(Your PnP Tweak Pack)

A Spellhold Studios mod
Authors: aVENGER and Wisp | Forum | Mod homepage | Version: 3.71
Introduction | Compatibility notes | Installation | Components | FAQ | Version history | CreditsLegal Notice | Contact info


This mod represents a compilation of various house rules and PnP related tweaks which are designed to change certain aspects of the game. It works on normal Baldur's Gate II games as well as either of the two Baldur's Gate conversion projects: (Easy)Tutu and Baldur's Gate Trilogy (BGT). The components "Simple Thief Script" and "Simple Bard Script" can also be installed on Icewind Dale and Icewind Dale II. The mod is divided into multiple components all of which can be installed separately and are completely independent of each other.

In summary, aTweaks can bring several classes, races, spells, items and creatures closer to their PnP counterparts, add more consistency to the gameplay by making sensible rule adjustments and eliminating exploits, and make it easier to distinguish between creatures with similar avatars through the use of recoloring techniques.

Note: In order to experience all of the new content introduced by this mod it is recommended to start a new game after installing it.
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Compatibility notes

This mod should be compatible with most other WeiDU mods. In particular, aTweaks has been coded in a special manner which prevents unnecessary content duplication in case one of its components is already contained within other mods. For best results, always install this mod after any other mods in order to ensure maximum compatibility. 

Note: If you intend to install aTweaks alongside other mods please consult the Compatibility Guide beforehand. Furthermore, since aTweaks and Rogue Rebalancing share certain resources, it's very important to always install aTweaks last. To emphasize the point, never install any component of Rogue Rebalancing after aTweaks.
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This mod is packaged and installed with WeiDU and is distributed as a self-extracting archive. To start the installation procedure simply double click on the self-extracting archive and point the installer to your Baldur's Gate 2 folder (default path C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\). In case you are installing this mod for a BG1Tutu or a BGT game point the installer to your BG1Tutu/BGT folder instead. Before starting the installation procedure make sure that neither Baldur's Gate 2 nor any third party editors such as Shadow Keeper and Infinity Explorer are currently running. After installing the mod you can re-run "Setup-aTweaks.exe" in your BG2 folder to reinstall, uninstall or otherwise change its components.

Note: This mod requires that Baldur's Gate 2 and its Throne of Bhaal expansion as well as the latest official patch (version 26498) are installed on your system. The components "Simple Thief Script" and "Simple Bard Script" are excepted and can also be installed on Icewind Dale and Icewind Dale II.
You are
strongly recommended to also download and install the G3 BG2 Fixpack before proceeding with the installation of this mod.

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PnP tweaks

This group of tweaks strives to bring various aspects of the game closer to Pen and Paper AD&D rules.

Restore innate infravision to Half-Orc characters
This component restores the PnP innate infravision trait to Half-Orc characters which was missing in the unmodded game. In order for this tweak to work, you need to turn on the party AI for 5–10 seconds until the appropriate script block triggers. After that, you can turn it off again if you wish.

Prevent skeletal undead from being affected by Illithids' Devour Brain attackThis component prevents skeletal undead creatures (such as summoned Skeletons and Skeleton Warriors) from being affected by the Devour Brain attack of Illithids. Since skeletal undead have no internal organs per PnP rules, they should not be affected by this particular attack and thus cannot die from having their intelligence score drained to zero.

Change Spiritual Hammer into a ranged force weapon
This component changes the magical hammer created by the level 2 cleric spell Spiritual Weapon into a ranged force weapon, as per PnP rules. The hammer now deals magical damage and can strike from a distance. However, it is now affected by the magic resistance of the target and no longer adds the strength bonus of its wielder to the damage that it deals. Since the hammer is supposed to be controlled telepathically (rather than being actually held or thrown) the wielder does not receive the standard penalty for holding a ranged weapon when engaged in close combat.

Allow Dispel/Remove Magic to take down Globes of Invulnerability
This component changes the Minor Globe of Invulnerability and the Globe of Invulnerability spells and makes them dispellable by Dispel/Remove Magic, as per PnP rules. The original in-game descriptions of those spells suggests that this behavior may have been intended by the developers.

PnP Color Spray
This component brings the Color Spray spell closer to its PnP counterpart. New description:
Upon the casting of this spell, a vivid, fan-shaped spray of clashing colors spring forth in front of the caster. All creatures in the area of effect are entitled a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effects, if they are above the 6th level or above the level of the caster. Blind or unseeing creatures are not affected. Creatures that are not allowed a saving throw, or that fail their saving throw, and whose level is below or equal to the level of the caster are struck unconscious for 4 rounds; those whose level is 1 or 2 greater than the level of the caster are struck blind for 2 rounds; those that are 3 or more levels above the level of the caster are disoriented and unable to think or act coherently for 1 round.

PnP Dimension Door
This component brings the Dimension Door spell closer to its PnP counterpart. The spell can now be used on any point on the current map that the party has already explored i.e it is no longer limited to the caster's visual range. Furthermore, all merchants that carry a Confusion scroll now also carry a Dimension Door scroll.  Lastly, if TobEx is installed, this component will restore the Dimension Door spell to the mage/sorcerer spell selection screen.
ATTENTION: be careful when using this spell. With the restored functionality it's possible to accidentally teleport over a plot critical ground trigger which could potentially prevent certain scripted events from occurring.

Magical arrows and bolts deal bonus damage equal to their enchantment level
This component allows magical bolts and arrows to deal bonus damage appropriate to their enchantment level, as per PnP rules. For example, this means that an Arrow +1 now deals 1d6+1 damage while an Arrow +2 deals 1d6+2 damage... etc. For reference, both  BG1 and IWD1 had correctly implemented this feature, but for some reason, the designers of BG2 chose to omit the enchantment bonus to damage for arrows and bolts. Note that this tweak only applies to generic (+x) enchanted arrows, bolts and magical quivers. Special, yet non-enchanted, ammo varieties such as Arrows of Piercing and Bolts of Biting will remain untouched.

Allow Mages to scribe memorized spells onto scrolls
This component grants all Mages (except Sorcerers) of 9th level and higher the ability to scribe spells from their spellbooks onto scrolls, as per PnP rules. Only spells that are currently memorized may be scribed in this manner. Furthermore, the cost of any raw materials that are used in the process must be covered in full. Finally, inscribing a scroll removes one instance of the spell in question from the caster's memory. This ability can be used at will, as long as the environment is non-hostile.

