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Tie Fighter for the PC
Mission Walkthrough
Copyright 2003 Michael Tyler

Written by: Reptile
E-mail: reptile654@bitwiser.com
Created on: 
Version: 1.0

  |--- Table Of Contents ---                                        |
  II.................................................The Story So Far
  III..........................................The Battle Walkthrough
  ..A....................................................Battle One..
  ..B....................................................Battle Two..
  ..C..................................................Battle Three..
  ..D...................................................Battle Four..
  ..E...................................................Battle Five..
  ..F....................................................Battle Six..
  ..G..................................................Battle Seven..
  ..H..................................................Battle Eight..
  ..I...................................................Battle Nine..
  ..J....................................................Battle Ten..
  ..K.................................................Battle Eleven..
  ..L.................................................Battle Twelve..
  ..M...............................................Battle Thirteen..
  IV.......................................................In Closing
  V....................................................Special Thanks
  VI......................................................FAQ History
  VII...........................................Copyright Information

|-I.------------------------ INTRODUCTION ----------------------------|

This document is a complete walkthrough for each and every mission in 
the game Tie Fighter. I will show the easiest way to achieve each 
mission objective, including both primary and secondary objectives.

In this game, you see the Star Wars universe through the eyes of the 
empire. You will use your flying skills to protect the empire from the 
rebel terriorists who choose to threaten Imperial power. Only with the
destruction of the rebels, may the galaxy finally flourish in peace.

I don't have a whole lot to say here, so on we go...

|-II.--------------------- THE STORY SO FAR --------------------------|

             A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...              

             At the battle of Yavin Rebel terrorists aided
             by spies and traitors within the empire struck
             a cowardly blow at the new symbol of imperial 
             power. The Death Star! 

             Darth Vader brought swift justice to the rebels
             by destroying their main base on Hoth. The 
             pitiful remnants of the Alliance have now 
             scattered to the Outer Rim.

             In the days ahead, the Emperor will call upon the
             Imperial Navy to eradicate the last vestiges of 
             rebellion and restore law and order to the galaxy!

|-III.------------------ THE BATTLE WALKTHROUGH ----------------------|

To begin, you must first choose a Battle from the Campaign room. Each 
campaign contains several missions you must complete. Before you begin 
a mission, your superior officer will brief you on your primary 
objectives. These objectives MUST be completed in order for the mission 
to be considered a success.

On some missions, secondary objectives are available. Secondary 
objectives will be given to you by a cloaked figure standing to the far 
right of the officer. These objectives are not necessary to complete a 
mission. Instead, they are the personal wishes of the emperor himself. 
Completing them proves your allegiance to the emperor, and moves you up 
inside his inner circle of constituents.

          ===============-B A T T L E    O N E-===============   
                T H E   A F T E R M A T H   O F   H O T H     

Battle One:
===--Mission 1----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
100% of Freighter group Omega must be inspected
100% of Transport group Dayta must be inspected

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
Freighter Onece 3 must be captured
100% of Corellian Trans group Yander must be inspected
100% of Container Trans group Taloos must be inspected

You will begin flying near a large platform, so pull up to avoid a 
deadly collision. Immediately target the group of freighters marked as 
"Onece", you have to inspect all of them. Starting with freighter 
"Onece 1", target it and fly directly at it until your display shows 
what it contains. Obviously, you'll want to pull away before you run 
into it. Do the same for all of the freighters. The freighter "Onece 3" 
contains hidden rebels, and two imperial tansports will be dispatched 
as soon as you inspect it.

Then, quickly target and head straight for the transport group "Dayta". 
Make sure you are NOT accidentally following the imperial transports. 
Inspect Dayta 1 and 2 just the same as you did the freighters earlier. 
As you approach them, you will get a message saying enemy shuttles are 
approaching. Inspect both of the transports, and
*Primary Mission Objectives Complete*

Now, turn your laser power up all the way and target the shuttle group 
"Roe". Welcome to your first dogfight. As you approach them, don't face 
them head on. If you do, they will destroy you in a barrage of laser 
blasts. Instead, keep them in your view, but up in the upper left 
corner of the screen. Let them pass you, then attack them from behind. 
When attacking from the rear, slow way down so as to avoid a collision.

With their destruction, another group of enemy shuttles will fly in. 
Destroy this new set, called group "Escro", using the same strategy as 
you did with the first set of shuttles. 

When you get a message saying "Alpha 1, there are some new craft to 
inspect", it's time to set your lasers to normal and target the 
Corellian transport group Yander. It's okay if a couple of enemy 
shuttles are still around, you can get them later. Also, by now the 
freighter "Onece" should be disabled and in the process of being 
boarded. Just after you inspect the third Corellian transport, the 
freighter Onece will be captured.

Take a quick check to make sure there are no more enemy shuttles 
around. If there are, quickly destroy them. The captured freighter is 
very vulnerable now.

Now, head over to the Container Transport group "Taloos" and inspect 
both of them. *Secondary Mission Objectives Complete*

Finally, fly back over to the Platform D-34. When you get close enough, 
hit the space bar to enter the hangar.


Battle One:
===--Mission 2----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Platform XQ1 D-34 must have survired until other goals completed
Imperial Star Destroyer Hammer must have arrived

  -: Secondary Mission Objective :-
Shuttle Scutz must be inspected

You will start this mission flying just outside an imperial platform,
so pull up to avoid a collision with it. Turn your lasers up to full
power, and begin searching for the closest enemy target. Not too long
from now, two groups of Y-wings will come into the battlefield.
Head straight for them, but veer off when they begin to fire back at
you. Then start blasting them from behind. It shouldn't be too 
difficult because you aren't alone out there; you have two other sets
of tie fighters on your side. Set the throttle all the way up during
this battle, but be careful to avoid running into the slow moving

The Y-wing designated "Petdur" is NOT your top priority, because it is
only targeting you, which is not your main concern. Instead, focus on
the Y-wings designated group "Gold". Group Gold is targetting the
platform, and has torpedo runs planned. So just ignore Petdur (the 
others will take care of him), and focus on destroying group Gold
before they reach the platform.

If by chance any enemy fighters should fire their warheads towards the
platform, you can use your lasers to destroy them before the torpedoes
hit their tagret. When you have destroyed all the Y-wings designated
group GOLD, then you can destroy any other Y-wings. If you aren't sure
what an enemy is targeting, press the "Z" button to view there current
target. If their target shows up as PLT/1 D-34, then THEY ARE YOUR #1

When all of the first set of Y-wings ae destroyed, an X-wing designated
"Derk" will begin targeting the platform, so will thus become your new
target. About when you reach X-wing Derk, 3 more X-wings will enter
into this area, and they too will head straight for the platform. These
will be a little harder to fight because they are much faster and
better armed than the Y-wings you fought earlier.

When you get a message at the bottom of the screen that reads "New
craft alert, 1 Shuttle at 5km.", you need to begin searching the area
for a shuttle designated "Scutz". When you find it, ignore the X-wings
and head for the shuttle. Keep it on your targeting computer until you
have passed by it close enough to scan and inspect it.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now you can turn back and destroy the remaining enemy fighters. If
there aren't any hostilities left, then you can just start flying back
over to the platform D-34. As you are flying back, be sure to tell your
fellow fighters to ignore the shuttle as a target. If you don't they
may destroy it before it can be boarded by troops. To tell them to
ignore it, bring up the shuttle Scutz on your targeting computer and
press Shift + I.

As you travel to the platform, keep searching for nearby targets every
5 seconds. When you see that 2 more Y-wings have entered the area,
bring them up on your targeting computer and get ready to engage them.
Target Red 1 and ignore Red 2, because only Red 1 is going after the
platform at this time. Destroy Red 1 quickly, and then take out the 
other Y-wing before it begins its run on the platform. After that you
can head for the platform, because along the way, the Star Destroyer
will show up and your job here will be done.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

When you get back to the Platform designated D-34, fly in real close
and press the spacebar to enter into the hangar.


Battle One:
===--Mission 3----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Cargo Ferry Gallon must be destroyed
Cargo Ferry Romold must be destroyed
Cargo Ferry Kann must be destroyed
Cargo Ferry Wess must be destroyed
Transport Prince must be destroyed
Transport Dawn must be destroyed
Transport Destion must be destroyed
Shuttle Xerse must be destroyed
Shuttle Dunns must be destroyed

You will begin this mission flying just a little behind a group of tie
bombers, which also happens to be the form of fighter you currently
pilot. Turn your laser recharge rate all the way up.

Your first target should be the shuttles "Xerse" and "Dunns", because
they have the most speed and can make the quickest escape. After you
have destroyed those shuttles, turn your attention over to the 
transports that are designated "Dawn" and "Destion". They are pretty 
weak and slow, so they won't be any trouble for you at all.

Next, it is time to focus on the Cargo Ferries. Change your weapon
over to the proton torpedoes, and set them to dual fire mode. Target
each of the remaining ferries and use the "Z" button to find out where
each one is going. Target and destroy each of them in the order they
are leaving. You need to blow-up the ones that are closest to their
hyperspace jump point first. To get there as fast as possible, take all
the power out of your lasers and put it into your engines. It should
only take about 4 torpedoes per ferry, and with any luck, the other 
tie bombers will still be around to help you out.

Now the only ship remaining is the last of the transports, which is
designated "Prince." I left this one for last because it isn't trying
to escape at all. Instead, it is foolishly trying to run raids on the
frigate Fogger. Bring it up on your targeting computer, and then press
Shift + A to tell the other bombers that it is your main target. Arm
your missiles if you have any left, and head straight for it. This last
ship won't give you any problem at all, especially since all your
friends are on his tail too.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now put the Imperial Frigate Fogger on your targeting computer. Fly up
close to it, and press the spacebar to then be picked up by the tractor
beam. (If you aren't too damaged, you can go ahead and battle the
remaining Y-wings on your way back home)


Battle One:
===--Mission 4----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Transport Sigma must finish docking
Platform XQ1 D-34 must be captured
Nebulon B-2 Frigate Fogger must survive until other goals completed

  -: Secondary Mission Objective :-
Container Transport Gopher must be inspected

Your craft for this mision is a tie interceptor designated "Alpha 1".
You will begin this mission flying just to the rear of the Frigate B-2,
so be sure and avoid hitting it.

First, target the container transport that is designated "Gopher". Fly
close enough to it to scan and inspect it.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now turn your laser recharge rate all the way up, and start working 
on the rebel and pirate ships. Their force is made primarily of 
X-wings, Y-wings, and A-wings. Also they have a small backup team
of modified escort shuttles, but they'll probably be gone by now. Focus
on the ships that are closest to the frigate Fogger and make sure it
doesn't get destroyed. It probably won't be too much trouble because
the frigate does have laser turrets; it can take care of itself if need

About 10 seconds after you destroy the last of the rebel and pirate
forces, the transport designated "Sigma" will enter into this sector.
Be sure to keep an eye on it, because it's success is a part of the
primary mission. Wait about 25 seconds for the docking operation to
be completed, and the platform will then be successfully captured.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now fly back over to the Platform D-34, and press the spacebar when you
get close to it. Enter into the hangar of the platform to safely return
to the imperial base.


Battle One:
===--Mission 5----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
100% of X-wing group Red must be destroyed
100% of B-wing group Gold must be destroyed
100% of A-wing group Blue must be destroyed

  -: Secondary Mission Objective :-
100% of Container C group C440 must be inspected

You will exit hyperspace a good ways away from the action, piloting
an assualt gunboat designated "Tau 1". Turn your shield recharge rate
up to 75%, and target the containers designated "C440". Fly close to
them so you can scan and inspect each one.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Turn your shield power back to normal, and turn your laser power all
the way up. If your shields get weakened, use the "'" button to
transfer your stored laser power your shield generator. Now turn around
and begin targetting the rebel starfighters. The rebels are using 
X-wings, Y-wings, and A-wings as protection for their cruiser. You do 
have a large payload of missiles, but I suggest saving them for the 
A-wings only. They are the quickest ships you are up against in this
mission, and can prove the most difficult to destroy with laser blasts.

Your flight group is assigned the B-wings as your primary target, so
focus on them first. Then go after the X-wings, and finally clean up
any remaining A-wings.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now you can hyperspace hom, or, you can stay and help the second wave
of gunboats. You will get extra mission points if you stay and help,
but you run the risk of dying in the fight ahead. The choice is yours.


Battle One:
===--Mission 6----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objective :-
Lt. Calamari Cruiser Lulsla must be destroyed  
  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
100% of Transport group Starway must be destroyed
100% of Transport group Gargon must be destroyed
Shuttle Derris ? must be disabled

You will once again pilot an imperial assualt gunboat in this mission,
and it is designated "Tau 1". When you come out of lightspeed, you will
hear on your radio that one of your wingmen has spotted the cruiser.
Target the nearest enemy, and turn to face it. You will see that at
about a distance of 4.50 away, there is a large minefield surrounding
the cruiser. Focus on them, and ignore the enemy fighters for right 
now. Turn your laser recharge rate all the way up, and keep moving the
stored laser energy into the shields. Each mine in the field ahead only
takes one missile to destroy, so fire once and quickly target the
next mine. Keep a safe distance away from the mines, and destroy them
from afar. When you've run out of warheads, turn your engines back on 
and engage them using your lasers.

Most of the mines can only fire lasers, but a few can fire warheads at 
you. If a missile is fired at you, press the spacebar to target it and
use your lasers to destroy it before it gets to you. As you work to 
clear the minefield, try to stay as far away from the rebel cruiser as 

When the mines are all destroyed, turn your attention over to the
rebel fighters. Their first wave of defenses, X-wings and Y-wings, are
not well trained pilots at all and will prove no challenge. About 15
seconds after you destroy the last of this wave, another squardron of
X-wings designated "Blue Group" will enter into this area. 

When two shuttles and two transports exit the crusier's hangar, 
disengage battle with the X-wings and fly over to inspect these new
arrivals. When you have inspected them all; target the shuttle that is
designated "Derris 1" and disable it using your ion cannons ONLY.

After that, turn back and start destroying the transports that are
designated "Starway" and "Gargon". Completely destory all four of them,
and the Emperor's commands will all be met.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now you just need to wait around for the imperial transports to do
their work and take out the cruiser Lulsla. It won't take them too long
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

You can stick around and destroy the remaining fighters if you want to,
but you're probably pretty beaten up by now. So I suggest you just
hyperspace home at this point.


          ===============-B A T T L E    T W O-===============   
                  T H E   S E P A N   C I V I L   W A R      

Battle Two:
===--Mission 1----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
25% of all Dimok craft must be destroyed
Star Destroyer Protector must have survived until other goals completed
At least one of Modular Conveyor group Asbo must have survived

  -: Secondary Mission Objective :-
100% of Modular Conveyor group Asbo must be inspected

Your craft for this mission is a tie fighter designated "Alpha 2", and
you'll begin directly under an imperial Star Destroyer. Turn the
throttle up to 100%, and target the nearest enemy Y-wing. Head straight
for it and be ready for a dogfight. Turn your lasers all the way up
during the duration of this battle, Be extra careful though, because
the tie fighter doesn't have any shields at all. Make sure that you
ONLY attack the DIMOK forces, who appear blue on your radar screens.

Destroy just a couple of Y-wings to lighten the load for your friends,
and then target the three modular conveyors that are designated "Asbo".
Inspect, but do NOT destory them all.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Tell your wingman to ignore "Asbo 2" as a target, and then you can get
back to the Y-wings. Keep an eye on your messages at the bottom of the
screen and make sure you don't kill too many of them. 25% is all it
takes for success. You won't even break a sweat during this simple
little mission.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now fly back to the Imperial star Destroyer and enter into its hangar.


Battle Two:
===--Mission 2----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
25% of all Ripoblus craft must be destroyed
Star Destroyer Protector must survive until other goals completed
Container C LaB Module 3 must survive until other goals completed
Platform XQ1 Youst must survive until other goals completed

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
Container C Lab Module 3 must be inspected
Platform XQ1 Youst must be inspected

In this mission you will pilot a tie bomber designated "Beta 2". Your
first move is to target the platform XQ1, and then fly by it so you can
scan and inspect it. Stay low to avoid its laser fire. Then target the
Container that is designated "Lab Module 3" and fly past it for a 
closer look.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Commpleted*

Now turn your laser recharge rate all the way up, and begin destroying
the nearest targets. Ignore the large cruisers for right now and just
focus on the assualt transports. When you're up against assualt 
transports, you can't fight them like the other starfighters. You can't
stay behind them and fire, because they have rear-mounted laser 
turrets. So this means you need to stay as far back as possible, and
first hit them with two proton torpedoes each. Then fly in close range
and finish them off. If you stay behind them too long their lasers will
destroy you. Remember that you don't have any shields for protection on
this ship.

About 3 & 1/2 minutes or so into the mission, you will get a message
saying that you've completed the mission. Lucky for you this mission
more or less takes care of itself. You just help it along a little!
*Primary Mission objectives Completed*


Battle Two:
===--Mission 3----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Star Destroyer Protector must survive until other goals completed
Patrol Craft Glas must finish docking

In this mission, you will fly a tie interceptor that is designated 
"Gamma 2". This ship is just a little faster than the regular tie 
fighter, and has faster lasr fire. Unfortunately, it is just as weak
as the normal tie fighter.

As soon as you begin this mission, turn your laser recharge rate all
the way up and target the Y-wings. Engage them as quickly as posssible,
and be sure all four of them are destroyed. Then turn your attention
to the remaining ENEMY shuttles. When you engage them MAKE SURE THEY
ARE THE ENEMY. When you get the message at the bottom that says 3 new
Y-wings have entered the area, turn away from the shuttles and focus
on the Y-wings. Remember that the Y-wings are officialy your 
resposibility, and should always remain top priority. Don't worry too
much about the enemy transports; those are the bombers' targets.

After you have destroyed Y-wing group Baker, go back and help with
the enemy shuttles. I have to say it again; MAKE SURE THEY ARE ENEMY
SHUTTLES. The shuttles designated "Nazrar" 1 and 2 are who you are
supposed to be protecting. Any other shuttles, no matter their color,
are your enemies and should be destroyed. Just hold them at bay until
the Patrol Craft designated "Glas" can reach the star destoyer. Then...
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now you have two choices. You can head straight back to the star 
destroyer and go to the mission debriefing, or you can engage the enemy
shuttles that will be arriving soon. You'll get a few more points if
you stay, but you also risk being killed. But even if you get shot out 
of the sky and sent to the medical bay, the mission will still count as
completed. So you can go either way, it's your decision.


Battle Two:
===--Mission 4----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Transport Omega 1 must complete mission
Transport Omega 2 must complete mission
Shuttle Keydon must be boarded
Shuttle Phantele must be boarded

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
Cargo Ferry Glaive must be inspected
Modified Corvette Runka must be inspected
Cargo Ferry Godenday must be inspected

You will pilot an sssualt gunboat designated "Nu 2". As soon as you
begin this mission, turn your laser recharge rate all the way up and
transfer some of it into your shield generator. Do this throughout the
mission from time to time in order to keep them strong. Then target
the transport "Omega 1" and press Shift + F5 to store it for easy 
access. And then target the transport "Omega 2" and press Shift + F6 to
store it as well for easy access. Now, whenever you need to check up on
their current status, you can just press either the "F5" or "F6" keys 
to immediately bring them up on your targeting computer screen.

