ArtifeX's Most Holy and Potent Force Power Compendium

This is meant to be an all-encompassing guide to the force powers of Jedi Knight 2. As such, it will continue to be added to as new effects, tactics and counters are found.

I've also made this page layout very simple so that it's ideal for printing out. It's kinda tough to try to remember all this while you're playing, so if you've got a hard copy to refer to it makes things a lot easier.

I am dividing this into two major sections: General Notes, which will encompass broad advice and rules for using Force Powers, and a listing of the Force Powers themselves, subdivided into Effects, Tactics and Counter-Tactics.

General Notes:
  1. Minimum Usable Force Concept - You must have enough Force Power available to meet the initial activation cost of any Force Power. Any Force Power can drain below this "Minimum" point and still remain active, but cannot be deactivated then reactivated until the Force Pool regenerates to at least this level.
  2. Force Pool and Force Power Regeneration - Depending on the maximum Force Rank declared by the server, a maximum number of Force Points is assigned to the Force Pool. These maximums are:
    • Initiate - 5 points
    • Padawan - 10 points
    • Jedi - 20 points
    • Jedi Adept - 30 points
    • Jedi Guardian - 50 points
    • Jedi Knight - 75 points
    • Jedi Master - 100 points
    The use of each Force Power subtracts a certain number of points from the available points of the Force Pool. The specific amounts are listed in each power description. The default g_forceRegenTime, which governs how quickly 1 Force Point is regenerated, is .2 seconds. This means if a Padawan-level player completely drained their Force Pool through use of a Force Power, then it would take 2 seconds for their Force Pool to replentish itself. A Jedi Master would require 20 seconds for full regeneration. Because of this, the number of graphical "bars" required to use a Force Power will vary depending on the maximum Force Rank. Be very aware of the Rank set by the server, it can radically alter the perceived amount of Force necessary to use the different Powers.
  3. Push/Pull-Counter Force Use - Resisting a Force Push or Force Pull is automatic if you are in a defensible position (see Force Push, Force Pull), and uses no Force power. However, if your character is has been drained of, or has used up enough of the Force power in his/her Force Pool to drop below the Minimum Usable Force for Push/Pull, then your character is incapable of automatically countering a Force Push/Pull.
  4. Minimum Combat Force Pool - Due to General Notes #1 and #3, do not go into a combat situation unless you have at least 42 points (6 bars at Jedi Master Level) of Force power in your Pool. If you do, then use of most Force Powers will instantly put you beneath the Minimum Usable Force value for Push/Pull and render you susceptible to many Force-powered attacks.
  5. Instant Use vs. Continuous Use - All force powers fall into one of these two categories. Instant Use drains the Force Pool only once and the Power takes effect immediately and will continue until the effect expires. Continuous Use drains the Force Pool once when it is first turned on and continues to drain until it is turned off by the player or until the Duration limit is reached.
  6. Deactivation/Reactivation Delay - All Force Powers have a short delay associated with their reactivation or deactivation. Powers having a deactivation delay are: Absorb, Dark Rage, Mind Trick Protection, Sight, and Speed. An example of this would be turning on the Force Absorb power. Once you have turned it on, you must wait for a moment before being able to turn it off, but you may turn it back on immediately upon turning it off if you wish. All other Powers have reactivation delays associated with them. This delay is slightly greater than 1 second.
Force Powers
Neutral Powers  |  Light Side Powers  |   Dark Side Powers
  • Duration - The amount of time this Force Power can remain in Continuous Use before being shut off automatically.
  • Force Use - The amount of power drained from the Force Pool when this Power is used. Initial is how much is immediately drained upon use and Maintenance is the amount per second used while the Power is still in effect.
  • Time to Empty - This is the amount of time it will take for you to drain a full Jedi Master-level Force Pool through continued use of this Force Power.
Neutral Force Powers  -  Back to Navigation

Force Jump
  • Effects
    • Duration: instantaneous.
    • Force Use: 20 points for a full-height jump; less for a shorter jump.
    • Time to Empty: n/a
    • Area of Effect: self.
    • Level 1: jump 2 times the height of the player model; Level 2: Jump 4 times the height of the player model; Level 3: Jump 8 times the height of the player model.
  • Tactics
    • Level 2 or higher is required to use the combat flip-kicks which do 20 points of shield-piercing damage and are excellent defenses against Medium and Light saber stance users.
