Last updated : 7 April 2001 (Australian Time) -------------------------------------------------------------------- DC's Quake III:Arena Guide v1.21 -------------------------------------------------------------------- ____ _ / __ \ | | | | | |_ _ __ _| | _____ | | | | | | |/ _` | |/ / _ \ | |__| | |_| | (_| | < __/ \___\_\\__,_|\__,_|_|\_\___| |_ _|_ _|_ _|_ | | | | | | (_) | | | | | | _| |_ _| |_ _| |_ _ /\_____|_____|_____(_) / \ _ __ ___ _ __ __ _ / /\ \ | '__/ _ \ '_ \ / _` | / ____ \| | | __/ | | | (_| | /_/ \_\_| \___|_| |_|\__,_| Legal Stuff This entire FAQ is copyright DC 2000-01. The only sites that can use this without asking are: If you want to use it on your site, please e-mail me at The latest version can always be found from or Note, that if you've asked me for permission but don't see your site on the list above, don't worry about it, as it's a real pain to update each time everyone asks me to use this guide on their site. So as long as you've asked me, yes, you can put it up on your site. The sites above are the ones that don't have to ask to use them. Quake III:Arena is copyright id 1999/2000. Please do not leech any of this to make your own FAQ out of it. Unless you have MY permission DO NOT take anything at all from this guide. Don't edit, don't do anything to it and submit it without e-mailing me with permission first. You can print it out, but only for personal use, no selling this! Summing it up, do anything for your own personal benefit (apart from reading it) without asking me, AND YOU'LL BURN IN HELL!!!!! ---====================--- To get in touch, e-mail me at My ICQ# is 34601221 My webpage is My MSN contact is, but any email sent to that address will most likely be ignored, as I don't check that account My AIM name is dcmagus Be warned that I'm only on the net twice a week, don't expect replies from me which are ten minutes after you've sent the mail. Here's some guidelines about sending me mail: 1.Make sure you put the title of the game you're asking about in the subject. I've made a fair few FAQs, and it's a bit hard to work things out sometimes. 2.If it's an FAQ, make sure that it's not already in the guide!!! If it is, I'll do my best to ignore it. If it's not in there, make sure that the details you provide are, well, DETAILED, and not sketchy. Examples are "Hi need to know how to get past this part, i'm in a room and stuck", I need to know where you are, etc. 3.Ask nicely. So far, most people have, but if your mail goes along the lines of "Hi, need code for B2, reply within the next hour otherwise I'll bomb you" will not get you anywhere. That's it. Sorry for being a pain, but it had to be said. ---====================--- Version History v0.1-Halfway through the levels. v0.11-Copyright Notice changed. v0.2-Just the final tier to go. v1.0-Levels, gladiators, console. All done. v1.01-Copyright Notice changed. v1.02-Copyright Notice changed. v1.03-Seems like a waste of time, but I like ASCII art headings =) v1.04-Copyright Notice changed. v1.05-Copyright Notice changed. v1.06-Copryight changed. v1.08-Copyright Notice changed. v1.09-Same. v1.1-"Downdate". Got rid of unneccessary lines. v1.11-Email guidelines. Some people out there are getting annoying. v1.2-New email addy. v1.21-Name change! Contents 1)Introduction 2)Weapons, Items, etc. 3)Skills, Hints/Tips 4)Levels 5)Cheats/Console 6)Gladiators 7)Acknowledgements -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1)Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------- "Untold centuries ago the Vadrigar, the mysterious Arena Masters, constructed the Arena Eternal for their own infernal amusement. Virtually nothing is known of these beings except that they savor the carnage and clamor of battle. As such, they have stocked the arena with the greatest warriors of all time. And you have just joined their ranks. As a gladiator in the Arena Eternal, you must not only survive, but also win each and every battle against ever more powerful opponents. Don't worry overly much about getting "fragged." The Vadrigar won't be cheated of their favorite sport by a little thing like death. Those who fall are instantly restored to life and immediately thrust back into the battle, perhaps a little wiser for their misfortunes. When the dust, blood, and gibs settle, all warriors will have earned the right to battle again, providing further entertainment for the Vadrigar. But only the warrior who has fragged the most foes will be lauded as the winner. The victorious gladiator advances to a more challenging array of arenas, until, at last, he or she faces Xaero, Lord of the Final Arena." Quake III:Arena, is by far one of the most dazzling FPS experiences I've ever had (Half-Life and possibly Thief/System Shock 2 beating it. To all of you UT fans, I'm sorry, but Q3 is definetly, and by FAR, the better game. Enough chat. There's only one thing that you'll need to remember, and it's stated in the game manual: ______ | ____| | |__ _ __ __ _ __ _ | __| '__/ _` |/ _` | | | | | | (_| | (_| | |_| |_| \__,_|\__, |_ _ _ /\ __/ | | | | (_) / \ _ __ |___/| |_| |__ _ _ __ __ _ / /\ \ | '_ \| | | | __| '_ \| | '_ \ / _` | / ____ \| | | | |_| | |_| | | | | | | | (_| | /_/ \_\_| |_|\__, |\__|_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, | _______ _ __/ | __/ | |__ __| | |___/ | |___/ | | | |__ __ _| |_ | | | '_ \ / _` | __| | | | | | | (_| | |_ __|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__| |_ _| ( ) | | | ___ _ __|/| |_ | | / __| '_ \ | __| _| |_\__ \ | | || |_ |_____|___/_| |_| \__| \ \ / / \ \_/ /__ _ _ \ / _ \| | | | | | (_) | |_| | |_|\___/ \__,_| -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2)Weapons and Items -------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapons There are about nine weapons or so, and each has it's own strengths and weaknesses. Remember, even though it's supposed to be an all out frag fest, there's a bit of strategy involved. