COMPLETE MULTIPLAYER SABER COMBAT GUIDE [with help in other online things] Written By Kaoii v2.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS)) x.) Version List I.) Introduction II.) Single Moves & Combos - iiA. Yellow - iiB. Blue - iiC. Red III.) Dual Moves & Combos - iiiA. Duals - iiiB. Single Blue IV.) Staff Moves & Combos - ivA. Staff - ivB. Single Yellow V.) Strategies/Tactics & Exploits - vA. Acrobatic Techniques - vB. Single - vC. Duals - vD. Staff VI.) Random Useful Info - viA. Common Terms - viB. Honor Philosophy - viC. Useful Websites - viD. My Key Configuration (for reference) VII.) Frequently Asked Questions VIII.) Closure, Contact Info & Honorable Mentions To help you find the appropriate section, you can use your browsers Search feature by holding the CTRL key and pressing F. Then, all you do is type in SEC[section number]. For example, notice how the single section is labeled II.). I'd put in SECII. --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= x.) Version List [SECx] =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- v2.2 - Extreme overhaul of the guide. It turns out (4/28/06)there was a whole lot of stuff I missed and a lot of multiplayer info is now dated. I have gone in and completely revamped a lot of info and I have added or changed a lot of strategies. This guide is now the most comprehensive JKA saber combat FAQ online. v0.8 - I think I got mostly everything in this (6/8/05) version, but if theres something I missed, I'll go back and correct it.. which is why the guide is labeled 0.8. --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= I.) Introduction [SECI] =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Hi =P. This guide has been online for almost a whole year without updates. I finally came back to give it a read and I noticed that it was very dated and a lot of info was missing. I have gone through and made several changes to the guide and have added a lot of strategies. This is now the most comprehensive saber combat guide online. Here's a little bit about me so you know that your information source is trustworthy =P. I am ex-Top 10% in the BWN league, which I voluntarity stopped playing on. I am ex-Leader of two clans (including IW which had a match record of 61-1 at the time I left) and have managed a few professional tournaments in the three years I have played. I am currently one of the leaders of a growing clan called NSE, in which I am also the head instructor of. I have read other guides on sites such as GameFAQs and IGN that try to go over this topic, but I have found them to be lacking. They do not provide information on how to actually kill your opponent, just what moves to use. This guide is aimed for the beginner player who wants to be on spot in professional leagues, not to just impress friends! This guide is also aimed as a tool to help teachers ingame if they need help explaining a subject to a student learner. I will give you helpful hints (things you may not have found out otherwise) such as strategies, exploits, and such as well. Anyways, enjoy my guide.. and if your interested in talking to me, check the contact information at the bottom of this FAQ.. I answer all of the questions my readers give me if they meet and confront me in-game! - Kaoii --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= II.) Single Saber [SECII] =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- NOTE: ALL STRATEGIES ARE LISTED IN SECTION vB! This is inarguably the most common saber used online. There is an unbelievable amount of players who will use only single and refuse to use anything else. I have no doubt whatsoever you will encounter many of them online. Let's go over the strengths and weaknesses of this saber. STRENGTHS - Strong attacks. - Lunge as a special move in Blue. - You won't get complaints from whiners if they die. - Many exploits at your disposal including pokes, wiggles, and delay swings. WEAKNESSES - Most of the special attacks are useless. - Useless backstabs. - The only powerful swings you have are in Red, and those combos will take some time to master. - You cant have an endless combo chain, unlike duals and staff. Thats basically it. Now, lets move to stances. - iiA. Yellow [SECIIA] Single Yellow is the most basic stance in the entire game. Its the first stance you learn in Single Player, and has an overall balance between defense and offense. STRENGTHS - Balanced swings both defensively and offensively. - Has a combo that can counter inexperienced to moderately experienced staff users. - Jump backstabs (covered in strategies) WEAKNESSES - Your special move is useless. - Weak against duals. Now, lets go over the special moves: BACKSTAB (When enemy is behind you, BACK + ATTACK) Basically you spin around with your lightsaber. This is effective and useful only if you know precisely what you are doing. I suggest only an experienced player try to master a jump backstab, which is covered in the strategies section. DEATH FROM ABOVE (When enemy is in front of you + FORWARD + JUMP + ATTACK) You jump up in the air and do some funky saber swing. Never do this. It may have been effective in singleplayer, but multiplayer's physics are completely different than singleplayer's. This almost never hits, and if it does hit, I'll admit it can do considerable damage (possibly even a headshot), but it leaves you open to attack for too long. An inexperienced player may not take advantage of this, but an experienced player will. KATA (ATTACK + ALTERNATE ATTACK) Basically you do some funky move that is useless and should never be used. For one, katas are the easiest moves to counter in the entire game. For two, it uses fifty points of your force pool. It's not worth it. CARTWHEEL (STRAFE LEFT/RIGHT/DIAGONALLY + ATTACK + JUMP) This is useless unless it is branched off of a combo, which is better discussed in the combos section of single red and in the strategies section. Ok, now for combos. FORWARD DIAGONAL COMBOS (DIAGONAL FORWARD RIGHT ATTACK + DIAGONAL FORWARD LEFT ATTACK) Other Names: None To perform these combos, what you do is you move foward, left or right, in a diagonal motion, and then attack, then go the opposite diagonal way and do the same. These are good staff combos, however they are not that great on single yellow because they leave you more open for attack. DIAGONAL COUNTER (DIAGONAL FORWARD RIGHT ATTACK + DIAGONAL BACKWARDS LEFT ATTACK) Other Names: None No one really uses these combos, but they do work. You'll use them especially a lot with Duals and Staff. This is a good defensive combo. And remember, you can't spin while doing this combo or it won't work (plus you'll probably die.) It will take practice to master, and remember it will not be as effective as it staff and duals counterpart. COUNTER (STRAFE LEFT ATTACK + STRAFE RIGHT ATTACK) Other Names: Fan, Slice, Spam, Sweep These combos are only good in yellow for if your fighting a staff user and you dont want to risk using Red. You have to do this without spinning though, otherwise it wont work. NOTE: ALL OF THESE COMBOS CAN BE REVERSED. TO REVERSE A COMBO, START WITH THE OPPOSITE MOVEMENT (Left -> Right, Right -> Left) AND THE COMBO WILL HAVE A DIFFERENT EFFECT. All of these combos can be done both crouching and walking. To master the combos it is important you able to do them all three ways (running, crouching, and walking). You also need to be able to do them reversed (left instead of right) to attain mastery. Experiment with which movement pattern does the most damage against what. More info about this is covered in the strategies sections. - iiB. Blue [SECIIB] Blue is the fastest style in the game. It is also the weakest, but there are some strategies that can make it useful. These are discussed in