Level 7


Type: Hindrance
Strategy: This spell has a good and a bad side. It causes the creature to attack friend and foe, wander, or just stand around confused if it fails a save. The good side is that if the saves are failed, you can get rid of a large pack of monsters, but again, they get the save. Another bad thing is that if they do fail the save, there is no guarantee that they will leave or attack a friend. They may just keep on beating on you, making the spell worthless. We didn't care for this spell and feel that there are lots better ones at this level.
Importance: Low

Conjure Earth Elemental

Type: Summoning
Strategy: This is a speak-for-itself spell. Cast this, and you will have a new friend that will take a beating and hold back the pack. Always have this one ready to go. It will summon a very tough earth elemental that will fight to the death for you.
Importance: High

Creeping Doom

Type: Summoning - druid only
Strategy: This spell has a lot of potential, and the successful save will still do half the duration - instead of six rounds, it will work for three. This spell summons forth a creeping carpet of insects that will do two points of damage per round for the duration and will completely stop any spellcasting. It's a nice spell to keep those wizards at bay. If you have an extra slot to use and need some help against a tough wizard, this spell is nice.
Importance: Moderate


Type: Area damage
Strategy: This spell rock. Cast this, and all the baddies in the area must make a save at a -6 penalty or take a lot of damage (6d6), drop their weapons, and be knocked to the ground for four rounds. They can make their save and still take 3d6 points of damage. This spell will go on to do it again in the next round, but for 3d6 points of damage or half if saved and again a third time for 2d6 points of damage or half if saved. All three tremors will have a chance of knocking the monster down and disarming it. The downside? There is a small chance you will upset an earth elemental that will attack the party. It's no biggie and worth the risk. Have one of these spells ready at all times.
Importance: High

Finger of Death

Type: Missile damage
Strategy: This spell has a good chance of ending a creature's life in one word. The monster must make a save at -2 or die: no deposit, no return. The thing is, even if it saves, it takes 2d8+1 points of damage, so you will still do something no matter what. We like this spell and do recommend it.
Importance: Moderate

Fire Storm

Type: Area Damage
Strategy: This is a decent spell, but not something to write home about. The damage is weak, but will last four rounds, if you can keep the monster in the spell's area of effect, and trust me, it wants to leave. The spell will do 2d8+1 points of damage per level, and the one nice thing is, no save is allowed. If you must do damage to a lot of monsters at one time, this spell will do the trick for you, but the wizard class can do better. Maybe it's better to leave it to the masters.
Importance: Low


Type: Summoning
Strategy: This spell is the same as the wizard's gate spell. This will summon a pit fiend that is not happy to be here. He comes out killing anything that moves, including your party, so you better have your protection from evil spell going. It's not a bad spell at all because there is no pet tougher than this one.
Importance: Moderate

Holy Word

Type: Area damage, hindrance
Strategy: Nice, nice, nice. This spell will do something to someone with no save. At the level you start casting this spell, you will most likely be doing the least amount of damage you can to a monster, which is still a pain for enemy wizards. Cast this, and any monster that is in the area with 12 hit dice or more will be deafened for one turn and have a 50 percent change of spell failure. Ouch! We always have this spell ready for those groups of nasty wizards and priests.
Importance: Moderate

Nature's Beauty

Type: Missile damage - druid only
Strategy: We don't like this spell because of the save. The monster that views you after this spell is cast must to make a save at a +3 (a very good chance of saving) or die.
Importance: Low