QUASISPACE MAP
                                  by Beamer

               |               |               |                |
               |            1  |     16        |                |  17
               |               |            14 |                |
               |               |        15     |                |
               |               |               |                |
               |               |     13        |                |
               |    4          |               |                |
              2|               |               |                |
               |       5       |               |                |
               |  3         11 |               |                |
               |               |               |                |
               |               |               |                |
               |               |  10           |                |
               |    6          |     9         |                |
               |      7        | 8             |                |
               |               |               |                |

Note: Zoom Starmap 2X (Ins key) in quasispace to see grid lines as shown

To reach Quasispace, go to Hyperspace coordinates 043.8:637.2 on the 17th
to 20th of the month and enter green window that opens on these dates.
You should have the Warp-Pod from the crashed Ur-Quan ship on Alpha Pavonis VII
(about 800:55) before entering Quasispace for the first time to make it
worthwhile. Go first to the large star, #17 on the map, and converse to get
your Warp-Pod turned into a Portal Spawner. Then you can use the Portal Spanner
in Hyperspace (at 10 Fuel per trip) to warp to Quasispace and use the portals
indicated on the map above to warp back to the locations listed below.

                         QUASISPACE LOCATION KEY


1	973.5:315.3		Persei
2	565.7:971.2		Lyncis
3	860.7:015.2		Trianguli
4	230.1:398.8		Squidi			Spathi
5	611.6:413.1		Cameloparda		Ur-Quan (SE Quadrant)
6	921.0:610.4		Arcturus	
7	409.0:774.8		Monocerotis		Ur-Quan (NE Quadrant)
8	318.3:490.6		Capricorni		Umgah/Spathi/ZoqFot
9	567.3:120.7		Sculptoris		Yehat/Mycon
10	190.9:092.6		Sol			Earth!
11	005.0:164.7		Mizar			Ilwrath
12	043.8:637.2		Circini			Arilou
13	011.1:940.9		Vega			(top left of Starmap)
14	036.8:633.2		Circini			Arilou
15	775.2:890.6		Librae			Supox/Utwig
16	584.9:621.3		Crateris		Ur-Quan central
17	This is Falayalaralfali, the only real planet in Quasispace.

The Spoiler Centre