WeaponLord readme ----------------- Created by the Fraghouse Mod Team members Parser and ShibbyMaster Website: http://www.fraghouse.net Current version: Beta 3 Coding - Parser Models - ShibbyMaster Skins - Parser Design ideas - ShibbyMaster A big thanks to Catalyst88 for the extra gametypes, Massacre and Degeneration. Akimbo: To get akimbo of all the weapons that go double easily, type in "exec WeaponLordAkimbo.ini" at the console without the quotes. If you unzipped the corresponding file all the weapons that can be held twice will appear in front of you. Don't be shy now, pick them up... The Story --------- Weaponlords: Former Liandri Tournament champions, turned to the design and concept of modern weaponary. These men design weapons best suited for combat, focusing their already battle-ready minds to creating functional and effective weaponary, which, much like their minds, are deadly. Weapons designed more around the art of war than the mock 'fairness' the tournament itself espouses, their weapons create raw destruction, focused and plenty of gore! Game modes: * WeaponLord Fragmatch, Team Fragmatch, Assault, Capture the Flag and Domination modes with all the weapons from the start * WeaponLord Massacre - using bound keys you can navigate a swap menu and swap one weapon for another, lots of fun * WeaponLord Degenerator - every time you frag someone your weapon is changed for another WeaponLord one Mutators: * Pulse RL Arena - Hmm, this should redefine the definition of lag ;) (do you know how slow it gets when you have 50 rockets on-screen?) * Mortar cannon arena - Replaces all weapons with, you guessed it, mortar cannons * Riot shotgun arena - Replaces all weapons with the riot shotgun * Hellbomber arena - Replaces all weapons with the hellbomber * Minishotgun arena - Replaces all weapons with the minishotgun * WeaponLord mute - Replaces the weapons and items with WeaponLord ones Items: * Infinite ammo - All weapons use one ammo type which is unlimited * Modified Quad-Damage, Jump boot and Health Vial pickups (new skins, sounds etc) * Marine suit - Protects you from falling damage and head-shots Other: * FireMan - A male Unreal bot that runs round, on fire * Cyborg - Dante male with new Cyborg skin * ElectroKrall - A Krall after stepping into a 5000-volt piece of equipment * Invisible sniper - Not exactly invisible, but this new breed of Skaarj has a silenced sniper rifle, so beware * Lightning brute - Yep, it's those slobs again, this time they feel like thunder... * Skaarj Slave - The lower class Skaarj are used as guards and they come equipped with Pulverisers. Ouch * Anti-lag rockets - Yep, the name says it all * Anti-lag grenades - The name says it all again =-= Please don't ask me why I made extra monsters, I guess I was just at a loose end =-= Weapons: Note that most weapons have been given new skins and textures. If they haven't, a NO TEXTURE message will appear at the end of it. * Acid cannon - A modified Stinger that shoots out acid grenades * Autoball - The Unreal Eightball is modified to shoot out rockets instantly. No load-up feature NO TEXTURE * AWP - If you've played Counter-Strike you'll know what this is. The WeaponLord version is an Unreal rifle that fires normal sniper rounds and alt-fires cyanide rounds * Bazooka - A small Rocket Launcher that fires out bazooka shells. Instagib guaranteed * Beretta - 20-round clip for a small, fast-firing pistol * BiOhaZard gun - Biorifle that fires explosive gas and alt-fires gib-blobs * Devastator - Small QuadShot that fires explosive bullets and has a zoom function NO TEXTURE * Electrominigun - Fires out Elite Krall Bolts and alt-fires normal Krall bolts (good compromise between speed and damage) NO TEXTURE * Explosive Semtex Rabbit - Throw rabbits that bounce around a bit before ultimately meeting their maker NO TEXTURE * Flamer - A flamethrower that shoots out short-range bursts of flames with fire and shoots out green flames with alt-fire * Gibcannon - A modified Unreal