Version 2.0 Gold Edition
Unreal Tournament 2004© Release

In this file:

-Installing Ballistic-
-Getting Started-
-Gore System-
-Game Issues-
Known Issues
Unknown Issues
Version History

-Mod Authors-


Ballistic Weapons is a unique mod for Unreal Tournament 2004 designed to replace most elements of the original game especially the weapon system to provide players with a UT2004 experience they won't soon forget! BW strikes a very enjoyable balance, taking many elements from realistic style weapons but never turning the game into some kind of frustrating combat simulator! Our intention was to deliver something for everyone, and as such, the mod is highly scalable and customizable with settings for everything from accuracy and damage to weapon loadouts and new crosshairs. Different players will be capable of doing well with the style of weapon that suits them, not simply the most powerful gun in the arena. We believe that BW offers something to both arena maniacs as well as the more tactical players.
If you are unfortunate enough to believe that BW is only for people seeking a realism mod like CS, then you are definitely missing out big time!

Another very strong point of Ballistic Weapons is that all the content has been developed to a very high technical standard featuring incredible looking weapons, totally new professional sound effects, and some very impressive animations that actually involve the hands on screen. We have certainly tried to develop all our content to a standard and quality of professional developers, and we believe that we have achieved that goal.

In addition, all items, such as health, armor, ammo, etc have been replaced in keeping with the new Ballistic gameplay.

Ballistic Weapons has evolved quite a bit into what it is today. It now hosts 31 weapons, an incredible arena blood and gore system, countless features, many gameplay enhancements, and a ton of customizable options and settings. This mod does alot more than add a few guns, it can dramatically change UT2004 and turn it into a much more fun experience!

Fling enemies into the sky and shove them around with the Lightning Gun, annihilate opponents with 3600 RPM of pure Minigun death, scorch with the flamer thrower, destroy with rockets, grenades and energy weapons, and mow down the opposition with Machineguns, shotguns and assault rifles! Exploding flamethrower tanks, mountable weapons, heat-seeking rockets, dual-wieldable handguns, and stylish weaponry, are just some of the many things that BW offers to players.

The design, style, and theme for the elements of this mod are taken from RuneStorm's "Project Archon"© universe, a setting where sinister alien races and vast terran armies battle for survival across a diversity of unchartered planets, war torn worlds and battle ravaged colonies.
All the content of this mod is 100% original with new meshes, textures and sounds for all weapons and pickups, done by RuneStorm.
A completely new weapon system dramatically improves the aiming and damage system, and adds reloading, realistic ammo handling, and many other features, allowing for a much more reallistic gameplay environment.

This manual is a guide to understanding and discovering the numerous features and enhancements that Ballistic Weapons brings.

We hope you have as much fun playing this mod as we did making it, and may BW bring you many hours of fun filled fragging!


Ballistic Weapons includes many new gameplay features not only for the over 30 weapons. This file will help you understand how exactly Ballistic Weapons can change the gameplay elements of UT2004. With an impressive asrenal of weaponry, tons of customizable options and settings, multiple mutators, countless gameplay features, and an extensive class-based gore system, Ballistic Weapons can drastically change the original game and make it an extremely fun experience!

This is a list of some of the primary features of Ballistic Weapons v2.0:
31 professional quality, realistic and futuristic weapons.
All new weapons based on very powerful new weapon system to add reallistic weapon behaviour.
Weapon reloading, cocking, and reallistic aiming and accuracy system, affected by movement and player behaviour.
Weapon fire-modes, to limit or control how your weapons fire.
Mutators compatible with all standard gametypes.
Special functions for many of the guns, to allow even more possiblities for each weapon.
Wield unique and devastating weaponry, such as the XMV-850, RX22A, HVC Mk9, M75, FP9A5 and more.
Brand new weapon selection interface.
Iron sights, which allow the player to see down the actual sights of most weapons.
Dual wielding for certain lighter weapons.
Impressive weapon animations.
Impressive sound effects for all new weapons, as well as explosions, weapon impacts, pickups, and many more.
Bullet fly-by sounds.
Mountable weapons, such as the machineguns and Minigun.
Awesome new blood and gore system, with dismemberment, impact effects, splatters, explosions and tons more.
Area specific damage.
New pickups, like health, armour, ammo, adrenaline, etc.
A very large number of customizable options and settings for weapons and mutators.
Ballistic Weapons mutator to replace weapons.
Ballistic Loadout mutator.
Ballistic Arena mutator.
Itemizer mutator tool.
Ballistic Melee mutator.
Ballistic Sprint mutator.
New effects for bullet streaks, impact effects, brass, explosions and many more.
Surface dependent impact effects, bullet holes, scratch marks, and scorch marks.
Variable zoom level sniper scopes.
Additional HUD elements to display fire-modes, secondary, and mag ammo, and new dynamic crosshairs.
Customizable dynamic crosshairs for each weapon that change according to weapon accuracy and aiming.
Lasersights that show you exactly where your bullets will hit.
Placeable camera that can be viewed from anywhere, and mounted on the M50.
Improved death messages, with random variants, and affected by damage position.
Added class specific sounds for player impacts, and headshots.
New sounds and effects for armour impacts.
Very effective grenades that can vary timing, speed, and throwing methods.
Team colour dependent hands.
Decent bot support.
Motion blur effects.
New De-Res and respawn effects.
A73 and A42 to heal nodes and vehicles.
Allows BW to get around several stock UT2004 bugs such as the "Crouch Bug", and problem where fast projectiles would not appear up to a certain point on clients.
Modified Ballistic gametypes; DM, TDM, CTF, BR, ONS.

Installing Ballistic

For the ut4mod version
To install Ballistic, first extract Ballisticv200.ut4mod from the .zip file, then simply run Ballisticv200.ut4mod by double-clicking on it, and following the instructions.

For the zip version
Simply extract the files to your UT2004 folder making sure making sure that the "Use Folder Names" option is checked. Note: this will not add the mod to your ServerPackages. you will have to do this manually if you intend to run a server.

To add Ballistic to the Server Packages
First, open up your UT2004.ini file, located in the "System" directory of your UT2004 folder, and find your way to the lines that read "ServerPackages=.......". Next, just add the following lines below all the other ServerPackages:


If you are also running JunkWar and have installed the patch included with the BW2.0 release, then add the following line as well:


Note: This mod requires v3369 of UT2004.

Getting Started

One of the major points of BW is that it is implemented through a mutator rather than gametype or as a Total Conversion. This allows for many more gameplay possibilities as BW can be used in any gametype, such as DM, CTF, ONS, AS, BR, DOM, and most other 3rd party gametypes. Ballistic Weapons can also be used in conjunction with other mods, which may have new maps, or all kinds of different gameplay modifications.

Ballistic Weapons comes with several mutators which add new features and change the way it can be implemented. Included mutators are Ballistic Weapons, Ballistic Loadout, Ballistic Arena, Ballistic Sprint, Ballistic Melee, Bloody Hell, and Itemizer. A detailed description and info on all the options for the mutators can be found here:

Ballistic Weapons is very customizable, with everything from accuracy and damage settings, to custom crosshairs, blood settings, brass stay time, and many many more. More info on all the options can be found in the Mutator section of the manual.

It is also recommended that you read our Gameplay, Weapons and Blood sections, as these will help you learn the many features of this expansive mod.

The New Ballistic Gametypes, are simply the standard gametypes with Ballistic's options. This allows the player to easily locate and configure a match for BW, and also allows us, the developers, a good base to enhance the gametypes with a BW style in later additions of the mod.


With the new features added to UT2004 with our realistic weapon system, several new controls have been added that the player should understand. All these controls can be found and set in the "Configure Controls" menu under the "Input" tab of the UT2004 settings menu.
Controls include:

Special Weapon Function:
Switch Fire Mode:
Loadout Menu:
Use Sights:
Dual Wield / Swap:
Cock Weapon (optional):

Individual Weapon Keys:
Quick UT Translocator:

Pressing "Reload" will either remove the current magazine and place a new one in it's place, as with the M50, M806 and M353, or simply replenish used ammo on weapons such as the M763 and G5.
The "Weapon Special" command can only be used with weapons that have a special function, such as the M50's camera placement.
Use the "Fire Mode" function to switch between various firing modes on weapons that support it, such as the M50, A73 and M353.
Using the "Sprint" key will allow the player to run much faster. However this has certain, undesirable effects, such as a dramatic decrease in weapon accuracy. Sprint speeds may also vary, depending on the weapon the player is carrying. For example; a Knife wielding player will be able to run faster than a Railgun wielding player. Sprinting only works with the Ballistic Sprint mutator.
The "Loadout Menu" key is used with the Ballistic Loadout mutator for when a player wishes to change their currently selected gear.
The "Use Sights" key allows most weapon to go into iron sight mode, where players can aim down the actual sights of the weapon. This allows for better accuracy and predictability.
The "Dual Wield / Swap" control is needed for the dual wielding feature of BW. Pressing this with a dual wieldable weapon will pull out another wieldable weapon as similar as possible. Pressing this when not using a dual wieldable weapon will immediately bring up dual weapons, for a quick draw effect. When several dual wieldable weapons are availabe, pressing this with already selected dual weapons will switch the weapons around, so fire-modes and special functions can be performed on both.
Pressing the optional "Cock Weapon" key, simply cocks the weapon no matter when pressed. The control has no real purpose, except for those who like to cock the weapon before a kill. This may be changed in future releases to give it somewhat more purpose.
The individual weapon keys allow you to set a control for quick selecting any Ballistic weapon.
The "Quick UT Translocator" key allows the user to acquire the Transloactor without needing to use the weapon UI. It is a good idea to replace your original translocator binding with this control, as the original key will go to the weapon selection UI.


Ballistic Weapons is packed with features, from reloading and recoil, to lasersights, cameras, and dual wielding. This guide will you understand and become familiar with the many gameplay features of the mod:


One of the first things that players will notice when using Ballistic Weapons is that of the reloading system. Most new weapons have a magazine with a limited amount of ammo and need to be reloaded. Reloading is a fairly simple matter. When the weapon is depleted or slightly emptier than it should be, player can press the "Reload" key, which must be set by the player in the configure controls menu. When a weapon is completely empty, players only need to press "Fire" to force the weapon to reload. Ammo can be picked up throught the level, whether by ammo pickups, dead enemies or weapon pickups. This ammo will be stored in the players inventory, and be consumed as you load it into your weapons. Weapons all have different methods of reloading. Some have a quick change of the clip, like the M50 or XK2, while others have long replacements of boxes, belts and complicated feeding systems, such as the M353. Other weapons may not use a magazine, but need rounds to be fed in individually, like the M763 or G5. Such weapons reloading process can be cancelled by pressing "Fire", as this will allow the player to fire what ammo has been placed into the weapon. Other weapons do not need to be reloaded ever, such as the A42, and the player need not do anything for these weapons.


Many weapons also need to be cocked on top of the reloading. Cocking generally requires no extra effort by the player, and only occurs at certain instances. Cocking will occur only at certain times, such as when the weapon is first pulled out, or after a weapon has been reloaded from being completely empty. Shotguns and sniper weapons must be cocked after each shot. This is also done automatically, and requires no effort by the player. A cocking control has been added to BW, however, this control is optional and serves no real purpose. This control simply forces the weapon to cock whenever pressed.


One of the main features of the Ballistic weapon system is that of recoil. Recoil is applied to the weapon as it fires, and can severly disrupt a players aim. Guns will pitch and sway as a player fires. The recoil is cumulative, and can cause a weapon to become totally unpredictable, firing all over the place and destryoing the player's aim. Recoil can be countered by firing your weapon in short bursts and remaining still. Recoil and chaos combined, can leave a players weapon firing all over, and should be avoided. Weapons all have very different recoil effects, and while some might pitch up and become wildly inaccurate after just a few shots, others might have very little recoil, such as energy weapons. After the weapon has stopped firing, the gun will be aimed where the last shot was fired and recoil levels will start to wane. Moving the weapon at this point will bring it back to a normally aimed position. Most weapons all recoil in a certain way, and have patterns that players can recognize. Study the way a weapon recoils, to give you a great avantage when using it.


