Horror Sorcerer
Immune to:Lightning.
Skills: Casts Lightning.
Comment: Every dark cloud has a silver lining, but Lightning kills thousands of people who try to find it every year.
Strategy: No big deal, just don’t stand there with a silly look and you’ll be ok.
Bone Sorcerer
Immune to: Cold.
Skills: Casts single target Frozen Soul.
Comment: Belonged to a clan of magicians who decided that not eating for four months would be great to communicate with spirts of the elements. In fact, it technically did work.
Strategy: If you really needed to, you could easily dodge the snowballs, but you shouldn’t have to anyway.
Burning Dead Sorcerer
Immune to: Fire.
Skills: Casts single Unnamed fire projectile.
Comment:Chuckles, crackles and roasts you.
Strategy: Simple, as long as you don’t stand still without maxed resistances, you’ll have no problem.
Dark Inquisitor
Immune to: Magic.
Skills: Casts Cold Beam and Gamma Field.
Comment: As his name says, he likes asking stuff to the darkness.
Strategy: Cold Beam won’t be a problem, but Gamma Field will. Keep in mind that even if your poison resistance lets you endure most of the damage, it lasts for a kinda long time, so after killing them it’s pot time.
Knight of War
Immune to: Fire.
Skills: Charge (ignores your avoidance), Concentration aura, physical melee attack, chance to deal crushing blow.
Comment: Hates God of War. He can never make it throught the second boss.
Strategy: Beware, crushing blow attacks and Charge can be a deadly combo, ranged characters can possibly kill them before they get close, but melee chars should try to kill them as fast as possible, since getting melee locked by them is very bad. A good way to stop charge locking is getting to somewhere they can’t KB you, like a wall.
Trapped Soul
Immune to: No element wanted to protect these suckers.
Skills: Melee physical “attack”.
Comment: :lol:
Strategy: Wait... those things are actually enemies? Lol, I thought they were just mana/life fountains! (= you can leech them, and their deaths trigger any life/mana on kill effect :P)
Tortured Soul
Immune to: Lightning.
Skills: Lightning melee attack, Casts Lightning.
Comment: Neutral spirit that has gained Lightning powers due to the electric chair sessions he has to stand every day.
Strategy: B47 kthxbai.
Living Flame ELITE
Immune to: Fire.
Skills: Slow, directional fire stream (fake), fire based attack.
Comment: Used to be everone’s favourite in the alpha times. But then they lost their Fire Stream spell, and now... they’re just another elite :(.
Strategy: As long as you have maxed fire resistance, you won’t have any problem; the melee attack hits a little harder than the spell, but with some defense or moving you can avoid it completely. Not a problem *sigh*.
Heretic ELITE
Immune to: Lightning.
Skills: Using a physical, piercing (it has ND, don’t panic), weapon based Starburst clone, which we will call... Skullburst! (It shoots five skulls).
Comment: Heck! You possibly wouldn’t have killed them in Act I if you knew they’d end up like this, eh?
Strategy: In case you have heavy defense, you’ll avoid/tank (with pots :P) the skulls, so no big deal. But in case you don’t have so much def, you’ll have to keep moving to avoid cripples.
Skullburst works the same way Starburst does (this is, targeting you only once), so if you don’t stop too long in the same place you’ll avoid most of them.
Their HP might be a little higher than the usual of their zone, but it shouldn’t be too much of a problem anyway.
Twisted Soul
Immune to: Cold.
Skills: Cast Single target snowball.
Comment: It is said that most wannabe modmakers, who were overwhelmed by Median’s might, live inside these disgusting beings.
Strategy: Ok kids: If we have a mob with lousy HP, we take into a count the AI locks when next to walls and we also add an extremely avoidable elemental spell, what do we get?
Corruptor Warlock ELITE
Immune to: Poison.
Skills: Casts Putrid Orb.
Comment: Among other things I won’t mention (^^), Andy taught him the power to cast lot of her poisoned bolts at a time.
Strategy: Not a real problem, with maxed poison resistance you won’t really feel the burn. However, they move a little faster than usual and might lure you into a mobs pack if you chase them. Be careful with that, for their damage, added to being melee locked by other monsters might actually wear you down.
