Project Image

Type: Imbuement
Strategy: Working almost exactly like mislead, except that this image can move around and cast spells. The mage himself cannot move for the duration, but the spell acts just like a free life. Once this version of the mage is killed, the real version still remains. Otherwise, it is exactly like mislead.
Importance: Moderate

Protection from the Elements

Type: Defense
Strategy: This spell gives 75 percent protection to all elements. Otherwise, it is like any other "protection from" spell. However, most damage is not elemental, so this spell is still of little help. If you find yourself needing resistances, though, this is a nice spell to have around. Why get one elemental resistance when you can get them all?
Importance: Low

Ruby Ray of Reversal

Type: Dispel
Strategy: This spell works exactly like a secret word, except that it will dispel one random spell from any level. Otherwise, its use and ability is exactly like an upgraded secret word. This is the definitive spell for dispelling mage protections.
Importance: Vital

Spell Sequencer

Type: Other
Strategy: This spell works exactly like minor sequencer, only this lets you use level 4 or lower spells.
Importance: High

Spell Turning

Type: Defense
Strategy: Much like spell deflection, this spell varies in that it sends the spell back to the caster. Also, spell turning affects 12 spell levels. Otherwise, it is a great defense for the mage and is the best turning spell. Since it sends the spell back to the original caster, it turns the hunter into the hunted.
Importance: High

Sphere of Chaos

Type: Other
Strategy: Performing any of nine different abilities, sphere of chaos forces everyone in the area of effect to save against the spell or have any of nine random events occur. Since the abilities range from healing to confusing, the spell is simply too random and unpredictable for any type of use. Since it can end up helping your enemy as much as hurting, there are really few efficient ways to use this spell.
Importance: Low

Summon Djinni

Type: Summoning
Strategy: Lasting for only a short amount of time and sometimes turning on the caster, the djinni is of little help. Of the summoning spells, this is not the one to use.
Importance: Low

Summon Efreeti

Type: Summoning
Strategy: This spell is exactly like summon djinni in every way, except that it lasts longer. Since it sticks around for a while, the efreeti can deal good damage and absorb a great deal of hits. Overall, the one change from its predecessor lets the spell bloom. In the end, it is a decent summon.
Importance: Moderate

Summon Hakeashar

Type: Summoning
Strategy: One of the ultimate summons, hakeashar is an upgraded nishruu. However, this incarnation is immune to all weapons, has a mighty attack, and still has its special ability. With its ability and lack of a chance to turn on the caster, it is the single best summon against mages.
Importance: High

Khelben's Warding Whip

Type: Dispel
Strategy: This spell is like ruby ray of reversal and the secret words, except that it dispels one level 6 or lower spell and continues to do so each round until dispelled. Though it will not hit higher-level spells, using this followed by a ruby ray will knock out most or all an enemy mage's enhancements. This is the most powerful dispel spell for anything aside from the highest-level buffs.
Importance: High