Chaos is the second part of the weapon aiming system, and is applied as players move and look around. Chaos causes weapons to sway and move about in an undesirable manner, and will effectively ruin a player's aim. As players run, their weapons will not be aimed exactly where they want, and thus the bullets will not go exactly where they are trying to aim. There are ways, however, of greatly improving accuracy, and making your weapons very effective. Crouching helps steady a weapon greatly, walking is better for aiming than running, and staying still is better than walking. Avoid rapid turning and constantly looking all over the place in a wild manner when you are trying to aim. Chaos levels also vary depending on the weapon. Pistols and the like will not be nearly as chaotic as bigger weapons, such as a rifle or railgun. Sprinting may also cause larger weapons to pitch down toward the ground, and simillarly with jumping, weapons may pitch either way.


The "Long Gun" feature is the result of moving too close to a surface or player, with long weapons, such as the M50, R78, etc. This feature gives sidearms and shorter weapons a slight advantage over longer weapons, and helps to balance things out. Some may not like this feature, and as such it has been made optional, and can be disabled.


Players should also become familiar with the new HUD elements used by Ballistic Weapons. The old UT2004 ammo indicator now displays the mag ammo, or ammunition in the weapons, unless the gun does not use a magazine or store ammo, such as the A42, in which case the indicator will display the total ammo. Just above the ammo icon, the total amount of ammo for that weapon will be displayed. Above the total ammo display is the fire-mode indicator, which displays which fire-mode the weapon is currently set to. On weapons that also have a secondary ammo source such as the M50's M900 grenades, the secondary ammo indicator is located on the left of the total ammo display. As well as that, the old crosshairs have been changed, and replaced with BW's dynamic crosshair.

Screenshot of added and improved HUD elements.


Damage varies depending on several factors. First of all, different weapons do varying amounts of damage. Then there is area specific damage, meaning that if someone is shot in the arm, it will do less damage than normal, whereas being hit in the head will do more damage than normal. Most weapons suffer from decreased damage at long distances. Many weapons can also be fired through several players, and even through surfaces. Shots through players will do decreased damage to those behind. Shots that are fired through walls will do greatly decreased damage depending on the thickness of the wall. Only very powerful weapons, such as the railgun, will be effective when fired through a wall. Other weapons do splash damage, such as the G5, grenades and A73. The further from the epicenter the player is, the less damage will be done. Certain damages, such as melee attacks and sniper headshots, do the same amount of damage regardless of armour.

Dual Wielding:

Certain weapons in BW can be dual wielded, whether with the same gun, or with other dual wieldable weapons. When a player has 2 dual wieldable weapons in their inventory, they can press the "Dual Wield / Swap", key, and another weapon will be pulled out. If a player has 2 of the same weapons, that weapon will be pulled out rather than others, unless it is empty. When the 2 guns are out and ready, the primary weapon is the right handed one, and pressing the special or fire-modes keys will only affect the primary weapon. To switch fire-modes and use special functions on the secondary weapon, players can press the "Dual Wield \ Swap" key. This will switch the two weapons around, allowing special functions and fire-modes to be activated. Using the next and previous keys will cycle through other dual wiedable weapons in the secondary hand. Reloading also works slightly differently. When pressed, the weapon with the least ammo will be reloaded first. Pressing reload again will reload the other. Fire-modes also play a big role in dual wielding and drastically change how the weapons behave. When 2 semi-auto weapons are being used, the guns will alternate when being fired. So the right weapon will fire, then the left, alternating between the two. If the one runs out of ammo before the other, the weapon with remaining ammo will continue to fire as if it was a single gun. With 2 fully automatic weapons being used, they will both fire together, starting with the primary weapon, essentially doubling the fire-rate, depending on the fire-rate of the secondary weapon. A semi-automatic or burst and fully automatic weapon used together acts very differently. When fired, both guns will fire together, however, the fully automatic gun will keep firing until released, while the semi auto will only shoot once the fire key is pressed again.


Fire modes are a way of controlling how your weapons behave, and limiting their firing methods. Most weapons have several fire-modes, and vary with different weapons. Most pistols have fire-modes such as Semi-Auto and Burst. More automatic weapons such as the M50 and XK2, have other fire-modes such as Semi-Auto, Full Auto, and Burst, and sometimes more than one Burst mode. Hand grenades can cycle fire-modes between Long Throw and Short Throw. For more info on the specific fire-modes of each weapon, see the Weapons section.

Iron Sights:

The iron-sights are very useful for careful aiming, as using them allows the user to see where shots will be fired. Working similar to scopes, the sights will sway slightly and move around when firing. Players must press and hold the "Use Sights" key until the weapon has moved into position and in iron sight mode. Some weapons, such as the sniper rifles and G5 do not have iron sights, but go straight into scope view. Iron sight and scope views will be canceled should a player jump, or fall off an edge.

Laser Sights:

BW laser-sights, avaliable to various weapons such as the M806, XRS10, RS8, and G5, are extremely useful. The lasersight will allow the user to see exactly where their shots will go. This gives the user a huge advantage, as weapons are most often not aimed exactly where the crosshair is. Laser-sights are seperate from the crosshair, and will display the exact location the weapon is pointed at. Laser-sights however, have the downside of being visible to other players.


Ballistic grenades are exceptionally useful, as players can vary timing, velocity, and throwing methods, unlike most other hand grenades. Mastering the techniques of the BW hand grenades will truely pay off, as skilled players will be able to control these methods and get the grenade to go off at just the right time and at just the right place. Grenades can easily detonate in a player hand, shouold they forget to throw it after
releasing the clip. Victims have a slight advantage however; the ability to kick thrown grenades away. To do this, players must press the "Use" key over the live grenade. To kick the grenade further away, player should run fast toward the grenade, and press the "Use" key when over the grenade. With any luck, the grenade will land back at the thrower, or at least far away.

Auto Tracking:

The auto-tracker feature can only be used in conjunction with dual wielding. When a player has dual guns, they must focus the crosshair on the intended target.Then holding the "Use Sights" key, will enable the auto tracker. The weapon in the left player hand (or secondary weapon) will track the target as long as they are on screen and the "Use Sights" key is being pressed. If the target is lost sight of or dies, the left handed weapon will move back towards a central position.


The new, dynamic Ballistic Weapons crosshairs are alot more helpful than the standard UT2004 ones. Not only can the crosshairs be customised per weapon, with different colour and opacity settings, styles and sizes, but also include two parts; an inner and an outer crosshair. Having 2 independant parts, which can be customised seperately, allows the user to see the reticle on different coloured backgrounds easier, as well as display the innaccuracy of the weapon better. Indeed, as the player moves around alot and fires, the crosshair scales accordingly, showing the user how much chaos and recoil is being applied.

Weapon Selector:

The new BW weapon selection interface provides a more intuitive way of finding the desired weapon. The interface will appear on the left hand side of the screen when the player presses any weapon number. From there, the player can easily find the correct weapon, as they are all displayed with a graphic, and can simply cycle through the weapons with weapon keys, or next and previous weapon controls. When the correct weapon is highlighted, the user must press "Fire", to activate the weapon. This selection interface becomes useful when cycling through large numbers of weapons. Something that should also be noted is that the interface is colour-coded, showing the player the ammo status of the various weapons. Red indicates a currently used empty weapon, orange indicates an empty weapon, and blue is normal. Highlighted weapons appear brighter than normal, and change their size dynamically. Info for the highlighted weapon can be seen in the top-right of the screen.

Weapon Grouping:

The weapons in Ballistic are grouped in their own way. Weapons can be grouped in either standard or Ballistic inventory groups, depending on the status of the option in the Ballistic mutator menu. When in standard groups, the weapons will be as follows:

1. X3, A909, EKS43
2. Fifty-9, XRS-10, M806, RS8, AM67, D49
3. NRP57, FP7, FP9A5, BX5-SM, T10
4. M50, XK2, SRS900
5. A73, A42
6. M353, M925
7. M763, M290, MRS138, MRT6
8. G5
9. R78A1, M75-TIC
0. XMV-850, RX22A, HVC Mk9

The Ballistic inventory group places the weapons as follows:

1. X3, A909, EKS43
2. M806, RS8, AM67, A42, D49
3. M763, M290, MRS138, MRT6
4. XK2, XRS-10, Fifty-9
5. M50, A73, SRS 900
6. M353, M925, XMV-850
7. R78A1, M75-TIC
8. G5, RX22A
9. HVC Mk9
0. NRP57, FP7, FP9A5, BX5-SM, T10


A special cheat has been added to Ballistic Weapons allowing players in non-multiplayer games to get all the new Ballistic weapons with lots of ammo. To get all the weapons, simply bring up the console by pressing the "~" key on the keyboard (located just below the "Esc" key), and type in "reloaded".


The M50 can be used to place a special camera on the wall. It can also be used to check the view of the camera and adjust its rotation and zoom. Cameras are difficult to see, but can be disabled by enemies. To place and switch view, use the "Weapon Special" key when you have the M50 out. To pick up the camera, simply press the "Use" key on the camera.

The G5 RPG also has a rocket's eye camera view, which can be viewed when the Weapon Special key is pressed when a rocket is launched from the scope mode.

Screenshot of M50 placeable camera.


As the name suggests, the main element of Ballistic Weapons is the weapons. BW v2.0 features 31 totally new and unique weapons based on a powerful new weapon sytem featuring numerous enhancements like realistic recoil, chaos, reloading, fire-modes, special attacks, etc. All of these new weapons have been designed to be balanced, so players can find and master weapons suited to their styles.
As expected, most of these weapons all behave very differently, and all have their own unique tactics and abilities. The following guide will help you understand the many features and abilities each weapon possesses, as well as techniques for using them:

X3 Knife
A909 Blades
EKS43 Katana

M806A2 Pistol
A42 Skrith Pistol
D49 Revolver
AM67 Pistol
RS8 Pistol

M763 Shotgun
MRT6 Dual Shotgun
M290 Double Shotgun
MRS138 Shotgun

XK2 Sub-Machinegun
XRS10 Machine Pistol
Fifty-9 Machine Pistol

A73 Skrith Rifle
M50 Assault
SRS-900 Rifle

M353 Machinegun
M925 Machinegun
XMV-850 Minigun

R78A1 Sniper
M75-TIC Railgun

RX22A FlameThower
High Tech:
HVC-Mk9 Lightning Gun

NRP57 Grenade
FP7 Incendiary Grenade
T10 Toxin Grenade
FP9A5 Explosive
BX5-SM Land Mine

"X3" Combat Knife

X3 Combat Knife
Manufacturer: Enravion Combat Solutions

Primary: Fast Slash
Secondary: Prepared Slash
Special: Throw Knife
FireModes: -

Techniques: Primary fire is rapid and good for repeated hits, secondary is better for one shot surprise attacks. Armor does not protect from knife attacks. Use the Throwing function to quietly eliminate a player from some range away. Only a limited amount of knives can be carried, and once thrown, walk over them to pick them up. This gives them some advantage over the other melee weapons. The X3 also has swipe damage, meaning that if there were 2 players in front of you, slashing will damage both, rather than hitting the exact spot aimed for. Aim at the head though, to damage your enemies more when slashing.

The X3 was first designed years ago by Enravion, for the UTC Commando Corps. After the first several years of the Skrith invasion, the humans realised the advantages to melee weapons, seeing how efficeintly the aliens used them. The X3's excellent durability is legendary in the UTC armies and its razor sharp blade a fear among the Skrith invaders. Commando units swear by it and it is now standard issue for all UTC soldeirs following it's success in the first Human-Skrith war.

"A909" Skrith Wrist Blades

A909 Skrith Blades
Manufacturer: Unknown Skrith Engineers

Primary: Fast Hacking
Secondary: Prepared Hack
Special: Block from Melee
FireModes: -

Techniques: Primary fire is rapid and good for repeated hits, secondary is better for one shot surprise attacks. Armor does not protect from blade attacks. The Blades attack faster than the knife, and have slightly more range. The A909 does not have swipe damage like the knife or sword, and as such must be aimed directly at the target. Use the special function to block from enemy melee attacks. The player must hold down the weapon special key to block.

The A909 is an excellent melee weapon used by many Skrith warriors. These were a terrible bane of the human armies during the first war, as the Skrith used them ruthlessly and with great skill to viciously slice up their enemies. Though the blades are useless at range, they are capable of great harm if the user can sneak up on an opponent. All or most Skrith warriors seem to prefer melee battle, and as such hone their skill with close range weapons. The blades can be extremely deadly when close up, as they can jab and slice very fast.

