieces to the north of the lightsaber
 hilts picture. After you click that, you can create your own character by
 choosing the Species of it, the color of your character, and the Head, the
 Torso, and the Legs. Next option on the configuration screen is Team Color,
 which is located just north of the Apply option at the bottom left part of the
 screen. You can change your Team Color to red, blue, or default. The next
 option is where you can name your character. This option (namely Name
 Character) is located to the north of the Team Color option.

 By clicking the Name Character option, you'll be able to name your character
 anything you want to. The next option is Spectate, located just east of the
 Apply option. By clicking Spectate, you'll be able to watch the other people
 or bots duel it out in the server. The final option on the configuration
 screen is Apply, which is located just west of the Spectate option. By
 clicking Apply, you'll join the game with the configurations you made, and be
 able to duel people in the game.

 The options at the top of the screen when you press ESC are pretty much no
 brainers, so you can figure that out on your own. The next option under the
 "Play" option is Create A Game. Create A Game works just like Solo Game does,
 except people can join that server if your computer meets the requirements (I
 do not know the requirements, unfortunately). If not, you'll be stuck in a
 bleak server with no one ever able to join it. The only other difference
 between Create A Game and Solo Game is the Advanced option at the bottom of
 the screen.

 By clicking the Advanced option, you'll be brought to a screen where you can
 change the Combat Rules, the Advanced Game Rules, the Server Rules, and the
 Connection Rules. And yes, you can setup bots in your server if you prefer to
 play solo. This is basically your only option if you can't make a server that
 someone can join. The next option under Play is Play Demo. I have no idea how
 this feature works, so e-mail me with that information if you have it.
 Finally, the last option under the Play option at the startup screen of
 multiplayer mode is Rules.

 By clicking this option, you'll learn about each weapon in the game, about
 each Force Power in the game, about the various game types in mutliplayer,
 about the items in the game, and about the moves you can do with each
 lightsaber style and with each lightsaber. I won't bother telling you how to
 do the lightsaber moves in the FAQ, since the game already explains it to you
 Anyway, back to the startup screen in multiplayer. The next option there is
 Profile, so I'll explain it.


 By clicking this option, you can select your Force Powers, your character, as
 well as change the name of your character. You can also create your own
 character by clicking Custom to the east of where you pick your characters.
 After you select your Force Powers, your character, your characters name,
 click the Apply option at the bottom right part of the screen, then you'll be
 able to choose your lightsaber color, your lightsaber hilt, and what kind of
 lightsaber you want (single saber, dual sabers, or double-bladed lightsabers).
 Finally, you can choose the color of your lightsaber here, too.

 After you configure your lightsaber, click the Apply option at the bottom
 right part of the screen. After you configure all this for your character, you
 will be able to play in servers with your character how you configured it.
 This is an easier method of configuring your character, because you don't have
 to wait until you join a server to do it. The next option at the startup
 screen of multiplayer is Controls, so let's get on with that, shall we?


 By clicking this option, you can set the controls of the game to be how you
 want them to be. Nifty, eh? I needn't explain any further about this option,
 since all you do here is configure the controls to your liking, rather than
 how the game has them configured. The next and final option at the startup
 screen of multiplayer mode is Setup, so let's get to that.


 By clicking this option, you'll be able to change several things, which are:
 Video, More Video, Sound, Game Options, Mods, and Defaults. I'll start by
 explaining Video. By clicking Video, you can change the Video Quality, the
 Video Mode, the Color Depth, whether or not you want to play Jedi Academy in
 Full Screen or non Full Screen, the Geometric Detail, the Texture Detail, the
 Texture Quality, the Texture Filter, the Detailed Shaders, and the Video Sync.
 By clicking the More Video option, you'll be able to edit the Brightness, the
 Dynamic Lights, the Dynamic Glow, the Light Flares, the Wall Marks, and the
 Anisotropic Filter.

