Jedi Knight : Jedi Academy ---> Saber Dueling Strategy Guide v 1.00 Created by Brute Copyright 2003 Ergun Gurer Table of contents 1. Intoduction 1.1.About The Author 1.2.About This Guide 1.3.Version History 1.4.Legal Info 2. Lightsaber 2.1.What is a Lightsaber? 2.2.Lightsaber in JK Academy 2.3.Lightsaber Moves 2.3.1.LightSaber Basics Damage Crushing 2.3.2.Saber Types and Special Moves Associated With All Saber Types Saber Sabers 3. Acrobatics 4. Mastering The Saber 4.1.Saber-To-Saber Strategies 4.2.Quick Look On Balance 4.3.Mental Effects 5. Ending Credits 1.1 About The Author My name is Ergun and I am from Turkey. I've been playing JK2 for 2 years. I spent most of this time no force/no weapons dueling. After hundreds of hours spent in duel servers, I had the idea of writing a FAQ and sharing my experience with the starters. 1.2 About The Guide This guide is a starters guide. It'll teach u rules of engagement, basic and advanced acrobatics, saber moves, dueling strategies and many more... Just keep reading :) 1.3 Version History v 1.00 First Complete Version 1.4 Legal Info This strategy guide is copyright 2003 by Ergun Gurer.Any part of this strategy guide may not be copied or distrubuted via electronic or non-electronic media. To distribute, you must, -Mail and ask for MY permission -Distribute my newest work in original form All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. 2.1 What is a lightsaber? Lightsaber is a beam of energy, slicing through any substance till it's stopped by another lightsaber. It can also reflect energy based projectiles... It is the classic Jedi -and Sith variable- weapon in Star Wars series... 2.2 Lightsaber in JK Academy Lightsaber is surely a great weapon in all JK series. Your character can auto guard blaster shots and even send them back to your enemies. It's also very good in offense. Even the blue stance swings are devastating against non-saber enemies... Lightsaber with 2 blades in each end is called a "Lightstaff". Also any saber user who uses 2 sabers at once is called "Dual Saber" User. 2.3.1 LightSaber Basics Swinging I know that JK Saber has many special moves and katas... But basically; if u don't know how to swing your saber, you won't have much chance... If you watch duels, you'll see the pro's seldom use special attacks. But %90 of newbie attacks are special moves :) Why? Simply, specials deal high damage. They are easy to perform. However most of them are hard to connect. And many of them have high cooldowns, which ensures that you'll be punished for doing it -and missing- A swing -or slash- is a lightsaber movement, which u make only by attack button plus your movement keys. If you attack while walking forward, you'll make a vertical downward slash... If you attack while strafing right, you'll make a horizontal -left to right- swing If you attack while moving forward+right, you'll make a diagonal -up left to down right- slash If you attack while moving back+right, you'll make a diagonal -down left to up right-slash Dealing Damage When do we deal or receive damage? Each time a saber passes through a player's body, it deals damage, depending on swing type and hit location. Guading&Guard Crushing When u are not attacking, you have absolutely 100% chance of guarding normal hits and blaster shots -assuming that you have lvl 3 lightsaber defence- There are some other moves however... They can immediately knock your saber down and pass through your defenses... Only defense against these moves is NEVER STAND on their path... In this guide, I'll warn u if any of the moves that I mention has a guard crush ability... Chaining A chain is like doing a combo with your saber. Some stances have chaining limits -heavy-, others have none -light- If your stance has no limit, you can chain endlessly. This means you can attack continuously by holding down attack button. If your stance has a 3 swing chain limit, you can swing your saber 3 times, then wait for the cooldown. 2.3.2 LightSaber Types and Moves Moves Associated With All Saber Types *BACKSTAB attack + back -while enemy is behind you You can't perform it until the enemy is behind you. Unfortunately, if the enemy is behind you in this game, this means you are already dead. This move is totally useless for me, but I have seen 1 hit kills with dual saber backstab. Beware... It guard crushes. *ATTACK FALLEN ENEMY forward + attack -only performed if you have a fallen enemy in front of you I used that move a million times in SP. Your enemy seldomly falls down in no force duels, so you won't be using this move often. It guard crushes. *ROLLING STAB roll, press/hold attack while rolling Excellent move for offense. Excellent move to punish specials and katas. Targeting is a bit tricky, though...It guard crushes. Standard Saber *Overall A very good weapon in offense. But in JA, I can't say it is a good weapon in defense... This weapon has 3 stances and many specials&katas, making it a good offensive selection. *Slashes Quick blue slashes and medium range&damage yellow slashes... This