    • Level 2 is also required for Wall-Walking and Wall-Flipping.
    • On many maps, only Level 2 jump is really required to get around the map. Learn which maps these are and save the extra 6 Force Level Points for other, more useful skills.
  • Counter-Tactics
    • Push and Pull have a great effect on targets in the air. Use them with impunity on those who Jump frequently.
    • Players who Jump often will likely keep very little Force Power in reserve for combat. If your opponent jumps three or four times in quick succession, pressure him/her with offensive Force Powers.
Force Pull
  • Effects
    • Duration: Instantaneous
    • Force Use: 25 points.
    • Time to Empty: n/a
    • Area of Effect: 1 target. (In crosshair, or near to it)
    • Can pull objects lying on the ground to you.
    • Can pull weapons away from opponents at close range.
    • Can knock someone over a la Force Push at close range.
  • Tactics
    • You can always Pull someone while they are in midair unless they have turned on Absorb.
    • When encountering someone using a projectile weapon, get within close range and you can pull their weapon away. Make sure you get the weapon. If you are moving quickly, the gun may pass by you and land on the floor rather than into your inventory.
    • When saber fighting, wait until someone swings at you then Pull them to knock them down.
    • If you have a bottomless pit to your back and an attacker coming at you from the front, then when they begin their attack, jump directly over their head and Pull them at the same time. This will catapult them underneath you and into the pit.
    • Drain them before you Pull and the range at which Pull will be effective increases greatly.
    • After a successful Pull, immediately perform a flip-kick for some fast damage.
    • Be very careful to not Pull someone while they perform the DFA. You will Pull the attack into you and will most likely be killed.
    • Pull in concert on the same target with a teammate to guarantee a successful Pull. An opponent can only counter one Pull at a time.
  • Counter-Tactics
    • With a level 3 Force Push, you are completely invulnerable to Pull while you are standing still or crouching unless your Force Pool has dropped below Minimum Usable Force for Push/Pull.
    • Turning on Absorb makes you invulnerable to Force Pull.
    • Drain them before you get within Pull range.
    • Pull them first.
    • Rolling can present a difficult target to someone trying to Pull you.
Force Push
  • Effects
    • Duration: Instantaneous
    • Force Use: 25 points.
    • Time to Empty: n/a
    • Area of Effect: Level 1:one target; Level 2: forward arc capable of hitting multiple targets; Level 3: forward arc capable of hitting multiple targets and knocking them down and possibly doing damage.
    • Can knock enemies over.
    • Can injure enemies by slamming them into walls.
    • Can repel projectile weapon shots.
  • Tactics
    • You can always Push someone while they are in midair unless they have turned on Absorb.
    • If someone shoots at you with a projectile, wait until the shot is within about 20-25 meters, then Push. It should reflect the shot back towards its origin.
    • If someone attacks you with the DFA, you can Push them with 100% effectiveness.
    • When saber fighting, wait until someone swings at you then Push them to knock them down.
    • Use the "Jedi Cannon" technique. See Force Grip Tactics.
    • Force Jump onto a high precipice and taunt your opponent into following you. When they jump, wait as long as possible then Push them. This is a great way to get them to squander their Force Pool and they will likely take falling damage.
  • Counter-Tactics
    • With a Level 3 Force Pull, you are completely invulnerable to Push while you are standing still or crouching unless your Force Pool has dropped below Minimum Usable Force for Push/Pull.
    • Turning on Absorb makes you invulnerable to Force Push.
    • Drain them before you get within Push range.
    • Push them first.
    • Shoot at them with Blaster-type weapons. These types of shots cannot be Pushed back at you.
Force Sight
  • Effects
    • Duration: Infinite.
    • Force Use: Initial--18 points; Maintenance: 1 point per .2 seconds (Same as default Force Regen rate, so your Force Pool level stays at a constant level while this is in use).
    • Time to Empty: n/a
    • Area of Effect: Level 1: short range; Level 2: 2 times range; Level 3: 3 times range.
    • Counteracts Mind Trick.
    • Levels 2 and 3 make you invulnerable to sniper fire from the Disruptor.
    • Levels 2 and 3 allow you to see opponents through walls.
    • Level 3 allows your teammates to see your opponents as well.
  • Tactics
    • Which level of this power you choose should be based on what gametype you want to play. If you are playing a duel, one point will suffice just to counter Mind Trick. If you are playing FFA, then 2 points will give you some advance warning of hostiles. If you are playing a team game such as CTF or Team FFA, then the 3rd level will be a big help for your teammates.