subsection D. STRENGTHS - Fast swings. - Powerful lunge special move. - Can fight against single red and even staff (covered in the strategies section) if used correctly. WEAKNESSES - All of the swings are extremely weak. - Completely useless backstab. - Not something you'll use regularly. - Short range, dont expect to be pulling those attacks you would with red where it doesnt even look like the saber hits the opponent and it nearly kills them. Special moves: LUNGE (CROUCH + FOWARD + ATTACK) This is basically the most important thing you'll be using in Blue. It's fast, powerful, and can counter basically every special move in the entire game. So, if you see a dual or staff user who is using butterfly or twirl constantly, retaliate with lunge every time that person does it. However, remember, lunge does have two weaknesses. One, it uses some force power. Two, what you see in your crosshair is basically what you get. Once you start the special move, you can't move until its over. When you lunge, you leave both of your sides open as well as the back, and at the end of the move you leave the front open. If you know your opponent is experienced, then they know how to handle this weakness. Use it sparingly against experienced players. BACKSTAB (When enemy is behind you, BACK + ATTACK) This is a wannabe Darth Maul backstab, only you're not using staff. This is only here in the guide so you actually know it exists, I personally never use this move because it almost never hits and leaves you open for a good five seconds to die. KATA (ATTACK + ALTERNATE ATTACK) Even more useless and suicidal than the yellow kata. Also uses your half of your force pool, and you're standing still the whole time. CARTWHEEL (STRAFE LEFT/RIGHT/DIAGONALLY + ATTACK + JUMP) This is useless unless it is branched off of a combo, which is better discussed in the combos section of single red and in the strategies section. Combos: COUNTER (STRAFE LEFT ATTACK + STRAFE RIGHT ATTACK) Other Names: Fan, Slice, Spam, Sweep Same thing as the yellow counter. You strafe from left to right and attack (without spinning). However since the timing is different due to the difference in speeds, you'll have to practice doing this combo to stop yourself from spinning. DIAGONAL COUNTER (DIAGONAL FORWARD RIGHT ATTACK + DIAGONAL BACKWARDS LEFT ATTACK) Other Names: None The exact same thing as the yellow, staff, and duals counterpart. This move is EXTREMELY difficult to do without spinning on blue, in fact I don't even recommend it because it's so hard. NOTE: ALL OF THESE COMBOS CAN BE REVERSED. TO REVERSE A COMBO, START WITH THE OPPOSITE MOVEMENT (Left -> Right, Right -> Left) AND THE COMBO WILL HAVE A DIFFERENT EFFECT. Those are really the only two dual combos you need to know. - iiC. Red [SECIIC] Single Red is the most widely used Single Style. It does the most damage, and it's packed with exploits. In the previous version (0.8) of this guide, I chose not to reveal exploit technique (yes they require practice) because I only wanted to teach saber skills. Now that exploits are so widely used and are even recognized in professional leagues, I will put them here under the impression they will not be abused. STRENGTHS - Very powerful attacks. - Endless amount of combos. WEAKNESSES - Very, very slow attacks. - Each attack leaves you open for a short time. - There is a steep learning curve. - All of the special moves are completely useless. Special Moves: DEATH FROM ABOVE (FORWARD + JUMP + ATTACK) Using this move is just a symbol that shouts "I'm a newbie." No professional player using Red ever uses this move, or ever even has a need. This move leaves you open to a ground assault (against a mid-level player) and it leaves you open to an air assault (against a pro-level player). If you use this move, you will die. BACKSTAB (When enemy is behind you, BACK + ATTACK) Exact same as yellow backstab. It's good, but just not good to use on single. And seeing that you are on red, there is simply no need. You have more than enough power to kill your opponent without a backstab. KATA (ATTACK + ALTERNATE ATTACK) For some odd reason, this is the Kata that most people like to use in Single. They think its the best and only kata in the game they should be using. In truth, this is the next to worst kata to be using in the entire game. It is very easy to counter, because you at the end of the kata you step foward and are wide open because on the forward slash, you quite literally but the saber down to your knees. Therefore, it is obvious that I suggest you do not try to perform this move =P CARTWHEEL (STRAFE LEFT/RIGHT/DIAGONALLY + ATTACK + JUMP) This is useless unless it is branched off of a combo, which is better discussed in the combos section of single red (below) and in the strategies section. Combos: Due to the amount of combos that can be performed on Red, I simply can't post them all. In the previous version of the guide, I simply left you with an illustration. This time around, I'm teaching the three most basic Red combos that you will be using. Remember that all combos can be reversed. (Right -> Left, Left -> Right) Reversing a combo will change its effects. Right attacks tend to do more damage, left attacks tend to block/parry more. Basically, you can do one of three things. One, you can do one swing twice and do a swing that would be right next to it. I call this kind of combo a "diad" combo Each star represents a direction you can swing your lightsaber. If you still dont understand, the player is in the center of the circle (respresented with a + sign.) The sequence of the moves is numbered. * * * * + * (2) - Do one here. * * (1) - You can do two swings here and then... * Two, you can do a "triad" combo, which goes down three points on the grid consecutively. * * * (1) - You can swing here.. * + * (2) - To here causing a spin. * * (3) - Then to here, causing * a double spin. Or three, you can do a "rotating" combo. This combo goes from one point, to the next, then back to the starting point, like this: * (2) Then here.. * * (1) Start here.. (3) Then here again. * + * * * * Notice I have labeled each type of combo as a "diad", "triad", or "rotating" combo. These are not official names (laff), they are names I am using for the purposes of this guide. If you are a person who teaches people lightsaber skills in JKA, feel free to use any names or content in this guide to help you. As promised, here are the three basic combos with alternate diad (or any other) inversions. These dont have fancy names like "diagonal counter". In-game they are just called simply "combos". For the purposes of this guide I will label them Combo A, Combo B, and Combo C. These combos are listed in a special order. Combo A is the easiest, Combo C is the hardest. COMBO A Triad Combo. Has An Effective Aerial Inversion. Has Two Effective Diad Inversions. Has a Reversed Cartwheel Inversion. Triad Inversion: * * * * + * (3) One slash here. * * (1/2) Two slashes here.. * Diad Inversion One: * * * * + * * * (1/2) Two consecutive slashes here. * Diad Inversion Two: * * * * + * (2) Followed by one here. * * (1) One slash here.. * Aerial Inversion: There are no move changes in the aerial inversion of this combo. To perform this inversion, HOP (use NO FORCE in your jump) and the second you jump, start the combo. Continue it as and after you land. Reversed Cartwheel Inversion: This is a reversed combo, all of your right attacks will now be on your lefthand side. Any combo in the game can be reversed, as is noted several times in the guide! * * * (2/3) Perform a cartwheel * + * (3) Another (1/2) Swing once or twice here * * cartwheel * here if you want. If you are lost on how this works, you swing once or twice backwards diagonally to the left. Remember