"EKS43" Katana

EKS43 Katana
Manufacturer: Enravion Combat Solutions

Primary: Medium RoF Slash
Secondary: Prepared Slash
Special: Block from Melee
FireModes: -

Techniques: The Katana has a slower attack rate than other melee weapons, yet it has much more damage and range. The EKS43 also has swipe damage, just like the knife. Use this to harm more than one player in front of you. It also means that the user does not have to aim exactly on an enemy to hit them. Aim at the head to decapitate, or at least damage the enemy greatly. As with all melee weapons, armor does not protect from sword attacks. The Katana can also block from enemy melee attacks, just like the blades. Press and hold the Special key to block, and protect yourself from enemy melee attacks. Blocking does not cover the players back however, so watch out!

The EKS43 sword is one of a few weapons produced by Enravion, not designed for widescale military use. It is an expenisve artefact preferred by collectors and other rare procurers. The blade is forged by the use of both ancient techinques and the most modern technology, making it a mighty weapon with incredible sharpness and legendary Enravion strength. Civilians use the weapon for various training and other personal purposes, while several mercenary groups, most notably, the highly skilled 'Apocalytes', adopted the weapon for use with their more skilled warriors.

"M806" High Velocity Pistol

M806 High Velocity Pistol
Manufacturer: Enravion Combat Solutions

Primary: Semi-Auto .45
Secondary: Toggle Laser Sight
FireModes: Semi-Auto, Burst

Techniques: A reliable sidearm, the M806 is medium damage, well ranged, beast. With decent accuracy, good clip capacity, and laser sight, it will prove to be a good backup weapon. The laser sight shows exactly where your bullet will hit, but makes you obvious to your enemies.

The M806 is one of the few sidearms capable of making a full-grown Skrith whimper. Although long used by law enforcment organizations, military forces and ordinary civillians, it gained recognition when an elite commando unit was forced to use it on a difficult mission to disable a heavily armoured, Cryon infantry Division. Poor logistics planning left them with a wealth of ammo for the sidearm and little else, but the pistol was so effective in the mission it quickly grew in favour amongst the UTC Infantry Corps. The M806 is cabable of massive damage when targetted at the right area and is a generally reliable, backup weapon. Use of a laser sight turns it into a real weapon by allowing the soldier to accurately direct its powerful bullets.

"D49 - Cobra" .44 Revolver

D49 "Cobra" High Power Revolver
Manuacturer: Black & Wood

Primary: Fire Single
Secondary: Fire Dual
Special: Red-Dot sight
FireModes: Single-Fire

Techniques: The D49 is capable of incredible damage, yet the user should make sure their aim is true, as the revolver has a low ammo capacity, and reload times are long. The dual barrel design, allows the player to fire both barrels at once, inflicting devastating damages, especially if impacting with an enemies head, but ammo will drain quickly. Misfires can occur at certain instances, when primary and seondary are used in conjunction. This reallistic behaviour is caused by how the rounds are cycled when diffirent fire-modes are used. Holding "Special" improves accuracy, by switching to an iron-sights mode and zooming in much more than normal. Special also grants the user a laser-sight like red-dot. This allows the user to know where bullets will be fired.

Another fine weapon designed by the acclaimed 'Black & Wood' company, The D49 revolver is a true hand cannon. Based on weapons of old, the D49 was intended for non-military use, but rather for self defense and civilian purposes. The dual-barrel design has made it a favourite among it's users, capable of causing massive damage if used correctly, able to easily kill an armored terran. The weapon has incredible damage and range, but also much recoil, and long reload times, so the users aim must be true. With the dual-barrel design, the weapon may sometimes misfire, when firing between dual and single fire modes, so users should pay atention to how they use the revolver.

"AM-67" Assault Pistol

AM-67 .50 Cal Assault Pistol
Manufacturer: Enravion Combat Solutions

Primary: Select-Fire HV Rounds
Secondary: Blinding Flash Device
FireModes: Semi-Auto, Burst, Full-Auto

Techniques: The AM67 is a definite pit fighters weapon. The .50 cal snub-nosed ammunition, is exceptionally dangerous at close range, yet wanes over longer distances. High clip capacity and damage, are balanced out by severe recoil, and ineffectiveness at long range. The blinding feature is effective for temporaily stunning an enemy, so as to limit their ability to fight back. The blinding flash is only effective at close range, and must regenerate between discharges.

Another of Enravions fine creations, the AM-67 Assault Pistol was designed for close quaters combat against Cryon and Skrith Warriors.The fully-automatic design, coupled with heavy calibre bullets is excellent in fierce, close-up battles. Initially constructed before the second war, Enravion produced the AM-67, primarily for anti-Cryon operations, but it later proved to perform well in close-quarters combat when terran forces were ambushed by the stealthy Skrith warriors. A perfect pit-fighter's weapon, the AM-67 has good magazine capacity, fully automatic cycling and fires devastating .50 snub-nosed HV rounds, while the ammo design and severe recoil greatly limit its effectivenes at range. Knowing that most Skrith and other ambushers favor low light conditions, Enravion sought to further enhance the weapon's effectiveness in such situations and developed a tactical flash addition for the AM-67. This device can render enemies effectively blind for a short period of time. The flash unit will be unuseable for a short time after discharging, as the drained capacitor will need to be recharged

"A42" Skrith Sidearm

A42 Skrith Energy Sidearm
Manufacturer: Unknown Skrith Engineers

Primary: Low-Power, Slower Moving, Energy Fire
Secondary: Instant Energy Beam
FireModes: Semi-Auto, Burst, Full-Auto

Techniques: The A42 is a reliable backup weapon. It has a rechargeable ammo supply, medium RoF, slight splash damage, and does not need to reload or be cocked. However, this weapon has little damage, making it only useful when low on ammo for other weapons. Use the A42 to heal vehicles, power nodes and power cores, as well as speeding the construction of power nodes. Use the secondary attack to do more damage. It must be charged on secondary, and it must hit the enemy directly to do damage. Secondary also has a powerful knockback, so use this to your advantage as well.

It has a fast fire rate, rechargeable batteries, a good accuracy, low damage, and every Skrith has one. The infamous A42 'Whip', as it was named by the UTC Marines, has been the standard issue Skrith sidearm in both wars. Though it may be accurate, have a fast rate of fire and an unlimited, rechargeable cell, the A42 does very little damage, and has less accuracy than others when running, making it an all-round ineffective weapon. The secondary attack is a recent feature, giving the weapon the ability to charge up a variable shot. This does make the weapon more powerful, yet it is still not as effective as other sidearms. The
rechargable cell however, means that it is always there when you need the extra bit of range over the melee weapons.

"RS8" 10mm Pistol

RS8 10mm Pistol
Manufacturer: Drake & Co Firearms

Primary: 10mm Semi-Auto
Secondary: Toggle LaserSight
Special: Toggle Silencer
FireModes: Semi-Auto, Burst

Techniques: The small RS8 pistol, is the alternative to the M806. It has less damage, yet a higher clip capacity, silencer, and close-up 3-round burst fire-mode. The laser sight behaves the same, allowing the user to see where the shots will go. Use the silencer when stealth is required or desired.

A fine and reliable weapon, produced by a rather new company, the 10mm RS8 pistol is bound for success. Featuring a 14 round, 10mm magazine, laser sight and silencer, as well as an effective closer range, 3-round burst fire mode. Use the laser sight to see exactly where your gun is aimed, and the silencer when stealth and quitness are required. The RS8 being a fairly recent firearm, first manufactured during the second-war, has not seen as much action as other older pistols, and some critics say it won't be able to stand up to a Cryon, let alone a Skrith!

"M763" High Power 12 Gauge Shotgun

M763 12 Gauge Shotgun
Manufacturer: Black & Wood

Primary: Powerful Single Shot
Secondary: Mad Swipe
FireModes: Single-Fire

Techniques:The spreading primary fire is easy to aim and very powerful close up, but weakens at range and takes time to reload. Shotgun swipes have more range than the knife. The M763 has the most range and tightest spread of all Shotguns.

The Avenger single barreled shotgun, is the standard spread weapon in the UTC infantry divisions. It's high damage, reliability and good range for a shotgun, have made this gun one of the humans' favourites. Very effective at close range and being able to carry 10 shells at a time, the M763 has blown open more Krao drones than can be counted. After it's many successes, even during trials by the UTC's Reunited Jamaican Army, defending from wave upon wave of Krao minions during the 'Red Storm' Skrith invasion, the Avenger became the standard issue shotgun and a favorite of many forces including the UTC RJA Division.

"M290" Double Barrelled Shotgun

M290 12 Gauge Double Barrlled Shotgun
Manufacturer: Black & Wood

Primary: Powerful Dual Shot
Secondary: Single Shot
FireModes: Single-Fire

Techniques:The M290 is like a cross between the M763 and the MRT6. Having more range than the MRT6 and less than the M763. The spread is not as wide as the MRT6 and not as tight as the M763. Reload times are as long as the M763, however, the damage is about as much as the MRT6.

Another sturdy weapon by Black & Wood, the M290 has proven it's worth many times in combat situations, especially against alien forces, most notably, the Krao. The weapon does, however, have a wide spread and low range, never making it as popular as its relative, the 'M763'. One of it's greatest feats was during the second Human-Skrith war, when a wounded Captain in the UTC 27th Special Ops division single handedly defended an outpost from six advancing Krao companies, using the weapon’s wide spread to his advantage.

"MRS138" Combat Shotgun

MRS138 10 Gauge Combat Shotgun
Manufacturer: Drake & Co Firearms

Primary: Single Powerful Shot
Secondary: Held tazer attack
Special: Activate Tactical-Light
FireModes: Single-Fire

Techniques: The MRS138 is a very powerful weapon, if used at the correct range. Using the dangerous 10 Gauge ammo, the pellets do more damage over range, yet are fewer and have a slightly larger spread than other single barreled shotguns. The shortness of this weapon makes it a dangerous close range weapon, and limits its housing capacity to less than 10. The tazer is effective at flinging enemies away, and stunning them slightly. Use the tactical light to see enemies hiding in dark areas.

Also from the first line of Drake & Co weaponry, the MRS138 Combat Shotgun, is an excellent close-range weapon. Using 10 Gauge ammunition, this shotgun provides high damage, medium spread, and more range than most other weapons in its class. Although it has more range than other shotguns, the MRS138 has a slightly larger spread, and due to the size of the pellets, does not fire as many. The weapon is also outfitted with a tactical light, and tazer attachement, to increase its effectiveness as a crowd control and civilian weapon. This shorter than usual shotgun, can only house 7 rounds of its deadly ammunition, and unfortunately, must be cocked after each shot. The tazer is an effective tool for stunning enemies and inflicting slight damage, leaving them blinded and disoriented for a few seconds, while the flash light can be used for locating those which hide in the dark.

" MRT6" Shotgun Sidearm

MRT6 Dual Barrel Shotgun Sidearm
Manufacturer: Wot ya Packin Gun Corp

Primary: Powerful Dual Barrel Shot
Secondary: Single Barrel Shot
FireModes: Single-Fire

Techniques: A weapon not to be used at range. It has very low range, incredibly big spread, yet quick reload times and massive damage.

One of Wot Ya Packin's most famous creations, the ridiculous MRT6 has grown quite a reputaton. A favourite of gangsters, thieves and countless other such criminals, the MRT6 is a small, fairly light shotgun that can easily be mistaken for a pistol. It has two barrels that can be fired simultaneously, it can be reloaded quickly and has an eight shell magazine. It is rarely seen in professional military use due to its loud noise, short range and extreme spread, but it is has a very high damage when used at close range, as anyone that is unfortunate enough to be aboard an unsuspecting ship attacked by a band of cargo raiders would testify. In fact, during an incident where Var Dehidra's pirates boarded a private exploration vessel, already being attacked by another band. They used their MRT6's to defeat the entire band of over thirty B1 'Possum' wielding marauders as well as the ship's defenders.