Restore innate disease immunity to Paladins

This component makes all Paladins inherently immune to disease, as per PnP rules. It also adds an innate Cure Disease ability, usable once per day, to the True Paladin and Cavalier kits. The Inquisitor and Undead Hunter kits do not receive the Cure Disease ability due to their respective restrictions. Note: a new game must be started in order for this component to function properly.

Rangers' Animal Empathy improves with experience
This component renames the Ranger's Charm Animal ability into Animal Empathy and adjusts it to more closely match its PnP counterpart. An animal attempting to resist this ability must now roll a saving throw vs. wands (with a −1 penalty) in order to avoid becoming charmed. The Ranger imposes an additional saving throw penalty for every three experience levels he has earned (i.e. −2 at 4th level, −3 at 7th level... etc.) up to a maximum of −6 at 16th level. Furthermore, if the animal fails its saving throw, it now becomes charmed for 5 rounds per level of the Ranger. Finally, being non-magical in nature, this ability now ignores any magic resistance of the target animal and can no longer be removed by Dispel Magic.

Additional racial traits for Dwarves
This component restores the +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against orcs, half-orcs, goblins and hobgoblins to dwarven characters. Furthermore Giants, Trolls, Ogres and Ogre Magi now suffer a −4 penalty to their attack rolls when targeting dwarves, as per PnP rules. In order for this tweak to work, you need to turn on the party AI for 5–10 seconds until the appropriate script block triggers. After that, you can turn it off again if you wish. Note: this component is fully compatible with the "Giants Receive Penalties When Attacking Halflings, Dwarves, and Gnomes" component of the G3 BG2 Fixpack.

Additional racial traits for Gnomes
This component restores the +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds and goblins to gnome characters. Furthermore Giants, Trolls, Gnolls, Bugbears, Ogres and Ogre Magi now suffer a −4 penalty to their attack rolls when targeting gnomes, as per PnP rules. In order for this tweak to work, you need to turn on the party AI for 5–10 seconds until the appropriate script block triggers. After that, you can turn it off again if you wish. Note: this component is fully compatible with the "Giants Receive Penalties When Attacking Halflings, Dwarves, and Gnomes" component of the G3 BG2 Fixpack.

PnP Fiends
This component brings all Fiends in the game closer to their PnP counterparts. Legitimately missing abilities are restored and spuriously granted benefits are removed. The Fiends' AI has been enhanced as well, and it now allows them to act in accordance to their PnP behavior and intelligence scores. In effect, these changes moderately increase the difficulty of dealing with Fiend opponents. Finally, the Blood War now plays a slightly more prominent role. Whenever Baatezu and Tanar'ri meet, they will taunt and fight each other. This will take precedence over any other actions unless the Fiends' existence is endangered by a more powerful enemy.

This component is available as three subcomponents.
The first subcomponent installs PnP Fiends without making changes to mod-added fiends. This means that mod-added fiends can have different statistics and abilities than normal fiends.
The second subcomponent installs PnP Fiends while aiming to affect mod-added fiends as well (currently this only extends to affecting fiends from SCSII). This means you won't necessarily encounter fiends that have different statistics and behave differently, merely because they belong to another mod. Some unique or otherwise special fiends can have better statistics than the corresponding regular fiend. Also, not every mod-added fiend is affected.
The third subcomponent installs PnP Fiends without making any notable changes to the statistics of the fiends. I.e. it only installs aTweaks' fiend scripts (governing behaviour and abilities). Mod-added fiends are affected to the same extent as in the second subcomponent.

In addition to altering the statistics and abilities of fiends, this component also affects several aspects of the fiend-summoning process. Firstly, while summoned Fiends still remain uncontrollable, they now match the allegiance of their summoner. This allows the summoner to receive experience points for each opponent that the Fiends defeats, but it also applies the appropriate reputation penalty for each innocent that the Fiend murders. Secondly, the nature of a summoned Fiend now corresponds to the alignment of its summoner. A Baatezu appears if the caster is lawfully aligned, while a Tanar'ri appears if the caster is chaotically aligned. If the caster is neither lawfully nor chaotically aligned, a Yugoloth will be summoned instead. Lastly, the party now gains XP for killing Fiends summoned by opponents. More information is available online.

Even More Revised Fiend Summoning
This component is an optional add-on to 'PnP Fiends' and, as such, it requires that 'PnP Fiends' be installed first.
The component alters the Fiend-summoning spells to, instead of summoning a specific type of fiend, give you a choice as to what type of find to summon. Chaotically aligned casters may choose between summoning a Tanar'ri and a Yugoloth and lawfully aligned casters may choose between summoning a Baatezu and a Yugoloth. Casters who are neither chaotically nor lawfully aligned may choose between any of the three types of fiends. The choice is made when the spell is cast by having the player choose from a sub-menu of spells (analogously to how the spells Enchanted Weapon or Spell Immunity or work).

Fiendish gating
This component is an optional add-on to 'PnP Fiends' and, as such, it requires that 'PnP Fiends' be installed first.
The component gives fiends the ability to gate in other fiends, as outlined in PnP sources. A fiend may only attempt to open a gate every so often and the attempt may not necessarily be successful. Only fiends which were not themselves gated may open gates. Fiendish gating can be disabled at any time with the following console command:
CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("RR#FNOGT","GLOBAL",1) It can also be re-enabled with the following command:
CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("RR#FNOGT","GLOBAL",0)  The frequencies, chances of success and creatures gated in are summarised in table 1.
Table 1: Table of the gating abilities of different fiends.
Fiend Chance of success How often it may be attempted Type and number of creatures gated
Balor 100 % 1x/hour 4 lesser, 2 greater or 1 true tanar'ri
Marilith 35 % 1x/hour 4 lesser, 2 greater or 1 true tanar'ri
Glabrezu 50 % 1x/day 1 true tanar'ri
Succubus1 40 % 1x/day 1 balor
Nabassu2 45% 3x/day 3 cambions or 1 nabassu
Pit Fiend 100 % 1x/round 2 lesser or 1 greater baatezu
Gelugon 30 % 1x/day 5 bone fiends or 1 gelugon
Cornugon 30 % 1x/day 8 abishai or 2 cornugons
Abishai 30 % 1x/day 1–3 abishai
Bone Fiend 35 % 1x/day 1–2 bone fiends
1. Kirinhale, the succubus encountered in Durlag's Tower and Amelia, the succubus from Coran's quest (BG1 NPC mod) will not attempt to open any gates.
2. Aec'Letec, the Nabassu encountered in Ulgoth's Beard will not attempt to open any gates. 