Now listen to your flight leader, and take on the shuttle "Keydon".
DO NOT DESTROY IT. Instead, arm your ion cannons and just diable it.
When you've taken care of that, turn your attention over to the Z-95
headhunters. Focus in particular on the ones that are targeting your 
assualt transports. They are pretty weak, so at worst they will be a
nusiance, not really an danger. Just keep the Z-95's at bay until your
two assualt transports can finish their work.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

If you're not too beat up, I would suggest destroying the remaining 
Z-95 headhunters just to rack up some bonus points. Then target the
ships designated "Glaive", "Runka", and "Godendag"; and get fly past
them close enough to inspect them.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now just press the "H" button to hyperspace home.


Battle Two:
===--Mission 5----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
75% of all TIE advancedds must have completed mission
Star Destroyer Protector must survive until other goals completed
Escort Carrier Tropsobor must complete mission

  -: Secondary Mission Objective :-
Shuttle Omlaut must be inspected

You will begin this mission piloting a tie fighter, flying just above
an Imperial Star Destroyer. Turn your laser recharge rate to maximum,
and begin searching for enemy targets.

When the cruiser and corvette enter into the area, turn your engines up
to full power and head in their direction. In not too long a group of
Z-95 headhunters will be released from the hangars of one of the ships.

Ignore the command to stay on escort, and go ahead and engage the 
Z-95s. They're weak, and won't take too much to destroy. And they're
not gonna be able to do too much damage to you either. But when the
Y-wings come in from hyperspace you need to disengage your attack on 
the Z-95. Head straight for the Y-wings and destroy them before they
reach the tie advanced prototypes.

As you battle the Y-wings and Z-95s, I would suggest switching you 
lasers to dual fire mode. Anyway when Y-wing group "Bordok" are gone,
turn back over and help with clearing out the other Z-95 headhunters.
But just as you did last time; leave them be when the next wave of
Y-wings come in. This group is designated "Chubb" 1 & 2. Kill them
both before they begin missile strikes on the escort carrier.

And then take on the next two, which are designated "Givin" 1 & 2. In
order to get to them as fast as possible; turn your laser recharge rate
down to normal just until you get to the Y-wings, and then you can turn
it back up to full power. And then shortly following their destruction,
two Y-wings designated "Larkma" 1 & 2 will enter the battlefield. Kill
them the same way you took out all the others so far. 

The next set of Y-wings you encounter are targeting the Star Destroyer,
so you can go ahead and ingore them. They won't pose much of a threat
to such a large and powerful starship. So intead turn around and clean
up any remaining Z-95 headhunters. After this area is cleared of all
enemy starfighters, you need to just "lay low" for a couple minutes. 
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Tell your wingmen to target the Calamari Crusier designated "Ben Het",
and then watch from afar as they destroy it. You can fire a few shots
at it if you want, but you run a big risk if you do. If all of your
wingmen die, than sadly it will all be up to you. Make quick passes on
it and it should be gone in about a minute.

Just keep waiting around, and at about the 15 minute mark, a shuttle
designated "Omlaut" will zoom in. Turn your laser recharge rate back
down to normal level, and get over to it as soon as possible. You need
to fly by it in very  close range to inspect it.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now fly back over to the Protector, and fly close by the bottom and 
enter into the safety of the hangar.


        ===============-B A T T L E    T H R E E-==============   
               B A T T L E   O N   T H E   F R O N T I E R      

Battle Three:
===--Mission 1----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Star Destroyer Stalwart must survive until other goals completed
100% of Container A group THX-1136A must be inspected
100% of Container D group THX-1137D must be inspected
100% of Container B group THX-1138B must be inspected
100% of Container D group THX-1139D must be inspected
100% of Container D group THX-1140D must be inspected

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
Heavy Lifter Mule 1 must have completed mission
Heavy Lifter Mule 2 must have completed mission
Heavy Lifter Mule 3 must have completed mission
Heavy Lifter Mule 4 must have completed mission
Heavy Lifter Mule 5 must have completed mission

In this mission, you'll pilot a tie bomber designated "Alpha 1". You'll
be all alone on this mission in the beginning, so always be on the 
lookout for rebel starfighters. But, luck for you, some reinforcements
will show up in about a minute into this mission.

Set your throttle up to full power and begin targeting the containers.
Fly close by each one, and make sure they have all been successfully
*Primary  Mission Objectives Completed*

Now turn your lasers up and start going after the rebels. They will
attack using a variety of ships, including: Y-wings, transports, 
shuttles, X-wings, B-wings, and a Corellian Corvette designated 
"Viper". The corvette won't last too long, bacause your allies will 
take it out. 

Just wait around for the heavy lifters to transport the containers back
to the Star Destroyer designated "Stalwart". But don't fall asleep just
yet, because your fights not over. In a couple of minutes, the X-wings
and B-wings will come out to play. Dogfight it out with the X-wings,
and save your missiles for the B-wings. When they are destroyed you
can just wait around for the last of the heavy lifters to enter the
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now target the Star Destroyer Stalwart and fly very close to its 
under-carriage. When you get the message; press the space bar to end
this mission. Try to get home as soon as possible, so that you can
avoid the A-wing that will enter this area in about 15 seconds.


Battle Three:
===--Mission 2----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Nebulon B-2 Frigate Ludwick must survive until other goals completed
Corellian Corvette Leach must be destroyed
Corellian Corvette Clavier must be destroyed
Corellian Corvette Grapler must be destroyed
100% of Container A group DLC11A must be destroyed
100% of Container A group CRM908A must be destroyed
100% of Container B group CG-78 must be destroyed

  -: Secondary Mission Objective :-
Container A CRM908A 2 must be boarded

In this mission, you will be piloting a tie bomber designated "Alpha 1"

Immediately target the container designated "CRM908A 2" and fly close
by to inspect it. When you do that, you scanners will tell you that it
contains hidden rebels. An assualt transport will now exit the hangar
of the Nebulon Frigate and head over to the rebel container.

So now turn our attention over to the Corvettes that are labeled 
"Leach", "Clavier", and "Grapler". Begin doing torpedo runs on them,
but remain as far from them as possible. And then when they are all
destroyed you can start dogfighting the pirate fighters. Turn your
laser recharge rate all the way up, and begin fighting the Y-wings and

After you clear away all the pirate fighters you can just wait around
for a minute or so. Now is a good time to check up on the assualt
transport and the rebel container. Tell your wingmen to ignore the
container "CRM908A 2" so that they won't destroy it along with the
other pirate containers. At about the time of 5:32, a rebel A-wing will
fly into this sector. Target it, and head straight for him. If he 
begins firing at your then you should veer off course for a second.
While you are going over to him, the transport "Tiger" will finish
his docking operation.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Keep the A-wing at bay, and wait around for the other bombers to 
destroy the remaining containers. Don't bother with using torpedoes on
the A-wing because they're not fast enough to catch it anyway. When
he's dead, you can turn around and go back to the containers. Destroy
them all, including the one that use to house the rebels. 
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Finally, head straight for the Modified Firgate "Ludwick" and enter
its hangar. Hurry up, bacause Y-wings are on their way!


Battle Three:
===--Mission 3----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Nebulon B-2 Frigate Ludwick must survive until other goals completed
100% of Cargo Ferry group Bakkunmust must arrive
100% of Modified Corvette group Horvus must arrive
100% of Modular Conveyor group Gorfan must arrive
100% of Freighter group Ravn must arrive
Victory Star Destroyer must arrive

In this mission, you will fly a tie fighter designated "Alpha 1". Lucky
for you that this fighter has been modified to carry a payload of 
missiles. You will have three wingmen in your flight group, so you can
assign them targets if you need any assistance.

This mission is pretty self explanatory. You just need to destroy every
enemy fighter that comes in. Set your laser recharge rate to full power
and just keep taking out the nearest target. Your main focus should be 
put on the X-wing group "Yellow", B-wing group "Red", and Z-95 group 
"Gold" because all of these ships are armed with heavy rockets that can
do incredible damage to your frigate. But watch your back, because the 
other fighters will be going after _you_.

When the rebel frigate designated "Huntress" it will, after a few 
seconds, release a series of starfighters after you. For now focus
only on the Z-95s designated "Gold". After them attack the Y-wings,
then the B-wings, and then the X-wings in that order. 

There's not a whole lot more I can tell you. Just keep clearing out
the rebels, and at about 9:40 the convoy will begin arriving. About
30 seconds later the rest will arrive, and your mission will be a 
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now turn your laser energy all the way down and head straight back home
to your ship the Frigate Ludwick. Get there as soon as possible, cause
a squad of pirate Y-wings is going to enter the area in about 5 


Battle Three:
===--Mission 4----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Platform XQ3 NL-1 must survive until other goals completed
Nebulon B-2 Frigate Ludwick must survive until other goals completed
Victory Star Destroyer must arrive

  -: Secondary Mission Objective :-
Shuttle Shakker must be captured

In this mission, you will pilot an assualt gunboat designated "Tau 1".

When you first start out; park right outside the platform. In other
words, shut your engines all the way off for right now. Turn you laser
recharge rate all the way up start re-directing the power to your 
shield generator. Now just keep searching for the nearest enemy with
your targeting computer. At about the time 1:00, some A-wings and 
Y-wings will enter the battlefield. Ignore the Y-wings and just try and
stop the Y's before they reach the platform. When they'll gone you need
to then go after the X-wings designated "Red" group. They are directly
targeting the platform, so the use of torpedoes is justified. If they
fire off any warheads, try to destroy the torpedoes themselves before
they reach their target.

When you get a message saying a shuttle has arrived, you then need to
target the shuttle designated "Shakker". Turn your laser recharge rate
to normal so you can catch up to it and arm your ion cannons. Use them
to disable the shuttle, and also be sure to tell your wingmen to ignore
it as a target. Make sure you get a message telling you that the 
shuttle is completely disabled.

Now turn your laser recharge rate back up to maximum and go back to the
X-wings. After you've destroyed them, a few rebel transports will enter
the area and begin targeting the platform. Switch your weapons over to
the proton torpedo launcher and set them to dual fire. Target each one
of the three transports, and fire a couple of torpedoes at each of 

Now switch back over to your lasers and target any remaining A-wings.
In just a few seconds the Star Destroyer Stalwart should arrive.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now just wait around for the transport "Soryi" to finsih it's work on
the shuttle.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now fly back to the Frigate Ludwick and enter into its hangar.


Battle Three:
===--Mission 5----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Platform XQ3 NL-1 must survive until other goals completed
Nebulon B-2 Frigate Ludwick must survive until other goals completed
Transport Sigma 2 must complete mission
Transport Omega must complete mission

In this mission you will pilot a tie bomber designated "Alpha 1".

Turn your laser power up to maximum, and then turn your engines off 
completely. Wait around a few moments for the Star Destroyer "Stalwart"
too show up carrying Vice-Admiral Thrawn. Look at the transport 
designated "Sigma 2" and press Shift + F5 to save it as an easily
viewable target. Be sure and check up on it from time to time and
be sure it is not under attack. If it ever is, then you need to 
intercept the threat immediately.

Turn your engines back on and head straight for the transport Sigma 2.
About when the clock reads 2:30, three groups of A-wings will enter the
area. They are group "Blue", group "Gold", and group "Red". First just
go after the ones that are targeting the platform, and then you can go
after the others. But disengage this attack when X-wing group "Gold"
enters the area. Destroy X-wings Gold 1 and 2 because they are all
targeting your resupply transport; which is carrying all of your back
up missiles.  That resupply transport will be the target of ALL the
X-wings that will enter the area, so take them out as soon as you read
new ones just flew in.

But don't let the platform take too much damage. Remember that the
resupply transport is important to you, but the safety of the platform
should be your top priority at this point. Also be on the lookout for
any A-wings that may be targeting YOU.

When you kill the last rebel, you'll get a message saying that Admiral
Thrawn is heading back to his Star Destroyer. So use your targeting
computer to find the transport designated "Omega" and put it in the
F5 storage slot. In just a few seconds you'll get a message saying
that a couple of pirate shuttles have entered the area. They are now
your TOP priority, because they will be going directly after Thrawn's
transport. If you have any missiles remaining in your payload; don't be
afraid to use them on these ships. Unfortunately there is not enough
time to use the supply transport to stock up.

Just keep blowing up the incoming shuttles until Thrawn makes it back
to the Star Destroyer Stalwart.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now fly back to the Frigate Ludwick and enter into the safety of its 


Battle Three:
===--Mission 6----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Platform XQ1 NL-1 must survive until other goals completed
Patrol Craft Ranger 1 must survive until other goals completed
Patrol Craft Ranger 2 must survive until other goals completed
Victory Star Destroyer Stalwart must arrive

  -: Secondary Mission Objective :-
Shuttle Electra must be captured

In this mission you will pilot an assualt gunboat designated "Tau 1".

Turn your lasr power all the way up and begin redirecting it to your
shield generator using the ' (apostrophe)  button. Find the crafts that
are designated "Ranger 1" and "Ranger 2", and put them in the F5 and
F6 save slots. About when the clock reads 0:40 a couple of assualt
transports will enter the area. This means the start of the rebel's 
attack. But don't go after the transports quite yet. Instead wait just
a few more seconds and a rebel shuttle will enter into the area. Head
straight for it, arm your ion cannon weapon, and use it to disable the
shuttle designated "Electra". A shuttle will now be dispatched to
board this shuttle, and it will finish boarding sometime during the
battle ahead.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now press Shift + S, and then the spacebar, to call in some friendly
reinforcements to help you out. Now you can begin battling the rebel
forces. Focus only on the B-wings and transports. You can ingore the
X-wings and A-wings for now because they are only going after tie
fighters and gunboats, which you can afford to lose. As you fight
the B-wings and transports be sure to assign your wingmen a target
every time. This will make the work go twice as fast, and it will buy
Ranger 1 and Ranger 2 even more time.

Don't waste torpedoes on fighters; save them for the transports. After
the transports are clear you can then start clearing out the X-wings 
and A-wings. Try to stay mobile because the A-wings will be gunning
for you like crazy. At about the time of 7:10, the Star Destroyer 
Stalwart will arrive to relieve you.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

You can stay to dogfight if you like, but if you are very badly damaged
it is probably a better idea to just hyperspace right out of here.


        ===============-B A T T L E    F O U R-================   
                 C O N F L I C T    A T   M Y L O K   I V      

Battle Four:
===--Mission 1----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
50% of Cargo Ferry group Verack must finish docking
50% of Cargo Ferry group Stimner must finish docking
Nebulon B-2 Frigate Shamus must survive until other goals completed

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
100% of Cargo Ferry group Verack must be inspected
100% of Cargo Ferry group Stimner must be inspected

In this mission, you will fly a tie fighter designated "Alpha 1".

You first task in this level is to fly by all of the ships you see
directly in front of you, which are the cargo ferries, and inspect each
one of them.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now turn your laser recharge rate all the way up and engage the 
approaching groups of Y-wings designated "Gold" and "Red". After that
group, a new set of Y-wings will enter, this time called group "Blue".
When the Y-wing group "Yellow" comes into view then they have just
become your main target, because they're targeting the cargo ferries.

When Yellow is gone turn back to face group "Blue", because they have
now begun tageting the ferries as well. Then search through your
computer display and find the next Y-wing group "Yellow". As you fight
it out with these guys it is best to use missiles only if you are too
far away from the Y-wings to stop their torpedo runs. About now is also
a good time to press Shift + S and then the spacebar to call up a few
reinforcements. Just keep taking down the Y-wings as soon as they come 
in. Be especially careful of the groups "Yellow" and "Striker", because
they are almost always going after your cargo ferries.

About when the clock reads 8:05 the cargo ferries will begin docking
with the Nebulon Frigate Shamus. This is a good sign, and it means that
you're very close to being done. But don't let up quite yet; remember 
that you have to keep all of those Y-wings at bay. Lucky for you that
this mission only  requires half of the ferries make it to the end.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

There's nothing left to do now but fly back over to Frigate Shamus
and enter into the hangar you call home.


Battle Four:
===--Mission 2----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Nebulon B-2 Frigate Shamus must survive until other goals completed
Container B Junker must be destroyed
Container A Hume must be destroyed
Container A Workshop must be destroyed
Container B Repo must be destroyed
Corellian Corvette Petor must be destroyed
Corellian Corvette Shotgun must be destroyed
Transport Sunbird must be destroyed
Shuttle Pamir 1 must be destroyed
Shuttle Pamir 2 must be destoyed

In this mission you will pilot a tie bomber designated "Alpha 2".

Well there's not much strategy to this mission; it is just a simple
hit-and-run skirmish. For starters arm your proton torpedoes and target
the corvette designated "Shotgun". Destroy it using all six of your
proton torpedoes. Then tell your wingmen to go after the other 
corvette, the one that is designated "Petor". They should take care
of it no problem.

Next chase after and destroy the transport "Sunbird". And then go after
what is to be the last of your moving targets, the shuttles designated 
"Pamir 1" and "Pamir 2". Once they are down, you can finish this 
mission by clearing the area of the oh-so-easily destroyed containers. 
But watch your back because the Y-wings are still on your tail.
(And if you run into any trouble, you can call in some re-inforcements)
*Primary  Mission Objectives Completed*

Now just fly back and re-enter the Frigate Shamus.


Battle Four:
===--Mission 3----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives:-
75% of all Y-wings must be destroyed
Modified Corvette Phoenix must survive until other goals completed
Transport Runner must finish docking
Shuttle Doyle must finish docking
Shuttle Sgidek must finish docking

During this mission you will pilot a tie bomber designated "Alpha 1".

First arm your missiles and set them to dual fire mode. Then set your
throttle up to full speed and engage the first group of Y-wings. Assign
one Y-wings to your wingmen while you take on another one. Make sure
that your wingman is always going after somebody, or else they may just
fly around aimlessly. Focus only the Y-wings that are targeting either
the transport "Runner", or the container it is trying to dock with.

Be on the lookout for the following Y-wings:
Red 1, Red 2, Red 3
Gold 1, Gold 2, Gold 3
Baker 1, Baker 2
Yellow 1, Yellow 2

The above starfighters are the most dangerous, because they put your
mission objectives in jeopardy.

About when your clock reads 5:00, the transports will finish working.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now you should just clean up the remaining Y-wings (for extra points),
and then fly back to the Corvette Phoenix and enter its hangar. Just
be sure you get back to it before it goes into hyperspace.


Battle Four:
===--Mission 4----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Nebulon B-2 Frigate Shamus must survive until other goals completed
Nebulon B Frigate Lendova must survive until other goals completed
Shuttle Fairfax must be boarded
Shuttle Nexus must complete mission
Transport Ferry 1 must complete mission
Transport Ferry 2 must complete mission
Transport Ferry 3 must complete mission
Transport Ferry 4 must complete mission

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
Transport Ferry 1 must be inspected
Transport Ferry 2 must be inspected
Transport Ferry 3 must be inspected
Transport Ferry 4 must be inspected

In this mission you will fly a tie interceptor designated "Alpha 1".

After just a few seconds into this mission, the Frigate "Lendova" will
arrive into this area and release a shuttle carrying the diplomats.
Then about one minute later a couple of pirate corvettes will arrive
and release a few Y-wings. So now turn your laser recharge rate all the
way up and go after the Y-wings, but try to stay far away from the 
Corvettes and their laser turrets.

When they start releasing transports, then you should turn your laser
recharge rate back down to normal and fly over to them. Keep assigning
your wingmen Y-wings to destroy as you inspect each of the four 
transport ferries.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now you can turn your attention back to the Y-wings, but focus mainly
on the ones that threaten any mission-essential craft. Turn your laser
recharge rate all the way up, turn your throttle all the way up, and
start going after the Y-wings while you also assign targets to your
wingmen. If any of the Y-wings decide to enter hyperspace, don't chase
after them. It's easier to just let them go. Keep them at bay until the
clock reads 7:00 and the last of the transport ferries will finish.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now just fly back over to the Frigate "Shamus" and enter its hangar.