flakcannon that shoots out bouncy gibs and alt-fires green acidic gibs * Hand cannon - Dispersion pistol modification now with blue parts and faster firing * Hand grenade - Those Na Pali barrels of rum were certainly hiding something more suspicious... NO TEXTURE * Hellbomber - Shoots out dismantled warheads that explode on contact * M4 assualt rifle - Sniper rifle with new sounds, new skins, and a faster firing rate. Of course it doesn't do as much damage * M60 heavy machine gun - This big mutha fires out full metal jacket rounds and alt-fires modified explosive rounds NO TEXTURE * Mantablade - Razorjack that fires out spinning blades and alt-fires not-so-powerful spinning blades, but at a very high rate of fire NO TEXTURE * MG69 - Modified PulseGun that fires out high-speed explosive pellets * Mortar Cannon - Fires out default flakchunks at a higher speed and alt-fires instant hit mortars, very powerful * Nailer - Big hand-held pistol that shoots out big shards of tarydium NO TEXTURE * Nailgun - Stinger that behaves just like the original but with a higher firing-rate and arc-projectiles for alt-fire * Pulse RL - A PulseGun that shoots out MkII rockets, and it's also the mother if lag and low frame-rates * Pulveriser - Unreal rifle that fires out silent darts, which are guaranteed to kill NO TEXTURE * Pupae - Remember those little spiders from Unreal? Well here they are in spitting form. The acid they spit will explode into smaller acid if the distance is far enough NO TEXTURE * Pusher - Version of the ShockRifle that allows you to push people around. Useful for pushing someone off a cliff before gibbing them * Quad Rifle - 20-round clip for the QuadShot. Alt-fire reloads and when the bullet doesn't hit someone or something, it explodes in a nice firework display (not really, but there's a nice pulse effect) * Railgun - The ASMD becomes an instagib weapon, with new skins and sounds * Reaper - The blades on the Ripper are now gibbed, fire shoots out a VERY fast blade and alt-fire dispatches an explosive arrow * Riker PDW - The Riker's personal defense weapon that shoots out thin red lasers. Quite powerful but inaccurate NO TEXTURE * Riot shotgun - Fires out instant-hit chunks and alt-fires riotballs. Despite being a shotgun it's fairly effective upto a certain range * RPB Rifle - Massive shoulder-mounted rifle that shoots out bullets which penetrate through thin-to-medium walls * Shoulder cannon - Big rocket launcher that fires MkIII rockets (yes, MkIII not MkII) and alt-fires very fast pipe-bombs * Silenced Sniper Rifle - Campers rejoice! * Smasher - Modified version of the Impact Hammer that can be quite explosive with primary mode. Secondary mode is er, quite fast - it also bunny-hops you. Move in the direction you want to bunny-hop, hold down secondary fire and bounce, bounce, bounce! * Splitter - A modified Ges Biorifle made by the Skaarj, who ran out of manufacturing materials and stuffed any old thing into the projectiles. Who knows what's in there? * Tarydium gun - Very explosive cannon that shoots out explosive shards and alt-fires poison pellets * Throwing chair - It's a chair. And you can throw it. No fancy explosions on collision, just what you get when you throw a chair at the wall when Windows crashes again * Throwing knife - Fires centered knives and alt-fires a group of knives (sounds like the Stinger?) NO TEXTURE * Hunter Hawk - Throw explosive hawks at unsuspecting players or beginner-level bots NO TEXTURE * Laser gattling gun - I think you already know what this is NO TEXTURE * Bouncy ShockGun - Fires ricochet pulse-bolts and alt-fires explosive shockballs * Silenced M4 - The same weapon but silenced * VoltGun - Deadly biorifle that fires out low-voltage beams and alt-fires high-voltage beams but at a slower firing rate NO TEXTURE * Manta fish - Fires out a blob. On occasion this will explode and spawn a Skaarj Slave. Alt-fires a massive gib NO TEXTURE * Colt 18 - Fires a Trishell rocket and alt-fires a massive 