weapon is really unstoppable in the hands of a heavy master! Heavy swings are the most damaging and long range swings in the game. They also crush guard. The drawback is, they are very slow... *Special Moves ***Blue (light) Stance Fastest and endlessly chainable attacks come to mind. They can't crush guard, but catches the enemy when they are off-guard. *LUNGE (saber uppercut) crouch + foward + attack Excellent move for offense and for punishing mistakes... You can make it while running... Try binding your crouch to mouse2 and press both mouse buttons while running forward. This move crushes guard, and it is very fast. It is really unstoppable in the hands of a master. It is very hard to target, but if u can use it accurately, u are free to abuse it :) *KATA attack + alt attack Do it if u predict an attack from an enemy. Good counter against other non-cancellable special moves. Poor offensive capabilities since your character doesn't move during this move. It guard crushes. *CARTWHEEL Requires Force Jump Level 1 attack + jump + left or right direction Kickass looking evasive maneuver... But i suggest simply jumping, if u want to counter attack your enemy ***Yellow (medium) Stance Medium range and damage... Good for most combat situations. This stance has a 4-5 swings chain limit. *FLIP Requires Force Jump Level 2 jump + forward + attack Kickass looking move. Again, nearly impossible to target. Easily avoided and severely punished, since it has a cooldown like hell..It guard crushes. *KATA attack + alt attack Like the blue stance kata, except your character moves forward a little, and the kata finishes with a towards horizontal swing...It guard crushes. *CARTWHEEL Requires Force Jump Level 1 attack + jump + left or right direction Kickass looking evasive maneuver... But i suggest simply jumping, if u want to counter attack your enemy ***Red (heavy) Stance Whether u duel in JK2 or in Academy, your toughest enemies will be the heavy masters. Heavy swings are the longest range and highest damage swings in this game. Also they always crush guard. Weak points : They are slow and they have a 3 swing chain limit. But a heavy master will negate this weakness by evasive/aggresive jumping, good timing and a good sense of distance... -: ) Yes, I was a heavy master once...- *HEAVY JUMP (the dfa) Requires Force Jump Level 2 jump + forward + attack Aaah the one hit kill legend of the JK2 : ) This move has changed a lot since the old JK2. Now, you don't have to be in the middle of a heavy swing to perform it. Has less cooldown time than the old one. But it doesn't deal +180 dmg anymore. Average dmg for this move is 30-80 hp's now, and since it is very hard to hit your enemy with this move, I wouldn't suggest it anyway... It guard crushes. *KATA attack + alt attack Like the other stance katas, but your character moves forward more, and has a good vertical slash at the end...It guard crushes. *CARTWHEEL Requires Force Jump Level 1 attack + jump + left or right direction Kickass looking evasive maneuver... But I suggest simply jumping, if u want to counter attack your enemy. LightStaff *Overall This is my personal choice. It has excellent defence even when u are attacking... Good offensive capabilities. Kickass looking spin slashes and katas... It's only drawback is you can't throw it while dual sided... When you change stance in this weapon, you'll get the standard medium stance. But you can't perform a flip or kata of the standard medium. *Slashes Continuously doing left-right slashes with this weapon is truely devastating. It's really the *left-right slasher*s tool. They don't have the long range of the heavy swings, yet they are truely devastating,especially if you can connect both ends of your saber... It's spin slashes are the most useful of all the 3 saber types... Since your saber has two blades, your guard is seldomly down during the spin slashes -this is a big problem of the standard heavy spin slashes, which leaves you totally open to all attacks- *Special Moves *BACKFLIP ATTACK attack + jump + backward A kickass looking, but useless move... it's also very hard to perform... It guard crushes. *LIGHTSTAFF TWIRL crouch + forward + attack Good defensive move against most of other special moves. If your enemy becomes predictable in his attacks, welcome him with this move...It guard crushes. *KATA attack + alt attack -Press a direction to roll at the end of the move Good kata. Deals heavy damage. Really useful in the chaos of a FFA. Consider using rolling stab at the end of it...You can hit the ones waiting to punish you...It guard crushes. *KICK alt attack + direction Kickass move... Again useless : ( It lowers your defense terribly. I would never use it but throwing someone off a cliff is very funny : D *JUMP KICK jump + alt attack + direction Cooldown will leave you vulnerable. It is very hard to connect *SPLIT KICK alt attack -when there is enemy on your left and right *SPIN KICK alt attack -when surrounded by enemies *FLIP KICK alt attack -when there is enemy in front and