    • Use levels 2 and 3 to shoot at your enemies around corners with bouncing projectiles from the Flechette Gun or Thermal Detonators.
  • Counter-Tactics
    • The only real counter to this is to use Force Sight as well.
Force Speed
  • Effects
    • Duration: Level 1: 10 seconds; Level 2: 15 seconds; Level 3: 20 seconds.
    • Force Use: Initial--50 points; Maintenance: none. Force Pool does not regenerate while in use.
    • Time to Empty: n/a
    • Area of Effect: self.
    • Increases movement speed while in effect.
    • Level 1: 25% increase in speed; Level 2: 50% increase in speed; Level 3: 75% increase in speed.
  • Tactics
    • This is the most important Power for CTF games. It is absolutely imperative for flag-runners and flag-guards to have 3 levels in this power.
    • Using this in a duel can give your opponent a sense of false distance. He/she will consider themselves at a safe distance when truly they are not.
    • Use the extra speed to strafe around your opponent and swing at him from behind.
    • Use in concert with Absorb for a nearly unstoppable hit-and-run attack.
  • Counter-Tactics
    • Speed's strength is also its weakness. Most players are unused to the high speeds they can reach with this Power. In saber duels, they tend to start their attacks far too late and end up waiting for their swing to make contact while standing toe-to-toe with their target. You can take advantage of this in two ways. One, you can run at them head-on and flip- kick them once they are within range, and continue to do it repeatedly while your opponent struggles to find the proper attack range. Two, you can Push/Pull them once they are within range.
    • Draining their Force Pool to nothing will bring them out of Force Speed.
    • Use Force Speed yourself to even the odds.
Light Side Force Powers  -  Back to Navigation

Force Absorb
  • Effects
    • Duration: Level 1: 14 seconds; Level 2: 18 seconds; Level 3: 18 seconds.
    • Force Use: Initial--10 points, Maintenance-- 3.5 points per second.
    • Time to Empty: Level 1: 14 seconds; Level 2-3: n/a.
    • Level 1: 33% Power absorbed; Level 2: 66% Power absorbed; Level 3: 100% Power absorbed--renders you invulnerable to all Force-powered attacks.
    • Regenerates your Force Pool when someone attacks you with Force Powers.
    • Makes your character glow with a blue aura.
  • Tactics
    • Use this when you first catch sight of your opponent, before he/she can use any offensive force powers against you. Immediately turn this off upon losing line-of-sight with them unless the amount of time you intend to be hidden does not exceed 3 seconds.
    • Turn this on immediately upon being Force Gripped. It will break the grip and regenerate a very significant amount (50 points, or a fraction thereof depending on your Level of Absorb) of your Force Pool.
    • This can be used in concert with any other Force Power. Try coupling it with Protection for near, albeit short-lived, invulnerability.
    • Rush your opponent and try for a Push/Pull knockdown (see Force Push/Pull). This will be very difficult for your enemy to counter while you have Absorb on.
    • Switch to a powerful weapon such as the Rocket Launcher or Heavy Repeater and rush a group of combatants with Absorb turned on. This will make it impossible to pull your weapon. Also, if enemies attempt to Force Push your projectiles, they will most likely hit you with the Push as well, allowing you to Absorb the Force power and regenerate your Pool.
    • If you in a team game and on the red team, turn on absorb before you run into the enemy base and due to Absorb's blue glow, the enemy players may mistake you for one of their own!
    • In any game type, choose a model and skin combination that is almost solid blue such as the Swamptrooper or Stormtrooper blue team models. This can make it very difficult to tell whether or not you have absorb turned on.
  • Counter-Tactics
    • The most effective to counter Absorb is by keeping your distance until your opponent's Force Pool runs dry or until they turn it off manually. If they have expended all of their Force Power, then you have 3 seconds remaining during which your target is vulnerable to all Force Powered attacks. If they shut their Absorb off manually, then attack them with only short bursts of Drain to avoid accidentally recharging them if they reactivate Absorb.
    • While you cannot use the Force to attack them directly, Powers that affect only your character, such as Dark Rage and Force Speed are still effective.
    • Absorb will not protect someone from Mind Trick.
    • Bait your Force Absorbing opponent into squandering his Force Pool quickly. Some proven strategies to accomplish this are: staying just outside of Push/Pull range and trying to draw those types of attacks, Force Jumping to high surfaces and goading your attacker into persuing you, and using Saber Throws to endanger his health enough to cause him to use Force Heal.
