The fun thing, which he hasn’t realized of yet, is that it was a morphed paladin fooling around with Shadow Avatar. :P
Minions: None.
Strategy: Izual, by himself, shouldn’t be too hard. Even though this is true of almost any boss, if you don’t rush too much and don’t bring random mobs with you, you should be fine:
One thing to watch out for: Hailstorm.
That skill is just kickass, and it can kill you in seconds even with maxed cold resistance. However, it’s very avoidable, simply moving a few yards from it when he casts it should do. Also, lazy summoners who don’t want to resummon can just Blink (Pax Mystica) right behind of him, so that he doesn’t have time to cast it again and their summons escape the obliteration zone.
Hephasto the Armorer
Sinwar of the Storm
I know you hate me :twisted:
Warlord of Blood
(Now there really isn’t any more excesive blood here :P)
Diablo Prime Evil: Lord of Terror
-Melee physical attack, it slows you down, btw.
-Flamestrike: The Flamestrike. With max fire resistance you don’t actually have to care about it.
-Bloodstorm: Places a trap, which shoots Blood Stars at enemies wihin range. Note that he casts it right on you, meaning that if you stand still it won’t shoot nor deal any damage.
-Blast Wave: Spell. Creates several stunning novas that knock back and deal physical damage.
-Monster spawn: Just like Mephisto and The Summoner, Diablo snaps his fingers and drops a random monster on your head. Note that he spawns several monsters on death too. Don’t let your guard down.
Comment: When the black abysm spawned the three brothers, the best raw materials were used to create Diablo’s body, as it was obvious he’d be the most popular one.
Long time after that, each of those were used again in particularly powerful hellspawn:
-Charm -> Robert Redford.
-Voice -> Dirty Harry.
-“Lulz skeelz” -> Jim Carrey.
-Win-fu -> Chuck Norris.
-And of course, Clapton got the allmighty allmightiness. :)
And if you think Diablo’s comment should be better than this crap, I’m open to suggestions. :P
No, not really. You possibly suck too much to do it better than me. ;)
Minions: Spawns with a pack of Guardians.
Strategy: A lot of people find Diablo pretty easy, even nooblars. Are you telling me you are worst than nooblars? :O
I’ll scatter some random tips:
-Monsters: What you should do depends on what he summons. Suxy monsters like Guardians he spawns with should be ignored to focus you fire on him. But if he summons Elites or fingermages, destroy them asap.
-Melee fighting: Keep yourself at full health, even if BWs just deal 1K or two, heal anyway. It shouldn’t really be too difficult, just keep getting to him and chase him when he gets at low health.
-Ranged fighters: A destructive short ranged skill will be needed, since his mobs will appear right on you. Other than that, snipe him and don’t let him stack too many Bloodstorms on you. They won’t hurt af first, but if he KBs you with a BW, the lazorbeam will headshoot you despite of you max fire resistance.
-Summoners: Play an active role, your minions will be pretty slowed and will have difficulties harming him, but you can let them tank and pummel his HP down with some random spell of yours.