Star wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (Nintendo Gamecube) Force Powers Guide Created by Bartimaeus616 Copyright 2008 Dean Greer Version History: 1.00 Original Submission Contents: - Legal - Introduction - Overview - Neutral Force Powers - Light Force Powers - Dark Force Powers - Passive Force Powers - Multiplayer Force Powers - Contact Details - Credits Legal: This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. This document must be kept whole and must not be edited or distributed without this section. I authorise only to display this file. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Introduction: Hey all, I had a look around and there wasn't any guides for the awesome force powers in Jedi Outcast so I thought I'd write one. Please Bear with me as this is my first FAQ. This FAQ will be in the following format: <Force Power> <Light/Neutral/Dark> <Range Self/Short/Medium/Long/Variable(+details)> <Cost Low/Medium/High/Continuous/Variable(+details)> <Level 1/2/3 and description> <Personal Opinion> Overview: The force plays a very important role in Jedi Outcast. Often you cannot procede to the next area without using the force in some way to assist you. The extent to which you can use the force is represented by your force meter, found in the bottom right of your screen. Your force meter is the blue bar made up of small blocks. As you use the force, your bar will be depleted, however, it does regenerate slowly on its own, or can be filled to maximum for a few seconds by collecting an item called a 'Force Crystal'. Neutral Force Powers: --Force Jump-- - Neutral - Range = Self - Cost = Variable Low for levels 1 and 2 Medium for level 3 - This is one of the most frequently used force powers, allowing you to jump many times your own height. The longer you hold down the jump button, the higher you will jump (and the more force you will use). Level 1 allows you to jump twice as high as a regular jump, Level 2 is four times, and Level 3 is eight times. -- It's essential for getting around, so you have to have it :) Mastering jumping can help alot and it's useful to know how long you need to hold the button for to jump to different heights. I suggest practusing on the Bespin Streets Multiplayer level to try and practice getting each height down till its easy. --Force Speed-- - Neutral - Range = Self - Cost = Medium - This force power allows you to manipulate time to move much faster than your enemies. It drains half of your force bar and prevents force regeneration while in effect. It lasts approximately 5 seconds at all levels. Level 1 allows you to move 25% faster than usual, Level 2 50%, and Level 3 75%. -- Personally, I don't find this force power all that useful. In lightsaber combat it becomes very hard to control and can sometimes do more harm than good. I only usually use this to run away from people if I'm about to die. I do know some people though that like to use this with the strong lightsaber style to speed it up a bit but I never use strong so... --Force Push-- - Neutral - Range = Variable Short for Level 1 Medium for Level 2 Medium/Long for Level 3 - Cost = Low - Being able to push people, objects, and switches is a valuble ability for any Jedi. This force power allows you to affect the world around you to great effect. Level 1 is limited to you having to look directly at the target and activate it. On people, it can only knock them to the floor and push them about a metre or so back. Level 2 affects a small arc directly in front of you and can push people back much further. Level 3 affects nearly the entire screen and is capable of throwing people across a fairly large room. At Level 3 you can also TRY to break out of a saber lock. NOTE: People that are pushed into walls and off ledges sustain damage. -- My favourite force power. This is completely indispensible. I almost always only use this power. Remember, this is the only way to block a missile, as well as the only way to reflect the flechette and the DMP, and any explosives such as the thermal detonator. Although force adept enemies can block a push, once they jump, they are vulnerable. --Force Pull-- - Neutral - Range = Variable Short for Level 1 Medium for Level 2 Medium/Long for Level 3 - Cost = Low - Being able to pull objects is almost equally as valuable. With this force power, you can pull enemies off their feet and even pull the weapons out of their hands. Level 1 allows you to pull enemies to the floor, Level 2 Pulls a few people to the floor OR one weapon out of an enemy's hands, whilst Level 3 pulls almost all enemies towards you and pulls the weapons out of their hands. -- Not so useful in my opinion. However, it is funny to watch stormtroopers run around without a weapon. Same thing about the force adepts. Light Force Powers: --Force Heal-- - Light - Range = Self - Cost = High - This allows to channel the force into healing energy, restoring up to 25 hit points per session. This drains your entire force bar however. Level 1 you squat on the floor in a meditative stance with your lightsaber deactivated, healing slowly. If you move or get hit, healing stops. Level 