Battle Four:
===--Mission 5----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Nebulon B-2 Frigate Shamus must survive until other goal is completed
Nebulon B Frigate Xerses must be destroyed

During this mission you will fly an assualt gunboat designated "Tau 1".

Immediately turn your laser recharge rate all the way up and then press
the ' button to transfer some of the power to your shields. Now begin
engaging the rebel starfightes. You need to just keep the fighters
occupied as the tie bombers work to destroy the Frigate Xerses. These
rebel pilots are pretty good, so you always need to keep your shields
up strong. Make sure to assign your wingmen targets, especially if any
ships are targeting YOU. There's not much strategy to this mission; you
just need to keep clearing the rebel starfighter defense. Also you need 
to be careful and stay out of the reach of the rebel frigate's lasers.

_IF_ the bombers get destoyed before they can finish their job, then it
will all be up to you. So first, make sure you are going after the 
rebel frigate, and not the Imperial frigate. Your target should be the
Frigate designated "Xerxes", NOT THE SHAMUS!!! If you have any missiles
left in your launcher, then fire them from far away. Then you need to
begin making laser passes on it. That means you just head straight for
it, firing a constant stream of lasr blasts at it, until it turns its
lasers on you. Then you turn back around and head the other direction
until you stop seeing lasers firing past you. That's when you now it's
safe to turn back around and make another pass. And should you ever
want to reload your missile launcher, then you can dock with the 
transport "Sigma", if it is still around.

Just keep up this cycle of attacks, and it shouldn't take too long for
the Frigate Xerses to go up in smoke. You should be done by just a
little after the 5:00 minute mark.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*


        ===============-B A T T L E    F I V E-================   
                     B A T T L E   F O R   H O N O R      

Battle Five:
===--Mission 1----------------=============

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
Shuttle Lambda must be inspected
Nebulon B-2 Frigate Osprey must arrive
100% of Container D group Chi must be inspected
100% of Container d group Psi must be inspected

In this mission you will pilot a tie interceptor designated "Gamma 1".

This mission is actually a trap!, set by a defecting imperial officer.
He is a traitor, and has sent you on a mission in an attempt to
eliminate YOU. So first, when prompted to, call for reinforcements.
Then go about destroying the mines, even though  the messages that
follow are telling you that something isn't right.
When you get a message from Admiral Harkov (who is the traitor) that 
tells your wingmen to destroy you, then you can destroy Gamma 2 and 3.
Luckily, the Frigate Osprey will arrive soon and launch some fighters
to back you up. 

When the mine field is clear, either completely or at least a good 
portion of it, you can then start inspecting the containers. Make sure
you fly by each and every one of them. Then wait for the shuttle
"Lambda" to be released. Turn your lasers all the way down so you can
go as fast as possible, and fly over to inspect it.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

It is too dangerous to stay and dogfight, so now just fly back to
the Frigate Osprey as fast as possible and enter the hangar.


Battle Five:
===--Mission 2----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
100% of all Container Bs must be destroyed
100% of Container C Group Pi must be destroyed
100% of Container E Group Xi must be destroyed
100% of Container D Group Psi must be destroyed
Victory Star Destroyer must arrive

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
At least one of all Container Bs must be inspected
Platform XQ1 DS 5 must be inspected
At least one of Container C group Pi must be inspected
At least one of Container E group Xi must be inspected
At least one of Container D group Psi must be inspected

In this mission you will pilot an assualt gunboat designated "Mu 2".

As soon as you exit hyperspace, turn your laser power up and keep
using the ' button to keep your lasers powered up. First target the
B-wing designated "Red 3", as instructed, but don't waste any of your
missiles on this guy.

Next turn your laser power all the way down, and rush over to inspect
ALL of the Containers. Be quick or else the other gunboats will destroy
them before you get there. Be sure and fly by the Platform too.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now turn your lasers back up to full recharge rate again, and begin
destroying the containers. Don't worry about the rebel fighters,
because the other gunboats should keep them off of your back. Try not
to get too close to the gunboat, because it has a few laser turrets on
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now hyperspace right out of here, because there is a squardron of Tie
Advanced heading in this direction!


Battle Five:
===--Mission 3----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
100% of Freighter group Karflo must be destroyed
100% of Modular Conveyor group SoroSuub must be destroyed
Container Transport Morgath 1 must be destroyed
Container Transport Morgath 5 must be destroyed
100% of Corellian Corvette group Sundog must be destroyed

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
At least one of Freighter group Karflo must be inspected
At least one of Modular Conveyor group SoroSuub must be inspected
Container Transport Morgath 1 must be inspected
Container Transport Morgath 5 must be inspected
At least one of Corellian Corvette group Sundog must be inspected

In this mission you will fly an assualt gunboat designated "Mu 2".

As soon as you come out of hyperspace, turn your laser recharge rate
all the way to maximum power and then wait around for the rebel convoy
to arrive. Keep your shields up. When the first three freighters come 
in that are designated "Karflo", fly right past the closest one and
be sure that it is inspected. Then assist is destroying all three of
them. Don't waste rockets on these; just use your lasers.

The next two ships coming in are the two modular conveyors that make up
froup "SoroSuub". Once again you only need to inspect one of them, and
then quickly destroy them both before they escape. Be careful when you
approach these two ships, because they are armed with laser cannons.

After those two will come the Container Transport that is designated
"Morgath 1". Inspect it quickly and then fire off a rocket right at it.
Try to get really close when you fire, because this rocket doesn't have
a very good homing range. After that, the "Morgath 5" will come zooming
in. Inspect it just like the last one, and then destroy it with one
rocket just like the last one.

Finally the corvettes "SunDog 1" and "SunDog 2" will come in the area.
Be sure to inspect them both, and then destroy them with two rockets
each. You'll complete both sets of objectives at once this way!
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*
*Secondary Mission Objectives Competled*

It's getting pretty hairy out here, so now is a perfect time to 
hyperspace the hell out of here!


Battle Five:
===--Mission 4----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
50% of all Tie Advanced must be destroyed

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
At least one of Modified Corvette group Wurger must be inspected
Shuttle Toten must be inspected

In this mission, you will fly a tie advanced designated "Mu 2". Finally
you get to use the empire's most powerful starfighter!

As soon as you come out of hyperspace; turn your laser recharge rate
to maximum level and use it to pump your shields up a little every now
and then. Target the nearest tie and head straight for it. Just make
sure that you aren't accidently targeting any of the fighters in your

The corvette group "Wurger" will come in about 45 seconds into this
mission, about 16km away. You do need to inspect them sometime this
mission, but you don't have time to fly over to them. Instead just
keep working on the tie advanced fighters, and you can wait for the
corvettes to come over to you.

At about the time of 6:25 you will get a message seeing that a shuttle
has been released. Now you need to disengage your attack and target the
shuttle designated "Toten". DON'T DESTROY IT!, just inspect it. Turn
your laser power all the way off so you can get going fast enough to
elude the tie advanceds that are tailing you. And just about when you
reach the shuttle, the last of the ties will be destroyed.
*Primary Mission Objectives*

After you've scanned over the shuttle, turn both your lasers and shield
power to maximum. As you flee the scene make sure you avoid the nearby
rebel base. Since the main mission is done, now you can go over to the 
corvettes. You need only inspect one of them, so just keep your shields
up and fly really close to it. As you head toward it make sure you keep
weaving back and forth, because the over half of the tie advanced group
is headed your way.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed

Now just hyperjump home.


Battle Five:
===--Mission 5----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
100% of all mines must be destroyed
Platform XQ1 DS 5 must be disabled
Shuttle Toten must be disabled
Transport Kolermigon must be disabled
Corellian Transport Geddawai must be disabled

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
Platform XQ1 DS 5 captured
Shuttle Toten must be inspected
Transport Kolermigon must be inspected
Corellian Transport Geddawai must be inspected

In this mission you will pilot an assualt gunboat desingated "Mu 1"

Your first move is to turn your laser recharge rate all the way up and 
transfer the power over to your shields. Begin targeting the ships
designated "Toten", "Kolermigon", and "Geddawai" that are currently
parked on the platform. You need to fly over and disable each one of
them. Then, with them all disabled, you can fly by each one of them and
inspect them. Get the corellian transport first because it is the 
fastest of your targets, and if you can't catch up to it in time, then
you can use a couple of missiles to weaken it's shields. Then you can
go after the other two. 

Now turn your attention over to the Platform XQ1 DS 5. You need to
disable it so it may be boarded. So fly over there and park right 
underneath it. Then fire off all of your remaining missiles and then
blast it with your lasers until it has no shield power remaining. And
then you can use your ion cannons to completely disable it.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now you should begin clearing the minefield. Expect a missile to be
fired at your everytime you destroy one. So press the spacebar to 
target the warhead as soon as it is released, and destroy it with your
lasers before it even gets to you. While you clear the minefield, the
imperial assualt transports will capture the platform for the empire!
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

If you aren't to beat up I would suggest clearing out the remaining
X-wings for a few bonus points, but otherwise you can just enter into


        =================-B A T T L E    S I X-================   
                            A R M S   R A C E      

Battle Six:
===--Mission 1----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
100% of all tie defenders must have completed mission
100% of all cargo ferries must have completed mission

In this mission, you will pilot a tie advanced designated "Alpha 2".

First, turn your laser power up to the max and press the ' button every
so often to charge up your shields. The rebels will begin arriving 
about 30 seconds into the mission, and their force will start out with
six A-wings and two B-wings. Go after the B-wings first because they
plan to do torpedo runs on the containers carrying the tie defenders.

About a minute and 40 seconds into this mission the first objective
will be met. And shortly after you destroy the last Y-wing, about the
time of 5:05, the last of the cargo ferries will safely exit. Just so
long as you  stop this first wave of B-wings, this mission is almost
too easy.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now you can clean out the squardron of A-wings, and then jump into 


Battle Six:
===--Mission 2----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
100% of all tie defenders must complete mission
Escort Carrier Hininbirg must complete mission

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
Corellian Corvette Mar Duun must be inspected
Corellian Corvette Vop Hui must be inspected

In this mission you will fly the tie advanced fighter "Alpha 2."

Turn your laser recharge rate all the way up and begin targeting the
squardron of A-wings. Don't forget to give a little power to your 
shields as you travel over to them. After that, move on to Y-wing group
"Blue". After about 1:35 into this mission, the Escort Carrier will
enter the area. If there are still any Y-wings around you need to be
sure and stop them from reaching the Escort Carrier. If they begin
their attack, then use your missiles as a last resort. 

Shortly after the Y-wings are cleared away a group of X-wings will jump
into this sector. These craft are targeting the Escort Carrier as well,
so fire off one missile at each to weaken them, and then finish each
fighter with your lasers. As you destroy each one, a new X-wing will
fly in to take its place, so be ready. These new fighters will go after
the tie defenders. So turn your laser power all the way down to get
over to them in time to save your ties. Turn the laser power all the
way up just before you get over to them, and then you can and blow 
those X-wings right out of the sky. Make sure you get them all.

Now press the ' button to put all of your current laser power into your
shields, and then turn the laser generator completely off. From here 
head straight for the corvettes designated "Mar Duun" and "Vop Hui".
Fly be each one in close range to inspect it closely. Try an approach
from the rear of the corvettes to avoid their laser fire. As you make
your approach be sure to keep weaving around to throw off the mines
that are surrounding this area. 
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

When you are sure you have inspected BOTH of the corvettes, then you
can empty out the rest of your missile payload on them. After that, 
you need to finish off the corvettes with lasers. Their destruction is
key because they now pose the most serious threat to the mission. Now
you can just wait around, until about 7:50 on the clock, and the Escort
Carrier will enter into hyperspace.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Follow the Carrier's lead now, and hyperjump home.


Battle Six:
===--Mission 3----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Freighter Anterab must complete mission
Freighter Degathem must complete mission

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
Heavy Lifter U-3f14 must complete mission
At least one of B-wing group Red must be boarded

In this mission you will fly an assualt gunboat fighter, which has been
designated "Tau 2."

Turn your laser recharge rate to the maximum, transfer a little of that 
stored power to your shields, and wait around for the convoy to arrive.
Just 25 seconds into this mission a group of six X-wings will shoot in.
Take them out as soon as possible, but try to to stray too far away
from the imperial convoy. And then 25 seconds later a group of 5 
B-wings will enter the area. Apparently the rebellion is gonna be 
throwing their best at you. Just ignore the X-wings for just a second
and target one of the B-wings. Switch to ion cannons and disable, but
DO NOT DESTROY IT! Now tell your wingman to ignore it as a target and
you can just leave it to be boarded by an imperial heavy lifting craft.

Now destroy all the other B-wings first. Fire a couple of advanced
missiles at each, and then finish them off with lasers. They are your
top priority because they are targeting the escort shuttles and 
need that one to complete the mission, so stay away from it, and make
sure none of your fellow gunboats are firing on it.

Now take out all of those pesky X-wings before they finish off the rest
of your allies. By now the number of imperial starfighters in this area
is pretty slim, so that means that the X-wings willmostly be targeting
YOU. So don't ever stop moving and don't ever stop shooting.

But just when the Heavy Lifter finished boarding the disabled B-wing,
the rebels will once again enter the area. This time there force 
they'll bring in a few A-wings. You should have a few missiles left in
your payload, and these are just the ships to use them one. Fire two
missiles at each A-wing to take them all out in no time. It will go
even faster if you assign your wingmen A-wing "Gold 1", and then you
fire missiles on "Gold 2" and "Gold 3". 

By now the Heavy Lifter is one its way home. Shouldn't take longer than
just a couple of minutes.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Finally, wait around for the last freighter to zoom into hyperspace.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now you can either hyperjump home, or you can enter into the hangar of
the platform. Either way you're all done here.


Battle Six:
===--Mission 4----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
75% of all Z-95 Headhunters must be destroyed
Platform XQ2 Pondut must be captured
Transport GEC U47 must be disabled
Corellian Transport Lucky Day must be disabled
Shuttle Kalree must be disabled

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
At least one of Y-wing group Blue must be disabled
Transport GEC U47 must be captured
Corellian Transport Luck Day must be captured
Shuttle Kalree must be captured

In this mission you'll be flying a tie advanced designated "Tau 1".

Turn your laseer recharge rate all the way up, and use the ' button to
keep your shield power up. Now do a 180 and turn to face the Z-95s
coming in from the rear. Destroy three or four of them just to clear
the air a little, and then you fly over to the platform designated
"Pondut". Make sure you have your shields as strong as they can get
before you reach your destination, because the platform will be firing
upon you.

When you do finally get there you need to then equip your ion cannon 
weapon and begin disabling the transport "U47" and the shuttle 
"Kalree". Don't let either get away from you. Disable U47 1st, and then
catch the shuttle as it lifts off of the platform. 

Not to long after that the corellian transport will exit the platform's
hangar and make a run for it. Fire four missiles at it to weaken its
shields, and then finish it of with your ion cannons. Turn your shields
over to cover your rear as you give chase to transport "Lucky Dog". Now
speed away from the platform as fast as you can and start clearing out
the rest of the Z-95 headhunters. Don't waste any missiles on these
fighters, you can destroy them easily by just using your laser

When the area is clear of Z-95s, you should need to bulk your shield
power up and fly over to the platform. Empty out the rest of your
missiles into its hull, and then help the others disable it. The safest
place to attack from is its undercarriage, because that is where the
platform's laser defenses are the weakest and least effective. If you
are now the only imperial fighter left, then you need to call in some
reinforcements. They'll not only help you disable the platform, but
they also will draw away some of the laser fire away from you. 

Now you can just wait aroudn for the platform to be boarded.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now a few A-wings and Y-wings will enter the area. Target the Y-wing
designated "Blue 3" and tell your wingman to ignore it as a target. Now
go after it and disable it, but do NOT destroy it. Now either disable
or destroy all the other Y-wings, and take out any remaining A-wings as
well. Then you can just wait around for the shuttle, transport, and
corellian transport to be captured.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now hyperjump out of here while you are still in one piece.


        ===============-B A T T L E    S E V E N-==============   
                  T R E A C H E R Y   A T   O T T E G A

Battle Seven:
===--Mission 1----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Interdictor Harpax must survive until other goals completed
100% of Container B group HX must be destroyed
100% of Container E group HM must be destroyed
100% of Container C group Oxin must be destroyed
100% of Container D group C223 must be destroyed
100% of Assualt Transport group Lambda must complete mission

In this mission, you will be piloting a tie advanced fighter designated
"Alpha 1". Before you exit the star destroyer you need to have your
craft equipped with advanced missiles, not just normal missiles. 

First, turn your laser recharge rate all the way up. Then use the '
button to put some into your shields. Now begin targeting the container
groups. Be sure and destroy each one, but don't waste any of your
missiles on them. You'll need those for the fighters that you'll take
on later. As you work on the containers, you will need to avoid the
enemy tie fighters. Your wingen will have your back, but you still need
to try and avoid them altogether. 

After the containers are all gone, you need to go after the enemy tie
fighters. Make sure you are not targeting any of your friendly ships,
so use the "find nearest target" button to be sure it is an enemy. The
enemy force is made of tie fighters, and a smaller amount of tie 
advanced and tie bombers. When you are taking on the tie advanced 
fighters it is best to use the beam weapon. This new "weapon" is 
actually a small tractor beam. When you activate it, and move your 
crosshairs onto an enemy ship, the beam will hold the ship in place. 
This allows you to easily destroy the tie advanced, because it takes 
away their speed advantage. Use lasers on the tie fighters/bombers, and
two missiles each on the tie advanced fighters.

Be sure to shut the beam off as soon as the ship is destroyed because
the beam generator doesn't have very much power in it. And don't waste 
it on the ties and bombers, because they can easily be destroyed 
without it.

A rebel cruiser will enter the area about 4 and 1/2 minutes into the
fight and release some fighters. You should just ingore them and focus
on the tie bombers that are going after the Imperial Interdictor Harpax
before they can do any torpedo attack runs. Then you can start clearing
out all of the tie fighters and Z-95 HeadHunters. And after you get the
last Z-95 headhunter, the rebellion will send in three X-wings. These
are your new primary target, because they are targeting the Interdictor
Harpax.  After you stop the X-wings you can then go back to the tie 
fighters and Z-95s.

About 10 minutes into this mission the 3 Assualt Transports will enter
into the area. They will fly into the Interdictor's hangar about 30
seconds later.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now just fly into the hangar of the Interdictor designated "Harpax".


Battle Seven:
===--Mission 2----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Interdictor Harpax must survive until other goals completed
Nebulon B Frigate Akaga must be destroyed
Imperial Star Destroyer Garrett must arrive

In this mission you will fly a tie advanced designated "Alpha 2".

Immediately target the Frigate Akaga and fire both of your heavy bombs
at it when it is at a range of 3.50 kilometers. Now veer of to one side
so as to avoid the frigate's laser cannons. Then turn your laser 
recharge rate to the maximum and start pumping up your shields a 

You're gonna get a message saying a transport has arrived to resupply
you with heavy bombs, but unfortunately you can't safely dock with it
due to the enemy fighters. So from now on you will have to do laser
passes on the frigate "Akaga". Just keep your lasers up and your
shields up. Your flight leader is working on destroying this freighter
too, so try to keep the fighters off of its tail. 

