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RTCW:Omnibot is a modification for Return to Castle Wolfenstein Multiplayer. Complete bot support has been added using the Omni-bot framework and some general modifications have been made to the 1.4 SDK.
Bot Features
- 40 fully supported maps (complete waypoints / scripts)
- Auto download of newest waypoints from the waypoint database
- Complete Class and Weapon support
- Riding movers (trams, trains, etc)
- Targeting of breakables
- Customizable difficulty settings
- Aim skill
- Combat behaviors
- Elevator usage
- Switch usage
- Routing
- Complete Goal Support
- Artillery
- Dynamite
- Plant
- Defuse
- Steal
- Return
- Checkpoint
- Attack
- Defend
- Roam
- Panzerfaust camps
- Snipe camps
- Flamethrower camps
- Venom camps
- Revive Teammate
- Scripted Goal Support
- Airstrike
- Call for supplies ( medic packs and ammo )
- Deliver supplies
- Dispense ammo
- Grenade target
- Supply self ( for medics and lieutenants )
General Mod Features
- Hitsounds
- Colored Crosshairs
- Local time in hud
- Crosshair Pulse
- ET / OSP style Table Stats
- Shrub like /stats command
- Private Messages
- Fixed Physics
- Helmet Protection
- Drop Items
- Throwable Knives
- Instagib game mode
- ET / OSP colors
- Weapon Flash
- Blood Flash
- Objective Info Prints
- Warmup Damage
- Water Revive
- Version 2
- NQ / ETPub Killing Sprees
- ETPro Antiwarp
- End of round awards
- Banner Messages
- Goombas
- Shoving
- Corpse Dragging
- Tap out reports
- Revive reports
- Gib reports
- Right aligned overlays for fps, kills, spree, speedometer, and ping
- Extra clips
- OSP's goat sound for knife kills
- Reinforcement time offsets
The mod is installed in two locations; an omnibot folder for the game folder and an omni-bot folder which contains the bot dll as well as waypoints and scripts.
Simply run the installer. The omnibot folder should be placed in the Return to Castle Wolfentein folder and the omni-bot folder will by default be placed at C:\Program Files\Omni-bot. Note that if you have copied rtcw to your system rather than installing, the path may not be detected. In this case, the mod folder should be located in C:\Program Files\Return to Castle Wolfenstein\omnibot and will need to be copied to wherever you have the game installed.
It is recommended that the zip be copied to the games root folder as a user with root priveledges ( default is /usr/local/games/wolfenstein). Extract the zip to this location. Once extracted, the omnibot_path must be set in either the server config or wolfconfig_mp.cfg. It must be set to the exact path of the omni-bot folder. Alternatively, you can start the game and set the value in the console; /seta omnibot_path /usr/local/games/wolfenstein/omi-bot for example. If set with the console, a map_restart is required.
Starting Omnibot
There are two ways to start the mod. One way is to start Wolfmp.exe, then select options / mods / omnibot. The other way is to create a shortcut. To do this, copy your Wolfmp.exe to the desktop, then right click it. Select properties, then add +set fs_game omnibot to the target line:
"C:\games\Return to Castle Wolfenstein\WolfMP.exe" +set fs_game omnibot
Difficulty Settings
Aim and Combat movement difficulty can be set with bot commands.
- /bot difficulty - from 0 to 5, default 3. 0 is easiest, 5 is hardest
- /bot moveskill - from 0 to 4, default 3. 0 = off, 1 = easy, 2 = medium, 3 = hard, 4 = random per bot
Server Vars
Extra Clips
Add extra clips to players when they spawn - version 2 only
default 0, x : x = number of extra clips
- g_engExtraClips - max 9
- g_ltExtraClips - max 9
- g_mauserExtraClips - max 3
- g_medExtraClips - max 9
- g_panzerExtraClips - max 3
- g_pistolExtraClips - max 3
- g_soldExtraClips - max 9
- g_venomExtraClips - max 3
NQ / ETPub Killing Sprees - version 2 only
default 0, bit flagged cvar:
- 1 - killing spree
- 2 - death spree
- 4 - multi-kill
g_announcer 7 enables all messages / sounds
zinx ETPro antiwarp - version 2 only
default 0, 1 to enable
Display end of round awards - version 2 only
default 0, 1 to enable
Set a particular team for the bots to join
default 0, 1 = axis, 2 = allies
Allow bots to target injured players
default 1, 0 to disable bot gibbing
Cheat Protected, renders client hitboxes - version 2 only
default 0, 1 to enable
Enable dragging of corpse using +activate - version 2 only
default 0, 1 to enable
When enabled, Medics and Lt's will drop packs when gibbed
default 0, 1 to enable
Simulate fps movement advantages for 125 or 333 fps
default 0, 1 = 125 fps, 2 = 333 fps
Enable Shrub like goomba kills - version 2 only
default 0, 1 to enable
Optional override of default goomba damage - version 2 only
default 0, #: g_goombaDmg 999 for instagib at all fall distances
If a player has a helmet, headshot damage is reduced to 20. Ammo replaces a missing helmet.