PnP Mephits
This component brings all Mephits in the game closer to their PnP counterparts. Legitimately missing abilities are restored and spuriously granted benefits are removed. The Mephits' AI has been enhanced as well, and it now allows them to act in accordance to their PnP behavior and intelligence scores. In effect, these changes moderately increase the difficulty of dealing with Mephits opponents. More information is available online.

PnP Fey creatures
This component brings all fey creatures (Dryads, Hamadryads, Nymphs and Sirines) in the game closer to their PnP counterparts. Legitimately missing abilities are restored and spuriously granted benefits are removed. The creatures' AI has been enhanced as well, and it now allows them to act in accordance to their PnP behavior and intelligence scores. In effect, these changes moderately increase the difficulty of dealing with fey creatures. More information is available online.

Revised Call Woodland Beings spell
This component alters the Call Woodland Beings spell in an attempt to bring it slightly closer to its PnP counterpart. The spell now summons different creatures according to the caster's level:

7th: 2 Dryads or 1 Hamadryad
10th: 3 Hamadryads
13th+: 4 Hamadryads and 1 Nymph

Note: this component requires the "PnP Fey creatures'' component.

Gameplay tweaks

This group of tweas makes several changes in order to bring more consistency to the gameplay.

Allow Breach to take down Stoneskin effects applied by items
In the unmodded game, several characters (i.e. Cowled Enforcers, Conster, Mekrath, Rayic Gethras, Terminsel... etc.) were wearing special rings which covered them with a semi-permanent Stoneskin effect. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the Infinity Engine, this Stoneskin effect could not be removed by the Breach spell. This component remedies that oversight and allows the Breach spell to properly take down any Stoneskin effects which are applied by such items. It also changes the Gargoyle Boots in a similar manner and allows enemy mages to take down its Stoneskin effect with the Breach spell.

Instant casting for warrior innates
This component eliminates the casting delay for all innate abilities of the warrior classes that are not spell-like in nature. In summary, you will never get the dreaded "Spell Disrupted" message while attempting to use Berserker Enrage, Barbarian Rage, Kensai Kai and Lay On Hands (both the Paladin and the Monk version). Minsc's unique Berserk ability is also affected by this change. Finally, this tweak will also prevent Wild Magic and Dead Magic zones from interfering with these abilities.

Revised Bhaalpowers
This component revises the Bhaalpowers which the Protagonist receives in BG1 (or at the start of BG2) due to his divine heritage. It can be installed in two ways. The first option converts the Bhaalpowers into slightly more useful and unique abilities whose effectiveness scales with the Protagonist's level. A detailed description of the revised Bhaalpowers is available online. The second option retains the original Bhaalpowers and merely reduces their casting time to 1 which is consistent with other spell-like abilities as well as the casting time of the advanced Bhaalpowers that the Protagonist receives by completing the pocket plane challenges in Throne of Bhaal. 

Regain Bhaalpowers in ToB
This component allows the player to regain the Bhaalpowers that were lost along with the player character's soul. The powers are regained upon making the transition into ToB. Starting a new game in ToB is also supported but players of good alignment will just gain good powers, players of evil alignment will just gain evil powers and players of neutral alignment will gain one of each power.
ATTENTION: For some reason the game may not recognise the Vampiric Touch Bhaalpower on BGT. If that happens and you start BG2 with one use of Vampiric Touch you will gain 2 uses of Draw Upon Holy Might in ToB. If you start BG2 with 2 uses of Vampiric Touch you will gain 2 uses of Draw Upon Holy Might in ToB if your alignment is good, 2 uses of Vampiric Touch if your alignment is evil and 1 use of each if your alignment is neutral.

Make druidic shapeshifting uninterruptable
This component eliminates the casting delay for innate druidic shapeshifting abilities. In summary, you will never get the dreaded "Spell Disrupted" message while attempting to shapeshift as a Druid. Furthermore, this tweak will also prevent Wild Magic and Dead Magic zones from interfering with druidic shapeshifting abilities.

Prevent Mislead clones from singing Bard songs
This component prevents illusionary clones created by the Mislead spell from singing Bard songs. When ordered to sing, an illusionary clone will now only mimic the mouth movements of the original caster without making any sound and thus won't provide any battlesong benefits to nearby allies, nor hinder adjacent enemies in case the original caster was a Jester.

Prevent Project Image and Simulacrum clones from using quickslot items
This component prevents illusionary clones created by the Project Image and Simulacrum spells from using expendable quickslot items such as potions, wands and scrolls. In effect, this tweak closes the exploit which previously allowed the player to get infinite uses out of one-time consumable items such as Protection from Magic scrolls.

Restore the Dispel Magic vulnerability to Nishruu and Hakeashars
The Nishruu and Hakeashar AI scripts indicate that the developers originally indented for Dispel/Remove Magic to instantly kill these creatures. Unfortunately, due to a targeting bug, the script block responsible for this behavior could never properly execute for player characters (though it always worked fine for opponents). This component fixes that oversight and makes Nishruu and Hakeashars vulnerable to Dispel/Remove Magic cast by player characters. If the caster successfully makes a Dispel/Remove Magic check against these creatures, they will be instantly slain. Furthermore, Nishruu and Hakeashars are now also vulnerable to items which dispel magical effects on hit (i.e. Arrows of Dispelling, Staff of the Magi and Carsomyr).

Make Death Ward protect against Vorpal Hits
This component make the Death Ward spell protect the recipient against being instantly slain by vorpal weapons.

Make alignment detection spells more accurate
This component slightly tweaks the Know Alignment and Detect Evil spells. In addition to displaying the alignment of the target on the Good–Evil scale, these spells now also display the target's alignment on the Law–Chaos scale. For example, casting Know Alignment on Keldorn will now display "Lawful Good" instead of merely "Good". Similarly, casting Detect Evil near Korgan will now list his alignment as "Chaotic Evil" instead of merely "Evil".