Switch your lasers to linked fire and start making runs. But stop
every so often and take out the closest tie bomber. Destroying the
frigate Akaga is your main concern, however you also need to be aware
of the tie bombers that are going after you. The destruction of the
frigate will become easiest when it makes its way to the Harpax, 
because the Harpax's lasers will considerably wear down the shields
of the frigate Akaga. And when the Akaga is destroyed you can then go
after the rebels and defected tie starfighters. 

Keep clearing out the area of ties and rebels until about 6:10 into the
mission. At that time a couple of transports will arrive and try to
finish off the interdictor. Destroy them both as quickly as possible.

Then, about one minute and 30 seconds later, the Star Destroyer 
carrying Lord Vader will finally arrive. 
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

The deep voice of Darth Vader will alert you that your presence is
requested back at base, so you'd better hyperjump home now.


Battle Seven:
===--Mission 3----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Victory Star Destroyer Protector must be destroyed
Light Calamari Cruiser Warhawk must be destroyed
Star Destroyer Garrett must survive until other goals completed

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
100% of Modified Corvette group Arditi must be destroyed
100% of Modified Corvette group Falcon must be destroyed
100% of Modified Corvette group BaKaar must be destroyed
100% of Assualt Transport group Upsilon must be destroyed

In this mission, you will pilot a tie advanced designated "Alpha 2".

Transfer the power from your laser to your shields, and head straight
for the Calamari Cruiser designated "Warhawk". Fire off three of your
torpedoes at it as soon as you get in range. And then target the Star
Destroyer designated "Protector", and fire off your other three 
torpedoes at that starship. Next head over to the transport designated
"CUV 18F1" and stop when you are within 0.05 kilometers of it. Then
press Shift + B to tell the transport to dock with you and resupply
your weapons payload, and about 5 seconds later you will be fully
stocked with torpedoes. 

By now the Calamari Cruiser is probably destroyed, and if not, is by
now very very weak. So focus your attention onto the Star Destroyer
Protector. Fire your new torpedoes directly at it, and make sure it is
completly destroyed. And then, if neccessary, finish off the Cruiser
with your lasers.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now call in some reinforcements to help you out, by pressing Shift + B.
Lucky for you, the empire will send in 3 tie advanceds to help you out
in destroying the rebels. So get to work on the escort shuttles and the
large Corvettes. You've already exasperated your supply of warheads, so
you now only have lasers at your disposal. 

After their destruction, the first group of three Corvettes will arrive
in the area. Take them on now, and your tie advanceds will have your
back during the fight. Attack the Corvettes from very close behind, and
their lasers won't be able to reach you. After you've taken care of
Corvette group "Arditi", you should then stop the assualt transports.
You will see them traveling in a group of 5, heading straight for your
Interdictor. So just fire off a few lasers at each of them until they
veer of course, and then you can destroy each one by one while they
post less of a threat to your starship. 

Now, since the assualt transports are clear, you can start working on
the Corvette group "Falcon". Attack them both from the close rear, just
like you did with the previous corvettes. And then finally do the same
with the next trio of corvettes, of which are designated "BaKaar".
This is a long and difficult mission, but now it's finally done with!
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now fly back to the hangar of the Star Destroy designated "Garrett",
and find out what the exciting news is.


Battle Seven:
===--Mission 4----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Tie Defender Delta 6 must complete mission
Nebulon B-2 Frigate Osprey must survive until other goals completed

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
Interdictor Harpago must be destroy

You will be flying a tie defender designated "Delta 1" in this mission.
And, as an added bonus, you will have Lord Vader in your flight group!

First turn your laser recharge rate all the way up, and then use the
' button to completely strengthen your shields. Your first target is
the assualt gunboats that are patrolling the area. Just so you know,
Dart Vader is piloting the tie defender designated "Delta 6". It is
one of your objectives to protect him, but actually it is impossible
for him to be destroyed. So you only need to worry about the fighters
tailing you. And even though he is your wingmen, he will ignore any
commands you may give him. Don't waste any torpedoes on the gunboats.
Your lasers can do the job just fine. 

After the Frigate "Osprey" arrives, you are then ready to begin your
attack on the Interdictor designated "Harpago". Travel to a distance of
about 3.00 kilometers away from the Harpago, and from there you should
launch your torpedo attack. When your launcher is empty you can head
over to the utility tug designated "CUV/L-1" and get some more 
torpedoes. On your way over to it, you should take out any tie bombers
that are stil around.

As soon as you get your new load of warheads, quickly fly back out to
at least 3.00 kilometers away from the Interdictor "Harpago". From 
there you can fire off all of your torpedoes at the Interdictor, which
should finish it off for good. If not, you can always resort to laser
passes. But there is a very slim chance that will be your last resort.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now you can help Darth Vader destroy the assualt gunboats. Against you
and Vader both in tie defenders, they won't stand a chance. And when
you've destroyed the last fighter, Delta 6 (Vader) will enter the 
hangar of the frigate Osprey.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now just follow Vader's lead and enter the hangar yourself.


Battle Seven:
===--Mission 5----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Escort Shuttle Haven 3 must be boarded
Star Destroyer Vanguard must survive until other goals completed
Modified Corvette Mescue must survive until other goals completed

You will be flying in a tie defender designated "Alpha 1", and once
again, Lord Vader will be in your flight group. The emperor has been
kidnapped, and he wants to personally see his rescue through!

Immediatly turn you engines off and park underneath the Star Destroyer
that is right in front of you. Turn your laser recharge rate and use
some of that power to build up some shields. Wait a few seconds for
the escort shuttles to exit the hangar. Target the one designated
"Haven 3" and press Shift + I to tell you wingmen to ignore it as
a target. Now use missiles and lasers to destroy all of the other
escort shuttles EXCEPT for the "Haven 3". Then, when ALL of the other
escort shuttles are gone, you can go over and disable the Haven 3 using
your ion cannons. Also be sure to fly by is once to inspect it. Then,
just to be sure, press Shift + I again to tell your wingmen not to
attack it. This is the shuttle that carries your emperor and it needs
to be safely boarded. 

Now engage the tie advanced fighters. If they prove to fast and elusive
for your ship, you may want to make use of the tractor beam. As you
fight it out with them, be sure to check up on the Modified Corvette
"Mescue" from time-to-time just to make sure it's still out there doing
its job. About six minutes after it enters the area, it will finish
boarding the escort shuttle, and will rescue the emperor.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

With both the emperor and the empire successfully rescued, you can now
enter hyperspace and back to your imperial base.


        ===============-B A T T L E    E I G H T-==============   
                    S T R A T E G I C   W A R F A R E

Battle Eight:
===--Mission 1----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Corellian Transport Timber must complete mission
Corellian Transport Hut must complete mission
Correlian Transport Libro must complete mission
Freighter Subcom must complete mission
Freighter Teal must complete mission
Container Transport Nomme must complete mission

In this mission you will be piloting tie defender designated "Alpha 1".

Turn your laser recharge rate to maximum, and use the ' button to get a
little power in your shields. Then begin targeting the tie bombers that
are targeting any of the mission critical spacecraft that are listed
above. You are flying in a superior craft, but it will still not be too
easy, because of the enemy frigate "Raptor" that is fully armed. So 
when you go after the bombers be sure and steer clear of the Raptor.
And if any of weakend tie bombers want to fly back home it is okay to
just let them go. Don't get drawn away from your mission priorities by
chasing after the retreating bombers. Focus only on the bombers that
present the greatest risk to mission critical craft. 

To be most effective you should position yourself halfway between the
"Omar 1" and the frigate "Raptor". Because the bombers are originating
from the Raptor, and they are heading for the Omar 1, you will then be
in the best position to halt their attacks. Also it is a good idea to
keep a close watch on the messages delivered to you at the bottom of
the screen. You should always be going after the newest group of
tie bombers, because they will pose the greatest threat.

Next up are a couple of tie advanced fighters. These guys are tough to
catch, so it is a good idea to use your missiles. If you can't get a
solid red lock on them, then just get really close behind them and
fire off a couple when it is still on yellow. It won't be as accurate,
but it will still have a good chance at hitting its tartet, at least
from this range. 

Now you can just wait around for the Freighter "Teal" to dock with the
the station Omar 1. And when it finishes, the final ship, which is the
Corellian transport "Timber", will finally come into this area. Just
park somewhere near the station Omar 1 and watch them all finish their
work. It shouldn't take too much longer.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

You'd better get out now, because things are about to heat up out here!


Battle Eight:
===--Mission 2----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Modular Conveyor Z-Cod 1 must be destroyed
Modular Conveyor Z-Cod 2 must be destroyed
Corellian Transport Z-Coral must be destroyed
100% of Modified Corvette group Z-0z must be destroyed
X7 Factory ZA-13 must survive until other goals completed

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
Modular Conveyor Z-Cod 1 must be boarded
Modular Conveyor Z-Cod 2 must be boarded
Corellian Transport Z-Coral must be boarded
100% of Modified Corvette group Z-0z must be boarded

In this mision you will fly a tie defender designated "Alpha 1".

First, turn your laser recharge rate all the way up and get some power
in your shields using the ' button. Then turn your attention over to
the 2 corvettes that are trying to escape. Switch over to ion cannons
and begin disabling them. Tell your wingmen to attack corvette "Z-0z 1"
as you disable it, but tell them to ignore it before they destroy it
completely. Do the same thing with "Z-0z 2". The safest way to disable
them is by attacking from the behind, where they are the most vulnerable
and the least shielded. 

Then turn your attention over to the corellian transport "Z-Coral" that
is parked nearby and disable it as well. Make sure to tell your wingmen
to ignore it as a target. And now you can go after the modular conveyor
"Z-Cod 1" and "Z-Cod 2" and disable them as well. Approach them 
carefully, because they WILL be firing back. And as always, be sure to
tell your wingmen to ignore them. And as with the corvettes you 
disabled earlier, the best place to attack them is from ther rear.

Now look at your mission goals screen at see how many secondary goals
you have completed. Any ships that have been reported as being boarded
already, can now be destroyed. But just make sure to ONLY DESTROY THE

When you get the message saying that a transport is leaving the station
you need to stop what you're doing for a second and go disable it. Then
you can go back to destroying the already boarded ships. Make sure
that all of them are boarded, and then that all of them are destroyed.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

All that is left to do now is to enter hyperspace.


Battle Eight:
===--Mission 3----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Assualt Transport Java must finish docking
100% of Assualt Transport group Themor must finish docking
Shuttle Sigma Must have completed mission
Escort Shuttle Omega must have completed mission
X7 Factory ZA-13 must survive until other goals completed

In this mission, you'll be in a tie defender designated "Alpha 1".

As usual you need to first turn your laser recharge rate to the max, and
and then put some of that power into your shields. In this mission you
need to stay on the lookout for any incoming enemy starfighters. 
Although the mission goal is to recapture the station, your personal
assignment is to fly escort for the ships as they do their work.

About 20 seconds into this mission, a trio of Corellian Corvettes will
pop in from hyperspace and release a group of assualt gunboats. You
need to head straight for them and prevent them from reaching the 
station. Your heavy rockets aren't useful on starfighters, so you 
should stick to lasers for now. But disengage your attack on them when
you see that three enemy transports have arrived, which will be some
time around 3 minutes into the mission. Rockets aren't really effective
on these either, so you should still stick with lasers. Assign your
wingman the target "Z-Omega 1", and you go after Z-Omega 2". And then
both of you together can take out the third transport "Z-Omega 3".

After the Assulat Transport "Java" successfully captures the Factory, 
they will then call in the transport group "Themor" to help restaff
the facility. So to keep the station in good health we need to take
care of those Corellian Corvettes. Fire two heavy rockets at each of
them, and then use your last two heavy rockets on the Carrack Cruiser
that will enter the area very soon. Now quikcly turn around and head
over to the transport designated "Resupply". Stop when you are within
0.05 kilometers of it and then press Shift + B. It will take about
10 seconds to dock with you and restock your warheads. As you wait for
it to finish, keep your shields up to full power just incase a few
missiles are fired your way. 

Now turn around and fire off all of the heavy rockets it will take for
you to destroy the Carrack Cruiser that is slowly approaching your 
station. Make sure that none of them accidently hit the station that
you are trying to protect. And if all of your rockets still don't 
finish that cruiser off, then you can tell all your wingmen to attack
it while you do a couple of laser passes on it. Working together you
all should be able to finish it off without too much difficulty.

And then your next target should be the enemy tie advanced fighters.
They will be pretty difficult to catch, because you don't have a 
tractor beam and you don't have any missiles or torpedoes. Lasers are
your only weapon, so it will be a very slow process in clearing them.
Assign all of your wingmen to the same fighter you are currently
targeting to ensure that you keep the upper-hand in the fight. After
that you can just wait around for the last shuttle (the Omega) and the
rest of the assualt trasnports in group "Themor" to dock with the
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now help your wingmen destroy the tie advanced that comes in during the
last few seconds of this mission, and then jump into hyperspace.


Battle Eight:
===--Mission 4----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
X7 Factory ZA-13 must survive until other goals completed
100% of Cargo Ferry group Terry must finish docking
Container Transport Contel must finish docking
Modular Conveyor Vendor must finish docking
100% of Modular Conveyor group Dromii must finish docking

Your craft for this mission is a tie defender designated "Alpha 1".

Turn your laser recharge rate all the way up and use the ' button to
put a little power in your shields. Then, immdiately start targeting
the Y-wings that are in the process of making torpedo runs. You work
on one Y-wing, while you assign another to your wingmen. Make sure the
other tie defenders are ALWAYS destroying something. The will just
fly around aimlessly without your guidance. You can also use this same
method when you take on the B-wings. Don't spend too much time on those
Z-95 HeadHunters because they aren't targeting any mission critical

Only B-wing 1 of the first group is targeting the container, so it is
your only important target. And just after his destruction a new group
of Y-wings will enter the area. Assign your wingmen "Yellow 1" and all
of you can go after him at the same time. This is neccessary because he
is the only one going after important targets. And then you can destroy
the other Y-wings. Afther that you can quickly take out the remaining
B-wings and Z-95s.

About four and a half minutes into this mission, four rebel Corellian 
Corvettes will enter the area. Switch over to your advanced missiles
and fire two at each of the corvettes. Then assign your wingmen the
corvette "Cobra 4" as a target, and use your lasers to destroy them. As
always attacking closely from the rear is the safest attack postion.
And it is also the most effective. Begin with Cobra 4, and then work
your way to Cobra 1. This is so that, during your attacks on their
rear, there will never be a ship behind you. So use this strategy to 
destroy all the other three corvettes designated group "Cobra". During
your destruction of the Corvettes is the best time to call for some
reinforcements. They will assist you in clearing out the Rebel Corvette
group, and also help with the Y-wings you will be encountering in the
near future.

Now, if you prefer, you can use the transport designated "Resupply" to
stock back up on weapons. And then you need to go after the Y-wings and
B-wings that are targeting any mission critical spacecraft. You can
ignore Y-wing group "Blue" because it is only targeting one of your
imperial Corvettes, which can be sacrificed _if_ neccessary. 

About 15:30 into the mission, a small group of A-wings will fly in.
Use one missile and a few laser blasts on each of them to quickly 
destroy them. If you need more warheads you can refill using the 
transport (if you haven't already done so) You have to be quick because
they can reach the factory so very easily. After their destruction, you
can just wait around for the last modular conveyoy to finsih its work.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Finally, you can either jump into hyperspace to go home, or you can
first engage the approaching X-wing group "Gold" for a few extra 
points in this mission.


Battle Eight:
===--Mission 5----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Assualt Transport Leopard must finish docking
Transport Omega 1 must finish docking
Transport Omega 2 must finish docking
Escort Shuttle Sigma 1 must finish docking
Platform XQ2 RS-32 must be captured

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
Transport Blue must be captured

Your craft for this mission is a tie defender designated "Alpha 2". 

Immediately turn your laser recharge rate to the maximum level, and
then target the platform designated "RS-32". Switch over to your heavy
rocket launcher and fire off six at the platform to weaken its shields.
And then you can switch over to ion cannons and disable it. Just make
sure that you don't completely destroy it. 

Then your next target should be the transport that will exit the hangar
of the platform. Be sure to diable it with your ion cannons. Then you
can begin clearing out all of the rebel starfighter force; which is
made up of T-wings, Z-95 HeadHunters, and X-wings. Try to destroy as 
many as you can, and as quickly as you can. 

But don't forget about the two rebel modified corvettes that have
entered the area. You need to destroy them both before they reach the
platform you are protecting, so have your wingmen assist you. You can
use the transport designated "resupply" if you need some more rockets.
Work fast though, because those corvettes are on their way to destroy
your platform. You may be attack by the magpulse weapon, which a few
of the rebel craft are equipped with. It won't destroy you, but it will
drain away all of your laser energy. 

When both of those corvettes are gone, you can then focus on taking
out those rebel fighters. Not too long from now, only about 7:20 into
the mission, the final transport will finish docking.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

There are still a lot of fighters left in this area, so you should try
to rack up as many bonus points as possible. And when either the area
is clear of threats, or you are too injured to continue, then just
enter hyperspace and go home.


Battle Eight:
===--Mission 6----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Victory Star Destroyer Sceltor must complete mission
Interdictor Grappler must be destroyed

Your craft for this mission is a tie defender designated "Alpha 2". 

Immediately switch over to the magpulse weapon, and target the 
Interdictor that is designated Grappler. Fire off one of your magpulse 
warheads at it when it is about 3.50 kilometers away from you and its
weapons systems will be disabled. Then turn over to face the Strike 
Cruiser that is coming in just a few seconds later, and fire off a 
magpulse at it as well. Then tell your wingmen to target it as you 
engage it and destroy it with your lasers. Be quick because the weapons
system is only temporarily disabled. Keep your laser recharge rate all 
the way up so you won't have to stop firing. And when you see that its
sys is back up to 100%, you need to fly off quickly for just a second.
You can fire another mag pulse at it when you are at a safe distance
and then re-initate your attack on the Strike Cruiser.

After the Cruiser's destruction, or retreat, you can then focus back
on the main mission objective, the destruction of the Interdictor. But
first you need to destroy a few of the enemy fighters, just to make
the rest of the mission run a little smoother. 

When you feel you  have lowered the number of enemy tie fighters a
significant amount, you can then go back and focus on the Interdictor.
So fire off another mag pulse at it to shut off its weapons systems,
and then you can fly right up to it and shoot at it from point-blank
range. But be ready for a quick retreat when it gets back up to working
order. And when it does you can just fly off a ways, and fire off
another magpulse at it, and then start your work again. Use this system
to completely destroy the interdictor. Also call on some reinforcements
to help you out.

And should you ever run out of magpulses, you will just have to do 
regular laser runs on it. And be sure to keep your wingman involved, 
either by telling him to help destroy the Interdictor or by assigning 
him the target of whatever enemy starfighter is targeting you.

And finally, you may now just destroy the remaining enemy fighters as
you wait for the star Destroy designated "Sceltor" to hyperjump home.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Press the H button to enter into hyperspace and head for home.


        ===============-B A T T L E    N I N E-================   
               T I E   D E F E N D E R   T E C H N O L O G Y      

Battle Nine:
===--Mission 1----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
75% of all Cargo Ferrys must be destroyed
75% of all Tie Bombers must be destroyed
Platform XQ3 R+D Lab must be captured

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
50% of all Shuttles must be captured
Escort Carrier Jitte must be destroyed

Your craft for this mission is a tie defender designated "Delta 1".