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gauntlet -------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting Ammo :Doesn't Apply Max. Ammo :Doesn't Apply Range :Point Blank Speed :Doesn't Apply Direct Hit Damage :50 Rate Of Fire :Doesn't Apply The basic weapon. Much like the chainsaw, axe, crowbar, etc. Sure, you'll probably only use it as a last resort, but it's quite effective. No, really. When in close quarters, you can mow through a pack of bots quite easily, then turn around and get them again. If you corner your opponent, you can then kill him/her quite easily. My strategy is to do that, to round up your opponent and then kill them. Oh, if you have the Quad Damage, this is one of the weapons which is effective and won't kill you at close range. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Machinegun -------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting Ammo :100 Max. Ammo :200 Range :Anywhere Speed :Instant Shot Direct Hit Damage :7, 5 when in teamplay Rate Of Fire :Very High The Machinegun. Basically, it's useless. You'll mow through the ammo so easily that it's not funny. Damage is low, but it's fast, and the only things I can think of to do with it are to: use it to distract your pursuer/s, clean up or help with a battle between two other bots, or use it wildly when you've got Quad Damage. Even though it won't hurt much, it'll still hurt a bit. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Shotgun -------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting Ammo :10 Max. Ammo :200 Range :Anywhere Speed :Instant Shot Direct Hit Damage :Depends on how close you are, up close is 100+, across the room it can be 10. Rate Of Fire :Slow OH YEAH! I love this weapon. It is the best weapon to use at point blank - you can't argue with 100+ damage - and is pretty good when you're firing into a pack of bots. For some reason, the patterns of the shells aren't fixed, meaning they can fly out in any way, making it not such a good weapon from long range. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Plasma Gun -------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting Ammo :50 Max. Ammo :200 Range :Anywhere Speed :Medium Direct Hit Damage :20 Rate Of Fire :Very High This is basically a Machinegun which fires balls of plasma instead. It's great for clearing out rooms, but it's not really a sniping weapon as each projectile is very visible. And since they can be seen quite easily, enemies will be able to dodge them quite easily, so spread out your shots (shake your mouse from side to side). This really comes alive with Quad Damage on. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Grenade Launcher -------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting Ammo :10 Max. Ammo :200 Range :Small Speed :Slllllllooooooowwwwwwwwwwww Direct Hit Damage :120 Rate Of Fire :Medium This is a great weapon for campers. It's more of a defensive tool than it is offensive, as people tend to run away from them. It's effective when you need to clear out a pack of bots too busy fighting. Splash Damage is also considerably high. One more use for them, when you're running around a corner from someone, drop a whole stack down, and they'll run right into them. Boom. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Rocket Launcher -------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting Ammo :10 Max. Ammo :200 Range :Anywhere Speed :Slow Direct Hit Damage :100 Rate Of Fire :Medium Well, to be honest, it's not what I expected. Quake's RL was better, but nothing's perfect. Anyway. It's still a pretty good weapon, that deals a lot of damage and goes far. You'll need to use a bit of strategy with this weapon, as unless you're at point blank range, your target will end up dodging it. When enemies have it, they can be extremely annoying, and instead of direct hits, will try to inflict some splash damage on you. But this should be the main weapon of your impressive arsenal. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightning Gun -------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting Ammo :100 Max. Ammo :200 Range :Medium Speed :Instant Shot Direct Hit Damage :8 Rate Of Fire :Doesn't Stop You'll need to be quite accurate for this weapon to be used effectively. It's limited range doesn't help much either, and it's hardly up on any of the good maps. Either that, or it's hard to find. It does make a small noise when fired, so if you hear a little buzz, or see a streak of blue in the air, you'll know someone's got ahold of this. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Rail Gun -------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting Ammo :10 Max. Ammo :200 Range :Anywhere Speed :Instant Hit Direct Hit Damage :100 Rate Of Fire :Slow Whoo! The Rail Gun makes a return, and by golly it's good. Instant kills! Instant hits! Yes! Too bad that it's slow to fire. It's the perfect weapon for campers and snipers, and you'll need to practise before you can really be a Rail Gun master. You'll need to practise A LOT. An extremely dangerous weapon. -------------------------------------------------------------------- BFG10K -------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting Ammo :20 Max. Ammo :200 Range :Anywhere Speed :Fast Direct Hit Damage :100 Rate Of Fire :Fast Now...imagine you could create a superweapon. What would you choose? A Plasma Gun that's as poweful as the RL? Well, then you've got the BFG10K!!! This is the sweetest weapon that any game could ever have. But the levels that include the BFG probably have it hidden away in some strange, far away search for it, and then you'll be unstoppable!