    • Drain them the instant you see that they are no longer protected by Absorb. Continually do this every 3 seconds (the Regen. time from an empty Force Pool to seconds to have Minimum Usable Force for Absorb). Doing so will prevent them from being able to use any force powers and will render them susceptible to Push/Pull.
    • Switch to a powerful projectile weapon or explosive and spam rounds from it to keep the Absorber at bay until their Force Pool is empty or they turn off Absorb.
Force Heal
  • Effects
    • Duration: instantaneous.
    • Force Use: 25 points.
    • Time to Empty: n/a
    • Area of Effect: self.
    • Level 1: Heals 10 Health; Level 2: Heals 25 Health; Level 3: Heals 50 Health.
  • Tactics
    • An essential skill for a Light Jedi. Use this to keep yourself at 100 Health. If you get injured, disengage long enough to use this.
    • The Force Pool cost/benefit ratio is very good here--don't be stingy with use of Force Heal.
    • Wall your opponent into a corner with a Force Field item if you need a breather to regain Force Power and Heal.
  • Counter-Tactics
    • Drain the Healer so that he is incapable of Healing himself.
    • Inflict small wounds on the Healer with Saber Throw, weapons, Force Lightning or Force Grip in order to coax him into squandering his Force Power on minor injuries, then attack quickly.
    • When duelling with sabers, use the Strong stance once his shields are down. Even fully-healed to 100 health he will not be able to survive a single Strong stance swing.
    • Use the DFA (Death-From-Above) Strong swing. It's a one-hit kill most of the time, so Force Heal won't help your opponent.
    • Rush them with a splash damage weapon. They'll be too busy trying to defend themselves to use Force Heal.
    • Drop sentry guns and drones when you get near them. These will act as continuous drains on enemy health and force them to either run away or repeatedly use heal until they are out of Force Power.
Force Protection
  • Effects
    • Duration: Level 1: 14 seconds; Level 2,3: 18 seconds.
    • Force Use: Initial--Level 1:50 points; Level 2-3: 25 points; Maintenance-- 3.5 points per second;
    • Time to Empty: Level 1: 14 seconds; Level 2,3: 18 seconds.
    • Area of Effect: self
    • Level 1: Health takes 50% normal damage, Force Pool takes 100% of the damage; Level 2: Health takes 75% normal damage, Force Pool takes 50% of the damage; Level 3: Health takes 87.5% normal damage, Force Pool takes 25% of the damage;
  • Tactics
    • Using this you can safely do things that would normally be though foolhardy such as running into a room where a furious Rocket Launcher battle is going on, or jumping off a very high ledge with little health remaining.
    • If knocked down by a kick or Force Push/Pull, turn this on to avoid a death-blow.
    • This power is generally not thought of as very useful because the Force Power that is used up maintaining it and that is used when damaged is better spent simply Force Healing.
  • Counter-Tactics
    • Use Force Drain to almost immediately reduce their Force Pool to nothing and bring them out of Protection.
    • Mind Trick, Push, Pull, Lightning, and Grip all ignore Force Protection.
    • Simply fight normally with sabers or weapons. Once you have done enough damage to them, their Protection will drop and their Force Pool will be empty.
    • Since environmental damage such as falling normally pierces shielding, so too will it pierce Protection. This means that flip-kicks still have 100% effectiveness and you may find them more effective than some saber swings while your opponent has Protection turned on.
    • Use delaying tactics to stay away from him/her until their Protection runs out.
Mind Trick
  • Effects
    • Duration: 25 seconds.
    • Force Use: Initial--20 points; Maintenance: none. Force Power does not regenerate while active.
    • Time to Empty: n/a
    • Area of Effect: Level 1: one target; Level 2: all enemies within Line-of-Sight; Level 3: All enemies in the map.
  • Tactics
    • You must target an enemy to activate Mind Trick.
    • Though this power is easily countered with Force Sight, there are two conditions that need to be met for Force Sight to be an effective counter. One, they must be aware that there is someone near that is invisible and therefore they need to turn Force Sight on. Two, they must have time to recognize they need to turn it on and hit the appropriate key. This gives us two tactics to make Mind Trick effective: 1. In a large FFA, CTF, CTY, or TDM match, use Level 3 Mind Trick on someone then immediately disengage combat with them. While still invisible to everyone on the map, go find someone who is completely unaware of your presence and get the drop on them. 2. In a 1-on-1 environment such as a Duel server, close the distance between you and your opponent, then Mind Trick him. Quickly do a duck-roll that leaves you behind him and attack. Even if your enemy manages to turn on Force Sight, you will no longer be in front of him and it will briefly appear as if you have vanished.