" XK2" Sub-Machinegun

XK2 Silenced Sub-Machinegun
Manufacturer: Black & Wood

Primary: Fast 9mm Fire
Secondary: Toggle Silenced Mode
FireModes: Semi-Auto, Burst-of-3, Burst-of-6, Full-Auto

Techniques: The XK2 has the very useful ability to be silenced, or unsilenced. Pressing Secondary fire, will toggle between the two modes. Whilst silenced, the XK2 is very quite, has no bullet tracers, and has a very hard to see muzzle flash, yet less damage than normal mode. The XK2 does however get exponentially inaccurate the longer the user keeps firing.

Yet another high quality weapon by Black & Wood, the XK2 is a light-weight, silenceable Sub-Machinegun. It has a very fast rate of fire, but its low velocity bullets make it less dangerous than other weapons. However, these low velocity rounds do allow the weapon to be easily silenced, turning it into an effective stealth weapon, used by many law enforcement organisations, and certain Black-Ops military units alike. The weapon's high rate of fire, and quick reload times, mean that the soldier can pump out rounds quicker than even the M353, making it very useful for cover-fire.

"XRS-10" Machine Pistol

XRS-10 Silenced Machine Pistol
Manufacturer: Drake & Co Firearms

Primary: Medium .40 Cal Rounds
Secondary: Toggle Laser-Sight
Special: Toggle Silencer
FireModes: Semi-Auto, Burst, Full-Auto

Techniques: Comparible to the XK2, the XRS-10 does its job well. With more damage, silencer, laser sight, and quick reload times, it has the downside of more recoil, slower rate-of-fire, and smaller clip capacity. The laser sight can help the user greatly, by displaying the intended destination of the shots, so even through the recoil, the player can directed the weapon toward the target. The silencer allows it to fire without much noise, disguising the users location.

The XRS10 is a small, silencable Sub-Machinegun, constructed by newcomer arms company, Drake & Co. Based on a design from many years ago, the XRS-10 is a short, medium-range weapon, using .40 calibre ammunition. The weapon has a medium rate-of-fire, fair damage, and a decent magazine capacity, yet can generate much recoil and chaos. The new model, features silencer and blue-light laser sight, to give it some more edge in stealthier situations.

"Fifty-9" Machine Pistol

Fifty 9 Styled Machine Pistol
Manufacturer: Krome Firepower

Primary: Select-fire 9mm Rounds
Secondary: Melee Slash
Special: Toggle Stock
FireModes: Semi-Auto, Burst, Full Auto

Techniques: The Fifty-9 is an excellent weapon for laying down cover-fire. With a fast fire rate, and high clip capacity, it can tear into close-up enemies. The attached blades increase its effectiveness as a close quarters weapon. The blades can be swung fairly fast, and can be used while reloading, to help out the player using it. Having the stock out, slightly improves the accuracy of the weapon, when the player remains still, yet increases chaos as the player runs or sprints. The stylish blue flash and tracers, allows players to easily identify the weapon.

Krome Firepower is a reletively new arms company, with the aim of producing guns with "style". The Fifty-9 is one such weapon. Taking an original small arm, and replacing certain parts, adding new attachements, custom paint jobs, etc. Krome weapons are designed for civilian purposes, self defense, bounty hunters, enthusiasts, and collectors. The Fifty-9 range of weapons, are not terribly powerful, yet have a fast fire rate, large magazine capacity, and can be dual wielded. This particular model comes with attached Krome blades, to add some extra flair to the weapon, and a custom muzzle device to add a blueish effect when firing.
As well as attached blades, the Fifty-9 stock can be used to stabilise aiming when remaining still, yet will add extra chaos when moving fast.

"M50" Standard Assault Rifle

M50 Assault Rifle
Manufacturer: Enravion Combat Solutions

Primary: Automatic Rifle Fire
Secondary: M900 Grenade Launch
Special: TX409-TV Camera
FireModes: Semi-Auto, Burst, Full-Auto

Techniques: Primary bullets are powerful, but become innacurate after a fews shots. M900 grenades detonate on impact, yet have low range and are not as powerful as standard hand grenades or mines. Special function key can be used to deploy a camera on almost any surface, then it will be used to switch to the camera's view. Camera can be rotated and its zoom can be adjusted using Next and Previous weapon keys. To retrieve cameras, move close, face them and press "Use" key. Players should also be aware, that they can not see from their own view whilst looking through a camera. Camera update rates can be changed in the config mutators menu or on the game rules tab of the new Ballistic gametypes. This allows players to see the camera's view without having to look from the camera

Enravion's crowning achievement, the M50 is the most extensively used weapon in the UTC military corps. The M50 is renowned for it's accuracy, damage and reliability in the field. The sturdy M50 was extensively used in both wars and has helped annihilate countless Skrith, Krao and Cryon warriors. The weapon also has the advantage of launching a grenade from the attached M900, for flushing out enemies. A TX409-Tactical Video camera system is also included with this weapon. It allows the user to deploy a tactical camera to any surface to survey an area from a safe distance, using the gun-mounted LCD. Care should always be taken to deploy TX409-TV cameras in a hidden location to prevent them from being destroyed by enemies.

" A73" Skrith Assault Weapon

A73 Skrith Assault Rifle
Manufacturer: Unknown Skrith Engineers

Primary: Slower moving Energy Charge
Secondary: Blade Stab
FireModes: Semi-Auto, Burst, Full-Auto

Techniques: A73 projectiles are rapid fire and do much damage, but move slower than bullets and easily give away your position. The powerful energy projectiles, also do a slight amount of splash damage, making it an even more powerful piece of equipment. The bayonette attack is longer ranged than the X3 and isn't affected by armor.
Use the A73 as you would the standard Link Gun, for repairing vehicles and aiding in power node construction. It does not heal allies or boost others using the A73.

The A73 was one of the most devastating weapons in the first Human-Skrith war, before the production of energy resistant armor. Many UTC divisions suffered immense casualties at the hands of Skrith's A73 and the savage way in which they used it. The weapon uses a 90MW Skrith charge module for ammunition, and can fire approximately 40 shots before needing a new module. Despite the dangerous, energy projectile of the weapon, capable of burning through metal, the Skrith prefer brutal melee combat to ranged battle so the A73 was outfitted with razor sharp, Triclonium blades, making it even more popular among the alien warriors. Unfortunately, the special energy storage modules that the A73 uses for ammo have an unpredictable capacity so the charges of different modules may vary as much as 25%.

" SRS-900" Battle Rifle

SRS-900 Battle Rifle
Manufacturer: NDTR Industries

Primary: Powerful Rifle Fire
Secondary: Activate Tactical Scope
Special: Toggle Silencer
FireModes: Semi-Auto, Burst, Full-Auto

Techniques: The SRS-900 is cabable of high damages, especially when aimed at the chest and head. Doing more damage than the M50, the SRS suffers from higher recoil and additional chaos. The lower clip capacity, means that the user should aim more carefully. The silencer can be toggled on and off, and becomes useful when the player wishes to remain undetected by enemies. The tactical red-filter scope, makes this more of a snipers weapon. While not as far-seeing as other sniper rifles, the scope certainly enhances its capabilities. The scope also includes various readouts, such as a range finder, ammo display, elevation indicator, stealth meter, and stability meter.

Another battlefield favourite produced by high-tech manufacturer, NDTR Industries, the SRS-900 is indeed a fine weapon. Using high velocity 7.62mm ammunition, this rifle causes alot of damage to the target, but suffers from high recoil, chaos and a low clp capacity. The altered design, can now incorporate a silencer to the end of the barrel, increasing its capabilities as a stealth weapon. This particular model, also features a versatile, red-filter scope, complete with various tactical readouts and indicators, including a range finder, stability metre, elevation indicator, ammo display and stealth meter.

"M353" MachineGun

M353 MachineGun
Manufacturer: Enravion Combat Solutions

Primary: Very fast inaccurate fire
Secondary: Accurate when mounted
FireModes: Semi-Auto, Burst, Burst-of-5, Full-Auto

Techniques: Accurate when in mounted secondary mode. Very effective close up and in confined areas. It's fire rate, is matched only by the XK2, yet has a higher ammo capacity, higher damage, and longer reload times. Mounted Machineguns are more accurate, and easy to use. Simply crouch, and use "Secondary Fire". Then the gun will be in mounted mode, with a limited field-of-movement, and increased accuracy. To leave the turret, press "Use", or alternatively, press secondary again, to pick up the machinegun.

The M353 'Guardian' Machinegun, has seen some of the most brutal battles ever recorded in recent history, and has helped win many of them, the most famous being the bloody 'Wasteland Seige' where 12 million Krao were slaughtered along a 500 mile line of defences. Used primarily as a defensive weapon, the M353's incredible rate of fire can quickly and effectively destroy masses of oncoming foes, especially melee attackers. When the secondary mode is activated, the Guardian, becomes much more accurate when the user is close to the ground, allowing it to be a very effective defensive weapon. With it's high rate of fire and high damage, the M353 becomes very inaccurate after just a few rounds and with its high ammo capacity, comes the difficulty of longer reload times than smaller weapons. In order to take advantage of the attached stand, the user needs to engage the secondary mode, crouch low to the ground and remain stationary. Although the secondary mode provides vastly improved accuracy when the stand can be mounted, it will cause the gun to pitch down and become very unstable when the user moves or stands up.

"M925" .50 Calibre MachineGun

M925 .50 Calibre MachineGun
Manufacturer: Black & Wood

Primary: Medium RoF Heavy Fire
Secondary: Accurate when mounted
FireModes: Semi-Auto, Burst, Full-Auto

Techniques: Accurate when in mounted secondary mode. Very effective against flying craft and vehicles. Because of the massive bullets the M925 uses, it has a very high damage, and as such, has insane recoil force. Mounted Machineguns are more accurate, and easy to use. Simply crouch, and use "Secondary Fire". Then the gun will be in mounted mode, with a limited field-of-movement, and increased accuracy. To leave the turret, press "Use", or alternatively, press secondary again, to pick up the machinegun.

The M925 was used during the late stages of the first Human-Skrith war when ballistic weapons first came back into large scale usage. The heavy calibre M925 was extremely effective against the Skrith and their allies and became known as the 'Monster' because it was the first weapon that the Skrith truly feared. Although it has a slower rate of fire than the M353, the Monster has a much heavier bullet and can cause much more damage to an enemy soldier or vehicle in a single shot. It was also used extensively during the 'Wasteland Siege', to hose down thousands of Krao, and proved to be very effective at destroying the alien transport ships, as they were landing.

"XMV-850" Minigun

XMV-850 Minigun
Manuacturer: Enravion Combat Solutions

Primary: Auto Fire
Secondary: Deploy Minigun
FireModes: Semi-Auto, 1200, 2400, 3600

Techniques: The absolutely devastating Minigun, will simply fill any area with enough bullets to kill anything. The XMV-850 can be set to 3600, 2400, 1200, and Semi-Auto fire-modes. The lower fire-modes will help ease recoil and ammo drainage. Deploying the Minigun, makes it a devastating defensive weapon, by decreasing recoil greatly, and stabilising the weapon. Players can then pick up the weapon by pressing secondary while using the turret, or can simply press "Use", to leave the turret, and are free to use other weapons again. This however, leaves the minigun turret in a position to be used by enemies. If an enemy manages to get the turret, they can simply pick it up or use it however. The turret is limited to a decreased field-of-view and cannot be turned very fast. It should also be noted, that the XMV-850 starts firing at a slower speed, and increases over a few seconds. This also means that the barrels slow down over a few seconds, and this can be used to the players advantage.

Anti-Krao weapons are a common thing these days, with many being designed specifically to kill as many as possible in a short time. However, no infantry weapon does this better, than the XMV-850. A weapon to be feared, this beast is capable of firing as many as 60 5.56mm rounds a second. While most miniguns are capable of firing 10 or 12 thousand rounds-per-minute, the XMV-850 has been designed for infantry use, as a fire-rate that high, would generate far to much recoil. To make the weapon usable in a defensive position, it can be deployed to stabilise it, and allows the user to become that much more effective. To help with recoil, and allow the soldier to use the weapon more efectively when not deployed, the fire-rate can be limited to a lower RPM. Though not terribly accurate or damaging, the fact that it can pour out bullets at such a rate, means that it will be difficult to miss the target.