behind of you Various kicks... Useful but you can use them in rare situations *BUTTERFLY Requires Force Jump Level 1 jump + direction + attack Excellent move... Multikiller move in FFA's... Damages like hell, and has so little cooldown that leaves you vulnerable. This move is very hard to punish... I've seen players doing this move again and again... Beware, masters can severely punish u for abusing this move : ) It guard crushes. Dual Sabers *Overall A good selection. Hitting with 2 sabers simultaneously sounds good to me. Dual sabers really shine in saber throwable servers. Throwing one of your sabers, and guarding with the other one is awesome. If u want to be a good dual saberist, you must master the arts of one hit killing. Dual Saber backstab and kata deals +80 damage, makes that weapon a powerhouse... Hit your change stance key to get the standard saber blue stance... *Slashes Standard medium stance with 2 differences. -You hit with 2 sabers. 2x damage -Your attacks don't have a chain limit. *Special Moves *FLIP FORWARD ATTACK Requires Force Jump Level 2 jump + forward + attack A move like the lightstaff butterfly. Differences are, less damaging, less control over your character, doesn't have the left/right versions. This move has no cooldown, and you won't get punshed unless u perform it into a kata... It guard crushes. *DUAL SABER TWIRL crouch + forward + attack Good defensive move against most of other special moves. It doesn't have the "twirl overhead" frame of the staff version. If your enemy becomes predictable in his attacks, welcome him with this move...It guard crushes. *KATA (saber barrier) attack + alt attack The first frames of this move is extremely damaging, something like 80+. But I suggest u to use it as a duel finishing or FFA chaos move, since it has a huge cooldown.It guard crushes. *CARTWHEEL Requires Force Jump Level 1 attack + jump + left or right direction Like the standard saber cartwheel's, but dual saber makes it look more cool : ) 3.Acrobatics Most of the acrobatics really shine in FFA games... The only ones you will need in duels are jumping and rolling... Moves List *Force Jump Requires Force Jump Level 1 jump + a direction This move will save your life a million times... Whether you dodge a heavy swing, a merr-son rocket or a Lightstaff Butterfly, this move is a very handy move... *Superman Style Jump Requires Force Jump Level 2 jump + a direction, hold jump and release direction key immediately Charismatic looking jump... Nothing more... *Roll crouch while running any direction -you cannot roll while walking- This move gained offensive importance, when gamemakers add the move "rolling stab". Also it is a good evasive maneuver. You can cross narrow gaps w/o falling with this move... *Kickflip of a Wall Requires Force Jump Level 2 Run towards a wall. When close, double tap jump key then leave forward key When you are chased by a lightsaber user and perform this move correctly, you will get behind him. *Wallrun Vertically Requires Force Jump Level 3 Run towards a wall. When close, double tap jump key but DON'T leave forward key. You can release forward key to kickflip during the run. In some areas, you can reach high levels by using this move. Good move as it drains less force than simply jumping up there. *Sideflip of a Wall Requires Force Jump Level 2 When next to a wall, tap jump key while strafing to the wall Use this like the kickflip *Wallrun Horizontally -parabolically- Requires Force Jump Level 3 When next to a wall, press jump key while running forward and strafing to the wall -keys: forward+wall direction+jump- You can tap jump to sideflip during the run Usage is the same as the vertical run. Less force usage than simply jumping. Also it is a good evasive move in SinglePlayer, using walls while running towards some blaster mercenaries is safer. *Wall Grab Requires Force Jump Level 3 While in air and next to a wall, tap/hold jump + direction of wall Can make u reach the areas higher than your normal jump height. Can save your life when you are dropping down a bottomless pit... *Getting Up From Knockdowns When you fall, you can get up by... Pressing jump... Your character will jump up Pressing forward/backward... Your character will jump kick forward Pressing left/right... Your character roll left/right and get up 4. Mastering the Saber Up to this point, I talked about how to handle your saber... This section will give you strategies and tips to win your duels... 