 By clicking the Sound option, you'll be able to edit the Effects Volume, the
 Music Volume, the Voice Volume, the Sound Quality, and the EAX. By clicking
 the Game Options option, you'll be able to change the following: Draw
 Crosshair, Identify Target, Force Player Models, Defer Player Models, Team
 Chats Only, Simple Items, Team Overlay, View Swaying, Allow Downloads,
 Footsteps, Text, and Voice. Note that there is one minor difference in the
 Setup menu in Single Player, which is the Options option, which replaces the
 Game Options option that you see in multiplayer.

 By clicking the Options option, you can edit the following: Draw Crosshairs,
 Identify Target, Slow Motion Death, 1st Person Guns, Footsteps, Model
 Dismemberment, View Swaying, Text, Voice, and Subtitles.

 | 18. FAQs                                                             |

 Q: How do I get a jetpack in multiplayer? I see everyone else using one, but I
    can't get one. Help!

 A: You have to download the JA+ mod, located at this URL:
    http://jediknight2.filefront.com/file/JA_Mod_23;41254. You must have Winzip
    or Winrar to unzip this file. Once the file is unzipped, select the .pk3
    file and then click (this is assuming you have Winrar, as I don't know much
    about how Winzip works, but I imagine it works very similar) "Extract To"
    on the top part of the screen. After clicking that (be sure that you have
    the .pk3 file highlighted), extract the .pk3 file to your Jedi Academy
    GameData/base folder. Then, go to multiplayer, click Setup, go to Mods,
    click JA+ and there you have it!

    This is how you get all other mods to work (by extracting the .pk3 file to
    your GameData/base folder). Be sure to read the Readme of each mod/model/
    skin, whatever it is you're downloading, as the Readme's contain the
    installation instructions to the file you're downloading.

 Q: Do I go to the Mods option under Setup to work other Mods besides JA+?

 A: Yes.

 | 19. Copyright                                                        |

 This guide is copyrighted ©2006-2008, Kori Winstead. All rights reserved. All
 trademarks and copyrights contained in this guide are owned by their
 respective trademark and copyright holders. This FAQ is NOT to be reproduced
 on ANY website except for the ones I list below:


 If you would like this FAQ or any of my other FAQs to be on your site, then
 e-mail me at verykoolguy2002@yahoo.com. 99.9% of the time I will say yes, so
 go ahead and e-mail me. The one website that CANNOT use my FAQ without my
 permission is www.cheatcc.com. They have ripped me off in the past, and they
 will never EVER be able to post ANY of my work. Also, they never kept up with
 my most recent versions on one of my FAQs, so I will not allow them to use any
 of my FAQs anymore.

 | 20. Contact Info                                                     |

 To contact me, e-mail me at verykoolguy2002[at]gmail[dot]com. Keep in mind that
 I will not bother to respond to hate mails, threats, or anything of that sort,
 just so you know (though common sense tells you that anyway, but I will remind
 you, just so that you are 100% sure what not to send me). I will not respond
 to spam, either. Only e-mails pertaining to this FAQ or any other FAQ I may
 have that is not marked version Final will be accepted and responded to. But
 please, read the FAQ before sending in a question.

 It gets very annoying after a while to have to sit here and respond to e-mails
 about things that are already blatantly answered in this FAQ. So the bottom
 line is to read my FAQ first and if it doesn't contain the information you are
 looking for, then go ahead and e-mail me and I'll gladly respond (though I'll
 usually respond to question already answered in this FAQ anyway, just the way
 I am, but that doesn't mean I like those e-mails).

 | 21. Credits                                                          |

 Jesus Christ: The Son of God who loves me and died for me. He died for me, so
               that I may have eternal life and not be condemned. Thanks. :)

 LucasArts: For making Star Wars.

 Ravensoft: For making this great game.

 Myself: For taking the time to write this guide.

 jak cornwall: Giving me some information I didn't know about Thermal
               Detonators, thanks!

 Tatumali: Thanks to him for info about revealing the worms in the Blenjeel

 CJayC: For hosting this FAQ, and for running GameFAQs.