Lava Lord
Immune to: Fire
Skills: Casts a fiery rocks wave and has a melee fire attack.
Comment: Such a baddass name for such a lame monster ¬¬.
Strategy: Attacks, casts and moves very slow, and on top with maxed fire resistance the damage of the rocks is absolutely pathethic. If there’s one thing you have to watch out for it’s their melee attack, it’s kinda heavy.
Pit Beast
Immune to: Lightning.
Skills: Casts poison sputter, melee poisoned attack.
Comment: Insane leaping freako that draws pleasure in spitting at people.
Strategy: B47, no excuses this time.
Dark Counselor
Immune to: Fire.
Skills: Casts Venomous Spirit, melee poisoned attack.
Comment: His counsels often are like “Let’s kill more kids!” or “Why not spreading the Ebola via tainted butterflies?”.
Strategy: “Whaaah! If I stand still for five seconds until VS hits me I nearly die! Whaah!!”
-Well, I know it’s shocking, but you could move so that the extremely slow VS doesn’t hit you! Also with maxed poisoned resistances it will only kill you if you stand there and let it multihit you.
Dark Magistrate
Immune to: Lightning.
Skills: Casts Venomous Spirit and has a melee poisoned attack.
Comment: Used to teach majik in Hogwarts until some poison sorcies pwntd him.
Strategy: Move to avoid the VSs, if you do it then it’s ez job :P.
Hellcat ELITE
Immune to: Cold.
Skills: Ranged/melee cold attack, casts Mark of the Wild on striking and has Taunting Aura.
Comment: Ok, let’s say it one more time: You can get it as a reanimated monster, but they won’t have the aura, period. And it wouldn’t have worked on monsters, however. There, you can stop farming BPR now :).
Strategy: First, an explanation of the usually overrated Taunting Aura: It only affects you, so ranged minions/reanimates still kick kitten ass.
The radius is about the half of the screen, so actually it doesn’t force you to anything else than retreating a little to pwn them with your ranged attacks.
In fact, it doesn’t even fully lock ranged attacks, since you can still use regular attack with a bow/crossbow to shoot at them. However, this isn’t really reccomended since you might use up your projectiles.
-So basically, when you run into a pack of Hellcats with a ranged character simply get out of the aura range to use your skills. In case they are faster than you, place a lolsummon (Shredder is perfect for this job) to distract them for the few seconds you need and then range as usual.
For melee characters, the thing is pretty obvious.
Hellcat Priestess ELITE Lolcat.
Immune to: Cold.
Skills: Cold ranged attack, casts Mark of the Wild on striking and has Taunting Aura.
Comment: Said to have a thing for Void Archons, but it might be just a rumor.
Strategy: Yeah, it says “Elite” and they look baddass, right? But on the other hand, you should already have maxed resistances, cold included, so the damage will utterly suck. Really, even despite of procing MotW, they will still deal too low damage per hit, which on top you can dodge with some defense.
Note: If both the regular Hellcats and the Priestesses have the aura... then what the heck is the difference between them?
Immune to: Magic.
Skills: Melee physical attack, casts Fire Splash on striking.
Comment: Blades forged at Hellforge! Because no one understands your demonic needs of setting things on fire better than Hephasto, come to the Hellforge!!
Strategy: If you have some defense and fire resistance you’ll tank them perfectly, because the only danger comes from the physical hit. If you don’t have enough defense, you’re likely to be a ranged character ( :P), so simply range them, in most cases they’ll die before they get to you.
Immune to: Fire.
Skills: Melee fire attack, casts Fire Splash on striking.
Comment: Nobody knows what the heck he guards... but hey, that means he’s doing a great job ;).
Strategy: B47, he may look big and bad, but the “fork in the eye” method usually fixes that.
Bronze Titan
Immune to: Fire.
Skills: Stunning (5 seconds) melee physical attack, has a ? screen Fire Resistance aura that turns affected monsters immune to fire.
Comment: Were created by a mad scientific who decided to put a Brute in a microwave to “see what happens”.