4.1 Saber to Saber Strategies You'll have 3 main type of opponent in duels; Standard Users, Staff Users and Dual Users. These opponent's have sub types, like Standard Heavy User, Staff Butterfly Abuser, Dual Backstabber. Let's don't waste time with those and give you information about your all possible matchups... Standard vs Standard Ahh! The good old JK2... Yes, the standard vs standard battles still exist in Academy, and they are very challenging... With 3 usable stances and many specials, this battles have too many "options" Your opponent uses Heavy Then you can use light or medium... Light stance is very fast... In the time between your opponent opens his guard and swings his saber, you can get 1-2 clear hits and jump away... Medium has longer range and deadlier than the light, so it can be used to counter heavy stance too. Or, you can get in a heavy vs heavy battle... One of the most challenging duels... With good timing, evasive and offensive jumping, you can win this battle. Your opponent uses Medium In fact, medium was pretty much underestimated in JK2. It is a very efficient stance, and can beat both light and heavy stance. Because it has a range advantage over light and a speed advantage over heavy stance... You can play heavy against medium, but don't attack a lot like in a heavy vs heavy battle. Your every attack will leave you open to attacks, and this is exactly what your medium user opponent needs to beat you... You can also play light against medium. Your swings are useless against medium, but your special move "lunge" can be devastating against all kinds of opponents, if used properly... Your opponent uses Light If he uses light swings, you can crush him either with heavy or medium stance... Medium is easier, since you won't need offensive or defensive jumping, and just swinging left-right is enough to beat the light swings... But, if he uses light lunge, well.. I wish you luck... Lunge is still devastating in Academy. If your enemy is a good lunge abuser, you'll have a hard time beating him... What is his weakness? Ranging his lunge? Then use heavy left-to-right swing to counter him... Targeting his lunge? Then use medium or light swings, and swing his back when he misses... Also you can use lunge too. This is the other one of the most challenging duels in old JK2. Lunge vs lunge... Tip: Use lots of evasive jumping, but NO offensive jumping... Standard vs Staff First, know that if you get involved in a fight in close range, your staff user opponent can crush you to pieces in a second... Staff has a great damage/second potential, and has a higher defense during swings. Second, always be ready to dodge and counterattack/punish your opponents butterfly... A heavy vertical swing, or the light lunge are good options to punish butterfly. Standard vs Staff is a easy battle if you can dodge and punish butterflies, since staff can not match the range of standard heavy swings... But, if your opponent changes stance and uses the staff one-sided, you can have a bad feeling about this... Due to my experience in JK2, I can tell you: a medium master is equal to a heavy master, both can win the fight... But when you give the advantage "butterfly" to the medium user, well, the medium user will beat the heavy user... When your opponent goes one sided medium, than you must switch to light lunge... Be careful! One mis-lunge against the staff, your opponent goes two side and does a couple of left-right swings, you are dead... Standard vs Dual Saber His attacks are like the standard medium... But, they can't counter heavy, since dual saber swings will slow down your opponent, so he cannot counterattack your heavy swings... Remember, dual saber users has the opportunity to lunge. If he shuts down one of his sabers, treat him like a standard light user... Lastly, beware of dual backstab and the kata "saber barrier", since they can one hit kill you... Tip: Like the rule in "Dueling vs Staff Users". Don't let him get close... Staff vs Standard Nearly the hardest match for the staff user... Since most of your opponents are from JK2, there are a lot of heavy masters around... Heavy beats the staff. You must know how to use your staff one sided, and how to use one-sided staff against heavy. If you know, than easy match for you if he doesn't do lunge... If he changes to light, wait for his mis-lunge, and punish him to hell with your left-right slashes. Butterflying in close ranges is also a good option vs light... Staff vs Staff The most amusing match of the JK Academy... A lot of left-right swinging and flying butterflies around... First, you must know how to punish butterfly. There are 3 major ways to counter the butterfly, each with own advantages and disadvantages... -Lightstaff Twirl can severely damage or kill your butterfly opponent, but don't do it in close range. If your enemy can get behind u during his butterfly, he can even instant kill you with the last frame of butterfly... Risky... -Rolling Stab is tricky to target, but punishes butterfly with minimal risk... -Butterfly vs butterfly... Go to the right of your opponent, and move around him in clockwise direction... His butterfly will end sooner than yours, and you can hit him with your last frame... Second... If you can manage distance, one sided staff has a small range advantage over the staff, so use it if you are involved in a swing battle... Staff vs Dual Saber Due to my experiences, your swings are stronger than dual ones; and you have higher defence than dual while swinging... So, you can beat him in close range battles... Never butterfly him from a distance, he has a lot of options to punish, even instantly kill you -like backstab, lunge, saber twirl, saber barrier...