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------- Items -------------------------------------------------------------------- There's two types of items, one which are used straight away, and ones that can be used at your will. The ones that are used straight away only last for 30 seconds. If an opponent dies and drops an item, the count will stay the same as when the opponent had it, e.g if the Quad Damage had 10 seconds left to go when he died, and you pick it up, you'll have 10 seconds to use it. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Items which are used straight away -------------------------------------------------------------------- Armor No matter if it's light or heavy, armor saves you from taking two thirds of the damage you'd usually take. Always stock up, as this might save your life in a heated battle. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle Suit -------------------------------------------------------------------- What this will do is protect you from any form of splash damage at all (splash damage is for example, when a rocket hits the wall right next to you and you still get damaged). So this means that falling from high places, falling into lava, rocket jumping etc. will not damage you. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Flight -------------------------------------------------------------------- Only available on one level, and it's really not much of a help anyway. What it does is that it enables you to walk on air. Up, down, left, sure looks funny when someone's got it. It's really not worth getting. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Haste/Speed -------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a pretty awesome item. What it does is it speeds your movements up, and also speeds up your rate of fire. Combine this with say, the Plasma Gun, BFG10K, or the Lightning Gun, you can knock your opponent out before they know what hit them. It's also great for when you're being chased by some idiot. Now, all you have to do is pick up a BFG10K with 200 ammo, and then the Quad Damage... -------------------------------------------------------------------- Invisibility -------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, they lied. You are slightly visible at close range, but it's the ideal item for the camper/sniper. Your weapon output is still visible. So if you think you can get away by firing your Plasma Gun all over the place, think again. Don't mix this with Quad Damage, otherwise the glowing effect of the Quad will just cancel the whole invisible idea. Basically, equip the Rail Gun and pretend you're Garrett from Thief (sneak around), but this time your mission is to kill. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Quad Damage -------------------------------------------------------------------- YES!!! The only thing they got wrong was the name, it should be called Tri Damage or something, as it doesn't deal 4 times the usual damage. This is the best item in the whole game, and usually the first guy to reach this will have an immeadiate stranglehold on the game. Don't use the RL when you've got Quad Damage, unless it's from far, far away. Just remember, 3 times the damage, so if it splashes, you're gone. Stick to the Plasma Gun, Machinegun, Shotgun and the (SURPRISE!) Gauntlet. The BFG10K should be saved to surprise everyone afterwards, to show them that you don't need the Quad to be powerful, and the Rail Gun kills in one shot anyway. Just be careful when someone picks the Quad up. What you'll want to do is to kill the person who's got it, swiftly, and then grab it for yourself. Otherwise, one word. Run. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Regeneration -------------------------------------------------------------------- This item gradually increases your health, but not to above 200. If you're under the 100 health mark, it raise by 15 health per second, and when you're over 100, it'll raise by 5 per second. This helps when you're going to rush into a battle. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Items which you have to use -------------------------------------------------------------------- Medkit With a press of a button, this handy item will bring you back up to 100 health. It's not that effective, and you'll usually use it just as you're about to die, but then, it's easy to mistime. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Personal Teleporter -------------------------------------------------------------------- This takes you to a random location in the map. Sure, it sounds good when you're falling to your death, but using it to get out of a battle is just plain cowardness. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3)Skills -------------------------------------------------------------------- Skills. Special Moves. Hints. Tips. Whatever. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Rocket Jump -------------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone should know about the Rocket Jump. Once you've got the RL, simply jump up while looking at the ground, and fire to get a big boost. You'll take a small amount of damage, but it does get you to your destination quicker. And don't use it when you're on low life, just don't. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Splash Damage -------------------------------------------------------------------- Just remember, with the RL and some other weapons, you don't have to hit the opponent directly to deal damage, rather, you can aim for a section of wall/floor near the opponent and you'll still deal some damage, albeit less than you would if you hit them directly. Great for those levels where they're walking on platforms right above you. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sound -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sound plays a part in the game. No, serious. If you listen out for the respawn sound, footsteps, weapon/item pickup sounds, you can quickly find the opponent and kill him/her, or prepare yourself for a close-quarters battle. If you're trying to sneak up on someone, don't run, walk and your footsteps will not be heard as you frag them with the Rail Gun. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bounce/Acceleration Pads -------------------------------------------------------------------- New additions to the Quake series are helpful and annoying. Bounce Pads are the yellow (well, usually yellow) circles on the ground that once stepped on, catapault you higher. This is great for getting to higher places, but when you're in the air, you're extremely vunerable, and snipers with Rail Guns can easily cane you. Acceleration Pads are those silver ramps that will launch you very far in the direction that it's facing. First class airline travel. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Crouching -------------------------------------------------------------------- You probably won't notice, but when you're crouching, you can still hit the enemy while without yourself being hit easily. So crouch when getting into Gauntlet duels. Gauntlet duels? Yeah, sure... -------------------------------------------------------------------- Strafing -------------------------------------------------------------------- First, never stand still when shooting. Use the strafe left and right keys to full advantage when in battle. Moving from side to side not only makes you dizzy, it makes you harder to hit. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Circle Strafing -------------------------------------------------------------------- This is great to once again, get you dizzy, but to confuse your opponent. While strafing in one direction, hold down the key to look in the other direction. You should be moving around in a circle. Use the mouse to help your aim, and keep the opponent in your sights. This is the best way to win a duel. BTW, if you want some fun, shoot a rocket at the ground, watch the opponent jump up, then frag him in midair. Oh yeah. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4)Levels -------------------------------------------------------------------- Arena Gate- Q3DM1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Quite a simple level. The large courtyard leads to a confined area with a mouth hanging out of the wall. Yes, a mouth. You should make it your duty to pick up the Rocket Launcher in the courtyard, and use this level for practice. A Plasma Rifle and Shotgun can also be found. -------------------------------------------------------------------- House Of Pain- Q3DM2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a large level, but there aren't many weapons to get your frags with. The RL is located in a small side room, and if you can trap someone in there, it's an instant frag. In the main courtyard (steps, a sewer and a Plasma Gun) is where you'll probably clean up most of your opponents. The other main room is the place with the Haste, Shotgun and the Red Armor below. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Arena of Death- Q3DM3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Here, the main spot that your opponents will rush to is the RL/PG spawn spot at the top of the stairs. Camp here and take out anyone who gets in your way. A Shotgun and Grenade Launcher can be found too, and the Grenade Launcher is extremely dangerous if you use it from where it spawned. Shoot like hell and someone is bound to run into one. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Powerstation 0218- Q3TOURNEY1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- I say Shotgun rules! Due to the narrowness of the whole place, if you pick up the Shotgun, you own the level. Also found on this level is the RL, but you're more likely ending up taking splash damage from your shots due to the tight corridoors. Making an appearance also is the Quad damage. Equip the Shotgun, get the Quad, and you're set for a Perfect victory. There's also a Regenration pickup, which helps in the heat of battle too. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Tier 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Place Of Many Deaths- Q3DM4 When I first started playing QIII, this map really appealed to me. It's great, it's popular, it rocks! Pickups here include the RL,PG,Shotgun, and the Quad Damage. Once you mix the PG with the Quad, you're unstoppable. The RL is located up at the top of the stairs, and is also a great place to camp. Not that you'd want to on this level. Watch yourself when running around, especially once you near the central corridoor and the teleporter, Quad is there and you'll most certainly run into the middle of a battle. Since it's still a pretty small level and the action takes place in confined areas, you can equip the Shotgun and Quad/RL and clean up a room in two seconds flat. -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Forgotten Place- Q3DM5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Quite another good map. There are a couple of spots you should know about though. The RL is hidden underneath that walkway up the top, but you can also drop down from above to pick it up. Where the PG is located, the Grenade Launcher is found above and is a great asset on this level. One more note on the RL, you can camp above the alcove and the minute someone runs through, fire a rocket and they should be