Strategy: Flamestrike them to DEATH!!! ...Not. It’s pretty simple, if you commonly use fire, use your second element to obliterate them and stop them from rendering mobs invulnerable. Luring them would be an option too, but it’s not really needed.
Their actual damage sucks, by the way, so you don’t really have to worry about that if you want to melee them.
Silver Titan
Immune to: Cold.
Skills: Stunning melee physical attack and a ? screen Cold Resistance aura to turn nearby monsters cold immune.
Comment: Yo dawg! Yeti priests are back!
Strategy: Just to taunt you, my dear summonsorc ;). Pummelazor them with your second element and you’ll be freezing enemies to death again in no time.
@Melee chars: :lol:
Gold Titan
Immune to: Lightning.
Skills: Stunning melee physical attack as well as a ? screen Lightning Resistance aura, which renders monsters within radius immune to Lightning.
Comment: Lol, this noob maxed a defensive aura! Lolol! Now he’s all screwed up because he doesn’t have enough points to max Fanaticism. Lololol!
Strategy: Does anyone use lightning at all? Why? Lightning isn’t poison... and poison rocks... :?
Use your second element and you’ll be ok.
If you’re a melee character, then congrats! U r da masta bcuz phys dmg ftw! ;)... Just kidding. YOU FAIL!
Immune to: Poison.
Skills: Casts Wyrd (weapon damage, pierces, ND) and melee physical attack.
Comment: Summoned by the Three from the distant ***** of Pokemon vs. Predator, they now will serve Hell until their final breath. (Pokemon vs. Predator thing read somewhere, written by Laz)
Strategy: Their very polite way of saying “Hi” is casting Wyrd on you from offscreen, but then they’ll cast it just every now and then. However, their damage isn’t too outstanding and it doesn’t make up for their lame attack and walk speed.
On top, you can avoid it with defense... so yeah, they won’t be too tough.
Mutilator ELITE
Immune to: Cold.
Skills: Melee heavy physical attack, also shoots a wave of piercing (with ND) physical damage orbs (It spreads the same way as Arcane Torrent).
Comment: “Nobody likes me, so they can all just die!” –Ikari Shinji.
Strategy: Defense is the deity you have to adore to tank them, all of their attacks are weapon based, so it’s a major help. However, moving and shooting around every now and then does the trick perfectly for ranged characters.
Just a note for summoners, their missiles pierce, so if you think your swarm of minions will protect you from harm as usual you’re wrong, move around or face mutilation!
Chaos Caster
Immune to: Magic.
Skills: Cast Slayer Bolt (heavy magic damage) and melee physical attack.
Comment: Also known as Fingermages or Stormcasters... or “Boo-hoo! Dey jus pwt me!!!”
Strategy: “Meh, this is no elite I dun have to care about it!” [YOU HAVE DIED]
-...It happens all the time, but it doesn’t mean you don’t suck anyway :P.
However, what just chopped 2K of your life off in one hit was their slow moving Slayer Bolt, avoid it from now on and you’ll be ok. Melee characters don’t really have any problem because they won’t cast in melee range.
Soul Flayer
Immune to: Magic.
Skills: Casts Slayer Bolt and has a physical melee attack.
Comment: It lived in Kurast’s jungle... but that was when it was alive, y’know.
Strategy: Avoid the bolts by moving and, when fighting packs, consider them very dangerous and eliminate them asap. The physical damage is important too, but defense helps with it, so no real problem for melee characters.
Immune to: Magic.
Skills: Cast Slayer Bolts and has a melee physical attack.
Comment: Shouldn’t a mob called “Incarnation” actually have less ghostly look?
Strategy: Dodge the bolts and proceed to smack him whichever way you prefer.
Void Archon ELITE
Immune to: Magic.
Skills: Melee Area of Effect physical attack, has Warp Field aura that pierces physical resistance by ??/??/80% and prevents your summoned / reanimated monsters from healing. Also blinds enemies on striking and has 75% Physical damage reduction.
Comment: *insert maniac laughter here* All those VAs you wrongly used Soulshatter on are here... Waiting for you... :twisted:
Strategy: VAs are, fairly, some of the most badass elite monsters.
