Basic Combat


Pilot your vehicle by using the keyboard and mouse. Check Keyboard Commands and the reference card to get a complete listing of the commands.

Basic forward vehicle movement uses the W key. When advancing forward by pressing and holding the the W key, use the mouse left and right to turn while moving.

Use the A key to sidestep left and the D key to sidestep right.

When traveling around the worlds, you will often encounter obstacles such as craters or hills that your vehicle will have difficulty traversing. Use the E key to use your vehicle's turbo thruster to jump. This capability works best when a forward motion key is also in use. The greater your vehicle's forward momentum, the higher it will jump.

The Battlezone Combat Exercises are vital to players new to this type of game. They will talk you through learning to pilot the vehicle, communicating with other units, and targeting enemies.

Basic Shooting and Weapon Controls
Use the left mouse button or the numeric keypad Insert key to fire your weapon. The right mouse button or the numeric keypad Enter key will allow you to scroll through the weapons to select one. Use the F8 through F12 keys to have single-touch access to the weapons. The F8 key will select the first weapon, the F9 key will select the second weapon, and so forth. Press Ctrl-F8 through Ctrl-F12 to link similar weapons to one another.

To target an enemy, press T when the enemy is in visual range. The on-board computer will automatically lock on to the heat signature of the enemy vehicle and remain locked. The targeting brackets will be displayed which show the range to the vehicle and any damage that the vehicle has sustained. The target camera will be displayed which will continually show the location and actions of the targeted vehicle. If an enemy has not been previously targeted and it is hit by a pilot's fire, it will be automatically targeted and the targeting information will be collected.

On Foot

Press H to hop out of your vehicle with the vehicle remaining intact. Press Ctrl-B to bail out of your vehicle. After bail out, the vehicle will self destruct.

When on the ground, use the keyboard and mouse to move in the same way it is used for vehicles. Pilots traveling around outside of a vehicle can call a friendly unit for pickup or commandeer an enemy unit.

However, pilots are more vulnerable when outside of their vehicles. They can be fired upon by enemies. Yet, no pilot is defenseless when on foot. Each is issued a plasma weapon and a sniper rifle and can fire at enemy vehicles or other pilots outside of vehicles.

Switching Vehicles
A pilot can hail a vehicle and asked to be picked up by an available friendly. Select the friendly unit and use the Pick Me Up command. The other soldier will hop out and the commanding pilot can use the vehicle. The first pilot will get into the nearest unmanned friendly vehicle, or walk back to base.

Commandeering Vehicles

When on foot you may use your standard-issue sidearm in long-range sniper mode to fire upon enemy vehicles, killing the pilot and thus making the vehicle available for your use.

Switching to the Sniper Rifle will cause you to crouch and raise the rifle to your shoulder, activating the thermal sniper scope.

The Sniper Rifle will show an enemy pilot as a bright white dot when the enemy vehicle is in visual range. Eliminate the enemy pilot and that vehicle will become available for confiscation.

Vehicles that may be commandeered:
Heavy Razor
Rocket Tank


The Smart Reticle
The Smart Reticle is a basic combat tool that enables pilots to issue commands to units. Point the targeting reticle at a unit and press the space bar to access a list of possible commands. Those commands can then be issued when a pilot presses the numeric keys 1 through 0. The Tab key can be used to return to the top command menu. NSDF Engineers have simplified the battle process by enabling pilots to issue commands with one-button ease. Even in harsh conditions, accidents with friendly fire and battle errors have been minimized. Rest assured that NSDF Command trusts pilot's judgment, but also understands the life or death situations its soldiers face and the possibility for inadvertent errors.

Controlling Units
Use the Smart Reticle to control friendly units. This targeting reticle also serves as a communications link to the Recycler, buildings, and mobile units. Point the reticle at the desired apparatus and press the space bar to communicate. Possible commands will be listed in the upper left of the console. Choose the desired command and press the corresponding button. Capable structures will carry out commands immediately and check in when completed.

Quick Keys
F1 through F7 can be mapped to command multiple player-selected units as a group. To do this, hold down the Ctrl key and select a unit or units from the Command Interface. Then, while holding down the Ctrl key, press a function key from F1 to F7. You should hear a click. Now, whenever you press the selected function key, you can send commands to all of the units in that group at once.

The Map
A topographical map is located to the lower left of the vehicle console. Many hours of surveying were done and the latest satellite information has been implemented. This map has been engineered to alert pilots to topographic hazards as well as to ensure that the planet's environment can be used as an asset to skilled dogfighters. A floating directional compass is superimposed on the map to allow pilots to chart their courses and move according to orders.