2, you can move but not attack or get hit (you can still block) and healing is faster. Level 3, you can move and attack but not get hit, and healing is very fast. In multiplayer, all levels heal instantaneously but use a decreasing amount of force as the level goes up, where Level 1 uses the whole bar and Level 3 uses about a third, allowing you to heal multiple times very quickly. -- It's healing. It's useful. Little trick though when your on Level 1 healing: run around and rapidly press the force trigger, you'll deactivate your lightsaber but as long as you keep pressing the force trigger, you'll keep healing :) --Jedi Mind Trick-- - Light - Range = Variable Medium for Levels 1 and 2 Long for Level 3 - Cost = Medium (Continuous in Multiplayer) - "I'm not the intruder you're looking for" This force power allows you to fool enemies for a few seconds. At Level 1, you can confuse 1 enemy for about 5 seconds. Level 2, you can distract everyone in the area for about 10 seconds. Just look at where you want them to look and activate. Level 3 either has the effect of Level 2, or if you look directly at an enemy, you can make him an ally for quite a while. You can do this to about 3 enemies at once, very handy in a large group. NOTE: Performing any aggresive act will end Mind Trick, with the exception of killing people that are not your temporary allies. In multiplayer, Mind Trick makes you completely invisible as long as you don't attack. Be warned, people who enter the area after you have activated this will be able to see you, and people who use Force Seeing will be able to see you. -- Fun, but not that useful in single player. Has extreme range though at Level 3. In multiplayer, its only good for sneaking up on people, but make sure you deactivate it once you attack otherwise it will still drain your force, whilst doing nothing to help. Dark Force Powers: --Lightning-- - Dark - Range = Short - Cost = High/Continuous - Legendary Sith Lightning. Does damage. What else? Level 1 fires a single bolt straight in front of you. Level 2 you can hold the trigger and fire a single bolt continuously. Level 3 creates a fan of electricity in front of you as long as you hold the trigger and have enough force energy. -- Haha. I don't think much of this. Single player is good...ish if you don't mind draining your force bar completely for about 3 seconds of lightning. You can kill quite a few storm troopers at Level 3 though, if your quick. In multiplayer, its near useless in my opinion. It does minimal damage and is only likely to kill them if they are already nearly dead. It's more annoying than anything else. --Force Grip-- - Dark - Range = Medium - Cost = Variable Low/Medium at Level 1 Medium/Continuous at Levels 2 and 3 - This allows you to choke people into submission. Level 1 causes them to stand still, choking. You can walk away and they will keep choking. This lasts about 5 seconds and does no damage. Level 2 requires you to focus on them continuously. It lifts them off the ground and does damage. You can choke them until they die but if you get hit, you drop them. You can't look away otherwise you'll drop them. Level 3 allows you to lift them off the ground and move them at will. This way you can smash them into walls or drop them off ledges. Force adepts can break any grip with force push, as can you. -- Grip is much more useful in multiplayer than in Single player. In single player, there are usually either too many enemies, or your enemy is force adept. Rest assured, the force adepts will promptly give you what for if you try and grip them. The only exceptions are the weaker force adepts. However, in multiplayer, your friends usually can't switch to force push or pull (pull works too at breaking grip) fast enough. Hence, you can chuck them off and edge before they can stop you :) Passive Force Powers: --Lightsaber Throw-- - Neutral - Range = Variable - Cost = Medium/Continuous - Using your secondary attack button with your lightsaber lets you throw it, assuming you have this ability and the force to use it. At Level 1, your lightsaber flies straight forward, making a single rotation, and returns. At Level 2, you can hold the button to keep your lightsaber spinning out in front of you. It also spins slightly faster than Level 1. At Level 3, your lightsaber will spin much, much faster as well as become intelligent and actively seek out enemies in a short radius. -- Very, very useful. Level 1 can sometimes be better than Level 2, but Level 3 just kicks butt. Also, at Level 3, your lightsaber can seek out enemies that are using Mind Trick to avoid detection :) Saves time switching to seeing. Be careful against enemies with lightsabers, they can knock yours out of the air. You'll have to either press the attack button to call it back, or, if it fell of a cliff (very annoying) you'll have to wait about 20 seconds for it to reappear in your hand. --Lightsaber Defence-- - Neutral - Range = Self - Cost = N/A - This governs your ability to block lightsabers, energy weapons (except the disrupter rife), and projectiles (except the missle launcher). Level 1 lets you block most things in a