    • Make sure to turn off your saber during extended Mind Tricks. Those players with 3d sound support will not have to see you to know where you are.
  • Counter-Tactics
    • As discussed above, Force Sight.
    • Use Force Lightning where you think they might be. The after-crackle lighting will flag them like a beacon.
    • Absorb will not protect you from Mind Tricks.
Team Heal
  • Effects
    • Duration: Instantaneous.
    • Force Use: 50 points.
    • Time to Empty: n/a
    • Area of Effect: Level 1: normal range; Level 2: 2 times normal range; Level 3: 4 times normal range.
  • Tactics
  • Counter-Tactics
Dark Side Force Powers  -  Back to Navigation

Dark Rage
  • Effects
    • Duration: Level 1: 10 seconds; Level 2: 20 seconds; Level 3: 30 seconds. All levels have a 10 second recovery time.
    • Force Use: 50 points.
    • Time to Empty: n/a
    • 33% faster attack speed, 100% faster movement speed, 50% resistance to damage;
    • Slowly drains your health down to a minimum of 1. Dark Rage automatically turns off when you reach 1 health.
    • Causes a 10 second recovery once deactivated, during which your movement rate is 25% less and your attack speed is 50% less than normal.
    • You cannot pick up health packs while Dark Rage is turned on. Bacta items do work, however.
    • An normally mortal strike will only reduce you to 1 health and turn off this power instead of killing you outright. You cannot die while Dark Rage is on.
  • Tactics
    • This power only has one tactic. You have to rush as soon as you turn this on. The reason being that once it runs out, the recovery time will leave you relatively helpless.
    • Don't ever turn this off manually unless you know you won't be engaging in combat for the next 10 seconds or unless your Rage is about to run out anyway and you want to maximize the few seconds of respite you think you will have.
    • Don't waste time with lower-damage saber stances like Light and Medium when using Dark Rage. The boost in your attack and movement speeds will make Strong style very fast and extremely deadly. Plus, the extended reach and defense penetration of Strong stance will help you land your swings.
    • Don't use this Power when you are low on health. Even a relatively weak attack can bring you out of the Rage and force you into the recovery period. Get full health and shields for temporary juggernaut-like power.
    • If you need to cross an open expanse that is under the scrutiny of an experienced sniper with a Disruptor Rifle, consider using this Power for the extra boost of speed and invulnerability to a single-shot death.
    • Wade into a grand melee with Dark Rage and wide-reaching Strong stance saber swings or with splash damage weapons to rack up Free-For-All kills very quickly.
  • Counter-Tactics
    • Use Force Drain to reduce their Force Pool to nothing to immediately put your attacker into recovery mode.
    • Use the faster movement of Force Speed to stay away from your opponent until his Rage runs out.
    • Use Force Push to keep the Rager at a distance.
    • Mind Trick him and escape the room.
    • Use Saber Throw or a potent splash damage weapon to whittle down his health while keeping your distance.
Force Drain
  • Effects
    • Duration: manual; as long as the key is pressed and you have Force in your Pool.
    • Force Use: 20 points per second.
    • Time to Empty: 4 seconds.
    • Area of Effect: Level 1: a single shot beam that Drains up to 20 points of Force Power; Level 2: a continuous beam; Level 3: a large, continuous fan capable of hitting multiple opponents.
    • Drains the enemy Force Pool while regenerating your Health.
  • Tactics
    • Use of this power will automatically cease when your Force Pool reaches 25 points (3.5 bars on Jedi Master Level).
    • Use this whenever the enemy is within range, has Force Power, and does not have Absorb turned on.
    • It only takes 5 bars worth of Force Drain to reduce a full Force Pool to nothing.
    • Once your opponent is fully Drained, use a short burst of this power every 3-4 seconds to keep their Force Pool empty.
    • You will find Push and Pull very effective after a successful Drain. You should be able to move them (but not knock them down) even at extended range.
    • If your opponent is already significantly injured, follow up a full Drain with either Force Lightning or Force Grip for an easy kill.