that Red combos only last for a max of three moves. If you do one backwards diagonal slash, you will be able to do two cartwheels. If you do two slashes, you can only do one cartwheel. You can refer to the special moves sections of any single stance for how to perform a cartwheel. If you will notice, when you branch the cartwheel (assuming you do it right) from the first (or second) slash, there will be a saber trail on the move. This means it is now an active attack instead of just an evasive move (like the normal cartwheel which doesnt have a trail)! If your saber hits someone while you cartwheel, it will seriously hurt them. Also, try wiggling your saber, that way you only have to get in the general vicinity of your opponent to hit them. This takes time to perfect, especially on the aim. It will come with practice. When this hits, it is usually a one-hit install kill (headshot). Tips For Combo A: This combo is most effective against duals and staff users, and is probably one of the most effective combos against those sabers. This is why I decided to put it in this guide. When doing this combo, especially midair, on the backwards diagonal slashes try to aim a little higher than you normally would. This will make the slashes more precise and will most likely disarm your opponent. It is smart to always do this in the aerial inversion. Also, there is a bug in the game you can exploit while performing this combo. If you will notice, when you switch arrow keys in the middle of your backwards diagonal slash to the right, your saber will kind of move as your body sways. This does a touch more damage. COMBO B Triad Combo. Has Three Effective Diad Inversions. Triad Inversion: * * * (3) One here. * + * (1/2) Two slashes here.. * * * Diad Inversion One: * * * * + * (1/2) Two slashes here. * * * Diad Inversion Two: * * * (2) One here. * + * (1) One slash here.. * * * Diad Inversion Three: * * * (1/2) Two slashes here. * + * * * * Tips For Combo B: This is a very good combo against any saber. It has a good disarm rate and if you wiggle (discussed in strategies/exploits) during the strafe slashes, it could easily take a huge chunk out of your enemy's hit points. COMBO C Triad Combo. Has Two Effective Triad Inversions. Has Five Effective Diad Inversions. Has Two Effective Aerial Inversions. Triad Inversion One: * (2/3) Two here. * * (1) One here.. * + * * * * Traid Inversion Two: (this combo goes from right side to left side) * (2) Another here.. (3) Lastly here. * * (1) One slash here.. * + * * * * Diad Inversion One: * * * (1/2) Two slashes here. * + * * * * Diad Inversion Two: * (2) Another here. * * (1) One here... * + * * * * Diad Inversion Three: * (1/2) Two here. * * * + * * * * Diad Inversion Four: * (1/2) Two here =p * * * + * * * * Diad Inversion Five: (2) And then here. * (1) One here.. * * * + * * * * Aerial Inversion One (Triad): Hop (a nonforce jump) forward, preferably a double hop for speed while doing this combo. Feel free to use any diad variation you want on this combo if you feel it is needed. * (3) * * (2) * + * (1) * * * Aerial Inversion Two (Diad): Hop forward like you did on the first aerial inversion, preferably two or three hops for speed. * (1/2) Two here. * * * + * * * * Tips For Combo C: All of the inversions of this combo will take some time to master and even more time to apply correctly. However, it will be well worth the effort once you have applied the level C inversions. Those are all of the basic Red combo inversions. They will take time to learn and apply, but once you have mastered them all it will take your single skills to the next level. If you want to know how to further use and apply these combos (or anything else with the single saber) drop down to the stategies section (vB). --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= III.) Dual Sabers [SECIII] =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- ALL STRATEGIES ARE LISTED IN SECTION vC! Duals are probably the rarest saber used online. You will have trouble finding a professional dual user.. but I have seen them. That makes learning duals hard, you don't have anyone to look to. I've listed a lot of duals tactics in the strategies section, so give it a look if you are interested in dual saber mastery. Remember that while duals have nearly the exact same combos as staff, they are almost the total opposite. Whereas staff users depend mostly on the sheer offensive power of their attacks to cut through and annihalate their opponents, duals users depend mostly on the defensive capabilities of their weapon. An excellent way to look at it is instead of thinking of duals as "two lightsabers to cut down my foes!", think of your two sabers more as a shield that deals damage as a byproduct of the defense. If you block opponents attacks with duals, you will naturally deal them damage. You should focus on this more than just mindlessly charging them. Alright, let's talk about the most important aspects of duals: the strengths and weaknesses. STRENGTHS - Very limited range on both stances. - Highest defensive power in the game. - Can switch to Single Blue and lunge! - Kata that can be spun to instantly kill. - Neverending combos. - Extremely powerful, yet vulnerable, backstab. WEAKNESSES - Suicidal if used offensively. - There aren't many skilled dualists online that you can look to and learn from. Most of them are held up in clans and refuse to teach anything to non-members. - The twirl is completely useless. - The butterfly is completely useless. - iiiA. Duals [SECIIIA] Well, this is basically just dual sabers. This is the most defensive style in the entire game.. and it can really scare a staff user. Single users will give you one heck of a time, though. STRENGTHS - High rate of random one-hit kill headshots! - A kata that can be spun. - Extremely defensive.. if used correctly, not even a staff will get through those dual sabers. - Strong backstab. WEAKNESSES - Very limited range. - A little below average attack power. - Useless and suicidal butterfly and twirl. - May have difficulty with single users. - Few skilled dualists online. Special moves: TWIRL (CROUCH + FOWARD + ATTACK) I wouldn't get into a habit of using this move. Not only does it use a lot of your force pool, it also leaves you completely open to the back. A staff user and a single user would like nothing more than for you to use this special move, so trust me, avoid it. BUTTERFLY (When enemy is behind you, BACK + ATTACK) You get your sabers and do some funky jump in the air that I'm assuming is supposed to be effective. It's not. It misses about 90% of the time and uses a lot of force pool that you would probably want to use on jumping (if you havn't broken the habit of jumping and just started hopping yet.) KATA (ATTACK + ALTERNATE ATTACK) This is possibly the cheapest move in the entire game if done with duals. Basically, you lift your sabers in the air, etc. However, since the developers seem to have forgotten about the game, you can also spin while doing it, causing your sabers to go everywhere and kill every single person that touches them. It's very cheap and it's very gay. CARTWHEEL (STRAFE LEFT/RIGHT/DIAGONALLY + ATTACK + JUMP) This is useless unless it is branched off of a combo. Any combo will work. Combos: COUNTER (STRAFE LEFT ATTACK + STRAFE RIGHT ATTACK) Other Names: Slice, Spam, Sweep, Fan You strafe left to right and attack. If you spin, it wont work and will only get you killed.. so practice doing it without spinning. I'd also suggest that you crouch when doing it, to protect the area below your waist. This is a very defensive combo that I don't believe any swing can counter. FORWARD DIAGONAL COMBOS Other Names: None (DIAGONAL FORWARD RIGHT ATTACK + DIAGONAL FORWARD LEFT