Not only they are a threat by themselves, but the weakening effect nearly doubles any physical damage, which won’t exactly help you survive.
The best solution is luring them away from crowds, you won’t have too much problem doing it, because they can fly across any obstacle and are pretty fast when it comes to chase you.
Then killing them shouldn’t be “too hard”, as long as you have some defense to withstand their high AR, or you keep moving so that they won’t cripple you.
@Summoners: This kind of monster can wipe a half of your army with two hits, so either TP home and swarm them a few times or use your active skills and try to do it by yourself for once.
Dark Knight
Immune to: Lightning.
Skills: Melee physical attack.
Comment: It sure is a dark night!... ok... I admit that scored “I suck ass” in the Lame-o-meter. ^^’ (Black Knights have a new comment :P)
Strategy: He doesn’t hit hard enough to make up for his slow attack speed, hence, B47.
Hell Knight
Immune to: Fire.
Skills: Melee physical attack.
Comment: One of the many trusted warriors of hell... Being the “many” the key word, since the only hope of the Three when they deployed them was to get some time to make more elites.
Strategy: b47.
Chaos Knight
Immune to: Magic.
Skills: Poisoned melee attack, cast Zen Bolt, which turns caster invulnerable to all elements (for two seconds), pierces, has ND and deals magic damage.
Comment: Unleash your inner anarchist! Chaos rulz!
Strategy: Maybe casting Zen Bolt with a ShadowBeast morph would actually be profitable, but there is just no way it helps these guys.
I mean, it might protect them from one blow... the next 427 will still hit them and kill them. Also the magic damage of the bolts themselves is laughable. Not a hard opponent.
Soul Mage
Immune to: Cold.
Skills: Casts Zen Bolt, which turns him invulnerable to all elements for two seconds after casting. Also casts Soulstorm, which shoots Frozen Souls to enemies from the place it’s casted (it works like Bloodstorm).
Comment: A caster that wields a mace!! Lol, everyone knows maces are useless for casters! Dreamflange being the most useless one!
Strategy: Zen Bolt’s direct magic damage is kinda low and I’d say that almost ignorable, problems might come from the snowballs Soulstorm hurls at you, they are likely to stack and end up dealing some decent damage, but there are a few things to take into a cound about it:
They cast Soulstorm right on your head, meaning that no matter if they actually cast 679 on you, unless you move they won’t be able of targeting you, and therefore won’t deal any damage. But be aware that if you do move they’ll start shooting at you, dealing heavy damage (if a bunch of them are stacked) despite of your resistance.
But as long as you move a little, you shouldn’t have any problem with them.
(Thanks to BrotherLaz for the clarification on the way Soulstorm works, because trust me... it was VERY wrong.)
Blood Mage
Immune to: Fire.
Skills: Casts Bloodstorm. Now that’s devotion!
Comment: Supermaxing Bloodstorm via unholy Energy amounts rocks, k?
Strategy: There’s something very interesting with their Bloodstorms, they cast them right on you, so actually the spell can either shoot to your allies, missing you, or it can simply stay there, gleaming but without shooting at you at all. Unless you move you won’t take any damage from it.
That said, you already have shiny maxed resistances, so no real problem.
And you can aways use any kind of walls/obstacles to protect you from the missiles.
Armageddon Knight ELITE
Immune to: Magic.
Skills: Casts Zen Omni Lightning Bolt, which turns him invulnerable to elemental damages for two seconds after casting and unleashes an AoE single Ommi Lightning on striking. Also has a melee poison attack.
Comment: Doom! ( wtf?)
Strategy: Getting in their melee range stops them from casting/being invulnerable, and the damage can be withstood without too much effort. Not a hard elite. (I shed a tear every time I write things like that)
Tempest Mage ELITE
Immune to: Lightning.
Skills: Casts Zen Bolt (pierces, ND magic damage) and Zen Omni Lightning Bolt . Both turn him invulnerable to elements for two seconds after casting.
Comment: Learnt most of his magicks when he dared to raise a metal club to the sky in a stormy night.