dead, easy. -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Campgrounds- Q3DM6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Camp grounds it is. With the introduction of the Rail Gun, you know that if you stand still in any one spot, you'll be railed immeadiately. Watch out when trying to take the Quad Damage on this level, as high above, there's destined to be a few pesky snipers ready to take you out. Snipers, use this fact to your advantage too. Since most of the place is made up of pretty small corridoors and confined spaces, the RL isn't such a good choice, and if you pick up the PG or Shotgun, you can frag just as much as you can than if you were sniping. -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Proving Grounds- Q3TOURNEY2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you ask me, I don't really like this level that much. There's a Lightning Gun here, and this can be used to your advantage if you're a good aim. Otherwise, aim for the Rocket Launcher in the middle of the Bounce Pads and bounce up to the top, waiting for an easy frag. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Temple Of Retribution- Q3DM7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- This map is pretty awesome. Almost unchanged from the demo, there's a few main spots that you want to be careful around. First, the RL courtyard place still is there, and always expect lots of people to hang around there. Second is the room with the RL on a bridge up above. Also up there is a Personal Teleporter, plus a switch that opens up a trapdoor below, which in turn leads to the Red Armor. The Rail Gun and Quad Damage are found above a pit of lava. This is a hotspot, and you might want to camp. If you jump off the bridge that leads to the Rail Gun, you'll land either in another passage, or in the lava. If you make it into the passage, you'll find a teleporter, and behind that teleporter lies a Mega Health. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Brimstone Abbey- Q3DM8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- I love this level! It's large, and has plenty of "hotspots". First, in the large central room with the PG in the middle, there's a Bounce Pad which leads up to a Quad/Invisiblity spawn spot. Good place to camp. The RL is also a location which most people seem to run to as well, and campers will benefit from the multiple levels in that room. Last, my favourite area is the water. From above, there is a Rail Gun, and when you're looking down into the water, you'll be stacking up the kills extremely fast. Just be careful of people who will run up behind you. The area in the water holds the Red Armor, but is extremely dangerous. If you're in there, get out as fast as you can. If you're killing people in there, the Rail from above tactic is awesome, but lobbing grenades also seems to work fine. And if you've got the Shotgun/Quad, you're unstoppable... -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hero's Keep- Q3DM9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- A pretty fun level. It's got two main sections, and is full of bounce and acceleration pads. The room that holds the Rail Gun also houses the Red Armor. This is a great place to camp, I sniped myself 15 frags in one life. Pretty good... The other room is where most of the action will be happening. The acceleration pad leads to a RL. If you want to save some time, you can drop down on the RL from one of the ledges above. The side rooms in this part of the level house PGs. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hell's Gate- Q3TOURNEY3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a very small level and only offers the RL, Rail Gun, PG, and the Battle Suit. The tactic here is to grab the Battle Suit and snipe away with the Rail Gun. Be careful when approaching the Battle Suit, since it's located on a walkway that's in the middle of the fog, if someone spots you, and knocks you off, you're dead. The main place that you want to stay at is the Rail Gun respawn. Here, you have access to a Rail Gun respawn, overlooking the Battle Suit and the Red Armor (well, almost). Just be careful so that you know where your opponents are at all times. -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Nameless Place- Q3DM10 -------------------------------------------------------------------- An extremely popular level, and it sure is a damn good map. Most of the areas are confined, but it's a medium-sized map. First of all, the Quad Damage, Regen and Invisbility all share the same spawn spot, and that's in the little blackened passage near the pits of lava. On the pits of lava, you can shoot/knock/Gauntlet opponents back into them to make them lose a frag... Due to the tight corridoors of the level, if you equip the Gauntlet and have either the Quad/Invisbility, you can easily frag people by just running around trying to find them. You're not bound to miss if the corridoors are so squashy. I racked up 14 Gauntlet kills, no kidding. What's that blue portal thingy? It's a regeneration chamber, and when you stand in it, your health and armor are slowly filled up. Of course, enemies can still blow your brains out. The Lightning Gun seems to be a forgotten weapon, but in the tight corridoors, it's a perfect weapon (along with the Gauntlet) and keeping eye on the Lightning Gun, and the Quad/Invisbility should lead you to victory. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Deva Station- Q3DM11 -------------------------------------------------------------------- A very, very big level, which is very, very fun! The RL is always a hotly contested zone. Be careful, the green stuff is like lava. The bounce pad will lead you up to the Red Armor, which is also a swizz place to camp. How to get to the Quad? Two ways. From where you get the Lightning Gun, turn around and enter the secret passage to pick up a Shotgun, then leap into a teleporter. The second is to shoot the switch in the room before the Quad. Be careful, grenades activate in both the Quad and Haste rooms once you've picked the Quad up. Another place that most people seem to be in is the "mineshaft/tunnel" place. Run in here with a Shotgun/Plasma, and you can clean up till the cows come home. Also on this level...the DOPEFISH! From where the RL is, head to the Shotgun/teleporter nearby. Turn around and face the will open up and yield some health and the Dopefish! -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Dredwerkz- Q3DM12 -------------------------------------------------------------------- This is one of the best and most entertaining levels in the game. It's pretty big, has a great outdoor shooting zone, and complex indoor parts too. First things first. Outdoors, there'll be a ledge with the RL on it, which will be a hotspot. On the ground below, near the water, is the Quad Damage spawn, keep an eye on that too. Then, there's the water. Jump into the water, and when you reach the Regen spot, head up and find the big mother herself...the BFG10K!!! YOU ARE NOW UNSTOPPABLE! Well, almost. You can camp and frag anyone who tries to swim up at ya, or jump in the teleporter to find yourself outdoors, up very high. Directly in front of you, across the courtyard, is another passage, frag people from long distance. Don't forget about the Rail Gun! You can find it in a little side room, that leads out to that courtyard...and you can easily rack up the frags. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Vertical Venegance- Q3TOURNEY4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Not such a good map in my opinion. It's built around a central building, has multiple levels and some Bounce Pads. Inside the big central building is a Rail Gun, pick it up and use it to your advantage. Remember that the platforms outside are thin, and aiming a Rocket underneath where they are standing will cause splash damage. -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Lost World- Q3DM13 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Quite a fun map, and great for both Free For Alls and one on ones. The main area has three levels, and at the highest level, has a RL in the centre. the Quad Damage is extremely easy to get, as you just have to drop down on it from near the RL. Below one level, is the Red Armor. You'll find lots of people running around here as well. Below is the final level, and it's basically full of armor. The teleporter takes you inside the whole complex. How to get the Medkit? Well, just bounce on the bounce pad, and hold up to bounce over onto the ledge. This is a great time saver. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Grim Dungeons- Q3DM14 -------------------------------------------------------------------- This is another great map, and holds the BFG10K (which most good maps seem to have). The room that attracts most people is of course, the BFG room. You can reach it two ways, by making your way over the Hell Fog on the moving platform, or dropping onto it from above. This is also a great room for snipers, as overlooking the room at the top, is a Rail Gun spawn point. Nice. The Plasma Gun is now a much more dangerous weapon than usual as there are much more ammo pickups! And if you find the Quad...good luck to those who are trying to get away from you! Another room to keep your eye on is the Quad/Red Armor room. No doubt many will be running through here, and the exprienced camper will rack up more than a few frags. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Demon Keep- Q3DM15 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Taking gamers back to the good ol' days of Quake...medievil style dungeons. Yum. First of all, the question is, where is the damn BFG? Well, go out- side, look's in midair. To get to it, bounce onto the platform and perfom a Rocket Jump to hit the Bounce Pad, pick up the BFG and the Red Armor, if you're lucky. If you're in possession of the Battle Suit, note that small passage on the wall, down with the holds lotsa BFG cells. The Rocket Launcher area is a heavily contested area. Well, usually. So be careful when you're going to get it, as the area could also be well covered by snipers. Quad Damage is located on the thin platform with the thin swinging thingies. The uh, pendulums. Touch one of them and you're DEAD. So be careful. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Fatal Instinct- Q3TOURNEY5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- This, in my opinion, is the worst level in Quake III. It's too confined, even for a tourney, and the fog doesn't help either. The whole level is covered in fog. In the middle is the Rocket Launcher, that'll be one of the heavily contested spots. Climb up the stairs to reach the Quad. Down below, along the walls are a Shotgun and a Plasma Gun. Strategies? Hold a RL and Shotgun and a Plasma Gun, and try not to venture too far into the fog at one time, as it is hard to see your target. -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Bouncy Map- Q3DM16 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, well,'s a map in space! This map is quite fun, providing that you don't fall off the edges. It's called the Bouncy Map due to the vast number of Bounce Pads. Using them, try to bounce up to the top as soon as possible, to pick up the Rail Gun, or the Rocket Launcher. You can either camp, or run around looking for your frags. The area with the pillars is a great place for "hide and seek" and if you are skilled, you'll pick up more than a few frags. Just don't fall off the edge of the map! -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Longest Yard- Q3DM17 -------------------------------------------------------------------- This is another space map! ARGH! Well, there's teleporters everywhere. Jump into one if you're being chased. On the thin platform overlooking the Bounce Pads (shaped in a pyramid), there should be a Quad spawn point. The best place to be though, is where the Rail Gun spawns. You've got a great view of the whole map, and I've gotten a perfect just with the Rail Gun. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Space Chamber- Q3DM18 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Quite an awesome level. And it's half-inside, half-space, meaning there's some bottomless pits. The Quad is located above the Bounce Pad. Be careful, there's a Rail Gun spawn nearby, meaning there's more than a few people who would be ready to rail you in an instant. The Rocket Launcher is located in mid-air, in the middle of the two Acceleration Pads. Be careful, if you come into contact with some- one while in mid-air, you're both likely to fall. Down. The Shotgun is one weapon you'll need for the tight corridoors of this level too. Most of the carnage takes place near the Rail Gun and the Rocket Launcher. Pick up a Rail Gun, camp, and you'll have lotsa frags. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Apocalypse Void- Q3DM19 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Space...again.....seems like a theme's going on here. This level has moving platforms, and lots of pads. First of all, the Quad should be a heavily contested zone, and since it's out in the middle of nowhere, just jump there, and sit with a Shot/Rail Gun in hand, and this is frags made easy. The Rail Gun is also an important weapon on this level. If you use it from it's spawn spot, you've got a view overlooking the Quad, Red Armor and the ground below. Use this strategy and you'll be winning in no time. Last, pick up a Plasma/Shotgun, and jump onto the lowest platform, where all the action takes place, and sweep the place up. -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Very End Of You- Q3TOURNEY6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- The final level....whoo! There's basically three main platforms, the two big ones filled with pillars, and the platfrom that holds the BFG. Be careful, if you're gonna get the BFG, take care that it doesn't squash you. The best strategy is to pick up a Rail/BFG, and then run around the pillars while trying to frag your opponent. If you do have the Rail Gun and are playing against multiple opponents, just look to the other platform with pillars to pick up easy frags. And what's that in the sky? Shoot it, and the BFG platform will squish whatever's on it...great if you're in a sadistic mood. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5)Cheats/Console -------------------------------------------------------------------- To activate the console, press ~, then type in the following commands for the desired effect: \devmap (mapname) - Replace (mapname) with name of map, e.g Q3DM16, activates master code \iamacheater - Unlock all levels. \god - Duh. \give all - All weapons, items. \cg_thirdperson 0- Third person view off. \cg_thirdperson 1- Third person view on. \map test_bigbox - Secret map. A tiny, small confined room, and the only weapons are the Gauntlet and Machinegun. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6)Gladiators -------------------------------------------------------------------- Anarki (Cybronic Human) ------------------------------- Always seeking an edge, this cyber-board surfer paid with his humanity for a seemingly endless array of cybronic implants. ------------------------------- Angel (Humanoid Robot) ------------------------------- Although certainly not a classical beauty, Angel was created by a sculptor to be his ideal companion. She quickly proved herself to be a creature of hate, not love-killing her maker in a berserk fury. ------------------------------- Biker (Human) ------------------------------- Biker is crude and coarse: a bully who gets his kicks out of hammering helpless opponents. He may not be smart or brave, but he's brutal as hell. ------------------------------- Bitterman (Human) ------------------------------- This hero of the Strogg War may also be its most tragic victim. While a captive on Stroggos, vile experiments transformed his flesh into something both far more and far less than human. ------------------------------- Bones (Human Skeleton) ------------------------------- This fearsome foe showcases the powers of the Vadrigar, for it has no true life of its own. But it begs the question: Where do the gibs and blood come from?? ------------------------------- Cadavre (Undead Human) ------------------------------- Cadavre is a brutal murderer who couldn't be executed. The electric chair, gallows, and gas chamber only made him meaner. ------------------------------- Crash (Human) ------------------------------- Once, she was Doom's military instructor. Now the Arena Eternal tests Crash's mettle to the extreme-extreme patience, that is. She is the trainer who introduces new warriors to the skills of battle. ------------------------------- Daemia (Human) ------------------------------- The bounty hunter, Daemia, long ago stopped caring who or what was in her sights. Enemies are enemies whether they're human, alien, or demons from the pits of hell. ------------------------------- Doom (Human) ------------------------------- Long after everyone else on Phobos was dead, he kept fighting, determined to send out a warning to Earth before the demons could claim him. ------------------------------- Gorre (Cybronic Human) ------------------------------- Born in the breeder tank of a genetics lab and nurtured in a cybronics workshop, Gorre was created to be the ultimate least in his own mind. ------------------------------- Grunt ( Human) ------------------------------- A mentally shattered veteran of the invasion of Stroggos, Private Nathan Grunt is still fighting a war that ended years ago. ------------------------------- Hossman (Human) ------------------------------- Easily mistaken for a big, clumsy oaf, Hossman is a deadly opponent whose agility is a match for his fearsome strength. ------------------------------- Hunter (Human) ------------------------------- When her village on Tau Ceti was decimated by the Sorg, Hunter vowed to seek out and destroy the reptiloids wherever they might hide. ------------------------------- Keel (Cybronic Human) ------------------------------- Lance Corporal Ben Keel died during the Spiker Insurrection-only to be revived as a humanoid battle machine by scientists experimenting with captured alien biotechnology. ------------------------------- Klesk (Alien Chitinid) ------------------------------- Half religious zealot, half gifted mystic and all bizarre alien, Klesk cleanses his soul with the purifying fire of combat. ------------------------------- Lucy (Human) ------------------------------- A former prison guard, Lucy crossed the line and ended up on the other side of the bars where every hour was a battle for survival. ------------------------------- Major (Human) ------------------------------- A veteran of the Stroggos campaign, Major Wayland is haunted by the memories of her fallen troops and the parasites that killed them. It may be that she believes she's still fighting that long-concluded war. ------------------------------- Mynx (Human) ------------------------------- Fashion model, master assassin, or adult entertainer: Which is the real Mynx? She's part viper, part black widow, and all woman. ------------------------------- Orbb (Alien Cybronic Construct) ------------------------------- Designed by the Vadrigar to monitor combat in the arena, Orbb evolved beyond his specifications and became a deadly combatant. ------------------------------- Patriot (Cybronic Human Vampire) ------------------------------- A twisted combination of cybronic implants and super natural powers, Patriot is a throwback to the days of nationalism-before mankind found other enemies among the stars. ------------------------------- Phobos (Human) ------------------------------- An experienced veteran, he led the invasion of the demon-haunted tunnels of Phobos. There, he was betrayed by superiors who thought they could learn more from watching him die than by studying his reports. ------------------------------- Ranger (Human) ------------------------------- Originally a slipgate explorer, the man called Ranger has faced and escaped certain death a thousand times on a thousand worlds. His experiences have left him more alien than human now. ------------------------------- Razor (Human) ------------------------------- During a time of civil unrest on Earth, Razor and his gang of vigilante followers enforced a rigid, brutal code of justice in the Pacific Northwest. Razor never admits defeat and shows no mercy in defense of order. ------------------------------- Sarge (Human) ------------------------------- A grizzled combat veteran with plenty of scars to prove it, Sarge is the master of modern warfare. He's clever, determined, and deadly. ------------------------------- Slash (Cybronic Human) ------------------------------- A young force-blade punk from the streets of Los Angeles, Slash became a test bed for the hottest cybronic implants, turning her into a barely-contained bundle of energy. ------------------------------- Sorlag (Reptiloid Alien) ------------------------------- This mercenary Sorg merchant long ago resolved to do whatever it took to get ahead, no matter how many others had to die in order to line her coffers. ------------------------------- Stripe (Human) ------------------------------- Raised on the mean streets of a post-apocalyptic city, Stripe avoided crime and drugs by being tougher than the gangs and pushers. ------------------------------- Tankjr (Cybronic Human/Strogg Crossbreed) ------------------------------- The spawn of a human Tank Commander and an Iron Maiden of Stroggos, Tankjr is a sadistic bio-tech nightmare. ------------------------------- Uriel (Gargoyle) ------------------------------- For untold eons, Mankind has known and feared Uriel's diabolical kind. The aura of evil and death hanging around this gladiator is enough to send a chill down the spine of any opponent. ------------------------------- Visor (Cybronic Human) ------------------------------- Visor is an enigma who says nothing about his past, letting his weapons do all his talking for him. ------------------------------- Wrack (Human) ------------------------------- Wrack is a shell-shocked Slipgate War veteran who relives countless battles through a haze of imagined glories, half-remembered facts, and exaggerated personal abilities. ------------------------------- Xaero (Mutated, Cybronic Human) ------------------------------- The most dangerous enemy in the arena, Xaero embraces honorable death. He longs for the day when he will meet the opponent who frees him from the shackles of life eternal-if such a warrior exists. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7)Acknowledgements -------------------------------------------------------------------- id-For Wolfenstein, Quake, Quake III...I bow to the kings of FPS (although Epic/Valve/Looking Glass could give them a run for their money) And for the gladiator bios. Ken-Yo!