ATTACK) To perform these combos, what you do is you move foward, left or right, in a diagonal motion, and then attack, then go the opposite diagonal way and do the same. These combos are good for starting spins. DIAGONAL COUNTER (DIAGONAL FORWARD RIGHT ATTACK + DIAGONAL BACKWARDS LEFT ATTACK) Other Terms: None These combos are one of the most important dual combos, and the source of most of your random headshots. Try jumping into them for an added boost towards your opponent's head area. Just remember not to spin, or it breaks the combo. CARTWHEEL COUNTER (ANY STRAFE OR DIAGONAL ATTACK + CARTWHEEL) For help on how to do a cartwheel, check the special moves section above. You will know this has worked if you see a trail following your saber once you cartwheel. Experiment with different moves to see what position it puts your saber at. You will want a position closest to the air (so when you flip, itll be aiming straight down towards your opponent). Also remember since you are on duals and your combos can go forever, you can cartwheel back and forth however many times you want. NOTE: ALL OF THESE COMBOS CAN BE REVERSED. TO REVERSE A COMBO, START WITH THE OPPOSITE MOVEMENT (Left -> Right, Right -> Left) AND THE COMBO WILL HAVE A DIFFERENT EFFECT. - iiiB. Single Blue (with small variations) [SECIIIB] There is no need to go into detail about this. If you want info on this stance check section iiB. The only differences between the Single version and the Duals version of this stance is that you cant kata and you can't cartwheel. Also, your running forward attack is no longer a forward attack, your swing will go to the right. You can perform one combo with the Duals Single Blue stance that I will not hesitate to mention. DOUBLE LUNGE (LUNGE + CHANGE SABER STYLE) Lunge and the second you start doing the move, change your saber style back to duals. This will make you lunge with two lightsabers, doing more damage. If you want to further advance in dual saber mastery, drop down to the strategies section (vC). --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= IV.) Staff Saber [SECIV] =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- NOTE: ALL STRATEGIES ARE LISTED IN SECTION vD! Well, here we are, the staff. It's the most controversial weapon in the entire game, which I can understand. There are some idiots who use the staff and just spam butterfly and call themselves skilled (which they aren't.) (at all.) (they're noobs.) Also, before starting this section, I would like to get something behind us. NOT EVERY STAFF USER IS A NOOB. So all of these words: Lightstick Noobstick Glowstick Double-Ended Flashlight .. are meaningless. If you play on BWN, you'll hear them alot from the whiners who don't know how to take a loss. And yes, there is an existance of skill when using staff. It takes skill to use a staff (appropriately), and it takes skill to fight one. If you don't like it.. then you might as well uninstall JKA, because you'll have to deal with it. Now, for the Strengths and Weaknesses. STRENGTHS - Almost unstoppable offensive power. - All of the attacks have a defensive aspect with them, so when you attack you are actually blocking some of your opponent's attacks.. and possibly pushing them back. - Neverending combos. - Effective aerial combos. - Has Single Yellow that you can use. WEAKNESSES - Special move that does absolutely nothing. - Greatly upsets the whiners. - Useless backstab and twirl. - It has a bad reputation. - Vulnerable to both skilled dual and single users. - Weak against staff users. - ivA. Staff [SECIVA] Very controversial, very powerful. A popular choice amongst noobs and pros everywhere. It is my personal saber of choice. STRENGTHS - Unstoppable offensive power. - Endless combos. - Transitions for added offense (check exploits and strategies). WEAKNESSES - Useless kata, backstab, and twirl. - You'll have difficulty with experienced single and dual users. Dual users you may find will be near impossible to beat without special moves. - Horribly bad reputation. You may even get rejected from clans and teams if you're a staff user. Special moves: TWIRL (CROUCH + FOWARD + ATTACK) This is totally useless, and thats all I have to say. Don't use it. KATA (ATTACK + ALTERNATE ATTACK) Now I've gone through every special move in this game. As you may have taken notice, well over half of them are just pointless to use. Well, if there is a level of beyond useless, this kata certainly meets it. This is quite possibly the stupidest move (that can hurt the enemy) in the game. FLYING NOOB BACKFLIP THING (BACK + ATTACK + JUMP) The only purpose of this move is to look cool. It does zero damage. BUTTERFLY (FORWARD + ATTACK + JUMP) A very noob/newbie move. It does a lot of damage and is easy to spam because it doesn't use much force energy. Understand that an experienced player will be prepared to counter any butterfly you throw at them, and they will assume you will try to do it to them if you are using staff. The only reason you should ever use this move is to counter a special move that makes your opponent stationary, such as a twirl or a kata. Combos: COUNTER Other Names: Fan, Sweep, Spam, Slice (STRAFE LEFT ATTACK + STRAFE RIGHT ATTACK) You strafe left to right and attack. If you spin, it wont work and will only get you killed.. so practice doing it without spinning. A lot of people will cry when you use this because they don't understand how to play against it. Just rub it in their faces by spamming it if they keep crying about it. FORWARD DIAGONAL COMBOS Other Names: None (FORWARD DIAGONAL LEFT ATTACK + FORWARD DIAGONAL RIGHT ATTACK) When you do these combos, be sure you don't spin. It is good to branch this combo with the counter combo that way you have some mobility and offense at the same time. DIAGONAL COUNTER Other Names: Counter, Spam (FORWARD DIAGONAL RIGHT ATTACK + BACKWARDS DIAGONAL LEFT ATTACK) No one really uses these combos, but they do work. This is a good defensive combo. And remember, you can't spin while doing this combo or it won't work (plus you'll probably die.) AERIAL COMBOS Other Names: None Same for diagonal counters, no one really uses these combos. This is exactly why you should, because no one expects it. Basically, its like a strafe combo, but you hold down the right or left or any directional key besides forward and backward and make two attacks. On your second attack, you should jump and spin, and then make a combo that would go from that attack when you land. This may take practice. NOTE: ALL OF THESE COMBOS CAN BE REVERSED. TO REVERSE A COMBO, START WITH THE OPPOSITE MOVEMENT (Left -> Right, Right -> Left) AND THE COMBO WILL HAVE A DIFFERENT EFFECT. - ivB. Single Yellow (w/ small variations) [SECIVC] Same for the Dual version of Single Blue, you can't cartwheel and you can't kata. Another difference that you will put to use is the running forward attack. Instead of slashing forward like the single version, on staff it does a strafe left attack instead. This means, you can run forward and use a strafe left attack at the same time. Extra mobility! How to use this is covered in the strategies section (vD). --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= V.) Strategies/Tactics & Exploits [SECV] =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- NOTE: I highly recommend you go back and read over the previous sections before continuing. I may talk about things discussed earlier that you may not be familiar with. This is how this will work. I will go through each and every saber explaining what to use and when to use it to the best of my ability. I will first start with acrobatic techniques that will give you a very great edge over your opponents if you master them. - vA. Acrobatic Techniques