Alternate Fire Mod README (Alternate Powerups)


Alternate for: Quad Damage

Effect: The first thing you'll notice when you pick this up is your new crosshair. It's a bit bigger than the normal one, and you'll only see it if you have an instant-hit weapon drawn, like the rail gun. If you have someone in this amazing crosshair when you pull the trigger, that unfortunate someone will be hit.
Other: Homing missiles that you fire while you have this powerup will not be deterred by flares. The lightning gun is perhaps the best weapon choice if you have it, since it can do 140 damage per second. The new crosshair is smaller when you have the rail gun drawn for a good reason. This powerup seems to be just about as dangerous as Quad Damage.


Alternate for: Regeneration

Effect: The first player to pick this up gets 100 health. (Anyone who steals it from him will get 50.) Health and armor will not count down for the duration of this powerup. Also, health is capped at 300, both for mega and normal health pickups. (This means that you can get to 300 health by 25's and 50's!)
Other: Combine this with Regeneration to become truly dangerous. If you have Vitality, Regeneration will give you 15 health per second until you reach 300.


Alternate for: Haste

Effect: The Vadrigar have blessed you - and cursed you - with some radical new footwear. In the first few seconds of this powerup, you feel the beginnings of whiplash. In the last few, you might as well be a slug.
Other: The radius rail has no prefire delay in the first few seconds of this powerup.

Hologram Generator

Alternate for: Invisibility

Effect: This is the only holdable powerup that spawns in the place of a normal powerup. When you choose to use it, you enter stasis, but it's not a bad thing. (Just choose a good hiding place!) You have to be just barely suspended in the air so you can move freely, and your indestructable hologram will mimick you exactly. This hologram has 2/3 the mass of a normal player and can only do 2/3 the damage, but it is still very, very deadly.
Other: Be prepared to be disoriented when your 30 seconds runs out. (It's easy to jump into a dangerous place if you haven't adjusted.) A Hologram will drop any powerups it has when it disappears, including flags. If the hologram takes more than 500 damage in one blow (like from an overheated BFG), it will destabilize immediately.

Vampiric Health

Alternate for: Mega health, +5 health

Effect: The mega health and large vampiric health alternate, and the +5 health and the +10 vampiric health alternate. Vampiric health is health you don't have access to immediately - you have to hurt someone, and then the amount of health you took from your target will be transferred from your vampiric health to your regular health. (That's why it's called "vampiric." As in vampires. Get it?) The large vampiric health is worth 150. It'll top your regular health up to 100 if it's below, and the remainder will be added to your vampiric health. (A vampiric health count will appear on the lower right-hand side of your HUD.) The +10 vampiric health will only add to your vampiric health.
Other: With Vitality, you can have 300 health, 200 armor, and 200 vampiric health. As long as you dish out 200 damage before you die, you'll have to have a grand total of 700 damage done to you to do you in!

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