As soon as you come out of hyperspace, turn your lasers all the way up
and begin targeting the enemy tie bombers. Also be sure to make use of 
your wingmen. Assign them one target while you take on another. But
always be sure to disengage your dogfights with the fighters whenever
a new shuttle arrives. Tell your wingmen to ignore it as a target, and
then you can disable it with your ion cannons. Watch out for the 
platform's laser defenses as you work on each shuttle. Keep those 
shields strong.

But you can't forget about the cargo ferrys. So keep assigning them as
targets for your wingman. And be sure to destroy them yourself in 
between disabling shuttles. Should you ever get a message saying you
have lost all of your wingmen, then that means that the destruction of
the cargo ferrys is all up to you, so at that time you should call
for some reinforcments. Make sure that at least 3 cargo ferrys are

Then you should begin assigning tie bombers for your wingmen to go
after while you start disabling shuttles again. It won't take long for
you to destroy at least 75% of them. And then about 6:00 into this
mission an enemy Escort Carrier will enter the area and release some
tie fighters. But the interesting thing is that the tie fighters it
sends out have both shield and warhead launching capabilities. This new
kind of tie fighter is slightly stronger, and slightly more powerful
fighter than the fighters you've previously flown in.

But tell your wingman (if he's still around) to target the Escort 
Carrier while you cover him and destroy those tie fighters. And if you
have any missiles left, you can send them straight to the Escort 
Carrier's hull. But do try and stay clear of the Carrier's turbo 

The best strategy is to do a couple of quick attacks on the Escort
Carrier, and then take down a tie fighter, and do a couple of more fast
little attacks on the Escort Carrier, and then take down another 
fighter. It will take a while, but you will eventually destroy it. A
couple of Assualt Transports will be dispatched shortly to help in its
destruction. When those transports arrive you need to cover them from
the attacking tie fighters. And you should keep clearing the Zaarins' 
fighter defense even after the Escort Carrier "Jitte" is no more. 

So next up is capturing the Platform designated "R+D Lab". Assist the
Assualt Transports in first weakening the platform's shields, and then
completely disabling it with your ion cannons. When it is comletely 
disabled, you should then go back and clear away any remaining tie 
fighters and tie bombers. After you spend a couple of minutes fighting
it out with them, the Assualt Transports will finish capturing the
*Primary Mission Objectvies Completed*

Now quickly target the rebel A-wing that will come in from nowhere.
Destroy it before it has a chance to escape. Set your laser recharge
rate back down to normal if it is neccessary in order to catch the
A-wing. Remember that you do have a tractor beam, so use it!

Just after his destruction you will encounter four more A-wing 
starfighters entering in from far off. You need to keep them at bay, at
least until the shuttles are boarded. It may take a while, but they
will eventually send transport group "Omicron" to capture them.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

If you like, you may now clear out the remaining rebel forces, or you 
can just head straight for home.


Battle Nine:
===--Mission 2----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
100% of all Assualt Transports must be destroyed
100% of Escort Shuttle group Red Knight must arrive
Platform XQ3 R+D Lab must survive until other goals completed

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
At least one of Tie Defender group Z-Alpha must be boarded

Your craft for this mission is a tie defender designated "Delta 1".

Turn your laser recharge rate all the way up and begin targeting the
Assualt Transports. Fire two missiles at each of them, and then finish
each using your lasers. Immediately call for some reinforcements, 
because you don't have any wingmen for this mission. When you have
made a dent in their first wave of Assualt Transports, by destroying
three or so, you should then turn your attention over to the tie
defenders. Use the beam weapon to hold one is place, as you disable it
with a barrage of ion cannon blasts. 

Then turn back around and speed back over to those assualt transports.
It's not really a safe bet, but you can attempt to reload your warhead
launcher using the tug designated "CUV 3f1". But don't spend too much
time away from the transports, because the reinforcements you called
in are thining out already.

After the Star Destroyer "Argaga" is destroyed (which is an acceptable
loss in this mission), the assualt transports will begin heading over
to the research platform. So bulk your shields up and keep on those
assualt transports no matter what! You fail the mission if the platform
doesn't survive.

Place the Tie Defender you disabled in save spot F5 and be sure to 
check up on its current status from time to time. Should any of your
trigger-happy assualt gunboats destroy it, you will need to disable
another one. And you also should be on the lookout for any Assualt
Transport that is attempting to dock with the platform. If one does,
you should destroy it immediately, even if it has already docked. Just
becareful that you don't accidently shoot the platform.

The escort Shuttles you've been waiting for have now arrived to assist
in the destuction of the Assualt Transports. Working together you shoul
be able to finish the remaining off quickly.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now you can just sit around and wait for the Tug designated "8f9" to
dock with the tie defender that you disabled.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now just jump into hyperspace.


Battle Nine:
===--Mission 3----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Tie Defender Proto 11 must complete mission
Tie Defender Proto 12 must completel mission
Freighter Mharsup must complete mission
Shuttle G'nabgib must complete mission

Your craft for this mission is a tie defender designated "Delta 1".

Immediately turn your laser recharge rate up to the maximum, and turn
your engines up to full speed. Put a little of that laser power in your
shields also. The first attack will come from a group of 6 assualt 
gunboats that arrive about 35 seconds into the mission. You don't have
any wingmen, so the only defense in this area is you and the escort
shuttles. Use your ion cannons to quickly disable them, and then the
Escort Shuttles will finish them off. You don't have time to completely
destroy them because they are doing warhead attacks on your Escort

Just after you destroy the last gunboat, an Imperial Star Destroyer
will enter the area. And it will launch a couple of transports shortly
after its own arrival. Arm you advanced missile launcher and fire two
missiles at transporst Z-Sigma 1, 2, and 3. Then switch back over to
your lasers and keep destroying each and every transport that exits the
hangar of the Star Destroyer. They will create the strongest threat to
your Shuttle and Freighter. They're very weak and won't prove to be any
real challenge to you in your tie defender. 

The escort shuttles will be dealing with the tie bombers for as long as
they can hold out, but they will eventually be destroyed. However they
will quickly be replaced by a group of 4 gunboats designated "Tau".

After you destroy the last of these transports, you then need to 
temporarily cut the power from your lasers and head straight for the 
platform. You must stop the tie bombers from starting their torpedo 
runs, and give the remaining imperial craft a chance to escape. They
will keep exiting the hangar of the star destroyer, just like how the
transports were released from it earlier. You may need to get a couple
of those tie advanceds off of your back, which is fine just so long
as you don't forget about the tie bombers. When you do take out the
tie advanceds it is best to use the tractor beam, and then destroy them
with your lasers. 

The first Tie Defender will finish its mission around 5:20 and the 
second will finish at about 25 seconds after that. The shuttle will be
done at around 9:36 into the mission. And finally, the freighter will
enter into hyperspace at around 15:50. So just keep the bombers away
until then.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Ener hyperspace as soon as possible, because there is probabaly still
a good deal of dangerous craft after you.


Battle Nine:
===--Mission 4----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
100% of all Modified Corvettes must arrive
Tie Defender Proto 11 must complete mission
Tie Defender Proto 12 must complete mission
Freighter Mharsup must survive until other goals completed
Shuttle G'nabgib must complete mission

In this mission, you will fly a tie defender designated "Delta 1". Your
job is to fly escort as the tie prototypes are loaded onto the modified
corvettes. You are the only combat-ready ship in the area, so any
enemies are soley your responsibility.

Turn your laser recharge rate all the way to the max, and then use the
' button to put some in your shields. Your first target is a group of
6 A-wings. Destroy them as fast as possible, but watch your back 
because they are gunning for you. And then four B-wings will enter the
area about 1:45 into the mission. Take out the B-wings first, and then
destroy the A-wings. But disengage the attack when you see 3 rebel 
transports enter the area at 3:15 on the clock. Use two missiles each
on the transports to quickly destroy them. And watch you back, because
the A-wings are using their new magpulse weapon.

Then switch back over to your lasers and take out the left over B-wings
before they destroy your shuttle or your tie prototypes. You may need
to cut the power from your tractor beam in order to catch up to the 
B-wings. Then start clearing out those annoying little A-wings that 
have been draining your laser energy during the past 8 minutes. If you
can hold them off until the clock is at 9:30, a group of 4 assualt
gunboats will fly in to assist you. And then just a little after that,
the modified Corvettes will arrive.

Next is a squardron of 12 Y-wings. They will be targeting those 
Corvettes the prototypes need to dock with, so you need to get over 
there and destroy. Them now is a really good time to call for some 
backup, so hit Shift + S and call some reinforcements. Check the target
of each of the Y-wings and make sure they are NOT the ones only killing
your fellow starfighters. The Corvettes are your main concern, because
they are mission critical spacecraft. When the Y-wings are clear you
can go back to those damned annoying A-wings. A few Z-95 HeadHunters
will arrive shortly, but they can just be ingored for right now.

It will take just a little less than 16 minutes total in this mission
for all of the imperial craft to finish up.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now you need to go over to the Modified Corvette designated "Hashim 3"
and enter the hangar.


Battle Nine:
===--Mission 5----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
100% of all capturing craft must be destroyed
100% of all Mines must be destroyed
Modified Corvette Hashim 1 must survive until other goals completed
Modified Corvette Hashim 2 must survive until other goals completed
Modified Corvette Hashim 3 must survive until other goals completed
100% of Assualt Gunboat group Nu must arrive
100% of Assualt Gunboat group Tau must arrive

In this mission you will be flying a tie defender designated "Delta 1".
The empire has been caught in a pirate trap, and you are their only 
hope for survial of the officers and the protection of the tie defender

So turn your laser recharge rate up, use the ' button to get some in
your shields, and target the pirate transports. Fire two missiles at
each of them, and then finish off the others with your lasers. You may
need to wait for some to be released from the cruiser. Check your goals
completed page to be sure you destroyed all of the capturing craft.

Now you can start just searching for the nearest target and destroying
it. You must destroy both the mine field and the starfighters. The
starfighter protection here is one of the oldest spacecraft you have
ever encountered, the R-41 StarChaser. Long ago these ships were used
be the rebelion, but they have since proved completely obsolete. They
can still be found in hands of some of the weaker groups of pirates.
Lucky for you they are slow, weak, and very easy to destroy. Ignore any
of them that are entering their hangar; it is so much easier to just 
let them all go, those cowards!

After them come the minefield, which is made up of ion firing mines.
They are effective at disabling large craft, but they can do very 
little to stop you. And the first group of Assualt Transports will
arrive around 3:30 to assist you. Make sure that 100% of the minefield
is successfully cleared.

Now you can start taking out those pathetic StarChaser fighters. While
you were working on the mines, the other group of Assualt Gunboats
showed up to assist you. 
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

You might as well take out the rest of the pirate fighters before you
re-enter the safety of the Hashim 3's hangar.


Battle Nine:
===--Mission 6----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Cargo Ferry Mssan 1 must complete mission
Cargo Ferry Mssan 2 must complete mission
Cargo Ferry Mssan 3 must complete mission
100% of B-wing group Blue must be destroyed

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
100% of Tie Defender group Z-Alpha must be destroyed
100% of Tie Defender group Z-Beta must be destroyed
100% of Tie Defender group Z-Gamma must be destroyed
100% of Tie Defender group Z-Delta must be destroyed

Once again, your craft for this mission is the tie defender starfighter
designated "Delta 1".

Turn your laser recharge rate to the maximum level and stick a little
of that power in your shields from time-to-time using the ' button. The
rebels will be attacking first, with a force made of 4 X-wings, 2 
B-wings, and 2 A-wings. Your designated target is the B-wings, so you
should go after them first. Go ahead and use the F8 button to turn off
the beam weapon power for now and put it into your engines. You can
turn in back on when you get over there, but for now you need the
extra burst of speed. And if you lasers are already holding their max
stored power then you can go ahead and set that back down to normal 
too. But as I said earlier, you should turn it back up as soon as you
reach the B-wing fighters. Destroy them both to complete the first

Now you can start going after the other fighters. A few pirates have
entered the area as well, only they are piloting the older fighters
like the Y-wing and the T-wing. Also, they have brought in a Corellian
Transport. This transport will board and capture one of the Corvettes.
You'll just have to let it go, because it is not a mission priority.

Zaarin, the traitor, will send in his first forces at about 6:02. You
need to head straight for them, and use your tractor beam and lasers
to destroy ALL of them. They are pretty far away, so you may have
enough time to kill a couple more rebels before they reach you. The
tie defenders are gonna try to escape your grasp, but YOU CAN'T LET
THEM!!! One group of defenders will come in after another, and you
have to keep taking them down. This task is probably the most exasting
and difficult that is ever handed to you in the entire game. There are
four groups altogether, and all four must be taken down for good.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now you can clean up any remaining rebel starfighers, as you wait for
the time of 19:05 to roll around. That is about when the 2nd Cargo 
Ferry will complete its mission and hyperspace home. A few headhunters
will fly in, but by the time they get here it will be far too late.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

All that's left to do now is enter the hangar of the Modified Corvette
designated "Hashim 3". Good Work!


          ===============-B A T T L E    T E N-===============   
                          N E W   T H R E A T S     

Battle Ten:
===--Mission 1----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
100% of all R-41 StarChasers must be destroyed
Shuttle Lambda must complete mission
Interdictor Red Claw must survive until other goals completed
Strike Cruiser Ayenzii must be destroyed
Transport Ibutho 1 must be captured

  -: Secondary Mission Bojectives :-
Corellian Transport Choora must be disabled

In this mission you'll be in an assualt transport designated "Mu 1".

Your first move, as always, is to turn your laser recharge rate all the
way up use the ' button to put some power in your shields. Target the
shuttle designated "Lambda 1" and escort it to the transport, which
will enter the area in about a minute. Wait about another 25 seconds
for it to finish collecting the hostage scientist, and then you will
get the signal "Full speed to Kiilimaar!" That means you can begin your

Switch to ion cannons and begin disabling the transport. And as you
do that the Imperial Interdictor "Red Claw" will enter the area to help
you. Then your next target is the squardron of R-41 StarChasers that
the pirates have dispatched to intercept the shuttle. Destroy them with
lasers, and save your missiles for later. The newest arriving are those
that are targeting the shuttle, so go after them first. As always, the
craft targeting mission critical craft are first priority, and the
craft targeting you are second priority. The easiest way to do this is
by saving theshuttle to memory slot F5 and then pressing the A button
to find that ships closest enemy.

Just after you destroy the last of the StarChasers that was going after
the shuttle, a small pirate force will enter the area. Made up of four
Y-wings, four T-wings, and one Corellian Transport. You need to now
switch over to your ion cannons and disable it as soon as possible. Be
careful not to accidently destroy the shuttle Lambda on your approach.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

The shuttle has been disabled by the Y-wings now, but that is okay
because as long as the Imperial Interdicotr "Red Claw" is around, they
can not escape you! So your new target is the Y-wings and the T-wings, 
while the assualt transports will destroy the Strike Cruiser "Ayenzii".
A utility Tug will arrive at about 7:45 on the mission clock to repair
the disabled shuttle. It should only take about 1 minute for the
shuttle to finish it's mission and get back to the Interdictor. 

After that, you can just wait around for the Assualt Transports to 
finish docking with the transport designated "Ibutho 1". It should only
be just one more minute.
*Primary Mission Objective Completed*

Now you can enter into the hangar of the Interdictor.


Battle Ten:
===--Mission 2----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Interdictor Red Claw must survive until other goals completed
Interdictor Red Claw must be boarded
Modified Corvette Chemeti 1 must complete mission
Modified Corvette Chemeti 2 must complete mission

In this mission, you will pilot an assualt gunboat designated "Mu 1".

Turn your laser recharge rate all the way up, and get some strength in
your shields as well. After only 45 seconds into the mission, the first
offensive force will enter the area. Your first target is also one of
the most dangerous, a squardron of 12 Tie Defenders! Call for some
reinforcements as soon as they arrive. All they will send you is a
couple of assualt gunboats, but they will help you out a little.

You should place the Modfied Corvette "Chemeti 1" in the F5 save slot,
and the Interdictor "Red Claw" in the F6 save slot. Your first targets
should be the defenders that are targeting the "Chemeti 1". To assure
its safety you can first bring it up on your targeting computer, and
then press the A key. This will automatically target the nearest enemy
that is trying to destroy the Modified Corvette. Use your tractor beam 
weapon to hold each tie defender in place, while you eradicate them 
with your lasers. You will need to press the F8 key once so power will 
always be in the tractor beam generator.

When you are sure the Corvette "Chemeti 1" has no more fighters 
targeting it, you can then turn your attention over to the defenders
attempting to destroy the Interdictor "Red Claw". With any luck the
reinforcements you called have killed at least one of them. Shut your
laser recharge completely off, and destroy the defenders attacking your
Interdictor. It will only take 2 missiles each to destroy them.

Finally destroy the rest of the tie defenders, before they kill you, or
your reinforcements. Turn your lasers back on only after you have 
exhausted your supply of missiles. But if you're quick and well 
shielded, it is possible to reload via the Utility Tug "Rover". Just
come to a halt about 0.05 kilometers away from it and press Shift + B.

About 6:30 on the mission clock, Modified Corvette Chemeti 1 and 2 will
enter the area. Apparently that first "Chemeti 1" was a phony; some
sort of trick created by enemies of the empire. That is when Zaarin
will come in with a Strike Cruiser and release some tie advanced 
fighters to halt your progress. The second group of tie advanced, which
will arrive 30 seconds later, are targeting the Interdictor "Red Claw".
So they are your primary target. You probably won't need the tractor
beam, especially if you have a full payload of missiles. So if you
aren't using it anymore, you can re-direct its power to your engines.

Then take on the next group of tie advanced, which is attempting to
destroy one of your Modified Corvettes. These will be a little harder
to catch, so the tractor beam may be necessary. Then the second 
Corvette will finish docking with the Interdictor, and will take about
2 minutes to enter hyperspace. Just keep those defenders off its back
until then.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now head for the hangar of the Interdictor Red Claw.


Battle Ten:
===--Mission 3----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objective :-
Modular Conveyor Ulzepdi must complete mission

You will fly a tie advanced in this mission designated "Alpha 1".

As soon as you come out of hypersapce, turn your lasers up to the max
and target the incoming T-wings fighters. They will fire off a bunch
of rockets at the Ulzepdi as you approach then, but you CAN stop them.
Just destroy the yellow objects that you see flying by you on your 
right side. It is imperative that you stop all of the rockets, and then
you can finish off the rest of the T-wings. Don't use any of your
missiles just yet; your lasers will do just fine for now.

The next attack on the Modular Conveyor will come in the form of four
transports. Switch over to your advanced missile launcher, and set it
on dual fire mode. Fire a couple of missiles at each of the transports
to destroy them quickly. Seven more T-wings will be exit the hangar
just before you destroy the first shuttle. These guys are going after
the Conveyor and MUST BE STOPPED!! So assign you wingmen a T-wing,
while you go after another. Use this strategy to clear out all of the
T-wings quickly and easily. The best postion to hold is the area
in between the pirate Crusier "Bognog" and the imperial conveyor 

Now, even though the tie defenders are still around, you need to steer
clear of them. They are more trouble than they're worth, and they don't
really pose a threat to your mission objective. The Conveyor will take
about 7 minutes to exit the area and complete the mission.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now quickly jump into hyperspace, before the tie defenders catch up.


Battle Ten:
===--Mission 4----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Star Destroyer Grey Wolf must survive until other goals completed
Assualt Transport Sigma must complete mission
Strike Cruiser Nuance must be boarded

In this mission you will fly the new missile boat, which has the 
designation "Tau 1".