Acrobatic skill is very important in duels. Being able to move around better than your opponent may give you a good enough edge that may mean the difference between a victory and a loss. FORCE JUMPS (ANY DIRECTION, HOLD THE JUMP BUTTON DOWN) This is the slowest kind of jump. You'll know you've done it right if you character rolls in the direction you are jumping. There is a way to use this jump to surprise your opponent in a duel: - SEMI-FORCE SIDE ROLL JUMP (STRAFE LEFT/RIGHT + JUMP JUST LONG ENOUGH TO ROLL, RELEASE SOON ENOUGH FOR SPEED + ATTACK) This one is a bit hard to master and even harder to learn without seeing someone doing it. I'll do my best to explain. Before starting, understand that your timing has to be absolutely perfect for this to work. If you let go of the jump button too soon, you will do a hop and not get the needed roll. If you let go of the jump button too late, you wont land where you aim and will soar too far above your opponent. Hit the strafe left/right key and the second you hit it, hit and hold the jump button down just long enough to get a side roll. Once the roll starts (not during the roll!), let go of the jump button and begin your combo mid-air. Why is this effective? Three reasons. One, the roll in the air makes a low to mid experienced player believe you are going to jump above them. Two, the roll mid air gives you a speed boost for the element of surprise. Three, starting the combo mid-air gives you a damage boost because it makes your saber drag from the head region to the mid or low region. The head region is the most vulnerable part of the body and one-hit kill headshots are a common thing. HOPS (MOVE ANY DIRECTION + TAP THE JUMP BUTTON) A hop is a jump that uses no force. These are the most important jumps in the game because if used consecutively, they make you jump faster and if you start a combo mid-air off of a hop it will do more damage if it hits when you land. You can also hop off of a cartwheel and off of a wall. FORCE CONSERVATIVE JUMPS (JUMP ANY DIRECTION + LET GO OF THE DIRECTION KEY ONCE THE JUMP BEGINS) These are very useful jumps because they are faster than force jumps and they use less force. You can also do a delay swing off of them, which is discussed in the single strategies. SIDE WALL RUNS (RUN AGAINST A WALL + STRAFE + JUMP + JUMP AGAIN) You will run up a wall. This really isnt very useful in duels and a lot of people will take advantage of it by trying to kill you while you are doing the run. You can flip off of the wall by hitting the jump button twice. WALL FLIPS (GET A WALL ON ONE OF YOUR STRAFE SIDES, STRAFE TOWARDS THE WALL + JUMP) This will make you flip off of a wall. You can delay your swings by doing this so it isnt completely useless. Delayed swings are discussed in the single strategies. FORWARD WALL RUNS (RUN AGAINST A WALL FORWARDS + JUMP TWICE + JUMP AGAIN TO FLIP OFF) This isn't useful unless you are trying to do a delayed swing, which is covered in the single strategies section. - vB. Single Strategies & Exploits Single is probably the most overexploited saber in the entire game. I find it ironic that single users often call staff and dual users "spammers", when in fact singlests are the biggest exploit spammers around. <- DELAY SWINGS -> A delay swing is quite simply, a swing that is delayed for a second. The delay can often fool your opponent or even extend your combo for it to last long enough to hit them. They are very very useful in any duel if you are a single user. There are many ways to perform a delay swing. The simplest of these is to do a force conservative jump and then forward attack right before you hit the ground. You will notice that your saber "hangs" before it hits. You can delay a swing in any direction and make combos off of delay swings. <- WIGGLE -> One of the most used single exploits. This also happens to work with staff and duals if you can implement it correctly. What happens is, you shake your saber to the left and right (wiggling it) and your saber will actually hit them several times (because it passes through them over and over). It is important that you set your mouse sensitivity very high.. even if you have no plan on using this exploit. You should ALWAYS be able to turn on a dime but move slow enough to be precise. Everyone's mouse is different, so everyone's setting will be different. To change your sensitivity setting, open up the console while you are in-game (by pressing SHIFT + ~) and type in /sens 0.00 . Change 0.00 to whatever number you want your sensitivity to be. For reference, my sensitivity setting is always set to 24.375. Yours may vary depending on your mouse.. but I can literally breathe on my mouse and my guy turns 360 degrees. <- POKE -> Information on this exploit will not be provided at this time. However, if you ask any player online I am sure they will assist you with how to perform this. Ok, now for strategies. <- Basic Single Rules -> - Never kata nomatter what style you are on. - Only lunge when nececarry. - Do not taunt your opponent. This leaves you open to attack assuming your opponent is faster than you are. <- Single -Vs- Single -> Some basic things you need to remember here. Always be on your guard for their lunges, for their wiggles, and for their surprise counter attacks with yellow. If they lunge: Assuming you are in red, instantly switch to blue and counter them. If you are in yellow, use counters while crouching. Memorize the different single katas so you will know how to respond to each. If they Blue kata: Lunge them because they are stationary for the duration of the move. If they Yellow kata: Either use a counter with either blue or yellow or use forward attacks with red that hit at the end of their kata. A delay swing may help with the forward red timing. If they Red kata: Lunge them with Blue if you are in Red at the time, or if you are in Yellow, do crouching counters with a lot of spin for extra damage. Always remember to hit on the end of the kata when they are most vulnerable. If they try to kill you with blue: Switch to yellow and counter them. If they try to kill you with yellow: Red Diad Combos or Yellow counters will usually work. If they try to kill you with red: Red combos are preferred, but you can RARELY use blue and yellow counters to surprise them. To counter their red combos, try playing defensive until the very end of their combo. This is when they are most vulnerable and have the hardest time moving. This is the best opportunity you have to attack them. <- Single -Vs- Duals -> This should be the easiest fight for single. Duals have an inferior range compared to you and have to rely on deflecting your attacks for random side damage. Keep in mind that almost none of your Red attacks can be deflected, however you can be attacked at the end of your combos when you are vulnerable. If they kata: If they spin it, keep away until the very end of the kata. At the very end of the kata, even if they are spinning it it wont matter because it cant hit you. Lunge them at this time. If they aren't spinning the kata, always assume they are playing stupid with you and will spin it the second you approach. Wait until the end moments of the kata and lunge them. If they twirl: Get behind them (be sure not to approach them from any other side or you risk your saber being deflected and you will recieve side-damage) and lunge them. If they butterfly: Don't try to counter this, just simply move out of the way. If they spam it use a forward red attack right on them when they approach. If it doesn't kill them, it will seriously cripple them and give them second thoughts about their strategy. If they counter: Use random inversions of Red Combo B (discussed in the Single section earlier). If they aerial