  • Counter Tactics
    • Simply Drain them before they Drain you.
    • Turn on Absorb. Try to anticipate when your opponent will attempt to Drain you and turn on Absorb beforehand. Rush them and try to Push/Pull them while they're attempting to Drain you.
    • An often effective strategy is to rush headlong into the enemy Drain with no regard for its effects, as most Drainers expect you to try to avoid their attack. This works very well with Rocket Launchers, Heavy Repeaters and Flechette Guns.
Force Grip
  • Effects
    • Duration: manual; up to 5 seconds.
    • Force Use: 30 points. Must have at least 50 points in your Force Pool.
    • Time to Empty: n/a
    • Area of Effect: 1 target at very short range.
    • Level 1: Holds the enemy in place for a few seconds and does no damage, user must remain stationary; Level 2: Raises the enemy off the ground and does 26 points of damage, user must remain stationary; Level 3: does 46 points of damage and the user is free to rotate/move in any direction they wish while dragging the target along with them.
  • Tactics
    • Grip a target then randomly whip them around to keep them from targeting you with Force Push or Pull.
    • Use this to pick a target up then drop them off a ledge.
    • If someone attempts a Strong Jump finishing move(DFA), wait until they hit the ground then Grip them.
    • Lift someone up to above a 45-degree angle then quickly use Force Push to launch them nearly the length of the map. Commonly referred to as the "Jedi Cannon" or the "Grip Launcher" tactic.
    • After your target grabs their throat, release the grip then attack them with your saber for an easy hit.
    • Move your target so that a wall is between you and them to render yourself immune to attempted Push/Pull attacks.
    • Grip your enemy then carry them to an area where you have planted detpacks or trip mines and drop them into it. Boom.
    • Another effective, and very cruel tactic is to Grip your opponent, jump high into the air, and perform the "Jedi Cannon" maneuver. This will not only do the Grip damage, but will do a fair amount of fall damage to them when the finally hit the ground.
  • Counter Tactics
    • Switch to a weapon and shoot your attacker.
    • Use Push/Pull on the opponent to break the Grip.
    • If they are low on health, use a quick couple of Saber Throws to kill them.
    • The most effective counter is to turn on Absorb. This will not only break the Grip, but also regenerate 50 points of Force Power.
    • Drop a sentry gun at their feet or use a practice drone.
Force Lightning
  • Effects
    • Duration: manual; as long as the key is pressed and you have Force in your Pool.
    • Force Use: 20 points per second.
    • Time to Empty: 4 seconds.
    • Area of Effect: Level 1: single shot beam that does up to 25 points of damage; Level 2: continuous beam, 18 points of damage per second; Level 3: continuous fan capable of hitting multiple targets, 18 points of damage per second.
  • Tactics
    • Wander into a room filled with people and turn on level 3 Lightning for some easy kills.
    • Combine with Drain on an injured Light Jedi for an easy kill.
    • This is the only Force Power that can damage enemy shields. This makes it an ideal opening attack in a duel gametype, as there are no shield packs in the duel maps and Strong stance swings will kill someone with no shielding.
    • In team games, cris-crossing fields of Lightning by one team can have a devastating effect on opposing forces.
  • Counter-Tactics
    • Shields, which take only half the normal damage, will protect you from Lightning.
    • Drain will regenerate health faster than Lightning can damage it, and will shorten the duration of the attack by draining the enemy Force Pool.
    • Turn on Absorb to eliminate the chance of damage and to regenerate your Force Pool.
    • Use Force Heal.
    • Drop a Force Field between you and your attacker.
    • Shoot at them with any weapon.
    • Throw your saber at them.
    • Force Push/Pull them.
Team Energize
  • Effects
    • Duration: Instantaneous.
    • Force Use: 42 points (1 ally); 84 points (2 allies); 100 points (3 or more allies).
    • Time to Empty: n/a
    • Area of Effect: Level 1: normal range; Level 2: 1.5 times range; Level 3: 3 times range.
  • Tactics
    • Consider having a teammate with this power at Level 3 accompany 2 Dark Jedi with Level 3 Lightning into enemy territory--this can take out a whole room full of enemies.
    • Generally this utility power should be used by the least skilled combatant on your team. They should stay on the periphery of combat and keep their allies full of energy.
  • Counter-Tactics
    • Find the Energizer and attack him/her ruthlessly. Their Force Pool will most likely be severely drained from keeping their teammates charged.