"R78A1" .50 Sniper Rifle

R78A1 .50 Sniper Rifle
Manufacturer: UTC Defense Tech

Primary: Single Powerful Shot
Secondary: Activate Zooming Scope
FireModes: Single-Fire

Techniques: Use secondary to engage scope and hold to vary zoom level. Next and Previous weapon keys will further adjust zoom level. Use to combat M75 wielding enemies, as the Railgun's trails are easily noticable. The R78 can also be cocked, and reloaded faster than the M75.

Originally taken from the design of a bird hunting rifle, the R78 'Raven', is a favourite among military snipers and commando corps. Used to a great extent by the expert marksmen of the New European Army, the Raven, is extremely reliable and capable of incredible damage in a single shot. The added long distance sniping scope makes the R78 one of the most deadly weapons. Of course, the gun is only as good as the soldier using it, with a low clip capacity, long reload times and it's terrible ineffectiveness in close quarters combat.

"M75-TIC" Railgun

M75-TIC Railgun
Manufacturer: Enravion Combat Solutions

Primary: Charged Single Shot
Secondary: Activate Zooming Scope
Special: Activate Thermal Mode
FireModes: Single-Fire

Techniques: The M75 has possibly the most damage of all weapons, yet has a highly visible trail, slow reload times, and must be cocked after each shot. However, the railgun has the ability to fire straight through certain walls. This becomes even more deadly, when used with the thermal mode, which allows the player to see through walls. The thermal mode however, makes it very difficult to see the map surroundings. Thermal mode can only be used when in the secondary scope view. The railgun can also reach its maximum damage, if the player waits for it to be fully charged. Tanks can be destroyed in a single shot with the railgun, if it is fully charged. Charge status can be seen in the lower right corner of the screen, just above the ammo counter. Thermal mode has limited range, and enemies in direct sight, appear as bright orange glows, making it harder to target them.

There are very few things feared by the Skrith and the Railgun is one of those things. Railguns use electromagnetism to fire metallic projectiles at incredible speeds, some moving at hundreds of thousands of feet per second. This one uses Depleted Uranium-Dragonium Slugs for ammo. Railguns were far to large and heavy for infantry use until Enravion developed the Tactical Infantry Cannon version. No comparable infantry weapon currently available is capable of as much damage in a single shot as the M75. When fully charged it can flip over a tank, or fire right through a concrete building. Designed for use against vehicles, no infantry armor could be considered protection against this weapon. The M75 does have some disadvantages though. Its slow firerate, great weight and highly visible trail make it a weapon that will benefit only the most skilled soldiers.

"G5" Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher

G5 Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher
Manufacturer: UTC Defense Tech

Primary: Single Accurate Rocket
Secondary: Toggle Laser Painter
Special: View from Mortar-Rocket Camera
Iron-Sights: Lock-on Mortar Attack
FireModes: Single-Fire

Techniques: The G5 can fire 2 rockets without being reloaded, yet must be cocked between shots. Aim at enemies with sight scope view, and wait till lock-on is engaged. When locked-on, a red box will appear around a target, then the player can press primary fire to launch a heat seeking missile. Rockets will first go upwards and then seek out the target. Secondary is good at long range, wide open areas. Use Special key to view from heat seeking rocket's camera. G5 rockets can also be shot down by skilled opponents. When trying to lock-on to an enemy, being hit will result in the user having to start the lock-on process again. The painter is very effective, as it allows the user to control the direction of the rocket. Simply enable the painter with secondary, aim the laser, and fire. The green laser-sight will show exactly where the rocket is aimed.

Based on the original design by the legendary maniac Pirate, Var Dehidra, the G5 has undergone many alterations to become what it is today. The original bandit version was constructed by Var Dehidra to blast open armored cash transportation vehicles. Its name is derived from one of Dehidra's favourite targets, the G5 CTV 4x. It is now a very deadly weapon, used to destroy everything from tanks and structures to Skrith hordes and aircraft. The bombardement attack is a recent addition, replacing the original, primitive heat seeking function that caused it to target CTVs or backfire on the pirates' own craft, provided mainly for use in outdoor environments to destroy all manner of moving targets. The latest model also features a laser-painter device, allowing the user to guide the rocket wherever they wish. Another addition is the ability to hold two, rather than one rocket, making it twice as deadly.

"RX22A" Flame Thower

RX22A Flame Thrower
Manuacturer: UTC Defense Tech

Primary: Searing Jet of Fire
Secondary: Unignited Fuel
FireModes: -

Techniques: An extremely dangerous weapon, to both user and enemy, the RX22A is capable of easily destroying opponents. Primary will emit a massive, long range jet of searing hot flames, that will incinerate anyone in its path, and leave them burning should they escape the torrent. When primary is focussed on an area long enough, a residual fire will remain, and its strength will be determined by how long the area is burned. Secondary sprays raw, unignited fuel up to a short distance. If the fuel hits a surface, it will start to form a pool of gas, whereas if the gas cannot reach a surface, it will leave a residual cloud floating in the air. The longer the fuel is sprayed at one area, the stronger it will be, and the longer it will last. If a player (user or enemy), should walk through a pool or cloud of gas, the fuel will stick to them, and they will be potentially much more flamable. Clouds of fuel can be lit with a simple firing of primary, or any other fire casting weapons such as the FP7. Another notable element of the RX22A, is the gas tank mounted on the users back. This is a great hazard to the user, as it can easily be shot by enemies. If the tank happens to rupture, it will burst, leaking gas and then ignite. When ignited, the tank will rocket off up into the sky or ceiling, and anyone unfortunate enough to be attached, will find themselves in a dire situation.

A very deadly weapon designed and constructed by the UTC’s Defence Research Wing, to combat the Cryons before the second Human-Skrith war. It proved highly effective, being unchallenged by both of the Skrith’s major allies, the Cryons and Krao. The RX22A proved to be an extrmely useful weapon, when clearing out Krao from many underground tunnels and facilities on the various OutWorld planets. The weapon, now feared by Cryons. and especially Krao, is one of the most dangerous weapons a Terran soldier may possess. Despite its long range, searing flames and ability to litterally fill a small room with fire make it a very powerful weapon, it has a great disadvantage. The flames may just as easily incinerate the operator when used close up, and if the fuel tanks carried on the soldiers back, were to rupture and catch fire, the user may find themselves in a very unpleasant situation.

" HVC-Mk9" Lightning Gun

HVC(High Voltage Cannon) Mk9 Lightning Gun
Manufacturer: Nexron Defence

Primary: Tracking Arc
Secondary: Aimed Arc
FireModes: -

Techniques: The lightning gun is excellent at combating close range fighters, as it requires no direct aiming, and can fling enemies away. Primary fire emits a large field of raking lightning, which can catch enemies and hold them in your grasp. Swinging the weapon around, while still firing, will move caught victims along with the weapon. They can be tossed into the air and fried, or flung off cliffs, into hazards and can even be slammed into the ground. Secondary charges up a high-powered red lightning bolt, which has effective splash damage, and which must be aimed carefully. This fire-mode, provides more damage and range than primary, but heats up quickly, and requires aiming. Secondary fire can also overcharge if left too long charging and heat-level reaches maximum. Players will want to avoid overcharge. Players must also watch their heat-level, as this will rise quickly when firing primary or charging secondary. Heat can be kept down by letting the weapon cool, or using the Reload key to release coolant. To use the coolant, players must press and hold the Reload key, and release when finished. The heat level can be seen just above the ammo-counter. Lightning guns should also be kept away from water. Lightning cannot penetrate water, and players hiding underwater can escape harm from the HVC. If a player moves into water while holding a lightning gun, they will take damage and ammo will drain. If a player fires the lightning gun under-water, they, and anyone nearby, will take massive damage from the discharge.

Krao, the mindless, virtually limitless alien swarm used by the skrith has caused the reappearance of weapons such as shotguns and heavy spread weapons, as well as many unusual designs and inventions, including electrical armaments. The HVC (High Voltage Cannon) Mk9 is one such device, making its first appearance during the second Human-Skrith war. Designed by Nexron Defence, pioneers in terran energy weapon technology, the HVC is indeed suited to destroying Krao drones in vast quantities. In battlefield trials, the 'lightning gun' has proven to be highly effective in close combat against Krao and occasionally proving useful against Cryons and even Skrith.Using a large energy cell mounted on the user's backpack, it can produce extremely high-voltage charges of electricity. These arcs can rake across an area, grabbing hold of enemies and thowing them around at will. Although the fairly low current charge does little damage, the shock is extremely disorientating to enemies and the ability to throw targets around makes this a very effective weapon in the right situation.The HVC-Mk9 can also charge up a devastating 'red lightning' attack, providing much more damage by using a plasma stream to form a controlled arc of high current electricity. This, unfortunately, has the added side-effect of a potential overcharge, should the weapon overheat. The only drawbacks to HVC-Mk9 are its limited range and tendancy to overheat due to its high energy usage. This can cause the weapon to malfunction and jam or, if the weapon continues to charge, a deadly electrical discharge. The weapon does, however, feature a manual shutdown and venting system to manage heat levels. It should also be noted that, due to its electrical properties, the HVC should not be exposed to excessive moisture.

"NRP57 Pineapple" Fragmentation Hand Grenade

NRP57 'Pineapple' Fragmentation Grenade
Manufacturer: Black & Wood

Primary: Throw Grenade
Secondary: Roll Grenade
Special/Reload: Release Clip
FireModes: Short-Throw, Long-Throw, Auto-Throw

Techniques: Thrown grenades bounce off walls, rolled ones travel well along floors. Reload or Special keys release clip early, shortening the timer. Mastery of this technique will make the grenade very effective. Use the FireMode key to limit the Pineapples throw distance. Modes include, Long throw and Short throw. Players are also able to kick live grenades away from themselves. To do this, player must run at the grenade and press "Use" when over the grenade. The faster the player is moving, the harder the grenade will be kicked.

One of Black & Woods most famous devices, the versatile NRP57 is a UTC favourite. Once the pin is pulled, it can be held ready as long as needed. The longer it is held, the further it will be thrown. The 4 second timer can be shortened by releasing the clip prior to throwing, but this greatly increases the risk of termination. The NRP57 is an effective tool which can be bounced around corners, lobbed over obstacles with high damage and a decent radius of effect, but it's true power lies in the soldier's ability to time the detonation and speed according to the distance of the target. The most famous story involving the Pineapple tells how the UTC Phobos Marines painted it yellow and rigged it for the unsuspecting Skrith who had, over the decades, developed an incredible taste for the terran fruit.

"FP7" Incendiary Hand Grenade

FP7 Incendiary Grenade
Manufacturer: NDTR Industries

Primary: Throw Grenade
Secondary: Roll Grenade
Special/Reload: Release Clip
FireModes: Short-Throw, Long-Throw, Auto-Throw

Techniques: Thrown grenades bounce off walls, rolled ones travel well along floors. Reload or Special keys release clip early, shortening the timer. Mastery of this technique will make the grenade very effective. If a player is inside the blast radius of the FP7 when it goes off, they will more than likely catch on fire. While on fire, the searing flames will damage the player for several seconds before going out. Leaping into deep water will put out fires, and throwing this grenade into water, will most likely cause it to not go off, or not produce as many flames. Use the FireMode key to limit the FP7's throw distance. Modes include, Long throw and Short throw. Players are also able to kick live grenades away from themselves. To do this, player must run at the grenade and press "Use" when over the grenade. The faster the player is moving, the harder the grenade will be kicked.

A deadly hand grenade, the FP7 releases a searing blast of flames capable of melting metal with tempatures of over 7500 degrees farenheit. The flames will continue to burn for a while, causing significant damage to anyone caught within the blast radius. FP7's are still widely used against both soldiers and equipment. The weapon was used extensivly during both Human-Skrith wars and is especially famous for its part in the UTC-Cryon battles where the UTC 'Ice Hogs' used it to incinerate Cryon cyborgs.

"T10" Toxin Grenade

T10 Toxin Grenade
Manuacturer: UTC Defense Tech

Primary: Throw Grenade
Secondary: Roll Grenade
Special/Reload: Release Clip
FireModes: Short-Throw, Long-Throw, Auto-Throw

Techniques: Thrown grenades bounce off walls, rolled ones travel well along floors. Reload or Special keys release clip early, shortening the timer. Mastery of this technique will make the grenade very effective. The T10 is excellent for clearing out small rooms and passageways, especially since the grenade continues to spew out toxic fumes, as it moves. This makes it leave a trail as it goes, until it is eventually depleted of its contents. Clouds of the T10's contents, also have a disorienting effect on enemies, and this should also be exploited by the user.
Players are also able to kick live grenades away from themselves. To do this, player must run at the grenade and press "Use" when over the grenade. The faster the player is moving, the harder the grenade will be kicked.