diagonal counter: Use aerial inversions of Red Combo C. If they lunge: Switch to blue and attack them from the sides or the back. If you are on yellow, use crouch counters with some spin. <- Single -Vs- Staff -> This shouldn't be very difficult if you know what you are doing. On the contrary, it will be difficult if you don't know what you are doing OR the staff user is one of those skilled few staff users who has creative talent to adapt to your technique. I know I do =p Always make sure you are using either red or yellow on staff. If you are bold and have enough practice, you can use crouching blue counters with a LOT of spin to kill a staff user assuming they dont know what they are doing, however experienced staff users wont hesitate to take advantage of the moment if you let down your guard. First I will answer what seems to be the holy grail of all questions in JKA combat. What to do if they butterfly: Always be prepared for a butterfly. With practice you will be able to recognize the signs that one is about to come (a few steps back, a backflip, etc). All you do is a forward attack. It will completely glitch the butterfly and practically make your opponent's saber inert. What to do if they twirl: Lunge them with blue or do forward attacks with red. If they do the weird backflip: Just let them show off. You only put yourself at risk trying to counter this. If they ground butterfly: Use forward attacks and treat it like an air butterfly. If they counter/fan: Use Red Combo B with random ia/di/tri inversions. - vC. Duals Strategies & Exploits As mentioned earlier, this is the least used saber online. This makes it the hardest to learn how to use because there aren't many experienced duals users around. Let's go over the rules and basic exploits first. Some of these may have been mentioned earlier. <- SUSTAINED CARTHWEEL -> A sustained cartwheel is a cartwheel that does damage. In the case of duals, it is an effective aerial combo because you can have an endless "cartwheel of uber death". To try it out, do a strafe left or right attack and cartwheel right after the attack in the fashion of a combo. You will notice a saber trail behind your cartwheel if you have done it correctly. This means your sabers are active and will do damage if they touch your enemies. Now to make a combo out of this, cartwheel in the opposite direction. Also remember you can cartwheel forward diagonally left and right for a speed boost and you can hop off of a cartwheel. <- DOUBLE LUNGE -> When you lunge, the second the move starts quickly change your lightsaber style back to duals so that both of your sabers are up as you lunge. This will give you an extra damage boost and make you just a touch harder to hit when you are vulnerable. Always remember that if you spin a counter, it will make you move forward (because you are effectively moving diagonally with the spin). Try to use some spin, but to never lose sight of your opponent. If you turn your back to them or leave one of your sides open to them, you will be attacked and sustain damage. And dont forget that you can branch your combos from Counter to Diagonal Forward Counters and back to Counter without spinning. This is extremely useful for outmanouvering your opponents. <- Basic Duals Rules -> - Do not kata. - Do not twirl. - Do not taunt your opponent. This leaves you open to attack assuming your opponent is faster than you are. - Crouch your combos when needed (covered in strategies on when its appropriate). - Do not butterfly. It almost always misses. - When you lunge, always do a double lunge (look above). - Do not use blue for anything besides lunges. I've seen newbies actually go against staffs with blue. You can guess the end result. <- Duals -Vs- Single -> This will probably be your hardest fight. The reason is because that Duals do not have a high range and single Red has a very high range. A single user will most likely not switch to yellow or blue in this fight, however they may try to lunge you because it will be harder to hit them at the end of their lunge because of your limited range. Do not use forward diagonal combos (the ones that go left and right and make you run diagonally). The reason being that this puts your lightsaber in the air for a split second leaving your front vulnerable. A single user will take advantage of this. When I refer to counters in the sense of duals, understand that you are more likely to get a headshot with your diagonal counters. Try both diagonal counters and normal counters to see whichever works best for you. If they use Red combos: Wait until the last second of the combo when they are vulnerable and use counter combos, or lunge them to hopefully disarm their saber. If they counter with yellow: Use normal counters, but be sure to crouch while using them to protect the area below your waist. If they kata: With until the end of their kata to either use a counter combo or a double lunge. Try to avoid using backstabs, you always want to be facing your opponent. By not facing your opponent you will leave your backside vulnerable to attack. If they lunge: Use counters to attack them at their sides or their back. If they do a Death From Above: Use crouching diagonal counters or a double lunge. <- Duals -Vs- Duals -> A lot of people tend to think that these fights are even more random than Staff VS Staff duels. However, if you know what to do and when to do it you can easily gain the upper hand. Always watch for "open points", or points of attack where they end their combo or spin their combo and make themselves vulnerable. They wont happen often so you will have to take advantage of them when they do happen. Also, because of the counters your opponent will throw at all of your moves, try to throw in some aerial diagonal counters. If one hits you are quite likely to get a headshot which will take a lot of trouble away from killing them hit by hit. And the most important thing, remember that with duals if you aren't crouching you are vulnerable below the waist to lower attacks. Most duals users do not realize this, therefore this is very easy to take advantage of. If they stand on all of their combos, crouch on all of yours. If they crouch on their combos, do a mix of standing and crouching on your combos (stand one slash, crouch the next). Remember to watch out for open points on your end. If your saber is throw off, immediately backflip out of the frey. This can easily save your life in a Duals VS Duals match. If they counter while standing: Crouch and use counters with a little spin for extra damage. You can also try aerial diagonal counters if you want to push your luck with a headshot. If they counter while crouching: Do a mix of crouched and standing (while walking) counters. Try crouching one attack of the combo and crouching the next. If you want to press your luck, try an aerial. If they use diagonal counters: Use a double lunge if they are stationary and just expect you to run into their attacks. Try an aerial counter (not a diagonal aerial) if they are moving. If they use aerial counters: If they try it once, they will most likely try it again until it hits. You should see a pattern and be able to tell where/when they will try it next. When they do, double lunge them. If they kata: Wait until the last moment of the kata so they wont have a chance to spin it and get an instant kill. At the last moment do a double lunge. If they butterfly: A double lunge will easily deal with a butterfly. If they at any time switch to blue: Switch to duals and use random counter combos. Watch out though, they may be about to lunge/double lunge you. Always make sure your double lunges are instantaneous (the second you switch to Blue, you lunge). That way, you aren't predictable. Predictability