Expanded saving throw bonus tables for Dwarves, Gnomes and Halflings
This component expands the racial saving throw bonus tables for Dwarves, Gnomes and Halflings and makes them account for Constitution scores above 18. In the original game, the racial saving throw bonus was capped at +5. With the new table, it goes up to +7. The expanded table follows the established progression rate: +1 bonus for every 3.5 points of Constitution:

Constitution score Saving throw bonus
4-6 +1
7-10 +2
11-13 +3
14-17 +4
18-20 +5
21-24 +6
25 +7

Bard songs break invisibility
This component modifies the Bard battlesongs in such a way that a Bard who attempts to sing must forfeit his invisibility due to the opponent's ability to locate him by sound. Bards who are under the effects of Improved Invisibility become only partially visible while singing. This tweak can be installed in two ways – the changes can either only apply to the Jester's song (since it directly affects enemies) or to the battlesongs of all Bards. Both options will affect the battlesongs from the unmodded game as well as the battlesongs which are introduced by the G3 BG2 Fixpack and Rogue Rebalancing.

Improved XP rewards from locks, traps and scrolls
This component has two subcomponent. The first subcomponent alters the XP rewards from picking locks, disarming traps and scribing scrolls to be lower than the vanilla BG2 values. The rewards start out small and increase as the thief gains levels, or with higher spell levels. The new XP rewards are summarised tables 2 and 3.
The second subcomponent removes the XP rewards for picking locks, disarming traps and scribing scrolls.

Table 2: XP rewards for picking locks and disarming traps.
Thief Level Picking Lock Disarming Trap
1 20 50
3 50 100
6 100 200
9 200 400
11 300 600
13 400 800
16 500 1000

Table 3: XP rewards for scribing scrolls.
Spell Level Scribing Scroll
1 50
2 100
3 200
4 500
5 1000
6 3000
7 5000
8 7000
9 9000

Simple Thief script
This component introduces a simple player AI script which is intended for Thief characters. When assigned, this script will allow a Thief to either use his "Find Traps" skill or his "Hide in Shadows" skill whenever he is idle. By default the Thief will search for traps when there are no enemies nearby. Pressing the 'D' key toggles this setting and causes the Thief to attempt to hide in shadows as long as there are no enemies in his line of sight. Note that the Thief won't attack opponents nor defend himself while either of these skills is in use. Pressing the 'V' key toggles this setting and causes the Thief to stop using his skills and start attacking the nearest enemy. This script will never override player-assigned actions.
This script is also available for Icewind Dale and Icewind Dale II.

Simple Bard script
This component introduces a simple player AI script which is intended for Bard characters. When assigned, this script will allow a Bard to sing his battlesong whenever he is idle. By default the Bard will only sing when enemies are nearby and stop once they are out of his line of sight. Pressing the 'D' key toggles this setting and causes the Bard to sing constantly, regardless of enemy presence. Note that the Bard won't attack opponents nor defend himself while singing the battlesong. Pressing the 'V' key toggles this setting and causes the Bard to stop singing and start attacking the nearest enemy. This script will never override player-assigned actions.

The script functions differently if installed on Icewind Dale or Icewind Dale II: By default the Bard will only sing when there are no enemies nearby and stop once combat starts. Pressing the 'D' key toggles this setting and allows the Bard to sing constantly, regardless of enemy presence, or only sing during combat. When not in combat the Bard will sing either Tymora's Melody or The Tale of Curran Strongheart, provided the Bard knows these songs. When in combat the Bard will sing either The Ballad of the Three Heroes, The War Chant of Sith or The Tale of Curran Strongheart, provided the Bard knows these songs.

Cosmetic tweaks

This group of tweaks makes changes to the look and feel of the game without altering the gameplay mechanics.

Use Icewind Dale's Dimension Door animation
This component replaces the default animation for the Dimension Door and Shadow Door spells with the higher quality animation from Icewind Dale. The actual gameplay effects of those spells remain completely unchanged, only their visual appearance is altered. This tweak can be installed in four ways:
  • The new animation can play at fast speed (as in Icewind Dale).
  • The new animation can play at slow speed (matching the speed the ordinary animation in Baldur's Gate 2 is played at).
  • The new animation can be used only for the actual spells (Dimension Door and Shadow Door), thereby retaining the old animation for other visual effects such as portal appearances and creature spawning sequences.
  • The new animation can be played at fast speed with a reduced delay between the start of the animation and the appearance or disappearance of the creature.

Change the appearance of Valygar's armor
This component changes the appearance of Valygar's personal armor to resemble Studded Leather rather than Chain Mail. The color palette of the armor will also be altered in order to more closely match its inventory icon. The item's statistics will remain untouched.

Change the appearance of the Robe of Vecna
This component will change the appearance of the Robe of Vecna and turn it into a fully hooded robe, making it look similar to the Robe of the Good/Evil/Neutral Archmagi. The item's statistics will remain untouched.

Distinctive creature coloring
This component will recolor certain creatures to more clearly differentiate them from each other. Most notably Flesh, Stone, Clay, Sand, Juggernaut, Iron and Adamantite Golems now all have distinctive appearances. Furthermore all Mephits (Fire, Ice, Lightning, Magma, Air, Earth, Mist...etc.) now have unique colors, Giant, Snow, Ice and Desert Trolls can now be easily distinguished from their regular cousins, Imps (tinted red) can now easily be distinguished from Quasits (tinted green), Greater Mummies are tinged with golden colors which makes them stand out from regular Mummies and Nishruu are now tinted red which makes it easier to distinguish them from the gray colored Hakeashars. This component also makes it easier to distinguish between Balors, Pit Fiends and Nabassu. It also makes Bone Fiends, Maurezhi and Hellcats stand out from Bone Golems, Ghouls and Panthers, respectively. Furthermore, Dryads, Hamadryads, Nymphs, Sirines, Nereids and Succubi now use different color templates as well. For reference, the new creature colors match the appropriate descriptions and illustrations from the PnP source material as closely as possible. A screenshot gallery is available online.

Distinctive creature soundsets
This component assigns a unique soundset to Shambling Mounds rather than having them mimic the Earth Elemental soundset. It also assigns a new soundset to all Mariliths in the game which is based on Yxunomei, the Marilith from Icewind Dale. Finally, it assigns the proper soundsets to all Dryads, Nymphs, Sirines and Succubi.

Miscellaneous tweaks

This group of tweaks consists of miscellaneous changes which don't directly fit into any of the previously mentioned categories.