Strategy: If you depend on elements to deal damage, you don’t like the fact he turns invulnerable to them. You can either hit him once in melee and then casting (since he’ll be in hit recovery and won’t cast, breaking the immunity shield) to pwn him or hang around until the immunity goes off by itself. Usually this last “tactic” consists on casting on his head even despite of the immunity and taking his few frames of weakness to slay him.
Note: He’s actually the leader of a pack of Armageddon Knights and always spawns with them.
Immune to: Fire.
Skills: Melee physical attack, eats corpses to spit acid that explodes on striking.
Comment: ...Hell needs cleaners, k?
Strategy: Of course you now have maxed fire resistance, but still the fiery sputter will deal high damage. The best solution is as simple as killing them before other mobs.
Immune to: Fire.
Skills: Melee physical attack, eats corpses to cast exploding sputters.
Comment: Dampe’s pets took care of his job after he passed away.
Strategy: Kill them before you kill anything else and it’s done.
Fireblood ELITE
Immune to: Cold.
Skills: Melee physical attack, eats corpses to cast Molten Boulder. Invisibility.
Comment: The garbageman caaaan! ’Cause he’s a Homer Simpson’s maaan!
Strategy: This is an invisible enemy with a heavy melee attack, that would be already bad, but in fact, this invisible enemy likes to sneak behind of you to eat corpses and then spitting slow but absolutely lethal (if you stand still in the fire trail) Molten Boulders at you.
The best thing to do is luring all other mobs away, because they don’t usually follow you. Or you can kill them first, but this is kinda harder because of AoE attacks being counterproductive, since they may provide them corpses to cast MB... but well, if you are some kind of odd strange player who moves out of the way of slow deadly projectiles, you shouldn’t have too much problem anyway.
NOTE: I personally find this a very interesting information, on top if you’re going to QQ because one of these just killed you:
Back in the alpha, they spitted a fire missile just like their lesser brothers, which made them actually worth of the title Elite, they were tough and they could kill you pretty easily. But there’s more, there was a dark time in which they didn’t “just” spit a single bolt, they freaking casted freaking CATACLYSM.
Freaking, eh?
Red Storm
Immune to: Lightning.
Skills: Casts badass shiny lazor, casts Static Trap on death and has a melee lightning attack..
Comment: Charms player’s minions on death so that they step on the trap and stun him/her, possibly leading to an early death.
Strategy: Watch out because Static Trap is no joke, these guys will die pretty fast, but if you step on one of the traps in the middle of a battle, you might regret it... a lot.
Their lightning damage is no match for your lightning resistance, however.
Hell Stone
Immune to: Fire.
Skills: Casts a wave of fiery rocks and uses a melee fire attack.
Comment: This monster has a problem with dry skin.
Strategy: With fire resistance both the melee attacks and the rocks can be tanked. B47 plz.
Immune to: Fire.
Skills: Melee physical attack, casts Time Strike on attack.
Comment: Yo dawg! We heard you like Time Strike, so now we put Time S-... aw man... it’s a proc on attack... damnit... :(
Strategy: Melee monsters with melee procs, if you can tank other monsters, you can can tank them and use your 1337 life leech and high damage to slay them.
If you can’t tank, simply move, dodge and weave as usual. In fact, they aren’t too hard.
Horned Leviathan ELITE
Immune to: Magic.
Skills: Melee physical attack, casts Blink on attack.
Comment: Mystical minotaurs which fully understand the way energy flows through cosmos and have learnt to use that knowledge to enhance their face-mauling powers.
Strategy: The physical damage is kinda low, in fact, so there’s no real problem unless you’re not used to tank and a pack of them locks you in melee.
However, it’s always fun to see a summoner going berserk as three of them are stun-locking his summoned mobs with their Blink procs.
Moon Panther
Immune to: Lightning.
Skills: Mind Flay!
Comment: Ok, I was wrong about the covens, they seem to actually do something after a while!
Strategy: With maxed Lightning resistances you will still notice Mind Flay’s damage, but don’t worry, you can dodge it easily if you need to, and the electrokittens will die kinda fast, however.
Another noteworthy thing is the extreme range of Mind Flay, it’s about a screen and a half.