will always be your biggest downfall on any saber. It is important to overcome it. - vB. Duals Strategies & Exploits As mentioned earlier, this is the least used saber online. This makes it the hardest to learn how to use because there aren't many experienced duals users around. Let's go over the basic exploits first. Some of these may have been mentioned earlier. <- Duals -Vs- Staff -> This will be your easiest fight. Why? As clearly stated earlier, duals is a defensive weapon that depends mostly upon deflection damage when an opponent tries to attack them. Staff is the most offensive saber.. so they have no choice but to attempt to attack you. If you know what you are doing, this fight can easily be won. You will have to change your style up a bit when fighting a staff, though. Always crouch your combos. If your opponent has read this guide or has recieved formal training from someone, they will know that crouch diagonal counters will decimate you if you are countering while standing. Never kata against a staff (never kata period), never butterfly (never butterfly period), and never twirl (never twirl period). If they use crouching diagonal counters: You can do one of two things. One, you can use a running forward attack. Or two, you can use a double lunge. If they use counters: Diagonal counters will usually work well against any counter a staff throws at you. Normal counters work too. If they use butterflies: Double lunge them or just avoid the butterfly. If they kata: Assume they will roll at you at the end of the kata to do a roll stab. Double lunge them when they do. Aerial attacks will work well against any staff user. However, because of the staff's high vulnerability, a staff user may just try to ground butterfly you for an instant kill. If you see the staff user backflip and then start to run towards you, be prepared for a 1-hit kill exploit. Back off. Don't let them get too close to you right after a backflip. Let them do a few combos, and then return to fight them. - vD. Staff Strategies & Exploits This is the most offense-based saber that you can use. Your damage comes purely off of what combos and attacks you use, unlike duals which depends on side-damage. What you see is basically what you get. Lets go over the most basic exploits. <- SINGLE YELLOW TRANSITION -> The most underused and most important staff exploits are the transitions. The single yellow transition is the most important of the two types. Since no one really ever uses them, I will first explain what a transition actually is. A transition is a style branch from Yellow to Staff or Staff to Yellow that bugs your other opponent's saber causing it to become inert. A transition can easily throw off almost ANY COMBO OR ATTACK IN THE ENTIRE GAME and it can get attacks through to moves like kata and butterfly while they are being performed that other attacks normally would not do. With the use of transitions, it is possible to gain the upper hand against a Single user by actually throwing off their attacks. If its strong enough to throw off an attack from Single Red, you can imagine how much it hurts. Now, what you've been waiting for. How to actually perform a transition. It's a lot easier than some people tend to think. To do this kind of transition, first make you are in Yellow. When you are about to attack your opponent, start a combo like you normally would with staff, but right before it hits, change your saber style to Staff. It's that easy. <- STAFF TRANSITION -> Staff transitions are even more underused than Single Yellow transitions. They have a purpose though, otherwise I wouldn't have included them. A Staff transition is exactly the opposite of a Single Yellow transition. Instead starting your combos on yellow and switching to staff mid-attack, you start your combos on staff and switch to yellow mid-attack. Now that you have the two transitions down, I'll explain what makes them different. Single Yellow transitions have a high rate of deflecting staff and duals. Staff transitions have a better rate of deflecting Single Red attacks, even if they don't do as much damage. <- GROUND BUTTERFLY -> Because of the amount of abuse that the people who know this exploit do, I will not put it here. I no longer teach how to perform this expoit because it is abused to the point that the player only wants to use it and not actually learn how to play. Yes it is a one hit instant kill that comes with only one warning. For the purposes of this guide, I will teach you what that warning is and nothing else. You can tell someone is about to ground butterfly if they backflip and then run towards you. If they do this, wait for them to perform a few combos before attempting to approach them. To use staff effectively and efficiently, you need to first get down the basic rules, which are: <- Basic Staff Rules -> - Do not kata. - Do not twirl. - Do not taunt your opponent. This leaves you open to attack assuming your opponent is faster than you are. - Do not butterfly unless it is called for. I will tell you when it is called for. - The only thing you should be using yellow for is transitions, which I discussed above. - Transition often!!!! <- Staff -Vs- Single -> This will probably be the most challenging of the staff fights. Single users are quite prepared for anything you will throw at them, so you will have to find some way to gain the upper hand. If they use Red combos: Wait until the end of their attacks when they are most vulnerable, then use a diagonal counter. If they use Yellow counters: Use crouching counters with some spin. If they switch to blue: Chase them down and use any counter you want. If they lunge: Get on their sides or behind them and use a diagonal counter. If they pull a Death From Above: Use a crouching diagonal counter. If they kata with Yellow or Blue: Butterfly them. If they kata with Red: Wait until the end of the kata when they are vulnerable and use diagonal counters. <- Staff -Vs- Duals -> This may be a bit tough because you will have to rely on offensive damage to attack your opponent, and your opponent will rely on side-damage from your own attacks to kill you. If you know what you are doing though, this shouldn't be too tough for you to handle. First, take notice that if the duals user is NOT crouching on their combos, crouch on ALL of yours. The waist of a duals user is very vulnerable and very easy for a staff to attack because staff attacks aim down just a little bit. If the duals user is crouching, use a mix of standing and crouching combos (stand one slash, crouch the next). If all else fails, butterfly them (don't spam it!). Only use butterfly as a LAST RESORT. If they kata: Wait until the end of the kata and butterfly them. If they twirl: Butterfly them. If they roll stab: Get on one of their strafe sides and use crouching diagonal counters. If they switch to blue: Expect an incoming lunge or double lunge. Try to stay on one of their strafe sides and attempt to get close enough to attack. Just keep in mind that a lunge will probably be incoming in a few moments. If they counter: Read the few paragraphs above. If they butterfly: Don't try to counter this, just move out of the way. If they spam it, use a butterfly as a counter. <- Staff -Vs- Staff -> These fights are supposed to be "random" and "battles of the lucky", but if you know what you are doing, they aren't. Transition a lot. If you don't know what a transition is or how to perform them, read up on the staff exploits above. Transitions will easily throw off most, if not all, staff combos. This makes the fight a little bit less random, especially when none of their combos work! =P If they counter: Use transitions. If they diagonal counter: Use transitions that start with a