Slightly expanded storage capacity for containers
This component slightly expands the storage capacity of all containers in the game (Gem Bags, Scroll Cases, Bags of Holding... etc.). It can be installed in two ways, by either using the recommended setting of 999 items per container or by entering a custom value for the storage capacity. The difference between this tweak and similar components from other mods is that containers with the recommended storage capacity of 999 (or below) shouldn't slow down the engine as much as the truly bottomless containers. Note that this tweak won't lower the capacity of containers which can already carry more than 999 items (such as Ammo Belts).

Expanded temple services
This component slightly expands the selection of curative spells which can be cast by NPC priests in temples. The spell selection is expanded as follows:
  • Any priest who currently has the Dispel Magic spell under his service tab gains the Cure Disease spell
  • Any priest who currently has the Cure Moderate Wounds spell under his service tab gains the Neutralize Poison and Lesser Restoration spells
  • Any priest who currently has the Cure Critical Wounds spell under his service tab gains the Mass Cure spell
In summary, this tweak should make it a bit easier for solo players and parties without access to divine magic to get cured of disease, blindness, deafness, feeblemind and level drain.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need the Throne of Bhaal expansion and the latest official patch in order to play this mod?
A: Yes, the Throne of Bhaal expansion as well as the latest official patch (version 26498) are both required in order to play this mod.  

Q: Do I need one of the unofficial fixpacks in order to play this mod?
A: It is strongly recommended to download and install the G3 BG2 Fixpack before installing this mod.

Q: Can I use the Baldurdash fixpack instead?
A: Possibly, but since Baldurdash doesn't fix some of the recently discovered bugs, certain issues may arise in that combination.

Q: I've found a bug in aTweaks. What should I do?
A: Visit the Bug Report thread on the aTweaks forum and follow the instructions provided there. 

Q: I've found a compatibility issue between aTweaks and another mod. What should I do?
A: Visit the Compatibility thread on the aTweaks forum and follow the instructions provided there.

Q: I'd like to translate aTweaks into a different language. How should I do that?
A: Visit the Translation thread on the aTweaks forum and follow the instructions provided there.

Q: I have a question about aTweaks which is not covered by this FAQ. What should I do?
A: Visit the aTweaks forum and post your question there.

Note: You don't need to register on the Spellhold Studios forums in order to post there.
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Version History