A recent addition to the Terran arsenal, the T10 toxin grenade was designed primarily for anti-Krao missions in underground facilities. When the clip is released, the grenade will start to release toxic fumes and dangerous gasses until depleted. The grenade can still roll or fly, whilst releasing toxic vapours. This becomes useful for clearing out passageways or small rooms and leaving no room for the enemy to breathe.

"FP9A5" Explosive Device

FP9A5 General-Purpose Explosive Device
Manufacturer: NDTR Industries

Primary: Deploy Bomb (Hold to Throw)
Secondary: Detonate Targetted Bomb
Special: Activate Laser
Reload: Detonate all Bombs
FireMode: Target Laser

Techniques: The FP9 is a very versatile device. Use primary to deploy the bomb, either by placing it on a wall or floor by walking up to it and pressing primary fire, or by hold primary and throwing it. Throwing the FP9 no longer disables laser mode. Once deployed, target a bomb to detonate it individually. This means the player can decide which bomb to detonate, making it very effective. As well as this, players can also press the "Use" key to pick up their deployed bombs, especially useful when an FP9 is placed in the wrong place. Be warned though, enemy players can pickup your placed bombs. And to make the FP9 even more effective, the laser mode can be activated, turning the bomb into a trip mine. Laser mode can be activated by pressing the "Weapon Special" key on either a deployed bomb to turn it into a trip mine, or normally, making all future bombs start on laser mode. Players can still deactivate and reactivate the beam at any time, by aiming at the device until the red square appears and pressing the weapon special key.
Another feature, is the ability to detonate all of your deployed FP9's, by pressing the "Reload" key. The Detonate All function has a delay and must be released, so as to prevent accidental detonation. Attaching bombs to vehicles is also a feature, either by laser mode or normal. If there are laser mode bombs placed on a vehicle, as soon as the vehicle moves, the bombs will detonate. Bombs may also be destroyed by damaging them with standard weapons. And now, once a laser mode bomb has been placed, players can choose where the devices laser should target. When a bomb has been placed, pressing the "FireMode" key will select it (a green circle-cross will appear), and players can then move their weapon crosshair to the desired location, and press "FireMode" again. The devices laser will then target that location, as long as it is within the bombs FOV. If the new location is not within the range the bomb has, the laser will not move. When a bomb is placed, it is automatically selected. This is especially useful for rigging complex traps.

NDTR's versatile FP9 is a favourite UTC weapon of high quality and extensive use. The FP9A5 greatly enhances the standard explosive by incorporating many tactical features to make it an incredibly versatile bomb. The soldier can deploy or toss the device, and wait to manualy detonate it by means of a radio frequency controller, or activate the laser feature, and wait for an unsuspecting foe to walk into the beam. As well as this, the latest model now has the ability to activate the laser mode when the bomb is already deployed, making it even more effective. This allows the user to deactivate the beam, pick it up, and place it elsewhere, or merely to allow oneself to walk past the device without incident.

"BX5-SM" Switching Land Mine

BX5-SM Land Mine
Manufacturer: UTC Defence Tech

Primary: Deploy Land Mine
Secondary: Toggle Jumping or Standard Modes
FireModes: -

Techniques: Primary will deploy the mine, in either mode. Secondary will toggle modes, between standard land mine, or jumping mine. Land mines, have a smaller blast radius and lower proximity radius, yet much more damage, making them more powerful when stood on, or driven on directly. Land mines are effective when concealed by item pickups, or foliage in the map. The jumping mode, makes the mine spring into the air when a player walks or drives near, and has a large blast radius, making it more effective against infantry and some air or hover targets. Press "Use" on a mine to pick it up after deployment. Players can now pickup enemy mines, as well as avoid them. To pickup, and avoid enemy mines, players must first watch the mine, then move slowly by crouching or sometimes walking. If players wish to pickup the enemy mines, they can simply press "Use" on the device when near enough. If a player turns their back on a mine while within its proximity however, the device will detonate. Players can now see lights over the mines of team members, yet not their own or enemies.

Land mines have been around for centuries, changing little in their time. Used mainly for anti-vehicle use, the BX5 Mine is an efficient killer when used correctly. Mines can be easily hidden under dirt and leaves, and wait for unsuspecting vehicles to drive over them. The BX5 Switching Mine is a greatly modified version of the standard device with increased trigger sensetivity and the new jumping ability to make it an anti-infantry weapon. When walked near, the device will spring from its unfolded base, and then explode, causing much harm to any unfortunate enough to be within its radius. As the Skrith did not know of such devices, the Terrans used them with great effectiveness against their oblivious troops and vehicles.


As well as all original weapons being replaced, all items and pickups have also been redone. Although not much different in effect, all items appearance and sounds have been changed.

Adrenaline Pod: 3 points

N-Tov Bandage: 5 health points

Healh Kit: 35 health points

Super Health Pack: 100 health points

Vest and Helmet Armor: 50 armor points

Large Body Armor: 100 armor points

Damage Amplifier: Increase weapon damage

Ammo Pack: (Appears in certain mutators, such as Ballistic Loadout) Gives you ammo for the weapons you have.

M806 .45 HV Clip: 24 rounds
M763 12 Gauge Shell Box: 20 rounds (For all Shotguns)
A73 Skrith Charge Module: 30-50 rounds
M50 5.56mm Magazines: 60 rounds
M50; M900 40mm Grenades: 3 Grenades
M353 5.56mm Belt Box: 100 rounds
R78A1 .50 Clips: 14 rounds
G5 Rockets: 2 rockets
NRP57 Pack: 4 Pineapples
M925 .50 Cal Belt Box: 50 rounds
FP7 Pack: 3 Incendiary Grenades
FP9A5 Pack: 3 Bombs
M75-TIC Clips: 14
MRT6 12 Gauge Clips: 12 Rounds (For all 12 Gauge Shotguns)
XK2 9mm Clips: 100 Rounds (Also for Fifty-9)
BX5-SM Mine Pack: 2 Switching Mines
AM67 .50 Cal Clips: 28 Rounds
D49 .44 Cal Box: 12 Rounds
Fifty-9 9mm Clips: 90 9mm Rounds (Also for XK2)
XMV-850 5.56 BackPack: 450 Rounds
RX22A GasTank: 100 Units
T10 Pack: 3 Toxin Grenades
HVC Mk9 Cell: 50 Charges
XRS-10 .40 Cal Clips: 70 Rounds
RS8 10mm Clips: 28 Rounds
MRS138 10 Gauge Shells: 15 Shells
SRS-900 7.62mm Clips: 40 Rounds

Gore System


Ballistic Weapons drastically improves over UT2004's original system, and adds many more effects and possibilities. To do this, Ballistic replaces the original pawn used by players and bots in the game. What this means, is that the BW gore will only work correctly, if the Ballistic Pawn is used. Gametypes or other mods that use their own custom pawn, such as Mutant, may not function, and some of the Ballistic gore will not be applied.

The gore effects are also vary greatly depending on player classes. For example, aliens will have glowing green blood effects, robots will have blue-ish liquid and sparks, and humans will have the classic dark red blood. Effects between the species vary greatly, and give each one a unique style.

This new gore system is also very verstaile, allowing client-side "Blood Sets", to be used. These blood sets, can easily be added, and can set the effects used by specific characters. Users can make entirely new effects for individual characters, and best of all, work client-side, and do not require the server to have these sets. For example, players could make a new set of yellow blood decals, and using a blood set, can make the character Malcom use these effects, without needing to be on the server.

Also improved, is the fact that bullets can no longer explode the victim. Only explosions can now cause gibbing. Bullets can however, now dismember players.


All of these new gore effects, are class specific, so aliens, robots and humans will all have varying blood styles.
NOTE: These effects are pretty gruesome, and if desired, blood can be disabled in the Ballistic options menu.

This is a list of some of the various features the BW gore system offers:

High Velocity Impacts
Applied when dead bodies hit surfaces at high velocity. There are both lower impacts, and high impacts, which also scale depending on the velocity.

Drag Marks
Drag marks appear as dead bodies slide across a surface.

Bullet Impacts
When shot near a wall, ceiling or floor, impact marks will appear behind the player at the appropriate location, as well as new impact effects.

Shotgun Impacts
When shot with a powerful shotgun near a wall, floor or ceiling, a large blood spray will appear behind the victim, as well as new impact effects.

Melee Slashes
When struck with sharp melee weapons, such as the sword or knife, a large blood streak mark will be splashed on the appropriate surface.

Head Shots
Applied when players are shot in the head. The effects are amplified and much worse when the player dies from a headshot.

Limb Shots
When players are shot in the arms and legs.

Terrible effects, when a player dies from an explosion. This effect can dismember various parts, and displays the effects for the appropriately dismembered parts.

Blood Pools
When a player dies, and the corpse comes to a stop, a blood pool will start to form and expand outwards from the body. There are also different pools for when a player dies in the water.

Torso / Pelvis

Very unpleasant effects spawned, when players are shot in half by very powerful weapons or explosions.

When a player is wounded, they will leave a small trail of blood drops for a short time, as they go.

Blood Spurts
Spawned at dismembered areas, a small blood spurt stems from the wound.

Scorching Damage
Weapons such as the A73 and HVC Mk9, can leave players with scorched and dismembered limbs, and resulting fiery effects.

When a Flamethrower or FP7 grenade set a player alight, these effects are used.

Stumps are spawned at dismembered areas, and from headshots. Robots do not have stumps.

Lightning Guns
The HVC Mk9 leaves terrible marks as it tosses its victim around the map.

Screen Blood
Screen blood occurs when the player is shot or sliced, when shooting or slicing enemies close-up, when near blood explosions, and when enemies are shot or sliced near the player.

Brand new RuneStorm style De-Res effects spawned when a dead player dissappears from the map.

These new RuneStorm effects occur, when a player spawns, or respawns.



Ballistic Weapons comes with several mutators, which adjust how the mod is implemented, and add new features. The Ballistic mutators come with many options and customzable settings. This file will give a description of all the options and settings available to each mutator and the player.

Mutators Include:

Ballistic Weapons:
Standard BW implementation mutator, which replaces all UT2004 weapons, and cycles through all BW weapons.
Ballistic Loadout:
Weapon implementation mutator allowing the player to choose from five customizable weapon slots, rather than picking up weapons from the arena.
Ballistic Arena:
Like UT2004 Arena, but with more options, like a customizable list of weapons, and implementation methods.
Ballistic Melee:
This mutator, limits the weapons in the match to only melee weapons, and weapons with melee functions.
Ballistic Sprint:
Nifty mutator which adds a sprinting function the the game. This mutator has no options available to it.
Bloody Hell:
Old Ballistic blood system, which has been replaced in favour of the much improved and versatile new system. Bloody hell should be used in gametypes that will not allow the Ballistic Pawn.
Itemizer Tool:
A handy tool for adding and removing weapons, pickups and ammo in any map.
Itemizer: Use an Itemizer preset in the current map.


Ballistic Weapons is a very scalable mod, with options for weapon implementaton methods and weapon restrictors, damage settings, customizable crosshairs, blood settings, preferences and tons more. The following list will give detailed descriptions of all options available to the player. These options will all be found under the "Configure Mutators" menu under the Mutator tab of the Instant Action or Host Game pages.

Universal Ballistic Options Menu: This menu stores the majority of the Ballistic settings. It includes several tabs, each covering a diffirent set of options. This menu is accessible from the Ballistic Loadout, Ballistic Weapons, Bloody Hell, Ballistic Melee, and Ballistic Arena mutators.