diagonal attack. If they butterfly: Use a butterfly, or even a transitioned butterfly. If they twirl: Butterfly them. If they kata: Butterfly them. If they switch to yellow: They are either stupid or are going to try to pull some transitions on you! We can't have that, now can we? Use the same transitions that they are, but change styles right after they do. You will effectively be doing a transition-block. If they backflip: Stand back because they are most likely losing hope against you and will try to ground butterfly. Give it a few seconds after they backflip, and then reapproach them. --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= VI.) Random Useful Info [SECVI] =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- - viA. Common Terms A lot of first time Jedi Knight players pick up this game, and they instantly start hearing stuff that they've never heard before in a First-Person Shooter. Some of it, in my opinion, is ridiculous, but nonetheless I'll put it here. This is only to help a new person understand some of what goes on online. I'll write the word, then the definition by it. I'm assuming you aren't a total newbie and know what stuff like "lol" etc means. lamer - Someone who kills you when you're chatting, or who kills you with your saber down (if your into that whole honor code nonsense) noobstick - A noob's name for a staff. They will only glowstick say it if their crying because they lost lightstick to you. lightrod Double-Ended Flashlight scrim - A Clan VS Clan match usually between 3 to 6 people per clan. force pool - The amount of force energy you have. NSE - Some of the most dominant clans in JKA GOA (in no particular order). YV SITH NSA Bondage USA CFM DJ DOX IW WOV n02 o3 {O} TJO - viB. Honor Philosophy The whole "honor code" is very dominant and active in JKA. Those who follow it treat it, accept it, tend to it, and follow it like a religion. I personally do not follow it. For this guide, I will put in the honor code compared to my own "honor code". THE HONOR CODE 1.) Do not attack other players with their chat bubbles up or their sabers down, even in duels. 2.) If your opponent falls down, do not attack them. Wait for them to get up. 3.) Always bow (by crouching) before a fight begins. This shows respect to your opponent. 4.) Do not spam a move (such as butterfly) against your opponent. This is considered "unhonor-ly". 5.) If you disarm your opponent's lightsaber, you must wait for them to pick it up before attacking them. 6.) Do not taunt your opponent during a fight. This is also considered "unhonorly". 7.) If you are using staff, do not kick your opponents to the ground. This is considered a move of cowardice against your opponent. If you accidently kick them to the ground, you must wait for them to first get up before resuming the fight. 8.) Do not use wiggles, pokes, ground butterflies, delay swings, or any other exploits in the game. These are considered sins against God and are very unhonorly. Remarkably, 95% of every single person who plays online follows this "religion". I personally think it is all ridiculous and that it was established by the higher-tiered players as a means of control for the lower-tiered players. Yet to this day, if you go to almost any Free For All server, you are forced to follow this code, religiously. For me, I just want to play the game and have fun. I don't want to follow the "Way of the Warrior" crap. Therefore, I have taken the liberty of writing my own honor code. This is the code that I follow in-game: KAO'S HONOR CODE 1.) Do not attack other players with their chat bubbles up or their sabers down. If their saber is down during a duel, they take their life into their own hands. The purpose of a duel is to kill each other, not stand around. 2.) If your opponent falls down, you have knocked them down. If you are skilled enough to knock them down, you have every right to kill them. 3.) Only bow before a fight if you feel it is nececarry. 4.) Do not spam a move (such as butterfly) against your opponent unless they are spamming it against you. If that happens, you have every right to counter-spam them. 5.) If you disarm your opponent's lightsaber, procede to kill them. You are the one who knocked it out of their hand, it's their own fault they are stupid enough to get hit by the combos that did it. 6.) Taunt your opponent during a fight if you feel it is nececarry. The developers didn't put it in the game for decoration. 7.) If you are using a staff, feel free to kick your opponents to the ground. Once again, if they are stupid enough to get kicked down, they deserve to die. 8.) Use wiggles, pokes, and other exploits at will. Everyone else does, why should you put yourself at a disadvantage? If everyone followed my code, the world would be a much better place. - viC. Useful Websites - Download the 1.01 patch (needed to play on most online servers) and download addons such as models, skins, and maps to add into your game. - Same thing as JK3Files, just different content. - Has a lot of content, but unfortunately they have a horrible reputation. They literally steal content from other sites without the permission of the website or the author of the content and put it on their site. That's just wrong. - One of the mirrors of this guide and the original single host of this guide. - viD. My Key Configuration (for reference) I do not use the WASD default configuration. Instead, I use the arrow keys which allows me to have the Jump, Walk, and Crouch buttons readily available for use. FORWARD: Up Arrow BACKWARDS: Back Arrow STRAFE LEFT: Left Arrow STRAFE RIGHT: Right Arrow JUMP: Enter WALK: Right Shift CROUCH: Right Control FORCE PUSH: \ LIGHTSABER STYLE CHANGE: Mousewheel Down ATTACK: Left Click ALTERNATE ATTACK: Right Click --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= VII.) Frequently Asked Questions [SECVII] =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Q: Does the color of the lightsaber matter? A: No. The color of your lightsaber does not affect any factor at all besides appearance. Q: Does the hilt of the lightsaber matter? A: Reborn hilts (and other short hilts) will make your saber appear to be short. For practice purposes, I recommend not using the Reborn hilt. Other than that, no it does not matter. --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= VIII.) Closure, Contact Info & Mentions [SECVIII] =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- I would like to take this time to make some honorable mentions. These are the people who have made a difference or stood out to me while I've played JKA, in no particular order. If I know you and you aren't on this list, then you probably didn't signifigantly stand out to me: - Ackbah - [IW] Undisputed - [IW] Xanthus - [IW] Tamriel (Profit$) - [NSA] Phantom - [Bondage] Malice - [Bondage] Jin - Celestia - [LRRP] Volta - [LRRP] RagDoll - Evil.Weevil - Stillborn - [NSE] TheDarkOne - [GZH] Larathydo - [GZH] Binnkin - [GZH] Yojimbo Well, thanks for having the patience to read my guide. Due to the amount of spam I recieved when I posted my last FAQs on the internet, I will refrain from posting my e-mail address here. Sorry, spammers. HOWEVER, if you would like to contact me, I am regularly in-game with my clan, NSE. You can regularly find me on the NSE server at this IP address: If you would like to talk to me over Xfire, my username is Kaoii. BE SURE TO PUT A REASON WHY YOU ARE SENDING ME A FRIENDS INVITE WHEN YOU WANT TO ADD ME OR I WILL DENY ADDING YOU TO MY FRIENDS LIST. Good examples of reasons would be "i need help with a certain move" or "i have a question" or "i just want to play against you". Bad examples of reasons would be "OMG I PWN j00" etc. Once again, thanks for reading my guide =) - End -