Alternate Fire Mod README (Secondary Attacks)

You can set your secondary attack in the "Control" menus, under "Shoot." You'll find it directly underneath the "attack" binding.

Liquid-metal Protection (gauntlet)

A temporary suit of liquid metal that protects you from splash damage, 1/2 of normal damage, and falling damage. This is very similar to the battle suit, except that, being liquid metal, it doesn't protect you from that hot, hot lava or from drowning. The gauntlet now has "ammo." You start with 100, which gives you 5 seconds' worth of protection. Hitting an enemy with the primary gauntlet attack gives you 100 ammo, up to 200.

Ammo Rate: 1 per 50 ms (same as lightning gun)
Damage: None
Use: Use it to avoid falling damage when health is very low. This is also a very good defense when you are the flag carrier and need to escape a base full of rocket-launcher-wielding baddies. It is also helpful to turn this on when you need to run through crossfire to get a powerup or a weapon. You can also turn it on for some extra protection if you need to jump through a lightning web.

Flares (machinegun)

A slow-flying cylinder full of something bright that smells really good to homing missiles. They stick to walls, floors, and ceilings, but not players.

Ammo Rate: 5 per 1/2 second
Damage: 15 for a direct hit, up to 15 radius damage
Damage Radius: very small
Use: You definitely want to remember these when you see some slow-flying missiles winding toward you. They show up twice as bright on the homing missiles' radar.

One-shell Shotgun (shotgun)

Just like the regular attack, except that it fires faster and only requires one shell. (The regular shotgun now requires two shells.) The spread is also smaller, and it puts out less pellets.

Ammo Rate: 1 per 450 ms (just less than 1/2 second) - made to put out the same amount of damage as the regular shotgun in the same amount of time
Damage: 10 per pellet, 5 pellets per shot (up to 50)
Use: This weapon is a slightly better long-distance weapon than the shotgun. It is also a good finisher. Use it to conserve ammo when you know your opponent is low on health. It is also more effective in a combination than the regular shotgun.

Sticky Proximity Grenades (grenade launcher)

These little beasts stick to walls and wait (for up to 25 seconds) for some unsuspecting opponent to get near enough to set them off. They glow slightly, which makes them easy to spot if you're looking. Flares or the death of their owner will also set them off. They stick to walls, floors, and ceilings, but not players.

Ammo Rate: 2 per 1 1/2 seconds
Damage: 100 for a direct hit, up to 125 radius damage
Damage Radius: roughly twice the radius of a rocket's
Use: Use this to camp an area by proxy or defend your base or a weapon in team games. Defend against it by having the flares good and ready, and looking for the evil glow.

Homing Missiles (rocket launcher)

It's fun to see an opponent try to dodge a missile like this. It flies very slowly (slow enough to run away from if you can strafe jump) and tracks its closest opponent relentlessly. It has a 120-degree cone behind it which it cannot see through because of rocket exhaust. It lasts for 15 seconds or until it hits something. The death of its owner will cause it to stop tracking. The best ways to beat it are to fire flares, dodge around a sharp corner, let it get close and quickly sidestep it, or frag its owner. DO NOT run away in a straight line unless you're strafe-jumping.

Ammo Rate: 2 per 1 1/2 seconds
Damage: 100 for a direct hit, up to 100 radius damage (just like a normal rocket)
Damage Radius: same as a normal rocket
Use: There are two good uses. First, it's great just to bug people with. You even stand a good chance of damaging them a lot. If your opponent can dodge them well or remembers his flares at the right times, you can use it to bug him while you run the map.

Lightning Web (lightning gun)

Whip out your electron spider if you need to close off a hallway to everyone but you and your teammates. (Your teammates are still in danger if friendly fire is on, though.) Put one on the floor centered on a weapon to camp it for 25 seconds while you do something else. These things look nasty, sound nasty, and just plain ARE nasty. Need to box in the enemy flag carrier? No problem, if you've got enough ammo. The strands not only do damage, but also draw a victim to the inside where the strands are even denser. Unless you have a really good reason to jump through one, avoid them like the plague. The only way to get rid of one before its 25 seconds are up is to kill its owner.

Ammo Rate: 100 per 5 seconds
Damage: difficult to determine - can usually kill an unarmored player that tries to walk through

Radius Rail (rail gun)

This is only like the regular rail gun in that it is a hit-scan weapon (no trajectory) and that it launches depleted uranium slugs, magnetically accelerated to relativistic speeds. It fires three slugs at once, that, through some undetermined quantum force, twist around each other and pass straight through most matter without affecting it. The problem is that they create a field around them that deals a lot of concussion damage. Players that are hit will be knocked to the side, orthogonal to the rail's path. The player that fires it will be knocked directly backwards from the kick.

Ammo Rate: 3 per 5 seconds, with a 1 1/2 second preload time
Note: Weapons that are preloading will glow progressively brighter until the slugs are released.
Damage: up to 150 for a "direct" hit
Damage Radius: not appreciably larger than a rocket's
Use: This is really good for camping with, if you can remain safe enough through the 1 1/2 second preload and the 3 1/2 second reload. Tracking and leading skills are essential to have when using this weapon - otherwise it is almost completely useless to you. Fire into large groups with it to take out multiple players. This weapon is also a good last-ditch effort against an enemy flag carrier. It is only sometimes effective against a single opponent in a small enclosed space.

Orbiting Plasma (plasma gun)

This is just a good, general protective measure. Plasma orbits the creator until the creator dies or until 30 seconds is up, whichever comes first. Each plasma ball can deal 40 direct damage. Put a few up if you know you'll be jumping into a fray.

Ammo Rate: 10 per 1 1/2 seconds
Damage: 40
Use: There's no real specific use - just an extra measure to deal more pain if you'll be in close combat.

BFG Overload (BFG)

You think you have your opponent down to nearly nothing, and then he suddenly teleports out, leaving his BFG behind. Eh? It's making a funny sound. You run towards it to pick it up, but, 1 1/2 seconds later, it explodes, creating a very harmful-looking, expanding shockwave. You try to run, but it catches up, pushing you in the direction of the expansion. Everything goes white - the floor shakes maddeningly - you feel yourself dying. Great, score one more for that stupid BFG fag.

Ammo Rate: whatever you have left
Damage: indeterminable - a heckuva whole lot, though
Damage Radius: depends on how much ammo you have left
Mechanics: It takes 10 BFG ammo to teleport away. (If you have less than 20, you might as well forget about using this.) You drop the BFG as you teleport (meaning that it is completely OUT of your inventory), leaving it on overload. The rest of the ammo goes towards the resulting explosion. If a player manages to pick it up before it explodes, it will be disarmed, and the player will have a brand-spanking-new BFG with whatever ammo was left in it. In CTF, you will always be teleported back to your side - unless you have the enemy flag. If you have the enemy flag, you will be teleported to a spot on the enemy's side. If you see an overloaded BFG, you only need to get out of line of sight to be safe, and the shockwave will pass over you.
Uses: Use it on CTF4 (space CTF) to BFG-bomb the opposing team before making a run for the flag. Put it between your flag carrier and his pursuers. Throw it into a large group of fighting players to take them all out at once. (I've taken out nine bots with it before.) Scare opponents away from a room to clear it for an invasion by dropping it with only one ammo left in it (starting with 11).
Note: If the BFG is overloaded and will create a nice shockwave, the player is teleported to a place where he can watch the destruction take place.

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