Game Rules:
These are options which change the rules of the game, and as such are set server-side.
Random Default Weapons: Players will spawn with random sidearm and melee weapons.
Pickups Change: Pickups can change randomly during the match.
Prefer Unique Pickups:
This option will make the game prefer spawning weapons that are the least common in the match.
Use Itemizer:
Check to enable the use of the itemizer for the current game.
Itemizer Group:
Enter the name of an Itemizer preset to be used for the match.
Keep Super Weapons:
This will force UT2004 super weapons to remain in the match, and not get replaced.
Bright Pickups:
All pickups shall be slightly brighter and easier to see.
Bright Players: Players
will be bright and easy to see.
Inaccuracy Scale:
Adjust the inaccuracy and chaos for Ballistic Weapons.
Recoil Scale:
Adjust the inaccuracy caused by weapons recoil.
Stable Jump/Sprint:
This will allow players to jump and sprint without their weapons pitching and causing chaos.
No Rogue Weapon Pickups: Any rogue weapons placed in maps, such as an instagib rifle, will be removed and not spawned.
No Long Gun Shifting: Disables the "LongGun" feature, which makes most weapons move back when too close to a wall.
Damage Scale:
Type in any number, to adjust the damage that Ballistic Weapons cause to players.
Vehicle Damage Scale:
Enter a number, to adjust the amount of damage done to vehicles by Ballistic Weapons.
Force Ballistic Pawn: Forces gametypes, etc to use the BWPawn, allowing for the new gore effects. WARNING: This could severly disrupt gametypes which use their own pawn.
Disable Reloading: Disables reloading of weapons.

Preferences: Settings which can be independant of the server.
Ballistic Inventory Groups: Check this to sort all weapons into a new Ballistic inventory group.
View Aim Scale:
Adjust the amount of screen movement caused by moving fast. AKA: "Drunk Walk".
View Recoil Scale:
Adjust the amount of screen movement caused by firing a weapon.
No View Aim in Scope: Check to enable scope/sight views to be affected by the "View Aim Scale" setting. NOTE: Bullets may not always go where the crosshair is pointed if this is enabled.
Camera Update Rate:
Choose the FPS rate at which the LCD camera screen on the M50 will update.
Weapon Detail:
Adjust the texture detail of your weapons. Be sure to change this after adjusting the "Character Detail" setting in the Display menu.
Effects Quality: Adjust the quaility of visual effects for Balistic Weapons.
Eject Brass: Weapons will eject cartridges and shells.
Brass Life Scale: Adjust the life time of cartridges and shells.
Muzzle Smoke: Some weapons such as shotguns and machineguns will emit barrel smoke.
Permanent Impact Marks: Impact marks caused by weapons will remain for the duration of the match. Be warned however, as this might cause your machine to become slow.
Weapon Selection UI: Use the new style Ballistic Weapon selection interface.
Motion Blur: Motion blur screen effects will be caused by certain damages. Some machines may not support this feature and might crash. Disable if this is the case.

Options for the blood and gore system.
Blood Particle Effects: Various blood particles such as spurts, impacts and drops.
Injury Blood: Blood effects left by injuring players.
Cadavre Drag Trails: Drag marks will be left by sliding dead bodies.
Corpse Impact Blood: Blood splatters will be spawned when dead players impact with surfaces at high speed.
Blood Pools: Dead bodies will leave blood pools on surfaces and in water.
Explosion Blood: Terrible blood effects resulting from explosions.
Gore Chunks: Gibs and chunks left by dismemberment and headshots.
Sever Stumps: Stumps spawned at dismembered areas.
Screen Blood: Blood which appears on the screen when harming enemies close-up, and when near enemies being attacked.
Blood Stay Scale
: Adjust the time which blood effects remain in the match. Be warned however, as this may slow down your machine.

Swapping: Changes weapon implementation settings for the Ballistic Weapons mutator.
Original Weapon List: A list of all standard UT2004 weapons. Select one of these, and choose which Ballistic weapons will replace it, by using the "Replace With" list.
Replace With List: A list of all Ballistic Weapons. Select a UT2004 weapon, and replace it with weapons in this list.
Presets: Once you have made your changes, you can save a preset by typing a name in the "Presets" box, and clicking "Save". Select a preset from the list and click "Delete", to remove it.
Independant Spawning:
Replacements are spawned randomly and independantly. Ammo pickps and weapon pickups are not forced to match. Affects the selected swap only.
Pickup Change Time: Adjust the time between weapon spawning. Works in seconds.

Loadout: Weapon implementation settings for the Ballistic Loadout mutator. These are server-side options.
Info Box: A description of the selected weapon will be displayed here.
Weapon List: A list of all Ballistic Weapons which can be ticked into the appropriate group.
Use All Weapons: Loadout will use all weapons, and players can select any weapon from any group.
Melee: Switch to the Melee group, and adjust which weapons are available to it, by ticking weapons in the weapons list.
Sidearm: Switch to the Sidearm group, and adjust which weapons are available to it, by ticking weapons in the weapons list.
Primary: Switch to the Primary group, and adjust which weapons are available to it, by ticking weapons in the weapons list.
Secondary: Switch to the Secondary group, and adjust which weapons are available to it, by ticking weapons in the weapons list.
Grenade: Switch to the Grenade group, and adjust which weapons are available to it, by ticking weapons in the weapons list.

Note: Loadouts can be configured differently in certain gametypes.
In DM, players can change their outfitting at any point during a match, but will only acquire the new weapons, when they respawn. In Invasion, loadouts can be changed only during intermissions between waves. In Onslaught, loadouts can be changed at power-nodes and power cores. If a player changes their loadout while still alive, they will lose any weapons they picked up from dead players, and will have only their newly chosen weapons. In CTF, loadouts can be changed at team flags. Once again, any weapons picked up from dead bodies, will be removed, and players will be left with the newly chosen gear.

Crosshairs: Customize and configure various crosshair settings here.
Weapon List: Select the weapon you wish to configure.
Outer Box: This box contains settings for the Outer crosshair. Users can adjust color, opacity, size and style.
Inner Box: This box contains settings for the Inner crosshair. Users can adjust color, opacity, size and style.
Crosshair Expansion: Adjust how much chaos and recoil affect the size of the crosshair.
Global Size: Change the overall size of all crosshairs.
Universal Crosshair: When ticked, a universal crosshair can be customized and used for all weapons.
Use Old Crosshairs: Use standard old UT2004 crosshairs, rather than the new Ballistic dynamic crosshair.

Arena Menu:
This menu is only availabe to the Ballistic Arena mutator, and has various implementation settings.
Weapon List: List of available weapons that can be added to the arena.
Active List: List of weapons that have been added to the arena.
Options: Open the Universal Ballistic options menu.
Presets: Load, Save, and Delete presets.
Random Per Spawn: Players will spawn with one random weapon from the active list.
One Random Weapon: All players will begin with the same random weapon, and keep it until the match ends.

(Note: Leaving the above 2 options off, will allow players to start with all weapons in the active list)

Itemizer Tool: Options and settings available to the Itemizer tool.
Itemizer Group: Type in the name of the itemizer group you wish to create or edit.
An itemizer group stores the settings saved to the map using the itemizer tool. Groups of the same name can be created on seperate maps and across any gametype.

Itemizer: Options and settings available to the Itemizer. This mutator allows an itemizer preset to be used in a map.
Itemizer Group: Type in the name of the itemizer group you want loaded. A group must first be created by the Itemizer Tool.
An itemizer group stores the settings saved to the map using the itemizer tool. Groups of the same name can be created on seperate maps and across any gametype.

Game Issues

Known issues:

The motion blur may cause certain incompatible systems to crash. If this is the case, disable the option. (It's OFF by default)

Unkown Issues:

There is a foolish section in the manual. However, if you find any bugs, please contact us!

Version History:

A list of all the things we can remember that we added or fixed for each version of Ballistic Weapons.

Version 2.00 Gold

Added all bonus packs to this release, including weapons:
HVC Mk9 Lightning Gun
SRS 900 Rifle
RS8 Pistol
XRS-10 MachinePistol
MRS138 Combat Shotgun

Added XMV-850 Minigun
Added RX22A FlameThrower
Added AM67 Handgun
Added Fifty-9 MachinePistol
Added D49 Revolver
Added T10 Toxin Grenade

Dual wielding feature for smaller weapons
Auto-Tracker feature for dual guns
Motion blur
Bullet flyby sounds
FP9 Health

Underwater explosion sounds
New weapon selection UI
Relative brass velocity added
Grenade kicking
LongGun feature (big weapons move back when near a wall)
Fast projectiles now possible
Melee weapons hook players
Added features for possible future weapons (Jamming and others)
Dual Gun quick draw
Added No Reloading option
FP9 without detonator feature added
Added G5 painter secondary attack (mortar attack now available from iron-sights)
Added Remove Rogue Weapons option
Water affects bullets
M50 grenade launcher can be reloaded if gun full
Grenade damaging \ grenades can be shot around
Ammo packs give UT ammo
Loadout and arena menus load quick
Added Translocator shortcut key for quick access
Machinegun mounting replaces MG's secondary mode
Added non-bullet armor sounds
Major package restructure, to eliminate incompatibility problems

Loadout support for old (UT2004) weapons
Added Loadout config menu
Added JunkWar support to Loadout
Swapper locker support
Arena list headings
Arena starting weapons bug fixed
Swapper extra default weapons bug fixed
Swapper not give ammo to starting weapons fixed
Added drop-down selector to loadout menu
Loadouts can be changed over nodes and flags, and during waves in invasion

Gametypes not use swapper fixed
Bot armor Bug fixed
Ammo Pack MG belt skin bug
BW gametypes dont get LG fixed
M50 Grenade launcher bug on clients fixed
RS8 kills count as XRS10's fixed
RS8 XRS10 groupoffset bug fixed
FP9 Scoreboard issues fixed
PineApple AI Fix
Switch back to weapon, auto go into scope fixed
A42 ammo pickup issues fixed
BW can now get around the UT2004 "Crouch Bug"
Pistols not open when empty fixed
UT ammo appearing fixed
Quarter crosshair bug fixed
Decals on PowerNodes fixed
Weapons not affected by M75 thermal view fixed
HVC Mk9 shooting flags fixed
Lightning gun AI fixed
BW armor bugs fixed
Water impacts on low detail fixed
Damage scaler not working correctly fixed
3rd person brass rotation fixed
BX5 client deploy bug fixed
Ammo icons flashing fixed
M763 headshot in scoreboard fixed
M75 thermal fading\smoothing fixed
Lightning Gun effects remaining fixed
Descriptions and death message mistakes fixed
M925 partially see-through skin fixed
BX5 pickup shows correct number of mines now
A73 cocking key jam fixed

New enhanced Gore system
New system now uses a BallisticPawn

All decals revised / improved
Species blood restyled
Powerful new dismemberment system
No more total gibbing bullets!
All new, per-area effects for dismemberment
Impressive new headshot effects and sounds
Gibbing system / effects redone
Added dismemberment stumps
Improved impact effects
New De-Res effects
Species specific impact sound
Added slash decals
Explosion gore improved
Added wound spurts
Added Lightning Gun blood decals
Added scorching effects for LG, A73 and A42
Gibs improved
Added class specific screen blood
Permanent Blood option replaced with Blood Stay Scale

Spec Masks improved/added
Grenade Effects improved, motion blur added
Headshot message for Ars, etc
RS8, XRS10 Start unsilenced
XK2 Start Unsilenced
A73 Glow
A73 Tweaks, splash damage
A42 tweaks and improvements
Improved Metal Bullet Impact
A73, A42 projectile trails
Pineapple net behaviour tweaked
G5 radius and speed increased
Improved bullet impacts for Concrete, wood, water, dirt, grass

Frags for destroyed G5 mortars now go to launcher
A73 Reanim
M806 Reanim
XK2 Reanim
Grenades Reanim
M353 Renimation
R78 Renimation
A73 Reskin
M353 Reskin
G5 Reskin
M806 Sounds improved
A73 Sounds improved
Xk2 Sounds
Improved explosion sounds
More crosshairs added
New 12 Gauge ammo box
Muzzle Flashes improved
New hand skins
Various other, slight sound and skin adjustments
Added Railgun splash damage
Inventory groups improved
G5 primary rockets can now be shot down
Added grenade trails
Explosions improved
Various damage, recoil, chaos and ammo adjustments
Further texture optimizations

Cocking button key now says "Optional"
XK2 now primary weapon
Quiter enemy pain hit sounds
"reloaded" cheat no longer needs a BW weapon to be selected

Added BW splash screen at start of match

Version 1.72

Dropped weapons sink into floor instead of UT effect
Ballistic Weapons mutator replaces non-pickup weapons
Mac/Linux spinning screen bug fixed
Brass sinks into floor
Priorities tweaked
Starting with melee weapon fixed
Pistol settings tweaked
Various core changes and feature additions

Version 1.71

Major option Saving/Loading bug fixed.
Ballistic.ini now used as config file for Ballistic Weapons mod.
Throwing when scoped causing FOV jamming fixed.
BW config menu loads much faster.
Added brass stay time scale option.
Tracers tweaked.
BW crosshairs removed from UT2004 crosshair config system.