Turn your laser recharge rate all the way up, and use that recharging
power to boost your shields from time to time. You don't really need
to keep any power in your lasers, because as the name of this ship
suggests, you have quite a large armament of missiles. 40 to be exact.
Each of the T-wings will take only one missile blast to destroy, while
the transports will require two. Destroy the transport whenever it is
conveinant for you, so there won't be quite so many mines. You don't
have to go directly to them, but you shouldn't forget about 'em either.

Now switch back over single missile fire mode and destroy those T-wing
fighters. Set the three assualt gunboats in the F5, F6, F7 save slots
and always be on the lookout for ships attacking them. Focus on the 
ships that threaten Mu 1,2,3 and ingore all others. At least, unless
they are just about to destroy you. If you get a message alerting you 
that all the assualt gunboats have just been destroyed, you have to 
call the mission a failure because those were your only way to disable
the Cruiser. 

Keep the T-wings off of their back, and fire off a couple of missiles 
at the Strike Cruiser every now and then just to weaken the shields. 
Try to help weaken the Cruiser whenever possible, but don't forget that
job #1 is to destroy the T-wings. In particularly, the ones that are 
directly targeting assualt gunboats Mu 1 ,2, and 3.

But when you are 100% sure that the T-wings have stopped arriving, your
new top priority is clearing the minefield, as well as any transports 
that are still around laying mines. The mines won't be a great threat
to the gunboats, but they certainly won't make their job any easier. 
Once the minefield is clear you should check up on the status of the
assualt gunboats. Make sure nobody is trying to destroy them, and that
they are almost done disabling the Strike Cruiser. 

Just a couple seconds after the Strike Cruiser is disabled, the 
Imperial Star Destroy Gery Wolf will enter the area. Then an Assualt
Transport designated "Sigma" will exit the hangar. Place this craft
in one of the save slots and keep an eye out for any ship that chooses
to attack it. Don't worry there shouldn't be any around now. It should
take about 20 seconds for it to capture the Strike Cruiser, and then
another 20 seconds for it to get back to the hangar.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now just enter into the hangar of the Star Destroyer Grey Wolf.


Battle Ten:
===--Mission 5----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Star Destroyer Grey Wolf must survive until other goals completed
Carrack Cruiser Kingdom 1 must be destroyed
Carrack Cruiser Kingdom 2 must be destroyed
Carrack Cruiser Kingdom 3 must be destroyed

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
Escort Shuttle Black Box must be destroyed

In this mission you will once again fly the new Missile Boat, which has
the designation "Tau 1".

Turn your laser recharge rate all the way up, and then press the ' 
button until all that stored power is in your shields. Swtich over to
your missiles and target the X-wings that just dropped in. Fire two
advanced missiles at each of them to wipe them out quickly. After
you destroy both groups, one of the Carrack Cruisers will dispatch
four Z-95 HeadHunters. Switch back to single missile fire mode, and
destroy these new ships before they reach your Star Destroyer. 

Then you can target the Carrack Cruiser designated "Kingdom 1". Switch
over to your heavy bomb launcher and fire 3 bombs at it. Then do the
same for the "Kingdom 2" and the "Kingdom 3" Carrack Cruisers. Be
patient; the bombs will take a while to reach their targets. So while
you wait you can go ahead and take out those A-wings. Switch back to
your missiles and set them to dual fire mode. Fire two missiles at each
A-wing to destroy them. But when the escort shuttle exits the hangar of
the first Carrack Cruiser, you need to destroy it as fast as possible,
before it enters hyperspace.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now fire off your last heavy bomb at whichever of the Carrack Cruisers
you wish. Then target the transport desingated "Omega" and head right
for it. Come to a halt about 0.05 kilometers away from it and press
Shift + B to start the reloading process. Then, after you've gotten
your warhead launcher refilled, you can turn back over to the Carrack
Cruisers. Switch to the heavy bombs and set them to dual fire mode. 
Fire two at each of them during the first pass, and then switch back
to single fire mode. Now make one more pass on them, firing one bomb
at each of them. That should finish them off.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now either enter the hangar, or jump into hyperspace to get home.


Battle Ten:
===--Mission 6----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
100% of all Container Is must be destroyed
100% of all Tie Defenders must be destroyed
Star Destroyer Grey Wolf must survive until other goals completed
X7 Factory Tarrak must be destroyed
100% of Mine group PAN must be destroyed
100% of Mine group PAS must be destroyed
100% of Y-wing group Gold Devil must be destroyed

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
Corellian Transport Dhoora must be captured

In this mission you will once again fly the new Missile Boat, which has
the designation "Mu 1".

Keep your laser recharge rate at normal level, and turn your tractor
beam recharger completely off. You need to be at full speed to make it
past the incoming fighters. And your first target should be those 
stationary tie defenders. You need to take them out before they turn on
and begin attacking. Switch over to your missile launcher, and set them
to dual fire mode. Each defender should only take two missiles to
destroy. And don't engage any of the Y-wings, because the interceptors
will take care of them for you.

Then switch back over to your laser weapon, and set the laser recharge
rate to the maximum level. Begin targeting the large minefield that
surrounds the factory. Use one laser blast to destroy the mine, and
then press the spacebar to target the missile it just fired at you.
Keep turning until it is in front of you, and then you can destroy it
with your lasers. If you work on one mine at a time, you shouldn't get
hit by any missiles. About halfway through the minefield's destruction,
a few tie bombers will be dispatched to help you destroy the Factory
and containers.

So switch back over to your missile launcher and start working on
destroying the factory. You need to stay at least 2 kilometers away
away from the factory in order to avoid its defensive systems. You
should still have plenty of missiles to do the job, plus the tie
bombers are there helping you out. 

When the Factory is close to destruction, a Corellian Transport will
exit the hangar and try to escape. So you need to target it and weaken
its shields with eith your lasers, or any remaining missiles. But DON'T
DESTROY IT. You just need to weaken its shields and let the assualt
gunboats disable it for you. Now you can just wait around for it to
be captured by an imperial transport.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now go back and finish off the Factory "Tarrak". And finally, take on
the slow and boring task of destroying the containers that surround the
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now just enter hyperspace and get home.


        ===============-B A T T L E    E L E V E N-============           
                       H U N T   F O R   Z A A R I N

Battle Eleven:
===--Mission 1----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
75% of all T-wings must be destroyed
At least one of all Freighters must be captured
Dreadnaught Rahmat must be destroyed
Freighter Furlo 1 must be inspected
Freighter Furlo 2 must be inspected
Freighter Furlo 3 must be inspected

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
Nebulon B-2 Frigate Strident must be inspected
Shuttle Z-Sigma 1 must be captured
Dreadnaught Rahmat must be inspected

In this mission you will pilot a missile gunboat designated "Mu 1".

Turn your shield recharge rate all the way up to the maximum. Switch
over to your missile launcher and set it to single fire mode. Now 
target the incoming T-wing starfighters. You need to clear them all
away quickly in order to prevent the destruction of your assualt
gunboats, which are one of your top priorities in this mission. They
carry the ion cannons neccessary in order to disable fleeing craft. 
Speaking of which; at about 2:10 on the mission clock, the assualt
gunboat will run off to disable the shuttle designated "Z-Sigma 1".
Keep an eye on it and make sure the T-wings aren't getting in its way.

Then you can go off to inspect the 3 Freighters designated "Furlo". A
quick fly by each of them is all you need to do. After that you should
turn back around and clear out the small number of fighters that are
gunning for you. Switch back to lasers, because the tie interceptors
aren't worth the value of a missile. You don't need to destroy _all_
of them, just enough to take some of the heat off of your back.

Now turn your shields all the way up and do a quick fly by of the
Dreadnaught designated "Rahmat". Just get close enough to escape it,
and then fly off before it gets its laser sights on you. Next up is
the Nebulon Frigate designated "Strident". It needs to be inspected
just like the last craft. Be quick, because it not only has turbo 
lasers, but also a group of fighters protecting it. 

Now you can turn your attention back to the enemy fighters that
surround this area. You need to keep them from interfering with the
capture operation of the Shuttle. 

When the heat dies down a little, and the nearest enemy fighter is 
pretty far away, you can begin your attack on the DreadNaught. Switch
over to your heavy rocket launcher and set it to dual fire mode. By now
the "Rahmat"'s hull is pretty weak, so it shouldn't take too many. You
will need to get close enough for your heavy rockets to be accurate, 
but not so close that you are in danger from the laser defenses. Just
don't let up until it is completely destroyed.

And now you can go back to clearing away all the enemy starfighters.
All that is left to do in this area is give the transports time to work
at capturing the freighter "Furlo" and the shuttle "Z-Sigma 1".
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now you can just head for home.


Battle Eleven:
===--Mission 2----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
100% of all Mines must be destroyed
100% of all freighter craft must be destroyed
Platform XQ1 Supply Base must be destroyed
Interdictor Bomb must be destroyed

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
100% of all starships must be inspected
100% of freighter craft must be inspected
Platform XQ1 Supply Base must be inspected

Your craft for this mission is a missile boat designated "Mu 1".

Turn your shield recharge rate all the way up and target the 
Interdictor designated "Bomb". Equip your heavy bomb launcher on the
way over there, and turn it to dual-fire mode. You need to get pretty
close to it if you want the bombs to hit their target. But the
Interdictor is well armed, so use the ' button to put that all that
stored laser power in your shields and always keep your shields strong.

You will need to make quick passes on the Interdictor, and you need
to keep in constant motion to avoid its turbo lasers. Switch over to
your lasers if a warhead is ever launched at you, and destroy it with
them. Then switch back over to bombs and continue doing raids. It is
actually easier than it sounds.

Your next target should be the tugs and heavy lifters, because they are
trying to escape with the containers. Stop them as soon as possible.
Then start making quick passes on the containers and inspect each one
of them. Better to do it now, then risk them being destroyed by some
of your fellow imperial starfighters. Then you can take a quick swing
by the Platform to inspect it as well. And finally inspect the frigates
designated "Kuma 1" and "Kuma 2".

Your next task is to start assisting your fellow ships in the 
destruction of the containers. And if there are any left, you should
take out the mine ass well. Then when the mines and containers are all
gone you can turn your attention over to the platform. Switch back
over to your space bombs, and then fire off the rest of directly at
the platform. Remember that you will have to be in very close range.
And when you are all out of bombs, you can switch over to your missiles
and finish it off. 

And just a few seconds after you do, the Frigate "Kuma 2" will arrive.
Get a little more power in your shields and head straight for it. You
just need to inspect it, and then flee to safety as soon as possible.

Wait just a little while longer and a freighter and container will
arrive. Be sure to inspect them both as quickly as possible. You need
to reach them before your enemies blow them away. Then, blow them up.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

The next arrival will be a couple of Star Destroyers. So take all the
power out of your lasers and beam weapon. Turn your shield generator
all the way up, and set your engines to full speed. Get over to them as
soon as possible, fly close by them, and then speed the hell away 
before they strike you right down. They are designated "Imperator" and
the "Thunderer". 
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now just enter into hypersace.


Battle Eleven:
===--Mission 3----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Container Transport Neelie 1 must complete mission
Container Transport Neelie 2 must complete mission
100% of Tie Advanced group Z-Alpha must be destroyed

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
Modified Corvette Kormoran 1 must be inspected
Modified Corvette Kormoran 2 must be inspected
Modified Corvette Kormoran 3 must be inspected
Modified Corvette Kormoran 4 must be inspected
Modified Corvette Kormoran 5 must be inspected

Immediately turn your engines to full power, or else you will crash
against the hull of the ship you just launched from. Target the
Container Transport designated "Neelie 1" and put it in the F5 save
slot, and then target the Container Transport designated "Neelie 2" and
put it in the F6 save slot. This is so you can keep an eye on them, and
make sure they are not being attacked.

So your first target is the incoming tie advanceds fighters. Switch
over to your advanced missile launcher, and set them to dual-fire mode.
And be sure to keep your shield recharge rate at the maximum during the
fight. But turn away from them when you get a message saying the tie
bombers are closing in. Switch you missile laucnher to single-fire mode
and destroy all of the bombers before they reach the Container 
Transports. Check out your message log and be sure that all 15 bombers
were destroyed. Be 100% sure that all bombers are cleared!

And then you can go back to the Tie Advanced fighters. Switch your
missile launcher back over to dual-fire mode and start clearing them

About 3 and a half minutes into this mission, your two Container
Transports will jump into hyperspace, thus completing their mission. So
the only remaining objective is the destruction of the tie advanced.
But before you do that, you need to go over and inspect the enemy
Corvettes. Take all the energy out of your beam weapon and laser 
cannons, and turn your shields up to the maximum level. Make sure your
throttle is at full speed, and do a quick fly by of each Corvette. 
There are a total of five that need to be inspected. Fly by the one
designated "Kormoran 2" first, because it will be the first one to be
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Then hurry up and finish off those tie advanceds before they can escape
your grasp.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now you can either enter into hyperspace, or enter into the hangar of
the Star Destroyer designated "Grey Wolf". And if you aren't to badly
damaged, you can go ahead and launch the rest of your missiles at the


Battle Eleven:
===--Mission 4----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
100% of all Traitor craft must be destroyed
Interdictor Whirlwind must survive until other goals completed

Once again, this mission finds you piloting the missile boat that is
designated "Mu 1".

First, press the F10 button to turn your shield recharge rate to full
power. Then switch over to your missile launcher and set it to dual
fire mode. You need to start clearing out the enemy fighter force that
is made up of 6 tie defenders and 4 tie advanceds. That is not a great
number of fighters, but they are the superior craft in the area. The
tie advanceds are going after you, in an attempt to allow the tie 
defenders to destroy your Interdictor "Whirlwind", so go after the 
defenders first. Use your tractor beam to hold them in place, and take
them out using a couple of advanced missiles.

Then move onto the tie advanced fighters. These ships can also be 
destroyed using a couple of missiles each, but the tractor beam will no
longer be neccessary. Then after you destroy the advanced fighters, you
can begin work on the Interdictor designated "Maelstrom". Make sure
your shields are fairly strong, because you will need to be pretty
close to it during your attack. Switch over to your heavy bomb launcher
and set it to dual fire mode. These bombs are very powerful, but they
also have horrible homing capabilities. So get very, VERY close when
you fire them! Attack from the rear, to avoid most of its turbo lasers.
It should only take 6 heavy bombs to destroy it. 

Now you can turn your attention back to the enemy fighters that are
still around. Switch back to your missile laucnher and set it to dual
fire mode. Keep your lasers off, but turn your beam weapon up to
the maximum recharge level. You'll need it to take out the last of the
tie defenders. 
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now head for home, because the Empire is in dire need of your services


Battle Eleven:
===--Mission 5----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
50% of all Traitor craft must be destroyed
Container Transport Nichevo 1 must complete mission
Container Transport Nichevo 2 must complete mission
Container Transport Nichevo 3 must complete mission

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
100% of all Assualt Transports must be destroyed
Imperial Star Destroyer Glory must be inspected
Carrack Cruiser Yaai must be inspected
Nebulon B Frigate Thinin must be inspected

In this mission, you will fly a missile boat designated "Mu 1".

First, turn your shield generator up to full power. Then target the
Container Trnasports "Nichevo 1", "Nichevo 2", and "Nichevo 3" and
put them in the F5, F6, and F7 save slots. This will make it easier
to locate any ships that are attacking them.

Then switch over to your proton torpedo launcher and set them to single
fire mode. Your first target is the squardron of assualt gunboats.
Fire one torpedo at each to completely wipe them out. You will need to
get pretty close to them because the torpedo doesn't home in on targets
as well as the missiles do. But ignore those assualt gunboats when the 
assualt transports arrive. You need to stop them from capturing the 
Container Transports. So switch over to your proton torpedoes and set 
them to dual fire mode. Destroy them as soon as possible. They now have
top priority over all other enemy craft. There are a total of three
that you need to destroy. 

And since you are already over here, you can go ahead and inspect the
the Star Destroyer "Glory", the Carrack Cruiser "Yaai", and the Nebulon
Frigate "Thinin".
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now you can go back to destroying the assualt gunboats. Switch the 
launcher back over to the single-fire mode and take groups Z-Mu, Z-Nu, 
and Z-Tau out.

Then start working on the tie advanced starfighters. Switch over to the
missile launcher, but don't start using the tractor beam weapon yet. It
is really only neccessary when going up against the tie defenders. Stop
the tie advanced immediately, before they can destroy your Container
Transports. And finally, clear out the tie defenders while you wait
for Container Transport Nechevo 3 to exit there area. Now is the 
perfect time to start using your tractor beam. Press the F8 button
once to put, and hold, some power in it. Be patient with the final
Container Transport, because it may take a while to complete its 
mission, a LONG while...
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now just enter into hyperspace.


Battle Eleven:
===--Mission 6----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
50% of all Traitor craft must be destroyed
Platform XQ5 V 1 must survive until other goals completed
Platform XQ5 V 2 must survive until other goals completed
Corellian Corvette Vorknkx must survive until other goals completed
Scout Craft Sentry 1 must complete mission
Scout Craft Sentry 2 must complete mission

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
Nebulon B-2 Frigate Z-Borus must be inspected

You will be flying your usual missile boat, desingated "Mu 1".

First turn your shield power all the way up, and then equip your
missile launcher. Set it to dual fire mode, and head for the nearest
enemy starfighter. You need to stop them before they reach such a
valuable imperial station. For now your only problems are tie fighters,
tie interceptors, and tie bombers. Each can be destroyed with a couple
of missile. These craft are different than your normal tie craft,
because they are equipped with shields and warhead launchers. 

Place the first platform in save slot F5, and the second platform in
save slot F6. You need to constatnly be on the lookout for any craft
attempting to destroy them. And place Corellian Corvette "Vorknkx" in
the save slot F7 for the same reason. 

Start with tie bomber group "Z-Delta", because they are targeting one
of your platforms. And go ahead and turn your tractor beam weapon off,
because you won't really need it here anyway. Then you can take out a
few of the other fighters. But you should always be on the lookout for
any new arrivals, because the tie bombers will always be your biggest

About 7 minutes into the mission, you will get some assistance from
a couple groups of assulat gunboats that will enter the area. But you
still can't let up on those enemy fighters. You can't let them escape
into their hangar. If too many escape from you, the mission will be a

After you've wiped out the first wave of attackers, you will be met by
a full squardron of tie advanced fighters. You need to focus on taking
out group "Z-Zeta", because the assualt gunboats are going after the
others. You should have just enough missiles left to take out the
four advanceds assinged to you as a target. You may also want to make
use of the tractor beam. Scout Craft 2 will leave at about 11:20, and
Scout Craft 1 will leave at about 11:35.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now take all the power out of your lasers and your tractor beam 
generator. Head straight for the Frigate desingated "Z-Borus", and
get just close enough to inspect it.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now turn back around and head for the Platform XQ5 V 1 and enter into
the hangar.


Battle Eleven:
===--Mission 7----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Corellian Corvette Vorknkx must complete mission
Muurian Transport Shadow must complele mission

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
100% of all Assualt Transports must be inspected
100% of all Carrack Cruisers must be inspected

In this mission you will pilot the usual missile boat designatd "Mu 1".

First press F10 a couple of times to turn your shield recharge rate all
the way up. Then target the incoming assualt trasnports. Switch over
to your heavy rocket launcher, and set it to single fire mode. But be
sure to inspect them BEFORE you destroy them. Also check and make sure
your throttle is set to full power. It will only take one rocket each
to destroy them. There are a total of four that must be destroyed.