30-cal nuke. These can be combo-shocked like the ASMD * Steel Spyder - Fires a powerful explosive pellet and alt-fires smaller, less-damaging pellets faster * Heavy Cannon - Fires and alt-fires different spreader bombs that release explosives NO TEXTURE * Brute Troll - Ever wanted to use one of those Brutes to fire rockets at people? Well now you can NO TEXTURE * Splicer - Fires a small bomb that explodes into loads of razor blades * Super Nail Gun - Bam! Bam! Bam! It looks like the machine gun from Quake III. Fires nails that stick to surfaces and do damage and alt-fires bouncing nails * Anti-Aircraft rifle - Fires out shockwave rockets * Glover - Fires out blue shockwave bullets and alt-fires more destrucive bullets * Gattling gun - A weapon of carnage - shoulder-mounted and ready to claim the lives of beginner-level bots NO TEXTURE * Assimilator - High-powered energy weapon. Fires out arsenic shells through a blue beam and alt-fires explosive buckshot through a concentrated red beam NO TEXTURE * ShockMG - Full-auto shock rifle that fires out shockballs * Bio-shotgun - Buckshot spread gun that uses biosludge for ammo NO TEXTURE * Explosive Sniper Rifle - Explosive bullet-firing rifle * Corrosive Chaingun - Fires out explosive 'n' corrosive bullets NO TEXTURE * Anti-tank rifle - The smaller Redeemer NO TEXTURE * Dispersion Rifle - Bigger brother to the dispersion pistol * Sin Rifle - Send him to purgatory! This is what happens to sinners :-) * Ingram - Fast-firing sub machine gun that you can go akimbo with if it's picked up again * Cheese cannon - Cheesy or what? Bet you never thought cheese was this powerful... * Cheese cannon mkII - Seriously enhanced * Chaingun - Like the Gattling gun except it's lighter, can go akimbo and uses 3.36 rounds * Queen rifle - Fires out an egg which spawns into a baby queen and alt-fires a queen net * Ak89 - Fast-firing machine gun that can go akimbo NO TEXTURE * Cow Launcher - Stop this animal abuse right now! NO TEXTURE * SAS Shotgun - The ultimate room clearer! Primary fires a single bullet while alt-fire unloads all of the bullets left in the clip (20-round, again) NO TEXTURE * Spreader - Primary fire releases a load of energy bolts and alt-fire shoots out arsenic in a shotgun-spread radius at a fast speed * Rocket Shock Rifle - Shock rifles go rocket-wise! You can also go akimbo with these for more explosive destruction NO TEXTURE * Dispersion QuadShot - The QuadShot done right because you can go akimbo wielding electric-explosive rounds :-) NO TEXTURE * Ghost Tank - Beware the power of the dead... fires out explosive ghosts * Minger - Fires out nail bombs and alt-fires a minger shell bullet NO TEXTURE * Ghost Buster - Who do you call? Well, actually, you summon the ghost buster NO TEXTURE * NukeMag - Oh yeah! Now this is what future weapons should be NO TEXTURE * Shocker 2000 - Biosplash fun with smoke trails to be had here * Tribal shotgun - Shoots out acidic shells. Very nasty * Explosive candle - Throw this to set the night alight NO TEXTURE * Game mage - Fire shoots out an electric slug and alt-fire stops projectiles in mid-air. Quite powerful really * Energy ballistics machine gun - Fires out energy balls and alt-fires out smaller and less-damaging balls but at a higher rate of fire * Pipebomb cannon - Shoots out shocker pipebombs that detonate after a while. Of course you can detonate them before that time with alt-fire. Note that you can also detonate other pipebombs too * Rocket cannon - Fires out explosive instant-hit shells and alt-fires rockets * Invincibility cannon - Alt-fire makes you invincible to all types of damage and fire disables it NO TEXTURE * Shuriken - Throw those little ninja blades about NO TEXTURE * Laser rifle - Shoot high-velocity lasers at people * Quad Rocket - Launches 4 high-velocity rockets in random spread groups * Nuke Beamer - Loads up 4 cells like the WoD Quadshotgun but this time they shoot red lasers NO TEXTURE * Smoker - High-rate minigun that