small area directly in front of you. You cannot yet reflect incoming fire back at the attacker, although you can randomly deflect it away from you. Level 2 expands the area that you can block and your chance of success. You can now reflect some incoming fire to the attacker. Level 3 expands your defensive area even further until only your back is vulnerable. You are now almost immune to incoming fire and can frequetly reflect it back to the attacker. -- Essential. I always have this maxed out in multiplayer. --Lightsaber Offense-- - Neutral - Range = Self - Cost = N/A - This governs your skill with a lightsaber. Level 1 allows you to use Medium Style. Level 2 allows Fast Style. Level 3 unlocks Strong Style. -- I'm not going in to this one here. Maybe if enough people ask, I'll do an FAQ on lighsaber combat. I usually only use Medium Style so I usually have this at Level 1 in multiplayer. Saves points. Multiplayer Force Powers: --Force Seeing-- - Neutral - Range = Self - Cost = Medium - This cloaks all enemies in bright yellow, meaning they can't hide. At higher levels, you can see enemies through walls, and even dodge snipers. Force Seeing also allows you to see through Mind Trick, revealing hidden players. Level 1 cloaks all enemies in sight in yellow and reveals players using Mind Trick. Level 2 allows you to see people through a wall in addition to Level 1. Level 3 allows you to see everyone on the map, regardless of walls, as well as automatically activating force speed and causing your character to dodge when you are shot at with a disruptor rifle. -- Useful for its ability to dodge the disruptor, its one of the few weapons a lightsaber can't block. However, at half your force bar and preventing force regeneration, it can be costly. Useful in Capture the Flag. --Force Protect-- - Light - Range = Self - Cost = Continuous - This force power covers you in a green, force-driven shield that reduces the damage you recieve. It continuously drains your force bar whilst active, and when you are hit, it uses more force to compensate. It does not make you invincible, you can still take damage, just less of it. Force Protect gets more efficient at higher levels. -- Some people pass right over this one. They shouldn't. This force power is AMAZING. Usually if you are hit directly by a missile launcher, thats it. Your dead. But if you have Level 3 live to fight another day! Seriously, this WILL save your skin on more than one occasion. Just make sure you deactivate it when theres no danger. I don't recommend having anything less than Level 3. --Force Absorb-- - Light - Range = Self - Cost = Continuous - Very similar to protect, this force power makes you impervious to the dark side. Any dark force powers that are targeted at you will instead recharge your force bar. Absorb becomes more efficient at higher levels. NOTE: You are not immune to neutral force powers such as push. -- Not as useful as protect. I don't usually use this but it can have its uses. Someone following you using lightning? Ta-da! Otherwise it can be a bit of a waste as it only works on Lightning, Drain, and Grip. Also, you can't have it on forever, even if you have force left, it times out after about a minute. --Force Drain-- - Dark - Range = Short - Cost = Medium/Continuous - Looks like red Force Lightning, this force power will drain your opponent's force bar and convert it into health for you! Drain follow the same leveling as Force Lightening. -- This is a handy substitute for Force Heal if you are on the Dark side. Probable best used on a group of people at Level 3 because you get more health for the same amount of force. Also, try draining someone, then gripping them. They won't have enough force power to use push :) --Dark Rage-- - Dark - Range = Self - Cost = High - This force power drains your HEALTH whilst it is activated, whilst boosting your speed and power, and causing you to take minimal damage. Whilst Dark Rage is activated, you cannot be healed in any way. Dark Rage stops when any of the following occurs: - You have 1 hit point - You have no more force - You die The effect of Dark Rage gets more potent and drains your health slower as you increase its level. When your Dark Rage has ended, you enter a recovery period where you move much slower and do much less damage. -- I never use this, I see its price as too costly. However, my friend uses this force power to great effect and can devastate the ranks of the enemy in seconds. If you ever come across anyone who is using Dark Rage (you can tell by the red lightning effect over their body), I recommend you keep your distance until it ends and then go in. They will most likely have 1 hp :) Contact Details: If you have any suggestions or comments about this FAQ then please get in touch If you would like an FAQ on Lightsaber Combat, please get in touch No spam. No porn. No junk. No 1337. bartimaeus_at_blueyonder_dot_co_dot_uk And put 'Force Power FAQ' in the RE: box Credits: I would like to thank: Lucas: For Star Wars Everyone who made this game: Good Job Me: For spending my time doing this My parents: For having this computer Copyright 2008 Dean Greer