Just like regular Diablo II Lord of Destruction, Median XL features three difficulty levels. Killing Baal unlocks the next difficulty level for that character.

Level range (regular game) : 1-55
Level range (uberquests) : 60-115

The first and easiest difficulty level. Regular monsters range from 50 to 10K health and deal 1 to 200 damage. Their AI is not very bright and leech works at 1/4 effectiveness, which should be just fine considering the increased amount of damage characters can deal compared to the regular game.

Level range (regular game) : 55-115
Level range (uberquests) : 115

A significant step up in difficulty, regular monsters range from 10K to 100K health and deal 250 to 750 damage. Leech is reduced to 1/50 effectiveness. There is a 50% resistances penalty. If you can beat Terror, you have completed the regular game. You can expect to hit the level cap of 120 in Terror difficulty.

Sets start dropping in some uberquests on Terror difficulty.

Level range (regular game) : 120
Level range (uberquests) : 120

After reaching the level cap, Inferno awaits. Every monster is level 120 and is extremely aggressive. Regular monsters range from 100K to 300K health and deal 500 to 1000 damage, but uberquest monsters go far beyond that. Abandon all hope. Leech is reduced to 1/100 to make up for high attack damage at this point in the game and there's a 100% resistances penalty.

Sacred uniques drop only in Destruction difficulty.