default 0, 1 to enable
An alternate game mode where all players use an unscoped mauser. Headshots, thrown knives, and some explosions instantly gib
default 0, 1 to enable
The amount of damage a thrown knife deals
default 35
The amount of throwable knives a player can have
default 5
Enable Shrub like goomba kills - version 2 only
default 0, 1 to enable
g_msg1 - 10
Enable Shrub like goomba kills - version 2 only
messages for the banner as strings. g_msg5 = "This is my message" for example
Banner message position - version 2 only
default 0, 0 = console, 1 = chat, 2 = center print
Enable Banner Messages - version 2 only
default 0, 1 to enable
Allow player to player private communication
default 0, 1 to enable
Enable gib reporting - version 2 only
default 0, 1 to enable
Enable revive reporting - version 2 only
default 0, 1 to enable
Enable Tap out reporting - version 2 only
default 0, 1 to enable
Enable Shrub like shoving with +activate - version 2 only
default 0, 1 to enable
Disable shoving along Z axis (prevents wall boosting) - version 2 only
default 1, 0 to disable
The amount of throwable knives a player starts with
default 0, any number greater than 0 enables usage. -1 grants infinite throwable knives
Allow damage to be given in warmup
default 0, 1 to enable
Allow players to be revived under water
default 0, 1 to enable
Client Vars
Enable the OSP style announcer sounds
default 0, 1 to enable
- prepare to fight
- fight
- axis win
- allies win
Disable the blood splotches when taking damage
default 0, 1 to remove the blood splotches
Disable the full screen flash when taking damage
default 0, 1 to remove the flashing
Adjust color of crosshair as string or hex
Default white
Strings for colors:
- white
- red
- green
- blue
- yellow
- magenta
- cyan
- orange
- mdred
- mdgreen
- dkgreen
- mdcyan
- mdyellow
- mdorange
- mdblue
- ltgrey
- mdgrey
- dkgrey
- black
note: this can also be changed via the in game menu
Toggle the pulsing of crosshair
default 1, 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
Toggle the different modes for display of crosshair names
default 1, 0 = disabled, 1 = white names, 2 = colored names
Enable drawing of kills or current spree in right aligned overlay - version 2 only
default 0, 1 = kills, 2 = current spree
Toggle the drawing of local time in the hud
default 0, 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
Enable drawing of ping in right aligned overlay - version 2 only
default 0, 1 to enable
Enable drawing of speedometer in right aligned overlay - version 2 only
default 0, 1 = mph, 2 = kph, 3 = ups
Enable drawing of the stopwatch sprite - version 2 only
default 1, 0 to disable
Enable flashing of weapon icon on certain events ( firing, etc )
default 0, 1 to enable
Enable OSP goat sound for knife kill - version 2 only
default 0, 1 to enable
Enable playing of sounds when shots hit a player
default 0, 1 to enable
Disable the flash when firing a weapon
default 1, 0 to disable the flashing
Enable usage of OSP fonts in hud. Requires vid_restart
default 0, 1 to enable
Enable info prints when objectives are completed
default 0, 1 to enable
Client Commands
Send a private message to one or more clients
/pm <full or partial name> <message>
Print current round stats to console
- crapshoot - integrated omni-bot support, added mod features, waypointing, and scripting
- DrEvil - creator of the omni-bot framework
- Jaskot / GeekFestStarter - omni-bot team member
- AG3NT - provided some mod code, beta testing, waypoints / scripts
- 420Blunt / FireItUp - beta testing, waypoints / scripts
- S4NDM4NN - provided some mod code and bug fixes
- Guerna - dedicated server beta testing
- TeamWhore / Old Lady Giblet - ubersoldat mod developer, provided some mod code
- tjw - private messaging code from etpub mod
- Denny - Fritzbot team member who graciously gave permission to convert his waypoints to omni-bot
- The BindleStiff - Fritzbot team member who graciously gave permission to convert his waypoints to omni-bot
- OSP - Announcer sounds, goat sound, fonts and some mod code
- (LuNaTiC)Marcus - beta testing, feature requests
- NoQuarter - Killing spree code, debug player hitbox code
- Chruker - some bug fix code from project bug fix