v3.71 – November 11, 2011
  • Updated the French, Russian and Italian translations
  • Dryads and Hamadryads can now use their Dimension Door and Detect Pits and Snares abilities in all outdoor environments where at least a few trees are present, even if these areas are not flagged as forests in the ARE file
  • Slightly improved Pyrotechnics and Entangle targeting for summoned fiends/hamadryads
  • Fiends now handle characters under a Resist Fear spell a bit better
  • Made some minor optimizations concerning the use of Death Gaze, Etherealness, Confusion, Teleport Without Error and Fiendish Gating
  • Pit Fiends will now use Improved Invisibility a bit more efficiently
v3.70 – October 29, 2011
  • Added the "PnP Fey creatures", "Revised Call Woodland Beings spell", "PnP Dimension Door" and "Make Death Ward protect against Vorpal Hits" components
  • The components "Give Shambling Mounds their proper soundset" and "Give Mariliths their Icewind Dale soundset"  have been deprecated as a stand-alone components and are now included in the new "Distinctive creature soundsets" component
  • Dryads, Hamadryads, Nymphs, Sirines, Nereids and Succubi are now affected by the "Distinctive creature coloring" and "Distinctive creature soundsets" components
  • Hellcats are now properly immune to all mind-affecting spells and grant 5,000 XP when killed
  • The movement rate of several fiends was erroneously set too slow. Their speed now matches the given PnP rating
  • Due to a typo, several mephits and fiends that are immune to fire were also erroneously made immune to Cloudkill
  • Fiends of the same type will now coordinate their attacks better. When one fiend encounters an enemy, it will try to telepathically alert any nearby fiends of its type to the enemy's presence. The alerted fiends will then attempt to teleport to its location
  • Oozes, constructs, elementals, skeletal undead and incorporeal creatures are now immune to the Balors' vorpal hits
  • The intense flames which engulf a Balor's body will now burn through webs and any entangling vegetation. They will also repel insects and bat swarms
  • Improved the targeting routine of Imps and Quasits. Also, Quasits now use a Blast of Fear (30' radius) instead of the regular (cone shaped) Fear spell, as per PnP
  • Ka'rashur and Tahazzar should now go hostile a bit more reliably
  • Further optimized Mariliths' Cloudkill use
  • Summoned Balors can now finish off Trolls that have been knocked down by approaching them and triggering the Body Flames ability
  • The Pit Fiend summoned through the portal in the maze below Spellhold can no longer be attacked before the gating animation is complete
  • Restored the Pyrotechnics spell-like ability to Balors, Mariliths, Abishai, Cornugons and Pit Fiends
v3.67 – October 2, 2011
  • Replaced G triggers in "Regain Bhaalpowers in ToB" to avoid possible unreliability.
  • Resolved a cosmetic incompatibility between the fiend components of SCSII and aTweaks (provided aTweaks is installed second) which produced a green-tinted Glabrezu and Marilith inside the Planar Sphere.
  • Ultroloths now correctly make two attacks per round.
  • Yugoloth are now created in a more robust manner (they are no longer copied from other fiend files). Notably this means they no longer have the Balor off-hand weapon.
  • Updated to WeiDU 230.
v3.66 – September 18, 2011
  • Mariliths will no longer target Shambling Mounds with their Cause Serious Wounds ability
  • Air Mephits were randomly using their Gust of Wind ability due to an engine bug with the SpellCastInnateRES() trigger
  • Removed a small script delay in the mephit gating animation
  • Updated the sound effect of the Succubus' Kiss ability
  • Relocated the Die() trigger block to the top in all Yugoloth scripts
v3.65 – August 7, 2011
  • The Balor's whip attack was erroneously dealing piercing instead of crushing damage
  • The Nabassu's Vampiric Touch was causing too little damage and didn't properly heal the demon
  • Gated fiends can no longer be targeted before the gate animation finishes
  • Air and Mineral Mephits are now properly immune to the effects of the Wand of Cloudkill
  • Fiend spell immunities are now applied in a more robust manner. Among other things, this rectifies some issues with Cambions and Alu-Fiends who previously weren't receiving all of their immunities
  • Unique fiends (i.e. Tahazzar, Ka'rashur, Aesgareth...) will once again yield more XP when killed than their generic counterparts i.e. their XP values from the unmodded game have been restored
  • Pit Fiends can now use their Wish spell to cure themselves of blindness and level drain
  • Mariliths will now use their Cloudkill ability a bit more aggressively. Furthermore, the volume of the IWD Marilith soundset was slightly lowered in order to fit in with the rest of the BG2 creature sounds
  • The durations of all fiend summoning spells have been slightly increased
  • The Summon Cacofiend scroll was unusable by Illusionists if the Spell Revisions mod was installed
  • Spell Revisions' version of the Detect Alignment spell was not working for non-evil alignments if aTweaks' "Make alignment detection spells more accurate" component was installed
  • Fiends summoned by opponents now properly grant XP when killed if both aTweaks and SCSII are installed
  • For compatibility reasons, Glabrezu and Balors summoned by opponents now use Remove Magic instead of Dispel Magic if both aTweaks and SCSII are installed. Furthermore, both demons will now try to dispel the party's defenses a bit more aggressively
  • If SCSII is installed Aesgareth, the Cambion in Watcher's Keep, will now retain his original spellbook rather than receiving the same spell selection as regular Cambions
v3.64 – August 1, 2011
  • The mod now installs on Classic Adventures again.
v3.63 – July 24, 2011
  • The trapped Cambion in Irenicus' dungeon can no longer be harmed before he is released from the magical sphere. Furthermore, he should now use his Teleport Without Error ability a bit more efficiently
  • The strength score of all regular (non-unique) Cambions has been lowered to 18/76 (was 19). Furthermore, all Cambions can now cast Charm Person at will
  • One Ice Troll in the de'Arnise Keep was erroneously unaffected by the "Distinctive Creature Coloring" component
  • The Shield spell and amulet were not protecting the user from the fiend/mephit innate version of Magic Missile
  • Made some cosmetic adjustments to the way the Scribe Scrolls ability is acquired
v3.62 – July 9, 2011
  • Maurezhi were erroneously assigned the wrong ability scores. They were also wielding a non-enchanted weapon and missing some of their advertised PnP traits
  • The Cause Fear ability was erroneously using an incorrect saving throw penalty
  • Balors now properly dual-wield a Vorpal Sword (right hand) and a Flaming Whip  (left hand)
  • Made some changes to the Fiendish Gating component. Most notably, Fiends no longer stand idle while opening gates and now also give slightly higher priority to gating. Furthermore, Fiendish gating can now be disabled at any time with a console command: CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("RR#FNOGT","GLOBAL",1)
  • Hostile Nabassus (except Aec'Letec) will now gate-in other Tanar'ri if the Fiendish Gating component is installed
  • Made some adjustments to the fiend scripts. Most notably, fiends of the same type can now call on their allies for help during battle if they are off-screen but still within shouting range. Also, whenever the party rests, the fiends now rest as well
  • Added another Wish option to the Pit Fiend's repertoire. It is analogous to the player's "Wish: Improved Haste on all party members" choice
  • The PnP Fiends component now handles the demons inside the Planar Sphere a bit differently. Lea'liyl is now treated as a Marilith, one of the two generic Tanar'ri becomes a Glabrezu while the other remains a Nabassu. Some previously unused dialogue lines for Lea'liyl and the Nabassu have also been restored