Version 1.70 Gold

Added Permanent Blood option
Fixed behind view no pitch bug
Added iron sights
Fixed reload after putdown bug
Fixed vehicle blood bug
Added Bright Players option
M50 Cam now retains zoom level and LCD shows cam zoom
Added cocking button
Iron sights and sight key added to core
Fireing adds chaos and reaims
Fixed spawning with melee weapon issue
Adjusted A42 ammo properties
Added no drunk scope option
Gametype long load time bug fixed.
Railgun thermal view improved and flare removed
Grenade explode delay issue fixed
Entire option system revised.
Universal Ballistic options menu added.
Added Weapon Texture detail option.
Added Ballistic effects detail option.
Content package structure revised.
Reduced size of various textures.
Ballistic Core seperated.
Mod now based on the Ballistic Core.
Numerous code and core Changes.
Scopes merged into Core with sights.
Added view aim or 'drunk walk' scale option.
Added view recoil or 'drunk... uhhh... shoot' option.
Added chaos/inaccuracy scale option.
Added recoil scale option.
Added 'Ejecting Brass' Option.
FP9 'detonate all' safety time shortened.
M50 reanimated.
Bullets can now go through thin walls
A73 ammo amount changed
Permanent Impact Marks option added
Player and Vehicle damage sliders added
Melee damage higher or lower depending on player speed
New Ballistic pawn in mutators, allows for Dark Players and other options
M50 camera mow picked up with "Use"
Crosshair Recoil slider added
M806 laser sight redone and improved
Scope not pitching on clients fixed
Smoke FX fixed
FP9 and M806 Laser opacities changed
New Crosshair system
New Crosshairs
Crosshair size scaling option added
Crosshair menu added
Swapping Mutator added
Particle and decal textures adjusted to improve performance
Jump / Sprint chaos option added
Improved R78 scope crosshair
G5 back into face bug fixed
G5 hit celings in big areas fixed
G5 rocket acceleration added
Scope zooms out when falling
Smaller A73, A42 impact marks
Firing chaos fixed
Rail High bug fixed
Priorities bug fixed
Weapon start melee fixed
Client Sprint bug fixed
Bot out of ammo bug fixed
Muzzle smoke tweaked
Muzzle smoke option
Bright players bug fixed
Switch on pickup bug fixed
Weapon tracers limited and tweaked
Cocking delay scope issue fixed
M50 Grenade reload delay fixed
Super weapon option for swap mutator fixed

Version 1.61

Added View Aim ('Drunk Walk") option
Added View Recoil option

Version 1.60 Gold

Improved impact effects for; Metal, Concrete, Dirt, Water and Wood
Improved Shotguns firing effects
Added smoking barrels for M290, MRT6 and improved M763
Added smoking M353
Added water explosion effects
Added underwater bullet tracers
Improved G5 trail
Improved explosion smoke
Improved effects when player on fire
Improved explosion Gore effects

Improved M806 sounds
Improved XK2, MRT6, M763 bass slightly
Improved A42 slightly
Improved M50 sounds
Improved M353, M75 slightly
Improved R78 sounds
Improved Flesh impacts and explosions sounds slightly

Added lights to team mate BX5 mines
Added 3rd person melee and grenade animations
FP9A5 lasers can now be targetted without replacing using FireMode key
Aiming and recoil system revised and improved
Recoil curves added
M75 Railgun thermal mode made more fair
Ballistic Gametypes; DM, CTF, ONS, etc to add dark player skins, and other improvements. The gametypes are exactly like the original, only with a few BW options
Crosshair shows accuracy properly now
All aiming and recoil properties have been changed and tweaked for the weapons
Scopes are now properly affected by aiming factors
Realtime, scalable M50 camera view added
BX5 enemy mines can now be picked up and avoided
Thrown X3 knives can now be picked up by walking over them
Hints added to the new BW gametypes
Players can now fall off ledges when crouching
Added dot at the end of the M806 laser sight
Railgun shots can now go through terrain
Melee ranges tweaked
Rail shots damage through walls improved
Player screen moves more when moving or jumping
Weapons now cocked only on first pullout, rather than every time they were pulled out
Players can now change their Loadout gear, between waves in Invasion
Spawn Furthest implemented for BW gametypes
Best Weapon now cycles
Added and improved FireModes for most weapons
FP9 detonate all now has delay to avoid accidental triggering
Grenade throwing distance can now be limited with FireMode
Shotguns more chaotic when jumping

Code Fixes:
G5 cocking and general issues fixed
A42 ammo bar not updating fixed
M763 hit nothing bug fixed
XK2 not switching if empty fixed
G5 boomerang bug fixed
Railgun issues fixed
AI bugs fixed or improved
Sprint meter appears at spawn now
Low Gore option with Bloody Hell mutator fixed
M50 camera fixes
FireMode system revised
Weapon jamming bug on cocking weapons fixed
Scope zoom view not disappear when switching weapons fixed
Bug where bombs were not placed exactly on wall, floors, etc fixed
Some typing and spelling problems fixed

Many other fixes and tweaks that we just don't remember...

Version 1.50 Gold Edition

Improved G5 Scope view, and lock-on UI
Various other technical G5 issues fixed
Added key bindings for quick weapon switching
G5 mortar rockets can now be shot down
New Ballistic Sprint mutator
Added blocking functions to new Gold melee weapons
Added cocking between shots for the G5
M900 grenades now explode on impact
Players now move slower or faster depending on the weapon they are carrying
Added ammo packs for new mutators
Melee mutator updated
Damage, accuracy, and recoil revised and tweaked
G5 movement improved
G5 targetting improved with sounds and lock-on system
Certain pickup messages fixed
Various ammo amounts tweaked.
Rifle cocking and reloading faster
Weapon animation issues fixed for sprinting and jumping.
Added "Reloaded" cheat
Added Throwing function to the X3
Various death messages fixed
Added shiney elements to certain weapon skins
Third person laser sight made less obvious
Addded new weapons, the M75-TIC, M290, M925, A909, EKS43, FP9A5, A42, XK2, and BX5-SM.
Added weapon pitching when jumping
Added recoil force when firing
Fixed M353 handle mode anim issues

Added Ballistic Gore Mutator
Improved Explosion effects
Improved G5 effects
Added Ice & Snow impact effects
Fixed SuperHealth pickup message
Footsteps improved
Weapon pickup sizes improved
Fixed some particle texture problems
Added Ballistic Arena mutator
Added Loadout mutator
Added Itemizer for placing pickups
Added MRT6 Shotgun and FP7 Grenade
Camera texture GPF fixed
Standard Arena Mutator with M50 GPF fixed
Weapon switching and priority stuff fixed and improved
Weapon groups resorted to better match original weapons
Weapon descriptions fixed
Added impact effects when shooting vehicles
Weapon handedness problems fixed
Explosion effects no longer go through walls
Sniper scope/cocking issue fixed
Certain pickup messages fixed
X3 Knife hand in screen anim fixed
Shotgun effects improved
M900 grenades improved
Bullet tracers improved
M806 pistol skin improved
Knife skin improved
Weapon anims optimized
Flashing low-ammo icons fixed
General AI improvements and fixes
Better brass and cartridge behaviour
Brass on mover bug fixed
Decreased M900 and G5 rocket ammo pickup amount
M763 and R78 cocking anim blending improved
Health kit amount now 35 points
General floating item bug fixed
M50 LCD screen issue fixed
Aiming system improved and recoil revised
Added impact effects for water and sand
Added impact sounds for water and sand
Added armor impact effects and sounds
Added area specific damage for A73
Added option to use "Ballistic Weapons" weapon layout
Added option for pickup cycling for random weapon pickups
Weapons optimized for improved performance

Version 1.10 Beta

A73 skin not working correctly on non-nVidia systems fixed
M50 camera noise sound not working correctly
Various G5 rocket issues fixed
G5 seeker lock-on improved
Rifle aiming problem on clients fixed.
Added G5 rocket's-eye-view camera
Added option to use UT2004 crosshairs
Added option to keep UT2004 super weapons

Version 1.00 Beta

All original features, 9 new weapons, etc.

Mod Authors

The Ballistic Weapons mod has now been seperated from and is built on a powerful base called the Ballistic Core. This core has been especially designed to be very mod-friendly and to be expanded upon. Just about all the new features can be applied just through the use of the default properties of new classes and many new systems have been added to ease the implementation of advanced features like surface specific impacts and special emitters.

Another very modder-friendly area, is the gore system, which features client-side "blood sets". These blood sets are very easy to make, and allow users to add custom effects, decals, stumps, or entirely new gore features, like toxic blood, etc. The possibilities are endless, and best of all, the server does not require these blood sets, and all players could have any number of different sets.

We will be making available info on our site soon, on how to make blood-sets, use the itemizer, and many other modding aspects of BW.

Anyone interested in using the Ballistic Core or this mod or its sytems in or as a base for their own mod should contact us.


Mod Design : RuneStorm Team

RuneStorm is :

Programming: Nolan "Dark Carnivour" Richert

Modeling: Nolan Richert

Animation: Arn "ShadowBlade" Richert

Graphic Art: Arn Richert, Nolan Richert

Sound Design: Arn Richert

Additional Modeling: Arn Richert

Testing: Nolan Richert, Arn Richert

Web: design, maintenance, support:
Alan Richert

Special Thanks:

Beta Testers: A big thanks to our dedicated team of beta-testers and supporters:
Casey "Xavious" Johnson
Bjorn "Bjossi" Alfredsson
Jeff "Mr.UglyPants" Zingeler
James Pate
Phillip "Rymosrac" Leavitt
Ryan "Rayne870" Paul
Adam Gowers -AKA- OCAdam
Mathieu "GoldMath" Magnier @ Pmods
Everyone who tested the beta on Wup's servers

The RuneStorm community, for their great support, and dedication to us and BW!
RedShift: For sponsoring weapons packs 1 & 3, and keeping RS in business.
Xavious: For the very useful samples, and ongoing support!
The BW Fans: To all the fans of BW, those who have played and enjoyed it, posted support questions, feature requests, and reported bugs.
Wup: For running beta testing on his servers and long time hosting BW servers:

Hedsteem:Ballistic Weapons (VCTF)


Hedsteem:Fields Of Battle (Ballistic Weapons) (ONS/CTF)


Hedsteem:Vortex Of Pain (Ballistic Weapons/Junkwars) (TDM/DM/JB)


Thanks to all who have played our mod and spent long hours enjoying themselves!


If you have any comments, suggestions, bug reports, etc

Also, feel free to join our forums and post support questions, feature requests or anything you like! The RuneStorm forums can be found on our website:

Our site:
Ballistc site:


By installing and using this mod, (hereafter referred to as “Ballistic” or “Ballistic Weapons”) you agree to the following terms and agreements:

You may not under any circumstances distribute “Ballistic” for profit.

You may not decompile, modify, disassemble, or reuse any of the included files.

You acknowledge and understand that “Ballistic Weapons”, or the RuneStorm team or it’s individual members are in no way responsible for any damages or problems caused (directly or indirectly) by “Ballistic”.

“Ballistic Weapons” is not in any way guaranteed nor warranted.

You may distribute “Ballistic Weapons” freely provided all files in the official release are included and remain intact, unmodified and unaltered.

“Ballistic Weapons, and Ballistic Weapons Gold” is © 2004/2007 Nolan Richert, Arn Richert, All rights reserved.
All content included in this release is © Nolan Richert, Arn Richert 2007, All rights reserved.
All elements and content included in this file are © Nolan Richert, Arn Richert 2007, All rights reserved.
"Project Archon" is © 2004/2007 Nolan Richert, Arn Richert, All rights reserved.
“Unreal Tournament 2003, Unreal Tournament 2004, UT2004” and "UT2003" are © 2002/2007 Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.
All other trademarks and trade names are property of their respective owners.