Then turn your laser recharge rate all the way down, and head for the
Carrack Cruisers designated "Z-Pata 1", "Z-Pata 2", and "Z-Pata 3". You
need to quickly and cautiously inspect each one of them. 
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now switch over to your missile launcher, and set it to dual-fire mode.
You need to start clearing out the tie defenders. Use your tractor beam
weapon to hold them in place as you fire off a couple of missiles at
them. You've got to work fast, because the other defenders have left
the minefield they were trying to clear, and are now gunning for YOU.
Your main concern out of all of them are the ones going after your
mission critical spacecraft. You must protect the "Shadow" and the
"Vorknkx" at all costs.

The first craft you need to protect, the Muurian Transport "Shadow",
will enter into hyperspace at about 4:50. But just a second after it
leaves the scene, a small group of B-wings will come in and target your
Corellian Corvette "Vorknkx". Stop them immediately! They will take 
three missiles each to destroy. 

Then you can go back to dogfighting the tie defenders, as the other
craft in the area start destroying the Carrack Cruisers. And when
all of the tie defeneders are gone, those Carrack Cruisers will attempt
to make a run for it. So switch back to your heavy rocket launcher and
take all three of them out before they escape. It may take a while for
both of your mission critical craft to escape.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now you may enter into the hangar of one of the platforms, or just
jump into hyperspace. 


        ===============-B A T T L E    T W E L V E-============           
                      P R E L U D E   T O   E N D O R

Battle Twelve:
===--Mission 1----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Dreadnaught Dargon must complete mission

Your craft for this mission is tie advanced fighter designated Alpha 1.

First press F9 a couple of times to put the laser recharge rate on
full power. Then press the ' button until all of the already stored
power is in your shields. Next, target the Dreadnaught and place it in
the F5 save slot. This is the best way to keep an eye on it. Your
mission is to protect the Dreadnaught "Dargon" until it reaches its
destination, which is about 9 and a half minutes away. 

The first rebel craft will arrive about a minute into the mission. This
force will be made up of A-wings, B-wings, and X-wings. Go after the
X-wings first, then destroy the B-wings, and finally clear out the
two A-wings. Make sure that your wingmen always have a designated
target; you have to keep them busy. 

About one minute later, a couple of rebel Corvettes will enter the
battlefield. Switch over to your missile launcher and fire off four
at each of them. Then finish them both off using your lasers. Keep your
wingmen involved as you destroy the one designated "Keeper 1" first,
because it is closer to your Dreadnaught, and then take out the one
desingated "Keeper 2" secondly. 

Then at about 4:15 on the clock, another rebel starship will enter the
area. This one is a Modified Corvette designated "Hut'to", and is the
rebels final attempt to destroy the imperial prison vessel. They are
blocking the path of the DreadNaught, and plan to destroy it. Head
straight for it and start doing laser passes on it. And don't forget to
tell your wingman to assist you. 

Then head back over to the DreadNaught and stop those rebel 
starfighters. They don't pose a huge threat to the mission, but they
still pose a slight risk. As always you should go after the A-wings 
lastly, because they aren't trying to destroy the DreadNaught. 

All in all, it will take the DreadNaught until exactly 10:00 on the
clock to complete its mission.
*Primary Mission Objectives Complete*

From here you can either stick around and take out the remaining rebel
forces, or you can just head for home.


Battle Twelve:
===--Mission 2----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Assualt Transport Sigma 1 must complete mission
Star Destroyer Garrett must survive until other goals completed 

Your craft for this mission is once again the tie advanced "Alpha 1".

Set your laser recharge rate to full power, and press the ' button to
place that already stored power into the ships shields. Then bring the
Star Destroyer designated "Garrett" up on your targeting computer and
place it in the F5 save slot. This will make it easy to see who may be
attacking it at any given time. The Assualt Transport "Sigma 1" will
launch if just a few seconds into this mission. So bring it up on your
computer, and set it to the F6 save slot. Now you should head straight
for it. After all, your mission is to escort it to its destination.

The rebels will begin their attack at about 0:50 on the clock. They
will first hyperjump in with a large Nebulon Frigate. And from that
frigate will launch a couple of A-wings. But they are just to distract
from the Y-wings that will be launched several seconds later. Assign
your wingmen the target "Red 1", while you go after "Red 2". And after
you all destroy your respective targets, you can all then work together
to take out "Red 3". Then use this same technique to destroy the next
wave of Y-wings, who will this time be desingated "Blue" group.

But hold off just a second if you get a message saying that Assualt
Transport has beeen disabled. Because when that happens, the rebellion
will send out an escort shuttle to capture your transport. Destroy it
before it reaches its target, but be careful, because this ship can
fire at targets positioned on its rear. This won't be too hard, so you
should let your wingmen stay working on those Y-wings. And when the 
escort shuttle is destroyed, you can go back to help them.

A transport will be released soon to board and repair the transport.
This new transport, desingated "Omega 1" is a friendly craft, and needs
to be allowed to do its work. So just destroy those Y-wings, as well as
the new group of X-wings that will come in pretty soon. The X-wings are
first on your list, because they are trying to destroy your Assualt
Transport while it is still disabled. When you see them in a group, you
should first reach a position directly behind them. Then fire off a few
shots at each of them just to send them off course, and away from your
Assualt Transport. Then destroy them one-by-one before they get a
chance to regroup. And don't forget to use your wingmen. 

_BUT_, if by some stroke of luck the Assualt Transport is never
disabled, this mission is pretty simple. And it's really not that hard
to keep the transport "Sigma" going strong. The rebels have only three
groups of Y-wings at their disposal. So if you can take out groups: 
"Red", "Blue", and "Gold", then you can rest assured that the Assualt 
Transport Sigma will safely reach the Star Destroyer Garrett. But if
it _did_ get disabled, then you will just have to wait for it to be
repaired first.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now just enter into the hangar of the Star Destroyer Garrett.


Battle Twelve:
===--Mission 3----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Assualt Transport Omega 1 must complete mission
Assualt Transport Omega 2 must complete mission
Assualt Transport Omega 3 must complete mission
Star Destroyer Garret must survive until other goals completed
Muurian Transport Botani 1 must be captured
Muurian Transport Botani 2 must be captured
Muurian Transport Botani 3 must be captured

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
Escort Shuttle Sigma 1 must complete mission
Escort Shuttle Com 1 must be boarded

Your craft for this mission is an assualt gunboat designated "Tau 1".

Turn your laser recharge rate all the way up, and use the ' button to
put some of the already stored power into your shields. Target the
Muurian Transports and head straight for them. Switch over to your ion
cannon weapon on the way over there. Then start disabling them all. You
can get their shields half-way down on the first pass by, and then
finish them off the second time around. A few X-wings will be launched
to intercept you, but they will be kept busy by the other group of
assualt gunboats. Just remember that your primary task is stopping the
Murrian Transports. The most efficient position to attack the Muurian
craft from is their undercarriage, because that is where their lasers
are the least effective. I also find that firing a torpedo off at each
from far range will lower their shields a considerable amount.

And after the disabling of the third Murrian Transport, the shuttle
carrying the Bothan Comannder will try to make a run for it. Tell your
wingmen to ignore it as a target, and then get to work disabling it.
Watch out for its rear mounted laser cannon! 

Now switch back over to your lasers and go after the Bothan craft. They
have a force made up of X-wings and A-wings. As always, take out the
X-wings first. And since Assualt Transports "Omega" group have entered
the area, you should take a second to place each in one of the F5-F7
save slots. Just for safe keeping. 

As your clear out those X-wing fighters, the escort shuttle "Sigma 1"
should just about be wrapping up its capture operation.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

And not too long after that, the last of your Assualt Transports will
complete its mission.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

And now you're all done. If you like you can destroy the containers 
that litter the area, before you enter into the hangar of the Garrett.


Battle Twelve:
===--Mission 4----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
75% of all Bothan craft must be destroyed
Star Destroyer Garrett must survive until other goals completed
Assualt Transport Omega 1 must survive until other goals completed
Platform XQ5 Kothlis II must be captured

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
Modified Corvette Timoth 4 must be inspected

For this mission, you will fly in a missile boat designated "Tau 1".

First, press F10 twice to get your shields recharging at maximum level.
Switch over to your missile launcher and set it to dual-fire mode. Your
first target is the incoming X-wing fighters. Be sure to assign one of
the A-wings as a target for your wingmen. This will draw some of their
fire away from you. It should only take two missiles to destroy each
member of X-wing group "Noral". 

Then target the bothan Corvette designated "Timoth 4". You are NOT to
attack it. Just do a quick fly by to inspect its contents, and then let
it go on its way.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Following the completion of that objective, you will then need to take
out the A-wings. Both of your wingmen are now dead by now, so you will
need to get them off of your back. Use the tractor beam to clear them
out quickly. 

Then take out the Y-wings, once gain using two missiles on each. Ingore
those R-41 StarChasers and destroy the incoming X-wings. After them, is
another group of Y-wings to destroy. And then you can take an 
oppurtunity to ignore the attacks on your Star Destroyer Garrett for
just a second, and take out the craft trying to destroy YOU. Switch
your missile launcher back over to single-fire mode, and clear out
the group of 5 Z-95 headhunters that comprise group "Kkask". The next
group to enter the area is the group of 5 R-41s desingated "Freman"
group, so be sure to switch your missile launcher back to dual-fire
mode before you take them on. And if your first laucnher is empty, you
should switch over to the second one.  

Then switch back over to single fire mode and take out the next batch
of Z-95 HeadHunters. These craft should count as the last couple of
ships for completing the first objective. This will be a cue for the
assualt gunboats to enter the area and start disabling the Platform XQ5
Kothlis II. So while they work on the platform, you need to watch their
back. The Bothan fighter defense is now pretty thin, so they shouldn't
give you a great deal of trouble.

When you clear out all of the Bothan fighters, you should then fire the
remainder of your missiles at the platform. This will weaken the 
shields, and make the job of the assualt gunboats much easier. Just be
sure that you don't accidently destroy it. 

Unfortunately, a few more Z-95 HeadHunters will enter the area soon.
Since you just used the last of your missiles, you will have to set
your shield recharge rate to normal, and your laser recharge rate to
full power. Any more kills will have to be made using your lasers. Pull
all of the power from your tractor beam generator and redirect it to
the engine. 

If the first assualt gunboats are destroyed, you will need to call for
some reinforcements to finish the job. 

Just a second after the platform is disabled, a couple of X-wings will
come out to play. But more than likely, they will be destroyed by the
assualt gunboats. When the Assualt Transport designated "Omega 1" comes
out of hyperspace just a few seconds later, you need to target it and
place it in your F5 save slot. This is the craft that will capture
the now disabled Platform, so it must be protected at any costs. It'll
take just two minutes to dock with the Platform, and then 30 seconds
more to capture it. 
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now hurry back to the Star Destroyer Garrett, and enter into the safety
of its hangar.


Battle Twelve:
===--Mission 5----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Calamari Cruiser Knights must be captured
Dreadnaught Doomer must be destroyed

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
Nebulon B-2 Frigate Tarken must be captured

Your craft for this mission is a missile boat designated "Tau 1".

Immediately pull up to avoid the ship blowing up right in front of you.
Then turn your laser recharger rate all the way up and start clearing
out the minefield. A shuttle will be launched and attempt to escape,
and you will be told to go after it, but it is much safer to just let 
it go. It is not important to the mission objectives.

When the minefield is no more, you should take a second to put some
power in your shields. Then switch over to your proton torpedoes and
set it to dual-fire mode. Target the Dreadnaught "Doomer" and fire off
all but three of your torpedoes at it. Scratch off one objective. 

Then target the transport designated "Resupply" and head straight for
it. Stop when you are within 0.05 kilometers of it, and then press 
Shift + B to start the reloading process. 

But it may be that this ship has already been destroyed. In that case,
you will just have to start working on the Rebel Cruiser. Target this
starship and fire off your three remaining torpedoes at it. Then switch
over to your missile launcher and set it to dual fire mode. Use all the
missiles it takes to weaken its shields, but be sure not to destroy it.
It must be captured, NOT DESTROYED. To make the attack a whole lot 
easier you can destroy the Calamari Cruiser's warhead launcher with a
couple of missiles. But it will still have laser turrets, so watch out.

When you get the shields down to about 20%, several assualt transports
will enter the area. These ships are capable of disabling the Rebel
Cruiser, so you can just let them finish the work. Switch back to your
lasers and start clearing out the rebel fighters. You just need to give
the Assualt Transports in group "Omega" time to disable, and then dock
with, the Calamari Cruiser "Knights". 
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now wait around a second for the Nebulon Frigate to arrive. And when it
does pop in, you need to call up your reinforcements. These transports
you call upwon't help you disable the freighter, but they will assist
by keeping the A-wings off of your back.

Now target the Nebulon B-2 Frigate that is designated "Tarken" and then
fire off any missiles or torpedoes you may have left. But if you don't
have any left, you will just have to use your lasers. Just like with
the Rebel Cruiser; you must be sure NOT TO DESTROY it. Just take out 
its shields, and let the other craft disable it. And when I say other
craft I mean Assualt Transport Omega 5, who will enter the area when
the Frigate's shields are down.

Now you need to assist the transports in destroying the A-wings, as you
let "Omega 5" do its thing. Don't forget to use your tractor beam. And
after the Frigate is disabled, Assualt Transport "Omega 5" will need
about 30 seconds to successfully capture it. And should any new craft
arrive; assume they are targeting your Assualt Transport and destroy
them immediately. 
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

You're probably pretty weak by now, so the best bet is to leave right
now. But if you feel lucky, you can stick around and destroy the rebel


Battle Twelve:
===--Mission 6----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
100% of all starships must survive until other goals completed
Calamari Cruiser Lutdze must be inspected
Light Calamari Cruiser Sullute must be inspected
Nebulon B-2 Frigate Kracken must be inspected
Nebulon B Frigate Viper must be inspected

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
Escort Shuttle Swen 2 must be destroyed

Your craft for this mission is a missile boat designated "Tau 1".

Immediately take all of the power from your laser, tractor beam and
shield rechargers Press the ' button until all of the already stored 
laser power is in your current shields. Remember your job here is to 
inspect, not destroy!

Your first target is the Cruiser designated "Lutdze". Don't head 
straight for it; you need to keep weaving around to avoid the turbo
laser fire. This goes for all of the starhips you will be inspecting.
Then head for the Calamari Cruiser designated "Sullute" and inspect it
as well. You only need to get within 0.80 kilometers to scan it. But on
the way over there you will get a message saying two escort shuttles
have just arrived. Target the one designated "Swen 2" and fire three
missiles at it to wipe it right off the map. 
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

So now you need to head for the "Sullute" and inspect it. 

Now the rebels have begun to bring the heat down on you, so you need
to get a few off of your back. Target the A-wings, because they are of
the greatest danger to you. Try to destroy all of them, or at least two
of them. 

Then head for the Frigate designated "Viper", because the docking 
operations going on over there probably means it is trying to escape.
This one you will have to get pretty close to, but luckily this ship
is already disabled. And now, finally, go over and inspect the Frigate
designated "Kracken". 
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now jump into hyperspace so you can report your findings to Lord Vader
and the Emperor.


Battle Twelve:
===--Mission 7----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
50% of all starships must be destroyed
Strike Cruiser Red Dog must be destroyed

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
50% of all starfighters must destroyed

Your craft for this mission is a missile boat designated "Tau 1".

As soon as you get out of hyperspace, press F10 twice to turn your 
shield recharge rate all the way up. Now just wait around for about
30 seconds. At that time the first of the rebels will arrive. They will
begin with a Strike Cruiser designated "Red Dog", 3 A-wing fighters,
and 3 X-wing fighters. Target the Strike Cruiser and then assign it as
a target for your wingmen. They should be able to destroy it with their
bombs, _if_ you cover their back.

So switch over to your missile launcher, and set it to dual fire mode.
Your first target is the 3 X-wings that are group "Red". Fire a couple
of missiles at each, and then target the next one and do the same. You
should be able to clear them out very quickly. And then you can use
your tractor beam to take out at least one of the A-wings. 

The next starships to enter the area will be a Carrack Cruiser and a
Light Calamari Cruiser. Tell your wingmen to keep working on the
"Red Dog", while you take on the Carrack Cruiser designated "Lsumu". 
Switch over to your spacebomb launcher and set it to dual-fire mode.
You should fire a total of six bomb at it, from VERY close range, and
then finish it off with a few missiles.

By now your wingmen have finished off the Strike Cruiser "Red Dog". So
call them over to help you in the destruction of the Calamari Cruiser
designated "War Hog". Target this starship and fire off all of your 
remaining space bombs at it. Assign your wingmen the "War Hog" as a
target, while you go back and start clearing out the rebel fighters.
Take out the A-wings first, and then go after the X-wings. 

Keep an eye on your messages given to you at the bottom of the screen.
When you see that all of your wingmen have been destroyed, that will
mean that it's your sole responsibility to take out the remaining Rebel
starships. So when that happens, you need to head straight for the
resupply transports. Come to a halt about 0.05 kilometers away from it,
and press Shift + B when the craft is on your targeting computer. It
will take about 30 seconds for it to give you some more bombs and 
missiles. Then you can turn your engines back on and head for the
"War Hog". Destroy it before it escapes!
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now you can assist the assualt gunboats in destroying the remaining
rebel forces. Some of the A-wings will try to escape when the are too
weak, but you can't let this happen! Destroy all fighters. Each rebel
will only take two misiles each to destroy, but after that you will
have to use your laser cannons. Destroy the A-wings first because they
have warheads to launch at you, and then take out the X-wings. If they
aren't any fighters around, and you still haven't completed your 
secondary mission goals, YOU HAVE NOT FAILED YET!!! Just wait around a
few seconds for the rebels to send some more in. They will, eventually,
send in enough fighters for you to complete your goal of 50%.

Oh and when your assualt gunboats are destroyed, you should then call
up a few reinforcements. A total of 20 rebels need to be killed in
order to complete your objective.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now you can just enter into hyperspace. Good Work!


        =============-B A T T L E    T H I R T E E N-==========           
                    T H E   E M P E R O R ' S   W I L L

Battle Thirteen:
===--Mission 1----------------=============

  -: Secondary Mission Objectives :-
C-3 Passenger Liner Excalibur must complete mission

Your craft for this mission is a missile boat designated "Tau 1".

Press F10 a couple of times to turn your shield recharge rate all the
way up, and then turn your laser recharge rate all the way up. This
will make it possible to keep pumping up your shields from time-to-time
with power drawn from your laser cannons. Switch over to your advanced 
missile launcher, and set it to dual-fire mode. Then quickly find the 
Emperor's luxury liner, and place it in the F5 save slot. Now start 
using the A button to find the nearest craft that is attacking the 

This is because this mission changes depending on which of the gunboats
is taken out first. If you destroy "Z-Mu 2" first, then they will send 
in Corvettes to try and destroy the Emperor. But if you destroy the
gunboat "Z-Mu 1" first, then they will send in tie advanced fighters. I
personally think the Modified Corvettes are easier to handle, so I
highly suggest that you destroy "Z-Mu 2" first.

Several enemy starships will now enter the area! So switch over to your
heavy rocket launcher and destroy the Corvettes that are closest to the
Emperor's Passenger Liner. They are a very powerful threat. It will
take two rockets each to destroy them. And if you ever get a message 
saying that one of your wingman is going home, then that means you need
to call up some reinforcements to replace him. If you don't miss at
all, you should have just enough rockets to destroy them all.

Then switch back over to your advanced missile launcher and set it to
dual-fire mode. Press F5 to check up on the current status of the
Emperor's Cruise Liner. Then press the A button to find his closest
enemy. It will most likely be the last remaining enemy assualt gunboat.
Destroy him using three missiles.