  • Added a few load screen hints which explain some of the new fiend/mephit abilities in-game
v3.61 – June 25, 2011
  • Mephit gating can now be disabled with a console command: CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("RR#MNOGT","GLOBAL",1)
  • Blinded creatures are now properly protected from the PnP version of Color Spray that is used by players
  • Gated mephits are now taken into account by the "Distinctive Creature Coloring" component
  • Amelia, the succubus in Coran's quest from the BG1 NPCs mod is now taken into account by the "PnP Fiends" component
  • The Smoke Mephits in Dynaheir's quest from the BG1 NPCs mod are now taken into account by the "PnP Mephits" component
  • Updated the Russian and French translations
  • Updated the aTweaks logo
v3.60 – June 20, 2011
  • Added the "PnP Mephits" and "PnP Color Spray" components to the "PnP Tweaks" group
  • Added the  "Expanded saving throw bonus tables for Dwarves, Gnomes and Halflings" component to the "Gameplay Tweaks" group
  • Ice and Desert Trolls are now handled by the "Distinctive Creature Coloring" component
v3.54 – June 13, 2011
  • Circumvented an engine bug that could crash the game when "Regain Bhaalpowers in ToB" was used.
  • Added special treatment, written by aVENGER, for the Empathic Manifestion to Distinctive Creature Coloring.
  • The Empathic Manifestion is no longer unaffected by the Healing Touch Bhaalpower.
  • The integrate_sectypes function is slightly more resistant to corrupted input files.
v3.53 – May 15, 2011
  • Synchronised DS with SCSII v19.
  • Glabrezus and Succubi will not attempt to open gates while ethereal.
  • PnP Fiends now accounts for Quest Pack's Marilith and some overlooked fiends from SCSII.
  • Scribe Scrolls now accounts for Galactygon's Spell Pack mod.
v3.52 – March 26, 2011
  • Planar Sphere Nabassus no longer summon Imps.
  • Fixed a regression that broke certain unique or special fiends.
v3.51 – March 24, 2011
  • Updated French translation.
  • Fiends added in v3.50 are now properly accounted for by "Revised Creature Coloring" and "Give Mariliths their Icewind Dale soundset".
  • Nerfed Arcanaloths slightly.
  • "Scribe Scrolls->Scrolls can only be scribed at inns and strongholds" now installs on Tutu again.
  • Updated to WeiDU 229.
v3.50 – March 5, 2011
  • Say Hello to the Yugoloth: the Neutral Evil mercenaries of the Blood War. Casters who are neither Lawful nor Chaotic will now summon these guys instead.
  • Revised Fiend Summoning is back! Except it is completely different.
  • Added the "Fiendish gating" component to the "PnP Tweaks" group.
  • The corpse of the non-summoned Gelugon in Watcher's Keep should now not disappear.
  • The Fear spell used by Maurezhi and Quasits now affects a cone-shaped area, as advertised.
  • Cut Balor's vorpal hit chance by half and rounded down to the nearest simulated die roll (i.e., 5%) to reflect that only one of their two APR is made with their sword.
  • Added the effects of the Gelugon tail slap and increased the duration of the slow effect to 5 rounds (the expected value of 2d8).
  • Earth Elementals are now not affected by the "Constrict" abilities of Pit Fiends and Mariliths.
  • The Glabrezu's "Grab" ability now only affects some (most) humanoids and some undead (they can only grab ~70 kg at most).
  • Pit Fiends now have a base THAC0 of 7, like they should have.
  • The Scribe Scrolls ability is now separate from and independent of the Scribe Scrolls ability in RR.
  • "Scribe Scrolls->Scrolls can only be scribed at inns and strongholds" now uses a revised area-definition list.
  • Updated Russian and Italian translations.
  • Updated to WeiDU 228.
v3.42 – January 23, 2011
  • "Regain Bhaalpowers in ToB" now survives a reload.
v3.41 – January 18, 2011
  • The Nabassu Death Gaze should no longer be able to kill plot-critical characters and similar.
  • Revised Italian translation.
v3.40 – January 17, 2011
  • Reworked the "PnP Fiends" component for better integration with SCSII and to allow the player more freedom of choice.
  • The component "Revised Fiend Summoning" has been deprecated as a stand-alone component and is now included in "PnP Fiends".
  • Updated Italian, Russian and French translations.
  • Updated to WeiDU 226.
v3.30 – November 12, 2010
  • Added the component "Altered XP rewards from locks, traps and scrolls" to the "Gameplay Tweaks" group.
  • Resolved a compatibility issue between the "Spell Revisions" mod and Revised Fiend Summoning.
  • Updated French, Italian and Russian translations.
  • Updated to WeiDU 224.
v3.22 – October 30, 2010
  • Updated Russian translation.
  • Updated to WeiDU 223.
v3.21 – September 30, 2010
  • Added compatibility check for Classic Adventures to the magical arrows and bolts component.
  • Updated Italian translation.
  • Altered a bunch of compatibility checks to use REQUIRE_PREDICATE instead of other methods.
v3.20 – September 20, 2010
  • Added compatibility between Scribe Scrolls and SCSII's Spell Immunity scrolls.
  • Added compatibility between Scribe Scrolls and D0Tweaks' Dimension Door.
  • Complemented the list of creatures altered by the "Distinctive Creature Coloring" component based on the list contained within Infinity Animations.
  • Added additional subcomponent to the IWD Dimension Door component.
  • Added compatibility between Scribe Scrolls and Spell Revisions.
  • Gold spent on scribing scrolls can now not be recouped by removing the mage from the party.
  • Enabled Scribe Scrolls for all mage kits present when the component is installed.
  • Enabled compatibility between Scribe Scrolls and mods that mess with spell.ids.
  • You should now not gain multiple concurrent uses of the Scribe Scrolls ability.
  • Added subcomponent to Scribe Scrolls: Scrolls can only be scribed at inns and strongholds.
  • Added the "Regain Bhaalpowers in ToB" component to the "Gameplay Tweaks" group.
  • Enabled "Simple Thief Script" and "Simple Bard Script" for Icewind Dale and Icewind Dale II.
  • Updated to WeiDU 220.
  • Updated Italian, Russian and French translations.
v3.11 – May 29, 2010
  • Updated Russian, Italian, French and German translations
  • Implemented new delivery mechanism for the "Scribe Scrolls" ability
  • Updated to WeiDU 218
v3.10 – May 20, 2010
  • Added the "Revised Bhaalpowers" component to the "Gameplay Tweaks" group
  • Aec'Letec (the Nabassu in Ulgoth's Beard) will no longer grant multiple XP awards if he is slain multiple times during the battle with the cultists
  • Balors will now use their Symbol, Death ability more efficiently against low level and summoned creatures
  • All Glabrezu will now use their Plane Shift ability more efficiently
  • Final update by aVENGER. Mod maintenance transferred to Wisp
v3.05 – May 9, 2010
  • Added the "Make alignment detection spells more accurate" component to the "Gameplay Tweaks" group
  • Added a new animation for the Plane Shift and Etherealness abilities
  • Ethereal creatures no longer produce audible footsteps and are now unaffected by the Jester's song
  • All Succubi now use their Etherealness and Teleport Without Error abilities more efficiently
  • Kirinhale (the Succubus in Durlag's Tower) is now properly immune to +1 weapons and below
  • Aec'Letec (the Nabassu in Ulgoth's Beard) and Kirinhale were previously missing a few PnP Tanar'ri traits on BG1Tutu. Furthermore, their race entries were set to "Human" rather than "Demonic". These issues have been rectified
  • Constructs, Slimes, Elementals and Undead creatures are no longer susceptible to the stunning effect of the Cornugon's Barbed Whip
  • Summoned Fiends now properly ignore their summoner if he has equipped the Staff of the Magi or the Sensate Amulet, both of which grant Protection from Evil
  • Quasits will no longer use their "Fear" spell-like ability during the cutscene which transports Haer'Dalis and his troupe to the Planar Prison in order to avoid accidentally disrupting the sequence
  • Slightly restructured the patching routine for the "Additional racial traits for Dwarves and Gnomes" components
v3.04 – March 11, 2010