Radar information is also shown on this map. Enemy vehicles and encampments are displayed in red, friendlies in green.

Command Interface
The command interface will display the location of units on the map when friendly units are selected. The command interface allows a pilot to build and control units. The highest level of the command interface is unit categories: offensive, defensive, etc.

  1. Offensive Units
    This menu will allow you to select and control offensive units. When you select this category you will get a list of all available offensive units. Select a unit and a list of possible orders will be displayed. Press the corresponding number to issue that order. Offensive units include Tanks, Scouts, APCs, and Walkers.

  2. Defensive Units
    This menu will allow you to select and control defensive units. When you select this category you will get a list of all available defensive units. Select a unit to get a list of commands. Press the corresponding number to relay that command. Defensive Units include Howitzers, Turrets, and Minelayers. Turrets and Howitzers can only fire when deployed. To deploy or undeploy a Turret or Howitzer that you are driving, press K.

  3. Utility Units
    This menu will allow you to select and control utility units. Select a utility unit to get a list of available commands. Press the corresponding number to instigate the command. Utility units consist of Scavengers and Tugs.

  4. Nav Beacons
    This menu displays a list of all active Nav Beacons. Pressing the number corresponding to a specific beacon will select that beacon and display its camera view. Once a beacon is selected, then friendly units can be ordered to reconnoiter at its location. NSDF Command has placed Nav Beacons at some locations. Nav Beacons can be placed anywhere on the map by launching them from the Armory if an Armory is available. Note: A selected Beacon will rotate with your vehicle, allowing you to see in all directions around the Beacon.

  5. Recycler
    Selecting this menu will display all of the units that are currently available to build. Units that require more scrap than has been collected will be unavailable for building. A number will be displayed next to each unit showing how much scrap is required. A P will be displayed indicating if a soldier is required to pilot that unit. If no pilot is available the unit cannot be built. If a Recycler is deployed on a geyser and you wish to move it, you must first order the Recycler to pack up. To pack up a Recycler, open a communications channel with the Recycler by pressing 5, then press 0. Once packed up, the Recycler will accept movement orders.

  6. Mobile Unit Factory
    The Mobile Unit Factory is very similar to the Recycler, however it has been configured to build much more advanced vehicles. Selecting this menu will display all of the units that are currently available to build. Units that require more scrap than has been collected will be unavailable for building. A number will be displayed next to each unit showing how much scrap is required. A P will be displayed indicating if a soldier is required to pilot that unit. If no pilot is available, the unit cannot be built. If the MUF is deployed on a geyser and you wish to move it, you must first order it to pack up. To pack up a MUF, open a communications channel by pressing 6, then press 0. Once packed up, the Mobile Unit Factory will accept movement orders.

  7. Armory
    The Armory can build and distribute supplies on the battlefield. Selecting the Armory will display a list of available supplies and weapons. Select the desired weapon, ammo cache, or repair piece to build and then point the smart reticle at a desired location to direct the Armory where to launch the supply. If an Armory is deployed on a geyser and you wish to move it, you must first order it to pack up. To pack up an Armory, open a communications channel by pressing 7, then press 0. Once packed up, the Armory will accept movement orders.

  8. Construction Rig
    Selecting this menu will display all of the buildings that are currently available to build. Buildings that require more scrap than has been collected will be unavailable for building. A number will be displayed next to each unit showing how much scrap is required. Select a building and then use the smart reticle to indicate where the building will be built. Some buildings require power. if a building requires power, the cursor will turn yellow if power is not available.

  9. Satellite
    Once a Satellite has been deployed, press 9 to display the satellite view. This can be used in addition to the radar map information to choose battalion commands and receive intelligence on enemy deployments.

Pilots and Scrap Meters
Next to the command interface there are two important resource indicators: Pilots and Scrap.

Pilots will indicate how many pilots you have under your command. Most vehicles that you build will require a pilot. If you do not have any pilots available, you will not be able to build that unit. Every mission starts with a fixed number of pilots. If you need more pilots, you must build a barracks, which will add five more pilots. When a vehicle is destroyed, there is a possibility that the pilot will eject and return to base. If this happens, that pilot will become available to command another unit.

The Scrap Indicator shows how much of the bio-metal scrap you have collected with your Scavengers. Everything that you build will require a certain amount of scrap. If you do not have enough scrap, items that you cannot build will be unavailable in the Build menu. If you run out of scrap, it is possible to take units that you have built and order them to be recycled. Select a unit and choose the Recycle option from the Command menu and that unit will return to the Recycler and turn into scrap.