- Beware of his backstab and saber barrier while he is dual... Beware of his lunge while he is single... If he can't instant kill you, victory is yours... Dual Saber vs Standard His all stances are cheesy for you except the "heavy". His medium stance is useless vs your 2 x damage and 2 x defence. His blue stance swings useless too, but the lunge... Wait for his mis-lunge, and punish him with your high damage swings... His heavy stance is the hardest. Try to be close to him. When he attacks, dodge his blows and continuously slice him till dead. Lunging him is another option but if you mis-lunge, he will punish you 20-50 hitpoints... Dual Saber vs Staff Warning! You can punish his missed butterflies with saber twirl or kata, but be extremely careful... If you make a kata "saber barrier" and miss, his next butterfly will 70% instant kill you... Try to use your backstab... He will like going close combat with you, and your one-hit-backstab-kill will ruin his day. Never go close combat with him unless you are intending to do a saber twirl or a backstab... Most of these matches end with a dual backstab or a staff butterfly. Chances, 50%... Dual Saber vs Dual Saber Like the dual vs staff... Backstab instant kills will be very popular. If you are facing a backstabber, use left-right swings but keep your distance and be careful. If your opponent does a saber-barrier, punish him with a rolling stab or a light stance lunge. Don't use a Dual Flip Attack against the saber-barrier, because that move cannot pierce your enemies offence as good as the butterfly... 4.2 Remember Your Advantages and Disadvantages Every style in this game has it's own advantages and disadvantages. Try to use your advantages a lot, and negate your disadvantages by evading, defending, dodging etc. Sometimes the best defence is a good offence, though... Standard Saber Heavy Adv -Longest range in the game. -High damage -wins in the trade- DisAdv -Slow -3 hit chainable -No good special moves Standard Saber Medium Adv -Moderate speed, damage and range DisAdv -Has an advantage over all stances... speed over heavy, range over light. But, you need to be a master to use this advantage -No good special move Standard Saber Light Adv -Good special "The Lunge" -Fastest style DisAdv -Weak slashes -Short range LightStaff Adv -Good special "Butterfly" -Has the highest damage/second ratio DisAdv -Short range LightStaff Single Sided Adv -Moderate speed, damage and range DisAdv -Needs to be mastered -No special move or kata Dual Sabers Adv -Good attack power -Instant kill options DisAdv -Instant kill options has the instant slain risk Dual Saber Light Adv -"The Lunge" DisAdv -Short range, low damage 4.3 Mental Effects During the Duels -There is no demoralisation, there is caution... Suppose A and B , standard heavy users are dueling. They are both medium skilled. Starting victory chances are 50% for A and 50% for B. Duel begins. A's saber hits B, and B receives 1 dmg. Now, the chances are %70 for A and 30%for B. Why? Simply, demoralisation... Damage is not important, but in a heavy vs heavy battle, receiving a clean hit from opponent is extremely demoralizing...especially in the begining of the duel... When you become a master, you'll be sure of your skill, and morale will not affect your play... When A hits you, he will be happy, and he will be less cautious. Your next hit can be a Kata, while he is happily slashing you. B wins the game... -There is no prediction, there is observation... Observe your enemies moves very carefully... If he is using light stance and he miss-rollstabbed you twice, you can predict a lunge from him. If he is using medium stance and slicing the air while jumping, you can predict a Flip from him. Whether your punishment is lunge, butterfly or kata, a predicted high cooldown special move means death... If you predict a move from your enemy, leave him some room by stopping your accurate attacks. Then, punish him to death... Vice versa... If you can't perform a move twice, don't perform it... -There is no envy, there is intention... Most of the time, if one of the duelers do smth, the other mimics him... This chance increases a lot, when he hits the other with his move... If your butterfly hits your staff user enemy, his next move is 80% a butterfly... You can make a dfa away from your enemy -to somewhere he can't punish- and you'll see that your opponent's next attack will be a dfa. Sometimes he remembers that he had this move in his arsenal, sometimes he wants to show you that he uses this move better than you... Both cases are a prediction, and an adventage for you... 5. Ending Credits This guide is my 2 years of observation, and experience... But without my playmates in Turkey, I wouldn't have the experience to write and share with you... They are... KhazModaM, Kardeks, mini.obliVion, CeltSpirit, HellRaiser, Legolas, Darth Sidious, PiP.sQueaK, Dark.Rage, Kajo-Shin, Imayoda, Navigator and Nerull