  • The Scribe Scrolls ability has been slightly revised. Inscribing a scroll now removes one instance of the spell in question from the caster's memory (i.e. just like casting the spell regularly would)
  • Updated the Italian translation
  • Updated forum and homepage links
v3.03 – February 14, 2010
  • Fixed a small issue which previously prevented the "Slightly expanded storage capacity for containers" component from properly affecting certain gem bags and scroll cases
  • The "Restore the Dispel Magic vulnerability to Nishruu and Hakeashars" component now allows Nishruu and Hakeashars summoned by opponents to grant XP when slain
  • Hellcats are now affected by the "PnP Fiends" and "Distinctive creature coloring" components
  • Updated the French and German translations
v3.02 – January 29, 2010
  • Updated the Russian translation
  • A more robust patching method for spells, items and creatures is now being used. Among other things, this should speed up the installation process and ensure greater compatibility on megamod installs
  • Depreciated ALLOW_MISSING in favor of modern coding techniques
  • Minor code optimizations
v3.01 – January 18, 2010
  • The "Revised Fiend summoning" component will now patch all Fiend summoning spells in a more robust manner which will prevent them from becoming corrupted in case some other mod had given those spells additional extended headers beforehand
  • The Abishai now uses the correct weapon
  • The Maurezhi's Paralytic Touch ability will no longer affect Undead, Constructs, Slimes, Fiends, Trolls and Dragons
v3.00 – January 15, 2010
  • Added the "PnP Fiends", "Revised Fiend summoning" and "Allow Mages to scribe memorized spells onto scrolls" components to the "PnP Tweaks" group
  • Added the "Give Mariliths their Icewind Dale soundset" component to the "Cosmetic Tweaks" group
  • Added a third option to the "Use Icewind Dale's Dimension Door animation" component. This subcomponent uses the new animation only for the actual spells (Dimension Door and Shadow Door) and retains the old animation for other visual effects such as portal appearances and creature spawning sequences.
  • Balors, Nabassu, Pit Fiends, Bone Fiends and Maurezhi are now handled by the "Distinctive creature coloring" component
v2.64 – December 12, 2009
  • Added two options to the "Use Icewind Dale's Dimension Door animation" component. These subcomponents allow the player to choose the speed at which the animation will play.
v2.63 – October 23, 2009
  • Resolved a minor compatibility issue with Spell Revisions which previously caused Hakeashars to die immediately after being summoned
  • New installer logo added
v2.62 – September 7, 2009
  • The Flesh Golem encountered during Xzar's quest (added by Unfinished Business and SimDing0's Quest Pack) is now properly handled by the "Distinctive creature coloring" component
  • Updated the Spanish translation
v2.61 – August 8, 2009
  • The "Beta Core Fixes" component of the G3 BG2 Fixpack would previously prevent the "Restore the Dispel Magic vulnerability to Nishruu and Hakeashars" component of aTweaks from working properly. This issue has been rectified
  • Iron Golems recolored by the "Distinctive creature coloring" component are now more clearly visible in dark areas. Furthermore, Imps, Quasits  and Snow Trolls are now also recolored by this component
  • Updated the Italian, German, French, Spanish and Russian translations
v2.60 – August 1, 2009
  • Added the "Rangers' Animal Empathy improves with experience" component to the "PnP tweaks" group
  • Added the "Restore the Dispel Magic vulnerability to Nishruu and Hakeashars" component to the "Gameplay Tweaks" group
  • Added the "Distinctive creature coloring" component to the "Cosmetic Tweaks" group
  • The "Additional racial traits for Gnomes" component will now properly affect Bugbears introduced by the Classic Adventures mod
  • The "Restore innate disease immunity to Paladins" component will now properly affect the custom Paladin kits introduced by the Classic Adventures and Oversight mods (Paladin of Sune and Holy Liberator)
  • The "Bard songs break invisibility" component will now properly affect the songs of the custom Bard kits introduced by the Classic Adventures and Song and Silence mods (Harper of Twilight, Gypsy and Dirgesinger)
  • Updated the German translation (courtesy of Leomar)
v2.52 – July 2, 2009
  • The "Bard songs break invisibility" component will now properly affect Lingering Songs which are introduced by the Rogue Rebalancing mod
  • The "Prevent Mislead clones from singing Bard songs" component of aTweaks now contains a redundancy check which triggers if the "Arcane Spells" component of the Spell Revisions mod is detected
  • Restructured the tp2 to use ALLOW_MISSING in conjunction with dedicated macros in order to ensure better compatibility checks
  • aTweaks (including all code and documentation) is now licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License
v2.51 – May 2, 2009
  • Added a redundancy check to the "Restore innate disease immunity to Paladins" component in order to improve compatibility with the "Restored Paladin Abilities" component of  Konalan's Tweaks
  • The "Give Shambling Mounds their proper soundset" component will now also affect shamblers added by the Geomantic Sorcerer mod
  • Fixed a small issue with the descriptions of the spells added by the "Expanded temple services" component
  • Updated the French, Spanish, German and Italian translations
  • Minor code optimizations
v2.50 – April 21, 2009
  • The "Restore innate disease immunity to Paladins", "Additional racial traits for Dwarves" and "Additional racial traits for Gnomes" components have all been added to the "PnP tweaks" group
v2.02 – March 2, 2009
  • Updated the French and Italian translations
v2.01 – February 9, 2009
  • The "Expanded temple services" component will now properly handle mis-indexed temple stores introduced by some older mods (special thanks to Mike1072 and devSin)
  • Added the Italian translation (courtesy of Andrea C.)
  • Added the Russian translation (courtesy of Alina and the team)
  • Updated the German translation
v2.00 – February 5, 2009
  • The "Magical arrows and bolts deal bonus damage equal to their enchantment level" component has been added to the "PnP tweaks" group
  • The "Prevent Mislead clones from singing Bard songs" component has been added to the "Gameplay tweaks" group
  • The "Prevent Project Image and Simulacrum clones from using quickslot items" component has been added to the "Gameplay tweaks" group
  • The "Bard songs break invisibility" component has been added to the "Gameplay tweaks" group
  • The "Simple Thief script" component has been added to the "Gameplay tweaks" group
  • The "Expanded temple services" component has been added to the "Miscellaneous tweaks" group
  • The "Simple Bard script" component now also includes an additional hotkey which allows Bards to switch between singing the battlesong and engaging in combat
  • Improved compatibility with the "Item Revisions" and "Spell Revisions" mods
v1.10 – January 8, 2009
  • The "Make druidic shapeshifting uninterruptable" and "Simple Bard script" components have been added to the "Gameplay tweaks" group
  • The "Instant casting for warrior innates" component will now also apply to the Paladin's and Monk's Lay On Hands abilities
  • The "Allow Breach to take down Stoneskin effects applied by items" component will now take into account other mods which change the Stoneskin effect of the Gargoyle Boots (i.e. Item Revisions)
  • The "Slightly expanded storage capacity for containers" component has been moved into the "Miscellaneous tweaks" group
  • Added the French, Spanish and German translations
v1.00 – December 28, 2008
  • First public release

aTweaks > Version History BACK TO TOP


Mod authors:

The creators of the Baldur's Gate series:

Tools Used in the creation of this mod:

aVENGER's special thanks:

Wisp's special thanks:

Translation team:

Beta testers:

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