(Thank Sing_In_Silence for his nitpicking, it’s thanks to it that you understood the first part of the comment :P)
Warmaggot the Mad
Fatal Morgana
(In Soviet Bestiary, we supose stuff, comrade!)
( “It’s a trap!” thanks to Sing_In_Silence)
The Summoner
Remember that the continuous flux of monsters can be a pretty interesting source of quick exp and items, not the best one, but pretty profitable.
Duriel Act Boss
-Heavy melee stunning physical attack, chance to cast Shower of Rocks (reduces physical resistance by ??/??/45%) and Fortress.
-Charge, ignores your avoidance but needs a running start.
-Exorcism, melee attack that deals heavy Magic DoT and spreads from enemy to enemy. BUT, it only damages you if you’re standing still, you won’t lose a bit of hp if you’re walking around. On the other hand, it’s the only DoT that can kill you.
It’s Crank! Crank, I tell you!
-Warp Field aura, which, from what tests tell, doesn’t actually lower your phys. resistance, even though it slows everything affected and keeps your monsters from healing.
Comment: The Horadrim, right after listening to the words of the Angel and dooming Tal Rasha to an eternity of pain and madness, noticed that the pet of the great mage, a little scorpion he called Leirud, looked pretty blue.
One of the mages, sharing the sadness of the little creature, returned two days later through a secret passage they had built without the consent of the Angel and began to try and open the gates they had sealed, for some reason obsessed with idea of returning the little guy to his master.
Right when the runic seal was starting to break, the mage felt the cold edge of a blade in his neck, seconds later his head rolled on the floor and Tyrael had already sheated his sword and fixed the seal.
However, Baal’s whisper of madness had already made it through the slightly shattered part of the seal, and it found a recipient in the little Leirud, who was covered in the powerful blood of the Horadric mage.
In seconds, the scorpion grew and morphed into a wicked hellish creature. Empowered by the Prime Evil’s wrath, it charged against the Angel and smited him with his full might.
The Angel stood up and, ignoring a battle he could not get anything from, floated out of the monster’s grasp. Then with one blow made the secret passage crumble and fled, leaving the enraged beast behind, forever caged and forced to guard his former master’s tomb.
Minions: Nothing.
Strategy: Well, Duriel may not pummel your face if you don’t do something stupid, here it goes the list of stupid things you shouldn’t do/tips:
-Try your best to get a high defense rating for this fight. If he still has a high chance to hit you, perhaps you could try to get items that slow him. That should really help you, since if you don’t have too much defense you’re likely to be a ranged character.
Remember, slow for bosses caps at 50%.
-Almost every class has a source of DoT (poison, duh), don’t overlook it only because you don’t usually need it or it doesn’t “match your purist build”, your “purist build” is failing here. It needs help. :P
(Hint: If you don’t have anything in your skill tree, check your “class only” low level RWs, there usually are very helpful things there.)
-Don’t let him charge lock you, you can actually RUN away from his charges, since having 300K defense of zero won’t matter for it to hit. If you move so slow that you can’t dodge the charges, rush to a wall and endure the first one, he’s not smart enough to go back and charge again.
-Exorcism only damages you if you’re standing still, move! Even if you’re fighting in melee, get away for a bit instead of trying to tank the damage and failing epically.
-Fortress can be terrible if you stand still too. Mainly because if he hit you succesfully when he proc’d it, you’ll be stunned and possibly get locked in hit recovery when the arrows get to you. Again, the best solution (other than the obvious “more def”) is walking around so that the arrows won’t get you.
-Shower of Rocks is deadly. Move when you see it proc.
@Summoners: As a summoner, there is little you can do help your monster fight tactically, but if you think you’re too cool to just resummon them over and over, get your hands on a Pax Mystica Staff. Now when you see a SoR proc, teleport to the opposite side of the room, so that when your minions insta-rush to Duriel they won’t get under the SoR again. Also moving to the other side of the room when Fortress appears helps to avoid about half of the arrows (because they can’t be shot as there is no close enough target). Be how it be, there is little or nothing you can do to help them against Exorcism. I’d TP home and heal in that case.
Flower Prowler