In just a few seconds, a group of 4 tie advanced fighters will enter
the area. They must be stopped before they reach the Emperor! Fire two
missiles at each of them, and make use of your tractor beam if you find
it neccessary. After them, the next enemy of the "Excalibur" is a group
of 5 assualt gunboats. These ships will take two missiles to weaken,
and then a few more laser blasts to destroy. And following them will be
one more group of tie advanced fighters.

Now the Emperor's ship is almost free. Another tie advanced fighter
will enter the area, but it can't possibly reach it before the 
Passenger Liner "Excalibur" makes the jump into hyperspace. But try to
destroy it anyway, just to be on the safeside. The Emperor will escape
to safety at exactly 10:02 on the clock.
*Secodnary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now just hyperspace home to report to your mission debriefing.


Battle Thirteen:
===--Mission 2----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Star Destroyer Garrett must survive until other goals completed
Assualt Transport Omega 1 must complete mission
Victory Star Destroyer Zeplin must be captured

  -: Secondary Mission Objective :-
Calamari Cruiser Link must be inspected

In this mission, you will fly a missile boat designated "Tau 1". But
before you even enter into this mission, you need to load your ship
with heavy rockets rather than advanced torpedoes. 

First turn your laser recharge rate all the way down, turn your tractor
bea recharge rate all the way down, and turn your shield recharge rate 
all the way down. Now target the Rebel Cruiser that is designated Link
and do a quick fly by to inspect its contents. You have to hurry up and
make sure you get there before the Calamari Cruiser escapes into
hyperspace. Rather than head straight for it, you should point your
crosshairs a ways in front of it. That way you will both arrive at the
same point, at the same time. 
*Secondary Mission Objective Completed*

Then turn your shield recharge rate all the way up again. Switch over
to your advanced missile launcher, and set it to single-fire mode. Now
start destroying the tie fighters and tie interceptors. It will be a
lot easier if you set your throttle to 52%, so that you will match the
speed of the fighters. 

But if your assualt gunboats are destroyed, then you need to change
plans a little. You need to first call for some reinforcements. The
Empire will respond by sending in 4 more gunboats to disable the
Star Destroyer "Zeplin", and two tie advanceds to assist you with the
fighters. You need to help weaken the Zeplin, so switch over to your
heavy rocket launcher and set it to dual fire mode. Fire at will at the
Star Destroyer "Zeplin", but make sure you don't accidently destroy it.

Then, when you've cleaned out a few of the enemy fighters, they will
send in some enemy tie advanced fighters. They are your new top 
priority, so start clearing them out. Be sure you are targeting only
enemy craft. Set your missile launcher to dual fire mode, and always
be sure you have a solid red target before you fire. The tractor beam
is helpful, but not at all neccessary. 

Another group of enemy tie advanced will be launched when you have 
successfully disabled the "Zeplin", and so will a friendly Assualt
Transport designated "Omega 1". Place "Omega 1" in the F5 save slot so
you can check on its status from time to time. Now you need to go back
to the fighters. You need to cover the Assualt Transport while it works
on its objective of capture. Go ahead and start using your tractor beam
on all the ships, even the weak fighters and interceptors. You need to
keep busy and keep the action away from "Omega 1".

Once the Assualt Transport docks with the Star Destroyer, it will take
about 2 minutes to capture it. When you see there are no more enemies
in the area, you should then look for an imperial transport designated
"Sigma 3". Come to a halt about 0.05 away from it and press Shift + B.
It will take about 25 seconds for it to restock your warhead launcher.
This will happen just in time for you to catch the incoming rebels that
will try to destroy your Assualt Transport "Omega 1". Just use your
tractor beam weapon and a couple of missiles to destroy first the rebel
A-wings, and then the larger B-wings. If you get the A-wings early
enough, then the Omega 1 should be in no real danger. 

From the time that it finished capturing the "Zeplin", Omega 1 will 
take about 1 minute for it to return home.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completted*

Now you can enter into the hangar of the star Destroyer Garrett. But if
you like, you can stick around and destroy the rest of the rebel 
fighters. But don't let the situation get out of your control!


Battle Thirteen:
===--Mission 3----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Star Destroyer Garrett must survive until other goals completed
Assualt Transport Omega 1 must complete mission
Calamari Cruiser Link must be captured

  -: Secondary Mission Objective :-
Container C Rubol must be inspected

Your craft for this mission is a missile boat designated "Tau 1". And
before you even enter into this mission, you need to load it with heavy
rockets rather than advanced torpedoes.

First turn your laser recharge rate all the way up, and keep your 
shields' recharge rate at normal level. Every so often throughout this
mission, you can use the ' button to move the stored laserr power into
your current shield status. This is much faster than just using your
automatic shield recharger. Now fly past the large rebel ship and over 
to the Container "Rubul". Just fly close by it to inspect the contents.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Then switch over to your heavy rocket launcher, and set it to dual-fire
mode. Fire a total of 12 rockets at the Cruiser desingated "Link", 
which will take it shields all the way down. Then leave it alone,
because it needs to stay intact so the gunboats may disable it. The
best strategy is to make quick passes on the Calamari Cruiser, from
very close range. Then you need to take out the warhead launcher of the
Calamari Cruiser. To do this you need to destroy the this cylinders
that sit on each of the two wings of the Cruiser. They look like thin
little skyscrapers with randomly placed little lights on them. When you
destroy these, the assualt gunboats will have a much easier task of
disabling it. Each warhead can be destroyed by only two missile blasts.

Now you need to target the Modfied Corvette that has recently entered
the area. Fire off a couple of heavy rockets at it, from very close
range, to take it out quickly. It needs to be stopped before it 
attempts to evacuate the Calamari Cruiser.

Now you can switch over to your missile launcher and star clearing out
rebel starfighters. Start with the A-wings first, because they are the
most annoying and can give you the most trouble. It should take two
missiles each. Then you will get a message saying the gunboats have
arrived to disable the Cruiser. When that happens you need to call up
some reinforcements to assist you with rebel fighters.

Once the Calamari Cruiser is disabled, the Assualt Transport "Omega 1"
will arrive to board the Cruiser "Link". Target this ship for just a
second so you can place it in the F6 save slot. You need to make sure
that it complete its mission, so you must intercept the B-wings that
will fly in to destroy it. Fire two missiles at each of them to weaken
its shields, and then you can finish each off with your laser cannons.

Next up from the Rebels is a Murian Transport. This is a strage craft
to throw into a combat situation, but a dangerous one none-the-less.
Fire off one heavy rocket at it, and then finish it off with your laser
cannons. After that, you will not encounter any more new enemy craft
until the "Omega 1" completes docking operations with the Cruiser Link.
But when it doesn finish docking, the rebels will send in one last
ditch effort to disrupt the caputre operation. A couple of Y-wings will
enter the area right next to Omega 1 and begin their attack. Destroy
them quickly using two missiles on each. 

Now you can just wait for the Assualt Transport "Omega 1" to enter into
the hangar of the Star Destroyer Garrett.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now you can clean up the remaining rebels if you like, before entering
into the safety of the Star Destroyer Garrett via the hangar.


Battle Thirteen:
===--Mission 4----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Container B Niicee 2 must be inspected
Star Destroyer Garrett must survive until other goals completed
Container B Niicee 2 must be destroyed

  -: Secondary Mission Objective :-
Cargo Ferry Omega 1 must finish docking

Your craft for this mission is a missile boat designated "Tau 1".

Turn your laser recharge rate all the way up, and periodically use that
stored laser power to boost up your current shields. Then switch over
to your advanced missile launcher and set it to single-fire mode. 
Target the Z-95 headhunter designated "Red 2" and fire a missile off at
it. Now you can leave the others to deal with the rest of the Z-95s, as
you go over to find the stolen missile boat. Shut your tractor beam off
so you can get over there just a little faster.

You need to first do a quick fly by of the Container that is designated
"Niicee 2" so you can inspect it. This inspection will reveal that it
carries the stolen missile boat. Now even though it's a primary mission
objective to destroy it, DO NOT DESTROY IT YET!!! A Cargo Ferry with
the designation of "Omega 1" will arrive to board it. You must let it
work if you want to truly please the Emperor. Place the Cargo Ferry in
the F5 save slot so you can easily keep an eye on its status. 

So now just switch back over to your missile launcher and start taking
out the nearest fighters. The Cargo Ferry will need a good 3 minutes to
retrieve the missile boat from the container. Keep checking up on the
Cargo Ferry from time-to-time, and press the A button to find the
nearest ships that is attempting to destroy it. The nearby Rebel 
station will send out fighters every so often to try and destroy it.

The Cargo Ferry should complete its mission around 7 minutes into the
*Secondary Mission Objective Completed*

Now you need only target the Container "Niicee 2" and destroy it using
a few missiles.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now that you have rescued the Imperial craft from the hands of the
Rebels, you better get going before the Rebel reinforcements overwhelm
you completely!


Battle Thirteen:
===--Mission 5----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
100% of all Platforms must survive until other goals completed
75% of all Muurian Transports must be destroyed
Platform To-Phalion must survive until other goals completed

  -: Secondary Mission Objective :-
Shuttle Lambda 3 must be inspected

This mission finds you back inside a tie advanced starfighter that is 
designated "Alpha 2". Before you enter this mission it is a good idea
to equip a tractor beam rather than a jamming beam.

First turn your laser recharge rate all the way up and use the ' button
to transfer all of the currently stored power to your shields. Then
head straight for the enemy tie defenders. Your lasers will have some
power in them by the time you reach them. Use the tractor beam weapon
to hold them in place, while you destroy them using your laser cannons.
Make sure you destroy at least two of them.

Then go stop the Muurian Transports from destroying your platforms.
Switch over to your missile launcher, and set it to dual-fire mode. 
Fire four missiles at one, and then finish it off with your lasers. Do
that for each one until you run out of missiles. Then you will just
have to finish them off with your laser cannons. And make sure that
absolutely NONE of them make it into hyperspace. You must destroy
at least 12 Muurian Transports to complete the objective. 

The Shuttle designated "Lambda 3" will exit the hangar at about 3:40
on the clock. Turn your laser recharge rate back down to normal so you
can be sure to catch up to, and inspect, its contents.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Then, since they asked you to, go ahead and destroy it. Don't waste any
of you missiles on the shuttle, because lasers can do the job just fine

Now you can go back to those Muurian Transports. Sadly, the pilot you
just killed was a spy working for the Imperial traitor Zaarin. He has
sabotaged the targeting system of the Platform, and left its firing
systems inoperable! This isn't good news.

Now you need to be extra quick with destroying those Muurian Transports
because the Platform can no longer protect itself in any way. Shut off
your tractor beam so you can redirect that power to your shields. There
is a resupply transport around here, but there is unfortunately no time
to get more warheads now. You have to stay in the battle. If things are
looking REALLY serious, than you may want to call up some 

Remember, you can't let too may esacpe if you want to meet your minimum
number of 12 Muurian Transports.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

You can help destroy the remaining enemy ships if you want, but if
you're feeling lazy or you're badly hurt, then you can just enter into
the hangar of the "To-Phalion" base. The hangar of this base is the
small blue hole that is emitting a slight glow.


Battle Thirteen:
===--Mission 6----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
75% of all Traitor craft must be destroyed
Platform To-Phalion must survive until other goals completed

  -: Secondary Mission Objective :-
50% of all Modified Corvettes must be inspected

Your craft for this mission is a tie advanced desingated "Alpha 1". And
just like in the last mission, I would suggest equipping the tractor 
beam rather than the jamming beam.

First, turn your laser recharge rate all the way up. Periodically
throughout this mission you should press the ' button to keep a little
power in your shields. Now target the nearest enemy assualt gunboat. 
They are trying to disable your platform. Turn your tractor beam
recharge rate completely off, because it is pretty unnecessary at this
moment. Make sure that none of the assualt gunboats attempt to escape
once they are weakend. You need to destroy as many as possible, and
their escape is not at all acceptable.

After you've destroyed 5 or so assualt gunboats, a group of 4 assualt
transports will enter the area. Fire two missiles at each to weaken
their shields, and then finish them off with your laser cannon.

Now, while the heat has died down a little, you can take a second to
complete the secondary mission. Set your lasr recharge rate back down
to normal and fly over to the Modified Corvettes. You must fly by and
inspect at least 2 of them.
*Secondary Mission Objective Completed*

Now turn your laser recharge rate back up to the maximum level, and get
back to destroying the enemy assualt gunboats. You have already lost
you wingmen by now, so you need to call up some reinforcements. You
stick to destroying those assualt gunboats, while the tie advanced you
just called in for help will work on the Modified Corvettes. 

In just a few minutes, you will see that another group of Assualt
Transports has entered the area and is targeting Imperial craft. Sadly
you only have lasers left, but you'll have to make them work. Life is
full of small challenges; this is one of them! You will see them 
heading straight for asteroids in a organized little group. Fire lasers
at each of them until they veer off for a second. Do this to each and
every one of them to buy you a little time. You can use this spare time
to destroy the Assualt Transports one-by-one.

Immediately after you've destroyed this wave of assualt transports, you
can then reload your warhead launcher using the reload shuttle. Then
rush back over to meet the incoming group of Assualt Transports and
use the same strategy you used on the last group. All-in-all, you will
need to destroy about 23 enemy ships in total.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now you can just enter into hyperspace.


Battle Thirteen:
===--Mission 7----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
Imperial star Destroyer Grey Wolf must arrive
Interdictor Corvus must arrive
Correllian Corvette Vorknkx must complete mission

  -: Secondary Mission Objective :-
100% of Shuttle group Lambda must complete mission

In this mission you will fly a tie advanced designated "Alpha 1".

Turn your shield recharge rate to the max, and press the ' button every
so often to make sure a little power is always in your shields. Your
first targets are the incoming tie defenders. Use your tractor beam to
hold them one place, while you destroy it with laser cannons. 

The shuttle that carries Grand Admiral Thrawn will enter the area very
soon. Bring "Lambda 1" up on your computer, and place it in the F5 save
slot. Then place its company, shuttle "Lambda 2" in the F6 save slot.
This will alow you to check up on the status of these ships. But for
now you can just focus on destroying the enemy tie defenders.  

At about 3 minutes 15 seconds into the mission, the Corellian Corvette
designated "Vorknkx" will be released to assit. But just momemnts later
it will be revealed to you that the traitor Zaarin has already captured
it for himself! There's nothing you can do to prevent this, so you will
just have to let it go for now. Your main focus is the Shuttle carrying
Grand Admiral Thrawn, and any fighters that may be attacking it. Keep
your lasers strong, and keep power in your tractor beam. 

The Star Destroyer Grey Wolf will arrive just a little more than a
minute later, but the Interdictor Corvus has been delayed for unknown
reasons. You just keep clearing out those tie defenders, and keep 
looking after the Admiral's shuttle, which should now be on its way
to the Interdictor Grey Wolf.

Just before the mision clocks reaches 6:00, the two shuttles that make
up group "Lambda" will safely enter the hangar of the Interdictor.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Then quickly catch up to and kill the lone rebel B-wing that, for 
unknown reasons, has strangely entered into the area.

Now the only remaining objective is to wait around for the Interdictor
Corvus to arrive. While you are waiting; switch over to your missile
launcher and set it to dual fire mode. Use your missiles to clear out
the remaining tie defenders. The last of the Imperial starships will
arrive just before the 8 minute mark.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now redirect all power to your engines, and fly back over to the star
destroyer designated "Grey Wolf". Enter into the hangar and report to
your mission debriefing.


Battle Thirteen:
===--Mission 8----------------=============

  -: Primary Mission Objectives :-
75% of all Traitor craft must be destroyed
Imperial Star Destroyer Glory must be destroyed

  -: Secondary Mission Objective :-
100% of all Shuttles must be inspected
Imperial Star Destroyer Glory must be inspected

The final mission of the game has you in the tie advanced fighter that
is desingated "Alpha 1". Before you enter into this final fight, you
should equip your craft with heavy rockets rather than missiles.

Turn your laser rechrage rate all the way up, and be sure to press 
the ' button anytime you see that you need a little more power in your
shields. Now start targeting the tie defenders. Use your tractor beam
to hold them in place, while you destroy them with your lasers. Press
F8 one time to turn your tractor beam recharger up just a little, to
ensure it will have power when you need it.

After you've destroyed a couple of defenders; you should take a quick
second to swing by the Star Destroyer Glory. You need only get close
enough to scan and inspect the contents. While you are so close to it,
now is an excellent time to start attacking it. Fire off ALL of your
heavy rockets directly at the hull of the Star Destroyer "Glory". These
will do some SERIOUS damage!

When you completely deplete the shields on the "Glory", you will see
that a shuttle will be dispatched. Inspect it first, then destroy it.
And then do the same for the second shuttle that leaves the hangar.
*Secondary Mission Objectives Completed*

Now you need to finish off that Star Destroyer "Glory". Set your laser
cannons to linked-fire mode, and park directly underneath it. Keep
firing at it and don't stop until you are sure it is completely 
destroyed. It can enter into hyperspace very quickly, so don't let up!

Then you can start working for your goal of 75% traitor forces 
destroyed. You can go after the tie defenders, Muurian transports, 
escort transports, whatever you want. All in total you will need to
destroy at least 12 of Zaarin's craft.
*Primary Mission Objectives Completed*

You know, for the final mission of the game, this was pretty simple. 
When you complete the final objective, the game will automatically take
you out of the mission.

Now you may go meet up with your well earned praise from the Empire, 
and also see a very satisfying little cut-scene that shows you the true
fate of all enemies of the Empire! ENJOY THE SHOW!!!


|-IV.------------------------ IN CLOSING -----------------------------|

My e-mail address is at the top of this document. Please e-mail me if 
there are any corrections that need to be made or any missing 
information that I need to fill in.

Also, don't forget to voice your opinion of this FAQ by using the 
GameFAQs.com FAQ-rating system

If you see this document on any other website besides www.GameFAQs.com
or www.IGN.com then please contact me, because it should NOT be there.

|-V.------------------------ SPECIAL THANKS --------------------------|

Thank you Lucas Arts Entertainment Company for creating this, and all
the other games in the X-wing trilogy of flight simulators.

Thank you http://www.network-science.de/ascii/ for assisting me in
creating the logo at the top of this document.

Thank you Jeff "CJayC" Veasey for hosting this, and all of my other
FAQ's and guides on your website www.GameFAQs.com

Thank you IGN, for posing this on your website www.IGN.com

Thank YOU very much for reading this guide. I hope it helped you out.

|-VI.------------------------ FAQ HISTORY ----------------------------|

02/11/2003: Today I begin work on a strategy guide for each mission
            of the game "Star Wars: Tie Fighter" on the PC.

06/30/2003: I put off the project for a while, but then I got right
            back into this over the summer and finally got this thing
            completed. Looks pretty good, in my opinion. I will update
            this guide should I find any new information, so this is by
            no means the "Final" version. For now, this is FAQ version
            1.0, 100% complete.

|-VII.----------------- COPYRIGHT INFORMATION ------------------------|

Since I, Michael Tyler (Reptile) wrote this document, it is protected 
by copyright law.  I do not allow anyone else to distribute this for 
any reason. As of now, I allow only www.GameFAQs.com and www.IGN.com to
publicly display this document on their websites. If you want to put 
this on your site, you must ask me first. There will be a penalty if I 
find someone using this document without my written permission. 
This document was written for personal\private use only.

Copyright 2003 Michael Tyler

      -----From The Twisted Mind Of-----
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