shoots out acidic globs along with red lasers NO TEXTURE * Mega Flak - A flakcannon that shoots out 17 shards for primary and alt-fires 8 toned-down flakslugs for alt-fire * ASMD minigun - Fires out rail-slugs at high speed * Nukemag mk2 - Fires out nuke shells, reload and select animations are funkier. If you hit someone it does normal bullet damage and doesn't spawn a shockwave NO TEXTURE * Dart launcher - Fires out poison arrows and alt-fires three explosive arrows NO TEXTURE * Kamikaze gun - Use this in difficult situations :-) * Alpha rip - Primary fires a drunken rocket and secondary releases a volley of arrows * Hatchet nuke - Fires out a load of differently-coloured reflecting beams NO TEXTURE * FlakJack - Shoots out bouncing razor blades which spawn hot chunks when they hit walls NO TEXTURE * ChainMine - Shoots out an explosion-ripping beam which also ends in a spray of hot chunks * Junk rifle - Shoots a projectile which unleashes a load of different projectiles NO TEXTURE * Flamethrower - A realistic-looking flamethrower which shoots out gaseous flames with primary and alt shoots out deadly blue flames * BFG 9000 - Oh yeah baby! Crow convinced me to make one after playing through Doom again. Check out the green shockwave effect! * Plasma rifle - Shoots out differently-coloured plasma beams for primary and secondary NO TEXTURE * Siege rifle - Fire shoots a laser beam and alt-fire shoots out drunk rockets very fast * Blob cannon - This small cannon shoots out mega-globs which explode into many small ones * DoubleChain - A double-barrelled machinegun that fires out explosive pellets * Chaser - Command the balls! Ahem... uh, throws explosive tronballs * Rocket launcher mk3 - A descendant of the rocket launcher, locks on much faster and can load upto 20 grenades NO TEXTURE * Multicannon - Primary fires out bullets and flames in a widespread radius and secondary fires out bullets in a tight radius much faster NO TEXTURE * Rock gun - Modified minigun. Primary shoots out big rocks and secondary shoots out smaller, less damaging rocks * Yeargarble rifle - YEARGARBLE! Frag butt with the modified sniper rifle and its new messages! NO TEXTURE * Flachette rifle - Fires steel flak chunks NO TEXTURE ------------------ Beta 3 changes * Some spelling mistakes corrected (Assualt = Assault) * Added Yeargarble rifle, Rock gun and Flachette Rifle * Flamethrower and flamer projectiles now set people on fire * World and player view model bugs fixed (models not showing, too small, too high up in the air) * Some gruesome new sleek chrome renders by yours truly on the weapons * Increased rate of fire for the energy gun * Energy gun projectile has a new skin * Made the rocket launcher mk3 actually WORK like it's supposed to * Added a new skin for rocket launcher mk3 * Majorly improved netcode for client-side! This is a big improvement! Beta 2 changes * Added Plasma rifle, Siege rifle, Blob cannon, Doublechain, Chaser, Rlanmk3, Multicannon * Altered gatling gun secondary * Made chainguns shoot out laser beams * Fixed a BIG bullet problem for lots of weapons * More models * Many more changes and fixes First beta changes * Added models for Pipebomb cannon, Hellbomber, Anti tank, Tribal shotgun, Biohazard gun, Colt18, FlakJack blades, Bazooka, * Added FlakJack, Chainmine, Flamethrower, BFG 9000 * Seriously enhanced minishotgun firing speed (for Danny Wilson) * Flamer now has an overkill speed :) * Made steel spyder and nukemag mk1 fire properly * PulseRL should be used again, due to its increased speed :) * Altered flamer secondary Changes since 2.03 * Added Kamikaze gun, Alpha rip, Hatchet nuke * Modified Glover fire-rate Changes since 2.02 * Added Mega Flak, ASMD minigun, Nukemag mk2, Dart launcher, * Stopped bots from favouring the Nuke Beamer - too laggy * Beefed some weapon view models up with fatness command * Added Flamer arena mute * Invincibility cannon now stops you from jumping * Some new skins * Added new skin for railgun beam * Changed AWP * Shoulder cannon loads grenades and rockets faster Changes since 2.01 * Added Shuriken, Laser rifle, Quad Rocket, Nuke Beamer, Smoker, * Fixed Rocket cannon secondary bug * Toned down shocker 2000 beams * Made bobbing on some weapons more noticeable * Changed Gibcannon secondary * Slightly tweaked corrosive chaingun * Added clip count to Beretta and Quad Rifle Changes since 2.00 * Added Tribal shotgun, Explosive candle, Game mage, EBMG, Pipebomb cannon, Rocket cannon (akimbo), Invincibility cannon, * Added muzzle flashes to some weapons, mainly rifles * Added skin for Shocker 2000 * Added skin for Bazooka * Increased Glover damage * Some new skins and sounds * Increased damage rate for M4 and silenced M4 * Gave some of the skins a facelift * Modified hand grenade secondary * Added some new meaty effects to the gibcannon gibs when they hit walls * Made tarydium gun shard more visible * Increased bazooka shell speed Changes since 1.09 * Added Minger, GhostBuster (akimbo), NukeMag (akimbo), Shocker 2000 (akimbo), * Changed Brute Troll fire modes * Modified Super Nail Gun primary fire projectile * Made Rocket Shock Rifle rocket anti-lag * Increased AARifle damage * Increased Tarydium gun damage * Modified Queen rifle primary and secondary * Made Laser gattling lasers more visible * Made Spreader primary fire out more pulse bolts Changes since 1.08 * Fixed akimbo weapons firing bug (thanks to Smoke39) * Added Rocket Shock Rifle (akimbo), Dispersion QuadShot (akimbo), Ghost Tank, * Changed the hand grenade projectile Changes since 1.07 * Added Cheese cannon mkII, Chaingun (akimbo), Queen rifle, Ak89 (akimbo), Cow Launcher, SAS Shotgun and Spreader * Added Devastator Arena mutator * Removed Canvas ammo texture from all UT flak-cannon based weapons * Implemented Smasher bunny hopping - See Smasher weapon below * Beefed up hit effects (sparks off walls etc) * I really did fix that RPB Rifle bug now Changes since 1.06 * Added Dispersion Rifle, Sin Rifle, Ingram smg (akimbo), Cheese cannon * Fixed RPB Rifle offset bug * Fixed weapons not showing up because they were assigned an invalid HUD value * Added 2 new Arena mutators * WeaponLord mute now replaces weapons too! Changes since 1.05 * Added Explosive Sniper rifle, Corrosive Chaingun, Anti-tank rifle, Mini-shotgun * Changed a few things * Added Team Deathmatch mode * Added Riot shotgun arena mutator Changes since 1.04 * Added Gattling gun (carnage!), Assimilator, ShockMG, Guano gun (sick!) and Bio-shotgun * New bobbing movement * New skins * Tweaked some old skins Changes since 1.03 * Hit the 50-weapon mark!!! * Added Brute Troll, Splicer, Super Nail Gun, Anti-Aircraft rifle and Glover * Added smoke and bullet-hole effects to some weapons * Changed Steel Spyder gun * Tweaked Handcannon Changes since 1.02 * Tweaked a whole bunch of stuff * Added VoltGun, Manta fish, Energy gun, Colt 18, Steel Spyder and Heavy Cannon * Added Domination mode and Assualt mode * Removed smoke and hot chunk trails from handgrenade. Reduces lag * Skins and sounds overhaul - added Electrominigun skins again * Added firechair and other projectiles * Got rid of the HUD esp text. It was annoying and it lagged Changes since 1.00 * Added Hunter Hawk, Silenced M4, Laser Gattling Gun and Bouncy Shockgun * Added new skins for Bouncy Shockgun and Silenced M4 * Added new sounds Credits ------- EvilDrWong for his little tip on the new HUD that did so much (although the HUD is no more) Weapons of Destruction for the weapon tutorials and support at the forums Chimeric for the tutorials Dwax, Nemephosis and all the others from the WoD forums for the weapon suggestions and bug reports etc Known bugs ---------- * You may be inconvenienced by the long load times when starting a match. If your computer is very slow, you might want to pick some weapons using WoRM (www.planetunreal.com/wod/worm). I've included a plugin with this pack. * The firing offsets for middle view models may be off. Thanks to Nemephosis for pointing this out.